HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 23I � �or �2 RESUBD/VISION OF IBUFFER CREEK F/IVAL PLA T � . A RESUBDI I/lSl ON OF � O T 23 BL O CK 2 , TOVI�IV OF I/AIL, EA GLE COUN TY, COL ORADO � _ / / / / / / "'S\ >> o,p�� �9� ?\ � ' � \ J� / 2�`� � 2 / • � o � � o r z4 ��� �o. / / , �� �� �� / _ / �� � � `99. \ / 6 " �1 �` � , 0 �� ��/ s �.� ��. �i�. ��s � �� G� � �o c.� a'. �� ��'s �s 0� � I/lCINI T Y MAP � ti°� ! o GRAPHIC SCALE G� / � v k�� O � f� f�D aRP��' , ,Oh � � �� !IN F£ET� •� � 1 INCH = 1000 FEET / \ !rj L O T 23-A ��`� P�' \ � 7, 511. 6 SQUARE FEET �' �p / c�.� `�?o- 0.172 ACRES P \ G�' / \ DE� ��P / �P \ � � / , , ��. � �1 ,��,\� � oQ ' O- o O \�C� `� � '� P� 4��!'-P�' �V ' / �� , � `C �° LOT 23-8 � � , ryo ,�� �y1 � / 11, 420. 7 SQUARE FEET �0 �, J ��0� \� 0.262 ACRES ��o, , .�'� �P� � \ \ �� �� � \ � � � � / \ nn£ �n�c� � � � � �i� �� certlfy thot the tTt/e to o// % exomJned and Js wsted in Q� tit/e to such /ands-� �cbwr oa raro»� NO110E.• According to Cdorivdo /aw yai must commence any /ego/ action bosed upon ony defect m this survey wlthTn three yeto�s ofter ynu first dlscove� such defect. /n no ewnt, moy any octlon based upon ony defect In thls surwy be commenced more thon ten years fi om the dote of certificotian shown hereon. 10' UT1LlTY AND ORA/NAGE 130. 09' EASEMENT N06'34'51 "E NOTFS PURPOSE OF lH/S PLA T/S TO SUBD/Vl'DE LOT 23 /NTO LOT 23—A AND LOT 23—B. BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• N 48'41'f9" W BETWFEN FOUND 5/8" R�BAR WITH PLAS7IC CAPS A T THE NORTHWFST AND NORTHEAST CORNERS OF TRACT A AS /NDICA TED. 0 DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/pLAS77C CAP PE dc PLS 26626 O DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/pLASTIC CAP PE dc PLS 26626 DA TE OF SURVEY DECEMBER 1997. ALL LINES ARE PARALLEL OR PERPEND/CULAR UNLESS OTHERN�IS£ NOTED. LOT 23—A AND LOT 23—B SHALL BE SUB✓ECT TO THE L/ON'S RIOGE SUBDIVI'SION F/LING NO. 3, PROTECTII/E COI�NANTS AS RECORDED UNDER RECEPT/ON NO. 187193 /N BOOK 290 A T PAGE 794. For zonTng purpos�e� the Lots A ond B crooted by thJs subdl►�fsfon aro ose to be treated as one entity with no more than one 2-family reside+nce o/%wed on the combJned a�ea of the two /ots. A//owob/e Gross Reside�nt- ia/ F/oor A�ea for the 2-fomiYy residence will be co%u/ated on the cam- bined areo of the two par�ce% a 209. 04' rRACr A DAUPH/NA/S—MOSELEY SUBD/VPS/ON zo 78. 95' GRAPHIC SCALE zo �o � � � ) 1 inch = 20 tt LAND USE SUMMARY ADDRESS LOT 23—A 7,511.6 SQUARE FEET ONE(1) DUPLEX UNIT 1834—A GLACIER COURT LOT 23—B 11, 420. 7 SQUARE FEET ONE(1) DUPLEX UNIT 1834—B GLAC/ER COURT N aRO,�cr 96-0297 P. O. BOX 97B � SUITE 101 0077 ME7CALF ROAD �� ���a 1420 �ANCE STREET DArE lSSUED: D. D. F. A �ON, COLO. 81620 � � LAKEW000, COL 0. 