HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 3 Lot 19 - 1999GRAPHIC SCALE to o s �o zo +o D UPL EX PL A T � l/l l ON OF PA R CEL A PA R CEL B�I ND C OI��I l��I ON PA R CEL C L O T � 9 �I RESUBDI S , � � TO WN OF VA lL, COUN T Y OF EA GL E, S TA TE OF COL ORA OC� ( � F'�"i' ) 1 inch = 10 it. BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• N 7576'22" E BETWEEN FOUND REBAR W/PLAS. CAP L. S. NO. 2183 A T THE P. C. OF TRACT B, AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 21, l/AlL I/ALLEY - THIRD FlLING. PURPOSE OF THIS PLA T lS TO REDEFIIVE PARCELS A, B AND C. DA TE OF SUR I/EY AUGUST 1998 DENOTES STREET ADDRESS.• 1998W O- DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP PE & PLS 26626 FOR ZONIIVG PURPOSES, THE L O TS CREA TED B Y THIS SUBDI I/!S/ON ARE TO BE TREA TED AS ONE ENT/TY Wl'TH NO MORE THAN ONE TWO-FAMIL Y RESIDEIVCE ALL OWFD ON THE COMBINED AREA OF rHE �ors. � ` � � � ,��/ G�� 7 / s�j , `�s �9 �`9 "' k1 F. PARCEL C-2 1, 733. 7 SQUARE FEET 0.040 ACRES �t \�v�'� s� �s �� 1.7�'O-+ � N0110E.• According to Co%rado /aw ynu must commence any /ego/ oction bosed upon ony defect in this surv�ey within th�ee years ofte� ynu first discover such defect. ln no ev�nt, moy any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the dote of certification shown hereon. �, V` ��J ,�5 �0 � , 0 �C�/ � �9 6� 1 �or �s � � 1998W �� \ , � \ � 6� �^v/ \� �� i � ^/ / \ // / / � � � � .• �� .�� , 1�' �p�. �' `(� 0 s� �� � �'s � • 0 _ 09'47'50" �� R — 500.62' /� L = 85.60' � �G'B = N 47�6'12" W �, `�,�H = 85. 50' . '� - PARCEL C-3 , � �'�� 628.8 SQUARE FEET ►�� � D. 014 ACRES rL�'J' ,+ s o �s, �R� ,�6� � ��q a � � �(�� �O � � �'+ \ko �• � � � 0 / \ J- , � . � � PARCEL B � /,, �'� �Q o � o �y� � '`° u nu rY /� 4, 819. 3 SQUARE FEET �� G� ��s ' DO �p' /� EASEMENT / 0.111 ACRES �h �9� ��,+ p�. / / / � \ 1998E �o. / / •�. � � � � � � �`� � � � � ,� Z �sS7 �� � � � / �� �- � � \ i ��s, �� s, `� � <\ � �°o�,, ��O � �` �� / / � �6;� � � i � p� PARCEL A \ �' � �• � / � �� 6, 445.2 SQUARE FEET / � 0.148 ACRES / \ � � .�,�� � = 180'00'00" � � �/ / � p�� R= 4. 40 / � �� � L = 13.82' �� r �� CB = N 47'35'09" W � / � 6� CH =�8.80 �� •Y �• ` �j1 ' / � / � /�,� �... ', _� / � / � ���� ;. � ,' ,� , �� � � � � � �,P .., y, / � � � �� �� �� �o � �• , � � � o r 20 .,._ 5 � � / �9 , -, _�_. � sz� ',..:� � � / ^�. sr6,, �.� ��/ \\ /� �1 ,....�-. , . �� . � i ��, P' r �. ,,. � � � �p,\� �'�J ,.. �- �. � ` �. .. v n �, . .;,_ .� ., O '� `,6. FORE�ST � • . .1-_.. Y. _. ., � • . 1- ,,. _� ,_ , ._.P ' ..... _� � ._. ... - . .,P_ , __ . , . _Ji t'. .��t . , _�. � _.�r A >> � .00, �� . �j+ ��9 �, PARCEL C-1 \ 2, 951. 6 SQUARE FEET 0. 068 ACRES / / / , /6 �h� / / TONM OF V�11L BOU��DARY � 1 • ...�, . / �� / / � V � n� 6'� .