HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN ESTATES LOT 6 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdftr t) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0179 APPLICANT VICTOR H LOEBSACK 4229 NUGGET LANE, VAIL CO 8L657 CONTRACTOR VICTOR H LOEBSACK OWNER ' 4229 NUGGET LANE, VArL CO 81657 LOEBSACK VICTOR H 6. MARGARET MAR PO BOX 911-, HESSTON KS 67062 Description: REMOVE OLD SHINGLES BUILD 4229 NUGGET LN 4229 NUGGET LANE 210 t--12 3-07 -037 NEW COLD ROOF Single Family Residence N Type V Non-Rated Phone z 970-476-39\4 Phonez 970-476-3914 Payments------- 996.00 50.o0 1 ,016.@ 1,01+6. 00 Job Address Location... Parcel No. .Project No. Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 06 /26 /Lee7 o6 /26 /7ee?12/23/7se7 Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V Valuation:40, 000 Fi reptace Information: Rest r i cted: Add Sq Ft: #of cas Apptiances:#0f llood/PaLtet: ****'t****:f***t***************ir***************************** FEE SUI4HARY *********************t***********************r**i********* Restuarant Ptan Revie\i--> 0Rg Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> c Lean-Up Deposi t--------> fof cas Logs: .0O Totat CaLcutated Fees---> 50.00 Additionat Fees---------> Bui td i ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invest igat i on> triLL ca l. L----> 4?O.00 273.00 .00 3.00 .OO Totat Permit Fee--------> 250.00 **********ii*****r*********************llllit*l5li;;;;;;;;;;;**ii***n******ilf;ll*******lilllii-ll-t;;;;;;ii*ilii************ill*** Itqmi .05100_BurLDrNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:06/26/t997 CHARLTE Aa€ion;'-AFFn cseRl,rE DAViS-It'e.n:'.05400,PI,ANNING DEPARTMEN!_ -_,- Oept: PLANNING Division:06/.26/.1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A 96726'/1!99,7,CHARLTE Action! AppR pbR DIRK MASON rtern:'05600_PrRE_DEPARTMENT Dept: rrnn Division:06/26/1997 CHARLIE nction: AppR N/A Ite.m :' 05s00 _PqP!,Iq wORKg 06/26/L997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A ******t******i*****"t****"****ff***t*******t*****************t******t***t***********************r**t*******.t*********************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaL rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrtedge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out in fu(|. the information requi ned, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that at( the information provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to comp Ly vith the infornation and ptot il.an,to comply uith atl' Tovn ordinances and state I'aus, and io buiLd this structure according io'ttr" ionn;r .onini ana subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabl,e thefeto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY send cl,ean-up Deposit To: vtcToR LoEBSACK oo t) Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Pernit #: 897-0179 as of 06/26/97 Status---: IssuED *******************************************tL*******d.**************************** Permit Type Applicant--ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT VICTOR H LOEBSACK 97 0-47 6-39t4 Applied--, 06/26/L997 Issued--- t 06/26/1997 To Expire: L2/23/1997 Job Address: 4229 NUGGET LN Location---: 4229 NUGGET LANE Parcef No--: 2101-123-0?-031 Description: REMOVE OLD SHINGLES BUILD NEW COLD ROOF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ******************** COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. *:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0292 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *691 1, 046. 00 ************** 06/26/97 10:44 Init: CD Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payment 1,046.00 1,046.00 .00 897-0179 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2101,-723-O 7-0 3 L 4229 NUGGET LN 4229 NUGGET LANE 1/ 046.00 Total Fees: TotaL ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41310 BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES 42O.OO 01 OOOO 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 4T332 PLAN CHECK FEES 273.00 01 0000 4r4t2 coNTRAcToR I-,rcENsEs 50. oo 01 0000 22002 .CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 250.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CAIJL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO lili of 75 souih lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT lllARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary. ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit.any ,"if,-r""i, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsteri, p"ii"ui" toilets and workmen vehicles. upon any streetl =iaewaircl -;ii;y or public P13:" or any portion theieof. The right-of-way on arr. Town of Vail streets and roads is approxi*"i.iv-s-itl*lri pavement.This ordinance wilr be striltry enforced by the Town of Vair Publi-c l{orks Der:artment. pers6ns found viorating this ordinance wilr be given a 24 hour written ""ti""-ti-;;;;;;"=aid materiar.rn the event the person so notified - does not compry with the notice within the 24 hour-tirne -peciii;;,"ii""i"iric works Department wirl remove said mateii"i ii-in"-'I"p"i=e of person notified' The nrovisions of this ordinance shar-r not be applicable to c^onstruction, o,.i.L"..r,ce or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in tf,e-ilgti_"_r_y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur-r-, please stop by the Town of Vail Buirding Department to obtain a copy. rirani< you for your cooperatj-on on this rnatter. acknowl (i.e. contractor, owner) oa al 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 4az /l{u ye - //.- --. n. e {t- otllco of communlly d€yolopmenl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this p.ryit fequires a Town of Vail [.ire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (publ ic t,torks) review and approvai,'i pi.ri,iiiii'bipu"t .nt review or Health Department review, and'a_review by the Buirding Department, the estimated time for a totar ".uiln-iluv"iu[i'a, tong as three weeks. All commercial (rarge or smail)and ail murti-family permits wiri have to follow the ibove mentioned maximum requ.i rements. Residential and.sma'l I projects-shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or smarier.projects impact the various auove mentionea departments with regard to necessary review, th.;; ;;;j;.ii"ruy a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt wi'l I be made by this departnrent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: _a I v .r=.r,.rRANDUM r- lYl ElYl \-/ l ALL CONTRACTORS tl TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIBED hoo f ,^?Fcr.'. t, < /y'tu-." f "ctt g Date: /,./22 qZ' Please answdr the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a'Public Way Permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being pertormed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? B. ll no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Gommunity Development? l{ you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any queslions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questi 1) 9\ /,- '/ ?\ 4) l/ tl h' // , b, 7) 4ztq Job Name Contraclor's Sigj ( ..,"-.2- ?Z / I ; \ I : s,)i...- -.- +'(trti.!t.t(J.;._,__*..+1. CTIECK REQUEST \ **o*no*;',/ 'Zh, Z/ #-,/a- ' ' " VENDORNUMBER:To l7v7 DESCzuPTION OF EXPENSE: CLtrAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP #6J/41A - '4 / t/^-a 4r' // ,/NAME OF l}s:.{ooo4z /SSV u ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 ,// AMOUNT oF REFUNDT fuS-a.4 -- DArE APPRovED: /&-k!-7 7 APPRovAL srcNAruRE: uil,-Jl 1 l/ ) sign Review Action Fo TOWN OF VAIL Parccl Number: Proicct Narnc: Locdsack - roof modification Buildine Namc: Proicct Dcscription: lnstallation of a cold roof, Owncr, Address and Phone: Dickcnson Estate and Loebsack 4229 Nuggct Lane Vail CO 81657 476-3914 Architect/Applicant. Addrcss and Phone:same I rm t" Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 6 Block _ Subdivision Bighom Estates Zonc District Pro.icct Strcct Addrcss: 4229 Nuggct Lanc Comments: Board i Staff Action Motion by:Votc: Seconded by: Approval Disapproval Staff Approval Conditions: u K oatc, K',1C-?7 DRB Fce Prc-Paid Qucstions? Orn. Pllnning Staff at 479-2l2tl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for auy projcct requiring Dcsign Revicw approval. Any project rcquiring design rcvicw rrrust reccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccilic inlbrnration, $ce thc subrrittal rcquirctrrcnts lbr the particular approval tlut is rcquested. Thc application canuot be acccpted until all the rcquired intbruration is submitted. The projcct rnay also nccd to be rcvicwed by the Town Corrncil and./or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Cornurission. Design Rcview Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unless a building permit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK:- FILING: PHYSfCALADDRESS: 4?2? N-Js,-/' La.e (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssom Otllcc at 970-321i-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S);)tu;d- NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS G. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw buildins, $50 Includcs any addition wherc squarc footagc is addcd to any residcntial or cournrcrcial building. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc inrprovcrnents. such as.' ictoofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. E Conceptual Revicw - $0 For any application wherc thc applicant wishcs to rnect with Dcsign Revicw Board to detcnninc whether or not the projrct gcncrally complics with thc design grridelincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on concephral rcvicws. DRB fecs are to be paid at thc timc of srrbmittal. Latcr, when applying fora brrilding pcmrit, pleasc idcntiff thc accurate valuation of the projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee according tothc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOV{NOFVAIL 4"' * c. D. D. E. F. PARCEL #: ZONING: tr Addition - E Minor Altcration - PHONE: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:CQTQR:* Tcra ko H 'lol 34o lb / s7, in/e tt' .reJ bal'Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts Windows Window Trim Do ors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouses Ilr:rining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other # Please speciS the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip **AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLighting6rdint,.. 18.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, ptease indicate thle number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide lh" h"ight uboue grade, lumens output, tuminous area and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtur€s. * s \i \ t"\g\ $ \t-t- I l- \v- l= ^q lo G. l-1 t? lL ls F \ #'--i '4/ ( \* "i \ t::t qF ES tp*coN errvi r'" ); tl s r-r\F rt lt ltfi I SNSg / \g8t - - 'et 5 -l q liiiliiir ffii$$ .:s€ it *I ls t!!! \!a i.lt F*i :il ;$ s1i ==*sI = RUiq " u,;ilH Rrx I qH\ s A A a : n $ 4 iiiiii iitr:I Si: i i; *i$i *i !-li" !a!, *iir l>r >F i't E*it gt t'9.||t F iBt t":r a:!r E s Fp rX ^R5 0 FB..:i -id o E :\ s e P R 5 ! T0WOF/IILH *r"r*** s.o ,"--" .r*,rrr"r,*i, +, "gs eta+ 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development APPLICANT HELEN B DICKINSON & CO 7000 E QUTNCY AVE C-408, DEWER CO 80237 OWNER HELEN B DICKINSON & CO 7000 E QUTNCY AVE C-408, DENVER CO 80237 CONTRACTOR JOHN R. DICKENSON, JR. Phone: 303-793-0280 4229 NUGGET LANE, LOT 5 BTGHORN, VAIL, CO 81657 Description: RETAINING WALL Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation:44,000 Add Sq Ft: Fireptace lnformation: Restr i cted:#of Gas Apptiances:flot Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pa l tet: *ffiffitr*#*#*rrffir*ffffiffi***r***ffi** FEE SUltl'IARY *t*ffiffi##frH*ffiffi*rrHr****** Bui Lding-----> Ptan Check---> tnvest igat i on> l,,i tl catt----> 4/.E. OO Restu.rant PtEn Revirv-->.00 Total catculated Fees--> 1,U2,2O 50.00 Additional, Fees--------> .00 291.20 DRB F ,00 Rccreation Fee----------> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES------ REOI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TPENTY,FOUN HOURS IN ADVANCE EY send clean-up Deposit To: x.B. DICKINSoN{ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address Locat,ion. . . Parcel No.. Project No. Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 0s/24/L995 Issued. . .: 06/30/1995 Expires..: 12/27/1995 4229 NUGGET LN 2L0r-123-07-032 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated .00 Total Permit Fee------->250.00 Paynents------1,01?.20 BALANCEDUE---- 1 ,Ot Z.2O 1 ,042.20 .00 **ffi ffi ffi **ffir.,tfffi#ffi *ffi #*t#ffi *ff ***:h***ffi ***#ffi ffi ffiitffi ti****t*ffi ***** lte.rn: ,05100 pUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/24/L995 DAN Action: APDR 05,/24'/1995 DAN Action: APPR UPDATE OF OLD PERMIT I!e{ri',95190 PL,,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:05/2411995 DAN Actioni APPR I9e{r;',9!q9o EIRE DEPARTI4ENT Dept: FIRE Division:05/24/1995 DAN Action! APPR I!eDi'.q55qo PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:05/24/1995 DAN Action: APPR ,rffi fH*ffi ffi ffi*r.'Br'H**ffri****#(ffi*Jr**********ffi #****'**iffi ******f*H*#t#*ffiffi ffi **ffi ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditior s that may apply to this permit. DECLARATT( NS I.hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, 1re information requi red, corrpleted an accurate plot p[an, and gtatc that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. : agree to conpl,y vith thc iniornation and pl,ot il.an,to cotnPly gith alL Tovn ordinances ard stata [aus, and to buitd this structr -e according tothe ToHn,s zoning and subdivisibn codes, design review approved, Uniforn Euil,ding code and othea ordinances ol thc Town appl.i cabl.e therlto. {p'"n"u"uu **V5*Sbhft*'r|-tltfdgtREMIt,*******************************tDNft*rbilt*q&fififirttft!DtMdwttt,** Status---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FFrV#4/bi2B95-0134 CONDITIONS as of 06/30/95 Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--: HETEN B DICKINSON & CO Job Address: 4229 NUGGET LN Location---: Parcel No--: 2101-123-07-032 Descript.ion: RETAINING WALL Applied--. os/24/t99s Issued---z O6/3O/1995 To Expirez L2/27/t995 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. 1. FIELD TNSPECTION IS REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 2. A STRUCTUAT INGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL FOOTING OR FOUNDATION BEFORE A FINAL INSPECTION IS APPROVED BYU TOV. {g*'no"o"u" **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO St,atemnt ****************************************************************. Statemnt Number: REC-0042 Amount; Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #113 668.20 O6/30/es 11:43 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: This Paynient Account Code 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41335 895-0134 Ttpe: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PE 2LOL-123-07-032 4229 NUGGET LN **************************************************************!t* Totaf Fees: 668.20 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PLAN CI{ECK FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESTGN REVTEW FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE L,O42.2O L,042.20 .00 Anount -62.80 448. 00 30. 00 250. 00 3. 00 I 'PAF.CEL h' /o/- /2J^ o T- aJz^ TowN oF vArL coNsrnucrroF PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE-. OS -zq- 7s T APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED U x***************************** PERMTT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * *rl [ ]-Building ,t l-prumbing t l-Erectrical. [ ]-Mechanical !(-orn".Job Name : J),Ll.-rniu'^ Job Address: qlz? ./L/u. - o * r- .. - PER\IIT i: PLjT ph.i-\o>-711-ozA P]n. 7 q?-7)ty Lesal Description: r-,ot 6 "?yjl t1:t';rrr,",n owners t'tarne: /. $. Architect: fuoqrc<-'aJuur-4/Address: General Description: BUTLDTNG:ELECTRICAL: $P^LUMBING: $^ r!.,r.,Dlr\.,; + . MECHANfCAL: $ -I * * * * * * * * * * * *:r * * * * * * * * * * *\* *,r CONTRACTOR INFORMATIO ! Eenerai contracto r: t'ft, ^ \ iV ':, = t. - /) z2r ^ ..- Address , aooo E- 'uo1^r.hJ TOTAL: Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE :r****************************** gOARA_CIOR INFORMATf ON, *,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Electrical Contractor: A,/'urn Address. -Plumbing contractor: /r/^,Address. Mechanicat Contracto r t Nou e Address: * * * **** * ** * * * * ****** * * **rt******* oTHER TYPE oF FEn:t[totk---7 ,75--DRB FEE. 4 BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PER].ITT FEE: I,TECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: I,'LECTRICAL FEE: 44ft,or>BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI"AN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT:-Zob-..E- TOTAL PERMITEES: BUILDING: .,1/1,,/h, SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat I linepair pft_oan"1. €t",r,;.lg Num-ber of Dr"elting unirs t U/4 Number of Accommodation units , _(/h n}tu"t and Type of Fireplacesi Gas App1ia.,""= 6 eas LogsO wood/pel1.O_ artr * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs *********************************- I t.t rt CLf,AN I}P DEPOSIT REI'I}ND De^,.trr /s- 1 d,tlnc"l C- qat d tu."37 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION :B},IIT APPLICATIoN FoRM DA?E.a-l?_?? F [tL"=,il brryq APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED *******!t***************** * * * * * [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing t Job Name: Legal Descr-iptionz Lot /-. owners Nane: Architect: OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical P-Otner Job Address: FiLing 4!z /-ttn-/ li,/i1 ptr/)../c..U "?J'ozto r+iZQE-Ph- qzL-63?/) Addressz fir?fi: F-q7 y'1-n/J f-8/C2o Pn. GeneraL Description: Work Class: D<'-Nen [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I aRepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:44 Number tion Unit", I Wood/Pellet t) ******************** ELECTRICAL: I,TECHANICAL: oN ****** * ****** ** ************ Town of vail Reg. xo.3'ilrE Phone Number: Contractor: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ***********************.******** BUILDING PERUTT FEE: PLWBING PERI,ITT FEE: I,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ^,l DRB FEE: ffd"" 545'BUILDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PLAN CHECK FEE: !.TECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: /l-L', tl I t/-N I L-2 l-z->--l-l t-t-r-t-r Number and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances (1 * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATION BUILDING: PLU}IBING: ****j*rl****************_****** CO ceneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: l,lechanical Contractor : Address: TOTAL PERMIT] FEES: /.N24'// BUTLDTNG: f t ( o-zz-e,a Signature z Comments: 3?UlX:i'. , 4< TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUTRED D ate :______o_S__ -_21:j s Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public pi,ropefi? 3) . ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NO r K x r Y Y X !f_V9u_ answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's office or al C-o.r.nTuJttty Development. lf you have any questions please cat Cnarlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction tnspector, at. 479-2159. I have read and answered altthe above auestions. 