HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimba Run Subdivision - Savoy Villas Building 2I � VICINf1Y MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTES� C1) Date of Survey� May, 1995 (2) Street Address� 1240 Lion's Rldge Loop (3) Basis of Bearings Is a tlne connecting the exlsting MonuMents Marking the southwesterly llne of CondoMtntuM Map For Savoy Vlllas CondoMlnluMS betng N37•09'31'W (see drawing), C4) MonuMentatton as Indlcated hereon, <5) Elevatlons shown hereon are based on the as-butlt Invert elevatlon for sanitary sewer Manhole MHA 128,8.13 being 8092,2 <see drawing for locatlon) C6) As shown hereon, 'C,E.' �ndicates CoMMOn EleMent, as the saMe are defined in the CondoMintuM Declaratlon for Savoy V�llas CondoM�n�uMS, C7) As shown hereon, 'L,C,E,' Indlcates LlMlted CoMr�on EleMent, as the saMe are defined In the CondoMlnluM Declarat�on for Savoy Villas CondoMlnluMS, 41199 HIGHWAY 6 de 24. EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWAROS. C0. 81632 (303)949-1408 First Arnendrnent To CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that SIMba Land Corporatlon, a Colorado corporation, being owner In fee slMple of all that real property sltuated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� CondoMlnluM Map For Savoy Villas CondoMlntuMS, according to the Map thereof recorded in the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 1,56 acres. More or less, does hereby subMit this ' First AMendMent To Savoy Vlllas CondoMln�uMS ' to the provlslons of the CondoMtnty�r��gclara9ton fo_r, Savo V i l las CondoM t n � uMS, recorded I n Book �p�`� at Pa e -i�..�.✓ Qi� -T Executed thls _____ day of _ �Ju,�_______________, A,D „ 199=?, OWNER� SIMba Land Corporatton, a Colorado corporatlon Address � _[�QQ !V. F�D�J�Jr_� �� __iv/1% LL4S �' �� �s2__����----- BY' - ��°'�- �-'=`=`�'=s-- (Pr t nt Me>__�.O�S Z'�}���_ ( T � t l e> _�1��� aS�112�.CG r" STATE OF ���!�!a ______) )ss, CDUNTY OF _��e _______) The foregoing instr�nt was ac�i owled ed before Me this � day of - - ----- � A , D , , 199 S by �S �Se.�.► ------------ � _________ of SIMba Land Corporat�on, a Colorado as M�---- '� corporatlon, My CoMMission exp�res� � b '� _____ Wttness My hand and seal, ----- ------ ------------------- Notary Publ Address� __ __ � � -- - ��c��---------- TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tltle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon thls flnal ptat has been exaMlned and is vested t n � �Mb�_��,L_ �r�caf,�y_i4___�412rss�_ �r�^_9�t�► ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands Is free and clear of all ltens and encuMbra ces, except as follows� _��_ ��'t--r --- � '-3-�!`� --d°°� '-� 3l9 - - - - ----- _-/J°j1��4.-fc� - - ���1�_�2!Kc_l��4�r.'_--- c 3a. ------ �_ __� ZYL��__1ZA�� _ __���QQ���� _J�� � _��___ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this �� day of SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE -- �'----------------� A,D „ 199V . Land Title Guarantee Coripany Box 357 Vall, CO 81658 BY' ��,�`=u�!!