HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN SUBDIVISION LOT 17 COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdf=+7\5t{/'. ,, \3tU -. I \_)/ o o z (n -{n c o =o z T _tm rlF ;t=el= EL trEE € =\$t-., 3 3fi= li a 4iE le 3 c!" lu d -la3 l==nrQ =--\9F\ F >= 6 o@ 6->= E -r- 3 r-'r -' O z= z t- I m l$ is t" r$ !m n 3 -{ z o z,l<t l\l c O m o I z z -i o -t 2;-{c 3< 12 (J6) ': -l ;o B!-t o o> Z a-) 4-r n aa -im xz >m c) f,l -l> o= 3Ui o>'t- I =z q 3 r m lg l>l-t>lo l<t>l-t> IH l=t> F t> =\ f F c\t T I m ;t-z m : l- € m z 6 J --t _0 m m t f\F I m Hgg t- z a c r --{ z t-C -.1-l z. N t-'xi AT >n Zo ?g c)ul ;z E{ ;F z (Jlo :tS Ps=\) <t f)t\ t^tc.t:t\ lsl @.\>m\\I ()q\c)t\rO q<v<so qO i z c z -r z-o omo -nd ;r m_'lm P=e B1 3e 2 lq m c z -t m --{ z m m x z o L I\\ z o m m x z t-J m l ;z =2 t- m -o I o x z m U> t t-c m 2 z z t z 2 z -t m t) I - Fr\E (\-gt f,(\ iN *\ F t*g\ss T* i=F tt' \-o Ni: w W - i 7 z i -l ..1 T i I -t -t r !m 7 ='Tl m m U) t-m z c m m 2 2 m s m € @ m o m 2 T|m m t- =o =c t- z -rJ m --t !m ='Tl m m u, VALUATION l- 3 @ 2 c F = tr ( $ 6 INSPT?ION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr D tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION E GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL i H, TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL .tr, APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /. o JOB NAME ,+ ,t q .'.. ( I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED.,-. ,./ ./THUR ( FRI/ i \!'-l f;' INSPCTION REQU,EST TOWN OF VAIL D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ) PM O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ,. * .:-.> ; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr M rrrunr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr u ROUGH D tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL zlv- .' : .. ,,a',, , ..-rr4 INSPECTOR INSPTTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THU CALLER (,])FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HdOOS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORBEOTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsPeTroN REeuESr READY FOR |NSpECT|ON: MON TUES WED @; FRt pM LocAloN: '|i'lt ('uh ntl" ,,,- t-,v. lt,L 11 B,.:j),t,,n E. V,,,i ( a llrcl 8/"q DATE JOB NAME CALLER TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING D tr tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL XAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc 5'' * 'ja * ) '/ tNSPEcroR *ba - )o'tnot /c-*f ;4*7 JOB NAME ul)lvlu8 Infull rv ul/tod CALLER ,/'TUES \ WED '' -.-"---.--') I r'J ,t\ ,r uuNorsrf i TN5PECTION REOUEST '=y'.-f ,OF VAIL t4'.DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: (nr'rr PM THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEH tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING g SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB FINAL tr FINAL U APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .,!-grsneenoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .;- DATE INSPECTOR removing woll Plote' l(oHtER,TNSTAILAT|ON tNS roNs K 4661 (8/7a) .K\ FFi CABLE ullj corHecron fl ,.*",no.e rAB \n- ): /."r*.-- //=\z---\_oV I *l K-9680 - Whirlpool Control K-9681 - Whirlpool Confrol with LCD reod-out. x-5251 (l /7e) NOT BE CONNECTED TO WHIRTPOOT ARE MADE AND THE 4 PIATE SCREWS q u'rtaah,f k f,.) tl l t2 qau(,- C0,t I i ; O uy A- tw t,/\ (\ Lor h,.A,t fr,l /'),+ t \ POWER MUST CONNECTIONS UNTIT AtT THE ETECTRICAT ARE SECURE. \ ruok,"/ ' ^"\ l.t1cL^J |', (. l. Select locotion for woll box so limer connot be reoched while stonding in tub. Twenty feel of multi-conductor coble is provided. Loosen 4 screws ond remove cover plote ossembly by tilring circuil boord through opening in woll box. 2. Profect cover plole ossembly by plocing in originol conloiner ond sloring until woll is finished. 3. Mounl box os illustrofed, being sure fhot cover plote mounling flonges on box ore verticol. 4. Use supplied wood screws 1o fosten side of box fo verlicol member. Holes ore provided on one side of box {or this purpose. (Refer to illvstrotion.) 5. Using o knock-oul closesf to lhe bock, either on the fop or bollom o{ box, secure mulfi-conductor coble {rom iub power ponel with slroin relie{ bushing provided. lt is suggesled lhof ihe slroin relief bushing be instolled CIRCUIT BOAR (TTMER K-968r) from inside of the box so lhot coble co; b€ odiusted from inside box. (Refer lo illustrotion.) Allow 8" of coble io extend into box beyond stroin relief bushing. When woll is finished, instoll cover plote ossembly by pressing whiie wire coble conneclor on to while terminol tob bpl on circuii boord. Do likewise with red #2, block f3 ond green #4 coble connecfors ond iob terminols. Connecl block wire coble connector from woll box to block tob terminol H3 on circuit boord- NOTE: Core must be foken when ottoching coble connectors io terminol tobs. Supporf circuit boord ond do nol use excessive pressure. Instoll cover plote by tilting circuit boord ond plocing in woll box. Secure with {our screws. w0qD scREws THIS SIDE OF WALL TOP OR BOTTOM. WALL BOX SIZE- r r|| rrl 3i H.x 3i w.x 3i D. 7. 8. (TTMER BOX FOR rOW VOTTAGE MULTI-CONDUCTOR CABLE ONryl) STRAIN RELIEF BUSHING MULTI-CONDUCTOR CABLE TO POWER PANEL (LOW VOLTAGE) TIMER 0;r0uN0 BOX /.'' oerc 1412 , JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: tOCefPW'fu*->'r-. MON W INSPEhON REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL R FRI -efr' 6u ;/.i. t'.', BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER d-rtrfifiiilc D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNsPEhoN REeuEsr WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL galE i i, r' .t '-' JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER .,'TUES )READY FOR LOCATION: I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL B FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING fI.ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNSPeTroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL TUES ",/ WED THUR FRI oate --i i'-".' I tc:; JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON i 1 a-1--1. '/ 1r BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANSCAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR z ! .-., DATE , DATE '+ i,q / ast o JOB NAME V,' CALLER ;'JI,NSPE}ION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED '*(9 __{D," BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL rr6dcH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK TI tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED APPROVED )RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \:'l DATE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: L-'-, t- JOB NAME INSPCTION REQUEsT l':\ ^Mi PM CA TUES THUR WED v--.r BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL ii ' t.:' J\..; tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED t,'.=--l''-.'f oarc 4 /' a ."" ':-_ |NSPECTOR INSPOTION REQU.EST TOWN OF VAIL DATE 1-- ,' : /'a:. JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES \WED r. THUR i FRI .'.-----.''READY FOR LOCATION: :AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS d-rouruonl T] FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER ON / STEEL ir ir ( \. tr tr D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL EI FINAL F APPROVED t' CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED oor, 4 - 'ir ' -'i ,{ rNSpEcroR i1 i- ';''.^ '"'t'} DATE 5irt, l-l::JOB NAME INsTTIoN REQUEST iit' PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED D FRI TOWN OF VAIL (Jrrl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEH tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING I] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI-TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rlrsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME - '' '. ', .r .' ' CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FR. - AM PM LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t o box 100 department of community developm€nt vail. colorado 81657 {303) 476-5613 April 3, 1979 Vigor Construction Co. 1500 E. Vine Dr.Ft. Collins, CO Attn: Bill Vigor Dear Sir: Your buildlng permit for the Duplex to be constructed on Lot 17, Btghorn Subdivision is ready. The total permit fee is $tZ68.Oo. Si ncerely /x n/l Ut c/".'t i.- U .lJa-rt "t 4-I Catherine A. Jarnot Building Dept. Aide CLJ et-277 Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Project Application _4 t:l? Legal Descriptio n, tot ft'/ , ato"x Zoning Approved: Qeai gn leview Boffi ,9 APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ning Chief Building Off icial Jtr-ttv4 d Re. fte ='' 5'67.' 70ri[ clE* SFR, for P/S.70',{t DlSTltlcTS Description: Lot /7 __Vlock -1. a Fi) irrs Saq/ap^/ b4lt-,st-_ t Yt&oA Architcct -En-€ R, R L eg a'l 0i,1tef .' F'lood Pl ain Sl ope La:!uy-l--.4,.-zr4-..'^--*tt approved Date: 1-Qzt ;Zon i ng Arlrrli O t4 ,: Kga . teE = -2- rha'+t" /"tR!. t't r^-:b / / Zone Djstrict -e F -A4=-rropo:ed use (A-fL-, --Lot Area /6rqot --Hei ght lil'lor.red 30' f'roposed Setbacks: Front-RcquirCO-2oi'-proposea Sidcs-Rc,luired l5' Pt'oposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed Xili"'';;i"iii" j,-=eae---i-:--;*,,,*,Jj,ffi =GRFA: Prinarj, Allor.recl ----t14A-- Pr'ir,ary Proposed -dh--Secondary Allor,red Secottdary Proposed - t44- Site coverase :. A1 1 ole d --aq/n:-/624 = Ee/-Proposed Landscaping: Requir ea 1fo.o/o x /t?ot t l?4!Of Proposcd Parking: Requi red Slope Actua]Drive: Slope Permitted. Envjrorinrenta'l/Hazards: Ava'lanche Conments: Zon'ing; r(db 4P' 'A', a,+ iP'8'. v'11+ LIS'i' C)1,' l,fA1'Iltl ALS NAI{[ oF PttoJltc]'t LECAI, DUSCRINl'ION B,'arztU r,or / 7 BLocK TII,ING DESCI.'I,TTON Ot n*Or*.' ?*Zrr,b v ' --__v is required for submittal by bcfore a fj-nal approval can 'fvne of I{aLerial Colol The to tr. ) followj.n g j trf ormat ion the Desigu Review Roard BUI I.,DING ]VIATER I ALS : Roof Siding Other Wa11 [laterials Firscia Sof fits Windorvs Window Trim Doc-rrs Door Trim lla"ncl or Deck Rails Flrres Flashings Chimreys Trash Encl,osures Greenhouses Other the Applica.nt be given. B. ) PLANT I,TATERTALS (Vegetative, Landscaping I'faterials including Trees, Shrubs,and Grounci Cover) t/ , / 'e .94 , ,r ./n.Q Size EXECWIVE NR VIGOR DEVELOPMENT 5800 East Vine Drive Fort Collins, Colo. 8052L 48,2-4L49 I rcBr.E w-2' - - FRnr.trllc & cAvrsg AREA'S SEIJD SPACNTG F8.AI'TING 12" -16" 24" 15. ln .83 -; ut- .90 tB,tc \lf>aL 6, wtNDows 2L. R VAI.IIE 22. o,.-llR= tLll OPAQIIE r,'in'I'.Ir CIAC. (lrRA&fNG & CAVIIY) . . uo _chffur'.ATroN'FOR o tIEiLE t{.1 AREA^S (R \TAIEES)FRA*11NTG R R 9. OSTSTDE AIR Ffrv rl IJ 10. EXESRIOR FIT$ISE I n1 I' t.-t.1Z 11. OETSIDE SEEATEITgG L2. TRA}IIN6 ''l'sni ^i rt?tttt IJ . \JlY r.5 (a) I]'ISIILI1IION (b) AIR SPACE (l 14. INISRTOR HTNISE .,qf , .-l f 15. DISIDE AIR FILY ba ,log 16. orl{ER (SPECFY) 17. orr{ER (sPEcrFY) 18. 113TAl &" (sro Lj-aas g'ttlru 17)?.3qs 14, oa 19. ul FRAITIIIG ' 1/RT , 13s- 20. U2 cAVIt!( = 1/R-r .o7 / giAJJSr '4trti:,,'r'D - ./5 SQUARE FESI t (Ao)3(o?b 2. !{r}lDo!{ AIEA (Ad)1- B O,ZS 3-- DooR AREA (Ad)40. 5 4. OTHER (SPEC]FY) 5. OIEER (SPECIFY) 6.OPAQUE ',iALI. ARSA ,al?1r-!< 1 I (Lines z1?9,28 - 7; m${EsG arsi= tef=t (Line 6 x fable l{-2 4,/6,21 8: cAvtl.:| exEa (Ac) 6ine 6 x fable !{-2)zsz8,'/b I ,)" ri , |t'nf uo - u41 .,. u.'A2 {. u3A3 + u4.14 + ... ?t -- -. r ToT.\L cOL.o waIJ- =:=-- -----> , /6o/ A o 25. R VALUE 25- oS - L/E - 27. n raiuE' 28. U- - I/R - :_!'ROM ll r-.17 Q A FPOM gxA ul LtrNE 19 , l35 LINE 7 bo,zql O7 lS{E 20 o?l LDIE 8 t?9.5S6 u3 IJNE 22 , "19 LINE 2 s333zz u4 LJ}'IE ,-l+.4 LSIE 3 I q,Bv i rl Lnrs 26---4 --_-.?_ -'LINS 4 tl o L.lr\L z6 . LT}IE 5 TOTAL S?Lq?2 29. t3'r.\L COL. c. I 'l -\l 5 . \.\_! n cdI.cuIATlON FOR rloo - o o o 1 lo IAEI.JE F.Z !--- GROSS - FL00R ARFrf ffic AIEA (Lr.\E I * zi,lgof- FRA.YI}IC BATIO TjNL: F-2) - 3. C,AVIIT .8EA (LII{E I r cAvlit &llro IAEI.E F-2) 4. OTErR (S?EGrl) 5. OrBEa (S?EC!*) FRA!{IIIG & CAVIT? A8IA5 0PAQUE iIREA RAIIOS ?n?€f SPACiNC FRAMC{C &11'10 'CAV:TT R l!10 1tr. --!6"'- 24" t1 06 .87 "'".90- .94 FRAI{IilG R R 6. OUTSIDE AI3 FILY (| .2 7. ErIS,SCR EDIISE 8. TR.ATIjaIG i g. cevnY (a)I D{sltrrrloN ! (b) ars sPAcE ./ 10. DEq<l{G , clL ,'i L 11. ix.ooB Frll"rsE L2. INSIDE AIR n.:{'clL a '2_ u. olsi (s?Ecl;'r) 14. oIEER (s?Ecrit) 15. \'Sultt::liS 5-14 \L\, (ou v1"1,. 16. O1 rlAT{tTC - f/\o 0(a6 >< L7. O^ CAVIIY - l/R,L. l IV I |.o?a fA.8IJ F-3 FRT.|YNTG AIID CAVITI CI'LCSIAflON IASIE F.4 orst3, (sPscEY) 18. R VAtltE U. -Ul ' l/R - (conbLae 3) IABLS F-5 orEER (SPsClrr) 20. R VAI.UE 2L. u4 -1./R- / ro3.5 1.a9 a/z TASIE F.6 aff? R Qy sou 2o=LTttj = . L,lj rI - '. TOT.,\L CoL. C., '-oFloor ffi lU lJt'L vvr.. J ' -::-'E-5 t?A UxA rRo!(FRO!{ ul LINE 16 ,\bg ? rvF ?a'7 /1 Q\/3,O/1 UZ L!\S 17 ,0Y0 i,lH\,32 t7 ldz i u, lcre rr Lir\E 4 u4 LL\E 2l LNTE 5 - i.q/ \o3 uo cALCULUToil J EooF-CEiLr'lc . r',4O 8. I. GROSS ROOF AR.SA E-. S:CTLICAT AREA 3. ROOF vENt lirl9l' f,-onras (sPEc:rr) @t:y-c:: ::t:i S.. lr€r (OPAQUE) RCOF AREA iiirer-fnms2,3'&4) ffiuc nr.eA (Ls{E 5 x lRAl{Li\C l'.8AT1O T.[3IJ R'-2) 1'? l.l - -t t OJ I\, L ffi*are(LrllE5xcAvlft 8.{lto llStE R-2) TAILE R-2 OPAOUE AREA RATiOS FRAI,TING S?ACING F8iIIiNG I t lt ..11 I r'l .90 LI+.uo .94 8. OIJTSII'E AIR FILY t EsaRroR FiNrsE 10. stEAI:rIxG U. CAvIg (a) ![s ri rlrr:nroR FrlirSE 14. INSIIE .{IR FIAY U. OTI{ER (SPECIIY) 16. OllElt (s?scrFY) 331 zq,cjc it. R- - sLt{ L:NEs f-i5 fA. U., FRl"YIitG - l/\I,c-r I 19. U2 CAvirt ' V\ TASLE R.3 ERAMn{G & cAV1Tf cALc.TI,BLE R.4 >A: L-.r(ri TAII,: R.5 ROOF VE}TI 22. R. VALUE 23. U, ' l/R'q ua .4 z. I t4./z /.a/ / uo -. uini *U.A. * .;. :.L -TOT.{I. CoL' C:- 'I r] a4 uoROOF-CEn:ilC -IOT'{'L CcL' 3' - ! -- R VAIUE u3 - 1/R' - TASLE P.-6 oL"lER (s?EciiY) Z!+. R. VA:.UE 25. U5 ' !/R ' UXA ilo#tr"I lY9' /'@ | t1 l'7 {:!,t llrle e ; t''lj uz LINE Ll ,,.1L' -rl /5tz:' - VtAt& Q.gzz 4egt - x lLo = 3SZ_ ?a A t UtD_+-Ur>A A-] Ao + A,z l--- l-' i ?g_ \ tb_ 2Z Y IU '7t y lb 4t/ y 4Vx = _q1g : 33L , llsG = ryo/ = ?04 ----+--- - --r lla- It- shQ6 .: $.*s 'l x ! = \U t x 4 = tL 5 x ZS = l7'f Ax :l = z9 ,7.-) 3x y = ,, -Z .9 x Z,f, t ' 12,\ 0x.i Ll x b i?V ZV AY l,e =- z4 /Sx I xz= Zl0 3x*Sx I ? lZo L)x b :* Zrl I =7q 3,9,r.1 3 \Ll, qbo zB8 gbo zqqQ It lr '3.S r 3.f, ? x 1 rL x z1 Zq x qO 17x 7Y /Ll t< yO l7r?S b3 s)L xL7 /3a J QY U . Oi;b_: 680,2{ z-88 z,0t /3x zv /o ytJ Deton^g E O, t5-e zO,?*f -_ x z- e ?0.(- zqxSu = a@= ZrL x 36 A64 . --/oxzY.- z\o , /O r Z.l = _Z,Aa z70E zB% eal -- lornt l)_o t"9 U)por+ \lSc,rt r*.Dr*- --\ I qoo 9so,69 ua t)a I loa ?Ya o /9/3s { -,- ! llA ['orm 2005 !A Form 26-1852 llev. 2 /i 4 "!|!' u. L Da t^rtl.xrsrr{rJlrr€ |||o'ur!^r oe vttdr.t|O Fot eic$trrc .cairrr of..aboo .oPic.. fot- la.t b. Dcpr....d eloa3 ebovc told. S..Pl. ccnplcrcd rhcco ro|crhct ia orijinrl ordcr. J Form Aporoved olrB N;.' 63-RO0s5 a o Propored Construction Under Conclruction Controclor or Builder (To br iorrttd bt FHA c VAt | | -"r o I Properly oddress L .t l-7 l( t 1 ltO r'O Ctly Morfgogor or Sponsor f n ', lr' 1 r? r i4ur daS :**Fq U niL st,,nQJ-g--- DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS No. I NSrnucTloNs l- F<)r &ildrtional rnformrtiorr cn how tlus form rs to be sutrniltc4. urrless- reqtrircd thc! thc mininun scceptable will be asslr'|cd WorL rrrrnlx'r ot <'opres, elc., see the instnictitrns epplicable to the FllA exceedrng minimuro rlquircDents cannot * coosidered ,rnt.ss-sp-.dficiii At'|lrcabon for Mortgsge Insurance or VA Reguest for Determinatran of described Reasonable Value, as the casemayte. 4. Include no altemstes, "or equeltt phrases, or contrad.ictory iteos-2. Describ<' dl riaterids and equrpm€it to. be use4 whether or not (C-onsideration of a r€quest for aiceptrutce of substjtute &ate-riab ;r sh'\+r on t}le drawings, b] marking an X in eac+r approptrate checl+ox equip.nenl is oot rhereby -precluded) al'd rrrtcring the rnf<rmration called for rn esdt spac.. Il spac! ra 5. Include signetut€s required at thc end of this foro.rlrld-quare, enlcr "9'e rnrsc." rcrd descaibe rrnder ttean Zi ot on en 6 The constniggon shafi ta cqtplet.d in corptiencc with the r€lated att.,( hed *rcrt- THE USE OF PAINT COI,ITAINING IIORE THAN FTVE drawings and specifications, as .-eoa'.a Orrtitrg p-I".s-g Th";p;fi;'fFNTllS oF ONE PERCEI{T I.EAD E Y T'EICHT fs PRoitrBTED. tions indude this Descnpticn of Marerirt! eiri applica6e Mi4iirunr pro- 3- Yor* not spt,crfically describsd ot shosm will not be considered perty Stsndards. r. ExcAvATtol* Ecaring xril, tvlx 2. FOUNDATIONS: ['cDIint<t: roncrctc mir 5 s4c- [(. Fountlztion wall: mercriel rrrtngrh pci 3 o z'r n Rcinforcing Rcioforciag Intcrror foundation wall: ttt acrirl Peny foun&rioo well Columnr: melerial and lizrt Picn: metcriel rnd rinftrrcing (iirrlcrr: marcrirt an6 rircr Q s rlE Ef)r t> Sillr: mrterirl Barcitrent cntranct aaarwly Window arcrwryr \\'atcr;rnrofing l\ o * --l--ta g Foring dreinr f' - ,,U a Trrmrte protc<tioo Earemertlcrr rpacc: ground covcr ; innrlrrbo : fqrndrtio Srrc< ial foun&tionr Addirion.l information: E Prefebricrrcd ( nob ond iac ) 3.CHIMNEYS: lvbtcrid Fluc lining: mrtrrial \ttcnu ( motcriol tal tra. ): gr. or oil hcrtcr 4. FIRIPTACCS: ir,., 61 ,ouo tuel; I gar-burning; ! cirtuleror ( ,-t ona ,i, )=44 /e/2-y'e 4''-Ah dump end clcenout 6,.pr# i.i., S- "lE' - - ; ri,,i.,g Cau e. Rt t'*- ; h..nh -ff-6IL,--; -.nr.l A.ldirionrl informetion : Additional information : 5. EXTERIOR WAIS: lrlrronry vcncrr | \c J F sill!Liotch Ber nerhbg lrteronry: fl rolid I ft".d O rtucco<d; rotal well thiclnor --"; tecing thickrur --; hcing mrrcrirl Beclup metcriel ; rhicklerr --; bonding Door rillr \A/o o D Window riltr Buc lLrrhiag Intcrior rur feccr: dampprwfing, - coer of ; furring Ad<li tional information: Catrlc well conrlrucdon: {..-..t maid *llb; Q othcr conrtruction 6.fTOOT FRAMINO:PL1 c^ra-D Joiru: woal, gradc, and ,p,.r.rn & X I o -Tl7 tiS C ; axcr-i b.idgn3 Crlncrctc rlab: f] barcmcnr f;or; f] 6nr flor; Q ground ruppornd; I rclf'rupponing; mir rcin forr ing ; inrutrrbo Frll un&r rlrb:mrtari.l : rhickncrr -'. Addiai.t d iohnnerirn: ; numbcr of crrla 7 ; rnclro.t ; rhictncs --; i mcmbrene 7.SUBfLOORTNG: (De:crrbc underfloorino lor soxiol floon undcr i|r,al. 2l ') , /., t, \larcrirl: grrrlc rnd 'r--a -77 d P( '^rtttoc'> ' ' '. '- ',t.iYft:-:'o Lrid: F[ 6nr ffor; I rccond f,or; Q rrlic 8. RNISH ROORING: (Wd oaly. Dcrcrjbr o rcr finirf, llwing utd,rr itao. 2l') Fiot llor Sccood ffor Attic f,or !.t. R. Addirioorl informetion: ;:: A Fofm 2oo5 | DESCRIPTION Of MATERIAIS A Fo. m 26-1 852 DESCSiTION OF TAIERIAIS ?Arnnoil flAruNo. Srudr: wood, gndc, rnd rPcb 'Jnd,?d".3X4 /h ' F'oi* Addidand iaforrnerkro: IO. CEUI{G 'l^|flil(} Addiriooel iafonnarbo : Additioel hfanrlio: '2. IOOSIG Euih-up rohag Flerhing: mlrcrid LSll'fnnt rr-rdr\a\t: --<Joiru: rood, ttadc, r'ld tea'b /.{? f < Or}rr -*z: Zzs.S lt. loof flAMl]{(l: Rrftrn: wood. 3rrdc, rnd .pi@ laf rnn (r: dardl): rr,|c 'd rrda -sEE Pl4pl Shcathiry: wood, -gndc, gd t'rrirr t <-' *-a^g *-44,/f1t = ' u,.a..i, /--, // 3o4 ' - I rumbr of plbr -; orfriog nutcrid ; FF o( w.igh(; 0 lrrvcl ttopr; Q row gurr& Addition l lnforrn etioo: 3. GIJTIETJS AND DOIIINSPIOUTS: Gutcrr: m.rtcriel i f.!c 6 wdthr --; rirc -- ; epc ; frtc 6 wcight-;rizc-; rhrF Downrpoutr: m:tcriel Dorrnrpouu conncrtcd to: Q Srorm r*cr; I rlitrry svcr; I dry-wcll tr SPLth bbclr: rnrarid ud rize ; nurnbcr - Addirional informrtioo : I', IAIH AND PIAI'fEN metcriel mrrcriel Joinl ltcilmcnr 5. DCCOIAIf NG: (Poinl, wollppo4 ok.) hth I wr[r, fl ccilingr: Dry-*eu { -.Ur,{..itl rcight or thicls Plgtcr: corr -: 6lilh W^4 F!.ltat M^Ttr|^[ axo Ar'i.Er,rDtr Or.E firrErr Martr^t rnd Arrr.re,lgr Kirchco 8..h Othtr Add i tianel informerioo : 16. lNTEilOl D@rt: IYF Door ttim: 3YF Finirh: dorr RII ANO TRftT: ,-P, uo o - -.-i.f -q-; -€ o- F, lC t N"f".- Erc:ayF....--;tuE ;uJ-La Orhcr trim (ikn, l1P ant hat*n Additioml informetion: \r.W|IrDOWS: \Yindowr: t ; rrrh tbiclocr Glerr: gre&; E rrh wcfuhc; ! bdenccr, typc ; hod ndtbf Trim: rygr ; nearirl Peiet ; urabcr cott - Wcethcrrtripli ng: typc Srorru ruh, Bunbaf - scrcc.,rr ! full; Ehelf; rypc i numbd -; rrco cb*h mrrcrbl - B.rcmcot ."irrdon"r, rtp" IJO f-f 4 ;ercrirl -&{3-g_u.r-; rlGcor, ournbcr - ; Sbcrn lrt\ nunba - spcciet *inao*r Sd E PL A rJS Additional inform:rioo: L Mein cntreocc ds: mrtcrirl Orhcr cntrancc doon: m.rtcriel l'lead llarhiag Scrccn do.r: rhiclnct. -'; numbcr -i rreo chh mercrbl - Slorm do.t: rhickncs -'l numbcr- Combinerioo rtorm end rrcn don: rhiclnerr -'; numba-; *rG?n cblh mrtcrirl Shuttcrr: 0 hntEdi 0 fixcd. Rrilingr Errcrior millwort: gredc end ,*ro -=z - PZ'*'tlg - - Ani.: la4v151 \/E g '/ Prinr - ; lurrrbcr cdr - EIAI!: ; widdr G= ' ; i,trc.'.-l 2/f'. Frernc: -.r.;.t -f,!-G--; lt,iclan -'; widrh ......'.............''_ i t\k:lrcs | 2// '. Fnrnc: $.cd,'l KJM--; rhklacl -'Wcrdrcnrripfng: typ" 4< r.l CeO f n ; redau -&4.g-sJae.- AJt a lL Additionel inform.eti,on: 9.cA8[{st3 At{D $[TER!OR DEIAII: ; aountcr top Eeck end cnd ry'erh ,+-.<t?" 1 +Frairh of crtinctr v{cdicinc cebinctr: malc sGE ?/*tJ : liad fccr of rhclvct -; rhcl ridA - lrti:-'--- ; rrnrlc €d 5 Kirchco abincc, wdl unitr: mlcrir! ---4 Bar unirr: ,ntt irat h t9/l)uf Orhcr crbinctr end built-in furniturc Additiooal information : o. StAltS: Additional informetion: k|frur St^tr Be-*mco r Mein Arric Direppcaring: mrlc an<l nrodel numbcr Merurer, d.a. fd!o. l8l Orot, Itc. Menrur- Ora, Dororr C^t. 3|at1 c^!!, Itc. Berhroqn ec.trpricr: Q Rcoaod; -rt lurt -&tlaAfu--; ouarbar-; I Arrrlrcd; nercirl ; runbct IL Addiriorul informrtio : PtUME|NE Ftriurr Sinf l-rvebry \y'/lrcr d*r Brthtub Sho.'cr ovcr tubA Strll rhowzA Lrundry antr Ag ornrin md Ag Oor I Showtr ro: rnrttrirl Wrrcr rupply: 6.puUfic;9 commuoity rylcrn; fl iodivilu.l (Fivere) ryr.n-* s<-+t dispoJl: ff p"ut;'(**uoiiy ryrctri E iodivUud (pint) rpra.Scw+t disdl: ff p"Ui"; (co muoily rylctri E iodivUud (FivrlG) ry.d.a.* lshao atd dtxctibc idivi&s! ytta ir..]',pLt .ha'/.I i" rPtb tbe.'ivt/td tpjfu;* wclia U ryrlit'fllt.rr-.- r--:- 'i--:r-\. r-1 --.i i--.ts/ .:r-. rr d|- oR //a f ltt l nn .-cr ldrrrilal: h r:r L Horrr dnin (inridc): Q crrr iroai H ;t ; tr ng oe //ary'rt llour r-c (o.rrli|c): tr -tr t--i fifot; Q cla -Horrr dnin (inridc): e crrr iroai p r "; tr ng oe //'a r /rt llour pc (o.rrli|c): El crlr iro; ftf tu; tr dr.r - Wertr piSiag: Q gdvxnrGd a; fl""ep tubioj; ! df,cr - SUi )--, "unb:r -3-Dom<tic wrrcr hceEr: ryF ; urlc rad nod..l -; ba|ir5 *l-- tPL t00' ri=. Sto.rac ult: anrcrirl ".e.a,y 5@ ' 3.n-r. cu anlilr;: fl udliry mpray; tr lh. Fr. 3rr; E clcr Foriar drriar eooetcd b: n rtan r'.rr: B reairery r Ger ;iIirl: tr corUry; O'hora hr.dT. Foriaj dnlor I Cit",rLror. fl Rcnua MrfG ead B<ilcr: malc end modd Additioml ilformrrirn : Wlrm rir: I Gnvity- E Fqcod.Typc of ryrtcro Dtrr nretcrid: rupply Furnacc: mrlc and oodcl |o:O rrrlr; I reoitrrT :rr; tr &t tdl' SrnP ircP; EL rd Dodd ; ceprcity ; drrb4:r io 2:l..tf,AnNe [t. liot wutr. I Stcera. O V+oe. tr O*pipc ryrcr" ' g R..di,.r-.. I Ccvccrofr fii A.-U.ta rrdirrirn R.rdient pracl: 0 tl@r; E wdt; I ccitiT Prod cdl: tr T*udf :ya- MelG ud r.dd |lracrii ; crF.it - Ir-ln\; n:l r.iq- D5. Iorubtioo -, dti.:frcr - D orroi& .it ith. Iap.rl &uh.; outpttt Ird. Addirio rl inforrnrtio: M'r.r f]rrurt lBr.nrrc^tto|{ l,l,o. Q Sprc hcarcr; Me!c, modcl S flu fumrcc; Q wdl hcrrcr. laput Eoh.; anrprr B*h.; ounlcr urlr Addiiidd hbrmrrirn: Crrotrolr: rnrlc rnd tyF Addhbnel informrti<n: Fucl:ICoel;Idl;Cal; D liq. F.. Fr; E dccrriq El ahcr Firing cquiprncnt fumirhcd Eprrrrly: ! Gu burocr, ovcrr'ro tfF. O Solcr: hoppcr fccd !; bin fecd I Oil burncr: E prc!.ure rtomiring; I vrpoririag Mrlc rnd modd Addir ional informerioo: Additbod Elc<tric hcering ryrrem: rypc Inpr - rveo; @-wlrt; ougur - huf,. Mditio.d informrrln: Vcnrihdng cquipmcat: lric fra, mrlc rnd modd lirclrco cxhlurl bn' mrlc Orhcr hating. vcrrrilrtiog- c coolirlg cquipmcat 14.BrcTnc wrRlNe - /S<rvitc:[ovcrhcrd:Qundcrgound.Placl:Qfurbor:ts.i,-..i..u*.r-ihrL.-!N?.,nNo'G!cdtt- .Vrring.ftcondu':Qrrnrccdceb|c;[nonmclI|ic..ub;olmbrrrdrubc;oo|h.i Spcirl o.rrlcu: \/ rrnF; O rrrcr hcrrcr; I orlu H ru".u.tt. l{ Cu-.. h.uh-bunon lcrtioor -- Addiaiood iaformrric: - rt- .7.\| '/o x)E 15. UGHTING HXIUIET: Totrl numbtr of frrrurtr Addi tionrl informrtioo: sr6_ F{A,./S I orrr rlrowrao? br 6rrurtt, lypiol irutdlrtio' t DESCRIPIION OF }{AIERIALS lJontypicrl inrtelhtion DESCRIPflON OF MATERIATS r.6. tNSUrAilot{: HARDWARE: (mokc, motcrid, ond hbh.) SPECfAL EoUIpMENf: (Slotro raolrriol t mok., modcl ond $ronrttt: .lacludo only.rq-uip,tt ol oad oppfionccr r'fiici orr occcpt' itii iy t"rJ l,ov, custoi "ia "pptX"tt FHA t oadords.. u ::!.!*,\e,itomt whkh, by,cctobtj;hc.d cuslom, orc wpplid bv "rrupqj"i-"na ii"r"d whcn f,o vocotct lr'cmittr or choltlcr FoAtrbrhd by lov lrun bcconing rooltT.) j.r fion ilcrat aol shovm clsewAcre; or -ry to f.ovi.4c tdditttnol inlornation whcrc lhJt;. p-;d -or inodcguiti. Aiwsyr rclercnet by iirm aomber lo corrrspond |o aumbodng used on this lotm-) IERRACET: WAtKt AND DllVEtllAYS: / Drivewey: *iart' 2* t bn ^.t';l4E44L; rhickr:rr 4 -; rurfrciog rnercdrl F-,.r*..|t.,i&h4'..6'11ggi.'w'hiclrrrr--.Scg$c;rrii.rvidrh-;rrre ..-^-. -^.-'-, 623*fui4{.!bxC4Ato.'*)', i,no Z /u'. oEeL wrlb -OTHER ONS|TE hTPROI/EIIIBIIt: (Spcc{1aII.,'.fio.o,'iI.impfoo.n..,|''twldcloibclcItculhcrc,intIiliagikattuchaslnatuolgndilg,doinagt'.f'.||,/.',rctciaiagullk,lea add ..c.tt.), tlr'rtt'.a- ) [H|'*T:,HEX;, #: 31';:,:ffiT1,^,.fufu.Ahhind raein buiding Lzwnt ( ncdtd, nldd, t ipriggcd ): 0 front yard ; E ridc yerdr Plenring: fl rr rpcci6cd end rhown on drewingr; S er 6llowr: 'Shr& trccq dcciduour. -- crliPrr.E.'cqfcca araca. - l-ow fiovrcring trccr, dcciduour, HighAroling rhrubc. dcciduoq+ Mcdium.growiog rhrubq dcciduour, Er,crgrcco thrub.. -- Viacq l-yar ;E ro-', I & B. o-'. E & l.'io_ ' to -.".--|- - Low-trotryin( rhrubr &ciduour, lozrrrsrclTrox.-Thir crhibir rhrtl bc idcatifiqd by thc rigorruc of tlc hdtdcr. c lrDwn rt ttrc dac of rpplic*ioo- Det HA form 20O5 /A Fonrr 26-lEt2 )) Slrururc Qrr't t,+4 SFR, Lot /7 --rt1r.:ck /![.-!lii-q[' for R, R P/S 7.OIit DIS'TR ICTS Rec R=€ =#rrz E Legal Owner (;n^ a F i'l i ns 3'_afvp,t_b-4/.,ta "- Arch i i.ect _._ *qQ Lot Area Setbacks: GRFA: GRFA: 87" Pro pos e d Proposcd Propc:.ed Actual ? :Zon'i.ng Atfini ()-!k€. . FtE= a rh,; h*!. ,-*;--'h Zone Distri rt -R-F-A/+-proposed Use /6r8ot tleighr /rttovred 30' Proposed Front-RequireT i0 i ''"Propbsed S.ides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Requirecl l5' Proposed l,la t.erc cu t'se- req u i re d Proposed A'ltor,ied i 394d! propc:ed 37Bzd I Prinary Al l orved Secorrclary Allor,red Secorrdary Proposed i --Site Coverage: Attorved -''o/u " /6/o/:Z1EQZ /^o/- - //a . - ,^ .,. r'Landscapins : Reqtrir ea 1foo/o ^ Lafu:Z7ad- Park i ng :Requi red Drive: Slope Permitt.ed Slope Environmcntal,/Hazards: Av.r'lanche ' DlAt- 'Flood Plain - Connents : Zoning;approved DaJ o. rator / h4fr.L ')4 ', an^^t / ,+fL ,8n , urlYl'L $.iFrs N n'c,:. r s N;'tRt \^.' ,l \, \t r ES \ :r!i ."!':ll*r ;lls il .:, , a l'. N N b il I t'rl t trr w () 1 ...1 r i i{*$sftq T RLN l|: *--4 nl t'K l'l\- ilB lly,+ Ik. Nd'\s\ E ,*l s\*1 .o l't 't'' ;,1 \ "l \tl k NI Ir.t ft tu 6- S vI L' \\$ -\ },'l $lEs Y Yitx\ *' $[Ffr f a \ \a s\ts =$ slsjxH -\ ltrs-l* F N eli xlt r' $ I $$F*F o t t./fruSai fi€s, ',r,24 x sL ii i,i /o x 7L/'g i,ltz.t , e G t1 'lzax ztl,S UWFe-fu-li ,l /.tx s/,{ s li 11, /o,$ x zb s t, //,5 x zLt ilZs- x zb il zv x //,{ IEA6E rB?fire too)M ScrY ?-= /6,3(DO /qe /2 ao _l-- /ax zz /41 x zz ,tO. X tZ ,/o x /z \l 75raz- '&",-.o I /8/ ?6o ( .. .//aa e /,75 JZB4o-- il 4zoo 46.2a n3D " Zooo Bz lZ-_ Tsne {lo,l,- -Qr''. e _ il F.sc, -?enn,', I so.s! f -'\(Y- ^ ,r , -)'.-,n _il F.sr,?.nn,', Jto"=o | -'\(r "?Q*1r.-s, a ---F- /? "''o I ou ',.A ,.../r\,.,, (-/- A.',, 4^tF'' 1)y'' N--. V,r,o* Zo""u /Z.r/? ,73,o.**n 9a Ta,n = Bbq = L'4{ = 8a1 = 7\g :' 3o8 .= 3og 6tb@ ?{ = l?6 = l?() zut9 e 5 4L/ / Z?3 z'16 6So L',t w -:./9t3a c 70 i',-Qenrn 111'b r- f'cn'rt Lt14;ct<' ,,h)J /@/Dd/ uae o "u"LW"* .luly 12, .|978 Mr. llilliam F. Vigor 5800 East Vine Drive Fort Col l i ns, C0 Re: Avalanche Hazard as 'it affects !9LlZ--EjS-[orn Sqqqry.j5ig!-1!i as delineated 'in the report prepared@, 1978 Dear Mr. Vigor: This letter will confirm our conversation of today's date in which we Aisiussea the following ideas regarding your Lot 17, Bighorn Subdivision. l. The report prepared by Arthur Mears, July, l978.is a-satis- factory delineation of the snow avalanche hazard as it affects ' Lot 17. 2. As long as a living un'it is constructed within the ye.l low zone and thE unaffected-zone on Lot'l 7, as de] ineated in this report' no further reports, or eng'i neering studies will be required by the Town of Vail before issuance of a Building Pennit. 3. The structure must be engineered to meet the design require- ments as delineated in the Mears report for the Ye1 low Zone. It is understood that no structure will be constructed within the B'l ue or Red Zones as delineated in the Mears Study. hi'lt Town of Vail Zoning ADrninistrator +. AVAI,ANCHE DYNAMICS OF THE NUGCET PATH VAIL, COLORADO ?rePared for Lawrence J. Remener Arthur I . Iiears Gurlniscl , Soloraco July, 197i I.SU},IMARY OF REPOR? Design avalanches ln the Nugget avalanche pathr Vall , Colorado t affect' the southern portlon of Lot 1f, Blghorn Subdlvlslon. Design avalanches ln the Nugget path x111 re6u1t from fracture and release of a dry, soft enow- slab whlch evolves lnto a rnlxed clry-flowing avalanche wlth a powd er ava- lanche conponent. The snow avalanche hazard. to Lot 1f has been subdlvlded, as ls consis- tant wlth cu:rent Y ai! hazard. zonlng regulatlons, into tbree levels of lntenslty. These Red, Efue., and. Ye11ow hazaril zones are clefined ancl dls- cussed. ln d.etall- In Sectlon V of thls report and are mapped. in Figure 2. Developnent should be excluded fron the Red.. Zone. Reslilential bulld- lngs can be allowed nithin the Blue or Yellow Zones because of the low to .rnod.erate hazard. intensity tn these areas. However, such buildllng shoulcl be deslgned. for expectable avalanche forces which will depend upon bullding size, shape, orientation, and focation. 1I. INIRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES OF SI'IJDY Three previous studles (Krebs, et. aI . , L973i Colorado Geological Sur- vey, t)lJi Royston, et. al ., L9?6), all indicate that snow.avalanches orig- lnatlng in the "Nugget," avalanche path have the potential for reaching Lot 1f, Bighorn Subdivision, Vail , Colorado. However, naps produced for these studies are ei.ther at a snal1 scate (1;24OOO), or indicate the hazard. in a general way onIy. None of these stud"ies have exanined the potential hazard ln great detail , thus do not provide the information necessary for planning bulldtng locatlons or designing avalanche defenses, if necessary. The present stud.y responds to a reguest fron ltr. Lanrence J. Renener for a conplete and detailed. analysis of the snow avalanche hazard to Lot 17. This stutly d.erives the dynarni-cs of the design avalanche through determination of avalanche I 1. Types' 2, Bunout d.lstances ' ), FrequencY' 4. VelocitY' 5. Stagnatlon and'for thrust Irressuret 6. Flor d.epth. Thls infornatlon about the deslgn avalanche is deterrnlnetl througb analysls and quantificati.on of a) tne avalanche Path toPogfaphy, b) vegetation d.anage ln the avalanche path, c) expecteal snowpack release conclitions r and a) tne appLication of varlous dynarnlc eguatlons of avalanche flow. Avalanche dynamlcs ls a current research topic of the U. S. Forest Service, Forest and Range Experinent Statlon (Mears, *npublished dala, t9?5-?8). This new re- search ras considereil ln the present anal-ysis. The definitton of the design avalanche used. in thls study ls conslsta'rit nith that of the Town of Vail as applied ln its hazard zonlng ordlnance' It ls defined as an avalanche of a nagnitude expected. to recur at an average retr:rn period of 1oo years or nore; i.e., having an annual occurrence ltro- babllity of 1 percent or Iess. Thls statenent of probability does not specify the d-istribution or tirning of design avalanches ttrrough tine. Hence, they nay occur in two or nore successive years ntthout changing the occurrence probability ln succeed'i ng years. Avalancbe larger (and even less frequent) tnan the design avalanche are possible, but it is felt that the probability of this is snrall enough to be disregarded in Planning. IlI . LOCATION AND DESffiISIION OF THE DESIGN AVALANCHE The Nugget avalanche path is shown on Figr:re 1, an air photograph tal<en in septernber, t9?4. The photo scale varies fron ridge top to va1ley bottom and averages approxlnately 1!5300 (1" = 450') over the length of the avalanche and patb.' Detalls of on Flgure 2. o the lower portlon of the path (t zone) 1s shown The gEl!lg-?g!g of the Nugget path, or area uhere the unstable Enow fractnres and rnajor avalanches begin anil acielerate, conslsts of J,6 ha (L3.8 acres) on an unconflneil slope belou timberllne. The elevatlon of the starting zone ranges fron 28f0 f,o 3L7O rneters (9400 to 10400 feet) and tras grad.lents of 34 to lf degrees. The starting zone, whlch is sparseLy tirnbered. wlth aspen and conlfers, 1s orlented toward. the northeast, receives llttle sunllght durlng the irlnter, anil readily accurnulates and rnaintalns a deep snowpaek. During certain cond.itions, the entlre area Hl11 develop lnto a dryr soft snowsrab capable of transmittlng stresses and fractures over long d.lstances. lJhen the d.ownslope cornponents of stresses within ancl around. this slab exceeal the strength of the snow, trlttle fractr:re can occrg anal a large sfab avalanche nay be released.. Dannage to trees 1n the lower part of the starting zone suggests that the large avaranches of the past have been 1rtnarl1y of the surface-flowing type with only a rninor powder aval-anche component. The d.ynani c analysis used. 1n this study takes this lnto consid.eration. The released slab of soft, dry snow flows through the tlrnber and. over a cliff band of the Minturn Formation at point B (Frgure 1) and falls into a d.eeply-inclsed rock-walred channel sp11t by a rock nose. Between points c and D (rigrire 1) tire floning snow spread.s laterally anci maintains vel- ocity on a smooth 2Sdegree slope. This portion of the path is knoxn as the avalan che track. The avalanche deceLerates and. stops in the runout zone. Thls portion of the path extend.s frorn the botton of the steep slope at apgroxinat ely zJ80 neters elevation (8450 feet) r across Gore Greek, and into the southern portion of Lot 1?. o he runout o Hh1 1n Dynanlcs. .l) | + /^z\.V,I_!J___L tl Q 7.4 6,6 5.2 5,2-0 h' = flow d.epth; € = turbutent frlctlon coefflclent; f = d-ynaml c frlction coefficient; P = dynanLc thrust pressure; V = velocity. As statecl prevlously, powcler avaLanches xill- also d.evelop d.urlng design avalanche cond.ltlons. The powd er avalanche will tenct to travel sonewhat farther into the runout zone, but will grod-uce less lntense pres- sures than the frowlng avalanche. The inportance of powd.er avalanches in buildlng deslgn ls d.iscussed. in the reconrnend.atlons sectlon. IV. AVAI,ANCHE F'REQUn{CY ESTII'IATION Avalanches have not been observed. to have cone as far as Lot !?. Furthermore, trees growing in ihe vlcinlty of Lot rl are, in sorne cases, a century oId but show no evidence of avalanche inpa.ct. Thus it can be assurned that destructive avalanches, such as the tiesig:n avalanche d.escrlbed. herer have not o ccr:rred for roughly one century, possi.bly J.onger. rt should be noted, however, that the absence of avalanches for a period. of 100 years does not irnply that the "100-year avalanche" is highly unrikely at that particular location. Encounter probability theory (Lachapelle, tg65), shows that there exists a 3? percent chance that the 100-year event would not be expected. to occur druing any randonly serected. 100-year period. Between points c and D (rigue 1), aspen nore than ro to 25 years old o The dynanlcs-of the deslgn-flowlng avalanche, for thls study and hazard. analysi,s, are surunarlzed. Des16n Reference h'Polnt (E) TABLE 1 Floting Avalanche ch have been conputed Table 1. I9 18 !6 16-0 t t 2.,(n/S;,) 700 6oo 500 500 500 f e v.L) u.r) 0,75 0,15 0J5 v (n/s'l 24 A P c D 1.8 2,L 2,7 2.r 2,t are generallY absent fron the occur tnore often bere than ln uressure in excess avalanche path suggesting tbat ar'alanches the foner runoul, zone' Below polnt D ancl above polnt g (Frguce 1) trees are not growlng, therefore nothlng can be lnfe:reclaboutavalanchefrequencyatthlslocatlonthroughdirectlnspectlon of vegetatlon. Howevert it can be stated' with conJldence that avalancbe frequency soutb of Gore Creek 1s substantlally greater than to the north of Gore Creek. V.AVAI,ANCI{EHAZA8DINTENSITYANDIAND-USERECOM}'IENDATIONSONLOfl? SnowavalarrchehazarclintensitytnttreviclnityofLotl?issubd.lvided. lntoReil(ntgnhazara),Blue(nocLeratehazard)'a'nd'Ye1}ow(verylorrhazard) ZonesasshormonFlgure2.TheRedandSlueZonesared'efineclasspecified. ln Vail lancl-use orclinance lo, !? (series of t9?8, pages 8 arrd 9). Avalanche - RecI Hazard Area'A red. avalanche area sha1I nean any area lnPactecl bY a snow avalanche lnoducing a total- statlc and' dynanl c of 600 pounds per square foot (lbsftz) on d g-at .*r"". normal to the flow and'/or a return intervaf of less Iirrar. ?5 yeals. Avalanche - BIue Hazard' Area' A blue avalanche area shafl Inean an area inpactect by a snow avalanche producing a total static and clynani c pressure less than 500 pound's pex squaxe foot on a flat surface normal to the flox and'/or a return interval in excess of 2J years' AYellowhazardzoneisalsoincludedlnthehazarddelineationgiven inthisreportbecauseitisassociated.withthernoderaieoverglessures of smalf powder avalanches ln.the Blghorn path' The Yellow zone is used in Swiss avalanctre zoning plaris ' hazarcl avaf-anche area is alr blast groducing a stag- The return lnterval is the dlefined as an a.rea lrnpacted' by powder or nation pressure of less than 100 :"ts/ftz' It sane as ln the ?,One, VI, AVAI,ANSHE I.OADING AND STRUC{TIRAI., DEFEI{SE Ifbulldlng}tithintheSlueorYel].owava]alchehazard.zoneslsdeslrecl' br,rildlngsmustbedeslgnecltoresisttheforcesresul.tlngfrornava.lanche inrpact and deposition' Spectfic deslgn regulrenents for bulldings located ln these hazard zones axe not given as a part of thts repori be cause they cannoibespeclflectwlthoutadditlonalinfornatlonaboutbulldlnglocatlon, orientationlshape,andslze'WlthlntheBluezonethedeslgngressures on bulldlng nalls wil'r 1r, 3eneral differ frorn the 6OO ftu/ft2 figure used to d-efine the zone Ilni' Figure 2' }JlthlntheYeflowzone,powcleravalancheblasifrondesignavala.rrches w111 procluce a stasnation rrressure of ?5 lilsftl? ' The actual desiglr forces onthebulldingasawholearrctuponindividualelementsnustbedeterminetl byathoroughareodynanricanalysisofthestructr're'Theanalysisrnust deterrnineupl.i.ftforcesontheroofasweflasclragantlnornalI'ressures. In general, the analysis wilJ- yield drag and upl.ift coefficients whlcht whennultipliedlwithsta4nationpressureandtheareauponlhichtheforce acts, Yield' deslgn forces ' RespectfullY submitted', n^1'l^/, I Yuua'q Mears, PE REFERENCES ""'n?;3ot"i*"i';.lifl; lliirlsl fr;:*'*les ror avalanche danage : t"t"=s:":""il3i "iir:T$ [;rr,rl2;,snor avalanche hazards of the va1l I(rebs, r_.v. (ea.) , .'2?2:-.!:.1uation or-rn: sn_ow avalanche hazard in the ;#i #?rff;n..""rv; ."i;;;;: unpubl. rGin#',"pt. to the Mears, 4. r,r tttr,-gil1:lines_and. ,rrl"u:^l:: detailed snow avalanche iiifrfu"'T6:ttE ;:il ;-#;.fi;: colorad.o Geolosical s'rvey Royston, Hananoto, J area 3 (..,*;"i'::,id#"f3:",,tffi #"iil.i:ri":ffiff"i3"3ii" riill . )2--T lVit ffi ?il !ta -aj.E4? r#ffi ::s itnt;l-S i i-'& rt' !-- FIGURE 1. Air photograph of the Nugget avalanche path' Vail' Colorado' taken in Septenber, 19?4. Reference points on the phoiograph correspondtothoseusedinTablel.Longitucinalprofileofpath ls shown on Figr:re ]a. /ia i,II I! .j [, ll ;r, rl ll s.' G a Ll /l tl ----t*/ / -----------F U€t' tr .T 9ta 9' (,1 \ l\ \ \ /_/ ^'/ot l./.\tr\L/ \\ a=v, l,'F.l N\ lr. i\1 // 'il I ll .4 v, !! t, IE IH lo t;Hp0.rplt5 c:JEOl 5 cf ld lt\)ool-lP. cl-(JX PPPTJ NcfSHro o<PFlrcF 5rcr-otn oooH'P'd-P PO(/)o ag p|Jti {PyocF 5(AOcro oohd /,tptso j o < -\t 0q ltgr!n ooPCr :Jpgtcd|d rf ,4t-o0qP'ts55:'O &oo .)+F{=E ' j i F oo0rtd N(n \r).!g)trO d.)!db . x p. l-r,<+P<-f .r]<:t aP.o a tlA*B ==,-P'tr <!aP.rr *FroN t-O<t-O ptso PP.{ d.rd|{r doo |-\ .- ..+iur5i tsPo Ptr0r (]o4';: aao0\,n 6 Crl 0q o .+Oglcl-:iH)n oord p * ll \l 1 t- tr ( I /'. t\\t !,:{/ \ I -r--l-- f-j--i-'-1-Gutt Y 1-L-1-r-i-l-! I -- x!--l--]er"o'F ' i- i_ , zoNE I , -r i-l'i -l-l-l l4Jo