HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 1 Lot 7 - Duplex PlatVICINITY MAP N OT TO SCALE S 60'°48'00" W 1.42 CALC. S 60jD48' W 1.42 PLAT ��.���, ..�.;.._w�. �� �:�� �; �, � � �- ��:_ � ` � �...,: � .�,...� 1 • ,a. T(JWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COLTNTY, C�L�JRADO CALC. 1=127'° 13'24" R=20.00 L=44.41 T=40.31 � .._z� o: 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 wiin TGLLVW ru+aiw �nr ` MSticM ENG. LS. �j 2568 10 0 10 20 30 Fe�t DRAWN BY: M. POST 6/2/98 '58" W » W � f � :7 � 'rl � 7 � 7 n � � .1 7 ) . CALC 1=22°30'42" R=201.92 �.-79.34 r=�o.i s LC=78.83 CB=N 03°17'39" W PLAT 1=22°30.7' R=201.92 L=79.33 LC=78.84 C6=N 3° 17.7' W � CERTIF:��-�"E �F L�T)ICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know a�. i i��er� �y these presents that 41. Grant W � l l i ar�s, a lso known as W. Gran t•a � l i:;:.;�_ I I, and The IJ . Grant N i l l i aMS Far� i l y Partnersh I p, A M�s�our� Ltr��ted Partnershtp, be�ng sole owner �n fee s�r�ple, of all that rea�. property s�tuated �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, descr � b�� :.a as * o i l ows � Lot 7, Block 1, Va�l Village, F�rst Fili�ng, accord�ng to the pint thereof recorded �n the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, con�a�n�ng 0.293 acres, More or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe �nto lots and tracts as shown on this final plat under the naMe and style of ' Va�l V�llage, F�rst F�l�ng, A Resubdivis�on Of Lot 7, Block 1', a subd�v�s�on in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsib�lity for the cor�plet�on of requ�red �MproveMents; and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the public roads and other public �Mprover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and does hereby ded�cate those portions of sa�d real property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easeMent on the accoMpany�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby grant the rtght to ;nstall and Ma�nta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for providing the services for which the easer�ents are establ�shed, Executed th�s _�� day of ___p�_ � �____, A,D „ 199�, ,I.G.P.�M _ / � �'/C�(.�� OWNERS= ----=----�� --- --------------------- W, Grant W�ll�ar�s, also known as W, G�ant W�Il�ar,s, II as to an und�v�ded 1/6 cnterest. Address� 9465� Clayton Road, St, Luo�s, M;ssour� 63124 The W, Grant WitliaMS Far��ly Partnership L.P. dated Decer�ber 18, 1997, A M�ssourt L � r� � ted Po.rtn ersh � p as to an un d � v � ded S/6 �nterest. Address 6S Cl n Road, � ' r i _63124 By` -`��.°---------------- ------- Pr � t aMe � WI . Gran t W i t l i ar�s, I I as � � ��r,era t P'artner • , -,.. ^ STATE �F_���5�'?-�,t'> __ ) � )ss. �fliJNTY OF ,���,(------) The orego�n �nstrur�ent was cknowledged before Me thts /!!''`day of �lp-��?� , A,D., 199� by W, Grant Wfll�ar�s, also kn�wn as W, Gre�r�� W;�:t�r�s.�-�I - � _ ,,. . _ - _.i, .,1�r..�,. �, - , - _- "''� 'R4y Comr�i .:: ��� � _%oZ_S-�DOI, •rr��3ae ._..-.,-sr.. ri�gs�y . ' — � � � �C._� � �t. Lori. � . , , �S �•' � �s.��`�o�i �TATE'��_./' !'J°S�`Z�v1-----� . �� ' -----)ss. DUNTY OF _ _` ��� ) The ,;____..�. �. `�r � �� � � - :�i --� �"`� �-.... ---- -- -�-L�%t%t���------ tary P ,' c,/ ,� / ddress � __L f,11 `Z�_-�_�__C�� �h._ � �Z- �--���.�[�Cl7' -�u __ _ 1a-� L?� orego�ng �nstrur�ent was knowledged before Me th�s ��/h �Gy �.bt��A.D., 199�by �. Grant 41� ll�aMS, II p�ra�4'_Fr`�$�-o� The W, Gran t 41 � l l I ar�s FaM i l y -'� `� �p,�era '�`s�our i L i r� i ted Partnersh i p, r�'�`�; r ` : a �v�' � �D I ------ -� : . . _,��al, �. � ,� . .,�,��o-N�'i s:�" � - --- - -�_ ��C?!��-- ._..,.. 3�'�'�'E ��M�s3$t�Rt , ary Pu ' �1D ��,/ 31, tw.i. G1'reil�:T ddress � __���-_��__ ����_!Y!'' ��ae.