HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Projects - 1979-2007 (CO)&io*,, /nt- lrt e- ,lar"ru J'x-r ct: \,ct'l:!ili'i- Design Review Board ACTION FOR!4 DeDa ttment of Community De'relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970'479.2452 web: www.vailgov. com Project Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote; Conditions: HALEY ROOF DRB Number: DR8070324 RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE ADDMON OF OUTSIDE ROOF STRUCTURE COVERING AN OUTSIDE STEP owNER HALEY, VALORIE A. & JAMES 8.071t612007 3988 A LUPINE DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT HALEY, VALORIE A. & JAMES E,O7II6I2OO7 3988 A LUPINE DR VAIL co 816s7 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3988'A' LUPINE DR Lot: 2-A Block: 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN 1ST ADDffiON 2101-111-0300-6 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt 07 | t7 12007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: TOrfN OTVAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21381479-2139 FAX970479-2452 Department of Community Development Iuly 17,2007 Jim and Valorie Haley 39884 Lupine Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: DRB07-0324 Lot 2A, Block 2, Bighorn Subdivision Dear Jim and Valorie, Thank you for your design review application for a minor exterior alteration to improve your enfy at 39884 Lupine Drive. The purpose ofthis letter is to inform you that your application has been staffapproved. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. Please contact the Building Department regarding necessary permits. Ifyou have any questions or concoms, please feel free to contact me, Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachments: DRB Action Form Best, Minor Exterior Alterations ,& Application for Design Review ?t mffilmf;A "+J,ffi"Ti,+3";EliHifii,{}i:" E. web: www.vailgov.om Y General Information: f> Aff projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please ! I A prolecE requtnng oe5|9n tevtew musa recetve arPPrgvdt Pnor l(J suurnrlu g <r uu urng Pefl||rl dlrpflL<fl"rur r, rrtrcr5r I I refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review ! cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. A, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructaon commences within V one year of the approval. r(\.V/r Description of the Requert, t ..r-\ .' . .\c- E^\ c-\ c ,, D + '* .V. <- (\, T:.Locationof theProposal: tot: \{\ Bbck: \ subdivision: 1):'or\rou-a i>.-S c\..J.s, --*- physicalAddress: :5i € tl (\ \.--,.^-.R . .. - -\\ v- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addressr \ Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:(^-.. ..\ir< E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area For construction of a new building or For an addition where square foobge is commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee vAil.,, . tr tr t JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nu .1'-kV-U't LlfY ,a joint owner of property located at 37ba LV(rx'€-Du rf€ provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submifted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include : (Signature)(Date) Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: il I underctand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the cource of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable cdes and regulations' -n I \----z- (Initial here) D I rquest that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the cource of the review process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additbnal approval before undergoing further review by the Town.4t I L_--- hlrl"l h"*) /Eal,rrt Lrl rN6 KttcHabt lnw m fr, V.$onr.A 6tghGe Otltt6)G ok wtn be* too? 6s1g6t lp,( bV l1 s- Wbb op 6AXA$ Wt fi F9MArp $\ il q $ q I Nofa: Vxtfirr{o Mfttcr?,{ ?L*FVA. w/4ttN0 !h{h*i. r*#9+4eN 4t* (Atuq A\$nilo btttpl +I"t'b Ptstttl+ kr.tv tratP- ?oP 4)o2 W& N N.fuv{W u w r@N f.rAtv ?v*- o? l0a1o4b0 wltt ?Jfr. v4ib,? nlr';r wlb*rllrrb y2,t17,,'1 1aol. leaqrbg t waP tnti,tbtv $b|.6 ?uL tfi.rro1\J**t gp'tr+rttot ul+toqenvrJw* htro 4-5t b ,rNl,tllt A?o9 1o r4lrt4t Vo-I bV AtPtflohl. Nof?: ffqf,'+tl+\, ?frhttp6t fort" F{Woarpa t[e$0etL qw^, to*LLffi l&M No WtNfut(bl'Vlr( 16 (LQtttQL?. ht* flttr7l\b5 t#a Peth''/'J N Alr;ol\ lW .Uob-7Ao? WY t<goYioo (wb?t f+ of O.,n*zx\ ^4 N{FoV+ tl o.r{tzx) l<t N{Fotr4 tl M f6w}{ of .rAtt.fNTe{ P.)oF p LAN 2. vt6P/rt-tl vA./( YL or MIPAMANTI A(Zvlw€cr ?L K#i.i:#'o gtbu 6+oJ+1q'ltx 5sge.,oww. oFrtAlt\ N REVIEW sTnrr APPR()\''al- DATI .': T--_f;,;g96b of l4r4) ,/ bt Vr\fb u^og 9TAt,ts t' PF t0 W4trrr-t - gW fl l+nfr# Fr-uau.t 'to i4Ajrlt gxtitr{Ii Pr,Attt"F uf l.*0" Yt )w\ l2o 1.toFrlt t+At-',i ptteNce, hI 2'A,9tp4 Itf AggmoN , ffit'A L{flde'wNbt +lvloz ::> 7 t' ); '}', -. OF .s+a IFN S i Susli risFs;$F\ EEru ,J af r TL LL s ,(D \) $\f. z € $F J { Fr \)z € lil rt I 't .1! t li I v t t;a /e ::,1 t{ ."1 P"! ,^u ,-- ia j f f +** * ****'t**'l*+* **** ******++++***** ******++++* ******* ******* *t* ** **{.* ***** * * ********+******* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ****+**'1.*** *'t* **++*** * ** * * **'t****+*{.++******* ** **l* *** *** ** ***** *** **{'**** * ***+t*t*** + * *** ** Statement Number: R0?0001252 Amount: $20.00 07/t6/2OO7O4:34 pM Payment Method: Check HAT,EY Init: iIS Notation: 778IVAITORTE Perml-E No: DR8070324 [4re: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101- 111- 03 00 - 6 Site Addrees: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIIJ Location: 3988 'A' LUPINE DR Total Feee:This Payment:$2o. oo Total A]JL Pmts : Balance:*********+++***'|l '******************t ******+++f+*l.t *********+* **++***** * * * * 'l** * * ***** ** * **t'*t 920.00 s20.00 $0. 00 Current PmtE 20.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 0 010 0 0 03 r!2200 Descril]tion DESIGN REVIEW FEES ,'/'/l Btinorn t-* Design Review go"rd /*+ b/h L ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Communitl' Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479,2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov"corn rl mtrl{trYrtlt csr1,*Jl.lrY &vE!sir[]rr Project Name: LUX ADDfiON Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DRB060219 Entry addition and below grade bedroom addition at north side of home resulting in additional site coverage and GRFA; wrap around deck addition at northwest; new roof structure at south; remodel, etc. - Pafticipants: owNER LUX, DAVTD M. - D.T. LUX ENT06/09/2006 1270 MESA AVE COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80906 APPUCANT LUX, DAVID M. - D.T. LUX ENT06/09/2006 1270 MESA AVE COLORADO SPRINGS co 80906 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Locadon: 3988 ,B' LUPINE DR Lot 2-B Block: 2 Subdivlsion: BIGHORN 1ST ADDmON 2101-111-0300-7 see conclitions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/30/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008210 Smoke detectors required per Section R313 of the IRC(2003). a cond: @NflD8228 D'r :- ltir The applkant shall retum a notarlzed ofy of the Geologlc Hazard Revlew at Ume of buildirg permit submlltal. Oond: @N0$8229 At the time of TCO, the llgh0ng flxtures at boffr sldes of the duplor must matdr. Locatlons specified on slte plan are approved. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fec Pald: f3O0.0O J Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www. vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design reviad must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An apdication for Design Re\r'iew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revaew approrral lapses unless a bualdang p€rmit is issued and constuuction @mmences within one year of the approval. pescription of the Request: u11 Locaton of the proposaf: Lot: 2 -D B tock: 7 ,u*turton, B,4hrrf, t{ Addilion (- Physicaf Address: 34AB'B LuP':ne T>r. \./ parcetNo.: alo tllto3oot (ContactEagteco.AssessoratgT0-328-8o+0forparcet no.) n)J Zoning: J Jr.*; lrl Bes, J e^l'a / Name(s) orowner(s): -DnVtd -u"afert; tW W t^rfaitingAfdress: t^ tv yletlt HVe. ,r Colora&o Spr,nls- Lft ?r.,Qp!' en"rn lQ .blq - L:l gf O (hrner(s) Signature(s):ttl\Tern Lux 'Ds..'.nwr,- L.^-v , rrtpilingAddress: lzlo lAcsu hve-. \hlof Atlo l?t,';1 ,(1O KOqOU phonet 114- b34 ^ G1?8 t, U t,^ - . ^\ ) .,^t.. ^ t-- IrtpilingAddress: I7-lo l.ACsu {\V€-. n \hlof AtJo lnr'hn., tt: t 0Q01" pnone; 114- b34 ^ G'1? 8 | ,E-maif Addres$: " *crri i P dt"veluvnefrax: 1!4 - b75 -bV tt t Q wwvt r'< y,- J tct 'lZ'(i I l'l ' \A J'J t? 'J I dauelut. nel 1t q -415- o57l Typeof ReviewandFee: - QLULIU{' hef 1lq -n15- o37l tJ n Signs $50 Plus g1.00 per square foot of total sign area. F tr Conceptual Review No Fee -,tr New Construction 9650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. 1|\fr maition $300 For an addition where squarj footage is added to any residenbal "Rut D MinorArtemtion $2s0 Hl#,ffi":r:',i5#.j'fr'fjfr,':ff#YJ#J*T[::ffiH*)(multi-family/commercial) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.! Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as.(singlsfamily/duplex) re-roofing, paintirE, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc.E Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to flans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board.! Separation Request No Fee Nameof Appti""nt, -lbrn LU X 'Do^,.s: v.\.. L.^->< For Office Use Onlv: Feepaid: ?6D' ct,*r.no., l?61 ur, l>^rtJ It u*nso*., 1-?46 DRBNo.:-- -------=a Planner: u\ project No.: l *+************+**r.**+{'*++t+******+i+++++i(********+***+i****++++********t++*+********+{.++:r+** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *+*+t+*t* ****+**++*** ***+** +* + * *** * *** *+* + * ** * * *t* +*** * + *+****++** * ******+ **++* *******++ +** * Statsement Number: R050000??9 Anount,: 9300.00 06/09/200602zZ2 pM Palment Method3 Check Init: iIS Notation: 1751IDAVID tux Permit No,: Parcel No: Site Addregs ! tocatio{, ThiE Pa)ment : DR8050219 2101-111-0300-7 3988 IJUPINE DR VAII, 3988 TBI I.,UPINE DR Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Tot,a1 Fees 3 Total Al,L Pmts : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $o. oo $300.00 +****+'********t***t|+*****t*******+*++t+***+***++**+*t*****+*+***++++************t*********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR 001000031L2200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 g6/05/2886 16:32 7684163328 AIM MAIL CENTER TOI]fT PROFEftlY OWilER WNITTEX TF?TOVAL I"ETTEN PAGE A2 t. . r. r.)*\o-.c F \\o\*-1 I, (print nanre)'-r-* ^ . -- G \\r.r\r-l , a joint o,vn€r of property located at (address/hgal descripton) 3n R€ Cr L*,-e'. nq \r N --,.\ (l Rt\.S -1 , pro/idc B*s hter as r$ltten app@val of the flans 6*A / A *t -,'-- a o O U whidr have been submltd to thc Tovn of Vail @tnmmity Oevetopme* Depaftnert fior tln proposed inprg\rerneflB to be \-' t7't LL44tl I fufthef understarrl tiat minor modificadons mry be rnade to the flans oler the @urse of the rcv;glv p|aoess to cnsura coorp$ance wt$ tie Torvnb apptcaUe codes ard rcAubdons o t-J rc,s Iob (Drtc) I SEP 19,20Q4 20256 't 604763320 page 2 tr\JT@ffim**" Xrtirll}Ei.atmJ TITLE DEPARTMENT - DELIVERY TNANSTNTTAL P.O. Box 1980, 3lE Bmoduny EaglcCO tl63l (nq 32b57r I F s: (90) 328-',52 IILE NUMBER: 611H009228F063-SG, AmcndmcnrNo. 2 DATE: trms J, Z)06 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3988 Lupinc Driv€, B Vail, CO 81657 OWNEI.|BIIYD,k David A. Dartsch md (hil Dartsctr and Phy is N. Scgtl Fmily Trust / David lv{- lex and Tcni J. Lrx TO: FAX: E-MAIIT NO. OFCOPIES: PLEAIIE REVIFWll|EENCT.oSEDMAIERIALOO{i{PI.,EIELYAI.IDTAKEN(MOFTHE FOII,OWTI{GTERII,S CONTAINEDTHEREIN: Sctcdrlc A: $clcddc Bl: SlctrcduL BUs Ar.ldcd DNrch|C Dricc lrd pre|lirr rt[rr ASOVE TS A UST OF CL|ENTS TO WHOII,I T}IE ATTACTIED MATERIAIJ HAVE BEEN DELTVEAED. STI(X,ID Y(X' I{AVEA}TY QUESNO{S REGANDTNC THESE MATRJAI.S, OROURNEW (}flINETnANSACNON MANA(BMENT pR(rc*AM TITIIVAULT, PTEASE CU{TACT First Ancdm tkitrge Titlc Coopy AT THE ABOVE PI(X{E NITMBER WE SII,ICERELY THANK YOl, FOR YOt R BUSINESS. a PollcY.lstult{o aqErl ot Flt3l AlTltlc^t{ TITII IN'URANSE COMPA Y Edunrds Escrow Sheilah Cordon | 37 Main Shect Sui& G{n3W Elwrds, Co tl6]2 E"MAIL; 3gordoo@rhbo.coitr NO.OFCOPIES: l ROUTII{G METAOIL Tnlcvsulr TO:Gorc Creck Propcrties Tim Partcr P.O. Bo:( 1666 vaiLCO tlsJt PHOI{E: FAX: DMAIL: NO. OFCOPIES: (97O) 47$.2t39 tia@ail.u Jconic l{auff 230 Bridge Suic€t V8il, CO El65? FAX: (E 0)47G255t E"MAIL: jherff@lif€r.nct NO. OFCiOPIES: Devid A. Dailsch F&nity Trust 3 Bridlc Pdr Saods Point, NY I l0:t0 rndPhyllisN- & PHONE: FAIC E.MAIL: NO,OFGOPIES: M. Ild od Tclrri J. l,ux PEONE: 7l 1270 Mesr Ave. FAX: (719) 6354ltt Colorado sprbgs, CO E0{n6 D..I}IAIL: tcnij@rvclu-cut l{o.0f ooPIES: Stiftr, Sni6 md Fn@on Rcal Rayma Roec P.O- Drsw€r 2AU) Avon, CO El6m FAK E.MAIIJ NO.OFCOPID$: (9?0) t45-2(n5 (90) 84S2050 noc@Fli&r-od cBl F\lT@ffim*'"" }|uoafffiR!...t Date: June 5,2(X)6 RE: Buycr/Bornwen DryidM Lur endTeri J. Lur Scllcr(s): Dryid A" Dcu6ch rnd Gril lhtrlrch rnd Phyllir N. Scgd Frnity Trugt Property Addrerc: 3988 Luphe Drive, B Veil, CO 8f657 Fllc Numbcn 5l$ElXXLUtSr46}'SG, Ancndncnt No. 2 $/e would like to thank you for choosing First American Heritage Title Company for your title insurance needs. Enclosed please find: g CoMMITMENT(s)tr ccR's tr STJPPORTINGDOCT.JMENTS tr TAX CERTHCATE to follow from the Escrow OffEce Schedule,/Tax Parcel Numbcr: For all of your closing nccds, yor Escrow Officcr is: Shrihl Gordoc Plcaso fcel frcc to coutact your cloecrat (n0r926*/E5,fux: (ll0)|llffi),cmaift rgordo@hhtco.con, 137 lfti!SfirctSitcG' lf09WDdrrrrds CO t1532. For all of your title and cmmitment n€€ds, your Title Exasriner is: Carl Brrch. Please ftel free to contact your eroniner at (9il) 32&5211, for: (970) 32&l52n, email: cbuel@fehtcoom J.O. Bor 1980 3lt Brcedwey Erglc, CO tf63f . Oncc atnin, tlrank yor for pur busincss and plcasc fcel froe to comct your Busincss Dwelopncnt Repr€s€nbtive for a log-in md possword to TitleVault our neu oo-line trrnsaction mrnrgem€ot pfDgrrm. Wo look forward to s€rving slt of your title needs. Sincerely, First American Heritage Title Company l2l09,tUl05 2:36:Zl PM nl @r Fitc lb.: 6l5.I|||tll2ttrldl$Gl Ar.i..|t Xo. : Ownefr Ertended Cwerrgc "OI.C, COMMITMEI{T TON, TMLE INSTJRA!{CE ISSI,'EDBY First American Heritage Title Company ASAGENTT1OR Flrrt AnericrE Titb lurnlct Coupany IMORMT,TION The fitlc Ins[ancc Comniuot is e l"g"l ooorc bctwrco yor and ltc company. It is issrod !o sbow thc bcsis on u,hich rvc will isst3 a Titlc Insraocc Policry to yor. Thc Policy will inue pu lgrinst c€dsin rists to tbc hod titlc, $bjc(i lo thc limitrios Sown in ttc Polfu:y. Thc Compory will giva you a sarylc ofthc Policy fom, ifpu r&. Thc Cofirmil|tlct|f is basod oo thc hnd tith o of lhc Committr|sril Ddr. Any churgrr in thc lod title or thc trmsartion ruy afrea thc coomitmcnt and thc Policy. Thc Conmilmcnt is erbjcrt lo its R€qutarrds, Exceflions and Cooditims THIS INtr\ONMT,TION TS NOT PANT OF TIIE TITI,T n|SURANC? CIOMMITMENT. YOU SOTJIJ' REAI' TIIE OOMMTTMENT VERY OiI.EFULLY. IF YOU f,AYB ANY QT'ESTIONS ABOUT THD, COMMITUENT PIJASE COTiTTACT TITE ISsUfiG OtrTICE. AGREEI}IENT TO ISST'E PIOTICY Firrt Ancri.|l fif|r lr|rf.rcc Co|rn|ry, rcfured to in this coomimt rs tbc Coryrny, lfuowh its rgcor Firrf Aocricrn Horitrgo Tltlc Coupln rcftfrcd to io this Agr€smc,nt rs thc Agcot agrcrs to issue a policy to you according to thc trnns of this cqnmiuncnt Whefi wa show thc policy amount and ]()ur oanc as thc proposcd in$rcd in Schcdutc A" this commitrrcnt becomcs cfiectivc rs of thc Comrnitmcot Detc shown fui Schcdutc .{. If thc Rcqutcocnts shown in thc Commihcot hlvc mt bcco rtrct wi6in six moottu rfu |tG Cmlitn ot ddc' our obligdiotr undfi 6is Oonmitmrnt nitl cod- Also, ou oblignim untla this Comimm will €d wtm ftc Policy is is$cd rnd hrn our obliSrtiod to )ou will bc undcr $c Policy. Our obligdim under tbis Commibcot is limitcd by the follorrilg:r TbPrwisircinSdrcfulcA.r Th Exccptkxrs in Scncduh B-2.r Endorgcnrsrl 1303 (Iofcioo) will bc mrltcd !o tho Plain Languagc O*lcr's Policy. r Thc Rcquinmcr sia $ffulcFl.e ThcDisclemsmdCmditlnoontrid in thisComiffit This C.ommitmcert is not vdid withou SGIEDULE A .nd Scctions t ud 2 of SCHEDUIJ B arachs4 or if thc land is odla thu a l-f Furily Rcsidcntial lmd- Flrrt ArGri€! Ildc harnrce Conpry w-/T kesrkd 6irj:;i,b .- it :i s 1 ':. r1lr11rr . .:' ! t""a'....L..."-$.1 i':rrrror*Y By {rya/- Z /"44'e*'1' sccrlruy *w comrcrsieDed t?D2005 2:3622 Plt{ nl Ctst Fila hlo.: 615ff!lltt'rfl.6tc. Arcrdrr|a No. : coNrlmoNs DEFIMNONS (a) 'Mongrgc' mns mtgrgo, dccd of trurt or othrt scqnity insfrrnsn (b) ?ublic Rccode' mcus tidc rcoods ltrat givc coastructivc nothc of runsrs affctting thc titlc scco|ding to lbtr btr whcsc ihc lerd is loced.(c) iland" mcans tlrc hnd or condominium unit deccdH in Sclredulc A and any imprwemcnts on the lurd which ac real Fopcrty. INTERVENING DEFECTS Thc Couputy-hcaby in$rcs sgNirut loes or dmragc by rcason ofthcrc bcing rrcordcd rny dccds, morgrgcg tis pcodca* licos or ottor tflc cncunbroccs wtfuh firsr rppcar ia thc pr$lic rccods ssscqucnr ro ttr6 c'fccivc Date of Coonritncat but prkr to thc cffectivc Oac o't nofcy, 'frOfc rccordsf ae i..eU n.trin meanr lhoBc Gcordr it| whiclr undcr ddttcs dco&, moft$ges, ;uagnart ticns or lis pcrdtrts muE be rccorded in ordct to impart constructive nolico !o purch$ers ofthe land for vatue withorf knowledgc. Thc Coopoy do€s not insre "ge;''< sldl loss q' &nrrtc if thc cxistarcc of arclr dccdg nortgagcs, lis p€ndcn$ li€os or othcr title snembrdrces is acbnlly known !o the proposd insrcd pior to or c the dm of closing" Thc closing il &ffncd hcnin a bcing ttrc tim of |hc cxccutftn lrd &lirrcry to thc po,poscd of rhc dooumcNrts crcating 0rc iutcrcst of orc poposcd ins0rc, D)USTINGDEFDCTS If any dofecfa lias ot coquhrm €xigitrg d ConnritE ot he rrr not stmtr in Sctodule B. wp ucy omd Schcfulc B to Ehon' thtttr. If rc do amand Sfuulc B !o $ow th6c dcfoct+ Iicns or cn*;b-r"e; we shall bc liabtc to yotr eccoding to hmgraph 4 bclow udcss you kncw of this infomation and did not tcll us Nbout it in writing. LIMITATION OF OIJR LIABILITY 9t -ty obligltiotr is to issrc to you thc Policy rcfuied !o in ttriq Cmnitnrcnt, ntca yor havc D€i its Requircmcats- If rrc have aoy tiebility to yur for rry locs pu imr becauee of an enor in ihis Co11mitmcnt our liability will bc limitcd to your Ectual loss cnuscd by yor rclying on this Corunitmcnt whcn you actcd in good ftirh to: r comply urith lhe Rcquirem€nrs $own in Scbedulc B - Ssctiotr I or . climirutc lrilh our writtcn canscot uy Erccptirns $ovm in Schc&lc B - Scction 2. We shall oot bc lirblc fot rmrc than thc Policy Amun slwrn h Scbedrtc A of rhis C.orrrmitrncnt u14 g|I. liability is $bjoct ro hc 6ms of thc Polisy fmn ro bc itnrcd to yon CI-AIMS MUSTBE BASED ON T1TIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whcthd or mt bascd on ncAligurc.a which you may havc agrinsr us conccrning tbc titlc to thc land must bc bsscd on rhis Commitncnt and is subject to its tenns. DISCH)STIRES SPECITL TAXING DIIITRICT NOTICE IhG $bjcci lmd nuy bc toc.lcd in I spccid lfiing .liirict a ccrrificac of Ecs &E liging eh tding judsdicrion dr.ll b€ 9Uuled @ tte coudy acasrct a thc cormy ucasrr/s anborizcd rgarg od infornntion-rogrding spccid Oscicr ua ru boudories of srdl discricc nay be ottainod from tfrc bood of cunty cmmissioocrs, th€ cordy oic* nrd rcco,rdcr, 6p ltc counryu$str PnIVACY PROMISE F1OR CUSTOMDNS wc will not rcvc8l nooptHic pcrsmrt inft,tmdion to dy crcrml no.fflitol orgnizdion unl6s w hvc bcco arthcizcd by thc clgomer, or arp rtquircd by |rrp. GONST'MER DBCI,ARATION STATEMENT This cmnitrcat fut fitlc Inorrm nay includo a Sdrc&Ic B arccarioo rtfuir€ to rccordcd € idolcc thu a oincrot csta&h83 Fco scvcrc( lcascd, or ofrcrwirc conwycd fioo trc snfioc .ddc. If $dl rEfirsrce is mdc, 61crc is a nrbshtiel tilrclihood- lhit a thfud porty M* *ry q rll intcrrst ;a oit gry, orncr minerrlr or geolhcrnat eocry in 6€ prlpcrty. Tbo refcrlaccd-minc.d {aq mly lncludc thc right to coter roo rsc fu popctty wl6ox rF llr$ce csatc oi,ncrs pcimiirioi" vou msy bc rble !o obtoin titlc insrmcc covcngc rcgtrdinS my e!6 rcfcrcocoA nirsat c$ac swcrancc rod ic iftct upoo vour owacship. Ask pru titlc coqary rcp(tsrsrtativc for n(sisrlncc wifh |his itstc. 2. 3. 