HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUB RESUB OF LOT 20 LOT 20-6 LEGAL.pdft+f :D' b b I+ s'L tatuA /.r2o POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit E: 897-0276 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEi THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD Job Address: 4196 COLUMBINE DR Status... Location...: BIGHORN AMENDED LOT 20 6AApplied.. Parcel No..: 210l-122-15-034 Issued... Proiect No. : Expires , . I S SUED 08 /28 /ree7 oe /02/ree7 03/01,/reeB 30,906 F'i reptace Informat ion: Restricted:fof cas App I i ances:{OJ Gas Logs:fof r.,ood/Pa t tet: *******************************************************t(*** FEE SUI,IHARY *****t***********t****1************tr**ft***********rt)t**'t** APPLICANT PLATH DRAWER CONTRACTOR PLATH DRAWER OWNER DOWNEY 1624 S Description; REROOF- REMOVE AND Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Val-uation: Bui Iding-----)357.00 Investigat ion> Ui l. L Cal. L----> CONSTRUCTION 5920, AVON CO 81,620 CONSTRUCTION 5920, AVON CO 81620 GALET-DOWNEYBEVERLEY CAROLINA, HARLINGEN TX 78550 REPLACE SHAKES Phone: 9709491905 Phone! 9709491-905 Ptan Check---) ?32.05 DRB Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Restuarant P lan Review--).00 .00 .00 250.00 TotaI Catcul.ated Fccs---> AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- .0O Recreation Fee----------> 842.05 .00 842.05 a1?.o5 5. OO Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> Dept: BUILDING Divisj-on: DepT: PLANNING DiViSiON: Iten: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/29/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE IT,em:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ******i*********************************************************ff************t***i*********!Hi*****fir*tnttr*Jr*******r*****fr**tt*tt* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futt thc informati accurate pLot and plot ptan. suHivision p[an, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to to compl,y vith atl, Town ordinances and state tars, and to buiLd this structure codes, design revier, approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Item:OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7 CHARLIE AcLion! APP REOUESTS FOR INS?ECTIONS SHALL SE }IADE TIIENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY send ctean-up Deposit To: PLATH CoNSTRUCTION rcd-,,@mptcted an informat ion 's zoning and Itbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/29/1997 CHARTJTE Acrion: AppR N/A It.ern:' 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT o_9/2e /\9_9_7^CUABI,IE Action: APPR N/A Itbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS FOR HIIISELF AND OUNER o Paqe 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS permit E?, 897-0276 as of O9/02/97 Status---: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** permir Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT epplied--: 08/28/1,997 Applicant--: PLATH coNSTRUcTIoN Issued---, 09/02/1997 9709491905 To Expire: 03/0L/1998 Job Address: 4196 COLUMBINE DR Location*--! BIGHORN AMENDED LOT 20 6A Parcel No--: 2I0I-722-I5-034 Description: REROOF'- REMOVE AND REPLACE SHAKES * * * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * * ** 'k* * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WTIH 1991 UBC CHAP 32 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-032L Amount: 842.05 09/02/97 t0t23 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: t20069 Init: LRD Permit No Parce-l No Site Address Location ]H-97-0276 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 270r-722-15-O34 4196 COLUMBINE DR BIGHORN AI4ENDED LOT 20 6A Total Fees: 842.05 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: This Payment 842 . 05 842 . 05 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 357.00 01 0000 47332 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.05 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 250.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO J r / I i I ) I ;::,."u" .a.ug**, rot'--.a ' "-.,,... ...,"..r- r;'l{' . --- y'rl,rirt.r,,.' , :',.1. _.,.--._..- v.j. CIIDCK IIEQUEST ynr;vntrnonv, 4' // - vENDoRNAME: / ' /-,6rrf,)-- VENDORNUMBER:aa/3 1/ DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLEAN Up DtrpOSIT REFUND FOR Bp #B?f -aZrt NAIIfrOFJOB: 4 a/i / ' ., */ '-t 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND , fJSa,& DATE APPROVED:tl-tuLl=++- A}PROVAL SIGNATURE:)il-L 4.V),,--a, ,' e""rs ur r 1ce (;iltrfi unty As so ll I TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION for Parcel PDR}IIT // ?45-07 DATE; I APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED U r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl ,ffi-Buirding [ ]-prunbing [ ]-Erecrrical [ ]-Mechani-cat [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: LO 40 tez_ -t -ub 4--': r( gr -B Da 2t 2. 8 ce n.s Legal Description: Lo {i1ins Architect: Address: Address: ceneral Description:h,,p-.o c)- np-L)Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Iteration t l-.A ditional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: L&aABrock_ F_ilinq \ _ __vTc,q_ Number of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet PLUMBfNG z I 'MECHANTCAL: S ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: ' .- ll*****************TI ' Eeneral Contractor ***** co cjlP,n tracto Address: El"ectrical Contractor: Address: ., * Town of Vail Reg__ '. 'hPhone Nurnber: 1,/,.\J Plurnbing ContracLor: Address; Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. No. Mechanical Contract,or: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE! ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI^AN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: VALUATION Page 2 of 4 July 23, 1997 Roofing Specilication for the Downey Residence ** The scope of work and pricing below is for the older home that is behind the new structure that was built recently. ** I. TBanOrr/MrscELLANEous: Locations: All pitched roofs with standard cedar shingles. Specification as follows: ll Tg* offexisting roofing and remove all debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the consffuction, and athorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be perfoimed upon coripletion. Plath Construction wilitake all rdasonable precautions to protect the interior of the building from water and weather. However, Plath Construction will not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden and./or unforseen storms that occur during-the tear off phie of this work. 2] Inspect the plywood for water damage, and replace as needed.** This work, if required, will be an additional charge over and above the contract price, and will be charged at the rlte of$2.50 per-square. foot. No additional charges will be incuned without prior notification of, and authorization from, the owner or owner's agent.** 3l Plath Construction will provide all permits required by the Town of Vait Building Department. Price for work as specified above:Included in Section II below Exclusions and Qualifications:ll The vertical siding walls with custom cedar shingles is excluded from the base bid. Please see option #2 for pricing on this item. 2l Flat roofs with EPDM membrane roofing will not be removed. The new roof will be installed over the old roof.I DRy-IN / CEDAR SHTNGLES / Flasurxc: I ] Install "Jifff-Seal" Ice and Water Guard by "Protecto Wrap" over entire pitched roof area, according to manufacturers' specifications. Extend membrane up walls a minimum of 12" at roof- to-wall junctures. Use mastic as needed. ,J-Install #l (5X) cedar shingles over entire pitched roof area. Use starter shingles and hip-and- ridge shingles as needed. 3l Insrall 26 gauge, pre-painted flashings as needed, including valley, step, and endwall flashing. Install 26^gaugg, pre-painted drip edge flashing at eave and rake edles. The flashing color is to be selected ffom the manutacturers standard color chart. Price for Sections I and II:$ 23,496.00 Exclusions and Qualifications: 1] Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see option #l for pricins on this item. 2^l Miscellaneous fl_aghiilg not associated with the roofsyst€m is excluded from this proposal. Option #3, #4 and #5 provide pricing to re-flash the miscellaneous flashins location3. 3|Gutter and downspdut is ex-cludeii from this proposal. 4l Deck waterproofins is excluded from this prbposal. 5] The newer home afpears to have had the shinltes painted. We are excluding any painting of the new rool rrom thls proposal. Page 3 of4 III. Srxcr,tPr,yMEMBRANERooFrNc: I ] At the upper flat roof, remove the railing and store the rail on site until the new roof is complete. Remove the existing 2"x6" blocking at the perimeter and install 2(d,layers of new 2"x6" blocking. This will result in a-new curb height of 3". 'Put the rail back into pTace upon completion of the niw roof. 2l Install %" wood fiber board over the existing membrane roofing. The wood fiber will be attached to the substrate using screws and plates. 3l Install a fully adhered, 60 mil EPDM accordins to specifications by "Firestone" or "Shueller". Extend membrlne up walls a minimum of 12" atloof-to-wall juncturLs. 3l Repface all existing flashings with new,26 gauge pre-painted metal. The flashing color will match the color of the roof flashine. Price for Section III:$ 3.9s3.00 Exclusions and Qualifications:ll Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. Please see option # 1 for pricing on this item. IV. GENERALNoTES: I I Plg4se be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility of the market, material prices canhot-be guaranteed past 30 days.* Please take note that a "letter of intent" received by Plath Construclion, Inc. *ithin the 30 day period will allow us to "lock inil current material prices even if actual purchases are madqmonths later. 2l Cedar shingles for this proposal have been bid at the current market price of$ 148.25 per s-q.uare. Due- to the extreme volatility of the cedar market, price changes prior to the acceptance of this proposal will require renegotiation of the contract pric'e, to refledt ariy such changes. 3l Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Construction carries auto insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No firiiher Insurance coverage rs rncluded in our price, andTf required, the additional cost will be added to the contract frice. 4l Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a wilranty certificate guaranteein_g rooftng against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period'of two years from the date ofroofing complelion. Leaks qualifuing under the terms of said warranty will 5e repaired promptly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior ilamage that may occur. Page 4 of 4 V. Oprtoxs: I I Additional charges, as identified below, will apply for roof work done between October l5th and April 30th. ** Please note that the costs for items lal, lbl and lcl below will only apply if the work is delayed past October 15, 1997 for reasons beyond Plath's control. ** a. Ice and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering ofthe roof deck with plastic, and drying out of the roof deck, if necessiry, will be an elxtra charge over and abbve thi contract price and will be charged extra at the rate of $ 32.00 per man hour. Matcrials (plastic, irropane, etc.) will be-charged extra at Plath's cost. b. Priming may be required for Jiff, Seal, depending on site conditions and outside temperatures during application. If priming is required, this work will be charged extra at the rate of $ 28.50 per 100 square feet. Total price not to exceed $ 664.00. c. Winter conditions have a negative effect on our production rates. During winter months. additional charges will apply to cover our added expenses for ivorking under adverse winter conditions. The effect of adverse winter conditions results in a loss of daily production of approximately 25%o. ( This is an average production loss rate based on years ofjob costing data.) Any such charges will not exceed the amounts listed below and are in addition to any snow removal and priming chargcs that may apply. al Section I and II: Add to the base bid $ 1,795.00 , bl Section III: Add to the base bid $ 294.00 \, \)J 21 Remove the existing custom shingles at the dormer wall location at the front of the home.' dover the substrate wilh #30 felt and' shinsle with custom shinsles to match the existins.eover the substrate with #30 felt and shinsle with custom shinsles to match the existins. Frice for option #2: Add to the base bid $ 2,875.01 ( 3l Remove the existing radius metal on both sides of the chimney curb on the back side of the \ ' / " home. Install Jiffl, Seal lce and Water Shield over the substrate and install new metal to match the \ / rf existing. The metal will be 26 gauge, pre-finished metal. Color to match the roof flashings.\J \Jrice for option #3: Add to i'tre las'e liO $ 582.00 ] Instead ofreplacing all of the custom shingles at the front dormer, repair the existing shingles This work wiJl be charged at a "time and material" ratc. Material will be charged at PriceYor option #2al Add to the $42.50 per man hour plus material costs Ice and Water will be 26 gauge, I 4] Remove the existing metal on the four radius dormer roofs. lnstall Jiffy Seal / Shicld over thc substrite and install new metal to match the existins. The metal n , ' I pre-painted metal. Color to match the roof flashings v Pric-e for option #4: Add to the base bid - $ 1,991.00 5] Re_move-two_metal pans at the base of the windows on the front dormer. Install Jiffy Seal Ice and Water Shield over the substrate and install new metal to match the existine. The dretal will be 26 gauge, pre-painted metal. Color to match the roof flashings. Price for option #5: Add to the base bid $ 640.00 ri ir tr t t\$x REPTlSI TOWN OF UAIL, COLORADO F'AGE 6 AREA: CD ril/3L/97 @7:56 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTIUN NORK SHEETS FURzl[t/38/97 ============= ======-=!:=================== =============-========== ==------------.:Ativity: 897-OP76 lA/3t/97 Type: A-BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr': ADUF Address: 4196 COLUMBINE DR Locationr BIGHORN AMENDED LOT gA 6A Farce I : ElOl-1€g*15-434 Occ: Deser"ipt ion: REROOF- REMOUE AND REF'LFICE SHAHES Appl icant : FLATH CONSTRUCTION FrhonB: 97O949 19tZt5 Owner": DBI"INEY GALE T - DOIJNEY BEVERLEY Fihone: Contr'ac.tar.: F,LATH CONSTRUCTION Fhone: 9709rr9 19OE Use: V N Inspect ion Req r-re st Requestor': STEUE Req Time: O1:OO Items reqnested to 0ra0g0 BLDG-Final Inf or mat i on. . Eommentsr be Inspeeted. Fhone: 949-l9OE Act i on ComnBnt s Time Exp Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Item: AA5lUl dr"iveway grade final Item : OOrZtlO BLD6-Foot inqs/Steel Item : AAOela BLD6-Fot-tndat ionlSteeI Item: ul|ztstgr FLAN-ILC Site Flan Item : firAO3lA BLDG-Framing Item: OOgl4A * * Not On File * * It em: rAg05A BLD6-InsuIat ion Item: VAA6A BLD6-Sheetroek Nail Item: frAAAA * x Not On FiIe * * Item: WAATA BLD6-Misc. Item: AelZIgO BLDG-Final Item: arzr5Srzr BLDG-Temp. C/B Item: Sr054A BLDF-Finat C/O rl Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: DowneyResidence hoject Description: Separation request and DRB for new GRFA above the existing separated garage Owner, Address and Phone:Gale T. and Beverly A Downey tuchitect/Contact, Address andPhone: m:3ril,f"t.nwalter, P.O. Bx 1202, Vail, CO 81658 Project Street Address:4196 Columbine Drive Legal Description: Lot2U6, Parcel A, Bighorn Sub Parcel Nurnber: BuildingName: Comments: Separation allowed due to previous separation appror-al. Lot area used for GRFA is baied on lot area before 1981 (see ord-38, SeriesbT 1981) Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Mofionby: Seconded by: Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Brittain Hingst 1. All existing ligting shall conform with regs. (No lighting approved with proposal) 2. Deck and railings to match those on existing home. Town Planner: Dominic F. Mauriello Date: llilg8 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9S\DOWNEY. 107 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 TOITN OFVAIL FIL E COPY D epart me nt of C on mu niry D eve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Dccember 19, 1997 Kathy Langcnwaltcr PO Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 RE,: Scparation rcqucst to add t'csidcntial flool alca to sccond floor of garagc at 4196 Columbinc Drivc/ Lot 20-6, Parccl A, Bighorr Sub. Dcar Kathy: Thc Cornrnunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt has performed a prcliminary rcvicw of your proposal. In lcscarching thc filc and prcviously approvcd plans, it appcars thcre are somc in accuracics with allorvablc GRFA and cxisting GRI;A. Thc curlcnt total lot arca for Lot 20-6 is 26.20 I sq. ft. Florvcvcr'. in l9ll I (scc Ordinancc 3tl attachcd), this lot was granted an additional I .tt7l3 sq. ft. of GRFA with thc condition that this additional lot arca shall not bc uscd for crcating additional GRFA. Thcrcfolc, thc arca to bc utilizcd for calculating allowablc GRFA for this lot is 24,323 sq. Thc allowablc GRFA foL Lot20-6 is 5.532.3 sq. ft. ' ^,A l-.t The cxisting GRFA fol thc west unit is 2,202 sq. ft. and for the cast dnit is 2,305 sq. ft. for a total of 4,507 sq. ft. of existing GRFA (calculated using today's regulation from approved plans). The proposcd addition contains 3 l 6 sq. ft. of GRFA, which results in a total proposed GRFA of 4,823 sq. ft. (709.3 sq. ft. GRFA remaining on-site). With respcct to the geologic hazards affccting the properly, any modification to this garage structure will need to conform with the requircmcnts outlined in Arthur Mears Geologic Hazard Rcport fol this property. Pagc 1 of2 {7 *'"'""n '^"* This item has becn scheduled for a conceptual review by the DRB on Jan. 7,1998. Ifyou have any questions, please fecl frcc to call me at (970) 479-2148. icT. Mauriello, AI Page 2 of 2 .' t" '/&'. ,/r-,\ /1 o ORDINANCE NO 38 ' Series 198I ..AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF COLUI'I TNE DRIVE, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, IN THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO. /) 3S584s ,oor,-#3,- P^?E-lo fl I 1: i I i'i{r'l iili'S iti.i'{:r : R 10 Pl{ 'll8 'j n,rc i-s 4 I.IHEREAS, the following portions of Columbine Drive, bordering on Lots 20-6, and 18, Bighorn Subdivision, ?Lmended Plat, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, have never been necessary for the public use and benefit, and the owners of the abutting lots and lands desire to improve said streets hereinafter described and place the same on the tax rolls of the Town, and the Town council of the Town of Vail, having determined that such use wj-Il benefit the public i n{- or-oc#. NOI{, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI^IN COI.JNCIL OF THE TOI.JN OF VAIL: Section 1, For and in considerat ion of $1 .00 as good and valuable consid6TaTl6n-the Town hereby vacates a1 1 its interest in two parcels of land being a portion of Columbine Drive, Bighorn Subdivision, Torvn of Va"i1, Colorado. Said parcels being more parti.cularly described as fo1lows: A portion of the right-of-way of columbine Drive adjacent to Lot 2O-5, A Resubdivision of Iot 20, Bighorn Subdivision, Amended Plat, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Eag1e County, Colorador Clerk and Recorder, said portion being more Particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said l,ot 20-6, thence along the extension to the north of the westerly line of said Lot 20-6, N 37"39'30" 34.04 feet; thence 16.08 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1OB.18 feet, a central angle of Bo31'00" and a chord which bears S 80"1I'30" E 16.06 feet; thence 84"2-7 '00" 8 40'25 feet to the northerly line of said lr.t 20-6., thence along said northerly line 91.63 feet along the arc of a curve to the r5-ght having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 1O5"Ooio0", and a chord which bears S 75"09'30" w 79.34 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1,878 square feet or 0.043 acres, more or less. A portion of the right-of-way of coLumbine Drive adjacent to Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said portion being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 18' thence alonq the extension to the north of the east line of said Lot 18, N 3?"39'30" E 34.04 feet; thence 44-54 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 108.18 fect; a central angle of 23"35'30", a chord which bears N 64"08'15" w 44.23 feet to the northerly line of said I,ot 18, thence along said said northerly line 52.36 feet along the arc of a curve to the left. having a radius of 50-00 feet' a central angle of 60"00'00", and a chord which bears S 22o20'10" E 50.00 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 896 square feet or 0.021 acres, more or less. County of Eagle, StaLc of Colorado F\ Thj,s vacation is expressly condi.tj.oned in tha.t the hereby vacated shar] not be considered ""-".uJ-i" increase GRFA (gross residential floor a.rea) or number of units on receiving the vacated right-of_way. A Section 2 right-of -rva.y the allowable the property Section 3. That due regard has been given to the irghts and-nEEEEETties of tne pubtic and it is sarisfactorily appearing that said portion of the above described street is not necessary to the inhabi.tants of the Town as an avenue of travel. Sgction 4. That all rights of way or easements for the contrnued use of existing gas, sewer, water or similar pipe I+"?: and appurtenences and for electrical, telephone and similar rines and appurtenances and for any other rights. of way or easements be reserved pursuant to the provisions.of Section 43-2-302, C,R.S. Section 5. That Alvin R. B. Knoblock,and-Joli g:-Shattuck are the owners of the said street, being the parties requesting they agree to pay all costs incurred with and publication of this ordinance and said to the Town Clerk prior to the Ordinance's Kathleen M. Knoblock property abutting this vacation and the preparation sum shall be paid adopt ion. INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED T]]IS IN FULL 17th DAY OF November , 198r. romr or. 16?., Dtr INTR0DUCED, REA0, APPR0VED 0N READING AND ORDERED PUELISHED THIS U DAY , 1gg1 ATTEST: erK OF e: ATTEST: ECOND - a ;- ? .: .I '.3-a.s' ".-'1-'-.'. \ -l^.} c) ?;'3,,..\ l-= :rl t- t:) -\-g.r-- a >t a- -F\ l3 I i. =.t{ ':" ty'j );i ,d 0 (, I rn ^'-l .