HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1994-1999 (CO)L't- t3 D (\'ry-"' Z-'^L TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE Permit PLUMBING PERMIT AT #: ALIJ TIMES P97 -0L27 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW RESIDENCE Valuation:9,000.00 *t****************t*********ff**ff****t******************** FEE SUl,fl,lARy *****t***********************t************i*************** APPI-,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER P tumbi ng-----> Ptan Check---> lnvestigation> U'i l. L Cal. L----> Job Address: 3846 BRIDGE RD LocaIion. . .: 3846 LUPINE DRIVE Parcel No.. : 2101-111-01-012 Project No. : PRJ97-0077 EAGLE COUNTY PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX Lt73, GYPSUM CO 81637 EAGLE COUNTY PLUMBING & HEAT P O BOX 1L73, GyPSUM CO 81637 STEVE GROSS Phonez 3O35249376 Phonet 3O35249376 171 .75 .00 171 .75 Payments------- Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> I S SUED 0e /23 / rseT 0e /23 / LeeT 03 /22 / rseB 155.00 33 .75 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revi e]r--> TOTAL FEES----.- .00 171 .75 Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUIIJDING Division:09/23/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/23/1997 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/A *********************************t**********i*t**i**************t**********t*****i***********t************************************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ************t*********t************************t********************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I _ hereby .acknow ledge that I have read this Epptication, f il,l.ed out 'in futt the intormation required, compteted an ptan, and state that att the informat'ion provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire information accurate ptot and ptot p tan, REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN AOVANCE BY at +tg .-z't!a oR AT ouR rcE...f Roll vtston ANO OI'NER CONTRACTOR FOR t/. **********************************************:l***************** TOWN OF VAIL, COT,ORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-o331 Anount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #4135 r7L.75 09/23/97 16:so Init: CD I7L.?5 **************************************************************** Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: L,ocation: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01.0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P97-0L27 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2101-111-01-012 3846 BRIDGE RD 3845 LUPINE DRIVE Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: Balance: 171.75 17L.75 .00 Amount 13s.00 33.7s 3 .00 rY r .<2 A1 g-77 - Lty A"".""orff1""Tuonrac{: Eagre UounEy essessorfttce o ,...>,., , u tr dt 970-328-8640 for parcel #. ToI{N oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pERr.trr |PARCEL $: -r ti., ttt ( i c,T ""*ilril311i"llt\ ""* 4hn?. }qy lttr' , APPLTCATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELy oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED PER.}IIT /I ***************************** [ ]-Building I -Electrical [ ]-other ;:;tt'3 t l. eo Job Name: €A---, r,,:!rL y'6,ltprULE Job Address: .1iLcr Legat Description: Lot I j Block .r _ tttfr,ffi-L owners Name: '<<i EVE t- l4t,>4 Address:Ph. Ph.Architect:Address: , AppLrcATIoN MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELy OR S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * p6R'rr rNFoRr.tATroN n ffi General Description: Work Class: [.4-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwerrLng units: _ Number of Accommodation units: fmber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliur""r- 3 eas Logs i wood/petlet_,fro". and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- 5 eas Logs i wood/perret_Y {********************:*};;;******* VALUATTONS ********************************* Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Plumbing Address: Contractor: ^ Phone Nunber: lM;"oJ?T",, Phone Number: /22.-f TVT- Y::li:i:"rjTt:1"t"rz 7@1.,C rown or Vail Res. No. r:;z-r Address:Phone Number: 52.1-.itT- ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: RECREATION FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: CI,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMTT FEES: sQ. FT.BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAII I'P DEPOSIT RE?TIND TO: VALUATION TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. TRONTAGE ROhD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 E Lect r i ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation>lJitt cat l.----) TOTAL FEES---> Location... Parcel No..Project No. 209.00 .00 .00 3.00 262.W 3846 LUPINE DR 2101-11 1-0 L -0l.2 PRJ97-007 7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL,, PERMIT permit #: 897-0181 e*"*ez ( wr,r,t?- zrs) Job Address: ge+O snrodE nO stt'tus...: ISSUED Applied..: 08/19/Iee7 Issued... : 0B/1,9/1997 Expiree. . : 02/75/1e98 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 APPLICANT RESORT SERVICES ELECTRIC P O BOX LO79, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES ELECTRIC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620 OWNER BORNE ROBERT PO BOX 4205, VArL CO 81658 Description: TEMP POWER AND WIRING FOR NEW SFR Valuation:19, 1.00. 00 ***********t'i********************************************* FEE surltARy *********l*********t***********f********r*************** TotaL Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit fee--------> 262.W .00 262.00 262.@ .00 i BALANCE DUE----- ***t**ffi*************t***t******************************ff***********************************t**************t**********i******* Item:,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/L9/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR It'em:' .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O8/L9/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ******************************************************************************t*i************************************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ! 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *********t****************************************ff#**i**t***r********ti***t*******************f,******i**t*********t************ DECLARATIONS I. hcreby .acknowtedge that I have read.this aPptication, f i l,l,ed out in futl, the information requircd, conpteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that all the informati.on provided as required. i,s correct. t agrae to conpl,y r,iith tlre in?ornation ana piot iian,to.conpty tith atL Toun ordinanccs -and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according io the tovn's ionint .na subdivisibn codes, design revieu approved, uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun aipticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS I]I ADVA CE BY ./ -vv **************************************************************** TowN oF VAI!, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0317 Amount: Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: *5597 262.00 08/21/97 L2245 Init: cD Permit. No:Parcel No:sit,e Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:262.00 Total ALL Pnts: BaLance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILI, CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 897-0181 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT 2101-111-01-012 3846 BRIDGE RD 3846 LUPINE DR **************************************************************** 262 . OO 262.O0 .00 Amount 209.00 50. 00 3 .00 ,t ?xcontact Eagle County e"""""or"lfi"" O I at 910-328-8640 fo.r parpel /l . ToI^IN oF VAIL coNsTRucTroN LPARCEL /l:tFt- rrl-61^Olll pERt-rrr AppLrcATIoN FoRM ? o*nr_8-7L41- k17-o7ZS rt ( Architect: PER.I"IIT # , APPLICATfON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR fT !{AY NOT BE AccEpTED r****************************** pERMfT fNFORMATJoN **************************i**n) ,/[ ]-Bui]ding [ ]-Plumbing Sssrectricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other fr .,1 t\ -r o , ./ -.a t/./ t 7-rob Name: futl t)ol t"* t rob Addre "", aB 46 L'epiae. Dr. Legat Description: r,ot-ll srocxl riling .rur.ro*, 8;o iorn "owners Narne: Grosl.tfe- Den Address:in.47a-xq Address:Ph. Generar Descriptior,, ]ns{t( uyi.fl. ../work class: Fll"r [ ]-Al.teration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other a- Number of Dwelling units, I Number of Accomrnodation units: .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Applialc-eq-- Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_Y lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * :t t( * * rt rt rt t! * * I ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P*\?"irFr?Jo[ * * * * * * * * * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I BUTLDTNG: Er,EcrRrcAr-,: $j!, IOO " 1?ob,y'or"u*, *PLUMBTNG: MECHANICAL: $--'-__ rOrAi,{ 1[* * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAI'ION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * j( * * * * * * * * * * * *Eenera] ConLractor: Town of VaiI Reg. NO._Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: rown of vait Res. uo. l?7 E Phone Number: W7- 673- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: Mechanical Contractor: Address: PLIIMBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMII FEES: VALUATION CLEAN UP OEFOSIT NEFI'I{D I' %r, r,/ i..: i DRAFT AVALANCHE EVALUATION AND MITIGATION },IEASURES LOT 13, BTGHORN SUBOIVISION' 2ND ADDITION vAIL, COLORADO February, 1995 Prepared For: Mr. Bob Borne P.O. Box 4205 Vail, Co'lorado 81658 Prepared by: HYDNO{RNq UD 12t36 West Bayaud Avenue, Suile 100 Lat€ilood. Cololado 80228 Tetephone 303!f89458f FAX fl3f,89'9932 *.r' I ) .: I ds 't. TABLE OF CONTENTS AND NEED FOR THE AVALANCHE Page 1 BACKGROUND EVALUATION 1.1 1.2 Locat'ion Proposed Terrai n Exposu re 'Vegetat i on Deve I opment 1 2 2.O SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2 a 3 ? 4 4 6 Slope Analysis 3.0 SNOW ENVIRONHENT 3.1 Snowfall and Snow Deoth 3,2 Wind Deposited Snow 3.3 Avalanche Characteristics . 4.0 AVALANCHE MAPPING 4.1 Criteria of AnalYsis 4.2 Sl ide Paths 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Dry Flowing Avalanche 5.2 Wet Spring Avalanche 6.0 RECOI4HENDATIONS ...\. :. 6 REFERENCES LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Lot 13 Bighorn Subdivision - 2nd Addition figure 2 - Snow Avalanche Hazard Zones of the Vai'l Area, Ea91e Countv. Colorado Figure 3A - Avalanche Path Cross Section 1 Figure 38 -'Ava1anche Path Cross Section 2 APPENOICES 4 5 Appendix A - Appendix B - Appendix C - Site Inspection Summary. Arthur Site Hazard Evaluation SummarY' Avalanche f.lode'l Comouter Runs \ 'i I. llears. Apri I ' 1994 Nicholas Lamoiris, MaY' 1994 AVALANCHE EVALUATION AND HITIGATION I'IEASURES LOT 13, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION' 2ND ADOITION VAIL, COLORADO 1. BACKGROUND AND NEED FOR THE AVALANCHE EVALUATION 'l .1 Location Lot 13 of the second addition. Bighorn Subd'ivision. VaiI. Co'lorado is located on the southern corner of the intersection of LuDine Drive and Bridge Road on the south flank of the Gore Creek Vallev (see Figure 1). The lot abuts other'lots of the second addition on the southwest and southeast boundaries. Access to the property is via Bridge Road or Luoine Drive' The or.ientation of the general slope of the surrounding land is northeast. A s.ignif icant c'l iff (primari'ly a I imestone outcroo of the llinturn formation) extends continually from.p91 1 east of the property to the'Terray" gully and avalanche path near'ly 1700 feet to the west. A site 'investigation of this lot nas completed bv Arthur I. Mears. P.E. and is summarized in Apoendix A. A orevious rockfall investigation concerning this lot entitled, "Hazard Evaluation, Lot 'l 3, Bighorn Znd Additjon." May 1994 bv Nicholas Lampiris is given in Appendix B. The general area of the lot was identified in "Snow Ava1anche Hazard of the Vai1 Area, Eagle CountV, Colorado,''1975 by Arthur Mears for the Coloracio Geologica] Survey as being subject to smal l avalanches but not classified as being subject to avalanches originating from above the cliff band (Figure 2). 