HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Valley - Phase V Lot 03 & 04i � �N DGE FlLING N0.2 TOWN OF VAIL L .wisc : SUBJECT SITE� �� . rw►se a TRACT wwsc x � � TMCT 0 � s ' 5 _ . , � . � s� � _ °°�'' �� i ��' RIDGE � � 1T Vi41L ,� a �_ . nucr s 4 � 3 � = as � ���5 i . / . FINAL PLA T - � an °= T� WN �F VA IL, �' � UNT Y�F EA �LE, S TA TE OF C�L �RAD � �~� , � . i. , ; . r+ T . , ° VALII . . _ UON� RIDCE FIUNG NO ` 3 - . . �r . HI / ��: ' t '. A�OfVIS10N OF PARCELS B.C�E. `` . .�.:i . . . . . . . - 6 PqRT OF 0. LION'S RDGE FN_/�G 2 . ..A� - VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE — _�:=' _:;����? "ad�E��S��: �e��-. .. , . - . :. � � •-� � : . • � . . • . � • CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND �WNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Ronna J, FlauM, being sole owner �n fee sir�ple, of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lot 3 and Lot 4, The Valley - Phase V, according to the plat thereof recorded in the offlce of the Eagle County, C�olorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 1,814 acres, r�ore or less; has by these presents laid out, platted and subd�v�de�d the saMe tnto tots and tracts as shown on th�s final ptat undeir the naMe and style of ' The Valley - Phase V, A Resubdivision of L�ots 3 And 4', a subdtviston In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colo�rado; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the coMpletion of required ir�prover�ents; and does hereby dedtcate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other public iMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those port�ons of said real property wh�ch are �ndicated as easeMent on the accor�panying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to �nstall and r�atntatn necessary structures to the entity respons�ble for provtdtng the serv�ces for which the easer�ents are establ�shed, Executed thls �p'y'day of ��t�_____________, A,D,, 199_�' OWNER� ------- ����--------- Ronna J, aur� POB 3117 Va�l, CO 81658 STATE OF COIOY'AC�IO � ----------------- -)ss, COUNTY �F _��C________ ) The forego�ng tnstrur�ent was acknowledged before Me th�s a���day of __�,��} ______, A, D., 199 Z by Ron n a J, F t aur� , My Cor�r� i ss i on exp � res ��_ � b_q�? ___ -- -� Wttness My hand and seal. ------ -------=�`=°��°� ------------ Notary Public Address � _!� BOY _351 - v �'1---� d - � �!� s�-------- KAREN BIGGS NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO ����I�NN11 My Cummission Fxpires Q�•� 5•9$ LAND USE SUMMARY Lot AreaCacres) A 0,4758 B 0,6034 C 0,7349 DEVEL�PMENT N�TES� Use Single FaMily S�ngle FaMily Single Far�i ly Address 1631 Buffer Creek Road 1601 Buffer Creek Road 1521 Buffer Creek Road 1) All future developr�ent will be restricted to the area within the platted butld�ng envelopes, The only developr�ent permitted outstde the platted bullding envelopes shall be landscaping, drtveways and reta�ning walls assoc�ated wtth dr�veway construct�on, At-grade patios (those with�n 5' of existing or flnished grade> will be perr�itted to project beyond the building envelopes not More than ten feet (10'> nor r�ore than one-half (1/2) the distance between the building envelope and the property line, or r�ay project not r�ore than five feet C5') nor r�ore than one-fourth (1/4) the MiniuM required dir�enslon between bu�ld�ngs, 2) All units Must be spr�nkled per Town of Va�l F�re DepartMent standards, 3) These lots fall wtth�n a geologlcal senslt�ve area, 4) Garage construction r,ay occur withln access and utility easeMent, 5) DevelopMent Standards� Refer to SDD34 as aMended, TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon th�s ftnal plat has been exaM�ned and ts vested i n � -RD.!'U1a__-� -- ��9 u.Yr� ------------------------------ - and that title to such lands �s free and clear of all l�ens and encuMbrances, except as follows;_�J�V�_____________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th � s_� 3�day of _�'.�L4�k�� ______________, A, D., 199� , J Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany 108 S, Frontage Road West Va�l, C� 81657 � By` -------- -- --------- Pr i n t n ar�e � as;�����r1�-- ��-- -�- --- � SEAL SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat �s true, correct and cor�plete as laid out, platted, ded�cated and shown Ynereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of sald p�roperty by Me and under My supervision and correctly shows the locatlon and dir�ensions of the lots, easer�ents and streets of satd subdivis�on as the same are staked upon the ground �n cor�pliance writh appl�cable regulations govern�ng the subdivis�on of land, Aer'k`�sSy � „� tkk;s I n w � tness thereof I have set My har�i v��r� s���l� ��i�;.s �G� day of 4 , A D , , 199 �' a ,� ,-., ._ �.. . wd `, .', E, _E� _y�rf_ • . , , , ;.� -.. ��. � .�;�� .: n,_ � ----- � - . — 3w `* ky r, . �`� o:� . sy ��� ,c}� ; � � ; � �: z � � � �,,� ;: -- -T="<— ^'—�— �'��-------------- Stan " ' I.� °:� '' � 1A� Ki �4 ColoraA�d'�Ss�9�*'` � `��.�...�_.�.. �:.t.� PLANNING AND ENVIR�NMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE ?f flnal plat was approved by Town of atl Pla ning and ronMental CoMr��ssion this �� day of � �____, A,D,, 1 9 � T T; . � -- ------- ------------ -------- - -------- Town Clerk Chairman Town of Vatl, Colorado Town of Vatl Planning Env�ronMental CoMM�sston CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that t enttre aM unt taxes and assessMents due and payable as of �!S'��f�l _� u�pon all parcels of real estate described on th�s plat are pa�d �n fu l l , Dated th � s a� day of _" u�I�f ____, A. D., 199�i_ , _l._.r�� _ s ���r �- T easurer of Ea le ounty � ���3 � ,C ��dy GLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��� pO This Plat was flled for record In the �ffice of the Clerk and Res,order at ��1(�__0' c l ock _Qz , M,, on th � s_ a_1 __day of ����5� ____, 199Z_, and t s du ly recorded i n Book ��� Page No , ZO� , � �3� �-3 �.�1Q� ------------------------------ Clerk an Recorde � � BY' -- --- - - - -=�'_�--- - Deputy SHEET 1 OF 2 JOB No. 3fi9 FOUP L. S. � FOUND Plf L.S. 1684 FINAL PLA T - � �n T� Wl r►T �F VAIL, �'� UNT Y DF EA �LE, S TA TE OF C�L ORAD � C�:��t�:��i�3��� �,v�:C�-� 7 � �=:o� ��- � . . . 4��-.��?�:=, �ETl-���G����G :�:��- .. , - . :. . � -� � . • � • , • . � • 1 1=33°26'32" R=264.18 L=154.20 T=79.36 LC=152.02 CB=S 59°40'24" W 60 Feet � SHEET 2 OF 2 JOB No. 369