HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN ESTATES LOT 3 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdfE -!E /-?->\ r' = /,')\t =l{/ ,. I :t t7. .-J I e/ 8trtr az lq mil lr l>l lE r-r IFr v l<l[o t. 'r \o ii 3=t -l (D m x m 1'-{ o z a -{m m 3 =z o q)o-((IO=d3q (oqo f o q q, H'< R a* l:r -R{€Eo + d.* -(Dru o laJ =-r o:a r5D ;- <ior o o!= !J=o l9=-o J.P-9,oxo,-=E E oE tr -;'-r +i; 69 3 ?]'(D .= rD o -\= =.f c =s.----t g =oQ-5 s= == a {;ot a ii=.3a3 g)r): ol:aa=. N {I o =6' c o q o o o =(o J o -'t o € \- '\t 'o -' :J € =.a o' o ? o ,=, f (D o { ! o o t f 3 (It c. - o l o J o \or\ o *, =o a € [] lj =o o-- J o o a)t. F z I t. z <n IE z H t- z t- H z < r'.J >co HO\F soo c)H t- at O\H utd .-{ rrt H 2 z z €z m F ;r +-- E C.J E , "- |LJrl r'- |-4 ( t I €z m I o o _ll It I a m r--n o o z ct) -{n c () {o z -g |1I 7 ={ d @ m ls l-o t--,, h E l<x f ll, >l t lm: 6 l9s 1 l.ui S lmP o l*q I f-m=f-i t 3 1C o< oE ;9 i;o >l 5g -n m a =-l <trq 2=7 YF f- NE]F] N -1r !{ a) r-Cp Ec z z.= F4=t].l a\ -'r-t Z- rr ts z )) Z(1 an f, -r m --{ €z m m I z o 2 -i --l >,v ic 3< 1Z OO m l-m i c) l- z o i o 2n nZ >m --t > n T- --t I t, HI FI zl _l 39 Fr idl anl 'T1 =z z IT r H z a .4- I z F (t CN z E- X t>l< lT.lFr tz It, ffi iz IH IE l'la |.J @ H oB =F .<r t><E FIY nv I I I I 'ol -l ,l- | \.tr I ol l" I 3 c) H H c)H tn z F] H H = r c) !I }.5.N oo N) II F n t.l t- lb It p t.\l- l*' la!" I l= €z 'n 2 r m z l c) Y a i-t A)ts rI]ts o at l{ l€ lz to l:l> r- tm le lz t_lo, lo,ll l- I ! r F I z P F lr to l€ t; IT l> lF lm le lz I I lN l5 il I' I s.s. I .{ @ { t--r mlO 5l€:tz le t<t>l- lB lz I' I I I I -tr o i.t! €.a ! >l t 2Z f oR rd 4<'+< >o o>m!t,o z c z -t \oo o. lo I 5 o m -t) f, z @ :z o J C -t t< X X X x< io >-rl z() oul o6P = sb oo 2Z N@= tr< c)oo =2 :.'rn F> rlm F{X zi I '-tz ZY g5 6-anl HI F1l zl dl r-.]l >t rrl =z -t m --{ o z 0 o =z i n -o ,t 5 l.J l..J z tJ) =ts N \o -l .^91 l-,1 z, i:i o!F+l <=:Bt'r!, I F rl ol I tPl Etd trtd I El+Ft.l I t\)' 'X'{l ol I I I I 2 zl ol ol <l 2 al >l ll 'l I I I QI >I -l I o z z @ c l- z z + m 6 -l t- m I =-i 'Tl m m a € P r H m z a rn g. i m 2 z m { m () m 2 m tn N |-c 3 r'l rn -.t c) @ c 2 m = m n 3 -{ 'Tl m m a VALUATION c 3 g z o E H x 5 E >( H x -- 5. ! o tl \I)(, co S\ *-*N$ 75 soulh frontage road Yail. colorado 816!i7 (303) 47$,2138 (3(B) 47S,2139 Iqay 2, L99O Lindsay-Nilsson Duplex 4278 Nugget lane Contractor: Wolf-Lyon Architractors Permit # 4354 office of communlty devdopmenl Plan review based on L985 edition of U.B.C., U.P.C., U.M.C. and 1987 edition of N.E.C.. The foll-owing list of items are deficient in meeting the minimuur code reguirements adopted by the Town of Vail. Submitted plans are amended as foll-ows to meet code requirements. 1.) Provide st,ructural engineers P.E. stamp on all design involving avalanche nitigation. 2.) Provide design inforrnation on roof snow loads, soil bearing pressure etc... 3. ) Boiler gas vent through crawl space is required to be tlpe ttgn .vent. Maintain clearances as required. 4.) Boil-er gas ventrs horizontal-vertical ratio is not to code, see U.M.C. sec. 905. Subnit revisions on this issue for approval before installation. 5.) All crawl spaces to have head height of not nore than five feet frorn grade to bottom of structural element. 6. ) Wood chases for wood burning fireplaces are required to have L-hr fire rating inside chase. ff there are any guestions concerning these issues or other itens please feel free to ca1L. Joe Norris Plans Examiner Town of VaiI o "3?,?'":i:*ig" li:g, o (303) 476-'tOOO Plan analysis based on the 1988 Unifonu Building Code Project Number: 4354 Name: LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX Address. 4278 NUGGET LANE Date: l(ay 2, 1990 contractor: WOLF-LYON ARCH. Occupancy: R3,M1-iR3,M1- Designer: ARCHITR,ilCTORS Type of Const: V-N,V-N Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner: NORRIS NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a cornplete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SECTION # 1 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTESTION NoRTH Public way 60.0 Feet EAST Property line L5.0 Feet SOUTH Property line L00.0 Feet WEST Building 0.0 Feet Area increased 5O.OOB for open area on 2 sides. NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALI,OWED RATIO STATUS 40.0 Feet L5.0 Feet 100.0 Feet 0.0 Feet FL 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FI,OOR 1- DwelIing TOTAL FOR FLOOR TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL B Parking carage Ml ok 845 Unlimited ok R3 ok 1"o45 Unlimited ok L045 Unlinited ok R3 ok L335 Unlinited ok L335 Unllnited ok 845 Unlimited ok 2380 Unlinited ok O,nde review for: r"f+ z Project rd. : LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX Address: 4278 NUGGET I,ANE The actual height of this building is 33.0 feet. The maximurn height of the building is 40.0 feet. -- Table 5-D FOR SECTION # 1. EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATTNGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table L7-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL IfALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 ohr ohr None ohr ohr None ohr ohr None Lhr* l-hr* NoP Ml ohr ohr None ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None thr* thr* NoP The exterior walls rnay be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.z2OL. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 50? of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single vrindow size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls nay be required to have a ParaPet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet walt is reguired to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section l-709. for detail-s and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TAbIE ].7-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg wall Any 0 hr Structural Frame Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any l- hr Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any o hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:L) Minirnun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirements. 9) rn areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent naterials. -- Sec. 7O2.