HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 6 Lot 9 - 44 Willow Placee SUBJECT SITE VICINfTY MAP NOT TO SCALE _ 41199 HIGHWAY 6 d� 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-140d CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATI�N AND OVNERSHIP C4ND OMINI U11�' MAP FOR L 0 T 9, BLOCK 6, YAIL YILLA GE, FIRST FILING T 0 WN 4F YAIL, EA GLE C4 UNT Y, COL OR�4D 0 Know all Men by these presents that BMS & P Ltd „ a Colorado llMlted partnershlp, being owner �n fee s�Mple of all that real property situated In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as foltows� Lot 9, Block 6, Vatl Village, F�rst F�ling, accordtng to the Map thereof recorded In the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 0,292 acres, More or less, does hereby subMlt thts ' CondoMlnluri Map for 44 Wtllow Place' to the provtslons of the Cond InIuM Deelaratlon for 44 Wtllow P l ace, recorded i n Book (�¢� at Page �i?K . Executed this ���day of ___ __________, A,D,, 199� i, OWNER � BMS E� IP Ltd ,, a Colo�rado liMlted partnership Address � �.$5 P�rJ`d� �v'ei� -------- _v_A�1_ �_ 1l�S Z_----------- BY` -�- - -- _C r� NaMe)___ _ __ _, T t t l e�! ��c�_1--�qa�-!� ---- STATE OF ��� � ) ---- )ss, COUNTY OF __'__�l�.I�______> The fore otn InstruMent was acknowled ed befor !�e.� t�h�ls !���� day of -�� �--- --- � A , D . , 199� by �A_ _�•`--��,cx!��'i^_------ as �+'" _ of BMS & P�td ,, a Co l orado l t M t ted �'--r9kt�eC�--��'�'`------- partnershlp, My CoMM � ss t on exp � res �_ 3= ��! �$ _ --- -- � Vltness My hand and seal. Notary Pub l I c��x 3 5.7 �• - -_-.........�.r�� ' ;AddFess' ---- - -- - --- � n1�El`.! �'�'Y�� e _l1all__L_o �t�s�=--- r. Pj�'T�+RY F�''?�..,,�,�` � � � ,, ,.;, ,_ � ,��� ._,, �`�.. .,....�....:r:..:..--... ���y r� _. — »,r; s.� �'l; y�. . ,� NO110E: According to Colprodo law you must commanc� any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within throe y�o� after you firat diacover such defect In no evsnt, may any oction baaed upon any defect in thia survsy be commenced moro Rhon ten yeara f�om the date of the ce�tification shown heroon. TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certtfy that the title to all lands shown u on this ftnal plat has been exaMined and Is vested t n � �µ? '�- �_ l�d. ►�}' �v_b±rc�Q_ L�.y�nj�lcd __P��2'!�Y__ --- �- }-- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands Is free and clear of all l�ens and encuMbrances, except as follows� -------------!�� ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th I s 1"�' day of _�.N'►1_________________, A, D., 1995 , Land Title Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Va�l, C 81658 BY' - � "'"' =� -------- ( S gn atu�) ��—� � ------------- --r-� --- ---------- CPrtnt naMe & title) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a registered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls condor�tnluM Map Is true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such condoMlntuM Map was Made froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervlsion and correctly shows the hor�zontal and vertical locatlon and dlMenstons of the building contatning the condoMlnluM units, the condoMlnluM units, parcels and easeMents of sald condoMlnluM Map, and the parcel Is staked upon the ground In coMpliance w�th applicable regulations governing the subdivtslon of land. I further certify that this condoMlnluM Map contalns all i n f orMat t on requ l red by Co l o, Rev , Stat . 