4. First American Hcritage Title Company COMNIITMENT SCTEIII'LEA ComnihcrtNo: 61$f,110!Il2$l.O6$SG,AnerdoentNo.2 l. ConmimentDrte: NovcmbcrlT,2llll5etS:lX)A.lU. 2. Policy or policler to bc ircucd: Pollcy.Amount (r) Plrirl.angurSa(OBQ Propo..dlunrcd: $ I,150,000.00 OwncrrPolirry David M. Lu and Terri J. Lror 3. FccShplc irtcnrtbtlchddcrcrfbdhftLCounihcrtbomcdrrtltcConnitncntlhtcbyl David A. Deutsch and Gail Deutsch and Tho Phyllis N. Sogal Family Trus as their interrsts may 8Ppe8r 4. fhe hd refcrred to ir rhb Comnitucnt b derctlbcd rr follwr: Lot 2-B, a rwuMivigion of tot 2" Block 2" Bighorn Subdivision Fir* Addition, according to tfic plat recorded June lE, 1980 in Book 304 at Pags 167, County ofEagle, Slate ofColorado (for informcional prpooee only) 39E8 lapine Drive, B, Vail, CO t1657 PREMII.JM: Ovrners Policy Forn 130.2-OEC M|OiD006 l2:ll:21 PM ral CB I $2525.00 Tax Cqtificato $50.00 $1s.00 t 2^BAD5 2:36:22 PM rrl CB t Filc No.: 6l5.lf0l!tr'r063€G, Ai.ld|lcot No. 2 ' Fonito. 134+Bl (co-t8i ALTA Plrh lrryrrgo ComiLort SCHEDITLE B-Scction I Requirementr Ihefollowing requirromentr nurt be met! a. Pay tho agreed amounts for the int€r€st in tho land and/or for the mortgngo to be insured. b. Pay us the premiumg fces and chargcs for the policy. a. Obtain a certificdc of taxeo due ton tbe couoty teasurer or the county tEasurcr's authorired agent d. hovide us the *Affidavit and Indomnity" siped by the parties listed in Paragraph 3, Schedule A of lhis Commitment and notarized. e. The Agent must conduct th€ closing of the transaction to be insucd under ttis Commitment or properly a(ccrtcd instrurcna creating the c6tab q irilerpet to b€ insurcd must bo delivcrcd to the Agpot issuiog tie Comnitmcnt within 24 hourg of tho closing f. The following documonts satisfactory to us must b€ signed delivercd and recorded- l. Warranty Decd sufficient to convey the fee simplo estate or interest in the land describGd or referred to hcrcin, to fte Propofcd Insure4 Schedule A, Item 2 a 2. Rolease of the Deed of Tru* firom Dovid A. Dcubch ard Gail Dqrtsch to the Public Tnr$ee of Eagle County fu 0re bcnafit of Chass Mantratfin Financial Sewicos, lnc., to sGGurE an indcbtednoss in the princrpal sum of$250,000.00, and any other amounB and/or obligations secured thereby, dated October 16, 1989 and recorded on October 19, 1989 at Reception Number 412M2. The Deed of Trustwas assigned to Citibsnk, NA, recorded oa Decembcr 13, 1990 at Recegion Number 44N49. NOTE: The Company is attempting to obtain information regarding the rsloas€ of the deed of fust shown abovc, and/or an indemnification from the prior title oomparIy. The following mstcrial, ufrich may nd necessarily bc rccord€{ must be firnished to &c Compatry to its satishction to-wit: S. Compliance with the pmvisions of Section 39-14-102, Colorado Rwised Stltut€s, requiring completion and filing of a Real Propcrty Transfcr Doclantioo. b. Evideoce saisfactory to the Cmpany of Complimcc with ao odinmcc enacting a rcal esbrc trrnsfer lu within the Town of Vail together with all amendments thereto. i. Evidenc€ that gurrcnttaxcs and ssscssmcnts hrvo been paid. NOTE: This is automatically delefed upon fuIfi[m€ot NOTE: Thc Phin Irnguage Policy witl be isrued. l?Jo9la$ 2:?6.12 PM nl CBI ForrNo, 131+BI (OG8t) ALTA Plein Lllgurgc C.oruituc Filclilo.: 5tt'lllil2llrlil€G.ArcdrcrNa2 SCHEDIILEB-Scctlon I Rcqrircoeltr (Coadlrod) NOTE: IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SIJBJECT PROPERTY D(CEEDS $100'000.00 TIIE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WrTIt TIrE DTSCI,oSURE OR WITIIIIOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22{04.5 (NONRESIDENT WITI{HOLDtr'IG). nn9m092:l6tXlYMrr,1CBl reru fio. 1344-82 (CGEE) ALTA Pbh Lryr4c Corrltrcrt SCHEDULE B-Secdon2 Erceptionc Aty potrsy we hrne will hrve tlc follwing clcepdolr r!trhn ttcy rre b}cn crr of to orr rrffrctiors Any and all unpaid turcs, assessments ond unredeemed tax sales. R.sorvations and exceptions in patcofs and ace autrorizing thcir issuance as thc same may affect thc subjcct property and spccificolly, the right to ditch€s and rcscrvoin uscd in connsction with vested and aacrued r+'ater rights togcther with the roservation of a right-of-way for ditches and canals constructod by the authority of the United States as set forth in United Ststps Patont filcd in the Eagle County Records. Ro*rvrtions rnd orcc6ions in pmonts and in acts ordrorizing 6eir issuanco as dre samo msy rffcst the subject pro'perty and speciftally, the right of thc proprictor of a vcin or lode to qrtrrct and rtmove his ore therefiom should the samo be found to penetrste or intorsoct th prcmises as set forth in Unitcd States Patert filcd in tho Eaglo County Recorde. Covenants, conditions and resrrictiong which do not includcd a forftiture or Fverter clausc, sct forth in dre instrumcnt rccorded in Book 174 at Pagc 403. Amcndrnant of said cov€nrtrts, conditions ad reshictions by ao instrument recordpd in Book 175 at Page 33 and in Book 175 af Page 84. Provisions regarding race, color, crecd, and national origirl ifany, aro deletcd. An easement for right of way and incidfftal purposos grantod to Upper Eagle Vnlley Smitation Dislrist by tho instnrme,nt recorded January 19,1979 in Book 216 af Pagc 862. Tcrms, conditions and pmvisions as contained in the Claim of Easement by Upper Eaglc Vallcy Consolid*cd Sanitation Disfirist recorded Oclobcr 21,1994 in Book 653 at Page 195. Eacoments, conditioos, restsictioru and rservations ss shown or rcserved on the recordcd Plat of Bighom Subdivision, Fint Addition recoided April l, l!)53 at Reception No. 97239 and ResuMivison Plc of Lol 2,B,1ook2, recorded June 18, 1980 in Book 3(M at Page 167. Torms, conditions, provisions, agre€ments and obligations containcd in the Corcnancy Agreement rcaqdgd qlNov€tnbcr 3,2003 at Reception Number t552lt. Filcl,b.: 6tFll0t922C!6il-$G, Ancdslt No 2 L 3. ). 6. 7. 4. ADDMONS - RESIDENTIAT OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBiIITTALREOUIREMENTS** EI lll pages of Application is complete B Checklist is completed and signed g Stamped Topographic Survey* El Site and Grading Plan* EI Landscape Plan* El Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elevations) EI" Exterior color and material samples and specifications. El Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined floor plans) B Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures A Title repoft, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easementsx El Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.fl' Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if ...applicable 4 Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* El The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with on asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have rcad and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:LUV AlotTrora(6/Yt oD eL Contractor Signatu Date Signed F :\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_additbn_ 1 1-23-2005.doc Page 3 of 14 ru23l20o5 Bulldlno M.terials PROPOSED IIIATERIAIS Tvoe of llater'tal Color 'n3, Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Noftes: t'<t-t-t-'t/- sflkl - ," /p N/n Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Ud d/* xt /r4 - !l! F:\cdev\FORI{S\Permits\Hanninq\DRB\drb_additbn_11-23-2o05.doc page 7 of 14 tu73l20f5 PROPOSED LAT{DSCAPIT{G Common Name l4/Y^4 wq=PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED (//14r^1 Uru-fr b4:/ Minimum Requirements for [andscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL retaining walls, fences, swimmlng F : \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planninq\DRB\drb_addition_U-23-20O5.doc Page I of 14 ru23lzo05 m,*rv$,,p urr,-rw AppRovAr & vERrFrcArroN This form serves to verify that the proposed improvemenb will not impact any existing or proposed utility sewice, and also to veriry service availability and locaton for new construction and should be used in conjunction witn pepaiing your utility dan and scheduling installations. A site dan, including grading plan, floor flan, and elemtions, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. (t/Wu/ud- )/i-4-4-4.t.LLt- /v42 A-r\,<..-, i5 e4La-U..-L u l,l ^/ D 672 kTci u N D L o c-+r-a rc- Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QWEST 970.513.7189 (teD 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (celD Contacts: Steve Waters $@tqs(do\r'resl!0m EXCET HIGH PR,ESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970..168.1401 (fax) Contact: Ridt SGneros HOLY CROSS EI-ECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom yrpglr 1Qfu; lvcro55go4l EXCEL EIIERGY 970.252.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAI{TTATIOII DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (teD 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee [ha3€etee! W5d. o g coHctsT ctBLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brdd Dorcas bradely_dorcqS@eE le-cpnj!?st-larn llOTE;r 1' If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made direcly on the form. the Town will presume that there are no prouems and the danelopment can proceed, 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative strall nde dir€ctty on th€ utilty verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resdved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibitity of the utility company and the applicant to resofue identified problems. 3. These verificauons do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to ohain a Public Way permit ftom the DeparBnent of Public Wo*s at the Torvn of Vail. tltilitv locations must be ohined before diogim in iny prHic right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino perrnit is not a Public Way pemit and must be obtained se;rabty. ' The Develope is required and agre€s to subnit any rarised drawings to the utilities for re.approval & re-verification if the subrnitted plans are altered in any way after the auprori2ed signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). L-rL V-Q ak-t^- v-o,' 2 ,'. /,- 5 t' S nt t, tl J W l+LAzL/ Itttra'cl-c-L- Att^//L-L , ['da-cl--l-- ,//b/c/ou Date Develope/s Signature F : \cdev\FORMS\Permlts\Planning\DRB\d rb_addidon_U -23-2005.doc Page 9 of 14 rrlslzof.s SEP 21 ,2004 L5:2L ' DIL\'!.X I tl,<nt. tF SEP 08,2004 l7:3E 000-000-00000 t ax : l9 /Lr4otl.tur Jun lz zrwD 000-000-00000 urntw rDroYlL I utllFratuort r/L U-gar- -V frtau.l t.JUN 12 m Page 2 Prge z 5:)q P.UI, Qltsr 97O$!. rus (au tto,ll.023t(trr) t70.6lr.onr iciE, c'|trctr, sts* w.t?rr !w.lrEr.e$S$l@ llcrl xIC|r rrltfit t:3is 9ru,25r,.076 lrd) e70.{6t,l/Ot (t r) Cdrbci fldt 5.'|! a '|otr c|o3s ructtlc 9r0.tr. tails (td) 17O9{5.161 (rr) 6r*!d: lci Ite|tr 14911I@'nly.r2r.1.1!16 -IOE TITIBY 9to:6z.10!t (f3l Co'|tK: &a lqrr 9n 2(:l.,loli r:$atn logcn cldr rnlrrrEt I stlrfitilrcilct r70.f6.7{0 (E) tr0.{t6 {0ll (trs)c0i6: FrGd tl|dlr nt'.lFdl€w!!gq CMrlfiGIIIT ,70.i6t.266r tt trQ (El) 970rc0.r6r2 (tr) C.rnD6: l|td Or(.i Eylr{y..rhrn.t(lcul!.!!Iilrlco1l !nll$ *mH:"*: ffi,.IlPX' .H*q :o. q.h r-.Atr( w.v 'o'* r'ut o. DTfrErr ot Fffr lNcL3 |t th. torr of Vrl,ln.rt, Ftc lr'rr.ot*s urn ,r ri0tn [: Tosr a, tAt. rrrrr lc rcr{l tF|| utc FoF!.d brDroatrtlrE ril rn 'ilnE Jry crilito of ,roDCC dtt, trrv:3, r|d ls lo vt'{y *wr! .vrhblly fi,lEr(b.r tor r*r @nsrudon.nd {Edd bo u- th Gqrincthn rfii FrD.r'rng tor utrq trt .,{rmfitp hdrrm. A 3ac dnL hdrrlng e/ dng pbr.,b F4.|{rt t lil3, l|.ltbglir*uO d ira Uoroe uon:r EeFlv, flnc| falin, Ittll:drd llrrrrrs g!EE!IE Dr! I lt th urlv msl I uJttltrbr htn h5 rgnu: llun ocr ol rn: u|fty ranrgrdct, rrt ,b GurnEtr rrc,tlt|t tt!04 or !E tgth, Dc rqr fl Frrrr Drt rrcrl nim pocnu nc-ili jiG.cr, o,, ncccl ?. lta ||lly cqrlsry ias -t ",- *q.qq FoFd co]Ehdn4 dr |atv qrtaaitldt. Cr.!,qc tlldy qr !r utf nnfi'trtErDtrr||raccrrftmr*r|d'nlsdrtu-t-arg.-nJiltrott|'bbrh*dhmaidnre,o',a H^IH1g*, lb* rG.D h r*nd ,,.t n E or'r ut-or o,e "6r-.sner,r-J'fifril1r o ,.ror, fr: L6qg7 5lqlct dE lotG(lrrbfl| -r.tth{ O|t.lgr fo !r |trEc tr|G-t t !,ral I F rfr |t { ba mffi;: * h -r '.v dta thc rirherud difii;ifi- tu d;i*r,i;d;;fr;"',e.a*nr F$acv\ttxrisfffi \'|.lnrrdlrrftt_d||hr, _l r.D.106.d:ftrr tol fa sEP 26.2004 10:09 197{J4681401 lrr8,llfiE pagc 2 :.. TICKET # .LOG.#: .utiltuil8 fitolu m00 foR il Dfls ffitlllttIFlBlE run mur B xn um r mflE rff ocslfllYE t:: Gru ttln E-ult8 E rilfi nils mE 06rill|0 m ffffiflto. PT flne .E ,G w T- w Flo -DR-s- El.ctdc Grt CATV Trl.phona W.ter Flb.r Optlc Ducl Run Sewat (71s} 471-0229 x**, V)tt Footagel - ADDRESS: . r::" - "Yl' EXCAVATOR: Hm M{trdr g}di o o.go o Nylor lttlrlre.i Tln. Anlved llne Co|ttpl.l.d p8trfrEy 0flrm Hftmft IAy 8t tr il0 tnl: IHEst ttc{lt|lq 8uT m[ ilt|T urfim m, $c0nrf,Y fgrrc, utltn,lto IFIEn IEIE]8 StRY|CS. r S nU iCrw0m msmfBlLf offir ilsr untf,t ilY uflE Pflmm il ulffimmm ttrm0s ff c(|ffiI[sY oltY ilil m umn [IY. NORTH ,t rl I t\ I I rfY tr DIG ALERT (lrr or more ot th. lollowlng ilen p.ellL f|cllllbo h.r Doon bcaled h or nor yout dlg r|q.P|.ft. pot holc rnd Ye?lly loo.tbo. tr Electrlc Feedol tr Flber Opttc tr Duct Bun tr H.P. G8s of T6lcphonc E 4' or Blgger Gai tr Watch & Protect/ Standby Bequlred Pleass call 719-471-0229 to schedule 8 tlme. EXCAVATOR NOTIFIED l{.ma D.ls Af A I ,/>z l"a Signature ol p€Bon on Job siE rgnffcl PRINT I-oCATORS NAME ETTEXDCD JOB AOREEIETT o|rcornodw ad l4ri thaithb odginal locab tiir(d F ir riH€d hb atd f|at locaFs wlI bg dona on r dlytodat bd' No.r(crir*E.fil. idro ds lrfl rhned olpcrofk b rEehlgd qY ou Corrpany ut fr tho cg rrna defind; EEvlb|E Slgndrs , TerriLux From: Sent: To: Subject: irthq@qvtrest.com Friday, April 28, 2006 2:54 PM TERRIJ@DAVELUX.NET Ticket Status from QWEST COMMUNTCATTONS To: TERRI LUX H/O Attn: TERRr LUX Vo.ice: 119-634-6188 Eax: Rer LocaLing facifities in the area of your excavation This is an j-mportant Safety Message from QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. We are replying to your request to _Locate our underground faci_Lities in an area where you are planning excavation work. The following is the current status of our facility marking in the area speci fied jn your notification. Ticket number 40115536 is: Your excavation does not pose a risk to Owest Comnunication's Local Network. please call 800-293-423l., if you have any questions. County: EAGLE PI.ace : VAIL Street: 39888 LUPINE DR Tf you have any questions about these responses to your excavation notification, please call 1-800-283-423i. [4AY.30,2006 12:05Pl/ -iSliP-erorzvv* r I !'rv Ltnt v fpnce FNFpnv 000-000-00000 N0.205 P 1 paee t Etti/.t UTII-TTYAFPROV L &vERrFrcAltofl mffmw.7 1Ti6 iirin*s-enee o ver{fy ltrar rhe gropo$ed Lnprorrements wlu not lmFatt any exiding or proposed udlry sewlcts, T9 dF to verfty service avatbbtltyind loeson br ns citffudbn and slfirld be |!ed In codrrlnclton u,i$ Fepatng yalr ubTtty plon and e+rcdutm Insrattadms. I dfe ptan, lndudlng Endng plan, flmr dan. and elerations, SraU be s.hmi$gd to fie follor'ring utlidrs for apFoval and vedfietlql As&erE+lSlseE{E CotnfietrE p!!l Qt|UEsr 9ru.51'-7189 (tel) 970,3si.0251fax) 970.6820722 (cell) Conbds: sta/e WaEr3 (walPrsOcwt5t. ceIR ETCil }iIGII PRETSURE GAS 970.262,1{175 (tel) 970.458.1401 (hr) C6ntact! Rkh Skrerus HOLY CROCS ELECTnIC 970.9{7.s42s (td) 970.945.4081 (fax) Conracl: )dfvroom jurusu.@bBlvse6g ssm EXCEL EI|ERGY 970.262.4038 (hx) ConBcts Kit BogNn 9/0262.{024 Kathstne Bogcrt EACI.E RIVER WATET & SAIITIAIIOi DISTRICT 970.47d74Eo (\el) 970.,t76,4089 (rrx) Contact Red Hadee nrdCeegsB6d4$ coltcllrrorlr,E 970.,166.2669 qr. 1f00 (Ef) 970.rt68.2572 (fax) coniitct Erdd Dorcas W s-&4 hf dde{y dqrqas0hci bl FJpmcast. com XCIEST 1. lf dre utillty aprrovat & Eifi€tbn bffi tus grgnatures From sadt of fie Udllty compEnes, and no corlln€nts ate nrade dkecdy 0n the furm, tfie Town will pr€sume uHt thse ?rB 0o Ffoblgn$ and tfie det/eloprngrt can proGed, 2. If a uillty comparry has conrErns widl tfie proposed consu1rtion, ttle udlry t@resentatiye sha note dlrectly on ttE udllly ynncafLfgnn !m 6€re iE e ptEolerD wttch neeG b be resolvad. Tlre tsoue siquld rheh be ddatFtl h an attadrerl tenato Ur6 T-orn of. \talL l-lowarnr, please keep in rilnd rhrrt it is rie rerporsibtny gf fte udliV comptily lnd'gte apetlerrt ri resoi*r,e iden(nsd ,noDlgyrs, 3, These lieflrt@tions do not rdievri tt|e cDnraclor of u1e r€sponsJbiliv b obbin r public li/dy pernt rorn []e D?grn neor of Rillc worl(i at tre Torrn of tail. r, j'V euUic iiifri.of*riv or eedenr widrin tne rorra of *u. ^ *,"Fh@ #rfi i*fr** Th: qeveloper is ?€qulred and agrees b flbmit dty retyigeO dnwingF to fie uulioies fur lt.approval & |c€itu[on f t]te thn{$-d-ans p ahered in rny way after the rurhorbed signrtrrie dac (rntesa od;iJAedff-lt-noted within Oe eommcnt aleB of tfiis fom), OwAopcfs Date Page I ol 14 F:\fje\4FoRtits\P{nnib\Dhnf og\DRstsrb_*{[ton_t t-23.Z0OS"rtoc 1r.r2J12005 XIEL STI{'IIT CTY gBr200{ 1?:ll Fax:970262167 FhU 30 206 10:52 000-000-00000 P.Or Prlte I SFP ffl9 urruwrlttwrl.rwrrtcAuoi flHfrH*,* " *iltv $.t u1g p;gprcd inporsttcilE wilt tta FnP*r rny.dalflg c progocd u*W.svis, rttdd$ to ilily-iirli'wJid*yina rcctrin ror na cbnrw([fi rnd 3iod0 !. u8e.t h ldu,r<doo '{ftt F+ri|rg !(|{ utllty Cq ind ifr;,r$nt fp|t*brti i ie gf5n, rUuOrp tdng ptur, tbr plm, rd .tevrUon$ tttaf b. $,bmt$d b lh frClowittg uUstir3 b awuYal 'id tttlfic|rtr.} Arlra!tsr.l8h$rl E@! Ortlt 9r0.5u.71r9 Grl) 9t0.tt1.0257(bi) 97tt 6t7.07r2 (cc{)ffictr: srvc ltlitcrg f sn|Jq,A,(&rut|at,((Jrl I Erclrffit|tll|jlllc S t70.26a{,76 (d) tto.,r€S, riol (Erl cqrt ct t:h 3ruE itcYGlGHrclttc 970,t+7,trt9 (rd) t70.04C.{fil (hnl Cffici rd Vrfin rlrrtctrE&@rdiB EI(ILCillr3v t70,r6r,a0ti (hx) ffid!: |(l &grt gr0:61,i{l}r |(|d'r.rttr| lqgt 5.a.au :ffirrlrrlflltl SrirraTlot ol8lttcl 970.47a7{0 (d) 97O.7t lds (fsr) Conffi F.rd l{a|.. lh|r{!3egrcdss cotclglGr|rr 9t0.{6r,269 ut Um (ts|) y,0..6t-?6?r (tu) Co.lh4r: or|d osrl3 ftr{rly dottx6c+ bl!:.! umgci xtt! tqEl t. fte Vtfillc|tonr Cg not r'dLrt t'l en&€tr d lE-ilrpo,Ebltl t9 cqfi . ttdac th], rrrlnft tfir drc OeDrr|rtr,tt d tubllc U,oda I 6rr Toffi of l/bil. *iltin Ur Tom 0f lEL l. U Etc drft |eFsral A tslfic|qoi fldtl hs dgmlnt frtln G.dr ot t|n uillty ccnpanic, and rt G t rf,rts ea rnrdc dlnrdv go ihG fsrn, t||. Town |fll p.rrrnE lhat t gr a m PtlDhno anat nr aerdoetnst cin fchO- 2, r._utmy -Tpry hr cotrer'" wrllr.fte ryEq crrqqot fr. rJw GlrEnr.dF cril ioE dtrrdt on ura,slty yific{g tgnr tfst ttrcn b a Eoilrn sttkn n*!A b b. nrot.d. nc irarrdrolirtrn br'frr.thd hr;;Udid t r!.rbdr: Joq_of vil, lb'.,Gr*, ta... t+9 h n*nd u$r t ts ute rqorcbitky * un uurrv cofi.fa"y iil illG ;ti|ilfrt b r*rE i.t.iultd trdcfll3 ilr olYalFh nquind fid {nrabrJhltilryrtfitl dnrfr$ tt tie utfidG br rt-.petsf,l I rr*ificdon i, drc rDiq+ +il f.. dhcd in rty wrt.ft.? ttn rtnrircr| {pillre dru (untcr orclr*s i*frodv-iodl-r.rutin thc onrnat |rtr C thr fr?|i), EHoFllion{utt F:!d64f oRH6ftnrlrsgilTng\Dt$drb,.-die.Ll r,tlrB5.dr h9r I af l{ fr---..__q_ 1V2U 05 r,tFY ?5 'A6 zl|tas 13 , 2004 14:!2 PnoE.e2 page 9't 02624057 w-wo-qxxD SEP..08,2004 17:{4 000-000-00000 page 2 r\-1.,./:r UTIUTYAPPROY T &VERIFICfTIOII mntI/M/ Tlis form s€rues b \/t'W that fte propoced lmpwunenB wtll not impact ary Existing or Flposed utility seruces, and dso b wrlfy sewie avallabllty and locilon fil trw concDucuon and shculd be us3d in conjunctlm whh pr€pa.ing yorr utilrty dan snd sdeduling insb||at'nns A stE p|an, Indudhg gr?ding pltn, noor Can, and demtins, dull be c,rbmitEd b $e liClowln! udltirr f$ .pProval and yeflnca$n, Auhcrir.d Siqnrtun D!tr QWEsI e70.513.7169 ftel) e70.384.025(f.x) 970,687.0722 (adl) Contads: Steve WaterT swaters@lowc.st.com EXCEI HI6H PNE!q'NE GA!' 970.262..1075 (rd) 9m,468.140I (far) Corbd: Rich Sisnercs }IOIY GNOSE ELECTnIC 970,947.542s (tel) 970,9{s.41tsl (far) Conbct leff Vrcom jrreon@h.9ly.g@ EXGL EilENGY 970262,4018 (rdn) OonbG: Kit Bogalt 9m,262,{024 Xahedm Bogst E CLEnnERW nr,r sfftlt^Troil Dtsrucr 970.476.74E0 (tel) 970,476.,1089 (far) Contac$ fted Hasle€ ftraslee@e1w5g!49 coHc arcrBtE 970,458.2569 Ert 1100 (h|) 970.46E.2372 (fax) Coilact: Brad Dorcas bradely dQE:_as6tc.able.cofiE U!co!! IdTES! 1' r ItE tnility aprval & vErifiotilrn |bm ha Snafures fron eadr of the utillty ccnpanies, and no @mrn€nts are made diredy on the form, fie Town wirr rlsnne that *rge am no prouems ato ure oergopniem d; ;t#. '- - 2. If t udllry ccrnpary has ooncdhs wih tle pmposed con00e6lon, tE rnility rcpresenHiw Crall nre dirccdy on 0|e utillfy t/GriMim brm dilt lhtE i6 a sousn whkfi needs p ba rtrJ".a. me. rrqr" .i,"riotren u ireurco in an atraoed lccer b the Torn-of. Val[ Howver, dece keep in minrt drat ii L t.