HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 37� VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I =14° 10' 00" R=480.00 L=1 18.68 � V� r�, V �� � �/�\� _` V I J` � S 38°45'00" W 15.00 A= 93 � � � � � FOUND PIN & CAP L.S. 1 1643 s y s� �6s R�, �� �• �• , � LOT 3 8 S sso2s, ?�� F � � /� '�9 62 � \ � RESUBDIVISION LINE TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT PARCEL A OUTLINE / \ BUIOLDING g�p,F��NG� 0.2177 ACRES 5 OF 1a�' 1239A WESTHAVEN CIRCLE \ gP`�� � � �h �68� �O 1 � �� N � EASEMENT BOOK 278, � / � ti � PAGE 478, (TO BE ABANDONED > '� BY THE RECORDING OF THIS � 01� PLAT) �� > � �� � � � i� \ / T � WN OF VAIL, � � / ��i� 10� � , <� \ i N 41°38'40" W � � � 1� < 18. 69 ��O � � � OUTLINE ��� � \ \ \ 0 F � BUILDING � �� EASEMENT IS � CREATED BY THIS PLAT� �S SET FORTH IN NOTE 8� �� / � � � �� �� Og �� TRACT F NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 —� S 48°21'20" W- 9.00 s 4 PARCEL B � � 0 0.2057 ACRES � 1239B WESTHAVEN CIRCLE (� � \ � � �\ \� � � � � � � \�� � � S 680 \ � � �; 38.4�„ — � �� 6S 22 � O � � O � � � � �� � �� � �� � � V FOUND PIN & CAP L.S. 1 1643 � � � � w O � LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 1=02°53'36" R=980.00 L=49.49 BEARING S 58°11'39" E S 44°31'49" E S 56°43'S4" E S 76°53'23" E DISTANCE 46.68 48.73 28.49 18.81 FINAL PLA T � CO UNT Y OF EA GLE, S TA TE OF COL nRAD � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Hillview Developr�ent Corporatton, A Colorado Corporation, being sole owner in fee s�mple, of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lot 37, Ar�ended Plat Glen Lyon Subd�v�sion, accord�ng to the plat thereof recorded In Book 272 at Page 370 �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0,4233 acres, r�ore or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subd�v�ded the sar�e �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the naMe and style of " Ar,ended Plat Glen Lyon Subdiv�ston, A Resubdivis�on of Lot 37 ", a subd�v�sion �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the respons�b�l�ty for the coMpletlon of required ir�proveMents; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publlc � r�prover�en ts an d p l aces as shown on the accor�pan y � n g p l at to the use of the publ�c forever; and does hereby ded�cate those port�ons of sa�d real property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easeMent on the accor�pany�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to Install and r�aintain necessary structures to the entlty responsible for prov�d�ng the services for wh�ch the easer�ents are establlshed, Executed th � s��?�day of __ _ _ _�.___, A, D �, 199� , OWNER� H�llv�ew Developr,ent Corporatton A Colorado Corporat�on ain St,, Suite 1100 Saraso , FL 21 BY'- - --- �-- -- ------ Daryl J, Brow as� President STATE �F_��QI��DA______> )ss, COUNTY OFs��1�QT�___) The fore oing instruMent was acknowledged before r�e th�s _IZ� day of �€�]'t!�A��j�,.__, A, D., 199__ by Dary l J, Brown as Presldent of H�llview Developr,ent Corporatlon, A Colorado Corporat�on, My CoMr, � ss t on exp � res � 1_2't 4'9 �, W�tness r�y hand and seal, ---- � . �'c���_�_%?���.�.C=---------- Notary Publ�c Address ;1�'S � tli�►t. �I�� _____ ;�;;�Y :i;;� i PATRICIA E. MORRELL �rz!�lt��Ot � 3 y.�2�0 _.: :.� M Y C O M M I S S I O N N C C� 3 01�8 E�tiS ?!