HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G2, G5 & G6 - Residences at Briar Patch CondosNO SCALE _ v�ce�r,-r�,a� SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that I ar� a reglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat ts true, correct and cor�plete as lald out, ptatted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade fror� an accurate survey of sa�d property by Me and under My supervtslon and correctly shows the locatlon and dlr�enslons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of sald subd�v�slon as the sar�e are staked upon the ground in coMpllance with appllcable regulatlons governing the.sUbd(vls,lon of land, In w i tness thereof I have set my hand _�rF� sea�{ t}� �s -�.�5'�� day of _��°1�_r!!l��, A,D,, 1994, - : �; _ `°; ?�'`. �';� ��_ - -�.-`� -- ------------ Sto.n Hogf e l �It � Colorado PLS 26598 N�TES� <1) Date of Survey� Decer�ber 1993 <2) Monur�entatlon as shown hereon <3) Bearings are based on a line connecting the exlsting r�onur�ents r�arking the Most westerly corner and the northwesterly corner of Brtar Patch Condor��ntur�s being N31°47'S3'E Csee drawing), C4) Elevat�ons based on Upper Eagle Valtey Sanitat�on Dlstrlct Invert elevatlon of 8390,9 for santtary r�anhole A-128,8,19A7 (see drawing for tocatlon) C5) The condoMlnluM r�ap of 'Brlar Patch Condo�InluMS' recorded In Book 434 at Page 336 Is abandoned and replaced wlth th�s flnal plat of 'The Res�dences at Brlar Patch', C6) The property shown hereon Is sub�ect to Restrlctive Co��A�ants recorded In Book 225 at Page 443 and as ar�ended In �nstrur�ent recorded In Book 225 at Page 565 and as ar�ended In Instrur�ent recorded tn Book 233 at Page 53 and as ar�ended In instrur�ent recorded In Book 362 at Page 804, C7) Easer�ents shown hereon are per Land Tltle Guarantee Cor�pany order nur�ber V21772-4 dated February 17, 1994, (8) The property shown hereon r�ay be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electrlc Assoclatton, Inc, rlght-of-way easeMent recorded In Book 211 at Page 103, C�nsuff�clent �nforr�atlon to plot) C9) The property shown hereon r�ay be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electrtc Assoclatlon, Inc, rlght-of-way easer�ent recorded In Book 263 at Page 728 for the right to place two C2) anchors w�th down guys not more than forty C40) feet sou+.heasterly of a pole whlch is to be located on the west llne of Lot G-5, Llons Rtdge Subdlvlslon, F�ling No, 2, approxir�atety 323 feet south of the northwest corner of sald Lot, C10) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to an agreeMent to grant r�ght-of-way to Mountaln States Telephone and Telegraph Cor�pany recorded In Book 231 at Page 291, (�nsuff►clent t nforr�at I on to p lot) C11) The property shown hereon r�ay be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electr�c Assoclatlon, Inc, underground rlght-of-way easer�ent recorded In Book 325 at Page 147 following an existing and proposed locat�on of power l�nes as shown on Exhtb�t A of sa�d easer�ent, (insuffic�ent InforMatlon to plot> <12) The envelopes shown here�� are for owners h�p purposes only, C13) For zoning purposes the four lots shown on thls plat will be treated as one, Approved devetoper�ent standards are prescrlbed on sheet 2 of 3, Parcel UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 F Area In acres 0,0528 0.0436 0,0487 7,959 LAND USE SUMMARY Use 1/3 Trtplex 1/3 Trlplex 1/3 Triptex Cor�r�on parce t �.:4�� ii•i==�� �=����i�� � _ � �--� •. . � , •• , Street Address 1386 Buffehr Creek Road 1388 Buffehr