-i.i+omiUfiV of $e udllty cdnpany and thr .pplisrt b rE3olt/c idEnD'nad troblems. 7\rK Datc Page 9 d 14 Gommenli . ,Drrx-,, *,ffiH*:E*j:f llPf.l:=.ry-d therespondbillty F_ qFin B..hrHk way pennit from rrte Deearrnem of Puuic Worl(s at the Town of Vatt.In_any public ilght{f-way or easnanr wlthh il|e Town ot Vall. Dadods Signature The oeuiloeet ll rcquirud ald ag]eEs b $Jbmlt y.r€uicad dEu,lngs b the udhties ftr rsapprlMal & ru.vedncauon if $e euDmhed plarc rrc alEred in anv way after ttre as$orited "trt"t " a.e i*rrs.itr"i#$ldriv noted wtftln f," comment arca of thir fom). Fr\odc\^FmHS\P€nnb\HilntA\DRBVb_ddiuon_1r-Z:r.2005Joc ,ll23,I?,F6 '. Terri Lux From: Sent: To: Subjeet: tickets@undergroundlocators.com Saturday, April 29, 2006 6:16 PM TERRIJ@DAVELUX.NET Underground Locators response Ticket N umber:AO1 1 5536 This notice was sent by Underground Locators in reference to Ticket Number: A0115536 Ticket Information Ticket Number: A0115 5 3 6 IIf ilil rr. -m-efmt Response: No locate required Address: 3988B LUPINE DR City/County: VAIL / EAGLE Ca11er Information Company Name : TERRI LUX H,/O Contact Person: TERRI LUX ConLact- Phone #: (719) 634-6788 Desren AvEr-nncnl Lonis PnoposEo Corr-Dlxor,r Duplex l-or 2, BraHonh Vnrr, Corcmno PnrpeReo ron: Gennu Dixoru Drxon & Assocrnreifnicirreiri .1011 Sounr Gevlonu DEnven, Cor-oinoo 80209 4 _t) )' June ASSOCTATES, IFIC.Consulting EnginrrB Bould.t. Color.do tt3O 66|h $,.tr Ecatd... Coto.{o AOOO!trrco. l3og,,a,aa.fofl l'lr. Gerald Dixon 9lIg"^" Assoc iates,/Arch i teets rur I Jouth Gaylord Denver, colorado gozog Dear Jerry: Ref: 7991 In order to expedite tlra r'-l-^-r-^ ,building-;;r-ilil:t-the avalanche dynamics analysis for the proposed nea rs dJ ii. ilir.r' iirTr;, I"il'ri3 ril:f;;rui":ui:h.T-r.5";Tr" }lhen vre can be of help, please call, June 28, 1979 Sincerely, ' scoTT, cox AIIDJASSOCIATES, tt{c. nla PREViOIJS I.JORK AXD LIMiTATIONS OF STUDY As inciicated in a previous avalanche dynamics and defense stsdy (Arthsr l. l4ears and xcDouell-Smith and Associates, 1976)' the iocation of the pi'oposed Coie-Dixon duplex on Lot 2, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addltion, Vail, Colorado, is subject to impact from des!gn-magni iucie snow avalanches. Such avalanches, as described in detail in tha rePort referenced a'oove, consist of a mixed lorer-level dry-floring comPooent and of a porder avaianche cbmponent. This report should be consulted for details of the formation, release, and rotion of design avalanches at this location. A duplex strusiure is planned within the ggdg:,tlgae{9 gortlon of the 'avalanche runout zone; archi tcctural details of this structure are ciescribeo in plans developed by Dixon and Associates./Architects. This report specifies unit forces on various surfaces of the proposed structure. The loadings are developed frorn data obiained frqm the Hea;s and llcDowell-Smith study and frorn the architectural pians of Dixon anci Associates. The loads specified in this report r.toulcj not necessarily apply to other structures, nor rould they apply at this iocation if the architectui'al details or landscapiog ulere altered from those specified in the 0ixon and Associatesr pl ans. I I. SURFACES EXPOSED TO AVAI.ANCHE FORCES A}ID HAGNITUDE OF FORCES The surfaces cxposed to eval anche forces.are shown in plan and elevation. views in Figures I and 2. These figures are copied f rom the csrrent archi- tectural plans of Di:<on and'Associates/Architects- . These surfaces are exposed to nonna I and shear forces as the avalanche flows over the earth berm. Unit forces are: Normal unit Force: 470 lbs/ft2 Shear Stress: 235 lbs/ft? -l - .fota."shoul d be assured to act ncirma i to exposed surfaces, in- Shear stresses are parallel'to these surfaces and as the is paral lel simi lar to nornal and cluding glass hori zontal . doors. These roof surfaces are exposed to a shear stress paral.lel wlth the general fall line.above the building and to a normal stress. Shear Stress: 2a ]fos/ftZ Nonrnl Unit Force: 150 lbs/ft2 The norml force results fron deposition of avalanche snow on the roof and are in addition to norrnal snov loads due to precipttation. This eiso epplies to surfaces 3 and |t, both ofwhich are exposed to precipi- tation snow loads in addltion to avalanche loads. C. Surfaces 3 a. b These roof surfaces are exposed to.shear and norroar stresses avalanshe.flows over the top of the struciure. Shear stress witb'the general fail line above thq building. Shear Stress: 20 lbslft? Norrnal Unit Forqe: 100 lbs/ft2 D. Surfaces 4 a. b These roof surfaces are exposed to shear and.no'nal stresses those of surfaccs 3 a, b. Shear Stress: 2O lbs/ft2 Normal Unit Force: lO0 lbs/ft2 E. Surfaces 5 a, b The chimneys act a5 sroalr spritting wedges and are exgosed to shear stiesses on the vertical upht I I surfaccs. Surfaces -2- The shear foree The uplift shear cal . Nonnal Unit Force: Shear Stress: Uplift Shear Stress; is perpendicular to the force is perPendicular lus/ftz t us/ft2 :.rrslf12 normal force and horizontal. to the normal force and verti- 330 t55 50 The stone fi replaces are exposed to normal surfaces. Normal Unit Force: Shear Str.ess: and shear stresses on tvro F- Surfaces 6 a, b Surfaces I a, b, cause failure In bui ldlng during rti ru"lrt2 7o lbslft2 This report does not specify design forces for thE garage located between the units. Thus the gar€ge Gannot be expected to withstand forces fron the design avalanche. The hazard to the garage is increased because the earthen berm on the uphill side of cac,h unlt trould tend to deflect sngllr into the garagE arca. The llebrs and l{cDcrrell-Smith study specificd that structures on Lot 2 r.ould be exposed tq stagnation Pressures from pcrrder avalanches, in c, and d are erqposed to large forces that glass doors aod windorrs and sllqr snow to desi gn-avalanche condi tions. wi ll probably enter the -3- 8J86.s X 14.5 x8J86.6 "T>^ -- i.r t{at.t GARAGE SLAB X tt= 8387.6 UNITA 8p87.6 EDGE OF PLOIAIED ASPHAL ORI\€WAY A=0438'40" R=897.70' L=72-76' T=36.41' C LEN=72.75' BRG=552'23'10"E 6oor ee4/ EL=8a09.82 'ili'r.,n o.+ r C 3 z l'l I 4 rrl ul O T = SNOW STORAGE ANALYSIS DRIVEWAY SQUARE FOOTAGE uNtT B 529 SQ. FT. (SEE HATCHED DR|VEWAY AREA) SNOVII STORAGE AREA SHOIA'N uNrT B 319 SO. Fr. PERCEiITAGE 310 /529 x 100 - 6()% NOTE: ENTRY WALI(WAY SNO,I, TO BEADDED TO SNol'iI STORAGE AREA SHOVU\I. DRTVEWAY AREA OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE TO BE STORED IN RIGHTOFWAY. 8884.8 SlBs 4 3 EI(STING PARKING SPACES TO REMAIN - *TEF a1J5J.6 E)(ISTING CONCRETE PAI AND CULVERT TO REMAIN SEWER MANHOLE OOSO INVERT-8377.0 MEAS RIM=8585.0 3 -.1 I I I I I I I I ---i-' I I I I I ) (o o o N lrJ z f,a (o N -t F =g) l a c)E o UTILITY LOCATION INFORMATION BASED UPON UNDERGROUND LOCATORS, LLC TICXET *AIM268 AT.ID PAINTED MARKIiIGS DAIED Ort-27.06 SP ,,,/'aECK ' rL= 8J9J DECK UNDER SNOW AND ICE NOT MEASURED MAIN LEI/EL EL=s38+6 t.- - - - - ;a'-til-il|*-scsrruo- ''.', ROOF PEAK \ ,/ BRING FORCVARD TO \ /. I PROPOSEDOECK E(|STTNG SNO/rl STORAGEAREAf; TO REMAIN -_t - /_ __,._ __ --.-_--F_=!7 -4: _: - -; 81il&il\ r'-\ -tti -: - --,--:- , x SNQ/YSTORAGE lN ''8J87'2 FRoMroFEXstNc \. \. ETIITRYATiID PROFOSED 1 ..Froexsnrue -l i - cou;;r6'H-oo'':: ',- ,jL: :lg:er.-El aril'- wELL o.o-i .J r F o lrJ Eo Ecs iHg' 9Eqi =Fg: -I E o o Ji, ^utr IJ;OE =!uJ e,^ -,,a 6 C,5 =e !t-- I F t-E=O "rf tr 86. = qJ R d.s -(I x1 HE Jcl Jur -E t J o 6 o o F' BUILDING OUILINE ,:" - 'E- @4 "28"2006 - '{?t .-r{'t' " .J , r-i't '!PP ! i-iz]. 2,,','': >'v- *.--,i*.:-.**-I \r* '\. ! - t.\.. " l'"ii -' @4"28.2CI06 a^ t' 00.12.06 Lu Reddence Addltlon Lot 2, Block 2, Blghom Subdlvlslon Flrut Addltlon \ N 39888 Luplne Drive, Vall, Colondo ,\ ..N'\ Zonlng Analyels: Propoced Gondltlons \-\\ * \ ,/ \4r lotslzo: .569acre/24,786sq.fr t Bsed on Topographic Sun ey by Eagre vattey Surveying & Zonlng: Tuo Fanily Re$dentid Zoning Sobrclr: Z0'Fnnt 15'Sld€s 15'Rear Helght 33'SlopedR0ofs,30'FldRoofs L.ndlcrplng: 14,871 q. t. (minimum 60% of lot size) 2,974 sq. ft. (muimum 2096 of 6f,6 brdecks, utalks, *.) Sib Cwenge: 2,363 sq. t. (2,128 sq. fl. existing + Z3l q. I .4611;on, (muimum 4,$57 q. ft.) FAR (Flmr Anr): Ilxlmun! oor TOV Zonlno 7,772q.ft. Prcoosed lhellino Unit Basement Level: 64 q. ft. (804 sq. ft. - 740 sq. ft. Unexposed Deduction) LowerLevel: 742sq.ft. Main Level: 1,262q.ft. (1,562 sq. ft. - 300 q. ft. 1 Vehide Garage Crcdit) Upper Level: 731 sq. ft. No Vaulted Soace over 16' Proposed FAR: 2,799 q. ft. Unured: 4,973 q. ft. (7,772 sq. fr. allowed - 2,799 sq. ft. proposed) Iotal FAR unused:4,973 sq. ft. Pafiing: Existing 3 spaces (under 4,000 sq. ft. 3 spaces) 'Please note that the above numbers ae su$ect to verification by fie Town of Vail Planning Staff. t'1 1l :l d I' i' l.r (,A b ttl Ect IeE EE.<x8 EfrEe A=J? EEe.s =er: -I ts o o Jt _uF IJ .i OE =!t He zEx A "Y = TF F O-- = qJ = ES lJ cf AF -!o x1 -iE JO J u,l =o.f E o o o G' (c'o o (\ UJ z l t\r{ J F =o l ]n o E o EX|ST|NG wl OOW WELL TO REMAIN WIiIOOW WELL PER SECTION R31O OF IXE I|YTER|\IATIONAL RESIOE|tNALCOOE LOWER LEVEL & BASEMENT FLOOR PI-AN n__.i 013 Exrsrirc w us |I TO REMAIiI I I REc RooM [ ,ro*oo" A101 R F (.) ttl EG, p$s iHe'.I=JG EEa-s =er: EOOE R@F # REAUlD EX|T STAIR PER R311.5 O'THE tRc l/-)*r',"o.* J PER 5II€ PLAN REEUILO ENIARGEO oEcx -c ts o o JA HI OE =-2 H Hs P ;q = cJ = oS lJ .f x'- -E =i =o.f o a9 ao o G' rc'o o t\ uJ z f t\l d t- F =o :)ut m &o -6ROUND IEVEL SETAACX PER SITE o€c( sTAtR 59'DTOO a REERS O7 3y'8' TR€AOs GI II' EXtSnflc OASEMENT EGRESS TO REMAIN RELOCATE E'ILAROED GAMGE OOOR ANO REMOVE EXiSTll'lG II'IIERIOR WALIS 2 I E o o P o WELL PER R3IO.2 MAIN & UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PIAN l-l_J 013 -" OVERfRAME FLOOR ON EXSIIII|G ENTRY PER STRL'CTUnAL DRAWI'IGS FOn MUD R@M FL@R EXtStlNG DECK ffi- A102 o o. F o ttt Eo FsH IHs'FI=JG E58.s =FgI z I E o cl E E E ci E I a,z do +ct =II --q :;o ::o 0i =<rr. > ni F o d o ul =c : o o o o ct J t!o o =ul t z o -F d o x f J (o o o f\tl llJ z f l\ F =o f (n o 4 o liEW ELEVATED FIAT R@F OVER EX|Sr|IS / NZ NZ Z\ Z\/ rz_ _\r /n , ./ 1 \ ) -/\ aoor ovERria^E ' TO MATCH EXISNNG A103 ROOF PI.AN AOO SNOW CUPS PER €A5I N€IOHEORS ROOF ,/, --rL -l WROUGHT IRON MlUtlG ) Ll)l |/ iI -\-EXISIING EORESS wlNDOW WELLTO REMAIN WEST ELEVATION rll 013 l JI NORTH ELEVATION ---I t_______J ol3 ALL EXTERIOR DEIAILS, FrNrsHES AND COr-OR5 rcl o o (\l uJ z :f (\ l- =co :) LN o d.o TO MATCH EXlSTll',lc S'ONE VENEER TO MAICH EXISTING STONE VENEER wtNoow WELIPER -/ sEcTtoN Rllo oF ---._r,!1 I TOP OF SI-AB C tr-,, t- WROUGHT IRONGUARDMIL PER sECNON R]TI AND $T2 OF THE IRC l lr ll fl L _ __.i A2 01 I F o ul EG, Hss ineu /r=J? iEe.s *e:: -9 F o o JE -uE IJA OE =-2 "t Fc z- gE O "lf tr 56_ = qJ H ds l-l .{ x -iE -o JuI - o.f o ID o o G' I 'OUNOATION +!r I F o lu Eo Ies Eg; EfrEs 9Eqi =er: -I ts o o JE ^uE IJ^OE =i ltJ a_ta ai C,5 E9 - 9p 1--O=O.il tr 86. = qJ R d.s IN x1 -c,JA Jul =A I o o o o G' rC,o C)(\ uJ z f t\ s F =o f tn E &.o PROPOSED FI"AT R@F OVER EXISTII\E ROOF PRO6I€Ii! AREA L 8817 r/4{ EXISTIIIO IOFOCRAPHY TO N€MAIN I I ,,L HOT rUB O€C( Y 89111 t/a' I SOUTH ELEVATION lt I ol3 A202 --#.'"H sEE STR(jCTU&qL DRAWINGS FOR FLAT ROOF FRAMII\IG OETAILS REINFORCE EXISTIII€ STRUCTURE AS REQUIREO I I NFBUILD ACCESS S'AIR AIIO \ OVENFRAME MUO R@M LANOII\F PERSECNON R311 \ TIOOR OVER OARAOE sUA OVERFRAME XITCHEN FLOOR OV€R ENTRYSLAB PER STRLJCTURAL OFAWIN65 FR^MIiE ANO FOUNDATION PER STRUCTURAL ORAWINGS #-jH OF IHE IRC PER STNITTUML DNAWINGS SECTION A I l------J 013 PROVTDE COUICTION AREA FOR FLAT ROOF RUNOFF AND CONNECT TO EXENNG ORAIiI -!Y9]EM REI|OVE €X|srflc HOT IUA ANO OECX NEWAOOn|oi| AEYOTID r.o (>o t\ UJ z D t\ F =o f r.tt E t o OVERfAAME 14UO ROOM FIOOR OVER GAMGE SLAB PER STRI'CTURAL DRAWINGS INFIL! EXISNNG GARAGE OPEiIII{G5 ANO PROVIOE NEW OPENIIIGS PER SIRLIC]URAL DRtwl1165 SECTION B n=iT I t-, 013 A301 I F fJ lrJ Eo Ens iHE'A=J? E58.s =Fg: -c ts o o o g lt ci o f o -60 +cl i6< -e o6 ^iJ .;o :: (, OJ d3 d F o c o tu =E f o o o ot (.' J IIJ o o =ul t z 9 E o o x 3 J o r F o ttl Ect *ss Eg; EfrEr ;EqI =er: GRFA LOWER LEVEL 742 SQ FI 2 I ts o o JB lfl g -t - A OE =-2 IIJ A- =gi O.if E E3 e i3 IJ ..f x -i e,Jcl Jur - o.l o ct 6 ct G' (c'o o (\ UJ z a N F{ J F =o f ut o t o BASEMEIII TOIAL AASEMENT8O4 SQ. FI. 92% UNEXPOSED CONDITION 804 X .92 - 740 sQ. FT. DEDLTIION GRfA aASEMEM 64 Sq. fi. LOWER LEVEL AND BASEMENT GRFA 4701 I F o ttJ E. HgE iHE' 9Eqi =Fi: z I E o o JB ^uE LI;OE =!uJ e_ta A C,5 =E r- 9P (-E-O af tr 66. E f,3 x1 -c JEt Jul =E I o €o B tc,o o N t!z l (\r{ F =o f tn o d o GRFA UPPER I.€VEL731SQ, FT. 20.74.q. ft. 16,63 sq, ft, MAIN LIVEL TOTAL tl^lN I.EVEL 1562 SQ. FT. 3@ Sq, FT. ONE PARKI\|C SpAC€ Ei|CLOSED OARAGE CBEOIT GRfA MA|N ISVEL 1262 SQ. Fr, MAIN AND UPPER LEVEL GRFA A702 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 16, 2006 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lux 1270 Mesa Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80906 (Fax) 719.635.6318 Re: 39888 Lupine Drive/Lot 28, Block 2, Bighorn Subdivision 1't Addition DRB06-0219 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lux, Thank you for submitting an application for final design review of the addition of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and several minor exterior alterations at the referenced address. I have reviewed the plans and compiled the following comments for your review. Site Plan , ,rhrd / Please indicate both the existing and proposed amounts of site coverage for the entire lot. Site f [f , Coverage must not exceed 20% for the entire lot and not simply for one side of the duplex.v A t)rt] U 17 r' Please note that this lot exists within a Moderate-High Hazard Snow Avalanche area, a High (l Severity Rockfall area, and a High Hazard Debris Flow area. Though a report from 1982 has ' been submitted noting suggested mitigating measures for the Rockfall Hazard, Staff is missing similar reports noting mitigation measures for the Snow Avalanche and Debris Flow Hazards. Please submit the appropriate reports, per the Section below: 1. ...1n any area identified as a debris flow or debris avalanche area by the Mears map, or in any area identified as a rock fall arca by the Schmueser map, no initial application for a building permit, grading permit or major or minor subdivision shall be approved until a sife specfc geologic investigation is complete. For the puryose of this section, a srle specrfc geologic investigation shall ba deemed a detailed geologic investigation which is applicable to each l rcspective site. AII rcports and studies required by fh,s section shall be prepared by a I "professional geologist', as defined by Colorado Revrsed Slatutes section 34-1-01, as amended, or a'registered professional engineer', as defined by Colorado Revtsed Statutes section 12-25-- 102, as amended, underthe direction of and atthe expense of the owner/applicantand submitted to the Department of Community Development. 2. The extent of the site-specific ecologic investigation required shall be determined by the geologist or engineerwho is responsrb/e forthe investigation (Section 12-21-15, in paft, Vail Town Code). flp *u"rttto ,oru*. ,*lpa Wrh / Please delineate snow storage on each Lot in the equivalent of 30% of the total paved area on that Lot. Please note that deck areas and areas beyond the property line do not constitute snow storage. Per the Vail Town Code, snow storage is defined as follows: All required pa*ing and access areas shall be designed to accommodate on-sife snow stonge (i.e., within boundaries of lot and not within lhe rightof-way). A minimum functional area equaling 30% of the paved arca shall be provided contiguous to the paved arca and designed to accommodate snow storage. Tuf areas and other areas without trees may be utilized for this puryose. lf diveways are heated, then the minimum snow storage area may be reduced to 10% of the required parking and access areas (Section 14-5, Vail Town Code Development Standads Handbook). Architectural Floor Plans r' Please submit plans that indicate the amount of GRFA existing within the A duplex. As with most of the Town's development standards, the allowable GRFA is based upon lot size. Because this lot is .569 acres, the allowable GRFA for this lot is 7,772 squarc feet. The verification of the adjacent GRFA is nec€ssary to prove that the GRFA for the lot will not be exceeded through this request. Liqhtinq Plan / Please submit a lighting plan that includes the number of existing/proposed lighting fixtures for both units. Again, the lighting allowance (one (1) fixture per1,000 square feet of lot size) is based on total lot size, not per % duplex. Other / Please prepare to have the project site staked and taped to indicate property lines and the proposed addition corners. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the Design Review Board meeting, at which the applicant or lheir representative shall be present. Please do not be overwhelmed by the extent of these issues as I am certain that we will be able to resolve each and every issue in good time. Often, additional information is needed following additional submitted materials as well. However, please note that in order for the Design Review Board to review this proposal on Wednesday, July 5th, all requested items must be submitted to me no later than Friday, June 30th at 12 noon. Please dopt'hesitatd ts.co_ntact me with any questions or concerns you may have. 970.479.2454 cc: Jerry Miramonti Miramonti Architect PC PO Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 Reed - Lux residence DRB06-0219 1 From: JR Rulapaugh To: Elisabeth Reed Date: OG|23|?OOO 10:24:11 AM Subject: Lux residence DRB06-0219 Has been reviewed and approved. J.R. Status: I Approved Gouuulrw DEVELopMENT Rounxc Fonna I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:06/14106 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:06/21106 Description of work:Addition at front, site walls Address:3988 B Lupine Dr Legal:Lot:28 Block:2 Subdivision: I Biqhorn Subdivision 1"'addition Comments:Date Reviewed: 6/16/06 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Show snow . 30% unheated. Show west side of and access easement. More comments with revisions. ZOi\E CFTDCK Datc: Lcgal dcscription .. Lot Z Addrcss Grncr Architcct Zonc di Lot cst in a 250 cy'll Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks i.andscaping RctainingWall Hcigtrs Prrking Garagc Crcdit l! 7aL': Addi Minimu su0Bllqssl lEld SCJTIEUEA Phonc Phonc Buildable Allorvcd Existin e . Proposcd q a- TorarGRFA ---::- +_-- =jb30 l6 Prinrary CRF,{ /A -ll- ta Scton dary a^r "h__wwltwb4L_ Total w 27?a Rcmaining - #'^ ( / /laa /ffT # /?5a /rlo <==- @, w ,L rL< Olc- sst33V f,lrJ r aiarolg r,roug (ape.6 pur sslcre) ,{e,tc,ruq snrDrU Euruml cEeregrduqre; .jr;T AtlvT * a Nfi&. a'tL 450 ,u/ = f6/ sooi tr\t'f' (30vJ3) ./tr- Front 3'/ 6',l-,'W74 . 1+1 Rcouircd t9-'* /)/' (30c|' c600) (900) (1200) + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition oct this Horv\n(ch of Lll,l seJu:)J \f(l , . IISURVEY Q FLOORPLANS -\ nal ^ r' :-' - ' Bcnchmark .\' ." ' '' ;,"t.r, r, ta.Lcgat dcscfiltion r i;:'. .. ! Lot Sizc .- : .-.' Buildablc Area Eascmcnts En u Topography A BUILDING ELEVATIoN5 .':'r. '.,lg0yr.floodplain .l \\i;'-.+..=- scalc lVato Coursc Sctback -, r Environmcn ta I Hazards _'. Trees Utility locations +- Spot clcvations .U SITEPLAN Scalc .---..: Building Height ,. ) ..rl.:. . Encroachmcnts 'scibacks "' Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility vcrifi cation form Gangc conncction 1 ., .i; .---.:- \Sitc Grailc\Slopc. \" r...|..r|1.| ___-.:_ , \Rgta.iru'nC WaUs. Photos ofsitc Buil ding matcrial samplcs C.O. Viritication Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utiljties (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dcclc/Balconics Item # or Keyword Advatneed Seendfqq! 30-5892 - Banded Exterior Sconce, Iron & Rustic Exterior Sconces Hubbardton Forge, w... Page I of 2 My Account 7ai Live Help - (S77) 5394850 - Available Now ! Support / Help 'Horrr.