HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Das Schone Filing 1 Block B Lot 7 - Karin's Ridge� ,i �� �� i�..� �� ,� ; ; � � � li �� �' '�!! � I'. ; t. � � �� k u "� 7' , , i ;: , „„ , , w �.,�..��w,��.�..» ., . ;!��'����R�� ,� ' � ' ! , . �''' ' � �, i. i' �, �,� ��,' : �4��N1��D �'`l�l'AL � �'''�! T � �� ��, �� �� F,; � L 0 T?' BL 0 C.�"' �` A 1��'S UBDI V�'SI `01V' C�.�' VA�`� �.� �' �''�`�"'�'1 �""�"', ��'�` �.No. �' ; > > .��`�'"'S"`�C�1V ` C�1�'" L 0 7"S 8 9 c4c > 0 1�"L 0 CK �3 "�"���� �. �,.�;���"�'�'"C�N�" A RES"'U'`.� , , , , , �'�'i��''� Ol�' VAIL CO UNTY OF' E�4 G�E', S"��l ��' ��": �'�'�'�' � , , � � w VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 1=59°37' 17" , R=44.81 �O L=46.63 `. T=25.67 LC=44.55 SET PIN dc CAP CB=N 33°54'39" E L.S. 2659\ Z g � 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 SET PIN dc CAP L.S.26598 L0�' 1 �`� �• � �� �� � � / '►� �O / � N� �o O �• . � � � � a � � J W � � Z ° ` .� V FOUND PLAIN �5 REBAR N 5�02'��' w _ . _ _ � � � � � • �7°32'2� N LOT 6 PATRICK FIUJETTAZ 12/27/9'i 1� � � � FOUND REBAR dc PLASTIC CAP L.S. 2183 �� / � � � � I W � � '�' �� m �p � N 0 � Z � � � Q � _ C� _ F�-- Q � 11.1 z — FOUND PLAIN {�3 REBAR SCALE: 1" = 20' �b 0 20 40 60 Fsst . CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Karin Sthett�t�er, being sole owner �n fee s�Mple, of all that rcal prop�erty situated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lot 7, Block B, A Resubdivis�on t]f Vait Das SChW►1�', F�l�ng No, 1, and Lot 2, A Resubd�v�s�on Of Lots 8, 9, � 10, Bt�k B, Va�l Das Schone, F�l�ng No, 1, accord�ng to the plats tlkr�tof recorded �n the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk a�dl Recorder, conta�n�ng 0,7846 acres, More or less. has by th�s� prestnts la � d out, p ll�'t�t�d 1�d"�� akd the sar►e � nto lots and tracts as sMown on thls f i�i p!a"t 1M!lakr the naMt an d sty l e of ' Kar t n's R i alge ', p*ubiM�1 y�st� ��My F�Mne Town of Va � l, Eag l e Coun ty, Co i oracMo j a�wd IMe�e� 1wlw�"lir���t the responsibt t ity for tht Cv�pta►tld� I�f r�����a�vantntsj nnd does hereby ded t catr and set apecr# • 1! oF ���r� c roads and other pub t � c +nprover+tnts and p1a�s �! �rv�r ���1►r acconpany i n� plat to the use of the pwbtic f wer� aM1 M�l��e�by d�dtcate thos� port t ons of sa � d rea l prop�wl�r �idti ���� cated os easerrent on the accarr�rany��ng pla^t �e +lrrlrlrr����thc purpose shown hereon j and does M�ertby gr�un�t �lMK r��!�' '� sta t l and Ma t n ta t n n ec�ssary stru�cturea to tpl�► �l�rt`�"'�r ��� i b l c for prov t d� ng the serv t ces for wM t ch 1�wt t�a�wMW��t � estab l t shed , ,��.� � �� „� Executed th t s ,..� �_ day og ____� ��'` �"� � � � � ' �a' , A . D . , 199 �+!, �' . , . OWNER � .����C'.��'' � �_ I�,r Kar�n Sche�d�g� � 2436 C'hane� i x La� � Vail, CO B16S7 �I�iEt�iORTH � Pue�rc STATE OFC��� _-------) ATEOF'�1tOLOfiADO -------)55, COUNTY OF _� ) � ' s 03�16�98 The f ore t n g t n strun�n t was acknawn l�dglw�' th t s � day � 99� by Kaa� tn �Me:h� cN�gger . of _�_________, A.D., 1 cN My Corrr� t ss t on �xp t res =�""�! '� � �,�; �' W�tness My hand and seat. '��'� Not�nl y Pu�l�-�- -------------- AdCk"eSS + �d .�_�Q� '�----------- . .. � � ��: TITLE CERTIFICATE , �Lqr�_'r�'!�G�Mt� �! ____, ciots htreby �C�w�'ti that the t � t le by to a t l l an ds shown_ upon th t s f t n n l p l at has bl�e�W�^� exan i n �d an d I s v�sted t n = �!'!r_ 5�!��N�!'1''�........�.�...�. ---------------- ----------------------- ---------------- and that title to su�ch lands ts I�rl� and 41� all ltens and encur+brances, exc�pt as Foltow����hK�_,�„�,�„ � ---- �---------------- ------------------------------�- �---------------- --------------------------------------_..._.,.