HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnit B - Original Docs 1984-1986, Projects 1997-2007 (CO)'o "';;l;', ffi ff # l, *o=."" U " " "' -ff ;l',lr=,0,*o^ sO4?7-s38s p.2 4.r9. 16 m2 @gr3Fptn pz A8/1,5/MZ l2zl7 97W7882,14 JUr.. t!:rl lt lG alolr ?OV-cEI-Dt9-!ltf, u, EEeo' rutnrrrwcmtt wrrrranff|lLarllr' Pd6E t^ol 02 t,'| : IOUAI t,(Fitt'rt*i d:rdFqrtt hff rt (rdrrrllnrl fr||rbi) pntif rfi|3 lttr - i?tnr tFurftC df lr rt trl' Iln rfil|lD' D |'|o Ionr d Y||l q'I|rr* ffiirrf a{trult bl dr FFd nD.Du.|lr||,n rrtoiulrttrtthrrfr Iut666*lDttcrinil|| hrtrr5: I fudr.. onlrtr|l rlrr ,!r|? iffit.iry b d b tt tar o|' ir orIlr t !l|. rrr* ,,ffi to |l|rf aqtn l,D| t tHt't {l.-cb ri,ftbrI. o tl 8lrt loz - )ryZ0fLrI/UO|fi, L"d aEIa-te?-o&3 399et||OS Id6E I t7 aost 5e tnr Design Review Board ACTIOil FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 iax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: GINSBERG ADDfiON Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A BEDROOM AND BILUARDS ROOM ADDMON Partacipants: OWNER GINSBERG, STUARTS. &LISA FLLI26I2OO7 43 LAWRENCE FARMS CROSSWAY CHAPPAQUA NY 10514 APPUCANT BLUELINE ARCHITECTS, P. C. Lt 1261 2007 Phone: 970-827 -5400 PO BOX 574 MINTURN co 81645 License: C000002400 ARCHITECT BLUEUNE ARCHTTECTS, P. C. L112612007 Phone: 970-827-5400 PO BOX 574 MINTURN co 81645 License: C000002400 Project Addressl 3967 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3967 LUPINE DR. Legal Descraptlon: Lot: 1-B Block: 1 Subdivision: BIGHORN 1ST ADDnON Parcel Number: 2101-111-0201-3 Comments: DRB Number: DRB0706B3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byi Dantas Second By: DuBois Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: Actlon: APPROVED Date of Approvah 1212012007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuantto the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $3O0.OO Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 fax'. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: Afl projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to n the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be l/. accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need \ , to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses v unless a bualding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: ac b ar Awnrrottrrr &oe.ou (tpt,rr:l- tl;nt-\ Auo ttutt{r8 \./ 2?^ | ( nfur^, a-a€;L> hrmtu 'fm, Uotts N 17ft. 6RFA A< *r g,a,87't rz+( zrc tao,, e: Ultt-. fi 'i- Att<ro,t l4llrlu- f A "tWO - S'tf( €4r4<p? ea',JJ,aaf,^rl t'rt11l 'f?r exrsrhta tlw" AtZ4r|l;c'Lr. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: lg Block: I Subdivision: 6raHora 9,r€r'rvr r{ pr', i Frarr AsanoN @ Physical Address: Ub1 unbL w.. VN\ C-o Ott,'51 V V Parcel No.: zralrr tozolS (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:E$xrmr.l. (srr<l Application for Design Review g ,s w Additions-Residential or Commercial Name(s) of Owner(s):3rnrcr I U,cA O.xgs- 4b lat'r?aNcl.. FA'{,y$ Crof,ttlf Phone: fgr.f \ 29r - fs.f.{ Owner(s) Signature(s)r ( gr. ^ta* qe> Name of Applicant: k3r €z'wrc^s . AtA Mailing Address:?o bx 511 Aftrtnr^,. C, ElUts Phone: E-mail Address: tar a 6L!tu$qAa..{nter9.(a^ Fax: q1o . gz1,61ce' ho,8zl,3,lot Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review !, New Construction Ef Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) ! Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) ! Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landxaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review 8oard. No Fee F$ff"j'ss'r cn",xuo.,/e LE ey, r ;'i .:r'lF it. ' ,t n.. , a' ^t ' ";. f +1.{.**'tf'l*********'}+*'*********i*****************+++f{r**+***+*a**+++*++++++*tt+i+++t++++++++++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement +*****+++*a***+****+l*ll*********t++*+++f+*f:t*tf*****a**f*************'!++************++***i* Statement liluniber: R070002588 Anount: $300.00 LL/25/2OO704:18 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: dIS Notation: 102 5 /BI-,I'EI-,ME ARCHITECTS Permit No: DR8070583 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel Nor 2101- 111- 02 01- 3 Site AddreEe I 3957 LUPINE DR VAIIJ Location: 3957 LUPINE DR. This Payment: $300.00 Total Feea: 5300.00 Tota1 AIJIJ Prnt8 : S3 00 . 00 Balance:$0.00 +**+**********+***+*+'*+****+*********+***********************+*++************************{.** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300. 00 BLUE !--.&*..,+i"_!!-r= _ -.--.:5 GOPIE3 OATE IETTIR OT T iA IIt X ITTAL LIN E ro Department of Community Development F io n Ken Bridges D ^t E 1i-26-07 roB * 0704 RE Ginsberg Residence DRB Application vrr Hand arracnED E Shop Drawings E prints E Plans ! Samptes E Specifications I Copy of Letter E Change Order E Oner xo DE3CRIPTIOX 3 11-26-07 DRB Submittat Drawings 1 11-26-07 Application for Design Review TRAl|axtrrEo EForYourUse O As Requested B For Review and Comment / Approval RETARI(' l've included (3) sets of drawings for an addition to the Ginsberg Residence at 3967 Lupine Dr. Please call me if the submittal is incomplete or if I can help answer any questions the board may have. Thanks. GO'Y TO IIGXED rLuEttiE atcrtttcla. t.c. 421 Main St. C1, PO Box 574, Minturn, CO 81645 970-427.5400 lax 970-827 -5401 info@blu elinea rch itects. com v-- II/2L/28A7 AAi47 3L42441623 ROLLCO ENTERPRISES rAUL AL lrcdh Of tlir lt|lDodr lob tO Blak: I grbdfUdon: !io4* f,rfr|t3o! " F.,|fi lqtrn,1r tryr|CdAddmc: Prrcd 1lo.: e.rotulozbrs ... (cortad Eagle co' Assessof at 92F32&tr4o for parcel no') Za.''ng;. thm.(r) orf Gnrcr(d: t$trrrtAdiucc plurc; ({f \ zqt : .tB.tf - o'wlld(dggl5nnt(l):: itltl.of ADgllctrt *m Addltionc'Rerlden$al or Commcrclal APPlkaUon Sor ltcign Revlew DeoErtsrEnt of communffry Dettlc?flEnt x so,irl FiuqP Rord, vait, cobradg 815'5' El: 970,479.2128 Iu;:' 9A'479'2+sz web: www 'tdhPv'cDm ffiffi Er.tcil .rrrri rece e aDgroral rioJ to gjb.rlttrg. buiutng pcrTnt lpdkttblr' Plce tgsr lp dl. $bmlttrt |gtuhr'rrstns r- [ii].p"roo|b. app.irrat tte't rs m+.r.sted. -An apf,iztion for Dcshn Rqleuu cannot E acwa=d unll * req.mf trcrrrffi L .acelro<i 'ry m Cotnmunfi ooJfop,t*ni *pil -utlcol The troFd mav also naad rob€twtervcdbrt*to-,*ffiifi;-il;ffi6;ffi'il;;;imenaiAmrnmn' uprcvlqreprorrl|!ps uDld r bllCtrg Flt r'b trjrJ;d currrlir qnnorrr vrlddn orts t-r ot th' loproYrl' i||llntrddG E-mellAddlsr: ryF of n€flid.nd ttcr E Slgrts Cl oncett al Revl6., D, tlerv €on$tmon Ef rdtilorr tl M|nor AErdon (nrr|ftamily/srrnrrtbf) Minor ALrlttcn (snd6lhdv/drdrd) GEng€3 tD Appfir.d.PrE Separduon R€qucat $50 Eltull.m per sttltrc foot of &l dgn dr€!. Nb Fee $650 t30o l25O Ftr onirudoo of a nc|v bduno or &no/rchrfd. For an tddldg| wl*re sq|are frd'E F added ro rny rE*b|tial or corn'trucH boldlng (lncrd€s 250 tdfrE & hErlo. co|rYersns)' fur mttu chtr{E b hddngs aod dE lmfrsugrE G, lrrct 45, re-rs{'ft|g ptlrdng, win&w rddroor, londtcaCngL ftoces lnd rtbtnng tlrakrce. ror rirtnor dmnBs b hrllnoc trd stE lnrFruwrrrer*s, srdr c, l}roofing, paiffing, wlndol, addilon3, lan&(rilng, lhncls and leinhg l20 g tr waB, €lr. +20 For rEirlslont b pb1r3 dre|dy tF.or|Td by Hrnnlng strfi or tia @n REvbr 8oard. ilo Foe ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAT REOUIREMENTS** d Rll pages of Application is complete Ef Checklist is comoleted and siqned d Stamped Topogiaphic survey-* (n "/ 9v orrr.',t! ar Nov. f , ?at i rc s^'o EI_ Site and Grading Plan* €ttrm*p, ?gr.ft( hlrj Aror ur&r,s )Ef Landscape Planx (*r.d Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redl'iffi-elevations) - :r€. sflcr A2 bderior color and material samples and specificatioos. - i.. t rrr:r A 14 Architectural Floor Plansx (1 set of Redlined floor plans) Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriry ownership and easements* Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable, - s.( 'r|€.tr A 1+ Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable l/e B Site-specific Geological Hazard Repot, if applicable* ttla tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. P/erce salmi lhree (J) copies of/he malerit/s na/ed wi/ft an as/eris* (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:Grrfant EtssrF!,hrc!.. Aiztlnze< Gontrae*er Signature r<-- Date Signed ll .?J. . 01 ET d d d q a F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of 14 PROPOSED MATERIAIS t Yz Yzr Al+ "4 ?E+rc r,rlt'Rrrt-s ' Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other C.c+xl, Srr.v'. ( ernu)rhrunrr- Penlr (tratrro) *uu.o bpr.ra Arr (1D t{Afi{ erh^r.i) Q,.9. Ctx- iF;lr Eraos ( o als'lex ocrstai tr( T:6 ft..E L,qrr eeanu ( ze merte 6rrcf,eq) At.lrrr{lrr (rat ar,ne (r MH e*srtuq R.S, Ccoec T?r*r &,ur ( fo *w:q extnr,4) A,.r,n. Cr-ro fu,par ws/t^l-ow. Gt *rlrrrrt €1tfirJ4\ g,s. c;iurz lhrn / gaczo tztrt (t *tl attrr,pa) <ranr ! l0t6 Fl,cltlc GtneePALL (.o z,aran exgflta\ aAA& ? EH tnd fltutAt- *rtNA . * cqAc cttm y c* ann (L ihntt- ?t'?trt. Useo/em'fs l?fantuna cAr. (*, cte 4<cr) ary (t\ zterlitt4. 11qx1 ? n ]e A ecc-tg.o fu)$LlgE_at@ w A F.-e, *rw. (-<. ,t, zncxrr) Notes: Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. AppFo' r_i g 'irh ! \, ''' r'r., r DESIGI.' ll F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Ptannine\otd forms\drb-addition-8-28-2o07.doc mqsfpf 14 tZ tl{10-1 -"- - - [)'-q{NFtr - W OESCRIPTION * @ccp uI,tr arfstr. 6t Ftx )g @ cE g.D ttt *Ft q IFLaE AeA,{- E=ozcrr* - Olb (tz,zz (ErrlL)HALO" .--1-- .,'..\( H2srCAT )\,,v_-=/ 5" Insulat.d Coiling AIR-TITEr Reccssed Housing - 5" TRIMS FOR USE IN INSULATED SHALLOW C EI LI NGS FOR DIRECT CO N TACT WITH INSULATION with all trims listed The Halo H25|CAT utilizes a S" aperture and is designed for use in shallow ceilings where 2 x 6 joist construction is used. The variety of trims available allows a number of lighting effects to be created with one basic housing. The H2SlCAT is designed for use in insulated shallow ceiling applications and may be completely covered in insulation. The H2S|CAT housing is an AIR-TITE'M housing and meets Restricted Air Flow reouirements. The Halo H25|CAT utilizes a 5" aperture and is designed for use in shallow ceilings where 2 x 6 joist construction is used. The variety of trims available allows a number of lighting effects to be created with one basic housing. The H25lCAT is designed for use in insulated shallow ceiling applications and may be completely covered in insu lation. The H25|CAT housing is an AIR-TITE-" housing and meets Restricted Air Flow requirements. Housing . Die-stamped 20 gauge a lumtnu m. . Air-Tite gasket supplied with housing to complete ATI\4- E283 installation . Spare 6-pack Air-Tite Gasket available (GA-ATH5-6PK) Plaster Frame Galvanized steel construction. The housing can be removed from plaster frame to provide access to the junction box. Plaster frame features include:. Regressed locking screw for secu ring hanger bars . Cutouts for easily crimping ha nger bars in position . Halo name embossed on plaster frame Slide-N-Side'" Junction box . UL Listed for through branch circuit wiring (maximum 8 No.1 2 9a., 90'C conductors).. 112" fiade size conduit knockouts with true pry-out slots positioned to accommodate straight conduit runs. . Slide-N-Side'" wire traps allow non-meta llic sheathed cable to be installed without tools and without removing knockouts. Accepts a wide range of non-meta llic sheathed cable. . Allows wiring connections to be made outside the junction oox . Simply insert the cable directly into the trap after connections are maoe. . Accommodates the following standa rd non-metallic sheathed cable sizes: \usl #'t4/2, #14/3, #1212, #12/3 lganada) #14/2, #'1413, #12/2 GOT NAIL ! Pass-N-Thru* Bar Hangers. . Pre-installed nail easily installs in regular lumber, engineered lumber and laminated beams. . Score lines allow "tooless" shortening for 12" joists. . Bar hangers can be repositioned 90' on plaster frame . Safety and gu idance system prevents snaggrng, ensu res smooth straight nail penetration and allows bar hangers to be easily removed if necessary. . Automatic levelling flange aligns the housing and lets you hold the housing in place with one hand while driving na ils. . Housing can be positioned at any point within 24" joist span r Pass'N-Thru-' feature allows bar hangers to be shortened without removing from plaster f rame. .IntegralT-bar clip snaps onto T- bars - no additional clips requrred. Socket Porcela in socket with nickel plated brass screw shell. snaps into trim for consistent lamp positioning. Shipping insen protects socket from overspray. Thermal Protector Self resetting thermal protector deactivates fixture if overheating occurs due to improper lamping, Trims . Housing accommodates a wide range of Halo 5" trims, Torsion springs on all trims for quick and easy installation. . Fixed socket bracket aligns socket for consistent lamp position. Labols . U L/cUL listed . Damp Location Listed . UUcUL listed for Feed Through . UL/CUL listed for Direct Contact with Insulation and combustible maten a I N4eets following requirements: . washington state Energy code .International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) . State of California Title 24 Low Efficacy Luminaire lC and AT requ rrement . New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code . Certified under ASTM-E283 for air tight construction, 10112 T'Q t'u'.' pu"0)ESlGNl ,- ------------t 5114 Il33mrnl FEATURES: . SLIDE-N-SIDE lll* JUNCTION BOX . GOT NAIL!* 8AR HANGERS . PASS-N-THRU* 8AR HANGERS . REGRESSED LOCKING SCREW . HALO lD ON PLASTER FRAME ADVo?1158 6to / Ordering Information on reverse COOPER LIGHTIITG Top View v'fu[rr OFDEBING INFORMATION H25ICAT SAMPLE NUMBERT H25ICAT-5014P Complete unit conBiBte of housing Hourlng -- I H2S|CAT=E" lmul.t6r c€,iline, ilA-flr'. r/ Shallow Housing GA.AIHs.tex 6 prck 6p.r€ Aln-nTE" hou6ing in3t€llation g.3kgB and trim - TrlmE Accsrroriet 50w PAR30. 50W PAR3oL ,Ar KV/ s(x)o AI'JUSTABIES @ 50c0 tmoP=Whito Trim 3nd Splay 5dXlSN=S.tin NickolTriln rnd Sphy 50OOAC-Antiqu6 Copp€r Trim and Splay soolBz=luscan Bron:6 Trim lnd Splay OO: 6 'll2" {165mml rZ-\\lzz,) 50t0 ll,^\\A) 61Wl DIFR,SER €> aE4 Gimbsl - 25' Irk 50w PAR:10 5060P=Whit€ Trim and Gimb8l OD: 61n" (165mml Eyeblll - 30f Tlh ?5W PAR3O 5o7OP-Whil€ trim and eyoball 5070P8=Poli3h6d Brass trim and oyoball 50tGSL=Silv6r trim and By8ball 6o70sN=Satin Nickol trim and ey€ball so7oAc=Antiquo Copp.. trim 6hd €y.b.ll 5OTOTBZ=Tuscan Eron:s trim and svsball OD: 61/2" ll66mm) Ey€b.ll - 30. Ih 5dv F20. 