HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 36� NOT TO SCALE ,�0 0 PO 40 BO F�et SC'AI F� 1" _ ��' 1=03°45'00" R=470.00 L=30.76 T= 15.39 CB=S40°37'30"W ' C=30.76 FND PIN & CAP L.S. #11643 — TRACT B •� �� � �� �� ��. �G , / G\ � r / . �� �� �� � � SET PIN dc CAP L.S. 26598 FND PIN & CAP � L. . # 1 1643 / �s � , �� S 6 0 2 �2�5 LOT 35 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 ( 303)9 49-1406 � \ % �9 F ` %22 �04 �3 TRACT F FOUND PIN & CAP LS. 13174 �, � � , T�WN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO � 2Vu \ V SEf PIN & CAP L. S. 2 6598 N�TES� (1) Dnte of Survey+ February, 1995 (2) Bear�ngs are based on a line connecting the found MonuMents Mark�ng the northerly corner of Lot 36 nnd the westerly corner of Lot 36 be►ng S39'14'S4'W (see draw�ng), (3) MonuMentatton as shown hereon, (4) Street Address� 1245 Westhaven C�rcle, (5) Protect�ve Covenants recorded tn Book�at Page37� � �� q� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy tho.t I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat Is true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of sa►d property by Me nnd under My supervlslon and correctly shows the locatton and dir�ens�ons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of satd subd�viston as the saMe are staked upon the ground tn coMpltance with appllcable regulat�ons governing the subdtv�s�on of land, `����„`,,,�.,r,,,,�,,,,'� ���� ,�� ;:;;�i �,- r j�; r '', In w � tness thereof I have set My hand a.�,.s�����ia,`1�'�;���� day of -- ���� ---- � A . D . , 1995 � � ,� � ��'°�'r°'�, = s . u, o �' �7 � � � � .�1 »� � ..� � 9 � • .�, _ �_ 1=1 1°34'43" R=365.00 L=73.76 T=37.01 C=73.64 CB=N29°52'39" E ,�� � � � 1=07°42'S9" ' R=335.00 L=45.12' T=22.59 C=45.08 CB=N31°48'31" E PATRICK FILLIETTAZ 3/2/95 Stan Hogfi-�,� Co t orado PL�S � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that D�aryl J, Brown, KlMberley M. Brown, Will�ar� J. McDev�tt, and Carolyn F, McDevitt, being sole owner �n fee slMple, of all that real property sttuated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows+ Lot 36, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subd�vlsion, according to the plat thereof recorded �n the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ning 0,4467 acres, More or less, has by these presents latd out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on this f�nal plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubdiv�s�on of Lot 36, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivts�on ', a subd�v�s►on �n the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responstbtlity for the cor�plet�on of requ�red �MproveMents; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public ronds and other publ�c tMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng pint to the use of the publ�c foreverl and does hereby ded�cate those port�ons of said real property which are tnd�cated as easeMent on the accor�panying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the rtght to instnll and Ma�ntain necessary structures to the ent�ty responsible for provid�ng the serv�ces for which the easeMents are established. Executed th�s �'�� day of --- ---- ��J�jr-------� A.D „ 19� OWNERS� ___ __ _ _ _ ___ _ Da l J B wn Address 1;2,'`�__ , � _� �_ �_�t.:_�'���� - - -- -- =� - --------------- �Mberl M, Br w.�j� , � Address � j �'-O ��JG�I� __ _______ - ,-c� -�-�--�/ �� • �MC�.W�C ----------------------------------- Willtar�� J, McDevitt , Address � �0�,�'a����r.Cp.��"�� `'�.�[r��u�7 c�-�-���a��------ �� ' �_ �����.�------- Carolyn� . McDev�tt � Addres � _ ���_�(J �!lJ�(„p�_ k. �� ����y�4���- ��a1�'J_ i- �?� STATE OF �GQe�l�?A ______) )ss. C�UNTY OF SQ�4�or,Q_____> The fore o I ng i nstrur�ent wns ncknow l�edged before Me th � s ��'� day of .��,G� _______, A. D,, 199�Iby Dary t J, Brown , My CoMr�(sslon expires� _________ ---� W i tness r�y hnnd and sen I. �� � .�,.�..A. , zr�a�icso� �+�✓1R'n��------------------ �„N,�, �,.,�, Notary Pub l i c Address�l�1�L����"------------ �•�, , . .._r� `�€� �,.�-a.rz'L�ir�.�s+Ze��'�+�� � -- STATE �F ��0!e%�0,4,�_______) )ss. COUNTY �F SA��4�SoT�4 ) The fore o I ng � nstruMent was acknow ledged before r�e th i s oZr}�1 day of /1����{________, A. D,, 199� by K � Mber l ey M. Brown . ,�M CoMr��sston exp�res� ____________, e � ea l . . �, �.SI!!�`�i'�A�`��I�i ��� � `���----------------- � ��,, ,,�,�� Notary Pub l � c � Address��_$��_��s� ________ .���.j �`-f-�� -- STATE OF�QR�.A!�________) "� )55. C�UNTY �!�?B2?�4�'a�4_______ ) The fore otng �nstruMent was acknowledged before Me this o�'`�� day of �iL2�} _______, A.D., 199� by utlltaM J. McDevitt. My CoMr��sston exp�res� _________ --- � W�tness My hand and senl. � . �_�'e►�u-- ---------------- '''�' �� � Notnr� Pub l t c � �'�"��''���� Address� $��_ Q� aa�Mll►#M�'� - - . ��� �"�" '� '�' � �iCL�� ����aYu� ���� C� � STATE OF_�D!