1.2 Proposed Deve'loPment There is currently a single family residence prooosed on the lot. The building is to be'located in approximately the center of Lot 13 with a p'lan orjentation 40 degrees east of true north. 2. O SITE CHARAC]-ERIS.|'ICS 2.1 Terrain The topography of the surrounding area rises to the south southwest. The property is on a slope of aporoximately 10 horizonta'l to l vertical (10H:1V). Southof the property, the slopes increasesigntficantly back to the cliffs. The gentle s'lope that is noted on the ]ot continues to the north of the property. The average elevation of the propertv is aporoximate'ly 8385 feet' 2.2 Exoosure Avalanches which rnay runout onto the property will originate on northeast facing s'lopes. The amount'bf sunlight that these s'looes receive will be limited during the winter months. This nil'l inf'luence the depth of snowoack which can be expected as welI as the ohysical parameters of the snow. For this reason' drv snow avalanches may occur during the winter months while wet snow ava'lanches could develop ln the spring once the exposure of this slope to the sunlight i nc reases . 2.3 S'lope AnalYsis The slope of the cliffs to the south vary between nearly vertical to a ratio of 3 vertica'l to t hori zontal (3V:lH). Fa11ing snow ''{ill not adhere to this c'l iff except for freez'ing rirne or grauoel, which is verv unusua'l for this valley. The re'lease zone for an avalanche affectlng the propertywould be below the cliffs. 2.4 Vegetation The tree cover on the ]ot and in the areas to the south and west of the propertv'is moderately thick withmany aspens, but alsowith a significant number of conifers, some up to 24 inches in diameter. l'lhi'le a site specific dendrochronology or tree ring analysis has not been performed in the area' it is obvious based upon other work done in the Bighorn subdivision that some of the existing trees are on the order of 100 years old. The number of these sizeable conifers in the area as well as the aspen with a profusion of]ow limbs stilI attached do not indicate significant avalanche activity in this area in the recent oast. 3-O SNOW ENVIRONMENT 3. 1 Snowfa'l'l and Snow Depth The re'lease zones. for..avalanches that would affect Lot 13 are be'low the cliffs. For this reason, sno*,pack critical to the avalanche potential for Lot 'l 3 will be subjected to c] imatic conditions typical of the valley floor' not the climat.ic conditions typical of major avalanche paths release zones near timber I ine. The design snow deoth for this region were determined by analysis of snow depth frequencies at measuri ng stations within the colorado River Basin (Reference 1). Based upon these records, a design snowfall depth of 1.25 meters was selected for the avalanche analvsis. Localized snow deoths are likely to exceed 1.25 meters, however, the 1.25 meter design deoth is themean depth over the enti re zone. 3.2 Wind Deposited Snow Due to the surrounding terrain. the particular area in which Lot 13 is situated is relat'ive'ly she'ltered from the wind. }lind deoosited snow wi'l I be minimal and lras assumed to be 0.25 meters. The design snowpack is the summation of the snowfal'l and the wind deoosited snow, or 1'5 meters. 3.3 Avalanche Characteristics The genera'l c'l imatic conditions wlthin the Upoer Gore Creek basins are typical of the western slopes of the Colorado Rockies. Since 1962 these conditions are fair]y wel'l documented in this region by Vail Associates as part of their on-hi'l 'l avalanche control work. The winter and ear'ly spring seasons climatjc conditions are an imoortant aspect of the ava'lanche hazard within the val I ey. In recent history, Post Vail Inception (PVI , or the past thirty years), the smalI ava'lanches along the southern flank of the valley have almost exclusively been wet spring avalanches such as occurred in May of 1984. 4-O AVALANCI{.F MAPPI NG \ Criteria of Analysis 4.1 The criterla for this avalanche analysis Determine the extent of avalanche inc'luded the fol lowing: runout in the area of Lot 13. Determine the ve'locities and forces that could be e.rpected at the proposed bullding during the design avalanche. Determine the soecifications of a damming wall that would protect the building during the avalanche. 4.2 Sl ide Paths MaJor and minor avalanche paths in this region have been delineated by the Colorado Geologic Survey and are presented in Figure 2.Based upon the existlng topographical maps of Lots 11 and 13 and the knowledge that the slopes to the southwest of the property are most 1ikely to produce an avalanche that would affect 'lot 13, two potential avalanche chute cross sections were develooed. FigureS 3a and 3b are graphic representations of these avalanche chutes. Local slldes are Iike'l y to develoo in the regions below the cliff face. Since the area between the property and thecliffs to the southwest ls relatively void of large channels or depressions, these localized avalanche f 'lows wilI be unconfined and wi lI tend to flow perpendicular to ground contours. 5-O R,ESTJL-TS This avalanche study considered both dry flowing and wet sDring type occurrences. The classical dynamic model develooed by the Swiss (Voellmy' Salm and schaerer - Referenid'2), as welI as local Colorado ava'lanche studies (Reference 3) were used to' model the design avalanches. Comouter runs of ootent.i al ava'lanches at each of the two]ocal slide paths are given in Aopendix 5.1 Dry Flowing Avalanche A dry flowing ava'lanche wou'ld be fast moving uhen compared to the l{et spri ng avalanche. The snow would also have a 'lower densitv. The runout dlstance beyond the southern edge of the property was calculated to be as high as 68 meters (223 feet). The dry flowing avalanche velocities at the south corner of the proposed building ranged from between 13.1 and 17.9 meters per second. The velocities wou'ld be essentia'l ly the same for the entire length of the building's exterior walls. The oeak static and dynamic pressures created bv the dry flowing ava'lanche on the southwest face of the bui lding wou'ld range from 512 to 688 psf. 5.2 Wet Spring Avalanche The wet spring avalanches would also orlginate from below the cliff band. These flows wi'l I be slower moving with fairly wet, dense snow. These avalanches tend to flow perpendicular to the ground contours of the area. The total runout distance for a wet spring ava'lanche is calculated to be 46 meters (150 feet) beyond the southern property line. The velocity of the wet avalanche is expected to range from 10,4 and 13.3 meters per second. The peak static and dynamic pressure on the southwest face of the proposed bui]ding wou'ld range from 385 to 686 psf. 6 - O IRECOMMENDATIONS The analysis show thdC'there is potential for an ava'lanche with high normal oressures to cross lot 13. Steps should be taken to reduce the energV of an avalanche that aporoaches the lot to insure the integrity of the bui]ding' Hydro-Triad, Ltd. recommends that a series of arrestinq or retaining walls be installed between the likely slide paths and the proposed bui'lding. The su'pp]y of five foot diameter boulders on the lot can be uti'l ized for the first in a series of two wal]s. The boulders should be moved toqether so that they form a wal'l near the south and southwest high retaining wall should be constructed boulders. The series of walls w'i l'l reduce the energy of potential avalanches bv resisting the natural f'low of the snow and forcing snow to cascade over the walls. REFERENCES U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Snow Freouencv Analvsis for Co'lorado and New Mexico Snow Courses. 1974' Aprl)' 1974. U.S. 0epartment of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, Ava'lanche Dvnamics: Enqineerinq Apolications for Land Use Planninq, February, 1977. property 'l ines. A a minimum of 25 second five foot feet behind the 1. 2. ?Deot. of Natural Resources'Hears, Arthur I.; Co'lorado Geological Survey' uo l(Jl ctu(J olluw - n vq lqllvllE arl vq e uur.r rs- Plannjnq, Special Publ'ication 7, 1979. ! 'aJn6ll I I Nottloov puz - Nolsl^logns NuoHels et ro'l + I N :0 I I \ t I :'--.'\ oovuo'loc '0n'nril!-nrur 9l N UJ E :)o E .T. q-.i ..J I ;"-{rj l.h bi ?q: .\J o itr F I '4 ;{ -: tA F.'rtt [[evoilcrr iise'ii !r f r-- rl F'i 'n t' --J --J J" 1 14 L.'l rr .'l !:'-{ E UfiEilfififiEE r T E =ul rv rF 7 r't U !11 -J .n (f -rn \IF L tn tJ rf N ir ilnl e (F ,l t, I t ttl @ UI tr a -r1 L] $ ft1 's { F f :, $ -rl,Lrl --1 f*. *lr,,In tu F ."f tl I H # 1.. F .-] v I o ftev+.iien (ie*t) F++!1 i9e'lccso:Ei E E E E E E E r /l i ./\,.i / 1 Er / \-i lt t//F F I tl Fl r{ "i9 +El t ./' H i/ilj / i =l f t/*.. 1 /v nl tij ,/t:l f .t i E :i i ,/r'ln | ,,'/ ,g fi.i ,t'/ [I Er ,, _ 1.r l i--Ir z *i E .r1 Ll -j- .; \_r ir'l tl( t-l ..1 \J '-l '-.i ? F' L4 IJ f ci t' o ---.f!-ll | / !ogl / +ol / \*l //.nl rc'Sl rl -i /+t/r-'sl /c, .t f ///n + | /r x 1-'.! | /si ! I '|rl h 'I l! s (d Et ll r !i . -i.. tt, 1 \ Bl/i ry r !l/i s I ir lif q .llin ry g il7".'rl ".i e. uri 72 APPENDIX A SITE INSPEC-TION SUMMARY ARTHTJR, I. MEARS APRIL 1994 ARTHTJRT MEARS, P.L. INC t,|runl tluraJr Cooltras tllFJtaa;.Ar.. G--:-. C.lo,lo E1230 ..n - ut-t25 .{YDno-Tfiiql L;i J?: I '1 . t:r . i:osvEl' . April 21, 1994 . Mr. Bob Bornc' P.O. Box 4205 ' - Vail, CO 81658 Ocor fUr. Bornc: As your irqu.rr, I conductcd a sitc inspcctioo of Io, 13, Bigbora Subdivision Sccond Addidon on April 19, 1994. Thc purposc of my sitc inspcction was to dctcrminc if .-::.' a. thc bu.ilding sitc is cxposcd to snow avalaochcs; b. thc sitc lics within thc "Rcd' or "Bluc" avalanchc hazard zonc; and c. a building can bc dcsigncd such that it will rcsist avalanchc forccs' A. SITE EXPOSURE The building sitc on Ilt t3 is within rhc towcr portion of thc dcsigrr-magnitudc ("100-ycar") avalanchc runout zonc rcsulting from avalanchcs originadng on an ENE-facing slopc bclow thc limcstonc cliff band. B. HAZARD ZONATION Thc building sirc will bc locatcd in a "Bluc,'or modcratc hazard avalanchc zonc. Rcsidcotial consrruction in Bluc zoncs is pcrmirtcd by Vail Hazard Rcgulations. RcinforccmcDt of cxposecl building surfaccs for avalanchc loads will bc rcquircd' ::' C. BUILDING DESIGN Basccl on my cxpcriencc, dcsign on this lot is fcasiblc and can bc accomplishcd without difficulry. Thc bcst rypc of dcsign shoutJ bc dctermincd aficr spccitic consultation with mc aftcr you dccide to Procccd with tbis projcct. Plcasc contact me if you havc any qucsrions- Sinccrcly, O,at*i+. V\,eour Anhur I. Mcars, P.E. Avalancht-iontrol cnginccr It- tlerut . A&b. Aeh Cotpl Eutatr APPENDI)< B SI-TE HAZARD EVALTJATION STJI.|MARY NICHOLAS LAMPIRIS MAY 1994 o D. .rrr.)-t I qirr.r-o o Ir.lyll Nicholas Lampiris, ph. cor{str ftlc 6torc,c|sr P.O.80x 2 srLr. coLonAOO 8t652 13031 116.5<o 12a xOu6gl ftay l B, l?94 9rr') Robart Forne AOtrZE Snowshoe Lane Vai I CA ErggT RE: H.r=erd Eval r.rati on, Lot 1.:r Biohorn 2nd Addition Dear Flr . Borne: I vrsr rer, th(r abr)ve r.ferenced rot in vair recently for purpole.o.f a eeolo4rc ha:er.