HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 Block D - Red Sandstone Creek CondominiumsW VICINfTY MAP SCALE: 1' - 2000' NOTE: ALL MONUMENTS ARE SET No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP, L.S. 30116 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. ER SUBJECT SITE A CONDOMINIUM MAP OF I TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO N�TES� 1) Date of Survey; June, 1999, 2) MonuMentat�on� set #4 rebar with aluM�nuM cap L,S, # 30116 unless otherw�se �ndicated on draw�ng. 3) Bas�s of bearings is a l�ne connec��ng found Monur�ents at West 1\4 corner sect�on 6, Cfound a 2 1/2' brass cap on 1' iron plpe) and South 1\16 corner secttons 6/1, (found 10' wltness cornerj 3 1/4' aluM, cap on 2' alur�, pipe), 4) As shown hereon, C,E, indtcates Cor�MOn EleMents, as the saMe are def�ned in the CondoMiniur� Declaration, 5) As shown hereon, L,C,E, ind�cates L�r��ted CoMMOn EleMents appurtenant to the ad,jo�n�ng un�t, as the saMe are defined In the Condor►iniur� Declaration. 6) Elevations shown hereon are based on sewer Manhole 158-580-063 Invert elevatton = 8178,1, rIM elevatton = 8190,6, 7> Land Title Guarantee CoMpany t�tle cor�r�ttMent No, V263279-2 dated 4/29/99 was relied upon for all t�tle and easer�ent tnforMat�on, 8> CondoMin�ur� Declarat�on �s recorded at Recept�on No_ ZQQ?� ---- � 9) Nottce� Accordtng to Colorado law yrou Must coMMence any legal actton based upon any defect in thls survey wtthtn three years after you flrst dtscover such defect. In no event, May any actton based upon any defect irn th�s survey be coMr�enced More than ten years fror� the date of the cert�f�cat�on shown hereon, SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this condoMlniuM r�ap �s true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such condoMiniuM Map was Made froM an accurate survey of sa�d property by Me and under My superviston and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical locatton and diMensions of the bullding containing the condoMinfuM untts, the condoMlniuM un�ts, parcels and easeMents of said condoMtniur� Map, and the parcel is staked upon the ground in coMpliance with applicable regulattons governing the subdivision of land. I further certify that th�s condor��niuM r�ap contains all inforMation required by Colo. Rev, Stat, 38-33.3-209, In w t tness thereof I have set My hand and ��R,a,�,,th t s 1?f% day of .•`' ''•�. ---���------------- � A� D�, 199,� � y. p Q f 6/ f., �.•` ��� ......., jE� ': • . . .��,'��r•� J .� f� . �, • P - . . — —�--� — --- II� ------------- • • - M i chae P} ,�'g � -� : � : Co l oratd4 �P , L. , 3 O 11� ; �. �,. ''''o,,; •.•• .,; ��a ;, '�.:��'�' �'••......• S �. �'�.,��MAI� lt►MO,,,�, � % ,� / / i S 5T33'16" W— 0.90 C� \ � �� \ g� \ . S���?7��j SET 61' WIT CRN / siwDaTOr� P�1dc co�oow�wn� � �.���.�. S" w _ \ ,o� �,�. o��,� •�, J. . ��IS.B4 \ EASEMENT �r / /y � � �i � y CE SET W' WR. CRN..- � • 1 � � 5 64•26'46" W 7.35 N��° � 9'29" E— 86. 95 / DFCK SET 35' WIT. CR�L u 14.1 �`�„ � 10 y2 / , o e � � a• � / s.o � � � � 5.77 / N ; a �; O� _� / � , � FlRE MYD. 2 � W T° � � • q S'0 UNIT 1, h � � '� LC.E. I UNIT 2 � � WATER VALVE \ � �\ 00NC w � �ABOVE J 4 SEWER MM � � N \ I x C.E. \. o\ 4\ '> I S `ti ,� ; *� \ I �„�. A �s� �` eSy� �. 23.2 � �c.