\Jl roJ t, I' f. n: :' i -- t r\.: i \\'i I f\)o I ro peel/angenwalter david mark peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter, a.i.a. 25811 arosa drive p.o. box I 202 vail, co 81658 970-476-4506 97O-476-4572 fax December 15,1997 Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The Downey Residence Lot 20-6, Parcel A, Bighorn Subdivision 4196 Columbine Drive Dear Staff; Dr. and Mrs. Gale T. Downey wish to add a guest bedroom to their property arrd are requesting that the Town of Vail Design Review Board allow the addition to be separated from the existing residence due to significant site constraints. These site constraints include the existing structures, the character ofthe development, and mature trees and Iandscaping. The property is currently developed with three buildings. 'Ihe structure first built on the property is the residence ofthe Downey family. In 1988, because of the unusual character ofthe original building and in order to accommodate existing mature evergreens, the Town allowed the Downeys to add two separate but linked buildings to the property. One is a two car garage for the Downey's unit, the other is a second unit. The property is allowed 5,762 square feet of GRFA. The existing G$.FA is 4,473 square feet leaving I ,289 square feet available for development. 'l'he proposed guest bedroom will have 3 l6 square feet of GRFA. The existing garage building is a flat roofed structure between the two three story units. We propose to construct the guest bedroom as a second story to the garage with access from an exterior stairway within the courtyard formed by the three buildings. We feel that adding the living area above the existing garage will minimize site disturbance, protect mature forest and landscaping, and add to the architectural composition ofthe site. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. o architects,l.l.c. Yours truly, -..;-. -./ // -/ 2dr/*')X'-s?z " 77 / L/// Kathy Lalfgenwalter, A.l.A. Qucstions? a"O Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLTCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION nris uppti*tion is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval, Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw tnu'st rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approial prior to ruurnittilg for a buiiding pcrmit. For spccific infomration, scc thc submiturl rcquircmcntifor thc particular approval that is rcquested. The application cannot bc acceptcd until al I thc rcquircd i'formation is submittcd. rrrc fro;r"t nray also nccd to bc rcvicwed by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Euviron'rcntal Comurission. Iicsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs o1c ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a builtling pcrmit is issuctl and construction is startcd' A, DESCRIPTIO B. C. D, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:!PCK MAILING ADDRESS: REQ PHYSICAL AD ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S)r {E OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC c,TYPE OF REVIEW AND El Ncw Construction - $200 {.l,ttoition -$s0 EI Minor Altcration - $20 E Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 PHONE: PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footage is addcd to any lcsidcntial or conurrcrcial building. .Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc irnprovctncuts, such as, rcroofir'rg, painting, window additions. landscaping, fcnccs arrd rctaining walls, etc. For any application whorc thc applicant wishcs to meet with Design Rcview Board to detcrminc whethcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conlplics with the dcsign guidelincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on conccptual revicws' DRB fecs arc to bo paid at the timc of submittal. Later, when applying for a building pennit, pleasc idcntify the accurate valuation ofthe projcct. The Town ofVail will a just the fee according to thc project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DBVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657' Tc]'//N|,FVAIL Updated l/97 - De:-oe-,e' .:.'-'"::. ""'a' Downe''125}es155o +ilfiitii'ilrl r.. aii tir,; l;ion;irirrll il;.iii ir .i ;; ; i;"i .4['P t, I {;A'l'f $N F fi il fJ t:,\l ilx f i l:i' I i., B n. i' i.i{( i i'..\ i,. i.rl:,N.Ljl"ai il il!.lilIL* l i9.:l ;11;..j1,"'|i'.^:i1,1i!{.rlvtq:ivlulir:uv;1!|)|,ii'|'lji{1'hr!1||t-j$ r;;:l':if!ll1ll'tili.|1'ir:li;tll,l.il3nD{ril?rtl{'jvi*\t.[ltrnrt|:||l'|fi|I||fr!lirt$+i|ct'['l(. trrrilrlil|fl itr.l|'iilit i{ is::trctl ritl b: n.t ( r{r{ir)t: ,rt' r t lrt|d, tiIlj(iiilI'1'l0N {frftn P-O1 "!(i i1. 1 t". $;t,1'l' l{tl\; 0t l-;a r}i'f}s,\1.; l..rJ,l ;,i f'I1''$tilAl. An$ 4,r,:rlitiu'r f,i rrnittut' Altut itlirttt - ,*it. cfltf l.'r;iil"li\(i Al.]j ilt tiij.'i:- (i rr.'r t:tr(bl $tilN.{'t t! lrrtl0l r'lA trl6 rJl; AflT..l{1J\ t.l'f ,., i':Alt.lfr](j f \.l.ir ( ii.. r: t.\,,1. \1/ i\lit.r F{rr/ {.-J i\[x (l.oittll"u i tiilrr " S!00 (::{}nriilu'J}i;)n of l rr':'.r lry;j!.tlli1, 1S0 lrtt:lrrdt.i rv'y arlAtiut,r'.b+r! r:il'rr;irr: tiilrr;nc * irdtl:,liu ;in ,,r;titli.rtlr,rl i.i Lu rilftii.'r.; I 'ir la.riliLrr$ l{1,1| lnuLriJr* rrntt:r c.lut;d,t:ti {':i IJr,;iilr{iij.!: iinJ $;i,.i rtitt)r{r\.(.)r{r;iis, 1,11,.:ir 5,.:,i. tr.:/qx rijl:,, p,ajtliog, winduw ;nlditrgu., iirr iJ:a,r:,ti,.r',, li'n.:ur; +rr,l r';trriidrll' r .ltliti, ,:rt*, 0{.l'lt|'tI,fustl|nvlc'rr.l|![:u.r'tur1rlp1l|t:;irtj+|t\1hf.-.irihl4{i|r3n|r,',irhr:qttrft',,;cl1vilh fltXrd to rJctlrrdrrc s'lrgltr,r t.tl r'$t thi: ptoj.r{t {{flrL{ntly l'rir,r(lrl!r'x tyillt tlir, trlr,rgigq grn,Jllirtrls 'fbg X,l4ft dltos rl+t t'(i4q (rlr i;ijr.r;!,."*l iil t.i irur,,l, i)Rl! li:r'.'; rtrc t$ ht! trniit itl thc tirrtc o( tuli{ritiol. l".atsr', wlrcrr ,rpplyirrg. tor tt huiljinb [11),ull, l,lr..tir illcnlrv th|.D{{..|t1t}s.s:liir|i'Jii(t(.thC]piji$.:l'.1'hil'ir.qunufYnilu'ril;*t|jr!.lllirrr Pt,fi4,l!., SUttlttl T'l'll.\ .,lJ't'r,lc.{iTt(} j{, ,dlf.. $t,lt.lil t'l At. Ir-[.qt rrliilllltlt'l'$ ^ Nt] l'ttt;. F].t,. 't'd, t tlE F[:trAR'l *llil-t'r f.rr- r:t){ril\1tiiu1'1' {}F]\jlif,t}f.\lfN'l', ?} s{rti'rt, t.tU.)N r,\fj[: ILOAtr. v-,\ r {.. (:{Ir."fi lr.,1l}{) 8t 6s:r, !1':ll1.rJ 1i7 t , BUILDING MATERIALS:COLOR:f Roof Siding Othq Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** 0thcr * Pleasc spccily the manufacturcr's color, numbcr and attach a small color chip +* All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate the number offixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Idelti$ each fixhue type and provide itt" trrigttt above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixturcs' oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Caa,v *"A^h'ru 4!Wn 2 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING a w Botanical Namc N,/+ CommonNamc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: \/- +Mininrunr rcquiremcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trces - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Plcase specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maximurn height of walls within the front sotback is 3 fcet. Maxinrum hcight of rvalls clscwhcre on thc propcrty is 6 fest. oo LANTl 'IITLE fiUARANTEH TI:I 14FANY Repr'eserrt i rrg Ti h l e I rrsur'ance tl:c' rrt*a rt v 'rf l"li rrrresnta .t'HANi{ yOU FL1R y']UR rlRtrER l'laT O4' 19$l:1 tJur lJpder: Vl. 19514 ETUYER! SEI.LERl ISALE T. NI]UINEY ANL1 ETEVERLEY ANNE I:IOI^INEY AS T''1 AN UNNIVIEEI] LINE-HALF IL/21 INTEftEST ANI] LiALE T. TII:IhINEV M.I]., I].A., NEF1NEU FENEFIT ITEN.iI|:!N PLAN ANI TI1USI ALTITRES$: BEVERLY Lrfl,iNEy 184-7 N.E;H['RE Lrl{. SAN FENIT1;1, TX 7trFE6 I Attrrl MINNESOTA 'tT !\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suire 105 Aurora, CO 80014 7 5t-4336 tBiO 3olh Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 4s3-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Casile Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 2l 2 Norlh Wahsalch Colorado Sprlngs, CO 80903 631-482l Commitment To Insure lssued through the 0ffire of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321-1880 Sanford Place 2 Suite 301 /v/v EasT I uTrs Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 I 20 1 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 6851 Soufh Holly Circle Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 l0B LAND TITLE GTJARANTEE COT/PANY South Fronrage Road W. P.O. Box 352 Vail, CO 81657 476'2251 3030 S. Colle'ge Avenue Suite 201 Forl Collins, CO 80525 482-09 | 5 Zl0 K;pling Slreet Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 I I990 Grant Street Suite 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 452-0t 49 19590 East Main Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 108 South Fronlage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 476-2251 [.AND T'$TE^H GUARANTEE COfVPANY $mmitment To Insure MINNESOTA TITLE INSUBANCE COMPANY 0F MINNESOIA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, lor a valuable consideration. hereby commits t0 issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed lnsured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount 0t the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance 0f this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement- This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance ol such policy or policies ol title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whjchever first occurs, provided that the iailure to issue such poltcy or policies is not the Jault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed. or other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actuai knowledge of any defuct, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim t'tTA or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowiedge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other mattel the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly. but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability oi the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of lnsured in the form of poliry or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or {c) to acquire or create the estate 0r interest 0r mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment- In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed fon and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions trom Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expresslv modified herein. 4. Any action 0r actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status 0f the title t0 the estate 0r interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject t0 the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct su rvey and inspection of the premis es would disclose and which a re not shown by the pu blic reco rds, 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or mate rial theretofore o r hereafte r fu rnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEREOt, Title lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating ofiicer or other authorized signatory. NTLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOIA !;'#HT!#'" u ttt, M i nna po t i s, M i n n e s ota ss4 0l Authotued Signatory TIM Fqrm 2562 Se etary I ALTA CfiHMTTI'I ENT' F*HET'ULE A Aprl icatir,n Nr.r. Vl1,??6 Fc'r Inl:*r'nratiorr finl Y - tl:har.ses - ALI"A 0une r fro I i,:'r PRELININARY REFLTRT --Tr:rTAL-- $100. O(t $too. oo ldi.th raur remit'tance Flease r'efer tt V11'??6. 1. Ef t:ert ive ltate: Apr i I l:i, 1 n'iB at B: (J0 A.l'1. f. Fnl icr tr be issued' arrd r'rcF'rsed Irrsur"edc "ALTA" tJuJn€r'"s Fo l i rv Form E-1.'.?7tlt iAmende d ICr-L7-7t7) Fra prr sscl Insured: J. The estate c,r irrtr,"rest in the I arrd described or r'ef erred t r.r irr t'his llanrnri Lrrent and cc,ver'ed her'e irr is: A Fee ;ii mp I e 4. Title t'r the estate *r inter'est cr,verr-d herein is at' the el:{ective date frerecrf v€sted irr: I]ALE T. IJEI^INEY ANN FEVEI-ILEY ANNE NI]WNEY AS TI:I AN UNLIIVII]EIJ I:INE_HALF ( I/f ) INT'ERE$T ANL1 GALE T. T'ilHNEY I'1, fI. , F'. A. , T'EF INEN IllENHi:IT flgN:iIEN frLAN ANII "l'RLl$T 5. l,he land rel:€r'red tc, in this ll*nrmitnrerrL is described as l:,ri l,ltl.ls t-rl]' ::Jo-6r BItjHOFN SUErtrIVt:lItlN, IIESUBL]'IV1:iIl]N trF LLIT !(:r.' Al"lENtrEtr FLAT, ATt:ilf{NING TI:t THE PLAT REI:NRNEN AUGUL1T 7, 1P6iI, I::IIUNTY IJF EAELE' STATE CIF I:TILCIIIAIII:I, .I'I]I:|ETHER I^J].]'H A NI:IN-EXI:LUSIVE EA$EI{ENT' FIIR THE LIICATIT]N fiF' AN EAVE ANT' I:I-|HEII EXISTINS AFF,UfTTENANCEF A.$ I"IIIRE FULLY NEIit:RlEEN l:t{ l:httiTtttJt"lENt- REcrlRI-rEtr AUriu$T 7,.IpTCt IN Frloti :1i+ AT FAriE 4.1:. F,AGE J. o f;CHENULE B*I (Ftecr.riremerits ) Aprl icati,:n N*, V11?76 'Ihe f r'l Ic,trli rrs ar'e tfre r'equir'errerrts t-cr L,e cr,rnplied urith! 1.. [ra.rnl.n'b t(' *t* t:,rr '[hr' acc,rr:nt r,f tfre gr'arrtol*s tlf nr{'r't'sastr's ,rf t'fre f ul l { t' fi s i d e r' a t i {, n f c,r' l-he e$l'at€ c'r' inter'es b k* he i n E u r r," d . f" frr,rFer irrstr'urrerr'L ( s ) trreal'ins the estate fr irrterest t-* he insiur'ed nus'L he e:decuLed arrd dul'" filed l:or rert'r'd' t'1-uit: ]'HI:3 I:OI"IMITI"IHNT I:5 f:OR INF[RT'lA]-IIJN flNLY, ANLI NLI F'OLIilY I^IILL EIE ISEUEB F,U}I$UAN'I I.IERETO. .THE L:If,UNTY TLER}.: AND HEL:IRNER5 I:IFITIl:E RET.]UII.TE5 I{ETURN AnnRE:i5ESi uN trLlt:ul"lEN'Ili i;EN'f Ftrlt REL:L|RnINr:il ! PAEE I C AL'I'A ILI T'I I'I ITFI EN-T a T'A r,ol ic'f $t- polities tc, be issued ulili c*ntairr e:{c€Ft-i orrs t- r-' th€ nuins unl ess the Same a.rt" ,Jisp,rsed ,lf t- '1 the 5at-isf act'i rtrr c,l: l::t,ftparll': $t-arr,Jard ExCept-i,:ns I t'hr',rusfr 5 printed nrr t-he cnver sheet-. Ta:ues anrl assessrrerrts rr,:r'b \'€t due *r par'ab I e arrd spr"'c ial as-,iessments rrc,t ret cer'tif ied tt' the J'r'easrlt'er"'s 'tl:l:ire ' Anr urrpai cl ta.'qes or' ati5es5ftefrt$ acairr!it said I arrd, Liens {:tr uLPaid ujat!:'r an,l st'urer charsLiS, if att r'' ?.' RIr:iH-f OF F,RLTFRIETflR {JF A VEIN r:rF LLrllE Tr:r EXTr{AET ANn REI'I|:'VE HIs ORE ]-HEREFI1CII{ IiHI]ULU THE SAME EE FSLINTI TTI FENETRATE I:IR INTERSE':T. THE F.FEMISE'5 At: RE:rERVEtr IN LrNI'lEn ETATE:i rIATEN]- REL:|:|RFEIJ fteceffrher 17' 1.:rflii' IN BrJLlti 4El AT FArjE 4'7?. t.iJ. nIrjHT, rff: t"JAy ftrrl$i IIIT*HE$ rlF{ CiINAL:3 *trN.lTRUt:TEfl FY THE AUl-}-lLrFtITY r:'F Tl{E uNITEn ETATES A5 IIESEFVEI| IN UNITEn 1!:TATE$ FATEN'T RHt:fiRIrELr frerettrber' 17' l.?Ol, IN Er0lll.i 4E AT l-'A$E 4:?t. I. 1, R[:5-IR]:I:TIVE L:OVENANTS, WHII:H T-It] NCII- ':CINI'AIN A F'TIRFEITURE OR TTEVERTEF f,LAUgE, BUT,OMITTlNI: fIESTFTIf,TION$, IF ANY' BAE;ET| I:IN RACE' ITILTIFT' RELIGIBN' rll.( NATIENAL r:lRIr3tN, A$ r-:nNTAINEn IN l:Nt:-rliul'1ENT tlEl:rJRt'Et' Lterenrher lo' L'vh?' Ihl LlLrtrli 174 A'r F,AfiE 4tltr ANI] A5 AMENnEU lf.t INSTRUI'IENT RErFft[tl]Lt Apr'il oi:' t,.://rir, IN B$$H f7H AT tlALiE::13 ANf-r A'j Al'lENnE0 IN IN5l'RUf4EhlT f{EEr:'lll'rEn l'lar {-'5' 1?63' INI BilLrt{ 17}j AT PA$E trl. J.:T. ]'EN F.HIIIENT NUNFART IIIFATIN$ I1OYALTY IN ANTI T'|] THE F'ROI:EET|5 TIEKIVET TFI]N THE $ALE |:lF PIINERALE|" ETC., PRFEIUCEN ANIJ FIINELI FRI:II'I SAIB PREI'IISEE;' ALL A:5 .;81. FfiFTH A.5 A IIE:]ERVEN T{IIJHT IN EU$l. I.;IAFITIPE:1 ANN ETHERS IN THE NEEN T'1 THE tTELLER trA'fEtr:;EF'IEl'lBEtl 30, 1?61 ANI REr:LrRtrEn IN Ltlrtrl": Lt:/: hT FA$E 487' EilUNl'Y OF EAELE, IiTATE OF I:FL']RAI.IO. 1.3. UTILITY EA:iENENI'10 FEET IN t^llLrTl-l ALENT} THE WEE;T Lfl-f LINE OF 5utl.lEtrT tlRrlPER'l'Y A$ $HrrWN ANII F{ESEIIVEU $N IHE trLAT OF rtlfiHr:rRN SUBnIVI:3ILIN' RESUETTIIVISILIN t:lF L[I.I :O' AI-IENL'ET' ITLAI"- 14. A LIEEN NF TRU$T'IIATEF APTiI I?" 1?135 FRI]H 6ALE T. TIIf,NNEY ANIT BEVERLY ANNE I]I]WNEY.I[I THE I]UBLI{: T[1U5TEEI OF EA$LE T:ilUNTY FOfl THE U.$E I:IF }:IR':iT NATIilNAL ItANt{ OF tiAN LcENITCI TO $ErjU6E THH sUI,l l:rF gtot),00{,,Cr(r' ANtt ANy trTFlER AI"|OUNTS I:,AYABLE UNNEH THE ERFIEi THEIIEEIF, REI:$FNEF APTi] 3?, 1?EI5' IN BI|T'I{ 411 AT PAEE P?4. AL * 11 l"l l'l I 1- EtrHENULE I3-I (Exceptiuns) I"IENT Appl icat'i,:,n N{,. V111t1?6 'The t:a 1 i t fre 1. ,h. 7. , 13. [rAriE GALE T. DOWNEY, M.D.. P.A. l62a g. cARoLINA HARLINCENJEXAS 795'O TEL€PHoNS lAlZ, 123-6622 DATE: 28 April 88 To: TH8 TOTIN OF VAIL I acknouledge that ny proposed construction project is located in a georogically sensitive area and a potential avalanche infruenced zone. I an aware of the studies done by the Town of Vail indicating these hazards. ./ ,/),l THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY 0F Cameron BEFORE ME, BEVERTY A. LONG in ancl for saicl County and State, on this day personally appeared BEVERIEY DotllEY known to ne to be the person whose nane is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknovledged to rne that she executed the sane for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand ancl seal of off ice, this 28TH day of Ag&lLL:l-E!., A.D. MY CO},IMISSION EXPIRES 2-L7-92 VERLEY DOUIIEY BEVERLY A. LONG Chen Associates 96 South Zuni Denver, Colorado 80223 303/7 44-7105 Casper Colorado Springs FOrI LOITnS Glenwood Springs Rock Springs salt Lake clry San Antonio Consulting Geolechnrcal Engineers June 9, 1982 Subject: Geologic llazards Reconnaissance, Site For Proposed Sing1e Family Residence On TnE 20-6, Bighorn SuMivision, 4196 Colwnbine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Job No. 4 193 86 Dr. Dale T. Dovney 1624 Souttr Carolina tlarlingen, Texas 78550 Gentlernen: ltris report sunmarizes the results of a geologic hazarils reconnaissance of the site for a proposed residence on Iot 20-6 of the Bighorn Subdivision, oo Colunbine Drive in East VaiI, Coloraclo. Ttre roork was performed in accordance with our verbal agreernent. Purpose ancl Scope of Stu{y: The reconnaissance was conducted to evaluate ttre ffiazards on the site. A subsurfaoe foundation investigation was conducted under our Job No. 4 193 86 and a report. of ttrat investigation was transmitted on May 30, 1986. General foundation criteria and surface and subsurface clrainage recornnendat ions for the proposed construcEion are contained in that report. Proposed Construction: It is our understanding that the proposed c-onstrucbion - will consist of a single fanily residence wittr a detached garage. $re proposed residence is to be a three-story wood frame construstion and will utilize slab-on-grade floors. Site Conditions: Iot 20-6 is located in a developed section of Vail.Elffig Eingle-family hones lie both to the east and west of the proposed building site. ltre lot in the proposed buiJ-ding area is relatively leveI, Gore Creek is on the souttrern lot boundary. llhe creek channel lies '15 to 20 feet below the builcling site elevaLion. llhe slope down to the creek channel is steep, in the range of 50 to 70t. Natural soils on the site appear to be cobbley and bouldery gravel. - Moderate size (6- to 8-indr trunk dianeter) pine trees occur on the souttieast and southr,est parts of the lot nearest the creek. colunbine Drive lies on ttre northern lot boundary. South of the creek, the valIey slope is steep mountain terrain. Potential Geologic Hazards : Rockfall: Ilre site iras been napped as being in a severe rockfall hazard zone-EE-extends northvard approximately to Che center line of Col.unbine Drive (Schneuser and Associates, 1984). The source of the rockfall is on the nnuntain slope south of Gore Creek. Sedinentary beds of the Minturn Formation crop out high above the valley floor. llre slope on ttre south side of the Dr. tble T. Dovney ,June 91 1987 Page 2 creek is littered $rith large blocks of sedirnentary rocl< resulting frqn previous rockfall. Scrne blocks also occur in the creek channel. Iarge blocks of sedinrentary roclt do not occur on or adjacent to ttre building site. Roc)<s exposed in this area consist of subrounded cobbles and boulders of igneous and metarnorphic rocks associated with the valley all-uviu'n. Ithile it is conceivable that rockfall originating on the south side of Gore Creek could have the energy to cross the creek and reach ttre building area, the steep-sided creek channel provides a natural inpact structure that in our opinion significantly mi.tigates the rockfall risk for the site. During site developrent, site grading should be planned to leave the existing steep creek bank as it is to mitigate the rockfall risk for the site. Debris Flows and Debris Avalanches: The site does not lie within any nra reas (Meers, 1984). fn our opinion, the potential for debris flo'rs or debris avalanches irpacting the site is very Iow. Ttre potential source area for debris flovrs lie souttr of Gore Creek. lhe steep creek channel also will mitigate potent.ial debris flow risks. Potentially Unstable Soil. Slopes or Rocl<s: Drring our reconnaissance, rne found no indications of past or incipient slope instability on the site. Swmtary: mitigated potential also lcrvr. In by for our opinion, rockfall risk on the site is low,'being largely the steep creek bank at the souttrern site boundary. llhe geologic impacts due to debris flows or slope instability is timitations: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accept-ed geotechnical engineering and engineering geologic practices in this area for usre by the client for design purposes. Our conclusions and reccnrendations sulcmitted in this report are based on a field reconnaissance of ttris site and information on the type of construction planned. lse reccznrend on-site observatj-on of exqavations by a representative of the soils engineer. !!E have enjoyed ttre opportunity to vrork wittr lrou on this projecb. If you have any questions or !€ can be of furttrer service, please ca1l. Sincerelyt RIIS/rrb Rev. By: RGM cc: lr{s. I(attly Warren' ArehitecE Chen&Associates cnelRessociates Consulting Gsotschnical Enginsers 96 South Zuni Denve( Colorado 80223 303t744-7105 Casper Colorado Springs Ft. Collins Glenwood Springs Phoenix Hock Springs salr Lake cily San Antonio l['|"t.tt,r' .,1.1.. /.n1rr,.,." t i " l.t, l' .. ".. 