9.;k*.r- Job Name Conlractor's Signature 75 Boulh fronl,.ge road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 off lco of ogmmunlty devclopmcnl EUILDING PERI|IT ISSUANCE TII,{E FRAIqE If this perylt fequi.re: a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (.public Works) review and approvai,'i iiiiiiini'b.p."t .nt 1ev]e1 or.Health Departmint review, and'a-review uv itre duiioing Department' the estir'ted time for a totar ieuien-i"v LII'is rong as three weeks. AII connercial fraroe or small) and all multi-fami]y permits will have to follow ttre ioove rentioneJ-ri*i*ur requirenents. Residentiar and.smal'l projects shourd take a resser amount of tinre. Hoiever, it residential or smarier projects impact the various auove *Intioneo departments with reoard to-necessary review, th;;; i;;j;.ti'ruv also take the three-week period. Every.attempt will be made by th.i s department to expedite this penni't as soon as possible. - I:-!1. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time Trame - Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT': 75 soulh lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ad and acknow edged offlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT IrlARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary' ordinance No. 6 states t-bat it is unr.awfur for any person to ritter, track or deposit any ""ir,-rJ"i, sand, debris or naterial , incrudi-ng trash iunpsteri, po*ari"--toir.ts and worknen vehicres.upon any streerl =i-;;"ik;-;ii;y or pubLic p1?:" oi any porti-n theieof. itre rignt-of-way on arr Town of vail streets and.r9"g= is approiin"i"iv-s-it.-iri pavemenr.This ordinance wirl be striliiy--enforced by the Town of vair Pubric works Department. pers-ons found .ri'"riti"s this ordi_nance yil]- be given a 24 hour written i"Ii""-t"-;;;:'=aid. narerial.rn the event the person so notified-aoes noi-'-ompry with the notice within the 24 hour.tirne--le-iii;;,"d"-iriric works Department wirl remove said mareiiii-"i-in""I"i#=e of person notified. The orovisions of irris orctrnance shall not be applicable to cbnstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities i" iir"-rijii_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur1, please stop by the Tovrrn of l:i1_9"ilding Deparrment ro obrain a copy. rir"r,i you for your cooperation on this matter. Re Y osition/Reta€IonsnIE (i.e. contractor, owner) trtrry --r tnD d (! m Ig LO l-'.h E t<x f t;E a l9s 1 l-;o tl=t,_! : o l^rho l<{l |-:m=r-! 1 35 o.< 69 ;9 ano cl,>l 16 fri1 .r| m = =FF ;i=gF" f-o o z a -{F c c) =o z !ln F ={ T!Or- z=QO >= 6"',z 9z tq mt lc"l hi o l=o lE!F E!o r"'n (,m ,-=\oi F-{o @ m x m '0 I o z L o tD I -l m a -O -t -.o c) =o lfr =m _r z C) z. --{n o I 9p --.i c 3=c)= d6 r m o ; t- o o z -{F 2a -lm nz >m of,l -a> u _r =m -l (- z lrl H x F z IA z >t- z c) F r.rr t-m l- -z c) EP FH rr;pt=E li:j ffl lFl EF tl t^-t:t=tx lolx ltH l14 lz I tc, tctz lHl tzl tel lol l;l a i H z tq ! - 5 F E E-F c) z |- cl FI z ld l€ lz lo ll t>l- l* lF,I o. _n t4 H E z 14 =|- D m f - I !! -{ I-.r mlO rl= II l>l-t, lm ta lz lo I I I I I B t€ lz lo t:t>IF la E F l<t> lF IT lm l.o l6 lJ to l= lz to l1r t<t> lF l!tm lo lz =0r o -5E3a - ot9.o i6*g ;g ii 6E ^.X =:gF = 1*€ (, o:ar = -.o o, 5=.39 H ai;iiioP +aB;(o9+@ de[€ --o or "o d.3- = F "r a !.3' 5e3.1 w.5-i= Ee48 i'= I P @3rcL Podr E . ='L oiH= E=;q <o-f 0:a P o"o =; =:{ii 3 a ii= $Ua5 ;;3€,59ts9 (,+.g sP F€t>e \U?h-8 N'-+- c t....f dpe l-t@ q. 5 (cI o ct o gt A=|.o lo l4 lot lo lo lv,lo lo I | _-t lo l€ t-t0)l!lrt t=li;lo t(D t- t(D I '.r lo t9 ! l,tx z l" I l_ L I I l o z t- 1)m =o z m m m l<' lz lz lr- J c -l o<'n I'm r lls ll-ll,O ilt ll" ll I m € t-gt IP lo lo I t- t_ I z @ c t- -{ z -i m t+ to l=^ l' P 1F l- r0 a€o!4i- zc) 'z =ah z>9R r6 d= >0 ii _--{ao 2 c z -.t i I I z m € P --t m i : =z X tTl 1' t z I >fi c r \ Oo-9o--r =6<i aH P io aD'n ;'z()irclo o<z ,o.4 f o 6 =:= c:ZQ -rz z € I N@= Rm=(,I !< = I I o z o z = F 7 z o z o m cn 9E =i 3F :l =E ol =E 3i qH YI -F Pi ,l: ,l rl ll \ol E,i EU ir -fl z a H z F I N) N I \o F. -l t- !m = =-n m m .J' €H -r' c) t-t. c m --{ x o m z ! m -t m z m 5 m € @ tn m --l o z n m m =Itl z o l- =z rn fi i o \ |- 2 c) m 7 c 2 o K = ) '\t m =-l fl m \ql VALUATION 3 m I z c) .- ! 3 I z m t-m -t o @ - z c) !m F -=-l z o NJ tJ u \J + :) F. )F' fJ /n "r *Z,I i,l.ert t'lt*tt/lllc t/* tfz&" t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: : BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEE-tr BOUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o tr D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETHOCK NAIL D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIFI D FINAL U FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Return to y'1o//;cn Town Planner INTER.DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 3.3A .?4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: UdL( J7k t/d,1^Li*a ^J ^-,,:a z.^H.;.*r.; b.7 HotX __-..__ t 1 Reviewed oy, G*.[f-,( oarc: 3/z'? / z/ / Comments: OL Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING q4'1 - qc61 'D,-(r* rt, '-i0) l,! pnolecr i.-),'c /c I DAIE SLEMINED: NIER - DEPART}'ENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS NEEDED BY BRIEF OESCRPNON OF THE PROFOSAI.: Cornrnen ts: o"r", / z/ehs a/i Jk ft/ep33ou, .-.-"J:4 t( r + cun+ { ",.{ -}/^x g/a*t t,to// r-), Q/r{ -l/u -7}...2- ? tte,. ruz -Jc) A J, "r,. / J:-,*y - *7 /1ou'ot /- Jt eo.'/ -/Le f-k I 4a t-ccf ' fi-/t ,'t JL 1.tt c + L lat..I bn'/t //,*^'., (*- ,e,..., 7/,."-, t "n{ -f L< L ur42 t4 'O. / , ,^,/ -/t* l. rr f ^ -//' /* '''"-/ A "'1"'-^-u/o -lr,t n't' / , o FITZ & GAYLORD LANDSCAPING, INC. landscaping , irrigation & maintenance P. O. BOX 1315 vArL, co 81658 303-47 6-347I DlCKINSON PROPOSAL RE-VEG DISTURBED AREA FROM CONSTRUCTION I /14 /94 -ESTI}'ATED TOTAL OF EXISTING ASPEN TREE FOOTAGE TO BE REMOVED AND DESTITOYED DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEI{ RETAINIIiG wALL. 565 ' -I]REAKDOh;N OF ASPEN TREES PER Ci\LIPER {,AND IJEIG}IT) TO REPI,ACE EXISTING ASPENS THAT L'TLL BE ELII''INATED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 15-1.?5'' CAI,. ASPEN (.\VERAGII }IRIG]{T-9, )-TOTAL FOOTAGE_135' cosT-s 61.25 963. ?5 2O-2'' CJAL. .ASPF]N (.qVEI?AGE HETGHT-12, )-TOTAL FOOTAGE-240' cosr-$96. 2i 1,925.00 13-3.' CAL. ;\SPE].' (AVERAGE HEICi.IT-15' )-TOTAL FOOTAGE-195' cosT $2-l 8.20 3,226.60 TOTAL H E I GH T OF _LE_P-LA-C E}T-ENT-TEEE€ TOTAL COST OF REPLACEMENT TREES TO DICKINSON -[IEVEGE']'ATE N;\TT\rE GRASSES : 80 rlRS. TO CLFIAN-1,P, PRLP, SEED AND IJAY @620.00/HR. 5O LBS. OF IIOLINTAIN }I IX GR.{SS SEED @$4 ,50 /LB. I0 Br\Lf,S OF HAY @$4.1-r0,/BALE TOTAL COST TO REVEGBTATE TOTAL COST TO DICI(INSON E'7n.t $6,115.35 1 ,600.00 225 .00 45.00 $1,870.00 $L_e_95J5 Tg&I!ES--IXE.iJU!_Ej TA\, DELIVEI?Y, INSTALLATION AND A 1-YEAI? GUAR- ANTEE -PITO\']DING TREES AND SEED ARE ADEQU.dTLY I{ATERED, /'{ G, 75;1knv Esl"l,' f +ztt M11,t le,te t o o ,t*. ol-ooo0- zzaz6 \r-,*,4f \f*E) aY'\ 7'tt'71 CONSTRUCTION September I l. 1994 Mrs. Helerr Dickinson 7000 S. Quincy Avenue, C-408 Denver, CO 80237 Dear Mrs. Dickinson: On Friday, September 9, 1994 at I l:00 a.m., I met with Town of Vail planners, Mike Mollica and Andy Knudtsen. We looked at the proposed area ofdisturbance for construction ofthe avalanche mitigation wall. They both expressed concem about the loss oftrees in the proposed access road. We discussed three other possible accesses; l) A direct route from your driveway up the concrete steps in front ofyou house; 2) From the end ofthe cul-de-sac and west along your north property line and south along your west property line; 3) From the cul-de-sac west along your neighbor to the north (Cappy) property line and south through the green space west of your home. I feel that our original access plan is still the most viable and economical. However, before Mike will issue a building permit he has requested an accurate inventory of what trees will be lost. (Number of trees, height, etc.) A detailed plan for their replacement on a I foot to I foot ratio and financial assurances for the implementation of the plan; deposit in an escrow account to cover the cost ofreplanting would be required. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Sincerely, OTHERS CON Andy Knudtsen Mike Mollica Posr OFFTCE Box 375 AvoN. CoLoRADo al620-0375 . 3O3 949 61a7 . FAX 949-6818 Monroe *"ffx:]l P.O. Box 1597 0O4€l E. B€aver Cr€ek Blvd., Suite 3Ol Avon, Colorado 81620 (3031 949-7768 FA)( (3031 949-4054 WE ARE SENDING YOU I Attached I Under separate cover via LffiTtrl@F TRANSnflITTAL DArr- g1) l/e-/ l'""'" & lo { ATTENTION RE: n Samples the following items: D Specifications I Shop drawings n Copy of letter E Prints ! Change order E Plans tr coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I L rc trA.r r- lr:.'".':i i 'r' , ---trJ. F-ta*_..* . _j; itF tst, Allc "!t li'{ $ Igg{'.d' rVT" I lii, i,, ".-.wvtllii I ilLl/ ht ^=trv, Wf l, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approval ! For your use X(requested tr n n I Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval n Submit - copies for distribution I Return - corrected prints ! For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS FlfZg GAYTORD IANDSCAPING' nc' Londscoping, lrrigotion & Moinfenonce PO. Dox 1315 Voil, Colorodo 81658 ft,fi4?o-v477 Jornes Fifz (303) 476 3479 COPY TO Louren CroYlord €gA)4e&288l-' ./ SIGNED: XA5€.(D.. RECYCLED PAPER \5l' Contents: 40% Pro'Consumer. '10% Post-Consumer lf enclosures are not as noted, ktndly notity us at once- ) t-t.?/t a o \rX* _/O N".-( fr /,--r1 ' G-b510 [lctc*" F^ 77,t*r-- / -#S t*h, - / fd+ - /t-r;4-/// ^-,-f Z4 A/'; ii ; -- t/ / l-t \-/ 7.tb.?4 lzt }^re r, +Hftln fa+ drl,/4 ^ u.-h4*b\ 5n< /tea^tL\ + zzt ft I ,1,4, $.'e// tr?/*'f,zz- M-eOiitliri. i,',-,. - il",gn Fievrew Acuon rl- TOWN OF VAIL category ruumuer-i Dare -'t 27 71 Rr rildinn NamF' ! /'a Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone://,n^'l',-'./-^.* rilEffiV€@, Address and Phone: 1,,'&.- klnnn*' Legal Description: Lot (z- Block - Subdivision r,'zl Project Street Address: - Comments: A^'rn . CC Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: Conditions: fl Approval ! Disapproval $staftARRrovat Town Planner | '' v DRB Fee Pre-paid # aogP +rffi S TOWN OFVAIL il,i,i,r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit *: P95-0189 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21i9 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER D eparunent of C ommunity D eve lo pme nt JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645 JERRY SIBLEY PLIJMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 LOEBSACK VICTOR H & MARGARET M - TRUSTEES, PO BOX 911, HESSTON KS Phone: 30382 Phone t 3Q38275736 7s0.00 Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No..Project No. 4229 NI'GGET LN 2roL-t23-07-033 .00 ?1 .75 Status. . . AppIied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED !t/28 /7ees Lr/30 /tee5 os /28 /7ee6 75736 ?1 .75 .00 1t.(> ?1 .75 67 062 Valuation:Description: RUN GAS LINE TO FIREPLACE *****rffi*Mffiffirffi(*ffi******f****ffi** f EE SUI'lllARY P tumbi nq----> Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion> tJi Lt Cat t----> Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--) TOTAL FEES----_ TotaI CaIcutated Fees---> AdditionaL tees--------> Total Pernit Fee--------> 15.00 3.75 .00 3.00 BALANCE DUE---- ***ffi*ffffiffiffrJr*r(*trfi('tJd*ffirrs*J.H***'H*lrHJri*ffi*ff******#fi****ffiff**ffi*tr****ffifftiffi***ffi rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LI/28/7995 DAN Action: APPR Dept : BUILDING Div j-sion: ffiffil#ffirH******ffi*****iffiffi*lii****Hrff**ff*****t#****ff*******ft**H**ff**ff*fii***************H* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****##*ffi*ffi**t*ff*ffi*lr*#ff*:ffi*##**i*ff***ffi*ffffi***tr******ff**#*****ff*********#*ff*** DECLARATlONS I hereby scknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot ptan/ and state that atl the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and plot pl.an,to cotnpty rJith atL Tolrn ofdinances and state tals, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revie!, approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn app(icable ttereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE 4I1479-21 OUR OFFICE FROII SIGNATURE ANO O!'NER {g *""r"uo "*", ,.. *f.* * ** * **** *** ***? ******* ** * * * * ** *********;r******** * ** toml o:F vArL, coLoRADo statemnt ****************iil*************************************i******** statemnt Number: REc-01o3 Amountz 2l'75 lr/3!/ll tp-z-l-s --iiryti-y{!Pe:-il-----v:i!i:1.-:\?11?!------------I1i!:-ry:-PerrnitNo:P95-O189Type:S-pIMBPLITMBINGPERMIT Parcel No: 2101-123-07-033 Site Addresst 4229 ITUGGET LN total Fees: 2l'75 This Palrment 2L.75 Total AI-'L Pmts z 2L'75 Balance: .00 *************************************************************!t** Account Code llescriPtion Amount 01 oooo 41311 ir,ulmrile peRMrr rees 15'00 01 oooo 4t332 PLAN CHECK FEES 3'75 01 oooo 41336 ttrLl cAr-,L -rr'lsFscrroN FEE 3 ' 00 , APPLICATToN UUST BE AILLED U I** * * * * * ****!t* * * ** * * * * * * *******:9, tl \/ ,i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i* ** f ggERt{"ry_ INFORIATTON r* *t it \/ ^ '.'IT g-[ ]-Building tAptunbing t[fl1$!pot"r""r lfiechani PERUTT APPITCATTON FORI-!-:tfiA "l5,t; : Iegal Description: Iot Block_ Filing Onners Name: Architect: Electrical Contractor: Address: t[ ]-"or.ut'n tX"t*r'g yt'14$[p6l"r""r #ffi""n"ntbar I J-other rob Name: /O ,'[,rAJ. Job Addre esz 4)" ?4 N W a e I / ^-1,t / ,aL> L f -63a . Plunbing Address: Mcchanical Contractor: Address: ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * *** * ***** BUTLDTNG PERUTT FEE: PLI'I'IBING PERMTT FEE: I.IECHANTCAL PER}IIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OI' FEE: DRB FEE: OF VAIL CONSTRUCIIW ."f.,1.: oi rr dl0lfof B$eccrprno ., i t\F\I "'oN *.***. *i,iVtt[Jtidl ti* * * * * *t************ 3/Q Address: Address Ph. General Description: I{ork class: t/-rew [ ]-Alteration t l-Adctitional [ ;-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwel.ling tJnLEs:. 7---Numlrer of, AccomnodatLon Units: Phone Number: Ph.Jft - Saop I rU #*"r and Tlpe of Fireptaces: Gas Appliances_ eas logs ,/ wood/pellet_ /f***** ********* ************ ******* vNjuATroNs *********** ********************** BUILDTNG: $ _ ELECIRTCAL:$ orrrn:!_FrirrMBrrrG: @- llraralricaii la TorAL:,_- v -+.+.- !\rrll'J-r. Y_ r******* **** * *tl *********** ** CONIRAcIOR INFORI.IATfON **************************a t ffff:::.contractor: rown of vail Reg' No'- Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Contractor:Req. No. l3/P 8ir-c--7E_- FOR Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ** **.**********************r**** BUTLDING PIAN CI{ECK F8E: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECIIAI{ICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE3 CI,TAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL BUTLDING: SIGNATURE ZONING: SICNAT'T'RE tr_ CLSAIT I'P DEPOSIT f,EFTIND TlI: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'.IS REOUIRED 1) 2) ls this a new residencE? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefy? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done afieaing lhe right of way, easemenls, or public propety? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? b following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way permif : YES NO X X X X X X 3) 4l s) 6) 7) 8) fiou answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit. applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otficg or al Commutrity Development. lf you have any questions please call CharliE Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspec,tor, at 479-2158. f 75 roulh tmn|lE. ro.d vrll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 ottlc. of qotnmunltt/ dcvclopmcnt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEST: ALL CONTR.ACIORS CURREMTLYL REGISIERED WTTH $IE TOI{N OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COU!,II'NITr DEVEIOPUENI IrlaRcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTTON PARICTNG T UATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No: 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litterr'track or deposit.""i-roirr-"o"i, sand, debris or nateriar, incru_ding trash i"v,psters, portabre toilets and worlqren vehictes. |pon. any streetl =ia"""il;;ii;y or public pr?9" or any portion tueieot. --iit" rrght-of-way on arr. Town of Vail streets and.Ig"g, is approiinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be =triEiiv-lnforced by the Town of vair Publi'c torlcs DeDartuent. peri6ns found ,riir"trrre this ordiDance nitl be siven a 24 hour rn"lil;;';"ii""-to-;;;;;'="id nareriar.rn tbe event the person so notified-aoes-not-coiprv with the notj-ce within the- 24 rrour tine-rp".iiiil, ";;";;;ric r{orks Deparrment lritl remove said rnateiiii-"t-irrJ'!*ili=e of person notified' The provi"ions-or-tiri! orainance sharl not be appricable to c-onstruction, "iirt"tr"tge or repair projects of any street or alley or any'utiliires in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr, prease stop by the ToL,n of vair Building Department to obtain a copy. tir"ni you for your cooperation on this matter. r- d and acknowledged oject (i.e.contractor, owner) I' hwn 75 roulh tront g. rold rr11, colo.rdo t1857 (3o3) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 undersigned, understand the plan check prrccedure and time otfb. ot commung dou.loprrant BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIf-tE FRAHE If this perylt lequl,le:1Tow1 of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer's (.pub1 ic Horks) review and approvai,'i iiiiiiini'i"p.rrn"nt review or Health Departmint review, ani-a-review uy ttre-Euiiaing Department, the estimated time tor'a totat ;;;il-;"y"Li!'i, rong as three weeks. All conmercial flaroe or smal'l) and all multi-family permits wi.ll have to follow dtre iuove menti6neJ maximunr requirements. Residentiar and.smal'l projects shourd take a ]esser amound or iimi. Hoiever, it residential or smalrer.projects impaci ilre viriousl'uove rintioneo departmmts with reoard' to-necessai"y-revierr,-t}"r" p*ji"ii"*y also take the three-weet perioJ.- Every attempt wlil'l be Bge bv this department to expedite this pennit as soon as possib'l e, - I, the f. rame. ll/ ^a f - - I / t x A,o(/oL 7-F'FoICET-ffi- Sleet was turned jnEo-TE Date l'/drk Developnent Department. FlL I ftnnt rl ;r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 303 -479-2 I s 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e pa r une nt of C o nnnunity D eve lo pnt ent October 24. 