HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 3 Block 3 Lot 04. ,� � ,�. � UBJECT SITE - VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SCALE 20 0 sEr N� L.S. #: i-e CB�N OT: FOUND No. 5 RI (N Oi14'S8" W N D UPLEX PLA T � � T O 1�N OF VAIL CO UNT Y OF EA GLE S TA TE OF COL ORAD 0 > > SET No. 4 REBAR & ALUMINUM CAP hVUNU I.UNI.. NAIL IIV AJYI'1AL1 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 \ 5 IN & DRAINAGE EASEMENT VGTH NOT DIMENSIONED ON PLAT) � D No. 3 REBAR CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND �WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Beaver Da� Road, LLC, A Colorado LiMited Liability CoMpany, being sote owner in fee s�Mple, of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lot 4, Block 3, Valt Vtllage - Thtrd Flling, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded in the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containtng 0,5802 acres, r�ore or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and swbdivided the sar�e �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the nar�e and style of ' Vail Village - Third Filing, A Resubdtvision �f Lot 4, Block 3', a subdlvtston In the Town of Vatl, Eagte County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responstbiltty for the coMpletion of required iMproveMents� nnd does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public �MproveMents and places as shown on the accor�pany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c foreverj and does hereby deai�cate those port�ons of said real property which are indicated as easeMent on the accoMpanytng plat as ease�ents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby grant the rtght to Install anal Malntaln necessary structures to the entlty responstble for provlding the servtces for which the easeMents are establtshed. Executed th�s �� day of __��_ ______________, A,D,, 199$ �W R� �� Beaver DaM Road, LLC A Coloradan LIM11ted Ltabtlity CoMpany Address � __ _ ��-�L`�K 2� ���1�___ _ � "-'��Y �� �--_ � � �T � ���� BY'- -- �� L ------------- Prtnt naMe�_� ________________ as------- - STATE �F _ �� __________) _ )ss, C�UNTY OF � �___) _. The fore ot Ins ent was acknowledge fore--e day of _ __, A,D,, 199� by _ as � ______ of Beaver Da oad, A L i r� i e � ab l i ty Cor�pany , i My CoMM�ss�on exp�res� ____________, % W�tness My hand and seal, DAVID A. TANZER NOTARY PUBLIC No Pu�^ t c _ �Idress ; _ � STATE OF COLORADp ' -- �= �r - �Ay Commiaeion Expires Dec. 27,1988 � /� TITLE CERTIFICATE is �� C�-Q- -- � �?L� � � � -��%- - / Land T�tle Guarantee Cor�pany, does hereby cerittfy that the title to all lands shown u on this f'nal plat has been exar�ined and is vested � n; C�<<��� ���A (A�e�.p__L! Mt��c�___ -- ��: t� --�pG�l�/ ---� ----- ------ - and that t�tl� to sucP� la�ds �s free and clenr of all l�ens and encuMbrances, except as follows�_J�Q��_ --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- S� Dated th t s��_�day of ___�s,�,,�______________, A, D., 199�, Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany Address �=� ��Z__ -���u�-1�--�- ��.�---- By � C na re�-���� � �L�QLIt�.in.�--�-U���&Ql�tt Z (Print na ) --��-------------------- CTitl ) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and coMptete as taid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under r�y supervision and correctly shows the location and diMensions of the lots, easeMents and streets of said subdivision as the sar�e are staked upon the ground in coMpliance with applicable regulations governing the su�dfvision of land, ``````,`��111i•lt�l!/SI/I���''I In w i tness thereof I have set My `�.r�la�a�E��'d'fl '�h I s �_ day of _ J�t�� -------- � A . D , , 199a . < <o�:: ;� �ocFF:'•: �"� � StQ COl NOTES� 1) The purpose of this plat is to subdivide Lot 4►nto 2 parcels as shown, 2) Date of Survey� March, 1997 3) Bearings are based on a tine connecting the found MonuMents Marking the southerly line of Lot 4 being N67°00'00'E Csee drawing), 4) MonuMentat�on as shown hereon, 5) Street Address� 392 Beaver Dar� Road, 6) NOTICE� According to Cotorado law you r�ust coMMence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you f�rst d�scover such defect, In no event, May any action based upon any defect In this survey be coMMenced More than ten years fror� the date of the certification shown hereon, 7) Refer to Land Title Guarantee CoMpany CoMMItMent No, V254359-2 for all titte inforMation, 8) Protective Covenants recarded in Book 174 at Page 575, 9) Party Wa l l AgreeMen t recorder i n�eek ____ at �P�rge-- ___ �(���3 PLAT RESTRICTION For zontng purposes, the two parcels created by this resubdivision are to be treated as one entity wlth no More than one two-faMily residence allowed on the coMbined area of the two parcels, Altowable gross restdential floor area for the two- far�ily residence will be calculated based on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels, 0 ZONING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vall Zontng Adr� i n i strator th i s z�__ day of _��! G_v_ S T_______, A, D,, 199 8, Attest� _�G���, � ^ — — -- — ---�_�/�\------ o Clerk Zoning Adr�inistrator Town of Vait, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certtfy that t enttre aMOUn of taxes an d assessr�en ts due an d payab l e as of .��,../�__ upon atl parcels of real_estate descrlbed on this plat are paid �n full, Dated th i s Q�.�� day of _��t�r______, A, D,, 199� , ��-s_�a�.� - ��� T easurer of Ea l`�" Coun � 9 Y �07�5 CLERK AND RECORDER ' S CERT I F I CATE �w «•°O This Plat was f�led for recorS� In the Office of the Clerk and Recor er at �_�___o'clock _P ,M „ on this __!{___day of _____ _�a�t _, 199_ _, and i s du ly recorded i n$ee4E- ______ ----- � R�►�� � ���a � E��LF o co V � � ri � a `^�—y K �['e � � 7{ * —�—�^'__________ ________ N C lerk a d Recorder� ���ORA�O ---- C- BY' ----- -- ------------ Deputy JOB No.: 2218 PAGE 1 OF 1