50w PAR20 AfinP=Whit6 Trim 3nd Ey€ball OD: 6l/2" (l65mml Dom. L.n3 Show.r Lbhn aol,v Atg. 50w PAR30 s@lPs=Whits Trim wilh Frdtod DomB 5G4S =$tin Nickol T.im with Fro.tod Dom6 lilb4Ac=Antique Copper Trim with FrosFd Ogma !64T9:z=Tuscan gronro Trim with Frosled Oomo OD: 612'(t65mm) AFPRTI', Et F :,1. TOI'v':'.' \r'' ','i, , DESIGN FEV!EvV Ij(JAHI ] It nArF. t ),1 tl I ot E nt r. __Ig__lltt Y r l. FL{NNER: ----W-- lldt : SF.ifiBtionr lnd DimruioN iubier ro chugd wlrhour norlco. VLh ol|r wrb di. .t www..oof.dhhdne...nt CuEtomor FlrEt C.ntcr 'l12'l Hlghwry 74 Sourh P..chtr.. Clty, GA 30269 770"486.48& FAX n0 486.4801 Cooper Llghting 5925 MclEughlln Rd, Mlssie$ugr, Ontarlo, CEnada L5R l 88 905.507,4000 FAX 905.568.7049 BAFFLES @ Sbrllow llotd Brtflc Spby cst r BRx, 50ti, PABo, ?5w PAR3ot solaP:-White Trim with Whit€ Batfio OD: 61/2" l165mml rp#ughung Monarch 1 ,---n 5"slopeperside E 1 Roundhouse to .6{')HishHat s0 fr1, . Aluminized Steel - 24 GA . Galvanized - 24 GA . Paint-grip Galv - 24 GA . Pre-painted Steel - 24 GA . Stainless Steel - 24 GA OUTER FINISHES . Pre-painted Steel - 30 colors . .019 pre-lin alum. - 60 colors . .032 (Roof grade) alum. - 30 colors Regaf 2 ,-o 5"slopeperside ro Roundhouse 30-A /A\4\ (w/I-tops) opPn,ophybndu n I Wrightway 51 ,-GoN' t\..---r.. 't BarrelTop ,t m Prairie 52 .J r.ct d.d d- uY[d)rY .) -,- ---f Maiesry 4 ffi1- 1 4" slope Per side U)+P luplTop 31A /ns\(wi['\ps) openrophyb,id u rurlr San Clemente 53 ---'::,; ,.*H-.Hacienda 54 n.iL ,6" slope per side 'fcopper\ ,-4 Emneror 6 z-----zt 6" slope per side ro Double 32-B Diamonds Coooer . Aged (pre-green) Copper . Perfect (Non-Tarnishing) Copper . Stainless steel . Stucco Ready - Cement Board Cla . Stucco Finish Paint . Marble, Granite (Smooth or Rough) OPTIONS . Beauty Strips - For Pan Edge . Heat Shield - Bottom . Divider Plate - Vertical . Screening - Top, Legs, Windows, Ent . Faux Deco Top Flue Pipes . Snow Rool . Drip Cap/Bullnose - Top and Bottor . Vented Roofs . Reg. Lattice or 1/2 Pipe Lattice ADJUSTMENTS . Height - Length - Width . Leg Height - Leg Width . Overall Slope . Ovefall Design LEGS - ATTACHMENT SryLE . 1" Ext. Flange -TS Mount I/ . Z" x 7'l Int.rFteel Plate-Top Mount e /tffi(r ,..lrwisileg-llop-MQifit'{{rlN .4 . OrFr Colner - Side Mount l-:I 'l \4qd_ Princess 7 ,a--z', 6" slope per side # Cardinal ,t/N Patriot 55 ,,Illi Prince Lr-n 6" slope per side ry Mediterranean 34 Arch Aztec 57 ::,' Ierra Potta 9 F= 4" slope per side ffi Sultan 35 'il Mesa 58 lmnerial 10 ,------o o" slope per side S J)Archangel 36 Phoenician 59 Centulion 11 n, ,-,;;fr| o" slooe oer side J-I-LA( Adobe 37 Warrior 50 ; " 'i" r', ;;;t Span Arch 12 ,4,^'=A o;' stope per side f-Il"J 11' Aspen 38 Spartan 61 '.2 ril-l Colonade 13,.lL .t1i 0" slope per side ' -. :.' Chalet 39 ''i1 Athenian 62 Georgian 1a: 0" slooe oer side Sentry 40 Liberty 63 Contemno 20: 0" slooe oer side [tr-!!] 41 0utpost Egyptian * *-; Mission 21 ffi Moonbeam 42 lron Maiden 29-C w/Arch lop xXXl Chateau 22 : ----- -s-t '' fron Maiden 29-B w/BanelTop X Bastille 23 iffi w -----.---------- Camelot 24 '.. t .' lron Maiden 29-A.;'"2.",>a 0" slope oer side X X X) {JI l Q[ilnney King CHIMNEY CROWNS * fr4scv C4I{;. c+ttt1r.fr\ cl,|? Orft,c ()- Ltttgp /lr?o€;o @,*n "^r. Srrrns o METAI^S o OprroNs o ADJUsTABLEs o LEGs BASE METALS AND FINISHES Clad Bottom LEGS - ATTACHMENT SryLES Chimney King . P.O. Box 8 . Gurnee, lllinois 60031 . (847) 244-8850 . Fax (847) 24/,-8694 www.ChimneyKing.com e-mail: sales@chimneyking.com Ends d PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanacal Name Common Name Ouantihr Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS f A, ar^@gBacene---G q W,L- EXISNNG TREES (^Dr< ) TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) ,"\w -ffi UTITITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION ( *- xr-rn^oo sque.14rt) . This form serues to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Developer to Provide Lot Address fnformation: Lot Addressf fig1 Lnrx ve,.,u*,utr,on, 6qxsp iroorvrlat 1o1g. lE , E.al<' t Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QWEST 970.468.6860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Tooley sam uel.toolev@owest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) (ttt o c*1orc') - lwnRcp an ll/t+lot 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros t ' richard sisneros(oxcelenerov.com ( arr (l{€D ) HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis dqolis@holvcross.com XCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (tax) 970.2623024 (tet) Contacts: Kit Bogert KathrVn. Booed@XCELENERGY.com EAGLE RrvER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.4r8.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: David Evans david evans@cable.comcast.com NOTES: 1, If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav permit and must b€ obtained separatelv, 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature Date F:\cdev\FoRl,4s\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Page 9 of 14 (tl:ll.<*-o) (Y* 'r. erg>) ^tdtr?rco x tl/r1/ot (trraas€D) (arrar.rreo) SILUERTHORNE HP Fax:19704681401 Nov 16 2007 6:49 P.02 ,-,m UTTLITV APPROVAT & VERIFICATION This form serves to veriry that the proposod improv€ments will not impact any o(isting or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with p.eparing your utitity plan and scheduling installations, A site plan, lnduding grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be subm'tted to the following utilities for approval and verification, PLeASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WAEKS fOR APPROVAT OR COMMEI{TS FROI4 THE UTrLrTy COMPANIES, If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe olease contact The Town of Vail, Develaper to Provida Lot Address fnformationt 3967 Lulne Dr., Voil. Colo.oJo 81657 Subdivision: Bigho.nSvbd;"i"ion r-owr: !al! BlTll ?g;,E l Qo^ Prloa Nov 16 2007 ,{CftN&S Poqvt(t$ *tof yut*igfig l-ot Address: QWEST Authorized Siqnature Gomments Date 970.a68.6860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Conbacts: Sam Tooley samuel.toolev@owest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAs 970.262.4075 (teD 970.458.1401 (Fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richard.sisneros@xcelenerov.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (tel) 970.94s.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis doolis@holycross,com XCEL Energy 970.262.a038 (fax) 970.267.4024 (tet) Contacts: Kit Bo€ert Kathryn, Bogert@XCELENEIGY.com EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT 970.476^7480 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contach Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.orq COMCAST CABLE 970.418,8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact; David Evans david evans@cable,comtast.com NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures ftom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, or no actlon is taken within 2 weeks of the Utlllty's receipt of the form wlthout explanation the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed constructlon, the utility representative shall note directy on the utillty verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the uHlity company and the applicant to resolve idenufied problems, 3, These veriflcations do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Willty locations must be obtalned befor€ dlgoing in any public right-of-way or easement withln ttle Town of Vail. A buil{ino oermit is not a Publlc Wav oermft and must be obtained seoarately. 4' The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utiliues for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authodzed signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature F:\cdsv\FORMS\PermirsFlanning\DRB\Utility Approvat_oE-2&07.doc Date ;m UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to vefify th3t the propced imprcv€me)rF wtll not impact any €listing or prcposed utility seNices, and also to \rerrA sewice availabllity and tocation fot ae\d, tonstrirction and should be used tn conJunction wlth prefuring your r.tllfty phn and sdted'Jling Insf,altatlons. A site plan, induding Enrfmg plan, floor plsD, and ehvalions, shall be submlttd to the followlng utllitles for approval aod .,erifrcstioh. PIEA5E ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEI(S FOR APPROLAL OR COM!|ENTS FROM THE UTruTY CAHPAilfES. lf you arc unable b obtain comments wfthin that ilmefrarne pleise contact The Town of Vail. Oemloper b Pmvide Lot Addrss Infoleptiont lotAdd 3967 L"pi"q D", V"il, C"lccilo 6'1657 Subdivision: Bigl'"- SutJivu""t_ot*, La]8,9!41 AmhotAed sionatur€Comm€nb Date QWE5I 970.46&6850(tel) 970.468.0672(fa0 Corhcts: Sam Tooley Saquel-tqalevdowJig-Com XCEL HIGTI PRESSURE GdS 970.262.40.76(td) 970.468.fitt1 (fa!) ContacE Rhh Sisneros ricf iard"s-sllguos@rcelenergv"com HOLYCROSSEIERGY 97o.e47^V77 (td) 97O.945-a081 (fax) Contacf Dbna Golrg doolis@hoh(ross.em XCEL Eriergy 970,262.4039 (fax) 970.2614024 (Iel) Cordactt Kit Bogert Kathn/n.Booert@XCELENERGY.6Im EAGL6. RIVERWATERA SATIITATION DISTRTCT e7o.476-7480 (tel) 9r'o.r96.ao89 (Fax) Contacl" Fred fladee flraslee@erwsd.ora col,tcasr cAgLE 970.418-6248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Antact Davld F/€hs david er/"rr9qGr&le.cdmcasL(om NOTES: uln- ,ltt ln x, ff the utility appr.oval.& vrrifiGtion form has signafures frorn elch of tire udlity companies, and no comm€nts are rnade diredly on tJre form..or no action is taken within 2 weel6 of the Utilvs receipt of the form without explanatlon the Town will pre me that there are n0 problerns and the dg.elopment en proceed- 2" If a utility Fompany has concerns wirh the proposed consguclon. the utility r€presenbwe shall note diredly on the utility verifietion form tiat there ls a problern whirh needs to be resolved. The issue should ttwn be detalled ln an attadled letter to th€ Town of VaiL llowever, ptease keep in mind that 'rt i5 the responslbility of the utility compdFy atd the applicant b rcsolve identnpd problems. 3. These verifications do Dot retieve the contractor oF. the responsiulity to obbin a Public Way Permit flom the Department of Public Worlcs at the,Town ot VaiL .t tiliw focations rhus]:he obbined befQle di4qi[o in any public nght{flvay or easement Wthin he Town of Vatt. A buildairg p€frfiitlr nota Pubtic wav pe.rmit and nust be obtained seDaEtEhz. 4. The Dweloper 'a reqyired aqd agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilibjes fo.r reapproral $ re-verification if the submitted plans are afE ed in any flay after tle autttorized srgnarre date (mless otherwise Specifically noted within the comment are-a ot thii form). Developefs Sgnature F:\cderl\FORMsPerrritslPbnnifl g[DRB\Utlli ty Approvd-O&28-07.doc Dab | ,l tit'ON ,\e)JlNl ss0Nc ,\l0|i l\lBt r l /00r 6l 'AON 970-476-4049 09:47:43 l9- 1 1-2007 --rm UTILIW APPBOVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to veriry seruice availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunctlon with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, includlng grading plan/ floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the followhg utililies for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY GoMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that theframe please contact The Town of Vail. Devsloper to Plovide Lot Address Information: 3967 L""i"" D... V"il. C"1"""J" 81657 Subdivisionl Bi9h",r'S"bdiul.i"" Authorized Siqnalure Ir- tq-o Lot Address; qwEsT 1o1g. Lot lB. BlocL 1 Date Comments 970.a68.6860(tel) 9/o.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Tooley samuel.toolev@owest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 97O.262.4076 (tet) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richard,sisneros(Oxceleneroy.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.547L (tel) 970,945.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis dgolis@holycross.conr XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 $et) Contacts: Kit Bogerf Kathryn,Bogert@XCELENERGY.com EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee foagleli(@erwsd.org COMCAST CABLE 970.418.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Davld Evans david evdns@cablc.comcast.com NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verificabon form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the fornt, or no actlon is taken withln 2 weeks of the Ub'lity's receipt of the form without exp,anation the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verlfication form that there ls a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed ln an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicani to resolve identified problems. 3. These veriflcatlons do not relleve the contractor of the responslbllity to obtain a Publlc Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of^way or easement within the Town of Vall, A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoaratelv. 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submil any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submiRed plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the cornment area of this form). Develope/s Signature F:\cdev\FORMS\Permlls\Planning\DRB\U lilily ApprovaL0S -28-07.doc Date 11/15/200? FRr gtZL FAx 9709254105 COHCAST CABT.E UTILITY APPN-OVAL & VERIFICATION l-his form serves tO veljF/ thAt the proposed improvements ,,{il, not impact any exisfjng Or pfoposd utility services, and alSO to verify <FNice availability and location for new construction alnd should be used in conjunction with preparing your utitity plan and scheduling installalrons. A site plan, tncluding gradinq plan, floor plan, and elevdtioni. shall be submitted to ti\e following utflities fbr approval and verlficatrorr, PLEISE ALLOW Up TO 2 WEEKs FgR AFPROVAL On COmUenfS FROM THE UTILlfy COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtaln comments withii) thac timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Pswloper to Provlde lot Addrdss rnfomttlon: Lot Adclresst 3967 L''jp;"" D'. V"il, Color"J" 81657 Subdivlsloh! BighornSubCi"isio" @002/ 0a2 Authorlzed.gqn6ture Comments 1o14, Lot lB. Bl".[ | Date QWEsT 970,468.5850(teD 970,458.0672(fax) Caotasts; sam Tooley s-rlnypr,toplw@.slYesf, ra!0 XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAs 970,252.4075 (rel) 970.458.1401 (far) ConEct RIch Sisneros richard,sr'sneros@xcel$09{1sv.co m HOLY CRO55 ENERGY 9/0.947.5471 (tei) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contactr Diana Golis @I5@hdysts5s.cotr XCEL Energy e70.252.4036 (fax) 970,262.4024 (tel) Contacb: Kit Eogert Kathrvn.Booef I6)XCEL ENERGY,Spm EAGI.E RIVER WATER & SAHIThTION DISTRTCT 97O.+76.74aO (tP't) 970.476.4089 (far) Contacc Fred Haslee fhasleeGterw-qd.org COMCAST CAALE 970.4r8.S2.t8 (teD 970.949.9138 (far) &nbcfi David Evans ddvirl ewns{Orablq.cof[CaSt.COtn ll-olEsj 1^ If tfie utility approval & verification. form- has signatures frem each ofthe utilify compenies/ and no comrnents are ftade directly on the forrfl/ dr no astion is (3ken wlthln 2 weeks of the Utility's recelpt of the fiorm wlthout ex anation Fl€ Town wi|l presume thatthete are no problems and the development can proceed.2 If a utility comPany has coocerns with thc proposed construction, the ulilify represenbtive shall note direc$y on ]e utility veriftcation forrn that there ls a Prcblem whlch ne€ds to be tesolved. The issue *roulb thcn be detailed In an attached letter to the Town_of Vail. Howevet ple6e keep in mlnd that it is the responsibjl-rty of the utlllty oompany and the applicant to rcsolve ldendfled problems. 