(b, & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATTONS R3-M1 thr Materials approved for Lhr construction are reguired on the garage side only and 1 3rz8 inch solid core' self-closi.ng door. -- sec. 5o3. (d) ex #3 ADDTTIONAL SEPAR;ATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M]- OCCUPANCY: Pao# 3 C.ode review for:Project Id. : LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX Address: 4278 NUGGET LANE SECTION # 2 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Public way 85.0 Feet EAST Building 0.0 Feet SoUTH Property line L00.0 Feet 1-00.0 Feet WEST Property line 18.0 Feet 18.o Feet Area increased 50.008 for open area on 2 sides. OCC I{AX TLR AREA AI.,LOWED RATIO STATUS 65.0 feet 0.0 Feet FI,NAI'IE 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR L DweIling TOTAL FOR FLOOR TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL B Parking carage Ml- ok 670 UnLirnited ok R3 0k 1045 Unlirnited ok L045 Unlinited ok R3 ok 13L5 Unlirnited ok L315 Unlirnited ok 570 Unlirnited ok 2360 Unlirnited ok The actual height of this building is 33.o feet. The maximuur height of the building is 40.0 feet. -- Table 5-D FOR SECTION # 2 EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 ohr Ohr None Lhr* Lhr* NOP ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None MI ohr ohr None ltrr* thr* NoP ohr ohr None ohr ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22OL. None -- No fire protection reguirenents for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 508 of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximurn single window size is 84 sq. ft with no dimension greater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 3o inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section L709. for details and exceptions. Qode review for:o raf* a Project Id. : L,INDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX Addressz 4278 NUGGET LANE ELEMENT OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TAbIE ].7.A MATERIAL RATING NOTES fnterior Bearing wal1 Any 0 hr fnterior nonbrg wa11 Any 0 hr structural Frame Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 trr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any L hr Floor/Ceiling Asseurbly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roofr/ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None NoTE: See Sec. L7O5. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1-) Minirnurn on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall reguirernents. 9) fn areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent rnaterials. -- sec. 7O2.(b) & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS R3-M1- l-hr Materials approved for Lhr construction are required on the garage side only and 1 3rz8 inch solid core' self-closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M]. OCCUPANCY: For Section # 1 EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NWBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES IOAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Dwelling 3 1 0.l- No No N,/R TOTAL 3 l. ( L) o. 1( 0. 1) No No N./R L Dwe11ing 4 L 0.1- No No N/R TorAL 4 L ( L) o. 1( 0. l-) No No N/R B Parking Garage 4 I 0. L No No N/R TOTAL 4 1( L) 0.L( 0.1) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is based on Sec. 3303.(b). The numbers in ( ) include occupant loading from floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: Code review for: eaf# s Project Id. : LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX Addressl 4278 NUGGET LANE STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun height = 36 inches, maximun opening size = 6 inches. -- sec. 1711. exc 2 The minirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUTREMENTS:L) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AREA SEPARATION WALL REQUIREMENTS: 1) The area separation walt is required to be a 2 hr fire assenbly. -- sec. 5o5.(e)1.2) If the building has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wall, thr protection is required on the projection and the exterior wall eactr side of the area separation wall equal to the depth of the projection.-- Sec. 505(e)2. 3) If the area separation wall terminates at an inside corner, see IcBo article in 'Building Standardsr Sep/oct 1982 for requirenents. 4) A 30 inch high parapet wall is required above the roofing. -- Sec.505.(e)3. see exceptions for alternate protection at roof. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUTREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not reguired. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1-) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH: L) wa11 and ceiling finistr materials are required to cornply with Sec. 42O4. (a) and Tab1e 42'8. 2l Carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) INSULATION NOTES:L) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maxirnum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wal-l or ceiling. -- sec. L71"3. (c) exc. #2 2, Foarn plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS : L) All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety g)-azing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) Code review for: naf* e Project Id. : LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX Address: 4278 NUGGET LANE ADDITIONAL REQUIREI,IENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(uriniurun). -- sec. L2o4. A1I habitable rooms reguire exterior glazed openings equal to 1o* or more of the floor area. (nin 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. l'205.(a) All habitable rooms reguire an operable exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. L205.(a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- Sec. -- L2O7. (a, Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. l-210. (a)4. Provide a smoke detector in basement that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. L2l-0.(a)4. Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarm audible in al1 sleeping areas. -- Sec. L2l-0.(a)4. For M]- occupancy For Section # 2 EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAI.IE OCCUPANT NWBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES I'AD REQUIRED WIDTH [ft.] HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 DwelIing TOTAL L Dwelling TOTAL B Parking carage TOTAL 3 L 0,1 No No N/R 3 L( l") 0.1( 0.1) No No N/R 41 0.1 No No N/R 4 L( l-) 0.1( 0.1) No No N/R 3 1 0.L No No N/R 3 1( 1) 0.1.( 0.1) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is based on Sec. 3303.(b). The numbers in ( ) include occupant toading from floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: Qode review for: O Project Id. : LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPIJX Address: 4278 NUGGET LANE naf+ z STATR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the rninimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- sec. 3306. (j) Provide a gruard rail where drop off is greater than 3O inches. Dlininurn height : 36 inches, naximum opening size = 6 inches. -- sec. L7L1. exc 2 The rninirnurn treadroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 33o6. (n) ROOFING REQUIREI,TENTS : 1) The roofing on this building is not reguired to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AREA SEPARATION WALIJ REQUIREMENTS : l-) The area separation wall is required to be a 2 hr fire assenbly. -- Sec. 5O5.