HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Heights Filing 1 Lot 12GRAPHIC SCALE 20 �o ( IN F`EET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. . FOUND NO. 3 REBAR-NO CAP RESET 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. � CAP PE & PLS 26626 (TYP,) No rES� BA SlS OF BEARIIVGS• N 33'S7'23" W AL OIVG iHE NOR THEAS TERL Y L O T LINE OF L O T 12 BETWEEN FDUND MONUMEN TS AS lNDICA TED. DA TE OF SUR l/E Y OC TOBER, 1996 PURPOSE OF THIS PL A T lS TO SUBDI l/lDE L O T 12, VAIL HEIGH TS, FlL lNG N0. 1, INTO PARCEL A—WEST AND PARCEL B—EAST. THERE ARE NO EASEMEN TS lNDICA TED ON PLA T OF l/AlL HEIGH TS FlLING N0. 1. 2119—A DENOTES SrREET ADDRESS NOTICE.• According to Co%rado /ow ynu must commence any lego/ oction bosed upon ony defect in this sun�y within three yeo�s ofter yvu �rst discover such defect. /n no evenf, may ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this su�vey be commenced more than ten yeors fiom the dote of certi�cation shown hereon. FOUINIO 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP PE & PLS 26626 (TYP.) �9,2 �.�6 �� For zoning purposes, the two porce/s creoted by this subdivision are to be t�eoted os one entity with no m�ore than one 2-fomi/y �esidence ol%wed on the combined orea of the two porce/s A!/owob/e G'ross Residential Floor Area for the 2-family �esidence wi// be co%uloted on the combined arev of tha two parcels: DCIPL�X PLA T, . � • %O WN �� fi/�fi /L, E�fi �L E CC�f�it f l Y, I/ICIJVI T Y J�iI�4P GRAPHIC SCAL E o sav wav aaav �IN FEET> 1 INCH = 1000 FEET � � C�L ORAD� ' [ 1 . [ G. G i ��id�I.'lr�::�.'I�I:il�LI�S' i �t . �� i � o �i � � Ia t �� � i KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS THAT P�emie� Bonk being the ho/der of a mortgoge or deed of trust on the �ea/ property situated in the Town of t�a�; Eaq/e County, Co%rddo, descrl6ed as foHows: Lnt 12 1/ail Hei�it� F�7ing No. 1, Town ef I/ai/, £agle County, Cvlorodo,- cantaining 0.533 ocres more or /ess; as shown on this �nal p/ot under the nome ond style of DUPLEX PLAT, VA/L H£/Gf�lTS F/L/NG NO. 1, A RESVBD/V1S/AN OF LOT 12, o subdivision in the Town of Vai/, Eogle Co�nty, Cdorado; oyrees to the dedication and setting opa�t o// of the pu6/fc �oods ond other pub/ic improvements ond ploces os shown on the occompanying plot to the use of the pub/ic fo�eve�; orrd abes hereby agree to the dedicotion these portions of said reo/ property which ore indicated os eosement on the occomponying plot ns eu��nts f� ths purpose shown h�raon; ond cloes h�eby ngrae to the gronting of the right to insta// ond mointoin necessary struc- tures to the entity responslb/e for providin the servfces for whrch the eosements are estab/ished. /� ,D , Executed this �Q� day of (' / `� '1,1�P/l .A.D. 1996. �'-�-- e 4 � P�emler Bank � .I 1�..� �1 � I :�I ' I � � � srAt� o,� t�ursr��t� ) > ss PAR/SH OF �'J�� ) 11�e foregoing Ce�tiAcate of Dedicotlon n� ocknow/edg� be�� e t s_,.Q doy ' 1996 by J, ���/� kr f) �i `� e/}t� c My commission expires �tness my hond ond/ wos A. D., DOUGLAS H. THOMAS, Notary Puaj� Caddo Pariah, Louiaiana 0 ory b ic MY Commission is for Life �DD % � AS cS1�. � rCue��r�� ,LJJ %<�S� �ddress SURVFYORS CERT/FICA TE"• /, Duone 0. Fehringe�, do hereby certify thot / am o Registered Lond Sur�reynr licensed under the /ows of the State of Co%rado, that this plot is o true, correct, and complete DUPLEX PLAT, Town of �oi/, County