Creek Road 1390 Buffehr Creek Road NO110E According to Colorado law you muat commence any legal action based upon ony dafect in thia survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in thia survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the date of the certification shown hereon. A RE SUBDIVISI�N OF BRIAR PATCH C OND �MINIUM� TOWN - �� VAIL, EAGLE C OUNTY, C OLORAD 0 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN AND �WNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that $rlar Patch L,L,C., a Colorado l�r�lted llab�l�t� cor�pany, Br�ar Patch Condor��niuM Assoclat�on, Inc „ a Colorado nonprofit corporat�on, Webster Atwell II, Dav�d G, Stueber, David J, Leach and Alberta _l, Leach, be�ng sole owners ►n fee slMple, of all that real property sltuated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Cotorado, described as follows� Units 1, 2, 3 and Tract F of Briar Patch Condor�lniums, accord►ng to the condor�lnlur� r�ap thereof recorded In Book 434 at Page 336 and as deflned fn the condor�inlur� declarat�an recorded In Book 329 at Page 858, and F�rst A�,endMent thereto recorded �n Book 434 at Page 335 and Second Ar�endr�ent thereto recorded In Book 476 at Page 836 in the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 8,1045 acres, r�ore or less, have by these presents lald out, platted and subdivided the sar�e Into :ats and tracts as shown on thls fina! plat under the naMe and style of '�f�he Residences at Br1ar Patch', a subdlvlslon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� and do hereby accept the responslbility for the co�ptetlon of requtred �MproveMents� and do hereby dedicate and set apart atl of the public roads and other public IMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c foreverj and do hereby dedlcate those portlons of said real property which are Indicated as easer�ent on the accor�panying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant the right to instatl and r�alntain necessary structures to the entity responslble for provtding the services for whtch the easeMents are establlshed� and further agree to grant the right to use and Install necessary structures pursuant to separate pedestrian and dralnage easer�ents to be recorded concurrently with thls InstruMent, � .�J Executed th I s ���'!' ` day of _�__�?ti?�`'-✓__________, A, D,, 1994 , � �WNERS� Briar Patch L,L,C,, a Colorado llMlted llabillty coMpany Address � ��� ��� '� ���. '�� � � `� -1_✓_ = _t�i�/—�—_ � By��������.-' �_ '.�.'�`'.� <Pr i n t n ar�e )�„��'��1_�L � 1-�� ( T i t l e)11��Z--•'�i ,�.�--- Brlar Patch Condor�InluM Assoclatton, Inc „ a Cotorado nanprofit corpor�, t1Qn ,. ATTEST � Address � / �`�G _LS�t�£�� � � ,�. �� �' � --� �-� `_- �� --- �'-� � ��_ . :, Q-� � -� �, -1 ,��� S�'�,�'�-�/' ---------- -�-- - ---------- - � -----=------- ----- �_ Secretary ,�s�- . Pres I dent � �-��`r�� y' � �; w � -li�� (� �'---���=--_1',��P� �i� Web t A�e l I I Dav�d G, Stueb,er,� Address � � F� ,� ��"`'`�c'�� � Address � / 3 � � � L � � '� � -� � - � �� ����.�--� -- . � (i�C� � �' �' = - �� �L�-'a-�=--- ----�---�'__.�LL � �`--- - --- ------------ �C.U����� �- --------- ---- - ----------- avld J, L Alberta J, L Address � __ _ _ = J ��� Address � __ "�� ��� ___ ,,, , �- �--�------= � �T �°_��� - ---.%�;_� ,�,� _ c-�'��� ,�. / STATE �F_�c����c� ____ ) )ss, CDUNTY �F _� �Uev------) The fore o I g I n strur�en t was ackn ow t ed ed bef ore r�e th i __L�� day of _ - _- _� � .