<J evallt.rtion, especttlly as it pertains to rocl; fal I. potential . As you know ttrir f,a:arJ-iJ .no*n by the Ttlwn c4 Vai I 's ,ndFs as af f ecting your . property, with a ,,hlgh 5everity' classifrcatron- Snow avalanqhe ir "i"o a pot.ntial ha3errj at the, si t e b(,tt ha$ been rveluatad by anothcr prof assi onal . I'tv E'e:neral ftndinqE are that the rock frrll, ha:ard tB i ndeod Fresent hr.rt rs not .,clvlrre: howevr:r. so,ng mltrgatton !s ln orcter.The steep hillside above vour ho,oe is at r.""f s5o" feet high and i3 heavilv foresteo. This lot i.-about 100 feet from the base of that h:llFide and tnerefore not likaty to be reacneO by many boulders. The topcgrapny is alscr Eorocwhat favorable ln th..l!there i 5 A home between mLrch of the s! 6p6 .", c; yo.. 1r a". There alFe a nurnber o{ br g bor.rl ders on thc sl te whi ch can be aliqn.d on the north 'rdc u{ the IoE for proteJtiJn rnd perhaps dirt c.rn be pleced berween the boulders +o,r ""f,".iii, adc,ed bul[i,and f or the Fotent.r-G1-l f or vegetation r+ ti"t -irlesireo. The f'oL-r.:g snoLrl d be pla.Cei.. so as to a+ford rnax tmutn-p.Ltl.a, on. Ar an adcled precautti orr the iear oi the home rhould be des j, gned with a rear f oundatl cn .ure I I protrLrdi ng about three f eet above f ini shed grade anct be c$ocrb t e ot' wi ihstindi ng +orcEs cf up to Jr)O pound€;per sqlrare f oot. rhere shor-rId be no lrindo!.r. in tiii inta"val. Drainaqe around the home shourr d be provrded and the none shourd ha der:igned to pr.cvenL lhe accu,nulatlon o+ raOon-ll" ai thig ls becotning standard practice ln the State. So1 ls lnJestigation {or puf'po.es cf proper *oundarion design shoul d p."..d"-ionstruction.Eclcaurse o* the ha=arcl regtrl nt.r ons of tfre forn oi-Vat I , care .oust bri t akdn to not i ncrr:ase th€ ha: arct to a nai gh;or by your attempts at mitrgairon. 5l r0r{t6903r i 1.. R.K.D POJ r,ne -p.oFerty doorr l.- ffJ#.,fl"":i' :: i " 1"" i' ;:.*i."_.: ffi :,,fl :: :: 1". ".lt i ll, va _ _,r.r, h u t u'i,iil*,'f ;.,:,*'i,." j":#TJr j..,:T"ti,-iii-";='t:.f "*.'i'?.ia rsr prerEe conta.a li"tt :1 "^" h:il|'%^ Nrcholes Laf,ptrie Lnnrul tl ng 6eologlrt t APPENDIX C AVALANGHE MODEL COMPU-TER RTJNS lncho oproadsh€el o(matbn into cdlmn o r€s) na ,ctares cdcdated) 0 ,nt Fdclion . ? (nr'g ^ 2) 600 h'(m) l'5 I fle: mation on all ol the rsach€s Description SloPe Angh traok 47'7 fack 38 fack 31 track 21.8 runout '12'2 runout ' 6'3 runout 0 (calculate for atr rack roaches) ll roachos, only we hto for fack roaches rty: ach 1 ltatod automdicaly V ma( (rvs) .'' zaj 2r.7873 20.474{,2 18.3601 h'(m) 1.5 1.594s9 1.692323 1.8872/tS --''n,1. oofuc iteradvelY for reach 'l guoss 1f vabes q61/^ ! = BH thon hsorr vabe ot nY' ho cel O Vmax^2 E ?tr'(sh(a).(5rvf -co3( v \i:2 BHs 23 s25 5dr^3257 n 44 528'0063 24 574 539'4t81 ,? nunoutBeach sftceeAe Lan0lh (ml 84 = 58.58649 Seleot length at which to recalculato X4= 7 U(X4) = 14.72s43 Input Parameters for cuIront runout zone RunoutFeach Slope Angle Lenglh (m) 55 = 31.89233 S€lect length at which to recalculato X5= 10 U(Xs) = '12.20279 S7 = 10.1e155 S€loct lenglh at which to recalcdato x7= 10 Uffi = 1.104719 Inpd Pararnolarg for crrtent runout zone Runou Boach Slope Angle Lenglh (m) 56 = 18.29223 Seloct length at whlch to reca,cdate - ' i ..i '. cursnt Runout L€not XG = l0 ' 58 mot€6 U(Xo) = 8.21602 lrput Psarnoler3 for curont runou zone Fltnout Feach Slcpe Angle lrrlgtt (m) 7,0s00 5{X) Crnrgnt Ft'|ou Leflgl 38 meters CLnont Runout Lengt 48 melors Curont Rncr.i Loalgt 68 tncltt 5 -,tt Sprexis'noet Avaianche Input al basio irdormaton ho cobtm o Slarthg Area (acros) na Stardng Area 0xtctarss cetculateo o Coetl, of Turbdent Fdction - ? (ttVs ^ 4 .100 Depth of snow - h' (m) 1.5 Secdon 1 lonft'ttdinal Profle: lnput basic intormation on atr of Itte a6achss Reach Descdpton SloPe Angle I track 47.7 2 tack 38 3 traok 3t 4 track 21.8 5 runou 12.2 6 nfiout 6.3 7 runout 0 I I t0 Flow Height: (calculat€ for atr tad( roachos) Catculatod tor atl reaches. otrv use lnto tor track reaches Reach h'(m) 2 1.59459 3 1.692323 4 1.8872rts .. : ;F il 5". 6\ 7 Temlnal VelocitY: . calcdatc lof r€ach I 3olvo ilcralfusv tot reach 1 All olh€rs celculatod automalically grrss 1f vaLPs u1U V^2 = RH Beach Vmd (rvs) T]16ri hsert vdt'F ot 1/" hto cel D 1 18.2 Vmax^2 = ?h'(sin(a)'(W)'cos( 2 17.12039 \3 1e.13167 1'' v v^ 2 BHS 4 14..16553 I 5 ' 20 4OO 342'8268 6 17 ZA9 3':!5'0117 18 324 331.6099 7 I 10 Rfiout Dbtance: Inpd Velocity and h' at lagt uack reach in column c V= 14.5 h'= 1.9 Funout Fleach Slope Angfe Length (M) ;;; ;;.;, G;23.2 538.24 356.7s12 O EBB O ER8 O ERR O ERR CtrTentR'1orJ|LsEt 31 mobf3 12.2 6.3 53 r 16.0401 14 Sebct l€ngd1 at wHch to reoahdab X3= 10 U(X3) s 6.945268 Input Patsyrctorc fot curefil tt,1ou zono 5 (! tl 26 51 = 68.31865 Seloct length at wfrich to recalcdato Cunont Ruout Lengt Xl= 11 11 mole|s u(xl) - 13.28148 Input Paraneters for cungnt runout zone Funout Boach Slope ArEle Lendh(m) €2 = 30.176116 select lengh at whlch to recalculde .. . - * r,i. cunont RrFut Longil )(2= 10 t 2l tnotots " u(x4 = 1o.B6o1i Input Paranet€rs lor cunenl nrtotrt zone RuloutFl€ach Slope AnCe Lengft (m) 17 27 6.3 -{ Runolrl Rqach slooe af Lona[h (m) 6 6.s 7 ^ al- 5 =J) dL 54 = 4.041 154 o . AvalancheSproadsheot Input ax basic htomation hto colutfn G Stardng Aroa (acr6) na Stardno Area (h€cta.ee calcrlatod) 0 Coefi. of Turbdent Friclirn - ? (rvs ^ 2) 500 Dopth ot snow - h' (m) 1.5 S€ction I Longihdlnal Profile: Input bas,c ,ntormadon on an ot lhe reaches Feach Doscdp{on Slope Angle 1 tack 471 2 tack 38 3 raok 31 4 tack 21.8 5 runout 12.2 6 runout 6'3 7 runout 0 8 I 10 Flow Heigfrt: (calcdato for d track roaches) Calculated tor afl reaches, or{y use Ho tor tack reaches Feach h'(m) 1.5 1.59459 1.892323 1.887245 ....i,+ \ TemlndVeloclV: calculate lor rcactr I ' cofue it€ralh'cy lor reach 1 A[ others calculalgd aromatcatry guese 1f vdrec rnt V^ 2 = FH Feach V ma( (mA) Th€n h3.'t vt',e of 1/" ho cd D \ I 2o.tt Vma<^2 a ?tr'(sh(4-(5rV).coe( 2 19.5€616 r 3 '18..t362 r' V V^2 RHS 4 16.51[!04 1 5 1 20 400 4iA'St35 6 21 441 134'3123 7 20'8 432'64 433'3669 I 2 3 4 5 0 7 E o 10 Langth (M) 11 26 Lenqh(m) Lengilh (m) {9o.o I o o o o o 0 Curont Runout L€ng[ l1 met€rs Cunent Runout Lsngt 21 m6l6rs Ct.rrent R loul L€noi 3l metcts 9rrJ eo/C IGR EFR ERR ERR ERF EBR Eunout Dlstancc: Input Velocity and h' at last facl( r€ach ln column C V=16.5 h'= 1.9 Runout Feach Slope Angfe 12.2 0.3 5 6 51 =125.4107 Solect lsngdl at whlch to recalculat€ Xl = 11 U(X1) = 1s.7s977 Input Pararnetors lor cutrEnt nrput zone Runout Reach Slopo Anglo 6.3 S2=53.89957 Sgloct tength at which to recdcdate ' ' ':' -1 Y,2= 10 U(Xz) * 14.2228a lnput P{arnolers for curerit tt.rlout zone Funoui B€ach Slope Angl€ 8.3 S3=4't.5560e Sel€ct longh ar whhh lo recalqJate )(! = U(X3) = l0 l2.39rlo1 i hDd Pxafibter3 lot Gunont tr.rEt't zon€ 17 6.3 7 S4 = 26.29031 8ot6ot length at which to recalcdate Ofior Bunout Lengt' X4= 7 38 mel€|s U(X4) = 10.61655 Input Param€ters tor cunent runout zone Runoutneach SlopeAngle Longh (m) 70s00 l' ?tr 5= )Ur'. SS = 12.06126 a o Sprea<isimet Avaianche hpd al ba3ic inlormdon hto cohjtrn G Starting Area (acres) na Stardng Area (hectates calcuhted) 0 Coetf. of Tudrdent Fdction - ? (nVs ^ 4 800 Dopth ot snow - h' (m) 1.5 Secdon 2 Longftudinal Profle: lnput basic inlormadon on all of th€ rs&t|eg Reach Da3ctiplion SIoPE Angle 1 tack A 2 tack 39.8 3 track 33.4 4 tack 17.1 5 runo(^ 12.2 6 runout 6.3 7 runout o I 9 10 Flow H€ight: (calculato for al t-aok reaches) Catcutated for a! reaches. ordy use into fa tsacl( roaches Fleach h' (m) I 1.5 2 1.s4334 3 1.600838 4 1.372995 -...'s Tormhd Velocity: calculate for reach 1 ' solvo ileratv€t 1or rgach I All oth€rs cdctjstod artomalicatY guess 1f v*Jes s1g !^ ! = RH Beach V ma( (ds) Then insert vallto of qt,' trlo cel 0 \ 1 21.i Vmu^2 = ?h'(!h(a)-(Vv).cos( 2 20.7904,4 r s 19.77OO9 i'. V V^2 RHS 4 16.0416 t 5 m ioo '135.01 6 21 441 {/,2'97?'2 , ,r.t 45.21 'l.|i}'7250' 5 6 7 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 ENlt I rt ERR ERR EFF EBR ER8 \8 I r0 I Runout Dlstiance: lnput Vetocity and h' d last racl( reach h colunn C V= 16 fi'= 2 Flunorn Feach slope Angle Lengrfi (M) 5 6 12.2 11 sl = 114.328? Select bndh at whlch to t6cstculale Xl= 1l U(Xi) = 15.21083 tnput Patdneters tor ctrtent nnout zone RunoutRoaoh Slopo Angle Length(m) 52 = 49.03728 Sel€ct lenglh at wfiich to recalcLdate * ' ' - tri )12= 10 UQQ) = 13.s7155 Input Padr€lef3 for cwrcnt '|fiorrt zon€ RrnotBasch Slope Atrgb Lengh (m) 6.8.3 SO = g5.7O3Ol S€ilcct ler€lh at ufihh to t€calculato X3= l0 U(Xs) g tt.st313 6.3 27 8.3 C-un€nt funod t€ngt l l met€rs Orrent nnou Lengl 2l motof3 Crrront Rrlod l-end 31 molr3 ' kDut ?a'dn€rgr3 lot c|''r€r lrtrout zdlo 17 . ..- Funoul Feach stoec AngO [encnn (m] 66.37 S4 = 20.6tl57g Soloot lendh at $rldch io rooal4iate Cunont Funou Lengt X4= 7 38 trl€t8rs U(X4) = 9.307452 Input Pararneters for curonl runout zona FlunoutReach stopo Ang0E Lenstrt (m) 705fft $= {b ^n t s5 = 8.32508 o Sp.oarlshoet Avalancho lnpd al basb informalion ino colm G Stardng Area (acres) na stardng ArEa (hectares cafcdatod) 0 Coell. ol Tullcrlant Fdclion . ? (tnls ^ 2) 5{x) Depth of snow - h' (m) 1.5 Secflon 2 Longitrdhal Profilo: Input basic informaton on all ol the r€ach6s F€ach Ooscripton slope AngNg 1 track 42' z Eeat( 39.8 3 fack gl.4 4 fack 17.1 5 runout 12.2 6 tt lolJt 6.3 7 lunout 0 I 9 10 Flow Height: (oatculate for al track reaches) Ca,cdatgd tor a[ reaches, ordy uee Ho tor rack reaches Beach h' (m) 'l 1.5 2 1.522934 3 1.600838 4 '1.972995 " -.i .r 5 6 7 Temdnd Velocity: calcLdeto for roach I tohro itoraBrsty ld rcach 'l Al orhers cabuleted antomatcdY guess 1f valuee until V^ I = RH Feech V max (ttvs) Thon lnsert value of 1f Ltto cel D \,' I l8.t Vmd^2 = ?h'(sh(a)'(5ft4'cos( 2 18.32418 i 3 17.6157t v v^ 2 Bl{s 4 $.4n*t 1 s i 20 {,o 362'5083 6 19 361 055 17'16 7 18 324 347'0261 8 9 10 18.8 'u:* .il* O ERB O EBF O EBF O ERR O ERR Runoul Oistance: lnpd Voloclty and h' at last tad< reach h co[fiin C V= 14.3 h'= 2 Runout Reach Slope Ang[e Lengilh (M) 5 6 12.2 11 Sl = 67.79964 Sel€ct lenglh at whlch to rocalctJato Cur6r Bunout Lengt Xl = 11 1l tlplers UGr) = 13.08866 Input PdarnEtors lor cwfor|t nnout zone Rrnout Faach Slope Angle Lengh(m) s2 = 29.50915 S€l€ct lengh at wtdch to recalculato *iff"I* X2= l0 UQe) = 10.6.fi]31 Input Peatneters tor cunont nlnou zone Brnout Feach Slope Angle l-€ngt| (m) 6'6.3 S3 = 15.91116 28 0.3 27 0.3 t 31 rwr Avalanche Spreadsho€t Inpd al basic htormalion irto co&rrrt O Starting Area (acres) na Starting Area (hectares cdcdateo 0 Coeff . of Turbulent Fdclion - ? (nvs ^ 2) ro0 Depth ol snow - h' (m) 1.5 Secdon 2 Lcrgitudhal Profle: Input baslc hlormation on a[ ot lho reaches Beach DescriPtion SloPe AnCe I fack Q' 2 tack 39.8 3 rack 33.4 4 track 17.1 5 runout 12.2 6 runout 6'3 7 runout 0 8 s 10 Flow Hoiglht: (caloulate tor an track roaches) caloutated tor ett reaches, or y use hto tor fack toaches Reach h'(m) 't.5 1.s22334 1.600838 1.972s9s 1 Tennlnal VelociV; calculate lor reach 1 solvo itetd'\,€ly lor leach 1 Al otherg catcdaed ajtofltalhafrY guees 1f vdues untl V^ 2 = HH Boach V ma,r (rVs) Ttrn hs€rt vdje of ry. ho cel o I tO.S Vmo(^2 = ?h'(gh(a)'(5/Vl'cos( 2 10.06086 : 3 15.27325 * v v^2 FHS 4 12.3023:l "s 18- 324 277.G2ff', 6 16 256 2e21387 7 16.1 259.21 263'0o'i2 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 '9 t0 ", ffi.a:: O EBR O EFR O EBR O ERR O ERB Runout Olstance: Inprn V€locity and h' at tast track reach h coftmn C V= 12.4 h'= 2 Flunout Feach Slope Angile Lengh (M) 5 6 12.2 11 Sl = 37.29194 Select leng||h at wfiich to recalculde qrr€nt Rhout Lengt Xl= ll ll moters U(Xl) = 10.41179 InF ut Pararn€tors for cuner nr1dlt zone RunoutFoach Slope Angle tength(m) )5ffiw 52 = 13.98954 26 6.3 27 6.3 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coLoBAoo 81652 (3031 876.5400 (?4 HOURS) Ar.rqr.r.it !t7 , 1994 Frflb ar- t Bot'n e' l:iti.:;:;;, l'rl)rltilrt)e l..ane t,* i. I 0ri {l.l 1.6::1 7 .,t.'; li;ri.rr-cl i:.r,.ti r.t;rt i clir, i..r..ri. j.i; ., iJi{"rhr}r"rr ;ir[t i]ldi.t i.t..if:,n l.rererr Plr'. Ltorne: 1 r,i s"i t t-'cl the1 ;.;rL,ove rr-r.f ctrerrs:ed lnt i.rr Vai. I rt,r:entl y .f or. ptrrpcrBrlt1 of a q*r:Ioqiq hngarcl evaluration, especially ers; it Fertixin:; to rot:lr 'l:i l I pote}nti.xl " A:i yot.i I':now this her:arcj is sihowrr lry thci '! (r,..Jrl of (/iii I '$ anapti i-l {, a{ f er:t j. ng your- proFae}r'ty, witlr ;r ,,ftigt-, r;r:'.vi:'r- i't-y' cl i*s5lli.f icati orr. $riow aval a\nche ig; al:io ;r glotenti al t1i,:J nr-d at. l:tr* Ei t-€if frrrt hag been ev;ll rrated b'/ ;rnot-hclr 1;r-r:f |.:ir:i.i. (;)rra1 ,, f\.1 thor..it-;li r,JHtlris. {low atr c?a!i o{: pnte-"nti,al hal,:rr-cl ,as m,:rp1re,l try Art I'lears, erpptear" {:o excl crdc' tfre area o.t the I o1: 1:ir-r:1.ro,ieiI .f or clervelopmerrtn it will be cliscr.r:isecJ. " l'lr, r:rp.rrrr:r-.rl f indi nqs ar-Lr that tfrer rocl: {trl I ha:sr-cj j.si incJeerd [r"Lrli,itnt hur't ir n{)t !;evet-ei hciwetvr*r' siomr: mi 't:i c1,:rti on j. t.; :in or.iler, ll-l'i-, !' l. {.,r.r1.) tli I l ..;iclei ;rhc:ve yclur- h(']rne isr {,r t l. el.rst :::;15C, .f c"ret: irrqtr .;.rrrtJ i r.., i1r.19,,*i; l\, t tir"r'r:-. l. r:d, I'hi,:; .l i:.; t :i.:; .lbor"rt I (.)