-'shop By Room' Product Home > Outdoor S[t"p By Brond lmpirdonGellery 30-5892 - Banded Exterior Sconce By Hubbardton Forge Llghting Unlverse Part # 817338 This product has been discontinued. There are no more in stock. Uniquely designed outdoor wall sconce. This quality fixture is made of aluminum with a closed top glass diffuser. Avaihble in four finishes an, Frame available in Mahogany, Bronzg, Dark Smoke, Black, and Nr Dlffucer avallable in Opel, Stone, or Seffra glass. Note: Bulbs are not included with this fixture. Shown in Natural lron finish with Smooth Opal Glass. View Larger lmage Lighting > Exterior Sconces > lron & Rustic > 30-51 Mfr Product ld: Part #: Dimensions: Materlal:: Voltage: Constructlon Detalls: Retums: Usage: Listing: Usually Leaves Warehouse ln: Finiah Optiono: Glar! Finilh Options: Size Optiona: Lamp Options: Bulbo: 54602 - 6 Bulbs 54602 - 60 Bulbs Due to the application of certain finishes, slight variations in colt Why buy from Lighting Univense? t--.1 (What's thrs?) List Price: Show prices in: =Pr IeIl +e*€€it- ft Free Shipping to Lower 48! 30-5892-07-K66 817338 \Mdth: 5" - Height 12" - Projection:4.5" - Vlblded Aluminum 120 Volt Custom made in US May not be retumed Exterior \Ar€t @, c.u.r-. r-irt"o 3 to 7 business days Dark Smoke View Samples Saffra Glass View Samples 12" High x 5" \Mde (1X00w BT-15 Halogena Med http:/iwww.lightinguniverse.conq/pendant-lights/view.aspx?family:16466 6/6/2006 36-5796 - l3t/rnch Banded Exterior Pendant, Iron & Rustic Exterior Pendants Hubbardto... Page I of 2 t, i ': il ;. ., 1; , ,,.,., :: E l{ i.'i strowrooms & Events 7ai Livc ftelp - {877) 539-8650 - /) r.i ri1' , t.ri,.,.' ' Horrra '- Shop 8y Room -' "' "., ' .:'- shop By Brond " My Account ! Support / Help Ins$ratlon Gellery Item # or Kelrword Advance{t Search Tool Product Home > Outdoor Lighting > Exterior Pendants > lron & Rustic > 36-5 36-5796 - 13yr" Banded Exterior Pendant By Hubbardton F Lighting Universe P art * 81WT This product has been discontinued. There are no more in stock. llliA /r^,r,",'..'h'.',\ This exterior pendant features a box design enclosed by banded alur canopy kit with 15' wire and 3' chain. The diffuser is available in Opal, Stone, or Saffra, glass. The frar Mahogany, Bronze, Dark Smoke, Black, and Natural lron finish. Note: Bulbs are not included with this fixture. List Price: Show orices in: E: lol +l.ll=e} : ii:::l :, 1i ll ':.i Shown in Dark Smoke finish with Opal glass. View Larqer lmaqe Mfr Product ld: Part #: Dimensions: Voltage: Construction Details: Return8: Usage: Listing: Usually Leaves Warehouse ln: Finish Options: Gla$ Finish Options: Lamp Options: Bulbs: 36-5796-'t2-K78 810447 \Mdth: 7.25" - Height: 13.5" - Length: 7.2 120 Custom made in US May not be returned Exterior Damp UL Listed 5to9 Rust business days Saffra Glass (1)75wA19 Med Vir:w Samplos Vieyr Samples F Why buy from Lighting Univerce? r I l:. t Shr:[',:: r ri ,,,'; i ,t- G.,,,rll' i,., http://www.lightinguniverse.com/pendantJights/view.aspx?family:142353 .:'-,i-r, I,rr,'3.;,;<. UI Itr\.,,UL - DUiL Due to the application of certain finishes, slight variations in c< 6t6/2006 T 30,2005 10:23A 0s0-000-00000 lqalDeacli$ml Lot .2E -. Bbcrj_ SuldivUon,. qlshomfAddt$$ Ad&!!s; ChnenDavs Projsd Numbe" pn loeoasr -,The rfiergigrud has/havro ed the alts speclf,c gpologic hyaEfigefiion, pnpEred Uy mtre ?oB cayof zlf'!. ilWe undtrsbnd fiom the condutions thetthe prcpqsed h locailedin " ownerNam@i $TATEOFCOLOBADO ) couNTYOFHcLE i'"' the lorcgoirtg instnrnent urrs adarowledgBd uaturtmcfiie &_orv ot #ln,20 0Q b,, page 2 and hhh hazant tttbrlE lbw hgad zone, and ttrere Ls tre pocnflsl hsnf of the mfcnnced hazenb reedrf,ng the prqosed rfucilra, ceuslng drmage, l/We sre pruparsd b ilcept f,ece bde and Fquest that fl\e Tswn of Vall communi,ty Dereloflneft Departnent gnent tlr . brJldhe penniL -E>\\ J-J- - OrnrerlSig;ffi- _JZq.r'D t/v\. Lwx @ - l?r"j =L,r" __l erri U/ilpss my hind end My commlscim CfDtlaE ! frI Sp1rtt lTfill[.cd "_8u443 Fllclal(S\0aub ltErd Rn,ijn_.t+t,drr I k$-g.P "i r , i.,' ilgc.t: tly Cdtunbdon Eirt'Strfftrft coii*s{fY6q0F|Brt Deslgn Review Board ACTIOif FORlrd D€part{ent of cornmffi lty o€velopmsnt 75 South Frontaqe Road. Yail, Colorado 81537 tsl:9t0.47s.2139 fax:970.479.245? web: trsrv.vail{ov,com Project Namer LUX CHANGE Project Description: DRB Number: DRB080171 CHANGE TO DRWEWAY AND LANDSCAPING- CHANGE DRIVE\A'AY TO 28' X 12' AND EUMINATE PLANTER BOX FOR 3'X 6' PLANTEING AREA Pafticipants: owNER LUX, DAVrD M. - D.T. LUX ENT 0512712008 1270 MESA AVE COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80905 APPUCANT LUX, DAVID M. - D.T. LUX ENT 0512712008 1270 MESA AVE COLOMDO SPRINGS co 80906 Project Address: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3988 'B' LUPINE DR Legal Description: Lot: 2-B Block 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN lST ADDffiON Parael Number. 27O7-IL7-O3@-7 Comments! Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/28/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryt 0512812008 By: MY Action: AP The applicant shall construct a 36 inch tall hand rail, with a maximum 4 inch rail spacing, around the basement egress window well. Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constifute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: CON0010031 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0010030 The applicant shall install a 36 inch tall hand rail, with maximum 4 inch rail spacing, around the basement egress window well. The railing shall match the existing deck railing. Cond: CON0010032 The applicant transplant the approximately 20 foot aspen tree currently located adjacent to the new drive to a new location on site. If the tree is not transplanted, the applicant shall plant comparable height of new aspen trees, Cond: CON0010033 The driveway shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width as measured from the basement egress window well to the edge of concrete. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L28 fax: 970.479 "2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development DeparUnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and onstruction commenes withan one year of the approval. Description of the Request:tla-(L Cnwuh- "-r-*-l +'t-2,^-' r.+-lL2tu- An-<. a?l-4'n'C/''- T'L -oitrA piopoGlt Lot: hlock: v n- subdivision: PhysicalAddress: 4qffi b Parcef No.: LlAl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Owner(s) I tt-\r s 6o o s A/A (e For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. $20 3 Sets of Plans Addressing P@ect Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Name of Applica*t I ZTLF- i LUY Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: fl Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requirements: For Office Fee Paid:9rY'By: Meeting Date:DRB No.: Planner: Check No.:- Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Ptanning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedilans-liage-05-1 1-2006'doc JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above' I understand that the proposed improvements include: .\ t\ r\ , I,(printnamel \a\ofie- N' \ale-l 'a jointownerof propertvlocatedat 'b^s 8 A. \-*ui ^-- X I underctand that minor modifications may fu made to the plans over the murse of the review process to ensure ampliance with the Townb applicable codes and rqulations' dN (Initial here) b- z;\ -oa (Date) Additionally, please chetk the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I request that all modificah:ons, minor or otherwisq which are made to the plans over the couEe of the review procest be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town'e (Initial here) I I , luvt{HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please iake the time to tell us how we performed during the development review process. We will use this information to recognize our employees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. Please know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you for your comments.. George Ruther Director of Community Development 1. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that apply Admin- Building - Environment - Fire- Housing - Planning - P.W 2. Was your visit today as a: Homeowner Contractor Architect Other your response. 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the Community Development Department. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means "not at all satisfied' and 5 means "very satisfied" to rate each of the followinq items. Please use DK (Don't KnowiNo Opinion) as appropriate. Please circle Not Satisfied very Satisfied Friendly and Gourteous 1 2 3 4 5 DK Knowledgeablel2S4SDK TimelyResponselcallsReturned 1 2 3 4 5 DK Overall Experience 1 2 3 4 5 DK 4. Was the review process clearly explained to you? (i.e., how the Design Review Board and/or Planning and Environmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you apply for the planning and/or the building process, how long review times generally take, housing and/or environmental health policy, etc.) YES NO lf NO, what additional information would have been helpful? 5. Did the planning process meet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection process meet your expectations? YES NO ' 8. Did you feel the process was fair and efficient? YES NO Please explain your response(s). g. lf you were looking for information (i,e., legal address file, plat map, plans, etc.) was the information in a format that was hetpful / user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Community Development Dept. information available at http ://www.va ilqov.com ?YES NO Thank you for takihg the time to complete this evaluation. lf indicated below, we will personally contact you on specific concerns. lf it is your desire, you may contact the director by telephoning , 970479-2145. Please feel free to use the back for additional comments. Name:Company: Address:Telephone: Date:City:_ State:- Zip Code: F;\cdev\FORMS\S urveys\comdev-survey-09 1 907.doc **********r***+****t**++**********+f***,!**'|+******{.{.{.+*******+*+*********+++++'}****lr*'}***++{.* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **,i**++++*+********+*t*t******'i***+***,t*,i+**+**'|********+**++*******t+*+****:t*****+*t**t++++ Stsatement Number: RO8OO0O795 Amount: $20.00 05/27/2OO8O8:41 AII Payment Method: Check IJUX TERRI '' IJUX Init: RLF Notation: 2072 DAVID M Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addresg : Location: This Palzment: DRB080171 qrpe: DRB - Chg to Appr P1ans 2101-111-0300-7 3 988 I,UPINE DR VAII., 3988 'BI I,UPINE DR Tot.al Fees: ToIAI AI,I.I PMTS : Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 +***:****************f******************+****:i***********************+f+***+**++****+*.tf***** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description current Ptnts DR 001000031-12200 DESIGTiI REVIEW FEES 20.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: HALEY RE-ROOF Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRBMO381 08/ 04 | 2OO4 Phone: 970-949-1905 08/04/2004 Phone: Location: 3988 LUPINE DRIVE BIGHORN 1ST ADDMON Re-roof from wood shake to metal shingle with thick relief in "weathered copper" color OWNER HALEY, VALORIE A. &JAMES E,08/04/2004 Phone: 494 COLUMBINE ST DENVER co 80206 License: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION PO Box 3367 Eagle, CO 81631 License: CONTMCTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION PO Box 3367 Eagle, CO 81631 License: 148-8 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Lot: 2-A Block: 2 Subdivision: 210111103006 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Second By: Hanlon Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/18/2004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 ftlt coPr August 19,2004 Mr. Albefio Ortega Plath Construction PO Box 3367 Eagle, GO 81631 Re: Haley re-rool @ 39eB Lupine Drive - DR8040381 Duncan re-roof @ 797 Potato Patch - DR8040407 Dear Mr. Ortega, Thank you attending yesterday's Design Review Board regarding the re-root applications that you had submitted for the above addresses. As you know, both applications were approved with the following condition: 1) The applicant shall use the thicker of the two available metal shingle roofing syslems at the time of construction. Per our conversation, only one shingle is currently produced by Plalh, which is the shingle with the thicker level of reliel that the Design Review Board requested for lhese re-roof jobs. Thank you for clarifying that with me during yesterday's meeting. Please don't hesitate lo contact me with any further questions or concerns. Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosures Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 13, 2004 Mr. Alberto Ortega Plath Construction PO Box 3357 Eagle, GO 81631 Re: Haley re-roof @ 3988 Lupine Drive - DR8040381 Duncan re-roof @ 797 Potato Patch - DR8040407 Dear Mr. Ortega, Thank you forthe re-roof applications that you have submifted to the Town of Vail for design review on behall of the above owners. Per our conversation this morning, both applications will be reviewed by the Design Review Board at their next meeting at 3pm on Wednesday, August 18'n in the Town Council Chambers. I will look forwad to seeing you at the meelng on Wednesday. Meanwhile, please feel free lo contact me Should yd'u have any questions or concerns. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 {g ^""r"rro r^r" TAWNW APpllgalloll ICf l usllgll r\l'YlEw Department of Cqnmunity Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 laxi 970.4792452 web: www.vailoov.mm General Information: Al proiects requiring despn revial must receivE approval prior to submitting a building permit applicatiori. Ple6e refer to ttre subrnittat requircments fo. the parliqllar approval that is requested. An application for Desbn Review canrct be accepted until all requircd information is Ecei\,ed by the Community Development Department. The prciect may also rEed to be reviewed by the Town Courrcil a|d/or the Hanning and Envimnnrental Commissbn. Deslgn revlew approval lapsos unless a bulldlng permlt ls bsued and constructlon commences wlthln one year of the apProval. Description of the Request: .4 2..a. /a.-:, aa,, )- /4 ;) /,.., .14 /-: t tqJ _;',"J | ^J1:lfj y'.,2-.. /a {tJ/L t- RZ lL,LE'./t/2;D (',^ ''/'L:./ LocationoftheProposal: Lot::l-0' Block 7. Subdivision: 13rridcec 'tsi noOrliiol Physical Address: Parcel No.: -J I C illl03c66 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32&8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: -)_ (r k Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: ---4-Z-.t-9t-4-.--- Phone: :>.'; -:?:l -;'_r / _; Fax:. Q*o-3"Y-552(',t Plus $1.Cx) per square foot of total sign area. For corsruc$on of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings ard site inprovernents, sudt c, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenoes and retahing walls, etc. For minor changes lo buildings and site improvernenb, sudl as, 1F6fi.n!) painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and relaining walls. etc. $20 For revisiors to dans already approrrcd by Planning Staff or lhe Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: . S'rgns . Cqlceptual Review . l'{ew era|struc{ion . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/comrErcbl) . Minor AlteEtion (singlefamily/duplex) . ct€ngies to Appro\,€d Plarc . Separation Request $50 No Fee $6so $300 $2so I $.2f], l \7 RECEIVEI] I Page 1 of 12lMl01l$ * {. * * {. *,t* **!* ** ****:i *i.*{.*:1* + ** * *r**** * **:l ** * * ***** * t * ** * * * d( * '* '} 'i *r.**,1* {. *{.,}* * * * * * * * *i.** * **** *'i ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *,t * 'F* **:f** +**,*'* ** *** ***r. *:l * * *,* * *{.r.,* {.* +** * * * ** *** * * *** * * * * **,* *+ {.* l.* ** ***,* * * ***t * ***** ****+ ** Statement Number: R040006349 Amount: $20.00 A8/04/2OO4t1:59 Alrt Palment Method: Check Inig: its Notation: #1o4o/Ar,BBRTo ORTEGA Permit No: DRB040381 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel lilo: 2L011L103O06 SitC AddrEss: 3988 I,UPINE DR VAII, LOCAtiON: 3988 IJ]PINE DRIVE Total Feea: $20.00 This PaymenL: $20.00 Total AIJL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0. Oo * *!** !r * * **! r.,i*** t***,r *,r'i*'i*tt,l*******'l*****';******+********tr** rt + {. * l. * * **r.*,}* * *'}:t* **,1.* * * r. * * * *:l * ** ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31i22OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20.00 AUG-?-?AAA 09:@ff FROf'1:TO:32855?@ P: 5/l ; Application for Design Review haftnenl of Co.nmuniiy DevdogfiFnt 75 sdlh Fmntag€ Road, Vail, Colcrado 81657 lef : 970,479.2 39 tax: 970.4792452 r,v€b: www-\railgov-con1 Genersl lnfornration: Al proieds requirirg design rGvlet v must recei\€ appro/gl prbr !o submittlng a bulldlng pomlt appllcadon. Pleae relbr ') the subrnittal requirernents for the partioJlar apgroval that E €quested- fur +plicatbn br DeEln Rsvi€w carnot I s acc@ted unfl all rcqulrcd Information is t€cdved by trlc Communlty D€\reiopm€nt Departrnent- Tle ryoiecl m.y 31s'o tr€r d to be r€,vbrr/ed by the Tovwr Coumil *rd/or the Plsrn'rrg and Envirormental C{rrmissbn. Dcsign rcview approval lapet a unless a bulldlnE permit ir issued and const.uctlon commences withan one year of the approval, Location of lh€ Proposel: Lol:2-(! Block: X subdivision: n,/.doan J:, j- AS)Lfit(rf':) parcef No.: f/c,f ,ll C 3c,c'+(Contact fugte Co. Ass€ssor el 970-32+8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: [-l<197r L/,(]--L.vo. D t n4/ Es MailinE AddresE: Owner(s) Signature(8): Name(B) of Owner(s):*,- DALI\iJ D..rtac.L.. a,/l Phone: Plus $1.00 pcr sq(larc foot ot total shn area. For corEEuclion of e new building or demo/rcbuild, For an addition where squsre footage b added to any resirential ( r comrn€Ilial building (includcs 25o sdditionE & intlrlor con\€rslons), For minor dtages tg hjildingF and site i proverEnb, sudl s, rorcofing, painting, window eddltbnr, lil$lcaFing, foncG and rotthif I walts, etc- Fg.mllelchilg5s to buildings and site irnptovcrncnE, such 8, (ercofing"r painting, window additiors, lardscaping, fenc€s and reliahin J wa-ts;€6 $20 For revisions lo dans already appror€d by Phnning Sbff or he De6ig r fuvieu/B@fil. No Fec \ lorl/ 'tt6 Name of Appllcant: MaitinE Addrcs3: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: . StSns . Cmceptual Re'/iew . lewCcnsll|ctlm . Addition . Mhor Alteratic n (multi-femily/cotntn€rcial) . Mhor At€retion (singl+famly/,ludex) . Ctenges to Approrred Plars . Separation Request $so No F6c $650 $300 $250 - 3J ?-i't 2 1) Fage 1 of 1alc4rr)'1t04 -/ 31AA LupiNr- o p. @) TOI,VNETfrW Project Name: HALEY CHANGE Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8040265 Expand front deck by 2'to the north and redo material in Trex composite, winchester gray; redo existing planters in stone to match existing stone fireplace; add two new stone planters, one on northwest side of deck and one on west side of entry Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER HALEY, VALORIE A. &JAMES E.06/16/2004 Phone: 494 COLUMBINE ST DENVER CO 80206 License: APPUCANT HILL CONSTRUCTION, INC PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 81632 License: CONTMCTOR HILL CONSTRUCTTON, INC O6lL6/2004 Phone: 328-2200 06/16/2004 Phone: PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 81632 License: 267-A 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Lot: 2-A Block: 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN 210111103006 ends of trex decking must be concealed Location: 3988 LUPINE DR lST ADDMON BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Second By: Proper Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval:. 07 10712004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 vo DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursud toward completion. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO RECEIVED j[,.r'lfi:]Li;,t; General f nformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apptication. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particulai approvat that is requesied. nn aijlica6on ior oesign neview cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental commission.Design review approva! lapses unless a building permit is issued and dnstruction commences within one year of the approval, Physicat Address: 39*8 cU glLlE-_ bArVp o l\\(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8d40 for oarcel no.) Zoning: D0guE/ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:qq CrLUfrf5rQQ_ 9r bE^lV Phone: Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: I - glock: I Subdivision: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) ! Minor Alteration ./ , - f6rngte-ramtty/duptex) Ef Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Onlvl l"-. r-i'ii-Iiff'' ctrecrruo.: 3tlV oy: I of L3lttlLTlo3 FROI'1 : ff lUl\- Li . -aL4Ul I I eO+1 FRX NO. : AA!3AA7a,ffi CDNSTP,UI.I(TICN \rrrJ,. bAV F:- I0l,ft'm r' $ritx nzmet Da v t/ 0 g h *s 4 ,a Joint owacr sf propertv rocs*r ar (ddresvreear ,J€scdpton) --= _ O i:J;T:' ::i1"1j 7 Zo--Jte )e a r JOINTPROPERTY OWTTEN WRITTE'{ APPROVI LETTER provkle $i9 lefter as v,rritbn approal of the phns dated lvhlcfi harrc been ssbmitted !o tJre Town of vaif conrrnulfty Devetoprnent Dcpirtment u,r fte pj,.posed tmproremnts to b€ compreted at tte adciress noted abave. I undenbnd that fte p/op6ed irnprlvsnents irdude: I further undorsbnd that mifror tfiodlfi€ations may be mide b tt€ prans cver the eouN€ of the review p'ocees to ensune corpriance 'a'idr ifie Townt appricabre codes and reguhions, It ,*{/'/a/ - Pase 2 0f 13/11/r?i03 ,1.***{.***+**'3**r*********{r:*,t********'t ************{.+****:l.rt**tr**'*****{.******{.*************:f l.'}**t! TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *:l {. *,1* * **'** + *** * *:l *** ** *** 't * *'* * * * *** * * **** * * {. +* * +*** * *rt************+*******:1.******{.****1.*** rt statement Number: R040005042 AmounE: $20.00 05/76/2oo4o4:05 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: #3 914/HIL,L CONST. , INC . Permit No: DR8040265 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 21011110 3 005 Site Address: 3988 ITUPIIIE DR VAIL Location r 3988 r,uPrNE DR Total Fees: S20,00 This Pa)rment: $20.00 Total ALL, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 *******'t****:t****+*****,****'*'f********t *******:f***********r**'f**1.*****r.*********************t * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEb] FEES 20.00 FILE Sr,Plr June 24,2004 Mr. Gary Hill PO Box 1735 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 3988 Lupine Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hill. Thank you for submitting an application for approval of several exterior alterations at the above address. The changes that are proposed should be a remarkable improvement but are significant enough to warrant a Design Review Board hearing. Additionally, as you likely know, the Trex decking material that has been proposed for the new deck is nol an approved decking material within the Town ol Vail. Because the DRB is the only body that is capable ot approving building materials that are not entirely nalural, I have scheduled your application for the nelil DRB hearing on July 7, 2004 at 3pm in the Town Council Chambers. Please do not hesitate to contast me regarding any questions or concerns you might have. Again, thank you for submitling your application. Should the DRB consent approve the applicalion during their pre-meeting or at their site visit, I will contact you via cell phone (970.390.3413) to let you know that your presence will not be needed at the pubtic hearing. Otherurise, I lobk fonvard to seeing you at t-he Design Review Board hearing on July 7th. Bwads, Elisabeth Eckel Planner I 970.479.2454 fltt c0Py July 7,2004 Mr. Gary Hill PO Box 1735 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: 3988 Lupine Drive Vail. CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hill, Thank you for submitting an application for approval of several exterior alterations at the above address. As I informed you over voice mail earlier today, the DBB consent-approved your application at todat's meeting. You are now free to apply lor your building permit. I have enclosed the form that will be needed to do so. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any remaining questions or concerns you might have. Again, thank you for submitting your application. Best r/eodrds./l/ '/ iLit /-t tt -/ U \-/ Elisabeth Eckel Planner I 970.479.2454 enclosure *,n I 1 -l -_-----_ -J ,da m {'#;F*- 'ti{"-a' :t ir1i ., . r {i*w:'*,'?r^*-'li {t 7n", 'rr'/-\r.1\ af ,/ t ^.i r{tt4iiga, rar\r''i -l- I ,l I rl 1.oL / 1lr {ii +t(';9 \ '// xl / t--e-ovt! l.Yx" j- I rr , rr ., tr. L/ | )t--)-----t('.l '\.AA >\ o "I lv'J r\ ec,\,(* u.^,\ E\ .tv .n}, o'.Q.o "-n ' \qn b 38" h\r ,6..vv rJ'L'rl V@l:!12 , faWaa*t.- Nf.Frl Pt/'{Teh' r---r r---_l [ \ l__--J $qe,-r tr*r S Il-!*y\ ** { \en -6 (,{ ,r*m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Haley Residence DRB Number: DR8030401 Project Description: REMODEL EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOWS (garage area conversion to GRFA withdrawn) Participants: OWNER HALEY, VALORIE A. &JAMES E.09/15/2003 Phone: 494 COTUMBINE ST DENVER CO 80206 License: APPUCANT HILL CONSTRUCflON, INC 09/1612003 Phone: 328-2200 PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 81632 License: CONTMCTOR HILL CONSTRUCIIoN, INC 09/16/2003 Phone: PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 81632 License: 267-4 Project Address: 39BB LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3988 LUPINE DR Legal Description: Lotr 2-A BIock: 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN 1ST ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210111103006 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz 1012012003 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paidr $2O.OO . Jl;;Li:' "i1, =#*"' filJ'f}'-u.,L, iu,'l 303209469S T-373 P 02/02 F-995 ,' TOI{N Applicatlon for Design Review ,,gg[f.?s[#iffi?11""' " 1Ji bio.izg'2$e rax s7ol7el452 web: www'd.tnll'@'tJ5 r:fr*i;, one yeEr of tte BPprwal' . r r r rhnr | ( Pttys|"al Address: Zonlng: Name(s) of owner(s): Malling Address; $650 93oo ' $250 tur consnrction of a neut bulldlng or demo/rebulld'ilr;'ilffi; urtt.n qran tcinqg !t adq+.to.an! !:Eillentlal or [l'ilf iiiirai'igtdria;rioad-ditions&Insiortl"l:*l' fo. minor O"ng..-to U,rttdinga and site imptorcmorns' sucn 'Ls'5;;;, -"r,i*s, winigv'' iatuont hndscsPlng' tsncss and iiiiinrnsG[t,.t ff;ffi;;;g* to bulldinss and site lmprovemetrs' sudt a8' ;;;,-p.iitng, windorrr additlons, landBaplnE, fenceE ana sz0 n tr alrHdy spproved bY PEnnlng Staff or fie (ConEct Eagle co' Assessor at 970'328€5{0 for parcel no') JPOwncrlsl slgnaturc(s) : Name of APPlicantl uallinE Addressr t fipe of Revlew and Feel tr Signs E ConcePtual Revtew tr NewConstruction tr Additton tr Mlnor AEet"tlon : r (rir ulti.hm I ly/commercial) Mlnor AlttGuon (si ngle-family/duP{ex) changes to APPrst cd Plans Sapar"don Reqtltst ' tbot of tobl dgn ares'$50 PlgS $r'oo Per Euat€ rln 6as |*aininO \Nalle, ete gZ0 Fol rEvlsions to PlanB Design Revlew tsoard. No Fee >R{h3-oQo1 FFJ,rt": :- I s-eJ..t-!.2@3 t-: qqtrr1 dgcrfdion) FRX NO. :aat34g?aaa I s=.. 14 2ez3 iailzTtl P1 t!o.za6 ry.Ua HILL COI'ISTRUNCTION J#ffiHllwffi. a jdrt crrner of gnsxrty tGtsd at (l"dl-fi€gd L t,-ffi I, (prht name pronldc trls leter s wflbn apPfotal dhe plans d*sd 1-\-+- -O3 --"-'- ruhfidl lwc beerrarffito{leThlltof\,EttcommunwDfl€|opll'€fitoetrrufi€'tfi'ru'eFotr*dhe|!',Eilgltg to be coFrphlod atd'te 3&l€t nd a!d'e' IiJrdffiE|nl Oattre prqosd lrqonemarls lnclule; sf#\ot\er F'nstlls oF Jlohf :- - I tudEr urdc,snd $Et mhc mdiffins rrBy bs fiEde b ft plorr over$e cul* of be tl$rlent otocess b ensue wilr the Totnb applreble cads ail legdciots FaE€ 2 of D./04gt0A P.?3o3iJsess Ben1|uiran Sep i2 03 09:31a fF -tr ls_ $FF tF.q \1s de i.' e T>s-o (a + "n >'-t ;-- :_' !- o 5) t--. I 1'a\ N P 5 (\ -t-I f\X' ; : (_-l a\ N E \)o c\>. P s ln J rs -F- \D v )\-s P ]\_ -rD t .'r -t O\ 3 (\ + C\.) II. T J \fT \g-F E $:" rs 6 X J G s lo ?r n s * * * ** * * !i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '} * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * + * ** * '* * * * * * * * * * ************* *+* ******** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * *+***:l ************ * **** **,fr*'** ***** * * * * * *,* * * * * * * * + * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** *** *** ***+**** * * **** * Statement. Number: R030004692 Amount: $20.00 09/L6/2003O?:09 AM Payment. Method:Cash Init: DF Notati-on:CHECK #3504 Permi t No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Payment, : DRB03 04 01 21"0L1"1103005 3988 ]-,UPINE DR 3988 I,UPINE DR Descri pt i on T)4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP VAII, Total Fees: TOTA1 ALI, PMT6 : BaLance : F2O . Oo $20.00 $0. oo $20.00 ** *t***'k***** ******* *** ** *** ******** ** **** **** *** * *!t**** ***+* * ***** ******+* ***** ** ****+** *** ACCO1INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Cunrent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIE}I FEES 20.00 547It DATE RECEryED FROM ADDRESS RECEIPT- The To*n of Vail t([r1 tOA _ | DOLLARS $ Permit Numbers HOw PND-calh -.c,I""k 3fP', I Police Receiot Numbers (rJr^^"-, C v 7!t f nr,arr ,._r .t. b., I I ],VN OFVAIL :partmenl of Community Development South Frontage Road il, Colorado 81657 0-179-2138 x 970-179-2152 vw. c i.vail.co.tts October 6, 2003 Gary Hill Hill Construction PO Box 1735 Edwards, CO 81632 BillGibson, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail RE: Haley residence - 3988 Lupine Drive/Lot 2, Block 2, Bighorn l"tAddition Dear Gary, In an effort to assist you with completing your design review application, I have researched the Community Development Department's records for Lot 2, Block 2, Bighorn l"tAddition. The most recent complete floor plans and gross residential floor area (GRFA) records are dated 1979. lt appears that remodels to both Unit A and Unit B have occurred on this site since these drawings, including an application for a"250 Addition" to Unit A indicating that the property may already be exceeding allowable GRFA. These records are incomplete and do no accuratelv reflect the architectural drawing that you have recenfly submitted. Therefore, the following additional items and information must be submitted to comolete the design review application for the remodel of the Haley residence: 1. Existing and proposed architectural floor plans for all of Lot 2 (i.e. lots 2A and 2B) 2. Existing and proposed gross residential floor area (GRFA) calculations for all of Lot 2 (i.e. lots 2A and 2B), as defined by Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code. Please submit the above listed items to the Town of Vail Community Development Department by no later than Wednesday, October 22,2003.lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, lu 2/c- ' h. ,2,2__ I RECYCLED PAPER s c0P y FIL I TOWN OF VAIL D e part m e nt of C om muni ty D ev e I op ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FLY 970-479-2152 www.ci.vail.co.us e4->z-' Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail September 24,2003 Hill Construction PO Box 1735 Edrvards. CO 81632 RE: Haley residence - 3988 Lupine Driveilot 2, Block 2, Bighom 1" Addition To whom it may concem, Town StafThas preliminarily examined the design review application for the proposed exterior alterations and addition to the Haley residence located at 3988 Lupine Drive. Based upon this initial examination, the Department of Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and can not be reviewed by the Town of Vail until all required items have been submitted. The proposed polvder room and hall are a conversion of"garage credit" to "gross residential floor area" (GMA), therefore the following additional items and information must be submitted: l. Existing and proposed architectural floor plans for all of Lot 2 (i.e. lots 24. and 28) 2. Existing and proposed gross residential floor area (GMA) calculations for all of Lot 2 (i.e. lots 2,\ and 2B), as dehned by Chapter l2-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code. Please submit the above listed items to the Town of Vail Community Development Department by no later than Wednesday, October 8, 2003. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerelv. Zl. -''J-'<--- I RECYCLED PAPER s -P; 1ka-'.'^ 5-..b A-\.\ " co+ t, s(k a NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0235 Job Address: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3988 LUPINE DR Applied . . : 08nl/2003 ParcelNo...: 210111103006 Issued...; 0910212003 Project No : Expires . ..: 02/2912004 ovINER IIAT,EY, VAIJORTE A. & \TAMES E.O8/2L/20O3 Phone: 494 COIJUMBINE ST DENVER qO 80206 License: coNrRAcToR HrrrrJ colIsTRUqTroN, INc o8/21-/2OO3 Phone: PO Box 173 5 Edwards, Co a1632 License . 26'7 -A APPLTCAIfT ItrLL CONSTRUCTTOIT, I}rc O8/2|/2OO3 Phone: 328-22OO PO Box 173 5 Edwards, Co 81532 I-,icense: Description:remove partition waIl redo texture add kitchentte Occupancy: R3,Ul TypeConstruction: VN Type VNon-Rated Valuation: $7,000,00 Add Sq Ft: 0 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 Building--> $139.25 Restuannt Plan Reyiew-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Plan Check--> Investigation.> Witl Call---> s90. 51 DRB Fe€___> S0.00 Refieatjon F€€--> 53 .00 Clean-up DePosit--> # of Gas trgs: 0 # of Wmd Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *:1:ri:t+:|+ar'tt'rr'**lla:rrrr.t'lt*+tll:r*t't.r'rl+r*tl++*r*:*.r*'t***'1,r.* S0.00 Total Catcutated Fees_> 5232.76 S0.00 AdditionalFess--->s0.00 SO . O0 Total permir Fe€_> gZ32 .76 go . oo Payments---> 1232 .7 6 90. 00 TOTAI FEES-----> 9232.76 BAIANCE DUE > Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARII{ENf o8/22/2oo3 cdavis Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI{EMr Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS *:+al atf at**:l*r+al See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE2 ,|.*+'|.*,}*+'F't:t*:i,}**{.**:f*!'t't*:***:f*!**t**!F*t***:********!*+***'t**,**{.:t*d.,F+***'}+'t.***+*:*f'f*:|.**'t*:i***+:**l*:}+***+***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0235 as of 09-02-2003 Status: ISSUED * * * * * * * * *,* * * * * + *'t* * 'i 'f.t * * * * * + * * * * * !* * + * *'* *,n * * * * !*,1* * *** + + !* '* * * * * * * * '* * ** * **** *!t 't* * * * * * + +,t * * * +:* *:i.* ** * * * *{! ** * * '1. Permit Type: ADDiALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applicant HILLCONSTRUCTION,INC 328-2200 Job Address: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3988 LUPINE DR ParcelNo: 210111103006 Description: remove partition wall redo texture add kitchentte Appfied: 08/21/2003 Issued: 09/02/2003 To Expire: 02n9/2004 {.**{.**'t*,t**:}****,t***!************ '},}*,**********:*,*'t** conditions * *r****:r**'**'*****r.*****************,t**,}*'**,*** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all ttre information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanc,es and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * '! * * + * * * * * **+* * * * * * * * * * * +* * * * * * ** * ** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * * ** * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * +* * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * +*** * * * * * * * * * * + + + * ** * * * * * * * * * * + * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ': * * * * * * Statement Number: R030004595 Amount: #232.76 09/02/2OO3t0:01 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notat,ion: HiIl Constsructiol 2975 Permit No: 803-0235 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210111103 0 05 Site Address: 3988 ITUPINE DR VAIL, L,ocat.ion: 3988 IJITPINE DR Total- Fees: $232.76 This Pa)ment: $232,76 Total AIIr Pmts: i232.75 Balance: 90.00 **** +*.*+:i* *********++*********+*+************+**tf********t**********++*********'t.**:t:t***+*** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cur"rent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERIlIT FEES 139.25 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 90.51 |,JC OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECIION FEE 3.OO tt APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.t NVNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Email address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERM]T Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ .<,QCY\ELECTRICAL:$ f-.O(}C)OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$TorAL:$ 7. ()(di For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. Papel.#}ta\ \\\ Oe d61. Job Name:\\LEX lry{Rt'. t repJL vtlc- rr,A.u-. crr Legal Description LotN-fi Block: )Filing: --Subdivision:gJ6$d.Al 1 owners N"t"iraa AAr-E,v Address: ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work Arz$^/?r\rE-. eAETr 6ltr LLlrtl.- . [.E S TEJaYt/p c AAD glSefr,gjtffig WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel }( Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: tnterior }tf Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( \ fwoaamily ld l,{ulti-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:t No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: GaF Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes DO No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No Xi **:***********t*********ii**+*******s*FoR OFFICE USE ONLY*******r-l***********r.***+***+*+***+ Planner \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 t2612002 Ofllce 5 t') t \\+ b ${ \il t- iJ 5{$t *l ir tl \ \ EZ8-J €0/S0 d ZEZ-I 689t8 0Zt0E ullpv luEtlel-uorl tlEgt:01 g0-glJnv I-252 P.02/93 F-829 3032094899 Auc-19-03 l0:46an Fror-Taliant Adtn in tr \ $T &\ $--1 K -1-- w \ \tl r \> \s'Z ,nr lF_- r{. I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 910419-2t38 NOTE: TFIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0152 'b3'ox's{ Job Address: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL Stafus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3988 LUPINE DR Applied . . : 09/08/2003 ParcelNo...: 210111103006 Issued. .: 09/10/2003 Project No : ? A3d , o rc1 Expires . .: 03/08/2004 owNER IIAL,EY, VAIJORIE A. & iIAMES 8.09/08/2003 Phone: 494 COI,I'MBINE ST DE}WER CO 40205 License: CoNTRACTOR HrLL CONSTRUCTTON, rNC O9/O8/2O03 Phone: PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 81_632 License: 267-A APPLTCAITT HII"L CONSTRUCTION, INC 09/08/2003 Phone: 328-2200 PO Box 1735 Edwards, Co 81632 License: Desciption: provide wire and fusing of basement remodel including kitchenette - add additional recess lighting in mid level bedrooms Valuation: $5,000.00 '+|*'}*tt++l*|*'i|++lt*|+|+.l*|i*|+|l.|..||l+'..|||+|+l.*|ll'lt**|**'}+lrFEEsUMMARY+|+'}++*|.|*:***:tl Electrical-> 990. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 993 . 00 DRB Fee-> 90. 00 Additionat Fe€s-> 90. Oo Investigation-> $0.00 Total Permil Fe€--------.> $93 .00 Will Call - $3 . 00 Payments----> S93 . 00 TOTAI FEES-> Se3.00 BALANCE DUE - $0.00 Approvals:Ifen: 05000 EL,ECTRICA! DEPARTMENT O9/LO/2O03 CDAVIS ACtiON: AP SI]BiIECT TO FIEIJD INSPECTTON ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARII,IENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l?-11*'-:l-;--l*::.-:T.:::::'..o.I:--T*"..:::-'.::-":--T-:..:.:::-T-i-:i-::,.::..::-1..:H:."-*.*..*.*****....,****,,*i*,*:,+*+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build fiis structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinans€s ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPEC'IION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI.'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO}.IE AT OR AT OUR OFFrcE FROM E:(X) AM - 4 PM. FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF + * + * + +* ** * * t * * * * * * * * * * + * + + * * * * * t * * * * t *** + * * * * ** * * * * * ++ + * * * * * * * + * + * * * ** *** + * + +* + * * {.*!t * * *:t + * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement !r * *** + t + * t * *+ * * * t * * ***t* + *** * + * * * t * ** * * * + + + +* * * * *{. * * r} + t + * +* +*,}+ * +** * * * * * * * * * * + + * + * * * * ***+ +* i Statement Number: R03000455? Amount: $93.00 09/10/2OO3O1 :20 PM Palment Method: Check fnit: DDG Notation: Brush Creek 4015 Permit No: 803-0152 IlE)e: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210111103 0 06 Site Addre6s: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL I-,ocation 3 3988 LUPINE DR Total Fees: S93.00 Thia Payment: $93.00 Total AlIr Pmta: $93.00 Balance: $0.00 * * * * * * * * ** + + +* + * * f * * + * '* +* * * a f * * * f*+ + a f*:*!i * * * *** * **** *.*,i'i+**,t*****+**** ******+***'l** + ******** ACCOI'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts tP 00100003111100 TEMP0MRY P0!'/ER PERMITS h/C OO1OOOO3112BOO WiLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 90.