HomeMy WebLinkAboutInnsbruck Meadows - 4th Amendment� o-, o-, Q �-, 0 ^ U 0 � � � 3 � m n � m r 0 �c-, i � � z H 3 Q � 0 � � � z � 3 Q �r U � � � � � � � O ' �//�/N/ CK��V/V /C!� � � � O � O• �• � V O � \ , � V � V � � N74 �5'�9'E t� ,� � � � � CUR12r DA TA : CURVF RAD/US LENGTH TANG'ENT CHARD BEAR/NG DEL TA Cf 372.55' 183.62' 93.71' 181.76' N8872'30"E 2874'20" C2 26� 65' f47. 44' 75. 63' 145. 60' N86'36'1 iE 3176'44' C3 25.09' S4 f0' 46.74' 44.20' S4770'37"E 123:32'56" C4 26� 65' 72.59' 36.52' 72.3i NB574'4B'W 157B'S5' C5 26�65' S6.62' ?6�41' S6.51' 58040'27"W 12t?4'28' C6 26� 65' 1�24' 9.12' 1bt23' N72 49'.35'� 03'53'21 " C7 372.55' 67.25' 33.72' 67.16' N7975'36'E 1070'.33" � 372.55' 69.53' 34.Bi 69.4.3' N89'46'40"E 1041'36" Cg 372.55' �f6. B4' 2.� �.5' 46.80' SB176'26"E 07"/2'11 " NOTES.• BASIS OF B£ARlNGS.• N 70�2'55" E ALONG TH£ NORTHERL Y LOT L/NE OF TRACT B, BETN�EN FOUND MONUMENTS AS /NDICA TED. DAT£ OF SURI�Y S£PTEMBER 1997. Q DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/AL UM. CAP L. S. 5933 � D£NOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/1'LAS. CAP P£ dc PLS 26626 2792C DENOTES STRE£T ADDRESS FOR ZON/NG PURPOSES, THE 1(ONE) LOT CREA TED BY TH/S SUBDINS/ON /S TO BE TREA TED AS ONE LOT PER THE PLANN/NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL OF APRIL 11, 1994. NO MORE THAN 19 UN/T5 SHALL B£ ALLOWFD ON THE COMB/NED AREA OF THE PROPERTY. THERE WILL BE ONE UN/T ALLOWFD ON EACH OF JH£ FOLLOWING LOTS• 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, AND 12. THERE WILL BE TWl� UNlTS ALLON�D ON EACH OF THE FOLLOWING LOTS• 1, 5, 9, 13 AND 14. TRACTS B AND B-1 ARE /NTENDED FOR THE FUTURE CONSTRUC170N OF UNITS 11 AND 14 AS DESCR/BED ABOI/F NO DEVFLOPMENT /S ALLOINFD lN TNE OPEN SPACE. GRAPHIC SCALE �o so ( ��) 1 inch = 40 it ivonc� Acccrding fo cororo� �. � �st �►►�,►�►►� any /ega✓ ocflon ao�d ��►, ary oblFrct �h th/s �urwy wJthki three yeors ofter ynu !R►�st dJs�nrer such defect /n no ewn� may any actdan bo�sd upain any abfiact h thls aun�y be canmer►ced maro Morn ten yeor� /rom the date of cert/Rcatlan �hown hereari. FOUR TH AMEIVOMEN T TO THE FINAL PLA T OF TOWN OF I/AIL, EA GLE COUN TY, COL ORADO /� / , � � ��- �,,� W/pLAS C.C.4P PE � P.L.S ND. ?6626 BLOCK 8 I/IIK �N1FR1NQl1NTIVN D�EVFZOJAINEIVT S7lBD�NSyAN W• , o. R• 0 � ...cl BAS�S �•� ( _ . �0: FAVND 5/b' REBAR W/pLAS CAP PE � P.LS NO. ?6626 71TLE CERI1f7CA7F (1lMQ T 1'�L �l.ldhL[l/iiK �• dnes her�a6}� c+ertlfy thot dre tit/e to a// /onds sho,�m upan this p/ot how beein exam�ired �d is resfed �in Robea,•� tsorrliG �rd that t/t/e to such /onds i� free ond c%a� of o// /len� �exes and e,ncumbronces, __ Doted thls doy of A.D. 1997. I/lCllVl TY MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E 0 500 1000 2000 lIN FEET� 1 INCH = 1000 FEET 1 /. � '..