1994 Ms. Helen Dickinson 7000 East Quincy Avenue, #C-408 Denver, CO 80237 RE: Lot 6, Bighorn Estates/4229 Nugget Lane Dear Helen: I am in receipt of your letter daled October 12, 1994, and felt a need to respond to a lew points you have raised. Your letter states that "lt was my understanding in April, that we were granted the permit to build this wall". This is not correct. On April 29, 1994, you only received final Design Review Board (DRB) approval (with two conditions). The building permit for the project was not actually issued until September 23, 1994. However, one of the conditions of the DRB approval stated that "the limits of site disturbance be staked on-site and be reviewed and approved by staff, prior to the issuance of a building permit for the retaining wall". Your contractor, Pat Campbell (Campbell Construction) made an application lor a buildingpermitonAugustl9, 1994. InordertoresolvetheDBBconditionof approval as stated above, limmediately scheduled a meeting with Pat Campbell, for Seplember 9, 1994, to conduct an on-site review of the limits of disturbance. At my request, Andy Knudtsen (Senior Planner with the Town of Vail) accompanied me. I should note that it is Town policy to have a minimum of two planners present when a request is made for staff approval. During our site visit on September 9, 1994, Pat Campbell explained to us that the construction of an access road would require the removal of a substantial number of mature aspens. I can assure you that this information had not been provided to the Town prior to this on-site inspection, and I suggested that a mitigation plan be drawn up for Town review and approval. As you are aware, the removal of live vegetation does require design approval from the Town of Vail. On September 14,1994, amitigation plan was presented by Fitz and Gaylord Landscaping, Inc. and was subsequently approved. Our records indicate that your escrow check was then received by the Town on September 21 , 1994 and that the building permit for the construction of the retaining wall was released on September 23, 1994. Your building permit has not been picked up, and still remains in our front office. I Ms. Dickenson October 24,1994 Page Two ln summary, I must say that I am extremely disappointed with regard to the tone of your letter, and your allegations regarding the Town's delay of your project, I sincerely believe that the Town has done everything within our power to process your applications (variance, minor subdivision, DRB application, building permit application) in as expeditious a manner as possible. I am aware that you have had certain delays regarding your project, however I feel that those delays were not caused by any actions of the Town of Vail. In light of your property's vulnerability to the potential of another avalanche occuning this winter season, you may wish to reconsider your decision to postpone the construction of the approved avalanche mitigation wall until June of 1995. lf you would like to discuss further any of the above, please contact me at 479-2138' Sincerely, t\r4 /"1.U;- Mike Mollica Acting Director ol Community Development xc: Rick Rosen Peter Monroe Pat Campbell Fitz and Gaylord 7000 E. Denver, October OuQ.v orr.. #c-4og Colbrado 80237 L2, 1994 Mr. Mike Mol]ica TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING 75 South Frontage Road Vaj-I, Colorado 81557 :,. .. ';Lane, valJ..Re: Aval-anche Mitiqation WaIL-4229 Nuqqet Dear Mike: ) The building of the wa1l to protect our property at '.r 4229 Nugget Lane has been placed on hold until June eir,1995.This became necessary due to the latest delay when yffip' ' department required the inventory of Aspen, escrow d6tblstt, and new drawing as to where the repJ-acement trees will be placed. It was my understanding in April that we were g'ranted the perrnit to build titis wa11. The first delay occurrerf due to the surveying error regarding the easements and resulted in additional monj-es which I had to pay Cara Barer j_n order to purchase the ground necessary above our property. Then Mr. Loebsack, owner of I/2 of Lot 6 would not sign the original plat insisting we subdivide our properties at thi-s time. Intermountain Engineering drew the plat the way Mr. Loebsack wanted to change it not the boundaries of record since February 1981 so this had to be redone that it was corr-ect. Upon obtaining the Loebsack's signatures on the final plat, you recorded this plat and I thought we would get the walI done before wi-nter would shut us do\^/n.I am having a very hard time accepting the fact that I must endure another winter of concern when every effort was made to finish the job while weather permitted. The excava-tor was on site in early September ready to proceed and we were fully prepared to meet any requirements at the time you and Andy Knutson arrived to inspect the access road and wall staking. I can't help but wonder why Mr. Knutson arrived at this time when he had not been involved on this permit from the first To have a months delay does not give us the needed time to get the backfill replaced before it will freeze and cause additional problems and costs. This has created a harrishin for me, Campbell Brothers Construction and their sub contractors and Fitz and Gaylord Landscaping. I do not understand why your offi-ce did not address the access to the construction area originally when approving the construction. The other owner of Lot 6 has declined to pay any of the costs involved while the owner of the needed land received a "windfall". The plann- ing and Development Department is to protect Vail property owners and I feel I deserved the courtesy of protecting my home which I have owned and paid taxes on since 1974. Our lot is an Aspen grove with a root structure which spreads like weeds. Given a few years this lot would revegetate itself. I firmly belj_eve in protecting our environment but the tardiness of your demands Ieaves my home vulnerable to the potential of slides in the spring of 1995.I shall be presenting a revised drawing addressing the required rock facing on the East side of the east wedge wal1. This side is not visible from any homa or the road,and appears rlnnecessa ry. Sincerelv. I t "'' Fl?h35o*3it?, Flt,t'L-,t{"tIgio,a ;k€.&{.ta;' AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT t-ft !tn {- ::; r _r-.'r::] . --.:-= .. .{. ,:-::-{:> o ft"F .l f Ff,Fr, se L-. i I 'r:' {.- ! TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 11,1994 A request for a minor subdivision and a wall height variance to allow for the consiruction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Helen Dickenson Planner: Mike Mollica DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS The applicant is requesting a minor subdivision and a wall height variance in order to allow for the insiallation of an avala-nche mitigation wall, at Lot 6, Bighorn Estates (4229 Nugget Lane). The property is located at the very western end of Nugget Lane, and at the southwest corner of the cul-de-sac. Lot 6 is cunenily zoned Primary/Secondary Residential and has an existing duplex located upon it. No additions or modifications have been made to the building since its initial construction in approximately the late 1960's. As lurther background, Lot 6 is located within the following geologic hazard areas: .Debris Avalanche High Hazard .High SeveritY Rockfall .Possibly Snow Avalanche Influence Zone The uses adjacent to Lot 6 include Lot 7 to the north, which is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential; Lot 5 to.the east, which is also zoned Primary/Secondary Residential and a large unplatted tract to the south, of approximately 45.32 acres, which is zoned Agricultural and Open Space. During the late spring of 1993, a wet spring avalanche impacted the southwest corner of the dwelli-ng. Tne dimage was relatively minor, but the question of future avalanche hazards has become a critical concern of the property owner. Mrs. Dickinson has hired the consulting firm of Hydro-Triad, Ltd. who have prepared an avalanche analysis for the site. In summary' Hydio-Triad has proposed the following recommended hazard mitigation measure: "The recommended mitigation measure is a detached wedge wall with a minimum height (uphill side) of 7 feet. The recommended alignment and section is shown on the attached site plan." ) Due to the close proximity of the existing residence to the southernmost property line' Hydro- Triad's proposed location for the mitigation wall locates the wall almost entirely upon the adjacent pioperty to the south. Mrs. Dickinson has entered into a contractual agreement with the adjacent'property owner, to purchase a small portion of the unplatted tract, which would be necessary for the conslruction ol the mitigation wall. The minor subdivision request is necessary to incorporate a small portion of the adjacent unplatted parcel into tot d, so that the mitigation wall is located entirely upon property owned by Mrs. Dickenson. lt is proposed that the Agricultural and Open Space.zoning on the unplatted parcel remain, and that Lot 6 would thereby have two zoning designations on the prdperty. The staff believes that this is acceptable due to the fact that the applicant has igreed'tnat the additional lot area, which would be added to Lot 6 from the unplatted parcel' w-ould not contribute to the available GRFA or site coverage for Lot 6, and that the "new" lot area rilid not be used for any development purposes, and that the property setbacks (for Lot 6) would be measured from the original platted lot lines. A wall height variance is necessary due to the fact that the consulting engineer has recommented a minimum wall height of 7 feet. The Town of Vail Zoning Code allows wall heights to be a maximum of 6 feet. A variance is necessary for the additional 1 foot of wall height. The applicant has agreed to add a stone veneer lacing to both sides of the eastern portion of the avatanche mifig;tion wall, and to the north side of the western portion of the mitigation wall. Additionally,ihe applicant has proposed to add landscaping on the downhill side of the wall, as indicated on the attached site plan. A total of four aspen and approximately twenty shrubs will be added to this area. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY According to the Hydro-Triad report, during the 1993 spring avalanche, "sliding snow entrained considerible debrii and aspen trees, some up to 7 to 8 inches in diameter (twenty-five to thirty{ive years of age). This is further supported by Mrs. Dickenson's statement that there had not been avalanche activity close to the dwelling since their purchase in 1974' The general slope still contains a significant number of 12 to 18 inch diameter evergreens which ire seventy to one hundred years of age. However, a fairly narrow avalanche path is apparent. This path runs northwest towards the southwesl corner of the building and towards the runout zone of the #7 Avalanche to the west of the dwelling. The area above the lower band of cliffs was closely observed to see if any evidence of avalanche activity existed' This area has a fairly thick stand of evergreens with many having 12 to 18 inch diameters' Evidence of broken limb patterns or other avalanche activity was not found." Further, according to the Hydro-Triad report, "This wall would deflect some of the potential wet spring avalanchehass awiy from the duplex to the western segment of the property. Some of the snow mass would lodge along the wall. The construction of the wall will not increase any avalanche hazard to buiidable areas of any adiacent properties." .The applicant has agieeO that prior to the Town signing the tinal plat, the consulting geologisVengineer shall certiry tnat the proposed avalanche mitigation wall meets the Town of Vail Hazard Regulations. Specifically, the consultani must certify that "lhe site is located in a geologically a sensitive area but that construction of the avalanche mitigation wall will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way' roads' streets' easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind' III. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that minimum standards for a new lot must be met. These standards typically deal with minimum lot size, lot configuration, etc. Although the applicant is not proposing to create a new lot, and is,no! proposing to add any develolment rig'nts to the-existing lot, the subdivision standards establish the first set of review criteria to be considered with this application: A. Lot Area The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Primary/Secondary Residentialzone district be 15'000 iquare teet of buildable area. This proposed minor subdivision would add approximatety 2,315 square feet of lot area to Lot 6. This minor subdivision would not create any nonconforming situation with regard to lot area' B. Frontaoe The Vail MunicipalCode requires that any lot, in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district, have a minimum frontage of 30 feet. This minor subdivision will not effect, nor modify the existing frontage dimension for Lot 6. C. Site Dimensions The Vail Municipal Code requires that each site be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. The applicant's proposed minor subdivision will not modify, nor impact, the existing site dimensions for Lot 6. The second set of criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request are outlined in Section 17.16.110 of the Vail Subdivision Regulations, and are as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes ol this chapter, the zoning ordinance, and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under section 17.16.090. The PEC shall review the applicaiion and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with surrounding uses." a Some of the key aspects of the above statement refer to "compliance with the intent and purposes of this chipter..., ... environmental integrity and compatibili$ with surrounding land uses," etc. The applicant has addressed the geologic hazard issues in the Hydro-Triad report, (November 1 993). Overall, the purpose section is intended to insure that a subdivision is promoting the health' safety and welfire of the community. The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Staff ResPonse: The applicant has been informed of the standards and criteria for this minor subdivision proposal, and through the statf's evaluation, we believe the applicant meets the basic standards for a minor subdivision. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. Staff Response: staff does not believe that this minor subdivision will have any negative impacts upon adjacent properties, and on the possible future development of adjacent properties' 3. To protect and conserve the value ol land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Resoonse: Staff feels that the recommended avalanche mitigation wall protects and conserves not only the value of the structure on Lot 6, but also increases the safety of the occupants in the structure should a tuture snow avalanche occur. It should be recognized that due to the fact that the original structure was built prior to the Town's adopiion of the Hazard Ordinance, no avalanche mitigation was required at the time of construction. Staff believes that the applicant's variance and minor subdivision requests are reasonable, given the history of snow avalanches in this area' 4. To insure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relatignship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives' 5. Staff Response: The staff believes that the proposed minor subdivision would be in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinance and further, the applicant has agreed that the.additional lot . area, which wluld be added to Lot 6, would g! contribute to the available GRFA or site coverage, and that the applicant has agreed that this "new" lol area would not be used for ariy devetopment purposes, and that the property setbacks for Lot 6 would be measured from the original platted lot lines' To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efticient fanlportation, water, sewage, sihools, parks, playgrounds, recreation-al and other public requirements and tacitities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision' Staff Response: The staff believes that this purpose of the suMivision Regulations, as listed above' is intended primarily to address large scale subdivisions as opposed to this particular proposat under cbnsideration. Slatt does not believe that this current proposal will impact any of the above facilities. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Staff Resoonse: This is an inherent goal of the Subdivision Regulations that has little specific reterence to this particular apPlication. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage tacltitles, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management ol natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity' stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land' Staff Response: The staff believes that the applicant's proposed minor subdivision will have no impacts on any of the above considerations. IV. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval ol the requested variance based on the following factors: 6. 7. B. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity' The staff believes that the applicant's request to exceed the maximum allowable wall height by 1 foot will have no negative impacts upon any.other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. we believe furth.er, that the ap[licant's proposal to add stone veneer facing to the avalanche mitigation wall, and to landscape this area mitigates the requested variance' 2. The degree to which reliel from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniloimity of treatment emong sites In the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this tltle without grant of special privilege. The staff finds that it would not be a grant of special privilege to allow the applicant to construct a wall which exieeds the maximum height by 1 foot. We lind that the property has a physical hardship, due to the existing building location and its iocation actlicent to an avalanche chute, and that the 1 foot overage is reasonable. we also believe that the strict and literal interpretation and e-nforcement of the wall height regulation would present future safety concerns to the occupants of the structure. 3. The effect of the requested variance on llght and air, distribution of population, transpoitation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and Public safety. The staff believes that the applicant's request for a wall height variance will have no effect upon any of the above considerations. belore orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY' 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the requested minor subdivision and wall height variance. The staff finds that the minor subdivision criteria have been met as indicated in this memorandum, and further, that the variance criteria have been met, specifically criteria lV, B, 1, 2, and 3 (a, b). The staff's recommendation for approval carries the following conditions: 1. That the final plat for this minor subdivision not be signed by the Town of Vail until such time as all of the required utility companies sign-off on the vacation of the existing utility easement. 2. That tanguage be added to the final plat which indicates that the property is located in a debris avalanche high hazard zone, a high severity rockfall zone, and a possible snow avalanche influence zone. In addition, a second plat note must be added which indicates that the lot area which would be added to Lot 6, from the unplatted parcel, would not contribute to the available GRFA or site coverage for Lot 6, and that the "new" lot area would not be used for any development purposes, and that the property setbacks would be measured from the original platted lot lines. 3. That stone veneer facing be added to both sides of the eastern portion of the avalanche mitigation wall, and that stone veneer facing be added to the north side of the western portion of the avalanche mitigation wall. c:\pec\memos\dickenso.4l 1 12' sfsJft Ar& d.ttrl6 tAtvt|t r-l tl ,/A i)',4 I :t t-"tr"1ffi##'*' \ \ &TJ 2r,?511t &t4E n @ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5', trnLtt ano oPlNAcE aseuENt AMENDED FlNAL PLAT LOf 6, B/GHORN ESTA TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY Q29 NUEaET UN€ TES C)LORAt A f $ L., 5 EAIE$. EA9S t AEAn Gt th. So,rtt..rt att. .f 2.t 4 ,itt..t E tot,t at'., tn t6l.n-matl cdnr. b.h9 a Ha 1 .Ae r'lh Pletlia ca 6t .a,t -utt EJrgt, P.E a PLS 26626 dtd .h. Sot!.hta-_i,t ao. ,*ra o N^ S .6t a ,odr- n utd E 2teJ- ,otC cN/ .JIQAEJAE *Cc ,' - ,000' Nuaeff LANE (50) 'Xrqj_LEi--i 6-N2.1t'$'A sa7zbo'.tN'125/1r.