HomeMy WebLinkAboutVista Bahn Building Common Area 5SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the / y day of L 2fG� 1997 between the Town of Vail, a Municipal Corporation, Riva Ridge Partners, a Colorado Limited Liability Company, and Glenn Heelan, Charlie DaviXson and Bob Hernreich in their individual capacities. WHEREAS, differences have arisen between the Town of Vail and Riva Ridge Partners concerning the parking pay -in -lieu fee required for the redevelopment of the Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 1997, the Planning and Environmental Commission rendered an opinion on the appeal by Riva Ridge Partners of the administrative action taken by the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, on November 20, 1997, Riva Ridge Partners filed an appeal of the Planning and Envirommental Commission decision which is scheduled to be heard by the Vail Town Council on December 16, 1997; and WHEREAS, as of November 24, 1997, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy had not been issued for the building due to the failure to resolve the issues concerning the parking pay -in -lieu requirement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Riva Ridge Partners through Bob Hernreich has committed to provide an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $534,052.00 to be received by the Town of Vail no later than the close of business on December 9, 1997. The letter of credit is to assure payment of the parking pay- in -lieu requirement as determined by the staff and the Planning and Environmental Commission in their hearing on November 10, 1997. This letter of credit will be drawn upon by the Town of Vail unless full payment is made in either one of two methods: a) In the reduced amount of $457, 354.64 full payment received by the Town of Vail prior to the close of business on May 25, 1998. This amount is as determined by the 1 Community Development Department in June, 1996, and will be accepted in consideration of receiving full payment. b) In the event full payment in the amount of $457, 354.64 is not received by the Town of Vail by May 25, 1998 at the close of business, then Riva Ridge Partners will be required to pay the full amount of $534,052.00 over a five year period with an initial payment of twenty (20 %) percent, ten (10 %) percent interest (beginning on August 25, 1998) and an execution of a Deed of Trust on the subject property at 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado. The Town of Vail may, in its sole discretion, accept other security in lieu of a Deed of Trust on the subject property. The Promissory Note to secure the payment in addition to the Deed of Trust will require the personal guarantees of Riva Ridge Partners, LLC and all partners or principles of Riva Ridge Partners at that time or anytime thereafter until full payment is received. The Town of Vail must receive the twenty (20 %) percent payment and fully executed documents in a form agreed to by the Town no later than the close of business on November 1, 1998. 2. In exchange for the agreement to pay as outlined in paragraph 1, the Town of Vail has issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy on November 26, 1997. This Certificate of Occupancy is specifically conditioned upon fulfilling all requirements of paragraph 1. It is understood and agreed by all parties hereto that in the event the Town of Vail has not received the irrevocable letter of credit by the close of business on December 9, 1997, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be subject to immediate revocation and Riva Ridge Partners agree to immediately cease all occupation of the building and surrender all licenses that have been issued. 3. Riva Ridge Partners prior to the execution of this Agreement has withdrawn it's appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission decision rendered on November 10, 1997, and has agreed to the calculations for the parking pay -in -lieu fee. 2-P. u-1111 ag tho n. . 2 I 4. The agreement is in full and final settlement of all issues concerning the parking pay- in -lieu fee, decisions and actions by Town of Vail staff, the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, and all other matters related thereto. TOWN OF VAIL, a Municipal Corporation By: Robert W. McLaurin, Town Manager Attest: Lorelei"Donaldson, Town Clerk RIVA •E PARTNE S, a Colorado Limited Liability Company By Heelan, Individually By: - Charlie 4avidson, Individually 1 Bo Hernreich, Individually F.Vivaridge.set 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development DATE: November 11, 1997 SUBJECT: Vail Village Club Appeal On November 10, 1997, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) passed three separate motions, relating to the appellant's appeal of three staff interpretations. 1. John Schofield made a motion which was approved unanimously by a vote of 4 -0 to modify the staff's classification of use for the three fax rooms in the Vail Village Club. The PEC felt that the fax rooms should be classified as "office" use and not "eating and drinking establishments," for parking calculation purposes. 2. Greg Amsden made a motion that was approved by a vote of 4 -0, which upheld the staff's parking calculations, utilizing the 32.996 total parking spaces required, less the modifications made regarding the fax rooms in motion #1. 3. Greg Moffet made a motion that passed by a unanimous vote of 4 -0, which overturned the requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a deed of trust be filed on the property. The Planning & Environmental Commission felt that the appellant should only be required to sign the promissory note, with a five -year amortization period, per the existing zoning ordinance. The PEC also believed that it is reasonable for the Town to require both Glenn Heelan and Margretta B. Parks to sign the promissory note. Pursuant to Motion #1 above, the staff has recalculated the parking pay -in -lieu fee as follows: 11/11/97 - Per PEC, change the use classification of fax rooms (3rd floor) from "eating & drinking establishment" to "office" = 69 square feet total. • Eating & drinking establishments = 69/15/8 = 0.575 ( 1 parking space /8seats) Office = 69/250 = 0.276 ( 1 parking space /250 sq. ft.) 0.299 parking spaces 11/10/97 - Per staff memo to the PEC: Grand total = 32.996 parking spaces pay -in -lieu 0.299 New grand total = 32.697 - x $ 16,333.38 $534,052.53 f: \everyone\councii\memos \wciub.nI 1 1 VAIL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPEAL HEARING NOVEMBER 10, 1997 2:00 P.M. PEC COMMISSIONERS: MR. GREG MOFFET, CHAIRMAN MR. GALEN AASLAND MR. GREG AMSDEN MR. JOHN SCHOFIELD MR. GENE USELTON STAFF: MR. MIKE MOLLICA, MR. TOM MOORHEAD APPELLANT: RIVA RIDGE PARTNERS, MR. GLENN HEELAN, MR. CHARLES DAVISON SUMMIT REPORTING (970) 468 -9415 1- 800 - 261 -4818 INDEX JIM CURNUTTE: A ............................... 30 Exhibit Direct Examination by Mr. Moorhead .......... Page 7 Cross - Examination by Appellant ..............Page E ............................... 22 Redirect Examination by Mr. Moorhead ........ Page 25 Recross- Examination by Appellant ............ Page 28 Redirect Examination by Mr. Moorhead ........ Page 44 MIKE MOLLICA: Direct Examination by Mr. Moorhead .......... Page 29 Cross - Examination by Appellant ..............Page 38 Appellant's Case . ...........................Page 45 EXHIBITS 2 Identified Exhibit A ............................... 30 Exhibit C ............................... 11 Exhibit D ............................... 13 Exhibit E ............................... 25,30 Exhibit G ............................... 16,23 Exhibit H............................... 38,44 Exhibit I ............................... 41,44 Exhibit J ............................... 44 Exhibit K............................... 44 SUMMIT REPORTING (970) 468 -9415 1- 800 -261 -4818 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 3 - 6 PAGE 3 PAGE 5 1 Thereupon: 1 as to whether or not that was the final calculation 2 MR. MOFFET: The first item on the Agenda is 2 that they have referred it back to the Planning and 3 Riva Ridge Partners LLC, Applicants and Tom 3 Environmental Commission, not believing that a 4 Moorhead and Mike Mollica for Staff. 4 final decision had been rendered as of June, that 5 MR. MOORHEAD: This item is an appeal of three 5 should stand in the way of the Planning and 6 staff interpretations and the issues are outlined 6 Environmental Commission hearing, all the facts and 7 in the Memorandum that was prepared by Mike 7 circumstances that pertain here. 8 Mollica. It is to the Planning and Environmental 8 In the presentation, the first person that 9 Commission from the Community Development 9 we're going to call will be Jim Curnutte. Jim 10 Department and as we proceed today, we'll 10 Curnutte is presently with the Summit County 11 essentially be following that Memorandum and its 11 Planning Department. He was previously with the 12 attachments. 12 Town of Vail Community Development Department and 13 You will notice that there is a Court Reporter 13 Jim was the individual who first calculated the 14 present today. That is Mr. Randy Slane of Summit 14 parking pay -in -lieu and the classification of the 15 Reporting. He has agreed to be present today to 15 third and fourth floors of eating and drinking 16 transcribe these proceedings. The only difference 16 establishments. Jim will review for you the plans 17 between a tape recorder and Randy is that a tape 17 that he had reviewed. He will tell you about his 18 recorder can't let you know when it's not taking 18 conversations with Glenn Heelan and I believe that 19 down what is being said. Randy can advise us if 19 he will render an opinion that Mr. Heelan clearly 20 he's having difficulty following the testimony or 20 understood what the nature of the classification of 21 if people are talking on top of one another, and I 21 the third and fourth floors was and as well as 22 have given Randy full authority to send off flares, 22 having a clear understanding as to how the 23 waive flags or do whatever is necessary to make 23 pay -in -lieu was arrived at. 24 sure we're conducting this proceeding in a manner 24 After hearing that testimony I believe that 25 that allows him to properly take the notes 25 will establish in the June, 1996 letter to Mike PAGE 4 PAGE 6 1 necessary for the transcription. 1 Mollica drafted and signed by Glenn Heelan when he 2 By the way of introduction, there are actually 2 says, I understand and agree as to the total amount 3 three issues that are before the Planning and 3 the parking pay -in -lieu that that, in fact, was the 4 Environmental Commission today. Those are the 4 circumstance at that time. 5 Staffs classification of the third and fourth 5 As to the current calculation, you will then 6 floors as eating and drinking establishments; two, 6 hear testimony from Mike Mollica. Mike Mollica 7 Section 18.52.100 C, parking, requirements 7 will explain to you how the current calculation has 8 schedule, eating and drinking establishments and 8 been made and will point out some of the 9 Section 18.52.160 exemptions parking pay -in -lieu 9 differences that result in a higher calculation 10 and that Riva Ridge Partners disputes the 10 that was arrived at by Jim Curnutte. 11 calculation of the number of parking spaces 11 Finally, as to the third and final issue as to 12 required and three, the requirement that the 12 what, if any, security is required, I think that 13 applicant sign the promissory note personally and 13 will basically be an understanding of what the law 14 that a deed of trust be filed on the property. 14 in Colorado is that pertains to a promissory note, 15 These are the issues as they have been set forth in 15 the fact that that is a generic term and the terms 16 the Appeal that was filed by Riva Ridge Partners. 16 and conditions I believe are inherent within the 17 You may remember this matter has come before 17 Town of Vail's authority to enter into agreements 18 the Planning and Environmental Commission in a 18 that will essentially secure that payment will be 19 - previous meeting. At that time it was determined 19 made in the future. 20 that the Appeal was not timely filed based upon 20 So unless there are any questions, we're ready 21 their appealing of a letter from Mike Mollica that 21 to proceed and to call Jim Curnutte. The thing 22 was dated in June of 1997. That matter was 22 that I would suggest, Greg, is that after Jim 23 reviewed by the Town Council. The Town Council, 23 Curnutte testifies that, if Mr. Heelan, the 24 paraphrasing what occurred, I was present at that 24 Appellants, have any questions that they be given 25 meeting, believed that there were enough questions 25 the opportunity to ask questions at that time SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 k7iv) vvo -7Y1-7 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 JA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 7 - 10 PAGE 7 1 before we proceed to the next witness. 2 MR. MOFFET: Let me ask you to step back for a 3 second and answer a broader question for us. Given 4 this is an appeal of a Staff decision specific with 5 parking and we basically have two parties to this 6 action, Staff and Riva Ridge, is it we need to 7 solicit public input because this is pretty 8 strictly quasi- judicial? 9 MR. MOORHEAD: That will be up to you, but I 10 think basically it's up to the parties, either the 11 Town of Vail or to the Applicant to call witnesses. 12 Public input is something that's appropriate for 13 legislative matters, but this is clearly a 14 quasi - judicial matter. 15 We'd ask Jim Curnutte to step forward and have 16 a seat at the table where the plans are located. 17 Jim, would you state your name and spell your 18 last name, please? 19 MR. CURNUTTE: My name is Jim Curnutte, 20 C- u- r- n- u- t -t -e. 21 MR. MOORHEAD: Jim, how are you presently 22 employed? 23 MR. CURNUTTE: I work for the Summit County 24 Planning Department. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And in what capacity do you PAGE 8 1 work for Summit County? 2 MR. CURNUTTE: I am the Manager of Current 3 Planning. 4 MR. MOORHEAD: And as the Manager of Current 5 Planning, what are your job duties on a day to day 6 basis? 7 MR. CURNUTTE: To handle the current planning 8 workload, the applications in for review by the 9 Planning Commission or Board of County 10 Commissioners, to deal with the public questions 11 and so on. 12 MR. MOORHEAD: What's your educational 13 background that qualifies you for that position? 14 MR. CURNUTTE: I'm crazy I guess. I have got 15 a Bachelor's Degree in Conservation and I have 16 about ten years of experience as a Planner. 17 MR. MOORHEAD: Prior to accepting that 18 position with Summit County, where were you 19 employed? 20 MR. CURNUTTE: At the Town of Vail. 21 MR. MOORHEAD: And where were you employed 22 with the Town of Vail? 23 MR. CURNUTTE: In the Community Development 24 Department. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And what position did you hold >UMMIT REPORTING PAGE 9 1 there? 2 MR. CURNUTTE: I was a Senior Planner. 3 MR. MOORHEAD: And as a Senior Planner, how 4 long were you with the Town? 5 MR. CURNUTTE: I believe it was about three 6 and a half years. 7 MR. MOORHEAD: As a Senior Planner, did you 8 have an opportunity or occasion to work on an 9 application which was filed by Riva Ridge Partners? 10 You may also know it as Serrano's. 11 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. I was the Planner. 12 MR. MOORHEAD: Would you describe for the 13 Planning Commission, Mr. Curnutte, when you first 14 got involved in that particular project and what 15 your job duties were in relation to it? 16 MR. CURNUTTE: When I first got involved? 17 MR. MOORHEAD: Uh -huh. 18 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, I was actually involved 19 with the Applicants before they even made their 20 application in terms of kind of a preapplication 21 conversation with Staff to determine what the 22 appropriate process would be for them to attempt to 23 proceed to have this private club in what was the 24 Serrano's Building. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: One moment. Jim is looking PAGE 10 1 over his shoulder to look at me which is natural, 2 so I'm going to move over here. 3 And could you give a description of what that 4 project was described to you to be? 5 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, let's see. It was 6 already approved as one thing and Andy Canutte 7 (phonetic), Senior Planner, handled that project. 8 That was the tear down and rebuild of the building, 9 itself. And my involvement was handling what 10 ultimately turned out to be a conditional use 11 request to amend the previous approved, recently 12 given approval to the third and fourth floors. 13 Originally, it was proposed to be a private club. 14 MR. MOORHEAD: And what were the 15 considerations that were made pursuant to that 16 change in the plans? 17 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, originally my first take 18 on the question was whether a private club could be 19 proposed on the third and fourth floors in a CCl 20 Zone District and the answer was no. That was not 21 specifically listed as an allowed use in that Zone 22 District. However, at the request of the 23 Applicant, I took it to kind of a discussion with 24 the Planning Staff. The Planning Staff I believe 25 still meets once a week to talk about issues and I OM 11L1 Io n (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 11 - 14 PAGE 11 PAGE 13 1 projects that each of the individual planners are 1 bullet item there in my letter, the letter says the 2 handling. And I believe I had a conversation with 2 following information must be provided in order for 3 the rest of the planners about the proposed use and 3 Staff to adequately review your request. Please 4 how, if there was anyway it could be proposed under 4 respond to the following. The first kind of item 5 any sort of scenario. And the answer was that it 5 does deal with what you asked. 6 was determined to be very similar to the eating and 6 MR. MOORHEAD: Okay. And directing your 7' drinking establishments that were listed as a 7 attention to the end of that first item, you 8 conditional use in CCl and therefore, I got back to 8 identified there that these are also the categories 9 the Applicants and said, yes. You can apply for a 9 that will be used to determine the parking 10 conditional use. Staff is going to take the 10 requirement for the club; is that correct? 11 interpretation that you're very similar to two of 11 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. I made that clear at the 12 the types of eating and drinking establishments in 12 time. 13 CCI. That's restaurants I believe and bars and 13 MR. MOORHEAD: Jim, I'd then direct your 14 lounges. And we feel that your proposed private 14 attention to Exhibit D in that same Memo and ask if 15 club is very similar to that. So yes, you can go 15 you would identify that particular document? 16 ahead and apply for a conditional use permit under 16 MR. CURNUTTE: That was the Staff Report to 17 that scenario. 17 the Planning and Environmental Commission that 1 18 MR. MOORHEAD: Who did you relay that 18 wrote for the consideration of the conditional use 19 information to? Do you remember? 19 permit. 20 MR. CURNUTTE: To Glenn Heelan and possibly, 20 MR. MOORHEAD: And does this document also 21 Charlie Davison. 21 establish that the Staff will use the categories of 22 MR. MOORHEAD: Was it after that that a 22 cocktail lounges and bars and restaurants in order 23 conditional use permit, in fact, was submitted for 23 to determine the parking requirement for the club? 24 the use that you just described? 24 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 25 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And this Memorandum was PAGE 12 PAGE 14 1 MR. MOORHEAD: Jim, I ask you to look at 1 submitted to the Planning and Environmental 2 Exhibit C in the Staff Memorandum. And I believe 2 Commission? 3 that that is a two page letter dated September 3 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes, it was. 4 21st, 1995; is that correct? 4 MR. MOORHEAD: I'd also direct your attention 5 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 5 to Page 7 of that document under Staff 6 MR. MOORHEAD: And could you identify that 6 Recommendation and ask you what, if any, 7 particular document? 7 recommendation the Staff had in regard to the 8 MR. CURNUTTE: That was a letter to Mr. Glenn 8 parking analysis? 9 Heelan from myself concerning his application for 9 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, what you're referring to 10 the conditional use permit that we just talked 10 on Page 7 I assume is under the Staff 11 about. 11 Recommendation where we recommended approval and 12 MR. MOORHEAD: And was this letter written 12 there were two conditions, the second condition of 13 after the application had been submitted? 13 which points out the fact that since we were not 14 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. This would have been my 14 provided with hard drawings of the uses on the 15 first letter that would have gone out to the 15 third and fourth floor at the time it went through 16 Applicant after an application was submitted to let 16 conditional use permit. The condition, the wording 17 him know whether or not the application was 17 of the condition, the point of that is that when we 18 complete or whether or not additional information 18 got essentially building permit applications in our 19 needed to be provided before it could go to a 19 office with hard line drawings, construction 20 public hearing. 20 drawings, at that time the Planning Staff will 21 MR. MOORHEAD: And did the letter in anyway 21 determine what the parking payment fee would be. 22 describe what the uses were that would be 22 MR. MOORHEAD: Did you ever have an 23 considered on the third and fourth floor of the 23 opportunity or did you ever receive such hard line 24 establishment? 24 drawings that enabled you to calculate the parking 25 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. On Page 1, the first 25 pay -in -lieu fee? SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 kyru) 400-y,+lj NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 15 - 18 PAGE 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. CURNUTTE: As part of the conditional use permit review? MR. MOORHEAD: Yes. MR. CURNUTTE: I don't believe so. I think they were preconceptual at that point. MR. MOORHEAD: When was the first time that you received plans adequate to calculate a parking pay -in -lieu fee? MR. CURNUTTE: Well, I actually don't know what the month was, but it was sometime after the approval, but before a building permit was issued. I think it was in the Spring of '96. MR. MOORHEAD: And there are some plans in front of you. Are those the plans that you reviewed to calculate the parking pay -in -lieu fee? MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. MR. MOORHEAD: And could you describe for the Planning Commission just what review you performed and how you calculated that particular parking pay -in -lieu fee? MR. CURNUTTE: Well, what I did is with kind of different markers, highlighters, I outlined the various different types of uses; retail, common, the restaurant use. And I think there was a fourth category, but I'm not positive. And so kind of PAGE 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 generally outlined those areas and then, I calculated the square footage area of each of those areas and put the totals down, put individual area on the sheet here and then, totaled it up on the bottom and ultimately, I totaled every floor on the building to get a total for the whole building. MR. MOORHEAD: Jim, I'm going to hand you what I have marked up in the upper right corner as Exhibit F. Excuse me. There was an F. Make that G. Can you identify that particular document? MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. This is the total for the entire building of each of the areas that I calculated in order to determine the parking pay -in -lieu fee. MR. MOORHEAD: Would you explain to the Planning and Environmental Commission just the significance of these numbers and how you arrived at them using the plans as you think is appropriate? MR. CURNUTTE: Well, in terms of significance, obviously, the significance is that these numbers would determine the fee at whatever the fee was at the time, $16,000 per space. So it was pretty significant as to how I came to the final figures that I came to here. And again, what you're 'UMMIT REPORTING PAGE 17 1 looking at on the sheet is looks like five 2 categories; floor area, GRFA, commercial or retail 3 mostly in this case, common areas, office and 4 restaurants and then, the associated parking space 5 requirement associated with each one of those. In 6 other words, there was no GRFA in the building, so 7 there were not parking spaces associated with that. 8 For commercial, there was 3,707 square feet of 9 commercial divided by 300. You need to provide one 10 parking space for every 300 feet of commercial. 11 That comes to 12.4 parking spaces and so on. 12 Restaurant I believe is the one we're mostly 13 talking about today, so the private club or what 14 turned out to be the quasi- public club or Vail 15 Village Club falls in that category of 4,978 16 divided by 15 divided by 8. That's how we 17 calculated the parking requirement for the club. 18 And it also included, I think there was some 19 restaurant on the second floor as well and that 20 came to 41 and a half spaces. 21 MR. MOORHEAD: Did you ever have an 22 opportunity to provide this information to 23 Mr. Glenn Heelan? 24 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. We went over these 25 numbers several times. PAGE 18 1 MR. MOORHEAD: Could you explain just what 2 that exchange was and the information that you 3 provided to Glenn? 4 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, mostly it was Glenn 5 certainly was interested in knowing what his fee 6 was going to be, so he was very interested in how I 7 calculated those numbers. As a matter of fact, 8 disputed how I calculated the numbers in certain 9 areas. Not necessarily disputed, but questioned 10 whether or not that entry like area should really 11 be counted. You're not into the club until you 12 walk past this point. So there was a lot of give 13 and take about where the lines should be and where 14 they shouldn't be. You can see where I didn't 15 count the air lock here and mechanical over there, 16 those kind of things where I probably had 17 originally counted certain areas, the vestibules 18 and then, there was discussions back and forth. 19 And I remember going again back to the Planning 20 Staff to talk about issues. You know, Glenn would 21 not like us to count the fireplace, so should we 22 really count the fireplace. You can't sit in the 23 fireplace. Should that be part of the restaurant 24 area? Where do you draw the line between the 25 hallway and the club portion? And so there was a VVV bV.- Ulo (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 19 - 22 PAGE 19 1 lot of that going on. I go to the Staff and agree 2 or didn't agree. And I get back to Glenn and 3 Charlie about whether we agreed or not and here's 4 where I'm going to draw the line. 5 MR. MOORHEAD: Over how long a period of time, 6 Jim, do you think these conversations took place? 7 ' MR. CURNUTTE: Oh, it's tough to guess 8 exactly. Probably, at least a month. Maybe two. 9 MR. MOORHEAD: How many meetings do you thin 10 you had personally with Glenn face to face and 11 during the course of these discussions? 12 MR. CURNUTTE: I would say at least, two. 13 Possibly, three. But I feel pretty comfortable 14 saying there were at least, two meetings where we 15 went over the numbers. 16 MR. MOORHEAD: How many telephone 17 conversations did you have with him during that 18 period of time? 19 MR. CURNUTTE: Maybe only two. Again, in 20 response to I will go check with Staff, we'll see 21 what we're going to do about that and then, I'm 22 sure I called, yes. We're not going to count the 23 fireplace, but we're going to count whatever. 24 MR. MOORHEAD: At anytime did you become 25 involved in a discussion as to whether or not PAGE 20 1 payment would be required at the time of the 2 building permit or whether it would be put off 3 until the issuing of a temporary certificate of 4 occupancy? 5 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. I don't know exactly how 6 involved I was, but that question came up while 1 7 was working at the Town of Vail. And I don't 8 remember what process we went through to change 9 that. But the procedure in place at the time was 10 that everyone pays their parking pay -in -lieu fee 11 before they get a building permit and for this 12 project it was delayed until a TCO or a CO was 13 requested, and I don't think I had a lot to do with 14 that decision, but. 15 MR. MOORHEAD: Do you remember whether or n 16 part of that discussion concerned whether or not it 17 would actually be built out as a club similar to a 18 restaurant and bar or whether it would be built out 19 as residential? 20 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. As I recall, right up 21 until the last minutes or maybe until I left the 22 Town of Vail, there was still this, you know, the 23 owners or applicants or whatever, Riva Ridge was 24 debating whether to go the club route or to go the 25 original approval which was one residence with some PAGE 21 1 office space on the third floor. And so there were 2 really two scenarios that were approved for the 3 building all along. 4 MR. MOORHEAD: Okay. Based on your personal 5 contact with Glenn Heelan and based on your 6 experience in the Community Development Department, 7 do you have an opinion as to whether or not Glenn 8 Heelan understood the classification of the third 9 and fourth floors as eating and drinking 10 establishments? 11 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 12 MR. MOORHEAD: Did he ever come to you with a 13 suggestion that they would be similar to eating and 14 drinking establishments? 15 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, like I said, I think 16 originally, you know, going way back to the very 17 beginning before an application was even submitted, 18 I believe he came to the Staff with an idea of a 19 private club and was told a private club was not an 20 allowed or conditional use in CCI, at least on 21 those levels of building and I believe it was his 22 suggestion, well, isn't it very similar to some of 23 those other uses I'm seeing in there? Couldn't you 24 go talk to Staff and see if you can determine it's 25 similar and therefore, I could be able to apply for PAGE 22 1 a conditional use permit. Otherwise, his only 2 option was to amend the code and I don't think he 3 wanted to go through that time and effort to do 4 that first. And so yes, I think it was his 5 suggestion originally and Staff agreed. And once 6 we agreed and told him he can proceed that he made 7 an application for the conditional use permit. 8 MR. MOORHEAD: So he actually proceeded with 9 an application for a conditional use permit for the 10 third and fourth floors to be established as eating 11 and drinking establishments; is that correct? 12 MR. CURNUTTE: I guess. Yes. He actually 13 made an application originally for a private club 14 and we determined it was similar to other eating 15 and drinking establishments listed in the CCI Zone 16 District. It later was determined that a private 17 club was not something that the Planning Commission 18 wanted to see in the Village, so the application 19 was amended to be a quasi - public club. 20 MR. MOORHEAD: Thank you. I have no further 21 questions at this time. 22 MR. MOFFET: Thanks, Tom. Glenn, do you have 23 any questions? 24 MR. HEELAN: Just a couple questions at this 25 time. SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 ty/u) 40a -y4i0 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 23 - 26 ` —V "" --'O10 (970) 468 -9415 PAGE 23 PAGE 25 1 Jim, when did you leave the employment of the 1 MR. CURNUTTE: With that decision? 2 Town of Vail? 2 MR. DAVISON: Uh -huh. 3 MR. CURNUTTE: I think it was June 17th I 3 MR. CURNUTTE: Boy, I can't recall whether 4 believe of — 4 that was Bob McLaurin or the Council because again 5 MR. HEELAN: '96? 5 it was different than it had normally been done. 6 MR. CURNUTTE: '96. 6 MR. DAVISON: But in your recollection that 7 MR.*HEELAN: You stated here today that when 7 was approved? 8 we went through the process that there really 8 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 9 weren't firm plans and still even some conceptual 9 MR. DAVISON: Okay. 10 question as to how we're going to finish — 10 MR. MOFFET: Anything else from you gentlemen? 11 MR. CURNUTTE: Whether you were going to 11 MR. HEELAN: No. Thank you. 12 13 residential and — 12 MR. MOORHEAD: I have a follow -up based on MR. HEELAN: Whether we're going to have 13 that question. 14 residential at the top two floors? 14 MR. MOFFET: Please. 15 MR. CURNUTTE: I asked for hard line plans of 15 MR. MOORHEAD: Jim, I direct your attention to 16 17 the club. 16 Exhibit E which is attached to the memo which is a MR. HEELAN: Uh -huh. 17 letter dated June 21st, 1996 to Mike Mollica from 18 MR. CURNUTTE: And you said until we feel 18 Glenn Heelan. Do you see that before you? 19 comfortable they're going to approve the club, I 19 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 20 don't want to go to the expense of that. So yes, 20 MR. MOORHEAD: And in that letter the first 21 that was conceptual at that time. 21 sentence indicates, pursuant to our previous 22 MR. HEELAN: In our meetings that you talked 22 conversations, it is my understanding and agreement 23 about per the Town's questions, do you ever recall 23 that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently 24 us questioning the Board based on seats? 24 estimated at $457,334.56 as established by 25 MR. CURNUTTE: No, I don't. 25 Community Development in accordance with the plans PAGE 24 PAGE 26 1 MR. HEELAN: I refer you to the back of 1 and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge 2 Exhibit G where we had seat calculations and there 2 Partners, Limited Liability Company that indicate 3 are some questions of how many number of spaces we 3 completion of the third and fourth floors as a 4 should have and whether that should be based on 4 quasi - public club will be paid over five years with 5 seats? 5 the first payment due and payable at the time a 6 MR. CURNUTTE: I don't recall whether we had 6 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Do 7 that discussion, but I certainly did do a 7 you see that sentence? 8 calculation based on seats because the code 8 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 9 required what are the most restrictive or the 9 MR. MOORHEAD: That calculation of the 10 requirement is the one used, so I did the 10 $457,000, is that based upon your calculation? 11 12 calculation. MR. HEELAN: I think if we're going into the 11 12 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. That matches. As you can 13 issue of restrictive and the nature of what the see, that matches my numbers exactly. 14 code reads today in terms of a lengthy discussion, 13 MR. MOORHEAD: And that was a calculation that 15 I would contend in our conversations we 14 was made based upon the square footage of the 16 certainly discussed the seats because we had lots of 15 facility; is that correct. 17 discussions about it at that time. 16 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 18 MR. DAVISON: One other question. You 17 MR. MOORHEAD: And that was not a calculation 19 mentioned that basically there had been 18 that was based upon any seat plan; is that correct? 20 a discussion on postponing up until the CO whatever 19 MR. CURNUTTE: That's right. 21 the payment — 20 MR. MOORHEAD: So that was a final 22 21 determination that you had made as of the time that MR. MOORHEAD: Right. 22 you concluded your calculation of the parking 23 MR. DAVISON: On pay -in -lieu. You mentioned 23 pay -in -lieu; is that correct? 24 that you had something to do, but you were really 24 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 25 not involved. Can you tell us who was involved? 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And there was some discussion SUMMIT REPORTTNC: , — , I— ., _ ` —V "" --'O10 (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 27 - 30 PAGE 27 PAGE 29 1 in regard to the calculation of a seat plan. You 1 MR. DAVISON: By restrictive, you said right 2 indicated that you had made some calculation based 2 now that it was whichever was — 3 upon seats; is that correct? 3 MR. CURNUTTE: More restrictive. 4 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 4 MR. DAVISON: And what was the definition? 5 MR. MOORHEAD: And what was your reason for 5 MR. HEELAN: What was your definition of that, 6 doing that? 6 Jim? T MR. CURNUTTE: Again, because the code says 7 MR. CURNUTTE: The one that would have the 8 that the parking requirement for a restaurant or an 8 highest parking demand. 9 eating and drinking establishment is either 9 MR. HEELAN: Demand. 10 according to the UBC requirements or on a per seat 10 MR. DAVISON: Demand in terms of number of 11 basis. I believe it's one parking space for every 11 parking spaces? 12 eight seats and you do the two and then, you go 12 MR. CURNUTTE: The number of parking spaces 13 with the one that's the most restrictive. So I 13 that would be required. 14 probably had to do it both ways which I did here to 14 MR. DAVISON: For money? 15 see what the numbers would be and it looks like the 15 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes, if you were going to pay 16 results of my calculations would be 37 according to 16 the park -in -lieu fee, yes. 17 the seating way of doing it and 28 according to the 17 MR. MOFFET: Thank you. 18 other way of doing it. So that's the one that's 18 MR. MOORHEAD: Mike Mollica, if you could have 19 more restrictive and so that's the one they used. 19 a seat over here if you wouldn't mind? 20 MR. MOORHEAD: When you use the term more 20 Mike, it's my understanding that you 21 restrictive, what did that term mean to you as you 21 personally have prepared the Memorandum to the 22 administrated the Town of Vail Code in this regard? 22 Planning and Environmental Commission that they're 23 MR. CURNUTTE: Well, essentially, the one that 23 considering today; is that correct? 24 would cause the highest parking requirement. 24 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, it is. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And is that consistent with how 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And that Memorandum is based PAGE 28 PAGE 30 1 you had calculated parking requirements throughout 1 upon your actual experience with this particular 2 your career with the Town of Vail? 2 proposal or appeal as it now would properly be 3 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 3 identified and your knowledge of the parking 4 MR. MOORHEAD: And was it your understanding 4 pay -in -lieu issue; is that correct? 5 that was how the entire Staff interpreted and 5 MR. MOLLICA: That is correct. 6 administered that particular provision of the Code? 6 MR. MOORHEAD: A few things just real quickly, 7 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 7 kind of housekeeping items to make certain we get 8 MR. MOORHEAD: Okay. Nothing further. 8 these items properly identified. I'd like to 9 MR. MOFFET: Thank you, Tom. Anything else? 9 direct your attention to Exhibit A of the 10 Recross basically? 10 Memorandum. And if you could describe real quickly 11 MR. DAVISON: Basically, just to further 11 for the Planning and Environmental Commission just 12 understand in terms of the seating calculations, 12 what that document is? 13 what they were based on in terms of blueprints that 13 MR. MOLLICA: Exhibit A consists of 3 pages. 14 you actually had that represented the seating 14 Pages 1 and 2 are the actual appeal form that was 15 itself, or calculations on the formula, itself? 15 completed and signed by Glenn Heelan. And the 16 MR. CURNUTTE: I'm sorry. 16 final page is a letter that I wrote to Glenn Heelan 17 MR. DAVISON: In other words, I don't think 17 dated June 17th of 1997 indicating the parking 18 that there were any seating as specific seating at 18 calculation and associated fee for the pay -in -lieu. 19 that time. 19 MR. MOORHEAD: Mike, I'd like to direct your 20 MR. CURNUTTE: Right. That's a very good 20 attention to Exhibit E. Can you identify that 21 question. How did I come up with these numbers? 21 particular document? 22 Oh, it says estimate on here. I think since I 22 MR. MOLLICA: Exhibit E is a letter from Glenn 23 didn't have an actual seating plan, I must have 23 Heelan to me dated June 21st, 1996. This was a 24 tried to guess a typical how many sets you could 24 letter that I requested Glenn Heelan provide so 25 have fit in these various areas. 25 that we had a very clear understanding as to the SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 kv/V) +00-"Ij NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 31 - 34 PAGE 31 1 pay -in -lieu requirement prior to my issuing the 2 building permit for the project. 3 MR. MOORHEAD: And was it your understanding 4 that the building permit was to be issued without 5 the parking pay -in -lieu being paid prior to its 6 issuance? 7 MR. MOLLICA: Yes. 8 MR. MOORHEAD: And was it your understanding 9 that the parking pay -in -lieu would then be paid 10 prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of 11 occupancy? 12 MR. MOLLICA: That is correct. 13 MR. MOORHEAD: Has a temporary certificate of 14 occupancy been issued for this property? 15 MR. MOLLICA: No. 16 MR. MOORHEAD: Mike, in regard to your letter 17 in which of June 17th, 1996, excuse me, 1997 which 18 you state the calculation of the parking 19 pay -in -lieu fee. Could you tell the Planning and 20 Environmental Commission just how you arrived at 21 that calculation? 22 MR. MOLLICA: Certainly, Tom. Very similar 23 methodology that Jim Curnutte used to determine his 24 calculation. I reviewed the plans and utilized 25 three, separate categories; restaurant/club use, PAGE 32 1 retail commercial use and thirdly, office use. 2 Common area does not have a parking requirement 3 associated with it, so I did not utilize that. 4 Going through the revised floor plans, I calculated 5 the square footages and using the appropriate 6 numbers, came up with the required parking spaces 7 that are indicated in this particular letter. I 8 would point out that at this time it was the first 9 time that I had the opportunity of viewing a 10 seating plan for the Vail Village Club and also 11 analyzed the parking as it related to numbers of 12 seats as well. 13 MR. MOORHEAD: Could you describe what that 14 seating plan is and how it was arrived at to the 15 best of your knowledge? 16 MR. MOLLICA: Prior to approximately, June of 17 '97 I had not seen a seating plan for the club. As 18 you know, restaurants and lounges typically have a 19 seating plan. It's a floor plan that indicates 20 table locations and number of seats. And at that 21 time the seating plan was dropped off at my office 22 and I analyzed that plan accordingly. 23 MR. MOORHEAD: Is there any regulation 24 concerning a requirement for a certain number of 25 seats in this particular establishment? iUMMIT REPORTING 1 oM . — PAGE 33 1 MR. MOLLICA: No. 2 MR. MOORHEAD: Are they required to have any 3 seats at all? 4 MR. MOLLICA: No. 5 MR. MOORHEAD: Is it fair to say that a 6 seating plan is completely discretionary by the 7 operator of a facility of this nature? 8 MR. MOLLICA: Yes. 9 MR. MOORHEAD: Are there some instances where 10 we have fixed seating plans? 11 MR. MOLLICA: There are some instances, yes. 12 MR. MOORHEAD: And what would those be like? 13 MR. MOLLICA: One immediate example would be 14 McDonalds where they have fixed seating. These 15 seats are actually bolted to the floor. 16 MR. MOORHEAD: Was there any fixed seating in 17 this particular plan when it was submitted? 18 MR. MOLLICA: I believe there was perhaps one 19 booth which had fixed seating, but overall, no. 20 MR. MOORHEAD: And there was no particular 21 requirement that there be fixed seating; is that 22 correct? 23 MR. MOLLICA: That is correct. 24 MR. MOORHEAD: Based on your calculation, what 25 is the most restrictive or more restrictive PAGE 34 1 calculation in this particular instance? 2 MR. MOLLICA: As it relates to the restaurant 3 and club use? 4 MR. MOORHEAD: Yes. 5 MR. MOLLICA: It would be a calculation that 6 involved the square footage analysis. 7 MR. MOORHEAD: And is that consistent with 8 identifying that as the parking pay -in -lieu 9 requirement, is that consistent with how the Town 10 of Vail Community Development Department has 11 administered the parking pay -in -lieu and the 12 parking requirements for commercial establishments 13 in the Town of Vail? 14 MR. MOLLICA: Yes. 15 MR. MOORHEAD: Subsequent to your letter of 16 June 17th, 1997 did you ever have an occasion to 17 have any meetings with Glenn Heelan and Charlie 18 Davison in regard to your calculations and 19 findings? 20 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, I did. 21 MR. MOORHEAD: And approximately, when did 22 those occur by? 23 MR. MOLLICA: Those would have occurred 24 between April and June. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: Okay. And what was the reaso - vvv --u (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 35 - 38 PAGE 35 PAGE 37 1 for those meetings? 1 calculation of the occupancy load of this 2 MR. MOLLICA: Those were meetings that were 2 particular establishment? 3 called by Glenn Heelan because Glenn wanted to 3 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, he did. 4 discuss this, the Staff's calculation for the 4 MR. MOORHEAD: And what was his calculation? 5 pay -in -lieu and had some specific questions about 5 How does it compare to the calculation that you 6 certain areas that may or may not have been 6 made for the purposes of determining the parking T included. 7 pay -in -lieu requirement? 8 MR. MOORHEAD: Did you, in fact, meet with him 8 MR. MOLLICA: Art's calculation in summary 9 and make any revisions in your calculations? 9 would require more parking spaces than the 10 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, I did. 10 calculation performed by Staff. 11 MR. MOORHEAD: Okay. And what were the natu 11 MR. MOORHEAD: And is this something that we 12 of the revisions that you made in calculations? 12 normally will do when we're making a determination 13 MR. MOLLICA: The nature of the revisions were 13 of parking pay -in -lieu? 14 made basically because certain changes had occurred 14 MR. MOLLICA: Absolutely not. 15 during the construction of the building. For 15 MR. MOORHEAD: Why did you do it in this 16 example, on the lower level there's an area that 16 particular circumstance? 17 was initially thought to be an office. It was 17 MR. MOLLICA: We were making every attempt to 18 labeled as an office and it was calculated as an 18 work with Mr. Heelan to try to resolve the 19 office as far as the pay -in -lieu is concerned. 19 pay -in -lieu issue. We agreed to have Art do that 20 During the construction Glenn realized that that 20 work at the Town's expense so that we had a clear 21 space was too small to be an office and 21 understanding of what the Uniform Building Code 22 subsequently converted it to a storage room for the 22 would require in terns of occupant load. 23 restaurant. At Glenn's request we then modified 23 MR. MOORHEAD: And is the Uniform Building 24 the pay -in -lieu calculations to back that office 24 Code what you used to make your determination of 25 space out of the fee. 25 the parking pay -in -lieu requirement? PAGE 36 PAGE 38 1 MR. MOORHEAD: And did you actually visit the 1 MR. MOLLICA: Partially. 2 site to verify that information? 2 MR. MOORHEAD: And in what manners is it a 3 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, I did. 3 tool that you used to make a determination? 4 MR. MOORHEAD: And what, if any, other 4 MR. MOLLICA: As it relates to restaurants and 5 adjustments were made in your calculation? 5 eating establishments, the Staff utilizes the 6 MR. MOLLICA: There was other adjustments made 6 Uniform Building Code Table 33a to determine 7 in the lower level of the plan or lower level of 7 occupant load factor and that's where the 15, the 8 the structure. An area that was initially to be a 8 15 square foot number comes into play that Jim 9 ski tuning facility, that that space was then 9 described earlier. 10 changed to a storage room for the ski storage 10 MR. MOORHEAD: And did Art actually give you a 11 facility. And we made the modification again. All 11 document which summarizes his calculation? 12 the modifications that were made reduced the 12 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, he did. 13 requirement number of spaces. 13 MR. MOORHEAD: If I could get a copy of that 14 MR. MOORHEAD: And had you ever asked Art 14 from you, we would request that that be deemed 15 Hoagland to also do a calculation of occupancy 15 Exhibit H for the purpose of this hearing. I have 16 loads on this particular establishment? 16 no further questions for Mike at this time. 17 MR. MOLLICA: Yes, I did. 17 Thanks. 18 MR. MOORHEAD: First of all, would you tell 18 MR. MOFFET: Thanks, Tom. Glenn, questions 19 the Planning and Environmental Commission just who 19 for Mike? 20 Art Hoagland is? 20 MR. HEELAN: Mike, you mentioned that you 21 MR. MOLLICA: Art Hoagland is a Building 21 didn't have adequate seating plans with respect to 22 Inspector who has many, many years of experience 22 this until I dropped them off in June of '97? 23 behind him. He currently is employed as a Contract 23 MR. MOLLICA: That's correct. 24 Building Inspector with the Town of Vail. 24 MR. HEELAN: These are dated 6/1/96. These 25 MR. MOORHEAD: And did he provide to you a 25 were seating plans used by Jim Curnutte, so I think SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 ky/u1 4oa -y►i-1 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 39 - 42 PAGE 39 1 they were available and I think they were discussed 2 with Jim Curnutte. I wanted to make sure it was in 3 the record these were available and part of the 4 Building Code set that we submitted in June of '96. 5 MR. MOLLICA: Is that a question? 6 MR. HEELAN: No. I just asked if they were 7 available. You stated, did you not state that in 8 June of '97 you didn't have access to seating 9 plans? 10 MR. MOLLICA: Yes. I did state that. 11 MR. HEELAN: Were these not in the Building 12 Department? 13 MR. MOLLICA: To my knowledge, no. 14 MR. HEELAN: Then how did Jim Curnutte — 15 maybe I should call Jim back to determine the dates 16 on the seating plans that he had here from Item 17 2.4, 2.5. 18 MR. MOLLICA: I guess you will have to ask 19 Jim. 20 MR. HEELAN: Okay. 21 MR. MOFFET: Anything else? 22 MR. DAVISON: You were mentioning that there's 23 been some revisions. Obviously, that was an 24 involved situation. There were some revisions to 25 the actual number of spaces? Yes or no? PAGE 40 1 MR. MOLLICA: Yes. There were revisions. 2 MR. DAVISON: You mentioned that those were 3 really by adapting some of the changes that were 4 requested by us for you to analyze? 5 MR. MOLLICA: I believe they all were, 6 Charlie. 7 MR. DAVISON: Would you say that the first 8 number, that was an estimate at that time of 9 457,000 and your first estimate to 571,000, what 10 were those revisions based on, to go up to 571? 11 MR. MOLLICA: There were no revisions that 12 were based upon that. My analysis was a review of 13 your building permit set. 14 MR. DAVISON: But it was a revision? 15 MR. MOLLICA: I don't have any knowledge of 16 that. 17 MR. DAVISON: And further from that there were 18 two, additional changes of those amounts? 19 MR. MOLLICA: That's correct. 20 MR. DAVISON: With one down to 547 to the 21 current one of 538? 22 MR. MOLLICA: I don't have that in front of 23 me, but that sounds right. 24 MR. DAVISON: Thank you. 25 MR. MOFFET: Thank you. Do you have any >UMMIT REPORTINC7 PAGE 41 1 additional questions, Tom? 2 MR. MOORHEAD: No. The third remaining issue 3 involves the requirement for security on the 4 granting of a period of time within which to pay 5 this particular parking pay -in -lieu. And in your 6 packet — I don't know if it's in your packet. I 7 have a letter that I'll make copies of and provide 8 to the Commission as Exhibit I which has attached 9 to it a proposed promissory note which was 10 developed for the purpose of securing the payment 11 of this particular parking pay -in -lieu if it's to 12 be paid over time. Our Town of Vail Code makes 13 reference to a promissory note being signed for the 14 extension of allowing the parking pay -in -lieu to be 15 paid over a period of time. 16 A promissory note is not described in the Town 17 of Vail Ordinances. A promissory note is described 18 in the Colorado Revised Statutes and is a generic 19 term and a promissory note is essentially an 20 agreement to pay in the future. And there's no 21 requirement in the Colorado Revised Statutes or in 22 the Town of Vail Municipal Code as to what the 23 appropriate conditions are with a promissory note. 24 It's a generic term and I do not believe that 25 there's anything within the Town of Vail Municipal PAGE 42 1 Code that would limit the ability of the Town to 2 require adequate security for the allowance of an 3 applicant to pay a substantial amount of money over 4 a period of time. The Town Council upon the 5 application of the Vail Town Manager granted the 6 authority to the Town Manager in this particular 7 instance and in all instances that have a 8 substantial, parking pay -in -lieu fee to extend it 9 for a greater than five year period of time. And 10 the reason that permission was granted was because 11 there has been a significant increase in the amount 12 of the parking pay -in -lieu fee. It has been 13 increased from a lower figure up to $16,000. And 14 there had not been a change in the Code consistent 15 with that increase in the parking pay -in -lieu, so 16 the Code continues and today continues to require a 17 payment within five years. And with the larger 18 sums of money that can be generated as we're seeing 19 in this particular case, it might not be reasonable 20 to require payment within five years. And for that 21 reason, the Vail Town Council granted authority to 22 the Town Manager to extend it over a longer period 23 of time up to ten years. And that information was 24 reflected in a letter to Glenn Heelan from the Town 25 Manager and I will to have get that date for you —V "" -'°i° (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 43 - 46 PAGE 43 1 and make a copy of that letter. I don't know that 2 it's within your packet right now. 3 MR. MOFFET: Excuse me, Tom. Let me interrupt 4 for a second. I want the record to reflect that 5 Glenn Uselton is leaving. He has a previous 6 engagement. Thank you. 7 MR. MOORHEAD: Okay. 8 MR. USELTON: Thank you. 9 MR. MOORHEAD: And I will have both of those 10 items marked as an Exhibit and available for your 11 consideration. 