HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 3 Lot 04 - Bighorn Falls TownhomesWHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST LOT 5 VICINITY MAP SUBJECT SITE NO SCALE / ACCESS EASEMENT FOR PARCEL A EAST l� \ FND. No. 4 REBAR \ WITH ALUMINUM CAP—�- L.S. No. 26598 � / 8' / UTILITY EASEMENT FND No. 4 REBA` \ WITH ALUMINUM CAP ` L.S. No. 26598 \ FND 2.0 WIT. CRN. ` / \ ` �,� � ����� yO F,�� 'Q�, �� • S y/ �,y� 'QO �r � '�O O s� 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 \ LOT 9 126 Z� ' oo�+ � g�PR���S � G,�J .. oF � FND. No. 4 REBAR � WITH ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 26598 COMMON AREA 0.4707 AC. \ ` �� ` 16' \ � DRAWING DATE: 7/24/95 � FOUND A PLAIN \ No. 5 REBAR � TOWNH�U�SE PC.AT A RE SUBDIVISION 4F PARCEL A TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO � 'Q � G � � I =16° 16' 19" R.O.W. EASEMENT R=Z � S. � O L=61.94 T=31.18 � LC=61.73 CB=S 29°15'10" E FOUND P.K. NAIL -� WITH WASHER � � I r \ � <, �j� �- � �s.o ` ��, �� �Z\� c1�/ �`66 � � � �� ~-'—'-- FND. No. 4 REBAR \ WITH ALUMINUM CAP ` � ro� � L.S. No. 26598 �\ �� �O \ / \ \` � �� y � �^ � \ ��� �' LOT 4 / � VEST O WEST � LOT 4 � ,O / CA / / on -Q� / G/'1ST / FOUND P.K. NAIL - y / WITH WASHER MQ� � L.S. No. 16827 J / / I � � � / � � � � � / / � / � \ � / � / � / � � / / / o � c LOT 3 C1 I = 2°37'38" R = 218.10 L = 10.00 T = 5.00 LC = 10.00 CB = S 22°25'S0" E C2 I = 13°38'38" R = 218.10 L = 51.94 T � 26.09 LC = 51.81 CB = S 30°34'00" E LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 20°49'20" W 0.30 L2 S 69°10'40" W 4.82 / � 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' FND #4 REBAR & ALUM. � CAP L.S. # 26598 � NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based up�on any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATIDN AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Michael J. Lauterbach, betng sole owner In fee stMple, of all that real property sttuated tn the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� Parcel A, Bighorn Falls TownhoMes, accord�ng to the plat thereo� recorded �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0,2309 acres, More or less, has by these presents latd out, platted and subdtvtded the saMe �nto lots and tracts as shown on thts f�nal plat under the narie and style of ' B�ghorn Falls TownhoMes, A Resubdlvtslon Of Parcel A', a subdivlston In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the responstb�l�ty for the coMpletton of requ�red iMproveMents� and does hereby dedtcate and set apart atl of the publtc roads and other publtc tMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the publ�c forever,J and does hereby ded�cate those porttons of sald real property whlch are �ndtcated as easeMent on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant tlhe r�ght to tnstall and Ma�ntatn necessary structures to the enttty respons�ble for provtdtng the services for which the easeMents are establ�shed, Executed th � s �8 �` day of ____ �� b �� � � _ , A , D . , 199 �! . _,._--- �WNERS� ---- - ------------ Mic ae J. au rbach PD Box 3451 ' NEE Sc9 Va � l, CO 81658 Q��:�pT,qR,`� � � � ;� . . STATE OF_ • l �� �P� ) • • . . --Q------------ �55. N� i.p� i C�UNTY OF ---�'=2�`------� 9j'•.�VB��G; �O � F'•.....•' P The for oin� �nstruMent was acknowledged before Me this 2_0_� �F ����� day of ���'-!,�/3'1�_'�-----� A, D,, 199_ by M � chae l J. Lauterbach , My CoMM � ss t on exp � res �_�=��=2�� , Witness My hand and seal. � Notary P Address � � �C�T�"�C � - - --�� ----`���-z--- SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor licenscd under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat Is true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervtston and correctly shows the locat�on and dlMenstons of the lots, easeMents and streets of satd subdtvlston as the saMe are staked upon the ground In coMpltance wtth applicable regutations governtng the subdlvislon of land, I n w t tn ess thereof I have set My han QlY;a��F `seo� l. `��t's� �?S`_� day of ��y ---� A , D � , 199�', � r-��� �,,+� ° �f���i;� ; w � � L � �x ��5�� :� � - - ;�-�-_----------- . Stan `' �•• �=,.= NOTES � Co l oradd'��;�� �b�l�`� ae.s,ra,r��..