&'zJat -/ ir t; .- 4a -r 14 Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo highlighting the changes that have occurred to this project since the March 28, 1994 PEC meeting. He said that the negotiations with adjacent property owners on the south side of ihe site did not work out and consequently changes were made to the plans. He said that staff prefers the site plan approved at lhe February 28th PEC meeting. Andy stated either site plan is acceptable to staff. He pointed out to the PEC that Conditions 9 and 10 of the staff memo are new. Andy stated that with those additions, staff recommends approval. Rick Rosen stated that he requested Greg step off the PEC. Rick stated that they had attempted to work with the neighbors on access but that the neighbors could not agree to the original site plan. He said that the alternative site plan was created since an agreement could not be reached with the adjacent property owners. Jeff Bowen inquired what the relationship would be with the neighbors regarding trespassing if this second plan is approved. Rick Rosen stated there is a parking problem with the condominium, but that the design of the site plan has situated buildings in such a way to allow future access to the neighboring lots. The neighbors, however, would have to develop a new agreement with the applicant. Bill Anderson motioned that the request for a minor subdivision and the request to rezone a tract lrom Primary/Secondary to Low Density Multi-Family be approved in accordance with the staff memo and the ten condilions listed on pages 15-18. Allison Lassoe seconded the motion and a 4-0 vote approved this item wilh Greg Amsden abstaining. 4.A request for a minor subdivision and a avalanche mitioation wall height variance to allow for the wall locatedatW Applicant: Planner: Helen Dickenson Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a oresenlation oer the recommending approval of the requested with the conditions outlined in the memo. staff memo and stated that staff is minor subdivision and wall height variance Peter Monroe stated the grading plan is relatively flexible. He has shown the grade north of the wall at an even slope. Mrs. Dickenson mentioned she prefers terracing in front of the wall, versus an evenly sloped grade. Bob Armour recommended that the grade be terraced or the slope will wash right down the hillside. PlanDing and Envi onmontal Commission April rr,1994 5. Greg Amsden asked if the wall will follow contours. Peter said the top of the wall will follow contours. He explained that the avalanche study required that the TJoot wall be exposed on the back side. Bob Armour commented that he hopes that the DRB will review this proposal closely because it will be a big wall. Mike Mollica asked the PEC which aspects the DRB needed to look at. Bob Armour stated that he likes the stone veneering but that it is a big object and that it may need trees on the downhill side of it. Mike showed Bob the landscaping plans and asked Bob what type of screening he would like to see. Bob stated that evergreen trees would be nice but the DRB can review this issue. Greg Amsden stated that he would like to see the terracing done to disguise the end of the wall. He added that he would like to see landscaping used to minimize the size of the wall. Allison Lassoe made a motion to approve this request per the staff memo with Jeff Bowen seconding. Greg requested that Allison amend the motion to include the staff's recommended conditions contained in the staff memo and added the requirement that the DRB look closely at the landscaping plan. Allison and Jeff amended the motion to include Greg's concerns. A 5-0 vote approved this item. A request for a minor SDD amendment and a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Parcel D and Tract C, located at 1320 Morraine Drive/Parcel D, Lionsridge Filing No. 3, and Tract C, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo, He stated that the minor SDD amendment and minor subdivision request were necessary to relocate the lot line between Parcel D and Tract C. He stated that the reduction in size of Tract C necessitates the minor SDD amendment and minor subdivision. Jim said that staff is comfortable with the application with the goal of moving the lot line in order to keep the development on Parcel D away from the ridge located along the eastern side of the lot. He added that the purpose of Tract C was to provide access to Parcel D and that this request allows the buibing on Parcel D to be moved back off the ridgeline and out of the setback. He stated that staff was recommending approval of the requests with the condition that a building permit not be issued until such time that the plat has been signed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Pl.nning rnd Environrn.nlrl Cohmltslon Aprll tl, l90rl o o .1' ll. 7.4 T{t A. ?/,tb n 1J/6 A. ("** A. / - 'r.;d\ a.".(, t "-r,21 JrrA k4 Ce, /uJt;t o, fr.,u-a4 "/h- .6 ' -*+ 4/.^- & / &. ' /*o o,\ -6 br'A 1 ryu f "4 /H/ + -A /3-' snn-fi12.--, ?' r-r{ /e W dr\ ,-,.2 -z;41 / /^r.q. Hr.*< Z" }l"R H o\ "./* /t, 6, a44 ^*^^/2,J"-f?) ..ffi -W 2 /rb-e* k44.*/^-4(e\ \ rza %fu/i.-t il "/ -*,a^-(/ hr*A ff^-,-/ /A^U":r* ,6 baB \,-h- 2d /u Vtk, 5 -o G., -A^-4; /.,,4 /-d/) r%tr e*r;.t-,'-' | /e4a', 4.4^*. o o Q. UTIIJ1Y AIO DRANAf €AsTMEN: r--l t' /1 I I / o)i ss/r\- / 5s/ ?'r R1 B\n'.\R\\i\ q \r****,^-',, | /l-,",,* ".r@.f ,'6 Aaf ri .l I Lor 6 il | 2L751ts sQt44i n ^if r A&9 Ac/nts \.' i @ \l I I I \l \ lJ------- 5' UNLIIY /IIO ORAINACE 'EAXMEN| AMENDED FINAL PLAT,tOI O, EIGHORN ESTA TOWN OF VAII, EAGLE COUNTY 1229 NU'GET LANE TES COL0RAL Lot 5 NUcCEf LANE (50) IEE*=l#--'i e4gs t SEARINC9 fh. sdllh.ttt Lh. of Loa 6. Eignoat Eslotct b.lu.d, ah. Wl.nnnotl comt b.119 a Na 1 Gbe nth ptottlt ca art.c htt-ut!, dt[, P.E t P-LS 26626 d1c th. So!ah(n-)kr ,ant b.eE o Na i ..bd a totlu tior*.d E 2tEJ' tod C PIa' Cd - N247A'$'fl 6 - 5172'Ur' HYDRO.TRNq LTD 12136 West Bayaud Avenue. Suite t00 Lakewood. Colorado 80228 Telephone 303/989.8598 FAX 305/989.9932 0ctober 29, 1993 Mrs, He'len B. Dickinson 7000 E. Quincy Avenue Denver, C0 80237 Subject: Avalanche Investigation and Design Lot 6, Eighorn Subdtv'lsion, East Vail Dear Mrs. 0lckinson: As part of my evaluation of the avalanche hazard for your property al 4229 Nugget Lane in East Vail, Colorado, I have ana'l yzed various protection or mitigatjon measures, The most feasible is a defIection v/al l that would be constructed partially on the property to the south (approximately 22 feet int'o the adjacent property). This walI would def 'lect some of the potential wet spring ava'l anche mass away from the duplex to the western segment of your property, Some of the Snow mass would lodge along the wall, The consLruction of the walI will not increase any avalanche hazard for buildable areas of any adjacent' property. If you have any questions, please contact me' Thank you. Sincerely, RLH/j eh xc: Les Volpe s236-001 bcc: Peter Mpnroe RIrLI-lr ,'.,_,,-, NOV 2 t99J 44- ffA.N r,,yctNll0sS RtC'l:;:l' I I 199_t Vail, Colorado Dcnver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Enginecrs, Inc. November f-i-, 1993 Town of Vail ? 5 Snrrf h F'rnnf :rre ROad Vai1, CO 81657 Att.n: Ms. Shelly Me11o Re: 4229 Nvgqet Lane - Site Wal] (M&N #2165) Dear Ms Me1lo: Attached are three copies of Monroe & Newe1l Engj-neers, Inc. uirdated drawing for an avalanche mitigation site wal1 proposed fur construction at the resjdence. As we discussed, hopefully thls item can be approved at staff l-evel and will not require IJKB revlew. Based on input from Mr. Ron Halley of Hydro-Triad, Ltd. (a copy of his report is a+-tached) the owner is securing an easement from the adjacent property owner for construction of the wa1l partially on the adjacent 1ot. ThaL ownerrs local representaLive is Mr. Larry Eskwith, Attorney. A 1ega1 descriptlon of this easement is attached. T.i kpwi ec. ]- hc r.ronosed r.on qf rrrr-t i on wif I encroach intO the vi/vvvv existing twel-ve foot wide u-uility and drainage easement on the south side of the lot. Enclosed are encroachment or vacation agreements from Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District, TCI Cablevision of the Rockies, U.S. west, Publ-ic Service Company of Col-orado and Holy Cross Electric Association. By copy of this letter we are requesting Mr. Greg Hall prepare an encroachment agreernent for the Town of Vail. If you need additional information or have any questions, please cal1. cc: Mr Greg Ha11 yours, D6l-6r M.1rnr/\6 D F r rvrrl v9, 0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . |iuitc 301 . P. C). Il()x 1597 r Avon, Colorado U1620 . (3O3) 94.)-776a r FAX (JOJ) 949-4054 1AAA E. Quincy Ave. ltC-408 Gtier , Co. 80237 Oct. l, 1993 MR, GARY I{ALL, Dlslrict represenLaLive Mountain Dlvision PIJBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COI.ORADO 40819Hwy.6&24 P. o.so( ego Mlnturnr Co. 81645 Dear Gary! Re: Request for Encroachment Agreement South Line of I-aE 6' Bighorn Estates' Town of Vailr Colorado -4229 Nuggel Lane Dear i\ttached ls on encroactrrent agreement for your slgnature to be presented to the Tovn of Vail to obbain a buitding permlt for the avalanche wall we musL build lc the south of mY home. I have ordered a Iegal description of bhis easement from InLermountain Englneerlng . Wherr thls is received, I vill drav up a Quit Claim Deed for you !o F,resent to y9ur maln office. Meanwhiler thls agre€menL wlll sufflce for us Lg obtain a building Permit. EI.ICROACHMEI'IT AGREEMENT OVER UTILITy EASEMENT Tlrle lnstn[rent nade this ]gl day of_Qg!9!gLr_l-9,9,3. betwEen Helen B. Dlcklnson and co. and Frblic Senricre ccnoany AII,WS ACCESS ON AI'ID BUILDII'IG OVER THE INIL]TY EASEI'{EI'IT AI.oI{G THE SoUTH LINE 0F l,ot 6, Bighorn Estates, Town of Vatlr Colorado.for Che purpose of conslrucbion of an avalanche vall and rebuilding ghe retaining vallon thj,s property. This easemenL ls presently not I t co,,l hv Gary Ha Date: -----ffiober I, 1993 / Tltler District f ef i \ra /Fn.ri rre.6r belng By: ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT OVER LpILITy EASEMUST Tfris instnlrcnt made thie lg! day of-Qg,!9!g.E-r_!99!, berneen Heren B. Dtckinson .19_99:.._o"a 1))Gcnn. - <.tt)es/ ALI.OV.TS ACCESS ON AND BUILDII.IG OVNNEE MILITY EASEMENT AI-oI,G THE SOUTII LINE 0F tot 6, Bighorn Eslates, Tom of Vall, Colorado.for the purpose of conslruetlon of an avaranche Hall and rebulldlng of iflsjii"i'P;T-':vP.""*:IA7;;"f is-pie""ntrvnorueins Bv: ---: Tl tte: DaEe'-----4/24/k?5 o ATTIDAVIT TO VMIATE 9TILIEY EASEI'IENI ThiE lnst.rument ls made this /o/ auy or O/- , 1993 between ,@.J /:->/-,;-J44 as the owner, and TCI Cablevlslon of the Rockles for the purPose of Vacatlng and Abandonlng the Easement along the soutsh property fine of Lot 6, Blghorn Estates, Town of Vai1, colorado' whereas, tcl cablevision of the Rockies 1s noe currenily using satd Easement and that lt has no future plans Lo install or maintaln any utilltles in sald Easement' Therefore, TCI Cablevision of Lhe Rockies hereby vacaEes and Abandons any and all inEerest in sald Easement" Dace '-'?."By t ,1 {/ | rirre (l'/''-/. ENCROACHMENT ACREEUENT A / THIS AGREEMENT, l a made and ontered t pg,^ ^ ,. , -/ //J TL Ai#ar#+_^=,^ _ i, r I, "' i | ".x, L E N B . " -n ri *.,,x!l _l n tn: .{#, | : I c ox s o i i o a r i6 .i * ;i^';lr"f , t, Sl ;Ji, ^i ? g..!2"i, u it t " ;lli$ ; ii lf i I :;iil:::t:l " tne stai" o1'toio"rudo,- ne,-J,i.rj", rererred to as l'HEREAS,_property o,rner r8 preEen!1y the owner of certain real properry descrrbed aa', t;;t, Bighorn eitiilr, Town of Vall,rocar€cl 1n EagIc county, c6roiioo, and WHEREAS, the DlsLrlc! ls preaently ln po'sesBlon of 6n eaeement, 12 teet rn wrctth, runnlng tnrou,jn -in6 oforemenrroned property' whlch eaEemenl ls descrlbecl-on nxhtLrt A, act6ched hereto and I n/-.-F,a! -, Cd r n,./, j^ F., rF r.. a\/!r.- rr Ao - - .,t Vr!,;I' (:llU Lt 1,r!: il\-,r,.,-..1 -.,^l.r: | '1.- .( any rcp,oirJ L; u lrt-. i --!rtcL a result Of Ll',e ccn6rruculon of UPOrt b Juli eosc;rrunL , r !..r.!-!y Iit,e8 *fi-'.; t ll0 perrrAllClt 9!ruC ''. ll I LI..LO J , T:,e I i .'i. ': r'-; 'l'.:'.r. - :. - -trcm Lne .:-'- .i :.-f -r-:.1.r )n/ .tl d,ana 0 may be c6ug0C Lr, Lr,e lrigr-a^.ta: Lnrg eaS€lTrcnL, Or b'! A b)..sak Ln ir68€irL the Dietrlct, or by tr.e rsparr of such otirsr mal,nLenance of ihe llnes. I rr r rr'l cr r. 'i r h; l- I e r I I '! \ i{L|,,'{r.lL.t,t!!t uLr-rut by the Dj.sLrlc! or 4 , The IJY')'Fti: L t.7 Cnrrlc r' I rr..). L l tr;i-'lrtlll I :' Llle Dl $ erty lncrease 1n LI)L' cosE cf consrrucLlilrl ot ony new uLl or !n the cost of any r0palrB !o tho Dletrlcr 6 uLtlily I' lncreage, 1f any, due to Lhe proxlmiry of tIIe Pcrm(lnenE to the utllltv Itnes, 9 Lf ut'!.UI e '' I' gi: Lreak ' \ 't l f 'n r |,r I lrri,c .\J ne8 i 8 u,^ lt 5, ThlF A(j:eritr.?tr sr.rll lir. l tilC Fuc.-:e58or3 6r,l '!culgns Of tl\L' pgitr,ll i.:.'t, ,: .1 ,;lr:rl I , .1:'.J:'."'rJr! tf In: '1 '- (irlts -l r'( run wit-h 6n(l I I !.ric !., ,:lJt lf ri.t ll r€"'.'hl . il i'::i' L l-l ',/oo / loglu counly, colorado untrl ruc:h tlme that rhe Drct:rrct abandona gald eosemont. Thtr AgreenrorrL rharl be r€cordect .go t r6L aalcl properly rn accord.nce wlLh Llrc rawe of the sLaLc o! cblorado, IN vfTTNESS I{HEREOF the part reB hereLo have caused thic Agreement to be execuLed .s or the oay- ana year flrg! above wrlLtcn. PROPERTY OI.JNER: TIELEN B. DICKINSON By By ATTEST: f,TrfiEn-t-secrerart STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE l{arren M. G€rbe,General Manager acknowledged before m Helen 8. Dlckinson __ Notary Pu Ilc Notary PubIlc lE. The foregotng tnetrument wag Znd day of Novembei ._.__.,, 1993, by Uy Cornrnleslon axplres r Hay 9, 1996 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss The f oregol ng rnst,rum(.,nL wae acknowledged bof ore mo t h t s - day of - * , 1993, by Warren M, Garbe, ag General t-lansger of thelpTel nagle VaIley ConaolldaLed Sanltatlon DltLrlcL. zy &.u,R&G DI STRICT I UPSER EAGIJE SANITATION VAI,LEY CONSOLIDATED DI STTI IC? lly Corrnieaton oxplree r ENCROICEIiENE AcREEttENE OVER UUIJITy EAgEttENf! - rf\This agreement nade this L> - day of 1.993 betvreen HELEN B. DICKINSON AND CO. and HOLy CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. allows access on and building over the utillty easernent along the south line of Lot 6, Bighorn Estates, Town of VaiI, Colorado for the purpose of construction of an avalanche wall and rebuilding of the retainlng wall on this property. This easenent is presently not being used by Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Kent Benharo General Manacrer TITLE: DATE:'tr2e9s Dolnan\dlct ln!. onc\10-19- 93 lllnter-ilIountai lr Engineerin o n gLrd. LEOII, DESCRIPTIOTI (Rctrinlng rrll lrrucnt) A pare.r of rand l0cated ln thc southwest one-quarEer of sectl0n 12, rownship 5 sojrh- nanje eo i'"-"t-6; il;;;iipljr,"ipar Hcrldian,I:::r;t ou;it;"ril3l; countr, -i"ro'od; Gi;;'ii'. parrlcurarry Beginnlng at the weetern-nqst corner.of L-o-t. 6, Blghorn Estates, as recorded ln Book 220- at rage so-1n the office o! -t,hr county clerk anal R.corder of .El.el.: _couiryl- ona u,u i"r.- pllnr of Bcglnning;thenc. South 32os{rl4.r East, i'Oi"tunce of sz,zs-i."ti thcnce south 9?:?4 r55r'_ Ea8t, a aistln;; oiJrz. os reet -to iire eourhern-nosr corner of sard Lot 6; thence North 51o24 | 36' west arong the southwest llne of eaid iot o,-i-di"tance of L74.Bz feet to the True Point of Beglnning. :lti.:l:"cl of rand contains 1880 'quars fcer or 0,043 acres nor€ *:.r.:^:f-)rearingsr The Sout,hwesr line of Lot oJi;; ""'*ol"i ,-.i a hd-t-^l rr'r-r cap rnarked "tntcr-l,ltn Eng, p,!-.'e p.L.S. 26626 6, Bighorn Eslates r€bar vlth plasctc and tho Southern-trl,g 2lS3rteaid !e be outh 51o24|36il East per tno flnif plat. Fegr fnter-Mountai n P.O. Box 979 Avon, CO gt62o (303) s49-50?2 ProJecr No.93693S Box No.97E . Avon, CotorEdo g1620 . g.1g-5072 1420 Vsnce Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 r Den'rer 8991531 Phonc:2324156 "3;fu*E$i fiir;l';xi:r* ProJ ec r No , 9:)693S (yrortroa .t litll.lt::ltBllil.r. !'rurnr) A etrlp of rand 12 fost rn widtn lecat€d in Lot 6, Bighorn Estat.s l:::r&t u"llti"rlrXnl., a"firy;toiorado, 6rrne ;rbre parrtcurarly 3li.";:i 12 frrt and the eourh 12 feet excepr rhe earr 5 fcer of :;ti.:::tp a! land contains 25?? ssuarr feer ar o.oss acres, nore Box No. g7g o Avon, cotorado g.1620 r g4g-5072 Denver 0g3.1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakeweoo, Cotorado 8021S r pnoncr 232.0.|59 fnter-Mountaln P.o. Box 979 Avon, CO 81620 (303) e4e-5e72 Poet,lt'" brand lax transnl']lal memo 70n o Vail, Colorado Denver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE 4229 Nugget Lane, Lot 6, Bighorn Estales The applicant is seeking a variance to atlow for a site waIl of seven foot six inch height in lieu of the six foot maximum. The seven foot six inch request is only applicable for lhe uphill side of the waIJ-. The side facing the current residence and ad-iacent residences will be six foot tall. The duplex residence at 4229 Nugget Lane was constructed in the 1970's. In the spring of 1993 an avalanche caused very mlnor damage to Lhe residence but resulted in the owner retainj-ng services of a consultant to provide a design for future mitigation. The design provided by the avalanche consultant requires a wall of seven foot height. This wal-l- essentially backs up aqainst Lhe h1l1side and has very littl-e visual- impact to the surrounding property owners. 0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Suite 301 . P. O. Box 1597 o Avon, Colorado 8162O c (3O3) 949-776a c FAX (3O3) 949-4054 aataelress t3:47 e7z47u2 VAIL LII]I.ISHE AVALA'IC']E 'X'I.YI IS LOT T BIE fiT'|I SIBDTVISI$I 2T#' AilETTQI F4tif uArL, &ofr^m omcE c0Pf llowirr 1993 Prtntil Fitr: l|fs. lrldl r. I'lctln$tn 7@0 E. qrl|Ey AvG|||! Dewrrl cslofltb PAGE A2 I - Prepared W Hrm{inBuD rgrst Vun Eryrd &ril. Etrb l00 l*.||ood.Oldd$Czl Tdapruu ero/800 0 qvru,fJor(trflo(Ivuo-I0J fA zfr6 rro 80s rvd ot:tr Not EE6r/80/00 ag.laellses 13:47 e78,47ry2 vArL LrsrsFrEAb PAGE 03 TllBT-E OF G.|D'{TEI{TF I.LocArroN.Ar0 B cK(ndJilo. ?|a -t -5- -6- -0- -t- -8P -0--9- II. III. CLIIIATIC ASPECTS. TERRAIX AI{D VEGEIATIOI (TREES)..r...rt IV. CEIIER^LOESERVATIOI8. v. Av r l{cHE TypEs At{o t0 Dtl{Gl. A. Dry Floring 0r Soft SIib.8- Uet 8prlng Avalancfie. . . .alrr C- AYrlrnclr Paran€t€ru. w.IIITIGATIOT{. 