of Eog/e, State of Co%rado, as /aid out, plotted, dedicated ond shown hereon, fhof such Plat was made f�om on occurote su�wey of said property by me ond under my supervisi� cmd correctly shows the /ocotion ond dimenslons of the 1ots, eosements ond streefs of soid subdivision os the some ore staked erpon the ground in campJionce with app/icab/e regu/ations governin�� the subdi�ision of /and. /n wi eof / have set my hond and seo/ this �� doy of �� A.D., 1996. � Duane D. Fehringe� \. ,� �,s" :�, � ' � '•��• :. �, Re�gistered Lorrd Sur'4�� �f. 265�., : � � _ : � c� ; � - : ° ���fi�t� � � � - , • _= .� . ; . ; . _ �`s�„ a�s � ,� •��.o.•• ;. �, : =, . .��� � 2" • l i, i i i.� ��/ � ".' KNOW ALL MEN BY 7H£SE PR£S£NT5 THAT Rona/d Lambert being sofc owrrar r� fee sanple of a!! thot r+sa! proparty srtuaterJ rn tlre Towrr of Vai/, Eagle County, Co%rado, desc�ibed os follows• Lot 12, �oi/ Heights, Fi�ing No. 1, Town of �ai7, £og/e County, Cdorodo, containing 0.533 acr�s mare or /essy ho►as by these presents loid out, plotted ond suhdivrded the some into lots ond blocks as shown on fhis dup/ex p/at under the name ond sty/e of �A/L HE/GHTS, F/L/NG NO. 1, A RESUBO/V/.S/ON OF LOT 12, m tht Fo�rr+ of �oAl, £ogla County, CoMra�b; ond does hei-eby accept the responsibl/Ity for the comp/etlon of required im�vwane�tsy ond do�s hereby �dicate av�d sat qvort o// of the pub/ic �oods ond othe� public improvements and p/aces as shown on the occompanying p/ot to the use of the pub/ic for-ewr,• ond does hereby dedicate those po�tions of said �eo/ p�operty which ane indicated as easement on the occomp�ying p/ot os eosements for the purpose shown hereon; and does he�eby g�ont the �ight to Jnsto/1 ond mointaln necessary structures to the entity responsi7�/e fo� providing the serrices fvr �ich fhc eosi-rrrenfr�ar foG/ished Executed this�_day of 1u�1� -A.D. 1996 Rono/d Lombert 533 Atkins AHerrue Sh�eviepo�t, Louisiono, 71104 ` �,�,-�..��J-� �--,q��--,R3--. � By.� on am er STA TLr fJD� L4U/S/ANA ) ) SS PAR/SH OF C� ) 714e foregoing CertifJcote of Ded/catJon acknow/edged bef� e me this oy of A.D. 1996 by i( 6N�} /. I� M/�E7 My commission expires Wtne,ss my h�n4, and . wos v�� / DOUGLAS H. THOMAS, Notary Pud� / Caddo Parish, Louisiana �(�✓1� My Commission is for Life : .�/1 r� aP6J 6r7 .U9' 7//S-� ZOM/NG ADM/N/STRA TOR CERTIF/CA 7E:• TI'ris finvl �I ' ereby vp��d t� tl►e Town of i��il Zoriir�y Admin' day of L G�� . A.D., 1996. * t 1r To�n W _ . ! .�/ �.. ► . � � . r - . •. . . . . . nrcE cERn�cArE `���� 1'1'ICJ' 1�Lf� �� � � �'f' �� does hereby cer ify thot the tit/e to o/ ds �shqwq c�pon t is p t hovr been examined ond is vested In�Or1q„�d Lam ond that title to such londs,� fre� ond�/ear of o/iens ond ep cur�b�ance ezcqot as faro�rs• d.�E� o.�'—i �r�� IcCO�'dcd Dated this 1 oy of 1996, A.D. � CERT/f7CA TE OF TAXES PA/D.• /, the unders/gned, do hereby certlfy thot the e»t/re amount of toxes due ond poynble os of "�.�,���r.L.t�► 31 sl- � 199 l� upon o/l parce/s of rea/ estate described on this p/ot o�e poid in full. Doted this �1 s� Qay of(je+�ob�.t' .� A.D., >998. a��. b� ���� reasurer of og e un y � t� 7 s 3 /-�arf' � � 40� � Fr� CLERK AND RECOiRDER'S CERT/F/CA7F.• ��� �Q n 7�O �� This p/ot wos ff/e for rec in the of�ce of the Clerk and Recorder at i�day of A.D. 1996 0l ���� � o'c%ck �Rec �ded• unde� Reception No. ���Lin Book at Poge ,�_. ''�ai.R��„ Coun ty, Co%rodo