• <1) Date of Survey� October, 1996 C2) Bearings are based on a line connecttng the found MonuMents r�arktng the northeasterly ltne of Parcel A being N68'S3'00'E (see drawtng), C3> MonuMentat�on as shown hereon, <4> Street Address� 4335 Spruce Way <S) CoMMOn Parcel conta�ns an easeMent for access, dratnage, and utllittes. (6> Protective Covenants recorded In Book 175, Page 135 and as aMended In docuMent recorded In Book 187, Page 195 (7) Townhouse Declarations recorded In Book ���, Pag� b1�o� �INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR THE FlRST FLOOR GARAGE / WALK AREA FOR PARCEL A WEST ONTO PARCEL A EAST. LOWER LIMIT OF SAID EASEMENT AT GARAGE SLAB AT AN ELEVATION OF 8523.7. UPPER LIMIT OF EASEMENT AT CEILING AT AN ELEVATION OF 8532.7. r-rn CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN FOR MORTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that Weststar Bank, betng the holder of a r�ortgage or deed of trust on that real property sltuated In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� Parcel A, Bighorn Falls TownhoMes, according to the plat thereof recorded In the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contain�ng 0,2309 acres, r�ore or less, as shown on this final plat under the naMe and style of ' Btghorn Falls TownhoMes, A Resubdlvlslon �f Parcel A', a subdlvtslon In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the dedicatton and setting apart all of the publlc roads and other public IMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publtc forever� and does hereby agree to the ded�cat�on of those porttons of sa�d real property wh�ch are Indtcated as easeMents on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granting of the rlght to Install and Matntaln necessary structures to the entity responstble for provtding the servlces for which the easer�ents are established, Executed thts ��_ day of _� _________, A,D „ 199_%. MORTGAGEE� Weststar Bank 108 South Frontage Road West Va i l, C 81657 -� By ` _ �-�--,�-��� ---- l e ) _��� Lt'��-i .l `�.0 ----- � STATE �F_�Q(�l�_____> )ss. COUNTY OF _��_______> The fore otng tnstrur�ent was acknowledged before Me this 4�� day _��2_1�j�'�,c,. �-l---- � _A , D , , 199Z by --�.� ��11���.�---- � � �/-`�u---- _ �k as _ �� � of Weststar Bank, My Cor�r� t ss t on exp t res =_�� (_`���, Wttness My hand and seal, Notary Pu Address = _ S � �t�AC�,� _� _ - ��;-�?--�i�a!��------- TITLE CERTIFICATE a� ��4 �«..� ZK � . Stewart T t t t e Gt�a�ran�-bee Uer►pe�ry, does hereby cert 1 fy that the tttle to all lands shown upon thi ftnal plat has been exar�tned and I s vested I n; _tY�,��,��al __T_.__�i►•.�!r�i►� ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that t�tle to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encuMbrances,�c cept as follow$ � � RN ��►a�s. !'�. 1� T•.� �o W�s1�s�•s��•-�c t'l�te��e�_ 9��'7� I�CC -�------------------------------------------- -- - _ �i�•�l.�!±�t�_r�c.. "�'l•� �'d'�e�� A43o�.31,�_�ouiv�nw s t15�(35J•_ --- - _!¢T 9s1 � «..«♦ ���.��l�-,� 4o7��a_on�i!�3J �i�� 19e��os,------ _ `Crt!����9:��ti�� � v�,�� 1�►�rNww�l ffSli�a�.-- -��r--�-�-a�� �Jw1�- _�r�or..,� �__4�3�4ZZ_ a�d__1�J=`_:__etc���.�._.Sc?��sr--------------- �� `- Dated th � s_��__ day of tl�?��A� __, A, D,, 199 7, �------------ aC �i►�It �bw..L.� �..� • , Stewart T t t l e b�e�e�rr�,re Ger►pan y P� Box 2000 Va�l, CO 816 By' - ------- -�'---��� -r-=-�---- -- C S I gn�a ure ) � --�Av.e� —�' � � � ��n�,n1� — �----- — 1----------- CPr�nt nar�e and tttle) PLAT RESTRICTI�N For zoning purposes, the ftve parcels shown on this subdivtston are to be treated as one ent�ty w�th no More than four dwell�ng units allowed on the cor�btned area of the f�ve parcels, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thts f�nal plat is he eby approved by the Town of Va�l Zon�ng Adr► i n I st��pqiAmllhun�h i s �__ day of _��►�L1� __________, A, D,, 199 � To To � �_ . ----- ----- - -- --------------- Zoning Adr�inistrator Town of Vatl, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that he e �re aMOUnt of taxes due and payable as of _ ���� 9�� ___, upon all parcels of real estate descrlbed on this final plat are patd In fU��, Dated th i s_�__ day of irl�fl3iC�---------- � A, D,, 199%, P��•1EE SC :' �•N�T�99.� . .C. � . . . . �, � . "'� : �0 : ��� :�(��� � G����: O� •..... DO COLOaP Tre��� _,�-1 ��, ���� r of Eag e County, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ���,� Thts f�nal plat was f�led for record �n the fftce of the Clerk and Recorder on th�s_ (p_ day of _____�e.cc=�_____, A,D, 199 �, at 4:040' c l ock 'Q M, Recorded un der Recept I on No ,�o��Q1,. In Book Z1�_ at Page ��, �°���; �-� ----- :��'�'� c C lerk and Recorder ,F.�t' N. •„ Eag le C unty, Co l y do ��: �°'�'��"�A=� , ,� . �,w:. �� � _- BY' ------ - - °�`� _ � �c, g� Deputy ��,�,o��� 1505 �„ 0