HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5B Lot E through I - Gasthof Gramshammer� VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 SUBJECT SIT� CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP FINAL P LAT - A RESUBDIVISI�ON OF CREEKSIDE CONDOMINIUMS, LOTS e,f,g,h,i, AND PART OF LOT a, BLOCK 5-� � �� � Know a l l r�en by these presents that Creeks I de Condor� I n I ur� Assoctation for Creekstde Condor�iniur�, Peter S, Switzer, Charles H, Rosenquist, Charles H, Rosenqu�st and Peter S, Sw�tzer, a Partnershtp, and Gasthof Grar�shaMMer, Inc,, A Colorado corporatlon, betng sole owner(s> In fee slMple, of all that real property sltuated In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Creekside CondoM�ntur�s, accord�ng to the Map thereof recorded �n Book 220, Page 228 �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorderj Together w�th� Lots e, f, g, h, �, Block 5-B, Vatl V�llage F�rst F�l�ng� accord�ng to the r�ap thereof recorded In the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder; Together with� Part of Lot a, Block 5-B, Va�l V�llage F�rst Filing, accordtng to deeds recorded in Book 211, Page 12� Book 213, Page 686� Book 242, Page 450 tn the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder� Descrtbed as a whole as follows� Beginning at the northwesterly corner of satd Creeks�de CondoMin�uMS, thence, along the northerly l�ne of sa�d Creekstde Condor�lniur�s, N66'18'00'E 47,15 feet to the northerly angle potnt of Creekstde CondoMtntuMS1 thence, depart�ng sa�d Creekside Condor�InluMS, the followtng two courses along the northerly ltne of Lot a� 1) N66'18'00'E 107.51 feet C108.00 plat); 2) S77'll'00'E 72,59 feet C68,74 plat) to the northwesterly corner of Lot b, Block 5-B, Vatl Vtllage Ftrst F�l�ng� thence, along the westerly l�ne of sa�d Lot b, S26'41'00'W 21.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of Covered Brtdge CondoMintuMS, accord�ng to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder� thence, along the westerly line of said Covered Brtdge CondoMtntuMS, S26'41'00'W 54,00 feet; then ce, a l on g the cor�r�on l � n e between Covered Br t dge Con doM � n � ur�s and said Lot e, S63'19'00'E 86,58 feet� thence, the following f�ve courses along the easterly and southerly l�nes of sa�d Lots e, f, g, h, and i� 1) S26'41'00'W 25,00 feetj 2> 51,14 feet C54,93 plat) along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, havtng a radtus of 109,19 feet C117.30 plat), a central angle of 26°50'00', and a chord that bears S11'S4'S4'E 50,67 feetj 3) S00'09'00'E 32,34 feet� 4) 18.85 feet along the arc of a curve to the rtght, hav�ng a rad�us of 12,00 feet, a central angle of 90'00'00', and a chord that bears S44'S1'00'W 16,97 feet� 5) S89'S1'00'W 74,58 feet to the southwesterly corner of satd Lot �� thence, along the southerty t�ne of satd Lot a, 22,00 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, hav�ng a radlus of 622,79 feet, a central angle of �'O1'27', and a chord that bears S88'S0'17'W 22,00 feet� thence, departtng satd southerly l�ne, N00'09'00'W 89.20 feetj thence S79'17'00'W 16.21 feet to the southeasterly corner of sa�d Creekside CondoMtntuMSJ thence the followtng three courses along the southerly and westerly ltnes of said Creekside CondoMlniuMS� 1) S79'17'00'W 55.29 feet� 2) N63'36'00'W 44.79 feet� 3) N10'43'00'W 82,38 feet to the Point Of Beg►nning� contatntng 0,8380 