12 MR. MOFFET: Tom, I'm sorry. Did you say you 13 were going to get us a copy of that section of the 14 ordinance? 15 MR. MOORHEAD: Yes. 16 MR. MOFFET: Okay. Thank you. And does that 17 conclude your presentation? 18 MR. MOORHEAD: Yes, it does. 19 MR. MOFFET: Tell you what, before we go to 20 the Appellants' presentation, let's take a short 21 break. We're going to be here for awhile and 22 readjourn in about five to seven minutes. Thank 23 you. 24 (Whereupon, we were off the record) 25 MR. MOFFET: We're back on the record. For PAGE 44 1 the record, our quorum consists of Commissioners 2 Schofield, Amsden, Aasland and Moffet. And now, 3 the Appellant. 4 MR. MOORHEAD: One matter if I could very 5 quickly? Excuse me. I did provide to the 6 Commission and to the Court Reporter copies of 7 Exhibit H which is the calculation by Art Hoagland; 8 Exhibit I, a letter dated November 18th to 9 Mr. Glenn Heelan from Mike Mollica; Exhibit J which 10 is a letter from myself to Glenn Heelan with a 11 promissory note attached and K which is the copy of 12 the Town of Vail Code in regard to Commercial I and 13 Commercial 11 parking pay -in -lieu requirements. 14 There was an issue raised on the questioning 15 of Mike Mollica by Glenn Heelan in regard to a 16 seating plan. And if I could recall Jim Curnutte 17 for one or two questions, we could establish what 18 that seating plan was and whether or not he had 19 seen it. 20 MR. MOFFET: Welcome back, Jim. 21 MR. CURNUTTE: Thank you. 22 MR. MOFFET: I assume you want Glenn to ask 23 the question of Jim here? 24 MR. MOORHEAD: I can ask Jim. 25 Jim, as you look at those plans again now, is PAGE 45 1 there a seating plan that you had the opportunity 2 to review in the past? 3 MR. CURNUTTE: Yes. 4 MR. MOORHEAD: And how do you know that you 5 reviewed it in the past? 6 MR. CURNUTTE: This is my writing, each of the 7 numbers on here. 8 MR. MOORHEAD: Was that the seating plan that 9 you considered when you were calculating the 10 parking pay -in -lieu fee? 11 MR. CURNUTTE: It looks like it is because I 12 am just looking at one page here. On the second 13 level it looks like the total is 112 seats. That's 14 what is in this chart. Without looking at the 15 other sheets, I would say yes. This is what I used 16 to come up with these numbers. 17 MR. MOORHEAD: Great. Thank you very much. 18 MR. MOFFET: Thanks, Jim. I assume there were 19 no more questions, Glenn? 20 MR. HEELAN: I don't think so, Greg. 21 MR. MOFFET: Okay. Go ahead. 22 MR. HEELAN: I didn't say for the record. I'm 23 Glenn Heelan representing Riva Ridge Partners, LLC 24 and one of the managers of that entity. 25 First, I'd like to thank you all for the PAGE 46 1 opportunity to finally present our appeal to you 2 this afternoon. Not realizing we were preparing 3 for a deposition type interview if you will, we had 4 a much more casual and normal approach I suspect. 5 This Appeal is probably different in nature, 6 but consists of one of interpretation. We believe 7 and hopefully you will also believe there was a 8 valid reason for this Appeal and the correct steps 9 can be taken as a result. We're not here to 10 discuss whether the ordinance of pay -in -lieu is 11 right or wrong. And we're not here to discuss if 12 the amount for parking has increased too much and 13 whether it's too high or not. This issue has been 14 discussed in the past and even though the ordinance 15 had not been changed for sometime and it's been 16 over a year since a revision was first discussed, 17 we're sure that it will be brought up by other 18 concerned citizens. 19 What we're here for is to convince you that 20 what we're requesting is a fair and correct 21 interpretation of the ordinance as it was written 22 and how it should be applied. We're not asking for 23 variances. We're not asking you to deviate from 24 the ordinances. 25 In the past the parking pay -in -lieu fee SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 (VIU) 4(38 -941.3 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 47 - 50 PAGE 47 1 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 calculations have always been done like this. The normal procedure as you learned earlier today, as we went through earlier today, you start with blueprints, the occupancy standards and you get Staffs interpretation of the facts. Up to now every Staff calculation had been done before the building permit. Staff would receive the blueprints and by the occupancy standards, based on square footage and calculates a parking fee based on those occupancy standards. Unfortunately or fortunately, it was agreed very early on that due to the fact we had not decided if we were going to finish the building as residential or as commercial, we all agreed to wait until the TCO to reach a final decision in reference to the final amount and terms of payment. Whether it was a good or bad decision is really irrelevant at this point. The issue is that we all agreed to do it in this very unique way. And in fact, we are unique. We're the only product that's being judged or can be judged as a finished product. We're not looking at blueprints, but looking at reality. We're unique in that we believe we are the only product in which seating is more restrictive than the occupancy standards. Typically, a restaurant faces PAGE 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 attempts to cram every seat possible into the available space. We have also tried to maximize our seats, but due to the physical configuration of the building and the ambiance required, it's not physically possible to have enough seats to reach the 381 seats that the Staff has calculated under the space requirements. We're not here to judge, but to apply the ordinances as was written and respecting the intention of how it was written, an honest intellectual approach to the intent and not a rubber stamp to the way it's always been done. The Town Council that approved this ordinance must have had the restrictive nature of seating in mind. Just ask yourselves why was the language included in the first place. Would it be to differentiate a convention center from a fine dining restaurant or from a cafeteria, a McDonalds, a theater or a quasi - public club? All of these businesses have different use objectives as to how to use the space. Therefore, different parking impacts. Therefore, different parking space calculations. I submit to you that maybe a convention center should be calculated using the building occupancy standards. Their seating configuration can change dramatically depending on iUMMiT RFP0RT1NR PAGE 49 1 the size of the event. But this doesn't happen in 2 a fine dining restaurant, much less in a 3 quasi- public club ambiance. So what was the 4 intent, but to anticipate which one of both 5 measurements was more restrictive, more realistic 6 toward its real use and more realistic to the real 7 impact of additional seats creating additional 8 parking demands. 9 It's logical that the demands for parking is 10 created by drinking and eating establishments based 11 on the number of seats in that establishment. In 12 our case, that number of seats is more restrictive 13 than the Staffs calculations based on building 14 occupancy standards. We believe we're being 15 overtaxed. We believe that the intent of the Code 16 was an either or situation. It was meant to 17 anticipate that seating could be more restrictive. 18 We believe that Staffs calculation and 19 interpretations are unilateral to the Town treasury 20 and not to the intent of the ordinance as written. 21 Our appeal to you is for our real seating 22 capacity to be recognized. We have 210 seats. 23 Staffs interpretation which is done by Building 24 Code occupancy standards reflects 381 seats. 25 Let's go to a chart in terms of how that PAGE 50 1 shakes out in terms of the fees. If you look at 2 the chart on the board, based on the occupancy 3 standards measured by square footage, the 4 restaurant club would require 47.64 parking spaces. 5 This is on the right -hand side of the chart. The 6 total building would require 59.996 spaces. We all 7 agree that we're grandfathered 27 spaces for the 8 old building. Therefore, based on occupancy 9 standards, it's 32.996 or $538,916.20. Based on 10 the actual number of seats that could be fitted in 11 the establishment, the restaurant club would only 12 require 26.25. The total for the whole building is 13 38.76. Once again, we're grandfathered 27. 14 Taxable spaces would be 11.76, so we'd have 15 $192,080.55 in fees. We don't blame Staff. There 16 are 300 and some odd thousand reasons to calculate 17 it their way. 18 What this means in our mind is that we're only 19 looking for a fair and honest treatment by 20 recognizing the real seating capacity. And you 21 folks are now the judges of that interpretation. 22 And before we continue with the rest of the 23 Appeal, we hope we brought a sense of logic into 24 this process. We'd like to answer any questions or 25 any observations and any comments before we i ow cuiwoio (970) 46 8-9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RNA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 51 - 54 PAGE 51 PAGE 53 1 proceed? Any questions at all? 1 MR. MOFFET: John, anything else? 2 MR. MOFFET: John, why don't we start with 2 MR. SCHOFIELD: No. 3 you? 3 MR. MOFFET: Greg? 4 MR. SCHOFIELD: Glenn, is there any legal 4 MR. AMSDEN: It's evident that design affects 5 reason that would prevent you from utilizing the 5 seating in any kind of eating establishment. You 6 space for full occupancy loads in the future? 6 have selected a pattern of a center island bar 7 MR. HEELAN: Yes. There is potential, and 7 which does, in fact, create circulation problems 8 just to digress for a minute John, when we got the 8 from an architectural standpoint. It also creates 9 revised numbers from the Town in there June, et al 9 less seating than could be done there. What you 10 letters, thereafter, the June 17th letter being 10 just stated earlier I don't believe applies here, 11 571,000, and we did meet with the Town and we did 11 Glenn, depending on what you pick for your design, 12 try to resolve this with Staff. Then we went 12 if you put a bar in the center of a space, you're 13 through the process of even taking them to the 13 going to create a circulatory situation which 14 building to see why the differences between what 14 limits the amount of seating you can put in that 15 the maximum number of seats we could really get in 15 space. I believe that some of the design creates 16 there and why we were so far apart if you will. We 16 some of the seating situation you have. 17 were trying to figure out why there was some 17 MR. HEELAN: Greg, can you point out where 18 discrepancy versus the number of seats versus what 18 that center bar is? I don't think there is one. 19 they were saying you could have. When we walked 19 MR. AMSDEN: Second and third floor there's 20 through the building, because of '88 issues and a 20 center bars. In fact, on the top there's center 21 variety, this Code was adopted in 1978 1 believe or 21 bars. 22 1974. Building codes have changed. The parking 22 MR. HEELAN: Second level plan, you know the 23 requirement code, I think it was adopted in that 23 kitchen is in the middle? 24 time. This is a small site. There are building 24 MR. AMSDEN: That also creates — 25 code issues. We have a lot of corridors in this 25 MR. HEELAN: Because of the design criteria of PAGE 52 PAGE 54 1 building. We were told that wasn't appropriate in 1 the building, you're right, but in addition to 2 terms to try to figure out how to get to the space. 2 that, there were certain physical constraints. We 3 We couldn't put more seats that would allow us to 3 couldn't do anything else with ventilation and 4 flow through the space, otherwise we're going to 4 things because of the low floor to ceiling heights 5 have fire issues. So the best answer I can give 5 of the building. Believe me, we tried every which 6 you, we tried to maximize our seating capacity for 6 way with the architects that we retained to try to 7 the kind of establishment we have and that's all we 7 figure out better uses of the space. If you will 8 can put in there. And we invite anybody and we 8 notice even in my June 21st, 1996 letter, it 9 have invited the Council and invited Staff to walk 9 anticipates changes being made because of ICBO 10 through the building and count them. It's very 10 issues that created less usable space from our 11 obvious once you get into the building. I don't 11 perspective. We have been trying to maximize the 12 know if I answered your question or not? 12 interior use of the space which is typical putting 13 MR. SCHOFIELD: No. 13 their kitchens and things in the center, so they're 14 MR. HEELAN: I didn't? 14 not taking window space, et cetera. 15 MR. SCHOFIELD: Let me rephrase it. You at 15 MR. AMSDEN: The second question I have for 16 least if I understand were aware there are physical 16 you regards the process you're going through right 17 constraints? 17 now or at least, the argument you have been 18 MR. HEELAN: That's correct. 18 presenting. You have been in this process quite 19 MR. SCHOFIELD: My question is, are there any 19 sometime in this building. You have gone through 20 legal constraints, building code, etcetera that 20 the review process with the Planning Department 21 would prevent you from increasing the number of 21 over a two year period. Why was this argument not 22 seats up to the maximum? 22 being presented during the conditional use process 23 MR. HEELAN: I wouldn't be qualified to answer 23 after you received — what you're doing is bringing 24 that question. 24 us an argument after a conditional use process you 25 MR. SCHOFIELD: Thank you. 25 went through and was granted a conditional use on SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 (Y /U) 4bls -y4b NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 55 - 58 PAGE 55 1 the building and you come to the tail end at your 2 building permit making an argument of this nature. 3 I'm not quite following the consistency there, why 4 you wouldn't have done it in the building if you 5 had a question about parking or the amount of 6 parking fee, et cetera? Because the parking fees 7 were always on the table as being big numbers. 8 MR. HEELAN: We're not disputing they're big 9 numbers whether we're right or wrong. Okay. Let's 10 just go back to the process of how this evolved. 11 In November of '95 I believe we got a conditional 12 use permit or somewhere thereabouts the end of '95 13 that would allow us to then consider using this top 14 two floors of commercial space. We then proceeded 15 with designs to try to create an alternative either 16 way because we don't know at that time whether or 17 not a club operation was going to be economically 18 feasible for the space. As you know, most every 19 building in this space has residential on the top 20 floors. We were trying to figure out whether or 21 not it was going to be economically feasible to try 22 to do this club. Okay. And then, we met with Jim 23 Curnutte as you heard him tell you several times to 24 discuss the possibilities of the various options 25 and discussions with regard to the parking fee and PAGE 56 1 we talked about seats. We talked about square 2 footage. And then, Jim left. About that time Mike 3 Mollica came on to the scene and then, the 4 transition in between the time Jim left and we were 5 trying to get our building permit, at that point in 6 time Mike asked me to write him a letter which gave 7 them an estimate of what those fees were going to 8 be at that time, realizing there were going to be 9 changes, realizing we didn't know how we were going 10 to finish that building at this time. 11 So the process was an evolving one in terms of 12 the amount of the fee, Greg. And then, we were a 13 dead issue. The only thing we agreed to at that 14 time, at the time of TCO we would determine it. So 15 in June, we were anticipating a TCO sometime July 16 or August, July hopefully for at least part of the 17 building and then, we then went to Mike and asked 18 for him to review the plans and to let's finalize 19 the parking fees. And since that time it's been an 20 argument. And we have gotten three, different 21 calculations since that time; two in August and 22 October 1st I believe. And every time that I have 23 to tell you it was a total shock when we got the 24 one that said it's $571,000. Why did it go up 25 $125,000? We didn't know. %HMMIT QPPnV'rTMf1 PAGE 57 1 So we had a series of meetings to try to 2 discuss these issues and to really go through them 3 and try to figure out why we were so far apart and 4 try to, I think everybody tried to be reasonable on 5 the issue, but we were just on opposite sides of 6 the coin in terms of how we thought. We really do 7 believe that the logic of the Code is very clear. 8 It says whichever is more restrictive. Well, it's 9 impossible to have it more restrictive other than 10 based on seats because you can't have more seats 11 than occupancy. If you read the Code, it says 12 whichever is more restrictive. In fact, I went to 13 three, different law firms trying to find out if I 14 was all goofy, have them give me interpretations. 15 In your packets we have one. I included one of 16 them. And at the end of them they say it's not 17 impossible for this Code to be interpreted any 18 other way. Whichever is more restrictive which 19 means you got less seats than occupancy, it's less 20 restrictive. You can't have more seats than 21 occupancy can be allowed. So that's the only way 22 to be interpreted. 23 I have been trying to resolve this issue. 24 Okay. We're saying look at the building. If you 25 can see a way that we can change the whole ambiance PAGE 58 1 and put in more seats, then look at it that way, 2 but we can't. 3 MR. AMSDEN: In our past history here in the 4 Town of Vail with every applicant that's come in 5 for a restaurant, it's absolutely opposite to what 6 you're talking about. You're the first one that 7 comes up and says this Code is different. Every 8 applicant we have had that's been brought in, they 9 have been approached the same way, Mike? 10 MR. MOLLICA: Yes. 11 MR. AMSDEN: I find it hard that you're saying 12 that the Code says one thing and we have a 13 confusing Code when every applicant that's come 14 through the Town, people have been here many, many 15 years and have restaurants for years and years have 16 treated it the same way. That's why this is such a 17 new twist or curve ball, at least for me here. 18 MR. HEELAN: I can tell you most restaurants 19 try to cram in the most seats they can. It points 20 out code costs — 21 MR. AMSDEN: I don't find that in the process 22 at all. What happens, most restaurateurs don't 23 have to pay a parking fee and they tend to quote 24 less seats in their plans than they have actually 25 put on. AL ow Loiwoia (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN( Pages 59 - 62 PAGE 59 PAGE 61 1 MR. HEELAN: I'd like you to take a video or 1 at the plan or did the interior layout change? Do 2 whatever else — 2 you know what caused that leap? 3 MR. MOFFET: One at a time. 3 MR. MOLLICA: I have never actually gone back 4 MR. HEELAN: I'm sorry, Greg. 4 and taken a look at that, Greg. Jim Curnutte's 5 MR. AMSDEN: It comes to a monetary situation 5 plans are in front of you. I have the plans that 6 where most applicants look at what that parking fee 6 were given to me by Glenn. You can call it a fresh 7 ' is, the more restrictive is money out of their 7 look, but I went through an independent analysis. 8 pockets and that's what they consider more 8 Based on our codes that's the number I came up 9 restrictive. In my years that's what I've seen and 9 with. That's the number we're using. I have not 10 that's why I am a little bit confused when I hear 10 gone back and compared it to Jim Curnutte's older 11 just a different approach to it. 11 plans. 12 MR. HEELAN: Let me just read, if I may, 12 MR. MOFFET: Just FYI. The analysis we have 13 there's a letter included in the package I gave 13 from Curnutte gives us the same number that was 14 you. 14 agreed in the June 21st, 1996 letter. They are 15 MR. MOFFET: If it's the letter from the 15 identical. That's $457,334. 16 counsel in Golden, Glenn. You don't need to read 16 MR. HEELAN: That was an estimate at that 17 it. It's in the record. 17 time. In answer to your question, Greg, the 18 MR. HEELAN: I'm sorry. 18 building envelope did not change. 19 MR. MOFFET: If it's the letter from Holley, 19 MR. MOFFET: Actually, I wanted from Mike — 20 Albertson of Boulder, you don't need to read it. 20 MR. MOLLICA: There were changes made to the 21 It's in the record. 21 building that related to UBC requirements, you 22 MR. HEELAN: It states it does not appear that 22 know, for the Building Code requirements. Perhaps 23 this provision permits the determination of parking 23 that's what triggered the change in the parking 24 requirements based upon square feet and net floor 24 fee. Again, we have both sets of drawings here and 25 space as done for retail establishments. This 25 if you'd like, we'll compare them. PAGE 60 PAGE 62 1 parking requirement appears to be consistent with 1 MR. MOFFET: I don't need to do that now. 2 the intent of the Ordinance to require off street 2 There is a significant change in the fee. 3 parking in the amount actually needed by the 3 MR. AMSDEN: I can clarify that. 4 development. This would explain why the zoning 4 MR. MOFFET: Please. 5 ordinance determines necessary parking for a retail 5 MR. AMSDEN: The square footage shown on the 6 establishment based on net floor space, while a 6 June 17th, '97 letter from Mike Mollica to Glenn 7 restaurant use is based on seating capacity. 7 had 5936 square feet showing around the club. 8 MR. MOFFET: Just so we're clear for the 8 Curnutte's analysis was 4978 leaving a 958 square 9 record, you paid for that opinion; did you not? 9 foot differential. All I can see in the 10 MR. HEELAN: Yes, I did. 10 differential between Mike's analysis and Jim's was 11 MR. MOFFET: Okay. Thank you. It the office space was considerably reduced by 250, 12 MR. HEELAN: But as my Counsel. 12 effectively a 250 square foot reduction of office 13 MR. MOFFET: Greg, any other — 13 space. We take that off 958, there's still about 14 MR. AMSDEN: No other issues. 14 700 square feet on there that's more on your 15 MR. MOFFET: Galen, questions primarily on 15 analysis that was not shown on Curnutte's analysis. 16 this issue? 16 1 had the same question about where did that come 17 MR. AASLAND: I have no questions at this 17 from. 18 time. 18 MR. MOFFET: Thanks. Glenn, we're on Item #2 19 MR. MOFFET: Let me hit a few first for Mike 19 here of this Appeal as far as I can tell which 20 Mollica. Mike, on the assumption that the building 20 relates to the calculation of the number of parking 21 envelope didn't expand between June, '96 and the 21 spaces. Is there a reason we skipped #1 which is 22 most recent round of attempts to nail down the 22 the classification of third and fourth floors as 23 price for the pay -in -lieu payment, it jumped from 23 eating and drinking establishments? 24 roughly $457,334 up into the north of the $500,000 24 MR. HEELAN: These aren't the correct built 25 range. Was that just remeasurement or a fresh look 25 floor plans if you will. Just looking at three and SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 2614818 (970) 46 8-9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 63 - 66 PAGE 63 1 four, the disputed calculation with respect to that 2 was minor. We're talking about some of these areas 3 as offices. That's all we're saying. Some of the 4 areas were designated offices, not eating and 5 drinking. We're not disputing the club and third 6 and fourth level should be used as similar uses. 7 MR. *MOFFET: Your Appeal, so I understand it, 8 your Appeal point number one is basically on how 9 the plans are being read, not that the primary use 10 on the third and fourth floors is, in fact, eating 11 and drinking establishments; is that accurate? 12 MR. HEELAN: That is correct. 13 MR. MOFFET: That means we got almost two of 14 them out of the way now. This is a plus. I am at 15 a loss. I'm kind of like Greg. I have been on the 16 Planning Commission as long as he has. I'm coming 17 up on four years now I think and I have never in a 18 pay -in -lieu situation seen the law applied so that 19 it minimized rather than maximized the pay -in -lieu 20 payment due from an applicant. I'm clearly open to 21 evidence to the contrary, but as far as I can tell, 22 the entire precedent falls on the side of 23 maximizing the payments from the applicant. The 24 intent of people who road along in 1974 is not for 25 me to decide. We haven't got minutes from the PAGE 64 1 Council meeting. We haven't got any evidence as to 2 what the Council members meant when they put this 3 law in place. I'll grant you that an attorney can 4 read this both ways. I went to the same schools 5 and I can read it both ways, too. All I can rely 6 on is the way the precedent is and I have none 7 sited to me here that would lead me to believe that 8 Staffs interpretation of that provision of the 9 Code is anything but the accurate interpretation. 10 The other issue and, Glenn, I'm open 11 seriously. If you have got some precedent for me, 12 help me out, but I don't have any. I didn't think 13 of a single incident when it's worked the other 14 way. If you don't like the way the code is 15 written, we're unfortunately not the people to talk 16 to. We weren't elected. We don't get to write 17 law. That's the bottom line. The other issue is 18 and I just want to confirm this June 21st, 1996 19 letter to Mike Mollica signed by you. I mean, 20 that's a legit letter. We're not disputing that 21 that is legit; correct? 22 MR. HEELAN: We may disagree as to the 23 interpretation of that letter, but did I write that 24 letter, yes. 25 MR. MOFFET: I mean — %TIMMTT QPPnv rimf` PAGE 65 1 MR. HEELAN: I think Counsel by the very fact 2 we're back here has said there's some discrepancy 3 in terms of the interpretation of that letter. 4 MR. MOFFET: Okay. That concludes my 5 questions on Item #2. You want to talk about Item 6 #3? Staff, i.e. Tom Moorhead has already given us 7 his summary of the Staffs position on that. 8 MR. HEELAN: Just I'd like to come back to my 9 last comment in my mind before we go onto three. 10 It's understandable to me the viewing of the 11 precedent issues here. In fact, that was one of 12 the issues that drove us to try to find a 13 compromise with the Staff in terms of how they 14 measured, considering what we're dealing with as a 15 physical reality. And it's unfortunate I think 16 that we have to view this as a precedent action 17 because we're really in a unique situation in the 18 first place. How many restaurants are there on the 19 fourth floor of a building in this Town? Is this 20 really a restaurant? No, it's not. It's a club. 21 How many quasi - public clubs are in this Town? 22 None. And I guess I would look at it and say, this 23 isn't precedent. This is a unique situation, a 24 reality. There isn't a club on the third and 25 fourth floor that doesn't serve a lot of food. It PAGE 66 1 does serve some food, but it's not a restaurant as 2 you would go into the Red Lion. It doesn't create 3 a parking demand that a restaurant creates. It 4 doesn't have that kind of seats in order to be able 5 to do that. And it always seemed to me very 6 logical that the parking code designed to determine 7 what the demand was based on use and that would 8 drive the demand. We should help pay for that 9 parking structure, if necessary and we have never 10 disputed that. But from a pragmatic situation, we 11 don't have the number of seats to drive the demand 12 that would require 50, 50 some spaces or whatever 13 the calculation is. That's really what our 14 position was on this. We believe the Code was 15 written to accommodate that, to anticipate it. And 16 in fact, we don't have a cafeteria. We don't have 17 a convention center. We don't have a 381 seat 18 restaurant. So it's unfortunate that it's being 19 viewed that way, but let's go onto #3. 20 Number 3 is with regard to the deed of trust 21 and the promissory note. Let's if we may for a 22 minute just read the ordinance. The existing 23 ordinance says the owner or the applicant has the 24 option of paying the total parking fee at the time 25 of the building permit. TCO was agreed to by all IL ow Lol -4010 (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 67 - 70 PAGE 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of us, or paying over a five year period. That's the ordinance. I don't think there's any questions in terms of how to interpret it. At least, I hope there isn't. And it also says in that same section, if the owner or applicant does choose to pay the fee over a period of time, he or she shall be required to sign a promissory note which describes the total fee due, the schedule of payments and the interest due. Promissory note forms are available at the offices of Community Development. For sometime we have attempted to comply with that ordinance. However, we're being required to give a deed of trust securing the note and personal guarantees on the note. I guess I don't understand why we're being held to a different standard than the ordinance reads. In your package,I have provided you a promissory note that we obtained from Community Development. And in fact, before the note was then given by Tom Moorhead, was revised by Tom, I provided it to him when he asked me about it. MR. MOFFET: Sorry, Glenn. What Exhibit is that? MR. HEELAN: If you will go to *5 which is on PAGE 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 mine, an orange tag. It's the second from the last or next to the last. It says, Riva Ridge, it's inappropriate for Staff to require personal guarantees and a deed of trust. It's the second to the last section. We all looking at that? We go to the next page which is the Code, itself, it says that we choose, this is what we just read to the board what the Code itself says. And the next one is the form of the promissory note that was provided to me by the offices of Community Development and then, a letter, a fax memorandum if you will, fax transmission cover sheet to Tom per our discussion and a copy of the note. So my question really becomes or my observation really becomes is that we think whatever the fee is determined to be that we should have the ability to pay 20% down, sign a promissory note and pay it over five years at 10% interest. That's what the Code reads. Twice Staff has presented to Town Council a new ordinance asking for the permission of deeds of trust and other types of security. Both times the Town Council has tabled that ordinance. At this moment it would seem to me it is at best questionable whether or not it will ever get through. So why are we being PAGE 69 1 held to a standard other than the one that is part 2 of the Code? And I guess we feel and you will find 3 correspondence in there, for sometime we have been 4 trying to comply with that in order to get this 5 building open. We have paid already 10% of one of 6 the numbers that they calculated which was $571,000 7 and offered to pay the other 10% and sign a 8 promissory note so that we could obtain the TCO. 9 And so we're being penalized by the delay when in 10 fact, we have tried to comply. 11 MR. MOFFET: Okay. 12 MR. HEELAN: I think that's all I have with 13 respect to that issue. 14 MR. MOFFET: Thanks. Gentlemen, any questions 15 on this issue? John? 16 MR. SCHOFIELD: Tom, if you could perhaps just 17 give us some elaboration on the, better term, 18 negotiations that took place which provided for the 19 variance from the Code of five years up to ten 20 years and quotes involved in that and what 21 conditions were placed upon that variance? 22 MR. MOORHEAD: Yes. Due to the significant 23 difference between the parking pay -in -lieu if the 24 property was developed as it presently has been 25 developed with a quasi- public club facility on the PAGE 70 1 third and fourth floor, and what the parking 2 pay -in -lieu fee would be if it was developed as a 3 residential condominium, the request was made that 4 they not be required to pay the parking pay -in -lieu 5 at building permit, but rather to have that parking 6 pay -in -lieu held off until the temporary 7 certificate of occupancy. At the same time that 8 that discussion was taking place, there also was 9 recognition that the parking pay -in -lieu fee had 10 been significantly raised from what it previously 11 had been to what now results in a $16,000, plus 12 parking pay -in -lieu for each space that's 13 generated. And it was represented by Glenn Heelan 14 to Bob McLaurin that because of that, it was 15 unreasonable to finance it over a five year period 16 of time and he was in general asking for whatever 17 relief Bob could offer in regard to that payment. 18 Bob McLaurin then went to the Town Council and 19 suggested in general that it's appropriate that the 20 parking pay -in -lieu fee be allowed to be paid over 21 a longer period of time consistent with good 22 business practices. And that also consistent with 23 good business practices, there be adequate security 24 and Council gave Bob McLaurin that authority. And 25 there has never been any consideration by Bob SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 (Y /U) 408 -y40 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 71 - 74 PAGE 71 1 McLaurin to allowing this significant a figure to 2 be paid over a period of time without adequate 3 security. And that was what was represented to 4 Town Council. And that is what has continually 5 been offered to this Applicant. If it wishes to 6 extend it over a period of time, that there have to 7 be adequate security given. 8 In the ordinance all it describes is a 9 promissory note. Promissory note is a generic 10 term. Every mortgage in the State of Colorado is 11 also secured by a promissory note and the 12 promissory note describes a separate security 13 agreement and that's consistent with what is in the 14 Colorado Revised Statutes. It's consistent with 15 general business practices. I believe that it's 16 inherent in the Town of Vail's power to do business 17 that it require whatever security is necessary to 18 adequately assure that the payment will be made. 19 The first time I ever saw the promissory note 20 that Glenn Heelan believes he has a right to enter 21 into was a promissory note that was signed by Louis 22 Federman (phonetic) for the L'Ostello Building 23 which $90,000 has never paid. That promissory note 24 does not create a lien on the property. It creates 25 absolutely no guarantee that the Town of Vail will PAGE 72 1 ever be paid. 2 As legal advisor to the Town of Vail, I 3 believe that it's a violation of the Town's 4 fiduciary obligation to the people in this Town to 5 extend credit in the area of $400,000 without 6 requiring some kind of adequate security. I 7 believe that's good business practice and thus far 8 that has been agreed to by the Town Manager and 9 that's why the promissory note that you see before 10 you has been offered. 11 And I would submit to you that there's 12 absolutely no provision in the Town of Vail Code or 13 in the Colorado Revised Statutes that suggests that 14 a promissory note means that it should not be 15 secured or cannot be secured by other security 16 agreements and deeds of trust. 17 MR. AMSDEN: Tom, I might ask — I don't know 18 if Mike is here. He's not. Have we used this five 19 year promissory note with any of the parking 20 pay -in -lieus in the past where people have paid it? 21 MR. MOORHEAD: That I'm not sure. The only 22 one that I'm aware of is the one that was unpaid. 23 MR. SCHOFIELD: Tom, is there anything in the 24 Code or the Statutes that would construe the 25 promissory note that's referred to in the Code iUMMIT REPORTING 1 OM - PAGE 73 1 available to the office of Community Development to 2 be something that could not be changed or modified 3 at anytime? 4 MR. MOORHEAD: Not that I could ever find. 5 MR. MOFFET: John, anything else? 6 MR. SCHOFIELD: No. 7 MR. MOFFET: Greg? 8 MR. AMSDEN: From the security standpoint, I 9 can't see anyone lending money, whether it's a 10 local or commercial bank or otherwise that would 11 not require some kind of security with this sum of 12 money. And some of the questions I have, Glenn, 13 currently, the Riva Ridge LLC, is the owner of the 14 property part of that LLC? 15 MR. HEELAN: No. We do not own the property. 16 We're just the lessee. We don't have the right to 17 grant the deed of trust. 18 MR. AMSDEN: So the Town if they were to take 19 just the promissory note, exposure -wise would be 20 greatly exposed in the sense that you're a tenant 21 of that property and if you were to ever default or 22 if the landlord would ever terminate that lease, 23 the Town would basically have no recourse 24 whatsoever on that parking fee. 25 MR. MOFFET: Is that a question? PAGE 74 1 MR. AMSDEN: No. That's fact in my real 2 estate knowledge. Those are my only comments right 3 now. 4 MR. MOFFET: Okay. Thanks. Galen? 5 MR. AASLAND: The first question is for Tom. 6 As the Town sees fit, does the Town as a matter of 7 course change forms, i.e. building permit 8 application forms or other forms throughout time in 9 the Town? 10 MR. MOORHEAD: Regularly. 11 MR. AASLAND: Glenn, if, in fact, we rule in a 12 manner that you win, eventually you have to pay. 13 This is over ten years. If you're allowed to pay, 14 if you choose to instead of paying one fee for a 15 parking fee, but in fact, you choose to do that 16 over ten years? If, in fact, you do pay this, by 17 signing this form how are you unfairly penalized as 18 opposed to signing the form — 19 MR. HEELAN: If I understand your question, 20 Galen, your question is that how am I being 21 unfairly penalized by requiring a deed of trust? 22 MR. AASLAND: If in your presentation I'm 23 going to have to sign this form and by doing that 24 you're going to be unfairly penalized — 25 MR. HEELAN: We have offered to sign a � - -1- 010 (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 75 - 78 PAGE 75 PAGE 77 1 promissory note that was given to us by the Town of 1 caveat on top of what the ordinance says of a 2 Vail as part of the Code, the Community 2 personal signature. They want to go beyond that. 3 Development. It states in the Code that we read on 3 How generic is something? It's interpretation 4 the board that the form of the promissory note 4 also. 5 would be provided by Community Development. We 5 MR. MOFFET: Thank you. This may seem 6 obtained that form. We relied on that form. There 6 basically extreme, but what's the definition of an T was no mention of a deed of trust. We don't have a 7 applicant as used in the Code provision in 8 right to get a deed of trust. It changed our whole 8 Commercial Core 1, Commercial Core 11. Property 9 perspective on this thing significantly. We're not 9 owners or applicants shall be required to 10 in a position to give you a deed of trust. We 10 contribute to the Town parking lot. Tom, is a 11 don't have that legal right. We're just a tenant. 11 tenant appropriate as an applicant here? 12 We're just asking for compliance with the Code. 12 MR. MOORHEAD: I'll defer to Mike Mollica, but 13 Code says we have the right to sign a five year 13 I would imagine the property owner as well as Glenn 14 promissory note. The Code says we can pay it over 14 Heelan very well could be the applicant in this 15 five years at 10% interest. We're asking for 15 particular project, but I'll defer to Mike Mollica. 16 compliance with the Code. We have offered to 16 MR. MOLLICA: The Applicant has been Glenn 17 comply with the Code. 17 Heelan, Charles Davison as well as Margaretta 18 MR. AASLAND: Do you think the Town has a 18 Parks, the Property Owner. They're the Applicant. 19 right from time to time to change its forms? 19 MR. MOFFET: So we have the owner and the 20 MR. HEELAN: Not after they have given us the 20 Applicant here, at least one of the applicants is 21 promissory note that we relied on, no. 21 also the owner? 22 MR. MOFFET: Anything else, Galen? 22 MR. MOLLICA: That's right. 23 MR. HEELAN: It's like changing the rules in 23 MR. HEELAN: I don't believe that's accurate. 24 the middle, Galen. 24 MR. MOFFET: Everything I have ever seen. 25 MR. MOFFET: Greg, do you have any other 25 Once again — PAGE 76 PAGE 78 1 questions or comments? 1 MR. HEELAN: It's always been Riva Ridge 2 MR. AMSDEN: Glenn, I understand the part 2 Partners with me — 3 about deeds of trust, you not owning the property, 3 MR. MOFFET: Anything I ever saw as the 4 but what is your objection to signing personally? 4 Applicant has Riva Ridge Partners, you and 5 MR. HEELAN: I have already offered to include 5 Mrs. Parks. We'd have to go back and look at all 6 that about a month ago. 6 the stuff, but that's my recollection. 7 MR. AMSDEN: So that's been agreed upon? 7 MR. HEELAN: On the Appeal issue, I think 8 MR. MOFFET: It's on the table it sounds like. 8 you're right in terms of the conditional use 9 MR. HEELAN: That wasn't acceptable to the 9 permit. 10 Town. 10 MR. MOFFET: November 27, 1995, the Applicant, 11 MR. MOFFET: Charley, if you want to talk, you 11 Margaretta Parks represented by Glenn Heelan. 12 have to come up to the microphone. 12 MR. HEELAN: Where is that? 13 MR. DAVISON: My name is Charles Davison for 13 MR. MOFFET: That will be Exhibit D, Planning 14 the record. I think that was offered. I think the 14 and Environmental Commission Memorandum, November 15 comment in terms of over penalized was that we 15 27, 1995. That's with Jim Curnutte. There was one 16 actually have given everything that the ordinance 16 prior to that. I think my first PEC meeting where 17 wanted and on top of that, Glenn Heelan wanted to 17 1 remember specifically — I don't know why. I 18 sign personally. Our request is to have our 18 remember that's how the Applicant was spelled out. 19 grandfathered spaces given to us in order to be 19 MR. MOLLICA: I was going to point out that 20 open. We have an operation that's grandfathered in 20 Exhibit A which is the Appeals Form, that's the 21 terms of the restaurant and the bar and we have 21 hearing we're having here today, is based upon that 22 been held in that sense hostage with changing other 22 application. Name of Appellant, Riva Ridge 23 rules in the middle of the game. And that's why 23 Partners, LLC, Glenn Heelan, Margaretta Parks, that 24 the comment of not being over penalized comes 24 was filled out by Glenn Heelan. 25 about. And the fact that there has been even a 25 MR. HEELAN: We also agree that the Applicant SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 (WO) 406 -`J413 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 79 - 82 PAGE 79 1 in this case is also Margaretta Parks. 2 MR. MOFFET: My question is, guess my 3 assertion as the finder of fact here is that the 4 Applicant includes individually, Margaretta Parks. 5 Now, be that as it may, actually before that, let 6 me ask another question of Tom. Is there a section 7 in the ordinances, in the Town Ordinance which 8 permits the Town Manager, that clearly permits the 9 Town Manager's discretion in this matter or do we 10 have a poorly written, code section? 11 MR. MOORHEAD: I don't think you have a poorly 12 written, code section. All of the Town's contracts 13 and agreements are entered into by the Town Manager 14 and those contracts and agreements are negotiated 15 and customized pursuant to the business deal that 16 is being done at that time. So there's nothing 17 that specifically states the Town Manager shall 18 enter into the following agreements under the 19 following form because it changes constantly every 20 time we enter into a contract. 21 MR. MOFFET: I understand. There's a 22 provision in the ordinance that says the Town 23 Manager has his discretion to use his prudent, best 24 judgment in handling the business affairs of the 25 Town? PAGE 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. MOORHEAD: I think that's inherent of being the chief judicial officer of this corporation. One thing I'd like to point out. It had been indicated to me by Glenn it was impossible for them to get Margaretta Parks to sign a deed of trust and we found a title company and found that Margaretta Parks has, in fact, entered into a deed of trust to secure a loan for this particular Project. MR. MOFFET: I'm not thinking of the deed of trust, but I'll get there in a second. MR. HEELAN: Let me clarify that comment, Tom What I said Margaretta Parks at this time was unwilling to give a deed of trust to us for this parking fee. She did enter into deeds of trust granted for the construction phase which is typical and common, but this is not a construction voluntary loan. It's an involuntary tax. Even when President Clinton passed a tax increase, he gave people three years to pay it. MR. MOFFET: Thank you, Glenn. The other question is do we have a setable precedent of the Town requiring a deed of trust to secure this obligation in other instances? MR. MOORHEAD: Not that I'm aware of. iUMMIT RFPnRTTUr: PAGE 81 1 MR. MOFFET: I'm living by the sword and dying 2 by the sword. We don't have any precedents. 3 Unfortunately, I would rely on a Code provision to 4 grant the chief executive the ability to use his 5 discretion to vary from expressed codes. However, 6 I'll say that I believe the Applicant includes 7 Margaretta Parks and I would require her, in my 8 judgment that means she's got to sign. I'm not 9 talking about a deed of trust, but in my judgment 10 that means she does have to personally sign the 11 promissory note. You signed the five year 12 promissory note with the Applicant, i.e. Riva Ridge 13 Partners, yourself and Margaretta Parks. Granted 14 I'm one vote, here you go. That's done. If 15 however you want to vary an inch from the expressed 16 terms of the Code, i.e. you don't want an 17 applicant, specific applicant to sign — 18 MR. HEELAN: I want to go ten years, whatever. 19 MR. MOFFET: At that point I think everything 20 is on the table and a deed of trust is a fair and 21 reasonable thing for the Town to ask for. If we're 22 going to go strictly by the language here on the 23 page, I feel hamstrung. I think as a Town we have 24 to do what the law says we have to do and rather 25 than infer and basically do all the stuff I suggest PAGE 82 1 that we not do on the last issue. 2 In fact, why don't we kind of go to the two 3 parties for final comments and then, we'll 4 hopefully render something. Mike for the Town? 5 MR. MOLLICA: For the record, we do have the 6 original application for the conditional use 7 permit. I have it here in front of me. It was 8 fazed to the Town on September 11, 1995. Glenn 9 Heelan was listed as the Applicant. The Owner's 10 signature, appears William Whiteford (phonetic) 11 signed for Margaretta Parks and he indicated he had 12 the power of attorney to do that and we also have 13 that attached to the Application. 14 MR. HEELAN: Could you reiterate? The 15 applicant was who? 16 MR. MOLLICA: Margaretta B. Parks. William 17 Whiteford signed for Margaretta Parks. 18 MR. HEELAN: Who was the Applicant? 19 MR. MOLLICA: Glenn Heelan. As is standard 20 procedure, we do not process applications unless we 21 have a signature from the property owner. 22 MR. HEELAN: If we were applying that to the 23 Code, the Applicant is Glenn Heelan and therefore, 24 the promissory note should be able to be signed by 25 myself. �Uiwoio (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 83 - 86 PAGE 83 PAGE 85 1 MR. MOFFET: That's not how I read the paper 1 was made and that those decisions are over one 2 trail here, Glenn. 2 year -old. 3 MR. HEELAN: Let me reiterate. He just 3 MR. MOFFET: Okay. Glenn? 4 clarified that the Applicant in this issue is me. 4 MR. HEELAN: Before I introduce Chris Parks, 5 Is that correct? 5 I'll reiterate our position. Riva Ridge Partners 6 MR. MOFFET: You came in here in November of 6 believes that Staff has interpreted Sections 7' 1997 with a document that I read, that I sat here 7 18.52.100 C, parking requirements - schedule and 8 and read and granted you a conditional use permit 8 18.52.160 Exemptions, parking pay -in -lieu 9 on that, said that — 9 incorrectly. Section 18.52.100 states off street 10 MR. HEELAN: Wait a minute. The conditional 10 parking requirements shall be determined in 11 use permit was in '95. 11 accordance with the following schedule; C, other 12 MR. MOFFET: '95. I'm sorry. 12 uses, 5, eating and drinking establishments, one 13 MR. HEELAN: What does that Application say? 13 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity 14 MR. MOFFET: It says — 14 and building code occupancy standards, whichever is 15 MR. HEELAN: The one by Mike Mollica? 15 more restrictive. Riva Ridge believes that the 16 MR. MOFFET: I didn't see that. I'm telling 16 calculation for the eating and drinking 17 you what I saw. 17 establishment spaces should be based on seating 18 MR. HEELAN: I think, Greg, what I'm saying 18 capacity. Riva Ridge has stated it will have a 19 the formal Applicant has always been me. That's my 19 maximum of 210 seats which is more restrictive than 20 point. The legal paper trail is the Applicant is 20 the maximum number permitted under the applicable 21 Glenn Heelan and I have offered to sign this 21 building code. 22 promissory note both as a manager of Riva Ridge and 22 In addition, Riva Ridge Partners believes that 23 as myself personally, the guarantee. 23 it is inappropriate for Staff to require personal 24 MR. MOFFET: And my point and I am not going 24 guarantees on the promissory note and for Staff to 25 to argue with you. This is where I come down on 25 require a deed of trust be filed on the property. PAGE 84 PAGE 86 1 this issue. The documents that have been presented 1 Code Section 18.52.160 Exemptions Section B.7 2 to me on several different occasions as a 2 states the owner or applicant has the option of 3 Commissioner in this forum have said Applicant: 3 paying the total parking fee at the time of the 4 Margaretta B. Parks, represented by Glenn Heelan. 4 building permit or paying over a five year period. 5 Now, you have come up and talked to me on several 5 Further it states in Paragraph 2, if the owner or 6 occasions on this issue, Glenn, and you have never 6 applicant does choose to pay the fee over a period 7 corrected this. It's been plain as the nose on 7 of time, he or she shall be required to sign a 8 everybody's face that's what I'm relying on. 8 promissory note which describes the total fee due, 9 Let's go back. Any further closing comments 9 the schedule of payments and the interest due. 10 on this issue; Mike or Tom? 10 Promissory note forms are available at the offices 11 MR. HEELAN: We have one final comment. 11 of Community Development. Riva Ridge obtained the 12 MR. MOFFET: We'll get to it. 12 authorized form of promissory note from Community 13 MR. HEELAN: Okay. 13 Development, a copy of which is enclosed for your 14 MR. MOORHEAD: The only thing I'll say, I 14 reference which does not require personal 15 believe the Staff recommendations set forth the 15 guarantees or deeds of trust. Staff and Applicant 16 three issues to be determined. In regard to the 16 did discuss a 10 year payment plan in various 17 issue in which the classification of the property 17 meetings, copies enclosed. However, Riva Ridge and 18 of third and fourth floor eating and drinking 18 Staff have reached agreement on this issue and Riva 19 establishments, that decision was made as of 19 Ridge believes it should be governed by the 20 December 21st, 1995 and therefore is not now 20 ordinance in existence at the time of application, 21 subject to Appeal. Likewise, I think based upon 21 unless the Town and Riva Ridge mutually agree 22 the testimony of Jim Curnutte it was clear when 22 otherwise. And that's all I have to say, but I 23 Glenn wrote the letter in June of 1996 expressly 23 think Chris Parks has a letter that he would like 24 agreeing to the calculation that he was well aware 24 to give you and then, add a few comments. 