8. &cq*ndsd ltltlgatlon fesaurEs. YN. REFBEI€ES. FIGURES: Flgurt 1r ern rul Locstlc| lfap Fisure 2: Site llap Flgure 3: Avalanche Profilr PHOIOGTAftI$ APFEilDICEg Appendlx A - Ayalrnch€ Prrffitgrs Appondfu B - Typicrl xltlgstlon tliructurer (vlxJ'-0&Irf,/oqwol0c f/| 2860 EtE toc wJ 0s:tl Nox 63ET/Eo/ao rro/soo lE bBibf/L539 Lr:4l I. stE41U2 VAIL LIONSHE PAGE 84 A\/AI-^AIICHE A}IALYS I A Lot 6 E'lghorn Subtlivieion 2nd Adttitiar Yal I , @lorarlo LOGA-TION AND BACI(GIROI'}ID tot 6 of the Blghorn EstttGs onbdlvlrlon, Yril. colorrdo lr locrtrd on tb end'cul{*sac of lfugget Lans in Eut Yai'!. Thls lot lc along the south flenk of the Gore val'lev In Sect'lol| 12 (sce F'lgurc 1). rh. drclltng on thla loG ls e duplcr @nstru6Eod 1n the r1d-1960 decilb; The current o,nar of th6 Gouthe8gt unit (a229 fiuggd Luc), rrr. l5lcn B. Dickimon, purehawd ttr unit in f9?rl- Th€ lot abuts gn unplstted portlon of thc rrbdlvlr{on qn the sosth rnd rothuost. Ths profrty lles liltedlst ly cart of ths rlltout zeno for thr unnarpd aaicr svalrnche Fsth (t7, REfgrEnce 3), but the mpping for thrt Evalsnche runout zonE does not ilwolvs this dre]lins. Durlng the sgrins ef f903 (rfprtf go - tlay 2!th)r a HEt spr|ng avalanch8 orlElnntlng frm Ju€t belor th lcrr berd of cliffs ran dcnrloee (nortlrrrt) r end a portlon of the evel enchr lmrctrd thr rogthr*t corr!.r cf th. building. The dfiagc to th! ctructurc yffi rulitlycly rlmr, but the questlon o? futurr aval anchr Jrzcrd har becqr critiqa] for t'his structurT. ars, Dlcklnson retalncd Ronald L. Hallry, P.E. to cvaluetc ttrc avalrncha harard and, i? Bpproprlate, providr ooncesttt'l desfgrn of r€n€dlrl or rltlgtrtlqr nle8u|.ei. The ritr srd the hillside up to thr lorcr cllff bank tilt lnrerctrd by Ronald L. Halley on Oc1Dob€r le, 1994- Thr Ecililrc erpects of the lnspsalon r.r'e: l. The rvalanche ras n ret sprlnt tvrlancha that orlginatrd lmrdtrtclf belw thr ]o||er cliff band. tn tlprn trc6 thf,t yt| topphd by ths - t- 0Io/8oou qvrxr-0uq&/0(vuc[oJ 8 2966 880 80c IvJ oc:]I rd a66l/60/80 ABl69lL999 I3i47 s7647U2 vArL LroNsFrEb PAGE A5 I i' 1 F i ln{tlal aegnrt of the sltdlnt snoH ntl8lnr Flnting danhill nsr the Inltlatlort point. Broken liebs and otltr debris ln and adJapent to sm uf th€ standing evergraan: ln the startlng zoll€ Ere clerrlt avident. Ths Eliding looy emr|lnGd cEnsldcrablt debllS tnd nspen ttles' 5m up to 7 - s lnches ln dlaFter (e5-05 years of |gs). Thig tr furtlrr supported by llr. otirtnson's rtrtrlrnt thit ttterc hrd nd b€cn lvrlrnatr rctlvlty cloer to the dfgl'llng tlnce ttllr purchese ln 197,1. Th€ ggmrsl slope srt,lll contrlns a slgniftcilrt nu$er sf 12 - fi lnch dlarter evc4trcans rlllcn are 70 - 100 ytarr of !gE. ]lffier a fa{rly mrFou avclulclf FtEh la rppinnt. Thl3 gdtlr runs nortlrelt torards tne soutlGt comer d tlr butfdfng rnd tmrds the rundt zone of the nurbar 7 avelerche to thc Fqrt of tlp drelllng. Tle slooe st!.prn! to lllgfitly ovsr 4d ftu l|orlziltal in the upocr 150 feot of the slope lilldlataly belou thc lorcr cliff brnd. Thc lovsr portlon of tln alope {lled{rt ly touth of ttt dy.lllng la rt zs.d rlope (s* Flgure 3, and t,tr. photd). Tlre area above the lorer band of cltffa ns clorely obccficd to g€a lf Ury cvldrncr of rvrlrnc'hc rptlv'lty sxlrted. Thlr rru hrs a fafrly thlck cttnd of cvcrgr:cns rtth rany havlng lz - lt lnch di8[eters. ' Evldense of broken lfub patterns or other avrlarrohc aotlvltt ru ruG, found. -2- 2. 3. 1- er0/r008 qvrut-0u(utf,/0(IYu(nm 8A 7c00 E86 toc rvd 0t:tI Nox 000r/80/co '. AW69lL999 L3.47 s7847ry2 VAIL LII]NSI.E II.CLIHATTC ASPEGTS The general slinatic conditione ulthin tho Upper Gors Crcelr brs'lns arE typlcol of the rcst slope of the centrrl colondo Roqkirs and since 1902 ero fairly rell docunnted by vall Assciatrs |3 p.rt sf thelr on-hj]] avalanctn control mrk.. Tho vlrtrr md €arly cpring seasons clirrtic condltlong tno .n lDortant aepect ol the avalanche hr:erd vltJtln the Yal'ley- The rather old ldage that lt tsl<es 'boeh snor and a hill' to nalo an rvalanche is e gilpllstlc smrry ackncledging that e terraln analysls or a statlstlcal amlysis lnvolvlng qnly t rr.ln gcncrally ls not the only lactar 1n the cr€stlqr d rn evalanclr or .vtlmch. hezerd. Snou cqrdltlure throughout tha gnoupcd( 8s rell rt ctorn tnou f!l] ratar contlnue to be neJof ftgtofs ln Cr'g|llftg thc potBentla'l for avaluchc hazerd- The pertlaulir eroa of ths Gofc vallsv ln rhlct th3 Bighorn Estttet $ulrdlvlslon is los.trd hrr ! norEh.rly uposurr and thuely rlnlnal vlnter lun upon the rnov gack. Tne rrea aloflg tle lo$r valhy flaok is relrtiwly sh.lt rtd frur rlnd: Urusly, utnd dcposit or vlnd $laDfofrlttqr vilI bs riniral. Ttr rrJor evrl encfie paths Jh the glghorn area all haw rr I orre rsncl! lt or aborre 10,000 foot elevatlon. The arra surrqrnding or rDorc Lst 6 entl belov the clrfl band ranspr fru:n 1450 ibot alevat,lon tD 8?00 foot clevrtloa. Thr crpr pack crltlcal to tl[ lvrlencha potentlrl for Lot 6 vl'll noD be subi€ctcC to cl'lmtic eonditiong of tho rnJor avrlanctu prtfi ltlctlc rones- fn irc€nt hlrtory, Pout Yltl Incrptlon (PVI, or thlrty plus yl|r8 (Eoi)t rh€ rtsll avatanches along tm south flsnt of the vllloy mw llntt ttcluslvcly baco ret 3Drlng avolenclrs such er thr lby 10t{ and ttn llay ,19e3 c}telce. rn surraryr the ttral6l|chc potlntlEl for thls 81ts rt|st be cmsidErcd cn the banla qf both sltG spcclllc cllnntlc cqrdltlans elrd terrtln antlysls- The tct' PAGE A6 -3- 0r0/000 E cvlu.[-ou0lu/0(Ivurt03 cA uSEc 0eE 80c xvd oc:tr M)r 6601/60/10 A8/8911999 L3147 s764742 VAIL LIIN sprlng avalsnch€ is. the Est ]tlely dslgn ewrt .t thts' slte Yhrn bqth asPects Fr.E congldgltd. The probebtltty of r dtT tldlng or drY rleb evalancfp orlginctlnl belor tre cllff band and |ffegtlng thlr rltr ls ltq! than tt or gruater thsn a f00-y|.r r€cltrrrence lnterval- rny rrrdlal structungr csrgtruot'€d as prgtgctlon for thl urt sprlng ryrlrnctrrs h#Yer ulll ptwt(b s(re prut3ctlon frqn sll t}!il of avalaDches. III- TERR.AI]r| ArfEI \'EGIFTATION Th. topography sf ttre lot and ttr rurrorrnding errr lr rtEUn In Fl$r? -Tita topography and lot lourutarlos ysm eurvcyed by Intcl$loltrt in Etginerint ln lete Septder of 1993. The lougr sdgs of th cliff benk ls 8lFill on t|l terraln prqfilc. Thr slope of the cllff varies b€tlg.ll mffly vcrtlill to I rotlo orf 2 vortical.to I brtrnntll (1:1). Trrwrse sxtlonr fro ths blse of t|! lst utrqrd to tns bass of t'he cliff rere devclg9|d frul tha mmlng by Inttr-hlntein Englnesrlng. fha critfcal ..stion ls Shoyn On Flgure ?, ThlS section tar us.d for thg torrsin rnelyrls lrd avalln€m dyildllas analyses. ?hc troe cover in tho arca $outh of the ld up to ths bass s'f tlp cliff lr tEder|te rttl lErly ss9an Dut slso I Eirntficarrt nurber of cmlfere r{F lD to 20 -- 24 lnches'ln diugter. Ihile a eltc seclflc dudrochronologtcal or ttu rltlg analyrls lnr not brn prrford crt t}r tnees ln thlg partlcullr rrul' lt is obrloug, based won qthal vork In thc upDcl corc Volley' thlt tlE6e dldEtsr conlfers lru .on thc or{cr orf l(10 yearr old. thl nu$tr and areel d? ttEse .sfzcable conifcrr rnd tha Dtttam gf la llrbs On thse trueS dO ndt lnlicttE signiflcant or frsquEnt avalamhe fttlvlty ln tha pcst. -,1 - PAGE g7 I 9r0/8008 (vlEJ.-ouqlE/og$uutoc cA zcoE tst cos lvd Tg:tr Mlx E36r/60/go AAIZ9/I999 L3i47 Tlr terra'ln rvlluotlqr 6hois r rhallor rryine or stle tt|rt oflglmteg inrdiatgly brlc the 'lonr cllff band and runs nearly .lts mrth torrrds ttn loutlrcat property conr.r- unforts[at8ly, thi topogrlphiesl napplng prrpered by Int4r*trt in Engineerlng does Dot cxtend sufflciently crsthd to plct up thr uppor portion of tlttle sytle. Thr existoncr of the srtl. crrrt€s r suidl,|g tnck that dlmcts ret spt'lng ila8lgtchs or GDrts flrys sclrntrrt rrestyard ot tlp dv€lllng. Thr d.bris frfl thc sprlng regi slide prwides cl€ar ryldrrcr of this flqr directloo due to the rya'ls. Thir aspect res cqeidered h tm eytluNtiql of potctttirl nitigtt{on trasur.!. rv-GT ETrI E]rrAL C'ETEIER\/ATIoIICI The sowh fluk sf ttp Gon vr'llcy betyeen thr rrJor ayalorhe prtlls hss bon idcftrficd es belng subJect to snEll avrlulchr haznrdr es rrll a3 othcr nttural hszar.b. llth acntinu€d deyclolrnt pressuraa rltl.|n the valhu, nant Of the undry.toped propertiee ar. belog exanlned for potsntirl developrG. The propsrty Lt 4n9 xuggct Lilte has bGGn devofop€d rinca tlu rl+19c0 drcrdc. nearl y 30 years tge. It h6r been raportEd tt|!t thlr le tlr fl r-rt avalenche rvrnt thrt actually involvcd thc house and the fln$ tlrc tn tfirlt y?ars thlt Urir prrtlarlar rpt sprln0 rvetanche has run. If tflls Ygre an udorelopsd prlp.rty, Eltigrtion altunatrvu Erl.l Dr evarurt d froil a dlff€nom prrrpective. Slnce ttrr duplex qists |nd ls located near tlE soutltern prupertt llnr, u wsluetlon sf diffrrrnt q'ltgrnnte Of grstectivp rall! on rrd off the property ras performd. Thlt is olccucltd furthor In eubeqwnt socbiqls o? this raFrt. The currcntly used tcchnlques sf enlurtlnt thosg gBll rvrlrrctrs lotxurl thc mJor prthr often utlllza rtetlstlcs ard datr fra rajor evalenclp paUr -6- s7a47U2 vArL LrohrsFEb PAGE 68 0lolor0E cvlutr.-ouojrE/oqvIol0J 8A 3g!6 tlc co8 Iyg r8:rr Noi aasr/ao/fo 8gla9ll999 L3i47 ocourrsnoes. llhi le rqne nodels ls ctrtainly vrlid, thesc rether UnlquE $Bll \/- A\'ALAIr|GHE s7s47U2 vArL .toY*b PAGE A9 utlllzatlqt of ritilar ptrysical Glt.ractcrlst,lcc end ertrapolatlon of reJor sllde prth st{tlsEt€ll dCBa to avrlsndrc nths lr ndt neoolrfflly vrlld. TYFES A'IltEI LOA,E'r$IISA A.Dry FlouiDg Ayllalrchar An analyglB bas€d rtrlstly upon torraln enalycle o? ste?fttlcel rmroach derivad fro rajor slidc prths or alther teogrtphlc rrus rculd indlcatr the dry floulno avrlerrche yould bc the deslgn ryert for thlr rltr. Thls app,rch, ,hdevcr, rculd not glve adsgurt u€igtrt or credence tro ttE othtr mJor fagtor in evalso(*t€gr 1.e., rn6l condltlqr or mrplDlogy of thc auv p*k. Thc aspect of thl! tlopc lS norch, norrhoost Ard th. arrr nceives rlnlrrl aunllglrt erd solar r-adlrGlofl during tlp rlntrr rpnthg. The rlopr |r nlrtlvely prot.c{ad frn ylnd actlort. Thr rlevation is rutetivrly la, Lr., g,l50 tt E7m tea*1.Thcs. fictorr tn ltcstc: Earerttlally no sutElt crust fornrtlo or golrr radlrtlorl recrastal I lzation. Settlmnt 1$ cradtal and brslcrlly osfitrlllsd by rnorpack builrtup ard grlvtty. Llttls or no ulnl llab foilltion. TrFcnrturl gradlent l|crnrphls. ls ]pt sltttftcmt, r! comrrrd to otner rora gcttvo ar8at. -E- 1. 2. 3. 1. cvluI-ou0lf/0(nru010c rA zsou seE tot lyd rc:tl {0x aail/60/ao 9To/rroE 6El89lL999 L3:47 Th. resultrnt lncrr Dack, thcrrlbru, tr relailvely stablc fqr rirtrr cmditions. Iet 9pr{ne avalanchoe lhe bsrlo factofg leading tE rslatiysly rtabla rnor plck for yinter Fnilts dor horevor, rsrult in s susce9tlbtltty fof fet spf'lng ovalsnehar tlong thlr sosth vall:y ?lrnk, The froqrsrcy rf nct gpring avrlrnctEs ncrr th€ golf course arrr trrds to be smrhet hlCrer than ln the Bighorn arsa du€ to Dr€ pronounced dlurnel oalt cycls qrottrd by pre sJn erlosurr ln cerly gprlng. Hlghrr lhrrl avorage snr pack d.Fth tnatlor heaw lprlnl rnwfal I ewnts arr urually factors lcadrng ta a si gniflcant avrlrrchc clfcl e of *t sprJng rvrlenche€. At this Partlcular clto, tha rot spring avalanche rould ort0lnrt. frdi Jurt belov tlre lonur cliff brd. Ttr svg]flclr rill bs nlrtlvrly tloy rwtn? xlth falrly rEist, Ft and d.hs. .rEU. Ihq dlrectton or courie of ttt avclancha prth viII b. influerrced by thr ryrle el5 ytll tend to run rort prrprndiculer, e: conDar.d to a dry floting svtlanchs, to ilr path cmtdlrs. The ret spring avaluch. prth affestlng the slte ls sttovn on Fiqurr 2. Th. ve'locitl€S sf r rrt rpring ryahnche at tt[ rilth pruporBy l'lne rill range frur 9.3 n^.c to 10.9 Vs. Thc avEFlS G.n be takpn as 10.0 ilsec. ThE total statlc ||ld dy|talc prE!r$r6 crE$td by th.r. run0as o'f rt €prlno svelrnchas on a f'l!C Suffscc Derpendisular to thf flw yould rros. frf, 1.7 tonsl (s4s rbe./ft.l) to z.l tilg,d (470 lbafft.l). |qt r9r'lng rvalanchrr oftrn vlll lncorponrt . signiflcun llosrt d debrls (rockr, rotl lnd rBll trlt cr ]lrDt) rrithtn the florlng tats tltd deslgr of any rltlgErlqr rtructurr Should cqtsidar. rrlatlvcly r|el1 point Iodlngs hlchor than aycrsgE pnErsurrs. -7 - s7647U2 vArL .t*b PAGE IA 4' f : B. er0/zroo cvlu&-er(f,f/0gvugl03 cA zs06 0s! 80c xvd IE:?r {0t ca'l/6s/80 68/A911999 L3147 e7a47U2 c.Avafancha hra[atcre The srEr avel ancfir .nd ett prrilEters conslderta ln thlr |rrrlyttF lnctudg: o o o o o o Ilet lld f{r'ld lrwestfgrtlon. Oetal led topogttphic ntpplng- Tsrrain and trs rnrlyrls. D!fiilic mdslUng malyrfc. cltmtlc cmdltloil typict] of ttp Bldrorn area sf tlr 0orr Valley. Gonsidsratldr of kncn hlstorfcal avtlahchs occurrefEes ln Url Va]lst aM rurroundlng reg'lon- @nslderatim ras given to strtlstlcfl anllysfu brt aftrr rwla of rII th. site parsFters, lt ns dectdrd r stattstical analyeis uoutd be lmppreristr fof thls 3lte. \/I - HXTIGATI()Ir| A. Alternativec Scne o,f ths Ft€ntial r{ttg*lon rEasunas lre dlrcurrrd In dr,trtl ud rn shon 'ln slotch fonn ln iefsrma E, 'Avrlarqlr and tfudfla 0rfrnses, fenth Flllng at Xatsos nEnch" by tlcllouell 6nlth Atsoctrtes, 8il. of thc rtrtalDg ara prcsented ln Aprotdtr B. rn thlr sartlcular cErF, ths rhtsch€d mdgc tftll yas the rost sultable slnce att&lrr, rtn ctures routd dlctrta rtructunl FCtflcatldrs to th. exigtlng dnttlogr The ftrst. alternatlyq orrnined rss . r€dgn uetl pnllel rtttr tln sorrth prop.rty llne. fffs Unfo|tumt€ly plrcad t}l yrlt at m mglG of illy 15t -E- VAIL LIT]I.|sI-E PAE 11 ,' t I oT0/cr0 E wlu.r-Nltrf,/0(Yuor0J GA ?800 086 808 wd rs:rr r,Fl wEr/00/30 zglaellsss I3i47 s7647U2 vArL LroNs{EAb d.grecs fror the peraendlculer. Thls ollgrmnt rqulr€€ ul rrcEsstvaty hlgh fal I to ninlnlze overtopping gotentltl. - 0llcu6sions Fr. lnltiat d vith thc promrty or rr ttr il€ south to rcquire ,' or obtain t'r srsmnt to plece r rcdgE rall rt q rDrr frwr$It angle. 1.e., 45 (bgrees. fhle is thG rucqlenrlcd njtlgailorr alt€rn8titE. B. BecilEndtd tlitlgation lter8|rrBE Th. nscmended ritigstlon lFrarnr is ! d!t!ch.d I.dgE ylll ylth nlnlFr htifit (uphll'l sltle) of ? tost, The rccomnded allgrnnt rrd rs4t,lon ts shornr on Fl$Jrc e. 1b-/f;t.1). Ttr pcrpsdlqulrr ]oadlng m the yall r.lll D. r.?r rd (lOO PA€ 12 Th€ pr'lllel ahear lord rqrld be A.z ril (41 lbr./ft-t). -9- qvrur-ou(trtrflo(Ivuotoc sA zc6B 080 80c wd 38:tr NOn S0SIl00/e0 0r0/rT0E aataslLsss 13:47 s7647U2 vArL LroNSfrEAb PAGE 13 -10- 1. 0n thc os!!ruetlv. Fofce of rvrl'rldr4, by vollcly A-, tl-8. Departrcnt qf Agrlculture, Fofest Srrrlce, ALTA Avelancha Study Centcr, l'tatch xttlottal Foregt, 1055 (Second Trut8htlon, lltrch t95a)- .2. Harttnell, Jr. . tl. . Avelenctre ProtectJgn ln Srltzcrland, O€mr8l Tcctrri cal .Roport SF9, IFDA Forest Servico, Rocky llountatn Foroct |nd Rmgs Eocrlncnt Station, llarch 1915, 3. Srtgu AyIlr[cF Hrrrrdt ,of ?h6 v.{l Atra- Earll Coonty.; tblorado, 0pen Fl]r Raport, Colorado Geologicel tulacy, oeprrbort of tlstura'l Rgscur€a!, State of Colorsdo, by llarrr, Arthur I.r te?6. vII. REFERE]I|CES Ptlpalld for llr. L. Xslhy rBd Hr. J. llqsOrl, Augt!t, bY I., 1977. Ecra'lco, February 1977. calcul.atlon of Snoy Av!ll|E! nunilrt, by Eakkohof, S. Itaat|, U., ond Li€d, K., Anntlr of Glroiology, 1t Zt-29. Aval*nch. Fpnout Dlst qrrlllnt Xethdls er,rd I tnttrtlorrt, by Art ll€rr3r lletloml Avelrrrclr SclFol Uorlood(, 1!189. /3. 5. €. RogtfalL Shoir..lvalanoh.. rnd bbrjLt Ayalarch. Anelvgls. Lat 11. BlEhorn Subdlvlston. Se,c,gnd Adrlltion, Prepqrcd for t{r. gryrn ttobg, bf hars, Arthur r-, octobcr, 'logt, f , gulde=llnes and HethoCs for Detailod 6t.En Avrlrnch qregC.Investisgt,i$ in Colorado, bt llcerur Arthr I., lullrtln 18, Colorado Ceologlcal gurvry, IEFlrtDCrrt of l{atursl Rl8oor@s, StatE of Go'lorado, Drr|nr, Colorado, 197E. 6. tvelenche And lludf&r Defense, Prspared for Vall Aseoctate!, by llcllurll-$lth rnd !ars, Artlur 1., Febnrary 10, l9TS. 0. Avtlancl.E Dyililcs;, EnstttFgrlna Apoltcttifis for-|-md t,tr p_lanninq, by Leaf, Chcrlet F. rnd lhrtlnall, Jr., Research Paper F183, UstUl Forsst 10. 1t. Englm.rintr Jlnurry 15, t970. 0r0/sr0E 0vlEl-0uus/0(IYuot0t cA zsEE 0e0 sot ru tt:tr Notr s66l/60/00 ABIB9/L999 ls:47 s7a47U2 vArL .to*b PAGE L4 by Lled, f- fid 12. 13. 14. ItE and Balkchoi. E.t Joumrl orf 0laciologty, vol- a6 9,1), D. r5t-177, loto. - 11 - F!ran€t6r_Xat|| ilccrungr D.i.,S-g! Jouma 15. rlree DJTr.nrlppl iloart _ _Ju noy, by Torchr, T.r.,Proc. of the fntErnatlonal snor Sciarca rorfenop, tate-rshc, Caitiornfa,1gtc. , !t Arlhur I.lloar=, Arctlc and A'lprrc nlscar€fi, yol;tl, lio. f, rn. eOieri, reEe. rr0/9r08 qvlul-ouq,f,E/0cvuo'IoJ 8,t zc80 Ee6 80s wir u8:tr Nox ta6Ttno/30 o o z a {n c c){o =T FI 7 3 { C= -=t --t cD m fq :-- o l.tt --r ;i o,<x f r;! e .)^=;X A != 9. =;o 4nrO 3-r t _-m= o< dP aq (DO >= a-6 -rl .D m = Ttfxl|Fl L +4 Dai 3Eq m;L >;->=z v=l- nflt- N -n 'rr N ..i;\O:i 2Z?- o@ o >= rn = !, F.l v 'z F z z --t m HI zo za 8o H'n -l m i^m io -r \OJ r!^ (D m x m -.{ z C- (D 2 -t m rF 'B zt *tE Qrfr O il:'ol w .-t.l .o -l o7 -9 o z.O 7 m o '1- z c) z --{ --.{ c) z; P< -1 Z l-m c)--l 6 f' z --l i 2a ,z >m -J> o =i m o -..l 'Tl a z ts p F Frj in H F H FI r I LJ z m !(E D{x r r C) {>t- ?t>t< le IH la lo Ird r lFr lg Itt IF t> i^ oE =F -<F <F EE I ItF lo x N)q + i(,-\| o'I t,rl \ol ,-l -l l 3 F F CJ z Fl z c) lr l€lz lr| l-n t<t> lF lm lp lz t9 I I I lt-l: II lx I I s.{ I ()E =F .<F F p lro rn l- i -.1 --t mlO 5l€:tz lo ll l> t= tan la lz le I I I I I l-'t to l€ lz le IF lr lm lp lz I l{to l€ lz l-rl l<t>t- l* lP l--r lo l€ t3 l3 l-lft lm l9)lz o- f6 qo ?< O- D) <x q)o 3!.cO q, (6: (D!u ==o9, !- l-o-o *6' ;'cl oE D' o_ dr <l X+gJ A)o ci a;- *o o 3 =.J =(D - o 3 o =. l 0)f - ;i o 3 € f = 5 o):l o o :l a, o) o ;o)<.{ ci o X- -O {O O) \., o o* o- ^. -' o-+oo c)r P z .1 rc Fl <F!<>oH HC)rTt!H xtd c) ON. 6uJt-i O\|q @ a c) i.\ >@ z^ i> mc €^z\) m_n m z --t o -t _n ft I (t m t-_n o X -o !x z -t- 1-- l:_ I I :z o X =z -T m t -r a z m m m o z z l- c I l 1- X I I fro<>-nI > lo !l I €o "l c t l I € n o Ol o € -o c z_ --l 'z to o ir X t2 +< >o io fi: t .l i I I 2; 7a ;=42 9r -l T z )t c m z) El :] >l al ml >l el ^l ;l El =l >l Fi -l nl fli I ;l -l RI Ei --i m c -9 o I c =z P t- z F z z F H H z f-l li c. x r H z z {P r. F. c)N-FA ; .-. =6 ir jI !l ri tF io i\- > -n H; =a -a :z crl o 6 n go= E b F=2 : xnzz '€ >o =?r!00= (,.)I n< 3 I a --.t o z z o F @ 7 z z -t m v) =z =z 6 i -t o c t- c-2 30 \,1 =c!l td>2.- F-l H c)H ..> I \o tv c) ,( rt F]r E z z c) FI N N) -t -t l- TN =-n m m a a) FE F a m -t o{ fi'/ z m. 2r m 2 o z m € o m m --{ z .Yl m m =c)I z o c - m m o -{ o z I m o g = !m =I -E m ='Tl m m a VALUATION FI H r. =m z t- c tn m o -.t o = = !m F =-l z o .{A. ,k4 t1fieg Dletft) vP e v Retum to /4a//,'rc Town Planner INTEB-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:lb;-?.*ro* DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLTC HEARING 4. //. ?4 QEC ) COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ,A.3L, ?4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: WA// /t2/1 ^*e*, ^/ /,"u;,,\ 4,h,--..1 j Jo 24 4, C O J.Yz ': 7t't ''/ '; Comments: { ,.rid 1u12n2 DATE RECEIVED BY 'o TI:) fll'f ':] --1'9 l' - *' o .'o "" = *' APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWER LOTS) (please print or type) .l A. APPLTcANT Hcc€! /rcK€nl 5oJ leoo t: Q*r.ac1 tauE r CVO8 MAILING ADDRESS De,rJ.rern- Co K5ZZI B.PROPERTY OWNER OWNER'S SIGNATURE TOoo (:- Ol:'nc1 MAILING ADDRESS De-^t\rErL Co' LOCATION OF PROPOSAL (street address Ua'. Crt PHONE 79 j -OZtro PHONETq 3.Oz?O t3. troz3 d Cyot 1 c. LOTS b BLOCK SUBDIVISION FEE g25o.o0 p^tDJ4".7y,-cHEcK rlJS?_DArE- The first step is to request a meeting wlth the zoning administrator to assist ?D. E. F. applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat below. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator ancl/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. 2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street) WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shalt atso be submitted. In addltton, submlt addressed, stamped envelopes tor each of the above. 3. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) 4. An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under chapter 18.56 ot the zoning code. 5. FINAL PI-AT - REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit four copies of the final plat, two ol which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional material as required below. Within thirty days of receiving the complete and correct submittal for a final plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notitied in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. B-,/r,,^ E'h-eo - //^"fuf "'- j'zs'?