\ 0.8 � ` 9� \ �p� �9 y� ACCESS EASEMENT TO � � � SANDSTONE PARK TO BE CREATED �cce`s�o '�'?�„ as.e BY THIS MAP w� o eE aensm � '9�9"' F � M� \ '9� 97 w�hn` � � L1CM POLE \ \ I � � 30 0 30 60 90 Feet 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 �i ., . � � � 10' U11UIY k DRAMACE EDGE OF EASEMEM / � CENiERIJNE OF , � �� TITLE CERTIFICATE Land T�tle Guarantee Cor�pany does hereby cert�fy that the t�tle to all lands shown upon this f�nal plat has been exar�ined and is vested in� Llon's Ridge Water District, a quas�-MUnicipal corporation, also known as Eagle Rfver Water and Santtation Dfstrlct, and the Town of Vail, and that t�tle to such lands is free and clear of all l�ens and encuMbrances, except as follows� ---------------------------------'L�1Q��------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th i s_��{ day of _��ri�________________, A. D., 199 q, Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany Box 357 Va�l, C� 81658 By' C n a re�Qje+Q ��¢ -- O� -- s��4!��! R�.�__��=�4 _�,�-� -- �=���__�.%�,��------- (Pr�nt naMe and t�tle) CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby ert�fy that the ent�re aMOUnt of taxes due and payab le as of i �Q�1�f���,_� ______, upon a l l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on this condoMin�uM Map are pa�d in full. Dated th i s �� day of _��-il ____, A, D,, 1999 . � ------ --- �•-.�%G �---- - �� .f'/'��'l� Tre surer of Ea 'C-e Coun y, Co l�rado 9 33�� 33101 _ � • . � / 1��� . � _,:�� � � / � � V ��e;�. � ,� � ��N . . _� . � LC.E. DECK� `\ �\ ��`�4 . . � / LC.E. 1.9�.0 DECK "' LC.E. � 10 in I DECK • 4�OI � .S � L.C.E. ° LC.E. \ \ \ �� 3.9xB.0 OECK I LCE � -13,3 L� E SEf 10' REF. MONS. / 4.Ox153 DECK . /� 8 m I 5.0 �J l C.E. I �.8 J.9x6.0 OECK LC.E. _ . �� �� L.C.E. 3.9x8.1 DECK � I UNIT 96/ 3.9x8.0 DECN \-_ 3.9z7.9 DECK I I UNIT UNIT 8B I h L0.E. 4.Ox735EDECK �8 '� 3�6 I 1 � T 7B (ABOVE) I oic. wux I 4.Oz15.3 OECK 'o � 30.8 O.E 3.9 BC1E DECK 30' S�REAM SETBACK I U N � I 1 I I I '^ ' 3.9x79E0ECK LC.E. 34.3 I I I I UNIT 1 6B 1 II I I I �� . o.e a.Ox13.5 DECN w � UNIT 5B � 1 � C.E. . � UNIT � I I " °' 1 � UNIT � 46 I � I � °�� � �,,�.�i � 3A � UNIT � UNIT I � I � I,.a I UNIT � 3B � � � ..r�a., Zs.s J "�s5�o� I � 4a I 5A I 6AIT � UNIT � M � UNIT 2B � � 1 �i � ..+ N a� � _ 1 B � w,,.x N z., ;p ♦ 0.8 W1ER YH � � I I�A � UNIT � UNIT s.o co�'w,�� � 1 � � ; o.e �� � . I I � B.6 �1 � � � 8A 9A I � 1 zz.s � � �•o," E� .., . I I I I J � ovmwNC � o. � coHC. w g,3 �p m "� � 2.i � I � � ' ` w J 1 �' / �►,p.Pl ss.a �� � I1.2 n n I � 4 o�awwc C.E. � s.o � ,.s� sz.a , SN�s _s.e � 4 � eY � � I I �.e.e. � � � � a o.e � C.E.� �,SE� e� 1 � co�+c. wux 4C.E. c° i23 ^ I yo�,' ' i�+ io Z,'j� � g� �'R � CONC. WAU( 0.7 � p�pXANC .OI I I 25.3 m 1� LC.E. W -C l S� / \ `5.6` p�� v �IS yi � iRH41G � LS.B 0.8 O.B .6 CONC. WNJ(1��3`'�� ���`N\ / . S � RE ; WER N`a.a.r� ca+c`' wux '° ^ � a � � W P� �, ZZ6 �e / i-e�s4�2er = SEM E Nr E' 15 a� � Fl� �. iT0 gE �R o.e a. " � ¢�cc. m,ws. \, / 2�I�3'3�'/ / R�27 �r 5 Lr41.90 ` 13'J�3•— N���� BY THIS �P ` / N 2°�9'05" � / PROPERTY LINE TO BE � ��;� 3•J a TER EA �. +.6` �� _ 14 ) i�— 20.6� MBANDONED BT THIS `�,� k� / CS•5 7�21'44' E k� � W MENT Cro eE � � � � } �3.