��..«�---------------- ------------------------------w- --------------�-- ----------------------------__.._..�._ ---------------- � .,�, Dated th � s �*__ day of �� _____________,,,�,_ A, D., 199� , � , � -�_ --------- �<Address _ __..-_ ii�: —����---�-•— � � ���������i�i�� � ------------- (Titlt) `; ` NOTICE: �.� � � Accordinq to Cotorodo k�w y�ou nrurlt +b�M�'W���ry ction bosed upon any detect in this �urvey within tM�+tt �oi"s �1'bu! � first discover such defect. In no event, may ony oction boNQ '�Upon any defect in this survey be commenced more tho� bn �eors from the date of the ce�tification shown herean. ��� ._. ean II'; ry � �' . I I'.� �I �` ��'�. �I�DLOT2, FILING 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that I aM a reg�stered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and coMplete as la�d out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fror� an accurate survey of said property by r�e and under r�y superv�sion and correctly shows the locatton and d�Mens�ons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of satd subd�v�s�on as the saMe are staked upon the ground �n coMpl�ance wtth applicable regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�vts�on of t an d , �.����,{�;�,N��. �t L� �i� �'� � �i ��"+i T�' I n w � tn ess thereof I have set My han;c��e� s�a�� �it�,i �,� ,rs _ day of ---��------- � A , D , , 199�i_ �� �,. �';,`��i, r��=d� �.�;•�'�,. `: � : � �� �� �� �'�" �f5���`� _ � �., ° . . ; � . - - . -- -�------------- Stan 'I��q` ;Fd.t �q;��' ,�' , C O I OY' Q Ci�b�r= L J_ Cl►���, NOTES� (1) The purpose of th�s plat �s to aMend the property ltne between Lot 7 and Lot 2. (2) Date of Survey� January, 1996 (3> Beartngs are based on a ltne connect�ng the found MonuMents Mark�ng the southeasterly l�ne of Lot 7 and Lot 2 betng N26'18'46"E Csee drawtng), C4) Monur�entat�on as shown hereon, (5) Street Address; Lot 2 2446 Char�onix Lane Lot 7 2450 ChaMOn�x Lane C6) Protect�ve Covenants recorded �n Book 190 at Page 559, (7) Each property owner has the r�ght to br�ng water and sewer serv�ce across the adjo�n►ng lot fror� the ex�sting stubouts onto the newly created lots, C8> The dens�ty for Lot 7 shall be l�M�ted to a PrtMary and a Secondary Residence, No appl�cat�on for a Type II EMployee Hous�ng Unit shall be allowed. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE f Vail Planntng nd Env�ronMental _____, A,D,, 199�, Vatl P ntng and EnvironMental CoMMiss�on � „� .�.�, �..__`�"w"°.�',".".o..W... ����� � � "� i, , � , G� N �� ,� .r', �� <��, . e( � ���, � � �� i ��, � CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders � gned, do hereby cert � fy that tlle_g�t t r ar�o�t�� taxes and assessr�ents due and payable as of ]�C �► upon all parcels of real estate described on th�s plat are pa�d in full, Dated th�s �� ��� _____, A,D., 199�_, � --- day of -------- �.� _ � � _ _ � � T asurer of Eagle C unty CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��� �O Thts Plat was f�l for recor �n the Off�ce Qf t e Cterk and R corder t y: �%�_o ' c l ock �. M,, on th � s J_�0�_day of �qQNs[,$ _�_, 199 ,�� i s du l y recorded � n Book � 9�� f# s �a '' . ; �Ld. �' o� �►.......�� --- � �-- --F - ------ G Clerk and Re der �,� i • x=,; � � _ �M�i�l/�i : ,..:�,, � K �� +.� � BY' - -- - - � � � Depu y JOB No. 0 �� .� � i� � ��� �, 1, �`. �,; � � � �''��� . . ,E , ; , ., �i � E�� �16�€��� i �1 � I� ��, ; ik� I I Id��tW�p��� �� I�� I I Ii�F{ flkl �tp ,'�. '�' 1 �I� �f f'�. � I p'I li i � �°�" c �' I r�[al��� k �i: � Ci���"l��� �