HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 1 Lot 10WI z; J �i 3 oi ao m � � �; � �j � � � Hi SlZ@JE\T Si�. �� r `�� �' -1.,,�... � ..,,.,..�� ..� . � 4 � �a 0 � � 0 0 � \ o ��� � M�o a 6 7 POTATO PATCH 4 CLUB � s � n� � � a z � n��u ^ VICINITY MAP TRNCT C S ` 5 4 � RED SANDSTiONE ELEMENTARY � INTERSTATE 70 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. C? � QQ � / � �� SET No. 5 REBAR & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 26598 � , VAIL POTATO PATCH 0 � i i T 0 WN OF VAIL, �'D UNT Y OF EA GLE, S TA TE OF COL ORAD D I I SCALE: 1" = 20' 20 0 20 40 60 Feet � � S � � �90 O ° y SS�S3•� � � R� �,� �� �i/ o � l $ � ti I�S �v s o ' �6 SET No. 5 REBAR & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 26598 \ 1=14° 17'S6" R=139.43 L=34.80 T=17.49 CB = S81°56'55" E � 34.71 � �Q Q SET No. 5 REBAR dc ALUMINUM L.S. 26598 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 303 949-1406 " ��O `,S � •�`s d�-. � � � � ^d' � I � � LOT 9 SET No. 5 REBAR & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 26598 N�TES� (1) Date of Survey� January, 1996 (2) Beartngs are based on a ltne connecting the found Monuroents Marking the northwesterly corner of Lot 10 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 11 be�ng N88°34'll'W Csee drawing), (3) Monur�entation as shown hereon, C4) Street Address� 794 Potato Patch Drive C5) Party Wall AgreeMent recorded in Book____ at Page____, LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 03° 15'07" E 46.70 L2 S 86°44'53" E 64.00 L3 S 03° 15'Oi' W 30.00 L4 S 03° 15'07" W 17.30 L5 S 86°44'53" E 9.00 L6 S 03° 15'07" W 13.15 L7 S 24°02'59" W 12.67 L8 N 86°44'53" W 4.50 L9 S 03° 15'07' W 17.00 L10 N 86°44'S3" W 23.00 L11 S 03° 15'07' W 5.50 L12 N 86°44'53" W 20.90 L13 N 03° 15'07' E 48.10 L14 S 86°44'53" E 14.10 L15 N 03° 15'07' E 16.70 L16 S 86°44'S3" E 29.80 L17 S 03° 15'07" W 2.00 L18 N 86°44'53" W 1.00 L19 N 03° 15'07" E 2.00 L20 N 86°44'53" W 19.10 S 02°55'20" W — 203.79 L1 PROPERTY LINE TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT 18 L19 �, ��T L" PARCEL - N \ �N �- 10-B '� � -� OUTLINE OF N�' EXISTING DUPLEX � 0.0572 ACRES � J , L15 N 12�ACCESS � L11 PARCEL � O—A PARCEL LINE -� FOLLOWS EASEMENT PARTY WALL 0.0615 ACRES 0 J 794 POTATO PATCH DRIVE � SS20 I II J � N 1 Ly L4 L3 � 2,3�33� ,, J <� J, � 26 � WALL L6 ,p� � 9S \ �� �,�ti� �� 0 � N � 8 � �� L.S. 26598 REBAR dc ALUMINUM CAP �?s• 6.0 �o°o �o. F N 00'17'40' E_�8.00 � 6.0 PARCEL 10-C 0.6309 ACRES N 00° 17'40" E— 232.21 LOT 11 PATRICK FlLLIETTAZ 1 /S/95 ��.�p�Y PUB��� � JULIE A. v,� : KESSENICf' '.� '��'''• • . .... � F' !i� �� =: My Commission Expire� 9-2��-�:; 0 I FOUND No. 4 R�BAR & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 11413 . C _ � � o � N C � � �N c� z Z � m � w O Or � �' Z w N ` � m r �v r 00 � z � � � SET No. 5 REBAR & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 26598 N.E. CORNER LOT 11 FOUND No. 4 REBAR dc CAP L.S. 11413 CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that John Cogswell, Patr�ce Cogswell, John H, Clark, a.nd Mary Clark, betng sole owner In fee slMpte, of all that real property sttuated In the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lot 10, A Resubdlvlston 01F