HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 3 Lot 06�. � „�._ . .�:- ... . . . .�:_. ._ ,. _....-: .... .. . . ..w..�.h ��.�e,��. _ ..�.. . ..... . .. ... .. ._ .. .. .. _ .�t�., ��._. . ..... ...... ... . . . . ... . .. . . . _.... ... ._ �,��,�,.,... �,. � ..... .... . ,.... .. ..... ... . .... _ _. ... ..... ......_ .. . . ... .. .. . .. ....._ _...... ... . : "�:u.�� ....._ . _ . ....; .. n .,. -.. _ , ... . . i . � . . . . . . . . . . _... . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... ... . . . . .. . . . ... . . ... . . .... . . ... .. _. ... . . . . _ . _. . .:. , �- ._... .. .,: ... . . �_ � � �,�� � 1 � \ � ��� �� F. d :0�,0. Idevvdl ' �:1..► � 1 —� MERS�ATE TO SURJF,CT SITT'-- » Y • . . • r N r f 3 ' '„�" � ' a a � . . � ,.�.. v►�v�.��r �a r�uNc rw..,,s A RESUBDIVISION OF A PART OF SUNBURST ,u�r a+e. �� VICINITY MAP 1.40'- GOLF COURSE �� � �� 4fh FILING 1MtT ♦ / � •- « �_.__ FOUNO PLAIN No. 5 REBAR � / � / 1��0 h� �9 � '�� / + � CENTERLINE OF 30' 'n � � UTIUTY EASEMENT o�� '� i5� / / � ah �� � PARCEL 6-A FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ` 6b / BROKEN RED PLASTIC CAP c�'� / p� 0.243 ACRES NO APPARENT L.S. No. � ' / � / / �\ s� �PARCEL 6-B ��� � 6�' 0.145 ACRES � `�d� �9 �ss '•r 7��► o�, B � �v'p�� \ �s MOOERATE AVA NCHE I HAZARD LINE PROPERTY LINE � OUTLINE OF PER PLAT S 08'45'57' W— 6.00 J FOLLOWS CENTERLINE BUILDING i ) / OF PARN WALL � � � �/ S 8 1• 1 4' 0 3" E— 7. 5 0 � f S O B' 4 5' S 7" W— 1 2. 0 0 I \ S 81' 14'03' E- 1.70 S 81'14'03� E - 14.50 s os°a5�5r w - o.�o /L S 08°45�5r w — �.so �,� �� � 3 N 81' 14'03" W— 1.90 � LOT 5 � 41199 HIGHWAY 6 8c 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FORES' � � TO�N OF VAIL, EAGLE C OUNTY, C OLORAD � M�RTGAGEE� F�rst Bank 17 Vatl Rd, Vall, CD 8 657 By'---- � CTitle)____ Vail U STATE OF_� �0rct�0 ____ ) � >ss, CDUNTY OF ���_____> The forego I ng nstrur�ent was acknow ledged ,before r� th t s 1���! day of --- � . A, D,, 199;��by T_ i_����-------- �- -- as �� ��i�. ?Y..1lC.��� of ��r� � �xn�_-�.�=�_ , �„�' , � �.�c� t on exp i res � I�'.!�!�,�! ��l � � i,. ���;�1"�rres� r� , han d an r� sea l,� /��,�/� ' _.,,� `' ` � . G�',fi�ri' / E z-�'!� - -�-------=�~-------- t ���� ��� �� �� �, �1 '� ' Notary Pub � c• A � � _ �. ; � 9 = . Address � _ ��� �`,�i�tLY ----------- o ' �,' �. \ � {� � t � %7►'` a ; ; �% . - ° ' �_ --""�" . f--r"( ---------------- �.� � : � . . � �. ' �`'�� °� „ _ `-';cr , � ; ,',, �. NOTES�� (1) The purpose of this Map Is to resubd�vide Lot 6, Vatl Valtey - Third Flling. <2) Date of Survey+ August, 1994 (3) Bear�ngs are based on a ltne connecttng the found Monur+ents Mnrktng the northensterly ltne of Lot 6 betng S38'35'S4'E (see drawtng), (4) Monur�entat�on as shown hereon, (5) Street Address� 1855 Sunburst Drlve, (6) Atl prevtous ownership or property llnes d�v�d�ng the intertor of Lot 6 are nbandoned by thts plat, <7) Notes per Vall Valley - Thtrd Fil�ng plat A) Structures constructed w�thln the Moderate avalanche hnzard zones w�ll be requlred to r�eet speclnl des�gn spec�ftcat�ons. B) No butldings w�ll be perMitted wlthln the htgh avalanche hazard zones. (8> Protect � ve Covenants recorde I n Book �o�?�,t Page� �'� t� � 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SC�LE: 1" = 20' LOT 7 's \A� HIGH HAZARD LINE (PER PLAT) / � / �61� '� � � / UTILITY FASEMENT / � �j� —� � � � � . APPROX. OUTLINE J OF DRIVEWAY s� �� 3 .