--- � A , D , , 1994 by -- ��� � � _�� ----� `"`'���� ---- as ___�ti � c� ;; ___._________ of Br I ar Patch L, L, C,, a Co l orado l I r� I ted l I ab I l I ty�or�pan y, My CoMr, I ss f on exp i res �_],1� a�l� , � W i tn ess r�y han d �an d sea t.� ( �, w-- � � �/l�r .� ----- �� --� --- ---------------- Nota Public Address � __Z �����_ � _ ��__ �i,� — � — � L � �-O� � -------���-------�----------- STATE OF �o �� 2 �'�o ) ----------------- )ss, C�UNTY OF �Q � �e-U > The for o I ng I,nstrur�ent was acknow l�dged l�ef re e t � S_1(0� dQy of __ � e __ � , A , D , , 1994,.�y _ l�c��� � U � � .�i�i��c- -- ---------- as -- --�"�� ' ---- ------- and __���;�---�=---����.----------- as _� ��__ o�� e=-� of Br i ar Patch Con dor� i n i ur� Assoc I at i on , Inc,, a Colorado non rofit corporatlon, My Cor�r� ► ss I on exp i res ;_ ti �2�19� � W�tness My hand and seat � 1 �-- ---- �%�.�<.�J --- - y' =------------- Notary Public Address � __r�v SrvcA�_��__�- ��'_ - - --- - - -- n�`�1 �1+-C � - �L`}�'�_------ , ., . .� � , 1 ; -- . � - ,�, - �'� -' ;. Z �� ,i , ,, ... STATE C1F__���.ss»�s________) )ss, CDUNTY �F ��N�:�v_e�______) The foregoing InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e thls �� �±k day of �?�t2,r b� _____, A, D,, 1994 by Webster Atwe l l I I, My Cor�M i ss I on exp � res ���s_!��?c� , Wltness My hand and seal, � . ------ - - G�-=---------- Notary Publl Address � __ ��� __,f3c_�_ 8� _ �?a�`6c�r���1�--'�s --� ��� ---- STATE OF ��� ����� =��c > ----------------- )ss, CDUNTY �F ���'��� ) ------------- The foregoing InstruMent was acknowledged before Me thls _1��� day -- of _`��� �b��_�==____, A, D,, 1994 by Dav � d G, Stueber , My CoMM I ss i on exp � res � �� ����+ _ _ _�___ A W � tness r�y hand and sea l � I rma-�rJ � ; � Notary Publlc� ' ---- ----- Address � __ �! � � �'� � � ��� , �=-------- --- s�✓c�-r-- . � ��� � � ----------�---------- STATE OF_�p�!?Y��.� ___) )ss, C�UNTY �F �?2�P ______) The f rego I ng I nstrur�ent was acknow ledged before r�e th I s�?-� day of _�/��!«. -/.Q-+%_, A, D,, 1994 by Dav � d J, Leach . My Coror� I ss I on exp i res � �__ �'��_, Witness My hand and seal --- � !'-`="-✓ `%� -�',vc--lJ.`''-'-� ----- Notary Publ c Address � __,�� !��: �'�'" �L ,� -- r - y ii r=---- � ---� - ---�-�-1 ---� ^-- -- STATE �F_�� �M 2�L.�1___) G''� /�, ) 55 , COUNTY 0� _=_•__•�.________) The foregoing InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e thls _z �� day of �Q���y_t,�l-,P.�!__, A, D,, 1994 by A l berta J, Leach , My Cor�M I ss I on exp i res � %� 1•�! �__ W i tness r�y hand and sea l ��..� . � Notary Publl------------------------ Address � __.�C_�--tC _'3.(�' /!�. , �- - ------- --�� A �-�---°-----����---- CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N F�R M�RTGAGEE �R DEED �F TRUST HOLDER Know al( r�en by these presents that Colonial Savings and Loan Assoclatlon and Margaretten & Cor�pany Inc,, being the holders of a r�ortgage or deed of trust on that real property sltuated in the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Units 1, 2, 3 and Tract F of Brlar Patch Condor�InluMS, according to the condoMlniur,r�ap thereof recorded In Book 434 at Page 336 and as defined in the condor�tniur� declaration r�corded In Book 329 at Page 858, and First Ar�endr�ent thereto recorded ►n Book 434 at Page 335 and Second AMendr�ent thereto recorded in Book 476 at Page 836 In the o�flce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 8,1045 acres, r�ore or less, as shown on thts flnal ptat under the nar�e and style of 'The Residences at Brlar Patch', a subdivis►on in the Town of Vatt, Eagle County, Colorado� agree to the dedicatlon and setting