�6°j��f �N � �,� ��� � 3e � " �p _ _S �r? �REATEp �, � � i�N o / tig�' / ?3-14y.13 THI$ MAP) �3 se�`scwcn wH � 5 � � y � \ _ �.. /94.5 � � / �ti \\ SD� � �O�.j % / �2��� Vl . � � .Zd W � �I � !� \ ELECTRIC EASEMENT w�� ��� N�� � TO BE CREATED BY w PROPERTY L1NE TO BE\ N��?6'�4. THIS MAP � (� �NDONED BY THIS � �4j � eoc[ aF 5 �P�. RO,w� e \ �, s�/�e c� sEC �/e _ -� � 10'DWff.�CRNKUM. ON Y ALUTA. PIPE SEf Y ILUM. WASHER k P.K. WVL L5. / 3011L N 00°04'45' E — 84.35 ROADWAY EASEMENT TO BE CREATED BY THIS MAP ��� ��riras It�200.00 �-�.eo r-z�.a I.C�S3.N ce-N srse���' E N S 00°04'S2" W 1381.51 1381.38 (MEAS.) '4 CRN SEC 6 2 1/ Y B R A S S C A P O N 1" I R O N P I P E. FI LE N 0. ___ CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that L�on's Ridge Water D�strict, a quasi-MUn�cipal corporat�on, also known as Eagle River Water and San�tation D�strict, and the Town of Vail, being ownerCs> �n fee s�Mple of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� A parcel of land which �s part of Block 'D' of the Lion's Ridge Subd�vision, Eagle County, Colorado, situated in Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Princlpal Meridian, More part�cularly described as fotlows; Begtnning at the northeast corner of said parcel, which corner is coincident with the northeast corner of the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Sect�on 1, Townsh�p 5 South, Range 81 West, 6th Principal Meridian, thence S00°04'45'W 84,35 feetJ thence S18°26'14'W 86,06 feetj thence S85°24'll'W 153.30 feetj thence N22°16'35'E 35,97 feetj thence N04°O1'23'W 79,80 feet; thence N22°33'00'W 62,68 feet; thence N87°48'35"E 196,28 feet to the Po�nt Of Beg�nn�ng, containing 0,6483 acres, More or tess. and A parcel of land in Block D, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows; Beginning at a po�nt whence the northeast corner of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Sectton 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Pr�nctpal Mer�d�an bears N33°38'S9'E 207,88 feetj thence S85°24'll'W 65,15 feet; thence S22°16'35'W 61,37 feet; thence S26°44'34'E 93,63 feetj thence S11°27'S5'W 129.64 feet� thence S57°33'16'E 0.90 feet; thence N17°00'49'E 51,99 feetj thence S16'58'll'E 87,50 feet; thence N07'19'29'E 86.95 feet; thence N27°19'49'E 190,91 feet; thence N18'26'14'E 61,52 feetj thence S85°24'll'W 88,15 feet to the Po�nt Of Beginn�ng, contain�ng 0,560 acres, More or less, and A parcel of land w�th�n the NE1/4 SE1/4 Sect�on 1, Townsh�p 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Prtncipal Mer�dian, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Beg�nn►ng at a po�nt on the southerly l�ne of satd NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 1, said potnt also being the northwesterly corner of Block D, Lion's Ridge Subdiv�sion, according to the Map thereof recorded in Book 215 at Page 648 In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder; thence, departtng said southerly l�ne, N22°33'00'W 84,13 feetj thence N49°45'28'E 55,05 feet� thence 53,85 feet along the arc of a curve to the rtght, havtng a radius of 200.00 feet, a central angle of 15°25'35' and a chord that bears N57'28'16'E 53,69 feetj thence 41,90 feet along the arc of a curve to the r�ght, having a rad�us of 27,00 feet, a central angle of 88°54'26', and a chord that bears S70'21'44"E 37,82 