�- � -�^�'"'------------ C S i gn atur�) --�S --f'-'arA. cr -------- (Print nar�e and�itle) I do hereby certtfy that I aM a registered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this condoMlnluM Map Is true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such condoMlnluM Map was Made froM an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under My supervlston and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical location and dlMenstons of the bullding contalning the condoMlntuM units, the condoMlnluM units, parcels and easeMents of sald condoMlntuM Map, and the parcel Is staked upon the ground In coMpttance with appllcable regulat�ons governing the subdlvlslon of land, I further certify that thls condoMlntuM Map contalns all I n forMat l on requ l red by Co l o. Rev , Sta��N�!3�� 3-2 09 . In w�tness thereof I have set M -----�r"� ----------� A,D,, 1 �� �f �.�..,..,,.�.A�...�..., ;q _. . y �t i j`,I t- �;, � , �-i i ,. � �' �?�' �` �'.�!�� !L � `� w � �. �� ^J."���'.:'C! � , .�:-�.-.A->.��s�:�..4.:xr,�..s �.,,..� N1y Cemm;ssion }xpirE� u�-lb 78 �CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGE H�LDER OR DEED �F TRUST FI�LDER Know all Men by these presents that FirstBank of Vatl, betng the beneftctary of a deed of trust on that real property sttuated In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� CondoMlntuM Map For Savoy Vtllas CondoMlntuMS, accordtng to the nap thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 1,56 acres, r�ore or less, hereby consents to the provtslons of this 'Ftrst AMendMent To Sawoy Villas CondoMlnluMS' and the CondoMln�uM Declarat�on for Sawoy Villas CondoMlnluMS, Executed th I s� day of _�j�.��i______________, A, D,, 1995, MORTGAGEE� FlrstBank of Vail 17 Va�l Road Va t l , C❑ -� By i _ rliG� -- - CT I t le)__r_�"i__`_uT __Tt_ct _�.i�ct/cf,i� STpTE OF 15��1�0 -------) )ss, COUNTY OF _ �-�� ______ ) The foregoln InstruMent was acknowle e before r� thts � daof __ ___ __, A, D„ 199� b __as y � Y -- �_- f'�!tHCOC',dL-- �1"• _Yj�jC= _ N'et d� X'____of F I rstBan k of Va I l, My CoMM I ss I on exp I res �__?i%'� °_ __ Vltness My hand and seal. [�- -�����------------- Not ry Publ Address� �' � � �.,�--� [�� s�--------- ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE. Th t s�condoM t n I uM r�ap I s hereb approved b the Town of Va I l Zon t n AdM t n I strator th t s�,',�.� day of _���___________, A, D,, _ _ '��'"�''�. �_ �� ��At'� s� � � �� - � I,,`� ��� �'� ���- ----------- -!' �-!� - � �`= � ------------ To�wn C lvl�r4�� Zon i n g AdM I n t strator .� ?i�il, Colorado Town of Vatl, Colorado �Y�4:� .,, � CEIRTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certify that the enttre aMOUnt of ta�xes due and payab le as of ___La _3!_ 9s_____________, upon a l t paircels of real estate descrtbed on thts condoMlntuM r�ap are pald In full, Dated th I s.,,[3 _ day of __ �u/V e______________, A. D,, 199�, � /'��-K. Treasu of Eagle County,GColorado CL'ERK AND RECORDER' S CERT I F I CATE �(�-°� ������ �����M� o 'V(: =;A�w �:,��z Rr ! .,.,,; „ s �ia. , f f` :^,�r t �r;!���G� 4..�-.�-,•.:�.�� �-�� kr i�r-,rr� c,�� �z�,i�2s u3-16-�8 This condoMlniuM Map was flled for record In the offlce of the Cterk and Recorder on th s_��_ day of __�.�.�_________, A.D,, 199�, at _!-L�'clock �_M, Recorded under Receptton No, ���� 1 n Book �� at Page ��} , _�,•••.���,�� -\�,` - I g `���, � •'��a��v�'`�`"i ��1 � `_�a�4�_ �'�',, , . �;,:, ;�;;;, ` a C l erk an d Recorder -�' ���. !yr�,"� �'� Eag l e Cou ty, Co l o '` '` „i '� . � � J �'°�ort i��s By � w�.. - ---- - ------- ---------- Deputy �,,, 5,��\.¢�oe.�- �o ��.o.cd�Zb'�1, �r. ° �p�os�.�o � cdo; P a$s PAGE 1 JOB No. OF 6 177.31 20 0 20 40 �0 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' � � FOUND �4 RE9AR d� RED PLASTIC CAP LS. 2184 �-� � � _ - _ o. � N First Arnendr�►zent To R= 428.02� I= OZ�OB� � Z� FOUND PIN dt CAP L= 15. 