3. These verifications do not relleve the coDtra€lor of the responsiblltty to obtain a public wdy permit lrom re Department of Public Works at thc Town oF Vail. Utility lqcattons must be qDtained b€fore digging in iny public right-of-wjy or easement within the Town of Vall. A buildl.o p.tryrit i. not . Puhltc Wav bermlt .nd {trtit * obt"in"d "eolnafely,4'.The Dweloper ls reguired anfl agrees to subrtit any revised drawings to tne utitities for re-approval & ,e-verification if ilre submlBed pl6ns arB altered in afiy way after the althorized signature dab (unless otherwise specifically noted wlthin the comment area of this form), Developet's Slqnature F:\cdqv\FORMS\P€rmils\Planning\DRB\Ulllily ApprovBt_Og-2+02,c oc Date Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 97 0.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com *This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Works review of a proposed development Owners/Project Name:Gt tsg36 (ksrx,lcr Project Address:4t'1 U)a.E De, Applicant:B-rzeore Acanrs,a6 phone Number: *zt,sqcf' Submittal d Stamped survey of property d Civil/Site plans Survev Reouirements: d Surveyor's wet stamp and signature d Date ofsuruey d North arrow d Proper scale (1"=10' or L"=20') d. Legaldescription d. Basis of bearings / Benchmark d Soot Elevations d Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.d Lot Size d Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) d Landscape plan d lltle Repoft (Section B) a Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacK (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. U { d d { d Site Plan Requirements:I. Access (check all)d Driveway type and finished suface are shown on the site plan. d Unheated Lr Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)/ Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if . unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)/ All driveway grades, dimeniions, radii are ilearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development _ Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_d Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II, Construction Site (check all)d Location of all utilities and meter oits are shown on the site olan.d Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. d I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.d t am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Page 12 of 14 III. Drainage (check all that apply)d lhe required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.d (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)d 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pan d Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.d Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic repot has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.tr A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.d Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site pran. V7 Floodplain (check all that apply)d The proJect lies within or3gfigggqlto a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a GeologidEnvironmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Reoort has been orovided d The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VIL Grading (check all that apply)d Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1grade.o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:l grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope . protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.d Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. (a*ra l/r,r- Gr, ran E^ED t €l<tgiere \VIII. Parking (check all)d All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans.a All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.d No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. Er Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why: Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Applicants Signature l(, -- (ercn.t .,t1 F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old forms\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Page 13 of 14 LLt 21r2AA7 61:49 9! 42441623 ROLLCO ENTERPRISES PAGE U6 ) .ExHr.Brr 'r 'lq / Our C)rder No. V-5oo 17598-4 ll:i .lll ':' .'i i;: ", .:..1: r::1. .li, ,; . lt' ;1.'. : ;.1 Li.; i il;ri'it rjr:i,i .::r ::i. .. :r.i, ,.,..1't ';;: ':,i. ., i: t:. ,1.1 -.. ' ll:. ir,: :, li'r ...i: ' .,1; RICHT OF PR€)PRIETC)R (JF A VTiIN OR LODE'TO EX'I'RAC:T AND R.BITO\/E HIS OR.E THEREFROTYI SI{oLrl,D THE SAME pE FOUND To PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PR.E]VIISES AS RESERI/ED IN U}TITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 22. 1939, IN BO(fI( I23 AT PAGE 625. RESTITICTIVTJ COVENANTS, \V'TIICH DO NO-f CONTAIN A FOI(FEI'I'URI.: ()R REVER1 EI( CLAUSE, RUT OMITTIT.TC ANY,CO,IV-ENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY. BASET) UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, S.EX, SEXIJAL ORIENTATION, I]AMILIAL STATIJS, MARITT\L STATUS, DISAAILITY, IIANDICTAP, NA'I'IONAL ORIGIN, ANCES'|RY, c)R SOURCE OF INCOVIE, AS SET I'ORA'I I IN APPLICABLE .5'TA'|E OR FEDSRAL LA\^/S, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT TIIAT SAID CO\/ENANT OR RESTRICTI{]N IS PERMTTTED BY APPLICABLE LA.I,V AS COI'{TI\II\ED IN INSTRTJMENT RECC)RDED DECEMBER 2(), 1962. IN BooI( 174 AT PAGE 4o3 AND.As I\MENDED lN INSTRUMENT RECORDIII) APRIL ()3. 1963, IN B()OK I75 AT PAGE 33 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMETiIT REC(fRDED MAY 03. 1963. IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE AT, RESERVATION OF A TO PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROY,/\LTY INTEREST IN IVIINERALS MC)R.E FULLY DES(:RI.FED IN INSTRUMENT I{ECC)RDED N(]\.EMBER 2. 1962 IN IIOOK T66 AT PAGE 4O7. SElVER EASEMEN'I''|WENTY FEET IN WID'[I{ ALONC THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF .suBJEc'I- FRoPERTY AS RESERI/E.D lN sEw.ER EASBI\IENT DEED RECoRDED lvtAY 2t, I9A4 IN BOOK 385 AT PA<;E 7AI. AND ALIGUST 2I, !984 IN BOOK 392 A'T PA<'E B48. JOINT EASEN'ENT AGR-EEMENT BETWEEN CAR()LINE M. SHEAHAN AND CARL \v SUMIVIERS, JR- CREA-ftN(i /\ CoMM(JN DRIVE\VAY AND coMlvlON RIOHT OF wAY l-()R THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDTNG AND/OR MAINTAINING COMMON UTILTTY SERVICES RECORDED DECEMBER 3, 1986 IN tsOOK 453 AT PACE 4O2 AND A]/IENDMENT THERETO RECC)RDED FET}RUARY 27. Igg? IN .BOOK 719 AT PAGE 553. TERrvts, CoNDITIONS AND PROVISI()NS OF CLAIM OF EASEMENT RECORDijD (Jcrober 2r, 1994 rN IJOOI( 65J A'r PACE t9J. TI]RMS. CONDITIOI.IS AND PROVISION$ OF EASEMENT DEED AND AGREEMENT RECORDED Mtttch 24,2OO4 A'l' RECEPTION NO. 37l73l. E.4'SEMENTS. COND ITION S, CO\'ENANTS, RESTRIC'TIONS, RESBI(VATTONS AND NOTES ON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED MAY I, T9S5 UNDER RIICEPTI()N NO. 309038. EASEMENTS, CON DITIONS, COVENAN-I'S, RESTRICTIONS. RESERI/ATIONS AND NOTES ON TIIE PI,A'I' RECORDED SEPTEMBER J3, 2OO5 UNDER RECEI'TI(fN NO- 929375. LL/2ll'2aa7 b\ :4i 9L4244L623 ROLLCCJ ENTERPRISES PAGE A5 Fj-ted tor re4ord t}l.-* --------:<tay af-;*.A-:o. -.-, ar- to'crock-^ !t' REc .1 ---*-'.-_:. t.ecePti<]n No.-- \VAI{RA]\ITY DEED "n{ls DEED , rl!3de on tllis da} of lP.ti!l!!r 2oo? , Detlreen JR,, ,]\ND 1JAN!A S. B(JRROW I{ILLI.A}! F-. B(JRRO9[, of !:lre _.rf th€ Grol.ltor (s), aJ'td coungy of STUART S - GiTNS!|ERG AND LISA l__ qrrilatERc fiot ll tonsfrcy lrl ccrrIrY)n buE in jo1nt ten ncy, d]l the real prc'!)ercy, togetner iiith irpro!'Etrcnle. af arrv, situte. 1yjn9 and beinq jn t}re _ -- g n}tl, </f _ELGI E ancl sEace of Col.arddo, descrl-bed c folloqr3:i,o.i B, }}{E-ND.ED !.fNAJ.F-tA1";-EIeltoFfi srEEivi3ro}{-srRsr ^DDtrroN. A REguBDrvrsroN ol' I.oT 1 rgl,oct< 1. AccoRDING AO THE P .,{.fi .hECOR"DED SEPTEMBER L3, 2OO5 UNDER RE(.:CPTIOF NO. 9293.15, cortN!:a oF EAer,E, sTAaE oF qpt!@ADo. ToGETHER WITH ACCEgg As CRIiITTED BY THE JOTNT EA.SEMENT AGRESI,ENf RECORDTD DECET''BEII 3, :.986 IN BOOI( E53 AT PACE 4O2 ]INb AMEND}dENT THERETO R.ECORIJED FE:IRUAR:T 21 , L99'7 IN BOOI<719 AT PAGFI 553. !,tur3€ legal .!(ajr'e33 {9: of ihe WITNESS, atEt lhe crstor(s), fot:,Jrd ljl consideraLion of tl:c a!!n of (S3.O5O,OOO.OO ) "' ThE MDdrFry Absd rd fiYrm "' ;1 dte rec-jpt arul sufficiency of 1ahi r.-h ts h]:rtby acJ{rlotJJ,edgred, has grart€ct, bargdAned, sOId and conve:,,€6. .ttd by ttese F'Eeseni:s d@s qrst, Itarg:rijl, sell qcnr.ey arrd confilm unto lt€ Gtantee(s)/ dreir heirs -4d.ssigDs fo!€!'er, n)eo rsrown as streer "-*. E3t"165pt oct< 1, BIGHORN 1-6t ADDTTToN, AKA 3967 LUPTNE DRM \tAIL T()GETHER FIth rJI and sr.ngqrar d..l lrpredit.tr,qnts aDd al4rufteoor'tces tbereio r*1.,'r.rJinS, o! in anltj'ise apport.alnlrrq ' :!td tjte r€weEsim aid rera!:3lon$. !sn4l{!de! etrd {€{r€l,rdars, rerrts. issues and profit3 thoteof, ard al,l ttle estate. riq}.'t tiL16 lnt'Ba.asa, c].alm and derncad lrhatsti.,ri of, the Grentor(s)? elth€r :kr 14.t or equliy, of,l 1n nnd to t}Ie E-bo\re lralga-in€d prernises, uitn th. tu.r€clit-aGnts and al?('ra.enailcns t ' TO llAvE AND TO ll()l-lt cbe ssid pretnlse6 ab'ov€ bslgaj.nlad sJd dlascribcd lrfti 6ppu!ce4anc.r. unto t-he GrEntee {s) . thej.r trei.s -xl asslqms forsrre!. The.Gffitor(3), fo! hljrtgel{, }Lrs }r€iis a d F.Es@al lel)reldrt-ntives. doo. covenanC, 9r . b6-r.JLr1D. and og.ee to and wlch tr,e crsntqelo), iheir h6irs ano rsattms, sh.i ac the c,.Urc oJ lhe enseaJ,.j. €.nd d€fr\€')r of tltqs€ pr€sent3. he is r.rel} cej.eed of !}re p.errd€e3 al)o\..e cctrrrreyed. IEs godl, aure/ FErf€cC, a.bs()lute dd ir.t6f!6sllle esEace ol inheritaice, in leH. i'I fee silbt€, ahd ha6 g,rcrt r-ight, fu-LI Fower and lawf,ul .autiorlty to grartt, b6.E9ah,esEace ol inheritaice, in leH. i'I fee silbt€, ahd ha6 g,rcrt r-ight, fu-LI Fower and lawf,ul .autiorlty to grartt, b6.E9ah, seJ-L a.rd dLhvey the sanE in nEfln€r artl fo.!r.s i| forcaal-d, alKt tiat che sanE are ft:ee drr<l cf.eB.l. fKm ,9-U for]re.r atrd othe!:grarca? ba.rqeins, 6ale9, lien3, taxesr qosesdirEnt€, encusbrancea ard Eegtricti.yrs o! $t|ateveE kird or Mture Eoewar. nxl:EPf aErNE t z. ,rlxSs AtlD J|g!;Esc}dirrs zoi vnt vt A 2oo7 A}qD sttlsrQsDv7' rEr.R.s itrD oaBJrca r<> atrtoet rrErvtB .As 9f4 toifrt orc DOLLARS y c.L€.iming the qipae use of €|'|y gerder Etot.IE.al -i- ArllAal'{ED tG,REao ttlD tllcoRPolraaD tGAErN, The Gfartta- (s) stEa]. sd uilt DTAFFA-!r( AND tljFEl.ER E|EFT}TD drxl },jdc.e.rbl e Iro3s€eoiGr of Lh€ G!.rrtee{s), his heirb ard.ssigns, .or an], rErr tlr.rcof. fhe si.ogRnar nwr6e.r sttAll JJrcl-ude rt€J-1 be upplicab]€ to s-Lf g€lrd€rs. IN !Yrt NUSS \\'lfEfrEOF Ehe crsrrtor(3) ha3 excclrttrd slAr!: oF 'ferytt ) c.,-ty or Ttzrt,/i s _.-f '": ThE fo!.glirlg _instsrlffnt wEs irlf|orr-Idieo ^b€fore- E€ -o,n_ thls ctay of AI)Ell 04 , 2OO? ,E'y WILLIAI.! E . BURIRo!T. .trr. AsrD JAl!rq_q.__EqB89!q_ - .r/ /ff?M rK il lty c.yqrI{aEJ.an ex9it.t tt - /I- Witn€ss tny rrabd ard officiaJ"i firrr;Y itUC '|AtE 0f rEIA0 c0rallllol lltllll: l4tren FEcDrdsd RetuEn to: STLIAKI s, GINSBEIIG AND LISA f. glt{iEDart lTitae{ V5OOL759A 43 IA'{T\E}|CE E.AFI€ CFpo$qy, CBAppalQ(rt, t{r 08,/29lO4 ltlD.f!'.oP!]{ (Joint Tenrst.,), 1051d ;,: f r{r,l :1r",'i-' ').L/2L/2ZA7 AIi4I 9L 4244L623 ROLLCO ENTERPRIsES PAGE a4 ;'F i t e<J f.. ;R.cept i on the-cay oi-.a,D- -_/ at-''-oIct""---r.l' ;tlulifglot* \ryARRANTY DEED TIIfS ItEl;D, Hade otr tlris dsv of ttDr+I Q4, 2OO7 ' b€tween WILLIA}4 F. Bt RROI4, JR" AND JAi{I S S- BURRow C,ountY of arxt State o{ g't.I'ART S . EINSIBERG AND LISA T. GtrNSEERCI of ihe Grantor ( a), anl DOLL^R.q Hhose tcaat sddre66 i. \VITNESS, That the CrEntol.(E), f.tr ond tn considcrstioB o{ the 3ljn of ($3,O5O,OOO'OO ) t*.'flrrcc Milllon Fifty Tbouraid and OOl1OO "1 : rh. r.ccipt 6n.J sulficiancy ef Hhjch is horeby oc!nolr16d9€d, has gr-ntGd, irargained, sotd !r€ conweved. aatd by theae .p..""r,ti 3o"" g..r,t, targoin, rett, cor1vdy arrd confl.m rr^to the Gaant6a(s), their h€lra ar|d e3sisns toreve.' ; loi i., t".,"n"y-ir| coflnon-but'ln joint ten€ocv, ir l -the-real froP6r-tv, tosethcl:!t!-iTfi:::I"t"-,--11,:lI'^:ilYlli:--. co;tv ot EAGLE and st.te of colorado, described 66 lollo!.e:-EEsxonir 6u-Eb:EVIS=oN tEF-sr ADDrrroN, A R.EsrrFDrvrsaoN oF tior tytng arx.l being ln tha -'- cdLT rtv ot lsA(j!l!' i 'i66 ;; -iiii{uriro Ft;FIL--FE{f-EES!IoRN so-EblEvIFro5I tEF-qr ADDrrroN, A R.EsrrFDrvrsaoN oF Lor giOCr r, J{CCOIIDING iO a'Ng FLLT RECORDTD STTFTEMBTTR A3, 2OO5 fTNDIJR RDCEP?ION NO. 929175'BLOCK f., A.CCORDING TO THE FIiAT RECC L'<;r-rllrv op sacr-e. srlTE oF doltoR.l.Do - i toor.r"rnn wrTrl ACCTSS A3 e&g^,IrrD I'y T4q JoIN:f Ea.SICM8IIT tGRgEMEN:r RECORDTD DECEMDEIR 3. , , iieO IN BOOK 453 AT f,'AGE <OZ. .rXO .hl{END}tr8}{:r THERETO REiCORDED FtsBRItAR:a 2'r, 199'7 IN BOOK . 719 -e.T PAGE S53. a(6o knoHn s3 et.eet .*.. 8Saale59tocL 1, BIGHoRN 1s? ADDITaoN. AKA 3967 r,r'PaNE DRIVE 1IAIL i TOCD.I]OR Hith ett .nd !ingutsF qncl her,edltanontt and sppurtcnsncos the|.elo belonelrrt, or in €nywise rPPsl'ttinihg ': ana itre revers{on and reversion6, rGmiiniler ard r;meinders, rente, ls6uss snd protits thercof ,' ard ol( thc estdte. alght '.itifi inter"rt, cLaln snd cterssnd r*rat6ocvoa of thr crartrof(s), either in ta or oquity, ot. in atrd to thc.bove bBrssltre.l Daamises, Hith tho hgredi tanants and ap9qrtensrv-es: l' lO trAVf ANDTO IIOLD the sgid'brernleer dbove b6c96lned arrd deecnibed |,ith appurtcnanceer, unto the Gr.ntec(3)l 1 th.h haire Fnd ssBrsn. {o"9y3.:. rhe G'-..tror(€)..-1:i liT:_",It-n1:_l:l:' :f-P::.:r r.i:l"l?"il?t l:ill, ?Ll- -i3"jli?j:-3"""', iliiii r ll'lia-i'r'.'- ii ".'a-ri.ii'ir,. cr;.)a;;(.j,'in"i. neirs eird 6E6lsnc. that'€t lhe tlme or the enser.t irrs encl detivorv , "i'irr""! ".."iitt", tre is latt seized d,f the pr€ml6eB above conv€yrd. hts good, sure. Perfect, atacotutc ar|d i.Eefeealbt. '€6tai6 ot inherltinco, in taN, in fe€ 6iritste, sryJ h69 good right. futt poHe. ard-talfuL otlthgrily to gfnht, borgaln, ";ii ;; """".v tho e:me tn mirnne. arra fqijm ae aforesald, and that the ssme sre Jred and clear f rorn stt fo|'r|Gt" s.rd other :l gr€nts. becgaiis. sateB. tl6ns, t6x€6, .slrrrlr|antt. eoclarlbrsnce! snd rostric(ions of lhrtever kind or nature soever. ax.tet4 drNtw al)azg llgD ^ggats;xs/;rrs r.oi titt y.g^ra 20o, ^&u |,rtaaEot'rtl'. vE^tt attD EttBJrer a\o aE BrFr ?onata oN a.\Cft8tt .,tr Alll,tr qltD ttEAtTO ^1,@ ZNC1o'PO*^ttp EE&',Itl. the C.antor(s) .hstt €nd pit( q,ARRAIT ^.lO fOftEVER DEFEND the 6bove bargsine<t premises in thc qul€t .rrt Pctcosbte nocserslon of the crentca(c), hii hciis eard ErslgnB, ageinst alt snd every peraon or paa6on3 lartfulty ctsit'|lns the l.hal6 . er 6ny ps,-t thcreof. Ihe l9lngutar rrr-a$er Eh6l t i?tctLxjc the pluralr 6nd the pturat th€ slngut.r. ord tho use of any Aender 3hEtt b€ apptic.b(e !o a([ 9erder6.IN'tYrfNRSS WHEREOF the 6r6ntbr(s) hr,! cxecured this deed on th€ date set forth aboye. w STAT€ OT Byr--- ) J/\NIS S. BUX.R-OII/ )as. )County ol The foneooing fnstrlrncht tos scknoxtedged befof€ |ne on thia doy ot iDrt\ 04. 