HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5B Lot C & D - Covered Bridge CondominiumsL 0 T c L 0 T d AND �'HE S 0 UTH 4 FEE T OF L 0 T b, BL 0 CK 5—B, VAIL VILLA GE, FIR S T FILING , , 10 0 10 20 30 Feet SCALE: 1" = 10' BLOCK 5B IOt a / ����/ � � EASEMENT � BOOK 638� � �Wi4LK PAGE 262 /o � / ryo' s a e M / �eo � �� h�. � � , � �O� � � LOT c UNIT C, D, E, F, G T 0�N �F VAIL, EA GLE C� UN�'Y, COL ORAD 0 NOTES� C1) Da,te of Survey� DeceMber, 1994 C2) Street Address� 227 Brtdge Street C3) Basls of Bearings Is a ltne connecttng the exlsting ManuMents Marking the NW 1/16 corner of Section 8, TSS, R80W of the Slxth P,M, and the CW 1/16 corner of said Sect(on 8 betng S00'09'E, <4) � Indicates set no. 4 rebar and aluMlnuM cap L,S. 26598 C5) Elevattons shown hereon are based on Town of Vatl vtew palnt no. 6 backslght potnt, elevatton = 8160,9', on ftle wlth the Town of Vall, C6) As shown hereon, 'C.E.' Indicates Cor�MOn EleMent, as the saMe are defined In the Declaratlon, C7) As shown hereon, 'L,C,E,' Ind�cates LlMlted Cor�MOn EleMent, as the saMe are deflned in the Declaratton, (8) EaseMents shown are per Land Tltte Guarantee CoMpany, tttle policy no, V23477 dated April 21, 1994, (9) The condoMlnluM units ltsted below are sub�ect to certaln developMent rlghts, as indlcated� DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS UNIT DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS � rlght to coMplete tMproveroents as Indlcated on thls condoMlnlu�M Map, � r�ght to subdiv�de un�t � rlght to create llMtted co�MOn eleMents within the unit � rtght to Matntaln sales offlce and itve stgns adverttsing the condoMln�uM pro�ect, sub�ect to the l�Mttattons stated In the Declarat�on for Covered Br�dge CondoMlntuMs � rlght to use easeMents through the coMMOn eleMents for the purpose of Making iMproveMents to the pro�ect, sub,ject to the IIMltattons stated In the Declaratton for Covered Brldge CondoMlnluMs * right to maintoin mona9ement office A � rtght to coMptete iMproveMents as Indlcated on thts condoMlntuM Map � rlght to subdlvlde un�t � right to create tlMeshare untts or slMilar Interval ownership units � rlght to r�a�ntain one s�gn advertising the codo�IntuM pro,ject, sub�ect to the llMitatlons stated In the Dectaratlon for Covered Bridge CondoMtn�uMs � rlght to use easeMents through the coMMOn eleMents for the purpose of Making iMproveMents to the pro�ect, sub�ect to the llMltattons stated In the Declaratlon for Covered Bridge CondoMlntuMs Note� The exerclse of these rights Is sub�ect to the zaning regulatlons and all other appllcable requlreMents IMposed by the Town of Vall, CENTERLINE OF / PARCEL 1 BOOK 652, PAGE 271 2.5' SQUARE / / VAULT s 630 � I ot b \ / �9• � ` �.� 8658 � � 4 ` CANTi�EVER �\ ♦` �e � _ / 10.0 / / � / .� � / / ���' � , o.o / � �� /� /�� � / BUILDING WAId FALLS ON PROPE LINE � �� � 3/RD FLOOR OVRHNG / �� / / � � / � ��` COVERED BRIDGE " � CONDOMINIUMS � � 0.1073 ACRES \ � � PROPERTY LINES � ABANDONED BY LOT d ` � � THIS PLAT � � �� � � � \ � � � � s s3o �, �9• F� lot e 8658 NOTICE: According to Colorodo law you muat commence any legal action based uQon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event� may any action based upon any defect in thia survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certi�cation shown hereon. 