HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G4 - Overlook At Vail Phase IIm rn Q, rn 0 cri m cri 0 U 0 � � � � 3 -� � � E � � cv 0 � � Y 0 0 J � w > O i cn c� z 3 Q ¢ 0 / 0 Q U i � GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 80 120 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. FOUND AL UM. CAP LOT G-5 EASEMEN� � / - FOUND REBAR W ALUM. CAP Z2o'S2 �RA�NAGj „L.S. 5933 �/ a N/ qIJD / 14'39 2� �r��►rj / N , i / � s� � �� � �. O �� � •. �i, -9�, � S �s �T �� �� � -��� v �� � � �J �� O • �S� �� LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L 1 49 50 S8979 ;39 "W L2 30. 40 N00 ;30 21 "W L3 64. 00 N8979 ;39 E L 4 16.10 S0030 21 "E L5 24.10 N00:30 21 "W L 6 62. 00 S89 29 :39 "W L 7 24.10 N00'30'21 "W L8 24.10 N00 ;30 21 "W L 9 66. 00 N89 29 ;39 E L 10 24.10 N00:30 21 "W L 11 30. 60 N00'30 21 "W L 12 62. 00 S89 29 ;39 "W L 1.3 30. 60 N0030 21 "W L 14 61. 00 N90 00 00 E L 15 28. 92 N00 �0 00 "W L 16 65. 00 N90 00 00 E L 17 28. 92 N00 00 00 "W L 18 28. 92 N00 00 00 "W L 19 61. 00 N90 00 00 E L20 28. 92 NOO 00 00"W L21 51. 05 N89 59 30 "W L22 f07.01 N00�0:30 E L23 7. 88 N893137"W L24 29.00 N000823�E L25 4. 00 N89 5137"W L26 29. 00 N00 �8 23 E L27 18. 60 N89 51:37"W L28 7. 00 N00 08 23 E L29 41.50 N8931:37"W L30 65. 00 N00 08 23 E L31 11.87 N89 51;37"W L32 84. 56 SOO �0 30 "W L33 62. 88 50179 35 E L.j4 17. 00 S62 �6'19 "E L35 15.00 S2733'41 "W L36 35. 32 S62 06 "19 E L37 131.99 S007758 E L38 42. 49 S76 43"08"" L39 15. 00 y ' " L40 30.78 7643"08 E L41 123.71 SO 7758" L42 94.46 0179:35" �� �� � � 1340 COMMON AREA 56, 419. 7 SQUARE FEET 1.296 ACRES F/N�I L PL �I T OF � � / � i TO �N OF V�I lL EA G� E COUN T Y > > C� N �9`�0 St¢ � F S,q �O ST �' v F ��,-�, L30 I r �� � � �8p2. L32 , ?¢O � I UN/T 11 �� I �� � unar �2 I THE O�? OOK A I/A/L PHA�E l L28 � �PREI/1'O SL Y P A TTED � ( I ( I v L -� I UNIT 10 UN/T 9 UNIT 8 UNIT 7 L26 I I I L24 � - r c�,,, L22 � �� L17 L20 15' WIDE STORM ^�j L 41 # SEWER EASEMENT " �4 � $ v � ,� �O � h � �,3g � i� °j � f0' U 17LlTY AND DRA/NAG£ 21 � 3. EASEMENT S 00'03'25" W -FOUND REBAR W/ AL UM CAP "L. S. 5933" LOT A-8 CUR l/E TABLE CHORD CHORD CURVF LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT LENGTN BEARING DELTA Cl 95. 07 50. 00 70. 03 81. 39 N20 51 '44 E 108 56 48" C2 202.03 447.45 102.77 200.32 S3226 49"W 2532'10" C3 27.31 447.45 13.66 27.30 S4338OONW 037947" C4 19. 00 447. 45 9.50 19. 00 S40 40 07"W 0275 59" C5 16. 63 447. 45 8. 31 16. 62 S38 23'03 "W 02 07 44 ° NOACE.• According to Colarodo /aw ynu must commence ony /ega/ actlon bosed upon �y defect in th/s surwy within throe yeors after ynu tJrst discover such defect. /n no ewnt, may any octiorr bosed upan any defect in thls sunby be cammenced more thon ten years from the dote of certl/Qcation shown hereon. NO TES: 452.99' IZ � � J J J L L15 - L18 �, $ BASIS OF BEARINGS.• S 4576'1'0" W ALONG THE SOUTHINFSTERL Y LOT LINE BETWEEN FOUND PROPERTY PINS AS /NL7/CA TED. O DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/�LASTIC CAPS PE & PLS 26626 DA TE OF SURVFY JUNE 1998 1330 DENO TES STREET ADDRESS � O/� // � � I �� C� S � �� � v� 1330 g L33 r� , �4 LOT AREAS.• ADDRESS.• UNIT 1 1, 796.8 SQUARE FEET 0. 041 ACRES 1330-A SANOSTONE OR/VF UNIT 2 1, 494.2 SQUAl�E FEET O. 034 ACRES 1330-B SANOSTONE DR/I/F UNIT 3 1, 494.2 SQUAf�?E FEET O. 034 ACRES 1330-C SANDSTONE ORII/E UNIT 4 1,897.2 SQUAf�?E FEET 0.044 ACRES 1330-D SANOSTONE DRIVE UNIT 5 �,764.1 SQUAR£ FEET 0.041 ACRES 1330-E SANDSTONE ORII/E UN/T 6 1, 764.1 SQUARE FEET 0. 