�� � � \ ��` ACCESS EASEMENT TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT (CROSS—HATCHED AREA) � N � � � / 0.0' FOUND No. 5 REBAR �( WITH BROKEN YELLOW PLASTIC CAP —� NO APPARENT L.S. No. � � � � � / � � � / � 0 , , ���� ,�o. � � o� , � � � �� � � '• � � � oh1 � �� � �� O�` ,\ �� V� ��� � � __ FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 22100 �1 �O' NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OuNERSHIP Know all r►en by these presents that Jay C. Huffard, Ktrk D, Huffard, Cl�fford u, Tn�t, Jr., and Barbara B. Talt, being sole owner �n fee s�Mple, of all that real property sttuated �n the Town of Vall, Eagte County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lot 6, Vail Valley - Th�rd F�ling, according to the plat thereof recorded �n the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ntng 0,3884 ncres, More or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subdtvtded the saMe Into lots nnd tracts as shown on thts flnal plo,t under the naMe nnd style of ' A Resubdtv�s�oro ❑f Lot 6, Vail Valley - Th�rd F�ltng ', a subd�v�ston �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorndo� and does hereby nccept the responsib�ltty for the coMplet�on of requ�red iMproveMents� and does hereby dedtcate and set apart all of the publtic ronds and other publ�c ►MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ►c forever� and does hereby dedicate those portlons of sald real property whtch are indtcated ns easer�ent on the accoMpanying plat as enseMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grnnt the rtght to tnstall and Matnta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for prov�ding the serv�ces for whlch the easer�ents are estnbltshed, � ` . :- � Executed this __ �_ day of _�__ __________�____,_, A.D „ 199�. a� _ � - % , ; > <� , �uNERS + ---- �-�--�-----�-- `-=-------------- Jay C. Huffa�i^d Huffard & Co, L,P. 535 Maci t son Aven u�' 37th Floor New Yorlt, New York 10022 _�i.l � � S,a,l�.�r _�__�� �_ �,�r— !.� K I rk� �II. :��HuFfard �.,� C � � � Huffard 8� Go. L.P. 4- =� "` �' �- 535 MadlSon Avenue !' 37th Floor � Ne or New York 10022 J � � r,�..� ��jt� ' ----=�-=- ------------------------ Cl�fford � Talt.Jr. 2176 Knollwood �r�ve Boulder, Colorndo 80302 � �_Y ' --- -------- - ------------------ Bar arn B, Tait 2176 Knotlwood Dr�ve Boulder, Colorado 80302 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION F�R MORTGAGEE OR DEED �F TRUST HOLDER FIRSTBAfVK OF VAIL ANO Know all Men by these presents that/IPatr�ot Mortgage Co., be�ng the holder of n Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property sltuated tn the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� Lot 6, Vail Valley - Thlyd Ftltng, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatning 0.3884 acres, More or less. as shown on thts flnal plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubdiv�s�on Of Lot 6, Va�l Valley - Th�rd Ftltng ', a subdiv�ston �n the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the dedtcat�on and setttng apart all of the public roads and other publlc IMprover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the publtc forever� and does hereby agree to the ded�catton of those porttons of sald real property wh�ch are �ndlcated as easeMents on the ac�oMpanytng plat ns easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� nnd does hereby agree to the grant�ng of the r�ght to Install and Malntatn necessary structures to the entlty respons�ble for provtding the serv�ces for whlch the easeMents nre establtshed. �.., �- Executed thts �___ day of _______________________, A.D., 199 �. MORTGAGEE� Pntr�ot Mortgage Co, Su�te 120 1611 Des Peres Road ' St. Lquis, Missourl 6�131 ; � gy , '�`�,� f�� �--1 _ � � -�_ _ .