41199 HIGHWAY 6 �e 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 8163�2 303 949-1406 HANDICAPPED uFr � NW 1/16 COR. SECT. 8 FOUND PIN dc CAP \ LS. 16827 + - C.E. . i\�` � i C.E. o � '� WAUC O �� / ( C.E� STAIRS � LC.E. DECK � UNR R-1 i � M^ / PLANTER s� � C � �. `�� ^ i� E � r' � STAIRS /•�/ , /� ��o� \ �� /� � / PLANTER / r / � 1 � � �,� PAVERS � �� �� �� Q �� N 04•07'14" W - 526.65' PATRICK Fl WETTAZ 1 /3/95 ,� �/� �.. CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Covered Brtdge Building, Ltd „ a Colorado llMtted partnership, betng owner In fee slMple of all that real property sltuated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrlbed as follows� Lot c and Lot d and the southwesterly four feet of Lot b, Block 5-B, Vall Vtllage, Flrst Ftltng, according to the Map thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 0,1073 acres, More or less, does hereby subMlt thls ' Covered Brldge CondoMlnluMS ' to the provlslons of the CondoMlnluM Declaratton for Covered Brldge CondoMlnluMS recorded in Book _____ at Page _____, Executed th t s_'��_''_ day of ___j�A�L_______________, A, D., :199� . ❑WNERS� Covered Brldge Butlding, Ltd., a Colorado llMtted partnersh�p 15 Hightands Lane Beaver Creek. CD 81620 By� East West art , Inc. A Colora o C att . gene a BY'-- - --- --- -f-�-/------ Ha ry� . FraMpton III as pres�dent STATE ❑F_��,{lL��� ---> _ �t��r_--- ) ss , COUNTY ❑F The foregot InstruMent was ackn wledged before Me this �� day of --��,��C __. A, D., 199�by Harry H. Frar�pton I I I as prestdent of Last West Partners,Inc „ a Colorado corporatlbn, as the Managtng general partner of Covered Brldge Bullding, Ltd „ a Colorado tlMtted partnersht , My CoM � res � __11fi���__ . W I tn �R �' d sea t I��_ l/'� �Q• ��OZ AR 1'.�`�, Notary Pub� --_ - � ---- � ; Address � __Q���x�l_/�� _� _ �� �� .' o -����'��;-r�t-�`ff-� � PUB� �,�,� `AJ'q `• •........--� t,� CERTIF DICATION FOR M�RTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TIRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that FlrstBank of Vall, beling the benefictary of a deed of trust on that real property situn�ted In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Cotorado, described as follows� Lot c and Lot d and the southwesterly four feet of Lot b, 'Block 5-B, Vall Village, Flrst Filtng, according to the r�ap ther�eof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerlk and Recorder, conta�n�ng 0,1073 acres, More or less, hereby consents to the provlslons of thts ' Covered Brldge CondoMlntuMS ' and the CondoMlnluM Declaratlon for Covered Brldge CondoMlntuMS recorded tn Book _____ at Page ----- � � d Executed th I s_� ^ day of ____�/T_�_____________, A. D,, 199 � M❑RTGAGEE� FlrstBank of Vatl 17 Vall Road Va t l, CO 8 �57 B � � Y� C T � t l e)__ �?I�c..