2Oo'7 .tsn/ WILLIA}{ P. BIIRROW, JR- AI.D JANISI S . BURROW Xy corni ss i on expires llitncss mv hsnd. €nd olficlal seit. qay Lo9et Doacr lp , c.R.s. Escrottf v5OO1759a 'Tttte# v5oo1759a Ubcn Rgqefcted Retrrrn to, sruART 5. ctNsaERG AHD LISA f. GINSSERG 43 LAWRENCE FARr'!5 CIIOSSPAY. CHAPPAaUA, HY I 0514 LL / 21 ,r 2AZ7 61 : 49 EILt_aE_sAIlE 3L 4244!E23 ROLLCO ENTERPRISES PAGE A3 LAND TITI,II GIJARANTEE COIIfANY 3033 E- IST Aa.E,., SUI'l'rt 600 DEr.I.lrER, COLORADO 80206 .., , KNO.W ALL MEN BY.THESE PRESENTS, ThAt ,trtrt r^J{ t. gqRRoNt J*' A}'Lr .t^ntE E' tlrtiatl, .! f .lr.' Countv of ol,t-. aod State of Coloraclo, i"iii"rffi rari,:n o f @alu able consid€rarion "r" "a *"t*t""t" ^* t.f s^ f . ?lrt,f.raa parties of the seconrl part, the l'eceript whercof is hereby acrclowleclged" hg've bargained and sold, al}d by ilrese presents do herCby grant md convey unto ttre said parties of the second part, their (,xccutors, aclnri;isl rators aud assigns rury of lhe following itelns ctrrrcnlly stated ilr |}re contract. INC LUSIONS A]\D EXCI,IJSIONS. a. Inclusions. The purchase p.r'ice inclxde s rhe touowing i_tems(irlclusions) :(l) Flxtures. lf attachecl io the Property clr) thc date of this contract, lighting, beatirtg, plumbing, verrriiatin.g, and air <:orr<Jirioniug fixrures, TV a.ntenlas, inside telephoue wiring and cr'rrrncc-ting blocks/ jacks, plalts, mirrors, tloor coverings, intercoln sy stems, .tnrilt-in kjachetr appliances, sprinkler sysletns -and coitrols, truilt-io vacuurn systeErs (including accessories), garage door opeuers including ^Lt reDrote corltrol s: aDd ^rE ^zlridJllp ltx?stat lrlp ,!tF&r ncts,/ +l.I. trrt@oer c<rvaxrrrvs,. coo!,tr,i,: AI-L ',to EE DEt-fvtttzD rN aootl ,YolJ(rlrie oaoli. date of this contract: storm q'irtdows, storm doofs, window and porch shades, awnings, bliDds, screens rvindow coverings, curtain rod$, dfapery tods, frreplace insens, fireplace screens, fleplace grates, hearing stoves, storage sheds, aud all keys, lt!:hecked, the f'ollowing are included:l-l rvvater Softeners Ef Snr6ke/Fire Derec-rorsfil Scctrrity SysremsI Satellire Systems (including satellite dishcs). (3) Olher fnclusions. ^t L ortEr ^*Er.cttaD n&te, o-f all taxes (except personal properq, taxeis l'or the year of Closing.), liens and encunbrances, excef)t 5il.i: onveyea; (except personal property taxc* far'the year of Closing), liens and by Seller, frcc arld clear of all taxes encurnbrances, except b.Exclusiorrs. The f( L()cated At ioa-' r. uloc'x To have arrd to hold the sarrre unto t}e Brryer, his cxecutors, administrators and assigns t'orever. The Seller f'or hirnself, his executrir\s grld admfudstrators, and assigns, covenalts and agrees to a]rd with the Buyer, his executors, adf,rr"lnistlators and assigns, ro WARRANT AND DEFEND rhe propemy hereby sold to the Buyer, his exccutors, adurinislrators and assiSns, againsi all and every person or persons whornsover- .WITNESS \/r'HEREOF, Ttre said parties of the first pafl ha1,e bererurfer sel their hands and s€al thi s Of rr'.rr 04. 2oo7 IN day groNrD, 9E :LaD Atnt DaIJMRAD ZN t:raE Pn P',{CE Oat PrL&riJd f- toa*oH. J,A- itAt;tIg 9. DgRS,Orl 6?EAD AND r-5$rRgvED FEtnCaA. ,a*ch at . 2OO? 'J,L / 2r / 26a7 at. 49 9L4244L623 )ss azr*s The foregoing in$ruurent IVas,ac.lmowledged before me this day of Aprif 04 z 2OO7 by wrLLrAI\{ F. ErtRSOi{,' PAGE A2 f o.,m gos-llotAnv.AcK 01,/?o07 {L572520> LLl2r/2AA7 61 : 49 I}ILL OF SALE 91 4244r623 ROLLC! ENTERPRISES PAGE AL LAND -I'ITLE GL]ARANAEE COMPANY 3033 ls. 1ST AVt., SUrl'E 600 DEN\.ER., COLORADO 80206 KNO.W ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS' 'Ihat 1|.LLZ,A.X | - B',a-RO'' , ;m IJ\D JAJ\rrs .E . ttttiRo9' (2) of d1e Courlty ttl . ote aDd Srate of Colorado' X*frirffi atioJ or'@uable consi deration ".'::.:- b.fi'rr. io their.hanrls paid, at or belore the ensealirg or delivery of these preseuts by g.nctART: g. dtNaqafro r.^lD rJJg F, arlllaD8ne uarries of *re second part, tlle rEceipt wlrereof is hereby acklowlcdFed, have bargairred and sold, and by -*r".". p1Esenr. 6o lerdby grarrt aud Eonvey ulto the said parties of lLc second Part, )eir executors' acbrrur'istrators md assifo5 any of the folk;wirrg ilerrrs currently stated itt the corttract' INCLUSIONS AND EXCLU$IQNS. ". f-,'"i.riiorts. Tlre purchase pricg irrclurles the tbllowing items(inclusions):- (f>-fiii,-'".. lf-attached io tn" Prop"try on the clate of this conuact, li_ghuilg, heating, plumbing' ,.reruii"tiirg, arrd arr condirionin& fixnrrei, TV antennas, inside_ telept'one wirin-g and corr:recF-n- g blocks/ iacks, plai-ris. mjr.rors, floor coierrngs, intercor, sysreurs, _built-rn kitchen applia:rces, spnnklcr systems lri,O'"'"htr11f ., bullt-iu vacuunr sy steris (includ.irg dccessories), garage tlool (tPerlel's irrcludiug ar-L fel]}ote controls: and To bave and to hold tfre sarlre ullto the Buyer, his executots, admirdstrators and assigns forever. The Seller for h'rnself, his executors aDd adnlirrisFators, ald assigns, coveDalts and agrees tD and wj.th the Buyer, his execurors, ad'mlraistrators and assiglm, to WARRANT AND DEFEND the ProPeriy hereby soid to th.e Buyer, Ilis executors, administlators aIId assigns, against all aDd every person or persons wlromsover. .WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties of the first of ^o.tz 04, aooT t#;;;;J!i:liiil#'$'"d^":;1{'Jfiijv',l-r:ir:'::lr.;.; i;-; r;ri";i;is s.!;;;ffi;lqiij-frii.?-5"-rLo"."[] Srn6ke/fit" Detec-tors$ Securiry Syitems f] Satellitc Systems (including satellire dishes). (3) Other fnclusiorrs. at!'. o't7tEu .rr cr!&D .TE.s- re spec t tures,yer agree as ro Located ?I tor z. BLoer( 7. azcllo-tv- l'q:' ^pDzr:otr, a,ha 3967 ,"vPtN, Dr-rvs v tL cQ aa657 are rnc or not on TEE-rrade-Fixmres axes (except personal properry taxes tbr the yea,r of Closing), liens and encumbrances, except IN day tN ltr na,zecttc* oi, hands and seal this ?od 2e6 BILL -.2 O07 12,/2OO6 trJrt.dr t'Errt ,9, Date:12111107 Legaldescription: Lot 18 Address 3967 Lupine Drive Owner Stuart and Lisa Ginsberg Architect Ken Bridges, AIA Zone district SFR Lot size 21,348 sq fi Site Coverage Zone Gheck Block 1 Filing: Bighorn 1st Phone 914-241-9544 Phone 970-827-5400 Proposed use SFR- addition Buildable area TotalGRFA Allowed 4610.5 '675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? no How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? N/a 257 2il4 208s.6 fu Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway Minimum gtk- o l/-' 15850 ol/- 20' 15' o/o Proposed Slope Yes Yes 1) Percent Slope (< > 30%) / 2) Floodplain zT 5) Geologic Hazards --a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Vo No No n Y 3) Wetlands_ ' +i water co nequireo * (3oo)@eoo) (1200) Permitted Slope Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (5oo/o) Environ mental/Hazards Previous conditions of approval (check property file): 4269.6 (30) (s3) Front Sides 12808 3' t6' Existinq Prooosed 2287 + elL Total 4610 Remaininq 0.5 61/_ ls the Property non-conforming? Describe: Design Review Checklist Project: SURVEY Scale Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale \"1 Building Height Encroachments Setbicks . , Eaves / Overhangs (4") Decks / Balconies Garage connection Site Grade / Slope Retaining Walls Fences FLOOR PLANS LANDSCAPE PLAN MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Scale GRFA 250 additionalGRFA Crawl / Attic Space EHU Color / Materials Roof Pitch Existing trees Proposed trees Condo Approval Title report (A&B) Utility verification form Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun / Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions SITE PLAN : . Photos of site _ Parking / Qarage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) --J; :..,;;:*::'i,, .i:,, i . t,|..,:lr ' .,-11'-' :... $i F/cdev/forms/pla n n i ng IXSrING L''.IOSCAPING AT EAST ELEVATIOTI EXISTII{G VIEW FROI,! LUPINE DR'VE {lOlE: IHE ADOITT|i WLL NOI 8t ABLt IO 8E SIEN FRol,! DIE RO D) R.S. TIMSER ERACES, TYP, D(STING CHIMNEY CAP TO 8E REPIACED W A COPPf,R UI LIS'IEO TERI{INATION CAP FOR TH€ EXIS'IIIG W@OBURNII{G FIREPLACE APPLJANCE RE:1/411 PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION blre PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION lne I IT CE0IR WNDOIViDOOR lBl i ERO ZE Aj-UMI,IUM Vir DoViDOoR CuoONC| STUCCO FINISH & TEXTURE COPPER SHINGLE ROOFING W MTURII PATIM ilt l i' l'l-' ffi SftfL |lELt)€D WN€ FABRE A CEDAR GUARI}RAIL SCA!€: X4'= 1'.f SC{.E] Y8':1 .0f n l? (, ll (t:> ,/ ^\ \\ r6B 7 F .Y o o u e c .o G .sl = E o o o.o. ==:t= tt tr o ctt o J eP EH fi8"'8 or!tsaFN &.FafiHftf >,0.9E3;p E.AgeE E o 9{ps:inf .q E b5* ft r u..5Nl\l:ifO f,qpgiilE qrntraratc) = NffiIT i€g ; E.E gEe i5 "*g 6l! H.E 9 6H o e F= E.g I *e I EB; ES? E HE :99 gE cg _gE tg 9;(]g 9! E=EF FE 3 I I . -g F Eqhorn bt lal- t A, blh ( TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us PrcJect Name: BURROW RES. ADDmON DRB Number: DR8050098 Prcject Description: SFR ADDMON Paftlclpants: owNER BURROW, WILUAM F., JR. &JA03/1412005 I7L7 W 6TH ST AUSTIN TX 78703 APPUCANT MORTERARCHmCTS 03lL4l2OOs SETH POOSUNG 227T N. FRONTAGE RD, W., STE C VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 3967 LUPINE DR VAIL Locataoni Legal Description: Lot: 1-B Block I Subdivision: BIGHORN 1ST ADDffiON Parcel f{umber: 2101-111-0201-3 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 07lL7l2OO5 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|.AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007340 The applicant shall submit the approved revised plat for recording with Eagle C.ounty prior to lssuance of a building permit. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Datc: Lcgal dcscrip on: Lot Addrcss Grncr '7 A.rch itcc t Zonc district Lot sizc Lt 05 Block 13 flotksa*nl**"^ ZONE CHECI( Filing L,Sn Plronc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildablc arca Existine Proposcd Total 1)a sit"co*"og. p)/o Hcight Sctbacks ,lpgb . 7%9.-39 33 Rcmaining Total GRFA Prinrary CRFA .--+ (aZ5) (6?5+)=_ Sccondary CRFA + (12j) (6i5+) + 675 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition Docs ttris rcqucsr involvc a 250 Acldition? N O Horv much of ilc allowcd 2j0 Addition is usc,i with Ur r"qurrtZ ' /V O A? . Llle7 =fiaS+ lleI t)-'(3oty Front Sidcs .Rcar 1e,658 -._-?- 3't 6. dL/ LentJscaping 60% Vrinimum 20' ' I <l l5' \ ll,tu SLIzX Rctaining Wall Hciglrs Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Rcqu irc Conrplics with TOV Liglring Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enr.ironmcn taL&Iazards (roo)@(eoo)(rzoo) 6OO Pcrmincd stop. 9 n Proposcd Slopc v.r----:L No ' v.r--& No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Coursc Setback 5) 0cologic Hazards a) Snorv A b) RockfallJfri eeri c) Dcbris Florv q Pro,ious conditions ofappro'al (cbcckpropcrtv ri.f, ReSJ t RcZ-lhg l n IW lsthcpropcrtynon-conforming? OcscriUc:,rtJO ,l ssrssvcjlj. -_ caarq! ;rir'riii'l' *; : : -l (cpedpuu.ssrcre),(er.ra,rpe .+= : ., '"1911r.' '<'r1^" 1 ' ...t,1F! ftpf"rnl,l.,fr ,: . T-qq,fit3.t , --.suogf,!-q$l lPld sccqEgPA .stoPpJOC Araln (puno-drcpun) saFllltn scpry cpeqglung u0pPcup3^.O,C vftrg rt"optpl: pti.. Yd-dc scJtr)c s1Je6 funrregcg cdoJglapu.rg clrg uorllrwoo cfwg -s u0sFEI/6:t3ao slucunpEo.r!ug tq?pg E'uryipng scldurss Fpetuiu ?up'ng .. j r.., . (1) sSueqra,r6pcaeg cllsJo soloqd --:. ' ,. .' t ' riucao3 c115 -l '{uroJ uoqprgura'drl*tn ___- ; qrEqtrs (e t v) podc: cprl Je,ro:ddy opuo3 snoaN\fl,Iqfslhl Pua8cl ----:" t!' sm4 pcsodor4 - rw'IdadycsoNv-t D slEllslstwolos cf"rs sNoILv S']3 cMo.Ins .nHs__ credssuvgau3 t* clasq . . , .,. ^rv'Id xtrs tr : D. ,, 'ir ..:.11r 'r clers _ ,.1f- i! sw]axooTJD .t rv-.1. 'i,'t ..' ns^Uns D lcrfo:4 ISITXJSHJ /$ II^fU NOrSA g Desc-ription of the Request: _Y_Yi_Wll -? LLI - :,-utsrlY t> U'te - : friic- -it0'rtuilllr-&DExlal p triAer dl-u-rui-rruux4e- -Vqp-{r-MolfS ' -\ Locationof theProposat: Lot: LE Block: I Srbdiuriont]3f/tL(^ ef I PhysicalAddress: --U-(il WflNY W\W----- \-/ Parcel No.: LlDllll OZO12 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) -nJ Zonins: ---AM-W--FNLLU5 f" t Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailqov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of lhe approval. Name of Applicant: Name(s) or owner(s): --WUdNt?)&l$ ?t#441 Tl MailinsAddress: b'lu ftffi,EEw4-.DPrE-+--N5T!tl- y lsw- w owner(s)Sisnature(s): " '-.'-Y - O ll E_mailAddresr,tbswyemvpttrdrfutfl.coflrax.____+a?__-__O7lb_ Type of Review and Fee: Ct . Signs $50 Plus $1 .00 per square foot of total sign area. \;7 : i;T"?:"# llio"" ,".""""tructionoranewbuirdinsordemo/rebuird. (\ . Addition /Sffi) For an addition where square footage is added to any residential o, V \_/ commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).. Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemen$, such as, A (multi-family/commercial) fji:::,? painiing, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainin{;f . Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,(singleJamily/duplex) rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscapino. fences and retainir4\/\ . changes to Approved Ptans $20 H3'","i1!"". to ptans atready approved by Pta RevewBoard. ;'"' ;,""; ;;;::"' ;; ';;";' ;';;;" ;:'t[sr . Seoaration Reouest No Fee K*,xiliH i*^tre il-wrJo-e.,ar- Vt : -;;-,.,--- .;t:;:= ;r,t-;.'v8;-;l\'1* -#;-9105- - I Fg;1'il"itEt"'''' cn".r ruo (7d Page 1 of 12lo4l01lO4 -()s- irrt t: ? "tr,"f ''.,\,t lrr|i* 'l t.i 'h/ il' , - 1+a {:, ,-t \."- .--':-., ''| \ L._ '.. . r O(rr r. -t +(i. .t)l\/( .'-.'r{,'4 \, r1. '\,^r.. t. t,' ''(,-r'1.-' t\rL' . r l.- I -; '..4 - >(..- .. Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Typqsf Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials F6cia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flching Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: l\w cw &tt 9'tb*E {atW 7-f trzrlv fi iHrrr+r Eit aN4 TN,dP tx ucaa> ulz;r... tAU*@ l4EtrtL - w ?lN+ D{rlh- 6t<&t Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. 4TvrD Cclignrc ?NA,i ^(aa lxnrt/( Page 6 of 12lO4lO1lO4 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS D(STING TFEES TO BE FEMCA/ED W.vk "vlwa1 u@--L -dltu NdNg Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footage GROIJND C'VER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYFE OF ERGSION CONTROL other landscaoe featu (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12104101104 ;+=ffigm xcil elrEnGY }1AR-I5-2005 TUE O2IOO PlI }ICRTER ARCHITECTS FAX N0. 