1., May 5, 1988 Subject: Potential Geologic Hazardsr Site for Proposed Single-Fanily Residence on Iot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivision, 4196 Colunbine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Job ldo. 4 193 85 Dr. DaIe T. Doeney 1624 South Carolina fla,rlirgen, Texas 78550 Centlenen: lhis report srxnrarizes our evaluation of potential geologic hazards that nay impact' ttre site for a proposed residence on Iot 20-6 on the Bighorn Subdivision on Colunbire Drive in East VaiJ-, Colorado. Our opinions are based on a site reconnaissance perforned on June 6, 1987, a review of our files, arrl a review of pubtished geologic literature on ttre project area. Purpose and Scope of Strdy: A soil ard fourdation investigation of ttre lot was condr.sted under our Job No. 4 193 86 ad a report of that investigation was trangnitted to you on l4ay 30, 1985. @neral fourdation criteria and surface ard sr:bsurface drainage recccrerdations for the proposed construct,ion are contained in that report. A previous report of our geologic reconnaissance of ttre site \.as suLndtted on June 9t 1987. As requested, ttris updated report has been prepa.red to clarify our opinions on ttre rockfall risk to the site ard includes an evaluation of the snow avalanctre potential. Site Corditions: lo|u 20-5 is lrcated in a developed section of n'ast VaiI.EifrEg-fngGfanily hcnes lie both east arxl r,rest of ttrc proposed building site. The lot is relatively level and Gore Creek is on the souELrern lqe boundary. Ihe creek channel is approximately 'l 5 feet below ttre buildirg site elevation. the slope dor.n to the creel< dnnnel is sEeep, in the range of 50$to 70t. Souttr of tlre creek, ttre valley side rises steeply several- hundred feet above the valley floor. Potential Geologic flazards : Rockfa1l: Reqional hazard evaluations irdicate the site is in a severe rodcfdFhazard zone (Sctmueser & Associates, 1984). Ilre source of the rod<fall is on the valley side south of Gore Creek vtrere sedimentary beds of the l{inturn Fonnation crop out hi.gh above the valley floor. Based on our recpnnaissance of tfie lot, re did nclt fird evidence of rod<fall on tJre lot and, in our opinion, the previously severe roclcfall hazard o Dorrney Dr. Dale T. !4ay 5, 1988 Page 2 designation varrants revision. rrere are scne large boulders on ttre site.Ihese boulders cpnsist mainly of subrourded igreous arrl netamorphic rocks, and are associaLed with ttte glacial orrtwash allwium ard do nct resul-t fron past rodcfall. As stated in our report of July 9, 1997, r.e feel that r.trire it is conoeivabler but unlikely tiat rockfalls originatirg on the south side of Gore Creek could have sufficient energiy to cross tlre creek, the steetr>sided creek bark provides a natural impacE strusture !fiich rnitigates tJ:e rocffaft hazard for the site. I€ reccnrerded site grading should be planned to leave tJre existirg steep creek bank. considerirg the- mitigation provided by the creek bank, other rnitigation nEariures do not appear econcrnically iuscifiaUfe.Ho!€ver, ttte site shou-ld not be considered totally risk-free. DeveloFlent, of a sirgle-fanily hone on tle tot. will noc increase or alter the potential rodcfall hazaqd to adjacent lots or structures as long as ttre existing topography is not significantly altered. snovr Avalandte: Based on regional snow avaLanctre hazard rmtrping,rot 2G6ffitlre runout limit of a nroderate hazard sno,w avalanctre- zpie (Mears, 19791 . l€ars, 1979, defirps a moderate hazard zone as one in htricfi buildirg rnight be pennitted prwided tfiat certain precautions are taken. !€concur that Iot 20-6 is probably exposed to scme degree of snoer avalanctre hp1rcl. The steep-sided creek c*rannel soutfr of the site probabry will mit,igates the snovr avalancLre hazard to scne degree. . It is reccnnergea tnat ttle site be assessed blt a qualified avalanche extErE to determine if avalarrctre defenses are warrarrted. ,v ea,! 1).ru.r_ Develognent on ttte lot should not increase ttre potent.ial snow avalanctre hga5d to adjacent lots or str\rstures as long as the existing terrain is not significantly altered. .Debjis Flow_qrd, Debri_s Avalandres: Ttre lot does not rie within a ma64:ed clebrts tl.ole or debris avalandre hazard area (lbars, 1994). rn our opinion,the debris avalandte ard debris flow hazard level does nqt vrarrarft, speciai refi€dial lleasures. The potential source zones for debris flows lies along the south valley side ard tlre steep stream bark should prevent debris flows frcm reaching tlrc building site. DeveloSnent of the lot should not increase tl.e debris flow potential on adjacent properties. Limitations: this report ha.s been prepa.red in accordance wittr gererally acceFd geotectrrical 6rgineering aru indireerirg geologic practicej in tni3 area for use by the client for design purpores. our conclusions and reclsnerdations sr:hnitted in ttris reporE are based on the field reconnaissanGe of the site, inforrnation in our files, pr-rlclished geologic infonration on the project area ard inforrnation on ttre tlpe of construsE.ion planned. -ai4u. rr.t i /t-ia.tii.t- .'z /'r,"r'<;: )dQ,'L' / d\r, A) '.v11l',\n\ rla-o .rt ):( t,V4./"i^_ ,:2 r1,v d.t€eaT Chen&Associates Dr. Dale T. t'4ay 51 1988 Page 3 o Ebmey If you have any guestions or if ve can be Sincerely, of furtler service, please call. RtlS/rrb Rev. Qt: RGtl cc: PeelAarren Architecbs CHEN e ASSOCTAIES, rlr. Chen&Associates ' Dr. Dale T. l4ay 5, 1988 Page 4 a Dovney REEERBrcES llharsr A. I.r 1979, Colorado SnorAvalandp Area S'tr.rilies ard Guidelines for Avalanche-Hazard Planning. Colorado @ological Survey, Special Publication 7. lGars, A.I., 1984, Debris FIow ard Debris Avalandre ttazard Analysis, Iror^nr of VaiI. Schmueser & Associates, '1984, Rockfall Sucly, Tbwn of Vail. I\eto' O., l@nch, R.H., Reed, J.C., 1978, Ceologic ltap of the Ieadville 1'X2" Qradrargle, librtheastern Colorado, U.S.G.S. I'bp I-999. Chen&Associates I I ; ;t I r I I I I I I I I t I I t I I SNOW-AVALANCHE HAZARD AND LOADING ANALYSIS LOT 20-5, BTGHORN, VArL Prepared for Ms. Kathy Warren Warren/PeeI Architects, Vail Arthur I. Mears, P.E. fnc. - Gunnison, Colorado May, 1988 ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Naturol Hazards Gnsultants 222 Eart Gorhic Avc. Gunnimn, Glorado 81 230 103 -ut.3216 I,lay 20, 1988 Ms. Kathy Warren Warren,/Pee1 Architects 2588 Arosa Dr.Vail, co 81657 Dear Ms. Warren: The avalanche-loading analysis you requested for propose.d buildings on Lot 20-6, Bighorn, is enclosed. This work hal been completed in accordance with our discussions earlier this week. Please contact me if you have any questions. Qi nnara l rr 9+rrvvrvrJ, OIA^'il rfim,,n Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Enc1. IvIots Wattng . AMIach.t o Aulanchc C.ontnl EngtneEtt tg OBJECTIVBS AI.ID LII{ITATIONS The analysis contained in this report eval uates the snorr/- avalanche hazard and derives design loads for a proposed addition to the Downey property, located at Lot 20-6 , Bighorn r Vail ,Colorado. Specifically, the objectives are as follows: a. Evaluate the potential avalanche hazard through determination of approximate probabilities; b. Compute the avalanche energy and destructive potential at the building location; and c. Determine design-loading criteria for the new addition proposed for this site. This study is site specific. necessarily be transferred to in under design of structures avalanche hazard. The results obtained here cannot other locations as this may result and/or incorrect evaluation of the AVAI.ANCHE TERRAIN ANALYSIS AND HISTORY Lot 20-6 lies below the steep, northeast-facing wa11 of the val l ey of Gore Creek, bel ow \^/hat is known 1oca11y as the "Bighorn" avalanche path. The Bighorn path starts at 10r000 feet (3r050m) elevation and descends to Gore Creek at 8,410 feet (2,560m), a potential fa11 of 1r590 feet (490n). An avalanche-path proflle is shown in Figure 1. The Vail area is well known for heavy snows, strong ridgetop winds, and extreme spring thaws. Avalanches and other rapid downslope mass movements have been observed in Vail as a result of this combination of terrain, snow, and weather. In Apri1, 1980, a large wet-snow avalanche fell in the Bighorn path and reached to the edge of core Creek, roughly 200 feet north of tot 20-6. No other large avalanches have been observed in this path since Vail was founded in 1962, a period of some 25 winters. Therefore, direct observations suggest that avalanches of a magnitude sufficient to reach Gore Creek have.a "return period" of zs-years. In order to estimate the avalanche return period at the proposed building site, 7 of the largest lodgepole pine trees were dated by extracting cores with an j-ncrement borer on May 16. These trees ranged in.age from 57-to-85 years and are located with respect to the proposed construction on Figure 2. Most of these trees show no signs of avafanche impact, although two trees show evidence of impact. Assuming an average period between impacts of 58 years (using half the tree ages for the two that show impact), the probability of a "10O-year" avalanche not occurring during a 58-year period is computed as 568. fhis frians there exists less than a "50,/50 chance" that the I0O-year avalanche would have occurred during I I I I I l I I I l I I I I the lifetime of the forest. This probability is not sufficient to reject the hypothesis that the building site is within the range of 10O-year avalanches. An additional and independent method of estimating avalanche probability involved study of air photographs taken in 1939. At this time the area was undisturbed by construction. Patterns in the forest at and east of the building site suggest that avalanches may have crossed Core Creek and extended into the forest early during this century. Even though avalanches have not crossed Gore Creek since Vail was founded, there is sufficient reason to believe that the 100-year avalanche will impact the proposed structure. The 100-year avalanche is considered to be the "design avalanche" that must be used in engineering and planning applications in Vai1. The effects of this design avalanche are computed in Section 3. DESIGN-AVAIANCHB DYNAMICS ANALYSIS Design-avalanche dynamics were computed by applying two inilependent steps as follows: a. The "runout distancer'r or final stopping position was obtained by applying a statistical runout model which is based on observations of 130 maior avalanches in the Colorado mountaj-ns; and b. The avalanche velocity was computed by fitting a dynamics model to the avalanche terrain, as represented in Figure 1. The avalanche velocities computed at various points along the profile are also listed in Figure 1. The design-avalanche impact velocity at the proposed building site is 26m/s (58 mph). Avalanche impact on the proposed structure results from passage of the low-density powder avalanche at 58 mph and from deposit of avalanche debris against the lower 10 feet of the addition south wa1l. The avalanche debris will not reach the new garage' but the powder-avalanche will engulf and produce "stagnat.ion"pressuresr similar to a very strong wind gust of 5-I0 seconds duration, on both addition and garage. AVAI.ANCHE.LOADING ANALYS I S The 2 types of avalanche loads on the proposed structure are shown on Figures 3 and 4 which were obtained from the Warren,/peel Archi-tects drawings (project 8604). Any substantial changes to the proposed building shape' location. or orj-entation may require revisions to the desiqn loads. I I I I fl I t I I t t I I I I I I T I I I I I I t Details of loads "A" and "B[ are provided below. LOAD "A'r. This is a static depositional load that resuTts r,rhen snow and other avalanche debris is pushed slowly against the south wall of the new unit. Because the total deposit depth of 10 feet will require several seconds to form, the load can probably be regarded as "statj"c. " The load is similar to a "hydrostatic" load and decreases linearly in magnitude from 150 lbs/fLz aL the base of the deposit to zero at the top. LOAD I'Brr. This is a uniform "stagnation" pressure of 7O-'-fEFZtt2 that acts over the entlre stru8ture as it becomes engulfed by the powder avalanche. The pressures are sirnilar to wind pressures but are increased by approximately a factor of 2 over the wind pressures generally used in building design. The stagnation pressure produces drag forces on building walls and uplift forces on the roof. FinaI design pressures may differ from the 70 tbs/fg2 stagnation pressure. The stagnation pressure is a "reference pressure" that can be used to compute drag and lift forces on the south wall and roof, respectively, in accordance with standard fluid-dynamics principals. Structure design should be stable against loads uAu and uB.u This means that waIls, roof, doors, and wj-ndows should be designed or otherwise protected against failure by overturning,sliding, or crushing. Failure of superficial elements of the structure (decks, trim, etc.) may be acceptable if such failure does not jeopardize the entire structure and endanger occupants. Finally, it must be recognized that any building in an avalanche area, even a low-frequency area such as Lot 20-6, will increase the general risk to those exposed and drawn to the area as a result of the construction. This increased risk 1s a natural consequence of the increased exposure time resulting from more people in the area, and must be understood and accepted when the area is used. c =z ? J E H tl z rr H F< P z tf x ca H (n \O @-\) O\ \^ SUJ N l* lE pq F5 ,- Ftts ,*ts rtr{{ t| \.^) \,J O\F H @\^ @\O t-\tB o-rooo\o-{o-- F_F'cts t'< APN\dFrot$\nF l.p < o o €F\r) O\F\O\^P t'\SrrJ. lO H. O-AO-\l O@to @o F./o) 9* -FFF\jF\nN 11'.9 *N+-F\oo\o@o n 5> h-8.._ F- P\^ d I r\rFFF\,rF\rn, la rd O.\^\n\^ L^ \O O* - R to I I I I I I t I t I I t I t I I I -() -c)(n= z;o-( r.)ro oo oo oo \ J o LrJ =o -too () rO tr @ \ \-'-B:\. \ ,lzO PF'r\\9 3,,oo.,izoggs /l FIGURE 2. Lot,20-6, Buildlng Locatlons & Tree Ages. Sca1e 1" = 20' (5 Y tr-o !J (9 UJ { U)L!2 '"1 nr/ /oo z trJ z o- -tr) (O'l u?g (n - LrJ u20 = /S q /*-S g-s' = !><J -'., dLJ \ \r/booe,x;o i .\| \ ,., 6 o '.^. 2 ',t N\-^oot 'F'\ -t:l ( Qr X. oY--'\'tJAN \ .-.Nl '\, -\\. otbn \ -\' \\\\ \ ,, \ \ \\ Lt I 'ii T o\ . \ Nl a\rJJ \ ol ! \gl 8.\; HOE\9t $. I eJ \s\X\I E \\o"'\I ( \t \\ \\ \\ $t!) \\\ t--- --r Y ttJ uJ ttJ o 'o t!(9 lrl a +o at 8'.t{l e ^t@, UJ =J trJ Lrl ci F 'oo". oo er rr, I o N F N t G o 9z tr, J Fo- 3o"Xo o Ld L_ \./L\,9!9 ".lt \ -.? o ;t--i rOc!o4e :oJ cctrl !-o'R ;.r*"' -l t- ira I I I I I I l" _'h l evi rzer^ ; l-:>-9 &121.26, -*_.,.=_=_€.) o \i I .'.---- I I I I T I ) I I FTGURE 3. Avalanche Loads (A) & (B). (.q) Sbtic d.epositlonal load.; eguivalent to a "hydrqstatic" load 10 ft d,eep' ts} Lbs/flu'at bottom, zero at top. (n) "stagnation " pressure fron powder avalanche. Equlvalen! to a uniform w1nd. pressure of ?O lbs/f( anit act!-ng over the entire south exposure of the 'New Unlt" and "Garage. " Loads "A" and''ts" are not sirnul-taneous. Load "A' wlll not act on the new gara4e. ' DOWNFY t' .ll '.r'1!tl I I 't t I N_.,t;i . f;.H .=+ gR; r 6 HTH €4-l0o !s o d o o: ,l P r{o >trpi.E oi"cfi dsxc)-... dpdN hfr:ff d . .ct o G va H (., -{ - d k+ rJ o g 6 g 3" E B"P'3ir g . be o o{J prd o d F E € r{..{.P =5,E I F s H A$8 h=.H. z ,,"\ q) ,,-\ O O P q{ e +: ...r q ur q.th{J 5.r{ a)5 o E fi, E Hft FE6o :Fi Fl ..Jd.o r?,ss9 fl ol t r Ion so9" d E d E ul .{r O ; + O 6) ;g.i 3 &.',5 8",oo5 F <s t c! qtr .r{ trg F{ ..1 r-l .d O - .tr d) J q iJ !B t d -l A . dr{+ O i : 8, 5.39E3 F,$" id rD +*rd", SitA.€ d 5 - +t A d o <JJ F{ -r.' -rr ,.l ot tr o ;--il q +l (/)fi4-ris;'fi68; cal S erl El F El a ? E Srl or SJI - ..-1 S EI EI ll i- 1" .t-.1 ri'- I j I I I I i I t I t :I I I I I I I I i t I I I I ( - =-:=} ll- II, ti [-. q) @ d tl d ao IJ F o o + (\l o) :ffi gW ta, ?.+', Ta? , Sntt I O -- o m Iq 1-O .i-tt l?R 3 l! >z I lm: 5 l9s 1 l.oi g lI 6 s l "': m =tita f5 o.<ll^6P ;!L -aO >l 6g m.+ .Tl m I -{ <TE mi_L ,=z YF l- antr I II]E o o z (n {n c o {o z T rn F ={ '.n Tt Or- z=o@ z=--i /a\o-'z o om -m --.1 /\ >: -tc)o> o aa ,z >m --{ > o I =m -{ (- z T U € rD o (D Hf,aA o>'r- z,o .,P T an m - z o z -{ o --l \J!z. t-ic 3< 1Z -z o -fl f lto 6 (q' d 1N) 1?(ror cl t'I -.ID -i o, F +'-l i- Or I F c'r <F LO r- t\>+ OU -5 +o \r .D Or cp =-t rDo rD -t, f -0 - l-.'l l€ lz lo II l> lF lm l6-,lz l+ lo t€ lz to Ia|t<t> lr lfi l+lo l€ lz le t<t> l- I# ld t;l€ 13 li l=tY t(D l< l+t> t+lF ld lr lul IBF llo,lz l=lo lo tp Itr INTD l(rl-l(rl trK)t>|o IF I F+tl +t.i mlO rl= to ll l>l- IB l- I I I a c ro D€otr =7 'z = z U)c l- -l z -l r o z m I c m o J z ll c '11 PF xi Arr io >'r Zo oo <z c>q nAx <cx o6 zz o m z m ;> =a AJt ei OJ z rE|n o1 d9 (D)x 5.'ol rDl I I I I I I I I I I I z m { t---l m -{ z o =2 |- m O'.r 3q gd (Dg -\< <- 0ro R{cO 9q o(u =f o!t !- OO o-o of 99 df <=^= gl- oro a-, C- -.5 ior *o 6= A)(o o o o o 3 € = =o ='o 3 =.o f It f ;- F o o 3 !" =.=g --{o ='A)l o D) o 0) €I o = (t, o o qt o J o -l o {f q; N f 6 6'{ o c =. 3 tn s. =(o o o 0,f o :r o 5 0)rf =o 0) J o o o @< -5 oo o X5.f cfC (tr (n o ttJ (D >r- q, <q,5 e oJ!c C)(D .f o50 ot(, |.$ cf c m _n {z m o z I -t 'n =(t m t- z 'r m €z m (tr ('r (.'r Fr\riK lE iil rs9{ lP l'- ;= tF , lt lco rl blt r'\ lt tE rl ' tl ' ol ^r I t; 5 ih t'- I l:(,th iX z 0 =-i --t -t m 2 2 F c F 2 z m a o .-,| r m ='Tl m m q, m tn -l o !|' z m o x c = m = m ='Tt m m a VALUATION \J l\) o (''I N)\o ('r ..- -tJ (Jl tJ 6l Srn^,, , g- \t-cR z.q4l 9z -{Y rn -l m |-.\tbx t>i lE<lo | 'Tl m ; -.1 @ m x m -t z (- ln U){m T m n =-l z o N)(tt O O CD ts 6 q h o Profect Appllcatlon Prolect Name: Proiect Description: sv\ewe, Contact Pgrson and Phone Owner. Address and Phon6: Architect, Address and phone: Y'f'g[- | I ] hau,{,yr,,t ,. J\.r,2vl 'l 4a latv., Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL T ;' ;,, ?'-o",, ,,, 'l= ?,g s l=__ r-a" o tta,, .1.++Tl I l* *I -lY c9 S ol -D t\ t_ s \l\n g 5 E \I s- \I s s \t\s S'A E> E A' € \ R -r o ,(, (Y(( ==* y 5s- € dgE :=< EFg €+g las S-*E'+G_: I-s>,s? A Ls=--l-sF s S=-g \ s '-'-+N I t-I r'- /S l- D\- s'- S_(-5 (\\-fi-5'e\ 75 south fronlage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 26, 1982 Banko Mortgage Denver, Co] orado .To Whom It May Concern: At the time a dwelling were no zon'ing codes in department of community development Re: Lot 20-6 Bighorn Subdivision 4]96 Col unbine Drive on the above property, there was buil t Vail. P'l anner PJ:br cAlW r4a( vh^ak= R LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:rtwl ? Address 4l4b Lega 1 Zoni ng Descri pti on nt 20-b Bl ock C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address I q NAME OF Address NAME OF Si gnatur Address DRB FEE: APPL ICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : Ol^lNERS: F.The fee will be paid at VALUATION APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION T. t4'1c l ephone the tjme a building permit is requested. FEE *****THIS APPLICATION lllILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTiL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application Tggting with-a planning staff menber is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.. No applicatio"n niii-il-i.c"ptea unless'it is compiete (must ilglyg" all items required Uy tne zonin! aaminiitrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointmlnt with th6 itari io rino out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MpLETE appl .i ca-tion wilI streamline the approval process for your project by decreasinq-th!'numDer of conditions of approval that the DRB may stiiulatb. -ALL c6ndiiio;;;i approvat must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Aowe. D. F -epiJ?-+tub e. It, { $ $ $ $ o - $ lo,ooo 10,001 - g 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ 500,000 500,001 - gl,ooo,ooo 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 ffi $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meetinq to indicate property i should also be martLa. si Le. submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site i nes and bui I d ing corners . Trees that wi I I be removed This work must be completed before the DRB visjts the t.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS of the Design Review Board, so plan People who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republ i shed. will normally involve two separate meetings on at least two meetings for thejr approval . Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement will be required to be on'ls eti(. r '"ltuuA.7 efiff ^i,adfr,^b eil{r, oi{' cealr ilru? "v) 'lo qt# E n^h) 6t'ade 2n4 Filing l ephbne J. 4.The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board.They' however, have to be presented to the Zon'ing Administratoi for approva] : a. |rr|indows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existr'ng p1ane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other Iot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium assoc'iation. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. you should check with a Town Planner before proceeding The following information is requ'ired for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fina) approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows }l'indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues F1 ashi ngs Chimneys Roof Si di ng 0ther l,IalI Materials Rails wru+al th€pl bial hd']. al,Tl Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT ITIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botani'cal Name Cornmon Name Quani ty EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Si ze* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate heiqht for conifers. PLANT MTERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name T.ype Common Name Quanj ty Si ze Square Footage SOD srro TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaini ng wal l s, fences , \ | ..i Pl ease spec'ify.swimm'i ng poo) s, etc. ) ilarch 14, 1985 Al Slbley Sibley Plumbing P.0. Box 340 l'linturn, C0 81645 Dear Mr. Slbley: Please let us know if m Sl ncerely, TJernlund Products, Inc. '/. -/ta{a-4, (11.V y-.-1,'/L I ', .J=, L t.' Tlmothy l, Vtyer,r Sales l,laha(er u/ A). Extending the spillage switches away from the relief opening and checking that they will still shut-down the appliance within three minutes B). Allowing a 12" to 18" initial rise off the appliance (if possible) before elbowing to the horizonta'l C). Installing a "post-purge" circuit like a time-delay-off relay to keep the fan on for approxlmately 1 minute after the burner has quit firing TELEPHONE: 61 2-426-2993 t-8oo - azg -q8 zz Exz. /oro can be of further assistance. RE: Bi-lt'letal Spillage Switches, "Nuisance" Shut-Down He have found ln certain situations, where negative pressunes exist,that the spillage switches may warp open at the end of the appliance cycle. This is due to the combined effects of heat rising from the combustion chamber and residual gases in the flue being pul'led back out by the negative pnessure. The splllage swltches are there to shut-down the appliance if the motor fails, the poner is out or the flue is blocked. These situations could produce hazardous conditions if the app1 iance were al'lowed to fire. The small amount of gas spillage at the end of the cycle is not considered "hazardous" if it continues for'less than three minutes, (Ar{sr 2-223.1) . We have dlscussed three methods for allowing the swltches to do their job (system shut-down if concentrated spillage occurs) yet not cause nuisance shut-downs when a hazardous situation is not occurrinq. The three methods are: A*c^1 , T lloer Ttgts Le77.o r*.r,L( {e/e 4."