feet; thence S25°54'31'E 137,47 feet to the satd southerly l�ne of the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 1, said line also be�ng the northerly line of said Block Dj thence, along satd ltne, S87°48'35'W 150,82 feet to the Po�nt Of Beginning, contain�ng 0,3964 acres, More or less, Total area - 1,605 acres, More or less, does hereby subMit this ' Red Sandstone Creek Condor�intuMS ' to the provisions of the CondoMiniur� Declarat�on for Red Sandstone Creek CondoMiniuMS, recorded at Receptton No, _ Z.Q �,S�Q�___ . Executed thts _��� day of ___ �_____________, A,D,, 199�. � ,� �WNER� Lion s Ridge Water D�str�ct, a quast-MUnicipal corporatton, also known as Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1 e Address � __84Z �Or�.�7 Rof -�---� -��--- — By� --�� ----- ( Pr i n t NaMe )_��!�+!±�,�_��P]Y1�____ CT � t le)__ .�2�`zt�!L_�'lzti��e— --- STATE OF �����_____) - � 5 S � C�UNTY OF ����_____) The fore ing instruMent was acknowle ed before Me this _�� day f --- ------� A , D , , 199� by �Cv�aC�� _ `lV �� ---- ------ �1NNiNINIIq�/ as __ v_�t,�!�____4_���t1___ of L � on 's R i dge Wa�r D i str i ct, a �.���CAMpe'p� �, quas Mun i c i pa l corporat i on , a l so kn own as Eag l e R i ver Water a�C� .•••' ••..�` ' San i tat i on D i str i ct , �"� '�� �'� U ��:' pTARy: My CoMM i ss i on exp i res ���7�?-0��_ , :: N�••�•-- � W i tn ess My han d an d sea l, ��/�;. p U B � � C',::, _ _ ____ ___ __________ s 9. •�Q .�� .,�������.�,; ����� (�'v��`� Notary Pub l i --_ �n������������� Address� _�'� S�/��______ � _ ���LiL_�����------ 'N OF VA I L - - --y--- ---------- QyOY' Town Council Town of Va�l, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE �$ b4'o This condoMtntur� Map was filed for record ir� the off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder on this_��%__ day of __c�1_ ____________, A,D „ 199�, at �`i�o' c l ock _Q M, Recorded at Rece�t i on No , _ �O�_�=`• !e? _ _ _ _ _ � ,-. -. a gscct c �� V �� �7� ---- w —�Jfv+ OG•xi C l erk an d Recorder .�'� .,; ,} * Eagle C nty, Col y do � co By� �_ _��� __ ________���__����� Deputy SHEET 1 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 5.0 N � 5.0 q .-- 0 � � � B I I 28.4 � ( 14.8 o.sC------ � I 0 � I UNIT 1A � 8.0 I I I . .-1-.-. ._ I 28.4 � I I B 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 � � co � � 0 � ' 3.6 UNIT � STAIRS O o 0 0 17.2 N � 8.8 jJ OD 8.� 00 0� 3.6 � 3.6 14.3 U N IT 3A 8.0 14.3 14.3 o s.o 0 o s.o n � � � � �'6 14.3 _ _ �.6 14.3 � T 14.3 - - � - - 14.3 T UNIT 4A N N UNIT 5A 8.0 8.0 . �.-- 6.9 --- . . Iw I °' J � °� r2 I� 2.s � N s.� (� - - s.s - - - - s.s � �c,, �o� o� r�i � � rJ � �' � � L� �.2 �.2 I� NI 2.s I N s.t s.� �I 2.� 3.5 5 0 5 10 15 Feet � � 3.5 0 � � rn M � w w 3.6 rn C I I 14.3 14.2 o I 8.0 n I � �0.6 14.3 _ � � 14.3 . . . . . .� . -- UN IT 6A � UNIT 7A s.o o � I �.o � STi�enoi.E I (n'P•) ---- ------- � - s.s s.s � �w � � � °' I � r 2 � w � �. � � IN I � 2.s �� s.� s.�. I 2.� M I I C 0 w n 14.3 _ o g.p o n n �0.6 14.3 - - - � 14.3 - - - 8 N � UNIT 8A � s.o w ao i� 3.6 0 ---- �--- s.s w � V CT I I� � N I I 2.