HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 20FINA L PL A T i / O • 1 1 1 1 TO �N OF VA lL � ,-� 0 � � J V � -� . � V VQ � �� � � � � � � v � � � � � � .� � ;+` �` Z � � � / � ' EA GLE CDUN T Y i FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP P. E. & P. L. S. 26626 (TYP.) NOTES PURPOSE OF TH/S PLA T/5 TO SUBD/190E LOT 20 /NTO LOT 20-A AND LOT 20-B. Q -Denotes "Found" su�vey marker (desc�iption noted) � -Denotes 'Set" su�vey marke�• (5/8" Reba� and Plastic Cop PE PLS 26626J Basis of Beo�ings: N 899�4'16" W o Distance of 119.02 feet fiom SW corner of Lot 13 Dauphinois-Mose%y Subdivision, Filing No.l to the SE corner of the same Lot 13. Date of Survay. May, 1996 824- -Denotes Street Address LAND USE SUMMARY LOT 20-A 12,906 SQ.FT. ONE UlVIT 1824-A GLACIER COURT LOT 20-B 9,223 SQ.FT. ONE UNIT 1824-B GLACIER COURT Lot 20-A ond Lot 20-B sho/! be sub�iect to the L/ON S RIOGE SUBDI l�lSION, FlLING No. 3, P�o tecti ve Co venan ts os �ecorded unde� Reception No. 187 >93,� Book 29Q, Page 794. N 47�> >¢�., E S 39'30'56 " W CdL ORA DD GRAPHIC SCALE �0 20 cM�� 1 inch = 10 ft. I� ` � �or 2� 223. �,g • I/lCINI TY MAP GRAPHIC SCALE o soc aoo ao�a� CIN FEET� 1 INCH = l000 FEET � • •,�•I�•Il�iir•�•l:Zrr•I:��r� ,i /; i; i i i G �� /: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the undersigned being the holder of o mo�tgoge o� deed of trust on the real p�operty situoted in the Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, described os fo/%ws• Lot 20, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Fi/ing No.3, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Co%rado contoining 0.508 ocres more o� /ess,• as shown on this �nal p/ot under the nome and styfe of UON'S RlOGE SUBDIIiIS/ON, F/L/NG No.3, A RESUBDlV15/ON Of LOT 20, BLOCK Z, TOWN OF �A/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO agrees to the dedicotion ond setting opart o// of the pub/ic roods and other pub/ic imp�ovements ond p/oces os shown on the occompanying plat to the use of the pub/ic forever, ond does hefeby og�ee to the dedicotion these poftions of said reol properfy which ore indicated os easemenf on the occompanying plaf as easements for the ,ou�pose shown he�eon; vnd does he�eby ag�ee to the granting of the right to insto// ond maintain necessory struc- tures to �nfity �esponsib/e for providing the services fo� which the e e toblished. ^1 �',t,�l� � day of _,1 _�� A. D. 1996. y'�r'� •�,� � F i _ .� yµ� L s �'�`� (�: Mr►�C r'Z��;a� ; �y �. � ''*•!. •+��',w�° p�wr.•.-e J�c� Pv�ec�cwr A ��N• � � ����� � � `S ,Q/p � cF ` � OO� � ` �j0 J � � V t ,O� A��� V_Y J For roning purposes, Lofs A ond B cr�oMd br fhis sc�idivision are to be treoted os ane entity with� no mare fhan ane 2- fomi/y residence ol%wed on the combined aisa of fhe tw�v lots. AllowobM Gross Res- idential F/oor Areo for the 2- fomily nsidencs wil/ be co/culoted on tl►e avmbin�d orea of 1he Iwo Y�s. � � ��� -_.. T1TLE CERTIF/CATE /d�C�A �_�,1.(�f�! f�s- �i • —_ does hereby certify thaf the title to a!/ /ands shown upon this p/ot have beerr��l examined and is vested in��,y ��j.� - � �� �wW tit/e to such /onds !s_ f�ee on�ear of o/ liF�vk and �r��mbronces, . ��. _ . .. Doted thls �. ��doy of _ T�—+¢- _A. D.1996. J------ ������!�+!� �✓ �-�t,r�.�l i' f% Li�d^ A.•��'ee- Ce . �R��� ,SURVE"Yf�RS CER77F/CATE.• 1, Duane D. Fehringe� do hereby ce�tify that / am o Registered Lond Surve}ror licensed undei- the /ows of the Stote of Co%rado, that this plot is a true, correct, ond complete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Vail, County of Eog/e, State of Co%�odo, os /oid out, platted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, thot such P/at was made from an occurate survey of said property by me ond unde� my supervision ond correct/y shows the /ocotion ond dimensions of the /ots, eosements ond st�eets of said subdivision os the same ore stoked upon the ground in comp/ionce with opplicob/e regu/otions governi � the subdivision of /ond. � ln wi ess ereof / have set my hond and seal this � doy of ����� _ _A.D., 1996.. A �.....