HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 Block A Lot A1 & A2 - Indian Creek Townhomes FInal Plat Resubdivision 2nd Amentment0 � 0 VIC/N/TY MAP G�PAPriNC S�CA[E / � � � (/N FEETJ 1 /MGY�/ � f0A0 FEFT �� i SECOND A/��IENDED F/NA L PL A l BL OCK � � 10I�►/N OF R � , , . L lON S RlD GE SUBDI I/lSION � I/A lL EA-GL E COUN T Y COL �RA DO > > S�EET n 1 0 0 PLANN/NG AND ENNRONM£NTAL COMM/SS/ON CER71F/CA TE.- This �no/ p/vt wos opp�oved by � Town of �oil Planning and Environmental Commission this �_ day of �itif A. D., 1995 . A TTFST � ;�� � a. y , „ . i �G � � V� � "�� � __ ��_______����—____' Town C/ei'li' ��ZR,'� `jZJtd►1 Cxu� C irmon Town of WN ( Town of �ai/ P/anning ond Environmentol Commission NO TES.• n �A : . 1.) THIS PLAT /S A PART 0�' THE TOWNNIX/SE DECLARAI)ON FOR /ND/AN GY?£EK TOWNHOMES RECORDED FEBRUARY 23, 1994 /N BDOK 633 _ _ _ _ does hereby I AT PAG£ 196 AND TNE F/NAL PLAT, A RESUBD/NS/ON OF /ND/AN - certify that the title to a/l /ands wn upon h�s p/at ha►�e been CREEK TOIM/HOMES RECARDED FEBRUARY 1, 1994 /N BOOK 6.31 examined ond is ►�ssted in � ond�hat �� A T PAGE 290, AS AMENDED BY F/RST AMENOMENT TO TOWNHOUSE encumbro ces except os o ows: _ ,i��G I DECLARA 110W FOIR /NDIAN CREEK TOWNHOrNES RECOrPDED .�� �g��_(�.� -��� -� 1995 /N BOOK AT PA6£ AS AMENDED BY SECOND �__� __�_ _ —___._____ _�__ IIMENDMENT TO TOWNHOUSE DECLARA 110N FOR /ND/AN CREEK TOWN- �_______ _ _____—_—__� I HOMES RECORDED 1995 /N BOOK _ AT PAGE �, Doted this �doy of --� --A.D. / AND AS AMENDED BY THE AMENDED FlNAL PLA T, A RESUBDlV1SlON /� ��� O�" /NDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES, L O T 1, RECORDED DECEMBER 19, w 1994 // I/(�JQe ���(,� /N BOOK 657 AT PAGE 490, (COLL£CTIVFL Y, THE DECLARA 170N ). -�-/"1Q�ra� e!��To�v�ho„�,- - � 2.) THE 1ERM 'CANMAN AREA` USED AN TH/S PLAT lS DfF/NED /N, AND � SS�(u'�,�� rJ'IC) ___����� � .� %�r��� I-. ,! � �� Address SUB,�ECT TO TNE PROVISIONS OF, TNE DECLARA T10N. �„u �J (l ( ' � 3.) TNERE ARE NO ENCRDACHMENTS ACROSS ANY POR770N OF THE REAL Qk ��•�r� ����h BY- - -- GROPERTY CUVERED BY TNIS PLAT, EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT �' 4. ) REFERENCES /N TNES£ NOTES OR EL SEWHERE ON TH/S PL.� T TD R£CORDED ��e �h n�.��ha h t S DOCUMENTS SHALL REFER TO DOCUMENTS RECORDED /N THE EAGLE COUNTY, -��,�h� � cror►+¢.. Tr'�s�-� dCl �c.0 1� G(/�,K GV� �/� COL ORADO REAL ES iA TE RECOROS 5. ) BAS/S OF B£AR/NGS• N 44 37'06" W f7POM THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF w �� � OF 2 0 L OT A-3 BEING A FOUND 5/8 REBAR AND PLASI7C CAP MARKED SURVEYORS CER11F/CA 1�• PEAK OYVE 99,39" TO THE NORTNWEST CORNER OF LOT A-3, BE/NG A FOUND 1/2" REBAR WITN A WASHER MARKED L.5 1511" /, Duone D. Fehringer, do hereby c�rtify thot / om o Registe�ed Lond Survcyor /icensed under