., 7!q PlJou e Al a .v, O€ 4 flz nt taT qr\rlcTtr'le aArn clntu/al | \/trNT qvqTFtnq RI!TUI!D PRODUCTS 'NC.1601 gTH ST. WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110.6794 r.^r|l'cA^Trroco< rrE nQAET t'\tnr taEqq o o z (n {n o +o z !m n =-{ z o -l m I o o t o 'n T m I 3 + I o @ m x m !{ o z <- [D 9 -j m 4 '|.,i /r' ;-/ \/ ,' ,:: -.,..{ '..-., l o > m --I d ID m bp. i e'PE l.-.P i H= IH i ;aY t6; t 66lT g a F ITE q -nl= t = Pc,rrr ! =i= e .? =- T o.>= d I o@ a 9 =-e Hg z fr1 I m = x.Ell =m o - z r ! ? =m -t o z 3 m {z H z F1 € Z.\ >; m o .? z z "'1 -{ o \,'!zf--tc 3= -1 z l-m o o t- z o nz >m -l> -t I @ r rl tr z H rC)tlt t9 r w ft! E E F H H F z FI F] z l-l lo l€ lz lo tl t> lF lfl lz l_lo\ lr I' I 3 tri e. {F ln z E FI B t> F t> 19 l0 It m It! l" lu)l(, l= a r - t F. 2 =m F rtt H ? /r. fi = n t |\J 5' a c) F z f F Fr z d F -r l-t mlO ft€''' lz ls t<l>l- tm le, 12 I' I I I t\) I 5 l-.r l_n loF t€F lzl tol PT t>K IFtr t* b.taz l:" n lz tE PT lf4 t-E @r)@H tfd FIH IP tl tl {z ; c) z c)P r- l_'l It tz l.' t;t<t> lr- tm lo lz lo I I I t6 li N I .f. o rn -E z o I! _--t z -l o C -t X X X X _1 z l- m l, =-.1 6 z m m o m €m -tr z o c z I o o o : z c 1 l. z I :0 m -t- o m aJ> l-. I o |n n -c m z a C t- =z -t m ^2 -r z m t-c =z c ! .l.l PF o --r 3!Eij >n Zo ?g o.t o 6t zck (h - --l o6 zz Plr N6= N- !',t tr I< = Ro qa F>cr- SR z9 €i -6 !,2 :1n E= 7i crJ I I EI -l ^l >l frl EI i;l td ts r I {,o t,' h J o o o x 5_o (o o ::'!t o o q) a' o Ec 6F nt fn od ;\J L. = 5 o o J q)t.o f o ='o dj [t ,X X ;.;d:{.I*a)roF €ocii i RY or <-a-8E€T ro{ I :l ==qi ==,- * HE ao eiie f \u q, _--(oP=5 o:i j o Oo^.(/) [+aB 56p.=*fYlt =-! o)qes= o -.t* d :oo-.:ss3 J"'5j O NE i'6X-<= s.= 1e +- JE di ge i*-rd :ee8.r P5 o,lt|=-q, Ei:3q Fsie +3u a' E-'38 9+o=9u9P ';o- c)r. F z H >a ZA -r> mC :lm 20 m1t {z m I o z -{ 'rl o 'r =o m t-.rl U'H XF F-()LnO \oz L,| g) H rd td FC Frl F'H @z m = ='n m m (n cr Fl Ol z r8l o 2oYrP Hnt19 u?5r< dFis ztc Fd Itd 'F t> H,H alz N I i I I ar 3 ;'>-ll F<ml l(, I '6 I I o z z o F c t- z z -t m a ol z 7l ol <l Zt ur, I ll 6l 'l I I I El -l I I t- m =I 'Tl m m a m z m -.1 m L o z m m € m o m i z m m -9 2 m =--t =tn o z t- { \l NCr$c"R\Rt l' -;l+# *,"i* laf+* ",i&#,: ,il:iil: *; e fg a't l+i a-o f{t at0 Fl g a+\lg ET ft a EI,Fl f't B r1 g r+ 'Fl l-t fF \- GI trr aJ F E fa C. 6 E9 rt E gt {ra}F-\ Iil F (Fl -o FI v a+r --rtl E fg t I r|f+tt .74 fll ts -f H *EB!*x*l'n HY;c) =>sE e96; ^v*1 n :>rl ;9\U XA* s 6s-qE se;g F: ."'.-9]..ri FtSE eqE z;i REO i-i>{s3*>rFr*EJ .ar *.1 : Fn z rto \,/ r, \- E%7J SE*uXg =Et -,v ^i^lnLJ ;i -. ir EEI -lF'32c do?- n'*,rl \./ ^,/a?\-,)lrg =iE rv' \J F. ^ \'/ l-l x<;eid kxo -!t !l.F ^.|*r\,,l,Fln z t, {z rq K F FI v)H rll z Erl I at)H z c)F trt r{ g H z € o F t!,u) H t,trl z |l H r{ F I (, cr F ocl 5 z t/) 1\) @ o\ ! o H 3. I l< I l'l< I l- to ln I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I { m P F F{ e. rtt FI F F F< tt {z 0q t F F c) t\) \o 6 \o i+a ae f ? irStiF n! g + E : {:iEEF 1 1'^ -.4 3 liiei:l:.; i t:9'F: +!:3e-l'^Er 1i:r:€;-e-**i e E; irl: i+liii Y,i =-C I n +: { i il3 ==rh..AITA\ E=ry/ o (t -{ z o 2 o 6 c o r o n o t I o -tAN tl'l.lan THI<P >zv?L 714- n-Afl t/4ll'1'ptl rl I rl 'a-^tl-r,rl r--l ,2. ,L- I t ' ll I rl .zuTH TtEUNVll /4',= l-A'l DOWNHY ANDITION T4 of orcY \%n h,pnsa o= lth etra Qlz|Ao, 1N rb7 z'Dt*u/dt FyAT w\R tut4 T2 |)ALL ,?oW Ta oeY r'/lllll Zl ,F\/Aj.l,.'ltJ t/1 n2 | | 27n r-- w, \l reztr te NOTE! The First Level snoke detector shall be connected t.o the Third Level smoke detector to provide an alarm which nil1 be audible in the sleeping area.LOT 2Q-6, BIGHORN 4196 COLUMBINE SUBDIVISION, VAIL, DR IVE COLORADO DTCK lH'shilF4tFk 4r€, l-ATaH e 'lo7 LAD2?F TA rcY b€lp\l donld mped lroltty wrcrsn dtliecl po bor ttD 25Etm<t vcilco El6ft 30tt.476.4506 SEVt'1tal*4 d.lo'r9 FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off jn the box provided. N FINAL PLUMBING sN% ELECTRI CAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C of 0 \ nE prt* t strosE ;bih"fdfl fv\fiw I {urr" AN\ 75 south lrontage rcad vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 otflce ol communlty deyelopmenl YIay 25, 1988 Dr. Gale T. Downey 1867 North Shore Drive San Benito, Texas 78586 Re: Hazard Regulations for the Town of VaiI Dear Dr. Downey: r have enclosed a.copy of the Town of Vair hazard regurations for your infornation. Due to the fact ttrat voui 1ot is in a geologicarry sensitive area and also an avaranche infruence 1on9,_f thought you should be fully atare of our ordinances.Good luck with your project this summer. Once again, i -- apologize for the delay- in the release of your building pernit. Sincerely,n\V,:*r ]YI tT Pritz Planner KP:br Encl os ure 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Itlay 24. 1989 olflce ol communlty deyelopment Ms. Kathy Warren Box 3370 VaiI, colorado 81659 \Rer Downeyz Residence '- ---- Dear Kathy: The Downey residence may proceed with a fast track perrnit. f talked with your engineer, Tom Kingdon this rnorning, and he stated that there would be no changes to the foundition due to the Mears, avalanche report. He did state that there would be changes to the framing design for the project. I must nake it very clear that the contractor will be proceeding at his own risk. If later on the engineer deterrnines that corrections need to be made to the foundations, it is totalty the responsibility of the owner to cover the cost to meet these requirernents. Your contractor should come to the corurnunity Deveroprnent office and request a fast track perrnit in ordei to get the project going. f_f y"9 have any any further questions about this, please feel free to caII me. Sincerely, 4('#nf,i Kristan Senior KP:br Pritz Planner 75 south fronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Uay 24, 1988 ottlce of communlty developmenl Dr. Gale T. Downey l-867 North Shore Drive San Benito, Texas 785e6 Re: Auilding Perrnit Review for the Downey Residence on Lot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivision, Vail, Colorado Dear Dr. Downey: I have thought about your request that I write down the sequence of events related to the Downey residence building perrnit review. I have declded that it would be more appropriate if your representative, Kathy Warren, write a sunmary of the events related to the building permit review. f feel that Kathy and I basically agree with what occurred on the project. I will feel more comfortable if she subnits to you her summary. If, after reviewing this sumrnary, you have guestions for me, please feel free to contact me at 303-476- 7000. I tried to call you twice to tell you this over the phone. I had a difficult tine gettinq in touch with you and felt that I should not delay any longer in inforrning you of my decision. KP:br cs: Kathy Warren Sincerely,\/ I n I {rnhn{ift}Kristan Pritz Senior Planner 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 llay 24, 1988 otflce ol communlly development Ms. Kathy Warren Box 3370 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Downey Residence Dear Kathy: The Downey residence may proceed with a fast track perrnit. t talked with your engineer, Torn Kingdon this rnorning, and he stated that there would be no changes to the foundation due to the Mears' avalanche report. He did state that there would be changes to the framing design for the project. I must make it very clear that the contractor wilt be proceeding at his own risk. If later on the engineer determines that corrections need to be made to the foundations, it is totally the responsibility of the owner to cover the cost to meet these requirements. Your contractor should come to the Conrnunity Development office and request a fast track perrnit in order to get the project going. If you have any any further guestions about this, please feel free to call me. Sincerely- 4(,#nYti Kristan Senior KP:br pritz Planner o .fl- . , ! rr Project Application Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descript ion: Lot )i'i., Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date ii Motion by: Seconded by: L l' APPROVAL Lti' DISAPPROVAL Summary: \t I I i-. i! |1' \'t"I ir r ' Town Plan ner n ^l^. E statt Approval 75 soulh tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 MAY l-9 , L987 olflce ot communlty development Lot 20, Bighorn have the following additional inforrnation : rockfall zone. The study to deterrnine if negative impacts on properties. Ms. Kathy Warren Peel/Warren Architects P.O. Box 337O Vail, Colorado 81.658 RE: Downey Residence Lot 20-6, Resub.Subdivision Dear Kathy, After reviewing the Downey submittal, I comments concern j-ng the zone check and tr btj' 2. IUS]. Va1ley Engineering confirmed that the square footage for the lot is 26,203 square feet plus- or minus. Due to the fact that thd property iines do ,,oc close, this figure is an approximlte-,guire footage. I yrogfd suggest that you address landscaping with thi_s subnittal . Several Design Review members c5nmented that landscaping shoul_d be included with the profosat. 4. The lot is in a high serverj.ty owners will be required to do a the construction will have any publj-c right-of-way or adjacent A title.report, schedule B should be submitted as soon as possible and no l_ater than before building pernit review. The Town Engineer requested that you naintain a swale in the driveway for drainage.o\ts". t t!-t'I would tike to see the center line of core Creek, and the 100 year flood plain indicated on the improvement survey. It does appear that there are no problerns with the center line of the creek. nowever I would like to check this. \0V.- z. For your information, I have calculated that the existing unit has L,968 sguare feet and the proposed west unit 1,953 square feet. This results in a renaining GRFA after the construction of 949 square feet. hV-F. It will also be helpful if you stake the site for the Design Review Board meeting on May 20th. r hope this inforrnation is helpfur. prease let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, -ll.\,/ | {/t n ,r. Cl-rt. ^ X,. +t\tr) lr\{\ llt ll)'L'Kristan Pritz Town Planner jrt 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 l'lay 19,1987 DOI^INEY RESIDENCE Lot 20-6, Bigho,rn Subdivjsion offlce ol communlly development (?|E'o*,o,r#ffl aliils-.f ALL0lr'lED: W \K3 NEI^I UNrJ (hrEST) lst Level 696 2nd Level 854 3rd Level 403 TOTAL 1953 GARAGE: 305 MECH: 36 EXIST. UNIT (EAST) lst Level 916 2nd Level 325 3rd Level 493 4th Level 234 TOTAL 1968 *****THIS APPLICATION l,||ILt NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIlITTED*** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aeieimilrb it any'alJiiionut information is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless jt is compJele-(must include all items required by the.z9nl1O administrator). i! is tne appticini;s iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about ubifitionuf submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPlica- tion wil'l streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of cond'i tions ot approvat tirat the ORB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit js issued' APPLICATION DATE:May l l, 1987 DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION Ylay 20, 1987 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:An addition of a three bedroom unit with a s 1e car addition B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 4196 Columbine Road Legal Description Lot 20-6 Zon'i ng Two Family Resi dent ia1 Block Resub Lot 20 F'i 1 i ng Bishorn Sub C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address 1624 Sot tel ephone 512-425-6522 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Peel/Warren Architects Address E. NAME OF tel ephone 476-4506 and Bev Downe Si gnature Address telephone 512-425-652: DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION F. $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ so.oo $100.00 $2oo. oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements' the appiicant must stake the site lo inaicate p"ope"iv iines and building corners. Itg"t- that will be removed itrouia also be ini.fcirO. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. Z. The review process for NEl^l BUILDIIIGS will normally'involve two separate meetings of the Desibn neview-goird,-so pl an on at least tlvo meetinqs for their approva'l ' to appear before the 0esign Reviel Board at their scheduled have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be be paid at the time a building permit is requested' FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o'ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 3. People who fail meeting and who republ i shed. LIST OF MATERIALS Cedar Shingles To match existing Cedar Cut Shingles To rnaLch existing Stucco To match existing Cedar To match existing Plyr+ood To match existing Pella Primed Wood To match existing Brick Molding To match existing Pe11a Wood French & Metal Entrance To match existing Brick Moldj.ne To match existing Redwood To natch existing Steel Dark Grey Galvanized Steel Match adjacent materi.al Stucco To match existing Concrete Retaining Wa11 - Stucco To uratch existing NAI'IE 0F PROJECT: Dor^rnev Addition LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: vision STREET ADDRESS: 4196 Columbine Road DESCRIPTION 0F PRO Tt a single car garage and a two car girrage for the existing unit. The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERiAL COLOR Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows }Jindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Picea glauca d-ensgta-- P-.kea- ess,efmasnii Pinus contorta larifslia-- Black Hi11s Sg.uce- F.ngelmann Spruce I.odgeoole Pine Quani ty ____2_ l 2 Si ze* 6'&7' gt-9t g' & 10' Botanical Name Common Name EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Pinus contorta l ati foli a I.odgepole Pi ne E*rstfgg__ygC!S,_ spruce in area of garage TO 2 - 1.0' cal. 3 1-1.5'ca1. to be relocated. for coni fers . (over) *Indicate caljper for decjducious trees.Indicate height o Botanical Name Common llame U.rnilJ-Si ze PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Euonymus fortunei trsilver Queenrt Juniperus sabina ?tTamariscifolia" Type Euonvmus 5 5ga1 . Tamarix Juni.per 3 5 gal . Square Footaqe s0D SEED Disturbed areas to be reseeded wj.th natural grass seed rnil !o natch existing vePetation. TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. STHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retain'i ng walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') please specifv deck of new unit. DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOM ADDRESS: Ot,|NER ARCHI TECT ZONE DIST PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA 6\JT Secondary GRFA UJ€>T Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining hlall Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Dri ve: S'lope Permi tted Envi ronmenta 1 /Hazards : ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS trLB'lock Filing one Phone 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) (30)(33) Lllt< .lJv/ a3gl qtbl{+ .f,n-- ,.t)f y.<-, . Jn+' 3,f 3L eoo ^. }-t_. (\ -- -, L?" etsrilf&qfryH 0&,!*6gfA q4tt \,ft* 'i*tr {inr *_T_-tr)r-y.f\. ffitr^t Mdaryd YCI/r Aval anche Sl ope Wetl ands Geologic Hazards Corments : Jt3hf t,{. ( ouo 'JV/ fio' -t ,n'l ' (3oo) (600) (e00)( 1200) (50)(1oo) (2s) (so) ( 200 ) (400 ) pe Actua l ho Proposed Flood Plain Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ffi O o $'itP Jr] r) t.s>LJ : 13rz , br{f at5 \.5 B'f '\.'t 6na7e t Jr+]L W /haA(. NxJ.a 'lr Ll'S ?L$ 5l t' )r t[; 1{ I f /tt L D ,\o*r,,1 D 1 VLL r-\1 Lll r) r11 'L\t ,l'\) L11 rll x)rfl )'L\t DI,\ ,X7 1 ut1 )r lJ, ta.*! rrh +t ))\t r+ r$ t{q ' 5t{ lv( ll. *o^r -|t lil\\if r iJ -l -, ' l-- ,lir 'l ,- j t Ii ) '!' \ r'l \| I \i' '-,I J ae-BLL f€nn W I I.ITER-DEPARTHENTAL REVI El,l DATE OF PUBL HEARI NG Date PP,OJ ECT: DATE SUEI4ITTED: CCI"J'IENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRiEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: -fittu UtpA k {orrriq 0;-\'; ud^l Ut;\oil{h{,- | "n* .'( Q' /..'t -e€€ flzrc €aaar @ /)/t*rtt 7a,^., S ^- . c ,/l FI RE DEPARTI'IINT *b.ar/r+) I (*-) Q<,"<'d+1 Reviewed by: Conments: P.eviei,red by: Connents: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Date Date R:C ri iAT i 0N DEPARTi'liNT PUELIC h'0 Rev i ewed Ccnnenis: Rev iewed by: Co;-;:nts: Da te Re: Downey Residence, Lot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivision, VaiI , Co. May L9 | L987 I wrote a letter to Kathy Warren listing the additional infornation that was needed on the project. May 20, L9A7 The Design Review Board gave final approval of the Downey residence addition and garage. April 14, 1988 warren and PeeI Architects subnitted building pernit plans for the project. April 18, 1988 I returned fron vacation and was back in the office. April 23,24,25 I reviewed the building permit plans.(approx date) April 25, 1988 I noticed that the site yas in a potential (approx date) avalanche influence zone. I called Kathy Warren and reminded her of additional material that was needed, such as the title report, rockfall hazard study and engineered stamped drawings for the foundation. I also inforned her of the necessity for an avalanche study and possible nitigation for the project. April 26-27, 1988 I received the first rockfall report fron (approx. date) Chen and Associates dated June 9, 1987. April 2a-29, 1988 I explained to Kathy warren and Roy Spitzer the additional wording that was required in the rockfall report which would state that development of the lot would not increase or alter the potential rockfatl hazard to adjacent lots or structures or public right-of-rrays. I also explained that the Town nould need t,o require that an avalanche study be completed. The avalanche study needed to deternine if nitigation was required for the structure.If nitigation was reguired, the mitigation vould need to be included in the building permit plans. May 1L, L9B8 The Conmunity Developnent Department received the title report and rockfall/ avalanche report from Chen & Associates dated lllay 5, L988. I was not in the office May L2, 1988 Ylay 20, 1988 at the tine that this report was delivered.I did speak to Kathy l{arren on the phone that afternoon and tol-d her that I would Iook at the report irnnediately Thursday morning. I reviewed the Chen report dated Uay 5, 1988 concerning rockfall and avalanche concerns for the lot. The rockfall report was adequate. Hoirever, the avalanche report was not adequate in that it did not address whether or not mitigation nas necessary for the proposed structure. The report also did not include any nitlgation measures if the report had deternined that nitigation was necessary for the construction. f talked to Kathy lVarren and Roy Spitzer about the avalanche report. Kathy called Art Mears to arrange for him to review the site on llay 15, 1988. I gave the title report and rockfall report to our Town Engineer to review. Dave Peel called asking for a sunnary of what occurred with this project related to hazards. I talked to Larry Eskwith and he felt it was inappropriate to write the letter summarizing the sequence of events. 6L 9,\\ t\ \,an"$ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI,I PROJECT:)ur DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:. OF PUBLIC HEARING Reviewed by: Comments: Date Reviewed by:,'' ,.\\O 54."ro t+uc /Aeaa, oz.. {o.,,eGoar Atq<- futt*'<+e: /*ttco FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:. . n-!-Uq LE =l t : RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: 0ate GALE T. OOWNEY. M.D.. P.A. tC24 g. CAROLINA HARLINGEN.TEXAS 7B'5O TETEPHoTfE (412, 124-tr22 DATE: 28 April 88 To: THB TOIN 0F VAIL I acknovlerlge that ny proposed construction project ls locatect sensitive area and a potential avalanche lnfluenced zone. in a geologieally I an arare of the studies done by the Tom of Vail indicating these hazards. ?HE STATE OF IEXA.S COUNTI 0F Caneron BEFORE ME, BEVERLI Ag LOIIG in anrt for sald County antl State, on thls personally appeared BEITERLEY DOilIEI knom to ne to be the person uhose ls subscrlbed to the toregolng lnstrunent, and acknovletlged to nre that executed the sane for the purgoses and conslderatlon thereln explessed. 1 day naDe she Given under nyhanrl and seal of off lce, thls 28TH day of Ap$f[..lggg, A.D. xr coHulssrot{ EXPTRES 2-17-92 BEI'BRLY L LOTIG SNOW-AVAI,AI{CHI3 EAZARD A}iD LOADING ANAI-YSTS LOT 20*6, BTGFORN, VArL Prepared for Ms. Kathy Wa rr en i\-arr en/?ael Arch j.tcct s, Vai 1 tr I { t { I I il I * fl A :l I il e :fl i tt T :il F { fl q t ,t { ?t ,t !f 'I il ,{ I 1 Ar thur f . i'Jears, P. E. f rrc. G r'; rin i scn , Colof ado I'Iay, I988 l,)i l ARTHLIR I. N4EAXS, P.E., INC. Natunl Hazards Coi,su l'"ants 222 &s Codric Ave. Cu'r':i3,!, Cllora..lo 8 I 23O )03 - #t.3236 F Fg llay 20, I988 i"ls. Kathy Warren Iidrren,/Fee1 Ar ch j tect s 2588 Arosa Dr.\Iai1, CO 81657 Dea r Ms . hlarren : 1'he avaldnche-l oad j ng rnal).s j s ycu requcsted f ctr pr oposed buildjngs cn Lot 20-6, Biglrorn, is encicsed. This work lras been ^^f,.^]^+^^ i- -^^^rdance with our djscussjons earlier tltis week. ril fl H p ffi I,|ig Pl ease contact me j f joii hale ;;i; questicnS. ,orr Sj ncerelyr ry C#L"'+t [11t*'a H ff:i:. r. rlears, P.E. ffi ,ry rfl H H P tqq r{ fl ril lV'lcss Vlatiic . Atnlancles . Arzlnchc Ccntnl Evjaeeriv il OBJECTIVES AITD LI}4ITAAIONS The analysis contained in this report evaluates the snow- ava-l,anche hazard and derives Cesign loads ior a proposed addition to the Downey property, 1r:r:ated at Lot 2A-6 , Bighorn , VaiI , Colorado. Specifically, tl.,: rrbjcctives are as follows: a. Evaluate the potentl al aval atlche hazard through determination of appro-rinrate probabilities; b. Compute the avalanche cltergy and destructive potential at the building location; and c. Determine design-loading crj-teria for the new ad<lition proposed for this site. Th j s study is site spe-cif j c. neces sar:i ly be tralsferred to j-n under design of structures aval,anche hazard. Tlre resul t-. s obt,a i.ned l-rere calinot oi-her iocati.ons as this nay result arid,/or incr-;r::.,-ct evaluation of the li\_, a T,B hrcFTE TEFR-4IN AI{ALY SIS A.}+D }l t STORY Lot 2A-6 lies below the steep, northeast-facing walI of the va11ey of Gore Creek, below what is known lccaIly as the "Biglrorn" avalanche 1:ath. The 5ig1:crn path st;rts ot l0'000 feet ( 3. 