HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 32FIN�I L PL A T �I RESUBDI l/lSl ON � � �N OF VAIL E�GLE COUN T Y COL ORA D O To > > SHEETI of1 20 GRAPHIC SCALE io 20 �o ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. O -Denotes "Found" Survey Marker (Noted� p -Denotes 'Set'" Survey Marker.• (5/8 " Reb ar an d Plas tic Cap PE PL S 26626) �23�—A -Denotes Street Address Bosis o f Bea�in gs: Colcula ted N09 03 "03 "'W b e t ween Found Pins at NW corner and SE corner of Lot 32 as indicated. Date of Survey. January 1993 Date of Comp/etion: August 1994 N017CE.• According to Co%rodo low you must commence ony /egol oction bosed upon any defect in this survey wrthin three �eors ofter you first discover such defect. ln no event, m,oy ony ocfion bosed upon ony defect in this survey be comrnenced more thon ten years from the date ot certification shown hereon. FOUNO 5/8' REB�I R AND ALUM/NUM C�IP L.S: 11 ,1.,' FOUND 5j � " R£BAR AND AL UM/NUM CAP L. S. 11643 � ,hh' � .,�� 0��, h�V o�� � ho,o�4� . �� �i �� h��''� ', �� v�� �� // � �� V � / / I/lCINI T Y MAP Scole: 1 " = 1 D00' ! h � �� • O .� �Q•�• ,J h�14� �j�`A�� . �i � � �'� �• ��/� �� �, � V f� �� � �� ��� . y �� O � / / !TG �LG / Fo� zoning purposes, Lots 32-A ond .i2-B c�eated by this subdivision are to be t�eoted as one entity with no more thon one 2-fomi/y residence a//owed on the combined orea of the lwo /ats. A//owob/e Gross Residentia/ Floor Areo for the 2-fomily residence will be co%ulated on fhe combined oreo of the two lots. B. L. M. FDUNI�� 5�8" Rf�RA�, AND PLASII� � � �AP �_ ��. �.3174 CERT/F/CA TION OF DED/CA TION FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLQER KNOW Atl. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the undersigned being the ho��ar of 4 mc�itgage o� deed of trust on the rea/ p�operty situated in th: � Town of Vioi/, Eagle County, Colorado, described os fa/lows.• Lot 32, G'/e�n Lyon SubJivision, Town of I/oi/, Eagle County, Co/orado �v�,taining O.SC�B ac�es more or less,� os shown on this Fina/ Plot unde� the nome and styfe of� Fino/ Plot, a Resubdivision of Lot 32 Glen Lyon Subdivlsion, a subdivisi��n in the Town of I/ail, Eagle County, Colorado; og�ees to the dedicotion and setting apa�t all of the public ods and other public improvements and places as shown on the accomponyinn pla� to the use of the public forever,• ond does hereby ogree to the ded�cotion of �these portions of sard real prope�ty which are indreoted as evsements on the accompanyinq plat as easements for the purposes sh�wn hereon; ond does herby aqree to the qronting of the right to install ond marintoin necessa�y structu�es to the entity responsib/e fo� pro��dinq the services for which the eosements o�e established. � xc�uted thrs 1� day of IUe vGM ��r- , A.D. 1994 Amsouth Bonk of ,-lorida 16120 U. S. Hiqh way 19 North 160 Clearwater, Florida 34C24 �� t/1tCJ�-+ Bi�' '(�py w, r i nGG —. fi�. VitG Pr�as%a%i/l� �e►•-Id4 �� TA TE D/ G�9t'dR� � A►nc.//4s ) SS � OUN T Y OF E�h°t'� ) Ti�e iv�goiny Ce�firicate of Dedication for Mortqoge Holder ���,kn��w/edged before me this �? doy of �t/e v ��rt 6 tr' , A. D , 19S �l, [ . i ____ .� Mj , �.,m�nLssior� expires _ _ ---------------- rYitnr�s mv h��!d and seal. �. . '�_ CERT�FIC _A TE Fiirst Am=rican Heritage Tit/e does hereby ;.�e�t�fy that the title to all /ai�ds shown upon this plot hove been cxomined and is vested in Ray Stevenson ond thpt • til/e to such Jands is f�ee ond c/ear of a// /iens and encumb�ances, except as foll�ows.• Deed of Trust �ecordad 9/7/94 in Book 649 at f'age 369. Corpv�ation Assignment ot Rea/ Estote Oeed of T ust/ Securit Dee r rded 9 in BoQ�, �64._9 ot �� 370. Dated this ��ay of /�1'�(i�K�C.f` (�`t A.D. . � FIR.