apart all of the publ�c roads and other publlc ir�prover�ents and places as shown on the accor�pany�ng plat to the use of the publlc forever� and do hereby agree to the dedicatlon of those portlons of satd real property which are indicated as easeMents on the accoMpanytng plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon� and do hereby agree to the grant�n g of the ri ght to Install and r�alntaln n e c e s s ar y structures to the ent�ty responsible for providfng the services for which the easements are establlshed� and further agree to grant the rtght to use and Install necessary structures pursuant to separate pedestrlan and dratnage easer�ents to be recorded concurrently w�th th I s I n strur�en t, Executed thls _____ day of _________________________, A,D „ 1994. M � R T GA G E E+ Colonial Savings and Loan Assoclatiom Address� By� Brlar Patch Condor�InluM Assoclatlon, Inc, as Attorney-In- Fact for Colontal Savings and Loan Assoctation � By ��a.v�����`� �-��--- < T I t t e) �!J-t��-PiY�-� �_ � � �T _ �� ,; , � �, �� : `�. ._� � �' - ,�. , �. Margaretten & CoMpany Inc, Address�----------------------------- By� Briar Patch Condor�inluM Assoclat�on, Inc, as Attorney-In- Fact for Margaretten & Cor�pany, Inc „ , � . - ��k _/ � , By' ---------------- J ��Q���/i-� ------------ �4� 1 %/ C T I t l e) I�C�-P�� ^ /.. . � . _... . _...._ _ ' _._. . ...._. . ... � �%�S/9G STATE OF �����,��-------) )ss, COUNTY OF �- �^����`— ) The f�,et^ e olng ►nstruMent was acknowl dged before e thls _l��day of � � ���=�`�"=---- � A , D , , 1994 by _� �z � , c%-- C: _ �� l��-� ------- as __�_�� ,�--_� ________ of Br t ar Patch Con dor� I n I uM Assoc I at t on , I n c, as Attorney-In-Fact for Colonlal Savings and Loan Assoclatlon and as Attorney-in-Fact for Margaretten & Cor�pany, Inc, My CoMM I ss i on exp i res �_ �l �5 f�i�� � --�--�--- ' W I tness r�y hand and sea l, k�,,,,���� � ---=-��-'"=_----- ----�- - =------------- Notary Publ�c Address � _ (�? � S`����� �� � � L (�c�o ---�-v,.,�� -�-C`-' -�= �z- � ------- TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tltle Guarantee Cor�pany, does hereby certlfy that the tltle to all lands shown upon thls flnat plat has been exaMined and Is �v sted IA � r!'ar_ f u#C.h _LL G_ i3 n'a r pu;F�h C� n.o1±w►1 i n i��m. 04,s � oc,�'a_tt?�+^ -- _U?ebf�ta!_J�i�.yeu� Ir �_ �v � a_ C�. _,�-tu,�-bc��=!J�_v_r�_�. _ c��u�. --"�--�'�i�?' -�'`-!'c-°llJ-' ------ - - ----------------------------- and that tltle to such tands Is free and ctear of all llens and encuMbrgnces, exce t as follow�' �.ec� At_ -�in�b'� _-�e G�lor►Pa�--Sa�iru�C-ctnel _LD� __i�S.io�f�4�bh---- -�-sL- �-�+'�} i�--�'���'!- '�=-�'�'bo�oc�-�!l+t.�---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ,l <a: ; r. : � � � � ���.� '; �'�i��;,-; -.. _ ' ``~�:r�.� : :,, ,•�•, : �i1 _ � � �� �,� _ ,: C�1 Dated th I s a� day of ---,�,�=m'�✓� --------, A. D,, 1994 , Land Tltle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vall, C� 81658 B � ----- T �u�----------- Y -- - C �gnature) _�'`rP-'1�- �� �-�DI :�h ---�r__ �`,� �'�1 GeY' CPrint nar�e and title) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE Thls final plat was approved by the Town of V it Planning and En v I ro r�en ta l Cor�M I ss � on th I s S�.L[�_ day of _���?�Jl,_____, A, D,, 199,2' � A ES � �_ �°_ �2����1_iQe_�c.