HomeMy WebLinkAboutCascade Village - Cascade Creek Duplex Plat - Unplatted� � SUBJECT SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE O�. ``' / ;,YICINITY MA'�, WESTHAVEN SITE �r � �� � 6� 5�� Z S 81 •23 � �„ N 9 c \ � 9 1� ACCESS EASEMENT c � 6 5. �,� ( B O O K 4 1 1, PA G E 61 5) \ 9s. s� � — — — � — N 19'34'47" E — 8.55 � � — / S 8T18'27' E_ 151.43 CENTERLINE OF ° FND. ALUM. CAP ON No. 5 REBAR — —`� ,__,_, BIKEPATH EASEMEN � � L.S. No. 11643 •`�/ � .-. J w � Q w� � ~ �� � � o z � � Z Z W H � DUPLEX PLAT TOWN �F VAIL, �COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE flF C�L�RAD� FOUND ALUhA. CAP ON No. 4 REBAR L.S. No. 26598 � �� �^ b� N -- _—' — — ___ _ �y �,�. �. N BT18'27' W— 136.56 — 2/ ' --- //��` S 58'OB'44' W— 26.72 � N 81'23'19" W 50.46 / '0 /s�/ � �'/ \ - � � CENTERLINE OF 25' GAS LINE EASEMENT / �� S �, r (BOOK 405, PAGE 524) �, '.s � y�o �� � �� o���� W" 3 s.o ��/ BLD. OUTLINE � C1 N � ����� e5 "�� � / �� � N � 5 `' � � � � � �� \ ��� � /�W�396, ti�O � �/ ! � ��� � 5� � 3� n'��' / ,�'� � � ,��" � w S 80'55'08" W—� N 6g2� 9/ PEPA�S'�TRIAN � \ / �^ \ 6���j' / � _� �39�E / � � � \� N / / / \\�.2 � " 3 g° � ARCEL B NORTH ,� � � 0.4375 ACRES � ,� � � � 1333N s s<ros�as' E S 68'44�io" E Gj � BL�. OUTLINE � 14.05 19.30 , � O ��� FND. 48' WIT. CRN. ,��j � \� � O ALUM. CAP ON #4 REBAR ��eg�'S� � PROPERTY � � � / / Z L.S. # 26598 _ 4j I LINE TO BE \ / — � ------ � � ° � EDGE OF STREAM Z a u�i � w m � _ \ � � �, 1 — — — � C� �.4t CREATED BY � � , THIS PLAT � � PUBLIC ACCESS, DRAINAGE & � � � UTILITY EASEMENT � \ � s �� Rs�=o,. PARCEL B SOUTH o PROPERTY CORNER �� \ � 0.1528 ACRES OO FALLS IN CREEK � _ � �� ,44 i/_ �\ s•�s 1333S ��• cn ' // m / $�1�,32' �� �\ \ � i i� 5 7 PROPERTY CORNER � � S 3T48�sr E 4.39� ++ 3 � ao � 0 0 � � 0 � � � CTR. 1 /4 COR. SECT. 12, T 5 S, R 81 W OF THE 6th P.M. FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON A No. 5 REBAR L.S. No. 12770 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 FALLS IN CREEK �+ � �G�V �Q,� 100 OOD R \ ��� � BOUNDARY �� � � � � GORE CREEK TRACT '� O PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN CREEK 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' PARCEL A FND. 37' WIT. CRN. ALUM. CAP ON #4 REBAR L.S. � 26598 DRAWN BY: MICHAEL J. POST DETAIL ` C � _ C z S 01°03'O6" r z.00� 10' WIDE HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. EASEMENT (BOOK 344, PAGE 923) FOLLOWS BURIED LINE. CENTER ELEC. LINE AS LOCATED BY HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. � PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT 1=38°50'49" R=143.20 L=97.09 � �T=50.49 LC=95.24 � C6=S 10°48'44" E � FOUND ALUM. CAP ON No. 4 REBAR � L.S. No. 26598 � \ � � � .� ✓ 1=15'44'21" R=143.20 L=39.34 C 1 T=19.79 LC=39.21 C6=S 00'44'30" W 1=23'06'28" R=143.20 C2 L=57.75 T=29.27 LC=57.36 CB=S 18'40'S4" E NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must comme�nce any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know alt Men by these presents that Giregory R, Walton, and Sandra G, Walton, being sole owner in fee siir�ple, of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Parcel B, F�nal Plat, Cascade Creek, �according to the plat thereof recorded in Book 627 at Page '873 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Rec�order, conta�ning 0,5903 acres, r�ore or less, has by these presents laid out, platfied and subdivided the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on this final plat under the naMe and style of ' Cascade Creek, A Resubdivision �f Parcel B", a subdiv�ston in the Towrn of Vnil, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the responslbility for the cor�pletlon of required iMproveMents; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public Ir�prover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indtcated as easer�ent on the accoMpanying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the rtght to install and r�aintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easer,ents are established, Executed th I s�_ day of _�f,/i�,G�____________, A, D,, 199�Q , �� --- -- �WNERS� -=t--- -- - --------- r , Walton Address'------------------------- - - �' -x� ----- andra G, Walton Address�------------------------- � , STATE ❑F____ _______) )55, C�UNTY OF G/���Q7(� __ ) The fore ing in trur�ernt was acknowledged before Me this 1�� day of _� _____, A,D,, 199�_ by Gregory R, Walton, My Cor�r� i ss i on exp i res � 1� �2�=.