the /ows ol the Stote oJ 6.) ALL LOTS SHOWN HER£ON ARE SUB�'CT TO TH£ ZON/NG' REGULA IlONS AND Colorodo, thot this p/at is o true, correct, ond comp/ete SECOND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES /MPOSED BY THE TOWN OF VA/L. AMENDED FINAL PLAT, A RESUBD/VISIQN OF lNDIAN CREEK TON�/- 7.) LOT 4/S SUB,�L�CT TO SUBD/NS10N REGULAT)ONS AS SPEClf7E0 /N HOMES, Town of �ail, Counfy of Eogle, State of Co%rodo, as /oid out CHAPTER 17.25 OF THE TOiMI OF VA/L MUN/C/PAL CODE. platteo; dedicoted and shown hereon, thot such Plot wos macie from an accu�ate sur►�ey of soid properfy by me and unde� my su�e�vision s ond correct/y shows th�s /ocotion and dimensions of the /ots, tracts, 8.) TRACT A- CONTA/NS AN EASEMENT FOR ORA/NAGE, UT1LlTIES, ACCESS eosements and streets of soid subdivision as the some ore sfaked AND OPEN SPACE. . upon the ground in comp/ionce with opplicab/e regulotions gov+eming 9.) TRACT A DOES NOT MATHEMATICALLY CLOSE BY 0.06' FROM DATA ON THE the subdivision of /ond,• thot this p/o�t meets the requirements of a /ond survey plot os set forth in Section 38-51-106 of Colorado FINAL PLAT OF LIONS RIOGE SUBDINSION. Revised Stotutes ond thot this plat �contoins oll the information required by Section .i8-33 3-209 of Colorodo Revised Statut f0.) DA TE OF SURVEY MARCH 1995. �+' ln wi s whereof l hove set rny hand ond seol this � doy ot _,� _A D , 1995 ._: ` .: .;' 11.) POR710NS OF /NO/AN CREEK TOWNHOMES ARE LOCA TED lN MEDIUM AND HIGH --------- • �'-�" :, _ � HAZARD.S DEBRIS FL OWS AND MEDIUM AND HIGH NAZARD ROCKFALL �- � : ` ?�,�; HAZARD AS PER CHAPTER 18 69 OF Ii�E TOWN OF VAIL MUN/C/PAL CO�DE • . . 12 ) THE PURPOSE OF TH/S SECOND AMENDED F/NAL PLA T/S TO R£L OCA TE L O T,3, _ _.________. ___. ____„___, TO RELOCATLr 7NE TN£NTY FOOT WIDE U71L/TY AND ORA/NAGE EASEMENT, AND Duone l2 Fehringer .' TO CORRECT THE NOMENCLA TURE ON THE AMENDED f7NAL PLA T, A RESUB- Registered L ond Surve}.nr No. ?�826 Dl NS/ON OF /NDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES L O T 1. NOTICE.• According to Cdorodo /ow you must commence ony /ego/ oction boseC upon ony defect in this su��y within thrre yeors after you first discorer such defect. ln no e►bnt, may ony action based upon ony defxt in this surwy be commenced more thon ten }�ors f�om the date of certificotion shown hereon. i c»..w s.� �� TV D.D.F. �� / i � / /i � � / �i /i • �i / " i KNOW ALL ME7V BY THESf PRESENTS THA T the undersigned being the holders of deeds of trvst encumbering on the rea/ property shown hereon, consent to and appro►�+e the recording of this Second Amended Plat. A Resubdivision of /ndion C�eek Townhomes as though delivered and recorded p�ior to the de/ivery ond recording of such deeds of t�ust. Deed of Trust Holder.• Lots 1, 1 East ond 4 (SEAL) �ai/ Bank, o A TTEST.