9 6' ,��� �s. zs�9e CH = N37°52'54"E i 15.9 6' FOUND P!N dc CAP LS. 26598 O' � � N � rp�J • , � o �y � � �r 36 / �oG)1 cn BOOK 330. PAGE 6SS" ZO,` � /_` � � BOOK 330. PAGE 657 � �' � , E � % � � � � �a ��' i w` w O O P `v � �/ FOUND PIN d� CAP ` � LS. 26598 1� /� FOUND PM d� GP � R = 1771.95' ` G �s.2s�s / / I = 10'°49'06" FZ � / L = 334.57' �� CH = N42° 13'20" E N 5 /� � 334.07' � 1 � � � � / � / � �� , � i y� / � a Hax cROSS / aFC�c �►s��r + ' / BOOK 330. PA�GE 6S7 ���y � ti / Q� / ��ti' � �� �s,.s .69' � / A � a� / � � ,�` � � I A� - � I C.E. 42.2 � � � � �� p I�-C.E I�i RICE 4 PARKIN ASPHALT DRNE �' � LC.E. I LC.E. 1 I�N� � I ZN� R ERVED FO�R TH S AREA FOUND PIN dc CAP PARKIN ���N L.S. 26598 ry� m UNIT � N 1/ � � UNIT � I 2-D � '�� NOTE: 1.) A PROPOSED HOLY CROSS ELECTRICAL ASSOCWTION EASEMENT (BOOK 624� � � w' I 'p,qRKjN ' ARKIN I I� 2-B PAGE 798) ANO AGREEMENT (BOOK 624. PAGE 802) AFFECT THIS LOT. N� uN I N g + 6�/ (PROPOSED LOCATION NOT PLOTABLE). O�LC.E. 1 LC.E 1 1-C � I 1-� � � P' � / '� � 'PARKIN �ARKIN I � �, 2s.� I � � •�'� N07E: 2.) A PROPOSED HOLY CROSS ELECTRICAL ASSOCIA710N EASEMEN'f (BOOK 641. I UNIT � N a� I 1o�t �� 5 PAGE 702) AND HiGREEMENT (BOOK 641. PAGE 211) AFFECT THIS LOT. � � NB � �_p 1. I �a� P m (PROPOSED LOCATION NOT PLOTABLE). � p 2e.4• / _ I �--2�.2� � �sr �� I i � NOTE: 3.) A 10' WIDE HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION EASEMENT (BOOK 651. PAGE 904) N / � FOLLOWS A BURRIED ELECTRIC UNE AS CONSTRUCTED ADJACENT TO THE -• I � I � �' NORTHWESTERLY PROPERIY UNE (NOT PLOTABLE). v I k � I w �� � ij � 1 N / / NOTE 4.) A 10' WIDE HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION EASEMENT (BOOK 641. PAGE 209) � w � Z � � FOLLOWS A BURRIED ELECTRIC LINE AS CONSTRUCTED IN THE APPROXIMATE . CONC. RET.� § NOTE: THIS AREA NdT A PART �,� I a� �� �/ LOCATION AS SHOWN BY � Wu-� OF THIS �IdAP ao � / �•1)� N 41•23�2,- E � �� � `��'� FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL MA�P FOR / � 7.25'\ . STAIRS � � + � `- J � i � i SIMBA RUN TIMBER RIDGE � N 0 GD � � � ° � Z W � O W � s � � W W N 00 � g SEINER MANHOLE MF#A 128.& 13 INV. ELEY. = 8092.2 0 RIM ELEY. - 8098.3 BASIS OF E1.EV5. FOUND PIN CAP LS. 26598 41199 HIGHWAY 8 at 24. EAGLE-VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81Q32 303 949-1406 � � �.4 g �,�,,�. FOUND PIN dt CAP / C 0 N D 0 M I N I U M -� � .J � ooNC � oEac LS. 26598 \ � � ` `J . Q�� � ` � � ze.r ooc� c.E. / s�a1 a4� c�o � � ' ` DE1IELOPMEIVT RIGF�TS ��'h 30.7' Z0.4 �P� � y�,p� LINE `J � �� ` 14.4'x4.0' - - -- � g 49° '22 2� W- 69.79' �v\ - s z�zG' w - 8 .75� ,�, 4 / � \ ��6�3� E SAVOY VI LLAS � � S ss., e� '� CONDOMINIUMS � � S 41'23'21' W 1.5�0 A�CRES �� \ ��/ 4.so� ��. �,� \ / � \ �/ V / S 48'36'3�' E . / � EASEMENT � 47.8UILDING � (BOOK 544. PAGE 676) `r�A NOTICE: OUTLINE ,� ��t� According to Colorodo law you must commence any legal action baaed ENCROI�CHMENT EASEMENT / o� Y eY Y Y � uQon an defect in thia surv within three eara after ou firat � BOOK 298. PAGE 22 �j d�scover such defect. In no event. may any action baaed upon ony � � defect in this survey be commenced more than ten yeora from the / C7 `•'��, date of the certification ahown hereon. S 41•23'21" W 22.80' S 52°50'29" W - 113.08 . � h w 4, 40� BOOLK 31�i� 763 g� BOOK 352. PAGE 155 � N y �� � �� � � � � � S 52 9" �50.