- �-� --� --- - - ----- '� - -------------- Town Clerk Chair�an � � � Town of Valt, Colorado Town of Vall Planning and EnvironMental CoMr�lsslon CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certify that the entire aMOUnt of taxes due an d payab l e as of _____��._ .j� _ 9�__________, upon a l l parcels of real estate descrlbed on thls ftnal ptat are pald In full, Dated this Z�,_ day of _� T� �____, A,D,, 1994, -------- --------------- -- Treasure � of Eagle County, lorado �� r� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE'�`3o' �� Thts flnal plat was filed for record n the office of the Clerk and Recorder on th s.�� day of ��fo��r_______, A, D,, �,9,94, at /��c3� o'c lock � M, Recorded under Recept i on No ,�y��vrd'I n Book /��_ at Page �'�� , .: .:� � .�- �` __�C2/_�%� _� -° � ---- ---------- x3� Clerk and order `. �; Eagle County, Colorado .� ` R ' ' BY' -- - �'?!�`'�---�--�-��-��al��- Depu �c=�-� ,�._ �,..a 1�� ; .� .r, �� � _ .' 1. ,. . SHEET 1 OF 3 JOB No. 1732 ,, 41199 HIGHWAY P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. (303)949-1406 6 & 24, EAGLE—VAIL 81632 _ � The Residences at Briar Pateh Annexation Developement Plan Amendment: -- -__.. __�_��, _ �� _ ... � ��.. _ _ ...�. �--.. -__ _� �__-�__--------__ -_ __ _— -- __..� -- __. 1 � .. __ �. _.� .� � _ . ,-�-�,��� _ ___ ---__ ; � � � � � , � �"�I. � ��a .� w � Introduction The original development plan for Briar Patch was approved July 15th, 1981 by the Town of Vail after previous approval under Eagle County's jurisdiction. The previously approved Develop�nent Plan was approved under Town of Vail Ordinance 13, series of 1981. The ordinance stipulates that Briar Patch and other specific Developaent plans npproved by Eagle County prior to annexation shall rewain in effect as approved unless oajor modifications are made. Majo�r awend�ents such as site re-design, use changes, etc. will require a Planning and Environmental Ca�ission review. This develop�mt plan a�end�ent down-zones the previous proposal frow 14 units to 9.66 units. Instead of multi-faoily structures as previously approved, five single fa�ily residences (5 units) with the potential for 5 caretaker units (1.6b Jn:'S),onerequired COretoker unit on envelope C will be Constructed,inoddi+ionto+ho e■ist�ng tripiei(3unifs). Conce t The Residences at Briar Patch will be a series of three single-fawily hwiesites with 3 potential (1 required) caretaker units adjacent to an existing triplex, and two s�aller single-fawily homesites with potential caretaker units on Sandstone Drive. The sites are defined by specific building envelopes which are oriented to place homes into the hitlside, not on it. Siting parallel to land contours reduces the need for retaining walls artd lessens cuts into the steep hitlsides. The siting plan will also aini�ize the need for roadways nnd road cuts, and will ■ini�ize disturbance of tfie rewainder of the site. Architectnnl Design Every home at The Residences at Briar Patch will be designed mn an individual basis, and each ho�e design will be subeitted to the Town of Vail for Design ReviewV approval. Gross Residemtial Floor Area Distribation (not Buitding Envelope Unit GRFA A Single Family 3,470 sq. B Single Family 3,470 sq. C Single FaAily 3,470 sq. D Single Favily 2,790 sq. E Single Fawily 2,790 sq. Existing Triplex Three Family 5,650 sq. A�end�ent 6RFA Eight Units 21,6W sq. Annexation 6RFA 21,640 sq. i'ncluding credits) fft. $t. $t. fft. fft. fft. ft. ft. Site Covenoe Each building envelope will be assigned a maximum square footage� of allowable "site coverage" per Town of Vail definition. The total site coverage in all building envelopes and the existing triplex shall not exceed previously approved allow�able site coverage. Building Envelope A B C D E