| f F,7/< c'""+ 79ocq Hq*.*t, ( ^',{'" t tr rt(a' k /.,/- /-.2' -'( / [:.'";. "i"? :"-//'''tl (] | '-*(,\ l,:,.. ., ,*tu .'/-. i '7t'''"'.-'1 .'.'n'-' B. Final Plat - Staff Review. \ The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departmenb, including, but not limited to Public Works, Transportation, Community Development, Recreation, Administration, Police and lhe Fire Department. Comments and concerns of these departments will be fonvarded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. C. Final Plat and Supolementarv Material - contents. The final plat and supplementary material shall contain the tollowing information: 1. The final plat shall be drawn in lndia ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-fout . by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on fie left and one-half inch on all other sides. 2. Accurate dimensions to the ne4rest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. 3. North arrow and graphic scale. 4- A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streeb. 5. Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. lf adjoining land is unplatted, it shalt be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identificalion ol the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well. 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Tiile 38, Articte 51. 11. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the state of colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are .. { the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. (See example in Chapter 17.32) 12. The proper form for approval of the plat by the PEC chairman and acceptiance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the town clerk. Examples are found in chapter 17.32 ol this tifle. 13. The proper form for filing ot the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as per example in Chapter 17.32. 14. Certificate ol dedication and ownership as per example in the appendix. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. 15. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. 16. Additional material which shall accompany the tinal plat includes, but is not limited to: a. Complete and final environmental impact report if required by the zoning ordinance; b. Complete engineering plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed, including but not limited to water and sewer utilities, streets and related improvements, pedestrian and bicycle paths, bridges and storm drainage improvements; c. Maps at the same scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirements same as preliminary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes of existing and proposed vegetation. d. A map the same scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas, forty percent and high slope areas and one hundred year flood plain areas as delined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code; e. Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal; f. Gopies of any monument records required of the land surveyor in - accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 53; g. Any agreements with utitity companies when required; h. Protective covenants in lorm for recording; i. Other data, certificates, affidavits, or documents as may be required by the zoning administrator or PEC or council in the enforcement of these regulations. j. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application lee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, I a may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess ot 50Y" of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then fie entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire .rn outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonvarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon conlpletion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount foruarded by the application shall be paid to he Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOH SEEING THAT THE APPROVED PLAT IS PHOMPTLY RECORDED WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER. o 4229 Nugget. tane (M&lt #?165) l"Ir. Phillip Connors PO Box 1664 VaiI, CO 81658 Mr. Mike Coruxelly 4238 ltugEet Iane vail, co 81657 l,Ir. Berry Slater 4249 Nugget Lane Vailr Co 81657 ewell 0 R #.\ft\VV Monroe & N Engioeers, Inc. trhil" Cnlorado D€over' colorado H'Ji'trf ro.hacr ) o'--- fr/,,-'/z { ry Hesston, Ks 67OJr2 ) ctt/zt| -ga6g \glae,q4 - CIcrlctQ-rf s s't-!-f o*Lr v frr 0048 E, Beaver Creek Blvd. . Suite 3o1 . PO. Bor 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . (303) 949-7768 . EAt( (303) 9494054 { ,... THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY - i PUBLIc NorlcE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of theTownofVail onApril 11,1994,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: '1 . A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 8'l West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. 2. A request for a minor subdivision and variances for setbacks and minimum lot size for two Primary/Secondary lots located a\ 2682 and 2692 Cortina Lane/Lots 9 and 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte Hans Wiemann and Helmut Reiss Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A pr6tor hra in |h€ So{rhl6t Ou.nr or S.cl'o 1r. Tdnshrp 5 Sdth 8.rE.8J Wo6l ollho6th p...b, rrood-, ,aep'1rdLny d*db€d.6lordt B{irnnf rt I ponr wrFm. ! r.$ .ap sd ro. r $t 6 ced b !l. w..r Ou.,..r or ,ad So.'|d 1.. bd6 (No.n 29 d€r@s ?8 nnrl.3 5t G.6nd6 W6l, lo73 0g l..l O..d) (ilo.lh.3 D.g.n 15nitut.02ecnd!Wsc,91s96teor[!3.sBd)rThoolldlh7rd.9.€$05nie16.|g!.c6.d.Eed,10.76LetTh€dc.18362lest.ldElh.acoltclNl,otr.djhl *ri.a' h..6L.<b . chdd b.dng irdh 88 dog' -. 12 mai|,.. 30 r-6d. E.i, |81.75le.r. Th.e. S.dh t7 d.gr€r a0 minrn* 21 6*dtd6 E-t, 62.77 b.! Tn-c. 1a7 a3 l.d .loo9 tr. rc d r E tue ro lho totr l|+icb r. srt'tsrd6 i cho.d boanig ildlh 86 do9id3 3€ dn|no. r 7 6cdd3 Er.!. 145.6016tr Thg|€ lb.h 70 d€re. 52 lrrrubc 55 E dd6 Erd, aO6 55 t..t Thnc. 5a I O tel do.|g ho {c ot a cfro to th. dgnl rhrch .J!.Lbrddi. dc.d b.vrng Sdnh a7 deg.6 20 hhltl66 37 4dd! E*1. a4.20 l6d: Th.nc, Sdlh la d€rd 25 dtul6 50 ts@.d. l4q.r. 1r 0 5r ber: Th*. Sdnh 68 d.9.€. l8 mnrre6 9r .edrd! w€l 320 m le.t; Th.i.. Nriir I I d€r.€6 07 flru1.6 05 &6da we31. 50.00 lctti Ihoeo Sodh 11 d.9r$G a8 mhulo3 al ddd. W€Gl. 160 l8 loot: Th.rc. Sodh l0 do9r6 53 nihu!64 33 6ed!. W61 36 a8 leol; The@ N*1h 87d€D6.0 hldl6 06 @cdd.W€d. 337.t?lo.tr Th.nc. INodh t I d€q,€6 52 ditulG 1 3 so.d! Ea6t, ! 30 0O h.t Ooedl r,lo,itr I t d€9r6! 5 5 nnut€. 3 | !.cond r 8..1 129.? 5 lo€l Moasrrod) lo th€ POII{T OF BEGINNING. B6.n!ro.nG.LO.eol!to.So,rthhdtots6c!oln.ber*q.lS.crb ra15 (GLO.rccodSd,|h0r dca.6€'.30 2 d!nu16 Esn (S4lh Ol d€9rc6s 38 6i.u1r. 32 tedd. Eat M.!.roo Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a wall height variance to allow lor the I construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Biohorn Estates. J Applicant: Helen Dickenson Planner: Mike Mollica 5. A request for a minor SDD amendment and a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Parcel D andTractC, located at 1320 Morraine Drive/Parcel D, Lionsridge Filing No. 3, and Tract C, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais Planner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Andy Knudtsen 7. A request lor a minor SDD amendment to allow a modification to the approved access and landscaping at the Westin Resort located at 1300 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as: CASCADE IODGE JOINI \€NTURE {w.srin Hor4} Th.l p.noih. SW1/. EIr..Sslon12 To$.hp 5 Sodrh. Feq.81 Welr olt! gxn Pdrcipr Morljis, Toh oi Vial, E.d€ Cdnly. Cold.do. de..rib€d it ldlof,r: B€Oiinhg at . poi^i c.r tr. 6.{rhrly bq)nd.iy ol rho p.Gd ol r.rd .lown oi tlr€ CrDJ@iri@ M+ iq |tte C.lFado MMl.n Cd6o,flnumr rr.ddd h B@t 3a7 it P.ge 620 tr rrF odaca or dE E.91. Cothry, C61rjo Cl€lt :rn Fdddd. $ie@ rhe @r! cdtEly cmd ol -d Prc€l b.:t S 5?5029 w t4.16 t6t dslar, rh-c. the lollni|! ^r',€ coq3€ C69 n. ld.fisty b@d.ry ol 3.ii: p.r@t (li N 52 3029' E 49.1€ ioolr la N 37 t2a5'W 123! tst: (31 N52^a7r5€1Ot€dl.{4)lt37_12.5'W1.30r..t{5N52.7r5'1260reot(6)N3rr24s'W8.701e€1:(DN5a4715'E1500|€et.{8)s371245'E 22 !0 r6€t (9) N 5,? 50 2f E 35.2e bor;rhoico i,epn ^9 3ad s.uiet boddary N 52 Sr 29 red.1h€nc6 S 37 0€'31' E .5 3! t€€l tpnca N 5?50'A' E .a-zlt€€rirharaS3?0931'Eg.GOkc:ndcoN5?:029'E8C0Ol€or:henceS37'(B3l'E2200?l*1toG@&o€t;lh''cath.ldhtt€lcJr co6s .to.€ Gde cre€rr (t1 s a9.2636'w 76..5 r..{, (a S 22 3136. w r24.r7 |q€.: (3i s s3 37 35' w rr9 34 t4ri (.) s €5'3r'3€'w 1a 5€ 1..r, honc. N 37"093f W r 16a5let rotho p<it ol b.g|nri.E co6t.i^in9 | 10:00.q!ro lsr d 2.a9 .cc. ne d l@ PTA2A SUITE Thrt p.ri ot ho SW t,!r NE 1,.. S€.r,o. 12. To*rEtip 5 Sodr. nrE. g1 wo3l ol 6e gxil Ph.ip.l [,lodaan, ToM ol Vdl. Coldrdo. doldird - r.!.N,. E 96ir9 .l tE nod .F.rh6rly ffi ol Con bdd6 M.p ol Cdo.do Md.n.h Co/ddt'tud *@rd^g lo 6. mao lhdtl tecdd l. 8o.r :|87 .t P!4. 620 in no ofli.. ol Eaql€ Co6ry. Catordo. Orl r.d n-qdd. '.,h.n6 i i,c, di w'lh Cs c c.p m-tng rh. edltd ot Gdd S-lod | 2 bdtr S 3a'50 5a' W 964 37 re€l. t,eE6 N 56-.8.4' E 105.67 t..l. rh c. 79.E/ l€.! dc.9 tr. rc ol ! Gft t th. bn hi$l|g ! rldpc ol lr2l.?2 l€.t r c.nt.l vEl6 ol 04.0t04.. erd a dlcd lhal bovc N 5r.!6 t3.79 95 i€.1 rhtre N s2 4341'E 28.821€4:rh€nc€ S 37"09 31'E 105.76i€.t th6c. s 52'5029 !r/ 2500 l€.i th6@ S 37'093r' w 25-00 16€l th€oc. S 52,50'29' E 80 OO rod henco S 5?50 29 W r5.O0lsrithsc. S 37"0931' E 16 7€ l€ol lh6oo S 52 5029 w213013t:lh€n*S37'0931'E960t€rrlhsc.S52^5029W80001€6r'th.nbN37093r'W960taetrlhh@S525029'w'870loollhtnctN 37 093f W 45.3. je.r: thrn.. S 52,50 29'W 55 95 l€r ro rh. nd1h..d.ny l@ ol B.jd Cddoflidum Map o, Colq.do M@nl.in Con<l6ihi@l: [l€d.lh. tdlornq l"f@.rys. .l!.r9 ..id no'ih6..!rty [..: (t) N 37.0931'w 55.00160r: (a N 07.50 2$ E,{5 00 r.6rr (3) N 37 093r'W 8O.a0l€.r r. rh. p.ld ol bdjni.g, Mrdning L000 !c'.6. mor. o. bB.. Applicant: Vail Ancillary Trust, dibla The Westin Vail Resort Planner: Andy Knudtsen 8. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates,lnc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF OOMMUNITY DEVEI-PMEMT '7 | t/ ,.t 2 //'tL/ D ^'rE__t __:_____t -_:___J_ CHECXS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL I 0000 4241 100004241 OTI]ER CODE BOO 0l 0000 42371 OI OOOO 413.32 ] PLAN REVIEW RE_CHECK FEE OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES NTRACTORSLI 01 0000.11413 VTC ART PROJECT DONA I PRE PAID DESIG GATION FEE (B 31 0000 4511 * 0t 000041010 T 1000042371 BUILD 0l 0000,+l-330 ,S OPMENT DISTRICT MO.# I I CK#,^*::L,JlH o {. T8hrhr (f,F lJFtIl- Fliscel lareans C#t B3-13-94 12:32: 11 Fletreipt * 144568 Rccnunt* CKS2SZ I'ITIHF:NE Ei HEI'JELL\5UBtrIU Hnrount ten,Jere'l .) 25S.68 Item Paid hd'|g Paid BlBFBg4l3TfffiEIE 25B.EE f,h:n,1e r*turned > 8'89 THFII*|I{ 1t0|-t Yr'ur c.rshier REF|TFIF TO: File FBOM:Shelly Mello DATE:January 6, 1994 RE: Dickinson Wall Height Variance This item has been tabled indefinitely. lt will need to be republished. Peter Monroe knows that we will need the new info 3 weeks in advance. lssues: 1. All easements need to be either vacated or approval received for encroachments' Greg Hall usually coordinates vacations for the Town. 2. Materials.3. Landscaping. 4. The statf has determined that in fact there is a hardship due to significant hazards. X ,4k * N*J- + htv-.\ l;te L /^"L 4.- -X. tlfVats \ ToY 13 h.ae.z t A"J- \ --tt 4 rwa<-( (Wfl te1).L * R*b/ .* E^4 , lNo tr civ.,n>,-x.2 Grr,rD -Nd D? f '* /"/#/ "/ - fh f^ /t*-r^f fL *4R .^n4 7 Na-r Ncc-rnry ,6 |fttrA. e{ c _ "*( No Bl$. ;^ a4't2 o,.t^ - ""2"'4 *d- f* ..').4 e+./.x. LdJ.rtt ,,,-+'J o #- rzf afte& NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 20, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates. 2. A request for an amendment to a previously approved development plan at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Road/a portion of the SW 1/4, Section 14' T5S R81W ol the 6th P.M., Town of Vail' Colorado. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE Helen Dickinson Shelly Mello Bobi Salzman Andy Knudtsen Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Shelly Mello A request for a variance to build in 4Oh slope and for a wail height variance to allow for a duplex to be located at 2560 Kinnickinnick Road/a parcel of land located in the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14 T5S, R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. 3. 4.A request to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi- Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Roacymore specifically described as follows: A oa'cel ot land in the Southrvest Ouaner ol Section 14, Township 5 Soulh, Range 8l West ol lhe 6th Principal Meridian, more parliculaf ly descfl b€d as lollovis: Beginnrng al a poinl whence a brass cap set for a wihess corner for rhe Wesl Ouaner of sad Seclion 14, bears (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minutes 5t seconds We$. 1073.08 teer Deed) (Nonh 43 Degrees 15 rninutes 02 seconds West, 915.96 leel Measured): Thence Nor:h 74 deg:'ees 05 minules 19 seconds Easl' t0.76 feel; Th€nce t83.62 leel along lhe atc of a curvo 1o lhe righi whic"h are subtends a cho.d bearing Nonh 88 degrees 12 minules 30 seconds Easl, 181.76 leet; Thence South 77 degrees 40 minules 21 seconds Easl. 62.77 leeli ihence 147.43 feel along lhe arc ol a €{,rva lo lhe lelt whlch arc sublends a chord bea.ing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minues l7 seconds East, t45.60 teet; Thence Nonh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds Easl,406.55 fed; Th€nco 54.10leel along lhe arc of a curye lo the right which arc sublends a chord beafing Souh 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seconds Ea$, 44.20 feel: Thence Souih 14 degrees 25 minujes 50 seconds Wesl. 110.51 leel: Thence Soulh 68 degrees l8 mrnues 9l seconds West, 320.00 feel: Thence Nonh t9 degtees 07 minutes 05 seconds west, 50.00 ieel; Thence Sourir 77 degrees 48 minules 4l seconds West, 160.'18 feel: Thenc€ South 10 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds West, 36.48 feel: Thenc€ Norlh 87 degrees 40 minules 06 seconds West, 337.72 feet; Thence (Nonh 1 I degrees 52 minules 13 seconds East, f3O.OO teet Deed) North 11 degrees 55 minules 31 seconds Easl, 129.75 feel Measured) ro lhe POINT OF BEGINNING. gearing korn G.L.O. record lor Souh hall ol Sedion lin€ beMeen Seclions l4-15. (G.L.O. record South Ol degtees 30.2 minu€s East) (Sodh 0l degrees 38 minutes 32 seconds Easl Measufed) a t /) ., -'l\ /tuKe4 J.-t S. A determination for the review periods of the Exterior Alteration requests in the CCI and CCll zone districts: Staff is recommending 90 day review periods for all of the following projects: A. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of the elevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing' Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association Planner: RandY Stouder B. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located a|227 Bridge streeuLots c and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica C. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose Guzman Planner: ShellY Mello D. A request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 'lst Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc' Planner: AndY Knudtsen E. A reguest for an exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208' 209, 308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc', and Jose Luis Chain Planner: AndY Knudtsen F. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration to allow for the construction of an addition to the Lionshead Arcade Building located at 531 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Lionshead lst Filing' Applicant: Robert Lazier Planner: Jim Curnutte &Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 00.18 E. Beavcr creek Blvd., Suire 301 P.O. Box 1597 Avon, Crlorado 81620 Mr. Victor Loebsack PO Box 911 Hesston, KS 67062 A Monroe & Newell rr Engineers, Inc. tt, lt 0048 E. lkaver crcek Blvd., suilc 301 Tttf .. P.o. Box 1597 Avon, coloraclo 81620 -t1 Jl!-rt Jt ft lt tl w\ @ I'4r. Barry Slater 4249 NuggeL Iane VaiI, CO 81657 l,B rr 1fi Monroe & I.{ewell X ,Ii Engineers, Inc. -fl -tlJ.* 0048 E. Itcxvcr crcck Blvd., suirc 301 tf " L l'.O, Box 1597 Avon, Colo.ado 81620 ttt -e$ s 6 Mr. 4238 VaiI & Mr.s Milce Connellv Nugget, Iane s w I A Monroe & Newell V Engineers, Inc' t.lt lt, t 0048 E. Beaver crcck Blvd., suire 301 '#iT* P.O. Box 1597 Avon, colorado 81620 .-I lt Gli 4l\ rr r, l'lr. PhilliP Connors 4239 Nugget Iane vail, co 81657 r€vised L0/5/92 I. Application Date PEC MEETING DATE APPLTCATION FOR A \TARIAIICE This procedure is required for any project requestrng a varlance. The application will not. be accepted until all information is subrnitted. NAME OF ADDRESS AppLICANT Helen Dickenson PHONE 793-0280 AppLICANT' S REpRESENTATIVE Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. PO Box 1597, Avon, CO 81620 PHONE 949-7768 B.NAME OF ADDRESS c.NAME OF OWNER(S) (tyRe \ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE (S) \ ADDRESS as abowe LOCATION BLOCK OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: LOT 6 FILING Bi.ghorn Estates ADDRESS .,L E. FEE 9250, OO PAID K# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WTLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECI MAILING ADDRESSES. ITI. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSTON (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. A],I, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BE-ORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARTANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The reLationship of the requested varLance Lo ot.her existing or potent.iar uses and structures in the vicinity. .lill ", rr. A pre-appli-cation conference with a planning st.aff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addiiional information is needed. No applicat.ion wirr be accepted unless it is compl-ete (must include arr items requiied by the zonj-ng administrat.or) . It j-s the applicant,J responsibllity to make an appointment witn tne staff to find out about additional_ submittal regui_rements. It:?'i:.::"x:i:i,::'::5 :ll::;.::':;'""' specified regulation is necessary to achieve 'compatibility and uniformity of treat.ment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The effect of the varj-ance on light and air, dist.ribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with vail's Comprehensive PIan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scaLe of at least 1rr = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements whj-ch must be shown are parking and Ioading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainaqe feaLures. A site plan at a scale of at least I" - 20t showing existing and proposed buildings. A1I preliminary building efevatlons and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scaLe and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preliminary ti-tIe report. t.o verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is locat.ed in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' associat.ion, then written approval from the assoclation in support of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for sai-d association. Any additi-onal material necessary for the review of the applicat.ion as determined by the zoning administ.rator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by Lhe zoning administrator. REQUIREMBNTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4t.h Mondays of each month. A complet.e application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as deLermined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planni-ng staff before or after the designat.ed submittal date. A11 PEC approved variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. If this applicat.ion requires a separate review by any 1ocal, State or Federal agency other than t.he Town of Vail, the applicatj-on fee shal1 be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may i_nctude, buc are not limited to: Colorado Depart.ment of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shal-l- be responsible for paying any publishingr fees which are in excess of 50% of the applicat.ion fee. If, at the applicantts requestr dny matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matt.er ro be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the appl_icant. D. F. IV. TTME B. v. B. 3:l:i:ft f ;.of; :T:o"?;"1?: "::y5:: : t'I:130T::'".other issues which may have a significant impact on the conununiti may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by t.he town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Conmunity Devel-opment may hire an out.side consuLt.ant, it shall estimate t.he amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon compLetion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the fund.s forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned t.o the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by t.he Town. PLEASE ]'TAKE CHECKS TOWN OF VAIL D E PA RT;\J E)iT O F CO lvlIlIn'IITY D EVELO PIIEN T' S,ILES ACTION FOR}{ SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD r657 7z 7z ;\-,tllE ilri#et8f;i?,lir5: ZCIT\|C ,fu\D ADDRTJS I''A.PS 0t 0030 4 t510 0l c+3c 124 r5 UNIFO R-\{ B UI-L DL,-'C COD E 0t 0000{2415 UMFOR-\{ F'-U]6 [\G CODE 0l 0000 42.1lJ I UMFoR-\'t l\{EcH.1.:\1c,r.L coDE UNIFOfu\{ FTRJ CODE 0t cDc0J2{t5 0l 0,3or {2.r ri I x,rnopel ELEcTPicAL coDE 0t 0000 .{21 | 5 | onlER coDE 5lfoKs 0l 0o10.115{3 | BLUE PRD.'IS OIYLAI{S 0l ooot{21t2 I }:tR.ox coPrFs/s'tuDIEs 0l 00co.12371 i PUNAt.TY FEES/R:-L.."SPECIIONS 0l 00c0.{,-1i2 i i,L,,"v nEvtEvRE.cF:EcKFEE lgo FER. fiR. 0l ct'00 42i21 | oFF l-louRs t\sPEcTIoN Ff FJ CONT:LI CiO RS LIC L\5 ES FE]!J 0t 0003.11{t2 0l c{00 ,,l | 330 SIGN APPL]C,\T]O}'I FEE .01 0300 11413 ADDITIOI^T.IIJ SIGNAGE ;EE {SI.O3 ?F.q, SQ.I;T.0t 00c|]41{13 0l 0cr0c.{21.10 lTC AR.T FNOftCT DONAT]ON 0t 0000,{t331 PRE P,UD DESICN.C,E\4E]V BOARD FEE oI ooJo424L2 I SUTLITNC-CONSTRUCTION PER}IIT COI'{PUTER DI *.0I 0000 4t0r0 TAX (42 0l 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) TOTAL DUE: 0l 0000 i l3l0 CONDI'NONAL USEPEL\flT EXTERJOR ALTTRATION ILE55 TH,I-\ IC{ SO.N"0t c00041330 0l 0010.il 330 EYTE RI OR, A LTER..\T]ON I IiOR E TH,AJ{ I C{ SQ.F|. EVELOPIfI}if 0t 0000 .r t3i0 0t 0000413 A L DEVELOP.\IENT DISTRJCT I}'IA JOR AM 0l 0000 r' l3i0 SPECL4L DEVELOPIfT,NT DJ I 00c\l4 t 330 sLrSDlv'lslo: 010000{13 I ZO,YIN'C CO DE fuV E\ D}'I 0t 0000 4 1330 * * * * * l< * * # DATE RECEIPT lhe Town of Yail lq'N9 4538e RsCEryED FROM ADDRESS Permit Numbers ).' f _. HOW PAID-Cash-Check' Police Recdt Numben By jvv- T{fLJhI OF LIHrL I,liscel laneous Cash I f: 4f,: 4? Fist:piF,t # lllE4rj l:lrr,:un t #L-:l: # i!44 f'1i:ri.lFlr:rE t.lEtrrELL ,liFrF, J prirt E Frr'rnt-tnt. i*f!,J+t-e!J .j I rern paid B i iJErii.1E141 f,f,Sp$[i il:h.=n'l+ |-e t u rire,J .:" ::-rj. Elil ftrooun t psid :5u. tJfi lJ , tJl:l -rHF|l.{r{ 1/fflJ 'ir'-ir-tr-,:.::hiei _TEf.lHIFEii O.".ri""a 9/4/gt DRB ApPLICATION - TOWN.OF .VAIL, COTORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OE'DRB MEBTING: ********** TEIS APPLTCATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTII. AI,L REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMIITED ********** DESCRIPTION.:A site retaining wall for the purpose of avalanche mediation I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr Const,ruction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) ($0) c. D. ADDIIESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot, Subdivision Conceptual Review Block a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet, and If property is described by descript,ion, please provide attach t,o t,his application. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant,stamped survey showing lot. area. Nl\l4E OF APPLICANT; Helen Dickenson mus! provide a current, fr2 G. residential Mailing Address: TOOO Eist QuinEi--FiOE Denver, CO 80237 Phone I.NA}.IE OF OWNERS: NAME OF MaiJ.ing APPTICANT, S REPRESENTAFIVE : @s,Address: po Rox 1507, avon, CO g1620 fnc . *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlrne of submitt,al of DRB application. Liter, when applying for a building permit., please identify the accurate valuation of t,he proposal. The fown of Vait will adjust the fee according- to the table below, fo ensure the correct fee is paid . Ar-..,/ .t -i" FEE SCHEDULE: - TEU PETO: S ?( I t#IY / u \,\u \/ ^\\\ \VALUATION FBB v ,ril\"'s 0 - $ 10,000 $ 20.00 \-' .\$L0/001 -$ 50,000 $50.00 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $1.00.00 $150,001_ - $ 500, 000 $200. o0 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $400. oo $ Over $1, 000, 000 $500 .00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR .E..FTER FINAL APPROVAIJ UNI.ESS A .BUIIDING PEI{MIT rS ISSUED lL}ID CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPI.ICATION WILIJ BE PROCESSED IIITITOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE II. vv PRE-APPLTCATION MEETTNG : A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning sEaff is strongly encouraged to deEermine if any additional application information is needed. It. is the applicant's responsibility to nake an appoj.ntment with the staff to determine if there are addi.tional subrnittal requirenents. Please note. that a COMPLETE application wj.11 streamlj.ne the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THB DRB: A. In addition to neet.ing submittal requj-rements, the applicant. must stake and tape the project site to indicate propert.y lines, building lines and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be complet.ed prior to the DRts site visit. The applicant must ensure that. st.aking done during the winter j.s not buried by snow B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal aE.a minimurn of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C. Applicant,s who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their itern be postponed, wj.1I have their iLenrs removed from the DRB docket untiL such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discreti.on of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Developments Depart.menL staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and simiLar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of t.he building; and I b. Building addit.ion proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At. the time such a proposal is submitted, appli_cants must incLude IeLters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating t.he associat,ion approves of t.he addition. E. If a property is locat.ed in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfall, flood pIain, debris fIow,wetland, etc) r a hazard sLudy must be submitted and the owner must. sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report. prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Pl.anner prior to DRB application to det ermine lho rolrl-innchin bf tne property to aII'^"pp"J-ni;;;;; F. For al1 residential construction: ar Clearly indicaLe on the floor plans Lhe lnside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indj-cate with a dashed line on t.he site plan a four foot. distance from the exterior face of Lhe building walls or support.ing columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modificat,ions, aII conditions of approval must be resoi.ved prior Lo Town issuance of a building permit. LIST OF MATERTALS NAI4E OF PROJECT: sirp wa.l .l . 4229 Nuooet Lane LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_L BLOCK STREET ADDRESS 2 4229 Nugget Lane SUBDIVISIOT1 Bighorn Estates DESCRIPTION OF PR.OJECT: av-a lanche med iation A site retaini.n wal1 for the A. The following information is Review Board before a final PLANT MATERIALS: PPADNqtrN .FD T:E C BUILDING I..{ATERIALS : Roof Siding Other wal] MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys lrash Enclosures Greenhouses t.)F lr o r LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: required for submittal approval can be given: TYPB OF MATERIAL h: to the Design COLOR NA Botanica I Name Common Name Aspen Orr:nf i l- rr Qi za* tz EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ASDen 6 to 10 various as requi red *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicat.e nffis -€'ceo#.€en€r-e++ 416-0668 PLANT MATERIAL? PROPOSED SHRUBS .o**on ?*"Bot,anical Name Betula qlandulosa tt\nrnr rc cari r.oa SAE}i---!.:E !-.+:--(color adease ) Rubes aureum salix purpurea nana NA boq birch 0uantitv Size* d 5 na1 -_=2-- ColoradoDoqwood 6 5ga1 vellow floweri4g_q._ 5 qa1 4"3|Ft3?ti" wiltow 5 5 sal EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate 5 qallon.size of GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION proposed shrubs. Type Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe Alpine Columbine , A quilegia alpina 60 Kinnickinnick, arctostaphylos native grass seed mix a s reguired to revegetate slope behind wall, wildflovrer seed in front of wall. Drip between walls, hand sprinkler for new seed c. TYPE OR METHOD OF Erosion blanket on slope behind vall EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separat.e lighting pIan. Identify each fixture from the light.ing plan on the List below and provide the watt.age, height above grade and type of light proposed. OTHER I.,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIIs, fences, swimming pooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of waLls within the front. setback is 3 feet. Maximum height. of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. D. areas Site wal-ls Lo be 6 foot maximum PLEASE MAKE CHECKS TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{ENT OF COiVI]VILil'{ITY DEVELO P}lENT' S,\LES ACT]ON FOR}{ . 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,lltE ,,"CoLoMDO _ 81657 ZCND{O .d\D A DDRESS |'IAPS 0l 0000 4t510 TTNICO L\{ B UILDL\ C COD E 0t 0000{24}5 UMFOtu\{ PLU!i6lrlc CODE 0l 0il104?4t5 UM FOR\ I ]\{ECH}}']CAL CODE 0t 0000 42'l t5 0l cr00o{:,{15 UNIIOR"\{ FIRE CODE OI OOOO42{15 I N,\TIONALELECTRICALCODE OT:iER CODE sOOKS 0l 0000 { 24 t5 0l c'000.1154s B LUE PRT\{IS 6IYLATIS 0l 0000 {21 l2 | ):ERoX COPIES / S'IUDIES 0l 00c€ 12371 PENAI.TY FEES / RE.DTSPECT]ONS ol c0c0{r3i2 i pL,r.VRr.renvRE.cHECXFEE [s.(0FER HR. 0t 0000 42321 OFF I]OURS [\SPECTION FEES CONT)I-ICTORS LICE\S ES FEES 0l 0000.i1{t2 0t 0000 { r350 SIGN APPL]CA'I'iON FEE .01 0000 ,414 ) 3 ADDITIONAI-SIGNAOEFEE ISI.OC;'ERSQ.IT,0t 00004r413 }-TC ART PF,OJECT DONANON 0l 0ctc.{24{0 PRE PAJD DESICN REVIEWBOARD TEE O OOOO424I2 I TUUOTNC-CONSTRUCT]ON PERMIT COMPUTER DI r('01 0000 41010 T X 01, 0000 4237t TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUILDTNG) TOTAL DUE: 0t 0000r1330 hDITIONAL USE OR ALTERA 0l cE(ro4t330 0l 0000 { l3-i0 RIOR ALTERAT]ON IJ\IORE THA"\ IOO SO,F|. 0t 0c00.t13 {I3JO ISPECLALDEVELOP:\fENTDISTRICT II!{INIOR A]i,I .{)330 IZOMNC CODE A"VE\D}'JE\rTS * * * * * * * * * )-- RECHPI:- The Town of Vail A ! N9 45284 / ,/ -.i +,-- . - Fstmlt lSrmben i:a' i",j 11 :-l-!:'J}Hll IT CJ J:I w ll rB tt) t-l Tq 1 !-r. t-, i u i.i ll ii: ) h- 75 3oulh frontage ro.d Yall, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 olflce of communlty d.vclopmonl If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer"s (Pgb]ic Works) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Builbing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as l6ng as three weel(s. All conrnercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits w.ill have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Res.idential and-small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments w'ith regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week oeriod. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as sgon as possible. BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time '72- I, the frame.. Cormnuni ty Devel opment Department. t! I-t. i 75 3oulh frontegc rord u.il. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21_38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: ottlce ol communlly developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary,.Ordinance No. d states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or nateri-al, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public pf?ge or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on afi Town of Vail streets and_roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wirr be stricLry enforced by the Town of vair PY!]i-c works Departrnent. persons found viotating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLfic Works Departrent will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. lo review OrdLnance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Bullding Departnent to obtain a copy. rlank you for your cooperation on this natter. /'2-/Z-F7 Date ,,,i,ti. .i. 1,'*r(-:-7.-. 1'//\i 4 t,. ;t/.)| ; cr- rru#cnoN TOWN OF a al".- REQUEST VAIL PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECT INSPECTION: '-/ t- i'lI ^ JoB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR i r-Ilt- -'PM ?l{ BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ! UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL E.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r sFEer]osl-REQUEST., , T9WN oF W$\l_,.,e,l)''( Ci,_ \ r PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT INSPECTION: ,^,, iii?1 lqt. JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER UES WED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PL D tr D tr o tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING tr n ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL d rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr tr D TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR nl rrrunl tr FINAL O REINSPECTION REQUIRED PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR "I.,p , Date to/a r /qa Pro.iect Namei Projecl Description:,Js.*,i;-') <a f<q r r PrP9 ./Lv4( | { "on,"., Person and Phone Project Application t=*. J,rf*r L.oLn,. k f.o. P-X A6s3 . V.; ( ,Co.9 t &5a Owner. Address and Phone:L/,cF..,r Lo.tL>o, k * il.L*,, DrL k,n+rc^ -Sorrr,., < crS q- USO,I { Legal Description: Lot , /^ Architect. Address and Phone' ,,,,"n 6i3l rr^ E {{-S . zon"k2.fr:',-l?<9 i*.e- <,l-'cy'a o"[. n^'r6 6 Block ,(s ,u'rC( L. /a a ^(( qL tt<-<dtY C u4q ctcca4)[ APPR OVAL Com menls: Motion by: t t<) r q.tl0( i c. Seconded by: D ISAPPBOVAL Design Review Board Sum mary: r. /;r/<< El'Siiiinpprouat nevls.f /lelel DRB APPLICATTON . TOWN OF VAIIJ, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I.IEETING: latttaaraa TIIIS APPLICATION ITILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNT r r., Ar.,L REQU I *? J*llo.T!:[*n I oN I s suBnr rr E D B.TYPE OF REVTEWI \ a I. l:_ /^: - New const,ruction '/ . ltinor Alteration _ Addition .:' Conceptual Review / .t )-ADDRFSS ' 1l '- / , '/.',- :\ |t. -' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. T-,oiT\. ,i BlocK LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. LoS.'\. ( BlocK Subdivision :,.2,4.!"' t, (' -' c. D. If property is described by description, please provide attach to this app'l ication. '-/ E. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and must provide a current "'' 't- o2','l -r/ F. G. H. LoT AREA: If required, aipllcant stamped survey showi4g.. lot area. rz,i+ --- , ': / -\NAME OF APPLICANT a,:tt,t'-/,','- - Mailing Address i //'''i-a // :-' .':' NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : Address 3 I. }..'-*SIG}IATURE IS'' F ;-,2-Mailing Addless:. ,/ J. K. Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the tirne of issuance of a buildinq r>ermit.I FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ o-$ 10,000 $10,00L-g 50,000 $ 50, oo1 - I 15O, Ooo $150,001 - $ 5o0,oo0 $5o0, ool- - S1-, ooo, ooo $ over $1,000, ooo .NO APPI.ICATION IVII,L BE PROCESSED FEE $ 10. oo $ 25.00 $ 50.0o $r"00.00 s200. oo s3oo. oo TITEOUT OrlIERIS SIGNATURE ss. DESCRIPTION: -{ '. . ,, ,' ,/r, T.iirr;.rr ::.:.i : i :rl:ii.irri ;*, r:iXl'l:t : TOWN OF VAIL- DEPARTI\{ENT OF COMMLNITY DEVELOP.'-IENT SALES ACTION FORM N,WIE "^*-]u,Jg.,g& H ii:. :rtrr+.F:"rpr'ql} +-r.i "rr",^ .../,'r"i{_".::li : CO STrEAiriiF+tr O T;\ Ui:1"., i ttt ,ii 0t 00004t540 ZCNT{C .a'.,\D ADDRESS I'IAPS ' s5.00 ti!0l 0000424t5 IJNIFOR-\{ B TJILDNG CODE s50.00 lr F] il 'tl lr' i: :r i ".. r: i, .1 :: :i ;1 I. if |::0l 0000{24t5 U M Fotu\'t PLUMB D\'*G CO D E s36.00 0l 0000424t5 UMFOR.\{ T{ECHANICAL CODE s32.00 0t 0000 42415 UMFOfu\{ FIRE CODE s35.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE . s-10.00 0l co00 {24r5 OTI.IER CODE B@KS 0l 0000 4154s BLUE PRINTS O,IYLARS)s7.00 0l 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES s0.25 0l 00co 42371 PENAI-TY FEES / RE-NSPECTIONS ,iti {:r 'i.ii :ji' ii;; iJr: 0l 00004t332 PLA"Y REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR.I 0 r 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 000011412 CONTRACTORS LiCL\SES FEES 0l 0000 41330 OT}IER FEES 01 00oo4r4r3 |SICN APPLICATTON FEE s20.00 0l 0000 41413 ADDmONAI- SIGNAGE FEE IS1.00 PER SQ.FT.] 0l 0000 424{0 lTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE \l)(\ | 0l 0000 *0r 0000 21112 TAX 4Z *0r 0000 4lor0 TAx 4Z ,ii+r:;t:r,iirr,i,iiitiirlii:::,i';ii1,iil,+,ii;iiii;ittriiiiFeC,ii'ruiCirnoiiIlgsr4lEii $tjdii' l,ii+i +l --ll mo0-r330 -l ADDITIONALCRF.'\ "?JO"s200.00 0l 000041330 I CONDITIONAL USE PE&\TIT 5200.00 0l 00004t330 |mtroRTLTERArloN ILESs rHAN t00 lQfll s200.00 0r 0000 41330 srrrruon ^LTERATIoN tl'loBE ruloo-$Q.Fll s500.00 or 0000413:10 l sPF.c'AI- DF-VELOP,.\{ENT DISTRICT INE\\TI s 1500.00 ...-.-.:.:...:.;....:.-:.:..i.ol ffxn41130 |s PFCI^ I - D EV ELOPIVIENT DI STRICT tl''tA JOR AM E;\D I s1.000.00 --J-:--:--.--::;---.J-0l 0000 41110 |SPECLA L DEVELOPN{ENT DISTR]CT IMINOR AMEM))5200.00 | 0t 000041330 |SLEDIVISION 0t 0000{t330 :vARIA,NCE s2J0.00 0l 000041330 l:ZON]NG CO D E A"VE\ DNI ENTS s250.00 0r 00004t330 I RE. ZONurr*C s200.00 | r 0000 ' 1 :. :.::::; jtl:itji:ii::i::ir:1rl;ir.: * * * * * * * * * o o Rr.Cii0cr 2l tgg Ittentlonr [I- cufnrltto oct. 20, 1992 I hereby authorlz€ Vlotor a. I,o€bsect to elgt aII ilocunente portaLnLng to ralh anll etop lnprovcnrntr lor Lot 6, Blghotn Bttetob,, vatl, Coloradlo. If the Eolt rcccnt ouBvay ls ueed 1 It shal.l trot bc rcaorq€4 and rrd. ol r.c<rEqt frlL,Aw Fclsn B. Dl.chln6on 10'd 8I0'oN 8I r F 26,02 tlo :0I I :l -a rs 4-214 Nuqaf+ Lattz- AVALANCTIE /tilerrsrs gzfr,4l<g Paub oq ,N g@Ei'f}IEN effi4ggFryey Wtt n EAST VAIL, qaTORADA 4II NovmbEr 1993 PreparEd For: Mrs. He'len B. Dlckinson 7000 E. ouincy Avenuo lEnver, Colorado Prepared by: HYDRO.TRIAD,IID LOT 6 .|2136 West Bayaud Avenus, Suite 100 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Telephone 303/989-8588 FAX 303/989-9932 HYDBOTRIAD,LTD T I T I I I I I T I t I I I I T t I t 12136 West Bayaud Avenue, Suite 100 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Tefeohone 303i989-8588 FAX 303/9899932 Novemb€r 9. 