�� � � � � � �� � - FOUND �4 REBAR I N T E R S TAT E H I� H WAY {SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD) N 0 . 7 0 SHEET 2 OF 6 JOB 177.31 .� `� 1 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 ( 303)9 49-1406 �� �� / LEVEL ONE SCALE: 1" = 5' � �� � L� �� \ First Amendment To i► /Q\ �_ I� II (I II I� I� I� � �I . . ...�_ �I II I I o.s - II � - 1.5 .�- . 12.2' � o �, � � NIT 2-D N U 1.8' 3' ^ M 3.3' 6.4' � N � 3 cV � N � 0 Q � � t � M � h 10.4' � � 10.0' ^ aD (n � aD � H � • �.6� �.6� �.6' h �b' ' • ` . � 0.6' X 0.6' ¢8. ❑ �- 6.7' --�I � " UNIT 2-D � �� I 9.6' u� � � , 2.2� i+� io ri oi N � UNIT 2-C 10.3' 0 �ri � O � � 0.3' r- ri � 0.3' � 0 � 12.0' � 11.3 O.7 N � �► L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-D M �o 0 0.5 I I o� o.s , � , o . . t 12.3 LEVEL TWO SCALE: 1" = 5' 10.0' .. 1.9' � 3 M _ � �11 � � II (I II II II II �I I� I� I� 1.3' � • • 4 I 3.3' a 6.4' � N Z � 00 � Q N �t p DO O � 00 N �� 00 � 00 00 � � N � � � 0.6� 0.6� 0.6� � - .� ��. 0 �- 6. 4' -� � 0.6' X 0.6' UNIT 2-C " rn 11.8' 12.4' � co L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-C 'v� Qi 0.5' � 2.s' � <� �. i0� � SHEET 3 OF 6 177.31 4 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 �, �� / � ( I J �) � I I I I I ( I I I I 0.6 - 11.3 0 r�i � First Amendrnent To 12.3' � � � N UNIT 2-A I 5.9' 4 I , (( 3.3' 3.3' � '` , .3 M �ci � 0.3' O r�i � � �� '� I 0.5 I 0.5 • • L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-8 . � M 12.3 LEVEL THREE SCALE: 1" = 5' M 6.4' 10.0' Z 3 6.4' a o d� tn 1� 0 N N N N N N N � � � � � � io Q Q i� °° 0o v�i c�n � `�i � o.s' 0.6' UNIT 2-A .; / . c�. � � 0.7x0.7 � �• 6.3 �I N 0 N � O � 0 0 co c� L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-A 0.5 � Qi �o `� I 12.6' L� �_ � 3 0.5 NOTE: INTERIOR WALL 0.4' THIGK UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 4 � � r- 25.2' UNIT 2-B 0.6 8.2� �.6' � � %.2� in � ri Ni 4.9' �� p� 6.4' � L.ENEL THREE u� � �ri '�? � �, � .� °' O0 3.8 (� N � 4.0 O �� , 3.4 h ' 3.8 ` 06 04 10.3' 10.3' �9• � .� � U�JIT 2-B 7.4' 6.6' � �o � ,.� 17.7' �o `n 18.5' 1.1' � � 1.1' � �i �! �> � LC.E. dECK UNIT 2-B 13.8' :- � I � 11.3' � � � 1.0' � � � 0 vi 1.3' 10.3' N � 9.3' �.0' O� � � 00 � 0 0 N � vi � 25.1' UNIT 2-A N � � 0.6 8.4' 1.5' � 7.1' ;n � Ni ►.� c.' 4 STAIRS DOWN 4.9' . . r TO 6.5' M LEVEL THREE ;n � N .- I� � I� co � � 3.8' N 4.0' � °° � �' o 3.3' �, 4.1' �'� UNIT 2-A 17.7' 16.5' 7.4' � 6.8' �i � Ki A� g. 3 o • � L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-A ° rn � 1 1.4' I LEVEL FO U R SCALE: 1" = 5' N � 11.8' I SHEET40F6 177.31 � UNIT 2—B 8124.1' SECTION 1 SCALE: 1" = 5' .. � UNIT �—B � ' 8140.1' First Amendment To L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-B 8140.1' � UNIT 2—B 8129.0' 0 0 � UNIT 2—D s> > s.o' � UNIT 2—D 8108.0' �I ol 0 � �I � 1199 HIGHWAY 8 ae 24. EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 303 949-1408 SECTION 3 SCALE: 1" = 5' � UNIT 2—B � 8134.1 ' � UNIT 2—D 8124.1' � S ECTI 0 N 2 SCALE: 1" = 5' ,• � .. � UNIT 2—B 8140.1' �I � � UNIT 2—B 8129.0' � UNIT 2—D � si �s.o� � UNIT 2—D 8108.0' � UNIT 2—B 8134.1' � UNIT 2—B � 8124.1' �° I � L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-B 8140.1' '' Irn ol 0 � � U N IT 2 —A 8136.7' � UNIT 2—C � � UNIT 2—D� 8126.6, 8124.1' S ECTI 0 N 4 SCALE: 1 ' = 5' L.C.E DECK UNIT 2-B L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2-D s> > �.s� °� I � � � � � � � U N IT 2 —A 8126.6' SHEET 5 OF 6 177.31 a�- .�°` Y � ���.../� ��,. �� �..�- , ��