�j �� � TV D.D.F. I/lCINI TY MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E o � ,� � lIIV FEET� 1 INCH = 1000 FEET � �� O -�/ ...J �- � aRa.ECr Na 98-01945 P. O. BOX 978 • SU/lE f07 ' Oa77 METCALF ROAD ��� 8392 COW I/NENTAL D/ NDE ROAD oA �/�' A1�0/V, COLO. 81620 � � UT7ZETOA; COLO. 80127 2/19/99 (970) 949-5072 ��n�j� (303) 948-6220 T NO. % � % 0 CER71f1CA AON O� DED/CA 110N FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thot the undersigned being the ho/der of o martgage or deed of trust on the �eo/ p�operty situoted in the Town of �oi/, Eog/e Counfy, Co%rodo, described os fo/%ws: Lof 19, �ai/ Vo/%y - Third Fi/ing, Town of Vai/, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, containing 16,579 squo�e feet o� 0.381 ac�es os shoMn on this fina/ p/ot under the name ond sty/e of DUPLEX PLAT, VA/L VALLEY - TN/RD F/LING, A RESUBD/VISION OF PARCEL A, PARCEL B AND C0r4/MAN PARCEL C, LOT 19, a subdi�ision in the Town of I/ai/, Eog/e County, Co%rodo,• agrees to the dedicafion ond setting opo�t a/l of the pub/ic roads ond othe� pub/ic impro►aements ond p/oces as shown on the accomponying plat to the use of the public fo�ev�er,• ond does he�eby ag�ee to the dedicotion of these po�tions of said rea/ property which are indicated os eosement on the occomponying p/ot os easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby ogree ta the granting of the right fo insta// and mointoin necessory structures to the entity responsib/e for providing the services for which the eosements are esEabliahed. Executed this 2,.�� doy of EdRVA��I . A.D. 1999. Mortgogee/Lienho/der• MfRC aTi�� �►vK. ��� �� er FR�+ K �. M�C�c, H . STA IF QF ii OA30S ) s t ��e Q�� c( PRf���t �* CIX/NTY OF��I�q��/J SS My Comrnission expi�es , IKtness �my hond ond seo% r �' �'�iN Mary K. Radosevich �j . �..� :;'� . �bM9t�.� /�/Qiv /i� „ -� ot�P� i;� 9900 `✓. 8�� Add�ess or�ckl�d �a4t', �rs C�Gar�- ATL£ GL�R77f1CATE Lond Tit/e Guorontee Compony does he�eby certify that the tit/e to d/ /ands shown upon this p/ot ha►as been exomined ond is v�ested inl►�d'ltilh /�[tarde; I�GN* 6arlhlAi�Dl,Ltt .O . Yt.+�uF tarlrrwke�d�'� and thot tit/e to such /onds is fiee and c% of all liens and enc mb onces, except o forro»�: n., k o�-- tvw�.s �- �o M�crcar.�,i ��a� v�ccav�tt�. Doted t�his �J�l, doy of A.D. 1999. � �r�d. '7 ►� 14(.��r�d� FarrW�� L��rrr`hd.. QA��Fru�'S��1/ ' �.�„�oc, T��t Cu,�u�� Gor���' � o �ox �57, U�.i.G � gl�os� Address �` By. SURVEYfOiRS CER71F1CA 7E• /, Duone D. Feh�inger, do hereby certify thot / om a Registered Lond Sur�}w licensed under the /ows of the Stofe of Co%rodo, thot this Plat is trug carrect, and comp/ete os /oid out, p/otted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, fhot such P/ot was made from on occurofe sun�y of soid property by me ond under my supervisian and correct/y shows the /ocation ond dimensions of the /ot� easements ond streets of soid subdivision as the some o�e stoked upon the gravnd in comp/ionce with app/icob/e regu/ations goveming the � subdirisJon of /and. /n witne�erywf / hove set my hond and seo/ this � doy of IA A. D., 1999. �� � ���� '� � �; uane . e , _ . Registered Lars� �v�ynr No. 2b�'26 _ ! ' �►��'i26 .:: __ � y * � �' i • M , " . �� CER71F/CA TE OF DED/CA 710N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES£NTS thot Nathan Acco�do, B. Kent Gor/inghouse, a/so known as Kent Gar�inghouse, and The Acco�do Fomi/y Limited Partnership, o Missouri /imited partnership, being the so% owners, in fee simp/e, of a// that rea/ property situated in the Town of Voi/, County of Eag/e, State of Co%rado, described os fo/%ws; Lot 