� 1 � �� , � .,, I 1 J � �„ 1 ��� : ��L 0 fix� 1/a' REBAR W/ALGNL C�'P LS I1K.t J6:�i � �� h �O' � � ■ � � � � � V � � o �. � • V � Q O V � � � � � O �• , O � � L�7PA1�7CA11►O1N QR' DED1CA71AN FaYP A/O�PTGAGE HOiO£R G1R DE£D � TRUST HOLDER KN�OM' ALL A/EN BY 7HESE PR£SEN75 THAT N�SStstor Bank being the holder of a mo�►tgrvg�s ar deed of trvst an the red property situated Tn the Town of I�on7, Eag✓s County, Cdarodq descnbad os fo/%w� 1RACT �N MA7 7RACT B, 7H/IPD AMENOM£NT TO 1HE fINAL PLAT A� /IWNS�(�CK A/EADOWS, TONN OlF Vi4/L, EAl�E CO�!lNTY, CACOrRA00, cantoihri►rg 27, 699.8 sr�varo /b�et ar 0.6.36 Acre� mor�e or /as� aes sr►onr► ar Mb f7hd plbt unabr ths nan�e and sty/s of FOiJRTH AA/£NOMENT TO 7HE f7NAL PLAT OIF /NNSBRUqC M£ADOW� a subdTv�sion In the Town of I�ai', Eag✓� County, Cdorado; ogrees to the dedlcatfon ond setting opart a// of ths p�b✓lc roods and other pab/fc �i►r►pro►bments and p/oces as shown o,n Ha aiocainrpan�hg p/at to the use of the pubU�c faro►br; and does here�6y ap►w to dhs dsalJ�cotAcn of t/reoe part/ana of soid rsa/ prq�erty whk�r are dn— alicafwd ar soaevner�t an ths o�c�ca►»pan�+hg p/of oa sosernesnts ror the purpaie alwNn Mrwan; and obes herreiby agr+se to the gn�onting of the rlgVit to ihstoll anC n►ahtm�h ne�ce�sary atrricturos to the Q,ntlty rospans�/e for proriding the serv�cw Rar whkh the eosements a►�� stab/ished. £xecritsd dhla �� doy of i�/�r��/'Y)6�l/V . A.D. 1997 O,+y010,7 y Nhststor Bonk �/y) �Di //Ot, p�� � 1 ., O r�ssiden t/�'� : •� 8n• �� , Vai/, Cdarodo B1657 �'� � • : �l ��. �.• By. , resi en ;.....•�a /n. Di/Jqn - STA1F AF �GY.rARADiO ) �� G�1NTr A� £AACE ) lh� ybrsg�a�i►9 _ �ts of acknow/edged .1997 b�c — My Caninlssian expires IMtness iny hand ard sea/.• � r ory u c . • .�� ��, �� �e� v� � r,U �l Go5 � /, Arme D. Feihnhgsr, do her�,by cbrtlfy that / an a Reg/ster�d La►id S7ur►�synr /'�tcesnsed under the /aws of the State of Cdorodo, that th/s p/at is bvat, �arrect, and comp/ete f7NAL PLAT, Town of I/oi7, County of Eag/e, Stote of Cdorvdq os /ofd ou� p/atted, dedJeoled and shown her�san, thot svc�h Rbt �ros mads fiom an xcurate �urwy of s�aJd pr+oioerty by me ond undsr nrr auperrisdan and carrect/y shows fhe /ocotion ond dimensioris of ths bts� eoaerner►ta md stro�ets of s�aid subdfvislan oa the some a►+� staked yvar, dn. �gr»w►d �in carnp/don�e »�►ta app/!c�/s rogiv�otJa►,s gewm�i►���1 svbd�bnr of /and M�ps �f / ho►b set my ha►id and aeo/ this y of CJ�_ A.�D,,,�, 1997. � • ,,,,,,. , �,: � i;' , A��O�_ / ��� uuana ar rQnr-mger Reglste�s�d tayid .Surwyo�?�a �6626 = i � zssxs �; _ -- . . -- • .