Lots 10, 11, & 12, Block 1, Va�t/Potato Patch, nccording to the plat thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatn�ng 0,750 acres, r�ore or less. has by these presents lald out, platted and subd�v�ded the sar�e �nto lots and tracts as slhown on th�s f�nal plat under the nar�e and style of ' A Resubdiviston Of Lot 10, A Resubdivision Of Lots 10, 11, 8� 12, Block 1, Vail/Potato Patch ', a subdtvtsion In the Town of Vail, Eagte County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the respons�btl�ty for the cor�pletton of requtred �MproveMents� and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other publtc �MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the puNoltc foreverj and does hereby dedtcate those port�ons of satd rea.l property wh�ch are Indlcated as easeMent on the accor�panying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the r�ght to Install and r�a�ntatn necessary structures to the enttty respons�ble for provtding the serv�ces far whtch the easeMents are established, Executed thts _j� dny o+f ________ _______, A,D „ 199�, � --------- OHNERS� Joh Cog ell Add 55 ----1gY_P�s�Q ��r_��r. ------u�«__�p � 9 _��s 7 -���� ---- - ------------ Patr�ce Cog ell Address � __,���! �_✓��� �-v ----�-��-� -�i_�-� --L%7G`-tJ�— --------------------- John H, Clark"'� // Address � __� y�!� � �ZJ__��tCla� �/� ---�1_�??� �G�rr?�"_°_�2_?L��'7 ----------- -��5%���� _------- Mary Cl-� Address � �?9Y � _ �rI?�--+�c� ---�1���?�?�i?lz�� - a : STATE �F���'�1 = �------- ) �- ------>S5, CDUNTY �F �� _ ) The forQ.going Instruroent �was acknowledged before Me thts ��_ -- day of ��r�:,�_______, �A . D,, 199� by John Cogswe t l. My Cor�r� � ss t on exp I res �_'��_" !�_�__ Wttness My hand and seal, � �,� ,�-,�( L_� ���r���--r------------ Nb�ary Pub l,i �, ✓ - - ; C-�ddress � ' � � � �a'-� ���� -�� �; �r ��G „------- --- =��-f� �-------- STATE OF � �L����S! ______ � )ss, C�UNTY OF _l_-�'�_���'________ ) �/ The fore,go�ng Instruroent was acknowledged before Me this _'1 _ day of s,1i�L's� , �A , D,, 199� by Patr t ce Cogswe l l, �------ RY p 9 M CoMM�ssion ex Ires� ���� �� U Y P �-J�-------- � 0 .............. ..�/C9 Nttness My hand and seal, — ��` . �.1�-�-� �����''L�d.1 _}_ tary ub l t c_ ULIE A. Address � J:y � " ;�����'% ���SSENiCH �_ C�� �=__It��rGl__ �•'r___ � •. � / ��•� e..r.^j•. STATE OF�����.�� � ��' � �� -------� CDUNTY ❑F ���_ � MY Commi�sion Expires 9-2�-rQ ------- ss, The foregoing �nstruMent was acknowledged before Me thls ��� day of ;�`b���'� _, A, D„ 199 � by John H, C l ark , Rl( p -�----- � �s� p'��`..... • Ud��l My CoMMtsston expires� � �______ ?�" ° W�tness My hand and seal. � � � � (.i _ �-1. -���!.(�_ . ,Il111E A. -�--- �N , ary Pu�?� �,c � , ,��N1CH ._ ddress � � ` �_ �< < �r � _ _ ��.J, ,�� `�- � _(1Ly�,�-_��1- -_ ' /�� _�_ i , �_ ��� .�� � � �� v��U -�;,.'� STATE �F,�1G�- �-------- ) 55 My Com!r;c�`�n E�F'",fQS 9-"'"- `". C�UNTY �F _��________> The fore;going InstruMent was acknowledged before Me this !1 __ day of �i��.1�� !�_____, A, D,, 199__ by Mark C l ark , M CoMMiss�on ex �res� � q( Y P ���'__r%-- � W t tness My hand and sea l, �, .��,RY PV ��� � � —���� � -�---- �' �� � ����d (� ary Pu�� � ; ��� ,��;� ���� Address� �� t�����1� !1� __+-- JUUE A. v;:. l(ESSENICH .'