HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 3 Lot 04 - Bighorn Falls Townhomes Amended PlatRESUBDIVISI ON OF LOT 20 :�...- �.�....�. �.�fi1BJECT SFT'E� INTERSTATE 70 SUBDIVISION VICINITY MAP N� SCALE � ONDOMINIUMS PHASE � -4� LOT 9 ��Ym,. A RE SUBDIVI SION OF L4T 4 BLOCK 3 � IGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD A DDITION AMENDED PLAT B , TOWN �F VAIL, E�GLE COUNTY, C�LORAD4 N�TES� <1) Date of Survey� NoveMber, 1994 C2) Bear�ngs are based on a ltne connecting the found r�onuMents r�ark�ng the northPasterly ltne of Lot 4 being N68'S3'00'E Csee drawing>, C3) Monur�entatlon as shown hereon, C4) Street Address� 4335 Spruce Way C5) CoMMOn Parcel contalns an easer�ent for access, dralnage, and uttl�t�es, (6) Protect�ve Covenants recorded In Book 175 at Page 135 and as ar�ended In docuMent recorded �n Book 187 at Page 195, C7) Parcel A Is reserved for future developMent, PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the four parcels created by thts subdlvtston are to be treated as one lot wtth no More than 4 dwelling units allowed on the coMbtned area of the four parcels, � FOUND A PLAIN ` No. 5 REBAR � �Z� � � a � �26 / ao �o 0 � E / 6g°5��� � c� N / � / R.O.W. EASEMENT \ / �TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT� FND. No. 4 REBAR / WITH ALUMINUM CAP � L.S. No. 26598 � % / > �� PARCEL A E A� + (FOR FUTURE DEVELOPEMEN� gGJ�J�� �03 0.2309 AC. r1 6 �6 6� LOT 5 �� 00 ��. � / � �� / ,� �V �` / 9S � � '�9 M� 0P , .� / ��� �� � ,�2� � ~ / S S 0��, O ?s °' F EASEMIENT COMMON AREA 0.4707 AC. SET No. 4 REBAR \ WITH ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 26598 \ SET 2.0 WIT. CRN. A' \ 'Y s� � � �i� ��oti ��o� y� � \ �iF,�,� 'Qj� . r JS \ �!�, `9 6'S i s' co ti�� �Q / � w ti�y�r O'90 � � 0 6J � 41199 HfGMWAY 6& 24. EAGL�—VAIL P.O, BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81a3Z (303)�49-1406 DRAWING DATE: 7/24/95 11% '� � G � � �=29°02'��" R=218.10 L=1 10.52 T=56.47 LC=109.34 CB=S 35°38'00" E C2 �j \ � � - ��, d' ti 26 O�~ ��. s� \ o� � 8s � `�o�'oo, ^� � \ \ 'g � �, � /LOT 4 h � � ,oS � WEST � LOT 4 � �� / 0.0476 AC. y� �S'r / ,�� / a �C� 0.0596 AC. / � �O� �O � � � g� S 50°31'00" E �O �i 3�.00 � ��. � �� / � / IS�,`\ \ �9 / SEf �4 REBAR & ALUM. '— CAP L.S. # 26598 � � oa ti� ��� �� �' �� / � 0 ,4 �� �� � o � o � \ ` FOUNp P.K. NAIL WIfTH WASHER L.S. No. 16827 LOT 3 C1 I = 16° 16' 19" R = 218.10 L = 61.94 T = 31.18 LC = 61.73 CB = S 29°15'10" E c2 I = 12°45'41" R = 218.10 L = 48.58 T = 24.39 LC = 48.48 CB=S43'46'10" E 20 0 20 40 6� Feet �—_ . � SCALE: 1" = 20' N�OTICE: According to Colorado law you mNat commence qn I��al action based upon any defect in this survey wljhln three year� ���p� you first discover such defect. In no event, may any actio� �i,ed upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than t�� y�ars from the date of the certification shown hereon. 