HomeMy WebLinkAboutInnsbruck Meadows Lot 09�o I__. COND4MINIl�M MAP �F TOWN OF VAIL , Page > o f 2 GRAPHIC SCALE s �0 20 ( ix r��r ) 1 inch = 10 ft. NOTICE.• Acco�ding to Co%rodo low ynu must commence ony legol oction based upon ony defect in this survey within three y�ors ofter }rou �rst discover such defect. ln no event, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this su�vey be commenced more thon ten y�o�s from the dote of certi�cation shown he�eon. / � � �or 8 EAGLE CDUNTY C4L�RAD4 , / � ,o CK I f, �O / � A� R� N ,� IN .� C K � �8 NI , 5 E IN .25 K o5 N� U„���TY 9 / / EASEMENj � / �� AN� � i PEpESTR�AN 2'782 A/ � � 2�� / � CE � � L O T 9 ��Ti I-TT� f� � Tr / ' CE / � � 20.0' I � FL 04R �/ = �� = 7845• � m � i ��--� � ELE� o / � � � z' SECOND FLDOR � � a � �� �R pl/ERNAN� LR• LE E✓ = 7855.1 Z I o SECOND F�� 2ND F ' � 5' o 28.0' R pGE ELE� = 7872. � r I � N 1 �I� �o TWO— S TOR Y v° � � V �� V � � �t �, � V � � � WOOD FRAME , 7873. 2 � , RID�EU � , � ' �0.8' 19.5� FLO�R �E�K � SE�OND !, � -- � � � a° lo� o '� °zo `° 28.5' o FLOOR ��RHA� 2. 4' o � I n o SECON� � — �v °= � _ � �, � �� -- -- 3. 0 s 8�'°8�34�� w l/lCINI TY MAP GRAPHIC SCALE o aav ,aao z+aav �lN FEE T� 1 /NCH = 1000 FEET LOT 1(� .� , 66, 45 CE 28.5' � GI O � °v s � O � . ' ' NO TES.- C 782 A/ CE LCE LOT 11 • � -All Building Ties are Perpendicular to Property Lines. - Jndicoted Found Plastic Cap P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 - Denotes Street Address - Denotes Common E/emen t. - Denotes Limited Common Element. BASIS OF ELEI/A TION.• TOP BOL r lN FIRE HYDRANT ELEV. = 7829. 07' A T SW CORNER OF L 0 T 7, BL OCK 4, V.4/L INTERMOUN TA/N m CERT/FICA 110N OF DED/CA TION FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR �DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thot the undersigned being the ho/der of o mortgoge or d�ed of trust on the �ea/ property situoted in the Town of 1/ail, Eag/e Coun ty, Co%rodo, described os fol%ws: lnnsbruck Meadows, Lot 9, a subdivision in the rown of I/ai/, Eogle County, Co%ado, as �ecorded in Book 683, ot Page 201, in the Eagle Coun ty Recorder s Office, con taining 0.121 ocres, mo�e o� /ess. have by these presents loid ouf, platted ond subdi�ided the same into lots ond blocks os shown on tfris condominium map under the name CONDOM/NIUM MAP OF INNSBRUCK MEADOWS, LOT 9, o subdivision in the Town of I/ail, Eogle County, Colo�odo; and does hereby accept the �esponsibility fo� the comp/etion of required imp�ovements; and does hereby dedicote and set a�,,aart o1/ of the public roads ond other public imp�ovements and ploces os shown on the accompanying plot to the use of the pub/ic forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of soid �ea/ prope�fy which ore indicated os eosement on the occomponying p/ot as easemenfs fo� the purpose shown hereon; and does he�eby gran t the righ t fo instoJ/ and main toin necessory st�uctu�es to the entity responsib/e for p�n�iding the se��ices for which the eosements are established. Execu ted this��1_ d y of � j}}�11��L3�____, A. D. 1997 _ 1 , S T A T E O F C O L O R A D O ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) CERT/FICA TE OF DEDICA 