��_-ti____.. -�--- -_- --- ---------- — (Title)_�_�`�:,`-J -=-'------------ STATE OF_________________) )ss, COUNTY OF _______________) T���_. The forego�n,g InstruMent was ncknow�.edged�before Me thl's =__ _ day o�' -- �=� � �_--- A . D . � 199� by �� ' � � __ti. =-=` � �-�_ � -L _� - ---� ---- _. ns _�� ����H�._��------- °f - j�.. p�._ , __. �t__�____��������_�____� My CoMM I ss � on exp � res �___ ��_ 'L��_ W � tness My hand and sea t. _ �-`` '� - , , �� .� : ) / i , r„ L .a <- � � �� , ,. � .: __����L _� `_ -�. .r.�Y � _____ , �.� ��� Not�,ry Pub l � c� , � :, -, ,. � F�,;; . ° d � , '' ; Address _ �'_ ;�k � = -=f ` � c� 1 � ��,� � , , ' - - - --- � > ' ---=--'...-__�-L-`-�- �---=1-- t.l =� n� e �. � ��a . ^' s t �:; � � _. n��r�,px � .� �� � ���.�, 1,.... 5� 1[:�il . • STATE OF �c`�-` �v �,, �s� .5,,�ti� � ��v � �, � >ss. PLAT RESTRICTION SURVEYOR'S CFRTIFICATE COUNTY OF ������i4_��___) For zoning purposes, the two parcels crented by this resubdivtston are to be treated ns one ent�ty w�th no More than 1 do hereby r_ertlfy thnt I ar+ n reglstered Land Surveyor ltcensed The forego�ng �nstrur+ent �nas acknow�edged before r+e this _'��_ one two-fa��ly res�dence nllowed on the conb�ned area of the two under the law�s of the State of Colorndo, thnt thls plat �s true, day of ��..1�.,�.�__________, A�.D., 199° by Jay C. Huffard. parcels. Allowable gross resident�al floor aren for the two- correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedtcated and shown `_, ��.s far��ly restdence w�ll be calculated based on the coMb�ned aren of hereon, that such plat wns Made froM an accurnte survey of sa�d My CoMM�sslon exptres� ____� _�____, the two parcels. ro ert b M� and under r� su ervis�on and correctl shows the IJttness � haqd._ �I seal. ���� � P P Y Y Y P Y ti���"i.= �.:... ;�r Grl,�-�t.0 C � 1.4�»� locat � on and d � Mens t ons of the lots, enser+ents and streets of ,��„ fi,,��,� Stae� of i�ie►� �<<�� ---- ------------�---�t------------- sa � d subd t v i s � on as the sar�e nre stnked upon the ground i n r�� o�J`�Ct2js�s Notnry Pub,! � c �� Cr+,:a± i,aa , ; `>^'� .,,e}�� C: �� r�w Address � --�� �dJ��!-!�.,h�,�.-� i.�ri�- coMp l � an ce w t th app l t cab l e regu l at i on s govern I n g the subd I v I s t on �� `` Q ,,� �, � nN, �Srg. 6.;,��.,� -- ---,� �e._ t �3` ----�-�-'�5c'� �'"�-`�--�-��=��-�-= Of l an d� ,,�����t�•sce�sj,�n i' .,?`t;-rrt�55t�,rt t74.;t85 `_�SC: �. — �o � ,, a� � r t,� �� ' In w�tness thereof I have set My hand and3��'Q,+'�":��rF`�;;� �`. day of �, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE e ce., � � t , � 9� rI , � - --�-_j t_ �� �«,fi . � STATE OF_ � __ ____ --9P11� ------� A, D. , 199� o �:' a � :+'' z �_-- -=)�ss. ; D�, �, . Thts flnal pint Is here� approved by the Town of Vatl Zoning " � -� " COUNTY OF W`_`�_�1`! �_!?�-� )� _ 9�.� `�e �� 5 � Adr� � n � strntor th I s�L__ day of __�J���___________, A. D., 199_ , " o' �� / ��•e �, The foregoing �nstruMent wrns ncknowl.edged before Me th�s _____ Attest� Stan Ho f e l d,t ,"° a' '`� �'� ��° day of _,y �i���-� A� . D. 199_�' b K � r D. Huf fard _ ----- � --1---------� � � .Co l orado PLS''�,, � ��� S '` ' ���� � � ' �>>.,,�,,.���"''� My CoMM I ss t on exp � res � ��y��� ��>/ � ' , � _- C'2J� C�!�---------- -�--- -- �`��-=� ---- --� 4litness My hand and senl. , �- �l �� ��,�Town Clerk Zontng A Mintstrator � AlJR!E A. JE.�M1S�:k --����- -�'p --� ----------------- Yown of Va � l, Co t orado Town of Va I l, Co t orado n ,.; , ,,,. , N P � � �...a� ���.,�.. Sta,� ot ��w Yc�rk otary ub� �� �G�C �l,�t�,'�-� �+�-�-- TITLE CERTIFICATE . 