Existing Triplex Mend�ent Mnexation Site Coveraqe Distri6rtion Unit Site Coverage Per�itted Single Faoily 3,844 sq. ft. Single Fa�ily 3,572 sq. ft. Single Fasily 3,675 sq. ft. Single Fa�ily 2,340 sq. ft. Single Fa�ily 2,380 sq. ft. Three Fasily 6,300 scq. ft. Eight Units 22,110 rq. R. not spe¢ified Bui ldi� Emrelopes Building Envelopes are prescribed on sheet 3 of 3. The building envelopes will prescribe'the limits of buildable area, and only 'on grade' terraces (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) witl be permitted to project beyond building envellopes a maximum of 5 feet. Buildinv Envelooe Suuare Footaaes Building Envelope Unit A Single Fa�ily g Single Fa�ity � Single Fa�ily � Single Fa�ily E Single Fa�ily Existing Trip(ex Three Fa�ily Square Footage 3,844 sq. ft. 3,572 sq. ft. 3,675 sq. ft. 2,340 sq. ft. 2,380 sq. ft. N. A. O�en Snace Large areas of open space rlll te�sin as par4 of 7he Residences at Briar Patch. The sajority of the site as is 40k slope or high rockfall hazard areas insuring open space will forever be an amenity. These areas atong with the arcas surroundimg the building envelopes will be considered homeowner association waintained open space. Dews;ty Each building envelope will Mve a 6RfA attbwance and a permitted nuober of units assigned. Each allowable dwelling unit, in addition to the assigned GRFA, will have an additional 225 square feet of GRFA (except for existing triplex). Additional GRFA, shall be available under Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances Chapter 18.71 °Additional 6ross Residential Floor Area." �lovee Nousiiw Employee Housing Units will ra�ain a conditionat use for homesites A, B, D& E and will be mandatory for hoaesite C at The Residences at Briar Patch. Consistent with the Town of Vail's Zoning Ordinances chapter 18.57, Type IV E�ployee Housing Units wilt be permitted at the individuat owner's discretion, with 225 sq. ft. GRFA credit for Employee Housing unit if constructed. ILaedscapi�g Additional landscape ptantings are proposed in addition to existing plantings in common areas along roadways. Individual amers will be rcsponsible for the plantings within and surrounding their building envelopes with designs subJect to the approval of the Towo of Vail Design Review Board. Hei s For a flat roof, the heights of buildings sh�atl not exceed 30 feet. For sloping roofs, the heights of buildings shall not exceed 33 feet. Specifically, Building Envelopes D& E will not be permitted to exceed the elevation 8327'-0" in height. Parkinq Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances Chapter 18.52 "Off-Street Parking and Loading" shall serve as the guidetine for parking standards. Each home design for The Residences at Briar Patch will be required to include a oiniwu� of two enclosed parking spaces, or three at unit A& C. Remaining required parking spaces will not be required to be located within building envelopes and may be located in comwon paved areas. SHEET 2 OF 3 � ��,. m �6 . � ,�.;.�,,.,.�.,�..,.-�--.^..,-... __._._ _.�_,.-__. .,_ .. _ _ ,,.-._ - --. .. _ . ,_ . - _ . .. . _._ ___ __. . _ _ _. � _ ___ _ ..�_ � �-._ .:.. T � � € -�h'�°'���t�.H,�.�'�;.tin��� ' . .�. � ,- -�•� . '� �� ��,�� .., - LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S 63°53'15 E 20.16 L2 N 18'S9'15 E 96.50 L3 S 71°00'45' E 43.50 L4 S 1 S'S9' 15' W 11.50 L5 S 65°32'29" W 18.00 L6 S 24°28'10" W 19.00 L7 S 18°59'1 5 W 37.33 L8 S 6T00'3g' W 43.50 L9 N 38°46'S�' W 13.50 L10 N 02°23'25 E 70.02 L11 S 39°47'38 E 113.97 L12 S 58°20'30' E 76.50 L13 S 28°34'04' W 49.00 L14 N 88°21'45' W 41.50 �, s rv oo�os�2r w e2.00 L16 N 82°11'08" W 126.74 L17 S 79°23'52" E 155.51 L 1 8 N 7 7° 5 2' 0 9" E 2 7. 