(e)1. 2') ff the building has a projection with conceaLed sPace at the area separation wal1, thr protection is required on the projection and the exterior walI each side of the area seParation wall equal to the depth of the projection,-- sec. 505(e)2. 3) If the area separation wall terminates at an inside corner, see ICBO article in 'Building Standardsr sep/oct 1982 for requirements. 4) A 30 inch high parapet watl is required above the roofing. -- Sec.5O5.(e)3. See exceptions for alternate protection at roof. AUTOMATIC SPRINKIJER SYSTEUS : STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: L) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:L) wall and ceiling finish materials are reguired to coroply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8. 2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a class I flarne spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) INSUI,ATION NOTES:1) AII insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a naximum smoke density of 45o unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- Sec. l-71-3. (c) exc.#2 2) Foam plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- sec. L7L2. GI,AZTNG REQUIREMENTS :l-) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) code review for: tt Project Id. : LINDSAY-NILSSON DUPLEX naf# e Address: 4278 NUGGET LANE ADDITIONAL REQUTREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(rninirnurn). -- sec. L2o4. A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings egual to lot or nore of the floor area. (nin 10 sq.ft.) -- sec. L2o5.(a) All habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The mininum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- L2O7.(a, Provide a srnoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1,2L0. (a)4. Provide a smoke detector in basenent that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 12 10.(a)4. Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarn audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. L21O.(a)4. For ML occupancy Proiect Name: Project Application ii.{, Prolect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: r ' I L r, ."^ Architect, Address and Phone: kf f..'l't lf]V' ,l fl f : L' Comments: 4-- Legal Description: Lot / Block Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL --- T- / t i;.^ t\, "l t z ;, i i,,Ll..t I Y\ L( [ tE--- "i I Town Planner lr h, . r-1 Date' r r rf Stafl Approval PERMTT NUMBER O&PFOJECT \\\ ''-\\ DATE \ - \W JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ---- 1 -\ CALLER TUES /-\-\lFRt"'AM .PM )READY FOR LOCATION: MON WED THUR l\.,-r.r. ,'b'nppnovro //' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND / tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING in CnS PIPING POOL / H, TUB N FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT '.D SUPPLY AIR O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nFsrcl DATE q t JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON t PE tNs .tl) CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER O ,t-.,.-- ) PROJECT CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION:t,: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEFI PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB U SHEETROCK NAIL A rl fttrtAl (-,rvd trFlNAL B tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .r. ,,,. ,l | " -u,r ')( .\,, 1.l , -)a ^'v'' DATE ,r U,?.'t INSPECTOR Lr !ar. rNsPucrroNr s couPLETEx) The lteus below ueed to be couplete before gl.vlng a peruit a final C of 0. Please check off Ln the box provlded. FINAL PLM{BING DATE:tl FINAI }IECHANICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: l---,TE}TPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY nnn: , (61a |-_-:_-IV lf ' LANDSCAPING DIIE DArE: // -z( -%) . . 4atean$.r-: 'zi' 3/+ rAze-oAt V filoI'l"J- *n'V 7't'1 o a.t9 B,-Tf rN6,.lr-(rlr' e axt*ae.-- trr,1E,;rt+,>Pr\*z*)J+t- fl . \ 6" c^tt.*.\ /W-- P'l'n 7-3 16 @) Jffi -r) w owe "-!-! htt.k b...L {" "^d# luT'--$ * ' LJ, .-9-)4 i 'n' dY U' J^'*f lor-'h(t * + --- t......-... I CRAWLSPAC E zt-at'r. >'. a" ):c4E*-t I FI ol EI (r' E a F c x o lt I I Ytt-cq. Orl tr\ ' [t lrrzr"'fiutv] - a I 6.1'k-*qa ; -r v :I : .: : : k-s-'/0 D US e r3.s +' l" bA 6rer+ 4 La/t-* r .& d'&'^ lo* '* i l. "/ TDV @ lto"c "il tl *ntL' A l."""'-c{,-l ry {- n."l tt rrrn,r\' (r"'"*'* -e,,,;r#y 0-*,'fr\ @ "-1?: ,^: ?q,+fr LJat l4z{l{f€-\ sVo-t) kf- t a(tr-- ^-..1^. ;\ at . t)lJ/ at'tt; 4'^'^h rtkatr<- a l>s"-'-^- \ .a*"-h^ t( *.L- .1"'y-^'^rt & f,-,r.- l"".,*-.ra fftv^ =) GFrA n 'Ja) 4 tr.4;( r d* Aut*f 4) e''t.q :--1"" ;=t.-u *n ,**rh . Pac._ ss o*,riL .uuttl tZ. ri plo"" t u-,,1 *tt 5rg^ fr"- dian.t; ^1 o U,4 Sn-o*-rl {rr- t-J {-, "d 2'-o + 9'. o" M_Ecc +']- luN tT db /^-.^ Td PACE Rt.vlSlaH o WRc4 14 | qq.APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII{G: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,JILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIiTTED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with_a p1 ann'i ng staff member is strongly suggested to determine ir any"alJitional informatjon is needed. No applicatjon w'ill. be.accepted unless it is compieie (must jnclude all items required by the zoning administrator). It.is the appiiclni;i iesponsibility to make an appointmbnt with the staff to find out about aOiitionat submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE ?PPlica- tion will streamijne the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of ipi.Jr.t lirat the'DRB may sti-pu1atb. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bujlding permit is issued' A. PROJECT OESCRIPTION: DU 11il'. Fh,AlD( *rT*Tzt+ef - PE€tuENn'+'t' B.r ^. ^T r nrr nr DDnDnqAl LL| L,f1 | IUtt \Jl Addres s Leqal Description Lot 3 Block br4+rpq ErktHing 6vB, Zonins fitr'' pu,ttuV F.E<pf XV*t CR ) /I UND$ry/ Nn660N f ., DFUV{aPn%vf C . NAI'1E OF APPL I CAI'IT: Address o. tel ephone llb'7$E* t),\'" n telephoneA{l' ZTItb 6phone the time a bui lding permit is requested' FEE $ 10.00 t ?q nn + Lr. vv $ s0.00 -$100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 '\'1" D. NAi4E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTAITUE: M*T?rc{AP DEAGT4TW Address Address UKb TLL: VALUAT I ON 3. Peopl e who faj I meeti ng and who republ i shed. E. NAI"IE OF OIilNE;} JO Signat("€---, - The fee will be paid at $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,00i-$ 50,ooo $50,oo1 -$ 15o,ooo -$150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1'000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to ind.i cate property iines and building corners. Trees- that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEt,l BUILDINGS will of the Design Review Board, so plan on at normally involve two separate meetings least two meetings for their approval ' to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be I 4. The following'i tems no longer have to be presented to-the,Design-Reviet gglld' fn"V,-no*euei, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. 1n1indows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing p1 ane of the bui'l ding; and b. Buildjng addit.ions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have nal ietters submitted from adjojning property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium as soci at'i on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATIRIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEI^I CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and s'i te plan of site containing the following (2 copies): {t.Licensed surveyor's stamP. Contour intervals of not more than 2'unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals wiII be accepted.r2. 13. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, i ntermi ttent streams , etc. ) . 5EE Atft+epeo Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more' jf applicable' Tjes to existing benchmark, either usGS landmark or sebrer jnvert. Locations of the following: ,..-a. Proposed surface drainage on and off s'i te showing size and type of cul verts ' swales, etc. t/b. Exact locatjons of all util'i ties to include exjstjng sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: l/4. t/5. /a. 1 t/cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer gas water electric y'c. property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing t4. proposed drive'ays with percent slope and spot elevations t4. AlI easements u$. Existing and finished grades ' t/g . Al I exi sti ng and proposed improvenents i nc ludi ng s-tructures , l andscaped areas ' service areas, srorage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking' loading areas, retaining walTs (with spot elevations), and other site'improvements. rft. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of bujiding. ,.6. A statement from each utiiity verifying location of service and ava'i Iability. To be submitted with site plan. Prel imjnary title report to accompany and all easements on property. all submittals, to insure property ownership D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies y't. Show the location of 4" djameter or larger trees, other ghrtubs and-iiatiVe-olants are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape area'.s lvith the varieties and approximate sjzes of plant materi als to be planted. i' t/ 2. Complete landscape materials list. t/ 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The exjsting topographjc and vegetational_characterj tl:ql may be a separa rub. The applicant muit stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trer that rvill be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be compieted before the DRB site visit. E. Aichitectural Plans (1/ o Btt =1' or larger) 2 copjes . 4. Must include f'loor plans and all elevations as they will appear on compietion. Elevations must show both exjsting and finished grades' /2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on-ih. mat6ria'l s list available from the Department of Conqunity.Develop-. ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Kev'lew Board meeting- F. The Zoning Admin'i strator and/or DRB may require the_submjssion of addjtiona1 plans' drawings,-specifjcations, samples and other material (including g *9q.1) if deemed necessiry tb determine whether a project will comply with design gu'idelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDiNGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted jn lieu of the more formal requirementl Sivql above' as long ai tney p-rovide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans w'i th al1 spec'ifications shown B. Fl oor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing ex'isting and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifjcations for all materjals and color samp'l es on materials list available at Department of Communjty Development At the request of the Design Rev'iew Administrator you may also be requ'i red to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and avajlability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professionai surveyor' I. Prel'imjnary title report, veri fy'i ng ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a buildjng perm'i t has been issued, and when the proiect is underway, the foliowing will be requirei before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: vtn. Ye. r Bujlding locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and ang'l es. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. All utility service ljnes as-bujlts showing size of lines, type of materjal used, and exact 'l ocat'i ons . 2 copi es D. Drainage as-buiits. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. "{ All property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map. Al I easements Building floor elevations and roof ri dge el evations 6. NAME OF PROJECT: .rEcnL-bEibniPrton t ffi;;';i;-=i;',^o LIST OF MATERIALS information is required for submittal by the app'l icant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR The fol I owi ng Board before A. BUILDING B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Oesigner: pn0ne: Roof S'id'ing Other l,lall Materials Fasci a Soff its l,li ndows lllindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Green hou s es 0ther PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name anu (Evxtrwr \ w*rrt i wt kAtvT C€ttFa faq tlotnt*t- WttP-tgtuum l6nr ?