802>5 f 0/9/97 PAGE i970) 949-5072 ��n� (303J 232-0158 HEET NO. � ^� � �� eo � \ / / LOT 20 / does her�by shown u an thls /ot how bee�n '1'1G�i.t �9NSh• ond thot sa� of q//_/iens and encumbronce�, �5 "'' "���3� ri�.��%� . � s.. . • ' �L3r! i, „ , �ii%�^' , / , � � � , .� , , ,. • -', , _ i ,. : i � l, . �.%_:' ,�,-7,, �!�'.. �,. ..-.� suR�rrxrs c�n�rcA � /, Oriane D. Fehringer, do heroiby certJfy thot / a/n a Registerod La�d Sun�eyor /icensed under the /aws of the State of Co%rodo, thot thls p/at is a trva carroc� ond cornp/ete F/NAL PLA T, Town of �oN, County of Eag✓q State of Cdaroda as /aid out, p/atted, dedicated a►�d sohown hereai, that such P/ot wovs mode lfrwn on accurote surwy of sald prope�rty by me ond under my supervisJon and c�armct/y shows the /ocatlar and dkne�nslons of the /ots, eose�me�nts �d str+sets of � soid subdJv�sion os the same ore staFed upon the ground br com- a p/iance with opplicob/e rer,�u/ations go�reming the subdivision of /ond.� /n wltne wh�f / ho►as set my hond and seo/ thls �_ � doy of �G ► A.D., 1997. �� �\���;�:1 �.. li e . g � ,.�: . Registered La�+d �rith�yex No. 26626: = a=-• ��rf��a ' � - � � . • . � ` � , �, .� ,,. \� _ � �'.'aa,.uRe�.�w . . r� _ ��\ �:` , , �..; � c� n�rcA � o,� oEnicA nav ��m o►r��i� KNOW ALL AAE7V BY 1H£SL� PR£SL�7'VTS 1HAT Davphlnala-A/oae/sy Constructian /n�, being sde owners in i�es slmp/e of d/ that rod p%oerty situoted In the Town of VaN, Eog�e c��ty, caoroda des- cr�bed as fo/%w� Lof 23, B/ock 2, Ldan's R/dge S?ibdlvisdon FJ/ing Na ,� Town of I/o�, £o�e County, Co%rado, contolnlHg O.�f,i5 xroa moro ar /es� ho►�s by these pro�nts /o!d ouf, p/atted a�d subdlvided the some Into /ots and b/ocks os sehown an thla fino/ p/at under the name and sty/e of L/aVN'S R/D!� SUBD/N.S/AN f7L/NG NO. ,� A RESUBD/N.SYAN Ol� LOT 23, BLOGYC 2, dn the Town of VaN, Eag✓e County, Co%rado; and does heroby accept the r�pans�Nlty tar the can- p/etlon of required /mpro►wmesnt�; and doss hesr+�6y dsdTcate and set oport �/ of the pub/ic roods and other pub/k ar�prorerne�nts ond p/a�ces os s+hown ar the occanpar�ying p/at to the use of the pub/fc forewr, ond does hereby dedicote those portions of soid re�al prqoerty whkh are m- dicated os eos�ement an the accamponyd►�g p/ot as eosements for the purpose shown herean; �d does here�by gr+�t the rlght to �hstal/ a�d maintam necessory strrictur�es to the Q+ntlty r�pans�/e h�r providing the services 1br which t/�p�sements��Cp��� Executed thJs�� day of �' .A.D. 1997. o�rvER.• Uavph�hals-A/ose%y CansErvct�ian /nc., Patrkak � D�ph�al� Pr+sslderrt P o. �p1�A _ _ /�sse vo�, „ STATE OF CALORADO ) �� COUNTY A� £AGLE ) Il�e toregokig Ce�rtlAcote of acknnwledoed befior+s me_ thia J�' by. o nc . oup DaiphlnoJs-A/ose%y m,d o�,e�n� � OC� 1997. r 1 I rw I. c_ /na - - a � . �; ; � y com s on expi�es - - "'"�," , N?tne h and sea/. Ga.