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNE L1j60 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Building Permit g' .''1, '. i', i-'. Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2L49 (Inspections) ,NW]AFUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Q,ttZ-o \ (L Town of Vail Reg, No,: +g?-- €Contact and Phone-#'s'. tl )L' 't? ''' ! ':.;.r,, (-/. .,t ,, 'j ,'. i5+., 1- i. ,.. "j-, ,, E-Mail Addressl ,.-?, ,:- .,., _.,,._ - =._ 7i',,. ),- .L ,, -.j- - ,, Contractor Signature: '' '"-tt' ': '' COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ {tAcXl * ************r.**?t***************rt****tr**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********t * * 't * * :t * * * t< * * 't * t ***** ** ****** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted Bv: ./A--.- Planner Siqn-off: 8 2003 07 i26t2002 Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # \,\'a ildata.cdcr .FORl,'lS .PE R V ITS .ELECPE R V DOC r,\/ tr a Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail, Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the sffucture easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spat require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation oF an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an elterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platForm, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verif,/ that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o 3 o o a If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. it:0?3--ilo: -_.-_-'rnseecttsrl n-cqire*,t gertnrtrn$ _1t-Qteryi - , .".yall-c-o:-rcldlilftF Page-i R€{rr t,ft stec h1sr.,9* i i: ite: F:!cay, No\.emt€f l}?. ?O03 ' As.iqnec i.Jj coAJlS InsFectibrr Ty6ie. BL9G insirection A; i"a: ,--f: EitE Adiress: 3588 t-UolNE OR V!'lL ils8f l-uplt{E DR $JP:lJ.tn!l'-r'i4l-q..'l {cttr:it!.- BO-1-ii235 T\',re A-BUlLf) Carst T\:16: (ut.rFri*Y: CYnt?' HA!-iY ','ALCR,E A. & -I.4MES E Aonl'can!: }{lLL COiISTRUCTTON. ii'l{. Cdr'ii{tcror,'lll-l- CAhISTFUCTICH. li'Ji Lres{-fifitbn, tE$cM€ E€rllllon $l"ir f€rlt !6r1ur6 ari.i }Jicf|eft:te '-o|n1n6r;t: PtAts ?.3c|-lARl-lF - cDA\ls tut ''i fp€l AD{.IF Usr,: V N Pllsflo. 32LL2?0O Ststiis: ISSUES lnsp Ataa' CD Reo$est€d insoecooni$i itpm: gG Btlig+ha;Rr*r:**lor: ! ||LL COhLcTttiJCTlON Comtnpnt*: nfi 39>34 i3 ,a",siU.)iC'l'0' CL}AVIS - Af.iiDfr: Requesrrd Tlme: 0E:00 Alf Plbri€: 3A&2200 Enbrrrd By. DFLOR€S iNc firn€ EIp: lnsDgqhon.Hlgtsry kem. i0 !{LLF:-Framino tterfi: g.) tJl-OG lnsuht6n iGtn: f,{} BLDG.$hs€t ccK f..ail gt6rn: It BLDG-Finst I 0 'i\ F ^ u'b i'l{]q \i iI .+. i\'I 1/ REpflSi Run Td: 1419 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIT'EMT OF NOtE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON.IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT ilob Address: Location. . . : Parce1 No..: Project. No.: 3985 LUPTNE DR 3988-A Lupine Dr 2101_-1r_L-03-005 PRJ99-01_67 MF BUILD PERMIT PermiE, #: 899-0145 Stat.us. . Applied. Issued.. E:cpires. ISSI'BD 06/07 /L999 06 /L6 /Lgee L2/L3 /L999 APPLICAIiM KITCHEN CONNECTION P.O. BOX 7690, AVON, CO 8L620 CONTRA TOR KITCHEN CONNECSION P.O. BOX 7690, AVON, CO 81620 OSTNBR GRAIi[f TJAMES B FAII{ILY TRUST 25961, GLEN CANYON DR, I,AGUNA HILLS DescripEion: Bath remodel Occupancy: R1 T)G)e Construction: T)pe Occupancy 3 Valuat,ion: MuIti-Family 5, 000 Add ea€ AFplianccs:Pir.plac. Inforsationr Re6tliclcd: y.a *Of Phone z 9'70-845-0262 Phone: 970-845-0262 cA 925s3 TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up De sit Refund approved amount date Sq Ft: *Of Gas Logd :*of wood/PalLet: F'EE SU TIARY BriiaaUng-----> Plen ch.ck- - - > Ihv6a!i9.tsion> t{i11. call----> 95-OO 51- 75 95. OO 3 .00 Reseuaranc PIan Rcvie*- - > Rccraatsi.on Fa6-- -- -- -- - -> cl.6an-Up Dcpo6it.---- -- - -> TO'TA.L FEES-_- - - Additional Fae€--- ------> Tolal P€rllits Fee--------> - oo TotsaI cal.culrts€d F€es---> 354 . 75 .00 100.00 Pa)rmanLs-------- 354.7s BAIAI{CB DIJE-. _ - .OO . oo Dept: BUILDING Division: iIR. It,em: 05100 06 / 08 /L999 o6'/t4'/L999 IEem:05400 Item:05500 Item:05500 BUILDING DEPARfiENT KATHY ACIJ-ON: NOTE ROlrt,Ed TO KATHY AcEJ-on: APPR Approved PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARIMENT PI'BLIC WORKS per ilR,/kw - DEDE : PI,ANNING Debt: FrRE Debt: PIIB WORK Division:Division:Division: See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions that may apply to this permi-ts- I hereby acknonlcdgc lhab I have read tshis appli.catsion, fi1led out in ful1 the inforBacj.on reqtrired, cortrplcted an accurate pLot plan, and 6tate that all the inforaration provided aa rcquired iB correct, I agree Eo conply $ith Eh6 infonaeioa and ploc P1a!, !o couply r.ith all Toyn ordinanceB and staEe laus, and lo build thi6 structure according Eo tshe Toin'6 zoning and subdivi.oion cod66, deEign rewier approved. tnifors BuiLding cod6 and other oldinancsB of thc Tol,n applicalt-Ie thereco. REQITE9T9 FOR rMPEqtIottS SHALL BE MA.DB TldEI\Irv - rOUR HOIJRS IN AD\IANCE BY TEI,EPHONE Ar,l E:oo Pl4 8!tld Clccn-t4r Depolit Io: RLtchGn conn.ction SIGIqTURE OF FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 899-0145 as of O5/L6/99 SEaEus: ISSUED **************************************::***************************************** Permj-t Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUIL,D PERMIT Applied: O6/07/L999 Applicant: KITCHEN CONNEqTION Issued: 06/L6/L999 970-845-0262 To E:q)ire: L2/L3/1,999 ilob Address:Location: 3988-A Lupine Dr Parcel No: 2101-111-03-006 I'oE 2, Block 2, Filing: Bighorn ].sE addEion Description: Bat,tr remodel Condit.ions: 1. FIBTD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE.2. AI,L PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEII,INGS,ATiID FLOORS TO BE SEAI.,ED WTTH AN APPROVED FTRE M'\TERIAL. 3. SMOI(E DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF TEE 1997 IIBC.4. FIRE DEPARII,IBIIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAIiI BB STARTED. TOiN OF V}IL, COLOR}DO Stsatqurt staEeinE lluubcr: L-Ec-o531 AEorrnt : Palrn€nr !'.Ehod: Cl( INotatj.on: 4592 354.1s 06/L6199 os136 Ini E.: itN Peruic No: 899-0145 Type: A-ttF Prrc6l No! 2101-111- 03 -006 siE! Addte6r: 3985 LUPINI DR location | 3948-A lJrpine Dr ADD/.I!T MF BUILD PER Tolal Pee€: 354.75 foEal AI,L PotE:ttriE P.yEonE AD D2-DEPOS 35{. ?5 354. 75 .00 Brlanca: Accoung code D.sc!iption BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDIIfG PBR}IIT PEBS PA 00r.00003112300 PLAtrt CHECK FEBS .[uount. 95.00 6!.75 100,00 3 .00 95.00 g,EINI'P DEPOSIIS wc 00100003112800 wItL cAtt rNgpEctroN FEB PN 001o00031s3000 INVBSTTGITIoN rBa tBLDcl H oz .o OU A ,E{oz .o ot .'z fip FIH H aa zo qll oo 2 o FI EI 2 z o (J z EIF icH FO o\Q U A t 9r a U ii o I ti E tr d o H AFi zz ETE F' FI 2Z tit D EO b? bH a2 cp 'o t{E o tiF H2 AE E ;i n h x lr 6 t iEU 261 a :EH o ct Dl Fi da st 40 B 6" I Jrl FI H o t'l 2 o EI ; ; oi E>A !4 E r.l E4 0 auc arlOt EEO AAH frtvb, do. 1c o ?3 pSrSA- o tbl TOWN OF VATLINSTRUCTTON PERMTT APICATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contactlfie Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-6640 for Parcel # Parcettf ?-,,lCl tll O3oOG .,e'dl'' our", ( f 5l "i '\ roeaa,*,, Fl53l rlu(/lil€ S R. Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Phone# Permit # Job Name: Building (./j Plumbing ( )Electrical ( ) Address: LegalDescriptign: Lot L Block Z Filing Brqnoexr lSt Aoomd\Subdivision Qrant-lJ-arnesg-q91uq-selsr- owners Name:'TLAr.;sig dl4r*,.;f iddr";; Architect: ItJn.,:d Description of Job: Work Class: Nerv ( ) Alteration ( )Additronal ( )Repair ( ) Number of Drvelling Units:Numbe r of Accommodation Units: Number and T1'pe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ i, CLX ,- OTF{ER: MECHANICAL$ TOTAL :L Other ( ) WoodlPellet $ Sar\r) eg CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # BUILDING: $ i r lrrir'''-'- PLUMBING $ .}, CI( . - General Contractor: - Town of Vail Registrati Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Plumbing Contractor: Torvn of Varl Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No FOR OFFICE USE Date Receivecl JUl,t - 7 rcgg BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Kt(c'rlfi^J a*rf,t,Eftu^JAddress: 5\ A\t+€. €.o. entte-\tntL , Q. onNo. lCfl-B "no".u T\S ^a.}a* Bo* 'l"rf,^t*J Address: Phone # CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L557 970-479-2I38 APPLICAIi[f COIITRAETOR OWNER NOTE: .JOb AddrESS: 3988 LI]PINE DR LocaEion...: 3988 Lupine Drive Parcel No.. : 2101-111-03-006 ProjecL No. : PRiI99-0L67 StaEus--.: ISSITED Applied. -: 06/24/1999 Issued.. -: 06/28iL999 E:qrires . .: L2/25/L999 DEPART}4ENT OF COMMT'NITY PMEl|lT fiIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMBS ELECTRICAL PERIVIIT Permit #: E99-0102 I DEVELO BRAD'S EI,ECTRIEAT SERVTCE, INC. P.O. BOX 707, NEWCASTLE, CO 8L547 BR;LD'S ELECTRICAT SERVICE. INC. P.O. BOX 707, NEWCASTLE, CO 8a647 GRAI{T JAMES B FAII'IIITY TRUST 2596I GLEN CAI{YON DR, I.,AGI]NA HILLS Phone: Phone: cA 926s3 VaIuaEion: 970-984-3508 970-984-3508 2, 000 . 00 i.*rttrr*rirr*iirr+rttt+*r.r'*tt*t**irr*i*r** FBE suuMAxY Descript.ion: Electsric for bath remodel Bl.ccrical--->50.o0 53.00 .00 53.OO s3.oo BAI,ANCE D']E- - -. -OO DRB F€E Invc6tigatio[1> will call----> . o0 3.O0 TOItfr PBES---> s3.OO REQUESTS FOR INgPECTIONS SHAIL BE I'IADE TWE}TTY.FOI]R HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TocaL calculats€il Fceg- - - > Additional FeeE---------> Toea.l P6tnil 8€B-------- > PaffE€ngB - - - - - - - IIEM: O6OOO EI,EqfRICAI DEPART!'IENT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/24/1,999 KATITY Action: APPR Approved pef KI{iib,mt'05600- FrRE DEPARTMiI{T -Dept: FrRE Division:06/24/!999 KATIIY ACtsiON: APPR N/A **i+*tt*ttir*ia CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IAIiICE. DECTARATIONS I her€by acknorLedge that. I hawe read chis applicatj.on, fi1led out in full the infornation required, conplet€d an accurats€ plot plan, aDd stat6 tha! aI1 the inforrlation provid€d aE requirad i€ correct - I agree Co conply cith the irrformatsion and plots plan, to coulr1y wi.bh atl Tolrn ordinances ana state laws, and to build thiB Bttuccure aceording to che Tolrn'd zo i'lg ana eu.bdivision codes, de8ign t:eviell approwcd, Uniforrn Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable theret.o. SIGNATT'RE OF COlrTRAcIlcR FOR HI}IgEIJF mHN OF VAIL, COLORADO Steteunt rttit'rt*rttrai* fr+!ri+*t*rarr*i**t*r*r*!rrt**.t*r*a+ SE.t.annE I'Iuibcr: REC-0535 AuounE : Pa! nent UcEhod: Cll6H Noc.Eionr 53.00 53.0O O5l2a,/9t 10 :25 IniE: ,l!l Perrnit. lfo: 899-O1O2 Ttrp.: B-ELEC ELECTRICAI. PBRIIIT Pat c6l No: 2lO1-1L].-03-O05 Sit€ AddreE6: 398a LUPINE DR LocaEion: 39gB Lul'ine Driv6 Total Fec6: .ltris Paldr.ng 53.OO Tocal ALL lrdcB: BaLance: rr**rrttt'ti+trtt* * * tti trr r * + * 'r * *it 'rt AccounE Codc De6c!iption 5f. oo .oo l|!oulrc 50.oo 3.00 Bp 00100003111400 EIJECInICA! PERIi|IT FBE6 nc ooL00003l,t2eoo wrLIJ CAIJ! rNsPEcrroN FEE Jun 23 99 JUN- 2 3 -Sl9 l1:31a Brad I'loI lman s709843504 lD ,9"64?924 PERMIT APPLIGATION FORM ?.2 PAGE ?/ IA o"'39 FRon, Tov-O -DEV-DEPT. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PEJCq'O lto-l Cott'ri the Eagle courry Assessots OtftF et 97032&8640 hr Ptcd * rarcatr zlo\ lll 03 oob Pz.c. 6-2?'"n pcrmn s B ??-et45 Job Narnc:_ Buildiry ( ) Lcgal DcscriPiolt Plunbing ( )Elocrical (X Mccnanical ( ) ba BhcI Fitin. Subtbvison oumersNarne:-6RrttfT- ecaress' Alchirca:Ad&sss. wort Cbss Nsry ( ) Numbg of Dwclli0t Un s: Allcration $ I Number ald Type of FlrlPlat:Gas Appllenccs BUII^DING: $ PLUMBING S Gepcrel Cootnclor: !!c!tss-@s: Town of Vail Rcgisrrarioo No. Me bulcd Cernclor' Town of Vail Regisltarion No. VALUATIONS Town of Varl Rcgi*raion No.- Pharc # ----.---------- Ercdrricd coatr.cror "r*r rffi% ;^E&t!&* aaa se.' od clfr :(Soil'j ro*oofvailRcgis*arionNo. IZD-E ,n*'*41,X34Hd# *oo"u vgci FoRoFFrc-E-usE JUN Dd lggg \TION BUI-OING: 29 SIGhIATURE:- zoNr{c: SIGMTURE: wrwess: }98,b Lu?tu€ Octt/F Othet ( ) Phono# Descnption ofJob : Additiorul ( )Repau-( )Otncr ( ) Number of Accommodatioo Unils- Ga: Logs WoodlPeller FTECIRjCAL. g_1_2ao _OTIIER: $ MECHAMCAL ' TOTAL S CONTRACTOR INFORMATIQ{V AddEss: A(brcss' Phone # Address: CLEAN UP DEPGIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROTtrAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 ilob Address: 3988 LITPINE DR tocation...: 3988-A Lupine Dr. Parcel No.. : 2L01-111-03-006 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0L67 APPLIEANT BEAVER CREEK PLIJI{BING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81520 CONTRAETOR BEAVER CREEK PLI'MBING & HE.AT P o Box 625, AVON CO 8L620 OWNER GRANT iIAIIIES B FAMILY TRUST 2596L GLEN EA'I\IYON DR, LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 DEPARITIISNT OF COMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT.ALL TIMES PLIIMBING PERMIT PermiE,P99-00s9 Status...: ISSITED Applied..: 06/2L/L999 Issued...: 06/2e/L999 E:cpires . .: L2/25/L999 Phone: 970-47L-4850 Phone: 970-471-4850 Description: Remove 3 bathLubs, install 3 showeValuaEion:5, 000.00 FEE SUI4UARY Plumbing- - ---> Plan chcck---> Inwe6 t.i gation > $ill Call----> Reatuarant Plan Ravien-- > TOTAIJ SEES- -'- - Total calculatsed Pea6- - - > .edditiooal Fc6s-- - ---- --> Total Per1liC Fee--------> PayEent6 - - -- - - - - ?5 .00 19.?5 3.OO ,00 95.75 .oo 98.75 96 -75 .".."*-..",-:fl::"3T;;;;;;;:;:;;:,".,."-,-",";i1.., It,EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUII,DING DiViSi-ON:06/21/1999 KATITy Act,ion: APPR ApDroved per-Kath IEeql:'.056q0 FIRE DEPARTIT,IENT -DepL: FIRE Division:o5/2L/L999 KATITY AcE,j-on: APPR N/A t*ta+i+tr+rrlrr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLTA}ICE. DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereb6. acknoeledgo thaL I h.vc read thie applicatsion. filled ouU in full t'h6 j.nfomation required; co$pl.etsed an accurate plot. platr, and gLatse thaE all thc infordation provided aE requirBd is correct- I agree to conply $ifh ghe infornation and plof plan, to corrlrly iith all Tot'n ordin&ced and €tate lare, and co build chis ecructure according to the Totn's zoning and 6ubdiv-i5ion codc6, deaigrr rcwiev approved, Unifortd Building Code alrd other ordinances of the To\fn appli.celtle Lherclo. REQUESTS POR INSPESTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TTTB TY-FOUR HOI'RS IN A.DVAIICE BY SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ..,...,1,". SCaEellnt aof{lt oF vArtr @LoR.BDo 3trtc6nt. lfubbat I REC-O535 .trfiounE: Payo.nE I't.thod: CASH Not.Eiont 95,?5 tttt.ra|rr*.rr..rr ii rr:, r., r., rr,r,r +tr ar i 96.75 06l2S/99 70 t26 Init: ,tN p€ruit !lo: P99-OO59 Typ.: B-PLl.lB pLttUSngG PBR.IIIT Parcel No: 2lO1-111-03-0O5 siE. Addrcss: 39S0 IJI'PIIE DR tocaeion: 3988-A Lupine Dr. Total Feed: This Payfr€nc 96.7s ToEa1 AIJr PmEs I ttatairrat9rt*t.itrrr+rrr*arrta rrrittti'rt,:rr**atr*r AccounE Coda D66cript.ion Balanca: 95. 75 96.75 .oo .lnount, ?5.O0 13. 75 3. 00 9P 00100003111200 PLt tfBIltG pERltIT rEES PF 001000031L2300 P&lIr cHEcT EEES WC OO1OOOO3112SOO WILL CATJIJ TNSPECIIOI| FEB rowN oF VAILGNSTRUGIoN pERMtr AplcArroNHr - 6lLo1 INFOR"NIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL Bf,, REJECTEII Plmrbing ({ Electrical( ) JobAddress: 3qSg q L.rPrhe DZ. Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Subdivision ownersllame: Srne.S QranU Address: Architect:Address: Alteration Description of Job: Work Class: Nerv u ()Additional ( )Repau ( )Other ( ) Numberof Dwettingunib: Z h-rFie r Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet BUILDING: PLUMBING Building ( ) Legal Description: Lot $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ pf&/L 7 glo-eu OTIIER: $ TOTAL $$ -€4OO *MECHANICAL $ General Contractor: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Town of Vail Registrauon No.Phone # Electrical Contractor:Address: Torvn of Vail Regislration No. Plumbing Contractor, fuZe-gl-Z f hone # L*?*P'"fuav 4zr fludr,t a ltt zo Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Torvn of Vail Registration No . P / {/ vno"" Mechanical Contractor: Tou n of Vail Reeisuation No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: FQDI4 : R&B NSBESTfS IiEAIETIENI, T 035 Wccl Whltc.Avenue . Crand,uc,tior), Colorado 8j505 Phane; (970) 243.2Oi 6 , .800-749- 1 ZO4 FNx: (970) ?{z-t 129 PqONE 1.f0. , L 976 ?42+rL2B Detc: June 11.1999 CC: FILE J'rn. 11 7Wg A3i AIPI' PL Farr f,C? DMFT 84502ts1 rhono (970)84$C262 .""or, 4 B Urtcnt X?crRcvbw tr P|cam CornmcnC B tlcr. fupty tr Plcrrq nrclffc .ConttD.nlst Thb is a drafl copy of tho ruport for 3988 A. Lupine Ddve. A hard cogy wll bc .nBlt€d b you Eoon as w|' rcc€tv€ the hard cofi€s of th€ re3ul$ frcm ttre lab, Aoo al this Umg we will attar:tr the in\oice for the suwey, -ROIY : q&B FTSBESTE: RBRT=NENT, INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: REPORTPREPARED BY: JOIfi.I R. PETERMAN INSPECTOR MANAOER CERTIFICATF, NO: 5?61 90192 PH0NE N0. i 1, 97A 242+LL2B KITCHEN CONNECTION 5I EAOLE ROAD SUJTE 4 EAGLEWOOD, COLORADO I I 620 ATTEIfTION: BOB ZELTIVIAN LOCATION: ]988 A LUPINE DRIVE VAIL, COI.ORADO 8I659 Ju:r. tl 1999 O3;AAP!'| P2 I NC.t A & B ASBESTOS.A,BATEMENT,INC. 635 WEST WHITE A,VENUE GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO Et5o5 l-800.748-1204 ,* '4.V'Q," FRON I RB ffSBESTOS qBCTEI,IENT,PHoNE ND. : 1 9?g ?4?+7t2F Jun. 11 1999 A3:AAPH I r.{c.o INTRQT)uCTIQrrl: On Junc 9, i999, on inspcntiofl.i'survey wnr conducrc,{ ard 6 bulk sanrplcs we* co,ccrod Fom the RESIDBNCE 39E8 A LUPINE DRIVE vArL, coLoRADO 8t657 Thc purposo ofthc [upcctionaurvgy *,as to tocatc and sampr€ gugpsctrd s3bestos conrainiug Ete srs trat migbt be presolt in throe bathrooms that art planaed for rertvarion. The inspocrion was nud€ and thc sampres were co ectcd by John R. petonn&, au 4..H.8.R.A, and strts 0f Colorado cenifed Buildurg lnspector. Grcat carc was taken during &c iospcction ana silnfting to lle as accuratc us pGsible lt should. bc noted tbat nrinirnal danrage was rlone tc ibc cxisting buiiiirlg,t *tu,u,during thc inspection so thare ig no ciocumeotati<rn for unsc-cn condidonc or snrcd ite;Ts. All samples werc analyzcd by DCIITI scicace Lab ln Lckcwood, coiorado. Tris trborEtory is doemed "PtoficiQJ" i! tlto E.P. . Qualiry Assurucc (QA) prrcgan far the dcermination ofasbcrtos in uutt<metorial$, and b accredited by rhc Amcric4n llygicnc iosociation (AIHA). SAMPLTNG pRQTOCOI_: A rgndom scmpliog schcnre was uscd to suuplc thc suspoet rutcriuls thtt wcrc discovcrcd. lt/lntB sny fifitrc dctnc'lition or ied.ov?.tiorr wo* susP€ct mrtcrial is discovcrcd tlrat hacn't bca sa-ppu6$.irra'Ua dixtwbe4 work should bc halul until thJ rnarcrial hos been rcsted, " ' \9 BUIL.TN. DF.scRr?rioN: ,o,'os\?\\) \9,r' I*. jly blthrooms ttut are ptnnncd for rcoovatiun arc of wood frame construction. The nvo uppel baflloomr havc woJd floor+ and thc lowsr bsthrootn hal a concrctc floor, tbcsg floors worc covcred with caqrct that wlc r€movod prior to thc eurvcy, Thac are no ruspccl floor coveringc h fht) rerrcv$ion arel t n$ w&lls wprc covcrcd 'l'lth 6heetock widr o light tcxtrre. Thc n:ajority of Lhc sheetrock has becn rtmoverJ srd is i,' r rol] olt in the fronr ofthe housc. Ths'cairi'gs in the bati'ooml wrs covcred with sh€€tock witb light nxaro thet oppcars to bc thc ssoac as tbc wnlt*. I.s wltb rlre wall shc.rrock thc nrqlodty of the cciling h.s bs romovcd and is in thc mll otf in front of thc housc. The insutation in rhc walls ipfiars to be fiberglass. coNcl.us,TrQNS Ai{D RqCOMMEN p+TIONS: Tha susp€Gt mat'liels that wete Eanrjtlc<l werc thc shcetock textur€ end composito shectrock saDilplcs-Laboratory ar:atysis of the s'repect mgtarists indicatc thrt no asbcstos was dciencd irr an1,of tic ramplcr At thq reguest of ths clicnt, this rcp<xt ccrvers tbo tblsc bathfoorn: and ia rrot rubject io thc crtlt! hougc. F-R,lvl : A&E qEBEST.IE fi8ATE!'l8\T. Ir.li,Pr{gr.i€ Nrl. : i 978 2.42+L1"29 SAMPLE LOCATION AREASAUPLEO FROM Lower Balhrcom waft Mid 9rthroom Warl Uppcr Bathrom Wail Fumace room by lorer bathrognr Upp€r Bathroom Uppcr Balhroorn OESCRIPNON Shectrocft lexture Shegfock Texture Shagtock Texture Compo3its Stlochock Composiie theetrock Composlte Shsetroci( Jun. 11 1999 a3l A3r.'l P4 FRIABTT YEgilO Yoa Ycs Ycr Yes Ya6 Ycs SATPLEI GRV+OO1 GRV-B{02 GRv-e003 GRV.&004 GRV.B.OO5 GRV.B.OII6 FRON : a&E RSBESTDS CBFT:nENT' SAIUPLE # GRV-&oo1 aRV-e002 GRV.