HomeMy WebLinkAboutInnsbruck Meadows - 1st Amendment�o W. C. TO W f/4 COR. SEC. 14 AS PER DE£D Z � -o � `fl• C�'7� � N�- ; °���� � 0 �i /s� �� � s� W J GRAPHIC SCALE �o ao ( � F'�"1' ) 1 inch = 40 ft. 9'�E N�4��5�� � p. �6 L OCA TED lN THE SVI/ � 4 SEC TION � 4 T 5 S R. 8 ��I� > > > > �60 !</N/V/C!<//VN/C!� IQOAD �5p' R. o. w.� C� � :� S�j. Q `{O' _ � � — — — � 62 �f�?� Q\� • i ��• �� / .� � j 1� � , ' j" _ �_ `,. ti o � / O' lr� / _ b --° o�o •'� = rRACr A y�,, � v � �I � c��I � i3,906 SQ[/ARE FE£T .�` •6� • m�� l� � �v Q 0.5�9 ACRES �M"+. 3y �� N ^ /W o�a�, . � � � � IO ,� I 3 , �6 E � s )o�?, y �e �.°t ti� `, � ` � O ^ ` � � � �8� 5�' N S9'`� , � �,�' ``' N •,^� I z ,.�:� ?��. L L �' h Q � �I SUBDI I/lSION lN TO VI/N OF V�I lL � C. / v N05 � r37yA / / � Z ao �y�f, L� ' ��, v ►o� /S�,f• i�006 SQ. . "� lu � `��= �v � �� t?Oa 0.19 d t. � o� o� c.n i, ��';� � � '� / �s, � \� ti � £ � `, \F,,°° �" � /6� . ��/ � `��'''�,, rt.� � 5�1� �' �, ,;y0�/��� 1 l�,� � , N `, S � �k�'A/ �F ��` ;�`\ � s6.� r : / ��, P5 \,�, T 6. _ .:��5� , / ��, � �� O ,l� ' � � 9,093 S AR�fFET '°' � � � �� 2�32 B = o.'."� cR£s � 9' 2,6 � � I � "� � LOT 4 � -�r' ?�332 C .p6 569� 2. 2 %� 3�' * h c� 1,A10 SOUAR£ FE£T �a /,k9 6'y/ � �v � ._ � _ _ _ 0.176 ACRES f. S 3,�� �'S7" W;'��� �,`� � '` �o. �4' .� � 67. 35' � ,"� O f06.OJ� f0' ORA/NAG'E �r U77L/TY EASEMENT -- (l N87°40'06 "W 337 72 � v � � CURVF DA TA : CURVF RAD/US LENGTH TANCENT CHARD BEAR/NC DEL TA Cf 372.55' 183.62' 93.71' 181.76' N8872'.30"E 287420" C2 268.65' 147.44' 75.63' f45 60' N8636'17 E 3176'44" C3 25.09' S4.10' 46.74� 44.20' S4770'37"E 12332�56" C4 268.65' 72.59' 36.5?' 72.37' N8574 48"W 157855" C5 266.65' S6.62' ?8. 41 ' S6.51 ' S80 40 27"W 12i�4 28° C6 268. 65' 18.24' 9.12' 18.23' N72 49 :35 E 03'532f " h 10.11 ' O BLOCK 8 � VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEI/FLOPMENT SUBD/Vl'SION NO TES: BAS1S OF BEAR/NG : N 70' S2' S5" E AL ONG SOUTHERL Y R. O. W. L/NE OF K/NNICK/NNICK ROAD BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AS SHOWN. DATE OF SURI/EY FEBRUARY 1994 O —�NDICA TES FDUND ALUM/NUM CAP L. S. 5933 O lNDICA TES FOUND PLASTIC CAP L. S. 20685 • —�ND/CA TES SET PLASTIC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. 26626 # N11'S2'13"E PER FINAL PLAT OF I/AlL INTERMOUNTA/N DEI/ELOPMENT SUBD/ I//SION BL OCK 8 BOOK 221 PAGE 547 _ , , �/4 # TNESS CORNER TO W 1/4 SECTION 14 FOUND BRASS CAP STAMPED: St5 Sf4 T5S R81 W � , W CORNER SECTION 14 FOUND G. L. O. BRASS CAP STAMPED.• 9 2 S22 S23 1942 28.32 B �NDICA TES BUILD/NG ADDRESS. N0710E.• According to Co%rodo /aw yhu must commence ony /ega/ action bosed upon any defect In this surHey within three yeors oftcr }rou tirst disco►�r such defect. /n no e�rent, moy any actfon bosed upon ony defect !n this surirey be commenced more thon ten y�sars from the dote of certificotion shown hereon. '84 5648,4� „E N�� -OPEN SPACE 6,240 SQUARE F£ET 0.143 ACRES EA GLE CDUN T Y COL ORA DD i 5�6' ° � � � 2T92 A 6 th �RINCIPA L I��IERIDI�I N BL OCK 4 � VA/L INTERMOUNTA/N � DEI/�LOPMENT ARI N � ' / / � LOT 7 \ 6, 782 SQUARE f1�ET 0.156 ACRES 75• 62� , 16�•?8 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ,BLOCK 10 I/lCINITY MAP SCALE 1' _ :iOiD' D� gE ��6'S5 � � � '` �. gASrS , � r� h . . � ,� o O A� EA�/ �/ / � �• /� � AN� p(tA/ / , T�►-�TM' � /'�� �� � ►� � N, U / � � � �•52'S5 Zo� PE�ES j � � � % �. � p` \I • � S / � � � � �D�- � y � � / / � '� AccESS � unurr TjQ,q C% B v � EASEMENT 49, 011 SQUARE FEET �v � 1.125 A CRES �/ o v , tv . � 'D� �'� � � ZQ ��' � �oQ� � 3 ,�, � � �" O ��� N � �/� � Q� `V � � Z �, ��,,E � Q o � � � O O O v o� 0 C3� � INTERSTATE 70 N68�1 S CERTIF/CA TE A� DED/CA 710N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL M£N BY 1H£S£ PR£S£NTS 1H11 T fhe undersTgned bbing so% owners in fee simp/e of a// that rea/ property situated in the CER17f7CAAON OF D£D/CAADN FOR MORTGAGE Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, desc�ibed os fallows.• HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER A porcel of /ond in the Southwest Qluorter of Sectian 14 Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6fh PrincJpa/ MerTdlan, more KNOW ALL A/£lV BY TH£S£ PR£SENTS that the undersigned being porticu/or/y described os fo/%ws• the ho/der of o mortgoge or deed of trust on the rea/ property situoted in the Town of Va!l, £og/e County, Colarodo, desc�ibed as fo/%ws: A porce✓ of %nd in the Southwest Quorter of Section 14, Township 5 South, Ronge 81 ii�est of the 6th P�incipo/ Meridion, mo�e particu/ariy described as fo/%ws: /nns�bruck Meodow� o subdivrsian in the Town of {�o�, £og/e County, Colarodo, as recorded 05/31/95 in Book 668, ot Poge 385, in the Eogle Coun ty Recorder's Of�ce, con taining 2. 49 acres, more or /ess /nnabrr�ck Meodow�„ a subdivisiorr in the Town of Voi/, hoke by these pres�ents /old out, p/alted ond subdlv�ded the samd fito Eog/e County, Colorodo, os recorded 05/.31/95 in Book 668, ot /ots ond b/ocks as �hown on fhls fina/ p/at under the name f1RST Poge 385, in the Eag/e County Recorder's Offlc� contalnfng 2.49 AMENOMENT TO THE f7N�L PUT Ol� /NN.SBRUGyC AAEADOI/� o ar�bdivision ocres, more or /ess in the Town of Voi1, £og/e County, Co%rodo; and does here�by ac�cept the ro�onsibi/ity for the camp/etian of req�viY+�d lmprowment�; and as shown on this /ot under the name of F1'RST AM£NOMENT TO THE does here,by dedicate and set oport oll of ths pub/ic roads and ot/►wr P pub/ic imp�ow9ments ond p/oces os shown an the occomp�►ying p/at fo F/NAL PLAT OF /NNSBRUCK MEADONS, /ocoted In the Southwest Qvorfer, the use of the pub/ic tore►�a;• and does hereby dsdicote those portians Sectian 14, Township 5 South, Ronge 81 West, 6th Prrncipa/ Meridion, o of said �eo/ p�operty which ore indicated os eosement on the subdivision in the Town of Voi/, Eag/e County, Co%rodo; ogrees to the occompanying p/at os eosements far the purpose shown hereon; and dedication ond setting oporf of o// the pub/ic �oods and other pub/ic does hereby grant !he rightE- to insto// ond mointaln necessory strvetures improwments ond p/oces os shown on the accomponying p/at to the use to the antity �esponsib/e for providing the servrces for which fhe of the public forever, ond does hereby ogree to the dedicotion of these eosements ore estab/i�d. portians of said rea/ property which ore indicoted os easements on �) /y the occompanying p/at as easements for the purpose shown hereo,n; Executed thJs� day of !�! QS/• .A.D. 1995 �d does hereby ag�ee to the qranting of the �ight to insto/1 and maintoin nxessory structu�es to the entity �espar►sib/e for p�oviding the services for which t e eosements o�e estob/ished. Am. Bros De+�lopment, /nc. �u A� OV �� � Bob Bome, Presiden t £xecuted this b day of �V _ _A.D. 1995 �oi/, 657 1� Ntsststor Bonk – ---- Dan G/�odepc, �7ce Presiden t By. ob Bome � {�O O� / � BY : 6ARY . tOHEN IIOT . RI S. tOHEN (LOT 71 By. Don Godec, �ce President creT c nr �r �a 21 � l�- STA TE OF COL ORADO ) � SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoJng Certificate o_ f pedicatlon o�n�, �O QershJ wos ocknow/edged before me this ZL�"�doy of _� �v�`� 1� �'a� My commission expires �tness my hond ond seo/ j , 6-1-97 v►�� "�� �,�E M. Dqlvs ry Pub/ic — + ----- ,J ��O.Tq ��•�'L ��.