(-) .f frii..: i: f r.otrt t,tte, fJ a.i:i f,t ct.f r,t:,..ri, l,r.i I r,;:i ncl :rrrcl f i r itf- r:'t t (:lr dt nol: Iillely .Lo be reaclrerl by nr.rny i..,rir t l ijer'!1 . -[ l'rr.: trrpciqr';r1thy is ;rl so somewhat {avorabl el in theit 'irfi{irr'*: i ri, ,:r tr rLrnr'c tre'1'-wr,rrilir mucfr o{ ttre sl ope and your si tei. J hr:r-e fire i{ nr.rnrtrir 'i.i-r.ii,. trig br:r.r I der,: on the si te wfri cfr can hre ,:s,l i qrrecl r::n ther nortfr girlel of ther lot tor protection and perhaps {Jir'[ c,1rr tre pl acecJ between thl'' boulders {or cohesion, adrled bulk,ilnd {ctlLh€ p6lentlal {or" v6gri..tf,tltrn 1{ tha'L ts deutr.tleJ. Thnr l-Dcl{{: g,trorrl rl bel pl iicecl so as t-(} er.f {orcJ rnaxirn rn protection. At5 arr ucJddld prffc*r.rti rrn the F€r-1t"' of tfr*l hc,tnci 6hoLrI d be desiq;n€cJ wi.tl"l a rearr' {orLrrdation wall protrr-rdirrg Bbor.lt threel -f eet abovr..f .f irrisrhercl gracle i{r'lr, be capable o.f wi tlrstanrling forces o{ urp to 3(-r0 pounds -: fr*r rrjque\r-er {oot. l'here EtlcrLrl. cl be' no window$ irr thi6 i ntel.v.'rl. These" nri t i eati ve steps wi I I al:;cl --erve to protect the horne {rom any dr.jbri s 'f I ows whi ch m'ey travel tfri 6 { ar {:rDm the haeer of ther s I crp€l , Drai n"ag* lrcru(rrcl the home .i;hcurl rJ be provi ded arrrJ the home :lhoLtl d be rlesirtnecl to prrevent the a*cunrillati crn o{ radon gas a,.,i this is tic+r:oming rtandardl pr.ircit.i.ce in tlre $tate. Soils i nvesti gerti c)r'\ {or pLrr'posr:re: of grrcrper { ourrdstt c}n dra$ign gfrourld fJrecede corrgtrurtion. Secalisrr 'r.if the' h"re;er-d r';+-"gr-r I at i nrrg of the 'for.ln o1; Vail; care mrir,lt tie i-a!.cfr tl nct inc/b.rge the harard to a nelig!-rtror try ytrur- atteflrpt:i at firiLilgaLron. ", llr:') l,| '.ti..ja.tl' r'.,, ,'ir::rt.,t; . .l rr.: i.t, .,r t--lt'O.l {:itll f.:ii t.!.,/ ;:i.,t.r., i I i.\,1.. .ii...,: ,i. i,t,L .i :rrt-'i, r.,:' rr:lf rri l l fr)t: , ti ;'..1' t i:: l:1....: l.t,t.'..:r'r i i.'; i_ti lt{:.j;' l.ii, rti..ir .l...t:;, n fir- :.'i r",, I 1., ;J.rl,.1. 1 f..i (llit.'.:.-{1,1 .-h,(,\yt f '(),tcl1r,, #t1-ti)Lr{:.t',,,ei.!5nlln€ni1t:i'1 utilities or {acilitieg or. other- pr-oper.t i e$ of any kind. I{ there are {urther qLresti onsr please cclntact me. lii rri!1r'1:ly 14 ,.r,1 /.//' /'/A Pru l\li clir:iI;rs [.;.''iorpr i r- i I [::{]ns,Lll. t i nq 0r+r:rI oir ta Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT. coLoRADO81652 (303) 876-s400 (24 HOURS) l'lay 1B, tSS4 Rotrert Etorrre SCIS?B Snowslroe Lane Vai I 0A t11657 F<[ir Harard Evalrr.rtion, Lot 13'' Biqhor"n 2nd Additiorr Dear Mr, Eornel I vtsiterJ the ahove referenced lclt in Vail recently {or pLrrpclses of a geologic harard evalr-ration, erlpetcial Iy ag 1t pertain:: to roc[': 'f ai. L potent:i al . As yc]Lr l::ncJw thi ri ha:ard i s showrr hy the l'own of Vai I 's mLrps a:i af f ecting yoLtr property, with a "high gever:ity' c.[ erssi.f :ication. $inow aval anchel is al r*o a notentiaJ. har ard at the si te br-rt has been eval urated hy another nro{a$si onal . l'ly genereil {indingt; are that the rocl"; {all harard isi irrdeerJ plrnsent burt i$ not- :taver-ei howr.:velr so L. mitig"rtion i:i j.n order. The steep hi I l si de above your home i s at I east 35(:r {eet hi gfr and i.$ heavi Iy f orested. Thir: Iot is abourt 1O(:) f eet {rom tlrel base o{ t.hat hi I I sri rle and theref ore not I i kel y to trp reacherl by rnany hot-rlders. The topography is algo gomewhat {;rvorable in thnt thnre i sr n home hartween murr:h of ttre sl ope anrl yolrr si te. l'her-e are a nunber pf . b i g Lrourl ders on the :ii te wh i ch can hre arl i gned on the north si de o"f the I of {or protecti on and perhclpli dir-t san be placed between the bourlder'* {or cohegion, ardded burl[,: ,and {or thn potential for vegetation i{ {:hat isi desiretcl . Tfre r-oclls sholrl d be placed Eo aei to af{ord max imurm protection. At; an 4dded precaurtion the reerr o.f the home shourld be dnsigned with a rear f ourndati on walI protrurding abolrt three {eet above {inished grade and bF capable o{ withstanding {orces o{ r-rp to 5r)t) pc,Lrnd$per square f oot. There shoLtld be no windows in this interval. lJrainage around the lrome shoLrLd be provided and the home *lhnr-rld be desig;rred to prevent the accurmr-rlation of radon gas as this is bacominq standard practice in the $tate. SoiLs i.nveEtigation {or pi-rf-poses cr{ proper f oundati on clesi gn should precede constrLrcti on. Becalrse o'f the harard regul ati ons o{ the Town o{ Vai I , care mLrlit bri taken to not increase the hazard to a neighbor by your attempts at mitigation. The property does Iie in a geologLcally sensitive arear but developrnent will not increase the lraeard to other property, or structures, or to public rights-o{-way, roads, streetso easementro utilities or {acilities or other propertiee of any kind. If there are {urther questlons, pleage contact rne. m.m,, Congul ti ng Gieol ogi et Si ncer ARTHURI. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natunl Hazandr Conrultam "#'-,%ffiftt n3-ul.t236 Apil21,1994 Mr. Bob Borne P.O. Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 Dcar Mr, Borne: As your request, I conducted a site inspection of Lot L3, Bighorn Subdivision Second Addition on April 19,1994. The purpose of my site inspection was to determine if a. the building site is exposed to snow avalanches; b. thc site lies within the "Red" or "Blue" avalanche hazard zone; and c. a building can be designed such that it will resist avalanche forces. A. SITE EXPOSURE Thc building site on Lot 13 is within the lower portion of thc design-magnitude ("L00-year") avalanche runout zonc rcsulting from avalanchcs originating on an ENE-facing slopc below the limestone cliff band. B. HAZARD ZONATION The building site will be locatcd in a "Blue," or modcrate hazard avalanchc zone. Residential construction in Blue zones is permitted by Vail Hazard Regulations. Reinforcement of exposed building surfaces for avalanche loads will be required. C. BUILDING DESTGN Based on my experience, design on this lot is feasible and can be accomplished without difficulty. The best type of design should be determined after specific consultation with me after you decide to proceed with this project. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cldt*,{.v{\yorc Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Irb Jydlng . A&llsrha . Au,''rcicC-attolE,,gltl|lrdng AIITI.IIJR I. MEARS, P.E.' INC. Nrrunl Flezrr& Cmrultrnu "l11.ltffi,fi,nt-64l')216 April 21, 1994 Mr. Bob Bornc P.O. Box 4205 Vail, CO ttl658 l)c;rr Mr. llrrrtc: A.sytrurrcqucst,lconductcdasitcinspcctionoftot13,BighornSubdivisiorrSccond Ad.iiriorr on npril lg,1gg4. Thc purp-ose of my sitc inspection was lo dctermine if a. thc building site is cxposcd to snow avalanchcs; b. thc sirc tics within ths "Rcd"or "Bluc" avalanchc hazard zone; arld c. a buikling can bc clcsigncd such that it will rcsist avalanchc forccs' A, S|TE EXPOSI.]RE .l'lrr: lruiltling sitc on Lot l3 is within thc lowcr portion of thc dcsign--.magniludc ("1(x)-ycar") avalanchc runout zonc rcsulting from avalanches originating on an ENE-facing slopc bclow thc linrcslonc cliff band. I]. }IAZARD ZONATION 1'hc builtling sitc witl bc locatetl in a "Bluc," or modcratc hazard avalanchc zonc' ltcsidcntial construcrion in llluc zoncs is pcrmittccl by Vait Hazard Rcgulations. Rcinforccmcnt of cxposcd huilding surfaccs for avalanchc loads will bc rcquircd' C. RI.'ILDING DESIGN . . :! 1!I. I Rilscd on nry cxpcricncc, dcsign on this lot is fcasiblc antl can bc accomplishcd witltout difficulry. 'itr. U"rt typc of dftign should be dctcrmincd after spccific consultation with me ;rftcr you dccidc ttl procccd with this projcct' I'lcasc conlact mc if you havc any qucstions SinccrclY, f i,d't,.*r{.Vtlrir,c Artliur l. Mcnrs, P.E. Avalunchc-control cnginccr WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT LOT 13, BLOCK 1, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, SECOND ADDITION EAST VAIL, COLORADO PREPARED FOR MR. ROBERT BORNE Post Office Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 476-5263 PREPARED BY MARTIN MILLER AZTECH ENVIRONMENTAL Post Office Box 2832 215 Chipeta Avenue Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 (303) 243-es6s MAY 3, 1994 o I. INTRODUCTION A. OBJECTIVE The objective of this report is to determine the presence and extent of federal jurisdictional wetlands on the subject property for the purpose of satisfying requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. B. GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION The subject property is approximately 0.33 acre in size and is located at the southeast corner of Lupine Drive and Bridge Road, in East Vail, Eagle County, Colorado and within Section 'll, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. The property is identified as Lot 13, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition. The street address is 3846 Lupine Drive. A location map is included in this report. The property owner and principle contact is Mr. Robert Borne, Post Office Box 4205, Vail, Colorado 81658, (303) 476-5263. C. WETLAND DEFINITION The following definition of wetlands is used by the Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies for administering the Section 404 permit program: "Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil cond itions. " D. REGULAToRYAUTHbhiw Jurisdictional wetlands which occur on the property fall under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Fedenl Register, 1986, 33 CFR Parts 320 through 330). Section 404 requires that any individual or entity proposing to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands, obtain a Department of the Army permit prior to such a discharge. rs 9m. tc ,a Il ya tlc ll Itu. 3k ob B "% 'tt N il + I ccALtt Epg cot, {r utr la lrl ttc rl ro { coa. lll tr.l! y. Lgx '3'H H:]XhfrrH "l'l?r4fl-'lo:) LlHztl: TT t G. 12 x{Fl l:rf i i z" iI !E ,i l.' I I e'd o L a . P.2 DEg TE51' At / v2? 