041 ACRES 1330-F SANOSTONE OR/VE COMMON AREA 56, 419. 7 SQUARE FEET 1.296 ACRES PREI/IOUSL Y PLA TTED 10,217.61 SQUAIRE FEET 0.234 ACRES 1340 SANOSTONE OR/I/F UNITS 7-12 T AL 6, 4. 9 U . 4 AC L13 � �' r ti � � � J L _ - L11 _L7U LJ- L42 _� . �''� N � r � � o� � j j �� � �� ii �� O �% J C5 - �� � � � r � w ' � r J I � _ J COL OF�A D O ti �� �� .�j+�� �s � / VA/L V! LLA�\ FlL ING NQ 9 - � - - R!�� t �rciNi ry MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E o soa �aao aoion <IN FEET� 1 I/VCH = 1000 FEET CERTIFICA 770N OF DED/CA 710N FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the unde�signed being the holder of a mortgoge or deed of t�ust on the real p�operty situoted in the Town of Voil, Eag/e County, Colo�odo, desc�ibed as fo//ows.• Common Areo, The Overlook ot Voil, A Resubdivision of Lot G-4, Lion"s Ridge Subdivision Filing NO. 2, Town of �ail, Eog/e Counfy, Co%rodo contoining 1.5.30 acres more or less,• as shown on this fna/ plat under the name and style of FINAL PLAT OF THE OIiE'RLOOK A T VAIL, A RESUBDIt�ISION OF LOT G-4, in the Town of �oil, Eogle County, Co%rodo; ogrees to the dedicotion and setting aport a/l of fhe public roods ond other public improvements ond p/oces os shown on the accompanying p/ot to the use of the public forever, ond does hereby ogree to the dedication of those portions of said reol p�ope�ty which are indicoted os eosement on the accomponying plat os easements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does he�eby ogree to granting of the right to instoll and mointoin necessory st�uctures to the entity �esponsible for pro✓iding the services for which the eosements a�e establis ed. Executed thi doy of �� f� ,A.D. 1998. MORTGAGEE/LlE/VHOLDER.• FirstBank oil 17 �oil �od Eagle ou Co%odo, 81657 By. o� ' tow, os residen t FirstBonk of l/ai/ STA TE OF COL ORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fo�egoing Ce�tificate of edication,,Qnd O ne�ship was ocknow/edged befo�e me this a�doy of U��l"_.1998 by. Mork Ristow as President o t e Firs onk of �oil. My commission expi�es �� �i0� �tness my hond ond seo% � . ,��;� �..,��// � �'� �� � va �• e oto y ublic "�op��/�/� °�� �/ r ^ � r B ��Ii6,�Ll.N/,y9 � e� // I%Q� ��. Uc�r/ /�� V/`s�V • c �tr�!���L1� cc � ��t ° Address td�, : � �T� �� 0 CER 17F/CA TE OF DED/CA 710N AND OWNERSHIP.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the undersigned being so% owne�s in fee simple of oll thot reol property situated in the Town of Vail, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, described os fol%ws: Common A�ea, The Overlook at Voil, o Resubdivision of Lot G-4, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, Town of �ail, Eog/e County, Co%- rado, containing 1.530 acres more or less,• hove by these presents laid out, plotted and subdi✓ided the some into /ots ond blocks os shown on this �na/ plaf unde� the nome ond style of FINAL PLAT of THE OVFRLOOK O I�ERLOOK A T VAIL, PHASE ll, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT G-4, in the Town of �ail, Eagle County, Colo�odo,• ond does hereby occept the �espon- siblity of the comp/etion of requi�ed imp�ovements,• ond does hereby dedicate and set opo�t a// of the public �oods and other public im- p�ovements ond ploces os shown on the accomponying plat to the use of the public forever, ond does hereby dedicate those portions of said rea/ property which o�e indicated os easement on the accom- ponying p/at as eosements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does he�eby g�ant the right fo insta// and maintoin necessa�y strrictures to the entity responsible for p�o�iding the se�vices for which fhe eosements ore estobli hed. ��/� Executed this�day of �C��� .A.D. 1998. OWNER.