&003 GFIV.B.OOl GRV-B.O05 GRV-8-006 PHor€ N0. i 1 379 ?42+1,L28 ASBESTOS rYPE Jur' 11 L399 A3i A3+1 Pj lNc.o SAMFLE RESULTS COLLECTTON DATE; Bt?rtss DESCRIPTION Sheetrock Texfure Sheetrock Texture She€fock Texture Composite Sheetrock Composlte Sheolrac* Composatc Shegtrock XFli +-ffi:;rtiflrb.ffi To MD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD 0 0 0 0 6-;-Pn"F^tX FROI,I : fi8.B CSBESTSS qBRTEi1EHT,Pf{DhlE NO. I L 916 242+L!m SAMPLE # oRV.B-001 oRV.B-002 GRv.8-003 GRV.B-O04 oRV.B.DOi GRV-&006 KEY: SUR ' Surtucing PHYS - Physioal 75 75 75 76 75 7b INC.t SUSP€CT MATERIAL COND|nON WPE OF SUSPECT OVERALL MATERIAL COND]TIONE DAMAGE SUR 9UR SUR SUR SUR SUR POOR POOR POOR FAIR FAIR FAIR YES YES YES YES YES YES IYPEOF OAMAGE PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS Jun, 11 1999 83: A4PH p5 trR-tF1 : A&B CSBESTi]S RBNTENENT,PHONF NO. i 1. 9?A 242+LLm Jun. 11 1999 A3:A4PN P? SAIUPLE # GRV-+.001 €RV€{o2 GRV-B.OO3 eRv-8-004 GRV,&005 GRr/.8.006 LOW LOW LoW LOW LOW LOW NO NO NO NO NO NO INC. o POTENTIAL FOR OT6TURBANCE ACCES$!BtLltY YES'NO YES YES YES YES YES YES POTENTIAL coirTAcT T{IGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH INFLUENCE VIBRATION LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW POTENNAL TOCATEOIN AIR PTENUM ERO9ION YIS'NO REF'T 131 IA/L4/ 1999 IZIE:IE RTQUESTS Activity: 899-O145 LA/L4/19 Type: A*MF Addressr 3986 LUFINE DR Loeationr 398S-A Lupine Dn FarceI : ElOl-111-03-AA6 Descri pt i on: Bath remodel Appl icant r PiITtrHEN CDNNECTIUN Owner: GRANT JAMe.S B FAHILY TRUST Contraet orr RITf,HtN CONNECTIUN J T ot^lN DF VAIL, CULoRADO INSF'ECTN I.JORK SHEETS FOR: I@/T4/T999 Stat us : I $SUED Constr: AlrlF Ecc l UEe: Fhone: 97SI-645-OP63 Fhone: F'hone: 97ul-845-OF:6* trRGE E5 AREff: JRM Locks, Ho 1d s, RCTIVITY Not ice: and Not iees. . . . Asbestos letter r.ectd 6/14/99.OK to r'elease permit Inspect i on Reqlrest Reqt-test or': BOB Req Timel tDS:tDO It ems reqr-re st ed to ogtzrgtzr BLD6-Final Information..... CommentE: SIDE A be Inspected,.. ..., '- | Frhone: 845-OP6E I^JILL CALL Ti me Exp U'USr . I nspect ion HiEtoFy..,,. Item I etetosff BLDG-Framinq Iten r EAerSA BLDG-Insr-rlat ion It em : eilaer6B BLDE*Sheetr.ock Nai 1 A7/ 73/99 Inspeetorr JRM Iten : AilZIrZrTtzt BLDG-Mi sc, It em : taBEgtA BLDG-FinaI A\- ffi t s \i il AF.F. # N RNVED READY $,-il Act i on Comnents REF.T I J I tA/ 14/ 1999 rZtS: 1l REGTJHSTF - I T Activityr F99-OO59 |fr/L4/19 Typer B-FLMB Statr-ts Addr.ess: 3988 LL|F'INE DR Lscartion: .l9BS-A [-r-rFrnp Dr'. F'ar-rel: i: ltZtl-lll-rl3-gtgrh Dee: Descr-i pt i on r RemovE J bathtubs, i,nstal I S shower-s Flppl icant: BF"FiVER CREEK pL-Ut4BING & HLAT Fhorre: [nirer': I]RANT JRMES B FRMILY TI?UST Fhone: Cantrsctor-; BEAVFR CREEK FLU|'IBIl'JG & HL.A-|- Fhone: f'NN NF VAILj TNLNRfiDO IhISFECTN NORK SHEHTS FOR: 1Al 1ii,/ 1599 F,AGE E6 AREFI: JRM :1!i5UED Uonstr: ADUtr UFe: 97V*47 1-4S50 57fr-47 t-4&3@ Ir.;pect i on Request Reqt-tesbor'; BOB Req Tine: rl8;OtZl .[t ems r'eqr-test ecI t o {zrfj jj'-} E F,l...lvlF-F i nx I Inf or'mat i on. . Comments: be Inspeet ed. F'ht:ne: 845-tZtFi6l fiet i. on Time Exp Inspect i Item It *m Item l[ 'h e m Item Item Item I E Pm Itern Fli. st arzrE 1ra ui CrE:EO v7 lnl fiaer5 rzro;:;ra 'd7 /fnl LtJfre40 firZ'358 rltOPa:, O tlltfi;l1c191 lztttnJB on of'y" . .' F,l-l'1F-Un d e r" gr c r.rn d F,LMB-Rc r-rgh,/D, tr. V. r'99 Inspectoi': JRM F I RE_5F'R I NI,iI-ER ROUGH F LMB-Ro '-tgh /tJat et- ./99 Inspeetor': JRM FLtvlB-Gas F,iping Ft_MB_F,o o I.zHot Tr-rt-.r Fil.-ltlli-Mi sc.. F L-lvlB-F i na l. FIRt-FINAL- l:/O Flct i on : AI-'FIR AFF'R0UHD JRfYI Action: AFFR AFFROVED Comment s o o z @ -{v c () =o z !Irt F ={ r*rf-r-r ! .HjUU i- g <mo lr 3 E ,.nf-C l< : .}.-_. ftt = | -r \J 3 Ha= lri 5 e €i! 19 q a- rtr-6l!: g -:/ J' tm 'rt -Zt- ln I I z l3: -rr l=r 3 .<. l L-JL.r 3 t rf 6 .?Y'- I o->= d E o@ a !9 >= ai o =6 FE m ,'f q !m = 9z =a f"i -l m lr t.. o lFo lza lc<lBo l< 'Tl -- 1'Xm ""= \o -'l \.oJ vto @ m x m t { o z <-o ID o i m -J ..o (D n =m o -{ @ t- - z IH F Its l" I z 3 T H P z F c) z 3 m € c/)c) t-m T- o Oa z.r -lc 3= 1z CJo m c)--t F t- z --{u o -{ n Za -tm vz >m OT --t > O z,o qn m o I z z -.t x n OE =tr <r P E p rn Y I I I rl =l I I ls lo |.n t<l> t; ld l€ lz lo l: l=lr ls la -{ tr mlO Fl= t:l>l-II' lm lvr lz le I I I I l-{ ls l6 l-rl I<t> lF l! IE f lz lo lo l;t{F EL FE tfF ET I* F'J txF |;F tt!tr IE lFd ItsH I(,E tiP tHl @ tJ { I !)O- E3d o9-d 6*g R il P I:F '<R{€Eo i *s' (D =f,-.o qt a*- -rof *-=P =or o e 3.a i gt aB= E +ah =9€E or-o q) -='-r + ;'i 69.o'o L-r 5i=?r=o €B.o <OO =.: c: otd= = -:(. l ;t=ts=jfl9 o-:o.x o Iid ii a'3 !)o^a a3E (,(D=. $ xo {v !, o g = =.g, o o DI o o =' o o -l o { U; N IJ tc! P E 2. o o o-o I '6' o =.o € 0, o o t =i o a =s o o f o. o E \6 o \a NA ')0tl 9',C).(D \\ (, \o l \i \\r \E af \H \E \o g (D o o t9 lm 1< l- I t- ! 2 IJ'-t z l o z l- m :0 :(t z m m m lz J c -t fio<!'n _o m t-m o ! im t-n RlilS xl=19 l> | EI -[ + _lr tl ti z at c f' =z -l !m 1-r o z ls lv)-l I li iF Lm I I IO tr€ Ii- -z zc) .z t z>e8 Io T<u3 >o ol m_aDo z c =--l ll I I l z m € -l m -{ o z X }l =z an ! 2 rn n t f- I o z $ ll il \.1 Oo-2 9.t mx-d .-.:"n F io -Da =Zo <t \', \J c)<2 uoan.f o 62 6= E b zq oo o 'nzz € x N@= Nm=orI :0< = "E z P a) r!, >z U. els l_ I I I o z z po s t- z o z o m z = =z 6 --l i i m =l 2', 6)l ol ll or -l I I I I I I ol >;l I I I I I z H z I tJ I tJt -{ -t- m 3 ='Tl m m U' -t ) U' m -t x o 2 m L m 6)z m s rn € tl]o m --l z rn m tn z o t- c =z m t-m o {F t- z o I m x c z o m = m =-n m m a VALUATION t m 7 =-t z o =m o - z c =z c, fn t-m -{ 6 - z o o o o c) Lrl r/S].t7rL E --a, r t Lr)' -'IN llJ.t',ctb a //4. **** [ ]-Build.iny, t{-"tumbing [ ]-Elecrricat X-uechanicar [ ]-other rob Names 'BrHhM,,,tt - ''t.e br,.!,oD Names l\AV L-ttUt\ t.ilLpnL( Job Address: r,egal Descriprionz tot3L arccx o{ Fitin ohrners Nanes De,. [.ac-\,..- aaaress: 4 Architect:Address: General Description: work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional 6\f_nepair J l_other Numbet of Drrelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: lf*"r and Type of Firepraces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ {*********!t****{'fr*'"t*****zt********* VALI-IATIONS ******** *********** ******** ****** BUILDING: $ ____-- ELECTRfCAL: $ o,I"r{Fp: t pLr,l.rBrNG' F-. - lrsciAN-icA:"ai.-@ ;6ffi; --- r'***** **tt* **'l!t* ***********:t* CoNTRACTOR TNFORIi|ATToN ***************** * *******!r*f Eeneral Contractor: aaaress: Erectrica, "orra Phone Number: Address: .qr,L\,.r_. Town of Vail Reg, NO._Phone Number: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE! PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: NO. trEcHANrcAL pER!,rrr ren: Eo-ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:LlLLCnu- E.F DRB FEE: Contractor:Town of Vail Res. No. By'-P Phone Nunber: ti7-.ru Town of Vail Reg. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE *************** * *************** BUTLDING PIAN CEECK FEE:PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECIIANIcAL eLAN cHEcK teez Z,Zf RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEArt IIP I'EPOSIT RETMTD TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: . MEMORANDUM v ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT !S REQUTRED llowing questionnaire regarding the need for a'public way permit': YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditlerent access needed to sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be ussd for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) !t-v9u- algwered yes to any otthese questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit' applicationi may be obtained a the'public work,s office or at C,o.9Ltu-1tity Development' lf you have'any questions please callChartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-21*.' Contractor's Signatu re Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: DAVIS zuRNANCE ADDRESS: 3988 LUPINE DR VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V DATE: 1-26-95 CONTRACTOR:SIBLEYP&H ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 199I UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 21 OF THE I99I UMC. 3. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUTPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE l99l uMC. 5, FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. :,Lt -- J ' r. 1-r l.l r_t l..l I 1 : I = -APPLICATION FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR AOOITIONAL 6RFA EXCESS OF ALLOI.'ABLE Date of Date of e GRFA P"RS-APPL r C,AT toN g0il[E_qENqE A pre-application conference with a member of the planninc staff ls stronolv encouraged to discuss the provlslons under which aidittonit enfA cin Ue-lia'ea t0 a stte. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assuie eain-property ll"r!!j,!1:nal^2So-ssuare feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinanie iitint-r;r-G li - lbu square feet lf certaln conditlons are met, Appllcatlons for addltlons under thls secilon will not be accepted unress they are.complete' This includes a'll .|nformatlon requtrea-on-t[ii-f6ri ij'tr.ir "r't' Deslgn Revlew Board submlttal requlrements. A.PROJECT OESCRIPTI0N;_--1!{dltton f,or exerctae rloom rear of extstlng garege. Concrete fourrdatlon, wood frame.Sldtng to mateh exletlng. Appl lcation DRB Meetlnq I B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 988 A.lne Drlve Zone olstr{ct Z Family ReEld, C. NME OF APPLICANT: Address hone 476- D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESTNTATIVT:Colorado Honre_Lrnprovements, Inc. Address26 S. Colorado Blvd.#500 Denver, C0.80222 hone 475-3I04 E. NAJ4E 0F OHNER(S): ** Signature(s)-/t Addres s 9BB A. tuDtne lv-e- Vall, Colorado BlO57 phone F. Fll{nE Fee of $100,00 ls requlred at ilnre of submlttal I!! follo*]lg informatlon, ln addltlon to oRB submittal requrrements, shail be requlred wlth thls submlttal: l. verificatlon that the unlt has recelved.a flnal cerilflcate of occupancy.2. Names and malltng addresses of adjacent property owners and of owners of x!:::rll,lniriilE.t"r. Thrs rnroimauon'ri'iviirili;'irom-*'e Eigii-cJ,nty 3. Condomlnlum assocJafion approval (if appl icab,le).4, Exlsting floor plan of structure. G' Your proposa'l wlll be rev'lewed for compliance with Vail,s comprehenslve plan. Rtc'0SIP I7i'Ji)r) F.8,4 \ if t\) \h r\ t$!h t I "\*i l'f \tt\ NT Dt t h ,hI lr\l-r h.B 0r I'I 0 :( N s 0 N \ t\ \. \ $t al \l { a { 0 U {\t s{ q {t t q \ \l hr s 6\I tt' x \ $ VI \| q( v1 \ \| }" \ F o g .\ { { (/l J,r A \g q tJ c i'l lx tr { \ tt, I t '$o qh Ii t{ I i .l t i$tr : AT t-\ Lu tal-\ae.+ 'tJ R 2JT H.{'-1. U ec cJ t 6d,. !l \ N \J \ \J I t4 I t\ \ T t\\ \ ( I't \ 0 ! rl \ I \ ,q\t\q Ir t$\\ sI. I :trt,V i Jt i1 ,|l i .t e NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANTCAL PERMIT Permit #: 1,195-001,6 Phone : 303827 57 36 Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: #0f Gas Appiiances:#0f Gas Logs:flof Uood/Pa t Let: *t*ftt*****:t**ht****tit*M*****#*,H******************* FEE SUllllARY **hftiirlrtt**jnBr*ffir*#*ffitrldir*t**rr**#offirirffilr**td* l.lechani ca [---) 60.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> .00 Total catculated Fees---> 78.00 Job Address: 3986 LUPTNE DR Location. . .: 3986 LUPINE DR Parcel No.. : 2101-111-03-007 APPIJICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 87645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340/ MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER DEUTSCH DAVID A & GAII BRTDLE PATH EAST, SANDS pOrNT Ny 11050 Description: Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phonez 3038275 APPROVED 01. /25 /Le 0t/26/7e o7 /25/\e 736 P[an check---> 15.00 DRB .00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 Investigation> .0O ToTAL FEES------ Ui l.l. CaLt----> 3.00 76-00 Payments------- *********#***********H***ffi*ffi#**irr***************************#r*******n*o**lllllii-lii;;;;;;;;;;;i--***-***S** I!e4i.95180 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:0I/26/l"995 TRYNIS Actioni APPR TT ENTERED CONDITION OF APPROVAL **#***tfrt*******ir**:t#rtr***rt******rhttffi**#****#*****t***l******ffi***t*#*******ht*******ffi*#ffi*#*ffi*#trtr*ffiff(#r:t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this app[ication, fitted out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that at[ the 'infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforhation and pl,ot ptan, to compl,y vith atL Town ordinances and state [aws, and to bu'iLd this structure according to the To],n's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the foun appticabte thefeto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I4ADE TI.IENTY-FoLR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 479-213E oR AT oUR oFFICE FRol'l 8:00 A 5:00 Pl'l SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OUINER * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * ** * TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ****rk**rh*****************************lr**********d,*************** Statemnt Number: REC-0004 Amounti 78.AA fi/26/95 ILz47 Permit No: M95-0016 Typet B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 2101-111-03-006 Site Address: 3986 LUPINE DR Locati-on: 3986 LUPINE DR Payment Method: Notation: TT Init:**************************************************************** Account Code. 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4r-332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total (This Payment): Paid 60.00 15.00 3.00 78.00 Total Fees Total, AIJ- Payments BaLance 78.00 78.00 .00 I o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL l "t l. PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT 479-2138 DATE )'t ' | | '' I I ; , /.:, ,'JOB NAME MON INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED ,--'TLI.UR_,.FRI PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMEING: / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D E tr o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: glenrtrucr-,'- tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST'HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr o tr FINAL FINAL .-d fr.Ppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FIEQUIRED '') / : .'l -; :,DATE ' '-- 't'-- '' '' lNSPEcroR t P roiect Application o^," to/34 en troject Name: )roiect Description: )ontact Person and Phone )wner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:d / Block 2 ,r,nn 8.{,1-"n /9 ,..^" A+'14 Com menls: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board o^" taA r /fa DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Staff Approval FttR- a 5-9 t FFI r '"JL .) Nlcholes Lamplrls, Ph-D. ogt{gulrH6 oEoKlcEl ot$YAr.rFl iOAD eAsEOilD tEr f,oLAnADO Critttt P-92, ffi)shlc00 c. r{orrR4 Febr uar y ,7 | lEl? L T. C. tlaaee Gtrlc)r adp Hgmg ImprovEfie.nt trB. ?{r9dr 6, Eslsf dd6 fJlvd. , EiuL te io(}Denver CO AO??? REr Haeard Eveluatlon, 3?8BA Lupinn Drive DdE'r }lr. Halrol I vlr3i torj ths rb6ve refBrenced hofte in EaEt Vrl I rceently for purposflB o{ a geolegic hassrd evalrretion, ar it pertalns to rocl: falI, cncH srrd debt ls avalanchr patentlal . As you knorr all o{ these ha:arde are chown by the Town of Vatt.F maps 6s al fectinE thta Fropertyr with a ,,hlgh laverity,' dF$tgnationr orr diE +trr sfiow avrlanchal th: ,,blr.re" cla:rslf lsatlsnr Hy general +indingg are that the haeardE are lndeect preEFnt snd that they al t should be mtttgsted a€ ef{ecttvely porelblr rlthln the scope of the Fropo$€d addltion. Th6 steep hillsida ibove thls home ls at leagt lso fert htgh, not errtremn try any Etsndard; hoh|€ver I the gravtty r-elated heFrrdc (Hhitrh lnclude Enow av8lantrhe for thts Ei te) can grin sonEr ,nomtntum before rcachlng thE property. Wlth rrEfrect to the d.ibri E avalanche hezerd, I do not eee ervidence Ebowa tha home {or lrny gref,t thiskness of msteri al becomlng involved. In addition, tho rtope ls heavily tre6d.Thc' lot iE Edntly rloping towrrd the north. I ds ndt breliew: thet e llrge powder aw*lsnchs capqbl€ o{rorirrr.rg deetruction ir likety at this slte. ThE Frqpseed mitigetion ts {ellcw should improve proteqtion to thc Prop.Iriecf addition arr well as the existi ng lreme. Fecause ct the above citgd {actorl I tretiave it WOuld be pnasible te inprove the si tgation significantly wtth 6ornF modi *iectionr to thr rcrrr s{ the slte. Ag we dtEcusred, the bermF at both nndr o{ thr home sheuld bE connEtrted tn front (lf thG propo=ed addition to a srininum hetght of three feat.fn cdditiont the rear wsll sf the addttlon shoulcl br strong to e heltght at leeat three feet above flntEhEd grecre. Tht6 will significantly improve the overalt safety oi tne homF aE well ai te the sddltton. 1-|AFt-45_9'. FRI 1El f) Tha pr6ps'7'! f dccc li,e in e Eeologtcrl ly renrltivr arear but developnent Hilt ri€t I nsre:ree the hazrrd to gther propertyf or structqr-lt o.l.to public right:r-of -urayr roadEl etriets I eEremrrrltr, utilltles or facilities or othcF FroFrrtlec o{ any klnd, l# thera arc further quGationsr plerFc contect .ner =5 o 2 I F.€IE Elncerel y, ,1,/U{; Nicht)las Lampt r I a ConEulting Seologtgt 75 south tronlege road yail, colo?ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 23, 1987 ofllce ot communlty dcyelopment Mr. Sid Schultz P.O. Box 3L86 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Neiss Residence, Lot 2, Block 2, Bighorn lst Addition Dear Sid: The Design Review Board approved the proposal for the above property on March i.B, l9BZ. We wish to remind you of the following conditions: 1-. There must not be a lock on the door between the recreation room and the bedrooms which are up one flight. 2. The residence is in a hazard area. The construction wirr be dependent upon the hazard report received from Art Mears. If the study shows that Lhe proposed development is impacted by the hazard.s, proper nitigation measures must Ee taken with =i"cifi"improvements explained and indicated on Luilding pennit p1ans. If you have any guestions, please feel free to caII. Planning Technician ^/LL *" -1 YG Betsy R6so)-ack i INC" t{raret. 23, L987 BEt Nelss Aalalltlon Dear Mr. Schul,tzr Thls report coneld.ers the consequences of avalanche lnteractlon rlth a aenry-propoeeil add.ltton to the hone of Dr. & !