25 and agreed to the manner in which the calculation 25 MR. MOFFET: Thank you. SUMMIT REPORTING 1 SW 261 -48121 kyIV) WO-7 -t J NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 87 - 90 PAGE 87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. PARKS: For the record, I am Chris Parks and along with my Brother, William Whiteford, we have been in this process for my Mother. She's always been the Owner, not applicant. The Code says applicant or owner. Glenn is the Applicant in this case. And that's all I have to say on that issue. This is a letter written by my Brother and it states our position. And I would say that in further memorandums there should be an owner slot on the Town Memorandum instead of applicant. That should be separated as such. Thank you. MR. MOFFET: Thank you. I would suggest to my fellow Commissioners that we break this down into three votes because we have got three issues. And as far as I have been able to tell for what it's worth, I can't figure out why we're even wrestling with the first issue. Because I think everybody agrees that the third and fourth floors are eating and drinking establishments. Maybe I'm wrong there, but I would suggest if we get a motion that we move on each of the three points separately. MR. SCHOFIELD: Perhaps I make a suggestion on that that there appears to be no disagreement on #1 that the third and fourth floors are classified as PAGE 88 1 2 3 4 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 an eating and drinking establishment. If we can get the parties to stipulate to that, perhaps we can eliminate that from our discussion. MR. MOFFET: Glenn, that's your Appeal. As far as I can tell just from the brief question and answer you and I had, you don't dispute that the third and fourth floors of the building are an eating and drinking establishment; is that accurate? MR. HEELAN: There are only certain areas that we thought should be classified. We discussed that certain areas of that third and fourth floor should be considered office space, which the general use of the remaining part of the area is in kids eating and drinking establishments as per the Code reads. MR. MOFFET: Maybe what we need to do is determine whether — actually, let me ask Staff. Was it Staffs position because it appears to be that the entire third and fourth floor are an eating and drinking establishment and does that permit the breaking out of types of space within the eating and drinking establishment which in terms generate different parking requirements? MR. MOLLICA: No. The majority of the third and fourth floors are classified as eating and iUMMIT REPORTING PAGE 89 1 drinking establishments. There's a small office 2 that's located on the third floor I believe that's 3 calculated as office space. 4 MR. SCHOFIELD: Question. Based on that then, 5 Mike, I assume you had classified that as a portion 6 of the 94 square feet of office space and is not 7 included in the 5717 square feet of restaurant? 8 MR. MOLLICA: That's correct. 9 MR. SCHOFIELD: And second question, our 10 Appeal is if I read everything properly based upon 11 your letter of June 17th, 1997 which reflects 12 slightly different numbers than Page 5 of the memo 13 on the Appeal. Would you elaborate on that? 14 MR. MOLLICA: There were some modifications 15 that were made to the structure between June 17th 16 of '97 and when this Appeal was filed. What is 17 presented in the Memorandum is the most up -to -date 18 analysis of what is actually on this site. 19 MR. SCHOFIELD: And for the record, I guess 20 I'd make sure that everybody understands that the 21 Staff Memo appears to be more favorable to the 22 Appellant than does the June 17th, 1997 letter. 23 MR. HEELAN: Are you saying that — maybe 24 clarify for me, John. What is the final number? 25 MR. SCHOFIELD: We have to make a PAGE 90 1 determination based on your Appeal. However, it 2 appears that the Staff has for some reason modified 3 those numbers very slightly and in a direction 4 which I am sure you will be pleased with. 5 MR. HEELAN: There have been three, different 6 calculations. June 17th reflects a fee of 7 $571,341.63. September 15th reflects a fee of 8 $571,341.68. And October 1st reflects a fee of 9 $538,936.20. Is that the one you're speaking of? 10 MR. SCHOFIELD: That's correct. 11 MR. HEELAN: Yes. 12 MR. MOLLICA: Each analysis was requested by 13 Staff due to each request of the Applicant due to 14 the modifications the Applicant made to the 15 structure. The $538,936.20 is the final number. 16 MR. MOFFET: Still begs a question in my mind 17 and I'm trying to couch perhaps a potential motion 18 for somebody to make. That on Item 1 on the 19 Staffs classification of the third and fourth 20 floors as eating and drinking establishments, that 21 Staffs classification be upheld as qualified by 22 the standard class exclusion and separate 23 classification of the areas within those floors as 24 things other than eating and drinking 25 establishments. I mean is that, John, does that go 1 OM HLt Inn (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN Pages 91 - 94 PAGE 91 PAGE 93 1 to where you're thinking? 1 reflect a reduction in that square footage number 2 MR. SCHOFIELD: Yes. My thinking is based on 2 for the three fax rooms and game room as they're 3 testimony we have heard. Item #1, classification 3 portrayed on the final plans for the building 4 appears to be without dispute eating and drinking 4 permit application. 5 establishment with the exception of a small area 5 MR. MOFFET: Okay. So let me make sure I 6 which was excluded for office space. 6 understand the motion. We're holding the Staff 7 MR. HEELAN: As I mentioned before, these 7 with modification — 8 aren't the correct final plats. Mike has them I 8 MR. SCHOFIELD: That's correct. 9 believe. There are some areas that we thought were 9 MR. MOFFET: Do we have a second? 10 office spaces. There's an office. There are 10 MR. AMSDEN: I will second the motion. 11 several business and fax rooms that are not part of 11 MR. MOFFET: Second by Greg Amsden. Any 12 the eating and drinking establishments. 12 further discussion? 13 MR. AMSDEN: Those have all been figured in 13 MR. AASLAND: The pool room you're talking 14 the office — 14 about, is that a billiard room where someone could 15 MR. HEELAN: No, they have not. Some of them 15 buy a drink? 16 I believe they have. They're minor amounts, but 16 MR. HEELAN: It's not a billiard room. We're 17 there are fax and business service rooms which are 17 not requesting that be changed. Just the kids 18 specifically used with computers and stuff like. 18 office and the fax room. 19 There are no bars and anything else that we thought 19 MR. SCHOFIELD: I would then modify my motion 20 should be classified as office space. There's a 20 to include the pool room in the restaurant 21 kids office that has computer games in it for kids 21 calculation, but to exclude the fax rooms. 22 that has no eating and drinking. Those are use 22 MR. AASLAND: And exclude the children's room. 23 factors that should be calculated as office space. 23 MR. MOFFET: The children's game room. 24 MR. SCHOFIELD: Mike, it's your testimony 24 MR. SCHOFIELD: Included. 25 these areas have been excluded from the eating and 25 MR. MOFFET: Hold on. So let me make sure I PAGE 92 PAGE 94 1 drinking classification? 1 understand. You're now modifying the motion so 2 MR. MOLLICA: No. There's an office space 2 that we're upholding Staff, but we're excluding the 3 that has been excluded. There are three fax rooms 3 fax rooms only? 4 as I understand it that are available for the use 4 MR. SCHOFIELD: That's correct. 5 of the members of the club to send a fax while 5 MR. MOFFET: That's the amendment. Greg, you 6 they're enjoying the club. Those three fax rooms 6 second that amendment? 7 as small as they maybe have been included in the 7 MR. AMSDEN: Yes. 8 Vail Village Club eating and drinking establishment 8 MR. MOFFET: Any further discussion? All 9 category. In addition, there's a pool room that is 9 those in favor? 10 considered a game room through the UBC. That's 10 MR. SCHOFIELD: Aye. 11 also included as eating and drinking establishment. 11 MR. AASLAND: Aye. 12 Additionally, there's a game room that's available 12 MR. AMSDEN: Aye. 13 for kids as Glenn has stated. That has been 13 MR. MOFFET: Aye. That motion passes 14 included as eating and drinking establishment. 14 unanimously. Now, we're onto Staffs calculation 15 MR. SCHOFIELD: Would it be correct to assume 15 of the number of parking spaces required. 16 that these rooms are accessory uses to the 16 MR. AMSDEN: We cannot determine that number 17 restaurant club situation? 17 right now I don't believe because now they're going 18 MR. MOLLICA: Not in my mind, no. 18 to deduct the amount of spaces out of those rooms, 19 MR. SCHOFIELD: Looking for a motion? 19 correct, from that, so there will be a new parking 20 MR. MOFFET: That would be what I'm looking 20 calculation below the one that indicates the 21 for, John, on item — 21 538,936. We can state that number less those 22 MR. SCHOFIELD: Mr. Chairman, based upon the 22 deductions. 23 testimony we received, I would move that we modify 23 MR, SCHOFIELD: I don't think we can perhaps 24 the Staffs classification of the third and fourth 24 determine the number here as far as the square 25 floors as eating and drinking establishments to 25 footage, but we can determine the interpretation of SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 (YIU) 41b8-`J41J NOVEMBER 10, 1997 VA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 95 - 98 PAGE 95 1 the Code as far as most restrictive and then, allow 2 the Staff to recalculate the square footage that we 3 have requested be taken off. 4 MR. MOFFET: So for instance, John, you could 5 move that to uphold Staff consistent with a blind 6 methodology resulting in a number or resulting in 7 the agreement of the June 21st, 1996 letter from 8 Glenn Heelan that was also reflected on the 9 exhibits we got from Jim Curnutte, just endorsing 10 that methodology? 11 MR. SCHOFIELD: Methodology, yes. 12 MR. MOFFET: Okay. 13 MR. AMSDEN: Why would you reference Jim 14 Curnutte? 15 MR. MOFFET: Because it was actually an agreed 16 to number at one point in time, Greg. We have got 17 a letter here that characterizes that as an 18 agreement signed by the Town. 19 MR. HEELAN: Your agreement, 457 — 20 MR. MOFFET: I'm saying I agree to that 21 methodology. If the plans changed from November 6, 22 1996, it would have to apply the same methodology 23 that was applied at the time. 24 MR. AMSDEN: The methodology was applied to 25 the 536,936 number. Let's adopt that to changing PAGE 96 1 the — 2 MR MOFFET• A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 re you making a motion? MR. AMSDEN: Not making a motion. Does that make sense to you? MR. MOFFET: Yes. MR. AMSDEN: Okay. You want me to make a motion? MR. MOFFET: Please. MR. AMSDEN: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a motion that in regard to the parking requirements and the calculation of the number of parking spaces required that we utilize the number of spaces, the 32.996 parking spaces to determine the 538,936.20 figure, less the changes that were made in the first motion regarding this and they will be deductions from this, and we let Staff figure those deductions on the square footage of the areas that were excluded from the eating and drinking establishment on the third and fourth floor, the fax rooms. MR. MOFFET: That was a nice, clear motion. Do we have a second? MR. SCHOFIELD: Second. MR. MOFFET: Any further discussion? MR. AASLAND: One question I thought of. iUMMIT RFPnRTINr. PAGE 97 1 MR. MOFFET: Please. 2 MR. AASLAND: Just for the record, that the 3 32.996 recognizes the 27 grandfathered spaces 4 already. 5 MR. MOFFET: Point of clarification, yes. I 6 don't think you need an amendment. That's a point 7 of clarification of the grandfathered spaces. So 8 acknowledged? 9 MR. AMSDEN: Acknowledged. 10 MR. MOFFET: Any further discussion? 11 MR. SCHOFIELD: Not discussion. Point of 12 clarification. I think the record should reflect 13 this Commission is upholding the previous Staff 14 interpretation of most restrictive in the Code to 15 mean the maximum number of seats that will be 16 allowed, not necessarily the plan of those seats. 17 MR. MOFFET: Does that reflect your 18 understanding in making the motion, Greg? 19 MR. AMSDEN: Yes. 20 MR. MOFFET: Any further discussion? All 21 those in favor? 22 MR. AMSDEN: Aye. 23 MR. AASLAND: Aye. 24 MR. SCHOFIELD: Aye. 25 MR. MOFFET: Aye. Passes unanimously. Item PAGE 98 1 #3 is the requirement that the Applicant sign a 2 pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and a deed 3 of trust be filed on the property. I think we're 4 all reading it differently. If I can pass the 5 chair to you, Greg, for a second, I'll try a 6 motion. 7 MR. AMSDEN: Go for it. 8 MR. MOFFET: Okay. I would move that we over 9 turn the Staff requirement that Applicants sign a 10 pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a 11 deed of trust be filed on the property, but rather 12 that per the ordinance, the Applicant and the 13 Applicants as defined in the paper trail which 14 includes Glenn Heelan, personally and Margaretta 15 Parks, personally sign only a promissory note with 16 no deed of trust because that's not required in the 17 Code. Greg's chairing while I make a motion. Do 18 you want to ask for a second? 19 MR. AMSDEN: Do we have a second to that 20 motion? 21 MR. AASLAND: I would second it. And one 22 comment about that. This is for the five year now 23 that we're talking about? 24 MR. MOFFET: It's the straight, five year note 25 as expressly provided for in the Ordinance and ow wiwoio (970) 468 -9415 NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RIVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARIN' Pages 99 - 102 PAGE 99 PAGE 101 1 that's all I'm going for here is my reading of the 1 like to review the application that Mike Mollica 2 plain language of the Ordinance and the plain 2 read for the record. 3 language of the paper trail. 3 MR. MOFFET: I'm sorry. You are chairing 4 MR. AASLAND: So can you add that to your — 4 this. 5 MR. MOFFET: It's a point of clarification. 5 MR. AMSDEN: I think it's a critical vote. I 6 MR. AASLAND: As a point of clarification, 6 would like to hear their side of this just because 7 ' it's the five year note we're talking about? 7 it's an issue. And go ahead. 8 MR. MOFFET: Correct. 8 MR. HEELAN: Can I borrow the application that 9 MR. AASLAND: I'll second that. 9 was made for the conditional use permit that you 10 MR. AMSDEN: Any other questions? There's a 10 read from for the record earlier? 11 motion on the floor. All in favor? 11 This is an application for conditional use 12 MR. HEELAN: I'd like to make a comment and 12 permit. And the procedure says, this states this 13 question for Tom Moorhead. With respect to the 13 procedure is required for any project to obtain a 14 legal nature of the paper trail, what governs the 14 conditional use permit. This application will not 15 Staff memos or the application, itself? 15 be accepted until all information is submitted. A 16 MR. MOORHEAD: I'd say that this Board has the 16 name of applicants. Glenn Heelan agrees, et 17 authority as finder of fact to consider both and I 17 cetera. Name of owner, Margaretta Parks. Name of 18 will leave it at that. 18 applicant's representative, NA, not applicable. 19 MR. HEELAN: So what you're saying is the 19 So I guess what I'm saying to you is that the 20 formal application that we completed even though it 20 formal, legal trail that we believe on this 21 may be the Staff memo subsequently following that 21 application is me as Applicant and Margaretta B. 22 formal application which may have misstated points 22 Parks as Owner, not as applicant. 23 of fact from the application can be interpreted at 23 MR. MOFFET: Glenn, thank you and let me ask a 24 will by this Board? 24 question. 25 MR. MOORHEAD: Not at will. It's interpreted 25 MR. AMSDEN: I want to reference something in PAGE 100 PAGE 102 1 in relation to the Ordinance in relation to the 1 the Code in regard to payment. The owner or 2 evidence presented. Application says owner and 2 applicant has the option of paying the total 3 applicant and I think it was clear that the 3 parking fee at the time of building permit or 4 evidence is the owner must be listed as an 4 paying over a five year period and it goes onto 5 applicant. That's always been required. Mike 5 discuss other issues and then, the second paragraph 6 Mollica testified to that that in every instance 6 in the same *7 says if the owner or applicant. It 7 the owner is also an applicant. 7 does not say owner and/or applicant. It does not 8 MR. HEELAN: Could I see the application, 8 say owner and applicant. It says if owner or 9 please? 9 applicant does choose to pay the fee over a period 10 MR. MOORHEAD: Actually, as a point to the 10 of time, he or she shall be required to sign a 11 Board, once you have gone to motion, you don't have 11 promissory note that shows the total fee due, 12 to take anymore comment from any party. 12 schedule of payments and interest, et cetera. 13 MR. MOFFET: Call the question if you want. 13 MR. HEELAN: We believe that I should have the 14 MR. AMSDEN: I'm going to go ahead and run 14 right to sign the promissory note with 20% down and 15 this through. 15 receive our TCO by the Code. Thank you. 16 MR. DAVISON: Just two points of reference. I 16 MR. AMSDEN: We have a motion on the floor. 17 think the change of chairmanship, and for the 17 All in favor? 18 record, was made after the motion was made, not 18 MR. MOFFET: Aye. 19 before. 19 MR. SCHOFIELD: Aye. 20 MR. MOFFET: No, it was not, Charlie. I told 20 MR. AASLAND: Aye. 21 Greg I would like to make a motion and I asked if 21 MR. AMSDEN: All against? Aye. The motion 22 he would chair while I did that. We've got a Court 22 passes three to one. 23 Reporter here. We can read it back if you'd like. 23 MR. MOFFET: Thank you. 24 Do you want us to? 24 MR. HEELAN: Can I ask you to read back the 25 MR. HEELAN: No. That's fine. But I would 25 motion so I understand what we've got here? SUMMIT REPORTING 1 800 261 -4818 (97U) 468 -941S NOVEMBER 10, 1997 TVA RIDGE APPEAL HEARING Pages 103 - 104 PAGE 103 1 (Whereupon, the Motion was read back by the 2 Court Reporter) 3 MR. HEELAN: That says whatever is paper 4 trail. The legal paper trail says I am the 5 applicant and I can sign it. 6 MR. MOFFET: The motion was passed as read. 7 Riva Ridge Partners, Glenn Heelan, Margaretta Parks 8 can sign the promissory note. There's no 9 requirement for a deed of trust. It's the five 10 year promissory note as specified in the Code 11 MR. HEELAN: So the discussion we had 12 subsequent to the motion and/or applicant or owner 13 is irrelevant? 14 MR. AMSDEN: I just read that prior to the 15 vote because I wanted the Commission to understand 16 it. 17 MR. HEELAN: So in order for us to get a TCO, 18 what you're saying is we have to have three 19 signatures on the promissory note; Margaretta, 20 Glenn, Riva Ridge Partners and put down 20% over a 21 five year period of time? 22 MR. MOFFET: That's what my motion reflected, 23 yes? 24 MR. HEELAN: Whatever that fee was ultimately 25 determined? PAGE 104 1 MR. MOFFET: Exactly. 2 MR. AASLAND: Absent to paying the fee at one 3 time if you want, also. 4 MR. AMSDEN: I will turnover the chair to Greg 5 Moffet. 6 MR. MOFFET: Thank you. I think we have 7 exhausted this issue and it's time again for a 8 break and we'll come back and get to the rest of 9 the agenda. Thank you. 10 (Whereupon, this Hearing concluded at 11 4:45 P.M.) 12 --- 000 - -- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SUMMIT REPORTING , oM A-, - " " "" `"` -U.,J (970) 468 -9415 tvL 7-o- � z kol, A(2e� 5--=79- ,, ��� �� < �„ y_ .. � �. ...�..! 1 -- _ _ __ - I _ _� ,, ��� �� < �„ y_ .. � �. ...�..! 1 November 10, 1997 2:04 PM From: Bill Whiteford Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM November 10, 1997 TO: MEMBERS OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM: Bill Whiteford on Behalf of Gretta Parks, Landowner of Vail Village Club Site Re: PEC Working Session of 11/10/97 Appeal of Town Staff Decisions on 3 Issues related to Parking Assessment: 1. Parking Fee Calculations 2. Denial of TCO to Vail Village Club 3. Town Staff Arbitrary Security Demands I ask that the Planning and Environmental Commission members take the following into consideration when they make a determination on the appeal of Town Staff's actions with respect to the Parking Pay -in- Lieu assessment on the Vail Village Club. 1. Parking Fee Calculation: Vail Village Club is located on a very small site and is the first new or redeveloped building to fully adhere to the requirements of the "American's with Disabilities Act" (ADA) and Fire Safety requirements. With wide aisles and corridors implemented throughout the building, there is a less than optimal building configuration for maximizing "Useable" square footage. We believe the Town Code clearly specifies that the fee be based on the actual number of tables and seats that are on site, whereas Town Staff arbitrarily attributes maximum theoretical occupancy to any site based on its gross square footage and without any consideration for the actual configuration of the site. Even so, Staff's estimates have curiously escalated as this appeal process has proceeded. 2. Notwithstanding the ultimate resolution of the above issue, the Vail Village Club has offered to pay under protest the current Staff estimate and sign a 5 year promissory note as provided for in the existing Vail code. Therefore, the Vail Village Club has fulfilled all the requirements stipulated for obtaining a TCO. We ask that the PEC direct Town Staff to forthwith issue a TCO. 3. Town Staff has sought to impose additional security requirements on the Vail Village Club and on the Landowner, Gretta Parks, for the payment of the parking fee. We believe Town Staff is exceeding its authority in doing so. Furthermore, several attempts by Town Staff to get such authority written into the Town code have been rebuffed by the Town Council. We ask that PEC direct Town Staff to drop this requirement and to stick within the scope of the existing code. Thank you all for your careful consideration of this matter. Bill Whiteford, on behalf of Gretta Parks ILA Qp U N V N %t to lu % Q Ul to lu % Q • r 1 F 3 i i f 4 F 3 7a F 3 i i f 4 F 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 10, 1997 SUBJECT: An appeal of three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica/Tom Moorhead SUBJECT PROPERTY The Vail Village Club is located at 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. This building was formerly referred to as Cyrano's. II. PLANNING and ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Section 18.66.030 B,1 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Authority, the Planning and Environmental Commission has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respect to the provisions of the Zoning Code. III. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuant to Sections 18.66.030 B, 2 and 3 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Initiation and Procedures, there are three basic criteria for an adequate appeal: standing of the appellant; adequacy of the notice of appeal; and timeliness of the notice of appeal. A. Standing of the Appellant The appellant has standing to appeal the staff's decisions related to the construction of the Vail Village Club. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the developer of the building and the lessee. The owner of the property is Margretta B. Parks. B. Adequacy of the Notice of Appeal The application for this appeal was filed by Glenn Heelan (Riva Ridge Partners TOWNOFYML LLC) on September 15, 1997. The application has been determined to be complete by the Department of Community Development. C. Timeliness of the Notice of Appeal The Administration Section of the Town's Zoning Code (18.66.030 B, 3 - Procedures) states the following: "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Director of Community Development or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within ten calendar days of the decision becoming final. If the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a Town of Vail observed holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next business day. The Administrator's decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting, following the Administrator's decision, unless the decision is called -up and modified by the Board or Commission." On October 13, 1997, the staff recommended that the Planning & Environmental Commission reject the appellants appeal. The staff believed that the appellants did not file a timely appeal, and therefore the appeal had no basis. The staff recommendation was that the Planning and Environmental Commision reject the appellants appeal and that the PEC find that the appeal was not filed in a timely manner, as required by Section 18.66.030 B, 3 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Procedures. On October 13, 1997, the Planning & Environmental Commission passed a motion (by a vote of 4 -2, with Bishop and Golden opposed) that the appeal not be considered valid due the timeliness issue. On October 14, 1997, the Town Council, during the PEC Report, called -up this item for review. On October 21, 1997, the Town Council (by a vote of 4 -2, with Ford and Kurtz opposed) overturned the PEC decision on the timeliness issue and remanded the appeal: back to the PEC. IV. NATURE OF THE APPEALS On September 15, 1997, Glenn Heelan (Riva Ridge Partners LLC) and Margretta B. Parks submitted formal appeals to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. The nature of the appeals are generally described below, and a copy of the Appeal Form is attached as Exhibit A. The appellant is appealing the following three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. The appellant's statements as to the specific nature of the appeals are attached as Exhibit B, and include two letters from Mr. Glenn Heelan to Mr. Mike Mollica (dated September 15, 1997 and July 1, 1997) and a letter dated July 30, 1997 from Mr. Eric Torgersen, with Holley, Albertson & Polk, P. C to Mr. Mike Mollica. V. REQUIRED ACTION Uphold /Overturn /Modify the three staff interpretations. According to Section 18.66.030 B, 5 Appeal of Administrative Actions - Findings, "the Planning and Environmental Commission shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met." The appellant is requesting that the Planning and Environmental Commission review the following three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments ". Background: • On September 21, 1995, Jim Curnutte, then Senior Planner for the Town, wrote the following to Mr. Glenn Heelan: "As you know, a "private club" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. Staff has determined, however, that your proposed use is "similar" to two of the "eating and drinking establishments" listed as conditional uses (above the second floor) in the CC1 Zone District. These uses are "cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants." For your information, these will also be the categories used to determine the parking requirement for the club." (emphasis added) A copy of this letter is attached to this memorandum as Exhibit C. • On November 27, 1995, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core 1 Zone Distrct. The club was proposed to be located on the third and fourth floors of the Cyrano's Building. It should be noted that the staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission contained language identical to that contained in the 3 September 21, 1995 letter from Jim Curnutte to Glenn Heelan. A copy of this staff memorandum is included as Exhibit D. Staff Response: Again, the staff's classification of use (to operate a quasi - public club) on the third and fourth floors of the structure, was made as early as September 1995. Further, during the staff and the PEC's review of the conditional use permit for the quasi - public club (November 1995), both the staff and the PEC determined that the quasi - public club was similar in nature to "eating and drinking establishments," as identified in Section 18.52.100 C, 5 of the Town Zoning Code. The staff continues to believe that "eating and drinking establishments" is the appropriate designation for the quasi - public club use. 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (specifically, Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; Background: • On March 26, 1996, an application for a building permit to construct the Vail Village Club was made to the Town of Vail's Department of Community Development. The staff's initial calculations for the parking pay -in -lieu requirement was determined during late March of 1996, utilizing the building permit drawings submitted by Semple Brown Roberts, Architects, dated March 18, 1996. • A June 21, 1996 letter from Glenn Heelan to Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development (attached as Exhibit E), in part, states: "Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by.Community Development, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC, that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a quasi - public club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable.at the time a Temporary of Certificate of Occupancy is issued." • On July 24, 1996, a building permit was issued for the construction of the Vail Village Club. This building permit included 13 conditions. Condition #3, which is relevant to this appeal, reads as follows: "The parking pay -in -lieu fee shall be paid to the Town prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. See Glenn Heelan's letter of June 21, 1996 to Mike Mollica, [Exhibit E] for details." 4 Staff Response: According to Section 18.52.100 C (Parking- Requirements Schedule), the uses in the Vail Village Club include retail stores (assessed at 1.0 space per each 300 square feet of net floor area), other professional and business offices (assessed at 1.0 space per each 250 square feet of net floor area) and eating and drinking establishments (assessed at 1.0 space per each eight seats, based on seating capacity or Building Code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive). Due to the level of detail involved in the staff's parking analysis, the staff will provide the 1/4" = 1' floor plans for the Planning and Environmental Commission's review at the hearing. In summary, the staff's calculations are as follows: Retail = 3,594 sq. ft. = 11.98 parking spaces Office = 94 sq. ft. = 0.376 parking spaces Restaurant/Club = 5,717 sq. ft. = 47.64 parking-spaces Total = 59.996 parking spaces -27 ( arandfathered spaces)* Grand Total = 32.996 parking spaces pay -in -lieu *Note: The 27 "grandfathered spaces" are those spaces which are considered pre- existing, based upon the prior uses in the old Cyrano's Building. Therefore, 32.996 parking spaces x $16,333.38 results in a total parking pay -in -lieu fee of $538,936.20. It should be noted that the $16,333.38 fee per parking space is the 1996 pay -in -lieu rate. Although the pay -in -lieu fee has yet to be paid for the Vail Village Club, the Town,has agreed to apply the 1996 rate to this project. The 1997 rate is $16,905.05. Note: the pay -in -lieu fee was set by the Vail Town Council, pursuent to Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1994.- The appellant had requested that the staff calculate the parking requirement for the entire structure based upon the Uniform Building Code's determination of occupant load. Although this is not the staff's normal procedure for determining a structure's parking requirement, we did complete that analysis. An independent analysis was completed by Mr. Art Hoagland, ICBO Certified Building Official. Mr. Hoagland has determined that the occupant load for the Vail Village Club is 483 persons. This figure does not include the additional 10% allowance per Section 25.114, B of the Uniform Fire Code. This 10% allowance can be approved by the Fire Chief, when additional exit facilities are provided. Per the Town's parking requirement of 1.0 space per each 8 seats, 483 persons divided by 8 = 60.375 parking spaces. This is 0.379 spaces more than the staff calculation. 5 Further, upon review of the Town's building permit file for the Vail Village Club, staff has located an occupant load determination provided by the appellant's architect, Semple Brown Roberts (Denver, Colorado). This analysis indicates an occupant load of 484 persons. The Semple Brown Roberts analysis is attached as Exhibit F. 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. Staff Response: This issue will be addressed by Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney, at the Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. Vi. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission uphold the three staff interpretations that the appellant is contesting. In accordance with the information presented in this memorandum, and the exhibits attached hereto, staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: That the Community Development Department staff, and the Planning and Environmental Commission, have appropriately classified the quasi - public club, located on the third and fourth floors of the Vail Village Club, as an "eating and drinking establishment "; 2. That the Community Development Department staff has appropriately applied Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirement Schedule and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) during their review of the building permit floor plans for the Vail Village Club; and 3. That the Town Attorney has appropriately required the applicant to sign the parking pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. FAEVERYON E\PEC \M EMOS \97\VVCLUB.N 10 0 TOWS Exhibit A - 3 Pages APPEALS FORM i 4 4 k REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A. ACTION /DECISION BEING APPEALED: A. The interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 100 and B. 14 N the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu Fees of $571,341.68 being assessed against The Vail Village Club Building at 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado. B. The requirement that the Applicant sign the promissory note personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. C. The classfication of the 3rd /4th floors Club facilities as eating and drinking establishments. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: June 17, 1997 (per Mike Mollica's letter) NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Mike Mollica, Ass't Director of Community Development; Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney NAME OF APPELLANT(S): Riva Ridge Partners LLC; Glenn M Heelan; Margretta B. Parks MAILING ADDRESS: P • 0. Box 5770, Avon, CO 81620 PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL: 333 Bridge Street PHONE: 949 -6277 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO�YOFIAPPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL 1st Filing I. I. E. SIGNATURE(S) Pagel of 2 Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? are you an adjacent property owner? Yes 'W> ye G If yes, please provide the following information: no X If no, give a detailed r,'- planation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the . community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Glenn M. Heelan is the Applicant for the exterior alterations. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the developer of the buildin and the Lessee of the property from Margretta B. Parks under the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement. Margretta B. Parks is the owner of the property. G. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) of all .owners of property which arc the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right -of -way, stream, or other intervening barriers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. H. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. 1. FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of 2 TOtiVN OF VAILY FLE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479- 21381479 -2139 FAX 970- 479-2452 June 17, 1997 Glenn licclan Charles Davison c/o Riva Ridge Partners, LLC 1'.0. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Village Club - Parking Analysis Dear Glenn and Charlie: "Thank you for submitting the final floor plans /seating plans for the Vail Village Club. Based upon these drawings, 1 have recalculated the parking pay -in -lieu fee as follows: I . Restaurant /Club = 5,936 sq. ft. = 49.47 parking spaces 2. Retail == 3,704 sq. ft. = 12.35 parking spaces 3. Office = 39 sq. ft. = 0. 16 narkint tinaces 61.98 parking spaces - 2 >r• n lc tatl�crccj,1 Grand Total 34.98 parking spaces Per your agreement with,Bob MCL,aurin, 'Town Manager, parking spaces will be assessed at a rate of 516,333.38 per space (1996 pay -in -lice figure_). Therefore, the grand total for the Vail Village Club is 5571,341.63. As previously agreed to by Bob McLaurin, a ten -year repayment period will be acceptable to the Town. Should this be your desired course of action, please let us know so that we can finalize the paperwork. As always, should you have any questions, or comments regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me directly at 479 -2144. Sincerely, Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development MM /jr xc: Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Steve Thompson �,y� RECYCLED PAPER EXHIBIT B - 6 pages ux September 15, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 DEV RE: The Appeal of Staffs Interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 100 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu fees of $571,341.68 Dear Mr. Mollica, Enclosed please find the completed appeals form required for filing an appeal of a staff action. In reference to paragraph H of the appeals form we submit the following: Riva Ridge Partners LLC, Glenn M. Heelan, and Margretta B. Parks are appealing staffs interpretation and subsequent calculation of code section 18.52. 100 and 18.52.160. Staffs interpretations have resulted in classifying the 3rd and 4th Floors of The Vail Village Club Building located at 333 Bridge Street as a public eating and drinking establishment, with an accompanying assessment for pay in lieu parking fees in the amount of $571,341.68. In addition, staff has determined that in order to defer payment of the pay in lieu fees by the use of a promissory note, they will require that Riva Ridge Partners LLC (the developer) and one of it's managers guarantee the promissory note, and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. As addressed in the attached correspondence, the applicant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces being assessed against the property, the requirement that he sign personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property, and questions whether in fact, the 3rd and 4th Floors that have a conditional use of a quasi- public Club be classified as eating and drinking establishments. Pledse feel free to call with any questions or additional requirements you may h ve, Si rely, V r- 6 enn M. Heelan July 1, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Sent Via Facsimile Dear Mike, In our meeting yesterday, we discussed our confusion pertaining to the language of the zoning code relating to Off - Street Parking and Loading; specifically "18.52.100 Section C. Other Uses #5" as it relates to Eating and drinking establishments. As I stated, we interpret the section to read how many actual seats we have, as opposed to the building code occupancy standards which are measured by occupant load factors per square foot. At your suggestion I will ask Tom Moorehead and my attorney to clarify the section. If, after further clarification, it is agreed that the number of seats and the resulting parking fees are determined by the square footage of the various uses; then, we still have questions regarding the actual number of square feet being calculated, mostly as it pertains to the bar on the first floor, and the Club areas on the third and fourth floors. Therefore, we would appreciate the opportunity to revisit the parking requirements as soon as we are able to obtain the clarification from our respective attorneys. At that time, we will also provide the final "remarked" drawings that represent what is actually being built in the building. I look fafwd to hearing from Mr. Moorehead and bringing this issue to a close as soo s posiible. Si M. Heelan cc: Charles W. Davison L-, GEORGE ALAN HOLLEY SCOTT D. ALBERTSON, DENNIS B. POLK ERIC E.- TORGERSEN THOMAS A. WALSH HOWARD R. STONE HOLLEY, ALBERTSON 8L POLK, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW DENVER WEST OFFICE PARK Score 100, BULDING 19 1667 COLE BLVD. GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 July 30, 1997 BY TELECOPIER AND FIRST -CLASS MAIL Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Mollica: PHONE (303) 233 -7838 FAX (303) 233 -2860 Re: The Vail Village Club, 298 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado (the "Property ") This firm represents Riva Ridge Partners LLC in connection with the above - referenced matter. We are in receipt of a copy of your June 17, 1997, letter concerning the payment of fees in lieu of parking for the redevelopment of The Vail Village Club. The purpose of this letter is to set forth our client's position with regard to those fees in lieu of parking. It is our client's position, based upon Chapter 18.52 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance, that the Town has calculated an excessive fee in lieu of parking for the re- development of The. Vail Village Club. Our analysis is based upon -the following: 1. It is our understanding that the Property was previously allocated 27 parking spaces, as computed pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. It is our further understanding that our client would receive credit for these pre- existing parking spaces in connection with the re- development of the Property, and would be obligated to pay only the difference between the number of parking spaces as determined for The Vail Village Club and the original (in this instance 27) parking spaces attributable to the Property. , Based upon our review of your June 17, 1997, letter, the Town has followed this analysis as well. Thus, although this letter will not discuss our client's position on whether the Town is entitled to collect any fees in lieu of parking, or the amount per space of that fee, our client's primary position in this letter is that the Town has computed an excessive fee based upon the number of parking spaces attributable to The Vail Village Club as re- developed. vs Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 2. 2. It appears that the fees in lieu of parking for The Vail Village Club are set forth in § 18.52.160.B, which provides in relevant part: In Commercial Core I and Commercial Core II property owners or applicants shall be required to contribute to the Town Parking Fund, hereby established, for the purpose of meeting the demand and requirements for vehicle parking. At such time as any property owner or other applicant proposes to develop or redevelop a parcel of property within an exempt area which would require parking and /or loading areas, the owner or applicant shall pay to the Town the parking fee hereinafter required. 2. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant shall be determined by the Town Council. 5. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant is hereby determined to be fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) per space. This fee shall be automatically increased annually by the percentage the Consumer Price Index of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. 6. For additions_ or enlargements of any existing building or change of use that would increase the total number of parking spaces required, an additional parking fee will be "required only for such addition, enlargement or change and not for the entire building or use. Zoning Ordinance § 18.52.160.B. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club is situated within the Commercial Core I area of the Town of Vail, and according to the Zoning Ordinance must contribute to the Town Parking Fund. It does not appear that § 18.52.160.B fixes the number of parking spaces which would be attributable to a re- development. Therefore, we assume that the number of parking spaces (used to determine the pay in lieu fee) is determined from the specific parking requirement schedule set forth in § 18.52.100. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club will be confined to some retail, personal service and repair shops, and some restaurant/ club, and a small portion (under 100 square feet) Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 3. dedicated to office. According to § 18.52.100, parking spaces for those uses are determined as follows: C. Other Uses. 4. Retain Store, Personal 1.0 space per each 300 Services and Repair Shops feet of net floor space 5. Eating and Drinking Establishments 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive § (emphasis added). Under § 18.52.100.C., parking spaces required for retail use are determined based upon one space per 300 square feet of net floor space. For eating and drinking establishments, such as the, club portion of The Vail Village Club, the parking requirement is 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive; however, it does not appear that this provision permits the determination of parking requirements based upon square feet of net floor space, as done for retail establishments. This parking requirement appears to be consistent with the intent of the ordinance to require off street parking in the amount actually needed by the development. This would explain why the Zoning Ordinance determines necessary parking for a retail establishment based on net floor space, while a restaurant use is based upon seating capacity. Based upon our review, it appears that the fee -in -lieu of parking must be determined based upon the number of off street parking spaces which the Town could require pursuant to § 18.52.100 of the zoning ordinance. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club and restaurants will have a maximum of 210 seats, which is less than the maximum number permitted under the applicable building code. Therefore, it would appear that the number of off - street parking spaces which could be required for the restaurant /club would be 26.25, i.e., 210 divided by 8, rather than 49.47 as calculated by the Town based upon net floor space. It is our client's position that the Zoning Ordinance limits the fees in lieu of parking to an amount equal to the per space fee multiplied by the number of parking spaces which could be required under § 18.52.100. Assuming the accuracy of the Town's net floor space calculations, it is our client's position that. the number of parking spaces should be determined as follows: 4 Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 4. 1. Restaurant /Club = 210 Seats = 26.25 Parking Spaces 2. Retail = 3,704 Square Feet = 12.35 Parking Spaces 3. Office = 39 Square Feet = 0.16 Parking Spaces TOTAL 38.76 Parking Spaces Minus 27 (Grandfathered) Net Total 11.76 Finally, it is our client's position that assuming a parking fee of $16,333.38 per space, the parking fee for The Vail Village Club should be $192,080.55. Our client requests that the Town reconsider its computation of the fees in lieu of parking and advise our client as to whether the Town will change its position from your June 17, 1997, letter,` that the parking fee for The Vail Village Club is $571,341.63,' rather than $192,080.55, as our client suggests. In this regard,.,* our client would be available to discuss this matter with you at greater length, if that would serve to clarify their position on the fees in lieu of parking. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your professional courtesies in this regard. EET /db cc: Glenn M. Heelan Sincerely, HOLLEY, ALBERTS --& POLK, - P.C. Eric E. Torgersen TOWN OF PAIL 0/ 75 Soutli Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 479- 21381479 -2139 FAX 970 -479 -2452 September 21, 1995 Mr. Glenn M. Heelan P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 EXHIBIT C - 2 PAGF Department of Community Development RE: Application for a Conditional Use Permit for the Serrano's Building, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Mr. Heelan: I have completed a review of your recently submitted conditional use permit application to operate a private club on the third and fourth floors of the Serrano's Building, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st filing. Additional information must be provided in order for staff to ade revi equest. Pleas-e- respond to t he -e�.l o�� - As you know, a "Private Club" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the Commercial Core -I (CCI) zone district. Staff has determined, however, that your proposed use_ is "similar" to two of the "eating and drinking establishments" listed as conditional uses (above the second floor) in the CCI zone district. These uses are 11 Cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants ". For your information, these will also be the categories used to determine the parking requirement for the club. -- -Tn 'e-reZ` t oNaqZp,� t e p a c' i c t s o y�p o sus e, and as required in Sec n III (3) of the Conditional Use Permit application requirements, please provide detailed floor plans which indicate the layout.of all proposed uses on the third and fourth floors of the building. - Your application states that no exterior changes will be made to the building. However, depending on the scope of the food service element of your proposal, it would appear that additional mechanical equipment may be necessary. Please provide a detailed description of how private dinner parties, meeting /dining rooms, additional food prep. areas, bars, kitchens, etc. will be handled. ?`S� RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Glenn M. Heelan Page 2 - In the Commercial Core I Zone District "meeting rooms" may be approved, as a conditional use permit, only in the basement or garden level and on the second level of a building. They are not allowed, as a permitted or conditional use, on the first floor or street level or on any level of a building above the second floor. It would appear from your application description that the meeting /dining rooms will be used solely by club members, and therefore considered as accessory to the functions of the club. However, we must receive a more detailed explanation of their intended use. The club members, as a group, cannot rent the rooms to the general public. - How will the area on the second floor of the building, currently labeled "The Private Club ", be affected by your proposed use? - Please provide a more detailed description of the "office space for building and club operations" as described in your application. As mentioned previously, staff believes that additional information is necessary in order to fully understand all possible impacts associated with your proposed conditional use. In order to stay on schedule for the October 9, 1995, PEC meeting, please provide the above requested information no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 25, 1995. Sincerely, Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc: Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen L-f tl e EXHIBIT D - 7 paf MEMORANDUM PLE COPY TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 27, 1995 SUBJECT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core I Zone District to be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margaretta B. Parks, represented by Glen Heelan Planner: Jim Curnutte I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Glen Heelan, on behalf of the building owner, has requested PEC approval of a Conditional Use Permit in order to construct a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core I (CCI) Zone District, to be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the recently approved new Serrano's Building, located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road. The Town of Vail Municipal Code defines a quasi - public use differently from a use that is entirely private or public. For the PEC's information, the code defines these uses as follows: Private - "Private" means a use, area, property or facility which is not public. (Ord. 21(1994), § 5.) - Public - "Public" means a use, area, property or facility which: A. Is owned and operated by a governmental entity, and functions or is available for use by all persons whether with or without charge; or B. Is owned or operated by a person or entity other than a governmental entity, and functions or is available for use by all persons without charge. (Ord. 21(1994) § 6.) - Quasi - Public - "Quasi- public" means a use which is characterized by its availability to the public, with or without cost, but which is conducted by an entity, organizatiooD._j persorvff not a goyZrnmental entity. (Ord. 2;.(k94) �.,,n A "quasi- public club" is not specifically listed as a permitted or conditional use in the CCI Zone District. Near the end of the list of conditional uses, however, is a statement which allows for "additional uses determined to be similar to the permitted and conditional uses described above." Staff has determined that the proposed quasi - public club is "similar" to two of the eating and drinking establishments listed as conditional uses (above the 2nd floor) in the CCI Zone District. These uses are "cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants." Since staff has determined that these uses are similar to the proposed quasi - public club, the applicant has proceeded to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally, staff will use these categories in order to determine the parking requirement for the club. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 YqMe.� jJfdJn more detail in Section Heel an, recently received PEC approval (Marchr13 9)95)tt II demolish the the existing Serrano's Glen Building and replace it with a new structure. The approved uses on the 3rd floor of the new building include two offices and a portion of a residential condominium. The remainder of the condominium would be located on the fourth floor of the building. The new concept is to use the 3rd and 4th floors exclusively for a quasi - public club. The club owners will be offering their members not only the traditional ski storage (in the basement), but also areas of comfort and relaxation together with an array of services. The applicant has indicated that club members would have the ability to ski down to the base of the mountain, give their skiis to the ski valet, and enter the club. Here they would have the luxury of taking off their boots, sitting down by the fireplace in a quiet atmosphere to relax in the comfort of their "mountain living room." They might enjoy the refreshment of their choice, make a couple of phone calls, check the stock market, send a fax, hold a meeting or host a dinner party for their family, friends, or business associates. It is anticipated that the 3rd floor of the building would be used for: A. Personal lockers, steam room and showers (similar to a private golf club where bags are stored elsewhere); B. Office space for building and club operations; C. Lounge area where members could have a drink, make a call, send a fax; and D. Up to three meeting and /or dining rooms. The 4th floor is anticipated to be the "living room on the mountain." This is an area where members could sit by the fire and relax, meet with friends and family, have an appetizer and a drink. This Conditional Use Permit request does not involve any exterior changes to the previously approved building. The original approval of the Serrano's redevelopment included a restaurant and a "private club" on the 2nd floor of the building. The applicant has indicated that that portion of the 2nd floor currently labeled as private club, will be used as additional dining for the 2nd floor restaurant. Since this entire area was calculated as a restaurant for parking purposes, there will be no additional impacts associated with the proposed change in use. BACKGROUND On March 13, 1995, Glen Heelan, the project developer, received PEC approval to demolish the existing Serrano's Building and replace it with a new structure. (Please see attachment #1, site plan, elevation drawings and floor plans of the approved building). The building program included: • Commercial uses and a potential nightclub in the basement. • Retail uses on the 1st floor. • Restaurant uses on the 2nd floor. • Two offices and a portion of a condominium on the 3rd floor. • The remainder of the condominium on the 4th floor. f:\ everyone \Dec \memos \serranos.n27 2 In addition to these uses, walkway and landscape improvements on the north, east and south sides of the building were approved, as well as a 2nd floor outdoor dining deck over the Hansen Ranch Road right -of -way. To accomplish the above described proposal, a CCI Major Exterior Alteration and the following variances were required: A setback variance for an 11 -foot encroachment into the 30 -foot stream setback for Mill Creek (for the basement floor only); 2. A variance for common area of 78.9% (35% is allowed by zoning). Also, the following two conditional use permits were required: 1. An outdoor dining deck on the second floor; and 2. Office space on the third floor. The project was reviewed and ultimately approved by the Vail Town Council and the Design Review Board in the Spring of 1995. Although the applicant had intended to demolish the existing structure and begin construction of the new building in the spring of 1995, he was not able to adhere to that schedule and demolition /construction has been delayed until the spring of 1996. In the meantime, the applicant has reconsidered the previously approved uses of the 3rd and 4th floors of the building. On October 9, 1995, a worksession was held with the PEC to discuss this Conditional Use Permit request. At that time, the applicant had intended to have the club be a "private" club. The PEC was not receptive to the idea of a private club in the Village and the negative precedent that may set and directed the applicant to explore other options. In response to that direction, the applicant has amended the intended operations of the club so that the club would now be open to the public (see attachment #2 for floor plans of the club). The applicant has indicated that the public would be able to avail themselves of a number of options related to club services. For example,the public could rent ski lockers in the club on a seasonal basis, pay a daily, weekly or monthly access fee to use all, or a portion of, the club amenities, or pay a full membership fee and accompanying annual dues. The applicant has also pointed out that the liquor license associated with this club will be the same as those granted to public restaurants and will not be a private liquor license. On November 13, 1995, the PEC tabled this application and requested that the Town Attorney provide a written opinion on the applicant's right to apply for the requested Conditional Use Permit. See attached copy of the Town Attorney's response to the PEC request. Ill. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 3 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff's B=an - Staff is in support of the proposed use of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building as a quasi - public club. It would appear that the club has the potential to provide more activity and interest in the Village than would be provided by one residential dwelling unit and two office spaces. Additionally, staff believes that the proposed Conditional Use Permit request would serve to carry out the following goals, policies and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan: 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of a new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial in -fill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.4.2 Policy: Activity that provides night life and evening entertainment for both the guests and the community shall be encouraged. 2.5 Objective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. In the CCI Zone District, "meeting rooms" may be approved, as a Conditional Use, only in the basement or garden level and on the 2nd level of a building: They are not allowed, as a permitted or conditional use, on the 1st floor or street level or any level of a building above the 2nd floor. Since the applicant's request includes the proposed use of a portion of the 3rd floor for meeting and /or dining rooms, staff was concerned with authorizing a use which is specifically prohibited on this level of a building in the CCI Zone District. The applicant has responded to staff's concern by committing that the meeting rooms will be used solely by club members, and therefore, can be considered as accessory to the functions of the quasi - public club. The club members, as a group, will not rent the . rooms to the general public. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. f: \everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 4 taff Response - Staff believes that the proposed change in use from residential and office use to a quasi - public club will have no negative effect on any of the above listed criteria. 3. Effect upon traffic,with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff Response - Staff believes that the proposed change in use from residential and office use to a quasi - public club will have no negative effect on any of the above listed criteria. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff Response - As mentioned previously, there will be no external changes made in conjunction with this proposed change in approved uses of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building. Therefore, there will be no changes in the scale and bulk of the building previously reviewed and approved by the PEC, Town Council and Design Review Board. With regard to the change in use and its effect on the character of the area, staff believes that the proposed change from one large residential condominium unit and two small office spaces, to a quasi - public club, could have the effect of providing more activity and therefore a livelier feel to the Village, which is a goal of the Town. B. Findinas The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit _section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. C. Additional Criteria for consideration of Conditional Use Permit aRpiications in the CCI Zone District In addition to the standard Conditional Use Permit Criteria and Findings listed in f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 5 paragraphs A and B above, applications for a Conditional Use Permit within the CC I Zone District must address the following additional development factors: Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I District; Sta_ ff Red nse - The proposed change of approved uses on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building, from a dwelling unit and office space to a quasi - public club, would not appear to have a negative effect on vehicular traffic in the CC I Zone District. The loading and delivery traffic associated with the club will be accommodated by the same loading and delivery vehicles associated with the restaurant already approved on the second level of the building and should not result in additional traffic impacts. 2. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 District; Sta__ ff Response - The proposed change in use would not appear to cause a reduction, or increase, in vehicular traffic in the CCI Zone District. 3. Reduction of nonessential off - street parking; Staff Response - The proposed change in use would not reduce, or increase non - essential off - street parking. There is currently no off - street parking associated with this property. 4. Control of delivery, pick -up and service vehicles; Staff Response - As mentioned in staff's response to criteria #1 above, staff believes that there will be no increase in the number of delivery, pick- up or service vehicles associated with the proposed club. The food and beverage elements associated with the club appear to be minimal and can be accommodated through the deliveries that would already occur in relation to the restaurant on the 2nd level. 5. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians; Staf- f Response - The proposed quasi - public club will have no effect, Positive or negative, on public spaces for use by pedestrians. 6. Continuance of the various commercial, residential, and public uses in Commercial Core I District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; Staff Res nse - Staff believes that the proposed quasi - public club use would continue the various commercial and public uses in the CC I Zone District. Approval of the club would displace the previously approved dwelling unit from the property, however, since the Serrano's Building does not currently have a dwelling unit in it, (only an approval for one large condominium to be built), the proposed club will not change the existing character of the area. In staff's opinion, the replacement of the approved condominium unit with a club is a positive change, as it would appear to offer the opportunity to provide a more active and lively feel to the Village, and to provide additional services and amenities for the Town's guests. f: \everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 6 7. Controi quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Core 1 District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; Staff Res onse - The applicant has stated that no exterior changes will be made to the building in association with the proposed club. Staff was concerned however, that depending on the scope of the food service element of the private club, it may be necessary to add additional mechanical equipment related to any new or expanded kitchen area. In response to this concern, the applicant has assured staff that all food preparation activities associated with the club will be handled in the kitchen of the restaurant, located on the 2nd floor of the building. 8. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of Commercial Core I District. Staff Response - Staff believes that none of the elements listed above will be a concern related to the proposed club use of the 3rd and 4th floor, with the possible exception of noise. This issue was a concern during the initial discussion of the building's redevelopment, related to the possible bar use in the building. The solution to that discussion was that noise levels will be adequately addressed through the Town's existing noise ordinances, and staff believes those measures are appropriate for the proposed club as well. IV. ,STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the Criteria and Findings outlined for review of Conditional Use Permit applications in the CCI Zone District, staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a quasi - public club on the 3rd and 4th levels of the Serrano's Building. Staff recommends that the following conditions be attached to the conditional use permit approval of the club: As mentioned previously, the original approval of the Serrano's redevelopment application included a Conditional Use Permit for two office spaces on the 3rd floor. With the club's Conditional Use Permit application, the only office use occurring on the 3rd or 4th floors will be offices used by employees and staff for "building and club operations." The applicant has stated that this office space will not be rented to outside parties. The staff recommends that since the office Conditional Use Permit granted in the sprin of 199 longerr �sary it shall be consider ull a voi o e aq al of then "Club" Cd itsadtiion�dl.Use er�i i 2. Once final floor plan drawings are provided for staff review, a parking analysis will be performed in order to determine if there is an incremental parking demand associated with the proposed quasi - public club, as compared to the previously approved commercial office and residential uses on the 3rd and 4th levels of the building. Upon completion of the parking analysis, a parking pay -in -lieu fee may, be determined. This fee must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project. ,\ _ Please note that, un-Zru Section 18.60.080 (Permit ApprovaTINITT*Effect) of-me Town of Vail v Municipal Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued until completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.nl3 7 EXHIBIT E - 1 page June 21, 1996 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Dear Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi- Public Club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary L�rt ficate of Occupancy is issued. scus To o L Buildin eent has requested a ruling fr CBO with respect to certain aspects of d flo n. t is my u andi that earlier today, Dan Stanek received information from IC t a requires a change of design to the third floor. I would like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event Riva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently $179,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with Mr. McLaurin, we believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing sales taxes generated by a commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooses to include us in any improvements to the current parking pay -in -lieu ordinance. If Pan provide any further assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. Xncer, n S E M P l E 7XHIBIT F - 1 page i I 1406 Larimer Square, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 j A Projessioncl Corporation o(Archrtects and Designers Phone 303 - 571.4137 Fax 303 - 571 -0403 TOTAL P.03 a R O W N R O 8 E R T S /AIL VILLAGE. GLI35 PROJECT I NO. t'�yEMB1Js = 4,t4� groom S�. DATE lire: hani�i %leriCa� ®3805. - 300 = 2 lackeys /s hauler -s 2, 3 s. F 50 F�-i :ac'i 5ubtOtal ocGupar;+r-1 TELECON OtFZST F Cfz = 3,86`l9ress ��: CONFER O 2,944 net :a.r. r MEMO O j bar area (9 90Cs. ;. l� �Q- INFO ❑ subtotal OCCuUpan -s 128 r = -5/66Z s,p, 9 Toss 2)4 5 G net 5A PARTICIPANTS k; �Ghen back qtr 200 = 5 s�fotaJ occupa nts oAr;c -es 272 5,P. 100 L i n;n�5 / f oun5e- 1,7q¢ s.'. 15 /20 Sub1'oi -ai occuj�an`�s �z� �OUR�M r (ADS = it 5 (04'- gross s.n. !, R 74- nef sA IOU noc, ! ` Q-7 4 9.�-, G5 COPY: tetcz u fS ' PARTICIPANTS ❑ PM ❑ TOTAL 4� OF 6::,"-4A PAJT5 48� ORIG.TO CENTRAL FILE ❑ i I 1406 Larimer Square, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 j A Projessioncl Corporation o(Archrtects and Designers Phone 303 - 571.4137 Fax 303 - 571 -0403 TOTAL P.03 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 10, 1997 SUBJECT: An appeal of three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica/Tom Moorhead SUBJECT PROPERTY The Vail Village Club is located at 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. This building was formerly referred to as Cyrano's. II. PLANNING and ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Section 18.66.030 B,1 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Authority, the Planning and Environmental Commission has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respect to the provisions of the Zoning Code. III. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuant to Sections 18.66.030 B, 2 and 3 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Initiation and Procedures, there are three basic criteria for an adequate appeal: standing of the appellant; adequacy of the notice of appeal; and timeliness of the notice of appeal. A. Standing of the Appellant The appellant has standing to appeal the staff's decisions related to the construction of the Vail Village Club. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the developer of the building and the lessee. The owner of the property is Margretta B. Parks. B. Adequacy of the Notice of Appeal The application for this appeal was filed by Glenn Heelan (Riva Ridge Partners 6 *VAIL TOWN O LLC) on September 15, 1997. The application has been determined to be complete by the Department of Community Development. C. Timeliness of the Notice of Appeal The Administration Section of the Town's Zoning Code (18.66.030 B, 3 - Procedures) states the following: "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Director of Community Development or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within ten calendar days of the decision becoming final. If the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a Town of Vail observed holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next business day. The Administrator's decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting, following the Administrator's decision, unless the decision is called -up and modified by the Board or Commission." On October 13, 1997, the staff recommended that the Planning & Environmental Commission reject the appellants appeal. The staff believed that the appellants did not file a timely appeal, and therefore the appeal had no basis. The staff recommendation was that the Planning and Environmental Commision reject the appellants appeal and that the PEC find that the appeal was not filed in a timely manner, as required by Section 18.66.030 B, 3 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Procedures. On October 13, 1997, the Planning & Environmental Commission passed a motion (by a vote of 4 -2, with Bishop and Golden opposed) that the appeal not be considered valid due the timeliness issue. On October 14, 1997, the Town Council, during the PEC Report, called -up this item for review. On October 21, 1997, the Town Council (by a vote of 4 -2, with Ford and Kurtz opposed) overturned the PEC decision on the timeliness issue and remanded the appeal back to the PEC. IV. NATURE OF THE APPEALS On September 15, 1997, Glenn Heelan (Riva Ridge Partners LLC) and Margretta B. Parks submitted formal appeals to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. The nature of the appeals are generally described below, and a copy of the Appeal Form is attached as Exhibit A. The appellant is appealing the following three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; K 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. The appellant's statements as to the specific nature of the appeals are attached as Exhibit B, and include two letters from Mr. Glenn Heelan to Mr. Mike Mollica (dated September 15, 1997 and July 1, 1997) and a letter dated July 30, 1997 from Mr. Eric Torgersen, with Holley, Albertson & Polk, P. C to Mr. Mike Mollica. V. REQUIRED ACTION Uphold /Overturn /Modify the three staff interpretations. According to Section 18.66.030 B, 5 Appeal of Administrative Actions - Findings, "the Planning and Environmental Commission shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met." The appellant is requesting that the Planning and Environmental Commission review the following three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments ". Background: • On September 21, 1995, Jim Curnutte, then Senior Planner for the Town, wrote the following to Mr. Glenn Heelan: "As you know, a "private club" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. Staff has determined, however, that your proposed use is "similar" to two of the "eating and drinking establishments" listed as conditional uses (above the second floor) in the CC1 Zone District. These uses are "cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants." For your information, these will also be the categories used to determine the parking requirement for the club." (emphasis added) A copy of this letter is attached to this memorandum as Exhibit C. • On November 27, 1995, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. The club was proposed to be located on the third and fourth floors of the Cyrano's Building. It should be noted that the staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission contained language identical to that contained in the 3 September 21, 1995 letter from Jim Curnutte to Glenn Heelan. A copy of this staff memorandum is included as Exhibit D. Staff Response: Again, the staff's classification of use (to operate a quasi - public club) on the third and fourth floors of the structure, was made as early as September 1995. Further, during the staff and the PEC's review of the conditional use permit for the quasi - public club (November 1995), both the staff and the PEC determined that the quasi - public club was similar in nature to "eating and drinking establishments," as identified in Section 18.52.100 C, 5 of the Town Zoning Code. The staff continues to believe that "eating and drinking establishments" is the appropriate designation for the quasi - public club use. 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (specifically, Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; Background: • On March 26, 1996, an application for a building permit to construct the Vail Village Club was made to the Town of Vail's Department of Community Development. The staff's initial calculations for the parking pay -in -lieu requirement was determined during late March of 1996, utilizing the building permit drawings submitted by Semple Brown Roberts, Architects, dated March 18, 1996. • A June 21, 1996 letter from Glenn Heelan to Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development (attached as Exhibit E), in part, states: "Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC, that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a quasi - public club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary of Certificate of Occupancy is issued." • On July 24, 1996, a building permit was issued for the construction of the Vail Village Club. This building permit included 13 conditions. Condition #3, which is relevant to this appeal, reads as follows: "The parking pay -in -lieu fee shall be paid to the Town prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. See Glenn Heelan's letter of June 21, 1996 to Mike Mollica, [Exhibit E] for details." 4 Staff Response: According to Section 18.52.100 C (Parking- Requirements Schedule), the uses in the Vail Village Club include retail stores (assessed at 1.0 space per each 300 square feet of net floor area), other professional and business offices (assessed at 1.0 space per each 250 square feet of net floor area) and eating and drinking establishments (assessed at 1.0 space per each eight seats, based on seating capacity or Building Code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive). Due to the level of detail involved in the staff's parking analysis, the staff will provide the 1/4" = 1' floor plans for the Planning and Environmental Commission's review at the hearing. In summary, the staff's calculations are as follows: Retail = 3,594 sq. ft. = 11.98 parking spaces Office = 94 sq. ft. = 0.376 parking spaces Restaurant/Club = 5,717 sq. ft. = 47.64 parking spaces Total = 59.996 parking spaces -27 ( arandfathered spaces)* Grand Total = 32.996 parking spaces pay -in -lieu *Note: The 27 "grandfathered spaces" are those spaces which are considered pre- existing, based upon the prior uses in the old Cyrano's Building. Therefore, 32.996 parking spaces x $16,333.38 results in a total parking pay -in -lieu fee of $538,936.20. It should be noted that the $16,333.38 fee per parking space is the 1996 pay -in -lieu rate. Although the pay -in -lieu fee has yet to be paid for the Vail Village Club, the Town has agreed to apply the 1996 rate to this project. The 1997 rate is $16,905.05. Note: the pay -in -lieu fee was set by the Vail Town Council, pursuent to Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1994. The appellant had requested that the staff calculate the parking requirement for the entire structure based upon the Uniform Building Code's determination of occupant load. Although this is not the staff's normal procedure for determining a structure's parking requirement, we did complete that analysis. An independent analysis was completed by Mr. Art Hoagland, ICBO Certified Building Official. Mr. Hoagland has determined that the occupant load for the Vail Village Club is 483 persons. This figure does not include the additional 10% allowance per Section 25.114, B of the Uniform Fire Code. This 10% allowance can be approved by the Fire Chief, when additional exit facilities are provided. Per the Town's parking requirement of 1.0 space per each 8 seats, 483 persons divided by 8 = 60.375 parking spaces. This is 0.379 spaces more than the staff calculation. 5 Further, upon review of the Town's building permit file for the Vail Village Club, staff has located an occupant load determination provided by the appellant's architect, Semple Brown Roberts (Denver, Colorado). This analysis indicates an occupant load of 484 persons. The Semple Brown Roberts analysis is attached as Exhibit F. 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. Staff Response: This issue will be addressed by Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney, at the Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission uphold the three staff interpretations that the appellant is contesting. In accordance with the information presented in this memorandum, and the exhibits attached hereto, staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the Community Development Department staff, and the Planning and Environmental Commission, have appropriately classified the quasi - public club, located on the third and fourth floors of the Vail Village Club, as an "eating and drinking establishment "; 2. That the Community Development Department staff has appropriately applied Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirement Schedule and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) during their review of the building permit floor plans for the Vail Village Club; and 3. That the Town Attorney has appropriately required the applicant to sign the parking pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. F:\ EVERYONE \PEC \MEMOS \97\VVCLUB.N10 TON Exhibit A - 3 Pages APPEALS FORM FT REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A. ACTION /DECISION BEING APPEALED: A. The interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 100 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu Fees of $571,341.68 being assessed against The Vail Village Club Building at 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado. B. The requirement that the Applicant sign the promissory note personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. C. The classfication of the 3rd /4th floors Club facilities as eating and drinking establishments. B. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: June 17, 1997 (per Mike Mol.lica's letter) C. NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Mike Mollica, Ass't Director of Community Development; Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney D. NAME OF APPELLANT(S): Riva Ridge Partners LLC; Glenn M. Heelan; Margr.etta B. Parks MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 5770, Avon, CO 81620 PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL: 333 Bridge Street LEGAL DESCRIPTIOIjYOF%APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL 1st Filing / /�• V v1 ��li( , E vim. SIGNATURE(S): Pagel of 2 HONE: 949 -6277 Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village .F4%— F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? yes If yes, please provide the following infonnation: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes no X If no, give a detailed (-;:planation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Glenn M. Heelan is the Applicant for the exterior alterations. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the developer of the building and the Lessee of the property from Margretta B. Parks under the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement. Margretta B. Parks is the owner of the property. G. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) of all owners of property which are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right -of -way, stream, or other intervening barriers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. H. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. I. FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of 2 TORN 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 21381479 -2139 FAX 970 - 479 -2452 June 17, 1997 Glenn Heelan Charles Davison c/o Riva Ridge Partners, LLC P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Village Club - Parking Analysis Dear Glenn and Charlie: FLE COPY Department of Community Development "Thank you for submitting the final floor plans /seating Plans for the Vail Village Club. Based upon these drawings, I have recalculated the parking pay -in -lieu fee as follows: Restaurant /Club = 5,936 sq. ft. = 49.47 parking spaces 2. IzetaiI =_ 3. O ff ice = 3,704 sq. ft. = 12.35 parking spaces 39 sq. ft. = 0 16 narkint! snaccs 61.98 parking spaces - 2 =ran Ic t<ttl�crcc.� Grand Total 34.98 parking spaces Per your agreement with Bob MCLaUrin, Town Manager, parking spaces will be assessed at a rate of 516,333.38 per space (1996 pay -in -lieu figure). Therefore, the grand total for the Vail Village Club is $571,341.63. As previously agreed to by Bob McLaurin, a ten -year repayment period will be acceptable to the Town. Should this be your desired course of action, please let us know so that we can finalize the paperwork. As always, should you have any questions, or comments regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me directly at 479 -2144. Sincerely, Q Q Mrkc Moll ica Assistant Director of Community Development MM/jr xc: Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Steve Thompson ^' RECYCLEDPAPER EXHIBIT B - 6 pages September 15, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 r „r V RE: The Appeal of Staffs Interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 100 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu fees of $571,341.68 Dear Mr. Mollica, Enclosed please find the completed appeals form required for filing an appeal of a staff action. In reference to paragraph H of the appeals form we submit the following: Riva Ridge Partners LLC, Glenn M. Heelan, and Margretta B. Parks are appealing staffs interpretation and subsequent calculation of code section 18.52. 100 and 18.52.160. Staff s interpretations have resulted in classifying the 3rd and 4th Floors of The Vail Village Club Building located at 333 Bridge Street as a public eating and drinking establishment, with an accompanying assessment for pay in lieu parking fees in the amount of $571,341.68. In addition, staff has determined that in order to defer payment of the pay in lieu fees by the use of a promissory note, they will require that Riva Ridge Partners LLC (the developer) and one of it's managers guarantee the promissory note, and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. As addressed in the attached correspondence, the applicant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces being assessed against the property, the requirement that he sign personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property, and questions whether in fact, the 3rd and 4th Floors that have a conditional use of a quasi- public Club be classified as eating and drinking establishments. Pledse feel free to call with any questions or additional requirements you may i M. Heelan July 1, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Sent Via Facsimile Dear Mike, In our meeting yesterday, we discussed our confusion pertaining to the language of the zoning code relating to Off -Street Parking and Loading; specifically "18.52.100 Section C. Other Uses #5" as it relates to Eating and drinking establishments. As I stated, we interpret the section to read how many actual seats we have, as opposed to the building code occupancy standards which are measured by occupant load factors per square foot. At your suggestion I will ask Tom Moorehead and my attorney to clarify the section. If, after further clarification, it is agreed that the number of seats and the resulting parking fees are determined by the square footage of the various uses; then, we still have questions regarding the actual number of square feet being calculated, mostly as it pertains to the bar on the first floor, and the Club areas on the third and fourth floors. Therefore, we would appreciate the opportunity to revisit the parking requirements as soon as we are able to obtain the clarification from our respective attorneys. At that time, we will also provide the final "remarked" drawings that represent what is actually being built in the building. I look d to hearing from Mr. Moorehead and bringing this issue to a close as soo s po ible. Sin , enn M. Heelan cc: Charles W. Davison HOLLEY, ALBERTSON & POLK, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW DENVER WEST OFFICE PARK SUITE 100, BUILDING 19 1667 COLE BLVD. GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 GEORGE ALAN HOLLEY SCOTT D.ALBERTSON DENNIS B. POLK ERIC E. TORGERSEN THOMAS A. WALSH HOWARD R. STONE July 30, 1997 BY TELECOPIER AND FIRST -CLASS MAIL PHONE (303) 233 -7838 FAX (303) 233 -2860 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Vail Village Club, 298 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado (the "Property ") Dear Mr. Mollica: This firm represents Riva Ridge Partners LLC in connection with the above - referenced matter. We are in receipt of a copy of your June 17, 1997, letter concerning the payment of fees in lieu of parking for the redevelopment of The Vail Village Club. The purpose of this letter is to set forth our client's position with regard to those fees in lieu of parking. It is our client's position, based upon Chapter 18.52 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance, that the Town has calculated an excessive fee in lieu of parking for the re- development of The Vail Village Club. Our analysis is based upon the following: 1. It is our understanding that the Property was previously allocated 27 parking spaces, as computed pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. It is our further understanding that our client would receive credit for these pre- existing parking spaces in connection with the re- development of the Property, and would be obligated to pay only the difference between the number of parking spaces as determined for The Vail Village Club and the original (in this instance 27) parking spaces attributable to the Property.. Based upon our review of your June 17, 1997, letter, the Town has followed this analysis as well. Thus, although this letter will not discuss our client's position on whether the Town is entitled to collect any fees in lieu of parking, or the amount per space of that fee, our client's primary position in this letter is that the Town has computed an excessive fee based upon the number of parking spaces attributable to The Vail Village Club as re- developed. Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 2. 2. It appears that the fees in lieu of parking for The Vail Village Club are set forth in § 18.52.160.B, which provides in relevant part: In Commercial Core I and Commercial Core II property owners or applicants shall be required to contribute to the Town Parking Fund, hereby established, for the purpose of meeting the demand and requirements for vehicle parking. At such time as any property owner or other applicant proposes to develop or redevelop a parcel of property within an exempt area which would require parking and /or loading areas, the owner or applicant shall pay to the Town the parking fee hereinafter required. 2. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant shall be determined by the Town Council. 5. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant is hereby determined to be fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) per space. This fee shall be automatically increased annually by the percentage the Consumer Price Index of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. 6. For additions or enlargements of any existing building or change of use that would increase the total number of parking spaces required, an additional parking fee will be required only for such addition, enlargement or change and not for the entire building or use. Zoning Ordinance 5 18.52.160.B. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club is situated within the Commercial Core I area of the Town of Vail, and according to the Zoning Ordinance must contribute to the Town Parking Fund. It does not appear that § 18.52.160.B fixes the number of parking spaces which would be attributable to a re- development. Therefore, we assume that the number of parking spaces (used to determine the pay in lieu fee) is determined from the specific parking requirement schedule set forth in 5 18.52.100. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club will be confined to some retail, personal service and repair shops, and some restaurant/ club, and a small portion (under 100 square feet) Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 3. dedicated to office. According to § 18.52.100, parking spaces for those uses are determined as follows: C. Other Uses. 4. Retain Store, Personal Services and Repair Shops 1.0 space per each 300 feet of net floor space 5. Eating and Drinking Establishments 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive § (emphasis added). Under § 18.52.100.C., parking spaces required for retail use are determined based upon one space per 300 square feet of net. floor space. For eating and drinking establishments, such as the club portion of The Vail Village Club, the parking requirement is 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive; however, it does not appear that this provision permits the determination of parking requirements based upon square feet of net floor space, as done for retail establishments. This parking requirement appears to be consistent with the intent of the ordinance to require off street parking in the amount actually needed by the development. This would explain why the Zoning Ordinance determines necessary parking for a retail establishment based on net floor space, while a restaurant use is based upon seating capacity. Based upon our review, it appears that the fee -in -lieu of parking must be determined based upon the number of off street parking spaces which the Town could require pursuant to § 18.52.100 of the zoning ordinance. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club and restaurants will have a maximum of 210 seats, which is less than the maximum number permitted under the applicable building code. Therefore, it would appear that the number of off - street parking spaces which could be required for the restaurant /club would be 26.25, i.e., 210 divided by 8, rather than 49.47 as calculated by the Town based upon net floor space. It is our client's position that the Zoning Ordinance limits the fees in lieu of parking to an amount equal to the per space fee multiplied by the number of parking spaces which could be required under § 18.52.100. Assuming the accuracy of the Town's net floor space calculations, it is our client's position that the number of parking spaces should be determined as follows: � a � Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 4. 1. Restaurant /Club = 210 Seats 2. Retail = 3,704 Square Feet 3. ' Office = 39 Square Feet TOTAL Minus Net Z = 26.25 Parking Spaces = 12.35 Parking Spaces = 0.16 Parking Spaces 38.76 Parking Spaces 27 (Grandfathered) :)tal 11.76 Finally, it is our client's position that assuming a parking fee of $16,333.38 per space, the parking fee for The Vail Village Club should be $192,080.55. Our client requests that the Town reconsider its computation of the fees in lieu of parking and advise our client as to whether the Town will change its position from your June 17, 1997, letter, - that the parking fee for The Vail Village Club is $571,341.63,' rather than $192,080.55, as our client suggests. In this regard,,- our client would be available to discuss this matter with you at greater length, if that would serve to clarify their position on the fees in lieu of parking. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your professional courtesies in this regard. EET /db cc: Glenn M. Heelan Sincerely, HOLLEY, ALBERTSQM-& POLK, P.C. Eric E. Torgersen TOWN OF VAIL L% 75 South Frontage Road Dail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 21381479 -2139 FAX 970 - 479 -2452 September 21, 1995 Mr. Glenn M. Heelan P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 EXHIBIT C - 2 PAGE; Department of Community Development RE: Application for a Conditional Use Permit for the Serrano's Building, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Mr. Heelan: I have completed a review of your recently submitted conditional use permit application to operate a private club on the third and fourth floors of the Serrano's Building, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st filing. Additional information must be provided in order for staff to ade re ue�s t,\ Pl/ respond to - As you know, a 'Private Club" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the Commercial Core •I (CCI) zone district. Staff has determined, however, that your proposed use is "similar" to two of the "eating and drinking establishments" listed as conditional uses (above the second floor) in the CCI zone district. These uses are " Cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants ". For your information, these will also be the categories used to determine the parking requirement for the club. -- --Sn-e;;e2` toNazLjew� t e pa c i cts � yam- r6posecTuse, and as required in Sec n III (3) of the Conditional Use Permit application requirements, please provide detailed floor plans which indicate the layout.of all proposed uses on the third and fourth floors of the building. - Your application states that no exterior changes will be made to the building. However, depending on the scope of the food service element of your proposal, it would appear that additional mechanical equipment may be necessary. Please provide a detailed description of how private dinner parties, meeting /dining rooms, additional food prep. areas, bars, kitchens, etc. will be handled. *W OW, RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Glenn M. Heelan Page 2 - In the Commercial Core I Zone District "meeting rooms" may be approved, as a conditional use permit, only in the basement or garden level and on the second level of a building. They are not allowed, as a permitted or conditional use, on the first floor or street level or on any level of a building above the second floor. It would appear from your application description that the meeting /dining rooms will be used solely by club members, and therefore considered as accessory to the functions of the club. However, we must receive a more detailed explanation of their intended use. The club members, as a group, cannot rent the rooms to the general public. - how will the area on the second floor of the building, currently labeled "The Private Club ", be affected by your proposed use? - Please provide a more detailed description of the "office space for building and club operations" as described in your application. As mentioned previously, staff believes that additional information is necessary in order to fully understand all possible impacts associated with your proposed conditional use. In order to stay on schedule for the October 9, 1995, PEC meeting, please provide the above requested information no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 25, 1995. Sincerely, Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc: Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen L--fn e EXHIBIT D - 7 pag MEMORANDUM PLE COPY TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 27, 1995 SUBJECT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core I Zone District to be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Margaretta B. Parks, represented by Glen Heelan Planner: Jim Curnutte I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Glen Heelan, on behalf of the building owner, has requested PEC approval of a Conditional Use Permit in order to construct a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core I (CCI) Zone District, to be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the recently approved new Serrano's Building, located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road. The Town of Vail Municipal Code defines a quasi - public use differently from a use that is entirely private or public. For the PEC's information, the code defines these uses as follows: - Private - "Private" means a use, area, property or facility which is not public. (Ord. 21(1994), § 5.) - Public - "Public" means a use, area, property or facility which: A. Is owned and operated by a governmental entity, and functions or is available for use by all persons whether with or without charge; or B. Is owned or operated by a person or entity other than a governmental entity, and functions or is available for use by all persons without charge. (Ord. 21 (1994) § 6.) - Quasi - Public - "Quasi- public" means a use which is characterized by its availability to the public, with or without cost, but which is conducted by an entity, organizatioyr 9,persoryrrMt not a go��rnmental entity. (Ord. 2i41:�94) A "quasi- public club" is not specifically listed as a permitted or conditional use in the CCI Zone District. Near the end of the list of conditional uses, however, is a statement which allows for "additional uses determined to be similar to the permitted and conditional uses described above." Staff has determined that the proposed quasi - public club is "similar" to two of the eating and drinking establishments listed as conditional uses (above the 2nd floor) in the CCI Zone District. These uses are "cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants." Since staff has determined that these uses are similar to the proposed quasi - public club, the applicant has proceeded to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally, staff will use these categories in order to determine the parking requirement for the club. n f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 YqMe� d n more detail in Section II (Background) Heel an, recently received PEC approval (Marc 13 1995)tt f demol soh the existing Serrano's Glen Building and replace it with a new structure. The approved uses on the 3rd floor of the new building include two offices and a portion of a residential condominium. The remainder of the condominium would be located on the fourth floor of the building. The new concept is to use the 3rd and 4th floors exclusively for a quasi - public club. The club owners will be offering their members not only the traditional ski storage (in the basement), but also areas of comfort and relaxation together with an array of services. The applicant has indicated that club members would have the ability to ski down to the base of the mountain, give their skiffs to the ski valet, and enter the club. Here they would have the luxury of taking off their boots, sitting down by the fireplace in a quiet atmosphere to relax in the comfort of their "mountain living room." They might enjoy the refreshment of their choice, make a couple of phone calls, check the stock market, send a fax, hold a meeting or host a dinner party for their family, friends, or business associates. It is anticipated that the 3rd floor of the building would be used for: A. Personal lockers, steam room and showers (similar to a private golf club where bags are stored elsewhere); B. Office space for building and club operations; C. Lounge area where members could have a drink, make a call, send a fax; and D. Up to three meeting and /or dining rooms. The 4th floor is anticipated to be the "living room on the mountain." This is an area where members could sit by the fire and relax, meet with friends and family, have an appetizer and a drink. This Conditional Use Permit request does not involve an exterior changes to the previously approved building. The original approval of the Serrano's redevelopment included a restaurant and a "private club" on the 2nd floor of the building. The applicant has indicated that that portion of the 2nd floor currently labeled as private club, will be used as additional dining for the 2nd floor restaurant. Since this entire area was calculated as a restaurant for parking purposes, there will be no additional impacts associated with the proposed change in use. Il. BACKGROUND On March 13, 1995, Glen Heelan, the project developer, received PEC approval to demolish the existing Serrano's Building and replace it with a new structure. (Please see attachment #1, site plan, elevation drawings and floor plans of the approved building). The building program included: • Commercial uses and a potential nightclub in the basement. • Retail uses on the 1st floor. • Restaurant uses on the 2nd floor. • Two offices and a portion of a condominium on the 3rd floor. • The remainder of the condominium on the 4th floor. f:\ everyone \Dec \memos \serranos.n27 2 In addition to these uses, walkway and landscape improvements on the north, east and south sides of the building were approved, as well as a 2nd floor outdoor dining deck over the Hansen Ranch Road right -of -way. To accomplish the above described proposal, a CCI Major Exterior Alteration and the following variances were required: A setback variance for an 11 -foot encroachment into the 30 -foot stream setback for Mill Creek (for the basement floor only); 2. A variance for common area of 78.9% (35% is allowed by zoning). Also, the following two conditional use permits were required: An outdoor dining deck on the second floor; and 2. Office space on the third floor. The project was reviewed and ultimately approved by the Vail Town Council and the Design Review Board in the Spring of 1995. Although the applicant had intended to demolish the existing structure and begin construction of the new building in the spring of 1995, he was not able to adhere to that schedule and demolition /construction has been delayed until the spring of 1996. In the meantime, the applicant has reconsidered the previously approved uses of the 3rd and 4th floors of the building. On October 9, 1995, a worksession was held with the PEC to discuss this Conditional Use Permit request. At that time, the applicant had intended to have the club be a "private" club. The PEC was not receptive to the idea of a private club in the Village and the negative precedent that may set and directed the applicant to explore other options. In response to that direction, the applicant has amended the intended operations of the club so that the club would now be open to the public (see attachment #2 for floor plans of the club). The applicant has indicated that the public would be able to avail themselves of a number of options related to club services. For example, the public could rent ski lockers in the club on a seasonal basis, pay a daily, weekly or monthly access fee to use all, or a portion of, the club amenities, or pay a full membership fee and accompanying annual dues. The applicant has also pointed out that the liquor license associated with this club will be the same as those granted to public restaurants and will not be a private liquor license. . On November 13, 1995, the PEC tabled this application and requested that the Town Attorney provide a written opinion on the applicant's right to apply for the requested Conditional Use Permit. See attached copy of the Town Attorney's response to the PEC request. III. CRfrERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 3 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff's Res onse - Staff is in support of the proposed use of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building as a quasi - public club. It would appear that the club has the potential to provide more activity and interest in the Village than would be provided by one residential dwelling unit and two office spaces. Additionally, staff believes that the proposed Conditional Use Permit request would serve to carry out the following goals, policies and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan: 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of a new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial in -fill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.4.2 Policy: Activity that provides night life and evening entertainment for both the guests and the community shall be encouraged. 