• Co%rado corpor�vtion . Nome: • Il TitJe: C ' A� (S£!1 L) • A TTEST.� .•. , � �I , . - i. ►�I �I � �_ I il�-�[•[9/� Deed ot Trust Ho/der.• Lot 2 First Union Mortgoge Corp. � �l�� � ►� �'��� � - ----- Nome. Tit/e.• � G/ �%% w Nam ., e �� s s(� IN�t���c� Tit/e• asst setrt�a►r�. srA � o� caarP�oo ) � SS COUN rY OF E�I G'LE fi�foregoing Certi�icate ot Dedicotion wos ocknow/edgFd before me this �S day of ,T _ , 1995 by �.�_�i. �i! � ��Yf (NameJ � os _� � , -;'t/e), and �` � �� (Nome) as � � (Tit/e), of Va!l Bonk, o �oiorodo Corpora ' n on eholJ of such co�poro on. ��/�� sON /y My commissian exp�►ss �---�Jl�� `_1Q- ---- Q.�•�..•••.. y0 .� C� N4'tness my hoond ond seol ------ �� .' DiA/9�.� � , � 0• �,► . . . - y�`!�-LJ�! ' - ' ' ; ?' . • . • . ; ory Pub/ic :� • D ��� I!/i�Q �P�1 V� I� IIY� ��9i'� UB�` 0• �O 1--� 5.-- $ � � � .... • � Address -� -t OF CO�- P . STi1 TE AF � J ) SS COUNTY OF �.�p�Qr,g�,) 1)re foregoing Certi�cate of Dedicafion wos ocknow/edged before me this� day of �_G�+��" ,1995 by (Nome) os ��, res�dtn� (Ti.'� ! ond e� aa .�loop�•. (Nome 1 os ��sas�i^aw� 5etretw•.+ (Title), of Finrst un�on Mortgoge Corp a h��, �ariol�N� � rpsn�t.�.�on beholf of such l,orRo�Afion My commission expires �4.1��� 3 � `�i9 �__________ 1----- Wi ess my hand and sea/. -- �- ------------ Notory Publi !o '�y��3��� ��e�,iA �vo/t Address � V � � � . `' ,..^ , �, ' � rJ��� ea.,�„'� � ^` „ w�a[t'r �v � ' 95- 01225 P. 0. lOX 978 �I� MMi%i��n � �42�!�NC�I�REET 'r�srEo- 077 I�TCALF ROAD AVON, COLO. 81620 • � L`�lCENOOD, C�0• 90215 5/12/95 (303� 949-3072 ERg�ne�ng�a�. � .,, �3q7� 232-0138 �,� ---- 1 OF 2 CER71F/CA TLF OF DED/CA 170N AND OWNERSHIP NOTAR/ES (CONT) .TLL/NO�s' STA TE" OF C�O ) �po� ) SS COUNTY O1F F�E ) The foregoing Certificote of Qedication on Ownersh�'p wos acknow/edged before me this 1'�_ day of 1995 by �'oyce O�lowski, Trustee o! The ✓oh Fe�manis Retoined lncome Tiust dated March 20, 19 0 n eha/f of such trust. My commission expires ____� �� _______________ NStness my hand and sea/. - - -- � �� `-'-" ='-'t �'_'i � � ��AI' �vtSt�N Nota�y Pu�ilic -------�- ��I►NY.OA . ARV i�t161lC, STAI`� Ai �0?7 G��i° - y/_ '_��_ �L -- � ��� ��: �. � :� � ddress �� STA TE A� COL ORADO ) J SS CO�UNTY G)F EAGLE The foregoing Certiticate ot Dedication nd Ownership wos ocknow- /ed ed be,fore me this 15, da of , 19., 5 6 1 0 � � (Nome) os # (Tit/e,), �Name) os � (Tit�e), ond ol /ndion Creek iownhomes Association, o Colo�od nonprofit c�j�, on beho/f of such corporotion. I�� n� ��;; �,�� � ,My commrssion expi�es ��� � " / � .' .so¢s�r,y I _____—__J � --'�'.______ �"+ ! witness my hond ond seal. � s� �g� ����,• ���� . , . • ---- ���--- ---- ° : v � �fory Public � �o �p �j : O % �� t�� __ � I (M �_�/ ,� f �j �.'=� ��?��°`' -� ` �'� �. f r � ;s-. IlOdress � I �"��.,��'�� QERT/FIC� TE OF TAXES PA/D: l, fhe undersigned, do hereby ce�fif thot the enti�e omount ot taxes due ond poyoble as of 11[ '�i�'_�� _______ upon 0/1 parcels of real estafe described on this p/at o�e paid in fu//. Dot d this ,�'�1, ay of ��iQ� ___ � A.D., 1995 - -� ���y�i Treosurer of E /e County . CER 17F/CA TE OF DED/CA 710N AND OWNERSH/P: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THA T THE UNDERSIGNED being the owners in fee simple of a1/ thot �eo/ p�operty situated in the Town of �ail, Eag/e County, Co%rado, described as follows: Lots 1, 1 Eost, 2, 3, 4, and Tract A. /NDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES, according to the Final P/at A Resubdivis;on of lndian Creek Townhomes reco�ded Feb�uary 1, 1994 in Book 631 ot Page 290 and the Town- house Declaration for lndian Creek Townhomes �ecorded Februory 23, 23, 1994 in Book 633 ot Poge 196,� as omended by Amended Fina1 P/at, A RESUBDl195/ON OF /ND/AN CREEK TOWNHOMES, LOT 1, recorded December 19, 1994 in Book 657 at Page 490 and by First Amendmen to Townhouse dec/oratio for lndion Creek Townhomes recorded ��� �, 1995 in Book �� ot Paqe ��; of the rea/ estate �ecords of Eag/e Coun ty, Co/o�odo, con toining 2596 acres more or /ess- have by these presents /oid out, p/atted and subdivided the same into lots ond trocts os shown on this fina/ plat under the name and styfe of SECOND AMENDED F/NAL PLA i, A RESUBD/li1S/ON OF /NDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES, and does hereby accept the responsibi/ity for the completion of required improveme�ts; and does he�eby dedicate and set oport all of the public �oods and other pub/ic imp�ovements and p/aces as shown on the occomponying plat to the use of the public forever,� and does hereby dedicate those portions of soid reo/ p�ope�ty which a�e indicoted as eosemenf on the occompanying plot as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby gront the �ight to lnsta// ond maintoin necesso�y struc- tu�es to the entity responsib/e for providing the services for which the easements ore /es�p blished. Executed this1�lldoy of ______ ________, A. D. 1995 � Owne�• Lot 2 Owne�• Lot 1. Lot 1 Eost. ond Lot 4 Barboro J Ki�chboum M�chael % Louterbach a/k/a Barbara ✓. Erickson P O. Box 3451 1193 S. Wil/iams �od, Colo�a 8 5 Den ver, Colorado 80210 . � Y � oe J outerboch �y—�orba J Ki�chbaum a/k/o Ba�bara J. E�ickson Owner.• Lot 3 The John R, Fe�manis Retoined lncome Tiust, dat,ed Marc 20, 1990. �\ I` � r` � / �1 � oyc� �lowski, �us ee , Owner.• ract A lndion Creek Townhomes Association: o Colo�ado nonprofit corporotion By. ' ,. Name: Michae J. Louterbach Title. Pres�den t (SEAL) A TTEST. J Name.•. ���N, Ti t/e. _5 ��r��,��,/ r STA TE OF COL ORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Ce�tificate of pedication an Ownership wos ocknow/edged befo�e me fhis �f�" _p?'� day of � _ 1995 by Michael ✓ Lauter ach � ` My commission expires 7( _� p,�„��•,�.�fp �tness my hand and seal. O:,��'j'/qA����� • ����. - � _ -- '� ; ?� _ �?�-'�- � � . N t ry Public Z � � ��•4V B 1.\�� � L �_s_���e_��__✓r�.�� �� TF ...... �,� Address �F CO�-� 0 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE % The foregoing Certificate of�edicotion n Ownership was acknow/edged before me this �5 _ day of � ,� 1995, b Borbo�o J. Ki�chbau k o Bo�bo�o�Erickson y y p ����� _ �SOY�f iy (' M commission ex ;res yP�OT� p� ' ---- ----------- • G� .. Witness my hond and seol. O� ; �•� � . � . � �� � . • Ij� . • �1-.-- // � • : . . N a�y Public � �,�',A g�t�? '� i e I�/� S_ t/!1'�,��� _"�N ( v(/� I_W ��6��J� 9�F OF CO�-�e� A ddress CLERK AND RECORDER S CERT/FICA TE �� � Thrs plat was fi/ed for reco�d in the offrce of th� C/erk �o(� d Reco�de� �° ` �_ day of _,�O.Q� ___A. D. 19 sat �•�o'cloc Y.M. Recorde unde� Recepfion No.�o_�i��in w�i �►�at� Book _�� age � Z_. .��.'� �' � e�w� ���� �h � • � . �ti � 1�4� �;1� � v: '�9Y � ---- --- ------ - ----- r�— �� �: _. ._ �, � t �; �.�! 1 r ii Deputy Clerk and Reco�der , •: Eaqle Coun ty, Colorado �~�._..�°-' �4 e►� . ..11 i° _•� �' .. � � , � � � � � � E 6 a I � � ,� � �! � � � � � � I ' 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 ,5 30 60 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. ,zo . (,Af-' f-'. t. a.' f-'. L. J. LbbLb (/ rf-'.� t , SECOND A/��IE/�DED F/N� L. PL A l , BL OCK A L lON S RlD GE SUBDI l/lSION , � , TD �N OF VA /L EA GL E COUN T Y COL ORA DO � , sHEEr z oF z FOUND 1/2 " REBAR W/WASHER L. S. NO. 1511 s / / SA NDS TONE Cl/RVF ) oRi vE ��o � � s �/D� V/ . .so' - CUR I/E TABLE.• CUR l�E RAD/fJS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEAR/NG DEL TA CUR l/E 1 428. 47' 230. 93' 118. 34' 228. 14' S51 'S7'36 "W 30'S2'49 " CUR l/E 2 4116. 93' 204. 07' 102. 05' 204. 04' S46'48'06 "W 02 50'24 " NOTICE.• According to Co%rodo low ynu rnust commence any /ego/ oction bosed upon any defect in this su�vey "`""" s" within three yeo�s ofter }rou first disco�r such defect. TV /n no event, may any oction bosed upon ony defect in ��e+� this survey be commenced more thon tern ye�ars f�om D. D. F. the date of certifrcotion shown hereon. �„a„- 283 i I PMtl1EC� Atl � 95- 0122S P. 0. BOX 978 ����� ��� SUITE 101 ��,�� 0077 METCALF ROAD 1420 VANCE STREET AVON, COLO. 81620 � • LAKEIf�D, C�O. 80215 5/12/95 <303) 949-3072 ��]�C�l]�$�. c303) 232-0138 � � 2 OF 2 f ` O O/Q %• _ '� . �6 � � D % � FOUND 1/2'� REBAR W/WASHER aS/1 / [` A/!1 1 G 1 1 . " J 0 � � � ,o � � � \ FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND •_. PLASI7C CAP "PEAK ONE 9939" . y �or 3 LION'S RIDGE F/LING NO. 2 r 0 w . _2.-