� `' � '�:;. �» ; a , � �� 9 � �,tj. • y •. W 0 ory u ic � �. �a's;��;� �.► �•�t�°' f�+� � � ; �;�t� � ss _:.:�.,��:. �n�rc� nav a� n�c� nav � ,�aR�cA� HQLDER OIR DEED 01� TRUST HQLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY 1H£S£ PR£SEN75 IHII T Me undbr�gnsd beA�g the ho✓d�r of a mortgage or deed of trust on the r�o/ properEy sJtuo- ted in the Town of Vai1, Eag✓e County, Colarodo, descrASed os !a//ows: Lot 2.� B/ock 2, Uan's Rlo�e SubdTvislan fA�ng No. 3, Town of Va�', £ag/e Coun ty, Co/aradq conto�hdng 0. �.i�'f acroa maro or /esx os ahown on thls lJh�l plot undb,r the name and stj/e of L/O�V'S R/OQE SUBD/NS/O�V F1L/NG NO. .l, II RE- SUBDIN.SyOW 01� LOT 23, B�O�CK 2, o subdirislan dn the Town of VoN, £og/e County, Cdorodq agr+ses to ths dedicatian and �sttri�►g qvort d/ a// of the pub/Ic roads and other pub/lc /mpro�+►ne�nts and p/acas os shown an the occa►npanying p✓ot to the use of ths publl�c larowr, ar►d does heroby og,►�s to the dedk�atJan thess partkrrs of �d roc/ property whlc,h a�e Tndlcated as ea�ment an the a�campan�hg p/ot os evss- ments lfvr the purpose shown herean; and does hsraby ayree to the gr�vntdng of ths r✓ght to �hstd/ and mo�toln nsc�y ahucturoa to the entity res�vonslb/e far prov�►ding the serH►css for whfch the soseme�nta or� est�lie�!►e�i� : � E�e�ut�d thi �doy of 1iC�"i'� �C'(� .A.D. 1997. ����,^ a A�,x.= -'"`�w��♦ � � '� � ^ * � �•G A/orfgar,�ss.. � �''� � � °� FirstBank of Vol! ��` � 17 �oi7 Road 6� ; � � �� � � � � ; VoI/, Cdorado B1657 �. e `�'- . ¢ 3 '� � e � � sf,� Y�� . �.•�y.' 0 s X � � R � �� ��+s���`' �`. ,� � �.. r�'1 �.,,� '��-�i..T. � by. a ow, xecu w ce- r�s en FlrstB�k of �oil STA TE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY 01� EAGL£ ) The fonsgoing CertiAcate of wos aakn i ed e me thls by. L✓ , expr�es d o�d ; i�7 L���'t C(.D O i Jiar Mortgage Ho/der o� �c� • .1997, ZQN/NG AD�N/l1 //STRA TOJ�P G�ERT1f7CA TF.• This Ano/ p/ot was opprornd by e Town Adminlstrotor this �J_doy of A TTEST C�t� own e- � l` onmg m Town of Vo!/ Town of �oiy e �s e o � :- ��� � fa. CERTif1CA 7F Of TAXES PA/D: /, tha underslgnea; do h cert! tha thq,p� t/re amount of taxes due and poye�b/e as o�� P/1'1 � l./ NN% upan o// porce/s of �ea/ estate describ�d on this p/at ore paid In fu//. Doted this � day of rICTOI�Jt. A.D., 1997. �eosu o og e n y ��� , b4�1� �`\ � ��.....iy,i fils p/at wvs fA'ed livr �Tn the office of the C/enk ��y�'��� .��,,a+.�.4 ard Recorder at ��doy of �c- o�Q� A D. 1997 ot 'a�: � °'+ � S�s�o'c%ck QM. �Recr�rde� under Reception No. fo37�i% ,�i,,;; '';�,, �' �'t}�� _ Boak 7N1 at P e 3755 �y �=; ����' `�; � �_( ,,r��.� �'�3Lt���`�< � i..�'��i �\� ��.a�wuaa �'`�_4 e u y e an eco� er Eag/e Coun ty, Co%rado