2.5 Objective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. In the CCI Zone District, "meeting rooms" may be approved, as a Conditional Use, only in the basement or garden level and on the 2nd level of a building. They are not allowed, as a permitted or conditional use, on the 1st floor or street level or any level of a building above the 2nd floor. Since the applicant's request includes the proposed use of a portion of the 3rd floor for meeting and /or dining rooms, staff was concerned with authorizing a use which is specifically prohibited on this level of a building in the CCI Zone District. The applicant has responded to staff's concern by committing that the meeting rooms will be used solely by club members, and therefore, can be considered as accessory to the functions of the quasi - public club. The club members, as a group, will not rent the . rooms to the general public. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 1 4 Staff Response - Staff believes that the proposed change in use from residential and office use to a quasi - public club will have no negative effect on any of the above listed criteria. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff Response - Staff believes that the proposed change in use from residential and office use to a quasi - public club will have no negative effect on any of the above listed criteria. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff Response - As mentioned previously, there will be no external changes made in conjunction with this proposed change in approved uses of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building. Therefore, there will be no changes in the scale and bulk of the building previously reviewed and approved by the PEC, Town Council and Design Review Board. With regard to the change in use and its effect on the character of the area, staff believes that the proposed change from one large residential condominium unit and two small office spaces, to a quasi - public club, could have the effect of providing more activity and therefore a livelier feel to the Village, which is a goal of the Town. B. Findinas The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. C. Additional Criteria for consideration of Conditional Use Permit applications in the CCI Zone District In addition to the standard Conditional Use Permit Criteria and Findings listed in f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 5 paragraphs A and B above, applications for a Conditional Use Permit within the CC I Zone District must address the following additional development factors: 1. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I District; Staff Response - The proposed change of approved uses on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building, from a dwelling unit and office space to a quasi - public club, would not appear to have a negative effect on vehicular traffic in the CC I Zone District. The loading and delivery traffic associated with the club will be accommodated by the same loading and delivery vehicles associated with the restaurant already approved on the second level of the building and should not result in additional traffic impacts. 2. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 District; Staff Response - The proposed change in use would not appear to cause a reduction, or increase, in vehicular traffic in the CCI Zone District. 3. Reduction of nonessential off - street parking; Staff Response - The proposed change in use would not reduce, or increase non - essential off - street parking. There is currently no off - street parking associated with this property. 4. Control of delivery, pick -up and service vehicles; Staff Response - As mentioned in staff's response to criteria #1 above, staff believes that there will be no increase in the number of delivery, pick- up or service vehicles associated with the proposed club. The food and beverage elements associated with the club appear to be minimal and can be accommodated through the deliveries that would already occur in relation to the restaurant on the 2nd level. 5. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians; Staff Response - The proposed quasi - public club will have no effect, positive or negative, on public spaces for use by pedestrians. 6. Continuance of the various commercial, residential, and public uses in Commercial Core I District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; Staff Response - Staff believes that the proposed quasi - public club use would continue the various commercial and public uses in the CC I Zone District. Approval of the club would displace the previously approved dwelling unit from the property, however, since the Serrano's Building does not currently have a dwelling unit in it, (only an approval for one large condominium to be built), the proposed club will not change the existing character of the area. In staff's opinion, the replacement of the approved condominium unit with a club is a positive change, as it would appear to offer the opportunity to provide a more active and lively feel to the Village, and to provide additional services and amenities for the Town's guests. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 6 7. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Core 1 District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; Staff Response - The applicant has stated that no exterior changes will be made to the building in association with the proposed club. Staff was concerned however, that depending on the scope of the food service element of the private club, it may be necessary to add additional mechanical equipment related to any new or expanded kitchen area. In response to this concern, the applicant has assured staff that all food preparation activities associated with the club will be handled in the kitchen of the restaurant, located on the 2nd floor of the building. 8. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of Commercial Core I District. Staff Response - Staff believes that none of the elements listed above will be a concern related to the proposed club use of the 3rd and 4th floor, with the possible exception of noise. This issue was a concern during the initial discussion of the building's redevelopment, related to the possible bar use in the building. The solution to that discussion was that noise levels will be adequately addressed through the Town's existing noise ordinances, and staff believes those measures are appropriate for the proposed club as well. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the Criteria and Findings outlined for review of Conditional Use Permit applications in the CCI Zone District, staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a quasi - public club on the 3rd and 4th levels of the Serrano's Building. Staff recommends that the following conditions be attached to the conditional use permit approval of the club: As mentioned previously, the original approval of the Serrano's redevelopment application included a Conditional Use Permit for two office spaces on the 3rd floor. With the club's Conditional Use Permit application, the only office use occurring on the 3rd or 4th floors will be offices used by employees and staff for "building and club operations." The applicant has stated that this office space will not be rented to outside parties. The staff recommends that since the office Conditional Use Permit granted in the sprin of 199 longer sary it shall be consider ulI a voi o e ap al of then lub" C ition Us er, 2. Once final floor plan drawings are provided for staff review, a parking analysis will be performed in order to determine if there is an incremental parking demand associated with the proposed quasi - public club, as compared to the previously approved commercial office and residential uses on the 3rd and 4th levels of the building. Upon completion of the parking analysis, a parking pay -in -lieu fee may be determined. This fee must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit for 1 the project. P _ Or\ Please note that, un-CurSection 18.60.080 (Permit Approvar- MZ'Effect) ofT Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued until completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.nl3 7 EXHIBIT E - 1 page June 21, 1996 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Dear Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi - Public Club, wi11 be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. scus Build in epartment has requested a ruling fr CBO with respect to certain aspects of d flo n. t is my u andi that earlier today, Dan Stanek received information from IC t a requires a change of design to the third floor. I would like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event R.iva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently $179,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with Mr. McLaurin, we believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing sales taxes generated by a commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooses to include us in any improvements to the current parking pay -in -lieu ordinance. If Vcan provide any further assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. ;Glenn M. Heelan if 9,., L__� PROJECT ! NO. Mloo l l DATE Ft-7-1!; '-7, Iaa� TELECON ❑ CONFER ❑ MEMO O INFO ❑ PARTICIPANTS COPY: PARTICIPANTS ❑ PM ❑ 3,0 23 nce Z--' ❑ ORIG.TO CENTRAL FILE O S E M P L E 3 R 0 W N XHIBIT F - 1 page R O B E R T S ,VAIL VILLAGE. GLO5 f �E MEIJs = 4,t4� groom 15A 3,0 23 nce Z--' rne�harlj cctl /� feC ri Cal @ 380 s.k = 500 = 2 lockets /s1'1ocJers O 2,�3 s.-F; 50 _ - 53 5U&tO 0CCUPac:fs = .55 05T F GOP = re�n7i area, 900 subtotal occu/�ants -- 128 2)45(, k; + ail back if - dininf subfa+'a) Occupants 9 - 2,0�ia e+ S - 0PP;'cS 272 5.-P 100 3 di niT1a / loun5� 1, 7`! -5 - 15 a � 5u�"o�-ar Occu�an`t'S �z'J I i=OCJ� Fd r -CQ012 = ?, S f'4L ynss SA 'q 74- net 5A 1406 Larimer Square, Suitt 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 i AL � OF Gam,^ UPA1JTs - Z 484 A Professional Corporator, of Architects and Designers Phone 303 - 571.4137 Fax 303 - 571 -0403 TOTAL P.03 TOWN OF VAIL Office of the Town Manager 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 2105 /Fax 970 - 479 -2157 October 29, 1997 Glen M. Heelan Riva Ridge Partners LLC 110 East Beaver Creek Blvd. P. O. Drawer 5770 Avon, CO 81620 TM RE: Application for Partial Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Floors 1, 2, 3, and 4, the Vail Village Club Building, 333 Bridge Street, Vail, CO Dear Glen: I've been directed by Town Council to respond to your request addressed to me dated October 2' ), 1997. Your correspondence was provided to Town Council. At this time, I have been directed to inform you that any resolution or agreement must involve all issues, including those that are presently scheduled to be heard on your appeal before the Planning and Environmental Commission on November 10, 1997. Additionally, the Town Council has directed me to inform you that it will be necessary to provide security adequate to guarantee payment of the outstanding balance. We will evaluate any suggestions that you might have to provide such security. It is clear that a deed of trust on the property in question would be the most readily acceptable. Myself and Tom Moorhead continue to be willing to meet with you and discuss these issues in an attempt to bring them to a mutually beneficial resolution. Please feel free to call me or Tom. Very truly yours, Robert W. McLaurin Town Manager RWM /mc xc: Vail Town Council Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney 4—Mike Mollica, Community Development LaRECYCLEUPAPER Mot, ;el, dFc- , all ®�C ,�. o-� z,-, `e 7/, - _ She rr-� .-_ , 7f Qom-. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1997 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NOTE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. NOTE: MEET AT THE RED LION AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE BACK ROOM! 1. Site Visit and Discussion of Loading and Delivery. (1 hr., 30 mins.) Bob McLaurin Larry Grafel ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve the schedule and ground Greg Morrison rules for the development of short-term and long -term solutions for Greg Hall loading and delivery in Vail Village (problem statement approved by Suzanne Silverthorn Council previously). Also, participate in today's brainstorming discussion Dick Bauman regarding the proposal to ban deliveries by large trucks, along with other Jennifer Linden solution suggestions BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Today's discussion picks up where we left off earlier this year on this topic. At the time, noise and large trucks were identified as the most significant elements of this problem. That prompted a Council suggestion to ban large trucks, as well as the need to determine the "ultimate" long -term solution. Centennial Engineering has since been hired to work with TOV to help develop and analyze short- term management solutions as well as infrastructure improvements for the long -term. The work schedule, as proposed, includes implementation of the short-term adjustments by December with selection of a long -term solution in March. 2. Site Visit of Vail Village Club. (15 mins.) See Item No. 6 3. DRB Review. (15 mins.) 4. Review and Discuss RETT Budget. (15 mins.) Bob McLaurin Steve Thompson ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review and modify as appropriate Russell Forrest the Real Estate Transfer Tax budget for 1998. Larry Grafel BACKGROUND RATIONALE: At the 10/7 Council meeting the Council reviewed the proposed RETT budget. During the discussion the Council identified several changes to the proposed budget. We have incorporated these changes and are submitting the revised budget for your additional review and consideration. 5. A request from Ron Riley to proceed through the development review Lauren Waterton process to add an outdoor dining deck on Town of Vail Right -of -Way. Michael Staughton The applicant is proposing a 4 -1/2 foot wide deck for Russell's Restaurant that would encroach on Bridge Street. (10 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve /Deny the request to proceed through the development review process. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The applicant is proposing to remodel Russell's Restaurant. As part of the remodel a small outdoor dining deck along Bridge Street is proposed to be added. Two existing planters and a bench will be removed in order to allow for the dining deck. Should the Council approve the applicant's request, the Planning and Environmental Commission would review the request for a conditional use permit and a minor exterior alteration and the Design Review Board would review the final design of the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request to proceed through the development review process. 6.• Council call -up of a Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) Mike Mollica action, relating to the property located at The Vail Village Club; 333 Tom Moorhead Bridge Street; Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. (45 mins.) Glenn Heelan Bob McLaurin On October 13, 1997 the PEC approved a motion by a vote of 4 - 2 (Bishop and Golden opposed), to not hear the appellant's requested appeal. The PEC made the finding of fact that the appeal was not filed in a timely manner. The specific appeals (of three staff interpretations) are as follows: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, modify, or overturn the decision of the Planning & Environmental Commission. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the staff memorandum, dated October 13, 1997, to the Planning & Environmental Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Please see the staff recommendation on each of the three appeal items in the PEC memo dated October 13, 1997, 7. Information Update. (10 mins.) 8. Council Reports. (10 mins.) 9. Other. (10 mins.) 10. Adjournment - 5:40 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1111111 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 10/28/97, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 11/4197, BEGINNING AT 2 :00 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 11/4/97, BEGINNING AT 7:30 P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1111111 Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479 -2332 voice or 479 -2356 TDD for information. C:WGENDA WS 2 (OWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE: October 21. 1997 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. If the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) X Work Session ❑ Site Visit ❑ Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: 45 minutes TIME NEEDED: _— TIME NEEDED: WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NONJOV STAFF? NO. X YES. Specifics: Glenn Heelan will speak WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT? NO. X YES. Specifics:Glenn Heelan requested an overhead projector. WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? X YES. If yes, is the material also for public distribution? X Yes. ❑ No. ITEM/TOPIC: Council call -up of a Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) action, relating to the propery located at The Vail Village Club; 333 Bridge Street; Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. On October 13, 1997 the PEC approved a motion by a vote of 4 - 2 (Bishop and Golden opposed), to not hear the appellant's requested appeal. The PEC made the finding of fact that the appeal was not filed in a timely manner. The specific appeals (of three staff interpretations) are as follows: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica /Tom Moorhead ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, modify, or overturn the decision of the Planning & Environmental Commission. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the staff memorandum, dated October 13, 1997, to the Planning & Environmental Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Please see the staff recommendation on each of the three appeal items in the PEC memo dated October 13, 1997. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: October 13, 1997 SUBJECT: An appeal of three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica/Tom Moorhead SUBJECT PROPERTY The Vail Village Club is located at 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. This property was formerly referred to as Cyrano's. II. PLANNING and ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Section 18.66.030 B,1 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Authority, the Planning and Environmental Commission has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respect to the provisions of the Zoning Code. III. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuant to Sections 18.66.030 B, 2 and 3 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Initiation and Procedures, there are three basic criteria for an adequate appeal: standing of the appellant; adequacy of the notice of appeal; and timeliness of the notice of appeal. A. Standing of the Appellant The appellant has standing to appeal the staff's decisions related to the construction of the Vail Village Club. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the developer of the building and the lessee. The owner of the property is Margretta B. Parks. B. Adequacy of the Notice of Appeal The application for this appeal was filed by Glenn Heelan (Riva Ridge Partners TOWN OF VA LL LLC) on September 15, 1997. The application has been determined to be complete by the Department of Community Development. C. Timeliness of the Notice of Appeal The Administration Section of the Town's Zoning Code (18.66.030 B, 3 - Procedures) states the following: "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Director of Community Development or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within ten calendar days of the decision becoming final. If the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a Town of Vail observed holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended to the next business day. The Administrator's decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting, following the Administrator's decision, unless the decision is called -up and modified by the Board or Commission." As indicated in Tom Moorhead's memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated October 2, 1997 (attached as Exhibit A), it is the staff's position that this appeal is not timely. The staff's initial calculations for the parking pay -in -lieu requirement, as well as the use classification of the third and fourth floors of the building, were determined during March of 1996, utilizing the drawings submitted by Semple Brown Roberts, Architects, dated March 18, 1996. Additionally, a June 21, 1996 letter from Glenn Heelan to Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development (attached as Exhibit B) states: "Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC, that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a quasi - public club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary of Certificate of Occupancy is issued." Because the appeal was not timely filed, the procedural criteria for an appeal have not been met, and the appeal should not be heard. IV. SUBSTANTIVE BACKGROUND • On September 21, 1995, Jim Curnutte, then Senior Planner for the Town, wrote the following to Mr. Glenn Heelan: "As you know, a "private club" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. Staff has determined, however, that your proposed use is "similar" to two of the "eating and drinking. establishments" listed as conditional uses (above the second floor) in the CC1 Zone District. These uses are "cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants." For your information, 2 these will also be the categories used to determine the parking requirement for the club." (emphasis added) A copy of this letter is attached to this memorandum as Exhibit C. • On November 27, 1995, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a request for a conditional use permit to allow for a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. The club was proposed to be located on the third and fourth floors of the Cyrano's Building. It should be noted that the staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission contained language identical to that contained in the September 21, 1995 letter from Jim Curnutte to Glenn Heelan. A copy of this staff* memorandum is included as Exhibit D. • On March 26, 1996, an application for a building permit to construct the Vail Village Club was made to the Town of Vail's Department of Community Development. • On July 24, 1996, a building permit was issued for the construction of the Vail Village Club. This building permit included 13 conditions. Condition #3, which is relevant to this appeal, reads as follows: "The parking pay -in -lieu fee shall be paid to the Town prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. See Glenn Heelan's letter of June 21, 1996 to Mike Mollica, [Exhibit B] for details." • On September 15, 1997, Glenn Heelan (Riva Ridge Partners LLC) and Margretta B. Parks submitted a formal appeal to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. The nature of the appeals are generally described below, and a copy of the Appeal Form is attached as Exhibit E. V. NATURE OF THE APPEALS The appellant is appealing the following three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. The appellant's statements as to the specific nature of the appeals are attached as Exhibit F, and include two letters from Mr. Glenn Heelan to Mr. Mike Mollica (dated September 15, 1997 and July 1, 1997) and a letter dated July 30, 1997 from Mr. Eric Torgersen, with Holley, Albertson & Polk, P. C to Mr. Mike Mollica. 3 VI. REQUIRED ACTION Uphold /Overturn /Modify the three staff interpretations. According to Section 18.66.030 B, 5 Appeal of Administrative Actions - Findings, "the Planning and Environmental Commission shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met." The appellant is requesting that the Planning and Environmental Commission review the following three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments ". Staff Response: The determination or classification of use for the third and fourth floors of the Vail Village Club was made as early as September 1995. Further, during the staff and the PEC's review of the conditional use permit for the "quasi- public club" (November 1995) both the staff and the PEC determined that the quasi - public club was similar in nature to "eating and drinking establishments," as identified in Section 18.52.100 C, 5 of the Town Zoning Code. The staff continues to believe that "eating and drinking establishment" is the appropriate designation for the quasi - public club use. 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (specifically, Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; Staff Response: According to Section 18.52.100 C (Parking- Requirements Schedule), the uses in the Vail Village Club include retail stores (assessed at 1.0 space per each 300 square feet of net floor area), other professional and business offices (assessed at 1.0 space per each 250 square feet of net floor area) and eating and drinking establishments (assessed at 1.0 space per each eight seats, based on seating capacity or Building Code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive). Due to the level of detail involved in the staff's paw analysis, the sta will provide the 114" = 1' floor plans for the Planning and Environmental Commission's review at the hearing. In summary, the staff's calculations are as follows: D Retail = 3,594 sq. ft. = 11.98 parking spaces Office = 94 sq. ft. = 0.376 parking spaces Restaurant/Club = 5,717 sq. ft. = 47.64 parkins spaces Total = 59.996 parking spaces -27 ( arandfathered spaces)" Grand Total = �32 996 parking spaces pay- in -IiPI `Note: The 27 "grandfathered spaces" are those spaces which are considered pre- existing, based upon the uses in the old Cyrano's Building. Therefore, 32.996 parking spaces x $16,333.38 results in a total parking pay -in -lieu fee of $538,936.20. It should also be noted that the $16,333.38 fee per parking space is the 1996 pay -in -lieu rate. Although the pay -in -lieu fee has not yet been paid for the Vail Village Club, the Town has agreed to apply the 1996 rate to the project. The 1997 rate is $16,905.05. The appellant had requested that the staff calculate the parking requirement based upon the Uniform Building Code's determination of occupant load. Although this is not the staff's "normal" procedure for determining a structure's parking requirement, we did complete that analysis. An independent analysis was completed by Mr. Art Hoagland, ICBO Certified Building Official. Mr. Hoagland has determined that the occupant load for the Vail Village Club is 483 persons. This figure does not include the additional 10% allowance per Section 25.114, B of the Uniform Fire Code. This 10% allowance can be approved by the Fire Chief, when additional exit facilities are provided. Per the Town's parking requirement of 1.0 space per each 8 seats, 483 persons divided by 8 = 60.375 parking spaces. This is 0.379 spaces more than the staff calculation. Further, upon review of the Town's building permit file for the Vail Village Club, staff has located an occupant load determination provided by the appellant's architect, Semple Brown Roberts (Denver, Colorado). This analysis indicates an occupant load of 484 persons. The Semple Brown Roberts analysis is attached as Exhibit G. 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. Staff Response: This issue will be addressed by Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney, at the Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing. t3� /3aa O 3��500 U • ( 5� I / t,? 111 5 YS ,rs��ou ; 2,t ��.��{ I o -713ea 0 VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission make two separate motions on this application. A. The staff's position is that the appellant, Riva Ridge Partners LLC and Margretta B. Parks did not file a timely appeal. Therefore, we believe that the appeal has no basis. The staff recommends that that the Planning and Environmental Commision reject the appellants appeal and that the PEC find that the appeal was not filed in a timely manner, as required by Section 18.66.030 B, 3 - Appeal of Administrative Actions; Procedures. B. In order to provide the appellant with clear direction as to the staff's interpretations of the Municipal Code, staff recommends that the PEC make a motion on the substance of the appeal, as well. Staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission uphold the three staff interpretations that the appellant is contesting. In accordance with the information presented in this memorandum, and the exhibits attached hereto, staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: That the Community Development Department staff, and the Planning and Environmental Commission, have appropriately classified the quasi - public club, located on the third and fourth floors of the Vail Village Club, as an "eating and drinking establishment "; 2. That the Community Development Department staff has appropriately applied Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirement Schedule and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) during their review of the building permit floor plans for the Vail Village Club; and 3. That the Town Attorney has appropriately required the applicant to sign the parking pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. F: \EVERYONE \PEC \MEMOS \97 \VVCLU B.013 A TOWN OF VAIL Office of the Town Manager 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970 - 479- 2105 /Fax 970- 479 -2157 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning & Environmental Commission FROM: R. Thomas Moorhead i DATE: October 2, 1997 RE: Glenn Heelan/Vail Village Club Appeal of Administrative Action On September 17, 1997 Glenn Heelan appealed administrative action of Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development. Based upon the Town of Vail Code and prior agreements made by Mr. Heelan I believe that this appeal is not timely. Attached is correspondence from Mr. Heelan dated June 21, 1996 in which he agrees to the method, manner and procedure to establish the amount of the parking pay -in -lieu fee and he further agrees that the parking pay -in -lieu will be paid at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Additionally, Mr. Heelan indicates on the face of his appeal that he is appealing the decision of Mike Mollica of June 17, 1997. Section 18.66.030, Appeals in subsection 3 requires that any such action must be appealed within ten calendar days of the decision becoming final. The decision becomes final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission meeting after June 17, 1997. Therefore, any right to appeal such decision has lapsed. I understand that Mr. Mollica will be providing to the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum which deals with the substantive issues of calculation of the parking pay -in -lieu fee in this particular instance. Based on the procedural issues of the lasping of the time within which a matter can be appealed; the previous agreement by Mr. Heelan that the parking pay -in -lieu fee would be paid at the time of the issuing of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy; and, finally, for the substantive calculation performed by Community Development, this appeal should be overruled. Thank you. / RTM /aw xc: Robert W. Mc Laurin Mike Mollica C:\pec.mem L• RECYCLED PAPER TM June 21, 1996 . .j Mr. Mike Monica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Dear Mike, Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreemcnt that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi -public Club, will be paid over five years with the fast payment due and payable at the time a 1 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As we further discussed, the Town of Vail Building Department has requested a ruling from ICBO with respect to certain aspectsof the third floor design. It is my understanding that earlier today, Dan Stanek received , ' - information fiom ICBO that requires a change of design to the third floor. I would like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event Riva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current " Y submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently S179,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with Mr. McLaurin, we believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing sales taxes generated by ,% commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooscs to include us in any improvements to the current paridng pay -in -lieu ordinance. ' j1enn p ovide any further assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. _ M. Heelan Dear Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi- Public Club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. scus To o i Buildin epartment has requested a ruling fr CBO with respect to certain as of d flo n. t is my u andi that earlier today, Dan Stanek received information from ICBO t a requires a change of design to the third floor. I would Like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event Riva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently $179,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with Mr. McLaurin, we - _ believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing sales taxes generated by a commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooses to include us in any improvements to the current parking pay -in -lieu ordinance. If Lni e an further assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. Y S nce Tenn M. He elan EXHIBIT B - 1 page June 21, 1996 Mr. Mike Mollica /`. -.. Assistant Director of Community Development -.: Town of Vail Dear Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi- Public Club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. scus To o i Buildin epartment has requested a ruling fr CBO with respect to certain as of d flo n. t is my u andi that earlier today, Dan Stanek received information from ICBO t a requires a change of design to the third floor. I would Like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event Riva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently $179,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with Mr. McLaurin, we - _ believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing sales taxes generated by a commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooses to include us in any improvements to the current parking pay -in -lieu ordinance. If Lni e an further assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. Y S nce Tenn M. He elan TOWN OF PAIL (% 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 479 - 21381479 -2139 FAX 970 -479 -2452 September 21, 1995 Mr. Glenn M. Heelan P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 EXHIBIT C - 2 PAGES Department of Community Development RE: Application for a Conditional Use Permit for the Serrano's Building, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Mr. Heelan: I have completed a review of your recently submitted conditional use permit application to operate a private club on the third and fourth floors of the Serrano's Building, Lot C, Block 2, Vail village 1st filing. Additional information must be provided in order for staff to ade revs i e uest. Ple res oral to the 4-&-Ll o � q - As you know, a "Private Club" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the Commercial Core "I (CCI) zone district. Staff has determined, however, that your proposed use is- "similar,, to two of the "eating and drinking establishments" listed as conditional uses (above the second floor) in the CCI zone district. These uses are 11 Cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants ". For your information, these will also be the categories used to determine the parking requirement for the club. --fin e2r t o� t e p a i c t s o _yN��o sus e, and as required in Sec n III (3) of the Conditional Use Permit application requirements, please provide detailed floor plans which indicate the layout.of all proposed uses on the third and fourth floors of the building. - Your application states that no exterior changes will be made to the building. However, depending on the scope of the food service element of your proposal, it would appear that additional mechanical equipment may be necessary. Please provide a detailed description of how private dinner parties, meeting /dining rooms, additional food prep. areas, bars, kitchens, etc. will be handled. % #W RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Glenn M. Heelan Page 2 In the Commercial Core I Zone District "meeting rooms" may be approved, as a conditional use permit, only in the basement or garden level and on the second level of a building. They are not .allowed, as a permitted or conditional use, on the first floor or street level or on any level of a building above the second floor. It would appear from your application description that the meeting /dining rooms will be used solely by club members, and therefore considered as accessory to the functions of the club. However, we must receive a more detailed explanation of their intended use. The club members, as a group, cannot rent the rooms to the general public. - How will the area on the second floor of the building, currently labeled "The Private Club ", be affected by your proposed use? - Please provide a more detailed description of the "office space for building and club operations" as described in your application. As mentioned previously, staff believes that additional information is necessary in order to fully understand all possible impacts associated with your proposed conditional use. In order to stay on schedule for the October 9, 1995, PEC meeting, please provide the above requested information no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 25, 1995. Sincerely, Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc: Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen -i7 e EXHIBIT D - 7 pages MEMORANDUM PLE COPY TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 27, 1995 SUBJECT: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core I Zone District to be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road /Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Margaretta B. Parks, represented by Glen Heelan Planner: Jim Curnutte I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Glen Heelan, on behalf of the building owner, has requested PEC approval of a Conditional Use Permit in order to construct a "quasi- public club" in the Commercial Core I (CCI) Zone District, to be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the recently approved new Serrano's Building, located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road. The Town of Vail Municipal Code defines a quasi - public use differently from a use that is entirely private or public. For the PEC's information, the code defines these uses as follows: - Private - "Private" means a use, area, property or facility which is not public. (Ord. 21(1994), § 5.) - Public - "Public" means a use, area, property or facility which: A. Is owned and operated by a governmental entity, and functions or is available for use by all persons whether with or without charge; or B. Is owned or operated by a person or entity other than a governmental entity, and functions or is available for use by all persons without charge. (Ord. 21(1994) § 6.) - Quasi - Public - "Quasi- public" means a use which is characterized by its availability to the public, with or without cost, but which is conducted by an entity, organization perso not a gg.(�rnmental entity. (Ord.''i 4994) A "quasi- public club" is not specifically listed as a permitted or conditional use in the CCI Zone District. Near the end of the list of conditional uses, however, is a statement which allows for "additional uses determined to be similar to the permitted and conditional uses described above." Staff has determined that the proposed quasi - public club is "similar" to two of the eating and drinking establishments listed as conditional uses (above the 2nd floor) in the CCI Zone District. These uses are "cocktail lounges and bars" and "restaurants." Since staff has determined that these uses are similar to the proposed quasi - public club, the applicant has proceeded to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally. staff will use these categories in order to determine the parking requirement for the club. A f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 YqMq jJfdd n more detail in Section Heel an, recently received PEC approval (March demo) soh the eoxisting Serrano' Glen Building and replace it with a new structure. The approved uses. on the 3rd floor of the new building include two offices and a portion of a residential condominium. The remainder of the condominium would be located on the fourth floor of the building. The new concept is to use the 3rd and 4th floors exclusively for a quasi - public club. The club owners will be offerin their members not only the traditional ski storage (in the basement), but also areas of comfort and relaxation together with an array of services. The applicant has indicated that club members would have the ability to ski down to the base of the mountain, give their skiis to the ski valet, and enter the club. Here they would have the luxury of taking off their boots, sitting down by the fireplace in a quiet atmosphere to relax in the comfort of their "mountain living room." They might enjoy the refreshment of their choice, make a couple of phone calls, check the stock market, send a fax, hold a meeting or host a dinner party for their family, friends, or business associates. It is anticipated that the 3rd floor of the building would be used for: A. Personal lockers, steam room and showers (similar to a private golf club where bags are stored elsewhere); B. Office space for building and club operations; C. Lounge area where members could have a drink, make a call, send a fax; and D. Up to three meeting and /or dining rooms. The 4th floor is anticipated to be the "living room on the mountain." This is an area where members could sit by the fire and relax, meet with friends and family, have an appetizer and a drink. This Conditional Use Permit request does not involve any exterior changes to the previously approved building. The original approval of the Serrano's redevelopment included a restaurant and a "private club" on the 2nd floor of the building. The applicant has indicated that that portion of the 2nd floor currently labeled as private club, will be used as additional dining for the 2nd floor restaurant. Since this entire area was calculated as a restaurant for parking purposes, there will be no additional impacts associated with the proposed change in use. tl. BACKGROUND On March 13, 1995, Glen Heelan, the project developer, received PEC approval to demolish the existing Serrano's Building and replace it with a new structure. (Please see attachment #1, site plan, elevation drawings and floor plans of the approved building). The building program included: • Commercial uses and a potential nightclub in the basement. • Retail uses on the 1st floor. • Restaurant uses on the 2nd floor. • Two offices and a portion of a condominium on the 3rd floor. • The remainder of the condominium on the 4th floor. f:\ everyone \Dec \memos \serranos.n27 2 In addition to these uses, walkway and landscape improvements on the north, east and south sides of the building were approved, as well as a 2nd floor outdoor dining deck over the Hansen Ranch Road right -of -way. To accomplish the above desci ibed proposal, a CCI Major Exterior Alteration and the following variances were required: 1. A setback variance for an 11 -foot encroachment into the 30 -foot stream setback for Mill Creek (for the basement floor only); 2. A variance for common area of 78.9% (35% is allowed by zoning). Also, the following two conditional use permits were required: 1. An outdoor dining deck on the second floor; and 2. Office space on the third floor. The project was reviewed and ultimately approved by the Vail Town Council and the Design Review Board in the Spring of 1995. Although the applicant had intended to demolish the existing structure and begin construction of the new building in the spring of 1995, he was not able to adhere to that schedule and demolition /construction has been delayed until the spring of 1996. In the meantime, the applicant has reconsidered the previously approved uses of the 3rd and 4th floors of the building. On October 9, 1995, a worksession was held with the PEC to discuss this Conditional Use Permit request. At that time, the applicant had intended to have the club be a "private" club. The PEC was not receptive to the idea of a private club in the Village and the negative precedent that may set and directed the applicant to explore other options. In response to that direction, the applicant has amended the intended operations of the club so that the club would now be open to the public (see attachment #2 for floor plans of the club). The applicant has indicated that the public would.be able to avail themselves of a number of options related to club services. For example, the public could rent ski lockers in the club on a seasonal basis, pay a daily, weekly or monthly access fee to use all, or a portion of, the club amenities, or pay a full membership fee and accompanying annual dues. The applicant has also pointed out that the liquor license associated with this club will be the same as those granted to public restaurants and will not be a private liquor license. . On November 13, 1995, the PEC tabled this application and requested that the Town Attorney provide a written opinion on the applicant's right to apply for the requested Conditional Use Permit. See attached copy of the Town Attorney's response to the PEC request. III. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Upon review of Section 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 3 • • • L• M. 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff's Res ns . - Staff is in support of the proposed use of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building as a quasi - public club. It would appear that the club has the potential to provide more activity and interest in the Village than would be provided by one residential dwelling unit and two office spaces. Additionally, staff believes that the proposed Conditional Use Permit request would serve to carry out the following goals, policies and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan: 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of a new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial in -fill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.4.2 Policy: Activity that provides night life and evening entertainment for both the guests and the community shall be encouraged. 2.5 Objective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. In the CCI Zone District, "meeting rooms" may be approved, as a Conditional Use, only in the basement or garden level and on the 2nd level of a building. They are not allowed, as a permitted or conditional use, on the 1st floor or street level or any level of a building above the 2nd floor. Since the applicant's request includes the proposed use of a portion of the 3rd floor for meeting and /or dining rooms, staff was concerned with authorizing a use which is specifically prohibited on this level of a building in the CCI Zone District. The applicant has responded to staff's concern by committing that the meeting rooms will be used solely by club members, and therefore, can be considered as accessory to the functions of the quasi - public club. The club members, as a group, will not rent the . rooms to the general public. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 4 Staff Res pons - Staff believes that the proposed change in use from residential and office use to a quasi - public club will have no negative effect on any of the above listed criteria. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff Response - Staff believes that the proposed change in use from residential and office use to a quasi - public club will have no negative effect on any of the above listed criteria. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff Res ons . - As mentioned previously, there will be no external changes made in conjunction with this proposed change in approved uses of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building. Therefore, there will be no changes in the scale and bulk of the building previously reviewed and approved by the PEC, Town Council and Design Review Board. With regard to the change in use and its effect on the character of the area, staff believes that the proposed change from one large residential condominium unit and two small office spaces, to a quasi - public club, could have the effect of providing more activity and therefore a livelier feel to the Village, which is a goal of the Town. B. Findinus The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. C. Additional Criteria for consideration of Conditional Use Permit agpiications in the CCI Zone District In addition to the standard Conditional Use Permit Criteria and Findings listed in f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 5 paragraphs A and B above, applications for a Conditional Use Permit within the CC I Zone District must address the following additional development factors: Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I District; Staff Res�nsg - The proposed change of approved uses on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Serrano's Building, from a dwelling unit and office space to a quasi - public club, would not appear to have a negative effect on vehicular traffic in the CC I Zone District. The loading and delivery traffic associated with the club will be accommodated by the same loading and delivery vehicles associated with the restaurant already approved on the second level of the building and should not result in additional traffic impacts. 2. . Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 District; Staff Res ns - The proposed change in use would not appear to cause a reduction, or increase, in vehicular traffic in the CCI Zone District. 3. Reduction of nonessential off - street parking; Staff Response - The proposed change in use would not reduce, or increase non - essential off - street parking. There is currently no off- street parking associated with this property. 4. Control of delivery, pick -up and service vehicles; Staff Response - As mentioned in staff's response to criteria #1 above, staff believes that there will be no increase in the number of delivery, pick- up or service vehicles associated with the proposed club. The food and beverage elements associated with the club appear to be minimal and can be accommodated through the deliveries that would already occur in relation to the restaurant on the 2nd level. 5. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians; Staff Response - The proposed quasi - public club will have no effect, positive or negative, on public spaces for use by pedestrians. 6. Continuance of the various commercial, residential, and public uses in Commercial Core I District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; Staff RUM-se - Staff believes that the proposed quasi - public club use would continue the various commercial and public uses in the CC I Zone District. Approval of the club would displace the previously approved dwelling unit from the property, however, since the Serrano's Building does not currently have a dwelling unit in it, (only an approval for one large condominium to be built), the proposed club will not change the existing character of the area. In staff's opinion, the replacement of the approved condominium unit with a club is a positive change, as it would appear to offer the opportunity to provide a more active and lively feel to the Village, and to provide additional services and amenities for the Town's guests. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.n27 7. Controi quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Core 1 District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; Staff Response - The applicant has stated that no exterior changes will be made to the building in association with the proposed club. Staff was concerned however, that depending on the scope of the food service element of the private club, it may be necessary to add additional mechanical equipment related to any new or expanded kitchen area. In response to this concern, the applicant has assured staff that all food preparation activities associated with the club will be handled in the kitchen of the restaurant, located on the 2nd floor of the building. 8. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environment of Commercial Core I District. Staff Response - Staff believes that none of the elements listed above will be a concern related to the proposed club use of the 3rd and 4th floor, with the possible exception of noise. This issue was a concern during the initial discussion of the building's redevelopment, related to the possible bar use in the building. The solution to that discussion was that noise levels will be adequately addressed through the Town's existing noise ordinances, and staff believes those measures are appropriate for the proposed club as well. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the Criteria and Findings outlined for review of Conditional Use Permit applications in the CCI Zone District, staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a quasi - public club on the 3rd and 4th levels of the Serrano's Building. Staff recommends that the following conditions be attached to the conditional use permit approval of the club: As mentioned previously, the original approval of the Serrano's redevelopment application included a Conditional Use Permit for two office spaces on the 3rd floor. With the club's Conditional Use Permit application, the only office use occurring on the 3rd or 4th floors will be offices used by employees and staff for "building and club operations." The applicant has stated that this office space will not be rented to outside parties. The staff recommends that since the office Conditional Use Permit granted in the �rin 199 longer sary it shall be consider ull a voi o al of the n lub" C ltion Use,16FN t, 2. Once final floor plan drawings are provided for staff review, a parking analysis will be performed in order to determine if there is an incremental parking demand associated with the proposed quasi - public club, as compared to the previously approved commercial office and residential uses on the 3rd and 4th levels of the building. Upon completion of the parking analysis, a parking pay -in -lieu fee may, be determined. This fee must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit for 1 the project. ,, J-1 .. Please note that, un-CPT'Section 18.60.080 (Permit Approval'dMfT_:ffect) of-we Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued until completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. f:\ everyone \pec \memos \serranos.nl3 7 TOWS Exhibit E - 3 Pages APPEALS FORM �4 71T'� REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION .ACTION A. ACTION /DECISION BEING APPEALED: A. The interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 1-00 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu Fees of $571,341.68 being assessed against The Vail Village Club Building at 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado. B. The requirement that the Applicant sign the promissory note personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. C. The classfication of the 3rd /4th floors Club facilities as eating and drinking establishments. B. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: June 17, 1997 (per Mike Mollica's letter) C. NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Mike Mollica, Ass't Director of Community Development; Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney D. NAME OF APPELLANT(S): Riva Ridge Partners LLC; Glenn M Heelan; Margretta B. Parks- ,, MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box, 5770, Avon, CO 81620 PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL: 333 Bridge Street PHONE: 949 -6277 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO OF %APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL: Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing E. SIGNATURE(S) Pagel of 2 F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? --y G If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes no X If no, give a detailed c,-- planation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Glenn M. Heelan is the Applicant for the exterior alterations. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the develo er of the building and the Lessee of the property from Margretta B. Parks under the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement. Margretta B. Parks is the owner of the ro ert . G. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) of all owners of property which are-the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right -of -way, stream, or other intervening barriers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list H. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF VAILY FLE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 21381479 -2139 (p FAX 970 - 479-2452 t � June 17, 1997 I '� Glenn f- lcclan Charles Davison c/o Riva Ridge Partners, LLC P.O. Box 5770 Avon. CO 81620 R1: Vail Village Club - Parking Analysis Dear Glenn and Charlie: 'I'lian • you for suh111it iigthc mal floor plan~ /scatingplans for tb-f-Vail V' • =e Club. Based upon these drawings. 1 have recalculated the parking pay -in -lice fee as follows: I . Restaurant /Club = 5,936 sq. ft. = 49.47 parking spaces 2. Retail == 3,704 sq. ft. = 12.35 parking spaces 3. Office = 39 sq. ft. = 0.16 narkintt spaces 61.98 parking spaces - 2 =r' n 1c fathcrcc�l Grand Total 34.98 parking spaces Per youragrcemc»t with-Bob MCLaUrin, Town Manager, parking spaces will be assessed at a rate of S 16,333.38 per space (1996 pay -in -lieu figure). Therefore, the grand total fort he Vail Village Club is S57 1,34 1.63. As previously agreed to by Bob McLaurin, a ten -year repayment period will be acceptable to the Town. Should this be your desired course of action, please let us know so that we can finalize the paperwork. As always, should you have any questions, or comments regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me directly at 479 -2144. Sincerely, Mike UMoI I ic Assistant Director of Community Development MM /jr xc: Bob McLaurin Toni Moorhead Steve Thompson RECYCLED PAPER EXHIBIT F - 6 pages September 15, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development DCV DEPT, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The Appeal of Staffs Interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 100 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu fees of $571,341.68 Dear Mr. Mollica, Enclosed please find the completed appeals form required for filing an appeal of a staff action. In reference to paragraph H of the appeals form we submit the following: Riva Ridge Partners LLC, Glenn M. Heelan, and Margretta B. Parks are appealing staffs interpretation and subsequent calculation of code section 18.52. 100 and 18.52.160. Staffs interpretations have resulted in classifying the 3rd and 4th Floors of The Vail Village Club Building located at 333 Bridge Street as a public eating and drinking establishment, with an accompanying assessment for pay in lieu parking fees in the amount of $571,341.68. In addition, staff has determined that in order to defer payment of the pay in lieu fees by the use of a promissory note, they will require that Riva Ridge Partners LLC (the developer) and one of it's managers guarantee the promissory note, and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. As addressed in the attached correspondence, the applicant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces being assessed against the property, the requirement that he sign personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property, and questions whether in fact, the 3rd and 4th Floors that have a conditional use of a quasi- public Club be classified as eating and drinking establishments. feel free to call with any questions or additional requirements you may Si rely, I M. Heelan July 1, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Dear Mike, Sent Via Facsimile In our meeting yesterday, we discussed our confusion pertaining to the language of the zoning code relating to Off -Street Parking and Loading; specifically "18.52.100 Section C. Other Uses #5" as it relates to Eating and drinking establishments. As I stated, we interpret the section to read how many actual seats we have, as opposed to the building code occupancy standards which are measured by occupant load factors per square foot. At your suggestion I will ask Tom Moorehead and my attorney to clarify the section. If, after further clarification, it is agreed that the number of seats and the resulting parking fees are determined by the square footage of the various uses; then, we still have questions regarding the actual number of square feet being calculated, mostly as it pertains to the bar on the first floor, and the Club areas on the third and fourth floors. Therefore, we would appreciate the opportunity to revisit the parking requirements as soon as we are able to obtain the clarification from our respective attorneys. At that time, we will also provide the final "remarked" drawings that represent what is actually being built in the building. I look d to hearing from Mr. ienn po ible. , . Heelan cc: Charles W. Davison Moo rehead and bringing this issue to a close as HOLLEY, ALBERTSON & POLK, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW DENVER WEST OFFICE PARK Subs 100, BUILDING 19 1667 COLE BLVD. GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 GEORGE ALAN HOLLEY PHONE (303) 233 -7838 SCOTT D. ALBERTSON FAX (303) 233 -2860 DENNIS B. POLK ERIC E. TORGERSEN THOMAS A. WALSH HOWARD R. STONE July 30, 1997 BY TELECOPIER AND FIRST -CLASS MAIL Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Vail Village Club, 298 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado (the "Property ") Dear Mr. Mollica: This firm represents Riva Ridge Partners LLC in connection with the above - referenced matter. We are in receipt of a copy of your June 17, 1997, letter concerning the payment of fees in lieu of parking for the redevelopment of The Vail Village Club. The purpose of this letter is to set forth our client's position with regard to those fees in lieu of parking. It is our client's position, based upon Chapter 18.52 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance,- that the Town has calculated an excessive fee in lieu of parking for the re- development of The Vail Village Club. Our analysis is based upon the following: 1. It is our understanding that the Property was previously allocated 27 parking spaces, as computed pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. It is our further understanding that our client would receive credit for these pre- existing parking spaces in connection with the re- development of the Property, and would be obligated to pay only the difference between the number of parking spaces as determined for The Vail Village Club and the original (in this instance 27) parking spaces attributable to the Property.. Based upon our review of your June 17, 1997, letter, the Town has followed this analysis as well. Thus, although this letter will not discuss our client's position on whether the Town is entitled to collect any fees in lieu of parking, or the amount per space of that fee, our client's primary position in this letter is that the Town has computed an excessive fee based upon the number of parking spaces attributable to The Vail Village Club as re- developed. vs Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 2. 2. It appears that the fees in lieu of parking for The Vail Village Club are set forth in § 18.52.160.B, which provides in relevant part: In Commercial Core I and Commercial Core II property owners or applicants shall be required to contribute to the Town Parking Fund, hereby established, for the purpose of meeting the demand and requirements for vehicle parking. At such time as any property owner or other applicant proposes to develop or redevelop a parcel of property within an exempt area which would require parking and /or loading areas, the owner or applicant shall pay to the Town the parking fee hereinafter required. 2. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant shall be determined by the Town Council. 5. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant is hereby determined to be fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) per space. This fee shall be automatically increased annually by the percentage the Consumer Price Index of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. 6. For additions or enlargements of any existing building or change of use that would increase the total number of parking - spaces required, an additional parking fee will be required only for such addition, enlargement or change and not for the entire building or use. Zoning Ordinance § 18.52.160.B. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club is situated within the Commercial Core I area of the Town of Vail, and according to the Zoning Ordinance must contribute to the Town Parking Fund. It does not appear that § 18.52.160.B fixes the number of parking spaces which would be attributable to a re- development. Therefore, we assume that the number of parking spaces (used to determine the pay in lieu fee) is determined from the specific parking requirement schedule set forth in § 18.52.100. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club will be confined to some retail, personal service and repair shops, and some restaurant/ club, and a small portion (under 100 square feet) Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 3. dedicated to office. According to § 18.52.100, parking spaces for those uses are determined as follows: C. Other Uses. 4. Retain Store, Personal Services and Repair Shops 1.0 space per each 300 feet of net floor space 5. Eating and Drinking Establishments 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive § (emphasis added). Under § 18.52.100.C., parking spaces required for retail use are determined based upon one space per 300 square feet of net floor space. For eating and drinking establishments, such as the club portion of The Vail Village Club, the parking requirement is 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive; however, it does not appear that this provision permits the determination of parking requirements based upon square feet of net floor space, as done for retail establishments. This parking requirement appears to be consistent with the intent of the ordinance to require off street parking in the amount actually needed by the development. This would explain why the Zoning Ordinance determines necessary parking for a retail establishment based on net floor space, while a restaurant use is based upon seating capacity. . Based upon our review, it appears that the fee -in -lieu of parking must be determined based upon the number of off street parking spaces which the Town could require pursuant to § 18.52.100 of the zoning ordinance. It is our understandin -- '1 Village Club and restaurants will hay xi of 10 seats which is less t an a maximum number permitted un er e applicable building code. Therefore, it would appear that the number of off - street parking spaces which could be required for the restaurant /club would be 26.25, i.e., 210 divided by 8, rather than 49.47 as calculated by the Town based upon net floor space. It is our client's position that the Zoning Ordinance limits the fees in lieu of parking to an amount equal to the per space fee multiplied by the number of parking spaces which could be required under § 18.52.100. Assuming the accuracy of the Town's net floor space calculations, it is our client's position that the number of parking spaces should be determined as follows: Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 4. 1. Restaurant /club = 210 Seats = 26.25 Parking Spaces 2. Retail = 3,704 Square Feet - 12.35 Parking Spaces 3. ' Office = 39 Square Feet = _0.16 Parking Spaces TOTAL 38.76 Parking Spaces Minus 27 (Grandfathered) Net Total 11.76 Finally, it is our client's position that assuming a parking fee of $16,333.38 per space, the parking fee for The Vail Village Club should be $192,080.55. Our client requests that the Town reconsider its computation of the fees in lieu of parking and advise our client as to whether the Town will change its position from your June 17, 1997, letter,` that the parking fee for The Vail Village Club is $571,341.63,;' rather than $192,080.55, as our client suggests. In this regard, our client would be available to discuss this matter with you at , greater length, if that would serve to clarify their position on the fees in lieu of parking. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your professional courtesies in this regard. EET /db cc: Glenn M. Heelan Sincerely, HOLLEY, ALBERTSCaf--& POLK,�I P.C. Eric E. Torgersen -- S E M P L c EXHIBIT G - I page 1406 Larimer Square, Sulu 200 A Professional Corporation Phone 303 -571 -4137 Denver, Colorado 80202 j o(Architects and Designers Fax 303 - 571 -0403 i TOTAL P.03 3 R O W N R O B E R T S VAIL VILLAGE GLUE PRO ECT / NO 1 + 45EMET.13 = 4,1.6rb oyo! 5 . DATE rnC =:1aRj Cal /e.leCri 2 IOG�Brs �Shoijar-s 0.2,1043 ✓� �, 1Q�(,, scctr>`ofal occuj�anfs 55 TELECON ❑ 1~ I RST F ctz = 3, S 6 `1 �css �. CONFER ❑ I/� I 2, ��¢ nE>L "r' re�a71 area, MEMO ❑ Lae- area. (:�) 9005 -�. t �- INFO ❑ 5Ub , ai OCC.Upanf5 - 28 SCOlyo FLC}D2 = 5,66Z S,T, 9 Toss 2,45(, net s.�. PARTICIPANTS k; }Chen € backr 200 = 5 dining l 020 = l� - 108 6a +D+A) Occupa nts I1190 FLO02. - 315ff to T6515 SA 210!0!0 t,e+ i op ;C-C:5 272 5. . 100 - 3 di n;ng / laun5� 17g� s.'. - �� Ito 5ui o}cti Occupants Jz3 OUR 1-i r' (.ODD = lJ 5 (v4- jross s.-r• Q 7� nef s.. COPY: �Bfa u fs PARTICIPANTS ❑ PM ❑ IToTAL OF �.c u PAN'Ts i ORIG.TO CENTRAL FILE ❑ 1406 Larimer Square, Sulu 200 A Professional Corporation Phone 303 -571 -4137 Denver, Colorado 80202 j o(Architects and Designers Fax 303 - 571 -0403 i TOTAL P.03 TOWN OF VAIL MEMORANDUM TO: Planning & Environmental Commission FROM: R. Thomas Moorhead L DATE: October 2, 1997 RE: Glenn Heelan/Vail Village Club Appeal of Administrative Action On September 17, 1997 Glenn Heelan appealed administrative action of Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development. Based upon the Town of Vail Code and prior agreements made by Mr. Heelan I believe that this appeal is not timely. Attached is correspondence from Mr. Heelan dated June 21, 1996 in which he agrees to the method, manner and procedure to establish the amount of the parking pay -in -lieu fee and he further agrees that the parking pay -in -lieu will be paid at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Additionally, Mr. Heelan indicates on the face of his appeal that he is appealing the decision of Mike Mollica of June 17, 1997. Section 18.66.030, Appeals in subsection 3 requires that any such action must be appealed within ten calendar days of the decision becoming final. The decision becomes final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission meeting after June 17, 1997. Therefore, any right to appeal such decision has lapsed. I understand that Mr. Mollica will be providing to the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum which deals with the substantive issues of calculation of the parking pay -in -lieu fee in this particular instance. Based on the procedural issues of the lasping of the time within which a matter can be appealed; the previous agreement by Mr. Heelan that the parking pay -in -lieu fee would be paid at the time of the issuing of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy; and, finally, for the substantive calculation performed by Community Development, this appeal should be overruled. Thank you. RTM /aw xc: Robert W. McLaurin Mike Mollica C:\pec.mem LaRECYCLED PAPER TM 1 .Y 1 l June 21, 1996 1 t Mr. Mike Molllca 1 Assistant Director of Community Development A Town of Vail Dear Mike, Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi - Public Club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As we further discussed, the Town of Vail Building Department has requested a rulin from ICBO with respect to certain g �P req g p aspW -of the third floor design. It is my understanding that earlier today, Dan Stanek received information from ICBO that requires a change of design to the third floor. I would like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event Riva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently SI79,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the ` Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with'Mr. McLaurin, we believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing Wes taxes generated by a commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooses to include us in any improvements to the current parking pay- in -Iieu ordinance. If p vide any fiuthcr assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. S , lean M. Heelan MAW, , Office of the Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 2107 /Fax 970 - 479 -2157 October 1, 1997 TM VIA TELECOPIER 949 -7045 and U.S. MAIL Mr. Glenn Heelan Post Office Box 5770 Avon, Co 81620 Dear Glenn: We have concluded a review of all issues raised by you at the walk - through on the property on Friday, September 19, 1997. Additionally, we have had Art Hoagland, an expert in regard to building code issues, determine the occupancy load for the building. The theory presented by you that there should be four foot corridors on each floor which is deducted from the calculation of the parking requirement was reviewed by Community Development, the Fire Department, and the Building Department. After thorough review, it is clear that there is no reasonable basis for making such a deduction. Under the calculation of occupancy loads there has never been a reduction in occupancy load due to the existence of such "corridors ". A complete recalculation based upon a new review of the as built plans and our recent walk - through of the structure results in the following calculations for the parking requirement: 59.996 spaces - 27.000 grandfathered spaces = 32.996 spaces required Therefore. 32.996 spaces x $16,333.38 results in a total parking fee of $538,936.20. For your information the occupant load for the entire structure has been determined to be 483 persons. This does not include the additional ten percent allowance permitted by Section 25.144(b) of the Uniform Fire Code. ^ ocrvrIYnPAPER I hope that this information is helpful to you. I'm certain that we will have additional discussions before this issue is resolved. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Very truly yours, TOWN OF VAIL R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTM /aw xc: Robert W. McLaurin Mike Mollica Mike McGee Charlie Davis .nnTrnT nr. T)ATT F11 v Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 -2138 FAX 970- 479 -2452 September 15, 1997 Glenn Heelan Charles Davison c/o Riva Ridge Partners, LLC P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Village Club - Parking Analysis Dcar Glenn and Charlie: As we agreed at our meeting of August 8, 1997, I have recalculated the parking requirement for the Vail and agreement at the August 8th meeting, the parking pay -in- Village Club. Based upon Our understanding Iieu fee is calculated as follows: 5,717 s ft. I , Restaurant /Club — q• 47.64 parking spaces = 2, Retail = 3,704 sq. ft. = 12.35 parking spaces 3. Office = 133 sq. ft. = 0.53 parking �yaggs 60.52 parking spaces - 27 (trrandfatheredl Grand Total 33.52 parking spaces Per your agreement with Bob McLaurin, Town Manager, parking spaces will be assessed at a rate of total for the Vail Village Club is 516,333.38 per space (1996 pay -in -lien figure). Therefore, the grand $547,494.89. Please feel free to contact me directly at 479 -2144, should you have any questions, or comments regarding any of the above. Sincerely, ' , M' — "1 Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development MM /jr xc: Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Steve Thompson �a RECYCLEDPAPER TM TOWN OF VAILY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 2107 /Fax 970 - 479 -2157 September 10, 1997 Eric E. Torgersen, Esquire Holley, Albertson & Polk, P.C. Denver West Office Park Suite 100, Building 19 1667 Cole Boulevard Golden, CO 80401 Mr. Glen Heelan Post Office Box 5770 Avon, Co 81620 Office of the Town Attorney VIA TELECOPIER 303/233 -2860 VIA TELECOPIER 476 -3427 Re: Town of Vail/Vail Village Club Agreement for Pedestrian Access Easement, Landscape Maintenance Easement, and Grant of Easement Gentlemen: I have reviewed the revised Agreement for Pedestrian Access Easement, Landscape Maintenance Easement, and Grant of Easement. It is acceptable in its present form. Please present the original executed by Riva Ridge Partners and the owner for execution by Bob McLaurin. We will provide you with a fully executed copy. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, TOWN VAIL� r�t R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RWM/aw xc: Mike Mollica �a RECYCLEDPAPER SEP -09 -97 TUE 08:14 AM HC -Y ALBERTSON POLK FAX N0._30: 32860 P.02/14 HOLLEY, ALSEjMoN & POLY, P.C. ATTO*xm AT LAW DEWin WESTOFFtce PARK St= 100, BUMOM 19 1667 COLE BLVD. Gouxr. COWaAOO 30401 GEORGE ALAN HOLLEY PHONE (303) 233.73.31 SCOTT D. AIMERTSON FAX (303) 233 -2160 DENNIS B. POLK ERIC L TORGERSEN THOMAS A. WALSH HOWARD B. STONE September 9, 1997 VIA TSLSC pnM AND FUST R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Vail Village Club, Vail, Colorado Dear Tom: As a follow -up to our telephone conversation last week and your September 2, 1997, letter, we have revised the Agreement for Pedestrian Access Easement, Landscape Maintenance Easement and Grant of Easement. In this regard, enclosed please find a revised draft of the Agreement for your review and comments. If you have any questions about this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your continued cooperation and professional courtesies with regard to this matter. Sincerely, HOLLEY, ALB ER Z7H & PO� . P.C. Eric E. r EET /db enc. ace: Glenn M. Heelan (via telecopier) Hark E. Welch (via telecopier) Printed by Mike Mollica 9/2W7 4:04pm -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F,4tom: Mike Mollica To: Tom Moorhead Subject: Vail Village Club --------------------------------------- === NOTE____ ____________________________ CC: Bob McLaurin I have revised the parking pay -in -lieu figures for the Vail Village Club based upon our recent walk- through of the building with Glenn and Charlie: 1) Per the zoning code, the parking requirement is: 59.996 spaces - 27.000 grandfathered = 32.996 spaces required Therefore, 32.996 x $16,333.38 = $538,936.20 2) This is for informational purposes only - -- Utilizing the UBC to determine occupant load, for the entire structure, Art Hoagland has determined the occupant load to be 483 persons (this does not include the additional 10o allowance per section 25.114,b). Therefore, 483/8 = 60.375 60.375 spaces - 27.000 grandfathered = 33.375 spaces required 33.375 x $16,333.38 = $545,126.55 Please note that the zoning code only allows the use of the UBC calculations for restaurant /bar use only. Again, the above calculation is for the entire structure. Tom, let me know if you need anything else from me. Q v en- -� Page: 1 Storage - Stock Factor* _ Locker Room _ Massage - waiting if _ Drinking est. - Dining it _ Lounge" Dance Floor * ** _ Retail if _ i * Factor = square feet per occupant ** The "Dining Deck" on the second floor level was not included as it would be when calculating exit requirements based upon Occupant Load. * ** The portion of the Lounge indicated to be a Dance Floor will have a higher Occupant Load. U.B.0 Sec. 3302 (a) 1. Paragraph two states "For a building or portion thereof which has more than one use, the occupant load shall be determined by the use which gives the largest number of persons." Mike, if you have questions give me a call at (970) 963 -2312 Thanks, P-S v i --,n1m ��® ,//IrZ VS 1-1/2E �fvCCZ-s501ex 1.4_4'- 300 673 zb3 l art 1043 50 r5� Sao 100 .4 X4,2 15 53� Ibg I �.11f, �9� 363,E 7 30p�,'8' 200 451 ZIL 15 100 9 X8'3 * Factor = square feet per occupant ** The "Dining Deck" on the second floor level was not included as it would be when calculating exit requirements based upon Occupant Load. * ** The portion of the Lounge indicated to be a Dance Floor will have a higher Occupant Load. U.B.0 Sec. 3302 (a) 1. Paragraph two states "For a building or portion thereof which has more than one use, the occupant load shall be determined by the use which gives the largest number of persons." Mike, if you have questions give me a call at (970) 963 -2312 Thanks, P-S v i --,n1m ��® ,//IrZ VS 1-1/2E �fvCCZ-s501ex 1991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE APPENDIX VI -D TABLE NO. 33 -A— MINIMUM EGRESS REQUIREMENTS[ MINIMUM OF TWO EXITS 3 OTHER THAN ELEVATORS ARE _ REQUIRED WHERE NUMBER OF OCCUPANT LOAD =_ NU OCCUPANTS IS AT FACTOR _ USE' LEAST (sq. tt') 2 I. Aircraft hangars 10 500 (no repair) 2. Auction rooms 30 3. Assembly areas, concentrated use 50 (without fixed seats) Auditoriums Churches and chapels a Dance floors = obby accessory to assembly occupancy odge rooms Reviewing stands Stadiums 50 3 ,,, = Waiting Area ,.,;A -t e 4. 50 15 less- concentrated use Conference rooms Dining room Drinking establishments —rxhibit rooms Gymnasiums Lounges [ages 5. Bowling alley (assume no 50 4 occupant load for bowling lanes) 6. Children's homes and homes for 6 8 the aged 50 20 = 7. Classrooms = 8. Congregate residences (accommodating 10 or less persons and having an area of I0 300 3,000 square feet or less) a Congregate residences (accommodating more than 10 persons or having an area of 10 200 more than 3,000 square feet) 50 40 9. Courtrooms 50 10. Dormitories 10 10 300 ll. Dwellings 50 50 , '- 12. Exercising rooms a (Continued) 559 �� S zC To v APPENDIX VI -D 1991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE TABLE NO. 33 -A— MINIMUM EGRESS REQUIREMENTS'--(Continued) (Access to, and egress from, buildings for persons with disabilities shall be provided as spe- cified in Chapter 31. 2For additional provisions on number of exits from Groups H and I Occupancies and from rooms containing fuel -fired equipment or cellulose nitrate, see Sections 3319, 3320 and 3321, respectively. 3This table shall not be used to determine working space requirements per person. _ 0-3 Koo rns 'Occupant load based on five persons for each alley, including 15 feet of runway. 560 MINIMUM OF TWO EXITS OTHER THAN ELEVATORS ARE REQUIRED WHERE NUMBER OF OCCUPANT LOAD OCCUPANTS IS AT FACTOR' USE' LEAST (sq. tt.) 13. Garage, parking 30 200 14. Hospitals and sanitariums— Nursing homes Sleeping rooms 6 80 Treatment rooms 10 80 Health -care center 10 80 15. Hotels menu 10 200 16. itchen— commercial 30 200 17. g room 50 0 { ocker rooms 30 50 19. Malls (see Chapter 56) — — 20. Manufacturing areas 30 200 21. Mechanical equipment room 30 300 22. Nurseries for children (day care) 7 35 23. Offices 30 100 24. School shops and vocational rooms 50 50 25. Skating rinks 50 50 on the skating area; 15 on the deck S[ora a and stock rooms 30 3 2 Cores— retatl sales rooms 50 30 28. Swimming pools 50 50 for the pool area; 15 on the deck 29. Warehouses 30 500 30. All others 50 100 (Access to, and egress from, buildings for persons with disabilities shall be provided as spe- cified in Chapter 31. 2For additional provisions on number of exits from Groups H and I Occupancies and from rooms containing fuel -fired equipment or cellulose nitrate, see Sections 3319, 3320 and 3321, respectively. 3This table shall not be used to determine working space requirements per person. _ 0-3 Koo rns 'Occupant load based on five persons for each alley, including 15 feet of runway. 560 V 1 1991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 25.110- 25.115 Ashtrays Sec. 25.110. Where smoking is allowed, approved noncombustible ashtrays or match receivers shall be provided on each table and at other convenient places. Fire Appliances Sec. 25.111. Fire appliances shall be kept in proper working condition. Extinguishers and hose and similar appliances shall be visible and accessible at all times. It shall be the duty of the owner and the occupant of each building or part of a building occupied as a place of assembly to properly train sufficient regular employees in the use of fire appliances. Plan of Exit Ways and Aisles Sec. 25.112. When required by the chief, a plan indicating the seating arrange- ments, location and width of exit ways and aisles shall be submitted for approval, and an approved copy of the plan shall be kept on display on the premises. Marking and Lighting of Exits Sec. 25.113. Exits in places of assembly shall be identified and lighted in accordance with Article 12. Maximum Occupant Load B I Sec. 25.114. (a) Posting of Room Capacity. Rooms having an occupant load B of 50 or more where fixed seats are not installed, and which is used for classroom, assembly or similar purpose, shall have the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit from the room. Such sign shall be maintained legible by the owner or the owner's authorized agent and shall indicate the number of occupants permitted for each room use. 4etermination of Occupant Load. The number of persons in a building or portion thereof shall not exceed the amount determined as specified in the Building Code except that where such additional exit facilities are provided the occupant load can be increased by not more than 0_ p_ ercent, when approved by the chief, without being considerecl overcrowding. (c) Overcrowding. Overcrowding and admittance of persons beyond the approved capacity of a place of assembly are prohibited. The chief, upon finding overcrowding conditions or obstructions in aisles, passageways or other means of egress, or upon finding a condition which constitutes a serious menace to life, is authorized to cause the performance, presentation, spectacle or entertainment to be stopped until such condition or obstruction is corrected. Candles and Other Open -flame Devices Sec. 25.115. Candles and other open -flame devices shall not be used in places of assembly, or drinking or dining establishments. EXCEPTIONS: 1. When used in conjunction with approved heating or cooking appliances in areas not accessible to the public. 2. When used in conformance with Section 25.116. 111 Q APPROVED nrT ? 1 199 FILE COPY 2. An appeal of the following staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay -in -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC; Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica /Tom Moorhead Mike Mollica gave an overview of the staff memo and explained the appeals process. He then stated that the appeal should not be heard because of the timeliness issue. Glenn Heelan, Manager of Riva Ridge Property, said that on page 2 of the staff memo, it was not final due to the October 1, 1997 letter from Tom Moorhead. He further stated the June 21st letter said the parking fees were estimated, therefore, the application not being timely was not appropriate. Greg Moffet asked for any comments on the timeliness issue. Bill Whiteford, son of Greta Parks (property owner), reiterated what Glenn said per the documents and said he couldn't believe the attempt to head off this application was based on the timliness issue. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 13, 1997 N Jim Lamont asked how the decision was made from the administrative process. Tom Moorhead said it was not appropriate for Jim to ask questions about staff. Jim Lamont, representing the EVHA, stated the principal question was if the administrative decision had documented the dollar amount. Greg Moffet stated that was what we were trying to determine. Tom Moorhead stated that the decisiion became final 10 days after the next PEC hearing, following the staff decision. He said staff had continued to meet with Glenn Heelan and adjustments had been made; none of which had been successful. Mike Mollica said regarding the determination of use, it was documented in Exhibit C of the letter written by Jim Curnutte. Glenn Heelan said the question was whether or not the application was timely. He agreed that Tom was correct regarding the June 17th letter, however numerous letters later had changed the fee. He then said the latest letter received was from Tom on October 1st. Ann Bishop asked Mike if the letter of June 17th had given them notice. Mike Mollica said, yes. Ann Bishop asked how the applicant would know that. Tom Moorhead said it was in the Ordinance. Tom Moorhead said we had no objection addressing all the issues, but that the applicant would have to pay the fee as calculated to be consistent with other applications. He said he was confident on all the issues that this appeal had no basis. Ann Bishop stated in reading the letter of June 17th from Mr. Mollica to Glenn, it said nothing about it being final. She said she understood how it would be difficult to determine when it was final from that letter. John Schofield said, regarding the timeliness, that there was conflicting information. He said that the appeal form specifically referenced the 6/17 letter and one can only infer that that was what the applicant was appealing. He asked if things were not final in the applicant's mind, then what was being appealed? He said that the June 17th letter had nothing to do with the 3rd and 4th floors and also the promissory note. Greg Amsden had no comments. Galen Aasland asked if uses had been changed since the 6/17 letter? Glenn Heelan said the argument was the parking. Diane Golden said it was very confusing. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 13, 1997 3 ti Greg Moffet said we cannot bar this from timeliness, because of what was on the application. He then asked for a motion regarding the timeliness issue. John Schofield made a motion that the appeal, as submitted, and as stated in the June 17th letter, not be considered as a valid appeal due to the timeliness issue. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4 -2, with Ann Bishop and Diane Golden opposed. Greg Moffet asked if he could make a motion. Tom Moorhead said Greg Moffet could make a motion, but to ask another person to chair while doing so. Ann Bishop made a motion, pending resolution of the first motion, to hear the presentation on the parking. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. John Schofield asked Tom if the appeal was barred, could the PEC hear the parking issue. Tom Moorhead stated that the PEC ruled that this appeal was not timely. John Schofield asked if the PEC could overrule the calculations. Tom Moorhead said that within 10 days, the PEC could call it up, but if the appeal was not valid, the PEC had no authority. John Schofield said, regarding the testimony that the PEC heard, if the PEC had authority to advise staff? Tom Moorhead said, no. Galen asked if the PEC could call it up Tom Moorhead said the applicant had no ability to renew or create a new time period and that simply writing a letter couldn't renew it. Greg Moffet said the applicant could apply for a variance and that regarding this specific issue, we had barred the claim. Glen Heelan said he understood why the PEC was holding to the June 17th letter, but the September and October letters changed the fee again. He asked how he should file an appeal so it is timely? He said this was ridiculous, as he received letters every two weeks. Ann Bishop said she saw nothing in the June letter that stated it as final. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 13, 1997 0 1W W Glenn Heelan asked again how to file. He said you have said it didn't count and this was a cheap shot. He asked again which letter was the final one and again, said that this was a cheap shot, asking for a delay, which would hold us hostage on the parking issue. John Schofield stated an appeal can be made to Council within 10 days from today regarding the PEC barring the appeal with regards to the timeliness issue. The motion to hear the presentation failed by a vote of 1 -5 with Ann Bishop voting in favor. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 13, 1997 5 w September 15, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The Appeal of Staff s Interpretation of Ordinance 18.52. 100 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu fees of $571,341.68 Dear Mr. Mollica, Enclosed please find the completed appeals form required for filing an appeal of a staff action. In reference to paragraph H of the appeals form we submit the following: Riva Ridge Partners LLC, Glenn M. Heelan, and Margretta B. Parks are appealing staffs interpretation and subsequent calculation of code section 18.52. 100 and 18.52.160. Staff s interpretations have resulted in classifying the 3rd and 4th Floors of The Vail Village Club Building located at 333 Bridge Street as a public eating and drinking establishment, with an accompanying assessment for pay in lieu parking fees in the amount of $571,341.68. In addition, staff has determined that in order to defer payment of the pay in lieu fees by the use of a promissory note, they will require that Riva Ridge Partners LLC (the developer) and one of it's managers guarantee the promissory note, and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. As addressed in the attached correspondence, the applicant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces being assessed against the property, the requirement that he sign personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property, and questions whether in fact, the 3rd and 4th Floors that have a conditional use of a quasi - public Club be classified as eating and drinking establishments. ree to call with any questions or additional requirements you may r� .-elan TOWS APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A. ACTION /DECISION BEING APPEALED: A. The interpretation of Ordinance 18.52.100 and the subsequent calculation of the Parking Pay in Lieu Fees of $571,341.68 being assessed against The Vail Village Club Building at 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado. B. The requirement that the Applicant sign the promissory note personally and a Deed of Trust be filed on the property. C. The classfication of the 3rd /4th floors Club facilities as eating and drinking establishments. B. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: June 17, 1997 (per Mike Mollica's letter) C. NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Mike Mollica, Ass't Director of Community Development; Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney D. NAME OF APPELLANT(S): Riva Ridge Partners LLC; Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks_ MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 5770, Avon, CO 81620 PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL: 333 Bridge Street PHONE: 949 -6277 LEGAL 1st Filin E. SIGNATURE(S) ■ APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL: kALL� Page 1 of 2 Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? vP �q If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes no X If no, give a detailed f ;planation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Glenn M. Heelan is the Applicant for the exterior alterations. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is the developer of the building and the Lessee of the property from Margretta B. Parks under the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement. Margretta B. Parks is the owner of the property. G. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) of all owners of property which are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right -of -way, stream, or other intervening barriers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. H. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 Page 2 of 2 SEP -12 -97 12 =23 FROM =TOWI1 VAIL I D = 3034757 PAGE 1/4 4VK TOWN OF 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479- 2107/Faz 9701179 -2157 September 12, 1997 Mr. Glen Heelan Post Office Box 5770 Avon, Co 81620 Dear Glen: Office of the Town Attorney Enclosed is a Promissory Note establishing an agreement to pay the outstanding balance of $514,000 with interest at the rate of ten percent over the next ten years. Upon execution of this agreement and a Deed of Trust securing this Note, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy will issue. While the Town, at your request, agreed to extend the payment of this fee beyond the issuing of the building permit, there is no interest in waiving the condition that the parking fee must be paid prior to the issuing of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy- If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, TOWN OF VAM r9-m R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTM/aw Enclosure • RCCYCLEUPAPER SEP -12 -97 12 =23 FROM =TOWN ` VAIL ID =3034792157 PAGE 2/4 PROMISSORY NOTE This agreement is entered into on the _ day of , 1997, by and between the Towns of Vail and R.iva Ridge Partners, LLC, Glenn M. Heelan, and Charles W. Davison, jointly, severally, and individually (hereinafter jointly and individually referred to as "the Vail Village Club "), who are the developers and operators of the Vail Village Club. WHEREAS, the Vail Village Club has by letter of June 21, 1996, to Mike Mollica, Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, agreed to pay the parking pay -in -lieu fees over a period of years with the first payment due and payable at the time of issuance of a temporary Certificate of Occupancy; and WHEREAS, Building Permit #B96 -003 contains a condition that the parking pay -in -lieu fee shall be paid to the Town prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy; and WHEREAS, Section 18.52.160 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado provides that contributions to the Town Parking Fund shall be paid at the time of the issuance of the building permit or paying over a five (5) year period; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council gave authority to the Town Manager to enter into this agreement which will allow for the payment of the contribution to the Town Parking Fund to be made over a ten (10) year period of time at ten (10 %) percent interest and such other terms and conditions as are agreeable to the Town Manager; and WHEREAS, the total parking fee required by this development pursuant to Chapter 18.54 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado has been determined to be $571,341.63; and WHEREAS, the Vail Village Club has made its initial payment in the amount of $57,341.63 representing ten (10 %) percent of the parking fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the extension of the period of time within which this contribution is to be paid and for all other promises and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows; 1 _ The Vail Village Club promises to pay to the Town of Vail, the principal sum of $514,000.00, with interest on the unpaid principal balance from September 5, 1997 until paid, at the rate of ten (10 0/6) percent per annum. Principle and interest shall be payable at 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, or such other place as the Town of Vail may designate, in nine payments of Eighty -Nine Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty -One Dollars and Twenty -Four Cents (U.S. $89,251.24) due on the anniversary of September 5, 1997 beginning September 5, 1999- Such payments shall continue annually until the entire indebtedness evidenced by this Note is fully paid; provided, however, if not sooner paid, the entire principle amount outstanding and accrued interest thereon, shall be due and payable on September 5, 2006. SEP -12 -97 12 =24 FROM =TOWN -w VAIL ID =3034792157 PAGE 3/4 2. The Vail Village Club shall pay to the Town of Vail a late charge of eighteen (18 %) of any payment not received by the Town of Vail when due. 3. Payments received for application to this Note shall be applied first to the payment of late charges, if any, second to the payment of accrued interest specified above, and the balance applied in reduction of the principal amount thereof. 4. If any payment required by this Note is not paid when due, the entire principal amount outstanding and accrued interest thereon shall become due and payable at the option of the Town of Vail (Acceleration) twenty days after notice of Acceleration has been given. Such notice of Acceleration shall specify the amount of the nonpayment plus any unpaid late charges and other costs, expenses and fees due under this Note. Until the expiration of said twenty -day period, the Vail Village Club may cure all defaults consisting of a failure to make required payments by tendering the amounts of unpaid sums due at the time of tender, without Acceleration, as specified by the Town of Vail in such notice. Cure restores the Vail Village Club to its rights under this Note as though defaults had not occurred_ Any defaults under this Note occurring within twelve months after the Town of Vail has once given a notice of Acceleration, entitles the Vail Village Club to no right to cure, except as otherwise provided by law. The Town of Vail shall be entitled to collect all reasonable costs and expense of collection and/or suit, including, but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees_ 5. The Vail Village Club may prepay the principal amount outstanding under this Note, in whole or in part, at any time without penalty. Any partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding and shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payments or change the amount of such payments. 6. The Vail Village Club and all other makers, sureties, guarantors, and endorsers hereby waive presentment, notice of dishonor and protest, and they hereby agree to any extensions of time of payment and partial payments before, at, or after maturity_ This Note shall be the joint and several obligation of the Vail Village Club and all other makers, sureties, guarantors and endorsers, and their successors and assigns. 7_ Any notice to the Vail Village Club provided for in this Note shall be in writing and shall be given and be effected upon (1) delivery to the Vail Village CIub or (2) mailing such notice by first -class U.S. mail, addressed to the Vail Village Club at the Vail Village Club's address stated below, or to such other address as the Vail Village Club may designate by notice to the Town of Vail. Any notice to the Town of Vail shall be in writing and shall be given and be effective upon (1) delivery to the Town of Vail or (2) by mailing such notice by first -class U.S. mail, to the Town of Vail at the address stated in the first paragraph of this Note, or to such other address as the Town of Vail may designate by notice to the Vail Village Club- SEP -12 -97 12 =24 FROM =TOWN ^F VAIL ID =3034792157 PAGE 4/4 8. The indebtedness evidence by this Note is secured by a Deed of Trust dated ' 19---, and until released said Deed of Trust contains additional rights of the Town of Vail. Such rights may cause Acceleration of the indebtedness evidence by this Note. Reference is made to said Deed of Trust for such additional terms. Said Deed of Trust grants rights in the property identified as follows: Property Address: 298 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 5770, Avon, Colorado 81620 RIVA RIDGE PARTNERSHIP, LLC By: President Glenn M. Heelan Charles W. Davison r;vNid"-= Attest: By: Secretary Re: The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado -- Application for Partial TO on Floors 1 and 2 Dear Mr. Moorhead, The purpose of this letter is to request that the Town of Vail issue a Partial Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ( "TO ") on Floors 1 and 2 of The Vail Village Club Building, Vail, Colorado, without requiring further payment of fees in lieu of parking dedication (or the execution of a promissory note and collateral security agreement) at this time. We believe that the Town of Vail should issue a partial TO for Floors 1 and 2 without contemporaneous payment of the parking fee (other than the approximately $57,000 amount which has been paid under protest) because there is no parking fee attributable to Floors 1 and 2, even if the Community Development Department's own calculations are used. While we may not agree with the Department's calculations and reserve the right to contest those calculations before Planning Commission and Town Council, we believe that the Department's own computations for Floors 1 and 2 required a total of 24.538 parking spaces. This is less than the 27 parking spaces attributable to the original Serrano's Cantina building. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club is entitled to an offset in calculating the parking fee in the amount of the "grandfathered" 27 spaces, leaving a credit against the fee for the project of 2.462 spaces. We believe this solution is a fair means by which the restaurant and bar on the premises can open for business, begin generating sales tax revenue and allow employees to earn wages, while Riva Ridge Partners LLC pursues its appeal of the Community Development Department's parking fee calculation. As we have advised you, the restaurant and bar operations on the first two floors are ready to open, employees have been hired and are on the payroll, supplies and inventory have been delivered and the only condition remaining to opening the business is the issuance of this partial TO. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Page 2 Further, we expect that the Town will require that the parking fee be paid before the TO can be issued for the balance of the building; however, by that time, we expect to have a decision by the Town Council on the amount of the parking fee, after giving Riva Ridge Partners LLC an opportunity to be heard. In the meantime, however, the restaurant business on the premises would not be damaged by the delay which will inevitably occur in bringing this question in front of Town Council. We believe the Town should seriously consider our proposal to resolve this impasse. Riva Ridge Partners LLC has paid approximately $57,000.00 toward the parking fee to be determined for The Vail Village Club Building. Even if the Town issues a partial TO for Floors 1 and 2, the application for the rest of the building will still be pending, and issuance of the TO can be conditioned on payment of the fee at that time. Riva Ridge Partners LLC plans to file its appeal by September 15, 1997, so that hearing can be scheduled in front of Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council at the earliest possible dates. Finally, under our cover letter dated September 5, 1997 Riva Ridge Partners LLC paid to the Town the sum of $57,341.63, under protest, as the initial installment of the parking fee for the project. We paid that first installment under protest because we disagree with the amount of the fee determined by the Community Development Department of $571,341.63, for the reasons set forth in our letter, a copy of which is attached for your convenient reference. Since the time that amount was paid, you have advised us that the Town of Vail will require a promissory note executed not only by the applicant, Riva Ridge Partners LLC, but by its managers, Mr. Davison and myself, personally, and that the Town requires that this promissory note be secured by a lien against The Vail Village Club property as well. It is our further recollection that you advised us that the Town of Vail would honor the parking fee computation of $457,334.64, established by the Community Development Department in 1996, only if that amount was paid in full in cash. We believe that Chapter 18.52 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance does permit the parking fee to be paid by the applicant in installments, with the unpaid balance reflected in an unsecured promissory note executed only by the applicant. Riva Ridge Partners LLC has determined that because the parking fee is being paid under protest, Riva Ridge Partners LLC will not agree to execute either a promissory note or a security agreement or other instrument creating a lien against The Vail Village Club property in order to obtain the partial TO on Floors 1 and 2. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. Page 3 As we have advised you previously and in this letter, the restaurant and bar is prepared to open for business immediately upon issuance of the partial TO. Please advise us of the Town's response as soon as possible. Sincerely, Riva Ridge Partners LLC Glenn M. Heelan, Manager Charles W. Davison, Manager cc: Margretta B. Parks Bill Whiteford Mayor Robert Armour Robert McLaurin William Post, Esq. Eric Torgersen, Esq. a 0 September 05, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 HAND DELIVERED Re: The Vail Village Club Building, 333 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado -- PAYMENT OF PARKING FEES UNDER PROTEST Dear Mr. Mollica: Enclosed please find a 1stBank of Avon check in the amount of $57,341.63 representing 10% of the parking fee of $571,341.63 as determined by the Department of Community Development, pursuant to your June 17, 1997 letter. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT RIVA RIDGE PARTNERS LLC IS PAYING THIS AMOUNT UNDER PROTEST AND RESERVES ALL RIGHTS TO DISPUTE THE AMOUNT OF THE PARKING FEES ASSESSED AGAINST THE VAIL VILLAGE CLUB BUILDING. Riva Ridge Partners LLC is paying this amount under protest solely for the purpose of satisfying one of the specific conditions imposed by the Department of Community Development on the issuance of a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for The Vail Village Club building, i.e. payment of the parking fees as set forth in Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, Riva Ridge Partners LLC reserves all rights to contest and protest the validity and amount of this parking fee before the Planning and Environmental Commission and before the Town Council for the Town of Vail, as well as in any appropriate litigation. While we may disagree with whether the Town of Vail has the right to exact parking fees in excess of $15,000.00 per theoretical parking space for properties within Commercial Core I, we recognize that Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Ordinance expressly authorizes assessment and collection of this parking fee. Our primary disagreement is with the Department of Community Development's determination of the amount of that fee, which we believe is excessive and is not supported by Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Ordinance. Over the last several weeks, we have attempted to settle and compromise this dispute with representatives of the Town of Vail, including you and Thomas Moorhead, the Town Attorney. In an effort to resolve this matter, we met with you and Mr. Moorhead on separate occasions in order to address the outstanding parking issue. Ah Mike Mollica September 5, 1997 Page 2 Our legal counsel, Holley, Albertson and Polk, P. C., also furnished you with a letter articulating the basis of our disagreement with staff s determination of the parking fee. A copy of that letter is attached for your convenient reference. We assume that the Town of Vail enacted Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Ordinance and imposed parking fees in order to generate revenue to offset the costs of parking being borne by the Town of Vail. However, we believe that demand for parking in the Town of Vail is not primarily driven by the amount of developed space within the Town, but rather the use of that space. For example, for restaurant space, the square foot area of a restaurant might permit more seating than is actually utilized, as in the case of The Vail Village Club. Therefore, we believe, that according to section of the Zoning Ordinance, the parking fee for The Vail Village Club should be determined by the actual number of seats within the restaurant area, rather than the square footage of floor space utilized by the Department of Community Development, as set forth in your June 17, 1997 letter. In addition, although we disagree with the measurement of space as the means to determine the parking fee, we also believe that the square foot area calculations made by the Department of Community Development are significantly overinclusive, and do not accurately determine the square foot area utilized for the restaurant space. We recognized that the Town of Vail has recently acknowledged that parking fees are discouraging redevelopment, and that Town Council is reviewing the entire parking fee system. In addition, we would like to point out that while we were having preliminary meetings with the Department of Community Development and within two months of our application for exterior alteration was submitted, the parking fee was increased from approximately $8,500 per space to $15,000 per space. Presently, that fee is in excess of $16,000 per space. Thus, in combination with the actual determination of the number of parking spaces (which as you know is the basis for calculating the fee), the increased parking fee per space which is applicable to The Vail Village Club building has increased the parking fee for the project by an excessive, perhaps exorbitant, amount. As a final matter, we believe that Riva Ridge Partners LLC is entitled to a hearing before Town Council as to the final determination of the parking fee for The Vail Village Club building. By payment of this installment of the parking fee under protest, we do not intend to relinquish our right to request such a final determination and hearing or any subsequent judicial review of the fee or the Mike Mollica September 5, 1997 Page 3 propriety of the entire parking fee system. Glenn M. Heelan Manager cc: Margretta B. Parks Bill Whiteford Mayor Robert Armour Robert McLaurin Thomas Moorhead William Post, Esq. Mark Welch, Esq. Eric Torgersen, Esq. Charles Manager 0 Davison Printed by Mike Mollica grl Tjm 9:23am From: Mike Mollica To: Charlie Davis, Tom Moorhead Subject: fwd: Vail Village Club = == NOTE==== ------ = === =8/29/97= 12:30pm == I have inspected the property and it appears to be in compliance with the to approved permit plans. They need add one retail door on the east elevation of the building, which Tony and I discussed. so ... prior to issuing a TCO, the following two issues need to be resolved: 1) Parking pay -in -lieu $$$$$$ 2) Grant of easements - execute Tom, if you are able to work out these two issues with Glenn, please E -mail Charlie and me so that we can issue the TCO. Thanks. Fwd =by:= Tom = Moorhead == 8/29/97== 5:22pm == Fwd to: Mike Mollica CC: Bob McLaurin, Charlie Davis I meet with Glen and Charlie and did not come to resolution. They wanted the opportunity to pay the original estimate figure of $450,000 + over 10 years. No can do_ I do believe, Mike, that you are going to hear from them again on the calculation. On the easement I pointed out 3 items that nee ed to be changed, minor issues. I could live with it the way it is. Charlie Davis did call me from the Club and asked if they could be issued a TCO. My answer was no. Page: 1 IL f" Tc cf. ?� 17- .-.. 4 'e; '-f-/ 14wtlT . 0 0 l Al L. V t L L. (YG E CC_ U6 September 2, 1997 Mr. Charlie Davis Building Inspector Town of Vail Department of Community Development Re: The Vail Village Club - Second Floor Women's Restroom Building Permit # 896 -0033 Dear Mr. Davis, Pursuant to your meeting with Mr. Tony Faulhaber of J. L. Viele Construction Inc., please accept this letter as Riva Ridge Partners LLC acknowledgement and acceptance of all responsibility for a fourth water closet in the women's restroom on the second floor that is narrower than the minimum requirement. As you are aware, the second level women's restroom was originally designed and constructed with four water closets to meet occupancy standards. After construction commenced additional restrooms were added to the first level to better service customers in the main level bar. Based on occupancy load calculations for the second floor and the additional water closets added to the first level, only two water closets were required in the second level women's restroom. Presently this restroom has one water closet which meets ADA minimum requirements and two additional water closets which meet the minimum requirement for a standard water closet. Therefore, the fourth water closet while not meeting the minimum size requirements is not required to meet code occupancy standards and therefore is an "extra" benefit to the customers. Riva Ridge Partners is willing to accept all responsibility for this fourth water closet in the second level women's restroom. it your assistance in this matter. Your cooperation in solving a lem was greatly appreciated. M. Heelan Manager 108/29/97 14:23 ^0970 468 0295 NWCCOG MEMO N WCCOG Elevator Inspection Program Date: To.- ell,41&e�S- e'-4VIS 7�i&W 0411- From: Frank Kilian ... _. subflct: ProAci Name: lj41Z V1,1 M G� C.LlJ,3 ❑ Elevator Plan Review XElevator Test and Inspection Location:g�4�/Sd�l /2friflG<f 2rJrQ -� 11/w - eo op-ItI7� j Permit Number: i� 0"'933 Elevator Type:�/G�� ❑ The plans have been reviewed and found to conform to all applicable ANSI 17.1 and UBC codes_ J�C The elevatorlegnMeior at the above location was inspected and tested on �v - and a 11IMPOMIWFinall Inspection Certificate has been issued. Comments: I Signature: `�` 7671 pate BWSy W V-aX NOte < d From Pos " cc? CoJDePt. C,l�'" — Phone # Y Phone # Fax # fj /' Fax# �% N CA 001 AUG -26 -97 TUE 13:30 FAX N0. 9704763423 P.01 i.4. vae;e CtW,&true.tivit, I11c. 1000 5, rronlagc. Road Wt +C, Suite 202 Vajl, Colorado 81657 N Trc.. 97o, 476, 3082 Fax 970.476. 3123 August 26, 1997 G Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail Community Development 75 S- Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 t RE: Vail Village Club Dear Charlie, We have made accurate square footage calculations using our computer digitizer for the 2nd floor and have determined the following calculations: 'a Occupancy Location SF Loading Loadin Restaurant Seating - Lounge #212 328 - 15 22 Restaurant Seating - Dining 4211 343 15 23 Restaurant Sealing - Dining #205 533 15 36 Bar Seating - stools at bar area 90 _ 15 6 Waiting Area 110 _ 7 16 Kitchen, Bar, Waitress Stations 722 _ 200 4 Dining Deck at North (seasonal only) 253 _ 15 17 Dining Deck at S.F. (seasonal only) 97 _ 15 6 Total Occupancy Loading 130 Based on these calculations the UPC requires the women's restroom to have two toilets. We currently have four toilets and are requesting that we be allowed to eluninate one toilet so we can achieve the required spacing between the toilets. Sincerely, runtz C ag cc: Ernie Pyle Frank Freyer Glenn Heelen Charlie Davison 11/24/1998 18:02 970 - 242 -7634 NE BB _= 1 LUNSFORD MECHANICAL CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST, AND BALANCE REPORT DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 1997 PROJECT: VAIL VILLAGE CLUB ADDRESS: VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: SEMPLE BROWN ROBERTS ENGINEER: BELFRAY ENGINEERING HVAC CONTRACTOR: LUNDSFORD BROTHERS MECHANICAL INC. NEBB CONTRACTOR: CERTIFIED BALANCE INC. OF COLORADO ADDRESS: 924 26 ROAD GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO PAGE 02 NE. BB PROJECT: VAIL VILLAGE CLUB - ADDRESS. VAIL, COLORADO CERTIFICATION THE DATA PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT IS AN EXACT RECORD OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND WAS OBTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEBB STANARDS PROCEDURES ANY VARIANCES FROM DESIGN QUANTITIES WHICH EXCEED NEBB TOLERANCES ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT THIS REPORT, THE AIR AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED AND BALANCED AND FINIAL ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE. WITH NEBB "PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING ADJUSTING - BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS" AND THE PRO.ECT SPECIFICATIONS, THE REPORT IS BASED ON BUILDING, SPACE AND EQUIPMENT CONDITIONS ON DATES TESTED. SUBMITTED AND CERTIFIED BY -. NEBB CONTRACTOR CERTIFIED BALANCE INC. OF COLORADO TAB SUPERVISOR Clinton P. Gotman REG_ NO. 2823 DATE 9119/97 BB iCA T �.P. GOWN 11/24/1998 18:02 970 - 242 -7634 Ni BB LUNSFORD MECHANICAL PAGE 04 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REPORT PROJECT: VAIL VILLAGE CLUB u--Td-BE MANOMETER/ CBVCO 26 1 PRES. READINGS 1216/98 DCP9IC6CO 70 VOLT/ AMP READINGS INSTRUMENT /SERIAL APPLICATION DATES OF USE -AMTEK TACHOMETERICBUCO 60 1 RPM READINGS 9/9-12/97 SHIMPO STROBOSCOBE/ CSVCO 59 RPM READINGS i 9/9-12/97 ELEC THERM./C8uCO 58 ! TEMP.IHUMIDITY READ_ i 9/9-12/97 _COOPER FLUKE MO. 52 THERM /CSUCO 09 TEMP READINGS i 9/9-12/97 CALIBRATION DATES i 12/6/96 6/3/97 11/11/96 11111 /96 DIAL THERM -40 -12_01 CBI/CO 64 �UEI I TEMP. READINGS u--Td-BE MANOMETER/ CBVCO 26 1 PRES. READINGS 1216/98 DCP9IC6CO 70 VOLT/ AMP READINGS 1 9/9-12/97 _ 1111!96 AIR DATA MULTIMETER/ CBI /CO 57 AIR FLOW READINGS 1 9/9-12/97 12/8196 SHORTRIDGE FLOW H0001M9130 j AIR FLOW READINGS i 9/9-12Y97 1716196 MAGNEHILIC 0- 5 /CBI /CQ 52 j PRES. READINGS { 9/9-12/97 12J6/96 ' MAGNEHELIC 0- 1 /C81 /CO 53 i PRES. READINGS 9/9-12/97 12/6!98 MAGN_EHELIC 0 -5/ CSI /CO 54 'PRES, READINGS 9/9-12/97 6N/97 _ 1216196 - _. PITQT TUBE 16" PRES, READINGS I N/A j PITOT TUBE 24" PRES. READINGS 1 9/9-12/97 N/A ITOT TUBE 36" P PRES, READINGS 9/9-12/97 N/A '. INCLINED MANOMETER! CBUCO 22 {PRES. READINGS ! 121 REMARKS: TEST DATE: 9 / 10 -12 / 9 7 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN 6/98 u--Td-BE MANOMETER/ CBVCO 26 1 PRES. READINGS 12!6/98 - I SUNG PSYCHROMETER/CBI /CO 17 TEMP. /HUMIDITY READ. i 12096 EST GAGE, 0 -30 LBS/CBUCO 212 WATER PRES. READINGS 12/6/96 7 SE T GAGE, 0 -80 L13S /C131 /CO214 WATER PRES. READINGS 9/9-12/97 12/6/96 j TEST GAGE, 0 -200 LBS/CBVCO 215 WATER PRES_ RMINQ$ 112MM TEST GAGE, - 30460 LOS/ CBVCO 205 WATER PRES. READINGS 112MM HYDRO DATA METER /CBI /CO 211 WATER PRES. READINGS 9/9-1.2/97 17!8/96 ITT BARTON 247A/CBUCO 206 WATER PRES_ READINGS 11/11/9G RA TEK ST6 TEMP. READINGS 9/9-12/97 6N/97 i I i i I REMARKS: TEST DATE: 9 / 10 -12 / 9 7 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN NE. BB PROJECT: VAIL VILLAGE CLUB SYSTEM /UNIT: LOCATION: ROOF/ 4TH FLOOR AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT RTU -1 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA ' MakalModel No. TRANE MskWFrwm G . E. - - - -^ ot Typalsin YCD060C3HBBE H.P_ TAG COVERED i Senal Nunber L43100777D RPM Regiabr Taal Arr./Chns GAS / ELEC / RTU voted 208/230 - Diacfmrpe DOWNFLOW Phw/Hartz 1/60 MakoShmm I DIRECT DRIVE ' F.LAmpa 6.6 _ Shww 0i mam S. LAmpo DIRECT DRIVE NO. BoWmakNslz. Shr Dwnl8ore 2 SPD - -- - No.FilbrRypalsim 2- 20X25X1 Shmvopsr. Diem 210 LAT Shreve CIL Diemnes Motor Volta TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL =+ TomlCFM 2000 alachw9e S.P. I .45 Regiabr Taal 1950 2 217 ' Ext Suction S. p_ -10 -- Fan RPM LOW SPD External S.P. .50- . 55 Motor RPM ? FAN SUCTION B.P. .28 j Hwtng ; Motor volts 210 LAT 118 Motor Volta 209 EA-t 74 _ - Motor volb TwM, diff. I 54 MBH Motor Amps 3.7 i Motor Amps 3.7 1 Coding Motor Amps EAT 76 I LAT 53 CFLA Temp. diff. 23 9HP 1 � Outside Air CFM 300 3 2 5 08A Damper Pon. 15% Return Air CFM RA Damper Poo- 85% REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: Mb 439 9/812/97 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN 97VVCA d[ HOLLEY, ALBERTSON & POLK, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAw DENVER WEST OFFICE PARK SUITE 100, BUILDING 19 1667 COLE BLVD. GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 GEORGE ALAN HOLLEY SCOTT D.ALBERTSON DENNIS B. POLK ERIC E. TORGERSEN THOMAS A. WALSH HOWARD R. STONE July 30, 1997 BY TELECOPIER AND FIRST -CLASS MAIL PHONE (303) 233 -7838 FAX (303) 233 -2860 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Vail Village Club, 298 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, Colorado (the "Property ") Dear Mr. Mollica: This firm represents Riva Ridge Partners LLC in connection with the above - referenced matter. We are in receipt of a copy of your June 17, 1997, letter concerning the payment of fees in lieu of parking for the redevelopment of The Vail Village Club. The purpose of this letter is to set forth our client's position with regard to those fees in lieu of parking. It is our client's position, based upon Chapter 18.52 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance, that the Town has calculated an excessive fee in lieu of parking for the re- development of The Vail Village Club. Our analysis is based upon the following: 1. It is our understanding that the Property was previously allocated 27 parking spaces, as computed pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. It is our further understanding that our client would receive credit for these pre- existing parking spaces in connection with the re- development of the Property, and would be obligated to pay only the difference between the number of parking spaces as determined for The Vail Village Club and the original (in this instance 27) parking spaces attributable to the Property. , Based upon our review of your June 17, 1997, letter, the Town has followed this analysis as well. Thus, although this letter will not discuss our client's position on whether the Town is entitled to collect any fees in lieu of parking, or the amount per space of that fee, our client's primary position in this letter is that the Town has computed an excessive fee based upon the number of parking spaces attributable to The Vail Village Club as re- developed. 4s Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 2. 2. It appears that the fees in lieu of parking for The Vail Village Club are set forth in § 18.52.160.B, which provides in relevant part: In Commercial Core I and Commercial Core II property owners or applicants shall be required to contribute to the Town Parking Fund, hereby established, for the purpose of meeting the demand and requirements for vehicle parking. At such time as any property owner or other applicant proposes to develop or redevelop a parcel of property within an exempt area which would require parking and /or loading areas, the owner or applicant shall pay to the Town the parking fee hereinafter required. 2. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant shall be determined by the Town Council. 5. The parking fee to be paid by any owner or applicant is hereby determined to be fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) per space. This fee shall be automatically increased annually by the percentage the Consumer Price Index of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. 6. For additions or enlargements of any existing building or change of use that would increase the total number of parking spaces required, an additional parking fee will be required only for such addition, enlargement or change and not for the entire building or use. Zoning Ordinance § 18.52.160.B. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club is situated within the Commercial Core I area of the Town of Vail, and according to the Zoning Ordinance must contribute to the Town Parking Fund. It does not appear that § 18.52.160.B fixes the number of parking spaces which would be attributable to a re- development. Therefore, we assume that the number of parking spaces (used to determine the pay in lieu fee) is determined from the specific parking requirement schedule set forth in § 18.52.100. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club will be confined to some retail, personal service and repair shops, and some restaurant/ club, and a small portion (under 100 square feet) 16, . , Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 3. dedicated to office. According to § 18.52.100, parking spaces for those uses are determined as follows: C. Other Uses. 4. Retain Store, Personal Services and Repair Shops 1.0 space per each 300 feet of net floor space 5. Eating and Drinking Establishments 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive § (emphasis added). Under § 18.52.100.C., parking spaces required for retail use are determined based upon one space per 300 square feet of net floor space. For eating and drinking establishments, such as the club portion of The Vail Village Club, the parking requirement is 1.0 space per each 8 seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive; however, it does not appear that this provision permits the determination of parking requirements based upon square feet of net floor space, as done for retail establishments. This parking requirement appears to be consistent with the intent of the ordinance to require off street parking in the amount actually needed by the development. This would explain why the Zoning Ordinance determines necessary parking for a retail establishment based on net floor space, while a restaurant use is based upon seating capacity. Based upon our review, it appears that the fee -in -lieu of parking must be determined based upon the number of off street parking spaces which the Town could require pursuant to § 18.52.100 of the zoning ordinance. It is our understanding that The Vail Village Club and restaurants will have a maximum of 210 seats, which is less than the maximum number permitted under the applicable building code. Therefore, it would appear that the number of off - street parking spaces which could be required for the restaurant /club would be 26.25, i.e., 210 divided by 8, rather than 49.47 as calculated by the Town based upon net floor space. It is our client's position that the Zoning Ordinance limits the fees in lieu of parking to an amount equal to the per space fee multiplied by the number of parking spaces which could be required under § 18.52.100. Assuming the accuracy of the Town's net floor space calculations, it is our client's position that the number of parking spaces should be determined as follows: A. r P Mr. Mike Mollica July 30, 1997 Page 4. 1. Restaurant /Club = 210 Seats = 26.25 Parking Spaces 2. Retail = 3,704 Square Feet = 12.35 Parking Spaces 3. ' Office = 39 Square Feet = 0.16 Parkincr Spaces TOTAL 38.76 Parking Spaces Minus 27 (Grandfathered) Net Total 11.76 Finally, it is our client's position that assuming a parking fee of $16,333.38 per space, the parking fee for The Vail Village Club should be $192,080.55. Our client requests that the Town reconsider its computation of the fees in lieu of parking and advise our client as to whether the Town will change its position from your June 17, 1997, letter, that the parking fee for The Vail Village Club is $571,341.63, rather than $192,080.55, as our client suggests. In this regard,.- our client would be available to discuss this matter with you at greater length, if that would serve to clarify their position on the fees in lieu of parking. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your professional courtesies in this regard. EET /db cc: Glenn M. Heelan Sincerely, HOLLEY, ALBERTS & POLK, P.C. 'y Eric E. Torgersen July 1, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Sent Via Facsimile Dear Mike, In our meeting yesterday, we discussed our confusion pertaining to the language of the zoning code relating to Off - Street Parking and Loading; specifically "18.52.100 Section C. Other Uses #5" as it relates to Eating and drinking establishments. As I stated, we interpret the section to read how many actual seats we have, as opposed to the building code occupancy standards which are measured by occupant load factors per square foot. At your suggestion I will ask Tom Moorehead and my attorney to clarify the section. If, after further clarification, it is agreed that the number of seats and the resulting parking fees are determined by the square footage of the various uses; then, we still have questions regarding the actual number of square feet being calculated, mostly as it pertains to the bar on the first floor, and the Club areas on the third and fourth floors. Therefore, we would appreciate the opportunity to revisit the parking requirements as soon as we are able to obtain the clarification from our respective attorneys. At that time, we will also provide the final "remarked" drawings that represent what is actually being built in the building. I look fofwatd to hearing from Mr. Moorehead and bringing this issue to a close as soo s po ible. Sin , enn M. Heelan cc: Charles W. Davison TOWN 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 21381479 -2139 FAX 970 - 479 -2452 June 17, 1997 Glenn Heclan Charles Davison c/o Riva Ridge Partners, LLC P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Village Club - Parking Analysis Dear Glenn and Charlie: Department of Community Development Thank you for submitting the final floor plans /seating plans for the Vail Village Club. Based upon these drawings, I have recalculated the parking pay -in -lieu fee as follows: 1. Restaurant/Club = 5,936 sq. ft. = 49.47 parking spaces 2. Retail = 3,704 sq. ft. = 12.35 parking spaces 3. Office = 39 sq. ft. — 0.16 parkin maces 61.98 parking spaces - 27 (erandfatheredl Grand Total 34.98 parking spaces Per your agreement with Bob McLaurin, Town Manager, parking spaces will be assessed at a rate of $16,333.38 per space (1996 pay -in -lieu figure). Therefore, the grand total for the Vail Village Club is $571,341.63. As previously agreed to by Bob McLaurin, a ten -year repayment period will be acceptable to the Town. Should this be your desired course of action, please let us know so that we can finalize the paperwork. As always, should you have any questions, or comments regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me directly at 479 -2144. Sincerely, p Mike ollica Assistant Director of Community Development MM/jr xc: Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Steve Thompson 1WRECYCLED PAPER r , J TOWN 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 2105 /Fax 970 - 479 -2157 November 18, 1996 VIA TELECOPIER Mr. Glen Heelan Post Office Box 5770 Avon, Co 81620 Dear Glen: Office of the Town Manager I wanted to take a moment to confirm our conversation of November 11, 1996. There were four issues concerning the Serrano's project. They were preparation of an easement for improvements along the Town of Vail stream tract to the east of Serrano's, the payment of the parking fee which is required with this construction, a review of the staff decision disallowing a rebate from the Town of Vail recreation fee, and the appropriateness of Serrano's to provide one CSO to handle traffic and delivery at the area of Serrano's and Hanson Ranch Road. In regard to the easement, it was agreed by Tom Moorhead that he would draft the necessary easement and present it to you for your approval. This easement will be consistent with other easements that have been entered into in the Village, i.e., the Covered Bridge Building. In regard to the parking fee, the Town Council has agreed to allow the Town Manager to enter into a security agreement for the payment of the parking fee over a period of time in excess of the five year period presently stated in 18.52.160B.7. This will be presented to Council as an Amendment to the present ordinance. As I stated at the meeting, I believe it would be appropriate to enter into a payment period of ten years. With respect to modifying the interest rate, I currently do not have the authority to modify the rate. This action would require a specific authorization from the Town Council. I will review with the Community Development staff the decision to disallow your request for a rebate of the recreational fee. You indicated that you would fax a copy of the documentation to me to facilitate our review. ��• RECYCLED PAPER Finally, you indicated that funding the entire CSO position was unduly burdensome. You felt that your funding responsibilities should be limited to the hours in which deliveries would be allowed. We are concerned not only about the hours that deliveries will be allowed but also those hours after the time for deliveries. I have discussed this matter with Larry Grafel and because of our concerns we believe it appropriate that you fund this position in its entirety. I hope this answers your questions. If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call me at 479 -2105. Sincerely, TOWN OF VAIL Robert W. McLaurin Town Manager RWM/aw x.: Vail Town Council Larry Grafel Dan Stanek R. Thomas Moorhead y; F June 21, 1996 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Dear Mike, Pursuant to our previous conversations, it is my understanding and agreement that the parking pay -in -lieu fees currently estimated at $457,334.64 as established by Community Development in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by Riva Ridge Partners, LLC that indicate completion of the third and fourth floors as a Quasi- Public Club, will be paid over five years with the first payment due and payable at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As we further discussed, the Town of Vail Building Department has requested a ruling from ICBO with respect to certain aspects of the third floor design. It is my understanding that earlier today, Dan Stanek received information from ICBO that requires a change of design to the third floor. I would like to request that if the design alternatives warrant a reduction in the parking requirements that these reductions be reflected in the agreed upon parking pay -in -lieu fee. It is also my understanding that in the event Riva Ridge Partners LLC revises the current submission and changes the third and fourth floors to a residential and office use" the applicable parking pay -in -lieu fee is currently $179,667.18. It is also my understanding that this fee, if applicable, would be paid over five years with the first payment due at the - time of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Finally, in a discussion earlier today with Bob McLaurin, I requested that in the event the Town Council revises the pay -in -lieu fees or terms of payment such that the changes would be beneficial to The Vail Village Club, that we be included in the changes for the purposes of calculating the appropriate fee and/or payment schedule at the time the _ Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. As I discussed with Mr. McLaurin, we believe that the long term economic benefits to the Town of Vail vis a vis the continuing sales taxes generated by a commercial use of the third and fourth floors greatly outweigh a residential use of the same space, yet the "penalties" imposed by the greater parking requirements and fees of commercial use may ultimately be the "final straw" that forces us _ to use the space as a residential condominium. I am hopeful that the Town Council also sees the long term benefits of such an approach and chooses to include us in any improvements to the current parking pay -in -lieu ordinance. If Lni provide any further assistance, I can be reached at 949 -6277. S ricer Tenn M. H eelan E Jon A. Shirley and Mary Shirley Vail Trust P. 0. Box 685 Medina, WA 98039 Blanche C. Hill 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Mill Creek Court Condos P. 0. Box 667 Vail, CO 81658 Vencura, LTD 600 5th Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10020 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 10, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for remodeling, upgrading and an addition to an existing residence, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 224 Forest Rd./ Block 7, Lot 11 -B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Forest Road Trust (Keith Samuels, Trustee), represented by Kathy Langenwalter, Peel / Langenwalter Architects, LLC Planner: George Ruther A request for an addition to and the remodel of an existing residence, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1944A Sunburst Drive/ Lot 21A, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Beth Ann B. Findell, represented by Archistructure One Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession on a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a revision to the development plan for the Glen Lyon Office Building site, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West /Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Gordon Pierce, AIA Planner: Dominic Mauriello An appeal of an administrative decision regarding geologic hazards section at Vail Golfcourse Townhomes, Unit 60, located at 1592 Golf Terrace /Vail Golfcourse Townhomes. Appellant: Stephen Dowdle, represented by Bill Sargent Planner: Dominic Mauriello Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan - Discussion and recommendation. Staff: Susan Connelly An appeal of three staff interpretations: 1) The staff's classification of the third and fourth floors as "eating and drinking establishments "; 2) Section 18.52.100 C, Parking- Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.160, Exemptions (parking pay- -lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay -in -lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Glenn M. Heelan; Margretta B. Parks Staff: Mike Mollica /Tom Moorhead The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479 -2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published October 24, 1997 in the Vail Trail. TOWNOF4AIG Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Design Review Action Fc.. m TOWN OF VAIL r Date r7 • ? • 917 71roject Description:-6 r f / Architect /Contact, Address and Phone: e�z 'O 7� o-?, 2 a Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision u "1 Zone District �..L Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Vote: Date: . % , 2 � 7 "? DRB Fee Pre -paid * 20 % #�_ Questions'? Call the A-0 tiin:; ,,, t,t 37) ?.128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW AI 1 TOW4FL �C,,FNFRAt, INFORMAT N This application is for any project requiring D- 'on Review approval rntilt, f,c rls��c requiring c�int� r��il '�• I� e`tt�= rl`L!hIllitt:,l receive Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a huildinS'li�ati u� c;uuu,tlhc acccptc,l i:. til :111 tic ro,I.nreJ requirements for the particular appro� al th:,t is requested. The apt I'I:�nnin_ • iiJ information is submitted. The project m;t� altio need to be reviewed by tho Town C'iuuuil and ,1 _ EN A G;Nc Environmental Conunission. Desi;;n Review Board approval expires one ) ar;' :�t ` GK `�`OOR" ., NEE FEE building permit is issued and construction is started. ��/ O�dE� Al yNE �oU1'A` T THE /'�//9iN0-A -1r' `� :�OO•e 7 ` F�c�L�r'ES DFTNEOUiLD;N� �o�A >E� E DESCRIPTION OF THE REQULS,f: 'Si ^f f�'�^��" �'�dC`E���� > -�� ���� A. - !� d afC /✓ -_y_ Pl9C��yGr 7/fE S•4N/� �iLAIrSTI itJE .P G1C /�ATi�'IAKES -- --r- -- U 1/N i9 fiN1 .SEE fI6h,ej .1�-g LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: BLOCK:, — FILING: /•31 ��ti � - g, f_OT:�. NGiS/iPGl A�� PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 07� 11�NSaA) '�A - -� (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 9 () 31S-,, 640 for parcel C. PARCEL #: #) D. ZONING: �D,�/lylE.PG•i•4G - -- E, NAME OF OWNER(S): 65 Y ,41L 8/65f1 - - - - -- MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: %w f F. ONYNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): EZ,4AJ G. NAME OF APPLICANT:_ i6z0 MAILING ADDRESS: P 2 -. -G y PH H TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: ❑ New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. [I Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added t , : ny resttfential or commercial building. linor Alteration - S20 Includes minor changes to buildings anti site impru, entcnts, such as, rerooting, painting, winduw additions, I:uidscal) w, I'11L s aitd r t•,ining walls, ctc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a buildings, I),:I 11111, ploa;c idcutify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of vail will adjust the fee according 1., 111,2 I)rglcct V,AIatton- PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIIJFNlFN I S AND 1 111" 1 ►.I: "t v "CtIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FIZON'I:k(;I: W.-W, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOWN OF VAIN Questions? Call th * till Ill `, Staff at -179 -2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW A, I'll ROV"It L EN E &U LNFa MATION This application is far any project requiring Design Rc� icw approval. .any hr�jert requiring il, i t, i r e� ic�� nn:a �rrnit. For specific inti�rn-;:u n, �cc th- f mina receive Design Review approval prior to submitting fora building p� specific , i Ille I'I :Ulnlll_ :oid requirements for the particular approval tnah +afsornccd to her ` is vled hylthe T0%kkIJ Council ankl I)I ICI 1 the re lulrc� information is submitted. The project } Environmental Commission. Design Region iBota dep approval expires one > car :titer tin:�l building; permit is issued and construe A. DFSCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: �Jf si�Tl'i77/Ti AJ ale L) A.51�f.�lJT� 'N � ,E ULE ANTF TiYE �� v SEEFI� ii> �t,'ES �f�i2.T DF 7iiE ,OU /:CQ'%y!x' GA � �_ BLOCK. .�-- -�--f B, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: V&`y PHYSICAL ADDRESS: -97 yY^'40'v "Cw9 Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 9-1,0-32S-8640 for parcel #) C. PARCEL M (Contact D. ZONING: E. NAME OF OWNER(S): - MAILING ADDRESS:_ PHONE: F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURES G. NAME OF APPLICANT: E N MAILING ADDRGS.. PHONE: }{; TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: ❑ New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. is to . +nY residential or 11 Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage added linor Alteration - $20 commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site inthru�, � ++tints, silch as,' fe++ces a"d retaining 1 reroofing, painting, window additions, landscapin�. walls, ctc. DRB fees arc to be paid at the time of submittal. The of Vail witll adjust the cfee according to tale project valuation. the accurate valuation of the project. The PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBI\IITTAI, REQUIREMENTS AN 1) "1-1IE FEF "hO THE DEPARTNIENT OF CO,\l11UNITY C(, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE, ROAD, VAIL, OLORADO 81 For Offi Hive I ll,c Y;W 1 "f/4v Cfc ICI,f 6:J-70A-Ae ed alC )CR"q"4ff 0 — I 131 .a LPl I July 1, 1997 Mr. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development Town of Vail Sent Via Facsimile Dear Mike, In our meeting yesterday, we discussed our confusion pertaining to the language of the zoning code relating to Off - Street Parking and Loading, specifically "1 5.52.100 Section C. Other Uses #5" as it relates to Eating and drinking establishments. As I stated, we interpret the section to read how many actual seats we have, as opposed to the building code occupancy standards which are measured by occupant load factors per square foot. At your suggestion I will ask Toni Moorehead and my attorney to clarify the section. If, after further clarification, it is agreed that the number of seats and the resulting parking fees are determined by the square footage of the various uses; then, we still have questions regarding the actual number of square feet being calculated, mostly as it pertains to the bar on the first floor, and the Club areas on the third and fourth floors. Therefore, we would appreciate the opportunity to revisit the parking requirements as soon as we are able to obtain the clarification from our respective attorneys. At that time, we will also provide the final "remarked" drawings that represent what is actually being built in the building. I look Kvqd to hearing from Mr. Moorehead and bringing this issue to a close as soo s po ible. M. Heelan cc: Charles W_ Davison L TOWN OF VAIL1Y FLE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479 - 21381479 -2139 FAX 970 - 479 -2452 June 17, 1997 Glenn Heelan Charles Davison c/o Riva Ridge Partners, LLC P.O. Box 5770 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vail Village Club - Parking Analysis Dear Glenn and Charlie: Thank you for submitting the final floor plans /seating plans for the Vail Village Club. Based upon these drawings. I have recalculated the parking pay -in -lieu fee as follows: 5,936 s ft. = 1. Restaurant /Club = q• 49.47 parking spaces 2. Retail = 3,704 sq. ft. = 12.35 parking spaces 3. Office = 39 sq. ft. = 0 16 narking* maces 61.98 parking spaces - 27 (g_ran f thcr�c Grand Total 34.98 parking spaces Per your agreement with Bob McLaurin, Town Manager, parking spaces will be assessed at a rate of $16,333.38 per space (1996 pay -in -lieu figure). Therefore, the grand total for the Vail Village Club is $571,341.63. As previously agreed to by Bob M of action, please let us know so tha>�we,lc befacceptable finalize the paperwork'Town. Should this be your desired course As always, should you have any questions, or comments regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact me directly at 479 -2144. Sincerely, Mike UM01licakI Assistant Director of Community Development MWr xc: Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead Steve Thompson Q4" RECYCLED PAPER kJJRichard Weingardt Professional Engineers To: Attn: ---- f -��`" nt By: Mail Courier J Hand Delivered J Overnite - J Picked Up By �Y FAX — FAX# - Total Pages (including this sheet) J Hard Copy of Fax to Follow We are sending you; Item Nom— These are submitted as checked ❑ For Approval J For Your Use Remarks By Copies to - - - - -- With Enclosures ❑ Without Enclosures Consultants Letter of Transmittal Project: Project No: — �As Requested For Review and Comment J For Your Response J Date 9725 E. Hampden Avenue, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80231, (303) 671 -7033, Fax: (303) 671-7379 Founded in 1966 1 ter- 7� Taw cuss` 440- � 1 Arr 7-0 % /�ii U11111Ulfl /lt / / /// r 4� F. 0 y e e ICS ^e f/ee �,ti /f11tlitillili A&U44- A6� 4.� li. a 7-0 al t_ i i I � F I �_... ..._....._ r .. .... � 1 �I �0 - Got p1ro3 To r, o,?4S.e e III Richard Professional Engineers 5 May 1997 Weingardt Cc Town of Vail Building Department % Semple Brown Roberts 1406 Larimer Square, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Attention: Mr. Ernie Pyle Re: Vail Village Club RWC #2580 Gentlemen: Richard Weingardt Consultants Inc. is the Structural Design Engineer of Record for this building. During the course of construction we have conducted limited cursory periodic site observations of general construction progress. This included specific observations of the mechanical and utility penetrations through floor framing members Based on these observations, it is our opinion that, to the best of our knowledge, this building was constructed in general conformance to the plans and specifications. We are not aware of any outstanding discrepancies and do not take exception to completed work. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. Very truly yours, WEINGARDT CONSULTANTS INC. F. Joh .Davis, P ident =-Qe 247' -� .a== JFD /ew s `�.c�•. �`� L. e00 ••.p�0`�\\0 9725 E. Hampden Avenue, Suite 200, Denver, C0 80231, (303) 671 -7033, Fax: (303) 671 -7379 Founded In 1966 e li 1�� J INDEPENDENT TESTING & *NSPECi -ION SERVICES INC* 12084 VASEEN COUnT CONIFEII, COLORADO 00433 ` (303} 674 -7560 OBSERVATION REPORT Page 1 _of 4 Rid e Partners, LLC ITIS Job No.: 100796 Date: 4 -15 -97 C l i e n l; :.._.� 9 _ Project: Vail Village Club Location: Vail, Colorado Inspector: George Schwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve 'testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the defici ^nt items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Neelan J.L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldman E � I &NDEPENDENT TESTING 18 INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 Vaseen Ct. Conifer, Colorado 80433 (303) 674-7560 FIELD APPLIED STRUCTURAL STEEL FIREPROOFING INSPECTIONS I Page 2 of 4 Job No. 100796 Date: 4-15-97 The rol-lowing listed levels and areas, as described herein, were inspected and tested in -accordance with U.B.C. 43-8. Type of Fireproofing Material Inspected: ---- Cafco Blaze Shield II Level of Inspection: A to C and 2 - 7 lines Area Inspected; List any deficiencies noted which do not conform to UDC 43-8 requirements and assign an O.D. item number with corresponding O.D. page number. All other listed areas of, inspection were found to o be in conformance to UBC 43-8 requirements and project stnnd.ards, as applicable. Li. st areas by grid line and level where density samples for lab testing were reMolkled. Resin t-,s of dry density 1-lesl-ling, reported separately upon completion. Level Component Tested U.L. Design/Rating U- L. Design Required Thickness — E 1 QUQ ams D-902 2 Hr. 112" 2. — Floor Deck D-858 2 Hr. 3/811 3. 4. 5. List any deficiencies noted which do not conform to UDC 43-8 requirements and assign an O.D. item number with corresponding O.D. page number. All other listed areas of, inspection were found to o be in conformance to UBC 43-8 requirements and project stnnd.ards, as applicable. Li. st areas by grid line and level where density samples for lab testing were reMolkled. Resin t-,s of dry density 1-lesl-ling, reported separately upon completion. Level Grid Line component U- L. Design 711- L.--- INDEPENDENT TESTING & ONSPECTION SERVICES IN(* 12084 VASEEN COURT CONII ER. COLORADO 1304:73 (303) 674 -7560 Page 3 Of 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ^_ ITIS Job No. 100796 Date: 4 -15 -97 This form contains additional inspection information not specifically covered in the prepared formats of testing and inspections. Additional inspections Additional tests After further review, the combination of the two materials on the tube steel columns for fire row ofing_convera eehas been accepted. With the conclusion of this inspection with the acceptahce of the steel columns and the sign -off of the outstanding discrepancy item, this concludes inspections. INDEPENDENT TESTING INWECTION SERVICES 114. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 674 -7560 Page.__ 4 __of _ 4 RE_INSPECTIONS X_____ Torque Testing - NDT Type of Reinspection: Visual Q Geor e Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 100796 Date: 4 -15 -97 Inspector List those items reinspected. Refer to the O.D. item, O.D. page number and original date for reporting of the O.D. item. Also indicate if reinspected item conforms to original project standards, modified standards or accepted in the as -built condition. Conditions found initially in nonconformance tauthorinalshallehavetandards but subsequently reviewed and accepted by responsible such acceptance in written form and written confirmation shall be attached to this report. S E M P LE B R O W N ROBERTS A Pmfm: na Cage..tt" at Art"twa & Dem4m., FACSIMILE COVER SHEET ?o: Cj�t�u.�� � �-� Fro= compaa r. —7/ vc; / Fax Date: Project v V Project No.: 1' l r0 o it Number of Pages (inciud'ulg this transmitc4- Original Copy to follow via US Mail /i Yes No ?tease contact. ourofce at (303) - 577I- 4137 regarding�any transmittal. problem&oc nor veriffcalfan ofreceipt Kease distribute- as: soort as possible. Cammerru: (406 Latimer Seuare. Suite _00 (303) 57ww - voice Denver, Coicraao 30101 (303} r7T-3403 - rat S E M P L E BROWN ROBERTS APAOfirt -W Capntlaw ofA"ftc r6DWSsm MEETING NIGNUTES Date: 12 March 1997 Project: Vail Village Club Project #: A96011 Present: Chuck Feldman TOV Ernie Pyle SBR Distribution: Those present, Frank Freyer, Glenn Heelan, Craig Bruntz ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. First Level Rest Rooms - The TOV will accept either one Unisex accessible rest room or two accessible rest rooms, but not any rest rooms non - accessible. Another alternative is the previous design without any rest rooms on this level. 2. First Level Elevator must have a 90 minute Fire Door at location Door 105, or create a lobby separation per UBC 3305j. 3. Dining #3 (3 10) may have an unrestricted opening in the north wall for the installation of a wine rack between 310 and Bar (309). 4. In the 005 and 006 Showers, the TOV does not require a seat, folding or fixed. Conformance with the Federal ADA requirements regarding a seat is the option and responsibility of the owner. This constitutes our understanding of the items discussed and the decisions will be considered accurate, barring notification within five working days. Ernie Pyle, Architect SEMPLE BROWN ROBERTS, P.C. S E M P L E B R O W N ROBERTS A P- f-dond Corp —dory of Arcki&Lts & Dmiawen FACSIMILE COVER SHEET To: Chuck Feldman Company. Town of Vail Fax #: 1 -970- 479 -2452 Date: Original Copy to ft From: Project: Project No.: Number of Pages (including this tr, plow via US Mail VNJ Ernie Pyle Vail Village Club A96011 3 insmittal): Yes ❑ No Please contact our office at (303) 571 -4137 regarding any transmittal problems or for verification of receipt. Please distribute as soon as possible. Comments: Chuck, if you are not already aware, the Parks that I mention in the attached minutes own the WC land. Bill Whiteford said that you'd be welcome to call him, if you have any questions regarding his suggestion in the "NOTE ". His phone #303- 757 -0447. 1406 Larimer Square, Suite 200 (303) 571 -4137 - voice Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 571 -0403 - fax S E M P L E ONMAV E &M- a A P- lo-1 -d Cmp dl- otAwddbetr & Dedpm MEETING MINUTES Date: 3 April 1997 Project: Vail Village Club Project #: A96011 Present: Chuck Feldman TOV Ernie Pyle SBR Distribution: Those present, Frank Freyer, Charlie Davison, Craig Bruntz ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Third Level Men's Rest Room (306) - The 4' -6" Water Closet stall width is acceptable as long as one urinal maintains the required accessible clear floor space in front of it (30" x 48'x. 2. Basement Level Shower Stalls (005,006) - The smaller stall may be the ADA accessible stall and the larger stall provided with a two step seat for steam use provided a grab bar is provided. NOTE: At the weekly VVC project meeting, it was suggested to make a minor variation to the grab bar placement at the end of the "steam shower " proposed by Chuck. Bill Whiteford, a member of the Parks Family, is disabled and uses an electric wheelchair. He said that the placement shown on the attached revised plan would be preferable from the ADA perspective. This constitutes our understanding of the items discussed and the decisions will be considered accurate, barring notification within five working days. Ernie Pyle, Architect SEMPLE BROWN ROBERTS, P.C. (P D r :.t n O A m U) O 0 r� V' W m x m r m m r m (JI D �N D xr - � �O INDEPENDENT TESTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12004 VA')[ FN COURT C(,)Nlfl._II, CCII.OnAW) (10433 (30.3) U4 - 7 5 (1 0 OBSERVATION REPORT Cl i ell t:.__.._._._Riva Ridge Partners, l_LC Project:__ _ —Vail Village Club Tnspect:or:__George Schwandt� Page 1 —of ___4___ ITIS Job No.:_ 100796 Date: 3 -5 -97 Location: Vail, Colorado This reporL package contains information concerning specific tests and inspecLions of st:ruct.ural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve test=ing. Only the forms approprial;e to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in juclgi ng the degree of conformance 'for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered For each page issued, as will be the clefic,ient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. IF there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please Feel free to contact: ITIS at your convenience. David President Distributions: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J.L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldman INSPECTION SERViCts iNcls 120,14 VASUN COURT CONiFr, n, COLORA00 00433 (10,I) C,74.7560 Page 2 of 4 C 57-- project No. Type or or A -,C ovrn pryinr, Ttmc: ovf,tl TeMjl *1 I' S 4,• -1,'7 F-' p(-pjrc(l Dcn!