HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 1st Addition Block 1 Lot 4 - Bighorn Falls Condominiums Resubdivision' i.;i P�.y'�'�' , � � .',�, . ... . ' . , t . ..,.. _ . ` . �:��-���, . ' , � � . a, � �., • � �� ��« _ t��;,, te . . . �f 1 .. � � . , �+ 1 . .;: ' ��.. `. � � . n � FOUND 5/8 " REBAR & PLAS 17C CAP "PEAK ONE" \ � � � � � � N N � Z cD - � O � cn 1 Z .. _^:. ,. ...». .. �,�� •. �:, �'y�'. `� . � . 4. � • : '. .�, . . t i . !. ti.!. �' iL � . �', ���.. GRAPHIC � SC` ��� ., .. ,o zo .� ( M FEET ) .� • � . 1 inch = 20 ft. „T„ ,T„ -�,�„�m�� �w�. •- �_ _ DUPLEX PLA T OF 4 BL OCK 1 ��l , � ,4 RESUBDI I/lSION OF BIGHORN F,4 L L S COND QMINI UMS I BIGf-�ORN .SIJB�I UlSION, FIRS T A DGl TION �G WN OF- l/A lL, ��I GLE CDUN T Y CO�. OR'� DO ` rrr nrn�� o. r+�o LOT 5 0''� / l �� t, ,, ,� «,, �� �,� 7� , CJG o � �.C� � � � � �..N 1\ � }{ w v� b �� � �� � � � r_- � ; i i Q \ O .> \ � LOT 4—B ! r' �� D � �, 13,940,4 sq, F�t, � 1 � '� 0.3 z0 a C r e s �! 3897 f� � + �, V� O � � ` � <<� '.�. 1T1 _1 ' � -*, , �, � ` r _ - r 1,_tµt � , , � •,-�g �5� "E 91. �. "'' , ��.a � ___._ ' - �.10' ' � --�,.,,._ .._ _ � � `C.,r1 • � �1 � i ... �%�' ���---' SET 60� W�NE CQ4NER �=' O� � 32.40 ,�_ � � O �a 1 `�0, ` �,_ _� I � O 4 so• 3 ` \- 4'�, '�, I � T\n � SANITARY �-WF��' EA ,EM_Fl� � � � � 1 �,90• ___ 5.,5' PED£-Sr,^lA�;' !r✓cRCS� ' . � � - �;� IO' t^ FA.SFMFNT 1 `�� . \ 1 L-�___ -- �� il �' � 10'� ; 3897-A 1 a � �--- - ` Z PARCEL "A �' � ' � . .., .+. � -- ---- fL. -� i �. � �,�.2? hg.25� *\ � � }\G� \ � � a�. ,?�_ _ \ � ; LOT 4-�_ � � . , — � 1 g � � �. �` � 11,405.� ��, f , , 3 Cr1 Cf� 0.2 F„' �, � i a c �� ' Fr?- --V0 "� �'8 � r'EB/1 R& �'LA S TlC ��AP � O CX� // �L n K �',^ ' C. V / Q+ �,i BASIS OF BEAR/NG.� N 1135'06 " W BETWEEN FOUND PlN & CAP A T NW CORNER OF L O T 4 AND FOUND PlN&CAPATPCLOrS. DA iE OF SUR I/E Y — DECEMBER, 1993 3897-A DENO TES S TREE T A DORESS L O T 4 LIES lN DEBRIS FL OW MODERA TE HAZARD ZONE AND A HIGH SEl/ERl TY ROCKFAL L AREA. NOTICE.• According to Colorado law you must commence ony legol oction based upon ony defect in this survey wifhin three y�ars after ynu Frst discover such defect. ln no event, may any oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced mo�e thon ten years f�om the date of certificotion shown he�eon. �� � Ov \_/ �' { �����oo .� N� LOT 3 �„��--- UTILITY F/IS(���' ��T \ " . � �. , FOR ZONING PURPOSES, TNE L O TS CREA TED B Y�NIS SUBDI �ISION ARE TO BE TREA TED AS ONE L O T WI TN NO MORE TH�I N TWO DW_Fl_ L lNG UNl TS ALL OWED ON THE COMB/NED AREA OF THE TWO L O TS. QL L OWABL E RESIDENTIAL FLODR AREA FOR THE 2-FAMIL Y RESIDENCE Wll_ l_ RF CAL CUL A TED ON THE COMB/NED AREA OF THE TWO L 0 TS. � \ ` � .. � .� _ _____-- cItF�K �aRr; $�{'il-}O RA� 2i�d ADDlTIOiJ B1 GNOR:^1 �„ K: + • � �. ►� � �■ .. ` � �• \��� �; { \ �� . • �6�-,. ��. ► �J` ��`"�,. ��_ .��"���i ���`'�A�� .���s�i �� v� �'��P\0��'���� � � � �� :. • � �����.e'v `" '� 4 1 � A� � ��rs :����.,�!' \ • ' � �?��,1•�i`� �O� .� � � '' � . � a� � � � \'�'_.0t� iii � � Y �� 1 - �►z �vo�r ivo. TV P ti Box 97� � � SUITE ioi 94004S 0077 METCAL� RfJnl� ���C'j� ����n 1420 VANCE STREET DA�issr�ED: D. D. F. AVON, COLO . 