= - : , ,, : s � � � m ! � Clf +����•���� .� i ,,, , � d� F 4._S.:,:o��' �. �- � , ,:, G�R71f7CAIF G1� QED/CA71aW AND OMIVEIPS�AIa Know dl� men by the�s prss�ents N►ot tAs undbrs�ignsd bsfig sa✓e owners �i►r fiss synplet, of d/ thot rod prq�erty situoEsd �in ths To»n of �oN, £agre Cavnty, Cola�adq, de�ranibe�d as 1iallowx 1RACT A AND 1RACT B, 1l�'RD AA/�7VD�NT 1t7 1H£ fINAL PU T Ol� /NNSI9R[/G7C AAEADOWSy 7t7NN A� VA/L, EAGYE G�AUNTY, CACARADq, canto/n�g 27, 699.8 aqivaro lfset or 0.636 Acr�, mor+s ar /s�; haw by t,heas pr�ts /a�d avt, P�� md subdl�Nbbd Me aanre �hte /ots and b/ocks as �hown an th/s �ii►►d p/ot undar lfie nane and at}/s of FIXIR7H AA/£NQAI£NT TO 7HE FINAL PLAT 01� /NNS�3/PUG7�C A/EADOII� Ti7NN A� �iVL„ EAG�£ G10UNTY, CALARADO; and do heroby ac��ept the roay�ans�i6A'lty fiar ths cnmp/etdan of roq�v�6►�d ifmprove�menita; and do he�reby dedlcote arrd set qvart d/ the pub/�c roada and other pub/Ac b»pr+�►aaments and p/acss os shown an the occampan}�i►rg p/ot to the uas of ths pub/k 1b�rorar; and do aredl�ate those partlon of sald rov/ P��Y wihkh are inddcated at eosement an the acc�c�mP�1'�9 P�at as eoaerne�nts h�r the purpase� s,hown hsr�n; and do her�aby grvnt the r�ht io dnstd/ and molntoln necessary structuros to the e�ntlty ros�oons�/e for pro►�iding the s�rvicss for whlch the e�as�me�nts ore estob�is�nea! ExecuEed thls �� doy of � , A.D. 1997 Am. �ros. Dsre✓apment, /na, eaiv 9oma P►+�slder,t �ai7, Colarodo 81657 By � ��� STATE OIF COILaJ?ADO ) �� COUNTY A� EAGL£ ) 7i►e lbreyokng Cert! cote of DedlcatJon d Owner�hJj� wns acknow/edged before e 1 : f 1997 by. My CommTssion expires Wltness my hond and sea/.• �i,�G�R 1%A.. r t�.•�P . W:� �� �Y Q.2 .o . . :. U: � . '•.�� pv0v �� � . STATE•OFG res�/�I� W $'�� �/ STATE 0� CQLARADO ) � � CIX/NTY AF £AGL£ ) fie foregoTng CertJAcote of Dedk�ation ond Ownership was ocArnowledged befone me this day of .1997, by. My Commisslon expires Wltness my hond ond seo/• oary u c �ess ZO►N/NG ADA//N/STRA T�J�P CER7IF1'CA 7E Thls Rno/ p/at l� /ureby opprQ�qd_b e own of VoI/ Zon Administrotor this � day of T I , A.D., � �L�, , � � , � � � t� _ .,.1� �� .�..,�. � _ , - , ,.. , , , G�RAf1CATE Of' TAXES PA/D: /, the underslgned, do he,►�by certlfy that the e�nEir�s omount of taxes aFie and paynb/e os of j�Q s.rwJlnlJ1 31 �(�.9 7 upan d/ poice,ls of reo/ estate described on this p/at ore poid in !u//. Doted thls _� day of �� , A.0.,1997 0�-1�3q�3 � ao4St,w10 lXERK AND R£GIARDER'S CERT1f7CA TE.• � 11 •°� lhis p/ot was fA'ed lfor r�cord the ofl'Fce of the A�erk ond Recarobr ot 5� �y of � A.o 1997 ot 5' ,�14 o'c%ck .A/. Re�corded under Receptlon No. S�3 /n Boak �� at Poge �i05. ' � r ./. �G,�. u on ec er Eog/e County, Cdorodo