HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuffer Creek Subdivision Lot 26�. N OTES 1) The purpose of this Duplex Plat is subdivide Lot 26, to create Lot 26A and Lot 268 along with an Access, Utility and Encroachment Easement, all as shown hereon. 2) Date' of Survey. June 1999. 3) An Access, Utility vnd Encroachment Easement is hereby created by virtue of this plat for the use and benefit of Lot 266. The Encroochment Easement allows for the encroachment of the roof overhang along the south wall of the garage into Lot 26A and allows for the access, replacement, repair and maintenance of said garage. � 4) Basis of Bearings: S 86'11'47" E along the south line between monuments as shown hereon. 5) Monumentation per Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations as indicated on the accomponying plat. 6) Legat description, record rights—of—way and easements shown hereon, were derived from Commitment No. ES33751699 provided by First American Heritage Title Company dated May 17, 1999. 7) Street Addresses: 1987A West Circle Drive, Lot 26A 19878 West Circle Drive, Lot 266 8) There are no public dedications granted with this Final Plat. 9) For Zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than two single family residences allowed on the combined area of the two lots. � � I FOUND �4 REBAR � � / DUPLEX PLAT � A Re sub di�ision of Lot Town o�f Vail Coun f SURVEYOIR'S CERTIFICATE 26, Resubdivision t of E a le , State Y � I do hereby Gertify that I am a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the Laws of the Stote of Colorado, that this �nvl plat is true, correct and complete as loid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that s�ch plat was made fr�n an accurate surv�ey of avid property by me ond under my supervision and correctly shows the tocation and dimensions of the 1ots� easements ond streets of said subdivision as the same is staked upon the ground in cornpliamce with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. I further certify that this Plat contains all the information required by the Common Ownership Act� C.R.S. 38-33.3. � In wit ess f I hawe set my hand and seat this t� ay ��,�u��s++fnr,r�, of � — —► A.D., 1999. `����p�+a��'•��;��d�'r�i �� .. ��C'ER �. '��c. _. t; :��/� l Roger W. Mey�er ;�� � Z ��< Colorado, P.L.S. 26967 'Z • '''��O a •••.M••'��� ��''�i�Qt l�ON�,S�,�'`'� F.,... ,�p CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID � p�� I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes due and � payable as of ' _�? 9'L____ _, upon all parcels of real estate desc�ibed on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this1�_'«'day of ______1g�� _�_ ____�, A.D., 1999. ���� Treasurer of Eagte Cou y, Co orado LOT 25 � s 40�' FOUND �4 REBAR ��- - _ �•4?' - 5� -- �' E . UTILITY EASEMENT �, ,,, � ---____ ___ ��a�i'' UNPLATTED �• ,� ,� +�, — _ _ _ _ _ g�_�• F,a'�<' / � ' ' 5 � • ' ,I SET 18" 5 REBAR F,P�� r.� �'� 1�_ WITH A 1 1 �2 ALUMINUM ♦ 4. � � � CAP STAMF�ED PLS 26967 � ��%�� � �• �'�.� � � �,� 1� J/ '� `` '' ``~`�� � � / / i / .�\` ; � ``�e � % s % 2 s�r ? LOT 21�8 � � ; � � t�' � WOOD FaAME � ' 4,d13 �t. �� ' \�; c� '�p � DWELIINJG �' ' 1 0.1059 axes � % ; • -� '�_ , ``� � � �: ; 2 STORY ;' / ��� ' W'OOD FRAME � „� �% � % 9S7 <� �' DWELLING /� '� `���`.., ; � � ; � ti � ' � � ��� ------ �� ; �' �--------- "' ; � ; ; , � � � , . ; � ��,; \� \ � '� LOT 26A � � ± GARAGE ; ' +�E � ��. , s � '� `��'� ; � 11.7a9 sq.f't. � • � ; � '� G�j` g� `��''� % 0 2702 xres ' + 6�� � 5 09'21'38" W �11.01' ,r-- FOUND ALUM. CAP ON �5 REBAR PLS 4551 WEST CIRCLE DRIVE (50 R.O.W.) � � 23'21'32' R = 125.00' T = 2:5.b�' � = so.sa' ` CB = S 02'19'08" E 1 G-� = 50.61' l/\ � ` ``� • � , + 1 N 11////� � i _ �� �O ��� \ Q�� � `` J 1987 - i � i i i� ��ii i i i. ���9s� + + � i,� ��; , /i,i,i, , , / ♦ � y i . (�,�\\ q� � N � � ' � �c EN(�tO F� � N � g� EA T����p� BY 1HlS�AT' i � \ � � A�G • • 53.00' . LOT 28 ^� �� BA� � � 158.97' s ea7��4�" w (NO�-R�a�) � \ FOUND �4 REBAR \ � NOTICE: According to Colorado law you MUST commence ony legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after y�ou first discovered such defect. In no event� may ony action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certi�cation shown hereon. ��� �� FOl1N0 ALUM. CAP ON �5 REBAR � PLS 16827 GRAPHIC SCALE � ,. (��> i �� = zo rt. \ \ \ � _ ���� R = 125.00' T = 