� � 4' • . . • . Address � 1 �V s'� � ; . • . ; . .i �9��oFB4�;o P�� � 4; CO _ 11TL£ CER77F/CATE � T1� �J�( j�V� �Q '1[� does hereby certify thot the tit/e to o/! / ds shown upon is p/at have been examined ond Is ►�sted in� ond thot tit/e to such /onds is f�ee oqd c%or of a// /Jen� oqd encumbrances, except os fo/%ws• Q1' �COV+�rd STA TE OF COLORADO ) > SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The forevoinq Certi�cate ron and Ownership wos of �I �+1i��s2' �± ; l t'iS My commission expJ�es �tness my hond and seo/ � � � �� . 1-9� ��E M .�A�I,S .� �'–�-- --- ,�•• oTAq••.o2 ory Pub/ic � � _ ` ; � � ; _jp8 5��� w • . . : : . Add�ess �,� l (�ti � � % ' ° • � N�j�.'0�61.�G: PQ� . F••.....•' P ZON/NG ADM/N/STRA TOR CERAF/CA TE.• �F C OL� This A ereby appr d e o»n f Vo�1 Zoning Administ day of , A.D., 1995 NO TES: }1is�'lr-�.�+��-�y�sLs �'-r�__�-- i° iy�gs 1�1 s��] �s y-o cats �T�r-V �- • Fo� zoning purposes, the 4/ots creoted by ,thia.subd�t�sion Doted this doy of _A.D. own e ore to be treated os one !ot pe� theRANN111iAM1E�/11�MENTALtOMMISSI0IJ APPRO�A� �N ��� (��� ��,� S, (�h� q� {�y�, ��'bS� Town of �oil of 4-11-94. No more than 19 units shall be oNc?weo' on the � combined oreo of the property. p��OrM^�'ht �(Y� ' ���°` ___ ��__ 35'7 Va.t ) C� X� r • mere wi1/ be one unit o/%wed on eoch of the ��-�-------------- fol%wing /ots.• 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,10,12 & 13. ,add�es • The�e wi// be two units o/%wed on each of the BY ^ following /ots• 1, 5, 9,11 dc 14. — � — � Troct A �emoins for the futu�e construction of Units 1, 2& 3 os described obov�. • Tract B is intended fo� the fivture construction a�f units 8-14 as described abowe. / Duone D Feh�inger do hereby ce�tify thot / om o Registe�ed Lond Surv�}ror licensed under the lows of the State of Co%odo, that fhis p/ot is o true, correct, ond comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Voi/, County of Eag/e, Stote of Co%ado, as /aid out, p/otted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, that such P/at wos mode from on occu�ote survey of soid property by me ond under my supervision and correct/y shows the /ocation and dimensians of the lots, easements and sfreets of sald subdlvislan as the same are stoked upon the g�ound in compliance with opplicob/e �egu/otions govemin� /n wJtn ss wher�qf/ ho� set my hond and seo/ this 2? � doy of _�Q ����OG ✓ A. D., 1995. Duane D. � Registered onmg mi s �a o� Town of Voi/ CER 17F/CA TE OF TAX£S PA/D.• /, the undersigned, do he�eby e�tify t o the eo�tire omount of taxes due and poynb/e as of d����� upon 0/1 parce/s of reo/ est te describ on thi p/ot a�e poid in full. Doted this _�day of A.D., 1995 CL£RK AND RECORDER'S CER J1FlCA TE.• ��� 0 O l)�is plot wos ed for recg(d m the of/Fos oI Me GYer� pnd Recorder t�� doy of 6J1..'L`.�'rit�lL'�A.D. at �5_QLo "c/ _M. Record u de� Reception No.��in Book �� ��at Page �� • . ep y C/erk ond ecorder �.•�•,e�a,,,. £ag/e �ounfjj Co%rodb y_.� ���: z�; s,,, ,g 6 83 g � �� fl� N �� w � � � �� `�`�`A a � y =• �;p� .�•',yf '��t�� � ��.v� � O � }� . �,. � ,tt �, �c►.�....... � ;. � ..u�vc+` .t