�'T AMER/CAN �-lER/TAG� ' � . AN Y P. 0. BOX 1980, Eagle, -C�� �16# _• �• _ _ t. ' '-. � Arle . Mon f � . -- � � t/ice Piesi �„ �� � ,. ,.y. -, r � ;�„� - , �� - � . :'�`� � � S7 /R VE YQRS C� t fl TlFICA jc_ l, Duon� D. Fehr�ng�,, do hereby ce�tify fhot / am a Registered Lond Su�veyt�/' licensed under the /aws of the State of Colorodo, that th�s Plot is true, correct, and complete as laid �ut, p/atted, dedicated and shown hereon, thot such �'lat was mode f�om on occu�ote su� � ey of soid property by me ond unde� my supervr'sion ond correctly s���ws the /ocation and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets ot said subdiwision as the some are staked upon the qround in compliance wNth applicoble �egu/ations goveming the subdivision of l� ln witness l have set my hand and sea/ t � ,. ti,� � h d�i� of _ !�� A.D. ,����` u�� ��`� ,......� �r �,.� ��,�,�' �, U. f £�".� : �' � .r r � •��� � fQ Z; � � s �� �� �i - _-� _-� - —�■�"'� `° .. _W . Duvne D. Fehringer ���r��� p �.����,, Registered Land Su� ✓eyor No' 786���" rFR TlFICA TE OF DEDICA TION AND OWNERSHIP: Know a/l men by these presents thof the undersigned, being so% owne�s in fee simple, mortgagee, or lienholder of all fhat reo! property situoted in the Town of l/ail, Eogle County, Colo�ado, desc�ibed as fo/%ws: LOT 32 GLEN L YON SUBDIVIS/ON TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COL ORADO Containinq 22,121 Square Feet or .508 Ac�es, mo�e or less; have by these presents loid out, platted and subdivided fhe same into lots ond b/ocks as shown on this final plat under the name and styfe of FINAL PL A T, A RESUBDI 19SlON OF L O T 32, �L: N L YON SUBDI I/lSION, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO; ond do he�eby accept the �esponsibi/ity for fhe completion of required improvements; and do hereby dedicote and set apart all fhe public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the occompanyrng plat to the use of the public foreve�; and do dedicate those portion of soid real property which are indicated as eosement on the accompanying plat as eosements for fhe purposes shown hereon; and do hereby gran t the �igh t o t install and moin fain necessary structures to the entity responsrble for providing the services fo� which the easements a�e estoblished. �� Executed this doy of ���L.-� , A.D. 1994 . Ray Stevenson 19 N. River Road Stua�t, Florido 34996 By.� ay evenson S TA TE OF ��BRa4fl6 ) �j� ) SS CDUNTY OF -��-� ) The forgoinq Ce�tificate of Dedication and Ownership was ocknowledged befo� e this � day of �e#i�i8� , A.D. , 1994, by �i4� �iE��t-�'�J _ � My commission expi�es Witness my hand ond ..: _� _'�"r" l ` � �' �!I _`"..�'h � ��c .' _�.�w��� e �� % �� � - •:��,� .� ., -. , ,� - ; �, ��. ii��,;�., / i _ � � • � ���L�/J .. - � ZON�N!' ADM/NISTRA TOR CERTIFICA Tt: � This tinal plat is hereby approved�y th_e Town of t/ail Zoninq ; dm in is t�o to� th is ��_ day o f QAZ�I�C A. D., 199�� A TTEST.� To wn �,��..,:: �, , �i w.���� _. �_; . �.� . oninq dminis �a � To wn o f Vail CER TlFICA TE OF TAXES PAID: l, the undersigned, do hereby certif that the enti�e amount of taxes due ond payab/e as of ��'��' '�1 � upon all parcels of real estate desc�ibed on this �;!� •' are paid in fu//. Dated this � Z- day of ���+�.b�+e. , A.D., 1994 �� � Treasu i of Eagle C ty D, �� CLERK AND RECORDER S CERTlFICA TE.� �/ This plat was filed for record r the office of the Cleik and Recorder ot �j�'_ . doy of � nrS�0.�' t1 A.D. 1994 at �' , o cl ck . M. Re rde0 under ecep tion No. y��� in Book !I� at Page � . � � • ut le�k and Rec er Eogle Coun ty, Colorodo �