770N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THA T the unde�signed being so% owners in fee simple of all thot �eol property situoted in the Town of I/ail, Eag/e County, Co%radq desc�ibed as follows• lnnsb�uck Meadows, Lot 9, a subdivision in the Town of I/ail, Eogle County, Co%�odo, as �ecorded in Book 683, ot Page 201, in the Eogle County Reco�de�s Office, contoining 0.121 ocres, more or less. have by these presents /aid out, p/atted ond subdi�ided the same into lots and blocks as shown on this condominium map unde� the name CONDOMINIUM MAP OF INNSBRUCK MEADOWS, LOT 9, o subdivision in the Town of I/ai/, Eag/e County, Co%rodo; and does he�eby accept the �esponsibi/ity for the completion of required improvements; ond does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and othe� public imp�ovements and p/oces os shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicote those po�tions of soid reol p�operty which are indicated os eosement on the accompanying plat as eosements for the pu�pose shown he�eon; and does hereby gront the �ight to install and maintoin necessory st�uctures to the entity �esponsible fo� p�oviding the se�vices for which the easements a�e established. Executed this_z'�_doy of ?'�___ ___,A.D. 1997 �----- Am. Bros. De lopment, lnc. Bob Bom P�esiden t R°�� ' IWeststar Bonk I/ail, 81657 _ � �PrV � D .�'1, �l L ,�'17�} /� �_ll�evlj -G'O 81657_ �X C c t> T-1 V� t/! L� PJ��S i!]CJsT � � � .�� _, -�-1-�-==----- B�y.' ,-- ►7 �v i n,�1, C I�. .Nl A e�t ,�'X EG v r� v� ✓� c. ����s i D��rr The foregoing Certifcate of Qedication ond Ownership was �v/e ed before me this �C����doy of �pd�1��2.�_,1997 bY ����Q �� � � --- �_�ft3��'[l� �11.L���1� My commission expires __�_L� �i�.OS� Witness my hond ond sea/ r - -- �� ---- ------ No to P /i . 1Q� �• ------ - � -+- u� -� Add�ess ��NEE S � '� Tq'c9% , '�: ,�. m v�; :� . • . • y► : ��, : . : o,�..CIG.•'o C�LOFtPO Tl TLE CER 11F/CA TE ��° '^"�-s ______�N does hereby ce�fify thot the title to oll %nals shown upon this lot hove been exomined ond is vested in � ��� s��ond that title to such lands is f�ee and c%a� of oll liens and encumbronces, excep t os fo/%ws: __ ____� ___ a� dP- 'i�.JZ �_ p.�m �L.�.��p _ 9� t�i �'f� -------------- -- - Y��"_ �oQSc �O S I9ri- r.�s�/'E_ � �°L ----------�,� -------- ------- Dated this�? _ day of �?��'"`�!�`_�_ _A.D. �99-� � a �t � t�+,.-� -�-t'�-a — ------------------------------ P.O . �lia,� �sS i J`d g _ S �- ��+�.a-�+Cr6 _ QJ� � W_ / �?�dS Addr `""'�- � � r-t65 � BY- ----------------------- ----- � TL�¢ -��. ti� �_--- SURVF"YORS CER77FlCA TE.• I, Andrew K. Corne/ius, do hereby certify that / am a Registered Land Surveyr�� /icensed under tlhe /aws of the Stafe of Co%rado, that this Condominium Mop is o true, correct, ond complete as /aid out, p/atted, dedicated and shown hre�eon, that such Condominium Mop wos made f�om an accu�ate su�vey of soid p�operty by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical locotion and dimensions of the bui/ding cont'oined in the condominium units, pa�ce/s, and easements of said Condominium Map, ond fhe parcel is staked upon the ground in complionce with app/icob/e �egu/ation to govern the subdivision of /and. / furthe� ccrtify that this Condominium Map contoins a// information requi�ed by Co%rado Revised Stotutes, Section 38-33.3-209. /N W)'TNESS THEREOF, l have set my hand ond seol this Z?