050m ) elevation and descends to Gor:e Creek at 8, 4I0 feet (2,560m), a potential fall of 1,590 f eet (490n). An a-'ralanche- Lrath prof ile is shown in Figure 1. The Val1 art-a is well known f or heavy sno\{s , gtrong ri dgetop winCs , and e}. t.r cnre s;rri ng t}-raws . Avalanches and other rapid dotr':'rslLrpe m;ss movenenr*s lreve ]:een oLrserve d in Va j, 1 as a result of this cor,'.bi rra t j cn of tcrrain, sncw, ar-rd weather . f n Ap:i:i 1, l-980, a large w€t-snow avalanclre f e11 in Lhe Bighcrrn path and rcached to tlre edge of Gore Crcek, rcr:9hly 200 f cet north of Lot 20-6. No other large avalanches heve been observed in tbj s path s:'.nce Vail was f ourrded in I962, a period of soirre 25 v,ri irt_c-'.i s. !l:erefore, djrect ol''sertat j o::s srr.jgcst Litat avalancitcs of a rLragnj tude sufficjent to re3lrh Gore Creek have a "return period" of 25-years. fn o::der i-o estitrrate ti-re a':alanche reLurn 1-rer: j od at tlie proposed building si.le, 7 of the l argest lodgepole pi ne trees kcre dated by ixLracti tr9 c(rres w j th an j.::cr eine :rt borer crr l.tay J 6. Thcse tr.ees 'an?e,l in a9c f rom 57-to- B5 y,';v s atld are located rviLh respect to lhe propcsed const'ruct j on on Figure 2. ^'cst of these trees shcw t-- o signs of avalatrche ir.pact, altL,ough two trees shcw evjdence of in,pact. Assu..' ing an average perlod betrteen i-rpacts c:f 58 ycars (using half the tree ages for the two ihat shcw impact), the probability of a "I00-year" arra lanche not occurning during a 5B-year peri.od is conputed us 56?. This n,eans there exists less than a "50,/50 chance" that the 100-year avalanche vroul d have occurred during \ ffi ffil ffi ffi ffit ffi HE wt Hil t ffi ffi ,ffi ffi ffi r.fl M the lifetjrne of the forest. This p::cbability is not suffjcient to reject the hypothesi s that the huildi ng site i s within the range of 100-year avalanches. An adcl j tj.onel and indepc'nd,:r-rt rnet--hod of est imating avalanc'he p,robability i;lv..,1ved study of air L.lrotogr.apl-rs taken in 1939. ,'ii ll--,is tiu,e 1j:e arr:a v;as urrJ j stur.bed ]:y collst-ruct jon. Patterns jn ti-ie forest at atrd east of l:he i:uilding site suggest that avalanctr es nay have crr:s',ed Core Cr:e ek and extended into the forest early during this century. Even thorigh aval anches jrave not crossed Gorte Creek since Vai I was fo'-rnded, there is suf f icient reason Lo bel ieve that the 100-year avalanche wr11 -impact the proposed structure. The 100-year ar:alanche is considered to j;e the "tlesign ai;a1alche" that must be used in engineering and planning applications in Vail. The effects of this Ceslgn aval a,',clre are comput-ed in Section 3- 3 DES]GI{_AV!.I,A!ICiiE DYIiT.H] CS 4}TAI.Y S] S )cs-i .Jn -;'.'alancbe dyran,ics \'\te r e conrputr'd ltit :pp1','ing two a;.1:, ;,:..:;-:Jl;.r,t StepS aS f OI I ows: a. The "runout d-istatte-e, " ol: f inal stcpp jng ;:osi-t- jon was obtarned by applf ing a statisti cal rur'out inodel tvhich is based on observat--i ons of 130 rr'a jor avalanclres in the Coloradc inountains; and b. The ava l atrcf,e vel oci.ty was c()l,,[ru f ed by f ,i tti ng a dynani-ics nrodel to the ai:lar,cbe terrain, as l-eprc-se nted jn L-igure 1. Tl're a.,ralanche vcl oc j r- i,..s 61,r;';ic-d at r;al j cr-rs Froints alcng tlle Lrrof il e are also listc-d i: FJgu'r e I. ijle ii's1ir-,-ar alanche irpact veJ-ocity at t-he prc,pcsed b'.iiJdi:',9 site js 26tt/s (58 rlph). Avalanche i:ipact on i.f,e p,r:r'r1:,csr:d stTitCt-ure resull.s from paSsage of t1-:e 1ow-density i,. ov,'d,- r ar:al ancf,e at 5B liiph and f roin dc'pos j,t of avali.,nche debr:ls ar;airst iie loi.rer 10 fcet cf tl-ie .:dditjcn south i..'a11, Tlre ava.l ar',clre r:,::h.l j S v;.. I1 r:ct re ach i-he itew garage, but the i-, c v; d r:r l: - a \r a l,-,t-t,--he wj l1 cl9':1f ard pr o,J;c e "Stagnation" L-',,rsJures, s:nrj 1ar t'o a vt't y st -r oi-tg "rj r,d girst of 5-10 seconds rjrrration, on boLh arJditjcn and garage. 4 AVAIA}.1CT]E..I.OANING ANA],,Y51S The 2 1-ypes of avalanche I oads ot't 1-he propcsed struct ure are shor.'n on Figures 3 and 4 riltj ch were <--,itt ai I:e d f rorn the VJar ren,/PeeI A:. chilects drawings (prolect 8604 ) . Any substa:rtia 1 changes to tlre prcpcsed building shai-e, I oc;tlL'\n, cr orietrtati.-'n nray require revisions to the desiqn 1cads. w ,fiN ',m ril -tffi :f,I fl wil M w ,ffi ffi HN ffi M fil Details of loads "A' and "B" are provided below. LOAD "A". This is a static depositional load that resuTts when snow and other avalanche debris is pushed slow1-y against the south wal1 of the new unit. Recause Lhe total depcsit depth of I0 feet will require scveral seconds to f orm, t-he load can probably be reEarded as "static'" The l'oad is similar to a "hlzdrostatic" load and decreases linearly in magnitude froir 150 ll:s,/ft2 at the base of the deposit to zero at the top. LOAD uB". This is a unif orm "stagt-ration" pressure of /u rDS/rt- that acts over the entire strLlcture as it becomes engu I fed by the porvder ava lanche. The pr:essures are s j-mi 1ar to wind pressures bttt are increased by approximately a factor of 2 over the wind pressures gcneral l y used in building dcs ign. The sLegnation prcssure [2ruduces drag forccs on building walls and uplift forces on the roof. FinaI Cesign pressures:.,ay,Jiffer frcm the 70 1l:,srZft2 stagnation pressure. The stagnation pressure i s a "rcf r-]-cil.c pressure" that can be used to ccmpute dr:ag and 1rr.L i-.,'::,.-; ,-:t i-.1,. south r'al I and roof, respectjvely, j n accorda;:ce with stanclard fl ujd-dynamics principals. Structure dcsign shor.:.l d l>e stabl e aga i nst I cads rrArr and rrB.rl This neans that wal1s, roof, doors, and wi ndows shoul d be desigred or ollrer\.ti se protectcd agai l-rst failure by overturning, slrdirrg, or crushrngi , Failure of superf j.cja1 elements of the structure (decks, trim' etc. ) nray be accept abJ e if such failure does not jeopardize the entire stl:ucture and --ndanger occupants- Final1y, j.t must be reco,lnized that ar-ry buiidirg in an avalatrche area, even a low-frequercy area such as l,ot 20-6, will increase the general r:i sk t.o tbose e:<posed ar,d drawn to the area as a result of 1-he construction. TL:is increa-"ed risk is a iratural consequencc of t-he incrcased cxpcsure tin,c resulting from more people -i- n tire area, and nru st be ui;derstood arrd accepted when the a.rea is used. l t.: n E I k l Ei I ffi I E I _t ry q d I I G J I s ! Er i d I I fr ry ffi e & ffi A Ebo \r\ .t -..--,.d d mo '\ F-l \Oo N.c d -1 d o> I OC)cdd trrF Hfr Gi C R Rs Rs$ss's ml <J J o co o\o o\it J c\.1 N d | $t c1jt (\:i ii -i c\>l ,--l ocO (\t@o C*Oc-o a)l -..1 --r rn O\$ \o o-\J ji o Ol J c\N C.t + r\c.t,r _+ 9?l at >rl Fil <I 1l <t I >l HI ol r-i I >i I all zl <I I i-l I ot adl ril el c'\co oc-o\ooN c)\, O. cC va Ol '{ -l \O c1 e1 Fl l -{ rl --l rl r-1 A,l dl =. c.t (.rii \n \c c-co o-'al tr3 Fi so 3 oo I oo 9A =o-=.n (L< \ rr) ta) (r\z' =\,<l O-I t!\ :\3\T)l/1-- a tLl z -d ,q /oo (D trl z 'o \.- X,4 ; :X-&*t .... b ''-! %i" \roo Ht\o .... E ;\N \-1o ;i 'L\-\ t i -q.fjh-€K 'orsoN'....y -\ t \ \'\) \ 1'- t"-- ..\\ \\\\trl z J t!td F :z\ l! UJ tr TJ 04 (9 o LTJ o lrl g' () il al ill ,H '.1 \Nl \r, (Dl \!l 5ie n-l 9l \ \ :< ,JJ :C c) i o a / FrcLlRE z. LoL 2o-6. Bu1] ding Locati-orrs & Sca-l-e L" - 1 I 1 rl t N ti I \t ,r,----\.\or o 9z UJJ FE >? o)+(J al 8.Ht e ,1oT 'l* / -o. -o z LrJ (I U)rd<f . /oi./.'f"9 J !J o F I ;t>f >::i ;b r4 \r 6;, O ql ; ,n {-+ -+<tg -'.-------o -if l;..._-.-__ FIGLTRE 3. Avalarche Loads (a) & (B)' (a) Static depositional load; equivalert to a "hydrqstatic" load 10 ft deep' 75O lbs/fLt at bottorn, zero aL Lap. (g) "S'"agnation" pressure fron powder avalanche. Equivalen! to a uniforrn wi-nd pressure of ?O tbs/f( and actlng over the entlre south exposDre of ihe 'Ilew Unit" and "Gara6e. " Loads "A" and''B'r are not simr:ltaneous. Load "A" wi'!'l not act on the ner garare. ,u ii #l ,!i DOWNEy -; RE ,l atrl I ({ i - -1 r{.rl F f .o d d -l E .A c€)gbo d oF{trd .d bO :ts !eg do HS <o :d (D ol{d {it.*'oo !-l C 1t +q{ AA 49 . -.H -3 R"-+ro0)tr gq{ tJ o (dop r-{ .l a)d o .d o o:> \.lo >gF{...{ . t{ cdFxc)t ord o o o b0 qr b0 cd N l-{ (D , !l ' c) . do c) o.cl4 0-{ - d g+ rJ ra = e 3 A5u \i O .i_, = O O O:S oo+ P.td O 'rJ d d tr.J+ |: rd E O C 5tO E..{OC rd = d (n.t.o o B g rd o+ g r-r 6) /-\ o (D+ q-{ EP: v 5 \i At{ oood O EGt ir qJ C a A u d}:+ SrrOif d o d .J 4q{ o d.q cd t{ d l:l = '..\ iD5+.oPiOoOOc)rt !1 .J d.o t{ .S tuz rt P r{ Ft o=aJ .d o .-l o o>E c .c rr+o = {r o c)3.9 3 R.,5 8**5 d P d oc ndE .+ '.{ -{ d O - r") O r{qr rd ra .d .lg. d.-{+ o > o > odopr dcdo c! ir"rd{P d..{ q{ d cd5 PPdo it ., +r 8$dfi =-rSHg t-{l tl + r'll El (d El /-'\5l {r :rl < €rjl c,l ul v \2 HI HI hl r-rl nl-'t-*l-]-Hi'1--tri ':'T- !- 9' 'r lr,:-:': / !t''.' -' '/ --: *':-':' / -:- ' *- ' ':*Itr"',--:"; i-:i-.lt _? , .i- -:, -".-., . _4-., l---r.i -.a+-: -;- i,-r - :- f' -_-. i fi?i 77, ?n, 3!ut --1 I i I i --__.1 (A) Chen Associates 96 South Zuni Denver Colorado 80223 303i744-7105 Casper Colorado Springs Ft. Collins Glenwood Spnngs Phoenrx Rock Springs salr Lake ciry San Antonio ,J, t' , (61 o.l ' Consulting Geotechnrcal Engrneers !4ay 5, 1988 SubjecE: Potential @ologic Hazards, Site for Proposed Sirgle-Fanily Residence on Iot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivision, 4196 Colunbine Drive, East Vail, Colorado Job lilc. 4 193 86 Dr. Dale T. Domey 1524 South Carolina tbriingenr Texas 78550 Gentlenen: 11ris report srrunarizes our evaLuation of potential geologic hazards that nay funpact the site for a proposed residencre on Iot 20-6 on the Bighorn Subdiviiion on Colunbine Drive in East Vail, Colorado. Our opinions are based on a site reconnaissance perforned on Jrne 6, 1987, a review of our files, and a review of p:btished geologic literature on ttrc project area. purpose and Scope of Study: A soil ard fourrlation investigation of the lot ffi !b. 4 193 86 ard a report of that, investigation ms trangnitted to you on l4ay 30, 1985. Cereraf fourdation criteria and surface ard subsurface drainage reccnnendations for tfre prqosed construction are contained in that report. A previous report of our geologic rectcnnaissancre of ttre site r,as sutrnitted on June 9, 1987. As requested, tftis updated report has been prepa.red to clarifir our opinions on tlte rockfall risk to ttre site ard inch-des an evaluation of ttre snow avalanche potential. Site Corditions: IalE 20-6 is lrcated in a developed section of East Vail. ffisffi-irgffarnily hcrnes lie bottr east ard rest of ttre protrrcsed building site. Ttre IoE is relatively level and Gore Creek is on the soirlhern lot bor:ndary. ltre creek clrannel is approximately 15 feet below the building site elevation. llre slope dovn to tfie creek ctrannel is steep, in tlrc range of 50t to 70t. South of the creek, ttre valley side rises steeply several hundred feet above the valley floor. PotenEial Geologic tLazards: Rockfall: Regional hazard evaluations irdicate ttre site is in a severe roclcffiffiEErd "31rg (Schrngeser & Associates' 1984). ltte source of the rockfa11 is on tbe valley side souttr of Gore Creek where sedimentary beds of the Minturn Fornation crop out high above the valley floor- Based on our reconnaiss;rnce of the 1ot, le did not fird evidenqe of rod<fall on the lot ard, in our opinion, the previously severe rocl<fall hazard o Dowrey Dr. Dale T. May 5, 1988 Page 2 designation vnrrarts revision. llrere are scnre large boulders on ttre site. trese boul&rs consist nainly of srrlcrourded igneous ard netannrg*tic rocks, and are associated with the glacial outwash allwium ard do not result frcm gnst rockfall. As stated in our report of July 9, 1987, i,e feel ttrat v*tile it is conceivable, but unlikely ttnt rockfalls originatirg on ttre souttt side of Gore Creel< could have sufficient energy to cro6s the creekr the sEeeS>sided creek bank prwides a natural i$pact strrrture vfiid mitigates the rockfall hazard for tbe site. $b reccnnerded siue grading should be planned to leave tlte existirg steep creek bank. Considerirg tte mitigation prwided by the creek bank, ottrer rnitigation rrEasures do nct at4nar econonically jusE.ifiabLe. Horever, ttre site shor-r-Ld not be considered totally risk-free. Snow Avalanctre: Based on regional snow avalanche hazard ma;ping, fot 2G6lhe tre runout limit of a npderate hazard snovr avalanche zone (Mears, 1979). IEars, 1979, defires a ncderate hazard zone as one in whictt building rnight be pernitted prwided tl-at certain precauEions are talen. !€ consur that Iot 20-6 is probably exposed to scrtE degree of sncxr avalarnbe hazard. trre steep-sided creek dnnnel south of the mitigates the sm, +nlande.}lazard to DeveloFrent on tle lot should noE hazard to djacent lots or strustures significantly altered. increase the potential snow avalanctre as lonq as the existim terrain is nqt the debris avalandre arri debris flow hazard level does not. warrarrt special remediaL rrpasures. 1tre potential source zones for debris flors lies alonq the south valley side ard the Lirnitations: tris report has been prepa.red in accordance with gererally E@A geoteclrnical ergireering ard ergireerirg geologic practices in ttris area for use by the client for design purposes. Our conclusions and recqnrerdations suhmitted in ttris report are based on the field reocnnaissanoe of the site, infornration in our fi1es, pr:lclished geologic inforrnation on the project area ard information on the t14n of cpnstruction planned. Chen&Associates Dr. Dale T. Downey l{ay 5, '1988 Page 3 call. If you have any qrnstions or if rc can be of further seryice, please Sincerely, cHBr & ASSOCTATES, n€. 8HS/rrb Rev. By: reM cc! PeeM{arren Ardritecas Chen&Associates o Dovney Dr. Dale T. I{ay 5, '1988 Page 4 REFEREI€ES libars, A.I., 1979, Colorado SnolrAvalandre Area Studies ard Qridelires for Avalarr*te{Iazard Planning, Colorado Geological Survey, Speciat Rrblication 7. Mears, A.I., 1984, Debris ELow ard Debris Avalanctre Hazard Ana1ysis, Towt of Vail. Sctlnueser & Associates, 1984, Roclfall Sdy, Town of Vail. I\reto, O., libench, R.H., Reed, J.C., 1978, Ceologic l{ap of tbe Ieadville 1"X2" Qradrargle, Norttreastern Colorado, U.S.G.S. l{ap I-999. Chen&Associates ChenJlssociates Consulfi ng Geotechnical Engineers 96 South zuni O Denve( Colorado 80223 303/744.7105 Casper Colorado Springs Fort Collins Glenwood Springs Rock Springs Salt Lake City San Antonio June 9, 1987 Subject: Geologic Hazards Reconnaissanoe, Site Flor Proposed Single nanily Residencre On Int 20-6, Bighorn Subdivisiont 4196 Col-unbine Drive, East VaiL, Colorado Job ti[c. 4 193 85 Dr. Dale T. Dovrney 1624 South Carolina ilerlingen, Texas 78550 @ntlemen: Ittis report sunnarizes the results of a geologic hazards reconnaissance of the site for a proposed residenc€ on l.ot 20-6 of the Bighorn Sr:bdivision, on Colt-unbine Drive in East Vail. Colorado. ltre vsork was perfornred in accordancre with our verbal agreefient. Purpose and Scope of Study: 1[tre recrnnaissance r,vas crcnducted to evaluate ttre potential for geologic hazards on the site. A sulcsurfaoe foundation investigation !{as qcnductsed under our Job uo. 4 193 g6 ard a report of tjtat investigation was transmitted on May 30, 1985. @neral foundation criteria ard surface ard subsurfac€ drainage reccnnendations for the proposed c-onst ruct i on are contained in that report. Proposed Construction: It is our understanding that the proposd cpnstruction will consist of a single family residence with a detached garage. The proposed residence is to be a three-story vood frame construction and will utilize slab--onnrade f l-oors. Site Conditions: I.ot 20-6 is located in a developed section of Vail.Ei&EA-EIngle-fanily hqres lie both to the east and rrest of the proposed buildirq site. Ttre lot in ttre proposed buildirq area is relatively lerrel. Gore Creek is on ttre soutlrcrn 1ot boundary. I'he creek c*nnnel Iies 15 to 20 feet below the buildirg site elevation. rhe srope do,vn to ttre creek dnnnel is steep, in the range of 50 to 708. Natural soils on the site at4Ear to be cobbley ard bouldery gravel. Moderate size (6- to 8-indr trunk dialreter) pine trees occur on the souttreast and souttrwest parts of the lot nearest the creek. CoLnrbine Drive lies on ttre northern lot boundary. South of the creek, the valley slope is steep mountain terrain. Potential @ologic tlazards : Rocicfall: 1l?rc site has been rnapped as being in a severe rockfall hazard zoneEFextends nortllard approximately to tlre center line of colurbine Drive (Sctrreuser ard Associatesr 1984). the source of the rockfall is on the rnountain slope souttr of Gore Creek. Sedfurentary beds of the Minturn Formatiotr crop out high above ttre vallq; floor. Tlre slope on the south side of the Dr. DaIe T. Doi"Trey June 9, 1987 Page 2 creek is littered with large blocks of sedinrentary rod< resulting frcrn previous rockfall. Scrne blocks also occur in the creek channel. Iarge blocks of sedirentary rod< do not occur on or adjacent to the building site. Rodcs exSnsed in this area consist of subrounded cobbles aryl boulders of igneous and retarnorphic rocks associated with ttre valley alluvium. Wrile it is conceivable that rod<fall originating on the south side of Gore Creek could have the energy to cross the creek and reach the building area, the steep-sided creel< channel provicles a naturaL inpacE strucEure that in our opinion significantly mitigates the rockfall risk for the site. Drring site develotrrrent, site grading should be planned to leave the exi.sting steep creek barik as it is to mitigate the rockfaLl risk for the site. Debris Florps and Debris Aqalanches: ltre site iloes not lie wittrin any rna reas (Meers, 1984). In our opinion, the potential for debris flons or debris avalanclres fupacEing the site is very loqr. lftre potential source area for debris flows lie souttr of Gore Creek. Ttre steep creek cknnnel also will mitigate potential debris flow risks. 9lopes or Rocl<s: D:ring our reconnaissance, rre incipient slope instability on the site. Sr-unnary: In our opinion, rockfall risk on the site is low, being largely mitigated by the steep creek bank at the southern site boundary. llre potential for geologic tupa.cts due to debris flows or slope instability is also lotv. timitations: Ttris report has been prepared in accordanc-e with generally acceffea geotechnical engineering and engineering geologic pract.ices in thii area for use by ttre client for design purposes. Our conclusions and recoirnEndations submitted in this report are based on a field reconnaissance of this site and inforrnation on ttre tlpe of construcE.ion planned. !{e recosnend on-site observation of exeavations bv a reoresentative of the soils engineer. !{e have enjolted ttre opportunity to ,rrork with you on this projecC. If you have any questions or r,E can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, RIIS,/rrb Rev. By: RGM clc: !b. f,atlty warren, Architect Potentially unstable SoiI, found no indications of past or CEIEN & ASSOCIAtrBS, Chen&Associates rt L A N D ' 'Q'' RePr€serrtine Title THANK GUARANTEE lnsurance Eompanv YOU FCIR YOUR OREIER --OT.IPANY of l"t i nnesota Hav (r4' 19SB Our Sr der ! EUYER! SELLER: ATIERE Jrur*r" tCIl"JNEY 1e67 N. SHCTRE $AN EENITI], TX 1 Attn: i,R. --) 7Bs.q6 / vL1996 GALE T. DC'I,INEY ANE EEVERLEY ANNE E|OI^INEY AS TE UNI]IVIDEEI If,NE_HALF (1./2) INTEREST ANU GALE T. EILII.INEY M.E. ' F.A. ' BEFINEEI EENEFTT FENSION PLAN ANI| TRUST MINNESOTA r'tT i\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada. CO 80002 420-02 41 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 8001 4 75r-4336 | 8'l 0 30th Streel Boulder, CO 80301 444.41O'l 200 North Ridqe P. O. Box 2280 Erecxenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 68 8-6 3 63 2l2 Norrh Wahsarch Colorado Springs. CO 80903 63+4821 Gommitment To lnsure lssud throuoh the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32r-1880 Sanford Place 2 Suile 301 7979 East Tufts Denver, CO 802 37 779_0220 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 247-5860 6851 South Holly Circle Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 108 LAI{D TITLE GLARANTEE COIUPANY South Fronrage Road W- P.O. Box 352 Vail. CO 81657 476-22s1 3030 S. College Avenue Su ite 201 Forl Collins, CO 80525 482-0915 710 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 8021 5 232-31 | | 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I l5 lakewood, CO 80235 988-8s50 I 1990 Grant Streel Suite 220 Norlhglenn, CO 80233 452-O149 19590 East Main Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 176-2251 LAf{D TITLE GUARANTEE CO[4P{NY MINNESOTA TITLEA ALTA Commitnent-1 970 Hev. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F MINNES0TA, a Minnesota corporation. herein called the Comparry, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title rnsurance, as identitied in Schedule A. in favor o{ the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee o{ the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A. upon payment of the premiums and charges therelor; all subject t0 the provisions o{ Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Cornmitment shall be effective only when the idenrity of the proposed Insured and the amount or rhe policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or bv subseouent endorsement. lhis Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such poliry or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the poliry or policies commifted for shall issue. whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPUTATIONS 1. The term "mortgage". when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any detect, lien. encumbrance. adverse claim -24.-t'-/r:E-=-_ or other maner affecting the estate or inlerest or mortgage thereon mvered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof. and shall fail lo disclose such knor,rrledge to the Company in writing. the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulling from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by {ailure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed lnsured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or ii the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect. lien. encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B oi this Cornmifinent accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuanl to paragraph 3 ol these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability ot the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the delinition of lnsured in the lorm of poliry or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good laith {a)to comply with the requirements hereof or (bl to eliminate exceplions shown in Schedule B, or lcl to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount staled in Schedule A lor the policy or policies committed {sr and such liability is subject to the insuring pr$risions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage 0f the iorm ot poliry or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitrnent except as expressly modif ied herein. 