9?04760710 UTILlTY APPROVAL & I,ERIFICATION Authorirgd Signature Commgnts Dpte QWEST 970.384.0257(lar) ContacE: $ott Crnington 926.460.6060 Jason ShafEI 970, 384.0238 EXCEL I{IGH PRESSURE CAs 970.262.d076 (tel) Conlacl: Rjch 9isncros HOLY CROSS ELE('TRIC s70.e49,5892 (t.l) 970.949.4566 (tax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.a036 (f.rx) Contacls; Kit Bo!ort 970,262.4,144 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATtON blsrRtcr 970,476.7460 (tel) 970.476.40E9 (tax) (hrrtach Fred Haslac COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (iet) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salczar NOTES: Tho ocvclooor is thc tt"rbmitted wthin PA'iF A2 TOTAL PRGE.62 LE'fa/-,. &rs t{oz mp-*.qr->* 1' lf thc utllity aPprovel I verJtlcalion fotm has signaturgs trofl'! c€dr oitho utilily conpan;ca, and ao commonls Ere made diredly on the form. thc Town wilt prssuno that there are no probtans anith. iJriiJfrn"nr c.n procood. 2' l/ a ut;li'y compan/ lEs corrcems with the protrosed cmstrucdon, the uti,lty rspre$entanve sm[ note ctifc-c1ly on thc ulility vorific<rtion torm thal thlre is a proorm which n.lar ro bc rcsolvcd. Tho issus shoutd thcn be deulled in an attachcd lclter to $e Town of V'ajl. .Hoyrever, ptcesc kccF in mind that if f, ifr"-rrlporriDijity of the Utility compar'ly and th6 aFpli(5nt to rcsolvo ident;fi€d problems, 3. Thccrt vcriticiltions do not raliew_rh€ conkacldr 6r the respcnsibility tO obtoin a Rrbtic Wty pcrmit f,pnr tho oeportmcnt of Public Works at th€ Town ot Vsit. Uli|y focatiil, must bc obrq ned hcfore dtjging |n 6ny pubtic /ight.oi'v./ay of ea$er'ont wirhin rhc Town of vair. A buildirig plnnit is not p euorrc yyiy p"i-it Lia" m*r be obtnincd separotely. )mrl any fcviscd drEwings to the utililics for re-appfova | & re.verilicrtion ;l a*or rhc auittorzcd srgnature detg (unless othcMsg. specifaal,y nolod -*/0:-4-2 \r..- 'P-,/---: L,. p(nr-- ,0r' This rorrn €eryes lo vctity tllat thc ploposcd ;rtplovomcnls w,ll not.irnpact any cxisting of proi?oscd utililyscryccs.and algo Io votiry eeivice e.yaila!' rity and locat'on for nsw constructlon and shoutO bi iSeO'in ionluncticn wirn preparing your_utility plan_and srttod, ing instollations. A sito ptan, inclu<ling gading pil., iloi, ptan, and el€vtrtions,slull be submithd t(, thc following uiilities fof approval and verlfication. 3 -'{ - ai- P. 02 PFR 15 '05 12: a9 9re4ftt11@ ..- =-:+^-_--5:-3:63;.:i-"'ntfii€E=i;EsT.+i':_- ::- rl },AR-I5-2005 TUE 10:39 AIl TIORTER ARCHITECTS : --;?- .-:--1€ 1:5E6E72-: :-._.::'=:::.::- .5.=2r-- 2 ,-z- UTILITY APPROVAL E VERIFICATION Tl'tis form serves to verify thai the proposec,l imprcvunrenls will not impact any exlsUng or propogod ulility scruices, Rt'ld also to veriFy scrvlco availabilily and location fcr now corstruc'ion arrl should trc uscd In conjunclim with prcparing your utility plsn and schcduling Installations. A site plan, inchrding gradlng ptan, floor ptan, 0nd elcvationsl shnll bo submittod to lhe following ltilities for approval and lerification. FAX N0, 9704780?10 P, 02 A.r,tthorlzed Signature Comments Dato CMte Acoru6 Eo7+l Stae otr Lv+ile bP:. /J /1 4n(!-L X74:os fftit any rev'sod drcwir'gs to the utilit'res for ro-approval & re-veriticalion lf bfter [he authorizod signature date (rrnlcss otheMse specificalty notod gAil goue/ QWEST 970-384,0257(faxl Colrtacts: ffib$oa970.4ri8.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXGEL HI6H PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tol) Cortacl: Ridr Stsneros HoLYCROSS ELECIII|C 970.940.5Bs2 (tel) 970.94s,4566 (lax) Conhcli Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Ki( Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'rroa I 97 9.262.400,3 EAGLE RIVER WATER, & SAN]TATION DISTRICT 970.476,7480 (tel) e70.478.4089 (fax) CortL,|ct: Fred l.laslee COMCAST CABI.E 970.949.1224 x 112 (tcl) e70.949,9138 {lax) Contacl: Floyd Sulazar NoTEST 1. lt Lh_o utillty approval & verification form has signatures frorn oach of the utility compan'es, ond no comments are rnade dilEctly qn lhe [orn. tho Town will presume -that there are no pronlems anrtiho devcloprnent can ptocecd. 2. lf a ltilily company has concerns v/ith the proposed constuction, the utility rcprmentadve slr?ll nole diroctly on lho ul.ility verificaliorr f(rrm lhat thore ls a problern which nccds to be resolved. The isstlo,should then be detailid in an attached lettor tD tho Town oJ vail. Howevor. please keep in mird that it is ihe rGponsibllity of rc utility compnny and tho appllcant to resolve identilled problems. 3- Thcsc vcrifications do not relieve tho coniractor of the responslbility to oblaln a Publlc W4f permlt fiom the DcFortncnt of Public Works at tho Town of Vail. Ulility.tocations musi be obtatned beforc digging in any public right. of-way or easement wllhln the Town of Vail. Abuilding permit is not.a p-ubllc Way pcrmlt an"O- qn--ust bebbminca - snparately. Tho Dcvoloper ls arxl lho submitted j-laaz_ nAR-14-2005 t10N 06123 ptl tloRTER ARCHITECTS FA}( N0, 9?04760710 Aulhorizcd Signrlr.rrr'Commqnls Deto OWEST 070.304.02s7(lax) CcnlncF: Scotl Qn7yjn91s11 910.46A.6g60 Jilfi)n Sharp 020.984,0238 rtirt trtr.ifg! [IEs s u RE cA s Conlact: Rtch $rsnoros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.sd0A (ret) 970.0-19.4E06 (frrx) Corr(;rtl: Tod husiy EYCEL ENERGY 970 26A.4036 (fax) Cr:ntaclc: K[ Eogrrrt 970.26?.4024 Jirn O'noal 970.262.4003 - Gsl*,. "- | .t,lAR ,t 5 ?ooi EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICY s70.416.7400 (tet) 070.476,4000 (foiJ Oonlact: 5766 111e1s1 coMc4sr CABLE 070949.1224 x 11a (te0 970 949,013E (tarl Corrtact' ffsyd g6i6261 I,IOTESI P. 02 UTILITY APPROVAL A VERIFICATION i'his 16n11 'ctvcs lo verifv thilt tho.pr6p6ge6 improvcments ,,,1::^l ,l]o-":l ,iy e-xrsr,ng or propo.;ed utrrrty scrvices,tntl .'lso to verfy $orv;co ovait'bitrri";,, ,;;;i;J;;;, n"*'l"l.,llrro,* and sho..ti po useo.in conjrncrion wi'l |i":iiT.j':,ldly,l,".[H',lr':,r"ff:rjJ1*jH'J'r1',,Ti;i:rx''',ffi;'.'*J ffiff iil""",'1"1,0,.n, nnd c,cv*ionc, l.xJiH#llltllflftlH H'lifl:i"ilil.:ffi]?fii1i:iJ1:: each of,rhc uririrvcompanica, anc, no conln,o,,,s c,o i:^,1,"1,,,:l'l,t-::lpony h,s ."f:l: l ,l, rnu p,oposa, *,,ilfi;'",::"fi,ilij[:]lopmrni c*rn proc;; - -'- ii:{iii:'"!riliili% ?ir ii'J"""T"";: t:H[ttilj:1."."::+:l,.ilJsl i"T?:"11[x,:i'ii:li: ifi:[r,:;cornpany and tho npplicant to rccotve idrntifi6y' py661qma, tttF In mind lhat it u the regp66gili'iry or iii',,rirriy 3. Thesi votificalionr do nol tcllrve lhl corrrrorr^, -r ,L- -- . .Tfit'frT3ji::,,#frhlfit#dfl1,ff:,ill,!jiff{lll'Jli#.",','li:;x',1,,."?,,""'"".,,i,,ron rhc sopirrarcty. rownofvail Abtrildingp^r.iiirnoro,purriii'wa-yffi;;?;1.?;1t"ffi?[J,on,' Frhrt any tevircd drawinos lo lhl nrtcr rh6 "iur,-",:i.J"gi,ir;JH,:'ilii:J;:;;;1lij:"J,#:;lii:,;.,.:,f",, 3:lQ:Og" De lo l.hc t)cveloDcr is tho EUtrmrll0(l {ilthin tlr? 2.0'd Z9:9 s00z str reH IC]'I89UO/6I;XPJ dH ]NUOHI.U]AIIS -llunn, ie.IooIIllobTr'li=ptt uar cnsir sriVicr's ---'- j- -T CABLENo, 9?04780?10 N0. 185 P, 2P, 02 UTILITY APPROVAL } VERIFICATION I!:J-oT.!9.1SJ:^git that th€.proDosod imprwemenE rvlll nc! impdct any erirting or proporcd ulitlty serviicec,ano alEo l0 veriry.soMdd avail$hlllty rnd location lor now constructlon and Ehould bo usedln bnluncliori wlth f]11?T'_n! {oll.utiiity plEn lnd eoheduling lnstallalions. A rito pton, including grrding ptsn, ftoor itan, ana lbvs6ont,6naI Dc ruDlriitcd to lhc tollorr/ing utilitisB for epprove: end verilloalion. Auth9fl4d Slgnalura qWEET 970.384.0257(bx) Conhcb: Scotl, Carrington 970,468.6860 Jason Slrary 070,3e4.0 a38 EXCA- HIGH FREIISURE GAg !70.262,4078 (tol) Con[act: ltich Sisnems TIOLY CROSS ELECTFIC s70.S49.5892 (tol) 070.949,4566 (fax) ContacL Tcd Hueky EXCEL ENERSY 970.262,403s (fax) Conlacts; Klt Bogart 070,26?,4024 Jitn O'noal 970,182.4003 EAOLE RTVER WATER T SANITATION EISTRICT 070176_74e0 (td) 070476,40€9 (fex) Contacli Frcd Hsslee CQMCA TCABLE F70,949,1?24 r 112 (tel) 070.049.0138 {fgr) Conhctr Flryd s{lslar Thc Dovoloper lhe Eubmi(cd NPTESi 1' lf thc t tilily apProval t veriticatlon lorm haa rignaturcs ffom clch of the utility comprn'ler, and no coftn ntr ofo mafu dirucily on tho foim, lhc Town wlll preeume that thero aro no protrleme e44'tho d6volopment cen p&.4od, ?. lf !..utility.oompony has conc6m$ wlth tho. q'!po!qd conslrudlon, the uillify rcpreacnutivo sh€ll nole dirccuy on fto utillty vofificstion f6rft lhat th$e lg a Frcbtem whlch neadq to be r"acohod.' nie Leue eirallO {h6n b3 dstli6d h sn slhchcd lctter b tho Torrvn of VEil. .Horvoverr plesee k:ep In mind that n'ir tne rcrponsiriiiy?itt-. utrrirv oompany and lha rppli.enl lo rcrolre identified problc'rns. 3' Thma vedncatlong do not reljpv+e colllagtor of lhe reeponeibllltv to gbtah ! puuto Wry pcnnit from the D-oprrtrront of Pubtic W'orks rt thc Torun of Vail Uli[ty tocati;n! mr,"i$i!ii,ied bJ.r. a[ftr"! n snv pruilc dcht olatayoreasementwtthhthoTownofvril. AbuildlngpenntilrnotopubttcWiviirmitiirin-usrUei6talneo- roparNtcly, Commgnir Dqte sl*b{ !|d 3ubhit ofry reyiscd drewinEo to th. utilitbr f6r rFtpptovf,l & re-v€rlflcgrlon lf woy aft r lhc auilrdrcd cignatj.trt datg (unlo€E othcrlr|ra lpecilically notcd Date wil I{NR-I5-2005 TUE 03:10 P}l I{ORTER ARCHITECTS FAl( N0, 9i04760710 Comrngnls Dato P, 06 UTILITY APF ROVAL & VERIF ]CATION ] $I?^a:rryf to v6.riry thar rhe.proposed improvefients win not imp.?ct any existiog or proposcd uritiry soMccs,and also tovcrity scMce a\Ellabllily and localion for now coFretructicn snd shbr.rld bo usedtn ionlunction wlth'prepadno y.our utility plan and scheduling Inslallationc. A slte p1an, lrrcluding gr8ding phn, floor itan, and ulcvotions,slralf be subrnittecf lo tho 1qlloly1ng utilhies lcv apprornl and veriticjtion. Authprized Slgnet{re OWEST s70.384.0257(tax) Cgntaclr: Scott Carington 970.468.6660 Jason Sharp 970,384-0238 P(Cg-HICH PRE5SURE (1AS 970.262.a076 (lel) Contactl Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS Ei.EGTRIC 970.9.19.58s2 (tel) 970.s49.4566 (fsx) Oonlacli Tad Huslqy EXCELENERGY 970,262,408,aVax) Contactg; KitEognrr 970262A024 Jirn O ncaf 970,262.400? EAGLERIVERWATER E SANITATION OISTRICT 970.476'.7,180 (tet) 970n76.408e (hx) Conlaa: Fred Haslcc COMCAST CAELE e70.949.1224 x 1 12 (tsl) S70.S49.0136 (rox) Contacl Floyd Sala?ar 4Mh skLE NotEsi 1. lf ths lJtilitt approval & verlfication form hEs signatui'es from each Ot lha utlllty eompanier. and no commcnts arc rnsdo direc{ly on tho furm, ths Town wlll prcsume hct there ere no problems and'the divclopmcnt can pr.u.J,- -'- 2. tt a llility -cornpany hiis concerns urith tha. propTfl construstionr thc ulllity rcpresentative shall nolo direcily on Lha stillty vfniticatlon fs(n lhat th.rs is..a ptcblem which needs to be resolved. Tne lssuo shoutd then bc detalted ln on altaclod lcttcr to tho ?own oj Vajl. lowever, ploase kocp h mind thqt h ts tho rcaponsibinty of lhJ udrity conrpany ond thc appjl6nt to rcsolve identificd prsblelrN, 3. Thcsc voritications do not rellcv. rhe contr"cl,or of th.o responsib;lity 10 oblain o pubtio Way pormit frcrn the Depertnront of Fublb Wprks alrheTown or.Vail, Uqili(y locaibns rnusibe ouhinea ueiore aifiging.il qny puLiic righr.of-trsy or eaq$ment wllhln tho Town of VeiL A buitdfpg pctmit ls ngt a publlcWay parmit an.lnust.Ue-oS.tsincct- ngperainly. bmit any revisod dmwirrgo to the utilitios lor re-gpprovtl & r+wrilicaUon lf ofter lho aulhorized slgnature dete lunlcss othen^.t86 spectlicllly noted -3/8ffi_ Oa(o Thr Dcvolopor jp Gqqirod and l'l t0 18 I '0|1 ,\9U]N] SSOUs ,\IOl1 rld[E :Z E00z 'E t 'uv!l 9.1/ lrl r.vvr, rD;11 liA.l JA1JTI I-{Iw UU.taooz ll IJAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WTLLIAM F. BURROW, JR. THE SAGE LA}TD COMPNAY L7t7 W. 6T1r ST. #390 AUSTTN, TX ?8703. o+lnl EftgnM HagrU,O Thank you very much for giving l-,and Tihle Guarantee Company L.he opportunity to serve you. Dear Customer: L,and Tit,le Guarantee Company is pleased to provide you with your Owner's Title Insurance PoIicy. This valuable documenr,insures good and marketable title to your property. please review Ehe policy in its entirety. We at Land Title Guarantsee Company believe in prov'iding you, our customer, wiEh a quality product, whieh will serve your needs. In che evenL you do find any diserepancyr o! if you have any questions or conmencs regarding your final policy, please conEacE Ehe folLowing department. and we will gIadIy handle any request you may have as efficienEly and quickly as possible. TITLE DEPARTMBNT TELEPHONE # (970) 476-22s'J_ FAX # (970)4'1 6-4s34 PI,EASB REFER TO ORDBR NO. V258629 Shoul-d.you decide to seIl E.he property described in Schedul-e A, or if you are required Eo furnish a new t,iE.le conrnitrnent for mort,gage purposes, you may be entitled t,o a cred.it toward future tit,le insurance expenses. L,,and Title GuaranEee Company will retain a copy of t.he enclosed tltle policy, and in the event you do need future services, we will be in a position to again serve you promFtly and efficiently. vo/ L'r/.vvo ro.L, a,d.,|' otz {/6 0u/y bAGt l-At\ l, uu.14 003 AtUERIC+N L,{ND TITLE ASSOCIATION awNER'S POUCy (t0-t7-92) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY WE HEREBY CEHTIFY THIS TO BE A TRUE ANt) COBHECT COPY OFORIGIiIIL LAND ITTLE GUAFANTEE CoirPAl,tY By-l^ff,t Kr '=rfr"c|_ SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANX a Missouri corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Datc of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or Camage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, susained or incurred by the insurcd by reasan of: l. 2. J. Title to the csta(e or interest described in Schedulc A being vcsted orher than as stated thcreini Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the lirle; Unmarierability of the ritle; bck of a right of access ro and froro the land. /r--VA-x{-- ,/ Prtsidcnt The Company will also pay the cosls, attom:ys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the ritle, as insured, but only Io the extent provided in rhe Conditions and Stipularions. ln Mrness l2/hereoi, CHICACOTITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy ro bc signed and sealed as of Date ofPolicy shown in Schcdule A, the Folicy to become valid when countersigned by an aurhorized signatory. LAND TITLE CiUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. FRONT.AGE RD. }V., SUITE 203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81658 (970) 476-2251 Fax (970) 4?6-1534 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By, /.A A r n V-Uet '-a,at J/' Gda'r*.u U sccreury By, 6:::Y"#-* fi"fu"iF .u \ sEALt;.r .., \-:r;7 ALTA Owncr's Policy { l0-17.93) 03/t4/2005 15:17 FAX Sl2 478 6079 SAGE LAND CO.[! oo4 EXCLUSIONS FR1]M COVEBAGE The lollowlng |r,ali..s are erpressly ercluded lrom ll€ covc r.9! sl lhis pc llcy and the Company will not pay loss of dirnage, cgsts, lttoaneys' tees oa expenses which arise by reason ol; 1. (a) Any larv. ordinance or govc.nmental |egulation (licluding but not limited to bullding and ronlng laws, ordlna;rces, or .egulations) restricting, ieg:Jlaiing, prohibiting or relaling to (i) ihe occup8ncy, use, or enjoytrent ot the land; (ii) lhe characte( dimensiors or localion ql any improver'|ent now or herealler erestec' on lhe land; [iii) a separatirn in owre.ship or e change in the dimensions or area ol the l.nd or any Parc€l ,)l which the land is or was a parti or (iv) envlronmenlal protrction, or the ellcct ol rny Yiohlion ol thcar lirws, ordinanccs or governmcntal .egulations, excepl to the ext€nt that a notice ot tht Gnfolcament lh€reof o. a netice of a delcct, lien or encumbraocr re!:ulting trom a violation ot atleged violalion atlecting lhe land has been recorded in the public racords at Oate ot Policy- (b) Any governmental police power not ercluded by (a) aLove, except to the extent lhat a notice ol thc er"rcise thereol or a notice oI a delect, lien or encumb:ance resulting lrom a violation or !lleged vlolation alfecllng the laod has baan recorded ln lhe publlc r€cords at Dal? ot Policy. 