19, Vai/ I/a//ey - Thi�d Fi/ing, Town of I/oiY, Eog/e County, Co%odo, containing 16,579 squa�e feet or 0.381 ac�es have by these p�esents loid out, plotted ond subdivided the some into /ots and b/ocks os shown on this fina/ p/at under the name and style of DUPLEX PLAT, 1/A/L V•4LLEY - TH/RD F/L/NG, A RESUBDlV1S/ON OF PARCEL A, PARCEL B, AND COMMON PARCEL C, LOT 19, TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLO- RADO, and do he�eby accept fhe responsibi/ity fo� the comp/etion of r�quir�d imp�ovements,• ond do hereby dedicote and set apart a/l the pub/ic roads ond other pub/ic improvements ond places as shown on the occomponying plot to the use of the public forever; ond do dedicate those po�tion of soid reo/ property which are indicoted os easement on the accomponying p/ot os easements fo� the purposes shown hereon; ond do fie�eby grant the right to insto// and maintoin necessary st�uctures to the entity res- ponsib/e fo� p�o�idin the se�vices G which the eosements ore estab/isheo! Executed this � doy of �r�7��� . A.D. 1999. OWNER.• Nothan ✓. Accordo, OWNER.• B. Kenf Gar/Inghouse oka Nothon Accordo oko Kent Go�/inghouse ,300 West 19th Terrace 3601 Southwest 29th Street Kansas City, MO 64f08 Topeka, KS 66605 othon Acca�do . en o�mg ouse The Acca�do Fomily Limifed Portnership a Missouri limited pa�tne�ship � By. The Acco�do, L.L.C., Gene�o/ Portner nt o ing ouse Br• . athon ✓. Acco�do, Member STA TE OF 11 Q�i'� 15 � SS COUNTY OF�O�I�SO�r) The fo�egoing Certi icote oi Dedicotion and Ownership was ocknow/edged befo�e me this doy of �I�/!/a �.�/ .1999, by Nothan Acca�do, also known os Nathon ✓. Acca�do, individually and os Member of The Accardo, L.L.C., genera/ partne� of The Accardo Fami/y Limited Partnership, a Missou�i /imited partnership. My Commission expires �/� 99 �tness my hond and sea/.• �Rlp Mary K. Rado�se�vich ///y/� � /���L � Ily Appt E�..�Llif-� No ta� b ic , ,� � W� cSrt�rf' STATE OF�'/Q/i'.�,5 � SS eS•`�'�"'�Ia �4[.� �s �i���-- COUNTY O�(�1�'J/��l{I ) The foregoin Certificate of Dedication and OwnershTp was ocknow/edged before me this day of �tL�/l1dJ .1999, by, B. Kent Gar�inghouse a/so k ow�y�s/ �ent Gor/inghou e. My Commission expires //�/ / �1 `7 �tness my hond and seo% , �'r`ti`� Mary K. Rado evi h /s-/�f� "• � 1x� Notory ublic �b �OD� �- s n ' W ^ • �ess��, /Q/�� �i /t s �� «c� ADM/N/STRA TOR CER AF/CA TE TJ51�,�a/ p/ot is he� by opproved by the Town this �� doy of MQ�trL . A.D A TTEST.- � � � o /erk ~_ mi � o, Town of Voi/ wn f i/ CERTIFICA TE OF TAXES PA/D.• /, the undersigned,� Qo he�eby certify that the entire amount of toxes due and poyr�b/e os of .LJQ_[�O/N,l�A 3/� / 9 Q 9 upon o/l po�ce/s of rea/ estate desc�ibed on this plot a�e poid in fu//. � Dated this �1r doy of �� , A.D., 1999. �'ia►u,n�. �1,� �C ��%,�a,a� �ieosu�e� o gTe Z un ty �s �ooS/� ICO/aib3L r_i FRK AND RECORDER'S CER71F/CA 7F• � 11 00 fiis p/at was fi/ed for reco�d in the of�ce of the C/erk ond Recorder at day of �C .D. 1999 at :03 o'c%ck .A� Recorded under Reception No. . � � E"cce o co ��..��.�- v `� � � �� � 2 epu y er ond eco� e� ,��; * � ` Eogle Coun ty, Co%ado � rO�OR A�O �. „�O \o �'J'�. �+G.�Q[�•o� rsss»ro�+o� �`b�a`