38,-,�;i,�-2 09 , In w I tness thereof I have set My hand .a1���ect•��a,�`'�;,,��� day of . a .�' tt4i' •. �' . . -�---�.ei4 --------- � A , D , , 199�, � ._ � ,��-� �`e�f .�`� > .c� ; . , � '.� 26�.���� Stan Ha'� f t �` ,��+- = Co lorad�,,�'i «�,�' ��y � � � � ,`„�tKN H ti � � 0 NOTES� C1) C2) (3) C4) C5) C6) (7) (8) � Date of Survey� March 1995, Street Address� 44 W�llow Road, Bas�s of Bear�ngs ts a l�ne connecttng the extsting MonuMents Marktng the southerly corner of Lots 2/3, Block 6, Vall Village, Flrst Ftling, and the N1/16 corner Sectton 7/8, TSS, R80W being S43'32'34'W Cse� drawing), ._.�.�� Indlcates set no. 4 rebar and aluM, cap L,S, 26598, Elevatlons shown hereon are based on the as-bullt Invert elevat�on for santtary sewer Manhole MH55 betng 8133,8 located in the Intersectton of W�llow Road and Vall Road Csee drawing for locatlon), As shown hereon, 'C.E,' Indicates CoMMOn EleMent, as the saMe are defined In the CondoMlnluM Declarat�on for 44 Wlllow Place, As shown hereon, 'L,C,E.' tndicates LlMited CoMMOn EleMent, as the saMe are deftned in the CondoMlntuM Declaratton for 44 Willow Place. An eas�ment recorded ot Reception No.i09773 qronts occess on Lot9 for instollotion ond mointenonce of coble televtsion service tor Lot 9� ( specific locotion not delined ). (9) An eol�ement sholl exist ocross L.C.E. DriveMOYUnit 2 and L.C.E. Wolkv►oy E.M.U. Unit 2 for occess to C.E. Mechonical Wallrwoy (see sheet 2of6 for Iocotion). ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This condoMinlur► Map Is hereby approved- b y the Town of Vall Zon i ng AdM t n I strator th I s 3_/r�C _ dayrtof ` y'>"�, L_ t i.�______________, A,D„ 19�. Attest� �' � Of/,',_,�_ /�� �c_t�1,c�_� '�'` "- -�- Town Clerk : Town of Va t t, Co �orddo CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID --.��?�--- ---�------- Zoning AdMinistrator Town of Vall, Colorado I, the underslgned, do hereby certify that the ent�re aMOUnt of taxes due and payable as of _____fe�=�L�� __________, upon all parcels of real estate descrtbed on th�s condoM�n�uM Map are pald In full. Dated thts �_ day of -----1��------------, A.D,, 199�. S � /'�,,���- Treasu r of Eagle Coun�y, Co orado CLERK AND REC�RDER' S CERT I F I CATE +�P 6�� �0 This condoMlnluM Map was filed•for record In the offlce of the C lerk and Recorder on th t s 3'�� day of J�1�t/______________, �A 99 , at �� o'clock M. Re orded Tnder Receptlon No, � � Q.�_ I n Book��� at Page � i Z� , ��y� ��� �� ���' �" _ � N• � �� AwA _ w T_ � ��____�� �� � Clerk and R order � o Eagle Cou ty, Colorado . " aOLO�'� By � - - - - -���---- Depu pee,s Re�o�ded. a-� B�O�O� 4� y7y 0 SHEET 1 OF 6 JOB 1 165.1 � � � � SCALE 1" = 10' 10 0 10 20 30 Feet (PLAT) R= 20' 1= 135°32' T= 48.93 41199 HIGHWAY 6 ae 24. EAGIE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. a'1632 � / SEWER MANHOLE 55 INV. ELEY.: 8133.8 RIM ELEV.: 8151.7 1= 31°39'05" R= 38.50 L= 21.27 T= 10.91 LC= 21.00 C8= N 70°45'2g' E 1= 106°06'23" R= 17.00 / L= 31.48 T= 22.60 LC= 27.17 C6= N 01°52'44" E R= 20.00 1= 106°50'37" L= 37.30 