HomeMy WebLinkAboutMatterhorn Village Filing 1 Lot 5 North Half� • � . � C � � � � � F� � o� 3 J , : M � � , C � c U CONDOM/N/UM MA P OF � . , TO �lV OF VA lL EA GL E COUN T�' COL ORA D O > > SHEET 1 OF 2 r�r•�� O C. E. L. C. E. � s ii2 c.or 5 NO TES.� BA SlS OF BEA RlIVGS.� N 88 55 '24 " W A L ONG THE NOR THERL Y L O T L lNE OFNI/2 LOT 5 BETWEEN FOUND MONUMEN TS A S lNDICA TED. DA TE OF SUR l/EY.� MARCH 1995 BA SlS OF EL E VA TION.� MA NHOL E— MH A-145. 2 R/M EL E V. = 8017. 79 ' lN V EL EV. = 8005. 28' DENO TES SE T PlN A ND PL A S TlC CA P PE & PL S 26626 STREET ADORESS — 1711A GENEVA OR/ l/E COMMON EL EMEN T L lMl TED COMMON EL EMEN T DENO TES COMMON EL EMEN T FOR ZON/NG PURPOSES rNE L D T CREA TED SHAL L HA I/E NO MORE THAN TWO OWEL L lNG UNl TS AL L OWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF TNE TWO L O TS. THE TWO D WEL L lNG UNl TS ON THIS PL A T ARE FUR THER RES TRIC TED B Y THE EMPL O YEE HOUSING UNl T RES TRIC TION RECORDED ON BOOK 635 A T PA G'E 768. NOTICE• According to Co%�odo low y�ou must commence ony legal oction bosed upon any defect in this survey within three j�ors ofter you first discover such defect. ln no event, moy ony oction based upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the date of certification shown hereon. �rcin�r rY MAP GRA,PHIC SCALE , o sao ioav a�on (l�l FEET� 1 /NCH = 1000 FEET r� eY — D.D.F. ,o . j V � u 7 � J s + ` � � � � O �� � r�A V GRAPHIC SCALE s " ,o � ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 it. � PRO.EC � 95- 00655 P. �. BOX 976 ��� ��� SUITE 101 0077 METCALF RDAD 1420 VANCE STREET DA7F/SSGED: AV�I, C0�0. 81620 ��ne�n$� LAKEVO�D, C�LO, 80215 4/25/95 (303) 949-5072 (303) 232-0158 NO 1 OF 2 � 0 ,� �, C_FRTIf)'CA AAN Of D£DICII AON FAR MARTG�I GE HaICO£R Ol? D££D OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW �ILL A�LN BY 7H£.5� PRE.SL�NTS TH� T the undersigined being the ho/dd- of o mortgoge or deed of trust on the reol property situated in the Town of �oi/, Eog✓e County, Cdorodo, described as fo/%ws• N//2 Lot 5, Motterhom Vii/age Fi7arg No. 1, Town of Voi7 Eag/e County, Co%rodo con taining O. 569 ocres more or /ess,• os shown on this Condominium Map under the nome ond sty/e of CONDOMINIUM MAP OFN//2LOT 5, MATTFRHORN NLLAGE F1L/NG NO. 1, o subdivision in the Town of �oi/, Eog/e County, Co/orodo; ogrees to the dedicotion ond setting apo�t o// of the pub/ic roods ond other public improvements ond p/aces as shown on the occomponyrng plat to the use of fhe pub/ic fo�ever ond does he�eby og�ee to the ded- �cotion of these portions of soid reo/ prope�ty which o�e indicoted os eosement on the occompanying p/ot os eosements for the purpose shown hereon; and does he�eby agree to the g�onting of the right to insta��d lnaintain necessary struct res to the entity responsib/e fo� pr�ioyng fhe� �.ser�r which the eose�i ts ore estoblished. c���� �.r�cuted°fbL1 oy of _� ____�_,A.D. 1995 ��: `' • ` �, / �'�- c �• FirstBonk of Voil : s� � � 17 �ail Rood ± � � � ; Voi/, Co/oro 81657 O b •�, . 6 V 1'" � ;,�7.. . ��9., ,. �' rY.etc�. •��,7 � ������• �,'"w ��;�l;: c��-� ay. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF £II GL£ ) Tha forgoing Certi�cote ot Dedicotion o Ownershi wg�. ocknTow�p/edged befo�ye�, �mte t,hy�is �2� doy of �i�lCt���,J _ I 14J�C�_�`�/ i.% •! ------ m� hond Notor u ic y if 1/A� RO.� Address Cp�B'1 f�57 y��;�.,�;,... ; cY�� �% / a � '..� : S�1�i.!�Y J. ; ;��'�r'�� ' . :i �°. r • �•O F �C 0�'���` , f -- --�i�, .,_,___ ____ _ _..� � � (_ER11F/CA TL� OF D£U/CA 11AN AND OMNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL M£N BY 7H£S£ PR£S£NT5 1HA T the undersigned being so% owners in fee simp/e of ol/ thot r�o/ property situoted in the Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Cdorodo, descrrbed as fo/1ows: Nl/2 Ld 5, �Iatterhom �//age Fiiing No. 1, Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, County, Co%rodo contoining 0.569 acres more o� less,• hove by these p�esents loid out, plottad and subdivided the same into lots ond b/ocks os shown on this �na/ p/ot under the nome ond sty/e of CONDOM/NIUM MAP OFNI/2 LOT 5, MA TTERHORN �1LLAGE F/L/NG NO. 1, in the Town of Voi/, Eogle County, Co%rado; and does hereby occept the responsibi/ity fo� the completion of required improvements,• ond does hereby dedicote ond set opo�t o// of the pub/ic �oods ond other pub/ic improvcments ond p/oces os shown on the occomponying p/ot to the use of the pub/ic fo�eve�� ond does he�eby dedicate those portions of soid reo/ p�operty which are indicoted os easement on the accom- ponying p/ot os easements fo� the purpose shown hereon; and does he�eby gront the right to instoll ond maintain necessary structures to the entity �esponsib/e for providing the services for which the eosements ore estob/ished. Executed this �'Sday of _� p� �� A.D. 1995 Korl H. Foulond Vo/erie L. Foulond P.O. Box 493 P.O. Box 493 Vail, Co%rodo 81657 Voi/, Cq(o�ado 81657 � � I c o��H.� ou on By. l�a/e�ie L. STA 1� A� CAC A4A00 � �� COUNTY Gl� EACX£ ) , nre for�arrg Certificote of Dedicotion ond acknowredged before me this Z?2� doy of ,�.Ae� e4� . �-.we. +�,v � �a v.� 711LE CER71f7CIl TF %►�����! �MQa �_ does hereby certity that the title to a// nds shown upon th13� plat have been exomined ond is ►^ested in��f �e_.ria ��CU.1�w�bnd thot w tit/e to such /onds is free ond c%o� of ol/ liens ond encumbroncas, cept os fA//ows.•������ L'� -�'Y_�-�-Lq4� ��_�?-� s�i� F�t�+� �_���. �.�La � b� e�c '67, '" �• -!�t-!e,c. � . as gw���OO K a3 f�a �Ckccl. vf �v�t�t l�cc._ (�.w _�' �_ �sv_� v SS� 5�1, �n i�v_'y� rL'. Dated this (.� doy of _ �._ — A.0.1�95 nIW •�1� 14qjf �• �C � s 5 Rar� sJ3 . l,.ar�,l__T!•!� 6 ��.fice, (Arn�var►,�. PO B� ��� _ �[.�,Q Co_ X1 �05 �' Address gy.