1993 l.lrs. Helen B. Dlcklnson 7000 E. Quincy AvEnue Denver, Colorado 80237 Dear Mrs. Dlckinson EnclosEd is my report on the avalanche lnvestlgatlon and mitlgatlon measures evaluatlon for your property at 4229 Nugget Lane, Vall, Colorado. I have defined the deslgn avalanche, l.€. wet sprlng avalanche, that will affect your property, the range of loads and the general configuratlon of the recomnended detached wedge wall. Your structural engineer can complete the detaj'ls for the wedge wall. If you have any questions on the rEport Thank you. deta'i]ed desl gn and construction or findings, p]ease contact me. RLH/JEh Enclosure: Report xc: S236-001 #?c ..["]{prrnr }4s &ffi brrnr I I I I t I I t t I t I I t I I I I T I t II. Paqe -1- -3- -4- -5- -10- -TAE}LE OF CON-TENTS LOCATION ANO BACKGROUND. CLIMATIC ASPECTS. III. TERRAIN AND VEGETATION (TREES). IV. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. V. AVALANCHE TYPES AND LOADINGS. A. Dry F]ovlng Or Soft S'lab.B, l{Et Sprlng Ava'lanche.C, Avalanche Param€ters. -6- -6- -7- -8- -8- -8- -9- VI.I.{ITIGATION. VII. REFERENCES. FIGURES: Flgure 1: Flgure 2: Flgure 3: PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDICES Appendlx A Appendlx B A. AlternatJves,B. Reconrnended l'litigat'lon Measures. General Location Map Site l.lap Avalanche Prof 1 'le - Avalanche Paraneters - Typlcal llltlgatlon StructurEs I I t I I T T I I I t AVALANC}IE AN^LYSIS Lot 6 Bighorn Subdivieion 2nd Addltion Vai I, colorado I. LOCATION AND BACKGiROIJND Lot 6 of thE Bighorn Estates Subdlvlsion, Val 1, Colorado ls locatEd on the end cu'l-dE-sac of Nugget Lane in East Vail. Thls ]ot ls along the south flank of the Gore Valley ln Section 12 (see Figure 'l). The drEl]ing on thls lot is a duplex constructed ln the mld-1960 decadE.' The current ouner of thE southeast untt (4229 Nugget Lane), l,lrs. Hs'lon B. Dlcklnson, purchased the unlt tn 1974. The tot abuts an unplatted port1on of the subdivls'lon on tha south and southwEst. The propErty'lies immedlately east of the runout zone for the unnamEd maJor avalanche path (*7, Reference 3), but ths mapping for that avalanche runout zonE does not involve thls dwel'ling. : Durlng the sprlng of 1993 (April 30 - l,lay 25th), a ret spring avalanche orlglnat'lng from Just belov the lowEr band of cliffs ran dornslope (northtest), and a portion of the ava'lanche impacted the southrest corner of the bui'lding. ThE damage to the structure was relatively minor, but the question of future avalanche hazard has become critical for thls structure. Hrs. D'lcklnson retained Ronald L. Hal'ley, P.E. to evaluate the ava'lanche hazard and, 'lf appropriate, provide conceptfual design of remsdlal or mltlgatlon neasures. The slte and thE hil'lside up to the louer cllff bank ras lnspected by Rona'ld L. Halley on October 12, 1993. The germane aspects of the lnspectlon vEre: 1. The avalanche vas a wet sprlng ava'lanchs that orlglnated lmedlately belou the lorer c'liff band. An aspgn tres that was toppled by the I I I I t I t I -1- 2. 3. I T I T I T I I I I I lnltJal sEgmEnt of the sliding snor remalns polntlng donhill naar the inltlatlon point. Broken 'llmbs and other dEbrls in and adJacEnt to smg of the standlng Evergreens 'ln the starting zona ars clear'ly ev'ldent. The sI'ld'lng snow entralned considerable debris and aspen trEEs' son€ up to 7 - 8 lnches ln dlameter (25-35 years of age). This ls further suBported by l4r. Dlcklnson's statement that there had not been avalanche act'lvlty c]ose to the duel'llng slnce their purchase in 1974. The general slope stl'l] contaJns a sJgnificant number of 12 - 18 jnch dlameter evergrsens rh'lch are 70 - 100 yEars of age. Howev€r a fal r'ly narroy ava'lanche path 'ls apparent. Thts path runs northuest tovards the southwest cornar of the buildtng and torards the runout zone of the number 7 avalanche to ths vest of the dwe'll'lng. The slope steepens to s'llghtly ovEr 400 frm horlzonta'l 'ln the upper 150 feet of the slope lnrnedlate'ly belov the lover cllff band. The Jower port'lon of thE s'lope lnrnedJately south of the dwel'l lng ls at 28,50 slope (see Figure 3, and tha photos). The area above the 'lower band of cllffs was closely obselved to see lf any evldence of ava'lanche actlvity existed. Th'ls area has a falrly thick stand of evergreens vlth many havlng 12 - lE lnch diameters. Evidence of broken llmb patterns or other avalanchE actlvity Has not found. I I t I I I I t 4. -2- I I I I I I I t I I I II-CLIMATIG ASPEGTS The general cllmatlc condltions wlthin the Upper Gore Creek baslns are typlcal of the rest slope of the central Golorado Rockles and slnce 1962 arg falrly well docurented by Vail Assoclates as part of thelr on-hlll avalanche control rork. The wlnter and ear'ly spring seasons cllmatlc condlt'lons are an 'lmportant aspect of the avalanche hazard wtthin the va]lEy. The rather old adage that'lt takes'both snow and a hil'l" to make an avalanchE ls a slmpllstlc sumary acknovledging that a tErraln ana'lysls or a statistlcal analysis lnvo'lving only terraln generally ls not the on'ly factor ln the creatlon of an avalanche or avalanche hazard. Snou condltions throughout the snow pack as rell as storm snow fall rates contlnue to be maJor factors ln creating the potentlal for avalanche hazard. The partlcular area of the Gore Val1ey in wh'ich the Blghorn Estates Subdlvision is located has a northErly exposure and thusly mlnimal wintsr sun upon the snow pack. The area a'long the lower va'lley f'lank ls relatlvely shEltered from wjnd; thusly, w'ind deposlt or wlnd slab formatlon will be mlnlma'| . The maJor avalanche paths ln the Bighorn area a'l'l have release zones at or above 10,000 foot e'levatlon. The area surroundlng or above Lot 6 and belor the cl'lff band ranges from 8450 foot elevat'ion to 8700 foot e'levation. Tha snor pack crltical to the avalanche potential for Lot 6 will not be subjected to cllmatlc conditions of the maJor avalanche path release zones. In recent hlstory, Post Vail Inceptlon (PVI, or thtruy plus years (30+), the small ava'lanches along the south f'lank of tha Valley have almst exclusJvely bEen uet sprlng avalanchEs such as the May 1984 and th€ ilay 1993 cycles. fn surmary, thE avalanche potentla'l for thls slt€ must be consldered on the basls of both slte speclflc cllmatlc condltlons and terraln analysls. The rct T I t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t t I I sprlng avalanche ls the most llkely dEs'lgn Bvent at th'ls site when bth aspects are cons'ldered. The probablltty of a dry f'lowlng or dry slab avalancha orlg'lnatlng belou the cllff band and affectlng thls slte ls less than 1r or greater than a lo(Fyear recurrence interval. Any remedlal structures constructEd as protectlon for the wet spring ava'lanches horevEr will provlde som€ protectlon from all types of avalanchBs. III. TEFIFTAIN AND VEGTETA-TION The topography of the lot and the surrounding area is shorn ln Flgure -Thls topography and lot boundaries yere surveyed by Inter-l4ounta'ln Englnerlng 'ln late September of 1993. The 'louer Edge of thE cllff bank ls shovn on tha terrain profi'le. The slope of thE cliff var'les bstreen nearly vertical to a ratio of 2 vertical to I hor'lzontal (2:l). Trayerse sectlons frqil the basE of the 'lot upward to the base of the cltff uere developEd from the mapping by Inter-Mountain Englneerlng. The critica'l sect'lon 'ls shown on Flgure 2. Thls sEct'lon was used for the terra'ln analysls and ava'lanche dynamics ana'lyses. The tree cover ln tha area south of thE ]ot up to ths base of the c'l 'lff is moderate rlth many aspen but also a signlficant nmber of conlfers sdrs up to 20 - 24 lnches ln dlametEr. t{hile a slte specif'lc dendrochronologlcal or tree r'lng analysls has not been parformed on the trees 'ln thls particu'lar area, it is obvlous, based upon other york ln the upp€r Gore Va1ley, that thesE dlalreter con'lfers are on the order of 100 years o'ld. The ntmber and areal extent of these slzeable conlfers and the pattern of 1ow llmbs on thesE trees do not lndicate slgn'lflcant or frEguent avalanche activity in the past. - 4- I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I T I T The terraln evaluation shovs a shalloy ravine or sua'le that or'lglnates imrnedlately be'low the lower cllff band and runs nearly due north towards the southwest property oorn6r. Unfortunately, the topographical mapping prepared by Inter-llountaln Engineering does not extend sufflclently eastward to pick up thE uppEr portlon of this swale. ThE existence of the swale creates a guiding track that dlrects wet spring avalanches or debr1s f'lous sqewhat restyard of thE dwelling. The debris frcrn the sprlng 1993 slide provldes clear evidence of this flor dlrectJon due to the swale. This aspect uas consldered ln the evaluat'lon of potentlal mltlgation measures. I\/-GiENEFIAL OEISEFI\/A-TIONS The south f'lank of thE Gore Val'ley betreen the maJor avalanche paths has been identifjed as being subJect to small avalanche hazards as vell as other natural hazards. H'lth contlnued development pr€ssures within the valley, many of the undeveloped propsrties are being examlned for potential dEvelomant. The prop€rty at 4229 ]{ugget Lane has bson deve]oped slnce the m'ld-1960 decade, nearly 30 years ago. It has been rEported that th'ls ls the f'lrst avalanche event that actually lnvolved the house and the fJrst tine ln trEnty yEars that th'ls particular wet spring ava'lanche has run. If thls u€re an undeveloped propErty, mltigation alternatlves vould be evaluated from a different perspectlve. Since the dup'lex exlsts and ls located near the southern property llne, an eva'luation of dlfferent alignmEnts of protect'lve valls on and off the property uas performed. This 1s dlscussed further ln subsequent sections of this report. The currently used techn'lques of evaluating these small avalanches b€tween the maJor paths often utlllze statlstics and data from maJor avalanche path -5- 1. 2. 3. 4. I t I I I I T I T I I I I I I I I I I occurrences. l{hllE sqne models 1s certalnly valld, these rathEr unique smal'l ut'llizatlon of s'lm'llar physical characterlstlcs and extrapolatlon of m4ior sltde path statistlcal data to ava'lanche paths 1s not necEssarily val 1d. V. A\/ALANCI{E TYPES AND LOADTNGIS A. Dry Flowing Avalanches An analysls based strictly upon tqrrain analysis or statJst'lcal approach der1ved from maJor sllde paths or elthEr geographlc areas rou'ld indlcate the dry flowlng avalanche rould be the des'ign Event for th'ls slte, This approach, horever, uou'ld not give adequate yeight or credence to the other maJor fastor ln avalanches, i.e,, snor cond'ltion or morphology of the snor pack. The aspect of thls s'lope 1s north, northeast and the area recelyes ninima'l sunlight and solar radlation during the winter months. The slope is re'latively protected from wind actlon. The e'levatlon ls relatlvely lor, 1.e., Ert50 to 6700 feet$l . These factors indicate: Essential ly no sunmElt crust formation or so]ar radlation recrystal I lzatlon. Settlement ls gradual and basica'lly controlled by snorpack bui'ldup and gravlty. Lltt'le or no rlnd slab formatlon. Temperature gradlent netamorphlsn 1s not significant as compared to other more actJvE arEas. -6- The resultant snou pack, therefore, ls re]at'lvely stable for rlnter condlt'lons. B. t{et Spring Avalanches The basjc factors leadlng to re]atively stable snm pack for rlnter months do, horever, result in a susceptibj]ity for uet spring avalanches along this south valley flank. The frequency of rret spr'lng avalanches near the golf course area tends to be somswhat higher than ln the B'lghorn area due to more pronounced diurnal melt cycle cr€atEd by more sun exposure ln early sprlng. Hlgher than average snow pack depth and/or heavy sprlng snovfall events are usually factors lead'lng to a slgnlficant ava'lanche cycle of wet spring avalanchEs. At thls part'lcular sltE, the wet spring ava'lanche would or'lginate frm Just belon the louer cliff band. The ava'lanche will be relative'ly slor novlng with fairly moist, wet and dense snow. The dlrectlon or course of the avalanchE path vill be lnfluenced by the swalE and uJll tEnd to run nore perpendlcu'lar, as compared to a dry f'loring avalanche, to the path contours. The wet spring avalanche path affectlng thE site ls shown on Flgure 2. ThE I velocities of a ret spr'lng ava'lanche at the south property llna vlll range from 9.3 m/sec to 10.9 m/s. The average can be taken as 10.0 m,/sec. The total static and dynamic pressure created by these ranges of ret spring avalanchEs on a flat surface pErpend'lcular to the flow ttould rangE frol 1.7 tonsf (34s lbs/ft.2) to a.g tons/# (470 lbs/ft.l). t{et spring avalanchss often wlll lncorporat€ a slgnlflcant amount of debris (rocks, sol'l and small trEes or l'lmbs) wlthln thg flotrlng mass and deslgn of any mltigatlon structure should consider relatlvely s|la]l polnt loadlngs higher than averago prossures. I T t I T I T -I I t I I I I I I I T I t -7- o o o o o o A. I T I I I I ! I T I I I I I c-Aval anche Paranreete rs The snow avalanche and site paranEters considEred in thts analysis include: Detal led fie]d lnvestl gatlon, Detal led topographic mapplng. Terraln and tree ana'lys'ls. DynanJc model I lng ana'lysls. Cl'lmat'lc condltlons typlca] of the Blghorn area of the Gore Valley. Consideration of knoyn historical avalanche occurronces in the Val'ley and surrounding reglon. Considerat'lon xas given to statist'lcal s'lte parameters, it ras decidd a statistical this site. analysis but after revJeuof al'l thE analysls rould be lnappropriatE for vr-I.IITIGIATION Altsrnatives SomE of the potentlal mltJgatlon measures are discussed ln detail and are shoun in sketch form ln Referance 8, 'Avalanche and l{udflou Dsfenses, Tenth Fl'lJng at Katsos Ranch' by tlcllouell Smtth Associates. SqnE of thE sketchss are presented 'ln Appendlx B. In thls partlcular case, the detached redge rall ras the nost su'ltable since attached Etructures would dlctats structural modiflcatlons to the exist'lng dwell'lng. I The f1rst alternatlve examined ras a wedge ral'l parallel vlth the south proparty llne. Thls unfortunately p'laced thE wall at an angle of only 15!t I T I -8- I I degrees fron the perpendlcular. This allgnment required an excessively high wal'l to minlmlze overtopp'lng potential . D'lscussions uere in'ltiated with thE proFrty onner to the south to acqulre or obtaln an €asment to place a wedge rall at a more favorable angle, i.e., 45 degrees. This ls the reccnmended mltlgation a]ternat'lve. B. Reconmended llitigation l"teasures The reconunended mltlgatlon measurE is a detachEd uedge rall tlth mlnlnwr hEight (uphill side) of 7 feet. ThE reccmnended allgnnent and section ls shoun on Figure 2. The perpend'lcular loading on the ua'll rll1 b€ 1.?1 l/ml (gOO 'lbs./ft.2). The paralle] shear load would be 0,2 t/# tu lbs./ft.2). I I t I I -9- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. E, 9. 10. 't1. I I I t t I t I I I I I I I VI I . REFEFTENGES 1. On the Destructive Force of Avalanches, byVol]emy A., U,S. tbpaltment of Agriculture, Forest s6rv1cE, ALTA Avalanche Study C6nter, t{asatch N8t'lonal Forest, 1955 (Second Translatlon, March 1964). 2. l.larttnell, Jr., H., Ava'lanche Protectlon'ln Switzerland, General Technlcal ReFrt Rl,t-g, t SDA Forest Service, Rocky l{ountaln Forest and Range Exper'lment Station, Harch 1975. Snow Avalanche Hazards of the Vail Area. Eas'le Countv. Co'lorado, oFn Flle Report, Colorado Geologlcal Survey, tbpartmEnt of Natural Resources, State of Colorado, by llaars, Arthur I., t975. Natural Hazards Reconnalssance Studv For Lot 11. Blghom Subdlvlslon. Second Addit'lon. Va'l'| . Colorado, PrEpared for llr. L. Kelley and Mr, J. Mason, August, by ilears, Arthur I., 1977. Rockfall. Snov Avalanche. and Debrls Avalanchg Analvs'ls. Lot 11. B'lqhorn Subdlvlslon. Second Addltlon, Prepared for Mr. Bryan llobs, by llears, Arthur I., Octobar, 1990. Soils Exoloratlon and Foundatlon Reconmendations for the Prooosed Resldence Lot 11. B'lqhorn SuMlvlslon Second Additlon, Prepared for @re Rangs Prop€rtles,. by Richards Eng'lneering,.January 15, '1979. Guide] 1nes and l,lethods for tbtai]Ed Snou Ava'lanche Hazard Invest'lqations ln Co'lorado, by Mears, Arthur I., BullEt'ln 38, Colorado GEologlca'l Survey, Dgpartment of Natural Resources, StatE of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, 1976. Ava'lanche And Mudf'lor tlefense, Prepared for Vail Associates, by l,lcDorell- Smlth and lilears, Arthur f ., February 10, 1975. Ava'lanche Dvnanlcs: EnqlneErlne Aool'lcatlons for Land UsE Plannlng, by Leaf, Charles F. and ilartlnell, Jr., Research Paper Rf4-183, IrSDA Forest Servlce, February 1977. Ca]cu'lat'lon of Snou Avalanche Runout, by BakkehoJ, S. Donss, U., and L'fd, K., Annals of Glaclology, 4i 2+29. Ava'lanche Runout Distances and Dvnsm'lcs. Currgnt l,lethods and Llmltatlons, by lrt l,lears, Natlonal Avalanche School florkbook, 1989. I I t I I -10- 12. 13. 14. 15. I I I I I I I I T t I t I I I I I I I T t T I I I Enoirica'l Calculatlons of Sno*-Ava'lanchE Runout Dlstance, by Lled, K. and BakkEhoi, S., Journal of Glaclology, Vol , 26(94), p. 165-177, 1980. Tro Parameter llodel of Snow-Avalanche l,lotJon, by Perla, R., Clrcng, T.T. and McOlung, D.l,l., Journal of Glaclology, Vol 26(94), p. 197-207, 1980. Three Dimenslonal l,lodel of Turbulent Avalanche F]or, by Tesche, T.W., Proc. of the Internatlonal Snow Science l{orkshop, Lake Tahoe, Callfornla, 1986. Req'lonal Ccmoarisons of Avalanch*Prof1 le and Runout Data, by Arthur I. Mears, Arctic and Alplns Research, Vol . 21, No. 3, pp. 283-287, 1989. - ll - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 8,750 8,700 8,650 6,600 F l.r i*r g E tr -s t{J :J lrl 9,550 8,500 E,450 E,400 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 (FEEr) AVALANCHE PROFILE HELEN 8. DICKINSON LOT 6 BIGHORN ESTATES. RESIDENCE VAIL, COLORADO tsT.LINE OF CLIF rs V { ca RE', VC. DECK &'AINING WALL P EX|S';NC . BUILD!NC 7 .4' )P., /< __/n9 A O-TRIAD, LTD. GDBEN, '99' NCURE 3 t t I T T I t I I t I T I t I I I I I n^^ .,^^r ^-a .r4ii l-lttr wr=> L Q: +{aJ q:.\rtnal e\/: Itnai.. --l.,!j^- r\ u:l vc ', LcilE.'5.t!l 5 .(-C -g!'. ri i L9 Dasn ii nes indica.ie wet Het spring avalanche al 4229 Nugget Lane. View of starting zone nea!- cliff. Loyer cliff immediately behind aspen. T I T I I I I I t T t I I t I I I I t I |{et spring avajanche at 4229 Vail. View down the 1993 s1ide in upper right of photo. Nugget Lane,path. House *t*lts + ":ArA ai;a , anCi,: Ii. *. t o o APPENDIX A A,VALA,NC}IE PAFIAMETEFTS A E '"ff#), o o a \o U!q o tt |t,t I I 1r t I I I t I I I I I I I t t l I HYDRO-TRlAD, LTD. CALCULATION SHEET tNo. / of/ Dote:-Subject: Checked:-Dote:- too I I T T I T APPENDIX. B I -rVPIG.A'L I-TITIG:ATION STFrrrcTLrFrEs T t t I I T I I T T T o I I lr.I l!o E o- z o- lrll ol ol ldl =l I ol LrJl -l OI FI uJl ol T I I I I t I I bJ J |!o E o- z o- HI tr{ =t JI ot H 4 I I I cDl lrJl ()l <l "l JI <l ol FI al lrll >l L J ?l+ /l'i /l\ o rt T I Lll L o UJ J u-o It t !9t E: -o <E \o. :o-: -3= o: ar g:.E OL GO 1a I !t 9 E o lri C' 'C' o lLl ol El I ol t!l -l uJl H xl lrll r!l ('l ol uJl =l I l!l ()I <l H <l I I I z L I I I t I (n (9 z,o J (D E o v, (/)l 3l f;l 2l o-l ol Jl (nl cn lrJ (9 o lrl =(9 z. t-F J o-a I t :g .i -^ tt 5E ie .9..E 9-EB a 0 C 4 a <_l+ I I I I I I t I t I T T I I I T I I lrJ J l!o o- z o- ol zl =l ol =l nl (Jl <t FI uJl ol I E_= :9 a:, lrl tr o E TL z,< .A U,I frl9L Ft3 l=l 2l'l o-lJl olJl Jt<l (r4Fl I + r____ ___J