4. Any action or aclions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out oJ the status of the trtle to the estate or interest or the status 0f the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitrnent. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ln addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to. this Commitment is also subjectto the following: l. Rights or claims 0f parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims ol easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments. and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of ttre premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services. labor or material theretotore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects. liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters. if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires ol record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent. lN WITNESS WHEHEOE, Title Insurance Company ol Minnesota has caused its corporale name and seal to be hereunto atfixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stuk Conpany 4$ Seand Avmte futh, Mi,ttwlis. Mamesota ffil Adhotized s/4rrf/toty tlM Forrn 25!2 Aftesr Sec/efaty rt ALt csHHrrHENr SCHEEULE A o Aepl ication No. V11??6 For Irrf ,lrrration tlnl y - Charses - ALTA Ouner Pol icv PRELIMINARY REFORT -_TOTAL-_ 51Otl. CrD $ 100, o.l l^lith your remittance please refer tt V11996. 1. Effective Etate: AFril ?5' 1?BB at E:OO A.t"l. 2. Fc, I ict to be issued' and proe*sed l.nsured: ,tALTA,, Euner"s Fr-r I icy Form B-197O ( Amende.l LO-L7-7.J) Pr'o Po se d I nsur'ed: 3. The rsstati,- or intenest in the I arrd described ar r'eferred t r.r in this Eonrnritrrerrt arrd cc,vered her'ein is: A Fee $impl r.' 4. Title t,r the estate or intLaI'€st c,:'verc-d hereirr is at the e*fective date h€rec,f vested irr: r:iALE T. I-illt^INEY ANt' BEVERLEY ANNE [ruhlt'lEY A5 Tr] Af{ r_r1,,1gr1y11gg I'NE-HALF (1/:) INTERES-I ANLI !:iALE T, NUHhIEY I"I.TI., F'.A., TIEFINETI BEI..IEFIT PENLIII]N TTLAN ANN ]RI-ILiT 5. The land ref er'red tc, in this E,rmnritnrent is desr:r.ibed as f rr'l I ,:uts: LBl. :O-4', BIIJHDRN SUBL|IVI:;IIfN, FESUE{TIIVISII-JN C'F LIJT iU, AI'IENI-IELI FLAT, A|]I:ORIIING Ttr THE []LAT REI:['REE[I AU|-iUET 7, 1?4.:f , I]CIUI.ITY TIF EAULE, STATE rlF r:fiLrlf{Anr:'. TI:IIJETHER hIl:TH A NI:IN-EXI:LUL1IVE EASEPIEN'T FOT{ THE LLII]ATII]N t:'F AN oIU EAVE ANTI IJTHEII EXISTING AFFURTENANCES: AE; T'IIRE FULLY DESI-RIBEB II! IN:JTRUI4ENT FTECBRIJEN AU'fU:1T 7, 1?7O IN BL'ICII{,:.18 AT F'AUE 412. F,ALJE 1 "' .f J o ALTA I:: L]MI"I IT}4ENT o StrHETIULE B-1 (Resuirenrents) Appl icatian Ns. VLL9?h The f al I arrrirrs are the requir'ement-s ta be .r-'rnFl ied uith: 1. Farnrent t,r c,r f tr the a,:ccunt ,rf the sr'arrtsrs nr nrc'rtsas*r's ef tfre f u11 cc'rrsiderati tr rr f nr' the estate '.r r' i rrter'{3st t,r be insured. :. Proper instrurrent(s) creatins the estat'c- or irrtereEt to be irrsured nrust he exe':uted and dulr filed for r'er,lrd' t,:-utit: THIS I:frT'II'IITMENT I5 FOR INFI:IRI"IA]'ION I]NLY, ANLI NI] F'IILII-:Y I.JILL BE ISSUEII PURSUANT HEF{ETCI. THE COUNTY f:LERti ANn REr::r:rRL'Ef{:_1 r:'f:FIrjE REr{UIfiEF I1ETURN AI'TIRESE:E5 ON FL'IJUI1ENTS SENT FI:|R REL:LIRIJINIJI I PAt:iE '; rt t o AL trtrI'II'IITMENT SCHEITULE B-2 (Exceptions)Appl icatic,n No. V1199t The eal icy or erl iries to be issued rrril I tsrrtai rr exteptiuns t r.r the f ,"r I l,:rrri ns unless the sam(. are disprsed ,rf tc, the satisf action c'f the Eorrparrr I 1. Standard Ericeet iorrs L thr'r'ush 5 pr'irrtr'.d orr the cnver' sheet. 6. Taxes arrd ass€ssments rrot ret due c,r ea'vabl e and seecial ass€ssmerrts rr,:t 'set certified tr the T'r'easurer'' s of f icc-. Arrr urreaid taxes cr assess$rerrts agairrst said land. Liens l:or' unpaid ulater and seurc.r charses' if anr. TJ. RIIJHT CIF FRCIFRIETC'R OF A VEIN OR LilI]E T|| EXTRAET ANTI FEI'IOVE HIS ORE THEREFRDM SHOULL] THE SAME EE FI]UNTI Tr] F'ENETRATE I:tR INTERSE'::T THE F'REMIL;E5 A5 RESERVETI IN UNiTETI STATE!: FATENI REI::I:IRBEEI Eecenrbgr. 17' I'.7O2' IN EOUI{ 4EI AT FAISE 4?T. 10. RIIJHT OF WAY FOR IJITCHES I:IR CANALS CFNSTRUCTEN BY THE AUTHI:IRITY trF THE UNITEN E:TATEs Ail RESERVETI TN UNITEN 5TATEs FATENT REIJORTIETI Elecerrber 17' 1?(:r:, IN FBEI: 43 fil' PAGE 4?:. 11. FEIiTRII:TIVE COVENANTS, WHII]H T'O NI]]- CT-INTAIN A FI]RFEITURE UR IIEVERTER CLAUSE, EUT OI.,IITTINE REEiTRIl]TICINS, IF ANY, BASEI' BN RACE, CULSR, RELII:iltf,N, BR NATI'INAL gRIEIN, AS CTINTAINEII IN INSTIiUI"IENT REEr:'RnEEr Oerenrber 2O' L?d?' IN BFOl,i L74 AT FA':iE 4T,3 ANN A5 AI,IENIJETI II'J INSTRUHENT FEtrI:IREIELI APrii O3' L-r'{:3, IN L{BNI{ 175 AT F.AGE 3;1 ANN AE AI'4ENNEII IN INSTRUI'IENT REI.:ORTIEEI FIA'f t:I:I, 19/:13' IN B{]tll'i 175 AT PACiE 91. l:. TEN F]ER|]ENT NfiNFAFT'I|:IPATING F|]YALTY IN Af.'i[r 1'r:r THE F,Rr:il]EEt'5 nERMtr FR'lf'l THE IiALE ffF MINERALI,, ETC:., F'RI:ITILh:EI-I ANLI IIIII{ELI FFI:II'I :;AIN PREI'II5EE:, ALL A5 SET FI]RTH A5 A RESERVEIJ RIIJHT IN IJUST IT:IAHI-IFE5 Af{TI ']THER5 IN THE NEETI TIJ THE SELLER BAIEEI SEFTEMBEfI 3(J, 1?6T ANTI REI:.|JRTIEN II{ FI.IEIF. I6h AT FAIIiS 497, / EBUNI-Y OF EATiLE' STATE BF CrlLrlRAI-rr:r. V (1:].] UTILITY EA:IET,IENT 10 FEET IN WILITH ALNN':i THE WEST L']T LII{E OF SUE.IEI]T V ['R.:IF'ER'I-Y AIi SHI:IWI'J ANN RESERVEII t]I{ lHE FLAT I:IF BIL]HO''{N SUBTIIVISII.IN, RE5UBtrMgIr:lN i:rF LBT :{,, Af"tEt'lLrEIl FLA'| . 14. A LTEED BF TRUST L'ATEII APTiI L?, 1:7$5 FfiUM GALE T. TII:INNEY ANI' EEVERLY AI'INE EITII"JNEY TLI THE F'UBLII: TRUSTEE EF EA6LE CLTUNTY F']R THE UFE EtF FIRST NATIINAL ETAN}{ $F:JAN EENITT:| TI:I 5E':URE THE 5UI'4 ':IF 15':OO,OIJO.OO, ANEI ANY C'THER AHBUNTS F.AYAELE UNNER THE TERI,I::; THEREOF, RE':I:'RI'EII APri'I !!T, 1PS5, IN BI]ET{ 411 AT PAGE 9?4. 3 7. E. PAr:;E {-7 jg/i'/ a E/ #+c-/& / o^a' -o c -n t-u .66 bp o_6-:) L / I \ o (D !t_ R A-)?e fr q,: @-b 6_- P ea a|' >21 e { ->.6 -------- oa a o-R I 3E r- .? "' €o_ z -6 6 o IMPROVEMENT LOCffi LOr 20-6 ond PART OF THE ABANOONEO ORIVE RIGHT - OF-WAY. A RESUDIVISION OF LOT 20. 8IGHffiT{ SUE |Q ff,,lc" E+s?s ={k\n" tor T3 / 6(,ie 3a a! ir a orlDrl'rANcij No -'j't ' Serics l9Bl .'AN ORDINANCS PROVIDING FOR TIIE VACATION OF A PORTION OF COLU}.TBINE DRIVE, BIGHORI.I SUBDIVISION, IN THE TOI^IN OF VAIL, COLORADO. lrrlIEREAS, the followi-ng portions of Columbine Drive,borCering on Lots 20-6, and L8, Bighorn Subdivision, Arnended P1a+-, Town of VaiI, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, have never been necessary for the public use and benefit, and the ovrners of the abutting lots and Iands desire to improve said streets hereinafter described and place the same on the tax rolls of the Town, and the Town Council of the Tovrn of VaiI,having determined that such use will benefit the public i ntcrac*..+.rev-vget NOI^] , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI'IN COUNCIL OF THE TOI.;N OF VAIL: o Section 1. For and in consideration consiEEFEffii--the Torvn bereby vacates at1 land being a portion of Columbine Drj_ve,Vai1, Colorado, Sa.id parcels being more f ol l-orvs : of $1.00 as good and valuable its interest in two parcels,of Bighorn Subdivision, Town of partisuLarly described as A porLion of the right-of-way of Colunrbine Drive adjacent Lor- 20-6, A Resubdivision of Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision, Amended Plat, a subdivision recorded in the office of the EagJ-e County, Colorador Clerk and Recorder. said portion being more particularly described as follows: aF feet A portion of the right-of-way of Columbine Drive adjacent to Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, C1erk and Recorder,saiC portion being more particularly described as follows: 9eE:::ning at the northeast corner of said Lot IB, thence along the extensj-on to the north of the east 1ine of said ,ro,^t1 Rorri \ alon l.-lsaro I - r ^-ICr-r\Jrl I 108.l.lDear lfoo.t- \said lf hr:t-"- lr0s " I l- a\ | L0. 04 ce s nning at the northwest corner of said Lot 20-6, then g the extension to the north of the westerly line of LcE 20-6, N 37o39'30" 34,04 feet; thence 16.08 feec g the arc of a curve to the Left having a radius of 18 fee+-, a central angle of 8031.'00" and a chord whi s S 80ollr30rr E 16.06 feet; Lhence 84"27r00" E 40.25 to the northerly line of said Lot 20-6 t thence alon northerly line 9I.63 feet along the arc of a curve right having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle 00'00", and a chord which bears S 75"09r30" w 79.34 he point of beginning, containing 1,878 square feet 3 acres, more or less. tt^-&Lot 18, N 37o39'30" E 34.04 feet; thence 44.54 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 108.16 fcct, a central angle of 23o35,30,,, a chord which bears N 6,iaOB'15" w 44.23 fcet to the northerly line of said Lot 19,thcrce along said s+idnortherly line 52.36 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet, a centraL angle of 60ooo'00", and a chord which bears s 22o20'10"E 50.00 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 896 souare feet or 0.021 acres, more or less. cbtr\tXxlaq_t:a sqqze r_r-en+erado r.b Section 2. This vacation is expressly conditioned 1n that the rigEEo@ hereby vacated shall not be consiclered or used to increase the allowable GRFA (gross residential floor area) or number of units on the property receiving th.e vacated right-of-way. Sectiql 3. That due regard has been given to the irghts anffiffities of the public and it is satisfactorily appearing that saj.d portion of the above described street is not necessary to the inhabitants of the Town as an avenue of travel . Sgction 4. That aII rights of way or easements for the contfnued-Ge of exist.ing gas, sewer, water or similar pipe lines and appurtenences and for electrical, telePhone and similar lines and appurtenances and for any other rights of way or easements be reserved pursuant to the provisions of Section 43-2-302, C.R.S. Section 5. That ALvin R. B. Knoblock, Kathleen M. Knoblock and-ETEE-Shattuck are the oh'ners of the property atrutting said street, being the parties requesting this vacation and they agree to pay all costs incurred vrith the preparation and publication of this ordlnance and said sum strall be paid to t,he Town Clerk prior to the ordinancer.s adopLion. INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED TIIIS IN FUI.,L 17th DAY oF November , 1981. -'- TOWN OF VAII, ATTEST: INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS /d DA\ UI A||E)I: By zi;Lrrr 6E-n€r-ffi q) ' '1.+\i hNs" :- / '*: l:'l'.9-"-{=.'/4'.,'X":-dt1. 'i.."ti, fJ 'r; li , ni'r- i,,-.F ili H 'o";X ,";r f i'j.,.q,,;l N) o= ;/,/\ 3 "/ii,''o+.. €/"_-o /-A /t('r. ^.;t:ts -'-". t/'; -=:ttu/'-'' ,/*= f, -j./,.' iV.:' q=-.,,1:- z \-- - / o I N o I (.rJ I r.J ' .1, c\ tr, .\. :'\\- ': . tz'.'9 'a-: ". f.),f? ,-'-\' -N; --\ P\)o rJ ___.'.a f . ..__" /+' 4)" t 5 t-A' c &l (r, X'"-, TI tul'' ?rr f16 ;t? \:J o t- I l-l. \.-,-___ o. 1-ti /:fc l\)o I f\) O -o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 November 16, 1981 T0: TOl,lN COUNCIL FR0M: Department of Community RE: Vacation of a Portion of department of community development Deve lopment Co'lumbi ne Dri ve The f o1 'lowi ng ca'lcu'lations ref I ect the of the 1ots which would be affected by Lot 20-6 0wner: Al Knob'lock Sq.Ft. of Lot Area: Sq.Ft. added to 'lot by Ord. #38 TOTAL Current Allowable GRFA: Allowab'le GRFA with adoption of Ord. {?R D IFFERENCE 0wner: John Shattuck Sq.Ft. of Lot Area: Sq.Ft. added by Ord. #38 TOTAL Current A'llowab'le GRFA: Allowable GRFA with adoption of Ord. #38 DI F FERENCE current status Ordinance #38: 26,615 l.;878 The current GRFA on this lot is 2400 sq.ft. comprised of 2 units. Lot 18 28,493 sq.ft. 4,911 sq.ft. 5,099sq .ft.+ 188 sq.ft. 12,109 896 13,005 sq.ft. 3,027 sq.ft. 3 ,251 sq . ft.+ 224 sq.ft. -1 o'I ][ti:Tltoulltrs'.1!]i. tot is approximaterv 1'8e5 - Page 2 ,j ---_-_______=____:--- ii--l----ij li t"r=Deeu.r{a,rerhis dayor ,re | 3g8096 I /f between The Town of Vail, a Colorado M I ,r,: ;;, " " l,l il orporation unicipa'l 1 'oo^..-&-L lli It*,*;'tm*;:m'n.i:ni: Downevand nnn"""" | ;ritffi;n llt | *u",...regar,'rrrrcssis 1567 N. shore Drive, san Benito, TX I Sr ?6 3 ao plf rBB I il | ,tvor .' --- L il I ::ii:... "rrn" -""""0t'o::1.t " nnd statu or Texas ll i ,"1"?i0tisE''ll ' That the s:rid part or t he rirst part, ror and i n consi(te ration of t he su m o f i I tothesaidparty ofthefirstparrinhandpai<rbythesaidparties ofthestconrrpar.t,rhe,.""iilllji; ii rs nerebl'confessed and 'cknowletgeo' tras remirea, r"te"""d. "ord, "onuoy.J o-ni cut" cLAlltrED, and uy ttese ll pr€sentsdoes renrise'release'sell'con'evandQUITCLAtltuntothesaial".,J-"rrn.secondpart,theii i"i"". 1l ;::"T',:fflr'r"r":Ti"t;;:'." all the right, title' interest, crainr anrr au,non,r *hiir, tr,t "ui,r pa.ty "ir,," i,*, n"r, 11 .f Eagie- " ;;[ffi;#i::::"Hl:!.ii+i:iii11J",,"flJ:,,:tu;";",n """""l;:fi," il Exhibit A attached and made a part hereot by reference. rurrueu rrr Il Recorded at, --._.-_-_ _-_._ o.clock__ _ Il., Recept ion No.-._-.---____o I ,-l :.I \l .t \ /Ll \' ll l.l i I qn d TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thI nging or in an.!-wise ,n..uu.,,1l1'li;,H::::::,:,i]l:11.::],:,": the apr,urrenances and privireses rhereunto belonging or in anywise thoreunro """":;":-,-:'-::'1',::: ""t srrrsular the apl)urtenar said party of the firsr. r.,,,:,1"'":iffilJi?li;lll,,illl::::,,i::'l*u,,,,,,..,.,..,"J11.,1,1il,lHfi::::,Tl;:;;:,"il:J,":i;lLllili,"i,i;i,ff;*,1;;;;i;:.;l;:::ii'i;iliiilil,Ji;llf::T;J,":il'ffffi:"*.Ji:;the second p"rt.thei n"i"s and assigns for.evcr.IN WITNESS IVIIURI:OF. Th se:rr rrre<ray,,".,".,,,,.i,1]l'l.l:::: {-,:^ttn"firstp.rrh.s her)xrhtoscr its1,on4 also known as street and nu!nocr and sea I tlre da). and year first:rl)ove ivrrtten. Signed. Sealed an<l Dclir t red rn the presence uf L rlal or WpfiLtt[SJ/,-J tl ii /' I ii t: ii il il ii il ! SEALI SEA LI \ ,l !t il t\.i l i ,1..<. tg 9PfVitn"." nr.v hanrl an<l officialseal. - J. Fru+ew po UUL U f,rbs'l rl ! ii Eagle County S-+ie Doc. Fee f"(l d EXHIBIT A A porti on er^r!:,:j9,1:;:l-:?rr:[ :Sl'E?;ff'?iilidiiiiill " hfll.i3;tfu lrl'l'llll;; iiion'"'o'ded -in-,the off i ce of 'the Eaqle countv, coro'"il'"iittl-ino l:t?:1"t' said portton being more part'icu'"iji' attttibed as follows: Besinn i ns ar th:.r:,l:*:il,:i;ti:"illi'kiiliiii#lii. :lll',-ll',3:::"i' :? ":; , 56i , s+ . o1 r-:.t i "ii.s-i,r. 1,.,1-r,;:i:,:i,:lt l'li, li;-liliSiiflll:,il"' i::i:i "fiit *ll"i,i; i n"ik;ii[;l:; i6 -0, irr""" "] :ns.ieet to the norther'rnf]Oi"t!"a-"tons the arc of a.curve_Eo. said northerlY lrne the rishr havins " ,:;;; ii, up'l:-i:"1;.ini![l'fitr3l3i"tll. i*;lli:;,';t?';J!lli"u:'::"?:i;i"i il';; !q'"'" ree'i or dloil-"lttt, more or less' (-1, --.2 ,i::8fu:W'b'-'$a / t* o' uott ' *r., 9/e5/gg 15:1t REE* ol EBSiffi ?:s TOTAL IIJE IE.OO le.m *'h**t cLEHt* I srt o INYI e3037 I|EFHJ E0rNnn$kERli-olID ECoRDER+* II**r****+*tsvE A NICE 0flYr++r****r+*rl A oads 700 producing oil or gas field deems in whole or in part for the con. ls, bridges, or highway slrucrures , it may by an order entered of ation of the county treasurer lo warrant retirement fund. $ 157; CRS 53, 120-l-lE; C.R.S. n creation and establishment of 's of such county shall thereupon become available to such countv s, together with such additionil rers may determine to be ncces- ld, not to exceed fifly percent said fund shall be held in said he retirement of all outstandinc' rants issued in accordance witi t. $ 158; CRS 53, 120-l-19; C.R.S. :est. When the board of counrv ed and approved, by resolution onstruction, repair, or improve- ;, either by the county itself or e state of Colorado and with or cst thereof or the share of such :h county, it may by resolution mts in such amount as mav be rosts of the same, said wanants :asurer and by him offered for te of such warrants outstanding r for assessment of all propenlr preof . No warrants shali run for fnent nor bear a rate of interest i 159; CRS 53, 120-l-201 C.R.S. The county treasurer of such n connection with such highwal, 701 State, County, and Municipal Highways 43-2-302 anticipation warrants and shall administer said fund so as to retire such war- rants therefrom at such times and in such manner as the board of countv commissioners may prescribe in the issuance thereof, subject to the limita- tions provided in sections 43-2-214 to 43-2-218. Source: L. 47, p.750, $ 5; CSA, C. 143, $ 160;CRS 53. 120-t-21: C.R.S. 1963, $ 120-l-17. 43-2-21E., Sections supplementsl. Sections 43-2-214 to 43-2-218 are supple- mental and in addition to all other powers and authorities by statute or other- wise granted and enjoyed by the respective counties of the state. Source: L. 47, p. 750, $ 6; CSA, C. 143, $ 16l; CRS 53, 120-l-22: C.R.S. t963, $ 120-r-lE. PART 3 VACATION PROCEEDINGS: ROADS, STREETS, AND HIGHWAYS Cross reference: For abandonment of town incorporation, s€e part Z of article 3 of title I l. 43-L3Ol. Definitions. As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires:(l) "Block" means that portion of a subdivision surrounded by streets, however designated, or other boundary lines and platted as a block, plot, tract, square, or other designated unit.(2) "Owner" or "owner of record " includes any person, firm, partner- ship, association, or corporation.(3) "Roadway" includes any platted or designated public street, alley, lane, parkway, avenue, road, or other public way, whether or not it has been used as such. Source: L. 49, p. fAO, $ l; CSA, C. 143, $ 69(l); CRS 53, t2Gt-il;C.R.S, 1963, $ 120-14-1. 43.2-302. Vesting of title upon vacation. ( I ) Whenever any roadway has been designated on the plat of any tract of land or has been conveyed to or acquired by a county or incorporated town or city or by the state or by any of its political subdivisions for use as a roadway, and thereafter ii vacated, title to the lands included within such roadway or so much thereof as may be vacated shall vest, subject to the same encumbrances, liens, limita- tions, restrictions, and estates as the land to which it accrues, as follows:(a) ln the event that a roadway which constitutes the exterior boundary of a subdivision or other tract of land is vacated, titte to said roadway sha vest in the owners of the land abutting the vacated roadway to the same extent that the land included within the roadway, at the time the roadway was acquired for public use, was a part of the subdivided land or was a part of the adjacent land. 703 o ighwa ys and Roads H t 43-2-302 State, Cou il3-2-303. Melhods of vac: of an incorporated town or subdivisions in and to any n roadway by any of the follou (a) The city council or o nance may vacate any road! limits of said city or town, municipal corporation and tt rado.(b) The board of county roadway or any part thereof way is not within the limits o (c) If such roadway cons such roadway or any part tl of the boards of county comt (d) If said roadway conr may be vacated only by joi of the county and the duly cc (2) No roadway or part adjoining said roadway witl land with another established (3) In the event of vacati way or easements may be n gas, water, or similar pipelir appurtenances, and for eler nances.(4) Any written instrume to vacate or relocate roadw in the counties where the rot years shall be prima facie e roadways. This subsection action commenced prior to aside, modify, or annul the ' modified, or annulled by pr such notice of pendency ol been recorded in the recorc located. Source: L. 49, p.621, $ 3 r963, $ r20-14-3. Editor's noac: As lo vacation by nl compare Crane v. Beck, 133 Colo. 69, 225 P.2d 839 0950). Am. Jur.2d. Sce 39 Am. Jur.2d, Str€ets, and Bridges, S 143. C,J.S. See 39 C.J.S., Highways, $ Lsw reYlcw', For anicle, "Res and Replatting", see 2E Rocky Mt. I fl956). Secllon noi suahorily to dcclarc r, This section does not vest the boaft CD fn the event that less than the entire width of a roadway is vacated' .wt" lt" "L"tio portion-inJr vest in the owners of the land abutting such #{Pd Portion.fiJ riit" event that a roadway bounded by straisht lines is vacated, title lb-tfie vacated roadway ,tturt u"ti in the owners ofthe abutting land'. each abutting owner taking to ift" ."nit' oi the roadway' except as'nrgvidef-1t ;;6fu;t 1a) and (b) oi this subsection (L)' ln th€ event that the boundary lines of abutting r"not Oo'noi ff;;;t said roadway at a right angle' th'e land inctuded ,"ithin suJi io"O*"v shall vest as provided in paragraph (d) gl+h(s subsection (l)' F (d)') In all instances not specifically provided for' title to the vacated road- H7.r,i'ri ;; Ji i;;; ;ilii iiii," ^'u,ining tand, each ab uuin g ow ne r. t aki n^g that portion of ttre vacatJd-touJ*uy to wf,ich his land' or any part thereof' is4earest in ProximitY.(ft},n;fti;;i a roadway upon vacation shall accrue to an abutting rrb?ddav. Source: L. 49, p:620, $ 2; CSA, C' t43' $ 69(2X CRS 53' 12G1-12; C'R'S' 1963, $ 120-14-2. Vacrtlnr rtsoluti,os b frn&l on ensctmenq and cannot bJrescinded if the rights of third par' ii"" ttut" v€sted. Sutphin v. Mouming, 642 P.zd 34 (Colo. Ct. APP. l9El)' Recordtng de€d atler vscation Gonveys lots oniv rnd noi vaceted street. Since in legal effect itt"i" *o" no deed outstanding, the recording of the original deed after the street vacatron served to convey only the lots and not a por' iion of the atready vacated stre€t' Sky Harlo-r' i*. u. r.nn"r, iel colo. 470, 43s P'zd 894 (l%8).- Subscctton (l) (r) of thts 6.ction cl€rrly con- temDlrtcs the vrcation of lh€ entirc rosdwry' s;iii ". se"tt, Roebuck & Co..205 F' Supp' toS iO. Coto. 1962), modified, 321 F'2d 468 (loth Cir. 1963). Whlle subs€ctlon (l) (b) of thb s€ctlon $$ rlcstcncd to cov€r thp vacrtlon of lesr than lhe cntiie widtfr of a highway. Buell v' Sears' RoeUuck & Co., 205 F. Supp. 865 (D' Colo' i962), modified, 321 F. 2d 468 ( lOth Cir' l%3)' Subs€ctlon (l) (d) prcvenls disjolnted trrcls' Subsection (l) (d) of this section would appear to c"rty out th" policy of the general assembty io or*"int th. .riution of any disjointed tracls' in'.ii situations the Yacatcd roadway vests in ih" o*n".. of abutting land. Buell v' Sean, iloeUuct A Co', 205 F. Supp. 865 (D' Colo' i9o2l. modified, 321 F.2d 468 (loth cir' 1963)' Substctlon (f) (c) of this s€cdon exPr€sses a clear Int€na to excludc rn unvacsted hlghwry 8s rn tbuttlng own€r. Bu€ll v, Sears, Roebuck & Co., 205 F. Supp. 865 (D. Colo. 1962)' modi' fied,32l F.2d 46E (l0th Cir. 1963)' Cross referenccs. As to designation of prop ertv for Dublic usc, see $ 3l-l'108. i,n. Jur.2d. Scc 39 Am. Jur.2d, Highways' Stieets. and Bridges, * $ 142' 184' 185' C.J.S. See 39AC.J.S., Highways' $ 137' nitle aedicstton under s€citon 3l'1-106' rhc ort-rLrt owrcr dtYcars btmseU of the po{er.of dis;osition of the propeny and vests the clty t i1't itriJl"cal po*!r. bueit v. Sears, Roebuck ii't'"l.idj?- S"pp' 865 (D' Colo. le62), modi' fied. 321 F.2d,168 (l0th Ch' l%3). iitr *"rtoo v.sls complet€ lcgrl title' This section oo€ratcs lo vcst in the adjoining owner .ii onl" itre title which initiallv passed to the citv and corrnty but the complete legal title to boih surface and subsurface rights 10 vacatcd roadway. Buell v. S€ars' Roebuck & Co'' 321 F.2d 468 (loh Cir. l%3). Scctlotr do€3 not dcprlve dcdicator of property unconstttuilondly. One dcdicating highways to thc public by {iling plats showing highways locaied theieon G'not unconstitutionally deprived of its propeny by this section which provides that upon vacation of the highway.lhe iitte stratl vest ln thc abuttinS owner. Buell v' Sears, Roebuck & Co., 205 F' Supp. 865 (D' Colo.-1962), modified, 321 F.2d '168 (loth Cir' 1963).Hlcrtor lr on notlce' A dcdicator, even thJuch not immediately divested of subsurface richti. is on noticc at the time of dedication ttrit ii a ponion of thc dedicated street should bJ vacated by the city and county uncondi' tional titlc would vest in the adjoining owner' euiu t. Se*t, Rocbuck & Co., 321 F'2d 468 (l0th Cir. 1953)'I I I I 702 ls 703 State, County, and Municipal Highways 43-2-303 'idth of a roadway is vacated. ners of the land abutting such ' straight lines is vacated, title :rs of the abutting land, each rdway, except as provided in n the event that the boundarv :oadway at a right angle, thi as provided in paragraph (d) for, title to the vacated road- d, each abutting owner taking his land, or any part thereof, n shall accrue to an abutting (2); CRS 53, 120-1-12; C.R.S. rg rcsolutloo ls llnal on enactment, and e rescinded if the rights of third.oar-: vested. Sutphin v. Mourning,642 lolo. Ct. App. l9El). llng dced after yscttion conveys lots not vacstcd strecl. Since in legal effect t lo 9.ed outstanding, the rrcordrng iginal deed after tbe street vacalio; r convey only the lots and not a por. e already vacatcd sreet. Sky Harbor, enner, 164 Colo. 4?0, 435 p,2d E94 :ion (l) (a) of lhis sectlon clearly cun. the vrcalion of the entire rord*av. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 205 F. Supi. 3olo. l%2), modified, 32t F.2d 468 1963). rubsectlon (f) (b) of thls sectlon wrs to coy.er lhe vrcrtl,on of lcss than the dlh of a highway. Buell v, Sears,& Co.,205 F. Supp.865 (D. Coto. 'dified, 321 F. 2d 468 (lOth Cir. I%3). lon (l) (d) pr€vents dl6jolntcd trrcts. 'n (l) (d) of this scction would aDDcar 'ut the policy of thc general assimbly t the creation ofany disjointed tracls. ations the vacated roadway vcsts in rs of abutting land. Buell v. Sears.& Co., 205 F. Supp. 865 (D. Colo. dificd,32l F.2d 468 (l()rh Cir. 1963). ion (l) (e) of thls sectlon rxprsat r lt to exclude sn unvacated hlghway as rg owner. Buell v. Sears, Roebuck & F. Supp. 865 (D. Colo. 1962), modi- r.2d 468 ( loth Cir. t963). 43-2-303. Methods of vacation. (l) All right, title, or interest of a county, of an incorporated town or city, or of the state or of any of its political subdivisions in and to any roadway shall be divested upon vacation of such roadway by any of the following methods: (a) The city council or other similar authority of a city or town by ordi- nance may vacate any roadway or part thereof located within the corporale limits of said city or town, subject to the provisions of the charter of such municipal corporation and the constitution and statutes of the state of Colo- rado.(b) The board of county commissioners of any county may vacate any roadway or any part thereof located entirely within said county if such road- way is not within the limits of any city or town. (c) If such roadway constitutes the boundary line between two counties, such roadway or any part thereof may be vacated only by the joint action of the boards of county cornmissioners of both counties. (d) If said roadway constitutes the boundary line of a city or town, it may be vacated only by joint action of the board of county commissioners of the county and the duly constituted authority of the city or town. (2) No roadway or part thereof shall be vacated so as to leave any land adjoining said roadway without an established public road connecting said land with another established public road.(3) In the event of vacation under subsection (l) of this section, rights-of- way or easements may be reserved for the continued use of existing sewer, gas, water, or similar pipelines and appurtenances, for ditches or canals and ippurtenances, and for el€cric, telephone, and similar lines and appurte- nances.(4) Any written instrument of vacation or a resubdivision plat purporting to vacate or relocate roadways or portions thereof which remains of record in the counties where the roadways affected are situated for a period of seven years shall be prina facie evidence of an effective vacation of such former roadways. This subsection (4) shall not apply during the pendency of an action commenced prior to the expiration of said seven-year period to set aside, modify, or annul the vacation or when the vacation has been set aside, modified, or annulled by proper order or decree of a competent court and such notice of pendency of action or a cerlified copy of such decree has been recorded in the recorder's office of the county where the property is located. Source: L. 49, p. 621, $ 3; CSA, C. 143, $ 69(3); CRS 53' l2Gl-13; C.R.S. 1963, $ r20-14-3. Fdltor's notc: As to vacation by nonuser following admitted statutory dedication and acccptance, conpare Crane v. Beck, 133 Colo. 325, 295 P.2d 222 (1956) and Uhl v' McEndaffer' 123 Colo' 69, 225 P.2d 839 0950). Am. Jur.2d. See 39 Am. Jur.2d, Highways, commissioncrs with the authority to declare Streets. and Bridges, $ t43. that a road has b€come public by adversc use; c.J.S. See 39 C.J.S., Highways, $ I13. rather, lhis section only givcs commissioncrs Lsw rcviews. For anicle, "Resubdividing lhe authority to relinquish any claims the and Replatting", see 28 Rocky Mt. L. Rev.529 public may have in a road. Williams v. Town (1956). of Esles Park, 43 Colo. App. 265' 608 P.2d 810 Section not authorily to declare road public. (1919). This section does not vest the board ofcounty 43-2-304 PART I FREEWAYS AND LOCAL SERVICE Hi|av, and Roads SPECIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE 3 Special Highway Construction D 43'2'304. Limitation of actions. _Any limitation established by this parr 3 shall apply to causes of action which have accrued prior to Uay S,'Dll, as well as to all causes of action accruing thereafter. The right t; instituti an action shall not be barred by reason of the limitarions preicribed in said part.3 until the expiration.of six months from May 5, 1949. rhis part i strati not be construed as reviving any action or limitaiion barred by inv rormii or other statute. .^99ul"9i-L, 49, p.622, $ 4; CSA, C. 143, $ 69(a); CRS 53, 120_l_t4; C.R.S.r963, $ 120-144. 4t-3.101. 43-3-102. 43-3-103. 43-l- 104. 43.3-105. 43-l-106. 43.3-tO7. 43-3-214. 43-3-215. 43-3-216. 43-3-2t7. 43-3-216. 43-3-219. 43-3-301. 43-3-302. 43-3-303. 43-3-304. 43-3-305. 43-3-306. 43-3-307 . 43-3-308. 43-3-109. 43-3-3 t0. 43-3-3t L 43-3-3t2. 43-3-3 | 3. 43-3-314. 43-t-315. 43-3-316. 43-3-1t7. 43-3-l t8. 43-3-319. ROADS Freeways - how declared -commercial enterprises pro- hibited. Engineer to divide freeway. Engineer may close streer or road. Str€et not to open into free- way, When local service roads laid out. Acquiring land and right-of- way. Acquisilion by commissioners and state deparlmenl of highways joinrly. PART 2 TURNPIKES LeBislative declaration. Pow€rs granted lo department. Bonds aulhorized. Bond details. Trust indentures. Paymenl ofbonds. Bond lien. Bond proceeds. Tax exemption. Refunding bonds. Rights of bondholders. Effcct of payment of bonds. No debt authorized. Succession of powers duties. Legislative declaration. Additional powers. Execution. Bonds legal investments. Interest earnings. PART 3 TOLL ROADS _ PRIVATE Grade - width - rurnouts. County surveyor to examine. Lien for tolls. Owners to act as peace offi- cers. Unlawful collection of tolls -penalty. Refusing to pay toll - penalty. Complaint if road not repaired. Penalty for failure to keep road in repair. County to repair - receive roll. Pay of commissioners. County may sell road. Appeal to dislricl court. Toll roads musl be kept in repatr. Complaint to coun if road our of repair. Judgment abates toll chargc. Judgment certified to commis- stoners, Appeals. Penalty for illegal toll. Execution againsl toll road. und 43-3-201. 43-3-202. 43-3-203. 13-1-2U. 43-l-205. 43-3-20f. $-3-m7. 43-3-208. 4l-3-209. 4l-3-2 t0. 43.3-2t l. 43-3-2t2. 1)-t-z t5, 705 $-3-3m. 43-3-32t. 43-3-322. 43-3-401. 43-3402. 43-l-403. 43-3-404. 43-3405. spe Effect of cenific chasc. Obligalions of impaired. Owner may redeen PART 4 TOLLTUNNELS Legislative declaral Powers and duti€ highway commisl Authority to consln Anticipation warar Inter€st - terms sale. FREEWAYS _..13-3-101. Freeways . hov lhe state highway commissl nate any portion of a hiehw reason of the volume an-d s sat-ety. of the traveling publ opposlte dtrections thereon , nrghways with other public t rrom pnvate property abuttin (2) Whenever, in the esu one ownership is severed bv acc€ss across the freeway f.or below or above grade at made tbr such crossing by tt owner tor a-ny legally compel as provided by law, but ihe than the difference in value roads shall be used fonor ir Duslness. or enterprise. If su(ownershrp, the chief engine,roads. (3) No commercial enterp emergency services for disat on any property designated as or nlghway by the state depa a€ency, At locations deemid the state department of high, open into or connect with ffr llshmenl and operation of cr users of the freeway on privat Source: L. 4t, p. 654. i';o*-J-1,1-"t' L'. s7' p' $ l; 634 STATE OF JRADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE OROERNO.: V134e3 VENDOFNO.:600?2 ISSUEDTO: LAt{0 TITLi GUARANTEE C0HPANY BOX J57 varL c0 E1658 PARCEL NO.; 0011020 ASSESSED TO: D0l{tl EYr G rLE T. GALE T. DOTiNEYT 1967 NCRTH SHORE SAN EENITO T 1X & EEVERLY ANNE- Itl .O.rP.A. ETAL 73586 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL + 05 t3'l t Ee PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AI GHORI'I SUE.]LOCK. LOT 20.6 RESUB OF LOT 20 .AX LIEN SALE AI,IOUNT IS SUEJECT TO :HANGE CUE TO ENOORSE}tENT OF THE :URRENT TAX 8Y CERT OF PURCHASE {OL0ER. aFTER SEPT 1r eERSO},lAL PR0P.i I.IOSTLE HOltE A}tOUNT IS SUEJECT TO :HAN6E. AFT€R OCT,'I REAL PROP. TAI IXOUNI IS SUBJECT TO CXANGE. PLEASE :ONIACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FOR :ORRECT AI{OUNT PRIOR TO RE',IITTTNG. NOTICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE Ai'OUNT OF REAL ESTATE TA(ES DUE UPON PARCELS OFTHE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE PROPEBW DESCRIBED HEBEIN, AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME i,lAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT FEOUIRED FOF BEDEMPTION, ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN W]IIIESS WHEB€OF. I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL THISz1 DAYOF APRIL AD le 89 TREASUREF, EAGLE COUNTY MARY E. WALKER ADVERTISING: TOTAL TAx OUE TAx LlEl,l SALES OB DELINOUENT TAX 0.0c -T,O, TAL AMOU Nr rO FED.,F-EM SPECIAL ASSESSMEMS 0.00 TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE 0.00 0.00 THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLTJOE I.ANO OR IMPFOVEMENTS A'9' SESSED UNOER A SEPAMTE SCHEOULE NUMBER PERSOML PMPERTY TAXES, OR SPECIqL TMPROVEMENT DISTBICf, ASSESSMEMTg MOBILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED. FEE FOH ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $ CURRENTTAX TAX DUE: t1Q .65 STATUS: PAIO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 @ o DATE April 26t I9B9 APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUEDIVISION REVIEl.l A.NAME OF MAI LING APPLICANT_Ga1e 1'. Do\,rney ADDRESS 1624 S. Carolina, Harlingen, T{ 78586 PHONE s12-425-6522 8.NAME OF AppLICANT'S REpRESENTgllyERoss Davis, Jr., Attorney at Law P.O. Box 190, Vai1, CO 81658 PHONE 476-2414 GaIe T. Dovmev, Beverley Anne Downey and Gale T. Do!'iney M.D. P.A. Defined Benefj-t L.NAME OF O|'INER'S MAILING PROPERTY S IGNATURE (pnnr 476-2414 ADDRESS P.O.Box 190, Vail, T @ 81658 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT A Resubdivision FEE $100.00 BLOCK SUBDIVISION FILING of Lot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivisi-on, Resubdivision of Lot 20 F F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED PAID BY 1. 5. ( date ) 1.Two myl ar copies of the duplex subdivisjon p'l at following the requi rements of Sectjon .|7. 16. 130 (C), .|,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.l0, 1 l, l3 and l4 of the Subdivision Regulations. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zonjng purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots.,' The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. The dec'l aration and/or covenants shal 1 specifically address the painting of the exterjors of the unjts so that the units wi] I be painted the same color and maintained in the same manner. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEt., CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subd.ivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community Development wi'l 'l be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle county cleik and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . tr. H. :,PJON PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI,ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR A RESUBDIVTSION OF LOT 20-6, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION RESUBDTVISION OF LOT 20 AMENDED PI,AT AND PART OF COLUMBINE DRIVE, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COIORADO RECITALS GaIe T. Downey, Beverley Anne Downey, and Gale T. Dolrney M.D.,P.A., Defined Benefit Pension PIan and Trust (ttDeclarantstr) are the owners of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as a Resubdivision of Lot 20-6t Bighorn Subdivision Resubdivision of Lot 2o Amended Plat and Part of Colunbine Drive, Bighorn Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Declarants have constructed on Parcel A and parcel B a building consistj-ng of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimes referred to herein separately as "unitrr or collectively as trunitstr. 3. Parcel A contains a 3 level house and detached garage and Parcel B contains a 3 level house. DECLARATION Declarants do hereby publish and decrare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, use,reservations, Iirnitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, shal1 be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein and improvements built thereon, his grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DEFrNrrroNs. unress the context sharl expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shall have the forrowing neaning=: A. 'rThe Properties" means all of the real estate legally described as a Resubdivision of Lot 20-6, Bighorn subdivision Resubdivision of Lot 20 Arnended plat and part oi colunbine Drive,Bighorn subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle county, colorado, subject to the reservations of title set forth on the attached Exhibit rAi'. B. rrl-,otrr or ttBuilding sitett means parcel A or parcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. c- rrDuplextt or "Buildingtr rneans the two dwell-ing units, and the detached garage constructed upon the parcels. D.rrDuPIgYtt rrunittr means any one of the two dwellings comprising the E. rrcommon Arearr means parcel c as shown on the Map which shall be owned equarry by both of the owners of the parcer A and parcer B a each having an equal undivided one-half interest as Tenants in Common in and to the Common Areas. F. rrOwnerrr means a person, persons,firrn, corporation,or any combination partnership or association, or other legal entity,thereof, owing an interest in ttre Parcels. G. rrMaprr means the engineering survey Eagle ValLey Surveyingf Inc., Dannie Corcoran,depicting and locating specificity thereon irnprovements thereon, recorded on of the Colorado the .in Properties by P.L.S. 16827 Parcels and Book at Page and is hereby subrnitted to this Declaration. H. ItAssessmenttt means any periodic or one time charge to cover the cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION. Every Contract of SaIe, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrument shall legally describe a Unit or real property interest as follows: Parcel A or Parcel B (as the case may be), together with an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in Parcel c. according to the plat entitled a Resubdivision of Lot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivision Resubdivision of Lot 2O Arnended Plat and Part of Columbine Drive, Bighorn subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado recorded in Book -at Page _, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to selI, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effect the Parcel and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall apply to the properties as said terrn (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISTON. A. Declarants hereby establish this plan for the subdivision of the Properties into Three (3) Parcels for ownership in fee sirnpte by the individual and separate owners of Parcel A, and parcel B, as undivided co-tenants of Parcel C which commonly owned property is defined and referenced as Common Area. B. The Common Area sha1l be subject to the easements noted on the map and those set forth herein. C. Parcel A, and Parcel B shalt have appurtenant thereto an undivided one-half G/2) interest in parcel C, which shal] be inseparable frorn Parcel A, and Parcel B and rnay be conveyed, leased,devised or encumbered only as such und.ivided and, appurtenlnt interest. D. No owner shall bring any action for partition or division of Parcel A, and Parcel B or of said parcels from their appurtenant undivided interests in Parcel C. E. fn the event Parcel A, and parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. F.. The partj_es, if more than one, having the ownership of each such unit shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other tegar entity shall becone an owner or the parties, of more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent ov/ners shall fron tine to tirne designate one individuaL who shal-t represent such entity or concurrent ohrners in aIl matters concerninq all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. c. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice .shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or, omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or owners having designated hirn in favor of the other owner or any other person who may rely thereon. H. Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel of real property and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 3. ENCROACHMENTS. ff any portion of Parcel A, or parcel B noht encroaches upon the parcel as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encioachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settring or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event. any building Jnaff be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuirt, encroachments of parts of the bui-rding on the other parcel ,due to such rebuilding, shall be permittedr so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing,and valid easenents for such encroachrnents. and the rnaintenance thereof sha1l exist so long as the building shall stand, 4. PARTY-WALL A. The common wal.l placed equalty divided on the common boundary separating-unit A and unit B, the footings underlying and the portion of roof over such warr (which at this time is linited to the connecting line of the roofs of the 3 revel house rocated within Parcel B and the detached garage within parcel A) is collectively referred to herein'as the rrParty Walltt. B. To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, the generar rures of law regarding party warls and liabirity for damage due, to negligence, willful acts or omissions sharr apply to the party WaLl. c. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual easement in and to that pagt of the other unit on whj-ch the party wa1l is located,for party wa]l purposes, including nutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. rn the event of damage to or the destruction of the Party wall frorn any cause, then the owners sharl at joint expense in equal shares, repair or rebuird said party war1, and each owner, sharl have. the right to the fu1I use of said party walr so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negrigence, willfur act or onission of any owner, his fairiry,agent or invitee, sharl cause damage to or destruction of, the narly warl, such o$/ner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstructionr.and an owner who by his negrigent or witltut act causes the Party wal1 to be exposed to the elements sharl bear the ful1 cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such eLements 5. LANDSCAPING. SERVICE FACTLITTES AND PARKING. A. The owners from time to tirne shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements including but not lirnited to driveway and parking areas as they may mutually and unaninously deem proper for the harrnonious irnprovement of both units in a connoi theme, and, except for any expense or liabirity caused through the negligence or wilrfur'act of any owner, his fanily, agent or iivitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share atl expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor irnprovements according to the ratios set forth in paragraph 7 below. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve. a harmonious common appearance of the units. B. conmon utility or service connections or lines, common facilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the units but used in cornmon with the other unit, if any, shalt be owned as.tenants in common of equal undivided one-haIf interests by the owners of each unit and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act, of any owner, his family,ag'ent or invitee, which shal1 be borne solely by such owner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. The owner of the unit on which such property is not located sha1l have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. c. It is expected that common access facilities will be provided on a portion of each of the units. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through that part of the parking and access facility located on the other ownerts unit. The owners shall have equal right to the use of such access and no owner shall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his invitees to the other ownerrs unit or park or permit his invitees to park any vehicle on the parking and access facility located on the.other o\^rnerrs unit without the consent of the other owner. ft is presumed that snowplowing wiII be reguired from tine to time, the cost of which will be ihared-by the owners. Other maintenance, repair or improvement of such parking and access facilities may be required from time to time, and the same shalI be undertaken upon the unanimous agreernent of the owners who shall share all expenses. 6. A. AI.,TERATION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. In addition, to maintenance provided for in paragraph 5.A.,the owners shall pay their proportionate share of the totar cost allocated to each parcel , in order to provide exterior maintenance and exterj-or repair upon the units and the unimproved portions of Parcel C and.of the parcel upon which each unit is rocated including, but not lirnited to, the exterior and the roof housing the units. nepair,replacement or cleaning of exterior window glass shall be considered interior maintenance. rf the need for repair is caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee,such owner sharr bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction. Both units must be painted at the sarne tirne lnd with the same materials and no exterior modifications shatl be made with the character of the buirding without unanimous approvar of both parties B. Each owner shal] be solely responsible for maintenanie and repair of the inside of his unit including fixtures and improvernents and all utility lines and equiprnent located therein and serving such unit only. window glass shall be deemed interior maintenance. rn performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or altering his unit, no owner shaIl do any act or work -which- impairs the structurar soundness of either unit or the party wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. c. .Utility or service connections or 1ines, facilities or other utirity equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the units, which are used solery !o .supply a service or utility to one o unit shaLl be owned by the ovrner of the unit using such utility or service and aII expenses and liabilities for repair and naintenance shal-l be borne sole1y by the owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easenent in and to that part of such other parceJ_ or unit containing such property' as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. D. No owner shall inake or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change), either permanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his unit or construct any additional building structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his unit without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto frorn the other or/ner. rn case of darnage or destruction of any unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the o$rner of such unit shall.cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance,if any, for that purpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior prornote the comrnon theme Parcel A Parcel B 7. ALLoCATION oF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping,service facirities, parking, maintenance and repairs, to cornmon parcel c, except as caused by negrigence of willful act of an ohrner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: to of the damage and in a harrnonious manner to both units. 50? 508 B. FIECHANIC'S LTENS: TNDEMNTFICATION: A. Except for iterns incurred as a conmon expense as provided for herein, if any owner sharr cause any rnaterial to be furnished to his parcel or unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other ohlner shall not under any circurnstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the varue of the work done or material furnished; aI1 such work shal1 be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such orsner shall" be solery responsi ble to contractors, laborers, materiarmen and other persons furnishing labor or rnaterials to his unit or any irnprovenents Lherein or thereon; nothing herein contained shall authoriZe either owner or any person dealing through, with or under either olrner to charge the unit of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or other rien or encumbrance whatever,. and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any Lien-or encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one ownerrs unit for work done or rnaterials furnished to the other ownerrs unit is hereby expressly qen].eo. . P. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or ornj.ssion of any owner, any mechanicrs or other Lien or order for the payment of money sha1l be filed against the other ownerrs unit or any improvernents therein or thereon oi against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is varid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms Lhe basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptabre to such other owner, within _ 30 days after the date of - filin| thereof, and further shal-l indernnify and save the other owner harmless frorn and against any and ?rl costs, expenses, clairns, Losses or danag.es,including redsonable attorneyrs fees resulting i.herefrom. 9. INSURANCE. A. Each owner sharr keep his unit and arl fixtures therein insured_against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage ferils (i-ncluding vandarism and rnariLious rnischief) for the niximurn o replacement value thereof. Any o\{ner may on 30 daysr written notice,at any time two years or long'er after the l-ast appraisal of the units, may obtain a writlen appraisal . of such units from a competent appraiseri, with both owners sharing the cost of the appraisal provided it was done with the unanimous consent of the owners. Such appraiser shall be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to either owner whether. thiough joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each owner shalL provide and keep in force, for the protection of himself, generaL public liability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property darnage occurring in, on or upon, his parcel owned in fee simple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of not less than g3oorOOO.oo in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for danage to property, and if higher linits shall at any time be customary to protect against possible tort Iiability,.such higher Lirnits sha1l be carried and each owner shall name the other owner as an additional insured party under such poricy. c. Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph,each containing agreements by the insurers not to chncel or rnodify the policies without giving the other owner written notice of at'Ieast 30 days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy aJ_I such insurance policies of the other owner and require evidence of the payment of premiums ttrereon. D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the ohrners fron jointly acquir.ing a single policy fo cover any one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separateli insured against by each owher. 10. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCEL. - A. In the event of darnage or destruction to a unit by fire or other dJ-saster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unit, shal1 be deposited into a bank account which reguires, for vrithdrawals, the signatures of both the owners, or disbursed directly by the insurance carrier. The owners shall then pronptry authorize the necessary repair and. reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the ohrners to defray the cost thereof.I'Repair and reconstructionrr of units, as used her-in, neans restoring the improvements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundariel as before B. rf the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct any dainaged uniL, such damage or destruction sharl be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment against the owners of the damaged unit. Any such assessnents shalr be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds altocable to such unit.such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (3o)days after written notice thereofl -the special assessment provided for.herein shall be a debt of the owner of the damaged unit and a lien on his parcel and the improvements hereon and na! be enforced and collected by foreclosure pioceedings in the Courts. Ll_. DAMAGE TO COMIION AREA. In the event of damage or destruction to all or a portion of the common.Area due to fire or other disaster, the j-nsurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct or repair. the damage, sha1l be applied by the owners to such reconstruction and repair. rf the insurance proceeds with respect to such Comrnon Area damage or destruction are inlufficient to repiir and reconstruct the darnaged or destroyed common Area, the owners shall consider a special assessment. rf such assessment is approved by both ownersr the owners shall make such assessment and proceed to make such repairs or reconstruction. ff such assessment is not approved, the insurance proceeds may be applied in accordance with the wishes of the owners, unless made jointty paiable to the owners and the first rnortgagees of their respective parcels, if any. The assessment as to each owner and parcer sharr be equal to the assessment against every other owner and parcel. such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (3o) days after written notice thireof. The assessmeni provided for herein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his parcel and the improvements thereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. L2 . .RIGHT TO LIEN. A. If an .owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his. share of any obligation reguired hereunder, the other olrner may, but shall not be obligated to, after 30 days written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, rnake such paynent oy, on beharf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessa.ry to perform such obligation including, but not limited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking oi'any work required hereunder for repaj.r, restoration or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrs unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair,restoration or maintenance. B. AII sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of 1-B percent per year from the date of such paynent or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner so failing to perform (the ttdefault,ing ownerrt) upon dernand of the other owner. c. All sums so dernanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shal1 constitute a lien on the unit of the defautting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, .except:(+) liens for taxes and special assessrnents; and, (ii) the lien of lny first rnortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit.The lien shall attach frorn the date when the unpaid sum shall becone due and may be forecrosed in like manner' as a mortgage on rear property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the nondefaulting owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the narne of the defaultingt owner, and a description of the unit. rn any such foreclosure the defaurtinq owner lnarr be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorirey I s fees. D. The rien provided for herein sharl be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including arl additionar advances thereon. Sale or transfer.of any unit as the result of court forecrosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessnents as to payments'thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not rerieve any forrner owner of personal liability therefor. The rnortgagee of such unit who acquires titre by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in rieu thereof, sharl nol however, be liable for any past due assessment and shall only becone liable for future assessments on the date it becornes the owner of such unit. No sale or transfer shall relieve such unit from liability for any assessments thereafter becorning due or from the lien thereof. rn the event of the sale or transfer of a unlt with respect to whLch sums shaIl be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in l-ieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointly -and severarly liable h'ith the serrer or transferor there6f for any such unpaid-sums. E. Upon written request of any owner, rnortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other'prospective transferee of a unit, the owner of the other unit shall issue a written statement setting forth the arnount he is owed under this iaragraph, lf any, with resiect to such unit. Such statement is bindint upon the executing oilner in favor of any person who rnay rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be complied with within fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of rnaking such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. 13. usE RESTRICTTONS. A. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential'dwelling as a permitted use, and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the Eagle County Zoninq Ordinances and Regulations and the Restrictions and covenants (or ils defined by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances if Iocated within the Town of Vail) for Vail Interrnountain Development Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. B. No exterior rnounted radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kin, either elevated or buried, or clothestine or incinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storaqe of any personal property shall be permitted or maintained on either unit vrithout the prior written approval of both owners C. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either unit, except that each owner may- keep and maintain within hii unit two domesticated dogs and/or two domesticated catsi ,provided, however,that such domesticated animars are kept under contror at arl times, do not present a nuisance to the other owner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all Cotinty of Eagle (or Town of Vail)ordinances that may apply to such animals D. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in SubParagraph I,ANDSCAPTNG, SERVICE TACILITIES AND PARKING (c) above, each. owner may keep no more than two automotive vehicles permanently on his lot. Parking of boats, trailers, .campers, motor hom-es, ATvs or recreational vehicles is expressly prohibited. E. No rrtime sharingrtt, rrinterval ownershiptt or similar interest,whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shalr be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and alr lienors holding a first mortgage or firsl deed of trust of record on any portion of parcel a br paicer B, which approvar shall be reflected in a document of record. 14- NoTfcE. Each owner shall register its nailing address with the other owner and all notices or dernands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mair, postage prepaid, addressed in the narne of the owner at such registered mairing address. rn the alternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to owners. 15.. DURATTON oF DEcr,ARATroN. Each provision contained in this Declaration which j-s subject to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on al-ienation shall continue and remain in furl force and effect for the period of 2j, years following the death of.Gale T. Downey and Beverley 'Anne Downey ind their issu6, or until this Dectaration is terminaled as hereinafter provided, whichever first.occurs. A11 other provisions contained iir this Declaration shall continue and renain in full force and effect until January l.2018 A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of Lo years 6acn; .8 o unless at least 1 year prior t9 January 1-, 201-8 A.D., or at least I year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year pgriod of extended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument.directing terrhination, signed by all owners and al1 lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. L6. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATfON. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Pircet A or parcet- S. 17. EFFbcT oF PRovISToNS oF pEcLARATroN. Each provision of this Declaratj on, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to compry.with each provision of this Dectaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of titre, estate, right or interesl to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right,titre or interest in any portion of parcel A or plrcel B is -grantea, devised. or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrurnent; (ii) shallr by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of parcel A or'parcel B by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives,successors and assigns i and shall be deemed a personal covenant to,with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of parcel A or Parcel B; and (iii) shalL be deemed a real covenant by DecJ-arants, for themserves, their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and alsd an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of parcel A and Parcel B. 18. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A. Each provision cif this Deilaration shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a.suit or action to recover damages. rf court piocetaings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Decraration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewj-th, including reasonable attorney fees. B. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereundei sha1l be brought in and only in the District court of Eagle. county,State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as. a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of l.ry other proviSion of this Decl,aration. L9. ExERcrsE oF RrcHTs. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other ownerri unit including but not tinited to the use of any easement granted herein shall be exercised in a manner which sha1l not unreasonably hinder,impede or impose upon such other ownerrs use of his unit. ,2o- succEssoRs AND AssrGNs. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and sharr inure to the benefit of each owner and the heiri, personal representatives,successors and assigns of each. 2L- sEVERABrLrry. rnvalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Decraration in whole or in part sharl not effect the validity or enforceable part of a provisj-on of this Declaration. 22. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrument are for conveniencb only and bh€ill not. be considered in construing any provisions .of this Declaration. 23. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, the rnasculine of any word used in this Decraratj-on sharl include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singurar the plurar and vice .versa. fN WITNESS WHEREOF Declarants has executed this Declaration this 2Sthday of April , 1gBg. GALE T. DOWNEY M.D., BENEFIT PENSION PLAN P.A,. DEFINED AND TRUST .L )1.t- ,) STATE OF COUNTY OF ss. seal . 1 uai(. t ,- '^r4/) I subscribed and sworn to before me this flsfuauv ot (/*U/ l-9BQ by GaIe T; Downey. - -v-' Witness rny hand and official seal Myc STATE OF COUNTY OF 7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this |gday of &U-,L98fi by Beverley Anne Downey. t/ Witness my hand and official My commission expires on: EFVFRI-Y A. I i)IiG flli:.. i'!bl:a S:i') c! I ":, l,ly 0cffri:3r!r Ltit{c:;._-:_----. 2//7 / 7z 10 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF fl Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,2,5f'auy 1,98y by Gale T. Downey for Gale T. Downey Defined Benefit Pension Plan and Trust. Witness my hand and official seal . My comrnission expires on: 11 ss. of M. D. BEVFRLY A. LOIIG lliii,, irllir. lli:1..t il?. J// 7 /rz t. 1. J. 4. 5. EXHTBIT nAtl TO PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI,ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR A RESUBDMSION OF I,oT 20-6, BIGHORN SUBDMSION RESUBDIVISION OF I,oT 20 AMENDED PI,AT AND PART OF COLUMBINE DRIVE, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Rj.ght of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the sarne be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as reserved in United States patent recorded Decernber 1-7, 1,902 | in Book 48 at page 492 . Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the united states as reserved in united states patent recorded December 17, L9O2t in Book 48 at Page 492. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race,coIor, religion, or national origin, as contained in fnstrument recorded December 20, L962, in Book'174 at page 403 and as amended in Instrument recorded April 3, Lg63t in Book 175 at page 33 and as amended in Instrument recorded May 3; l_963, in Book L75 at Page BL. Ten percent nonparticipating royal-ty in and to the proceeds derived from the sale of rninerals, etc., producea and mined from said premises, all as set forth as a reserved right in Gust Kiahtipes and others in the Deed to the selrer dited septenber 30, l-962 and recorded in Book 166 at paqe 487, County of Eagle,State of Colorado. Utility Easernent 10 feet in width along the west lot line of sulJgc! property as shown and reserved on the plat of Bighorn Subdivision, Resubdivision of Lot 20, Amended plat. L2