� , �. �r��; �°�: � .... . .. F C'��-� �� My Commi�si�n Exp9� 9-2�-�� TITLE CERTIFICATE r��,��,y. w�Y�- 0 �����Q�nj'C�%_, does hereby cert i fy that the t I t le to all lands shown upon this final plat has been exaMtn and Is ves^ted I n! y�b/�►_ C� -111�1r_y��}�i�!� �j� ------- �ri.� �'�1L$� J -- - =----------------------t------------ and that t�tle to su lands �s free and clear of al� ltens and cur►bra ces, except as f llows�_____ _______ � - -- '-"-��' --�� _� 1q�1_--�� sfQ4'- ------ --- - - - -- �►�0►'�_1!�-- N'QV--�y+l� ------- -��. -��-``s���r��_'------- - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------�------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th i s�_ day o� ��1'1U�'1/�____________, A, D,, 199�. :.� � G ��'b� �- �----- - --%�� (Address)___ ,,� _ U s--- �1-- -a � -_______ By' - - - --- ----------- C ignature) - l� --�7----i?�D�t�'Li -------- C ' t n - � ---- - � ------------ CTttle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy that I aM a reg�stered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat Is true, correct and coroplete as la�d out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of sa�d property by Me and under My supervtslon and correctly shows the location and diMensions of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subdiviston as the saMe are staked upon the ground In coMpliance with appllcable regulations governing the subdtvtston of land, �L'" `F � ��r ` �` � `' S >r�'y���'. M I n w I tn ess thereof I have set My ha� dnd' sg� I4����`s;`�� cb.}r�f J�NLf�jY_ � A D , 199 �! , ' `'� � , ti . ��v �� ; ------- ----- � � . . '�� ` 6 . � t1 E1 � �.� �V J���i�� -�-��__-- • � -;------------ Stan F4Dg'�';�4d '"�;�� � �'� .�` Co l oradt�,1� � .• ..,�...�.��.. a` PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the three parcels created by this resubdivision are to be treated as one entity with no More than one two-faMily restdence allowed on the eoMb�ned area of the three parcels, Allowable gross res�dentlal floor area for the two-faMily restdence wlll be calculated based on the coMbtned area of the three parcels, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Th � s f I n aol� ��„__�� er y a4pt"''oved � Town of Va � l Zon � n g AdM I n I s ��Y�i, day of ��,!����__' A, D,, 199�i[, � � te �� /��y� �� _ - - - - � -- - -- own l � �onin AdMln strator Town� l, Co _ra�f� Town of Vall, Colorado �. CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby rtlfy hat the en I aMOUnt of taxes due an d payab l e as of -,����Qn,-�13,� ���Q _, upon a t l parcels of real estate descrtbed on thls f�nal plat are pald In full, Dated this _��_ day of _ _____ , A,D „ 199�, ,� Treasurer/�f Eagle County,�lor d U CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE Thls ftnal ptat was ftled for rec�l In the offlce of the Clerk an d Recorde o th I s_�� day of $ f,�Y'y.Q�Y' , A, D,, 199 , t'���0' c l .�! M, Recor un der Rec�pt � on No , ����_ � n Book �j�� at Page !�s� � �'�QL� Wqh� �.�-�---����_ �.��..�...���,�� C lerk and Recorder �� y..:r;, � f•� r �w„ . ��:�� � Ea le o nt , olorado d; �M„ r 9 Y � a, . A� � �Y --- --- -- - -- rr ° Deputy � COLO��`� JOB No. 482 � � l �;