�T1"��!i�'ee_�4'S`Q'�+f STATE OF____�Q � ___) )ss. COUNTY ❑F ��' �Q______> ,�� The fore Ing Instrurient was ac owley�ed efg" ep�e�, ,t�hls __ �y of �. _, A, D., 199� bY L! �� ��:l�! v C✓ ----- as X(�5���� ���=��•_ of F t rstBank of Va t l. o�p t on exp � res �_ cI___3_4_• q� _, �SE�re►ss•. an d an d sea l, �� � � � ).� 'C� - ---- - - - ---- ------ ------- '; ��p�tON 4�� Notary Pub l t c � . ; HECK�pN t Address � __ 1�_ ____ , -- r �. : o --- ��,i'! - � -�r- ------ a'9�� •.....� �'p� ARC�'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that all structurat cor�ponents of all bulldin�gs contalning or cor�prising any untts created by the Declaratlon for Covered Brldge CondoMlnluMS and by this condoMlntur� nap are substatnttally coMpleted. In w ess thereof I have set My hand and seal this __ �_ day of ------ - ----------------- a.d, 1995, , Edward M, Gwathr+ey, Jr. A.I.A. � TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany does hereby certify that the tltle to all lands shown upon thls flnal plat has been exaMined and Is ve ted I n � _� �'�,� - �l - - �i�� �'r��zs1��.•4s'o_c��•9��--cJi�,�c-a� - - �r.�S� --------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands Is free and clear of all llens and ncuMbrances exce t as follows� �_t� �r!s� ��_- ���� 9.����K.�B�.������s_=�� �. ��- - -------- ----------�� Q �� L.�_�$_��{_L_N �.. �SZS -� - --�sT�J�_�X.��� =4_P_��_���3_�.=� �? �aGe�- . ,�.-` �� g . � - - - ----------- � A , D „ 199 � , Land Title Guarantee CoMpany 108 S, F ntage Road West Vatl, 81657 BY' -- - � --------------- Ignature) 5v�►�w^.►� T't''L.6 C�'� �'b'L - ------- -� -------- CPrint naMe and title> � �_�����e Dated thls �� day of _ _�! _YX SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a Professlonal Land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls condoMlnluM Map Is true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such condoMintuM Map was Made froM an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under My supervlslon and correctly shows the horizontat and vertical locatton and dlMensions of the butlding contatning the condor�InluM units, the condoMlntuM units, parcels, and easeMents of satd condor�IntuM Map, and the parcel Is staked upon the ground tn coMpllance wlth appllcable regulatlons governing the subdlvlslon of land. I further cert�fy that thls condoMlnluM Map contains all t n forMat � on requ t red Co l o, Rev . Stat , 38 ��8"' �"`�i?'9�, y;�� �.tS�`:� f�^�! "'•.. In w I tness thereof I have set My hand c�iC�l,�;��i����t����,��� day of l�tx_ A D. 199 �. :'�°:',�� FC t;� - ----- -----------. � . : � � q d�• L _ s �: 2CS98 � � � � Stan Hog�� / Co l orado f�,,� "'" ������i�a � � Z❑NING ADMINISTRA��R CERTIFICATE I�9!