-,I!.y (N.11 - snmi-l(-r A li C - crrm-, C 57-- A 3 T1, r) A V- I la rr,n A c p(-pjrc(l Dcn!-,I!.y (N.11 - snmi-l(-r A li C - crrm-, T),:n-111-Y (r,. Ur el, C 57-- A 3 T),:n-111-Y (r,. Ur el, r i r INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12064 VAS0 UN COURT CONIFFn, COLORADO 00113 074 7 5 60 -i ni rl - A Avr, TA C 110:! q, I i r r'.,j j)f7 n r,, I t, y ( I-C)7 ) A T1 C moil, 1,11C 1-crill" rrricril.s. :27 Page 3 of 4 llrojr!cl, ►ruric: rrojr-ct X Type or platcrinl: .111'-*-Mv)'Zr' NO. or "I'lamplca: J, larnpir 1,4jctxtlr)n! Oven Dryinp ' . Tiric: Ovcrl T'?Mli. I ti J. P. Fs eg" O ;;;I mplc C x /A f3. T5 T 67 Avr, TA C 110:! q, I i r r'.,j j)f7 n r,, I t, y ( I-C)7 ) A T1 C moil, 1,11C 1-crill" rrricril.s. :27 Page 3 of 4 llrojr!cl, ►ruric: rrojr-ct X Type or platcrinl: .111'-*-Mv)'Zr' NO. or "I'lamplca: J, larnpir 1,4jctxtlr)n! Oven Dryinp ' . Tiric: Ovcrl T'?Mli. I ti J. P. Fs eg" O ;;;I mplc C x /A 11"i-SPE'CT ION SERV,`u'S INC. 12.H4 VASUN COUnT coniir F n, COt.OnADC) 80433 (303) 674 1550 'y A 13 c T5 T 6 T. ( T�3 Tf) Avp,,. TA 7impl� A Page 4 of 4 Narirl, PrOJI70, I-10. 7,ypc or NO, or ovrn Drying Ttmc: 0vrrl Tr.,Mp, T1,011, 1-c 1 1111: C. ir eIr r 66 dY' Z;Rmpl4 C Volwi^ (in.3) I (r,./jil.3 x :.B TCf A T1 C APR -07 -1997 19 :09 72MPLE BROWN ROBERTS 0303 P.02 S E M P L E BROWN ROBERTS A 1 JI.r - Cd p N &DoWem MEETING AHNUTES Date: 3 April 1997 Project: Vail Village Club Project #: A96011 Present: Chuck Feldman TOV Ernie Pyle SBR Distribution: Those present, Frank Freyer, Charlie Davison, Craig Bruntz ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Third Level Men's Rest Room (306) - The 4' -6" Water Closet stall width is acceptable as long as one urinal maintains the required accessible clear floor space in front of it (30" x 481). 2. Basement Level Shower Stalls (005,006) - The smaller stall may be the ADA accessible stall and the larger stall provided with a two step seat for steam use provided a grab bar is provided. NOTE: At the weekly VVC project meeting, it was suggested to make a minor variation to the grab bar placement at the end of the "steam shower " proposed by Chuck. Bill Whiteford, a member of the Parks Family, is disabled and uses an electric wheelchair. He said that the placement shown on the attached revised plan would be preferable from the ADA perspective. This constitutes our understanding of the items discussed and the decisions will be considered accurate, barring notification within five working days. Erie Pyle, Architect SEMPLE BROWN ROBERTS, P.C. APR -07 -1997 19:09 72MPLE BROWN ROBERTS 0303 ND ;aW pn .z n rntrn f+ N= wN D x0 = P. 03 1 TOTAL P.03 f i �I ?�til- T✓i`I ?�"i� T �T E -STING G ISPECTION SERVICES INC. 12061 VK;E[N coun7 CONIFLII 00433 1301) 6M560 Page --1—of 5 OBSERVATION REPORT Cl ient:____Riva__R -L Parners,: LLC ITIS Job No. :---!00796 Date: 2 -26 -97 Project :__._VA1 Village Club Location: __ _ Vail, Colorado In spector:George Schwandt This report: package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestruct:uve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List; is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President C DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Parners, t_LC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J.L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldmann INDEPENDENT TESTING' INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2n84 Vnseen GI C "oni. fer, (;0lorado 80433 ( 303) G74-7560 FIF.J.,I) APPLTI D STRUCTURAL STET -11, FrI,TPR.00FING TNS1'FCTI0NS Page 2 of 5 ITIS Job No. 100796 Date: 2 -26 -97 '[ "hn fol_.l.ow�i_nF; 1. _nterl levels n.nd nr01.s, ns described herein, were i.ngpected n.n(l t;es l.eri in nccordnncr, wi. t,h U . TI . C . 43-8. Type of F' i. T-(-I) r o o f i, tiff I, c> v e l or Inspection : ` - -S.e c on d.__Le ve l___ -- --------------------- - - - - -- Aren. Tnt;pect,ed: __ _.___A__tp E_.and _2 7.1i_nes,-and.._AA to_GG_ and _1 -1 through 5_5 lines L,i.�.t sorry deficiencies noted which do not conform t,o t1TlC 43 -$ requi.rr.rnent -s and n ^s i E ►n F1 TI 0 .1_ ?. i.I em nrrnr1)er wi l;h corT' r^�--,pondInrf O. T), pnr;c nramhcr. All_ oLhrr. li.st,ed arena of inspection wc-rc found to be in conformance to UTIG 43 --f1 rc�trli renronl;s nncl project; - 1, nncln.r(Is, ns n.ppl icnhle. tee. -_s tee l_.columns were found to be in nonconformance with current U.L. Design S-- 827.__.Me_tal decking and sheet rock has been installed on the columns prior to _____This has been en I -.erect on the attached 0. -D. List---a s item T, i.s 1. nrr�ns by ctr i.d 1 i.ne fin (I l (-ve l whrc re de"S i. 1,y snmI I e�� fr,r _I_nb I:esi; .nK were rernovecl 1- i; s of dr.y ty tcst:inl? reported complet ;ion. Lrvr i Gr:i d 1, i.lne Des i.tln I. 3 � Component 'lent,cd UA' DesijF n /R.ntinf; R.equ.ired I'll i_ckness I' be _ r ams,_ D -902 2 Hr. _. _. 3/8" 2• F 10 o r d e c k i n.g _ D -902 2_ Hr. 7/16" I' Tube steel columns X ^827 2 Hr. 15/16" to 2- 3/16" �. �^ dependent upon wall • thickness r. L,i.�.t sorry deficiencies noted which do not conform t,o t1TlC 43 -$ requi.rr.rnent -s and n ^s i E ►n F1 TI 0 .1_ ?. i.I em nrrnr1)er wi l;h corT' r^�--,pondInrf O. T), pnr;c nramhcr. All_ oLhrr. li.st,ed arena of inspection wc-rc found to be in conformance to UTIG 43 --f1 rc�trli renronl;s nncl project; - 1, nncln.r(Is, ns n.ppl icnhle. tee. -_s tee l_.columns were found to be in nonconformance with current U.L. Design S-- 827.__.Me_tal decking and sheet rock has been installed on the columns prior to _____This has been en I -.erect on the attached 0. -D. List---a s item T, i.s 1. nrr�ns by ctr i.d 1 i.ne fin (I l (-ve l whrc re de"S i. 1,y snmI I e�� fr,r _I_nb I:esi; .nK were rernovecl 1- i; s of dr.y ty tcst:inl? reported complet ;ion. Lrvr i Gr:i d 1, i.lne Des i.tln I. 3 � jM)F11yNDFNT TYSTING & INSPECTION SFRVICES INC. 12081 vluqcen Ct. f(-.T•, C01 Orn,(10 80133 (103) C,74-7560 Page 3 of 5 ITIS Job No. 100796 Date: 2-26-97 -ELD AP -,U"D STMiCTURAL s,rj,,j- j-,jp.p"TT?OOFTN(3 TNs•-.,Fc'rTONS clogrrit)ed hcrei-n, were inspected ol 1. o wi, n q levels fl, n r('AS tj�pt,o(l in nccorclance wi-1.11 U.B.C. 43-8. Tvpr - k -)f, 1,f-vo[ or 1_np,,r,-Aion: A r�n Ttvip�,(Aefl: A to E and - 2__ - -__7 lines, and AA to Gq an 1-1 th h 5-5 lines v , Li^J, nny dc,fir,iencien note(] which do not, cot tin me n I ,g and nnsian nn 0 1) 101 number W i tll co rr(i rpond i. ng 0.D pn ge nimb(r. A 1. 1 o 1,he r r were n c () n 'I' o rmq n r o to Ull(" !3- r i 11rpr(- 1, i-on we rol requ i renwn 1-.s n n d project, Intiar(Is W3 f1j)jAiCnb1V -ovnd.__to_b_e_ in n_ X7:_8_? 7 ud s --c-o-1 umsn--were-J- _,noncon be- and sheet_ -rock-I....had--.be.en.--J-nstI led- on ------ has been -entered .--o-.n-.-the--.-a.t,tach.ed. Q.D-,.-,-Li TJ�d.; fir(-fis 1,y ffri,(] Iinr, and 'r�vf_,j where density sal"P-1-o-9 _rOr I -1 j313 testing were r 11 1­v rjr1n - 1,V 1j"I ti nF rf,por 1, -d sepn.rntply upon completion. 0 _ m , r - i To r, t rd rhickness - --------- D-9-02 2 Hr. D-902 2 Hr. 3/8" 7/16" 2. Floor beams Floor decking X-827 2 Hr. 15/16" to 2-3/16 Tube steel columms Varies dependent on 5. wall thickness Li^J, nny dc,fir,iencien note(] which do not, cot tin me n I ,g and nnsian nn 0 1) 101 number W i tll co rr(i rpond i. ng 0.D pn ge nimb(r. A 1. 1 o 1,he r r were n c () n 'I' o rmq n r o to Ull(" !3- r i 11rpr(- 1, i-on we rol requ i renwn 1-.s n n d project, Intiar(Is W3 f1j)jAiCnb1V -ovnd.__to_b_e_ in n_ X7:_8_? 7 ud s --c-o-1 umsn--were-J- _,noncon be- and sheet_ -rock-I....had--.be.en.--J-nstI led- on ------ has been -entered .--o-.n-.-the--.-a.t,tach.ed. Q.D-,.-,-Li TJ�d.; fir(-fis 1,y ffri,(] Iinr, and 'r�vf_,j where density sal"P-1-o-9 _rOr I -1 j313 testing were r 11 1­v rjr1n - 1,V 1j"I ti nF rf,por 1, -d sepn.rntply upon completion. TN1 YVVN0YNT T1 STTNG & TNSVXCTION ti RVIKS INN IF 1 2081 Vnsrrn C . page 4 of 5 i',oni -frr, Colorndo 80 ,133 ITTS Job No. 100796 ( 303 ) 674 -7560 Date: 2 -26 -97 FI E1,D APPLIED STR.UCTUR,Ai, STF,T;I, 1,iTtf :pR001lNG INSI'EC'T'ToNS '1'l,r foll- OwiTIFF ) sl,rt.l leva>ls and rtrF-�ns, Rr, drs;c.r.ibed hrr.eIn, were inspretrd nni1 t.rstod in n. r.r,ordn.nce wi -t;h U.U.C. 43 -f1. 7'yl>r of F i reproof ilia Miti;rr,ial 1n. {;i r c.l,� d: Caf4o 81aZe Shield II I,cvr 1 o f T n s1 >rc 1, i on : _.- -___ -- A r r n T n :, F, r c t, e d: - - -- A to D. 6 and -1 - -6 lines - - - - - -- -- — rtrry cl,,f i r. rnc; -c , o1-, conform to UDC 43 -8 rr'qu i.rement q and 110 c ns- s;i -Qn nn 0.D iLn nrrnib r wi_I;h rorrrs l- 'on(Iinp o.p. png,- number. Al -1 o1,her l inl.r -�l nuns of insrocl-'ion were fniind to he in confrrmnnce i:.o lJ1 C X13 -R rr,mrntq and prn,ject, ni,nndnT -ds:, ns, fl,ppl.I(- ,n1) 1.r�. The columns were found to be in nonconformance with U.L. Design X-827. Metal studs and sheet rock had been installed prior to fireproofing. This _ has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F -20. list, nrrn9 by Kr)d line and le for l.stb teat.i_n were . es- Or'niii t.v of dry densi t,v. tr�s;t ink± reported srpnrntel.,y Capon c ;omplcl; ion. i,vvrl rr nr Component I. _ _ Samp1e esign -- Com�,nrnL, Tr.Lecl ii. L. 11es)- p,n /TZgl,ing Required Thicicnesq 1 V_ Floor beams D-902 2 Hr. 3/811 Floor decking Tube steel columns D -902 2 Hr. X -827 2 Hr. 7/16' 15/16" to 2- 3/16" 1 _ `^ _ dependent on wall ,, thickness r, rtrry cl,,f i r. rnc; -c , o1-, conform to UDC 43 -8 rr'qu i.rement q and 110 c ns- s;i -Qn nn 0.D iLn nrrnib r wi_I;h rorrrs l- 'on(Iinp o.p. png,- number. Al -1 o1,her l inl.r -�l nuns of insrocl-'ion were fniind to he in confrrmnnce i:.o lJ1 C X13 -R rr,mrntq and prn,ject, ni,nndnT -ds:, ns, fl,ppl.I(- ,n1) 1.r�. The columns were found to be in nonconformance with U.L. Design X-827. Metal studs and sheet rock had been installed prior to fireproofing. This _ has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F -20. list, nrrn9 by Kr)d line and le for l.stb teat.i_n were . es- Or'niii t.v of dry densi t,v. tr�s;t ink± reported srpnrntel.,y Capon c ;omplcl; ion. i,vvrl rr nr Component I. _ _ Samp1e esign -- INDEPENDENT TESTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC. IMMI M J- l N GONIF[R, (7, (-) L 0 R,% I) C) 80433 (3 0 3) 674-7 " f) 0 Page 5 of 5 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Vail_ Vi-llag.Q- Club ,---Job# :_. 100796 Date :-2--2697 2-26-97 Inspector:____G_eoXge Sc - m-n_dt -- Page : 7 of__ On - cai o i u- Date jReTorted (26 =91__ Item # --E--18-- -tube_ -nd-le-vel - 8 2 7 Date __2- 2-26-97 6 7 F- 20 -Eou-r-th--Level-.m-tu.be-c.Qj-umn5-are in-nmc-QD- STMICTURAL, MECHANICAL_ AND MATERIALS TESTING 1AM4 VASUEN COURT CONlrr n (*,0L_011AD0 110433 (303) 6744500 04SERVATION REPORT Client:_Ri_v_a_Ridde Partners, LLC Project:___._._Vail Village Club Inspectnr:____George Schwandt Page ITIS Job No.: 100796 1 or 2 Date:_ 1 -13 -97 Location: _ Colorado This report: package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area or inspection i s contained on each individual i nspecti on form. Also inducted in this inspection package may he ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. List; will he consecutively numbered for each page issued. as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the OX List is contained in each section. if there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon- ' President DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partenrs, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J.L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldman J 1204 VA -N COURT corgiv rn, (7,01_011nDO fl O433 (303) 674- 7560 ('a 9e 2 of 2 REIN Si'ECTIONS Typc of Rcin.spection: Visual X _ Torque Testing___ - NDT - Insector:_ George Schwandt — ITIS Job P+'o.:� 100796 _ Date: 1 -13 -97 p .._ List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0. D. item, 0. D. page number and original date for rep„ t i ng of 'the 0. D. i ;;errr. h,l so i ndi cafe i f re i nspec L-, item con i"orms to original project: standards, modified standards or accepted in the as -built condition. Condition; found initially in nonconformance to or1ginai project standards but subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authority shall have such acceptance in written form and wr,iteen conFirmation shall be attached 'to this report. 0.0. I T EM F -1 I10v07 �~ I— F-4 F -6 F -7 ORIGIN111_� REPORT D/1 T E -96 ; _ 11-12-96 11 -20 -96 _ 11 -20 -96 ACC. BY_ ENG. _.RI;VTE -W AS-BUILT X100 i F I I_D _____ �� �j. X _ _ X X_ X _- CONFORMING TO STAN DAR IDS SiGl`IED OFF 1 -13 -97 ( _.I 1 -13 -97 1 -13 -97 _ COi�'iENTS Per En �ineerinq Date 12 -17 -96 " -8 11- 2.0 -96 X 1 -13 -97 _F F -9' 12 -03 -96 _ _ _ I1 -13 -97 _� A r. r, ,NSPLCTION SERVICES INC. 120114 vnS(_rN COURT CONIFITI, cot -cRA00 (104;13 (30.9) 074.7560 Page 1 of 8 OBSERVATION REPORT Client:: Riya Ridge Partners_,,._,_LLC _ ITIS Job No.:— MMCz..,_Date:�7 �L Project: Pail Village Club Location: Vail,_W_l_a_r__ao Inspector: Geese Schwandt _ This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in ,judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may he ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. List: will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will he the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel _ree to contact; ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon, President INDT--TTEND' T"TIT TE,'5­A-'V-iG Ej NSPECTiON SERViCES INC. 12084 VA!7,r.F-N counT CONIFER ('01-ORADO A()4B,1 (3M) (374-7560 Page - 2 of 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: ___Qe Q_U_e_5_C h_w TT[S Job No. Date ._a_rLd_t j_QQa7�_ This form contains additional inspection information not speciricaiiy covered in the prepared Formats of testing and inspections. Additional inspections Lions Additional The submittal of the attached "List of OuL standing Discrepancies" , _C VC the_d i s c e ncles noted h throu out the insi)ection --pno awe_ been _signed offer discrepancies remain outstanding. INDEPENDENT I'EISTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1'nOF3,1 VASI-FN r,001*11 C, 0 N I F R, ( -,01 O P A 1-1 C) R 04 33 (30.'3) (.' 1'i - 15 C, () LIST 017 OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Vail village Clu-b Inspector: George Schwandt _ page 3 or 3 'Jobl, 1.00796 Da to : 1.0-7-96 I"i gy e 1-.13-97 o C—On-cioinq Date RCT)or te d Item Date H First Level A QZ-Q-Pss-�l- 10-7-96 F-1 On A line from _3_4 lines, on GG from 1-.13-97 __2 4-4 and on 6 lin(,, rron� A to jj lines diagonal angle braces not fillet welded per detail SMUCTUnAl., MrO) 1ANICAL AND MA i unIALS TESTING INDEPENDENT TESTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1208,1 VASVEN cnun-r GON11f ER, C01011A00 f10433 (-m3) f ; 74 - 7 Ci (-, ( ) Page 4 of 4 1,157 01' OUTSTANDING D15CRUANCIE5 Location Vail Village Club _ Jobil 100796 Date: 11-5-96 Inspector: George Schwandt —Page 0 f —On - (19i P-9— Date Reported_ Item 0 On t C 11-5-96 F-2 t of 6 line First Level QR ne, -2-96 _j_._w_Q­,.__� U, n-o the column a p bolted 4 STFIUCTMIAL. MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12014 VAf7,r FN (W)HPT CON11 ['11, GOICMADO 110,133 (303) G A 7 5 r) Page 7 of 8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES 1, 0 C a t i on JobH 100796 D�ltc: 11-12-96 Inspector: G j2 a-r-q e_ 5-di an -d t P age 3 0 Mite ►eportcd 11-12-96 1 Item F-3 A _cc_u_t_�- Second__Le_vcl 2'06" north of llIt line, and at 7'09" and 14'06" east of 4-4 line —the _111-20-96 double angle clips_, bolted connections nett installed 11-12-96 F-4 Second Level on 5 line 3' north of A line 1-13-97 the tap the moment connection is not welded SMUCTunk.. Mr.011ANICAL AND MA7cnIALS "J* 17 !; 11 IN (, INDEPENDENT TESTING Vy INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VAS[7[-,N count" CON 11 1. I'l, COLORADO 80433 (301) 6" 1560 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIE'S Location: Vail Villaqe Club Inspector: George Schwandt Page 5 of 6 Job# 100796 Date: 11-20-96 Page L-_p.,o r t e d of On-ooina Date Item Date L-_p.,o r t e d 0 11-20-96 F-5 Fourth I-eve] on 5.4 line at D and CC lines - 12-3-96 wo of the four required bolts have been installed 11-20-96 F-6 Second Level at Derfineter beanis -_bent plate 1-133-97 not -fillet welded on the to the beam flange -underside 11-20-96 F-7 Third Level at perimete beams - hent )'Ii�)te, 1-13-97 not-, fillet welded on the underside to the lbeam flan e 11-20-96 F-8 Fourth Level atjeriifleter bearn - bent plate 1-13-97 13 not fillet we', beam (led On the Uncle rs i d to the STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING IN[)I-'-'I"ENDI-N*F TE'STING F, INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1'08,1 W-,l FN COMIF 1-1, (7,01 011ADO 80,133 (30,11 (i7,1 -7560 Page 8 of 8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Vail a Vill e l - .—_q --Cub — A ---"J 0 1) H I n 5 p c c t 0 r: — __ Q-u c-AqjW _n d_.� _P a g e: 5_o I- - -On -oj-,,.,Q- D,A r t �cd � item P pa t c --th.c,--i _1_.13-97 —Up--- 1.2-3-96 5,7 flUCTURAL. MECI [ANICAL AND MATERIALS T[.-.,;T1N(7, INDEPENDENT TESTING F, INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I'MI VA'FEN COURr cwvr-n. co(.0flA00 80,1,�3 (103) G7/ 7 5 G 0 Page 4 of 4 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Vail Vjllane Club JObfi :_100796 Date: 12-9-96 Inspector: George Schwandt Page 6 of On-qoinq Date Resorted— Item N Date FOURTH LEVEL ROOF accept l 12-9-96 F-10 _B_c Lwe_q nA_ a_o_d me, t a I d i,n g not welded to the masonry wall cp1bed plate 1��-9-96 F- 1. 1 On A.5 line from 4 - 5 lines - metal decking _12-12-96 not welded to the beam flange 12-9-96 2-9-96 F -12 Between A.5 and B lines and 4 - 6 lines - :1:2-:1:2-96 metal deck-in side lap seams not iiiet, il I screwc( 12-9-96 F-13 At 3'06" SOLIth of B line `From 4 - 6 lines on 12-12-96 the high roof - metal decking not welded to __.fqDq n 9 l e 12-9-96 F-14 --On 4 4.9 lines and D-D to H-11 lin-es. --nict 112-12-96 L1(�(-,k-in_q_nqt weldcd to edge angle I UPPER ROOF LEVIL 1,2446 F-15 A.6 to D.5 and 0.8 - 4.4 lines metal 12-12-96 decking nol.juddle welded to edge angle as .. red 1.2-9--96 F-16 _je On 2-2 line from _H -6 _to C-C lines - metal_` 12-12-96 _decki_nq__ not welded to masonry wall ledge anglc-: SMUCTunAl_ MECHANICAL AND MATmIALS TF5TING )6 INSPECTION SERVICES INC IPW VASFFN COUnr CON11[11 coLonAI)O 11043 + gvm) 07445m) P,jo __ 1_of 8 OBSERVATION REPORT Client:_ -_ _Ri_ya_Ri_d�e_ Partners_L ITIS Job No. :___!Q&796 Date: 12-0306 J V; �_� Vail Co]orado _ Pro 'ec t.:____a 1 Vi 11c e C1 ub _ Location : — Inspector: George Schwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding,.structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List, The O.D. List will he consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will he the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partners LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Neelan J.L. Viele Construciton - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldmann a I 100A vA'ITN coum ('10HIFF.11, CC�LC)FIAUO 0011:13 (�103) 674 -7560 PagC_z of 8 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL_ BOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspector: Geode Schwandt ITIS Job No. :._10QZ26___ Date _.__12_ -x3=96 Type of Bol i;ed Connections: Fri ct:-i on_ f3eari ng X Type and Size of Dolts Inspected: A- 3Z5 X A -490 A- 307_ _ Other- Cri teri a AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If O.D. List is utilized, designate the item ntnliber and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Location: Fourth Level Roof Steel to steel Areas of Inspection: A - B and 1 to 7 lines, A - E and 4 to 7 lines, and CC - HH and 1 -1 to 6 -6 lines Discrepancies: None noted Location: Upper Roof Level Steel to steel Areas of Inspection: A -A - C -C.4 lines, and 1 -1 to 5 -5 lines Discrepancies: None noted Add i t-i ona i Page At.1;achQd � ����J�T����������� -�����-�I���� . v� DEPENDENT ^��*~^ ^ " "^�.. . — ' — INSPECTION STAERVICES INC, 12084KA3EENC0URT C0N|FER.00L0nAD000»33 (303) 674-7560 pa go 3 Of 8 FT[LD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL V}SU8[ INSPECTION OF NEL51NG ]Ti5 J0b N0 DJic' Inspector: ' ___�JK/�D_� ' Field Made WCld�� ShOp Hnde Welds: ------� G T«nn Of Welds Inspoctcd: |ii|BCS X Groove Miller T�|''R of Component Containing the Tnspp((.ed Nrld (ic: column, boJm' girder, weld, embed, cold formed, WL d 7 i C ) A recorded below Applicable Code or Iinndxr,|: N 8RCDS OF 1 M5P[CT[ON ' moment Level or [levaLi0n: S Second Level Dia o onal Plate stiffeners at m moment connections Grid line lnCaiion(I\ e enc0mpas�ing ihc aren(s) o of lnsperilon ccscS On A '''- ��—� from A to B lines ondil,lons or nonconformance referenced O.D. Lisl-1. None noted . Also include Lhe 8pprO- pago numhcr. Attach the Level or Elevation: o Grid line l0cati0n(5) 8nCmnpJ�,�,ing ihC arra(s) of inspection or priaLe, assigned "F" prefixecl O.D. i(,(,ni numhor and O.D. page numbor. At',tach the referenced 6.0. Usl-,- None noted Level or Elcvat|on: Grid line location(S) 8nCnmpas7,ing ihc orca\s) of lnSpcC[1^n or zcsu� prial ' e, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. Uoni nui,,iI)Pr and 0-0. page number. ALLach Lhe Remaining conditions not listed as O.D. itCms were found conforming Co thC stated criteria. is DEPENDENT TESTIN QCs 1NSA--')EC i01_ 1 S) RVIC S iNC. IM34 VA5FFN COUnT CONIFER, C010RADO 804133 (303) 674-7560 Page 4 of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: George Schwandt _ ITIS Job No. 110796 _ Date: 12 -3 -9 Field glade Welds: _ X_ Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspnci:ed: F-iIIets _X Groove _ X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld �ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): _ As recorded below _ Appl icahlc Code or Standard: AWS D1.1 -96 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: _ Third Level Di a onal_ an_gl_e _braci.n_g____ Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s� of inspect: ion or tests: A to E and 1- 7 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. pane number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted Level or Elevation: _Fourth L_QVe1________Di a_ o_.nal add Grid line location(s) encompassing I:he areas) of inspection or tests: anti 1 - 7 l inPS Provide a critique of nol:ed conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted Level or Elevation: Fourth Level.__ Roof Edge channel _to_ beam _ Grid line location(s) encompassing the area of inspcct: ion or LPs s: _A.to E and 1 - 7 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List, None noted Remaining conditions not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the staged criteria. ODEPENDENT TESTING Cr' INSPECTION SIERVICES INC. 12 0 1'l 4 VA 5 F E N] LOUR F _. CONIFER, (-,()1 0nAF )0 90433 (303) 674 -75(50 FTFLD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF W[[-i5TNG Inspector: Geor Field Made Welds: x Type of Welds lnspr.1.6d: Fillets Type of Component Containing the weld, embed, cold formed, d, metal s Applicable Code or Standard: ___ x inspe I- ud S , AWS page _5— OF 8 ITTS Job No. 100796 Shop Made Welds: Groove X Other C111od Weld ie: column, beam, girder, moment etc.): As - recorded __ below D1.1-96 and ProJect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: Fourth Level Roof Diagonal angle bracinci ;-id support angles Grid line location(s) encompassing the areaTs} of inspection or tests: A to E and 1 7 lines Provide Ta critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also inc ude 1,11 appro- priate, assi gned 'IF" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. piqe number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted-- Level or Elevation: T--Ro-o-f - --L-e--v - '1 Moment- Grid line locition(sci(oT)issing the arc(l ) of inspection or tests: line at B.5 lines, and between B-B and C-C lines at apip ximatelv 4-4.6 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include —the appro- p r i a t e , assigned " F " prefixed 0 - D . i 1-1 em number a n (1 O.D. page number. A 11 ta C, h the referenced O.D. List. -None noted Level or Elevation: Roof Level Edge channel Grid line .1 e. areas) or inspection or tests and 1 - 7 lines --A to- B Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned 'IF" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None n-ot,ed Remaining conditions not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. T wii)AEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES iNC. 1,10114 Vl15EEN COURT CONII =FR, COLORADO 60433 (303) fi 74.7560 Page 6 0f 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL ViSUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: Gea ITIS Job No. Field Made Welds: _ X _ _ Shop Made Welds: Type or Welds Inspected: Fi11cLS X Groove _ _ 01:her Type of Component; Containing the Inspected Weld �ie: column, beam, girder, rioment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, ei:c.): _ _ As recorded below_ Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1 -96 and Project Standards^ AREAS OF iNSPF_CTION Level or Elevation: _Roof Level Dia ona_l bracing and support angles Grid line locaiion(s) encompassing the area sj of inspection or tests: A to B and 1- 7 lines Provide a critique of noel ;ed conditions of' nonconformance. Also i nc I udeythe appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted Level or Elevation: _— Grid line location(s- encompaassirig the area s of inspecLion or 1;est:s: Provide a critique of noted condi priate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0 referenced O.D. List. ons of nonconFormance. Also inciudo the appro- i tern number and O.D. page numhor. Attach the Level or Elevation: _ _ Grid line location(sj encompassing the areai,s�) of inspection or tests: t'rovide a critique of noised concJitions of nonconformance. Also include Liie appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. Remaining condi'ions no listed as O.D. items were found conforming to i:le stated cri teri a. A {.0....1 A(�A.°.� ".. A �+�,,d 'S.y.J� 12084 VA5FCNI COURT CONIFI -R, C01_013ADO 80433 (303) 0 /74 - 7560 REINSPECTIONS Type of Re-inspcction: Visual X Torque Tcsting -. NDT -- Inspector:_ I T I S Job No.:_1QQZ_O_ Date:---l-2-3 -96 List those items reinspected. Refer to the O.D. item, O.D. page number and original date for reporting of the O.D. item. Also indicate if reinspected item conforms to original project standards, modified standards or accept.ed in tier_ as -built condition. CondiLions found ini d ally in nonconformance to original pro,lect standards but subsequently revieWrd and icccp(.cd by the responsible aul.horiLy shall have such acceptance in written form and wH tten confirmation ;hall be attached 1:o this report. O.D. I TCM ORIG i,�IAL REPORT DATE -- � ACC. BY E,JG_,P_1VI_EY ' 11S -dU I i_T MOD 1(= I FD CONFORMiP1G TO STANDARDS SIGNED OFF 12 -03 -9 C0 r 1ENTS _ X INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12064 VASErN COURT CONIFIn, COLORADO 80433 (303) G74 7560 Page 8of8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location:_ Vail Villa e Club J o b N :___IQ_QU _____Date :��_3=96 Inspector: George Schwanc�t Page: 5 °I_ ---an= Going -- Date Item Reported N T IRD LEILEJ_.__ Date _:Acce t _ 12-3 -96 _ F -9 __ top�la�.ge_,— rn9me�tso�ne_c t inn�.twt_�rel.�edy; — i E e STRUCTURAL. MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 170114 VASFF.N CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 674 -7580 OBSERVATION REPORT Page 1_ of 4 Client: Riva Ridge Partners,_ LLC ITIS Job No. _ 100796 - Date: 12-9-96 Project: Vail Vi l lage Club________ 1..ocation: Inspector: George Schwandt Vail, Colorado This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and /or nondestructive testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies (O.D. List) ". The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered throughout the duration of the project for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the lists. If there are any questions regarding the content of -this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President Level III AWS QC -1 DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J L Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldmann INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 170n4 VA,9FE" CAWRT CMITER. COLOWK) F104311 (303 674-7500 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: — George Schwandt- Field Made Welds: -- X Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets — — X - Type of Component Containing the Inspoc embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): Applicable Code or Standard: AWS Page 2- of 4 ITIS Job No. Date: 12-9-96 Shop Made Welds: Groove -- Other ted Weld (io: column, boam,. girder, moment weld, As recorded below--- D1.1-96 and Project Standards_ AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: __ Fourth Le-y-el_yo.o_f_----Me-tal-d..er-ki-n-g--p-udd-I-P--welds-a-rid-si-de---i-ap screws Grid Lino Location(s) Encompassing the Aren(s)of Inspection or Test: A to B and I - 7 lines. B to D.8 and 4- 7 lin e s. and C-C to H-1-1 and 1 -1 through 5-5 lines 'Fr:;-vTde—a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appropriate, assigned "F" pro-fixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the re ferenced O.D. List. Between A and _B lines, on 2 line, metal decking has not been Puddle welded to the masonry_ wall embed Plates. This has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F-10. __Fourth _ Leyel _Roof Metal deck 4n lqp screws Level or Elevation: Grid Lino Location(s) Encompassing the Area(s)of Inspection or Test: On A. line from 4 - 5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the number- and O.D. page number. Attach the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item The metal deckin_g, has not been welded to the beam. referenced O.D. List. - - — - This has been entered on attached O.D. Li as item F-1.1. Fourth Level Roof Metal deckinq puddle welds and side lap screws Level or Elevation: Grid Linn Location(s) Encompassing the Aren(s)OF Inspection or Test: �etween A.5 and B lines and 4- 6 lines__ Provide a critique of, noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the The metal dec1kin_q_-si.­de. l­ap_seam--hs--not­ been screwed - referenced O.D. List. Also, together. This has been entered as item F-1.2 on the-,attached O.D. List. F-i�- �Bl i gh--Roo- he not been _puddle welded 3 S06-t This the F-13. Q.D. List as item to —t This fi�i�--EW6 entered on -the attached . D. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12004 VMFEN MIRT CONIFER. COLOPAnO 80433 (303 674-7500 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: Field Made Welds: X Typo of Welds Inspected: F11 lets -_ X Type of Component Containing the Inspe( embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.):. Applicnble Code or Standard: _-AKS- Page —3 of _4 ITIS Job No. 100796 __ Date: 12-9-96 ,Shop Mndo Welds: Groove Other :tod Weld (19: column, beam, girder, moment weld, AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: — ___Fourth_ Lev l_._Roof ___Metal dec X n g___p uidd 1 e - _WQ_ _ lds and side La_screws Grid Lino Locati on(s) Encompassing the Aron (s)of Inspection or Test: Qn 4 _-4. 9 lines and D& JO Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. pn90 number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. The metal decking has no' been Puddle welded to the edge angle. This has been entered on the attached O.D. List a, item F -14. Level or Elevation: _U_ppPr Ro-o-F—Le-vp-L--Me-ta-l—d-e-ck-i-nq4- u-dd.l-e-.-we-lds—a-nA--cj-de--laP---fcrews Grid Line Location(sT[ncompassing the Area(s)of Inspection cr Test: A._6 to D.5 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance- Also include the appropriate, assigned "F" pre-fixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. Aon_e ded to _Q with 12" centers_ as _req _q _qired.—This has been (ZI �j �j fuddle Ids and side la - Q screws Level or Elevation: ___Vpp_er KQ_Qf__LeY� _ _ _T � ' Grid Line Location(s) Encompassing the Area(s)of Inspection or Test: _6n - lines _,B to C h _Rc�s Pravido a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the not been puddle welded to the FR referenced O.D. List. The metal decking has n _fi�__ has been entered on attac This masonry wall 1 jjqae 2n le.as required. O.D. List as item F-16. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12034 VASEEN COURT CONIFER. COLORADO 30433 (303) 674 -7560 Page 4 of 4 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Vail Village Club Job# ._100796 Date : 12 -9 -96 Inspector: Georqe Schwandt Page: 6 of On -going Date Reported Item # FOURTH LEVEL ROOF iA Date cce t 12 -9 -96 F -10 Between A and B lines Qn� line - metal decking not welded to the masonry wall embed plate 12 -9 -96 F -11 On A.5 line from 4 - 5 lines - metal decking not welded to the beam flange 12 -9 -96 F -12 Between A.5 and B lines and 4 - 6 lines - metal deckin side lap seams not metal screwe 12 -9 -96 F -13 At 3'06" south of B line from 4 - 6 lines on the high roof - metal decking not welded to ed e anqle 12 -9 -96 F -14 On 4 - 4.9 lines and D -D to H -H lines - metal Ideckinq_ not welded to edCge angle UPPER ROOF LEVEL 12 -046 F -15 A.6 to D.5 and 0.8 - 4.4 lines - metal decking not puddle welded to ed e angle as required — 12 -9 -96 F -16 On 2 -2 line from B -B to C -C lines - metal decking not welded to masonry wall ledge angle: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING � " i D L.Pt:. N C7 k I` T TESTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC 12N4 VA SEEN COURT CONIr[I1, Ct71.C)RAD0 00433 (3nQ 0744500 Page -1-of 8 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Riva.Ridge Partners ITIS Job No.: 100796 pate: 11 -12 -96 Project:_ Vail Vi11age Club _ -Loco Lion: Vail, Colorado _ Inspector: George Schwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may he ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will he the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained'in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience, David L. Sturgen President DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J.L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldmann Ii�''ll'l k� "I�i;;�l:l�i 1• 1 �J i141�i�7 '��� 4 INSPECTION SERVICES ii`iC 17094 vAS(_LN COUnr CoNircvi. CoL)i7AU0 no433 (7103) 671.7500 Page___? of. 8 .VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 100796 Date 1 11 -12 -96 Type of ion_,s t_ _goari ng X Type and Size of (lolls Inspecl:ed: A -32.5_ X A-490 A -307 OLher CH teria AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections sr.parately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If O.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Location: Second Level Steel to steel Areas of Inpsection: A to E and 1 - 7 lines, and AA to Hh and 1 -1 - 6 -1 lines Discrepancies: At 2'06" north of H -H line, and at 7'09" and 14'06" east of 4 -4 line, the double angle clip, bolted connection is incomplete. This has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F -3. Location: Third Level Steel to steel Areas of Inspection: A to E and 1 - 7 lines , and AA to GG and 1 71 - 6 -6 lines Discrepancies: None noted Add} (:tonal Paqr. A(:tachcd INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12034 VASEEN COURT CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 671 -7560 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: George Schwandt Page 3 ITIS Jo'() No. 100796 Date: 11 -12 -96 Field Made Welds: _ _ X _ _ Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other 1 "ype of Component Containing the Inspected Weld —(ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1 -96 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: Second Level Moment connections and web stiffeners Grid line location(s) encompassing the areas of insprction or tQsl -.s: On A line from 2 - 4 lines, between A_an_d b lines from 5 to 6 lines, on 6 line _ from C.9 to D.4 line_s,_and between 4 -4 and 5 -5 lines 2'06" north of H_ -H line Provide a critique of noted cond itions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. On 5 line 3' north of A line the top flange of the _ moment connection has not been welded due to proor_p acement of_,coTumn. This has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F -4.~ Level or Elevation: Second Level Bent .plate ed_J ne2___to beam flanges Grid line local-Jon(s) -encompassing the area(s� of ct inspeion or tests: On A line from 1 - 7 lines,_on 6 line from A to D.4 lines, on 5 -5 line from CC to GG� and on Gq line from 4-4 - 5.5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted Level or Elevation: _Secon_d Level Metal deckingpuddle welds and button punching Grid line locations encompassing the area(s) of inspection or Lesi:s: _ A to D and 1 - 7 lines, and AA to GG lines from 1 -1 - 5 -5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nnonconFormance. Also 5c hide the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. Lis(,-. None noted Remaining conditions not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria . INDEPENDENT TESTING -.r INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 6174 -7560 Page 4 of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORA INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No. 100796 Date: 11 -12 -96 Field Made Welds: _ _ X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds I n spect(--_,d F i l l lets _ X Groove _ X Other _ Type of Component; Containing the Inspected Weld ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1 -96 and ProZect�Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: _Second Level Headed anchor studs (HAS) Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspection or tests: A to and 1 - 7 lines, and AA to GG lines from 1 -1 - 5 -5 lines Provide a critique of no Led conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted Level or Elevation: Third Level Metal decking ouddl.ewelds and_buttnn punching Grid line location(s) encompassing the area Cs) of inpection or te"'I's: and 1 - 6 lines, and AA to GG fines, from 1 -1 - 5 -5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. A1;tach the referenced O.D. List. _hone noted___ Level or El eval;ion: Third_ Level _ _ }Ills_ Grid line location( sj encompassing the areas) of inspection or tests: _, A to D and 1 - 6 lines, and AA to GG -lines from 1 -1 - 5 -5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted Remaining conditions not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. li�il�i� l �iu11 I .� ^:S Ili iJ to SPEC-1 i0N S ERMCF.S INC. tzon^ v.ASrrNI COUJIT corm-cn. CC'I.OFIADO 004J3 (J0;1) G74 7 5 G rrpor, T OF NONDFSTRUCTIVC TCSTING inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 100746 Dike :_ 11 -12 -9G Typc of Connec I;i on Tes I;cd : Si nql e V- q_roove joints Type o f , w e l c l T e s L e d : Fi IcL Groovy. X 01.hrr_ Type of Te. t Performed: U. T M. P.T._____.___ __D.h.T._ Either Appl i ca b i c Code or Standa rd : ASTM E -709 Test fcrIo1-med 'in: ;hop Field X Frequency of Testing: 10 Provide a general surrmal;ion of the components and welds tested and li shed on the attached N.D.T. Certificai ;ion rr_port(s). Also provide a critique of uch nonr,on- for1111119 cond-ition(s) and specify the 0.0. ii,cm number, pref-ixcd wil,h an' "F" -for field tesl;ing or on "S" for shop testing, iissigned to each noncon(ori -,iinq condition. Also, include thy_ appropriate 0. D. page number(s) wi i;h each 1 i stied 0. D. i tem. The attached 23q�20 2ff Maanet��_ E'sar_ti�L�� components which received testing with applicable results. Fxcluding any items of nonconformance, those remaining component weld(s) iisl.rd on the at:taehed N.D.T. Certi fi cat i on forms have b rn found in conform7nce. With thy_ slsated weld quality cril,eria. Vi:uai Inspections for acc�pl..iince of tesl;ed Wcids are covered in the "Visual Inspection" srction of this report packIrio. Additional Informi ti on Shre I; AI; tachrd _ INSPEC -il'ON SERViC SINC. 12084 VA-S,FEN COURT CONIFER, ('01-()RADO 80433 (303) 674-7560 Page 6 of 8 REPORT OF MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING PROJECT 1, MANUFACTURER CLIENT --R—i--v---aR—id-q—e-P--a—;; ers CLIENT'S J013 CUSTOMER'S I.D. NO. CLIENT'S CuSlIOMER ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER INFORMATION I T I S JOB N O. DATE Or, TEST ,241 TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH QUALITY REQUIREMEN FREQUENCY OF TESTING TYPE OF WELD TESTED MAGNETIZATION CURRENT USED: A]- 'PULSED DC TYPE OF EQUIPMENT USED TYPE OF TEST: WET DRY LIST OF PARTS OR COMPONENTS TESTED WELDERS RESULTS REPAIRS QTY. MK. NO. I.D. NO. ACC. IEJ. ACC. REJ. REMARKS 7 IF THE UNDERSIGNED, CERTIFY THAT THE STATEMENTS IN THIS RECORD ARE CORRECT AND THAT THE TESTING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED REQUIREMENTS. INSPECTOR SIGNED ED 1—k. Ll AUTHORIZED BY i ll� LEVEL OF QUALIFICATION THIS DATE DATE !,_C7 I iT H " [.11-1 7r7l. -1 f-i -1 -1 T cl J. NC' INDEPENDENT TESTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 1,1084 Vl\qf-FN COURT CONIFER. COLORADO 80433 (303) 674 -7560 Page 7 of 8 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Loca Lion :—_--Ui j flja E� I Job# 100796 Date 11-12-96 --�: ---g_ -Q--u-4 --- Inspector: -Cw-ug.e_5Lbvandt - —Page :.,. 3 of Qn-qoiag- Date Reportea item I # Date A c c e 11-12-96 F-3 Second Level 2'06" north of HH line, and at and 14'06" east of 4-4 line - the double angle clips, bolted connections n6t installed 11-12-96 F-4 Second Level on line 3' north of A line the Ipp fLange of -the moment connection is not welded STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING 12084 VASFFN COURT CONIFF -11, c010Rnoo 80433 {303) 6 4 -75G P,1cfC � Of 8 fZEIN SPECTIONS Typc of Rcinspection: Visual X Torque Testing - NDT SIGriED 0E- George Schwandt Inspector: � 9 .__-. ITIS Job No.: 100796 Date: 11 -12 -96 dated 11 -5 -96 Lis L those items reinspected. Refer to the O.D. item, O.D. pane number and original date for reporting of the 0. D. item. Also i ndi ca Le if rci nspec ced it-err, conforms to original project standards, modified standards or accepted in the as -bunt condition. Conditions found in-1tially in nonconformance to or- iy n 1 pro,7cct st��ndards but; subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authori Ly si al i have such acceptance in written form and written confirmat -ion shall be aLtachcd to this report. 0. D. IT[M F -2 ORIGINAL RC, ORT _ DATE 11 -05 -96 �� r- �r�J n�C._ _L��C.R,`! �_ -_ AS- BUILT MODICiCD — ' _ ,X COt1FORt�I�IG TO � STAN- F)ARDS SIGriED 0E- COi�iM�iN!TS_� Per Eli neeri ng____._. 11 -2 -96. j dated 11 -5 -96 I INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 17.On4 VA9FFN CT. CONIFER, COLORAW 00433 (303) 071 -7500 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC ITIS Job No Project: Vail Village Club Location: Inspector: _ George Schwandt — _ 100796 Page 1 of Date: 12 -12 -96 Va-i 1 , Colorado N This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and /or nondestructive testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List: of Outstanding Discrepancies (O.D. List) ". The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered throughout the duration of the project for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the lists. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturg on President; Level III AWS QC -1 DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Neelan J. L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldmann -.... .-. S ..... 51.1 ■ J� ��t A ,; C ? a 12034 VA FFN COURT CONIFER, COLORADO 30433 (303) G74 -7560 p,jy, 2 of 2 REINSPECTIONS X Tor ue Testing. --- NDT Type of Rc�inspection: Visual � Inspector: George Schwandt ITI S job No.: � � Date ' O.D. pule number and Original List t1-osc items reinspccLed. Refer to e . item, date for rnportinq of the O.D. item. nlatandardstor1accepltcdcinCthctas _bouiltrms to original project standard_, mocfi�icd s condition. Conditions found initially in nonconfO rt�uthor iLylshallehavetan (lards but; sub scg yen Ll y reviewed and accepl;ed by Lh _ responsible . such acceptance in vrritten form and written confirmation shall be attached to this report. ORIGINAL C0NF0RMING O.D. REPORT ACC. _B EIVG_._REVIEW TO SIGNrD D/1TE /1S -GUILT __P1001rICD STANDARD OF I_ I T E M� F -10 12 -09 -96 I�__.____- X________ 12= 12 -96_i. X 7.2 12- F-116-09-96 x .. -- ----- -' . - X F -12 12- J2- 9.6 -I F -14 12 -09=96 I X 11., X �12- 12 -96� F -15 12 -09 -96 F -16 12- 09 -96 _ _ x U- 1.2 -96 COmN�CNTS 1 1'r_zj i-'C 1 i ®1 i SEr-ZVlCEJ iN,C 1201`34 VASUN coun'r cvNn -,. n. cCii.on.n�,o eon:» (J01) G74.75G0 OBSERVATION REPORT Client:_ RIVA Ridge Partners, LLC Project: ^_ Vai l_Vi l lie Club Inspector:_ George Schwandt ^^ ITIS Job No Par P 1 100796 Location: Vail, Colorado of ? Date: 10 -07 -96 This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed firepronfing and /or nondesLructuve testing. Only the -forms appropriate Lo ,,r,e Lypes of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The speCific Crii:eria utilized in ,judging the degree of conformance for each area of i n specLi on is contained on each in d i vi dua i i nspecti on form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. Jj sL will be consecuLively numbered For each page issued, as will be the deficient ..in item, contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained each sec'ion. If here are any questions regarding the content of this report, please Feel free to contact ITiS at your convenience. David L. SLurgcon; President DISTRIBUTIONS: RIVA Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J. L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development- Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldmann i,.DEPE'ND"- IT INSPECTiON SERVICES INC. 1<0194 VA51-FN (-,oLjn-T CON11-1-R, COLORADO 80417 (303) J74 C -7560 Page — 2 of 3 FTILD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WEL[)JNG Inspector: _Georg_eSchwandt_________ ITIS Job No. 100796 Date 10-7-96 Field 1,11ade. Welds: _ X Shop Made Welds: Type o f Welds Inspected F —Fi III ­et s —_ X Groove __ 0 t h (� r F Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld e: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold fori,,ivnd , metal studs, PI-C. As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-96 and Projec_t __Standards Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) and 4-4 lines - Provide I critique nI priate, assigned "F" referenced O.D. List. AREAS 017 INSPECTION First Lev_ el Double angle clips to concrete embed plates encompass-ing the area(s) of inspection or teslls: _At_GG_ nol , ed conditions of nonconformance. Also includr the , item appro- and O.D. page number. Attach the p fixed O.D. item number None noted Level or Elevation: First Level Diagonal angle_brac-es--plates -.-..beam-web—p.lat.es Grid line location( inspection or tests: - On A line from 2 - 3.4 line, on GG line from 4-4 to 5-5 lines, and on 6 line from A - E lines Provide a cril , ique of noted conditions of nonconformance. the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach t h e referenced O.D. List. At numerous locations. due to m-fasalignment of the web plate, the angles are not flat to the plate resuFlting in large gaps between both surface-, precluding tie len,�Lh 0, weed on t sides. 0 _j�,-ed Tfi_i��67locations have been fillet welded on the ends and return, top and bottom, for a total of 6 inches. This has been entered on the attached_____ List as item F-1. Level or Elevation: First Level Bent plate to beam flanges s__s­Fn_g_ JW_ ___ __ T T_ a s of -ins pe c 11 i o Grid line location(s T(I (11-12 n or '(.es1--s: �Y6 G G line from 4-4 to 6-6 line.s, and on 6 line from D - E lines Provide a critique of priate, assigned "F" referenced O.D. List. noted conditions of nonconformance. 111so include the appro- prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the Remaining conditions not listed as O.D. items were Found conforming to the stalled Criteria. oc Z� ot\ � R �w �,o 3 3 Q{ V a9� C• �ZSG�� 196 �a 0��� WOW VASUN MUM Pn1) W7560 1 1 a ) li "gfj l���ggq! r ?r j Page — __l. —of 6 OBSERVATION REPORT Client:_. —Riva RJ9e_Partners, LLC ITIS Job No.:100796 Date; 11 =20 -96 Project:-_ Vail Village Club Location: Vail_,_Ck1_orado _ Inspector:_ George Schwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fire:roofinq and /or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The O.D. Lisp: will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient item: contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. oe David L. Sturgeon President: DISTRIBUTIONS: Riva Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Heelan J. L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldman 12MA WyrrN counT cONIF[_R, COL011A00 A04,13 p03) fi'i4-RM Page? of 6 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL_ LIOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No.: 100796 Date .,_011-20 =96 Type of Rol ted Connections: Friction__ Bearing _X.._._.. Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A- 325 X A -490 -- A -307 Other Criteria AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If O.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Location: Fourth Level Areas of Inspection: AA to DD and 1 -1 through 5 -5 lines, and A to D.6 and 1 - 6 lines Discrepancies: On 5.4 line at D and CC lines only two of the four required bolts are installed. This has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F -5. ___ Additional Page Attached INSPECTION SERVICES INC INivi VASEEN COURT C(DNIf i.I i, COLOnADO 00433 P01) 67,7500 Page __I of 4 05SERVATION REPORT RI Ridge Partners, LLC 100796 Date: 11 -5 -96 Client • __-------- .— _J___._____ ____._ --- I T 15 J u i� N o .. __._.. .--. Vail Village Club _ .� Loca t i on : _ 'tai l , Colorado Project:-- —__ -- _- _ Inspec.or:__ George Schwandt This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and /or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judgikq the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may he ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies ", O.D. List. The G.D. List: will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient -items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained'in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. turgcori President L' DISTRIBUTIONS: RIVA Ridge Partners, LLC - Attn: Mr. Glenn Neelan J.L. Viele Construction - Attn: Tony Mr. Frank Freyer Town of Vail /Community Development - Attn: Mr. Chuck Feldman N3YEice; w a�.J ii I r 'NSPECT M 5F-11"Mc is IN- i2oM VASF:FN counT CONiFUI, coUonADO OQ433 (7103) 674 7,(',Q 1'a z _r _ 4 VISUAL_ INSPECT[r "'S OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspector: George Schwandt I T I S Job No.: — 100796 Date Type of Rol Led Connections: ti ons : Fri cti nn._ tir_a ri nq X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A -325 X A -490 A -307 Other Cri teri a AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the level ; and areas of inspections sei aral:ely with a critique of nonconforming conditions. IF O.D. Lisi, is utilized, designate the item number and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Location: First Level Steel to steel Areas of Inspection: A to D and 1 - 7 lines Discrepancies: On C -C line, 6' west of 6 line, the column cap plate to beam flange, bolted connection is not completed due to misalignment of the bolt holes. This is currently under Engineering Review. This has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F -2. _A6dIIIionaI hag(, A 1,tachcd INSPECT ION SERVICE ► INC. 120f3/11 VASUN COURT CONIFER, C01_01-IADO 90433 (303) 674 -7560 Page 3_ of 4 FTEI_D INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDIING Inspector: ,Geode Schwandt _ ITIS Job No. _100796 Date 11 -5 -96 Field Made Welds: _ X _ Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected _ F-i Vets X Groove _ _ Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld {ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1 -96 and Pro,iect_tanuards — AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or El eva Li on : _First Level __ Field_ Modifications Grid line locations) encompassing the area {s� of inspection or tests: Level floor beams —_ virsc — Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. pale number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. The field modificaton of the first level floor beam was found to be i n conformance with theme eTct6irecti ve from�i cTia —t Weingardt Consultants, dated 11 -1 -9� Level or Elevation: First Level _ Metal decking Puddle welds and _side lap button Grid line locat:ion(s,j encom }gassing the arri( ) _o( inspection or Iesl.s: A to D punching and 1 - 7 lines Provide a critique of noted condiLions of nonconformance. /11 so inclurie the appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Ati :ach the referenced O.D. 1_ist. None noted Level or Elevation: _First Level Headed anchor studsM___ Grid line location(s� encompass ng the area {s of inspec��on or tests: _ A to D and 1 - 7 l i n e s Provioc a critique of noted co ditions of nonconformance. /llso include i -he appro- priate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Attach the referenced O.D. List. _ None noted Remaining condi1 -jons not listeel as O.D. ii.ems were found conforirlinci -to the stated criteria. INDEPENDENT TESTING G INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 120V4 VAS[ [N COURT CONIFER. C,01-ORADO 804V13 (303) 674 7 5i6 Page 4 of 4 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: -- Vail VijjU _C1 Rh_Job# : 100796 Date: 11-5-96 Inspcct..i:: George Schwandt Page 2 of 0Ln Igoj n q_ IDate Item I Date lAccented STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING First _L9_)tQ.1_0n _C 7_CLl_ne---QLYQst Of 6 line ' the column cap plate to beam flange not _bolted STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING