HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision Resubdivision of Lot 20 - Lot 20-3 Second Resubdivisionr VICINITY MAP TE �� �� �� �� G R=58. 31' o = 50°10� 19 �� L = 51.06' CH= S 60°42' 10�� W, 49.44� UTILITY � / EASEMENT / � �� 5� � LOT 20- 4 � , � � ^ h � � I � h 0 m 2 � 0 rn�� / . // �� �i DRIVEWAY � / ^ � \ ��� � , � DECK� � � � 8. � � � io. PARTY WA LL � / II, < w i /2 � \ DUPLEX 12• � ��� \/�✓ , ^ � - OO WITNESS CORNER � PARCEL B 0. 3318 AC. 0 NO SCALE �� �� � .� � ,,�0 h��� 5� � � '1 �J� � � 6$�� �� �$. A SECOND RESU6DIVISION OF LOT 20-3 61GHORN SUBDIVISION � TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO cS�`�Q r'�,, �0,, F CCESS EASEMENT (SHADED ) s� ��0. �,���/ , � \� \ ' �'�. �o , \ , i' 3, \ o o `�,36, � \ - �x '� 'LANTER F9., ` \ � \� 4' DRIVEWAY �o 6. �� �o ~ - / \ � '� N � 7 \ > %\ � 9. � _\/•- � `\^ " \ \ E I/2 \ DUPLEX \ �� � \ � ,� i � � � \ �� \ � - w � °' = o N '� M � PARCEL A ° 0.3793 AC. � 0 z �vl � �U-� W 0 � � � 0 O Z 81.03 � S 83°45�00" E vC?� � �,��F� .--C}- indicntea a 1 1/2" aluminum eap on a 1/2" rebar, ataaiped LS I6844 found. �- indicatee a 1/2" rebar iound. LOT 8 r.nae' v� �x�r Parcel A: 1/2 Duplea 0.3'T83 acree/16520 equare feet Parcel B: 1/Z Duplea 0.3318 acree/14450 equare feet Notice: � According to Colorndo ln�v you muet com�ence any legal action � bnaed upon any defect in thia aurvey �vithin three yenra after you firat diaeover euch defect. In no event may any nction bneed upon eny defect in thie aurvey be commenced more than ten yenra from the date of the certification ehown hereon. LSI,�IND LBt�II�t P. L. S_ 23506 B�x 3463 , VAIL, O� . 81658 ( 849 538? ) 77.99� � 159.02' � � �r M SEE MONUMENT LEGEND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ( BOOK 218, PAGE 418 ) WITNESS CORNER , LOT 20- 2 SCALE i �� = 20� � , � 1) Date of Survey: October, 1994 � 2) Bearinge are baaed on a line connecting the eoutheaet Mitneee corner mf Lot 20-3 to the enet nngle corner of Lot 20-3 being N OB'09'3�" B. (aee monument legend belo�+ for a deecription of the ov monumenit b ) 3) Str�eet Addreee: Parcel A: 4266-A Columbine Drive Parcel B: 4266-B Columabine Drive � � � CERTiFICATE OF DEDICATION AND O�WN�SRSHIP ' Rnow all men by theee preeenta that the underei�ned, being eole owners �in fee eimple, of nll thnt real property situated in ToMn of Vail, i3agle County, Colorado, deacribed ae foll�rn+a: Parcela A, B, nnd C, A iteeubdivieion of Lot ZO-�, Bi�horn Subdiviaion, accordina to the plat recorded Ilarch '25, 1983 in Book 356 at Page 18,in the office of the Ba�le Co�nty, Colorndo, Clerk and Recorder containint 0.T111 acree eore or leee, have by theee preeente, laid out, pinttsd and �nbd,ivided the eee�e into lota and blocke ae ehoMn on thie final plat under the naoe and etyle of "A Second Reeubdivieion of Lot 20-3, Bishorn Subdivieion", n eubdivieion in the TaNn of Vail, Ea�le County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the reeponeibility for the completion of required iaprovemente; a�nd do hereb!►' dedicate and eet apart all of the p�ublic roads and other p�ublic ii�roveoenta and placee ae eho�+n on the acco�panyins plat to the uee of the public forever; and do hereby dsdicate tho�s portione oi eaid renl property �►hich are indicated ae �aseesnt an tiie accaapanyins plat aa eneemente for the puirpoes ehaMn hereon; and do hereby grant the right to inetall and oaintain neceeear7► etructuree to the entity reaponaible for providin� the servicse ior Mhich the eneemente are eetabliehed. Bxecuted thie � day of A.D., 1895. O�WNERS • - � .1 Chnrlee L. Lloyd, Jr. s a'' � J eal _� `, . , � � i A ree °=�M� " � , �2 �1%.,.t�., y � ' o D� 6S e . STATE OF �-9�c�.do _ ) )ee. COt�11'Y OF r. �\ Q ) The foregoin� inetrueent Nne acinoMledsed bstore �e thie _ b�- ddy A.D.1995, by Thonae B. Healy and Jane hi. Healy. � � �bP�oiuieeia�� irea: g �- 'eae �r h�� d eeal. r NANCY L. �` : ESTES � .,-�- - - •- CP -- . .y'�., .....PP Addresa: � , oF co�-° � Su��. e� ��e 3 STATB OF ) � )ee. ('0[[INTY OF � � ) 0 The foregoing inetrument Mae acltno�►led`sd bslors ee thie � day of A.D.1895, by Charlee L. Llo�rd, Jr. My �l�� E�yi1N My Commieeion e�cpiree: Witneea my hand and eenl. , � � � �, �? °�QC� , _ �. - - _ .t, � i � �t• �/ . TITI�S CSRTIFICATE ' �� rrl, •T1'�'� �IL�QYi'�.°C _�1'l�tM�dose hsrsb�r efrt i!y that it has examined the title to all lande �hoMn upon t i plat d that the title ie veeted N- and ie free and� clear of n 1 lisne, �nd �nola�bran�cee, sxcspt es �O11oMe' �rl a� -�ru.s-t- rt�. D�c. a-1. l al�t.3 B.e �. v�-g �,c I ZS . --�- , - Dnted thie � day o� �bcr . A.D.,1996. Title Co.: T� � Addreee: 5 Tit � CERTIFICATION OF DSDICATION FOR MORT(3AGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER . � Rnow all men by theee preeente that the underei�ned, bein� the holder of a nort�n�s or deed of truet on the real property eituated in the ToMn of Vail, Bn�le County, Colorndo, deecribed ae folloae: Parcel A, B, nnd C, A Reeubdivieion of Lot 20-3, Bighorn Subdivieion, accordin� to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Bn`le Courity, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder containing 0.7111 acree �ore or leee; ae sho�n on thie final pint under the name and etyle of "A Second Reeubdivieion of Lot 20-3, Bighorn Subdivieion", a�ubdivieion in the TaMn of Vnil, Ba�l�b County, Colorado atreee to the dedication a�d settins apart all of the publ�c roade and other public inprovemente and placee ae ehoMn on the accoopnnyins pint to the ues of the public forever; and doee hereby asree to ths dedication of theee portione of eaid real property Mhich are indicated ae eaeement on the nccampanying plat ae eaeemente for the purpoee eho�ti hereon; and doee hereby agree to the �ranting of the ri�ht to inetnll and naintain neceaeary etructuree to the entity reeponeible for providing the aervicee for which th� eaaementa are setabliehed. Bxecuted thie 2� day of C�e r, A.D. 1895. MORTGAGES: � 7� pIrG1��QI �W�i �'�'��Or�y �'• i � . �. >_ Addreae: � �`���-� �.-�;� , .,.,. F �y:��c�, M� t�?o �.. � . {- � �''f� ` � ;�`r%; .. - . ; .-� ' - - BY : �, ; -. �, _ . ' Title: ,y �"�`'`i' J ,a�� � � y�i � � 1�11°�RyI.A tJD � . � �-: -���, � �,` STATB OF ) ?- , � ��;:�b )a�- COUNTY OF ��P� � � ) The lore oin inetrt�ent Mne ac cMle�ed be ora-a�e thie �� � day of A.D.1995, by ���a �a�e-r' _ A�SS�s'i�n r � • � f,� SCGir�.