'fftrrl0n, 0,33/ ao(AS Z. E'{n t,r "'?.91/ t.. , t,sg , \/ a \ t I , {\,, F,$ ),3/, \ a tl ; rt ?)o F O 5ITE5 ,l t I , oo^' @ t I A,tl/ ^-t ^J -.4-a tr t a \- t.at rt- .tif ,rd a fl , 13.r@ @ l'r")'I The property is located in headwaters above Gore Creek. Runoff from the property is collected by road ditches which ultimately outlet into Gore Creek which lies approximately 200 feet north of the property and approximately 20 feet lower in elevation. The property was originally associated with an unnamed intermittent tributary to Gore Creek, but this tributary was directed away from the property when adjacent homes were built. Because the property is located in headwaters, the discharge of dredged or fill material into any wetlands on the property would be subject to authorization under Nationwide General Permit #26, Headwaters and lsolated Waters Discharges (33 CFR 330). Since there are no jurisdictional wetlands or other waters of the United States, the property is not regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and no Department of the Army permit is required for development of the property. The scope of this wetland delineation report is limited to a recommended determination of the area of federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The delineation was performed in conformance with the procedures specified in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January 1987 (the "1987 Manual"). This report is not an official determination of jurisdictional wetlands under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act until verified in writing by the Corps of Engineers. As stated in Regulatory Guidance Letter Number 90-6 (RGL 90-6), issued by the Corps of Engineers on August '14, 1990, wetland jurisdictional delineations, once verified, are valid for three years from the date of submission to the Corps of Engineers by a consultant to the project proponent or property owner unless new information warrants revision of the delineation before the expiration date. RGL 90-6 also stipulates that complete and accurate documentation (data sheets, maps, and drawings) accompany the delineation to allow a reasonably accurate replication of the delineation at a future date. Guidance for wetland delineation consultants issued by the Grand Junction Regulatory Office of the Sacramento District Corps of Engineers also requires similar documentation. This report was designed to satisfy these requirements. Once verified by the Corps of Engineers in writing, this report will be valid unlil May 1997 and can be duplicated with the same results within that time frame by reference to test sites and corresponding maps and data forms included in this report. II. METHODS The method used in this study is the "three parameter" approach to wetland delineation. The three parameters used as delineation criteria are: the presence of wetland dependent vegetation, the presence of saturated or hydric soils, and evidence of inundation or surface saturation for significant time periods. This report was compiled by closely following procedures specified in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January 1987. The method used identifies the presence and geographic extent of aquatic and wetland areas on the site by using multiple indicators of aquatic and wetland soil, hydrology, and vegetation conditions. Based on the regulatory definition of wetlands (33 CFR Section 328.3 and 40 CFR Section 230.3), the following general diagnostic environmental characteristics or parameters are evidence of the presence of jurisdictional wetlands: 1. Wetland Vegetation Gonditions: The prevalent plant species associated with the plant community are typically adapted for life within habitats that have permanent or periodically inundated or saturated soil conditions. Wetland plant species are organisms that, because of morphological or physiological adaptations and/or reproductive strategies, have the ability to achieve maturity and reproduce in an environment where soils within portions of the root zone become anaerobic (without oxygen) during the growing season. A check list of plants characterized on a wetland to upland ecological spectrum has been developed by a technical committee of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The "National List of Plant Soecies That Occur In Wetlands: Intermountain (Region 8)" was used for this study. 2. Wetland Soil Gonditions: The soils within portions of the root zone become saturated permanently or periodically during the growing season. A list of wetland soil types (hydric soils list) has been developed to augment field identification criteria. The local USDA Soil Conservation Service County Soil Survey and Hydric Soils List were used for this study. 3. Wetland Hydrological Conditions: The area is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater permanently or periodically during the growing season. The local County Soil Survey was used to obtain any hydrological information recorded for the study area. Evidence of at least one positive indicator for each of the above three parameters must be found before a positive determination of wetlands can be made. Evidence may be developed from historical data, recent existing data and/or observations made in the field. Remote data sources used in this study include the U.S. Geological Service quadrangle maps and the USDA Soil Conservation Service county soil survey. Direct field study included vegetation inventories, soil sampling and hydrological analysis. A. VEGETATIONSAMPLING: Transect baselines were located on a property boundary parallel to the nearest watercourse or hydrological gradient. The number and position of transects were determined in accordance with the Corps of Engineers manual procedures modified by specific site conditions. One transect was established at the mid-point of each baseline increment. All vegetation communities on the property were included in the transects. Representative observation points in each vegetation community along each transect were selected, and dominant plant species were determined within a five foot radius of each observation point. Transect locations and observation points or test sites are depicted on the attached delineation map. Dominant plant, wetland soil conditions and hydrologic evidence were recorded on the appropriate field data sheets (Appendix A) to correspond with each of the transects and observation points depicted on the map. B. SOIL SAMPLING: Climate, parent material, topographic relief, biological processes and time affect the characteristics of wetland soil. However, it is the hydrologic regime that is the overriding factor in the formation of identifying characteristics. The unique characteristics of hydric soils result from the influence of periodic or permanent inundation or saturation of sufficient duration to create anaerobic conditions. In an oxygen depleted state caused by water saturation, chemical reductions of some soil components, primarily iron, lead to the development of soil colors and other physical characteristics that are usually indicative of wetland or hydric soils. The soil series and phase on the property were identified from maps contained in the County Soil Survey. The soil type identified on the property by the soils maps was compared with the local list of hydric soils. At each observation point in the transects established for vegetation sampling, a soil pit was dug circumscribing a one foot diameter area to expose eighteen inches of the soil profile. Color is often the most diagnostic of soil characteristics. Soil color was compared to a Munsell Color Chart to determine how closely the colors match a "gley" index. Gleyed soils develop when anaerobic conditions result in a pronounced chemical reduction of iron, manganese and other elements, thereby producing a gray color. The soil was also examined fcir'the following indicators of hydric soil: organic material; upper organic layer (histic epipedcin); sulfidic material; aquic moisture regime; and the presence of mottles. Mottled soils are marked with spots of contrasting color indicative of a fluctuating water table and are characteristic of a wetland soil. The soil information was recorded on the appropriate data sheets (Appendix A). C. HYDROLOGY SAMPLING: Bore holes in the transect area were examined for evidence of standing water and soil saturation. Bore holes approximately 18 inches deep were made and depth to standing water was recorded. Evidence of surface inundation such as drift lines, water marks, sediment deposits, drainage, patterns, and scour areas was recorded. I The property and surrounding areas were examined for the presence of dams, levees, ditches, or other structures that might affect hydrology on the site. The area was also examined for evidence of upstream diversions, channelization, or groundwater extraction which might alter drainage patterns on the site. The information was recorded on the appropriate field data sheets (Appendix A). III. RESULTS An investigation of the site was conducted on May 2, 1994 at approximately 1:30 p.m. The presence of new Bluegrass growth indicated that the growing season had begun. The information on vegetation, soils, and hydrology collected at the site and a discussion of this information follows: A. VEGETATION: The following list includes the dominant plant species found at test sites and the wetland indicator status of each species: SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS Poa pntensis Kentucky Bluegrass FacU Phleum pntense Timothy FacU Agrostis alba Redtop FacW Salix monticola Mountain Willow Obl Ribes inerme Whitestem Gooseberry Fac+ Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen Fac Hencleum lanatum Cow-parsnip Fac Lonicen utahensis Rgd Twinberry FacU Bluegrass is the dominant herbaceous plant throughout the site. A few grasses and forbs accompanying the bluegrass were unidentifiable because seed heads and other structures from last yea/s growth were absent. Along the two old channels which cross the site from south to north, large Willows are most common. Bluegrass is the dominant herb even within these channels. Gooseberry, Twinberry, and Aspen saplings grow among and adjacent to the Willows. Cow-parsnip was found growing in two small areas within the channels. Shrubby Cinquefoil (Potentilla frufrbosa) was found in a small area adjacent to the Willows in the north corner of the property. o The two Willow-dominated channel areas were likely wetland in the past but have been converted to upland as a result of hydrologic disturbance. This conclusion is based on five vegetative conditions observed on the site: First, Bluegrass is the dominant herbaceous plant and grows even within the channels. Second, no Sedges, Rushes, or other clear herbaceous wetland indicator plants were found on the site even within or adjacent to the channels. Third, no Willow regeneration was observed. Fourth, Aspens appear to have recently become established among the large Willows. And fifth, the plant community along the undisturbed portion of the stream (above the adjacent lot) consists of clear wetland indlcator plants. These observations indicate that the Willows are remnant of a past hydrologic condition when the channels carried water periodically and supported adjacent wetland vegetation. The herbaceous vegetation has changed to primarily Bluegrass, an upland