{re. Edxa"rd Nelse, rocated.at 3988 rruplne Drlve, valI . Thl-e work hae been conpleted. at y6ur requeet and. provld.es only general. lnfornatlon about avaranche effects, but doee not epeclfy loadtng detalLs. Frrrthernorer 4a ro cllscuseed., the NelEs hone ls al.so expoeed. to debnle arralanches and. rockfall as specifleil on naps on flLa rlth the Tonn of vall-. The connrents provld.ed. here ad.rLr€ss only snon-analanche haza.rd., not rockfal,l or d.ebrie florr/ava.lanche. The prlrury rnocllftcatloa to the outslcl.e of the extsttng bulLdlng lnvol-v€6 a greenhouBe,/hot tub encLogure that extends the exlatlng structr.ue aprEor-lnatery 5-10 feet to ths aouur, tornrd the steep, avalanche-prone elope.lhls eddltloa rlrr not lncrcage the hazard to adJacent prop€ity or to the east€ra unlt of the c[up]ex. ?rotectlon fron arrara.nches at thle prtlcular s1t€ can begt be achlevecl 16aq'rgh-illrect protectlon of the stnrcture. Thts shouLd. be acconpllehed by relnforclng and posslbly bernlng the eouth rall-s of the stnrctlJre aad provldlng a relnforcstl roof tha.t ffl]-l- sa.fely acconodate analanche tlepoettlonal loade. The glass-enclosed forn of the pnopoeed renodsl, as speclfled. on your al'na$1nge dat€d 2/2+/8? t ls probably not sufficlentJ.y strong to acoonodate avala,nche Loads. The deel€n Loads ilere speclflecl ln a report authored by TI:9tf _ln conjunctlon *lttr Scott, Cox a,nd. Assoclates, Inc., d.ated. June 2b,7979, Deslgt Loade 1n ttre renocleI nay dlffer sl-lghtly fron the prevlous roade beaause of ttlffersncoe 1n stnrcilrre posltlon aaa/ot orleatatton. ?rotectlon of the new add.ltlon ttrror.rgh sone type of d.etached. bern or other st'ructure locatod sone cllstance south (uphlll) of the houee wlr]- not be gractlcAd. Such a d.eta,clred. structlrre could. deflect snor Lateral.ly torard. a.d.jacent property. Prease contact ne lf you have any addltlonaL questions. As re cEecuesecll r rlLr be retumlng fron tno coaeultlng aeelgnnents ln Alaska on lgrfl 5. ARTFIUR I. MEARS, P.8.., NuunlfLar&Cqrlur ?ltlFll&tthAtc- Gdrn Gh* E1210 nt-ul.tat6 '"fir"r p !tr. Sldney SchrStz 141 E. lleador Ilrlve Valt, C0 81657 SlncereJ.y, WL,AI v"ll-ea*o Arthur I. lrlearel P.E. AMrlc Enol. UA@D TO TI{E NEISS (TIEST) D I'blY&tA&&oAo&tr.fuolEryierllllit Desreiv AvRr-RncHe Lonos PnoposEr Corr-Dtxor'r DupLex ;oi 2, Btononru VR:-, CotoRRoo ParpRReo roR: Gennm Drxoru Dtxoru & Assocrnrrs/AncnrrEcrs 'r a'\ - '1 -LrJl-l- )0UTH tTAYL0RD Denven, ColonRoo 80209 Jurue 28, 1979 SCOTT, COX AND ASSOCIATES, INC. t SCOTT. COX AND Consulting Engineers ASSOCIATES, I o NC. 153O 55th Srrost Aoslo.., Colorsdo 40303 Phon. (3O3) 444-3051 June 28, 1979 Mr. Geral d Dixon Dixon 6 Associates/Archi tects '| 0l I South Gay)ord Denver, Colorado 80209 Ref: 7991 Dear Jerry: ln order to expedite the avalanche dynamics anaiysis for the proposed building for Lot 2, Bighorn, Vail, Colorado,-we. arranged to have Art Mears do the work. The result of his analysis are attached. l.lhen we can be of help, please cal l. Sincerely, scoTT, cox AND ASSoCIATES, tNC. mla Edward L. Serr, PE-LS I. PREVIOUS \'ORK AND LII'lITATIONS OF STUDY As indicated in a previous ava lanche dynamlcs and defense study (Arthur l. Mears and hcDowei I -Smi th and Associates, 1975), the location of the proposed Cote-Dixon duplex on Lot 2, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition, Vail, Colorado, is subject to impact from design-magnitude snow aval anches. Such avalanches, as described in detail in the report referenced above, consist of .a mixed lower-level dr.y-f lowi ng component and of a powder avalanche component. This report should be consulted for details of the formation, release, and mot ion of design avalanches at this location. A duplex structure is planned within the moderate hazard portion of the ava lanche runout. zone; architectural details of this structure are describeo in plans developed by Dixon and Assoc i a tes./Arch i tects . This report specifies uni-e forces on various surfaces of the proposed structure. The loadings are developed from data obtained from the Hears and McDowei I -Smith study and from the architectural plans of Dixon and Associates. The Ioads specified in this report would not necessariiy apply to other structures, nor would they apply at this iocation if the architectural details or landscaping were ai tered from those specified in the Dixon and Associates' plans. II. SURFACES EXPOSED TO AVALANCHE FORCES AND MAGNITUDE OF FORCES The surfaces exposed to avalanche forces are shown in plan and elevation views in Figures I and 2. These figures are copied from the current archi- tectural plans of Dixon and. Associates/Archi tects. A. Surfaces I a, b, c, d These surfaces are exposed to normal and shear forces as the.avalanche flows over the earth berm. Unit forces are: Normal Unit Force: 470 lbs/ft2 Shear Stress: 235 lbs/ftL -l - Normal forces shoul cj be assumed to act normai to exposed surfaces, in- .. cludinE glass doors. Shear stresses ai'e parai lel to these surfaces and hor i zonta I B. Surfaces 2 a, b These roof surfaces are exposed to a shear stress paral.lel with the general fall line above the building and to a normal stress. Shear Stress: 2A los/ft2 Normal Unit Force: l5O lbs/ftz The nornnl force resuits from deposi tion of avalanche snow on the roof and are in addition to normal snow loads ciue to precipitation. This aiso appiies to surfaces J and 4, both of which are exposed to precipi- tation snow loads in addition io avalanche loads. C. Surfaces 3 a, b These roof surfaces are exposeci to.shear and norna l stresses as the avalanche flows over the top of the structure. Shear stress is paraiiei with the general fall line above the building. Shear Stress: 20 lbs/ftT Normal Unit Force: I00 lbs/ftz D. Surfaces 4 a, b These roof surfaces are exposed to shear and norrnai stresses simi lar to those of surfaces 3 a, b, Shear Stress: Z0 lbs/ftL Normai Unit Force: 100 lbs,/ft2 i. Surfaces 5 a, b The chimneys act as smal I splitting wedges and are exposed to normal and shear stresses on the vertical uohill surfaces. -2- a The I ttc shear force upl ift shear Normal Unit Force: Shea r St ress : Upl ifi Shear Stress: is perpendicul ar to the force is pe rPend i cul a r 330 lbs/ft2 165 lbs/frz 50 lbs/ftz normal force to the normai and horizontal. force and verti - Thestonefireplacesareexposedtonormalandshearstressesontwo surfaces. t r*o t grlf t2 ,.2 /u lbs/rE Normal Unit Force: Shear Stress: Ii i. ADDTTIONAL COMMENTS This report cioes not speci fy design forces for the garage located beiween theunits.Thusthegaragecannotbeexpectedtowithstandforcesfror, ihe ciesign avalanche. The hazard to the garage is increased because the earthenbermontheuphillsideofeachunitwouldtendtodeflectsnow into the garage a rea. The Mears and McDowel I -smith st.udy specified that structures on Lot 2 woulci be exposed to stagnation pressures from powder avalanches, in adcjition to flowing avalanche forces. However, the loadings recommended in this stucly will safely accommoclate powder avaianche and fiowinq avaiFnche forces. Surfacesla,b,c,anddareexposedto.|argeforcesthatwillprobably cause failure in glass doors and windows and allow snow to enter the bui lding duri ng design-avalanche conditions' -3- 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlly develoPment April 9, .|985 Ray Cote P. 0. Box 644 Vail, Colorado, 81657 RE; Lot 2, Block 2, Bighorn 1st Dear Ray, I am writing you concerning the existing condition of the above mentjoned property. As you may recall, we discussed the lack of landscaping-and bauing lt tfris-site last fall. At that time you rvere given a deadline of November llth to complete the site work necessary for satisfying your Design Review Board approval . This deadl jne has not been met and I am writing you nor.r to establish a new deadljne for when this work should be done. According to our fi1es, you have failed to meet three deadljnes for the compietion of this landscaping and paving. ]n my last correspondence to you concerning this matter (see enclosed copy) , I. had asked that thjs site work be completed before November ll, 1984. I have discussed this matter with the staff at the Department of comnunity Development, and a new deadline of July 1st has been established for you to complete thjs work. This date was established based on discussions with local landscape architects. It should provide you ample t'ime with which to complete this long over due work. As I mentioned in my iast letter to you, one recourse available to the Town would be to revoke the temporary certificate of occupansy for this property. l,lhile this action would not be in the best interest of the Town, yourself, or your tenants, I assure you I will not hesitate to take such actjon ii you-fail to *."i th" July 1st deadl'i ne. As I recall from our last conveisation concerninq this rnatter, you had indicated that you fully intend to complete this *or[. That being the case, I.would expect to see thi s work done by July 1st in order to avoid any further complications concerning this nntter. Tom Braun Town Pl a nner TB/ rme Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3071 vail, colorado 81658 Oflice Localion: Vail Nalional Bank Bldg. 108 S. Frontage Fload Suile #307 Vail, Colorado 11657 Ph,303-476€529 Ecarber 1, L9B4 14.r. Tc:: il r:a'.rn lb.vn P1a::e:: Bui-Icin: :]r:i--- Tt,rm ci l.-aii 75 9r. l-rci:ace Pd. vail-, co .r:hi Dcar l''.::. ri:rrJn: ,"-( /4., / I (/ PLease ic aiviseo that the undersigned residents of Lrpi-n Drive j-n East PLease ic aiviseo that the undersigned residents of Lrpi-n Drive in East . I / VaiI ::'r'.: c::: :ollowinq concerns re1 ating to the properhies ?:^* ,_ l-Ml (A) :-r-!,2! si:civrsipry:$,-*t*f(3986 Lupin orive)i and (B) B:drirffi"as_,- \ sl s!rwv/, wrv \ul "'v"""';)t Sti.:i.lr'.-rsr.:l | --cts I and f:- \ -/t ^ I a Prru-'r*-"' IJL* ur t- 1) '^i.,3 l:n.lscacing and asphalting have not been conpleted.2) :'cre '*r:r ti:re nurber of renters are renting than the zon-ing al-lows.3) Ihis c:rciition has existed lvay beyond the terporary occl4)anqrz pc.:_r c :er:iod (approxjmately three years). PrDDer-t\' 3 ,. I) For:ndation hole dug out and for:ndation partially installed. Open hole and pertruding rebar a_re exb.relrely haz ardous.2) Old Airstrealr trailer (windows broken out) farked on prolErby.3) Piles of o1d boards ard qerLeral- iunk 4l This condition has existea for t6ree vears. ,$"" F r€grEst ti']at tilese properties be conpleted and the o\,,/ners requirred ' to perform i-n acccrdance rvith the regulltlons. we 1ook. fo::vrard 1o your @nstructive thcughts a:rd acti_ons. --4on /..,^,f;b:r- ?qO7 Luprug Ort,ffi Addreffi Thank you, Sinerely, /alra to \)nu- *Coc- ercorT oo REG I STERED 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 12, 1984 Mr. Ray Cote P.0. Box 644 Vail , Colorado 81 657 Dear Ray, olf lce of communlly development Re: Lot 2, Blk 2, Bighorn lst I am writing you concerning your property at Lot 2, Block 2, Bighorn lst Additjon. My attempts to contact you over the phone resulted .in our p1 aying "phone tag." Hopefully this letter can initiate a dialogue to resolve the situation at your East Vail residence. I have received a number of complaints over the past few weeks about the condition of this property. Specifically, the lack of paving and landscaping. In reviewing the file on this property, I find thai you have recejved two extensions -in-ord.er to complete this work. The iatest extension was to August l, 1983. )r <=- ,-----/\___._l.lell over a year-has paat-fiom-your ]atest extensjon, and it appears that little, if anything, has yet to be done on the lot. I am requesting you take immediate action to remedy this situation. According to your temporary ,-. certificate of oqcupancy, landscapjng and paving was to have been done by ( JJ]]' .l5, 1982. _..lbnsequently, you have had over two years to complete thls _*a'T-_ I encourage you to contact me as soon as possible concerning this matter. My.expectation at this time is that the paving and landscgp-ing (as proposed, glq.apploygd by the Design Review Board) will be instatl@,by-November'11,1984. Fai'lure to comply-with this deadline wi'll leave me-Tj but to initiate 'l ega'l action to hopeful ly reso'l ve this matter. One recourse that cou'ld be pursued will be for the Town to revoke your temporary certificate ot occupancy. Gerald D. Dixon/Arft 2.222 East Teruressee Ave , Denver. Colorado 80209 Septernber 28, 1,982 Mr. Peter Patton Departnent of Community Development Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Peter: I noticed last week that a duplex located at 5988 Lupine Drive stil1 has not conpleted the site development almost two years after a tenporary certificate of occupancy was issued, The unit in question I had contracted to co-develop, however I have not been involved since August 1980. The design review board gave approval on April 1'9, 1'979 subject to the following. 1. Driveway was to be paved 2. Timber edging along drive 3. Siding to be stained with Olynpic #709 4. Trin to be stained with Olynpic #712 5, Landscaping to be instaLled as shoun on the plans' After thro years I wonder how the owner has been allowed to rent the two rmits and not meet the following requirenents. 1. After two sunmer planting seasons still not conplete the required landscaping, 2. Still has not paved the drive and install the required tirnber edging. 5. Changed the siding color to Olympi.c #716 and the trin to Olyrnpic #7L2 wit}'ottt the approval of the design review board- I find the building site an eyesore and wonder why you donrt enforce the town ordinances. Awaj.t your reply. ', ' eerald D. Dixon/Arcf .101 1 South Gaylord Street Denver, Colorado 80209 303/744-6983 July 30, 1979 Steve Patterson Vail Building Departrrent Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Cote/Dixon Duple:< I-cL 2, Block 2 Bighorn Subdivision, First Filinq Dear Steve: I had been werking with DicJ< Evans and he requested ttre follovdng inforrnation. The design review board requesled a percolation study or drainage for srrow melt trapped behind the garage area. We have elected to install 4" drain tile to alleviate tlr-is problon. Because of my approach to the avalanche design I elected to have Art lilears, Professional Engineer, deterrn-ine the avalanche design Ioads rather tlnn interpolate these loads frcrn other studies. The Iflqgqql4 "s-t.ram plus the short span heavy tressing of the roof and - walls, and with 2x10 roof joists, enables the structr:re to withstand the increased loads. The msnber sizinq was based on the report data (Design Aval-anche Loads, proposed Cote,/Dixon Duple><, Irl 2, Bighorn). Hov,rever, the roof load normal unit has been increased by 70 1bs. to take hto accor:nt the additiornl snow loads due to precipitation. The brildings will be ilsulated irr the follor,dng: bassnent walls - I" urettnne foan to frost line Irralls - R-28 roof windows doors - R-34 - wood, double-glazed glass - vDod, double-glazed'safety glass The fireplace will be a Heatilator with air circulation, outside ccrnbustion air, and glass doors. AssocialedArchitects Architecture. Planning. UrbanDesign Gerald D. Dixon/Arcf 1O1 1 South Gaylord Street Denver, Colorado 80209 303/744€983 July 30, 1979 Page 2. If you have any furLher question,please gj-ve re a call aL 476-4494. 6wo '-- .t:] GERALD DIXON B-795 Associated Architects Architecture . Planning . Urban Design 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 17, 1985 Mr. Ray Cote P.0. Box 644 Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Lot 2, Block 2, B'ighorn lst offlce of communltY develoPmenl CERTI FI ED Dear Ray: Enclosed you will find copies of two letters you have been sent concerning the lack of landscaping and paving at the above referenced site. As was stated in the April 9, 1985 correspondence, a deadline of July l was established by this department for you to conplete the .paving and of this lot. The purpose of this letter is to once again rem'ind you ot init July i, l9b5 deadljne. I would hope to see this work completed by the deadijne date so as to avoid the need for any further action by the town. n0 (r$Nl,\ U \) IA},-^,N- Thomas A. Braun Town P'lanner TB/blf enc. 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 7, 1985 Flr. Ray Cote P.0. Bbx 644 Vail, Co. 81658 Re: Lot 2, Block 2, Bighorn First offlce of communlly developmenl Dear Ray: The Department of community. Developnent has reviewed the proposed changes to. the landscape plan for the above mentioned lot and appioved the subiittal subject to the Public Works Depar"tment approving the gabion rock proposed in areas outside of your property line. 'According to a note attached to this. submittal , you have indicated that the aspeni would be transplanted in the fall. This is not acceptable to the staff and expect all materials proposed in this plan to be installed prior to the issuance of any final Certificate of 0ccupancy. As you are undoubtediy aware, our office has issued a summons against you for your failure to complete a landscape plan on this property.- At ou"r descretion, additional summonses could'be'issued for every day you are in violation. Up until this time we have chosen not to iss-ue aadjtionat citations, however, it is the intention of thjs office to issue additional citations if the approved landscape plan is not completed in its entirety in the very near future. Si ncerely, n\'* 0,$*^ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner lnttn u ual 75 roulh lrontrge road Y.ll, colondo E1657 (3O3) {76-7000 iviay L? i?€'g iYir', Qayr,tand Cnt e F,. o. L,:x Ezi4 Vai !, C'r, S165e t'e: L'rt l, Elr,ck E.' Ei gh*r-n l.--t Additi,rn 3986 Lr-ri:ine Drive, west side Ith.. Cc' t e, i atrt wt'it irrg this letter* to ynr-r in c,r.d er. t*' s':iicit yc' Lrr" help in a rncattei- that hag c,:'rfi€r t,tr my attentir-,rr, I nave t-eei€rveg gevsral cornFiaints fFonr s,:rrns ,r 1= the nei ghbc'r.s irr the ar.ea ,:_' f yc,ur- hoirre ':ri Lt-rtrine Dr-ive. The cc,rrri:iaints gterrr fr"':,irr i ight that i= c,:rrlinE fi-c'rr: the west sirle *f ihe iLr51s?x. Sc,irre c'f the i.l?si.dBrrts ir! thai ar.ea feel tha'; i:ire: dirErcr; irrn sf the i iqh.L irr quest i,:n ig treg'lrr'! i. n! ;1r! al.rl.r,3yarrt]g. Ici{::ri i./, I w,:r-tIc i ikse t': Fei: y,:rur. helo irr el:i.nrir'nt ir-rE thig gr.,:,hLerr'l. R--a i i st i ca _i i y, I have thE -f'f.Jn aF Vai I zt'r,ir,r iarJs.t( t,:' baci<-r-rp the C:r':,1'lI(:i r'r'ii:i tiFrrrrq lc'ilqeC i;y tire r"e*iclerrts c,f that If y':' r-r wr'r-rid g:Le;rser tai-k r4ith irr t!-e. w*g'; .;iCet *f tlre dr-iDiex r!n'b hav€ t,: 'i;,1, i(€:, ariy ",:,irf ic.:'"a1 rrtatter', I fe?el t"rgt w,:r-r1c begl: F i e;rgil f er i f'r'ee' t c, c.il.': I ms,: .r't rr r-ltn i:ra+?. l-!.4 r-. L:i 1 i-a 4. 7ii -St:,7 ;, t he pec,p 1e wn,: i i ve lty fiiay ':tii! t ','rr: i ,, ;rct i r,rr ,:n i h jL .'; r;er-vr* e,ii invaivsc. itr)' '-' 1: - Cg. -irEr 24//7,,o7T i. :1. l:1 r!;r, l €'l.rFT T :-i'y-6rizsryll r,.-.',*r 0f f I cerr. F':i: : C'E De,':;rr.t ligni; Cr- -" i;r :, 'r: 1rl-:,4.-!:l:l'f il; ) i:L) 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty development May 19, 1986 Raymond Cote Box 644 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Third Dlelling Unit at Lot 2, Blk 2, Bighorn Subdjvisjon lst Additjon Dear Mr. Cote, It has recently come to our attention that the structure you own at the abovementioned property may have one or possibly two dwell ing units which were never approved by the Town of Vail. The lot in question is zoned for two family residential district. This zone district is defined such that not more than a total of two dwelling units in a sing'l e structure shall be permitted on each site. Unless you can provide us with proof that these additional dweiling units do not exist or that you have a valid approval for them, we must require their removal . The existence of one or two additional units represents a violation of the Town of Vail zoning code relating to the total number of dwelling units allowed on this lot (a maximum of two).I would appreciate it if you would contact the Department of Community Developnent at the Town of Vail so that we may resolve this problem. 'r,le offer our advice and assistance in helping you in this matter. Si nce rely, d"*J../ea/nJ Susan Scanlan EnvironnBntal Heal thlZoning 0fficer SS : j'lt 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 off lce of oommunlty development June 3, 1986 Raymond Cote P.0. Box 644 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Lot 2, Blk 2, Bighorn Subdivision 1st Addition Dear Ray, I would ljke to thank you for contacting me eariier today regard.i ng my letler of May 19th. After our conversation I checked with Gary, our Building 0fficial , and Peter, our Director regarding your lockloff unit. According to the 1985 Uniform Building Code, so long as your lock-off is not equipped with kitchen facjlities, including a stove, it cannot be considered as a dwelling unit and does not represent a violation of the code. However, the zoning portion of the Town of Vajl Munjcjpal Code in Sectjon 18.04.030, addresses this as an accomodatjon unit. If you read the enclosed section of the code you will note that a room or group on rooms without kitchen facjljties accessible from common corridors, which yours is, is defined as an accomodation units. It further states that each accomodation unit shall be counted as one-half of a dwell.i ns unit for purposes of calculating al Iowable units per acre or lot and-such un.i ts are al'l owed only in multi-fami1y,dwe1 ling units. In this case, this gives you a total of 2I/2 unjts on a'lot which is zoned duplex with only two al lowable units per lot. Therefore, I must require that you remove the lock from this bathroom /bedroom/ wet bar area which separates it from the rest of the dwe] ling unit, thereby precluding it from being consjdered as a lock-off. The bedroom/bathroom must be part of the whole unit and not a seoarate unit. I a E 2 (J 4 F i (5 .) t ? = a= -= j= r'a '= !;:a '! +i_=.==.= .= =: i=' i ti:t:a i ! ,.: t .! / : + . =7;'=a+:, -:: t 1- -i, =- t 7. i =- i -:.1 j =:Z=i!'. Lr) crl Lr) 3- CJ -o P () CJ a) J od Or-.rD *= 'v aa o P e. I - I I =o z, I .9 a = = : (\J o)ct) z = .= = P c, o) qJ d =a o I E (u c (U a OJ E o P o (.) z {-:.-^\\:. * {-'-(4 Y*--1>x r-''iv \.-^ =zz c<< -:lz -<\,:i- ^ :'-z": ::: l- -1it a- -- \- :./.*\,-=z -- '-. ...: <== :a r,: € =!-- {U=lZ-.-<Y c><. -:z -::_t Z-= .<::t; -<:-^-:-:.:.* ^-.-i*--: :- i* i- .-..v .4--->--: \ \- -/ -;:<:- \ -: .-s:<= -i-^-.-:-<= -z-1 Yi-::--:': - .: -/' :- -----: :< :< ;---:-:-\-:-v.-:- A. h a<, a+ O.R tn E f€ Ea .F)t 44,tr F{ fi-t .F,J \/ F-H Fr #({ r{ re l+\Fl ,H F-a{{{44, *lFt a-,H H (ft\E'\/ tFr ts l{ A. {rf .f{+<,H rts) t{-a rfJ \Ft f-f A. EI \/ lft it a il# rF] F2