2. Rlghts ol e.r lnent domain unless notice ol the exe rcise l:rereot ha r been reco rdcd in thc pubtic records al0ale of Policy, but not etcluding frorn coveraga any taking 'Ahi;h has occurred prior to oate ol Policy whlch woutd be blnding on lhs rlghls ol a purchss€r lor value wlthout knowledge, 3. Dctacts, llcns, encumbraices, ldvc|s€ clai.ns o. other.nalte6: (a) craated, sullersd, sssum.d or agr?ed to by the inslred claimant; (b) not known to the Coflprny, noi re:orded in the plblic records at Oale ol Pollcy, but known lo the Inssred cl€imant and nol disclosed in writing to the Cornpany by the insured clalmant prlor to lh€ dale the insured claimant b€came an Insured unde.'this pollcy; {c) resultirg in no loss ('r damage to the insured claimani; (d) altaching or crealed subsequent to Date of Policy; ot (e) resulling In loss or damage which would not have been sustained il thc insured clalmant had paid value for the estal! or interesl insurad by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out ol lhe transactioo vesting in l\e Insured the Gstate or inlcresl insuEd by lhi3 pollcy, by teason ot lhi operation ot tederal bankruplcy, slere insolvenqy, or slmilar creditors' rlghts laws, thal ls basrd on: (i) tha irarsaction c.eal;og the cslale or inle.est insJred by this policy being deemed a traudulenl conveFnce or frau clulenl transfer; or (ii) lhe trar'saction c.ealing lhe lstatc or intefcsl:nsurcd by lhis policy being deemed a prelerrntlal transler except where lhe preferential transrer resLlts lrqm the lailure: (a) le timely tecord the Instrument ot lranslar; ot (b) ot such tecordation lo imparl notice to a purc\aser ior value or a judgment or lirn cr€ditor. 03/14/2005 15:18 FAX 512 478 5079 SAGE L4,ND CO. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS @ oos (c) whenever lh! Company shall h3ve b.ou-Qhl an aclton o. rnlerposed a dele nse as required or permitted by the provisions ot this policy. the Co.npany rnay pursue afy litigarion lo tinal deigrmination 5y a coJ( ol compatenl iuris. diction and expfessly teserves lhe right, in its sole discretion. to appeal kom any adverse iudgmenl or order (d) ln all cases where this Folicy perd:its or requires tIe Company to prose. cule of provide fc. the deiense of any action or procesding. the insured shall secure lo the Company the righl to so prosecut€ or provide delense in the aclion or proceeding, and all appeals therein. and perrnil ihe Company to use, at its cption, lhe name ol the insuted lor rilis purpose- lvh€n€ver recLested by lhe Company, the insufed. at the Company's sxpense. shall give tne Company all teasonable aid (i) in any actiqn or ptoceediog. secu.ing eviden3e, ortaining wilnessss. prosecuting o. delanding the action or prc. c6sding, or ellecling settlernent. and {ii) in any othef law,ul act which in the opinion of tlle Company may be n€cessary or desirabla to eslablish lhe tille to th€ esiale or inler€st as insured. It lhe Campany is preiudiced by lhe lailure ol the insured to lurlish th6 req!ifed coopalatlon, ths Company's obugations to thc insu.ed under th€ policy shall ler.ninal€. including any liability or obliga. tion to delend, prosecute, or continue a,ly liligalion, wilh regatd lo lhe mallef or matts/s fequiring such cooperalion. 5. PROOF OF LOSS OR OAMAGE ln addit:on lo and atter tha notices reauir€d under Section 3 of these Condi' tions and Stipulalions have been providad lhe Company, a ptoot ol loss ot damage s:qned and sworn to by the illsured claimant sball be furnished to lhe Company withio 90 days aher lhe insureC claimanl shall ascerlain th€ tacls giving rise lo the loss o. damage. The prool ol loss or damag8 shalldescrib€ tha deiect in. or lien or encumbrance on the lille, ot other matter insursd against by this policy which constilulas the basis ol loss or damage and shall slale. tg lF,e exlent possible, lhe bas's o' calculal;ng lhe ariounl of the loss ol damage. It the Company is p.ejudiced by th€ lailure ol lhe insuted claimant lo provide the req'Jirgd prool ol loss o. damage, the Company's obligalions lo the insureC uncer the policy shall te!minale, including any liability or obliga. tion to del3nd, prosecule, or conlinue any litigation. wl!h regard to lhe mattar or ratlers requir ng such Prool cf loss o. damage, In addilion, lhe insured claimant may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized rcp.esenlalive ol lhe Company and shall prcduce lor sxamination. inspection and copying, at such Ieasoo- able times and plarEs as nay be designated by any authorized rep.esenlalive of Lho Company. all records, books. lsdgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date belore or aller Oate ol Policy. which reasonably pertain lo thg loss or damage. Furlher, il reques:ed by any autho. rized fep.:sentalive ol the Company. the insu.ed claimanl shall grant its pernissi"l, in rvriting, lcr any autho.izad repressotative ol (he Company lo examine, inspec: anc copy all records, books, ledgets. checks, co(espcri' dence and fiemcfanda in thr cuslody or control ct a lhird parly, which reason' ably penain tc tre toss or damage. Alliniormation designated as conlid€ntial by the insured claimant provided to lhe Company pursuanl to this Section shall not be disclosed to olhers unless. in th. r8asorable iucgment ol lhe Company. it is necessary in lhe adminislralion of the clai,T- Failure o{ the insured cla manl lo submit lor examinaiion undgr oalh. oroduce olh€r reason- ably requested information or E.ant permission lo secufe reasonably neces' sary inlorrnation kom third padies as required io this pa(agraph sha:l letn;' nate any l:abilily of the Company uddEr lhis policy as io that claim. 6. oPTIONS TO PAY OB OTHEFWISE SETTLE CLAIMS: TERMINATION OF LIAEILITY In case of a cla;m under this policy, lhe Company shallhave lhe tollowing additional options: (a) To Pay or Tcndcf P.yment ol lhe Amount ol InsuGnce. To pay or tender paymenl ol the arnount ol insuraoce under this policy logether, ith any costs, atto.neys' lees and expenses Incurred by the insured ctaimant. which w€re authorized by the Company, up lo lh€ time ol paymenlc. reocer of payrnent and which lhe Coflpany is cbligated to pay. Upon the exercise by tne Company of lhis oPticn, all liability and obligations to the insured under this policy, olher than io make lhe paymerlt required. shall lerir,inale, including al]y Irability or obligalion to deland, p.'osecuta of con- linue 8ny litigation, and the policy shall bc su.r€^dered to lhe Company lor cancellalton, (b) To Pay oi Othereise Setlle With Parlies Olher than the Insured ot With lhe Insu.ed Claimant, (i) lo pay or otherwise seltle wilh ather panies lo. or in the name ol an insured claimaf i any claim in su red aga'n st unC e. lhrs policy. tcgether Y/ilh any :osts, al(crneys lees and expenses incurred by the insured clai.f,ail which rere authorized by lhe Company up to the time ol payment and which lhe Cornpeny is cuiga{ed lo pay: or (ii) to pay c. ot5en i ise setlle vrjlF, the insulgd claimanl lhe loss or dama9e pro! ided tor under lhis policy. toqethe. wilh any cosls, atlorneys' l€es and expenses incufred by lhe lnsurad claimanl which we.s authorized by lhe Company up to lhe llme ol payment and which lhe Ccmpany is obiigaled lo 9ay. '. OEFINITION OF TEFMS The tollowing terms when used in this policy m€an: (a) "insured ': the insured named i'l Scheduie A, and. s|]b:ect lo any ligh!s o. deleoses the Company would have had against ths namec irsufed, those who succeed to tha inlerest oi lh8 named insured by operation of law as distinguished lrom putchase inclrdrng. but not l'mil!rd to, heiis, dislribLt€Es, devisees, survivors, perscnal ret,tesentatives, n?xl of kin, ci corpoaate o' fiduciary successo!'s. (b) "insured claimanl": afl insured claiming loss or damage (c) "knowled9e" or "known': aciual knowledge, nol construclive kncwl. edge or noiice which may be impuled lo an insured by reasor' ot the pliblic .scords as delined in this policy or any othef .eco.ds which imiai consltuc- tive notice ot matt€.s aft€cling lheJ land. (d) "land": lhe land desc.ibed )t rcle ed tc in Schedule A. and improve- ments affixed thereto which by la\v constilul€ rsll Ptoperty. The term "iand" does not includo any propeny bryond the linos ol ll',e area desctibec ot .eferred ro in schedule A, nor anI'figh!, tjlie, iolere:it, estate o: easement in abutling streets, roads, avenues, rlleys, laoes, v/ays or wate^vays, but nolh- ing herein shall rnod ily or limit the exient to which a right ol access lo and lrom ths land is insured by this pollcy. (e) "morlgage': mongage, dead of tfust, lrusl dead, or olher securily ins:rumenl. (0 "publlc records": records €sl3blished uncer state staiutes al Date ol Policy tor the purpose of imparting conslflrctive no ce ol matters relating lo real propedy to purchasers for value and withou: knowledSe. V/ilh respect lo Sectron 1(axiv) of the Exclrrsions From Coverag0, "t ubllc records ' shall also include environmenlal prol8ction ll€ns liled in lie records ol the clerk ol lhe United Slates district courl lor the districl in which lhe land is lccaled, (g) "unmark6tabilily ol the litls': an alleged o. appa.enl matter alfecting ths tille to lhe land, nct ercluded or excepled l|om coverags, which would entitle a purchaser o[ lhe rstate or inteiest described in Schedule A (o be released lrom the obligation to pu|.chass by vinue of a contractual condition requiring th€ delivery ol marketaEle titls, 2, CONTINUATION OF INSUNA.!CE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF TITLE The coverage ol lhls policy shirll continue in lorcg as of OaLe ol Polcy in lavor of an insured only so long asi the insured fr)lains an eslale or intgtesl in the land. or hoids an indebledness securEd by a pufchase morey mongage given by a purchasef trom the insu(ed, or only so ong as ihe insured shall have liabiljly by rcason ol covenarts of vrarranty made by lhe insured io aiy tfansfer or conveyance ol lhe eslate or interest. ihis policy shall not ccn(inue in lorce in lavo( of any purchaser trom Iho Insu.ed of aithe. (i) an estate of int€rest in the land, or (ii) an indabled.ass secur€d by a pur:hasa Fon"!, rno.lgage given to lhe insur€d. 3. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO 8E GIVEN BY ITISUREO CLAIMANT The insured shall nolily the Cornpany promplly in writing fi) in case ol any litigation as set fonh in Seclion 4(a) below. (ii) In casE knowledg€ shallco.ne lo an iasured hereunder ol any clainl ol title or interes! which is adveise lc the tiile to (he cslale or inlerest. as insrred, and whi:h might cause loss or dam- age lo.which tie Conpany naybe iablebyvirlueolthispolicy.o.(iii)illillelo the sstate cr inie.es:. as insured, is rejected as unrnarketable. ll pronpt cc:ice shall not be given to the Compary. then as to the iosured ail liability ol lFe Company shall tefmina(e wilh regard to the inatler o( 'natlers lor which prompt notice is required; provided, however, Ihal lailLre to nolify lhe Co,11pany snall in no case preiudice th€ rights of any insured Jnd€r thls policy unless lhe Company shall be preiudiced by Ii€ lailure and :hen only to the extsnt of the 9re.ucrce. 4. DEFENSE AND PROSECUT]ON OF ACTIONS; OUTY OF INSUFED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE (a) Upon written r€quest by tha insured and subject to lhe options ccn- tained in Seclion 6 ol lhese Co^d.tions and StipJlalions, lhe Company. ai its own cosr and without unreasonable delav, shall 3r'ovide lor the delense of ao insured in Iitigalion in which any ti',ird party asseds a claiir adverse tc lhe title or intoresl as insured, but ooly as lo those stale'l caJses of aclion all?ging a delect, lien o. encumbranca or olher matter insufed againsl by lhis policy. The Company shall hav8 the right to selecl caunsel ol its choice (subject to the rightof the insu.ed to obiecl for reasooable cause) to represenl lhs insured as lo (hose stated causes ol action and shall no{ be liable for and v/ill not pay lhe lees ol any olher counsel. The Company will no( pay any fees. costs or expenses incurred by the insured in the defense ol lhose ca!ses ot action $,/hich alrege analiets nol insufed tgainsi by lhis policy. (b) The Company shall have lhe righi. al iti ov/r'r cosl. lo instilule and prosecu(e any action or proceedi.g o. to do any clle. acl whicl: in its opiaion ma7 be necessary or desirable to oslablish th a lille tc :he estate o'interest. as iosurecl, or lo p.event or reduce lc;s cr danrage lc iha ir'1su.ed TheCompany may lake any appropriale action under the :errns of t\is policy, v/helher or not il shall be liable hereunder, aod sh:ll nol thereby concede lia!ility or waive any provisioo ol this policy. ll the Company shall exefcise its rights undef this paragraph it shall do so diligeilly. uJ/ 14./Zoo5 t5:19 FAX 512 478 5079 SAGE L{ND . Upon the erercise by (he Ccrnpanf ot eilh:. ol tha options p.rovideo to', ,n paragraphs {b){i) o. (i'J. the Co.:rpany's obtigarions to lhe insured uno?r ttrs - r porrcy. ror lne crarmed loss o. o amage, othef than th e payments required to be made-. shal rarminate. including a-ny tiabititv o, iori6jo^ io J#-no. p,o"r-cu(e or continu€ any titigation. 7. OETEFMINATION, EXTENT CF LIAEILITY.INO COINSURANCE This policy is a conrrac( ot ind3.rnity againsl aclual rnonetary toss or dan-age sustained or incurred by the insureo ctaimant ;.ho has;ui6; toss or ::[;,T"::;"rT:ffir marrefs ins!.ed asainsr by rhis poticy and oniy ro rhe ^, (a) The riaritity olthe Compeny under thispolicy sheil not exceeJ th. ieast "' 1i; ,h" A-oun, ol lnsuranc€ stEred in Scheduls A; oC (ii) the difterence belween lhe vatue ot the insur;; Lstate or interesr as rnsured and rhe vatue ot rhe insurud esrare of in.",";;,.l;j;;, i; in" i'"r".,,rren or encurrbfatce insured againsl by th:s polir;y. _ (b) In lhe Ev€nl lhe Amount Ol lnSurance Stated in S,:hedule A at the Oale ol Policy.is tess than Bo p€fcenr ol rhd value ol *re insuieJ eiiai; ;r'i;;";;r, ",the tult considerarion paid to. rhe tand, wtricr,euer ii leis,o*iiii, u.lri r"" r to the oate ot Policy an improvemenl is erecred on thtta;e,4li;r, ii"r"JJ". ,n"value oj'thelnsured estate or in(erest by at reasr Zo pe-e-niovr;iii. arn"r..lt ,r Insurance srated in schedute A. rrran ilis eoricy ii sulj;;ii;ih,; r"ii;;i"9,- (i)whe.e no subsoquent improvement fras 6een miae,-as ii "-nv-p"n,ar loss, th€.Company stalt onty pay t.le loss pro rat3 tn tt a p,cpo,t:on if,ar tt e amount o'tnsurancs et Dale ol pclicy bears to lhe lo.at vlru; of rie in""r"O eslate o, interest at Daie of policy: or , (ii) where a subsequen( improvenent has be)n naJE, as to any panral lo-ss, th€ Comp,any shall-only pay the toss pro rata in ihe proporlion hat t?O pe,cent ot (he Amount of lnsurance stated in Schedule A 6ear. ro tn" "-rm ol the Amount of Insurancs srated in Scheduie A and the am;i;;;;;; ,",the improvamgnl. - The pfovisions o-l.this paragrapl_. shall no( appty lo costs, altorneys, t3es :11,::fl^r,"-19ilhlch rhe conpany is tiabre uncer rnis por,cv, "nn "iJr on,y appry to rnal po.lron ot a ny toss which exceeds, i4 the aggregaie. l0 percent ot the Amount ol lnsurance stat6d in l;chedule A. . Ic) The Company wilt pray onty thcse costs, at|crneys' lees and exoenses Incu.red rfl accordance with Section 4 ol these C(,ndiiions and Stiruiaiions. 