816� �� � � LAKEM�OD, COLO. 80219 1 f/9/94 PA� C303) 949-507� Engn�n�ee�ng�zta. <303> 232-0158 � 1 0F 1 ,. r.FRT/F/CA TE OF DEDICA T70N ANQ_. �'�Wi�! R HlP• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE�JTS THA T the undersigned being sole owner in fee simple of all thai real properiy situofed in the Town of �ail, Eag/e County, Colorado, described as fol/ows: Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Falls Condominiu ,ms, Bighorn Subdivision, �rst Addition, Town of Voil, Eag/e County, Co%rado confaining _ , _ 0.582 ocres more or less; have by these presenfs laid ouf, platted ond subdivided the some info lofs and blocks os shown on this finol p/ot unde� the name and style of Duplex Plot of, Lot 4, Block 1, A Resubdivision of Bighorn Folls Condominiums, a subdi�rsion in the Town of t�ail, Eagle County, Co%rado; and does hereby accept ti►e responsL�ility far the comp/etion of required imp�ovements,• and does hereby dedicote vnd set apart all of the public roads and other public improtieinents and p/aces os shown on the accomponying plat to the use of the pub/ic forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which ore indicafed as eosement on the accompanying plat os easements for fhe purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the righf to install and mointoin necessary structures to the enfiiy responsible for providing fhe services fo� wirich the easements ore r'FRT/f/CAT10N Of DEOlCAT10N FOR MORTGAGE established. HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Executed tiris___doy of _________________,A.D. 1994 : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES£NTS THA T the undersigned being the the holder of a mortgage o� deed of frust on the �ea/ property situoted in OWNER.• the Town of Voil, Eogle County, Co%rodo, described as fol%ws.• ... Kenneth P. Kennedy Moureen M. Sferens�n Lot 4, Block 1, Bighom Folls Cbndominiums, Bigho�n Subdivrsion, 2752 Whipp rwil/ Lane 7242 Old Post Rd. Fi�st Addition, Town of Vail, Eogle Cpunty, Co%rado, ' Ve�o Beo Florido 96 Boulde� Co%�ado 80301 contonring 0.582 acres more or /ess,•�os shown on this rno/ p/ot under ` •���, the nome ond style of Dup/ex Plot ot Lot 4, Block 1. A Resubdivision ���,, •:.�,' :- �' � of Bighorn Fo/ls Condominiums, o subdMsion in fhe Town of Voi/, ��rr pnn h. enned B. Maureen . evenso:Il 'ITI £og/e County, Co%rodo; ogrees to the Sedicofion ond setting apart _ ,� o/l of the public roods ond other pub/ic improvements ond places __ � a��+�;x _�' � s��,E q� Co�,p�t�0 � l � os shown on the occompanying plot fo 'the use of the public foreve�• ' � Co✓N1'1� e% �%�� � ond does hereby ogree to the dedicotion ol these portions of soid rea/ Sara C. Kennedy property which are indicoted as eosement on the occomponying p/ot 2752 Whipporwill Lane CO��3���������' � � os eosements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby ogree Vero Beoch, Florida 32960 �;y'�"� �� to the gronting of the right to instoll ond mointoin necessory structures '�—� to the entity responsible for providing the se�vices for which the eosements are estob/ished. £xecuted this�iday of ____,A.D. 199f� _ j� �uL 3`` 4`� j�`' • , , y.� Sara . enn�dy ,� +� �+ ..� �; . < , . , x� � ,�� R� � �� .� �.I � STATE OF COLbRAFDO ) � ; � SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ' The foregoing Ce�tificate f Dedicotion ¢G� d Owne�ship �wos '' ;� ocknowledged before me this �__, day of !�► +_, �''+' �� :. _ ��[-L�' 1GGa.nt - - �'!'u�� ' � • --�----�----- � --- ---------�--=;�^ My commission expires ---(,.(_ �--��--------��-, "� ,t �:� • w(�h�•�+ M� v� ;, k �tness my hond ond seo% . _ ���,�i,� r« , �� J�q . ��rv�.. ._ . .... � '�NY�,(.*j"' ... � � � � .">+� d!r�,, a" CIfOi! 1,1 r ,.::;.. : i sit2RCiM �� � �' �+Q 11 � ip ' (� s .' STA TE OF COL ORADO J �se �Asr,n�et,�a� !�'�►I�+M �w� � . -- ' -- -- -------- �' " `��. . � SS : � ,.;at.' Notary ub/ic` , • - �``' .',� �` J' �,'�j COUNTY OF F�E ) � � --v---- . - f' d, G�C 2-�(�� �ax, L'-� 81b� }�Q� �, �, � G. �11�i� -------------�------- s�',� �. � � �.. i ' cafe of Dedicotion an'' :.62wnershi was Address •• .,.. ' , � a� -J " ` � fie torego r�:g�C'i,�+� P _ , , � a�/cyk•no /edge before m. e/' this _�.'