@-W!ar_@4ta4 WEqyczi Si ze* 2tl _e-_ 6'rnt- IIr:jllg_IREES T0 WIr flft&h/zr/ *t F4l BE REI4OVED .a for conifers. (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height . PLANT I'IATERIALS: BOTANJ CAI Name (con't) SHRUBS Cornmon Name (i zp EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS CnaW-fuaut4?4 bvpte hfuttrat> ?o - fBF(, fufuwA-tu)rlat* ?uENvil,t+ 25 Square Footaqe 4-o tc SOD tlna, WP 6@ TF. ar ll/t C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease spec'i fy. SE ED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME -LOT .A BLOCK TILING A21t ADDRESS \\uL \+Y LOv\t The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk Ilnes nust be approved and verified by the followlng utilities for site olan. Authorized Sienature Mouncain Be 11 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 Harry Moye s Publlc Service Cornpany 949-5 781 Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Ilichael Laver Ey Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-55 30 a- -,, r^L--^-\ra ! )/ J uurr-vrr Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation Dis tr ic t 47 6-7 480 Fred Has le e or proposed llnes 'the accourpanying Date >/t/zo ,3 -7-z,t 3-7 -? " s -7- ?o NoTE: These verifications do not relieve lhe contlactor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perml! from Ehe Town of ValI, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain ut.ility locations before digging in any public righc- of-way or easemenE in Ehe Town of Vail. A building permit is not a street cut pernit. A sEreet cuE permit must be obrained separately. This f orrn is to verify servlce avallability and localion, This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *(Please bring a site plan when oblaining Upper Eagle Valley WaEer & Sanitation s lqnalures ) DATE: lq nA LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI,I: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ADDRESS: OI^INER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRIC PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA YN rT A Secondary GRFA UN ff B Setbacks: Front S ides Rear Water Course Qi io l^nvor:no Landscapi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng ''.Jal I Hei ghts Park i ng 1.ro/ i tc . Garenp Mechani cal Airlock qf^r,e no v vvr vJr So lar Heat 81 o ck$1g3bg1! t&@6 ) i ns Al I orved l?n\f??) +45b ,nl l?n\fqn) .?ffii/ Pro po s ed 3z'A&ttt €xtsr '/-16 6M (noet alJqN ls ) tN0/-)AAG ctt/€ED f4@Ats 4%t JroT d>sv 20' t5' /J, A, 3\oo/ w ( 30o ) (6oo ) (eoo)(1200) r qn I / 1 nn \ \ rv,, \ f vv / (2s)(so) (2oo ) (4oo ) f-oo-"4.t* i Or) ,-o/ Oo/orivp. Stooe perer1 tted 87o Siope Actual d /a Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche Iloo0 Plal slope ---f"rru^ P€ft€'T RLfu47 Comments: Hazards G^ -u .S Q o/ 2-,; '/. Geol ogi c Doss, XI" ^r-r,(o"^ L a Lt I { at/ Zoni ng: Approved/Di saPProved Date: ZONE CHECK ,/f\ FOR sFR, R/ n'i/s zone DISTRIcTS l_-/ DATE: 4.s qo LEGAL DMRTFTMNIToT- ADDRESS: OI^INER B'lock Filing ARCH I TECT ZONE DIST PROPOSED LOT SIZE Phone Hei ght Total GRFA k Peinnrf GRFA b Seeo,ndary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l,later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining i^lall Parki ng Credits: Garage Isss][m, (50)@ <35u€or (2oo\.6/fr Al I oued (30)(33) %hD 2Q' 15' 15' (30)(50) Vlr w Proposed /.+t+ "|Dgk ".?n ru, +2tta-,5r, Hei ghts (ttf{'-b 26b+ fuo w Mechanical Ai rl ock S tora ge Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Slope Actual Ava lanche Flood Plai Sl ope Netl ands Geologic Hazards b 2101 ?oO lD 1p -- uoT tu 7----' 1,1,4 roved pp 6 Di 'ri,.\.r' ,,4:: i i:- '|j Corments: Zoni ng SA w 5121/'f ['./7 'f '(-h €qy..,*,A /./ I a I HTEP..DEPARTI'IENTAL REV I EI,I PP.OJECT: D.ITTE SU3I4ITTEDz b. .Ub .1O DATE oF PUELIC HEARING COl"ir,ENTS ttEEDEo Sy: b . '?.h ' BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUELIC UORKS P.eviewed by: Connents: Dr'rre*.7 .: "17'( .t,Y"t . l- ,hf . P/au- P;Fz'sl hyr,",s eq.[' o{ y'uc-c!f '"-. J. a/^ // sc-ul"- Z'aq eJf 4- I tu /*,1^yr. e<s"--.u,f, 4//o,u. Jr-;ngo I N.+ rua..t,- {k -l .- t /.r.a) eu* o/L Date fo+Jtj. - FIRE DEP}f,TI'iENT Reviewed by: Coments: ./@7 ".-/^'x;g POLICE DEPARTI4ENT [.tta-lt oolo/ 0ate Rev i er'red by: Connerrts: 't"r. .ij; RECi:5ATi O!{ DEPARTI.::NT Revieaed.by: Cu;ants: Da te , -'t ) I --1 I I l ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Narural Hazards Consultants ZZZ e-, Co,t'i" ,q,"". Gunnison, Colorado I 1 230 )03 - 641.3236 March 30, I990 Mr. Jeff Borchardt Architractor Design Group, Inc. f B1 8 I6th Street Boulder, CO 80302 Dear Mr. Borchardt: In accordance with our discussions last week, I have completed the enclosed snow and debris avalanche loading analysis o-n the proposed duplex at 42iB Nugget Lane in East Vail. Prease contact me if you have any guestions about this study or desire addi.tional consultation. Sincerely, f\. u A ,^A 1f,.(twri1 ttQtiu Arthur I. lulears, p.E. Ava I an che- cont ro 1 engineer cc: John Ni 1s son l l l l l l l l -t -1 I -i J -l I I t I J Mass Wasling t Anlanches . Aulanche Contml Engineering I I rtl I t I J J -t J .-j J l l -- 7 .I m/s^ ( 16 mph) ^-- 250 kg/mt _ (16 Ibslftr )-- 4s0 ks/n3 (28 lbs/ft3) I ri J J J l j 1 REPORT OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS This analysis of avalanche loads was requested by Mr. John Nilsson of VaiI and by Architractor Design Group, Inc. I of Boulder and has the following specific objectives: a. Determination of avalanche runout distance and impact-energy potential at the building site; b. Calculation of avalanche load magni.tudes,directions and areas on the exposed building surfaces; and c. Discussion of the avalanche hazard at and adjacent to the property as a result of the proposed construction. This report also has the following specific limitations: a. The loads apply to the structure as shown in the Architractor drawings of March I9, 1990. Any significant changes to building location, shape, or orientation may invalidate the loads provided here. b. The loads would not necessarily apply to other buildings in Vail or in other mountain areas. 