8, APPOFTIONMENT ll (he land Cescrib€d in Sche'dule A consists ol two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, arid a toss is eslabhshed altect;;;;;-r;;;" o,th€ parcets but not a , the toss sha,t be compureO ano setrte-Jor i orJ'rara bas;s as il lh€ amount ol insurance u.lder this policy was divrdeO prc J" "" ro the vatue on Dar€ ot futicy of each separate parcei to the whofe,'ei.Liiw of any r.nprovemenls made subsequelt lo Oate of policy, unless a liabilitv or varue nas othsrwrse been agfeed Lp")n as :o each parcel by lhe Cc npany and the in sured at the time of the issuan( e o I this ootic,, airct stio_n i" ;;;;:;_ - _ staiement o. by an €ndorsement att3ched to this;otiay. 9. Llf.llTATlON OF t tABtLlTy (a) lt tl"e Cornpany establishes thE.li e. or rcriloves rig allegsd de,ect, lian of encumDrance, o. cufes the lack ol a right ol access ro or lrim rfri tanl, or :::":-:T-.],",1-"t unmarkerabitily ot rilie,. alt.as insureO, in " i"i"i""ory oflgem manner by any method. ioclLding litigaiion an-d the completion ol an!,:llTqjf l,",r:T. l shal have ruly pe.form!d its obtigarioni "iir, itfp"jr rc tnat malte. and shall not be liable lo. any lcss or damige cause( t.ie;ebv (b) ln rhe evenr ot any tirigarion. inctuding r;:igaric n Oyihe Caii.., ., ,.i ,,the Company s :onseni. thi company str jl tr jue ro riiuir,ry rc, t':ss,6. aa..a9e unrit there has been a tinal derirniourio" oy " "o"n oi.J;;"',"i il ;; "tion, and d;sposilion ol all appeats tterelror.r, idverse to the rjif" "i ,n"u?o .. {c) The Cornpany shal no! be liabte for loss or damage ro i.y i^uJ'r",liabitiiy vot'rnlariry assumed by rhe insureo in serrting anjctiini;,;il;i;o ",the prio. r,rflllen consent o, the company. 12. PAYMENT OF LOSS (a) No payrnent shall be made,.ritho!t producing this policy lor endorse_menl ot th€ payment un/ess the policy has been tost of desiroyed. in whrct case proot ol loss o. destrucrion shat be lurnished ro ue sitisiaoion oiine Comgany. F.crd€r Frrln No. 8256 (Fov. ro-r7.9?) , - !o]_Y-l:! liouin/ .nd the nr!€n ( ot ross or damage has been de fin ilet,/ h red ri accordance wirh these Conditions and Sriputa-tions, rhe iois or JJmage shall bs payable !nithin 30 days thereaner 13. SUBFOGATION UPON PAYMENT OF SETTLEMENT (a) The Company's Right ol Subrogation. Whgnever tte Company shall have s€ttled and paid a claim under this Dollcy. arlrish: cl subrcAarion snal vest in rne Co.paly u-"i1e;i.;-b;;y ".,o! lhe insured clai.nant. The. Corrpan/ sha be subrogated to and be entitled to a:l riehts anq re.nedies v/hich the insufed claim;nt woutd have hid aga];;;y;;;" ".p.oprrdy in .Espect to tha claim had this poIcy nct been isiueo, lt:e!vesieo oy rhe conpany, u6 insured clatmani sha,t rri"sr.i io it " Loro"";1;;;;.,,aid remed'es againsl any person or prope.ty necessary in oiaer,to peiect ll"is r ghr ot subrrgation. The insLred claima;r sha perhir rilJCori"nv ,o sJ€, compromise or set|le jn lhe name ot the insured ctaimanr and to L;eihe n3me ot the ins!red claimant in any t/ansaclion or litlgafion invoi"iijliese righis or remeCiss. . ll a payment on account of a claim does not lully cover the loss of the insu.cd ctaimanr. th€ company shal bs ,uurogrrra rd rnJiJ riiinjr'.ii ,.."sres rn the prtptrtjon which the Companyf payment bears- tJ f t " "rno,"arnount o, tie loss, .. Jl loss shJuld tesull tiom any act ol lhe insured claimant. as si,ated above.lhar €ct shal nol void this poiicy, bur rha company. r"llaf""i"ilii"rr u"tequired lo p€./ onty thar pa; ot a;y tosses insur"'o ajiin"iCiilr-i pori., "rr"r,1^.11"-':.:j.,h. "1ount. it any. tosr ro rhe compani by;€;!;;;ii;;i;p",,.menr cy the insured ctaimant ol the Company.s righr dt suUrogjti;n.(b) The Cornpany's Bights AgBinsr Non-lnsuied Obligoi. --If:_9:llllV': r;9hr ot subrogat;on against non.insuied obtiq6r5 e6"11 ersr and stralr include, withoJ( limitation. the ,ights ol rne insuieaii i;oem.rr€s, guaranlies, orher poticjes ol insurance oibonas, nof*iri,siiiOtnl "ny le.-ms or conditions contained in rhose instrumenls $rh,ci p;ov,J" tir-ffig"-tic,r righls b/ reason ol this poticy. 14. AREITRATION , Unless prohibiled by applicable law._eilher the Company or the insured may defiand arbi'aiioo pursuant to ttre Tille Insurance iruii,iii"" irf"" ir ,"" lrle.i,:an ArbitiatiOn Associarion. Afoir,,ade matteri may irrcf rO.. -U"-i"* *r limitec to, any cont.oversy or claim between rhe C;.;;;i;"Ji;; i;;;.r"a.isicc.out ot or relating tolhis policy. any service ol thd Coinp"nv ii.oinec.lo 1 wi:h its issua.rce or tha breach ol a p;licy provision or othe|, o6fio"lion. ntr arbitrabte .nauers when rh€ Amount oitnsuiin", i" si,odi.bid;;i;;;;h",,:e ar5irrated al rhe oprion ol €irher lhe Company or ttre insui.a. Lfi iilftraur"mal(ers when t:re Amosnr ot Insurance is in eicess ot ST,0OO,OOO sf,air U" "tl!tr-.:-"c glly."h"l agreed ro by bolh the Company and itre tnsLrio n.-ott|,a,Jorl prrrsuant to t.ris poticy and under the Aules in effect on the d.t" ,n"cemano lor afC'tralion is made or. at lhe Option ol the insured, lhe Rules tn :ll,,l..l^"1_0^1,_"^:1.?9licy- shatr.be bindins vion rrre p"rri"i ir,"'i*uiJ ..v rrcruoe altorne's tees only il the laws ol the state in which the land is lccated l:T]l-".:.-! I ro award auorneys tees ro a prgvairing pany, Judgmioi upon rn_e -alv_ar_o-te 1d ered by the A6ltralo(s) may be entcrcd ia any c-ouri havrng luflso cttoo litereol. . The law ot the situs ol the land sha appty to an arbitration under the Titte Ins!rance A.bil|ation RL,tes, A copy ot the Bules may be oblained lrom the Company qpon request 15. LlAalL|TY LtMITEO TO THts pol_tcy; pOLlcy ENTTFE CONTRACT ^ {3) Tnisporicy log ?th e. with a e,'ldofssmen ls, il any. at tached hereto by rne conpany is tre enrire poticy and conrracr oerween 0rt inl-ure-d-a;;;;2""n-pary. In interpre:in! aoy provision ot thi5 poficy. riris poricy sfrairie c""iir"o as a whole. co.&D ooo 10. FEOUCTION OF INSURANCE; REOUCTION Oq TEFMTNATTON OF (f) Any cta;m ot loss or damagc, whether or not basedt on negligence. and LIABILITY All payments under this policv, exc:pl paymanls made lcr costs, allornels' fer:by or 5ya;t a;iton as"iitng su"n craim. strart oeieitricreJro rrris poricy.fees afld expenses' shall reduc€theamout'toltheins.,,".""i,ot.nro.' (c) Nc amendrnen t or or endors ement ro this poricy can be made excepr by tr. LtABtLlry NoNCUMULATIVE a wraling e.do rsed he.eon or arrac hed hereto silneo Ly eirner rn"ir"rio"nr. a It is erprcssly undefstood tha! the amounr ot insu.arce under rhis Doti.v vice Presideit, the secfeiary. an Assistanl S";r"i;"y. ;;;rti;;;ng otftcer or *1ll :: j"_o:::l ly any .amou.:r rhe company ."y;t ft; ;;; ffii aurhorizrc sienato-v or the company. Insurrng a morlgage lo which excep(ion is taken in Sched.rte B o|' ro *t ;in rni iS. SEVERABILITY Insured has agreed, assumed. c. taken subiect, or wlictr is hereaftef eculEd by an iisured and which is a cnarge or tien on th€ "a,",u o, in,"r!1, -T-l!" ..:rl,.ulv p.ovision ot Ine policy is held invatid o. unenlorceabte descfibed o( rclered lo in scheduls A, ind the "rount io pjJ J"ir :: under app;icable 1a.,, the policy shall be d;emed nc( to jncludJhit prouision decmed a paymenl under this poiicy 1o,n" insured owner and ali other provisions shall .emain in lull torce a;d;lfe;a-- ' '- .'7. NOTICES. V/HEFE SENT _^ jll-11,::r.r-r?qr_,j9-i-ro,be givei ths Company aod any sratemenr in writ,ng l'equ reo.to 0e turn ished the Company shall includ€thenu be.olthispolcy aid shall be addressed to the Compiny at the issuing otic;o, io,- -'- Chicago Ti(lE Insurance Company CIaims Oeoartment l7l North Cta.k Stlee( Chicago. tlinois 6OG0t_3294 03/L4/2o05 15:20 FAX 512 478 8079 fot* .uo/Cuf Order No. V258629 SAGE INND CO. IJA}TD TITIJE GUARANTEE This Policy walj.d only if Policy No. CT8U258629 Anount $830,000.00 @ ooz SCHEDULE A 1. Policy Dabe: October 2. Name of Insured: WILLTAIII F. BI'RRO9{, .IR. Address IJOT B, (LOT 1,BLK L), BICHORN ].ST 06, L997 at 5:00 P.M. 3 - Tlf,e estate or int,erest in the land described in this schedule and which is covered by this poJ.icy is: A Fee Siqrle 4. Title to the estate or inr,erest cowered by this policy ab the date hereof is vesled in: YIILLIAI,I F. BURROW, JR. 5. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGL,E County, Colorado, and is described as follows: I,OT B, AMENDED PI.,AT, A RESIIBDIVISION oF LoT 1, BIocK 1, BTGHoRN SI'BDIVTSION FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CIJ-USE ADDITION, ACCORDING To TIiE PLAT RECORDED MAy L, 1985 IN BOOK 4L2 AT PAGE 761 , COI'NTY OF EAGIE, STATE OF COLORADO. WE HEREBY CERTIFY TI{IS TO BE A TRUE ND CORRECT COPY OF ORIGIML I.,AilD NIU GUAMNTEE COMPNY 8Y COMPA}TY Schedul.e Page B is atEached. 03/L4/2005 L6: 20 Form AOICHI FAX 512 478 5079 SAGE L{ND CO. Order No. V259629 SCHEDULB B @ 008 Policy No- CTEU258629 This policy does not insure against will not pay coets, attornevsT fees reason of: General ExcepEions: 1.Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Encroachments, overlaps, .boundary line dispuLes, or other matters which wourd be disclosed-bv an accurate survey and inspeetion of the prem:'..ses Easements, or claims of easements, not, shown by Ehe public records. Any 1ien, or right to a J.ien, for services, labor, or mat.erial heretofore or hEreafter furnish.d, -i*por.a'rv ri*'-ii .roc shown by Che public records 5. ]-997 TA)(ES NOT YET DUE OR PAY}3LE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE, Loss or damage (and the Companv or e>:Fenses) which arj_se bv- 4 5. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN THEREFROM SI]OIILD TEE SAME BE AS RBSERVED IN UNITED STATBS AT PACE 625. OR I-,OD8 TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES PATENT RECORDED November 22, Lggg, fN BOOK j.23 7. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI.ITS, WHICH DO NOT COIJTAIN A FoRFEITuRE oR R.EVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTR.ICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REIJIGION,oR NATToNAL oRrGrN, As coNfArNED rN lNsrRitME"Nr RECoRDED o.""*u.i io, L962,TN BooK L74 AT PAGE 403 AND As AMENDED rN rNsrRIrMENr REcoR.Dro aprii or,L963, rN BooK 175 AT PAGE 33 AND As AMENDED rN TNSTRUMENT REcoRbED May 03,L963, IN BOOK l_75 AT PAGE 81. 8. RESERVATION OF A ].0 PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYAI"TY TNTEREST IN MINERAIJS MORE FULIJY DESCRIBED IN TNSTRWIENT RECORDED NO\BMBER 2, Ls6Z rU iObx 1G6 AT PAGE 407. 9. SEWER EASEMENT TdENTY FEE? TN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINB OF ST]BJECT PROPERTY As sHOI'l'-q ON THE RECoRDED PLA: FoR A R-ESIIBDfvISION OF IJOT i, ar,ocx 1, BIGHORN SUBDI'UISION FORI'EITLIRE OR REVERTER CTAUSE ADDTTION AND AS RESERVED IN SEWER EASEMENT DEED RECORDED MAY 2:-, tg84 IN BOOK 385 AT PAGE 781 AND AUGUST 21, 1984 IN BOOK 392 AT PAGE 848:1.0. JOINT EASEMENT AGREEME}Ef BET'!.]EEN CAROLINE M. SHEAHAN A}iD CARL W. SUMMERS,. .IR. CREATING A COMMON DRTVEWAY AI.TD COIIMON RIGI{T OF WAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRovrDrNG AND/OR MArli'rArNrNG coMMoN urrl-,rry sERVreBs RECoRDED DBcEMBER 3,1-985 IN BOOK 453 AT PAGE 402 Al'rD AIvIBNDMENT TTIERETO RBCORDED FEBRUiRy 22,1997 rN BOOK 7l_9 AT PAGE 553.Page 2 . 03/L4/2005 15:21 FAX 512 d78 5079 SAGE LAND C0. '. Form AO/CHI Order No. V258529 SCj{EDIILE B @ oo9 Policy No. CT8U258629 11 . EIJECTRIC I/INE AND WATER I.,INE AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMEMT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPAREDAucusr 30, 1991 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGTNEEiTNG & suRvEyrNe, rNc., ;oB NO. 773. 12' TERMS, CONDITIONS AIID PROVTSIONS OF CLAIM OF EASEMErcrRECORDED Ocr,ober 21,1994 IN BOOK 653 AT PAGE 1.95. L3' DEED oF TRUST D+TED september 26, lggj, FRoM wrLLrAM F. BItRRow, \TR. To rHE PUBI,IC TR'USTEE C}F EAGI,8 COTJNTY FOR THE USE OF euEnIce, s WIIoIJESALE IJENDER To sEcttRE THE sIlM oF 9539,s00.00 RECORDED octoutr oe, lggT, rNBooK ?39 AT PAGE 555 AS RECEPTION NO. 635505 Page 4 ART|-|UR t. MEARS, P.E., lNC. Natural l{azards Consultants Arthur l. Mears 222 East Gothic Avcnue Gunnison, CO 81230 (303) 64 r -3236 Richard C. McCullough 2649 Champa Sl. Oenver. CO 80205 (303) 825-1140 August 3, 1982 I'ir. Patri ck Dougherty Box 2777 Escondito, California 92025 Dear Mr. Dougherty: The enc'losed study of avalanche hazard to your property in Vai'l li'- conducted in accordance vtith d'i scussions with Rocky Chri stopher' If you have any questions, please contact me.. Si ncerely, /,| [r{i /"t r -t",1,t:-LhltJ l\t( [:it,:i Arthur I. i4ears, P.E. AIM : be Encl osure cc: Rocky Christopher Avalanche Dynamics . Detense Zoning r4v6lsnqhe Control Engineering OBJ ECTI VES The follorving study of potential avalanche hazard to Lot 1, D'l ock 1, B'i ghorrr Subdivision, Vail, Colorado, t'ras requested by l'1r. Ricky Chri stoplrer of VaiI and l4r. Pa'r.rick Dougherty of Escond'i to' California. As requested, the stucly describes the hazard' specifies thc nragnitude of avalanche loads, and recommends structure locations' TYPE OF AVALANCHE HAZARD The avalanche hazard was described in a detailed 1975 study to l'1r. Abe Shapiro of Vail. Figure 3 of this previous study (an avalanche map), sunrrlari zes the findings and is included here to shovt the Iocation of Lot l vrith respect to the fl owing and por'rder avalanche runout zones. Since the 1975 stuCy \'ras prepared, buildings were constructed cn Lots 9, 1, and 2, on the south side of Lupine Drive, but Lot 3 (direct'l-v across from Lot 1), has not been built on. Therefore, the avalanche boundaries shown near Lot 1 are correct today. The design-magnitude flowing avalanches that must be considered in des'i gn and location of facilities have return periods of 100 years' an "order-of-maEiritude" estimate based on terrain analysis, comparison vrjth other simjlar avalanche areas, appl ication of equations of avalanche mot'ion, and study of vegetation. When the design avalanche occurs, a dense flow of avalanche debrjs wjll cross Lupine Drive as shor.rn on the enclosed map and reach the southern end of Lot 1. Flowing avalanches wjll be moving s1cwly after crossjng Lupjne Drive and are not a rnajor design consideration, as djscussed in the next section. L Povder avalanches vri ll also occur here and will produce the nlajor effect on structures because they cannot be avoided. The design-nlagni- tude povrder avalanche will deve'l op as dry-snotv avalanches fall over the cliffs, entrain air, and flovt around and through the aspen forest south of Lupirte Drive. This lovr-density avalanche forrn vrill be approxintateiy 30 feet deep and vrii1 produce forces simiIar to those of an intense r'rind gus t. Avalanche dantage is evjdent in the trees south of Lupine lrive b:i. not in the conifers near Lot 1. Therefore, inspection of damage sug'Jests an avalanche of the nagnitude descri bed here has not occurred for a long tinre (perhaps 50 to 100 years), and has a long return period. AVALANCHE LOADS AND I'IiTIGATION 41 though Lot 1is vli tirin range of the design avalanche, tiie des- tructive potential is minor and nritigation is feasjble as desc;,',i-r bel or.t. 1. Avoidance of the flovring avalanche. The f1 ovring avalanche can be completeiy avoided if buildings are located at least 60 feet north of Lupine Drive. The northern 150 feet of Lot l will not be reached by the design flovring ava'l anche. Bui'ldinqs shou'ld be located in this portion of the lot. 2. Building reinforcement for Powder avalanches. Powder ava'l anches extend north of the flow'i ng avalanche limits and wjll affect all of Lot 1. The design powder avalanches vri l'l have the following character- istics at this location: Vel oci Ly : Dens i ty : 25 nr,/sec ( 55 rnph ) 1o kg/m3 (0.6 lbsi ft3) Fl or.r thi cknes s : 10 nr (33 f t) , Stagnati on pressure : 30 kPa (60 1bs/ft') 2 Thc 60 1b/ft'pressure ujll have a duration of 5 seconds and tli1l pro- cluce forces on the structure equivalent to that produced by a S-second gust of vrind (clear air at sea level)moving at 150 mph. The avalanche ve'l ocjty is ntuch less tlran i50 ntph but the pressures vlould be equi'lalent because the avalanche is assumed to be 8 times as dense as a'i r' Buildings on Lot I may safely withstand the powder-avalanche forces if they are designed for drag and Ijft forces'induced by avalanche passage. Because of the ava'l anche depth (33 ft) a1l surfaces wi'l I be subject to these noderate forces, including rvalls and the roof. li:c rnagnitudes of the drag and lift, forces will be of the same orderG.3'i"i,:l stagnation pressure (60 lbs/ftz), but the values of the forces depend upon build.i ng design details, includ'i ng orientation, size, and shape. Tlrese desjgn details tnust be taken into account by the engineer anc archi tect to deterrnine the fi nal I oadi ng. 2 The 60 ib/f{ stagnation pressure is not excessive and is simjlar to wind pressures used in design of bujldings in areas exposed ic strong winds, such as 'i n hurricane areas. Proper design for plr'ldcr aval anches i n thi s cas e w j l'l not necessari'ly exc'l ude 'wi ndows and d00rs facing Lupine Drive providing they can vtjthstand the powder-ava'l anche pressures. Respectful ly subrnj tted ' /''t t; , ,^l l-,{,:tht:'r V t'l I 00.t.4 Arthur I. Mears, P.E' :l o (,-r) LIJ 9\-rh il \\I \=l Vi \67 'ff .l ."."1 ir\,r#i r,#El'l {:,:iWlitffi ir'/.I /\/a/,i,iil|jii:F,*"% '-fr+r-TaA#r7/ ,' lri'. F'' .: : --,X.A.Y\|7.;\, i{i+id$itrffi__ffir I :,en,: : ;, i ffi,ti,#,{#i ,(w (t< t Y,l^r*t /r,1. ). h{i,t '!.r ,i .:l (') r,r) l'r,'r, t ,. to L|,t 7*' {,t 'i /t' 7i\(":./v t/.\,/ ,, r,.///-/,/ ./9.1./ ./ {,fr, frl t1 ##,Mfifri z/ lih \'.. - - .t'Y.44/i _'{'i, :l/t',J t v.a C (, t c ) c I o- r;-l.l L-q I. I t.J t.l f . I Lr! 72V.:yt, Ttlv; <.i,f 5 o c C E (,c .; ; V7t Y/l r/l v /l l/l Y/l r/l Y /l IJ O ,z LI (9 t.l LIJ J t :i ;f I .t ,i o);J o-o, O i-r l.- a\- L. a f a ttJ Al{l'l-lult l. M[Alts, l''0., lNC. Naturirl I'lrrzilrds C<rnsrtltitttts 222 l]{ Cotlric Avs. Cuu,,ir,,n, G,tu'u,l r tl I 210 3$-b4t.3n6 July 28, l9B3 trlr. Patri ck Dougherty Box 2717 Escondido, CA 92025 Dear Mr. OoughertY: Th.isletterr'espondstoare(luestfromMr'RockyChristopherofVajlanc describes the avalun.f,. l.tiSjn condition w'i thin the fiovting-avalanche boilttclai'1' o' Lo.r l, Blocl< f, giificr"n SilCi.ijsjon, Vaii, Coiorado'^^SIecificatjon of these desisn cond'iti;;;';;t;-otiitto iiornrrrv Ausust:.,1:13^t:pott because at that tirne I reconrmeni.a auoiaun.e of the fl-owin6 avalanche in accordance ,,.ith d.iscussions with Rocky Christopher. i-reiierate that avojdance is the best nritigation, but ii ttris is not possible, structures'i ntended for occupancy w.ithin th; iio;;;;-iuuian.h. (ippro*i*utely southern 60 feei' cf ioi"i t , ihoul d be rej nforced as fol I ows : l. The structure should be reinforced to a he.i ght of g feet above grourrd I evel . 2, The 9-foot re'i nforced area' if normal tq the avaianche flow' should r,rjthstand un irpi.i"i.;;-;i i2O iOt/ft.2 rnis load jncreases frorr zero to tnaximunt in 0'2 seconds' 3.l,l.indor^lsanddoorsshouldalsobereinforcediftheyarew.ithinth.islovter O f ool' 4. Powder-avalanche pressures should also be designed for as discussed in the August, .|982 report' The information contained'i n th'i s letter can be attached to the August' l982 'report, Please contact nre if you have any questions' Si ncerelY, Dahr,/ lTlpa,,a R\{hut' I. M'ears, P'E. Ai'l/td :CC': Rocky Chri stoPher Mu: Wosling t Awlonchet ' Au,lanche Contnl Eryinccir4 *'ft***** * ****+*+ * + *******++++ *+*++ **+*++++** ****+* +*****f * *++++******* *** ********* ****** ***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++***** ** ** 'l *** ** ** ************************lt**** ***'t**** ***+*+*++*** *+*+*****++** +* ** +* +**** Statement Number: R050000235 AmounE: $300.00 03/t4/200504:51 pM Payment Method: Check l.lt(t.I,t - Init: iIS Notation: #1705/MORTER Permit No: Parcel- No: site Address : Location: This Payment: DR8050098 Tl4)e: 210111102013 3 96 7 IJUPINE DR VAIIJ $300.00 DRB - Addition of GRFA Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 * * * * ** *** ** * * * ***** **** ******* * *** *** ** * ** ***** * ** * * ****** * * * * * *** * * ****** * * * **** * * ** * ****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code DeEcriDt.ion Current Pmt6 DR 00100003112200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 Status: Z Approved Comnn urury DEVELopMENT Rourtruc Fonna fl Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed:03/16/05 Routed By:Planner Date Due:03/16/05 Description of work:Conceptual Review of an addition to a single-family house Address:3067 Lupine Drive Legal:Lot:1B Block:1 | Subdivisionr Biqhorn Comments: Fire Date Reviewed: 3117105 Need additional review bv Fire Show limits of disturbance fence & erosion controL. Ask about driewa &easement from owner of lot 14. Remove concret sidewalk note relable as 4' concrete pan. I Approved Corvr lvtur.rffy DEVELopMENT Rournc Fonur Approved with conditions I Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: nt lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Routed To:Fire Date Routed:06/15/05 Routed By;Planner Date Due:06/15/05 Description of work:Updated plat to reflect separate driveways and removal of GRFA restriction Address:3967 Luoine Drive Legal:Lot:1B Block:1 Subdivision:Bighorn :ili:i:l',i:ril?lri' ! it'.li!::iJli; slcalrqcrv rouol l bunssog qleg 'Ileleculs ',tessacau eroLpv\ aJnlea1 eLll lcnllsuooeJ ol pue 'alnlea; adecspue; paleoJc srql o1 spedur lenuelod Jeprsuoc ol uorlecolor fervranup 6uunp ue1e1 aq plnoqs alm leql pue'srql buuecrpur ueld elrs otll ol poppe uoeq seLl elou V 'eJnleel JelB/tA speu-ueu e sr regel rnol ur o1 :eler nol ,,spuepelr,, eq1 . ' j'd 'sreoyl rnqUv {q Z86l ur ouop UodoJ prezeLl le}uotr.ruoJrnuo ue uoJJ suorlepuou.r.lJocor Ounerod.rocur eJnlgnJls eql 6urubrsep sr pue 'lol relncryed srql uo lselq repivrod eqcuelenp iv\ous pue lleJlcoJ Iluo^as qqq e Iq pesod sre6uep aqlJo are/v\e opeur uooq seq reeurbue leJnlcruls eq1 . 'rellal srql qlrin sa;dures auols pue roloc burpn;cur oJe aM o peqce$e eql ur pepnlcur e^eq ei r.lcrq^,\'leeqs uo[elnclec vlue /v\eu oql ul 'sFurrnelp PossaJPPe uooq seq slql . 'u/vlol eLll rlluvl polu oq lI^ lr 'alalduroo sr srql uaqM ' pase;d-ar 1o1 aq1 Burneq ^o.rf.._:l i."_".3_.:1 _1i_ri_rilr . lPld ir^ou oql uo uir^or.ls eq llrit^ pue'^crlod egn aql ur pepJocal sr luauiaseo srr.ll 'paplnrpqns se/v\ l, lo'l rage Ilpoqs pessed ecueurpJg ue qlrn Ourdeel ul 'V lo'l r.lOnorql lueuresee ue uo palcrulsuoc uooq seq lemenup oleJedos V . 'srq1 burqucsep las 6u!/r^BJp or.ll ol peppe uooq seq laaqs leuor ppe ue pue 'apoc uMoI lren luaJrnc aLll Lllliv\ ocueuJo]uoc ur sJe suotleln9Fc vluo . 'ueld eys eql ol peppe uoeq seq ued alarcuoc 1oo1-9 Bunsrxa eql DuilJnueg elou eq1 . 'uBlo ells eql uo peleclpul eJe ecuel loJluo3 uolsoJs pue oull acueqJnlslp lo sllLull V . 'uo[ecrldde EUO leuur lno o1 luanbesqns '9OOZ'gZ qoref{ palep noI u.ro.r; re11e; e ur pourl}no sonssr ssoJppe o} alrl plno/tn ean 'Illeuourppy 'Jeouo^ auols ur pelc A\ou ere saseq uunloc . uone^olo lsa/v\ or.ll ol poppB uooq seq iv\opurM v . :sa6ueqc 6uranol;o1 aql ureluoc sOurrnelp or1] '9002 '9 {1np uo ,\ or^eu lenldecuog e le pJeog MerAeU uO1seg 1;e1 eql Iq epeu suonppuoururoceJ 6urivro;1o1 'uolllppv acuaprsag /tAoJJng aql Jo s6urruerp 1o las pasr^or e qlrrn 6uo;e lues 6ulaq sr Jagel sr.lf 'llaqduieC'rf{ uorlrppvlsrl uorsr^rpqns uroqbrg'l loolg'E! lo'l'a^ug eurdnl 29gg'lenolddygelg gUO:fU L99t8 0c'[en peog ebe1uo.r1 qlnos 91. luerldoleneg i$runur,uo3 1o lueupedeg 'lren Jo u/v\ol Jauueld Joruos 'lloqdureC uoJJeM 9o0z'Itnr tt ' uro5 s|9a) ri!?l er,?f 01u @ivr,j 0t IO gL'; tlLL XV:1 t0l.i;'9ty.01b I (r'\) t a 0) tilfn J 3jr6s r,1 ilL.oli aoetucr i \l Ii Zl sr)i il H)uvusruohf uotieJ}d )aJ leu{r$s{}}crd V Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Morter Architects c/o Seth Bossung 2271 N. Frontage Road Vial, CO 81657 Re: 3067 Lupine Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition March 28, 2005 Mr. Bossung, This letter is being sent to inform you of my findings regarding the proposed addition for the Burrow Residence. The following comments will need to be addressed prior be scheduled on an agenda for the Design Review Board. The comments are as followed: o Please show a limits of disturbance and erosion control fence on the site plan. r The site plan identifies a concrete sidewalk. Please revise your note as this is the required 4-foot concrete pan which must be constructed at the intersection of private driveways and the public street.o When calculating Gross Residential Floor Area areas (GRFA) within the garage which are more are enclosed (ie. trash, storage, and mechanical rooms) count as GRFA. In order to not be counted as GRFA the rooms must comply with Section 12-15-34(1Xd) of the Vail Town Code (open not enclosed as shown). In addition, stairs leading to and from different levels count as GRFA on each floor. lt appears on the upper floor that the stairs were not counted towards your GRFA calculation.. Upon reading the title report you submitted it was unclear as to whether or not an easement exists for the portion of the driveway located on Lot A. Please verify that an easement does exists and provide a written statement from that neighbor (Lot 1A, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision First Addition) stating that they are aware of the work to be performed on their parcel and their acceptance of that work. The recorded plat for Los 1A and 1B states that there will be a shared driveway for the two homes, Please show how the driveway on Lot 1A intersects this driveway so that staff can better understand the extent of the driveway changes and improvements.. The recorded plat, Amended Plat A Resubdivision of Lot 1. Block 1. Biqhorn Subdivision First Addition, restricts the GRFA allowed on Lots'lA and 1B to 3,300 square each. By my calculation you are proposing a total of 3,869 square feet of GRFA on Lot 19. lt may be possible to obtain the additional 569 square feet of GRFA by performing an analysis of the lowest level of the structure and calculating the percentage of that level which is below grade as defined in Ordinance 14, Series ot 2004 (attached). {p ^".r"uo r^r" . Please verify that the vaulted areas over the master bedroom and living room are indeed under 16 feet in height. Your cross-sections show that they are not over 16 feet. Please verify that they comply with Section 12-15-3A(1Xb) of the Vait Town Code.o Please submit color samples if you do not intend to match lhose existing on the structure.o Town of Vail Official Hazard Maps show that your lot is located within a high severity rockfall area and a snow avalanche powder blast zone. Please provide a report from a Environmental Engineer stating that your design will withstand any of the above mention impacts and if not what mitigating factors must be incorporated into your design.r Your survey depicts the location of wetlands located in close proximity to your driveway reconfiguration. Please verify that you are not impacting the areas identified as wetlands on your site plan. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970479-2148. ln order to remain on the April 6, 2005, Design Review Board agenda satisfactory responses to the above items must be addressed on a set of revised plans by April 1, 2005. With leeards,t,l Wa.,,t,.q/h Warren Campbell Senior Planner Cc: File Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departnent of Oommunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: BURROW EXEMmON PLAT PEC Number: PEC050052 Project Description: RNAL APPROVALTO UPDATE PLATTO REFLECT ORDINANCE PERMITNNG SEPEMTE DRIVEWAYS Participants: owNER BURROW, MLLTAM F., JR. &J406/L412005 L7T7 W 6TH ST AUSTIN n< 78703 APPUCANT SETH BOSSUNG 0611412005 MORTER ARCHNECTS 227T N. FRONTAGE RD, W. STE'C VAIL co 81657 Prcject Addrcss: 3967 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3967 LUPINE DR Legal Descriptaon; Lot: 1-B Block: 1 Subdlvision: BIGHORN 1ST ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-111-0201-3 Comments: See Crnditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Rollie Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: George Lamb Vote: 7-0-0 Date of Apprcvalz 071Lt12005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0007338 The applicant shall add a note to the plat which restricts the allowable GRFA to 4,610.5 square feet. This note shall appear on the mylar copies of the plat which are submitted to the Town of Vail staff for recordlng with Eagle County. Cond: CON0007339 The applicant shall remove the footprint of the existing structure, dec( stairs, and driveway currently depicted on the proposed Amended Final Plat, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition, Lot B, A Resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 1, prior to submitting mylars for recording with Eagle County. Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $650.00