�%�doy.of� _�/1 __, ' ' ~� � ;.:�,,�r,c,�Q. `v . /� 1. �J.JfLjL,� --f a�a T v_' —_^ . �� � \ � . � ?�� �d ` ----- ' ` � :.'� -- � . . . 1 � :,•' �. .. � . ; .. ' � . My commission expires- __ •u' �_ ` � " ' �fness my hand dnd sea/. . . ' � .,,�,. � ' �t'�� STATE OF COLORADO ) � :�". �` *:.�. . > SS Notary Public .. , ,, t�� .' Fy COUNTY OF EAGLE ) , ,.� �_.:. __��� �- ���_��y� __ " ��' The foregoinq Certificate of Dedication and Ownership wos Address ���, ���p�� .� , ocknow/edged before me this ===Ydoy of-=� ==�V=�=--_ . . ., ' " • • • ' ---------------------�_ , ..�� _ . My commission expires ______________ TITLE CERT1f7CATF.� ��•. • �tness my hond and sea/. � Ir� t�i�L�� 1= +_I � _� ��t'� ddoes he�eby certif that the tit/e to all l nds sh this p/o been ---------------------------- examined ond is vested in _ ___ hot Notary Pub/ic title to such /and�free ond c%r of o/ liens ond� brances, xcept os fol%ws• eC�- -� U [�CO1r ------------------------------ � �� � �q� • o �_��-- �Z�a�_ Address -- �- ��s.�. _� _l�r`�3g2�-- �c� �LL� �i. --- ---------- �b � �. Doted this _ oy of1�����- ---A.D. 1445 � ZONING AOMINISTTlA rOR CER 17FlCA TE.• d .,� 5� d � __ This fnal lot i �b a roved the Town of.�' orh Zori ��� � ��� i4�------ P ��� y da of � -- �. �•, I 19'�'1r � y ----- Y ---- , � '�� � f -- Administrator this ___ a___ Addr - �Q_ � � %�J�----- t� �'''�"� ' A TTEST !. � i ; ,�: ---- �--- - �- --- - �:;, ' , -, ----- � �'�—' — ���.c��� ---- � .. / (,A � � �!E So,ra, �•. �er�ncd-e.� �t�� �q� r� �. �evc�r�.��n '�' � . , � . . _. A. r.� 1�,��.., , ,� . ----------r------ -- — -- — — -----, �JRVFYt7RS CERTIFI'CATE.• Town C/erk�/�G:4� Zoning Administrotor Town of �ai/ Town of �ail l, Duane D. Fehringer, do hereby certify that / am a Registered Lond Surveyor licensed unde� the laws of the Stote of Co%rodo, that this p/aE is a true, correct, and comp/ete F/NAL ' PLAT, Town of 1/oil, Co�.�ty ot Eogle, State of Colo�ado, as loid out, CER71FlCATLr OF TAXES PA/D; p/ot teo; dedicated ond sho�vn hereon, that such Plat was made from on occurote survey of said property by me ond under my supervision l, the undersigned, do hereby ce tif tho t e entire amount and correct/y shows fhe /ocation and dimensions of the /ots, of taxes due and poynb/e as of _���� '��_______ upon eosements and streets of said subdivision os the some a�e stoked all parcels of reol est te describ d n this p/at are poid in full. upon fhe graund in complionce with app/icable regu/ations governin Dated this .1� day of�_ _ A.D., 19 4 the subdivision of /ond. ' /n witn ss whereof / have set my hand and seal fhis � � ������- - - --�- --- ---- doy of _ ________A.D., 1994. Treasurer of Eagle County �- U1111111{{; "� � �i :�:=,�s ��:...: ;, a a�� ) Rf � �'� FRK AND RECORDER S CERT/F/CA TE.•J4f /D, O� �'�- - ------ --- "-'--- This plaf was fil for record in the office of the lerk � ��;, �; . �. - � , � Duone D. Fehrin� . �. ' 4��.,, �il �, •� �q nd Recorde� f s� doy of t�.gtr' A.D. 19 ot �,..F- � Registered Lond �'ur2�83ror No. 26��6 �������� � .� � � L _ _ � . 2��� a � - ,� � �, „� `�c��n'c%ck �M. Record u der Recep ti n No. 5�.� _in 'i; 4 �" = : � � .�s ,4iq.G� • ��4��, y,� Book (r�,�2p�_ ot Poge ���_. i • . � : •'•�J► �� ...;.M � , � �� �� �\ Q : �+� `+ )x; 'v�' I �_....n,� +C�':P ' ��//.. /0 ���������� �.0�\ �1�5 '�' �1"1Y.S+1 —l--C�c '�c� , �-'� � ;ti f t �, � �` q� r� � �� --- — S �'. ."i �D �.i� d. ` � .1 � , ,r��¢-p�,= �eP Y E/ogle Cou � y, �r Co%rodo . � �oL ,.� Par�'y wo►. � � ,Q� (� � /S� �* . .� r _ - i ,� i r v ti. ,� �