acres, r�ore or less. has by these presents latd out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe �nto lots as shown on th�s final plat under the nar�e and style of 'Creekside CondoMln�uMS - Gasthof GraMShaMMer', a subdtvtston in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the responsibility for the coMpletton arf requtred �r�proveMents� and does hereby ded�cate and set apart'all of the publtc roads and other public iMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby ded�cate those portions of said real property wh►ch are ind�cated as easeMent on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the rtght to Install and Maintaln necessary structures to the enttty respons�ble for provid�ng the servtces for wh�ch the easeMents are established, Executed this _____ day of ________________________, A,D,, 199__, DRAWING DATE: 2/7/97 M. POST VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, TOWN �F VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, OWNERS� Creekside CondoMlntuM Assoctatlon for Cree ��e Co _oM1 �q uM � Addre �Jr+�ro --- �,�� �S` � � � � B � ' , -- ---- -�------ - -C�� - ---- - ------------ Cpr►nt nar�e) as� 'Q� �--- ---------- C le> / _ -_� � ,-\ , � �l • _ZL �Ol� �y -------- -- ------ ---- Peter S, w i zer L�y` Addr - -- --- --�� (� �\�- Gasthof GraMShar�r�er, Inc, A Colorado Corporatton 231 E, Gore Creek Drtve B��--°-----------i°-�---�-� �_t__�`cPt �`R� M S f-f �4ZY�lr�Z Cprint naMe) as�--��� --------------- Ctitle) STATE �F����a�______ ) )ss, COUNTY OF ��� _______) -=�"„=�'-=� - �-��-�----------- Charles H, Rosenqulst Address � ��%s! B� � _______ --v�;v � -�t�'-7----- Charles H, Rosenqu►st and Peter S, Switzer, a Partnership Box 686 a � , , 8 L6'�$ B � ' --_ ----`-- --- �- �e r- C ' t ame) . as�--- - -- �� ----- Ctitle) The fore o�tng �nstruMent was acknowledged before Me th�s /�____ day -��- ---� A,D,, 199� by � ���� ---------- as __ _ _______________ of Creekside CondoMtn�uM Association, My CoMM i ss i on exp i res ��3�q �g __ `. Witness My hand and seal, ------- - - - - � --------- Not�r� Pub l i c '1 "Address�_ _____�y�f1 a�_____ '�� --�-� -- STATE �F,��1C� �.L----- � )ss, COUNTY �F � \. J_�--------) The for�otng InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e th�s �� day of �9�,��I(�.----� A, D,, 199� by Peter S. Sw � tzer , My Cor�r� i ss I on exp i res ���_�� __ Wltness My hand and seal, ---- -- ---- ------ -------- ary Public Address ; Q ��l�E� � . ~�a!�-�----�11a� = STATE �F_�'! 7��0� ____> )ss, COUNTY �F ��______) The fore oing instrur�ent was acknowledged before r�e thts _L� day of _�,�ap�'�t�-!r�___, A, D., 199� by Char l es H, Rosen qu i st , My CoMM t ss i on exp i res ��u�LQ�►_g�� W i tness r�y hand and sea t, �� "�. ��,..o Notary Public Address ��01� �_�a������ ___ _ �s�.�.��_ � ��1 ��------ STATE OF��2Lda _____ ) )ss, CDUNTY �F ��(_q V�-------� The fore otng instruMent was acknowledge efore Me this �� day - >1�---� A , D , , 199� by �_�� ��'2�°_�--------- as _� ______________ of Charles H, Rosenquist and Peter S, Sw�tzer, a Partnersh�p, My CoMM ► ss i on exp i res ��_�'�`j,�___ W�tness My hand and seal, --------ublic-- --- -- -------- Address ; _ � �►�' ��g�_° _ ___ --~�=�"�►-�--- ��.Z - --- STATE OF ���a_____) )ss, C�UNTY �F ���:�"'-------> The fore oing �nstruMent was acknowledge befo e Me this�� ---- day of __, A,D., 199� by �� ___ -- - - as ____ re�� ____________ of Gasthof raMShaMMer, Inc, a Colorado Corporatlon, My CoMr� t ss � on exp t res ��-�- 9'�___ Witness My hand and seal, ------- ��-------- ub �o�i►�'�d --- Address� ._ _ ��� -��-� ,--- COLORADO TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certtfy that it has exaM�n ed the t�tle to all lands shown upon this plat and that su�h t � t t e ► s vested � n G!e.a�tiof_c__�o►�����_l�s�c�0.t�'oh-oK �pehah�' Ot_OM!hOv��1t�!