�• io�: �BC8RIb8r'�� i� '�'%�„ os ��d:`' BONDED THRU TROY FAIN IqSURANCE. �. CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION �OR MORTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST H�LDER Know all r,en by these presents that F�rstBank Of Vail, being the holder of a mortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows, Lot 37, Ar�ended Plat Glen Lyon Subd�v�s�on, accord�ng to the plat thereof recorded In Book 272 at Page 370 In the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ning 0,4233 acres, r�ore or less, as shown on this final plat under the naMe and style of " Ar�ended Plat Glen Lyon Subd�v�s�on, A Resubd�v�s�on Of Lot 37 ", a subd�viston �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the ded�cat�on and sett�ng apart all of the publ�c roads and other public Improver�ents and places as shown on the accor,panytng plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and does hereby agree to the dedtcation of those portlons of sa�d real property which are �ndicated as easer�ents on the accor�pany�ng plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the granting of the r�ght to �nstall and r�a�nta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easer�ents are establ�shed, Executed th t s_� i __ day of _ S��%?� �-K��_______, A, D,, 199_ � MORTGAGEE� F�rstBank �f Va�l 17 Va�l Road Vacat�on and Abandonedr,ent of Exist�ng Easer�ent Eagle R�ver Water and San�tatton D�st�ct, f/k/a Va�l Water and San�tat�on D�strtct, hereby conveys, releases, qu�tcla�r�s, vacates and abandons all �t's r�ghts, t�tle and �nterest �n that certa�n easer�ent created by �nstrur�ent ent�tled "Conveyance of Ut�l�ty Easer,ent", recorded NoveMber 14, 1978, �n Book 278 at Page 478, of the records of the Off�ce of the Eagle County Clerk andl Recorder, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Executed th � s �f * day of __.SC}0 �'e►�!1�t�______, A, D,, 199�, Eagle River Water and Sanitation Dlstrict 846 Forest Road Va � l, C 657 _ � . BY � ---- 's'r'i6 i =rE'�'�ir±------- CS�gnature) 17ehnis Ge �v�r+ ------------------------------- (Pr�nt nar�e) _ Gen�►^_tL_ f_1�n3�►_�---------- CTitle) TITLE CERTIFICATE Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby cert�fy that the t�tle to all land $hown up n thts f�nal qlat has been exam�ned and �s vested � n ; _ R�/r�W"_�tVCJO��kCiL'f _CAV�pwl.�"l'�';j------------------ . ---------- - C�ar��4---�r�'-"-�-� ---------------------------- and that t�tle to such lands �s free and clear of all l�ens and encumbrances, exce t as fo l lows �_�r�l__e'�_�u�'f_!^�c! _________ -N!i'�-- � -6i°- y�lb -�G • R''!A�'��.- -- �ICM2�►vly'--- -� - -- -�-- b�-------��� ���- �'----- �= �c ��- ----- s��o -4 -- --- � � i� - �--'�-Z'} ����� � ----- - o� -- �� c��r====-__�'`�---�-�a�� a� -�-----____ A.��!-'-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th�s �1�.day of ��`_______________, A.D,, 199_� Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany 108 S, Frontage Road West Va�l, CO 81657 BY' -� � ---------------- (S�gnature) � _��'1 _�/ g� --------------- CPr' t nar, ) -- �(�"�+c _rl�l�lnr�°_�r_-✓_' ----------- CT�tle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a reg�stered Land Surveyor llcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat Is true, correct and cor�plete as la�d out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such pla� was r�ade froM an accurate survey of sa�d property by Me and under My superv�s�on and correctly shows the locat�on and dtMens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subd�v�s�on as the saMe are staked upon the ground in cor�pl�ance w�th appl�cable regulat�ons governtng the subd�v�s�on Of l an d� .�a*: r���r �� e :� !+h ?� ���' i '� ;��i �♦ �� In w � tness thereof 1 have set My hand a�`c�- �ed"� ,��r+.�t 14� _ day of Str?- A D 199 v k$;•�. `` �°' �'��'"� `> �;� ; --------------� , ,, , � ;� -- �: * zz t�,, �s � y 4 • � V � � , ' Y ;.� ; �, � a -r. '° �-�.,: : :. . .... ,, . , ..�t"'a� . . • . .� - ----- �-:a a '�',.�; ---------- Stan Hog���;�� Y � 5-4a �, Co lorado PL��Y::,��E;S���};�k..a"`� PLAT RESTRICTIDN For zon�ng purposes, �the two parcels created by this resubd�v�s�on are to be treated as one entity with no r,ore than one two-far��ly res�dence allowed on the cor�b�ned area of the two parcets, Allowabte gross res�dent�al floor area for the two- far��ly res�dence w�ll be calculated based on the cor�b�ned area of the two parcels, va � i, ca i 6s� --. a�, ��� `r�C �;':• • •e� � By` --------------- - �.