� doM I n t uM Map I s hereby approved b the Town of -�Q"� t ,; � 1"ii� t n I strator th I s 5*__ day of _ ��_______ �,���;__�., A,D. � � st � ,��,� _ - - �� - -��-�? - ---''� -�----_--- 'p, � k ���{� Zon i ng AdM t n t strator '° �twwt►� Va I l, C orado Town of Va I l. Co l orado �;: , t CERTIFICATE ❑F TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby cer�if that �e ent�re aMOUn�t of taxes due and payable as of _ __1�_�_/=q5 ___________, upbn all parcels of real estate descrlbed on thts condoMlntuM Map are pald In full, Dated this �� _ day of _________ _________, A,D.. 19g�1 �� Treas er of Ea le C�nt , Colorado 9 Y CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE j� �O•� Thls condoMlnluM Map was ftle for record In the offtce of 'the C l erk an d Recorde. �,' o th I s� day of _�..Q�/ _______ ___, A,D „ 199�, at ��� o'clock __M ecorded under Receptlon No, ����� � n Book �.(p� at Page �Q� , CondoMtntuM Declaratlon recorded In Book ��.�Q at Page ��, �� ;� ��, --- �Q��-� -���------------ s�i.�`" "' �. v'b C l erk an d R�torder � ,�. �; ����# Eag l e Coun t, Co l orado �: �.�� - ,�.��# B � ,�,,�o y , _ _ ��__ _ _ ___ ____ t►w�_�A� Deput SHEET 1 OF 4 JOB: 565.1 \ --� CO VER�'D BRID GE COND 4.��INI U.M�S 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 LEVEL ONE 1" = 5' - — — DASFIED LINE INDICATES A CEILING BREAK O — SYMBDL 6 DIMENSION INDICATES HEIGHT OF CEILING ABOVE FLOOR �c — ASTERISK INDICATES ACCESS\DDOR LOCATION D C 0 � _ r B � � � _ r LEVEL TWO 1" = 5' SHEET 2 OF 4 JOB No. 565,1 -� � 0 � _ B COVERED BRIDGE- CONDOMINIUI�IS 41199 HIGHWAY 6 Ae 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 0 C � L.C.E. STAIRS UNIT A 11.4 � ��� � 10.4 v� b� 1.0 A 13.7 , o� a� 17.4 L.C.E. UMT A STAIRS ».a 12.4 L.C.E. IMIT A PATID\DECK AREA � •� I -- - �'� 5.5 � w � �1.4 + N I I 12.6 I 7.5 I 14.4 -+ ad I I . �J 8.0 . r,� iuL � 10.1 � � � _ r � Q7 6.3 8.� � a7 � b� 4,9 C.E. ELEVATOR � 6.0 v V � I `_' I i � l., � ii.i � . I I • I / � . UNIT A ' � � I ( I I I 12.3 � 1.6 v STAIRS I I I I I �FIREPLACE�` UNIT A _ . . . . . . . . . , 71 . 12.4 , 12.4 ' ' I - � ." - - � ' 8.0 I I � -� � � . "' 12� � . � � � I I� � � II I� 2� � �.� - � �� -� �-1� � � M 14.3 �1 . � 8.0 . I al�) 1� � I( 12.4 10.3 '� nO . . . , \ �-- 8,6 1.0 � r I N N � I �11 . ��.o 9.7 5.1 - � \� I� �.% I • . . . I . . . . . . O,' . . � �.. iaz � � � - - � � 23.7 '" L►C►E. DECK UI�T A 0.7 LEVEL FOUR 1' = 5' - - - QASHEO LINE INDICATES A CEILING BREAK � -� =#~"!'fINIt11S1�N RrDIC1RE5 �IEIf�;T OF CEILING ABONE FLOOR * -ASTERISlC INDICATES ACCESS'�DOOR LOCATION 27.2 ' A 6.5 r 8A \ H D �� _ C A LEVEL FIVE �• = 5� A SHE�t 3 OF 4 JOB No. 565.1 �' CO VERED BRID GE COND OMINI�I1��'S � MALL�Y�1Y � wu�w�nr ;� IM F atva e�ez.s u� a ac�r� s�s:a �d S,p � � � � � Q�V.: h�1� � LC.E. M110 UNR A UMf A !A �E �,�. I �.L. � �S °nly�- ^ UlM�6 n �r.: e»x.s sn�es INIR D ELE1►» 11t1.7 tM1 A ElE1l» A172.2 YM� E � �, - UNR A Ed( LC.� EJflRY t1MT3 D.E.F.G a.n►» e� sr�s c.� � c�. � � �- g � uwr c � ui�r c � a�vr: s,�.� �1199 HIGHWAY 6 Ac 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 SECTION B S ECTI 0 N A SCALE: 1" = 10' i �� A I d IMf A Q � AECIf �d EllVs e1l1.7 MMr A � IN� G � ELl� f17Lt IJN► 0 = Mr E g� UM� F acv» aie:.s u�► c 3 uR c ;� �r� neQ.� � r, t� A El�rs �1�1.! UM� A STAMI� I � A I 10.1 � �:� 7.1 � Btrs �N1.7 � � �►� n� u� o $ �.cir� e�a.s uR c �ssa ' . , ;b„� . � ` , SECTION C SECTION D - -- ---. - — - �-- -' � � � ' / � ; 1 "r ' ,� r„a� l. . �� . �' r SH�ET 4 OF 4 JOB No. 565.1 � . �,