HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 Block A Lot A3SCALE: 1" = 20' 20 0 20 40 60 Feet FOUND No. 4 REBAR �c WASHER LS. 1511 S Aito ��. o�, FOUND No. b RE8/1R d� PUI5TIC CAP ALPINE ENGINEERING � ,��_R., .�j.. :�o�� ,�, . . �.,��,�,�..,,�rn,� . ,�,�.�..,. ..�.�,�..,��»,..,�.,.�.�..�,�aam r.. ,. . . . . LION'S RIDGE 1=1 �52'37" R=1001.64 L= 295.04 T� 148.59 LC=293.98 CB=S 58°57'42" W I 41199 HIGHWAY 8 Ac 24, EAGLE-VAIL I P.O. BOX 1230 / EDWARDS. C0. e1632 {303)949-140a 2/7/95 PATRICK F1WETfAZ SUBDIVISION � SET No. 4 REBAR Ac ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 2d991d �s 0��2� �5L R� 4116.93 L� 98.04 Ta 49.02 Cie= S 48'S4��w w� 98.�'4 A RE S UBDI VI SION OF L 0 T A- 3 , T0 WN OF VAIL, EA GLE CO UNTY, SET PIN dc CAP L.S. 26598 tis� EXCEPTED 3,� � �� � � \ � �? ��` ss, � i �h / � rL,�ro / / / ,'�� � � �� O� �� � �. � � 0 FOUND 21' WITNESS CORNER No. 5 REBIIR dc TAG L.S. 4043 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you muat commence ony legal action baaed uPon ony defect in this aurvey within three years ofter you firat d�scover auch defect. In no event, may any oction based upon any defect in thia survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certificotion shown hereon. / COL ORAD O CERTIFICATE �F DEDICA1fI0N AND OWNERSHIP ___ _g_� _ ., _ . ,_,_.�...�. , ,. �-: ,,, �' _ � BLOCK A Know all r�en by these presents that Walter Regal, be►ng sole owner In fee slMple, of all that real property s�tuated tn the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follaws� Lot A-3, Block 'A', Lt�on's R�dge Subdtvtslon, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded tn the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 0.944 acres, More or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subdivided the saMe �nto lots and tracts as shown on thls final plat under the naMe and style of ' Llon's Rldge Subd►vtsion, A Resubd�vlston Of Lot A-3, Block A', a subd�vtslon in the Town of Vall, Eagle County, ColoradoJ and does hereby accept the responstbtltty for the coMpletton of requlred �MproveMents� and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other public IMprover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and does hereby dedtcate those porttons of sald real property whlch are Indicated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as enseMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grnnt the rtght to Install and r�alntaln necessary structures to the entlty responstble for provldtng the servtces for whtch the easeMents nre establlshed. Executed th�s �_ dQy of ________________, A.D., 199� ------- �- OuNER� ---------9 � --- -- 41a l ter Re a i � 13275 u. Burle►gh oad Brookf�eld, WI 53005 STATE OF__�.�%�-�A��_) �J' )ss. COUNTY OF _'7r!--��?�`��� The foregotng Inst,t�uMent was acknowledged before Me this 2.�,�� dny of __��-����,�---- � A, D,, 199 � by Wa l ter Rega l. My CoMM � ss I on exp I res �� __�����.� � Witness My hnnd and seal, . _,.. �- -------- - -"� - ---- --- ----- ' Notary Publlc G Address � -----�12 __�l__� z � ---- ��Y,�,�``L- G51�__�._1- Z_ , TITLE CERTIFICATE �1r'� �f_h�'lQ'�� 1'�t.�l � I�'�� does hereby cert i fy that the t t t l e to nll Innds shown u�th s f�nal plat has been exaM�ned and Is vested in�__ I�,l_'i�.�'_- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lo,nds �s free and clenr of all ltens nnd en�,.+Mbrnnces, exce Rt as fo l lows � ' �jO�r�� Sb1utl.c,ry Slt1d._►�O�_C_ �.ncum��anc�.------ �cocdc��rt _�r��Q_�z_ ��t _ �Lr- --- - -� �,, �Mer'�'C �_ � _ t"�Go dG �_�� _3 �h �G?� -to�o1 - - `-1?��I'�� -- --`�?--re----- �- �-�- , � -------- ��� _ �_ ��� �-!� - — -��Q - ��------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this _!� �y mf �,�__________, A.D., 19�� F�_����l�A�_J_ h�+2�T4G�_T�Tc� ( T I t l e Co_ a�n 1 (Q �_ -_- Address� - - -- , - ---c� — i—�1-- �, -- - � Y�-------- -p. (Slgnature) _�r_�c� ---' . --�on}-a- -- _�ICC- �_�rY�l�.�� �-- (Print naMle and tltle)- SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a reg�stered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat Is true, correct and coMplete ns latd out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under r�y superv►slon and correctly shows the locatton and dtMenslons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of sa�d subdtvlston as the sar�e are staked upon the ground in coMpltance w�th appllcable regulat�ons governing the subdtv►ston of l an d , �����,,�,.,,���,�.,. �`�,` t' x ���� � ` { Y 1 � j' •���i In w t tness thereof I have set My harrt�,��id'��,�n't�•,'�f��'� _�9�� day of ---�%�'i'-"�------� A , D , , 199_S, ,a` v: c�T� ,FF- :`� - � ; :� �� = � -�= 2f5�8�4�? � ' ' ��/ : .� : , . } ------'��i'-r�"�..� ------------- Stan F�6g���1� �, �,.••• Co l orado"'RL.� �� NOTES� C1) The purpose of thls plat ts to subdtvlde Lot A-3 Into two parcels as shown, (2) Date of Survey� January, 1995. C3) Bear�ngs are based on a llne connecting the found r�onuMents Marking the westerly and southerly corners of Lot A-3 being S44'37'06'E Csee drawtng), C4) MonuMentatlon as shown hereon. C5> Street Address; Lot A-3E - 1059 Sandstone Dr►ve Lot A-3W - 1079 Sandstone Drlve PLAT RESTRICTI�N For zoning purposes, the two lots created by thls resubdtvlston are to be treated as one entity with no r�ore than two one-faMlly residences allowed on the coMbtned area of the two lots, Allowable gross res�dent�al floor area for the two one-faMlly restdences will be calculated based on the coMbined area of the two lots, Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE Thls final ptat Is he eby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning Adr� t n l strator th l s�__ day of ���w�.Q/L± ________, A, D,, 19�5. ��;; AttC�t � • . - �------ ------- - -------------------------------- Town Clerk Ing AdMlnlstrator Town of' Va I l„�o Iarado wn of Va I l, Co l orado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certtfy that the enttre aMOUnt of to,xes due and payab le as of ___�Z,=31- �,� __ __, upon a l l po,rcels of real estate descrtbed on thts flnal plat are pald In fu��. Dated th � s�'�j day of _,�q,�p�-___�,, A, D,, 199,'S, "�reasur+� of Eag l e Coun ��f Co l ora`� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE �II•�� Th�s flnal plat was flle�l for record In��t��h� �office of the Clerk an d Recorder on th � s f�.S� day of ���arn�[a-G� ------, A, D., 199,� at ��:QSo'clock aM. Record d nder Receptton No, ���ZQ�_ t n Book �$'Q.� at Page (��� ���c�._ � _ F� � �r ------- Clerk and Recorder Eagle County, Colorado By' (���'�="�'(--- -- ------------ Deputy `�t�Nea«�EL - ��c xs�F�:.,.,y�.. ��i p4�� > � . ��!� � '�1�` 4�'��«/'�� w '"�� ,�5� ' `��, JOB No. 8521