2 DESIGN-AVALANCHE CONDITIONS AND OTHER ITAZARDS The design avalanche, based on the fieldf air photo, and dynarnics analysis reported in the attached letter (dated January 15.1990), is an event tvith a return period of approximately l0O years, an order-of-magnitude return period estimate. The true return period may actually 1ie between 30 and 300 years,approximately. The 100-year avalanche has a constant annuaL probability of 18 and may occur during any year regardless of the past history of avalanching. The design avalanche at this particular location, Fdy also contain up to 5% volume of solid debris, including vegetation,soil, and small rocks. The desiqn loads specified in this reDort provide mitigation from debrii avalanc-hes as welI as inot avalanches. Debris flows will not affect the building site, and the minor rockfall hazard will also be mitigated by the proposed avalanche protection. The desi-gn-avalanche conditions at the building, therefore, have the following characteri st j. cs : Impact ve l oci ty Impact density Deposit density J J l I J l l l l l : : l l l l J l 3 AVALANCHE LOADS ON BUTLDING SURFACES 11. buildjng surfaces exposed to avaranche loads are given in Figures _ -I , (map view), 2 (west elevation), 3 (east el6vation) ,1ld, 1, (.Loading diagram). A1l loadihg magnitudes and drstrrbutions are provided in Figure 4. The following special characteristics of the avalanche roads must be considered in the analysis. a. The avalanche loads should probably be trdated as impact loads because they inciease fiom zero to the maximum specified in approximately 0.5 seconds over an entire waII surface and in O.f seconds at any particular point. f.. .Thq flowing and sliding avalanche may contain debris (as discussed above), wtricfr could damige waI1s,windows, or doors even if trey have been reinf6rced for the design loads. c. Avalanches will create a dense deposit against the tcuilding surfaces. shown in Figure 1 which .ouid persist for the entire winter. The magnitudes of thes3 toads will be less than the dynamic 1oads. J J J j J 4 AVAIANCHE HAZARD The specially-designed building will.protect anyone who is inside whe.n _the design avaranche occrrrs.'- There r6mains some small probability that a person or persons witl be outside and exposed when _the design avalanche occurs, rn f act, deve l opmer,^t of hazardous areas increases the overall probability of e-ncounter between people and hazardous processes, a fact that has been accepted by the Town of Vait in devel0pment. r recommend that a1r those who live in and use hazard areas educate themselves about the hazard and heed aI1 officj.al warnings. rn this way the small risk can be reduced even further The proposed building on Lot 3 will not increase the danger from snow or debris avalanches (or rockfatl) to any adjacent p-uUfic oi private._pr.operty, streets, utili:ies, or rigtit-of-ways. In fact the- b.uilding wi I1 decrease the hazard on t-Lre north side of the Du l- I cl]. ncr - Rgqort submitted by,l\ 14 A .| ffiLu,n,! l"lVtru Arthur f. Mears, p. E. Ava I anche -contro 1 engi neer I !t 20 ft +- NUGGET LAY-+ -.-6it* -=-Yry a*H --.-/---- -.--- \ FIGURE 1. ]lanche direction and surfaces subjeci to avalanche loads. F--',"\t . - +-."--' '\ e\-- @ @ \\\] \\ \< (9 @\ '\ \\---_ _{Er-arvsD \ '\. \ -*.-\ \.\\\ \ ---,,- \ 'r\'-i- \\ [ \-..- \--- . -'.\ l \ --' \\l\-.--\-- I \" r- -..- ---.J -4il- PfrJp* -.2..-z-'--. ---.-/ -..- ---- -.--"'?'-..---/ '.j-- ----- L V o : o bOCt.{cdo dA 3=d ocoA -c :'(llqr (2o (.)Foo)odc ..1 q{ .d >Hr-l JPI E .J) .r{ q-{ 4 +o dOo)> l{ lr.o -..\ d r-{ rl drd {-)3:a oq-rd =oc d a ..3:All o()l.r{=Ell >El @ Dl o.l c,l bo -r Ht d d [t.I OJ= o s-i;'T> --i- I I P q{ c! l I l J I I I I I I J .I 9rq 'Fl Fd Ed a t<0l; >o q, od q-{ q{+[r >ul q)rl rt O-{d 4rF a d+{ ..ts (.\ 0l 'r{l 's qJl bI)HI 'tJ F.l o) -l I J i *t . I I J *l I t, '-l I d I I I I I I 1 o H 14 -l tl H 0 ,l I I I J +q-{ c! -l l J J J I J I d I d : l I FIGURE 4. Avalanche-load-ing diagrans SCALE: D L1 a I j- :-t' I J -i I J -t J -l I d :l I -l I J -l I J -l t__ E1{." . . I I J -l I d -l j n I "J -I I .-l I d -l I Ed -t, l,|\\- i !d (tr)r"* = rzo tas/tt7 Pt = O,5 P, at aLI heights H = 10.5 ft 5o tts/ttz 7zo :rts/t+3 = ?5 rbs/ftz SURFACE D SURFACES C&E \loacrrng neLgn'L on surface "8"^\r_n ! Igure 2,, DD '3 r-1 -Pz varies as shorrn P, = 110 ::s/ttz Deposit 1oad., no vertical shear. H = 10.0 ft NOTE: Avalanche loads should be ad.d.ed. to al]- other loads nornalLy used. :- .f^-r ARTHUR ]. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Haza-rds Consultants 222 Eart Gothic Avc. Guurison, Colorado 8 1230 )03 - 641.)236 January 15, 1990 Mr. John Nilsson Vacation Properti es 285 Bridge Street Vail, CO 8I657 Dear John: At your request f completed a;i-te inspection of Lot Estates Subdivision, Vail. The purpose my site subsequent analysis was to cletermine the extent and avalanches, rockfall, and debris flows on Lot 3 and nritigation procedures appropriate at this site. SNOW AVALANCHES Mast We ing . Aalanchcs e AtxlancAc Conlml Enginccing 3, Bighorn visit and severity of to discuss Numerous snow avalanches begin on the northeast-facing slopes above Bighorn Estates subdivision. The largest avalanch6s begin more than 2,000 feet above the val1ey bottom and may run alr ine way to Gore creek near the Timberfalls condominiums (900 feec east of Lot 3) and near the Bighorn subdivision (500 feet west of Lot 3 ) . Aerial photographs taken in I939, 1950, rg62 | r974 | and I9B4 were studied to obtain a ti:ne perspective of a'alanche activity. The photo study indicates -that no avaranches have fa1len over the Iimestone crirt outcroppings directly above r_,ol r during the past several decades. Lot 3, however, is exposed to smaller avalanches that begin below the limestone criff which is rocated approximately 400 f6et above the site- During extreme condition-J, these sma1l avalanches,. which originate in the open nrixed forest below the cliffs, will irun across Lot 3 on an Iro slope andlwitl terminate at the,\,, south.edge of Nugget Lane.l AvalanChe velocities and .n"rgi."wilr be'smal1 in the runout zone (decreasing ro zero at Nugget Lane). rn spite of the avalanche potential, no evidence -for frequent avalanche activity exists in tfre forest on the southern part of Lot 3- The estimated r-eturn period of avalanches rea.ching Nugget Lane is I00 years; tt,e return period of avalanches reaching the southern half of Lot 3 is 25-tol,0-y."r;.These are "order-of-magnitude" return-period estimates. According to snow-avaranche hazard-zone definitions used at the Town of vail, Lot 3 is Iocated in a ,,Moderate" or ,,81ue,, snow-avafanche hazard zone based on an expected avaranche return period of more tha.n 25 years ?lq on p6tential avaranche l*p."t pressures of less than 600 Ibs,/ft2.I I I .i i .t j Avalanche mitigation on Lot 3 rotection, which in this case building surfaces exposed to the direct protection wiIl depend on detai 1s : should take the form of direct would require reinf orcem6iTGE avalanche fIow. Details of this the following building design l-. ,1 Building Iocation; " .shape; and I' orientation Although the magnitudes and directions of design roads cannot be provided until factors 1- 3 are known, my previous experience with avalanche paths of this size suggests avalanche roads wiIl be small and reinforcenent can easily be incorporated into building design. Furthermore the mitigation procedures can be designed so they will not deflect snow (or debris) toward other private or public property. DEBRIS FLOWS AND DEBRIS AVALANCHbS Debris flows will not reach Lot 3 because insufficient source areas exist for the generation of flows in the terrain above the Iot. The debris-fIow area indicated on Town of Vail maps. is actualry a small debris-avalanche path. Debris avalanches can reach the eastern part of Lot 3, as shown on Vail maps, but they wilr consist primarily of snow wj-th minor quantitiei (less tnan 5E) of vegetative and soil material mixed in with the snow. The design for snow-avaranche loads discussed above wirr also protect the building from the smaIl debris avalanches. ROCKFALL Please contact me if you have questions or desire additional consultation. Silcerely I I t.