�1���_______) >ss. COUNTY OF s�}/�4S�t�� ____ ) The forego I ng i nstrur�ent was acknow ledged before Me th i s 2�`t' _ day of _ _____, A,D., 199� by Carolyn F, McDev�tt. My Cor�M�sston expires� ____________. Witness My hand and seal, �r� -g���.�.�.- --------------- ���L Notary Pub l i c � :F E M� �r� r�I�IMi+�! Addre�s + 1�1� ���i� i w� �.,�.�.'� � �.�,, . �. �r��,a�_��.`�3y�3� PLAT RESTRICTION For zon�ng purposes, the two parcels created by th�s resubd�vision nre to be treated as one ent�ty w�th no More than one two-faMlly res�dence atlowed o�n the coMb�ned area of the two porcels. Allowable gross resident�al floor area for the two- fuMily res�dence w�ll be calculated based on the cor�b�ned area of the two parcels, � CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGEE OR DEED �F TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that FlrstBank Of Vatl, being the holder of n Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property s�tuated in the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descr(bed as follows� Lot 36, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivlslon, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded in the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contain�ng 0,4467 acres, More or less, as shown on thts f�nal plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubdtvts�on Of Lot 36, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdiv�s�on ', a subdtvtston in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Coloradoj agrees to the ded�cat�on and setting apart all of the publ�c roads and other public IMproveMents and places as shown on the accor�panying plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and does hereby agree to the dedicatton of those port►ons of said real property which are indlcated as easeMents on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby agree to the granttng of the r�ght to install and Matntain necessary structures to the ent�ty responstble for prov�ding the serv�ces for which the easer�ents are estnblished. Executed th i s 2�" _ day of _��� NC�______________, A, D„ 1995 MORTGAGEE� FirstBank Of Vall 17 Va�l Road Vatl, CO 81657 / U� Gtc� By' - ����-'-�---�----- ------------------ (T�tle>-------�� -------------- STATE OF__ Co / d lt �1 � o � - -----)ss, COUNTY OF �p�!�______) The forego�ng InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e this 2 �� ----- day of �t !1�a c l�-------, A. D,, 1995 by --g J? t h-- J'1,_-J�'.fu�M !�% as _�% t GC__QQ.�L ! DC n� of F i rstBan k Of Va i l. My CoMr� i ss I on exp � res �_��-- 30 - �i'8 , W � tness r�y hnnd and sea t, ' /� ------------------�c-=--- - -- - Notary Public Address � ____ J ? _ � �4 � �- ___� D --- �!4-�-�'--�a----� I L. �'� ���` `�" ��� �° a� �� �I�L6��k �,� � �%�W�I�K�� e a � o< � ����� �o�.°� TITLE CERTIFICATE Land T►tle Guarantee Cor�pany, does hereby certlfy that the title to all lands shown upon this f�nal plat has been exar�tned and is vested i n� vw � 1..�..� �►� �': MMc�ir°v1�rT' � GA��.Y n► �� ��EV rr-r'y Q�RYL._ �'_ �Eaw+N ar+d_�G��E��Y_ M� ��'!�viii -- and that t�tle to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encur,brances, except as follows� • p�r�o�- zp.,sr- �c,e'-�_v_--�'� i_3 �►�i �f4`IZ ��g�----- - - -1------- , •_P_\��.J�=� __`_5__.voT� G.E'__� �� �� =-=r� --=�1 ���-9`i__ �`-�Z�S�i°I - h stis � c�.�i±rE.-r- o � ��•--cs �o,-ri Q- - ° -r..-. �-�- _ e_.c�-.-+r.� _ -- ---------- - ------- _���� _ `1 � 3� 9 _y,---�.�Z-� 59 � --------------------- Dated th i s __ � day of __"'r'���'`� �"' -----------------� A,D „ 199`'? Land T�tle Guarontee Cor�pany 108 S. ntage Road West Vail, 0 81657 � , y,, By'-= ----------------------------- �� ignature) ���-._., nog-�..,.4.�� T rrLr� o�'-�. ck.-�, ---------------------- - ------- (Print naMe and title) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thts f�nal plat is rh,ereby approved by the Town of Vall Zoning s� Adr� � n � strntor th i s:_ :�H day of __�`�`�1G�� _________, A, D., 199� At't.est � ; � � ,/ / � �+-- � � , ' �, ��� ��� �. � \ �. ��- ��'r� ` �, � _ �*��r r � Zon t n� . � -�'-�---�!Z M1 �------------- ------------ - Town Cle p� g AdM i n i strator To.wn of Vatt, Colorado Town of Vatl, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereby cert�fy that the ent�re aMOUnt of taxes due and payable as of ______/�_3/__Q 5__ __, upon atl parcels of real estate described on this ftnal plat are paid in full, Dated th t s��' _ day of __� ar�-�` __________, A, D., 1995. ----- /��.!u��C�x � - - - --�- - ------ - Treasure of Ea le CouWt , Colo a o 9 Y CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE�p � This f�nal plat was ftle for record in the off�ce of the Clerk an d Recorder on th i s,�D�'� day of ,�,a�� �i __________, A, D,, 199,� t, :s��o' c t ock �_M . Recorded un der Recept � on No , �Qj�(p � n Book ��Q�[ at Page3� �_ . � . ��. � �� _��------ ° � `'rr Clerk and Re der . ;•;; Eagle Coun , Colorado , . . '" By : - - -�!.��_ �v���� Deput JOB No. 1404 ..�- ,ir