species while the more deeply rooted Willows have persisted (although they are not regenerating). B. SOILS: The soils on the site are dark brown (soil colors at Test Sites were 10YR2/1,1OYR212, and 7 .SYR4|A with no mottling. The soils are generally coarse with a high proportion of sand and gravel size particles. Because these soils are recent alluvial deposits, soil color is not a reliable hydric soil indicator. No direct or indirect indicators of hydric soil were observed on the site. The absence of a hydric moisture regime at the wettest time of the growing season indicates that the soils are not hydric. C, HYDROLOGY: The site, and adjacent lots, are located on an outwash fan where a small intermittent stream outlets from the steep confined mountainside drainage onto the less steep Gore Creek valley. This stream likely moved from one side of the fan to the other over time when willows and eroded material clogged a channel. The stream crossed the site in at least two places where it supported adjacent willows and perhaps other wetland vegetation. However, the hydrology of the site was modified approximately 20 years ago when adjacent lots were developed and the stream was confined to a single channel approximately 100 feet edst of the property on the far side of the adjacent lot. Because the stream no longer crosses the site and because very little runoff from offsite flows onto the site, precipitation is now the primary source of water for the property. Because the soils are coarse and the property is sloped considerably, precipitation water leaves the site quickly. For these reasons, hydrology sufficient to support wetlands no longer exists on the site. Because it lies approximately 20 feet in elevation below the property, Gore Creek does not contribute to the hydrology of the site. No soil saturation was found on the site at the time of the investigation even though the nearby intermittent stream was flowing full and snowfall from the night before just melted. However, the soil at Test Site #5 did wet the hand somewhat. This test site was located in a shaded area under Willows and frozen water crystals were observed within the soil. The water crystals likely melted when touched and wetted the hand. No indirect indicators of soil saturation were observed. D. WETLANDDETERMINATION: Positive indicators for at least one of the vegetation, soil, and hydrology parameters were found only in the Willow/channel areas. In these areas, positive wetland indicators for the vegetation and soil parameters were determined to exist (although soil color is not a reliable hydric soil indicator for alluvial soils). However, because wetland hydrology was determined to be absent throughout the site, the property was determined to contain no jurisdictional wetlands. IV. SUMMARY Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Corps of Engineers regulates the discharge of dredged and fill material into wetlands and other waters of the United States. An investigation was conducted using approved methods to determine the presence and extent of jurisdictional wetlands on the subject property. Information on the presence and extent of wetlands on the property is needed to assess potential uses . of the property and to determine Section 404 compliance requirements. Because the property was determined to contain no jurisdictional wetlands or other waters of the United States, the property is not regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and no Department of the Army authorization is required for development of the property. . ... -. APPENDIX A DATA FORM ROTMNE ONSITE DETERMTNATION METHODl Freld lnvestbatoJ(3):Dalc: ProiexllSa6l loi'l Slate: c s County:('o ApplicantrOwncr:Ptant Community ttttzmq J Notc: ll e morc &tailod sitc dcrcription b noccssary, uro the back ol data form or e fiold nolebook 3--"-r/ Do normql cnvironmental condilions cxist at thc plard community? Yes v/ No - (lf no. cxplein on back) Has rhe vegerarion. soih. an'dor hydrorogy boen s'rgnilicanrry of).tpllt*l ol/_-ri.l+Yos v' No - (ll yes. axplain on back) -t//r-a / 2a a VFny'e27;r4! /e'u/l flal€/,'.r'e VEGETATION Oominant Plant Spocics lndicalor Slatus :--/l-.rt L'77v lndiSor Stalu! Slr&tum 1. 2. 3. 4. 11. 12. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fatl''/ r/ B. - 14. - t5. _ 15. - 17. _ 18. _ 19, _ 20. Percanl of dominant specjes lhat aro OBL FACW. and/or FAC b the hydrophytb wgotalion critorion mot? Yer No Sedes/phase: |slhesoi|onlh6hydrbgoilslist?Yes-No-Undeterminod- ls thc soif a Histosol? Yos - No ,/ Hist'c opipodon present? Yos - No y-ls thc soil a Histosol? Yos- No -:Z_ Hist'c opipodon present? Yos_ NoJ ls the soil: Monled?- Yes, No ,/ Glovod? Yos No r' Matrk Color: 1? "K 1/"'---4 - vonl.ColoL Other hydric soil indicat6rs: frtho hydrbsoil criterion mal? Yer-v/, No- /uy' aa/ar *o/ lel>/,/e ,r'2v a //2.' 1",''ot21 Ratlonalo:/a Yv //,non o HYOROLOGY ls fhe gmund surface inundalod? Yos - No / Surface water depth: b the soit salurated? Yes - No t/ D€pth to treo-ctanding *",", ffi.oliirifrI'du: lh /" /E /'""? t J List other lield cvidenca of surfaco inundation or soil saturalion. ls thc rv€tland hydrology criterion met? Yos No/ Ratlonah: Subgroup:2 sotLs ta /o .ttL Wea 'a747 Ea.ta,/7 JURIS DICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RA ls the plant community a wetland? Yer No t/ Ral decision: 1 ilis d"ta lorm can be used for the Hydrb Soil Assossmonl Procodure and thc Plant Communhy Asscssmenl Procsdurb, B-2 2 Classilication accodlng to 'Soil Taxonomy.' OATA FORM ROIJTINE ONSITE DETERMINAI1ON METHODl galo; ,'/--2'7/ ApplicantrOwnor:Pfant Com munity lft;le'mc:. Z Noto.' lf e morc dotailed rho doscriptlon b necossary. urc the baci< df data torm or e fiold notobook Do normal cnvironmontal condilionr cxist et thc plant community?Yes y' No _ (lf no, cxplain on bact) vIlry^::"j''i"il#[i]:':lT:Y\'^;y,['flydrtz,ylta/-t Indir:dor Slatus SuEtum VEGETATION Dominant Plant Soocics lndicator Status -47.'t/' -faz t--4-"'- = - 1. 2- 2 4. q 6. 7. 8. Dominanl Plant Rationale: 16. 17- 18. '19. 20. Slratum /7 5 -----ja-rl ll 12. 13. 't4. 15. 9. 10. Porcant of dominant spocios that ars OBL FACW, ls tho hydmphytic negotalion criterion met? Yea c/ No and/or FAC L/ No ay' /eary' J-27o sotLs Sorios/phase:Subgroup:2 ls the soil on tho hydr'tc soils l'st? Yos _ No - Undeterminod -- ls the soil a Histosol? Yos- No -iTrHistblppaon presonr? Yu"]E[ ls the soil: Motlled?. Yes,, No ,/ Gtevodi' Yes ' No ,/- Matrix Color: ./<'/K z,'/7-=2,/z - uont" cotoL 'Other hydrb soil indicators: lr lho hydr'c soil criterion met?vos -y!- No lrry' ze/ar nrre)'o//e ,)7 a//t,y'7'c'rz, Ratlonale: HYOROLOGY ls the ground surfaco inundated? Yos_ No y' Surlaco wator dopth: ls the soil saturrtod? Yos -- No y' Deoth to free-gtandind wateiiii7soil oriE-i-ol.r //4 /r f 'Deph to kee-rtanding rvater in piUsoil probe hole:- -r "' '- Ust othor field cvidonco of surfaco hundation or soil saturation. ls thc wetland hydrology criter'ron met? Y6s _No ,/ JURISOICTIONAL DET ls the plant community a wotland? . Yes _ No ERMINA V NON AND RATIONALE al docision:7^aZC ta.l/4 1 Thh d"ta lorm can bc uged for the Hydrb Soil Ass-ossmont Procedure and the Plant Community Atso3smont Proooduri. i B-2 2 Classillcation accordlng to 'Soil Taxonorny.' DATA FORM ROTMNE ONSTTE DETERMINATION METHODI Prolo</Sitc: ApplicanlOwncr:Plant Community t/Narnc: -l Nota: ll e mora dstailo'd sho doscription b neccssary. uso the back 6l data torm or e fieH notobook Dato: _Slato:4- County: Vtazhe / Do normal cnvironmental conditions oxist .t thc plant community?Yel y' No - (lf no, oxPlain on bac*) v:ry,i:"9:l'fu "Y$ill':l?1,*ylntt:ydb)u'-fi?7ay'er' VEGETAIION lndlcstor Statu:_=-7,'/at u VT Dominant Plant Spccios lndi:dor Slatua Straum Slralum z7 _--7-'il. 1L FeC 7 s..Fqt t/ ,ta- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Percont of dominanl spccjes rhd ars OBL FACW ls tho hydrophytb \r€gotalion critorion met? Yor and/or FAC 7,r 7./No Rationale: solLs Series/phase:Subgroup:2 ls the soil on rho hydric soilg list?Yeg No Undoterm inod ls tho soil a Histosol? Yor No 7-Histti6iil opipedon prosont? Yos _ No tz' ls the soil: Mottbd? Yos 7 ctoyeaz' Yet Noy' Matrk Cofoc / e/4<Z/Z Monlo Colors: Other hydrb soil indicators: ls the hydrb soil crilerion met?Noy' ls lho ground sur{aco inundalod?Yor HYDROLOGY N" !- Surfa6 water d€pth: ls the soil sdurstod? Yes -- No r' nenrh fo rree-crendrnd *rrorliT;'ln.,iilrit-t,a"r /n/cz+124rke/ - /;l ln/l/e; a/ 7"No-7 D€prh to free-standlng water in piUsoil probe hole: Lbt othor fiold cvidoncc of surfaco inundation or soil 3aturation. h thc wetland hydrology criterion met? Yes Fldlan:ln' ls the plant community a w6tland? . Ycs - Noy' No u/ JURIS DICTIONAL Dfi ERMINATION AND RATIONALE Rat Ior decision;1t4/syt/€ I Thh d"t" form can bo used for i'ho Hydrb Soil Assessmont Procodure and the Plant Community Arsossment Procodure. B-2 2 Chssiflcation accodlng to 'Soll Taxonomy.' DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSrrE DETEFMNANON METHODI Fnld Invesligator(g Dalo: Proioa/Shc:srare: /i t' coui Applicant rOwncr:Plant Community l/Namc: Notc: ll r morc dotailed shc dosctiptiicn b necassary, uso the bac* of data lorm or r fi€lj notsbook e Do normal cnvironmontal conditions 6xist et lhc plant communhy?Yes y' No - (ll no, crplain on back) Has the,vegetation, soib. end/or hydrology been signi{icantly Yos u/ No - (lf yes, oxplain on back) -f///c'am d2]!7,o)^/.t Dominanl Plant Spccbr VEGETATION lndicator Statu3 Stratum Dominanl Plant Soccios Indir:dor Statua Strstum 1. 2. 3. 1.( 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I t. 1L 't3. t4. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, Po.canl of dominant spocios that are OBL FACW.andtor FAC 33 ls tho hydrophytb vogetalion criterion met? Yoa No rz- Rationale: sotLs Serios/ohase:Subgroup:2 ls the soil on rho hydrb soils l'st?Yog No Undetermined ls the soil a Histosol? Yes No -tz gi516lf,ifr opipodon present? Yes No \./ No ',.2 -7-cuyeai' yos _- No V Moflle Colors: ls the hydrb soil criterion mot? Yes ls lhe gound sudacs inundated? Yes _ No r,/ Surfaco water depth: b the soil salurated? Yqr - No r./ ) ^ L ;;;i;'i';-;;;l'n *, i,*ru' oiii#iau, ,u/e /, Ust othor liold cvidonco of rurfaca inundalion or soil saturation. [s thc wetland hydrology criterion met? Yes _ No Ratlonalo: /. tny't//r4f/'e/i JURISDICT1ONAL DETERMINATION AND FATIONALE ls the plant community a wotland?Ycs No y' f or jurisdictionaJ docision:c I Thh d"t" form can be uscd for lhe Soil Assessmont Procaduro and tho Plant Community Arrossmenl Procodut. HYDROLOGY B-2 2 Chssif lcation accordlng to 'Soil Taxonotny.' DATA FORM ROUTINE ONS]TE OETEFMINATION METHOD1 ApplicantrOwncr:Plant Community rnU."r --L Not.: ll e morc detailed ritc doscripdon b noca3lary, usc the bac* df dela fonn or r ticH notebd Do normal cnvironmental condilionc .xist al thc plant community?Yes r'l No - (lf no. crplain on back) Has thervegotation, soib, ancl/or hydrology been s'rgnificantly disturb€C? - ^ t ^ ,/Yes t/ No- (lf yos, cxplain on bac*) J//'ratz /4e//d/:47-c'/ Dominant Plant Spociar VEGETATION lndicalor Statu3 Stratum Dominqqt Plant Spccies lndicaor Slatus Sfarum 1. 2. 4. 6. 1 L 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. =;.//,"V777V8 2J- .r L/,/LU . /r'eft .