T= 2fi.95 CH= N 17'°51'08" E- 32.12 WILLOW C.E. LANDSCAPE� EASEMENT (TO BE RECORDEO BY SEPERATE DOCUMENT) 5.0 ROAD R.O.W. EASEMENT (TO BE RECORDED BY SEPERATE DOCUMENT) 12.0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT (TO BE RECORDED BY SEPERATE DOCUMENT) R = 381.72' I = 15° 42.7' L = 104.67' T = 52.67 CH = N 56°48.7' W, 104.34" � � . • � , N 8G35'0� E — 135.79 . —___ _—, � �\\ V G5 �\� 6��� 0 O� y1 � �� k •'S k��� 961 5 6��. / . L N 1/1 � CORNER SEC110N 7/8 � FOUND 3 1/7' B.LM. ALU�IINUMI CAP ^�° ^�. ^ � S 03'25'00" E— 11.00 S3 (40' R.O.W.) :� ^��O 'h8 � � I � � I C.E UWDSCAPE � � � — — � L.C.E. DRIVEINAY � EMISEMENT , / �'� o .w �''�R� �e�F � �� �'�i �, �, �, �� � � ,'� WALKWAY �,� <� � � SOUTH CORNER LOT 2/3 FOUND �4 REBAR dc ALU INUM CAP L.S. 16827 / LOT 8 TH E W I LLOWS CONCRETE WALL PATRICK FlLLIETTAZ 3/8/95 0 SHEET 2 OF 6 JOB No. 1165.1 �' . �. � �_� c LEVEL SCALE: 1" 5 0 5 10 15 Feet —INDICATES HEIGHT OF CEILING ABOVE FLOOR —INDICATES A BREAK IN CEILING HEIGHT —INDICATES A BREAK IN FLOOR ELEVATION E.Hi.U. —INDICATES EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT 41199 HIGHWAY 8 dt 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWAROS. C0. 81Q32 (3o3)e�—�4os SHEET 3 OF 6 JOB No. 1165.1 _ i i �, i� i i l � � � � � � � 4119� HIGHWAY 8 ac 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 Eow�os. co. a�a� �8s � � � � �� 4•8 L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1 � 1 � 13.5 �----------------� � �� a Iv C � � � � � �s � � � s.s �------ LEVEL 2 5 0 5 10 15 Feet —IMIDICATES HEIGHT OF CEILING ABOVE FLOOR —IINDICATES A BREAK IN CEILING HEIGHT —IMIDICATES A BREIIK IN FLOOR ELEVATION —INDICATES EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNR I � L.C.E. DECK UNIT �, � o.s � I N I--�.� � I � .� � � � ��S � �r � �r � � � SHEET 4 OF 6 JOB 1 165. � \ � �A � , \ I \ \ 3.7 I � ?� � � � � � � � L.C.E. DECK UNIT N ---- �Z.� ___--N I o L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1 0l ��so L.C.E. DECK UNIT 3�9 1 y//� \�--- 9.5 _ 1 _1� LEVEL 4 SCALE: 1" = 5' 41199 HIGFiWAY 6 dc 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 15.3 � � � � 5 0 5 10 15 Feet O —INDICATES HEIGHT OF CEILING ABO'VE FLOOR -- —INDICATES A BREAK IN CEIUNG HEIGHT —INDICATES A BREAK IN FLOOR ELEVATION SECTION 2 �----- 12.2 — --� / � / � / � L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2 \\ \ /�� ���\ / � � � �.6 � 1 �' s.2 s.2 "' i � � � o \ 11.5 I `� I / 'e ' 5!` i I � � s� I i I r ` � T-- � \ � I ,y� 13.3 I i 18.0 i � � � � �I m � � ^ � \ ' i i � � i� � � � � � i � i ` � / 12.1 � I � � 12.1 \ / \ � � � S.o � \ \ \ �� \ •s ti L.C.E. DECK UNIT 3 \ � 6.1 \\ \ �-------- 13.5 \ � 0 \�� \ \> // / / / /�,�o / // �� SHEET 5 OF 6 JOB No. 1165.1 � �. � I .? � LC.E. DECK UNR 3 S ECTI O N 2 � � �v.: e,�a 0 � E.H.0 3 5 0 5 10 15 Feet SECTION 1 .99 HIGHWAY 8 ac 24, EAGIE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81 a32 303 949-140a UNIT 3 �v.: e��.z �v.: e�s�.e ,,. : _;.:-„a. _ � � 4 '� `� "��� �`. -: � .i.� ', ir'}',r� . .�....ri.. � i w. - ;;:.�si ��1 - - _� w .�• �-.,�..�...� r. • LC.E. DECK n �o aEV.: e,ea.o UNIT 2 GARAGE UNIT 2 �In LC.E. DE�K UNIT 2 SECTION 3 �.� E.C.U. 2 C.E. MECHANICAL � � �.: a,�.o � � �v.: e�ssa �; �, ��, �� � .� . ~. . E SHEET60F6 JOB No. 1165.1 i