-* /1/t ^Lzqlt / (t30/,4 Arthur I. Mears, p.E- Ava I anche-contro I enqineer Lot 3 is shown on Town of Vail maps as lying in a ,'High Severityl rockfall area. However. inspection of the aerial photographs referred to above show no rockfall activity during the past- 50 years and no scars from rockfarl at least durine the firit part of this century, Two large rockfall boulders tre located near the southeastern boundary of Lot 3, but these may have faIlen into place anytime during the past I5,000-to-21tO0b. years, since valley deglaciation. The southern half of Lot 3 should be recrassified as "Medium severity" rockfall. No protection from rockfaft wilr be reguired for a-building located on the northern half of Lot 3. dc/, a /Ahala 4srb lt't luwn 75 rodh honlege rcd Yrll, cdor.do E1657 (3{t3) 47$2138 (3m)4792133 March 27, 1990 Architractor Design Group 1818 Sixteenth Street Boulder, CO 80302 otfice of communtty Mopmont RE: Lindsey Nilsson l\do fanily Hone 4278 Nugget lJane Dear Jeff, This letter is to confirn our phone conversation today concerning the above property. Greg HaII, the Town Engineer, reviewed the proposal is requiring the following itens to be resolved before a final DRB approval sill be given: 1) The driveway Ls too steep. The Town requires that if the slope of a residential driveway exceed 8t it be heated.2) The drain pipe located beneath the driveway should extend at Ieast 5r beyond the edge of the drive on each side.3) Provide an asphalt swale 2' off the edge of the road to prevent drainage from the driveway into the roadway.4) Keep patio out of the drainage easement and retaining wall out of the utility easement. Construction in easements reguires written pernission from the appropriate companies and the town. I an still awaiting the arrival of the revised plans to do a new GRFA check. Should the revisions prove not enough to resolve the excessive GRFA you will need to make further revisions before DRB approval. If I donrt hear anything from you by Friday March 29t L99o concerning the encroachment into the easements, I will be unable to schedule to application for a final review on April 4, 1990. You wil.l only be able to get a conceptual review on that date and will have to reschedule for a final review. Should you have any guestions concerning any of the above feel free to call me at 479-2L48. Sincerely, Uello,Planner AqgF'n T s$,e,rp*q I l8l8 SIXIEENTH STREET BOULDER, COI-ORADO 80302 \303]1 447-2786 I ARCHITECIURE, URBAN DESIGN, PIANNING. DEvEtOPIitENT CONSUfiNG I p,"r.b.t , t[/- a,;7,r,s/ 6R.F+ .nZh,nt a,u.e. /"'r* ,/u *"2 tttotruL /cre. A, )/d? eFl :r4- //- r" sr/E rre- o-,i- sr'// lL ./'&---ct- aa-afhLg ,"r,t/ ih rL "lJl,- o/ ,*ro,:^y,- o,/, { t/- ,,*- (t",r//) '/ */- anrh. 4 7h'-ir uA, q --."-.- IJAND TIOLE cUARANTEE loupANy v Representing Title Insurance Company of Minnesota rHANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER March 16, l-99O Our Order: YL4982 BUYER/OWNER: LINDSEy/NILSSON DEVELOPMENT, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION SELLER: RICHARD W. TALLEY ADDRESS: LOT 3 BIGHORN ESTATES /VACATIoN PROPERTTES -/ DELMR IN VAIL RUNS l- Attn: JOHN NILSSON CIOSER l- Attn: SHARMAN PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al{ PM MINNESOTA TrTrF 4\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-O241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 8001,1 75 r -4336 1810 30th Street Eoulder, CO 80301 444-4101 200 Norrh Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 2l 2 North Wahsa tch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-482l. Gommitmert To lnsure lssued thnugh tlte 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5410 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 8821 E. Hampden Suile 100 Denver, CO 80231 7 50-4223 8333 Greenwood Bou leva rd Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 I 201 Main Avenub Durango, CO 8l3Ol 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. 5u ite I 50 Englewood, CO 801 l2 774-9 596 3600 So. Yosemite Denver, CO 8023 7 69 4-2837 r08 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 20 | Fort Collins, CO 80525 182-9015 7'l0 Kipling Streer Lakewood, CO 80215 zJz-J | | | 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 I 1990 Grant Street Suile 220 Norlhglenn, CO 80233 152-0149 I9590 Easl Main Streel Parker, CO 80134 84 | .4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 176-2251 LA]ID T]TLE GTARANTEE COfulPANY South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 352 Vail, CC 8l 658 47 6-2251 LAND T]TLE GTJARANTEE coil/PqNY ALro COltl,rrTMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. VL49A2 For Infornation OnIy LOT 3 BIGHORN ESTATES - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy S302.OO Alta Lender Policy g5o.oo Tax Certif. g2O.OO - - TOTAL - - 5372.00 With your remittance please refer to V14982. 1. Effective Date: March 09, 1990 at g:OO A.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAft Or^rners I s Policy $13S, OOO. OO Fortu 8-1_970 (Aruended i.0-12-20) Proposed Insured: LINDSEY/NILSSON DEVELOPMENT, rNC., A COLORADO CORPORATION rrAI.,TAtr Loan Policy (1970 Revision) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered. herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: RICHARD W. IALLEY 5. The land referred to in this conrnitment is d.escribed as follows: LoT 3, BrcHoRN ESTATES, AccoRDrNG To THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. PAGE ]. AtrO couMrrMENr O SCHEDULE A Application No. VL4982 PAGE 2 AtrO coMMrrr'rENr O SCHEDULE B-]. (Reguirenents) Application No. VL4982 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1. Palment to or for tbe account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVISIONS OF T}IE TOWN OF VATL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROI!! RTCHARD W. TALLEV TO LINDSEY/NILSSON DEVEI.oPITIENT, INC.,A COLORADO CORPORATION CON\rEYING SURTECT PROPERTY. 