��__ , Witness My hand and seal, � TRACY L ROWE NotarylP l i c Notary Pubfic - �tate of Missourl Ccmmissioned in J�ckson County Address ���a Q ______ �----------- My Commissio� Ex�ires OcL 29, 1999 ��'��-���� �����------ STATE ❑F_ t_ ________) - �55. COUNTY OF ___ t�____) The foreg ing instruMernt was acknowledged before Me this � day of _`���!�;���----, A, D,, 199� by San dra G, Wa l ton , My CoMM i ss i on exp i res � �p �i r9 �__ , Witness My hand and seal, --- ----- � ����----------- TRACY L. R01NE Notary P� i c Notary F��;ic-State of Missouri Address � y�,�� ��� ----,�/ �� C� �:;nissioned in Jackson County -/�£(�`' fJ_! Y1-��`�/J_-- My Cammission Ex�ires Oct, 2g� iggg {� U TITLE CERTIFICATE ��_,�►1�LG�Q,��[�E� Ti��� ____ dloes hereby cert t fy that the title to all lands shown upon this final plat has been exaMlned an d i s vested I n�_�s�_CE4v_rQ�! �__l�QL�"�( _�it��_�,e��Q��_l�k-��/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that t�tle to such lands �s free�and clear of all liens and encur,brances, except as fo l lows �__ -'�S,ZO���'___________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this ��/day of _��� ____________, A,D,, 19��Q, Et,�S� �E ?'iT_L� - Addres�� Q /Q D_ _ �9st.�" �� _� �[�,�T--------- ��eu�Z- Mon-� Print na, ' ���- ��e��� CTitle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE �� I do hereby certify that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and cor�plete as laid out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade fror� an accurate survey of sa�d property by me and under r�y supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easer�ents and streets of said subdiviston as the sar�e are staked upon the ground In coMpliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision o f l a n d, �rz�t�,��.�.: ,�„r ,�` � f,�� �"�,� .�� I n w i tn ess thereof I have set r�y han d���,�€+��h��1�r��- 4� _ day of . .�, � i�w�-- _ �d�►/3'.++�- - - - � A , D , , 19 9 � , r `�;' e.`� "� �'x,�, *6' i4`°�k � � . .� �: � « �. �6sg�-��� � .�,� ';-� r" . -- ---- -. - - - ------ ----- � Stan Ho� ' i »�•'� �; �,,i+`~ Co t orado _: 2��,,,,�'' NOTES� C1) The purpose of thls plat Is to d�vide Parcel B into two parcels as shown C2) Date of Survey; �ctober, 1996 C3) Bearings are based on a ltne connecting the exist(ng Monur�ents Marking the center 1/4 corner of Section 12, TSS, R81W of the Sixth P,M, and the �ntersection of the North- South centerline of said Section 12 with the southerly rtght-of-way llne of Interstate Highway No, 70 being S00°38'S6'W (see drawtng), (4) MonuMentation as shown hereon „ C5) Street Address; 1333 Westhaven Drive, C 6) Ref er to F i rst Ar�er I can Her i ta ge T i t l e Cor� pan y Cor�r� I tr�en t No, ES44030B96 dated 9/16/96 for all title search i nforr�at I on , C7) Declaration creat�ng Covenants, Condltions, Restrictions and Easer�ents for Cascade Village recorded In Book 326, Page 255, declarat�on of Restrictive Covenants recorded in Book 464, Page 898, C 8) Party Wa l t Agreer�en t recorded i n Book �I�_, Page���� PLAT RESTRICTI�N For zoning purposes, the two parcels created by this resubdlvlslon are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-far�ily residence allowed on the cor�bined area of the two parcels, Allowable gross residential floor area for the two- far�ily residence will be calculated based on the cor�bined area of the two parcels, Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE This final plat Is her by approveo1 by the Town of Vail Zoning Adr� i n i strator th i s _� � day of jV���il►�3� _____, A, D,, 199 `� � �,' � � ,N , � � F ` . , V , . , . . ��ti i/i �'� ; ���•���a /� . _ .. Tow Tow 0 ------ ---------------- Zoning Adr�inistrator Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire ar�ount of taxes and assessr�ents due and payable as of ���c_���199�_ upon all parcels of real estate described on thls plat are pald in full, Dated th i s_1�__ day of _�VZI'�_� ____, A, D,, 199%_ , 5���- '- �� . � ��� � � ����� Treasurer of agle C unty CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE ���� O Q This Plat was fil for recor �n the Office of the Clerk and �corder at _� ;��o' c l ock �. � M �, on th i s _��'�!`_day of Q�,���__, 199 _, and I s du l y recorded i n Book _�1� _ Page No � �'7 , (oO�aqS -?�.�-�� V,�,.\\ [Qc�7a5 Co �a�ac 111 �����15 — - -`��--� --�'� s (�,�� ----- Clerk and Recorder y....,�������� C s'��L� •�����''w By Deputy-- -- - - Q�',r�,�„`="`�►�w • a , ,".i,, j� ����. �u-7� ii ,, _ z ���;; .� ,��,o: �.. � `=' : ��► r� JOB No. 38-17 SHEET 1 of 1