� .r�— ���' `� ' ` -L���-- ----- SURVEYCJRS C£R7IF/CA TF• , l, Duone D. Fehringer, do hereby certify thot l om o Registered Lond Sur►�ey»� licensed under the /ows of the Stote of Colorodo, thot this p/at is a t�ue, cor�ect, ond complete Condominium Mop, Town of Voi/, County of Eog/e, Stote of Co%rodo, as /aid out, p/atted, dedreoted ond shown hereon, thot such P/ot was mode from on occurote survey of soid property by me ond under my supervisian ond correct/y shows the /ocotion and dimer�sions of the /ots, eosements ond streets of sord subdivision os the some ore stoked upon the ground in complionce with applicob/e �egulotions goveming�� the subdivision of lond. ln witnes whereof l have set my hand ond seo/ this doy of _ �� A. D., 1995. � , ,,,,, Ouane D. Fehringe� ^ * � � � ;---__ Registered Lond .S�v�o1'�No. 26�`2� � -- i s _ ::. 26�?6 � �: = � , . — = . � - -- . � - . - ;_ •_ : � a f�. � S . ,,��;-�;: ;�, ,., My C 'SS/ ' _. � --,-•.....,,�r,,,, c, �Nssw'� �� . �t es y n on s/. ' ,f, � � �+ra' �, :r : �!Fats�1. �Y J. : . : • .��, : � : -=�-- -- -- � . Noto�y. -. — `�,,✓,¢ +'� ��' 1�{�1i. RO.� ��_ � 8 e u�i a `t� �: z m Add�ess --- �:r`2 ,�_ :,� �.s" STA TE OF COiC ORADO ) ) SS OOf./NTY OF EACLE ) The forgoing Certificote of Dedicotion ond Ownership was ocknow/edged before me this doy of _ My commission expires _ Wifness my hond ond sea/. Notary Pub/ic Address ZON/NG ADM/MSTRA TOR C£RT1f1CA TE.• nhis flna/ plot i r�y opproHed by t e T wn of �a!l Zoning Administ�otor this _��= doy of �� _, A.D., 1995 A rTESr — �1����Gt — - — — Town Cle�k �rC�Zoning Administrotor Town of ►ioil Town of Vail CER77F/CA T£ OF TAXES PA/D: l, the undersigned, do hereby certi hat�,(�e entire omount of taxes due ond poye�b/e os of _1���Y� upon a// porcels of �eol estote described on thrs plot ore paid in fu//. ^� Doted this _� doy of _��' __ w A.D., 19�95 of Eog/e Coun ty �'LERK AND RECORDER'S CERT/f7CA TE.• �p� D��� This p/ot wa� h'lpd for rocord in the o�ce of the erk * p� Recorder�pt_�� day of _�! A.D. 1•sat S_� o c r M. Record u e� Rec p tion No. � in � Book ��� at Poge ��. _ �� s _ _�"� Depu y C/e�k and o�der Eog/e Coun ty, Co%rodo Q�" � . 0 B 07 � B ur' / � � / 1 � B � 6 �,► A NOTi!"E According to Colorodo low you must commence any /eqal oction based upon ony defecf in this survey wrth�n three yeors ofter you first d�sc-���er such detect ln no event, may on� oction bosed upon any defect in thrs survey be commPn�ed more tnan ren y�ars from the ���te of cert�frcat�on shown hereon �. � THIRD FL OOR SCALE 1" = 10' 0 L . C. E. /N/ % 2 L . C. E. UNl T 1 OPEN ' IU BEL OW � � �I � � ► CONDOMINIUM MA P OF ,. ���w• . , TO �N OF V�I lL EA G� E COUN T Y COL �ORA DO > > SHEE T 2 OF 2 . UN/T 2. ; ^ � 2' 24. 9 UNl T 2. o ��� 25. 1 °0 �N/T 1 . . .. U , o 24. 7' °p SECTION A — A SCALE. 1 " = 10' .� i .�.�•r•� 8032 61 8023.45 8014. 37 . SEC TION B — B � SCALE.� 1 '" = 10' aao�cr �vo rv p. p, gOX 978 • SU I TE 101 95- 0065. 0077 NETCAL� ROAD �I�-Moont�tin 1420 VANCE STREET �� /��' D. D. F. AVON, COL�. 81620 � � LAKEVOOD, COLO. 80215 4/25/95 PA� (303> 949-5072 ��nC�n$i�. c303> 232-0158 r� 2 OF 2 0 0 � C 20.2' ° UN/T 1 ° 20. 2' 20.2" � UN/T 2 ° 20.2' GARA GE I SCALE.• 1 " = 10' . � R/OGE ELEV. = 8046.8� O � � � � UNIT 2. h � , �t 2p 2' FLOOiR ELEV. = 8031.8' SECT/ON C — C SCALE. 1 " = 10' RIDGE ELEV. = 8046. B' � °. UNl % 1 O UN/T 2 ^ � � � , � �; 10.�' 10.8' FLOOR ELEV. = 6031.8' SECTION D — D SCALE.� 1 '" = 10' C 9 .y r , � , _ ._.�,—s�*n .