•Beechwood Sondstone Deve%pment, Corp. 467 �llis A venue Williston, New �k 115 . eslie A. r, as �esi en Beechwo ondstone Deve%pment, Corp. sra rF oF �'p�tc�0� ss courvrr oF � c�(� ) The fo�egoing Ce�tificate of acknowledved before me this�I� wos ,1998 b � My commission expires Witness my hond ond seo% �� �� � ' �Q`o.••....���� � � ° o ry ub/ic � �° d.u��� �e l��r% �. �a_�"%� C�' S�IaS � ; ����L� �d7�ess � �; STATE OF COLORADO � 9�`��'" °'°' � ) SS O� ���, COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Certi�cate of Dedicotion and Ownership was ocknow/edged befo�e me this doy oF .1998 by. My commission expires Witness my hand ond seal. ATLE CERTIFICATE Noto�y u ic �-�►'vn T���-�C C�'4�'•4'"''rE� ��°^'�P"ti-•►�Y does hereby Add�ess ce�tify that the tit/e to oll %nds shown upon this plat hove been exomined and is vested in �c+. woco sQ�+�T�'�and t o1� tit/e to such londs is f�ee and c%a� of oll liens ond encumb�onces, 'o��aP^'`�^'�- except os follows: nc��o o� -r�-�sT To �•�'d^�'"'- oF �'O'�p- �'� ZON/NG ADM/NISTRATOR CERTIF/CATE.• va�` a e ce�ocT.� �� zo �1 7�.._. Roo� ��-to � C.o�-e �+r-e o pac.c �10 a�ss.•�c¢-`s ticmc� a-�o`°�-s� ��,�o�-�r�o•� This fino/ plat is hereby oppr ved by the Town � es Z o 9? t�►+ 8c�o � i�i o A►s- PA'CrG 8�-! 1 � Administ�ato� this doy of Doted thisu day of t�P*�^^�� 1998 A.D. ss�-s.a-r-. vo��� -ss'rt..E o�+� �'� A TTEST VPtT-+Q T'TL� ��Af►A�-� T�.� Lerv�P ^i'+�-�Y �P.o. ao� 3s� v�►.� �-o $�LSg Addr s By,� ow C/e�k oning Admin s o s+►.��-•-+o� zE� n ��I i� wn of �ail Town of �ail �� � ' UR YOR 71FlCA : l, Duone D. Fehringer, do hereby certify thot l om a Registered Lond Su�veyn� licensed unde� the /aws of the State of Co/orado, thot this p/ot is o true, cor�ect, and comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of I/oil, County of Eog/e, State of Co%rodo, os /oid out, p/atted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, thot such P/ot wos mode f�om an occu�ote su�vey of said prope�ty by me and under my supervision ond cor�ect/y shows the /ocotion ond dimensions of the /ots, eosements and st�eets of soid subdivision os the same a�e stoked upon the g�ound in compliance with applicob/e �egu/otions governing� the subdivision of /ond. /n witness whe�eof l have set my hond and sea/ this doy of A.D., 19 . ♦ \1�\1111i111�l�lili/!!/// uane . e ringer � •� .<. ' Registe�ed Land Surveyn� Na �66,�Fz� - � .., ; : _ -= ' v ,?f���'� ". • _ -_ s ° _- - s =° = w • : � . - � m s _ w �� Al� �S . e ��%i.� �"��.•.e�° .�C:: l___�� "° �'1 � CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID: l, the unde�signed, do hereby certify thot the e��'bmount ;_�` of taxes due ond po}roble as of���� 3) � I�jctB upon ,,,i, o// parce/s of reo/ estote described on this p/at o�e paid in full. Do ted this � � d doy of O@„�•� s�. . A. D., 1998. � f�t�M1 ki�.A C� LL�� A���► Q T�easu�e� 07 Eogle Coun � O�k333 Q CLERK AND RECORDER S CERTIF/CA TE.• ���OO This plat wos fi/ed for record in the office of the C/erk :,, ����.�°� ond Recorder t�do'oy of �f O A.D.,1998 ot �,'�,f' ''' ��,�,�"� y��o "c/ock �M. Recorded unde� Reception No. %.i l0/8 in «.+� ��` ��� Book ot Poge � ��� �� � � • � .se�� r. R► q,#p�'' epu C/erk ond o�d r �'"`'� Eog/e Co ty, Co%�odo No �Oecs u� � t�i /!'�aP