//./2(/ F4/ T Fact" z/ _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. Porcont of dominant sp6cie3 that aro OBt- FACW. andor FAC ls tho hydrophytb wqotalion crhorion met? Ycr c/ ;.1s 66 Rationale:a,rt' SOILS Serios/phaso:Subgroup:2 ls tho soil on rho hydrb soils list? Yes _No _ Undetermined lg tho soil a Histosol? Yos ls tho soil: Mottlod? Yoc MaVa Color; /a 'Other hydrb soil indicatorr: No __;ziHistb opipedon prosenl? yes _ NEZ No-V-'. t-ltstc opipodon prEsont? yos No /y' Gteyod? Yes _ no 7- Motllo Colors: ls the hydric :oil crilerbn met? Yoc ' '' ls the gmund surlaco inundatod? Yos HYDROLOGY No t/ Surfaco waror dopth: ls the soil saluratod? Yes No-7-Jdur qrqv r ttv v D€pth to freo-atanding wat"-n=l?soit p&-nolc t"// /r,/-' List othor fiold cvkjonco o{ sudaco hundation or soil saturation. lg lho wetland hydrology criterion mot? Yos No t/ ^2.,;^' r^-/ d/7 4/t4 "^'2^^E*ix I Thi. d"ta form can bc used foi the Hydrb Soil Assessmont Procsdure and thc Plant Community A3so3smont Procoduri. 2 Classilbation accordlng to 'Soil Taxonomy.' JURISOICT1ONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE ls the plant community a w6tland? . Yer _ No v/ B-2 FEPLY TO aTrEl|floL oF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTSICI SACRAMENTO CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1325 J STREET sAcRAMElrTO, CALIFOBilIA 9s814-2922 May 20, L994 Regulatory Section (199475119) Mr. Robert Borne Post Office Box 4205 VaiI, colorado 81658 Dear l,!r. Borne: T am responding to your request on the presence or absence of jurisdictional wetland on your property in the Town of Vail. The subject property is located within Section 11, Range 8O West, Eagle County, Colorado. Based on the delineation report by l{r. Martin ililler of Aztech Environmental, dated May 4, L994, we have deterrnined that your property does not contain jurisdictional wetlands and a Department of.the Army permit is not required to move forward with your project. Should you have any questions, you may contact l,!r. Randy snyder at telephone number (303) 243-LL99. re1y, Copy Furnished: Mr. Martin Miller, Grand Junction, Aztech Environnental, Post Office Box 2832,Colorado 81502 Colorado Regulatory , Room 142 Colorado 81501-2563 tl | /l '--\r wu'\\:)c*q)y'T;. i{cNure e){ief, Wgbtern \ office/ 402-Rood Avenue Grand Junction, AZTNCH ENVIRONMENTAL Post Offrce Box 2832 215 Chipeta Avenue Grand Junctiori, Colorado 81502 (303)243-9s6s May 4, 1994 Mr. Grady McNure Chief, Westem Colorado Regulatory Office Sacramento District Army Corps of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-2563 Dear Mr. McNure: I am submitting the attached wetland Delineation Report on behalf of Mr. Robert Borne. The subject of the report is a property located in East Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. I discussed the delineation with Mr. Michael Claffey of your office on May 3, 1994. As stated in the report, the property was determined to contain no jurisdictional wetlands or other waters of the United States. Mr. Borne requests a written verification of the wetland delineation as soon as possiQle. Please address your response to Mr. Robert Bome, Post office Box 4205, Vail, Colorado 81658, lf you have any questions, please contact me at telephone (303) 243-9565. ' : r... SincerelY, Martin Miller Enclosure l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Coktrado 8/,657 303-479-2I38 / 479-2t 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April 22, 1994 Departnctt of Conununiry Developrnent Bob Borne P.O. Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 13, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Bob: On April 21, 1994, Russ Forrest and myself conducted a site visit at the property located at Lot 13, Block 1 , Bighorn 2nd Addition. The purpose of that visit was to make a preliminary determination as to whether a Army Corps of Engineers permit or a wetland consultant should be brought in to analyze the potential tor wetlands to occur on the property. Russ and myself noticed at least one obligate wetland speciesl willows, and we also noticed a remnant drainage channel that appeared not to be active. However, due to the occurrence of the obligate wetland plant species, we would require that prior to any Town of Vail approvals for any kind of ground disturbance, building or construction on the property, that you consult with a wetland scientist and possibly the Army Corps of Engineers to make a formal determination as to whether there is a jurisdictional wetland present on the property. lf a jurisdictional wetland is determined to be present, any development plan would be carefully analyzed for impacts to the wetlands on the property. lf a jurisdictional wetland does occur on the property it may significantly inlluence the development of the property itself, and may require mitigation or replaCenibnt strategy to be developed by you and your wetland consultant. lf you have any further guestions regarding this matter, please contact Russ Forrest or myselt al479-2138. Sincerely, @2,L4 Randy St6uder Town Planner '4/,'7,,#/ 6Vfto'ttrl' 7/J& TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0- 47 9 -2\38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS]TE AT PROJECT TITLE: GROSHIRE RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT permit Job Address Location...Parcel No. .Project No. Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires.PRJg7-00?7 Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Masonry Phone : 97O-41 6-8339 Phone z 97O-476-8339 Number of Dwellinq Factor Sq. Feet Recreation Fee----------> C tean-Up 0eposi t--------> 96.72 28. s6 Subtotal : .00 200.00 630.00 500.00 4 t2OO 706 4 t906 TotaI Valuation: Town qf Vail Adjusted Valuation: fof Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pa L l,et: Tota l, Cal,cul.ated Fees---> 4,712.2O Additionat fees---------> -OO Totat Penmit Fee--------> 4,712.20 Paynents------- Item:05100 07 /23/7ee7 08 /t2/lee7 Item: 05400 o7 /23/tee? 07 /31/tee7 Item:05600 07 /23/Lee7 Item: 05500 07 /23/7ee7 0e /t8 /tee7 Item:05550 07 /23/Lee7 o7 /24/J,ee7 08/L5/1,ee7 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLTE AcIion: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ART H PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE AcLion: NOTE PLANS To LAUREN Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: NOTE CHARLIE AcIion: APPR ENGINEERING CHARLIE Action: NOTE Dept: BUILDING Division CHARLIE Dept: PLANNING Division LAUREN Dept: FIRE Division Dept: PUB WORK Division LARRY N/A PLANS TO Dept: ENGINEER Division PLANS TO TERRI fr(/oN, T o, &tX 7/,7/ cc s//24 APPLICANT GROSHIRE DEVELOPMENT CORP 4770 BrcHoRN ROAD #H-3, VArL CO 81"657 CONTRACTOR GROSHIRE DEVELOPMENT CORP 4770 BIGHORN ROAD #H-3, VAIL CO 81657 OWNER BORNE ROBERT PO BOX 4205, VAIL CO 81658 Description:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwe I I ings Private Garages Table Date: 05/17/L996 F i reptace Information: Restricted: Ptan check---> 1,331.2O Investigation> ,0O tli L l. Cal,l,----> 3.00 *********************************************************** FEE SUl.t ARy *********************t************t*********************** Bui Lding-----> 2,048.00 Restuarant ptan Review--> Units: 001 Valuation 406 ,224 .0O 20r163.36 426,387 .36 426 t3B7 .36 426,387 .360 TIMES 897 -0225 I S SUED 07 /23/ree7 08/rB/7ee7 02/ 14 / reeB 3846 BRIDGE RD TERRI TERRI Action: NorE see notices TOV/COmm. DgV.Action: APPR seec ondition"clean-up DepdSilRefund amount date I hereby acknovtedge that I havc read this appl.ication, fitted out in fuLl, the information required,compl.eted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to iompl.y with the information and ptot p [an, to compty Hith al,L Town ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure accordlnqlto the Toyn,ing and lvl ston codes, design reviev approvcd, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the TounladbticabLe the REQUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 R0l4 8:00 A[ send C lean-up Deposit To: GRoSHIRE DEV SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OIINER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit *, 897-0225 as of 08/L8/97 SIatus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** see Page 2 of this Docur$t for any conditions that DECLARATIONS o ma y apply to this permit. Applied: o7 /23/1997 Issued I oB/18/]-997 Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUp) PERMIT Applicant: GROSHIRE DEVELOPMEN$ CORP Job Address: 3846 BRIDGE RD Location: 3846 LUPINE DR Parcel No: 2l-01--111-01-012 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS *********!t*****************Jr***************ik*****************rr****************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAI-,L BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. SITE WALL ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING IS A 6'WALL AND WII,L NEED TO BE DESIGNED AND STAMPED BY AN ENGINEER. SUBMIT THE WALL TO THE TOWN WITH THE DETAILED STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, ******;********************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0313 Amount: 3,25t.20 08/18/97 09:53 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1053 Init: CD 897-0225 Type: B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) pE 2101- 111-01-012 3846 BRIDGE RD 3846 LUPINE DR 4,712.20 4,712.20 .00 Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 3 ,25I .20 TotaL Fees:Total ALL PmIs: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE **************************************************************** Amount 2,048 .00 70.20 500.00 630.00 3 .00 '.! '' -t (dld Cou 0f g1e -864 )'t - Ea 28 ct 0-3 tt. ty r n o Ar".""otf f i".Lilo Parce! /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION I-Otd.- PERMTT APPLICATION FoRM oert.z_'!!_,llll PERI'IIT # t APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT CpMpLETELy OR IT MAy NoT BE ACCEPTED at X****************************'t PERMIT fNFORMATJON *********************.******** -'1,/-nuilding [ ]-plunbing 1l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Legal oescription: Lot l3 Block Filing owners Name: lzohail fupr"te Address: po.Byx VzlE Ufttu gl6$ rl,..V7L-S)9 Architect:PkD DASTAA) Address: l_De_lJw4l!6e LIDP pn.V16'QzzB General oescripti""t Sttkte Fhtltt/ 4fStOEtL( .i work class: [ {-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units, )Number of Accornmodation Units:o Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. lpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-_ eas Log= / wood/pelret_v Ft********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************,l nutr-,nrNc: f la+;#e Er,EcTRrcAL: $ oTHER: $PLUMBfNG: $ MECI{AN- reAr.r $- -'-._-- m^mrr . }-777='--EJT-!!UMtsING: T MECHA}TCAL: $t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r CONTRACTOR INF-ORMATIO Eenerat Contractor: GDt<thoE ndInADtnETtr OAAD. - : T MEcHAr,ircAL:$ - ToTAL:+_--T76:@r----------------__ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATToN ***************************contraclorzGABtlttzE DilE)tgpilmlT CLR?. T.r.rn or vair Do,- trr-t totl-a ffl::3:,'ffii"Bii 3;:1""$Ji:i:w:a.rg#L Electrical Contractor: 1- -ruLor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: OFFfCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT }.EE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:+w MECHANICAL PIAIL. cllr€,tr lFSb : ""ff$ffi}ffitffi VALUATION CI,EAIT IIP DEPOSIT REFIIXII TO: SfGNATUREnT zoNfNc: l[, SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o 75 south tronlage road vail, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 rn suhmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfut for any person to litter, track or deposit any "oir,-r"rf,, sand, debris or rnaterial, including trash lunpsterl , pori.U:-. toif"ts and workrnen vehictes. |non any street, siaewail, -;ii;y or public I1?:" or any portion rheieof. The risht_"i_;;t-;n alt Town of Vail streets and.:?"g= is approximately 5 ft. 6ff p..r"me.rt.This ordinance wirr be.stribtiy-enrorcla rv-it"-t"wn of vail Public works Department. pers3ns found viorating this ordinance will. be given a 24 hour written tt"ii""-to-;;;;;;'"aid rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi---;;;piy with the notice within the 24 hour.tirne-sfeci;i;,"itr.