� � S.s 3.5 V t0 FIRST FLOOR - BUILDING A 13.0 ri 8.0 � ____ 13.0 0.5' STEP UP 8.5 U N IT 9A FLOOR SLOPES DOWN 0.3' N � d �. N GARAGE � A SHEET 2 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 E � 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWAROS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 14.2 � 0 ----� ,4.? - - o.sT ,-4.2 N O UNIT 26 s.o - - - 8.6 � I I � � �I � � 8.6 � 2.1 10.1 4' 8.0 �'' 10.1� - � 0.5' STEP UP � UNIT 26 � FLOOR SLOPES DOWN 0.3' � GARAGE 8.8 ,o., a� � I 3.5 F I I 14.2 I 14.3 V - V p I O � . V - J_ � 4.2 I - � o.sT ,-4.2� - . - - -�. . . . . .- UNIT 3B I ♦ a UNIT 46 tV N e.o . s.o I � --I 8.1 -- -- � - - - 6.9 � � � �� °' � I M � "� I �' �' � � L �c . 6�. io �c i I 1.2I N �_s I . g_1 s�_� tO� � a � � 3.6 r� rn I I F i o.i � 8.� � --� 10.1 --- 0.5' STEP UP 8.5 UNIT 4B FLOOR SLOPES ,,� DOWN 0.3' ,,,� N JL N �/ GARAGE � ,o., M M � I `° ■l�i�� 14.3 V V �1 O O O O,$ 8.� 14.3 - - - 14.3 - - N N U N IT 56 �' �' s.o 14.3 O 8.� 14.3 14.3 UNIT 66 8.0 r 6.9 -- -- s.9 � � IW �I N I °' M I J � °' °' � L �_2 �' �' � � I�, NI 2.7 I N 8.1 8.1 � I 2.7 3.5 � rn 5 0 5 10 15 Feet � • . . 14.3 UNIT 76 � -- s.9 --�. . mI �� °� � L , � .2) N w e.� `° 2.s w 3.5 I � o.o w � w ---��o.o ----- 0.5 STEP UP � UNIT 7B M FLOOR SIOPES M DOYVN 0.3' cV � N GARAGE �� 0 � O � G I 3.6 UNIT 8B STAIRS o � o c � � s.s N 8.0 � � � � 3.6 I G 12.9 w s.o w -- �s.s , `° -----�-� 3.0 0.5' STEP UP 8.5 UNIT 9B N N � FLOOR SLOPES � DOWN 0.3' � GARAGE FlRST FLOOR - BUILDING B s.s 12.9 -� E SHEET 3 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 A 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 B 5 0 5 10 15 Feet BUILDING A 2ND FLOOR C A SHEET 4 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 E 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 G F 5 0 5 10 15 Feet BUILDING B 2ND FLOOR � E SHEET 5 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 E 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 � ' F TNIRD FLOOR - BUILDING B F E A C 5 0 5 10 15 Feet C THIRD FLOOR - BUILDING A A SHEET 6 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 0 O i aEV.: a2>>.oe O C aFV.: azoze 41199 FIIGHWAY 6& 24. EAGLE-VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 UNIT 2A UNIT 1A a� °I O a O I a.EV.: e2».oe a C �r.: e2o2.e CROSS SECTION B— BUILDING A U N IT 3A o � UNIT 3A I o� O 5 0 S 10 l5 Feet � UNIT 4A ELEV.: a213.a 0 �� �I �� a�i.: eio+.s UN(T 4A P� I0 `° I0 ° UNIT 5A EtEV.: 8213.8 a � a.EV.: $�.s ol 0 UNIT SA dl a a Fl N•: a21 S.8 O ElEV.: a206.6 UNIT 6A �� UNIT 6A oI • fl a�v.: ens.o UNIT �A ° I 0 I� � UNIT 7A o ElEY» e213.S O O a�v.: ezo�.s UNIT 7A o I '� a UN_I_T_ 8A 0 F1EV.: a209.1 o� 0 CROSS SECTION C— BUILDING A 0 b ELEV.: 8218.3 0 0 Fl N•: �jii9.i UNIT 9A ° I UNIT 9A �, 0 CR05S SECTION A— BUILDING A SHEET 7 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935 r � UNIT 1B ° I O O ELEV.: 8210.3 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 UNIT 1 B o I a O � N.: S21a.3 UNIT 26 o I CRa1SS SECTION G— BUILDING B a O atv: e232.i O a a.EV.: em.s O O Fl�.: a2�s.� UNIT 3B o I UNIT 36 � UNIT 3 ° I 5 0 5 10 15 Feet � UNIT 4B �r.: azn.a ° UNIT 4B ELEV.: 8213.7 a I � °� O m 0 ELEV.: 8225.4 m O ELEK: a2162 UNIT 5B o � UNIT 5B o I 0 0 ElEN.: d225.4 I a 0 ELEV.: a216.2 UNIT 6B ° I UNIT 6B o I o UNIT 7B aa►.: em.� ° UNIT 76 I aFV.: a�e.� CROSS SECTION F— BUILDING B O I 0 ol0 O 0 �v.: arn.s a 0 a.EV.: a2�8.� CROSS SECTION E— BUILDING B UNIT 86 UNIT 9B '1 al 0 dl0 SHEET 8 OF 8 JOB N0. 1935