� Mq Commieeion s�cpiree: y� "1'h�, Pr�•�+� Witneaa my hanM�N�uq�,�eeal. - , t.}p� �, � • �"E � • TE ''ti�., COw�►a,�, I rc • ,�ti ... , q� ,, . ;, p�' ,..• "' • . e�`'. � Notary Publ o � NpTARr'` : Addreee: �� � : � �» : 01 - s�.. pV�1.�G:��.= MORTY3At3EB .� � *''w�Ql�• '���, � Addreae: ~HMM�+I�N�: : a BY= Title: STATB OF ) )ae. - C0�)NTY OF ) The loregoing inetrument �►ae acknrn+ledged be�ore me thie day of A.D.1995, by I�Iy Coa�iaeion expiree: Witneae my hand and eenl. . PLAT RBSTRICTION For aonins purpoeee, the t�o pnrcels arsatsd b� chie reeubdivieion ar� to be treated ae one paresl Mith no mre than one two-family reeidence alloMed on the eosbined area of the tNo parcele. The Floor Area Ratio for the tNO-femily► reeidence M'ill I be calculated baeed on the combined area of the �o pnrcels. -� �����r r� - - - -- _._. _ -__ _ _ �. ,a ., ._ -- --'tA116El� L�(i�D - ---- � � � , . •�� rJ . , , /, 1. N 34' 01' 10" W 30 . 31' 2. N 55° 58' 50" E 13. 00' ��� `\- ��`r �'� l �" 3. N 34° 01' 10" W 13. 00' �. N b5' 58' 50" B 14. 00' : x: _' r `. 5. N 10° 58'50" B 6.15' 6. N 34° O1'10" W 7.00' ���; �' �\' "', ?. N 55° 58"50" B 10.60' 8. N 34' 01'10" W 6.70' � ,��� �'� 9. N 55° 58' 50" $ 3. 80' 10 . N 34' 01' 10" W 7. 60' , ��_ '`�' .v ; -�;_� ` .,� il . N 55° 58' 50" B 15 . 30' 12 . N 3� Ol' 10" W ?. 70' . ' ;:' �� �`$` Notary Public Addreee: SURVBYOR'S CERTIFICATS I, Lelnnd Lechner, do hereby certify that I e� a re�ietered Lnnd Surveyor liceneed under that laae of the State of Colorado, that thie plat ia n trus, correct, end co�plete ae laid aut, platted, dedicated and eho�m hereon, that auch plat Maa e�ade from an accurnte eurvey of eaid property by me and under �yr euperviaion and correctly eha�+e the location and dia�eneiona of the lote, eneemente and etreete oi eaid subdivieion ae the same nre etaked upon the sround in aompliance Mith ap�plicable re�ulatione o p tovernins the eubdivieion of land. ,�.�.�,���,.,,,, ,�.••'��ep R��/ j+'''�. q�i In Mitneee Mhereof I have eet my hand,.•�.•� ••��� �= daY of A.D. , 1886. ' , c` r`�%;'��° ��',;•�o • : v c� o . and Le��r = :y ; Co lorado P�s �'�.,,.235�, �`�`�� ���''R%��NAI ��t'�,S`� ZONIN(3 ADMINISTRATOR CBRTIFICATB ''��=t.<<f,:j=,����� Thie final plat ie here�`np�proved by the To�+n of Vail Zoning Adminietrator thie �_ day of ��-�� , A.D. 1995. . �►. � Attemt: . . f '� +' �'•M Trnm Clerk .� Zonina dminietrator Torvn of Vail, ���� `�. �'' ToMn of Vail, Colorado � , � CERTIFICATS OF T�S"�"PAID . I, the undereisned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxea and aeeeeemente due and pnyable ae of ��-31-4f upon all parcela of real eatate deecribed on thie final plat are paid in full. Dated thie �e]�L day of CLERR AND RBCORDSR'S CERTIFICATS � 1�•°� Thie final plat wne filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder nt �� o'clock �.M., - , 1995, and ie duly � corded in Book �7,� at Page _. , Reception No. Protective Covenanta recorded in Book a� at Pase L� t all A reement recorded in Book�__G� raat Pa�e�� _ Par yw B �.a�= .���••`°` "••�c',� �,5 ��r f ,,_ �,.�e,� s k,�ir t�;_ 9L Cler and �o der �; � �.� 9: � �' By. � #`� O � ' nep„ty '+w,°�� �` ,