• i�-F„ & P. L. , :,i�,�iiiii�,,r �� CERTIF/CA TE OF DEDICA T10N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY 1HES£ PRESENTS THAT the undersigned being so% owners in fee simp/e of o/! that reo/ p�operty situoted in the Town of Vail, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, desc�ibed as fo/%ws: Lot 20, B/ock 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Fi/ing No.3, Town of Voil, Eagle County, Co%odo containing 0.508 acres more a- /ess,• ho►�e by these p�esents loid out p/otted and subdivided the some into lots ond b/ocks as shown on this fina/ p/ot under the name ond style of LlON'S R/OGE SUBD/�/SION, FlL/NG No.3, A RESU80/l9SlON OF LOT 20, BLOCK 2, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO and does hereby accept the responsiT�ilify fo� the comp/etion of requi�ed imp�ovrments; ond does hereby dedicate and set opo�t o// of the pub/ic roods ond other pub/ic imp�ovements ond ploces os shown on the occomponyrng plat to the use of the pub/ic forever• ond does hereby dedicote those portions of said �eo/ properfy which are indicoted as easement on the accompanyrnq plat os eosements ior fhe purpose shown hereon; ond does he�eby gront the right to insta// ond morntoin necessary structu�es to the entlty responsib/e for p�oviding the servic�or which the eosements ore estoblished. n�/ +�V��A.D. 1996 Executed this `�1_day of DAUPH/NA/S - MOSLEY CONSTRUCT/ON /NC. P. O. B 1515 VAlL, O 816 8 BY PA TR/CK G DAUPHIN S/ ES/DENT/ STA TE OF COLORADO ) > SS __ _ COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoinq Certi�cofe of edication and Ownership wos o no /ed ed �e t is do f_�"�l . �r�� ����±�is�. ��•*�r_o����(�N�,s : � � s. :.,:. s.h ; y ��°��� `'' � STA TE � Of COLORADO ) > ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) rp= ZON/NG ADM/N/S7RA TOR CER AF/CA TE fiis �no/ p/ot�j h y opp�oved by a Town of Vaiy Zoning Administrotor this �!�� day of _ __� A.D., 1996. A TTEST.� ..«.......,,.�... � Zoning Admrni t�ator � Town of Voi/ �s p o approved by the Town Counci/ of the Town o Voi/, Co%rodo this �__ day of �__ A.D., 1996, for ff/Ing with the Clerk and Reco�ded of Eog/e County, Ca/orodo d for the convieyvnce to the Town of Voi/ of the pub/ic dedicat' s shown hereon; sub�iect to the pro►�sion that oppro►�n1 in way ob/igate�s the Town of Voil fo� maintenonce of �oads dedic d to the pub/ic unti/ construction of improvements thereon sh have been comp/eted in acco�donce with Town of Vai1 ecificotions ond the Town Counci/ of the Town of Vai! hos by subsequent reso/utian agreed to undertake maintenance of same. Thfs approva/ does not guaranfee thot soil conditions any !ot shown hereon ore such that a bui/ding permit or ony o r required permit wi/l be issued. This opprova/ is with the un tonding thot ol/ expenses involving oll improv�ments requi�ed al/ be the �esponsibi/ity of the subdivide� ond not the wn of Vail. A TTEST Mo}ro� CERT/f7CA TE OF TAXES PA/D: /, th�, undeisigned, do hereby ccrtify that the tire omount of toxes due ond payable os of �_-_�_�'� upon a/l pa�ce/s of reo/ estote describ�n this p/at ore paid in fu//. Doted this ��iidov of _� __, /4'Da 1996. /J T�eosu�e� of Eoq/e �unty CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERT/F/CA TE.• �/�. � v This p/ot wo�� iy/e� fo� �ecor in the office of th /erk ond Recorde� t Q=-f���doy of �� _A.D. f9 t �i��o'clock �M. Recor ed de� Rec�tion Nocs� n 800k ..�Q O _ ot Page � � _. . D . n .,,, _ �-- �- _ ^ � � r �eCS Q 70 O / / 8� �--'��; r�G,���rk and Re�Fder ,� ; '';; ••f+�'�/e Coun ty, Co%rodo � : �,�<�;,V;�s(,� .,�>�e�: i .�.,- ..t: r i � , ts 't,� ° � `,� � �_'�� � ...- �r� n