5. DEED oF TRUST FROM LINDSEY/NILSSON DEVELOPMENT. INc. ' A coLoRADo CORPORAIION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF TBD TO SECT'RE THE SUItt OF TBD. PAGE 3 9. ALra coMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. VL4982 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: L. Standard Exceptions L through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I,oDE T.O EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TITE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Novenber L7, L}OZ, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. ]-0. RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE iINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Novernber L7,t9o2, IN BOOK 48 AT PASE 492. l.L. RESTRICTM COVENANTS, WHrCH DO NOT CLAUSE, BUT OMTTTING RESTRTCTIONS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 49 AND AS AMENDED IN BOOK 221- AT PAGE 876. ALIJ INTERIOR LOT LINES P TA AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR ESTATES. CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER IF ANY, BASED ON RjACE, COIOR| RELrcrON, INSTRUMENf RECoRDED March 25, L971, IN IN fNSTRUMENT RECORDED October 05, L9ZL, L3. AS DEDICATED ON THE RECORDED EASEUENTS, RESERVATIONS RECORDED PI.,AT OF BIGHORN L4 DRAINAGE E UTI AS SHOWN ON TIIE FOR UTTLTTY EASEMENTS RESERVED ON THE IN WTDTH ALONG THE EASTERTY LOT LINE OF I,AT OF ESTATES. LOT LINE OF ].5. UTILITY EASEMENT ]-2 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG SOUTHWESTERLY BIGHORN ESTATES. PAGE o Project Appllcation o^,. I 4. !l) Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: : Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - ) , Block Comments: Design Review Board ,/ Motion by: ', . -.' t r',t ' [: ' lL' 44. t " ' i (\',.-+ ii Seconded bY: -'' I "-' ) t ,/-'oa" z! 4 "-{ 0 DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL a" ..-\'..' -' ,' ) Summary: ,1D E statt Approval ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E.. l.,lrtunl Flrzor& Cursulrrnu INC. ?2zEuGul&Avr. Gqrdron.Glondo 81230 N? - 641.3216 January 15 , 1.9 9 0 Mr. ,John Nilsson Vacation Properties 286 Bridge Street VaiI, CO 81657 Dear .fohn: ';'.i'*f:':. ."..;. .r :trt. your legu_eft I- cornpleted a site inepection of l.ot ll Stglidrd, ,Estates subdivision, vail. rhe purpose my sLte visit:^and.,,subseguent anarysis was to determina t-he extdnt and severltv of ,"avalanches, rocltfal 1, and debris flows on Lot 3 and tojdlsdusg above pi shorn E" r.?;;' ;;iii'ir="'*" .'" nf, 'J= r #; ; $ T;;iilltE r E iEBii,'more than 21000 feet above the val1ey bottom and may ror,.i1 1ii'{.he way to_Gore creek_ near the Tlmberf,arls condomlnLums (900 tfeet .'east of l,ot 3) and near the Bighorn Subdivision (500 feet,wisu:of "l 1.,9! 3). Aerial photographs talen in 1939, 1950 , Lg6zt;L974,t and "1e84 were studi;d to oltain a rime peispeqii";-;di;;;iln;il; ...:j i activity. The photo study indicates .ttrat no avalancireJ rrive larren over tlre limestone crlft outcroppings directly above'Lot 3 during the past several decades -:,i - mitigation procedures appropriate at this Eite. ---- :-- 'iiiIJ;+,-;'.,., ' ;i.' l ::; fr,r ' sNow A'ALAN.HES i'':l'i .'r'"' ; ' . ...... ,,.;.1?,.. ,t....:.:.NumeroussnowavaIanehesbeginonthenortheast-faqlng.''proB.es Accordi_ng to snow-avaranche hazard-zone definitLons used at the Town of Vall r Lo't 3 ls l.ocated in a rt ll 'ttglu6T ... gnOYt- expected avalanthe return potential avalanche impact ,, t... I,9t 3r hewever, is exposed to smalrer avalanches that beqln below t'he rimestone ctiff which is rocated approximately doo feal iu6ve the eite. ouring extreme conilitiorii these eriall avalanches,,tdhich originate in the open mixed forest berow the cLiffgr wili run out across lot 3 on an llo srope and wilr:t,ermlnite it the'sgglh edge of Nugget Lane, Avalanche velocitles and energies wlll be small in the ruriout zone (decreasing to zero at Nu-gget- ' Lane) . rn lplte of the avalanche potentlal , .iio'evldence -Eox' lreguent avaLanche activity exists in the forest on the eouthern part of Lot 3. The estimated return period of avalanches I:lchiirS Nugg^e.t La.ne is .I00 years; itre return. perioa oi avaranches reaching the southern half of r,ot 3 is 25-to--5o,years,These are rtorder-of-4agnitude" return-period estirnates.':-!',,.', avala.nche hazard, :zone based on aD period of, rnore than 25 years alrd on pressures of les! than 60b lbs/ft?. Avalanche rnitigation on Lec 3 should take the form of direct R#*s1.I|_i"h in rhts case woura requrre- t"rnrori"rffii lrqrrcrrng surraces exp_o_sed to the aval.anche f Iow. DstailB of thie {il"g! protecrion wfrr depend on trrg -}oilt ing btiidr;g aesiEn detai 1s g 1. Building location i 2. rt shape; and 3. orientation. Although the magnitudes and directi.ons of deiign ^lgads cannot be provided until factors 1 - 3 are knownr my ptt"ious e:(perrence with avalanche paths of this size suggesti a-valanche roads srill f e . slalI and riinfor.u*-*nT ci-n easi ty be incorporated .into buildin-g deslgn. Furrhermore tr,"- *riigutio"- pi"cedures. can be . designed so they wirr not deflect snow ior oeuiiit toward othef private or public property. qEqRIS Frol^ls AND DEBRTS AVALANCHES Debris flows wiII not reach Lot 3 because lnsufficient Eource,areas exist for th-e generation of f,Iows in the terraln iuovl-lte lot. The debris-fto-k, area indicated on Town "f-viif.i,ip-; -is actu_a11y a srnall debris-avalanche path. Debris avaranche'g .cin reach the eastern part of Lot 3, as shown on vair mapsl urii-d;;ylll consist primdriry of snow'with minor quiniiti"S-ire""- ;il;il ?tJ _ot vegetative and soil material rnixed in wlth the snow. The.;desrgn.for snow-avararrche, Ioads discussed above ritt atso protici',the building from rhe small aeurii ;;;i;".h;;:- '- Lot 3 is shown on..Town of Vail *.n" u" tying in a'High Severity,t rockfall area. However, inspection of-th6 aeriar i,notogiipfis referred to above show no rockfall activity during itrt- biii- so ye-ars and no scara from rockfarl at reast dlrlng tLe, ftrit part of this-century. rwo large rockfall boulders ire located irear the southeastern boundary of Lot 3, but these may have falren _i_l!? pf ".e _anytime durin! the past 15,000-ro:20,00'0 y.ir",-;i;;;valfey deglaciation, The southern half of, tot 5 shourd be reclassified as "Medium se^verity" rockfalr. No protection tron rockfal 1 will be reguired for a-building located'6n the northern half of Lot 3 Prease contact ne if you have questions or desire additional consultation, ROCKFATL Ava I anche-contro I engineer