0 0 L19 S 58°15'50" E 27.50 L20 S 11°54'49" E 57.50 L21 S 62°26'S9` W 48.00 L22 N 11°54'49" W 90.00 L23 N 12°21'4�' E 153.08 L24 S 68°28'34' E 51.13 L25 S 83°05'51" E 43.63 L26 S �9'S6'44" E 50.67 L27 S 80°03'1g' W 41.76 L28 N 09°56'44" W 63.32 L29 N 83°13'49" E 66.98 L30 S 35°27'44" W 88.26 L31 N Q9°56'44' W 42.00 L32 S 40'32'09" W 51.86 L33 N 09°56'28" W 75.00 L34 N 80°03'1g' E 40.00 L35 N 79°30'30r' E 73.46 L36 S 42°55'34' E 95.94 L37 N 70°55'3d' E 35.19 DETAIL OF UNITS 1 2&3 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP ` L.S. No. 5933 PARCEL E LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 � � � SET No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 .-,,,..�,:. � ,� � s $� \ ��o /,�°`� \ ?s � �� � �j � \ �e, SCALE: ,• = 20� ��� � � U N IT 1 � � , ',*�,�•� NOTE: FASEMENTS "A", "B" & "C" HAVE A BASE ELEVATION LIMIT OF 8341.5' �.�'f G -1 LION'S� �F�D�E SUBDIVISION FILt1'� No. 2 i 0.0528 ACRES �0 �'�tj�\ �i. \ \� �0�. .� �. � � ,ypc /�. \ 3.0' 3.0'x3.0' UT1UiY EASEMEM\ � � �� / � � 5, " � SET No. 4 12E8AR ,.5� s 8,�2s'12" E � _ 60.00' WffH ALUM. CAP ,,,,, � U N IT 2 �,� � �\ S 08°34�� w- s.00� �"°. 2s598 � � � 0.0436 ACRES �' D� � � �as�Ma�t 'C' � S 81°25'12" E - 10.00' � � /•yh• \ v i S�,o 1. a.rXi.s� / ' / / s� �s Ens�arr � B� � 3/ / �� I� 151'�� \ � '`Sp,�ea+ /g0� ��- S 08°34'48" W - 21.00' . �,,,�� 6 ,� � U N IT 3 F ^ ��:� �' �T�•22ec�. � 0.0487 ACRES � \ � rO � e . , / �'�.�..�Z � �/ N 81 25 12" W- 10.00 �� �� A128 8.19A7HOLE �sN � ���'� E �' \\ � o x�i.r2•A � S Q8'34'48" W- 15.00' / INV. ELEV. = 8390.9' � ELEC. MANHOLE ��s �� S 59°3� 07" E �,� S 81°25'12` E- 10.00' �� � / , . FOUND No. 5 REBAR `�,, � � / , .yk o • / - ► � o l WITH NoU 5� sy � , i d� ti'�' � I-08°21 10r' � � � � � � 5 � R=1333.51 �o �°�• j ,1 L=194.40 525� ' /� �� p��y�� N 81°25'12" W- 10.000' R�N�S � t � T=97.37 �PR - 5 PS�s OF 8 53r E \� _ LC=194.23 / e� ,�, �. � C B- N 2 3° 0 9 5 0" E � �� / ' N 3 O � \ EASEMEN7/, n r / ' �O r` O �� /' , o rn / / /� SET No. 4 REBAR UTILITY .�O � / �' WISH NoU 26598 ELEC/ �SEMENT �'�c•� / / / � ��[ / TRANS. F'Q�� / � �� r � � / , , / G `�,- , i � � � q'G \ � ta09°54 55' / o ,�o U N IT 1 � \o°� R=1467.40 �� 1�� :� � / � \ . ���s�.so lF� . / UNIT 2 �� � �� � /LCT 155.43 � R=194.� ��C � � i � � `� ' \ , _ _ 6 ,.•� / / � . � _� .� . . S 59�32,��` W _ 370.� LION �S NOTICE: According to Colorado low you must commence any legol oction based uPon ony dafect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. ���'� SET No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 -�� 1=10�°35'02" R=1711.95 L=316.25 T=158.57 LC=315.80 CB=S 54° 14'35 W \ ��9 �y1 � � � � ,. 2 Z�'�1 `�� FOUND No. 5 REBAR - WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 16836 _......-- �D �. � REBAR wrTM u.t�. c,aP LS. No. �'J'i933 � FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 �� TRACT B LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 4 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 ` ' �9 �8 � LOT G - 3 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR v srww s�o�. Ra+o. Ra,o �� � �� EDGE ASPFiALT �� 1�177"11'3�' � R=50.00 L� 154.63 T=2041.00 LCa99.97 CB=S 16°00'28" E FOUND 5' WITNESS CORNER No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5447 S��N� ' No 60 > S� ` LOT G - 4 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 40 0 40 80 120 Feet SCALE: 1 " = 40' SHEET 3 OF 3 JOB No. 1732 � 1 1