�i�aee �Pir�e• -s. ZO�i �_ _ !l ���Z� a - ��. ��iy_ �h TITLE CERTIFICATE - Land T�tle Guarantee Cor�pany does hereby cert�fy that �t has exar��ned the tttle to all lands shown upon th�s plat and that such title �s vested in u. Grant WitltaMS, also known as W, Grant Wtll�aMS, II, as to an und�v�ded 1/6 �nterest, and the W, Grant W�ll�ar�s Far��ly Partnershtp, a M�ssour� L�Mtted Partnersh�p, as to an undtv�ded 5/6 �nterest, free and clear of all l�ens and encur�brances, except as follows� none, Dated th � s_ ZQ_�__ day of �J�b�f _________, A, D., 199_$ Agen t : _ _ __ aCo�,� , G ��� lJwioi'�� � . _..0 SUP.VEYDR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the lows of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat �s true, correct and cor�plete as la�d out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon ,+,hat s��ch p lat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of sa i d property by r�e and under r�y superv�slon and correctly shows the locat�on and dtMens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subd�v�s�on as the sar�e are staked upon the ground in cor�pliance w�±h appl�cable regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�v�s�on ofi land, In w�tness thereof I have set my hand and seal thls t�� day of a�±:C�1!$�G _, A . D , , 1998 , -C �rra��rir�,,� ��*�C R E C/,� f % � �. .� ...... f ': � _ ��a�° .� �F � J, �•,r�'o';� NOTES; ----�---,-z-- -- ------------ M � c h o� i} :�. .g ,ry ; : Co l o►�.�;�L3 6 ' °� • � �:� =�% � .��� ' o .. . a:- : . �% •�, ^• ••' e�v : �••....... . � i,� �J/0��� ���� ,``4�� `j���t;./ IdiA�1,1��4 1) The purpose of th�s plat �s to subd�v�de Lot 7 tnto 2 parcels as shown, 2) Date of Survey; May, 1998 3) Bear�ngs are based on a l�ne connect�ng the tound r�onuMents r�ark�ng the southwe�t corner and east po�n�E of reverse curvature of Lot 7 being N 46°46'24° E, <see draw�ng). 4) 1�onuMentat�on as shown hereon. S) Street Address� 302 Mtll Creek Ctrcle, 6) N�T I CE � Accord � n g to Co l orado l aw you r�ust cor�r�en ce an y l ega l act�on based upon any defect �n th�s survey wtthin three years after you f�rst d�scover such defect, In no event, May any act�on based upon any defect �n th�s survey be cor�Menced r�ore than ten years froM the date of the certtf�cat�on shown hereon, 7) Refer to Land T�tle Guarantee EoMpany CoMr��tr�ent No, V261919 dated 4/23/98 for all t�tle Inforrrat�on, 8) Protect�ve Covenants recorded �n Book 174 o�t Page 179, and ar�ended �n Book 187, Page 353, and Book 321, Page 423 9) Party Wall Agreer,ent recorded under Recept�on No,_ ���Q�_ PLAT RESTRICTIDN For zoning purposes, the two parcets created by thts resubd�vis�on are to be tr�ayec? as �ne ent�ty with no r�ore than one two-far��ly res�dence altoweca on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels, A l lowab le gross y-e� ;�:�er�± � a l f loor area for the two-far� � ly res � dence w � l l be ca t cu l a i;� c; .-:,:x��� o� the cor�b �� ed area of the two parce l s, ZONING ADMINISTRA?[.i� CERTIFICATE �ih�s f�nal plat �s here y approved b �t,h'e�- `Town of Vail Zon�ng Adr� � n � strator th � s�� day of -a���G�Ir�!_--------, �i , D,, 199 �. Attest� . - , . w Clerk-- ----------- Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID ---- (A�/�-l.--------------- Zon � r-� �� Adr, � n i strator Town �-;f Va � t, Co t orado I, the unders i gned, do hereby cert � fy that the��- r�ount= Qf .... taxes and assessr�ents due and payable as of __ ��g- upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are �a�d �n full, Dated th � s_�i�_ day of ���,�j-----, A, D,, 199�_ , , Tre� o Ea le Coun ---- -- Y �11.0'bCL�RK AND RECDRDER'S CERTIFICATE This Pto.t was f�led for record in the Off�ce of tl�e Clerk and Recorder at �3Z_o'c lock �? , M,, on th � s_��� _day of �QG�M�[__, 199 �, and � s du t recorded � n Book �—' Page No ,---�_ , at Recept � on No .__ �� ��Q�______ , � / �,�� ; 7• �* �OR A�`' �-- �. � ---� O�.R�------ �--i-� S�'1e.1~ ---- Clerk and Recorder By ` -- - �-' — --- ----- ---------------- Deputy .!0�? No. 2482 �AGE 1 OF 1