_ahGl _�j1hr� _Et�r.sha�wr�cr]1ln��-----------� free ond clear of all liens, �s�, and encuMbrances, except as follows�-----------------------------; - ----- ---- ---�t��tr_� �t�.i �_ *r�.� o�__LZ•�fs_�t�_o_�__�s�� _ ----l���dlr��!�1�'!'►� ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th i s_�?� __ day of k%'V'1�10�!!�`�! __________, A, D,, 199_t_ Agent; - �J'I ----------- SURVEXOR'S CERTIFICATE I do Mereby certtfy that I ar� a reg(stered Land Surveyor ticensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat �s true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r►ade froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervision and correctly shows the locatlton and diMensions of the lots, easeMents and streets of satd subd�v�s�on as the saMe are staked upon the ground in coMplliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. In •Iltness thereof I have set My hand and seal thts _ G� day of �� __, A.D,, 1995, -- �„������.,, � �.���p pE6/sjf., • �. ,�OQ. ........, , � .� � . . , • �,5-- --- - T -- - ----- M i chae r1;� 5 u. ��� Co loro.�o:�� �.�-'' � = NOTES �� = -� � � � : = �'o �, : y` : C 1) lfhe purpose of th i s p l at i s to at,��j{''�e•• ����ty l i n e between Creeks � de CondoM i n � ur�s and�.p���ld,rt����'Lot a kn own as Pep �'s Parce l, an d aban don an d aMen d�f�"ti�t�rty l � n es between Lots e thru I, and parts of Lot a, Block 5-B, Vall Vtllage Ftrst Ftltng, The condor�InluM Map of Creekstde CondoMlntuMs recorded In Book 220, Page 228 Is otherwlse adopted, affirMed and incorporated here�n by th�s reference, C2) IDate of Survey� February, 1997 (3) Bear�ngs are based on a l�ne connect�ng the found r�onuMents r�ark�ng the southwesterly line of Covered Br�dge CondoM�n�uMS being S63'19'00'E (see drawing), (4) MonuMentatton� Q Indtcates set no, 4 rebar & aluM, cap L,S, 30116 � indicates found no, 4 rebar & aluM, cap L,S, 26598 <5) Street Address� Creekside CondoMtniuMs Pept's Parcel Gasthof Grar�shar�r�er Parce l 223 Gore Creek Dr�ve 229 Gore Creek Drtve 231 Gore Creek Drtve PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE Th 1 5 �" i �Q l P lQt i 5 herQby approved the Town Of VQ i l PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMtSSioN th i s��^ day of __ '__________, A, D,, 199Qj , Attes . /1i _____- -- --- ----- - - ----- -------- ------ - -------------- wn erk CHAIRMAN Town of Vail, Colorado Town of Vatl PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereby certify that the entire aMOUnt of taxes and assessr�ents due and payable as of ____________________ upon all parcels of real estate descr�bed on thts plat are paid tn fu�ll, Dated th�s ______ day of ________________, A,D,, 199___, ----------------------------------- Treasurer of Eagle County CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ����� r�,wnsPVn'nr. � . � �a� . , �����4� . €� :.. . - ' � �i,COtOR�� : Thts Plat was flled for record In the �ff�ce of the Clerk and Recorder at S�S�i _o' c l ock _�, M,, on th t s___l�_day of __ Mja�.