'v�_�;,1�:5023��.:s Address�___________________________ ��a��9�f�e�1 ,� V�1GStt,-'�est�r C:c�i.�!�ttjr �- -- t �-"� ��- ' ert '�c�tg r6ed sn VL'as: ssi�; �;,runt� --�` �'-�� ---�': �-- LAtil� �'iT�_�['-/.,(��t7T�_C�t!�t� does hereby certtfy that the r..,,,< ti�,,.:,. �, ,f;� �..- -,.. • CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID tttle to nll lands shown upon'this flnat plat has been exaMlned and ts vested In� STATE OF_ L Q �hVt?�_______) I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy thnt the ent�re aMOUnt of �I��_C• �s.'���r KIKK�_ �?'t��F�Q I��CG�IFF�!�.�� �•_lE��f a�d�-��' AP�4R� �.�!� r,, ) ss � taxes due and pnyab l e as of ----- S�_'_ �f ' g� -------� upon a l t and�that tttle to�such lands Is free and clenr of all ltens and CDUNTY OF ��lur_________) parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s f�nat plat are patd In �ncu�brances, except as follows+ � ,�v�. full, �,_���_rt~[_�F��ET�_ �,��_���N �c,21� 4.�0 ,�T Q�l,E _i3�J=-- The forego I ng t nstrur►ent was acknow ledged before Me th I s_____ _�. ��_e"_�'!�_!'L� __1���3._tf _� �7'�_�•������ �?_J_J=� 1�1:l�FK ��► d y of _,��h�----------, A. D,, 199? by C l i f ford u, Ta I t Jr , Dated th I s� d y --- - ----------, , � � ('- ,� �F' 7� c t = _ a a of �A.�� A. D. 199,';i, �'it',q �-� -r " �-���•1--�F__7�'!�_j �_�Y�� -�� (�-�° `L�_r�. �{��l � ---- -ti�C�� �� _ �` '� � �_"�l �..��itit�..t�7 _rF' ��.( 7� _�(.��:r.e�,C�l�.�.� G _�- �"�----- M Co��s I on ex i r 3�� ------- - - - - - - - . - � g �����`��� 1%�_(�'��.�15��?� �?_�'t►_'!�_?±`�{-����� _£F__?z,�.�I__�GCj.c i'._i E'� __ ��ne,$�r��! hp+pq���.�d se l. -�j ����(1„A�"_----------- �Treasu�er of Eagte�Counl�y,�C�,rad�5�� (- . � _�s� _G1 L�� _ '�'_� � 1`-1'S�f���}!'►' �---��- - ,�„ , ' r 9 -- �'--J� Dv,.t• . _QF_�F.�1T5_��', ,��tC,-�� --`L_k--`i� �.�• 4c�[..Yc}G �#� r4T_ �4{ �:_ �f�_ ra�?7r��;; Flar��!!� � Notnry Pu l � c� c -- � - - - � �`tiTt �F CGL��� ,0 Address � --G- ��- � , oU ,� .. ,,,��, ,,..o.,,� :�..� m•.� � ^ � -rI/-L CLERK AND RECORDER S CERT I F I CATE ���, . �� i �v � l�l.'�"�fi� s_�vil ti,,��iE; U.S-1G �� —,�—'�,�— �--=- `— —�--------- Dnted thls u��o_-•day of -----����------------, A.D.. 199 7. Thls ftnal plat wns flled for record In the office of the Clerk _ STATE OF_ ���� _______b nnd Recorder on thls_� _ day of ____�s.� __________, A,D „ U?�elj� �IT�����Qz4dJ�,� �q�u/�!�rt?`�/ � � ss . 199s at �'_�'�o' c l ock _Q M, Recorded un der �Recept I on No . Address � �C _��� S�?_____________� CDUNTY OF _� ��________� �''�l C.i�Q_ �1 Sc_5�----- �� ?����__ i n Book �'_LO_ nt Page �`� . --- ' - . G The forego � ng � nstru�ent was ackno�edged before Me th I s�____ >°�"' �x�, . y � �.�,�1;�,�,7,�,�_�C- _ ____ day of __.�i,�A��t. _______, A , D , , 199_ by Barbnrn B , Ta I t . , . $6,y ___� � � _ ._ ----� --� B C`� �- - ----- ---+: = � --- - - - �S i gnature ) _� ' `:�'; C lerk and Recorder ,�. My Cor�r� � ss I on exp i res �_3�'I6= ��__ , ' � � s°� , ,:�� Eng l e C n ty, Co l a ,-%�'/iQ/C.�14,�_k���.,_�jfL��(�Fi�• W�tness M y hand and seal, ` � r�� ���/' �°� �� Y �=: � � ` �� � � r z.. (Pr�nt nnMe and title) ------- -�L--------------------- '� ,� �M.,��� �� By � , ----- ---- - --------_:._ Notary P� I c�� as�, ����'�° Deputy ". s „. Address � ____ _ t � �`"�'�'�'� ��S � rti �: ;�A:.��N hORTH -"-����---��%li�ff �--------- G.�� -C�.:s v�� '!:`� ARY P E'_ � a - - �`�cus��, o� w�..� r'.2crirJ� !� r` ��.,.�5 0 �.c,,�, - - � � U s-a� : o� coLOf;p..�� '.+ensAww+ra•e.erwoo�s �rrr- m.*oo °1�� i,`vY^(i!�55iUt1 EX�iY@S 03-ln-98 JOB No. 1072 