� doy of __�14�!!A��2�! -- --�-, A.D., 1997. Registe�ed Land G STA TE OF COL ORADO � ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) % iZddv�� lLc7i��b' � The foregoing Certificate of�edicotion qnd Owne�ship wos acknow/ed ed before me this .�_ day of � ,1997 br � �� � �2�.�--------- �---- My commission expires __ � �i5___________________ Witness my hond and seal � — ---- -------------- �---- No tary blic ------t�6 _C_4l.����Jt����L__�` � Address QJ O N,�o ii l� Z.o �µ J MI HAEL MOSS � �� NOTARY PUBLIC F � ST-�TE OF COL.ORADO �_��..... ��r..�.-..����..�f.�.. M� �:r,�,�rri��,sian Exptr�s 1 i-13-9�ti ZON/NG ADM/NISTRA TOR CERT/FICA TE.• This finol p/ot eby opp�oved �!j�� To�wn of I/oil Zoning Administ�ator this ����-- day of _ �I�l�, A.D., 1997 ,.r�M/'"""'"�A.. I To wn Clerk Town o1' l/ai/ � Zoning Administ tor Town of I/ai/ CERT/FICA TE OF TAXES PA/D: /, the undersiqned, do hereb �,�,��rtif that the enti�e amount of taxes due and payable os of ���G�_��1� _� upon all porcels of real e�s�q te desc�ibed on this lot are paid in full. Ogted this �Y"!� day of _���f(�l� �, A.D., 1997 Treas/i�er of Eogle Coun � ,�3a ✓ CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE.• ��?I.°� ��,..�.���et This p/ot was fi/ed fo� �eco�Q� in the office of fhe C/erk ��:���u�•'��e, and Recorder ot � day of _�1Ar�t�Pl��- A.D. 1997 atp �`�:'"'�'��"''°�•�,,°�y ID_yl o'c%ck �1M. Recorded�/// de� Reception� No. Se�.3_��.irf �: :': -�'�;"��, •� 1 a• o�s,�;;��,,'� � �; rS Book _2�1__ at Page �3 � "� :i ��4���� 1 .�� � . � _ , �a � J � ~�M�. �� � _ ��Pec+F1 _ �. ---- 9���tr�a���-= ----- -------- --- Deputy Cle�k and Recorder �Eogle Coun ty, Co%rado �'SZCb�c�-C����..� �� Q �� � C�ND�MINIUM 1�2�AP 4� 9 T�WN �F VAI� �'AGLE' CaUNT� C�LORADa , , Page 2 o f 2 A 20. o� �a o' � � UN/T 9B � � # GARAGE A 8 28.0' 19.0' 47. 0' C o � C � 5' UN/T 9A w . � � � ti � uair s,a p GARAGE 2.5 19.5' � 19.5' O �o . � :V .. Op 2�5• " � A 28. 5' LCE � B — UN/T 9B PA 710 � F/RST FL OOR �. ,, :; R/dg�e £/etivtJa� — 7872.5 = �s r UN/T 9B .o` UNl T 9B W DECK LCE _ �5 � • � z• 0 �b UN/T 9B DECK LCE � UN/T 9A UN/T 9B � � GARAGE GARAGE V, 0 SEC 17'ON A =A NOTICE.• According to Co%rado /aw yvu must commence any lega/ octio� based upon ony defect in this survey within three yCars offer yrw �rst discoHer such defect. ln no ew9nt, moy any action bosed upon ony defect in this su�vey be commenced more than ten yeors f�om the date of certification shown hereon. C Rddge ,Elewtl'on — 7873.2' � �— r � 16.6' ^i 92. UNIT 9A tF , £L£V. = 7857.1 � z• � UN/T 9A O F7 FV � SECT/ON B-B • � N ^i 91 � UN1 T 9A � DECK LCE b m SECOND FL OOR Ci _J UN/T 9�B SEC T/ON C- C � . GRAPHIC SCALE �o o a �0 20 ( IN F'EET ) i inch = 10 f� E/ewtla� — 7872.5' 40 NO TES.• — Typica/ Exte�io� Wo// — 0.5' Thick. — Typical Seporoting Wa// — 0. 5' Thick. � BAS/S OF ELEt/A T!'ON.• � B.M. TOP BOL T/N F/RE PLUG ELEV. 7829. 07' A T S/I�V CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 4, V,4/L /NTERMOUNTA/N. �. "` �