� _____, 199$� and i s du ly recorded i n$eek- ______ PO"�""ND' -----' ` 1°''..��tiOR� � (n�%\S� � �wccec �e �� _ c�� ��.� ----------- �,,,� Clerk an Recorder By; -- ---- ---------- ------------ Deputy JOB N0. 705 SHEET 1 OF 2 � � SCALE: 1 " = 20' 20 0 20 40 60 Feet 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 N 66° 18'00" E 343.04 NW CRN LOT a, BLOCK 5-B LOT a -•: FINAL PLAT m A RESUBDIVISION OF CREEKSIDE CONDOMINIUMS, LOTS e,f,g,h,i, AND PART' OF LOT a, BLOCK 5-B �TAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO GORE CREEK 6 ,5� 6 E� 6�,�8�0� �yso N �i � � _� �� 1/ � � / 10 � Z � � t,± 0 �c � � N � PROPERTY LINE TO BE ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT CREEKSIDE CONDOMINIUMS 0.2496 AC. 223 � 6 \ �`�s'oo� h� � � �9 PROPERTY LINE TABLE L1 N 79°17'00" E 49.06 L2 S 10°43'00" E 35.00 L3 N 79°17'00" E 6.00 L4 S 10°43'00" E 54.00 L5 S 79°17'00" W 10.00 L6 S 10°43'00" E 31.00 L7 N 00°09'00" W 15.00 L8 S 89°51'00" W 5.42 L9 S 00°09'00" E 35.76 L10 S 26°41'00" W 62.36 L11 N 63°19'00" W 22.00 EASEMENT LINE TABLE L12 S 79°17'00" W 12.00 L13 S 00°09'00" E 31.65 . � -' � LOT a �� ��s 1 1 \ GORE CREEK N� S ,� � � •�� E - � 7 $ oo Q��� �PSEM Z.Sg �6g. 74 P�T) 1 l,�o ,�o, � �'` .�_ i o.o 1�� � / � �_ / 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN �� 00 ^�. i � ,o� � Po� N � � �s� � ��'s\ ��� ��'S DRAINAGE EASEMENT "A' `���� (CREATED BY THIS PLAT) '�1 � PEPI'S NI PARCEL N1 �o� Z � } �1 0.2244 AC. � o � 22s � � L3 � �1 � PROPERTY LINE TO BE � CREATED BY THIS PLAT I � L11 � LOT b, BLOCK 5-B COVERED BRIDGE CONDOMINIUMS 1� / 1 L4 i / / `S G+� �'1 �� � � o / � eqs�S �9'00� o,� F � 1 �.5 � / � � eFqRi 86 1 S 5 s 3i 44p E / \ e Ncs S8 1 � / \ \ � L5 L12 / / � ACCESS EASEMENT I; �� � ��� L6 I � �16I•2�� 5529 � L9 W _ � 1.5� S �g,��+pCi o , 5.42 I DRAINAGE EASEMENT "A I I (CREATED BY THIS PLAT) Z I `6 I � I � g ?� I 0 ` N W� I I � � t°DO � N I O � I �I A= I NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. / / \ � / / \ PROPERTY LINES TO BE � / ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT � ( TYPICAL ) � � f � � � � � � ` GASTHOF � � � I � � - 0 = 02°01'27" I R = 622.79 L = 22.00 T = 11.00 ce = s ss�os�, r w zz.00 (NON-TANGENT) GRAMSHAMMER PARCEL 0.3640 AC. 9 231 OUTLINE OF BUILDING h /�� d S 89°51'00" W - 74.58 GORE CREEK DRIVE (40') Z N O � � O � g :1 ryh \ S 2�41'0�' W 25.00 �� � � = 2�5o'OOr R = 109.19 L = 51.14 T = 26.05 CB = S 11°54'S4' W 50.67 (NON-TANGENT) (PLAT) 0 = 26°50' R = 117.30 L = 54.93 W � � . m` �� � ��� : �� � .j {�i�'�"`-"`= � •` y� � -�� � = 90'��� R = 12.00 L = 18.85 T = 12.00 CB = S 44°51'0�' W 16.97 N�N-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT F�R AND IN C�NSIDERATI�N of the sur� of __Q�,_______ and no/100ths Dollars C�__1,,._,00) paid to the Grantor by the Grantee, and for other good and valuable cons�deration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned GASTH�F GRAMSHAMMER, INC, C"Grar�shar�r�er"), a Colorado corporatlon, whose address �s z31 East Gore Creek Drive, Va�l, Colorado 81657 Cthe "Grantor") hereby sellCs) and convey(s) to the TOWN �F VAIL, COL�RAD�, a Colorado hor�e rule r�unicipal corporat�on, whose address Is 75 South Frontage Road West, Va�l, Colorado 81657 Cthe "Grantee") a non exclus�ve perpetual publ�c easeMent located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, the locat�on and the below and above ground use, as more fully described on the plat marked Drainage Easer�ent "A" attached hereto and �ncorporated here�n, shall be for that use alone and for none other, The non-exclusive easer�ent hereby granted is for the sole and liMited purpose of prov�d�ng for the Grantee's operation, Maintenance, and repair of an underground and above ground pubtic storr� water dra � nage syster� not r�ore than 24" i n d i ar�eter to be owned and operated by the Grantee, and for no other purpose� The Grantee shall keep such easer�ent and any drainage syster� within such easeMent in good repalr and fulty functlonal and all responsibility, l�ab�lity, obl�gat�on, and duty for operat�on, Malntenance, and repa�r of any storM water drainage syster� within such easeMent shall be solely born by the Grantee, �ts successorCs) and assignCs), When Grantee undertakes any repair or r�aintenance of the syster�, Grantor's property shall be left or restored to the saMe condltion found by Grantee Ir�r�edlately prlor to the repair or r�a�ntenance thereof, The non-exclusive easer�ent hereby granted shall not interfere with or preclude the Grantor's full use and enjoyr�ent of the Grantor's property including, but not liMlted to, the Grantor's ownership, operation, and Maintenance of parking garage above the non-excluslve easer�ent, The acceptance of this non-exctuslve perpetual public easer�ent by Grantee further acknowledges Its authorization and direct�on to Grantor to reMOVe the exist�ng storr� water dra�nage syster� located on Grantor's property �or the purpose of installing and relocat�ng the saMe with�n th�s non-excluslve perpetual publ�c easer�ent conveyed herein by Grantor to Grantee, The Grantee shall, to the extent permitted by law, and without walv�ng any of its rights under the Colorado Governr�ent IMr�unity Act, inder�nify the Grantor, its of�icers, agents, contractors, attorneys, and employees and shall hold each and all of them harMless against any and all clair�s, act�ons, der�ands or l�abilit�es, tncluding attorney fees and costs, for �njury, death, dar�age or loss to person(s) or property ar�s�ng out of or d�rectly or ind�rectly result�ng fror� the Grantee's actions or oMissions, and of their of�Icers, agents, contractors, and subcontractors, In connect�on w�th the operation, r�a�ntenance, repalr, and replacer�ent of facllit�es owned, operated, or controlled by the Grantee wlth�n the non-exclus�ve easer�ent described 1n Drainage Easer�ent 'A", See Gastho� GraMShar�r�er West clvil draw�ngs as prepared by Marc�n Eng�neering, LLC, dated 3/9/98, for storr� draln construction, This non-excluslve Easer�ent shall be governed by and enforced in accordance wlth the laws of the State of Colorado, and jur�sdiction shall be lic�Ited to Eagle County, Colorado� In witness whereo�, this docur�ent has been executed this ��_ day of _�/g1-�-------, 199�, . •-�. � �4 GRANT�R� • GASTH�F GRAMSHAMMER, INC, � By � �� �-� ' -- --- -- -�^-`=`L'`"".._=�-- Pep i Grar�shar�r�er STATE �F COLORAD�) SS C�UNTY �F EAGLE ) The foreg � ng nstrur�ent was ackno ledged b�owe r�e/� h I,� i'! __ day of _ ________A . D,, 199� by Pep'� C�rar�sb(dr�r*�r , � _ , , , , My coMM i s i on exp i res �______________� ` � ;',/i' W�tness my hand and seal, , ,' i/ j� � ���_- ��VID A. TANZER NOTARY PUBLIC ' ���fiE 4F COLORADO �,.�y�e�dmr;��5sipn Exares DeC. 27,1998 DRAWING DATE: 2/7/97 M. POST N ar Pu dr�i^ ss �,� JOB N0. 705 SHEET 2 OF 2