HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Block 5 Lot 16 - Amended Final Plat�� � � VICINRY MAP No sc� FOUND 5/8" Di� REBAR � � �0 � LOT 17 � M� /� l��`,� ��� 6 � 1��g ��� � / 5'�9� M�.S• �M/� � � � l`'6 � �� � � �� � , � o�� � 50 ' � i � PARCEL C �6� ���� � o.z,� � � O ao � �� �,d► �• � � � �dd a?e� �,�,�,E 4z•oo �� , -- - -- --- — ---..�- --� �.. �• ' TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO LOT 4 FOUND 5/S" DIA. REBAR . / N \ r5.o � o �'� : �' \ w \� � �� \ � � v \ �\ \ �1`�S \ � r- �� o� �� �_— \ Op°.�` \.p —�—� � 3 m Z Id �so O. 04� � O� � � / i i i i i PROPERTV LINES TO 8E � � �p ABANOONED BY THIS PLAT � y � —1 � S� � / � � � � I �i \� 't.� � PARCEL B $ � � � � o., �o ,u�s �' � � 0 $ � � - � - � �o PARCEL A � I � � �'� o.oe�o ,�s "' I a � � 0 r____ � � � ; •. gt Ne,•sswctE �.�a � � o I I \ a� � ____� �� `r� L—"j I \ � � � � L — -� \ �. �1.�. y� 23.53 � PAKTY wAL1 �� � \ � � �m � � � i $ I ���� � L —� _—J � � — — / � � � � 8 � BUILDING OUTUNE i � � � `5.0 �,�.�w z�.00 � .l � �� .J 's O as � �� '�� �� :J FOUND PIN dc CAP LS. 26598 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 303 949-1406 5° M�rP� $ e0.22 / � / k�� ��,�,�w � � <,�. � ���� 1��g� � � � � � ��.1 i�// 56��1� i � � � � �/ �� / O � c�6�°y p LOT 15 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat Is true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under My supervtsion and correctly shows the locat�on and dlMenstons of the lots, easeMents and streets of said subdlvtston as the saMe are staked upon the ground tn coMpltance with applicable regulatlons governing the subdtvlston of land. ,��''"""�yo �fc, In w I tness thereof I have set My hanc��'����'�''� _`�� day of -����-----� A,D„ i99�, _ ��,��r�' �it -a i s�; 2659g��` . �_ °�� ,. � .r. .�� . LOT 5 FOUND 5/8"' DIA. REBAR � NOTES� (1> The purpose of this plat Is to aMend the plat of A Resubd�v�s�on Of Lot 16, Block 5, Btghorn F�fth Addttton. <2) Date of survey� March, 1995. ` (3) St, Address� 4859 Meadow Drtve, C4) Beartngs are based on a line connecting the found MonuMents narktng #he northeasterly property ltne of Lot 16 be�ng S25•10'00'E (see draw�ng). (5) Monunentatlon as shown hereon. (6> Protecttve Covenants recorded tn Book____ at Page____. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you muat commence orry legol action based upon any defect in this aurvey within three yeara after you first discover such defect. In no event� may any action baaed upon any defect in this aurvey be commenced more than ten yeara from the date of the certification shown hereon. PATRICK FlLLIETTAZ 3/27/95 Stan Ho� Colorado CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION AND OM1�INERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Anthony M. Ryerson and Cynthta B. Ryerson, betng sole �owner In fee stMple, of all that real property situated In the T�own of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� A Resubdlviston of Lot 16, Blodk 5, Btghorn Subdtvtston Fifth Addttlon, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded In the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Cle�rk and Recorder, contalntng 0.5000 acres, More or less, has by these presents lald out, platted and subdtvtded the saMe Into lots and tracts as shown an thls flnal plat under the naMe and style of ' Anended Ftnal Pl�at, A Resubdlvlston Of Lot 16, Block 5, Blghorn Subdlvlston Flfth Addttlon ', a subdtvlsion In the Town of Vail, Eagle Cou�ty, Coloradol and does hereby accept the responslbtltty for the conpletton of requlred tMproveMents� and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publlc Inprovenents a�nd places as shown on the accoMpanytng pint to the use of the public forever� and does hereby dedtcate those porttons of satd real property whlch are Indlcated as easenent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shoMn hereon� nnd d'oes hereby grant the rlght to tnstall and natntain necessary structures to the enttty respons�ble for prov�d�ng the servtces for whtch the easeMents are established. . Executed thls ��day of __���_ ______________, A,D „ 199 � ar�ERS � ., --,�-- - - � --- �.� n thon w�, -��yC�Z� ' _ _-. ; ' � Address�- �� .'` � Q�E�c � - - R�"�"�_' �'�` -,�.�-p --�4��Le5_��=- �... s � . ,• �► � - - i . ��� ' ,� Y/�Af' I�� .. �� �.�f� - ������� ��,�'�:,_ ... � � ��1�Yrr ha B R erson =--- ',. �. ��-' . __,�g_ Me_ado�,v pR. �., address� _ ___-_ ,. : -- D -- x ��-�--�so�� ------ STATE OF_��� ________) )ss. C�UNTY OF _�'` ______ ) ��� The fore �n Instrunent Nas acknow�edged before Me th�s ____ day of _�1_________, A.D „ 199__ by Anthony M, Ryerson. My Conr� t ss t on exp I res �_ 3=���g_ Wttness ny hand and seal ��� ---- - ------- -----�-', ------------ Notary Pub l I c� �x. 7 Address�___ �______ - - ----r� --C�? ��L3 ----- STATE OF � � a� ) �:�:� ------ r---------- ) ss . , COUNTY'�F ---- ---------> The�for t�lnstrunent was a�knowledged before Me thls �7�r da of N� , A.D., 199 ` b C nthla B, R erson, Y - ----- Y Y Y � ,_., �/ r .