0 CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATI❑N AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Michael J. Lauterbach, belmg sole owner In fee slMple, of all that real property sltuated Im the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrlbed as follows� Lot 4, Block 3, B�ghorn Subdtv�s�on Thtrd Additlon AMended Plat, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ning 0,8088 acres, r�ore or l ess , has by these presents latd out, platted and subd�vlded the sar��e Into lots and tracts as shown on thls flnal plat under the naM�e and style of ' B�ghorn Falls TownhoMes' a subdtv�ston In the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the responsibiltty for the coMpletton of requ�red IMproveMents� and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publlc roads and other public IMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c foreverJ and does hereby dedtcate those port�ons of sald real property wh�ch are Ind�cated as easeMent on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the r�ght to Install and Malntaln necessary tructures to the entlty respons�ble for provlding the s r es for whl h the easeMents are establlshed. Executed th t _ day of ___ __ _, , 19'9'� / � � , � , OWNERS� a ----- - --� -- ---- -------------- Mlchael J,/ Lau erbach ° P� Box 3451 � '` Va � t, CO 81658 GP.G. W1�, � ..o..,. � i , ��'; pT.q R :'92, <._ r, � �,. �' . , �, . . . : STATE � - --- � �' ��..� �G��-` �� �!> '• E t� %J T ) ss . , �G� C��L�,,sy C�UNTY �F _ - "G�----> >•..:�.�.-�: The foreg g nstru nt was acknowledged before Me tht __ day of __ ____, A.D., 1995 by Mlchael J. Lauter ach, My CoMMlsslon explres+ � p� 4% ___� � . Wttness My hand and seal, ' Nota �u l - -- -- Address � --_ �-__��_���_�!-�� TITLE CERTIFICATE Stewart Tltle Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby cert�fy that the t�tle to all lands shown upon thls f�n plat has been exaMtned an d � s vested � n�/' / j' ��j� � � -- ---��./2'��fri�'�__ �-�- - ------ - --------------- -=--- -- --- -- and that t�tle to such lands �g free and clear of all ltens and en cuMbran ces� ��xcept as fo � l ows �� .' ���J ,�,�, ��'�;�` � ''' ''�`"�d�`_.���''�� ' � - .�l����G�t/_�''�e��3�� - - r �,J �,� � �d`�'rr =� -c�'= s' '.�.Z"`..,rs� _ �r.L�!--- � �r _ r�..�_ . L_� _C -- f ����� —�/�., �--�ar �7�_ ,,r�,.—� �� — -- / �_�.._ �- ���,+'=%`w ;/i__,N� " _y✓ ��'_f=�'�f.C�--� -'�= — �+� �,��� ���.,�' :�,,7i/ ,��,L ���_— — ��__------ � � ----- ---------�---------------------------- ���Dated this ����day of --- ------------------ A.D „ 99_, r�� � � �� �o �., x� Stewart Title Pa Box z000 Vall, C❑ 8 58 ' , By� _ � - ----------------- -- / f ,I nature , . ------ %����—�--- ��!�° �" . ' ,i����. ' CPr�nt naMe and tttle) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thts flnal plat Is hereby approved by;the Town of Vail Zoning Adr� � n t strator th I s,��__ day of �� L ^'_%L __________, A, D,, 199:j, Attest � ;� � � ��� � _: � , ��_ ; � C`�Z,�, Cj�-i' z,�,'�- . a � .� �. � , ,. , �'�� _ -t� t�.� i -- ----------- --- _-- � ------ ------------ Town C t erk - 1�-��� ' on t ng AdM I n � strator Town of Vatl, Colora� : Tawn of Vall, Colorado `� � "". CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby certtfy at the ent�re anount of taxes due and payab le as of __,�a%��1��� ____ ___, upon a l l parcels of real estate described on th�s flnal plat are pa�d in ful l, Dated th I s.�.��day of _„���________, A. D., 199� . � _1.�Lt�d�[�,,, _�nQ�l1. ��-u'1 � Treasurer f Eagle County, lorndo � � � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION F�R MORTGAGEE ❑R DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that WestStar Bank, and Pettee Industrtes, Inc „ a VerMOnt corporatlon, being the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property sttuated in the Town of Vatl, Eagle Ceunty, Colorado, descr�bed as followsi Lot 4, Block 3, Blghorn Subdtvtslon Thlyd Addltlon AMended Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0,8088 acres, More or less, as shown on thls f�nal plat under the nar�e and style of 'Blghorn Falls TownhoMes', a subdlvls�on In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the dedtcatton and setting apart alt of the publlc roads and other publlc IMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publtc forever� and does hereby agree to the dedtcatton of those porttons of sa�d real property whtch are Indlcated as easeMents on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granting of the rtght to Install and Matntaln necessary structures to the entity respons�ble for providtng the servlces for whlch the easeMents are establlshed, Executed thls __=_y� day of __�� "� ==----�=--------------� A,D „ 199�, MORTGAGEE� WestStar Bank 108 South Frontage Road West va��, co si6s� By�fTitle)-`---------- ------------ Pettee Industrtes, Inc, a VerMOnt corporatlon P� Box 2673 Vall,� 81658 _i� 7 � , ,. � — By�� __ _� --- - CTttle)� ---- -� ='" --------- � % , .�`: ' _ STATE ❑F---=-�-�-`-------� COUNTY �F --'�=--=-'------� The foregotng InstruMent was acknowledged before Me thls �_`""J_ Y , :.d�. ��s^���.::_------� A , D , , 199._ by __:'-_�..__��:���--'-r--------- "�' _____ of WestStar Bank, da QS v-�.,r=�•���.r_�_ My CoMM I ss I on exp I'res � ��S�t?_'�.�__ W�tness My hand and seal y�,� " J��- -- ��------- ------------ Notar Publlc Addre �lc�,s� S_-�yAy+_'�t.� Fc�_ 1,�, \l��1----.�.L_ 4�!�►_�� �----- STATE ❑F__C_.�I��_O ___) )ss. C�UNTY OF _���_____) The forego I n g I n struMen t was ackn ow l edgesl befo�e Me t� � s?��4'!'� � �`� --� , A , D . , 199 Sby �?S -=�!���� _r c�..� __ V• _ • �?. day � '�-�� _ as [�_ �•_Z��.��!`___�.� of Pettee Industr I es Inc, , a VerMOnt carporatlon. My Cor�M � ss t on exp i res �_ S.�Zl_ _ Wttness My hand and seal. ' ��,�_ ��-� _�-�-------- ---- --- ---- Notary`' Pu I Address � __ � _�%� ���'�_ ------��.��k�== � e _- �� ��'�7 SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat Is true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fror� an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under My supervts�on,and correctly shows the locat�on and dlMens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subdivts�on as the saMe are staked upon the ground In coMp l t an ce w � th app l t cab l e regu l at � on s go �g,�n,i,��,�the subd t v t s t on of land, �� ,.;�;> r_,rn �.,. ��l� tsr'�'�;,<;'',°���?'y''. \. `�,:::;�.:, , : �j� '; ' In w I tness thereof I have set r�y handr'ae�'�e����'�:�„��?�_ day of N� , A D , , 193�, . : y . ' � . � o • s _�!__ii _ .� . - ------- ' � -tr� 2 6 � � $ = _ �_�. i / � � � -�---�v -�-=- �-:------------ Stan Hog"f. ' +�isru � g `,`� Co l orado `� � '� � a q����.�in�.�N��� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE � \� �� Thls flnal plat was ftled for record n the office of the Clerk and �ecorder on th I s_a"'r-� day of ________, A, D., 199_ at !�'•'P�o'clock �M. Recorded under Receptton No, �"!� LS�S,p_ t n Book ��]°I_ at Page ��� . �O � � - � _ x '`.'i 'k•R \ � ��b � � x 'B ' --����5� --------{�y .,._'0�". '� a *� Y�; � C l erk an d Recorder ��c t�. Eag le Co nty, Co lore+�do ,� �_-� ��" ' � Y' ' �--�'���� B - ------- s`�--�- Deputy _ i._ .��,�.�.�...„�,� 1509