9.43' L = 18.83' C8 = S 18'18'5Y E CH = 18.81' � of Buf f er Cre ek of C olorado CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORT+GAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all men by these presents that LoonWorlca, being Me holder of a mortgage or deed of trust on that reai property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 26, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, uccording to Me Finot Plat the�eof recorded October 8, 1963 at Reception No. 98077, in th� Of�ce of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Stote of Colorado. co�taini� 0.3761 acres, more or less. As shown on this final plat under the nome ond st�le o/ Buffer Creek, Lot 26, a subdivision in The Town of Voil. Eagle County, Caloroae� agreea to the dedication and setting opat oll of the public �ovds ond ather public improvements and places as shown on the occomponyinq plot to the use of the public forever; and does hereby agree to the dadicat�ion of these portions of said real property wfiich are indkated os eassnNnb on tha occompcmying plat as easements for the purpo�e shown hereon; a�d ebea hereby agree to the granting of the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for p�oviding the �ervices for which tM►� easements are estoblished. Executed this�� day of���*' _. A.d., 1999. MORTGAGEE: _1��:� cs�t�1_�L_�l�SZ.�i� -- i{ ct�+ Se�ntar'z � �a� ��C �{o�� w�s.T+iC. PO Box 4045 Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4045 STATE OF � � • � ) cauN�r o� �� � j� The foregoing Certificate of Dedication for Mortgoge Hdd� or Deed of Trust Hold was acknowledged before me this�L3*! do of b A.D.. 1999. b ��hc�'?-j as�'1c,t� �..t '� for tec�rt�cs. �� �i�p(�+O�C r{O �� R9 s� Zf�. My commission expires: � '(._`�Q�!�_���Q wtness my hand and seal. ��,�grw��pp �c�wt�ooa�cn�rnr �.... � �..:.� _ wdc��se�o�v �. M,e,Y �.z000 Notary Pu ' " Address: � � S�, ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFlCATE �«�,rmmir,��,�,�„ This final �at is hereb rov�ed y the Town of Voil At!iministrator � ��N� �F vq�%,,� this�:��day of__ .A.D., 1999. � . - � i�EAL .i ^ ti'` r���R}` . , .:,,,,., = Town of Vail, Colorado i . e � � Town of Vail, Cdorado R REVISED 12-1-99 TJA — ADDED T.O.V. CO�AI�NTS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presants that Jeannine L. Erickson, being owner in fee simple of all that real property situoted in the Town of Vail. Eagle County. Colorado, described as follows: Lot 26, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek. according to the Final Plat thereof recorded October 8, 1963 at Reception No. 98077, in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, State of Colorado, containing 0.3761 acres, more or less. have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots ond blocks os shown on this finvl plot under the nome and styie of Buffer Creek, Lot 26, a subdivision i� the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorodo; ond does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improv�ments; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the rigfit to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the eosements are establisfied. Executed this �� day of _ _____�, A.D., 1999. . OWNE 's-� ------ eannine L. Erickson 1987 West Circle Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoin_g Certi�cate of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this_�t�_day of_�4_s-!�±��_ ,A.D. 1999, by Jeannine L. Erickson. My commission expires: _ � �" �V '��aJ ____ P�Y•pV wtness my hand and seal. '�f ��� . . : •.i — �Q�.�.�0 2s � � :C� --------- Nota y Public � ���,�(,yp ; Address: ��� �`'��t� � ' . f�S4 _fcl1�'j 9�'-•...«.�''� P� _� p�e �p1,�Q` TITLE CERTIFICATE �� � • ���e�. '_I�� �C�t _ does hereby ccrtify that the title Yo oll lands shown upon this fina� pl has been examined and is vested in Jeannine L. Erickson and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follows: Z-�---- ---- Dated this day of �_� A.D., 1999. BY--- — — ----- (Signat ' �c�� L_ ' (Print name and Title) v�C � ��� ��s CLERK AND RECORDER CERTIFICATE � tO•°� This plat was �led for racord in the of�ct of the Clerk and Recorder on this_�__day of`..--------� ,A.D., 1999� � � at ►���o'clock�M .Recorded at Reception No. 11a��Z__. /���_ , _ � N�� _ � � Clerk and Recorder l Eogle C nty, Col a� ` BY--- --- -- Deputy -.; 0 � I� ,� � , ,� i 1