� . _ --10 My Corin t�s t on e�.t r�s �__?L ��L--- 41 � tness ny" Frb�nt�;�aad sea l. � - :.....:.- ...::,:.-.. - -ar�r'� .� .. ,, . - - KP�REN Np�'�� � r� ��tdry Pub l � �d --�ox, - � a � ----- �= rMdclress � ��`ARY�'#�1..� ; --��S.t�':�_� �_���� --- �ATE Of � ` ` --- ---- � - . ;i ,� c�;,�o����ie-9s ,�;; � , � ��„i . TITLE CERTIf'ICATE � `'°'�-'��' . ; Land Title Guarantee Conpnny, does hereby certtfy that the tttte to all lands shown upon thls f�nal plat has been exaMlned and �s ve ted In� —��? �_ M' ��!�!'�_ �____ � _��- � ________________ and that `tltle to such lnnds is�and clear o all ltens and ��ilce�tl ��e�, �esxC�t`�ns f) Zo3s-93 doo K li�-(� �4Ae,4Q � ------------------------------i---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- . Dated this � day of __ _1_______________, A.D,, 199�, Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany 108 S. Frontage Road Vest 'Va t l , 81657 �Y' - -- ------ `-- -------------- (Slgnature> _�Garcn �T'- �v►�+^ ---------- ----- - _�?�-_!�9x� r-r` - -------------- CPrint naMe and tltle> � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGEE OR DEED ❑F TRUST H�LDER Know all Men by these presents that First Nattonwlde Mortgage Corporatton, betng the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property sltuated fn the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� A Resubdivlston ❑f Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn Subdtvislon Fifth Add�tton, according to the plat thereof recorded In the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 0.5000 acres, More or less, as shown on thts ftnal plat under the naMe and style of ' AMended Final Plat, A Resubdivlsion Of Lot 16, Block 5, Blghorn Subdivision Fifth Additton ', a subdivislon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the ded�catton and setttng apart all of the public roads and other publlc IMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public forever� and does hereby agree to the dedicatlon of those porttons of sald real property whtch are Indicated as easeMents on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granting of the rtght to Install and Matntaln necessary structures to the enttty responslble for provtdtng the services for which the easeMents are establtshed. Executed thts _�_ day of _____ �y _____________, A,D „ 199 5, M�RTGAGEE� Flrst Natlo wtde Mc� t a� �e��� rporatlon Address � �2�0 _C�?��_�'�___�'_.� �'-- -- -- ------�------ �---1 ---�r��c� mo i BY` -- C���----------------- (Signature) Sus�►n Th �hzr. �Prt----- - �--�_� ����--------- (Pr�nt naMe and tttte) STATE ❑F_�AY��A�CL____> )ss. COUNTY OF _ Fr�C�� �__ ) a� The foregoln InstruMent was acknowledged efore Me thls v___ - - day_Flri � �� J � A , D , , 1995 by -- �n- �--�-v-�� --- as _�_ L��of Ftrst Nattonwlde Mortgage Corporatlon. My CoMM I ss i on exp I res ��-�!�! U! _h� ��� Wttness M.y, hand and seal. ' � NOTARY Pk1B1.IC . Notary Pub I c ST1iTE0F1�1RYlLAND Address � _ �2�D C �i' _ ca�nr oF �A�cK - �'r��,Gr�yi ---�'n1Q. �1?�l .,.,,,� oe�nsE M. cHav¢ - Cwh1��iMlOfl (IA1�R�li 17 t988 PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the three parcels created by thls resubdtvts�on are to be treated as one entity wtth no More than one two-faMity residence allowed on the coMbtned area of the three parcels, Allowable gross resldentlal floor area for the two-faMtly residence will be calculated based on the coMbined area of the three parcels. � ZONING ADMINISTRATDR CERTIFICATE c This flnal plat Is hereby approved by"�the Town of Vatl Zoning AdMinl�or thfs /4f�k_ day of __��___________, A.D,, 199� .i`: ;� E J[.�— Sc.__1 —=—===r_ =r Tawn lerk Town(� o� #��, Co l orado „� Zoning AdMin strator r Town of Vall, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereby certlfy that the entlre aMOUnt of taxes due and payable as of ___,r,�_ 3[ =�S ___________, upon all parcels of real estate descrlbed on thls flnal plat are pald In ful l , Dated th t s�g� da of 199 Y ---- �� -------- � A , D „ , : ►�� !�?� _�._�_y Trea rer of Ea le C nt , olorado CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE �/b-b 0 Thls flnal plat was filed for record In the office of the Clerk and Record r on thls� day of �.Q �_____________, A.D., 199�, at ���3r� o' c ock _M , Rec d un der Recept � on No , _� j�CQ� t n Book �� at Page �� . N p � CCS � `� � --- v ��- -�Je�!�i------- Clerk and Rec er Eagle County Colorado BY' -- �_ ��1���!'�3�-- Deput ���• f: �� ���I/L , �,'�.�', : � .��".�� ' �:� �► �.........- ,�:,�, JOB No.1281.1