•--- •. �' C T I t l e)-----���------- �. �•' ---- � � AL�.R��!�! � :� BI�HOP : STATE �F- �------------) : : ) ss , ' �� . — — COUNTY �F -���------� � '���' •--•'� P �� �` P The forego i ng i nstrur�ent was acknow iedged before r�e th i s <<'th daY �� , A. D,, 199�i by ---�L�PI!��D�!�-�---- as ___� _______ of F�rstBank �f Vail, My Cor�m i ss � on exp � res �_�� �P ��1 �___ ' W�tness r�y hand and seal, SCALE: 1" = 20' 20 0 20 40 60 Feet DRAWN BY: PATRICK FILLIETTAZ Notary u l� - - -- -- ------- Address�____� �(�_K� _________ ----�1�.e�! !�?�Lf���----- NOTES� (1) The purpose of this plat is to subdivide Lot 37 �nto two parcels as shown, and to abandon a uttl�ty easer�ent and create a rev�sed easer,ent �n �ts place� C2) Date of Survey� August, 1996 C3) Bear�ngs are based on a line connect�ng the found r,onur,ents r,arking the r,ost westerly corner and r,ost easterly corner of Lot 37 being N68°40'13"E (see drawing), (4) Monur,entation as shown hereon, CS) Street Address� 1239 Westhaven Circle, C6) Protective Covenants recorded in Book 268 at Page 698 and amended �n Book 468 at Page 447-472 and rerecorded In Book 469 at Page 801 and ar�ended �n Book 469 at Page 38 & 39 and ar�ended �n Book 528 at Page 154. C7) Declarat�on of Covenants, Conditions and Reservatlons recorded �n Book Z� at Page ��� � C8) An exclus�ve, perpetual easement and r�ght of way, over, across and through the real property descr�bed as� That part of Parcets A and B, Ar,ended Plat Glen Lyon Subdiviston, A Resubd�vtsion Of Lot 37, according to the r�ap thereof recorded �n the off�ce of the Eagte County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows; Beg�nn�ng at the r�ost westerly corner of sa�d Parcel A, thence the followtng Z courses along the northwesterly lines of Parcel A� 1) N38°45'00"E 15,00 feet; 2) 3.93 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 480,00 feet, a central angle of 0°28'09", and a chord that bears N38°30'S6"E 3,93 feet; thence, depart�ng sa�d l�ne, S58°11'39"E 46,68 feet; thence S44°31'49"E 48,73 feet; thence S56°43'S4°E 28�49 feet; thence S76°53'23"E 18,81 feet to the easterly l�ne of said Parcel B; thence the follow�ng 3 courses along the easterly and southerly lines of said Parcels A and B� 1) S18°48'00"W 12,62 feet; Z> N68°38'40"W 65,22 feet; 3) NSO°06'S4"W 82,13 feet to the Polnt Of Beg�nning, �s hereby granted, conveyed and qu�tclair�ed to Eagle River Water and San�tation District for the construct�on, operatlon, r�a�ntenance, repa�ring, enlarging, and reconstruction of water l�nes, and r�echan�cal appurtunences thereto, and such other uttlity serv�ces as Grantee r,ay exclus�vely deterr,�ne, (Note� The above r,etes and bounds descr�pt�on done as requested by Eagle R�ver Water and San�tat�on D�str�ct,) ZONING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE Th � s f �„�,�,,..p,�,at t s h �y approved b t�wn of Va i l Zon � ng A d r, ���`��, 6�?�0 ;r:,,'�),; � s�� da y o f ___ ��,/� , A, D,, 199� , �1 .�'-1 >. s i�� — — To To Zoning Admin�strator Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby cert�fy that the entir ar�o nt taxes an d assessr�en ts due an d payab l e as of ,��/���� �,1,� lp upon all parcels of reat estate descr�bed on th�s plat are pa�d �n full, Dated th � s�� day of ��}'L��BQ� ---, A, D �, 199�Q_ , �8�� - - �•.�'1���-' �- ��5!u���?� rc��rer of Ea l e�oun t 9 Y CLERK AND RECORDER ' S CERT I F I CATE ���� �6 y' �� Th�s Plat was ��l d for recor in the Off�ce of he Clerk and Recorder at fp � 4�__0' c l ock �_ , M,, on th � s 1�_day of �$������'__ ��O 683 i s du l y recorded � n Book �� _ Page No . (a �_ , ��'�� -� $�`-�'y�° -- `�! `� �- --��-------- a�: �, ��', s�%r �� l erk an d e rder ,�� y;����, _ �.y��, ,�,�.� ��oct*�'+....... �� pBy' - C��"`�-�JQ�!!`-�''----- y�l���.� �� Depu y JOB No. 2237 