-i"tric works Department wirr remove said mateii"t .t it"-'""p"ise of person notified- The provisions of this .iai""""" ;fr5ii'not be appricable to c-onstruction, ."iri.r".rce or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any utilities i" it"-.i!fri_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Tolrn of Yl^i-r Bui+ding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rlani< you for your cooperation on this natter. offlce ol communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED !{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 1"6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERTAL STORAGE owner) 75 soulh trontage road Y.ll. colo16do 81657 (3031 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty deyolopmstrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pen11t. requi,res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (publ ic tgllr) review and approvar,' a piinnrni"bipartrnent review or.Hea'lth Department review, and'a r"uiun lv-iii."duiiorng Department, the estirnated time for a total i"ui.*-iluv"iui!'is tong as three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'll) and a'll murti-family permits wil.l have to follow the above mentioned maximum requ.ireminis."'Residential and.small projects,should take a resser amount of time.' However, if res'idential or smaller.projects impact tne vJrious-u'uou. rlntioneo depa rtments wi th reqa rd. to - necessai"y revi ew,-tn.t. "p""j".ii"ruv a'lso take the three weet peiioJ. Every.attempt w|1l be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. r E,*sf J*tt ilEsroEttc6 Project Name ,t I V 1lr{lf1 'D Communj ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed 1o site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the righl of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property lo be used for slaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe Yllr luu LAmAc( Contractofs Signature 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 1 /vlh ^lr ilo ill* ilo lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspec,tor, at 479-2158. Job Name t5 EfiErrlF E'rssoum# Consuhing ln Buildlng and Flre godes MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Charlie Davis Art Hougland . August 9, 1997 ' Easy Vail Residence, Robert Borne, owner. Charlie: Items that may need to be resolved prior to issuance of this permit include the following: 1 . One of the crawl spaces (205 sq. ft.) has a height of 7' -3" as indicated on a foundation section. It is not clear if they intend to use a masonry or a manufactured fireplace with a gas appliance. The plan has indications that it is a masonry fireplace but no fireplace section has been provided to verify construction or clearance to combustibles. "There is no information .. indicating a manufactured fireplace for wood, gas insert or gas log. 3. Masonry or stone veneer is indicated in a section support has been included. :'4. The plan includes a "study/Sitting Area'f at the entrance to, but closed off from, the Master Bedroom. The area does not have appropriate natural light and ventilation for a habitable area. Some redesign may be required. above are minor and' me Know lr you nave but no method of There are 28 corrections but with exception to thosd can be addressed as the project progresses. Lef questions. Vail02.97 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address...: Location......: Parcel- No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit Et M97-0202 3846 BRIDGE RD 3846 BRIDGE RD 2101--111-01-012 PRJg7-0077 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. ISSUED to /06 /ree7 1.0/06/Lee7 o4/04/teeg APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER EAGLE COUNTY P O BOX 1!73 | EAGLE COUNTY P o Box rr73 | BORNE ROBERT PO BOX 4205, PLUMBING & HEAT GYPSUM CO 81637 PLUMBING & HEAT cYPsuM co 81637 VAIL CO 81658 Phone t 303524937 6 Phone: 303524931 6 Val-uation:14, 000.00 .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 353.00 .00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 353.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 353'00 Payments------- FireDtace Information: Restricted: fof Gas Apptiances: fof 6as Logs: {Of tJood/Pal'tet: *********************************************************** FE€ SUllt4ARY *************i*****tt************************************* Description: MECH FOR NEW SFR l.lechan i ca [---> P tan Check---> Invest 19at ron> ui L l. CaLt----> 280.00 70.00 .OO TOTAL FEES__--- 3.00 ***************************************************************************************llllff-lli;;;;;;;iliiiii************ill*** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: TO/06/1997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT Dept: FIRE D}vJ-sl-on: 10/06/1997 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 607 QF TUE 1991 uMC.3. IIIBTAI,T,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.+. GAs--AFFtrAucns sHALL BE vENTED AccoRDrNG To cHAPTER 9 AND SHEIL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE ].99]- UMC.s. AeenSs r0 nnarrllc EQUTPMENT MUsr coMPLY wrrH sEc.505 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOII-,ERS SHAI.,,L BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.0lltess LrsrED FoR MoUNTTNG oN coMBUSTTBLE FLooRTNG 7. PERMI-,FLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.a. ijRATNAcs-or-vnCHANrcAL RooMS CONTATNTNG HEATTNG oR Hor-w4'TER - SUFPLT EOTI,ERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DECLARATIONS I hercby sctnoutedgc that I havc rcad this apptication, fittGd ort ln fuLt tha lnforratlon rcqui fcd, corpt.tcd an lccurutc plot o[en- .r!d stlta thst ,tt th. inlorratidr Drovidcd as r.oui r"d is coratct. I rqme to coioty uith tha inforration and ptot pl,tn pltn, and st.tc that att th. inforratidr providcd ae r.qui r"d is cor.tct. I rgme to c pty uith th. jnforration and ptot pl,tn, to corpty vith att Torn ordinenc.s and steta tass, Jrd to b.li td this structurc accalding to thc Tor.n'i zoning and subdivigion codca, dcslgn rcvicr. rpprovcd, uniforr Eui tdiog Cod. lnd othrr ordin nc.s 6f thc.Tfn appticrbtc..thcPcto.tdun.pptic.btc. RECI'ESTS 'OR IIISPECTIOIS SIIALL BE ]IADE TUE TY-fqJR KX'RS SIGI{AIURE OF OUNER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ATID (}INER I \ o ***** *rl* ** *** * ** ********* ** * o *****l*!r*** Statemnt ************************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO ************************************************r**************** Statemnt Number: REC-0341 Amount:3s3.00 Lo/06/97 15:54 INiT: JR Payment Method: cK Notation:413? Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: 353.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M97-O2OZ Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2l.01-111-01.-012 3846 BRIDGE RD 3846 BRIDGE RD **************************************************************** 353 .00 3s3 .00 .00 Amount 280.00 70.00 3.00 I itt*,:i:i; d]: ;,f.:: i'; :' Qm oF vAr L "".,,1,;Y,."'ir'^ricr;r' li :JIOI' lll - O l-Olt)' -- - prn"rr AppLIcAf roN F'RH , Dnrn, _1//Sf ?7 PI.]RIIIT f General Description: Work Cfass: 11(-Nn, , APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FTLLED our COMPLETELY oR rT MAy Nor tsri AccEprED { [** ** *tt ** * ** * ** ** **** ***+ + + + J ! 4 hFhr.y-.R *************** PERMIT fNFORMATfoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * * * * * * * * *,tv J,/-nuiraing [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electricar [ ]-Meqhanical [ ]-other rob Narnet epjr unL fEsrOEilce dob Acrdress: - zg_%_LgeNrr_pelrE Lesal Description: rot | 3 Block_.-__ rilins_________su,,tu_SJ g.E!eHO4n) AnD e O, owners Name: kh€ln fup'ta Addr"t", P@r!(^$ pn.v7L-s)63 Architect: P Address; t I DCD Lt OalS fu OOe LooP _pn.r/tu-qZzB I J-Alterati.orr I J-Additional [ ]*Repair [ ]_other Nunber of Accommoclation Units :o Nlt)rber and Tvoe of Fireptaces: Gas Appliances t cas Logs / Wood/petlet $* 'r '* 'A * * * * * * ',r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNS * * * .* * * * ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RUILDING: $ 100-;#0 Er,EcTRrcAL: $I'LUI'IBING: $l*".^"^..". .r MUcHANTcAL: $_____ __: ro;;i; $____q;;@__ f * * * * * 1.^ * * * * * * * * * * * *jf, * * * * * * *. coNTRACTOR rNft)nMryI'roN * * *.i.* ** * * * *.* *,: rr * * ** * *:+.^ i.* *.r _?+y_L-t'. 'r'own of vail rteg. No.le4-t],*+_ phone Number: yJL:&Zg-:- Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiL Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone .Nurnber: PLUMBTNG PIJ\N CHECK PEE: I'IECHANTCAL PI,AN Clrna]rad RECREATION,: CLEAN-UP D TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Number of Dwelling Units:- ) \ddress:-70 .;lectrical Contraccor:iddress: 9Pttt;tri .ilQ7-c. Reg. NO. ,lumbing Contractor: 'ddress:Reg. NO. lechanical Contractor: .ddress:Reg. NO. *** * * * * * * * ** ** * *** * * * ** * * *Qfitf, r$'f ,UILDTNG PERMIT FEE:'LUMBING PERMIT T.EE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRTCAL FEE: THBR TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: ?3 BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:cmrnents : VALUATTON '!E4ry UP DEP.osrr REFTTND To: 13; JUL Cor(3tt tlrrC CeOlOGt6t P.O. 60x 2 srLT, coLoRAOO 8t€s2 (3031 ar+sroo 13a p6uo, l'lay l8 I !q94 Robart Borna 5O3?S Snowshoe Lane Vai I CA 81697 purposes of proper {ourrdation oesign should precade construction,augc! o+ the ha;af-d r of the Town o* Vat I bf3 tsken to n I ncr clas€l tna RE: Haiard Eval uati on, Lot l.jr Ei r;horn 2nd Adcri tion Dear llr . Eorne I I vr sr tLr(, thel above re'f erencecr r ot i n vai t recentr y f or purpole.of d qeol0gtc ha::r'cJ evals.tion, especltlly a5 it pertains to rocr'l f ar l potentiar , A5 you rrnow thi: ha:ard is €nown by the T'own o+ Vai I 's m&ps as af f ecti ng your property, r{i th a ,,hl gh reverrty' claEsiflcatron. Snow avalanchc is aico a potentrar haz erd at the si t 6 b(.rt has been rval utted by qnothcr prof assi onal . hy tjerneral +tndings arE th:rt the rock frll ha:ard i6 itrdGect Dre5ent hrrt ts not licv*rc': however r'ctmE firtrgEtion t3 rn orcter.The steep hillside above vour ho,ne ig at leasi s:o faet high and is heavily +€re6ted. 'fhi s lot ig about IOO feet f ro,n the base of that hilrside and therefore not likely to be reecned by many boul derrs. The topoEraphy i s al Eo Eomcwhrt {avorable ln th.rc therF in a home betwe.rA murch of the slope rnd your rrtr|. TherE aF6 a nq,nber o{ brq boul d€rs on thc site r./hich cln be aI i crnr.d on the north sr. dE rJ+ tne I oc +or protecti on rnd perhapg dirt c.n be plaqed ber-weL.n the boulders t oi,r cohesion i adctect bulli,and 'f or the potenti i1l for vegntati en if that is desired. The rocl";s shot-rlct be placed so as to afford mextount protectron. Ar an aclded precattti on the rlJar of the home chould be designed with a rear foundatic,n 9.al I protruding about thrrE f.et aoove finished qrade anct be caoable of withstandinq +orcas of up to 3()o poundr pFr sqlrare foot. rhere *5hoLrid be no e,inctow! rn thrs interval. Drainaga around the home shourl d be provl ded end the noflrc 6houl d he dor:igned to pF.v€nL rfre ,lrccunulatl0n of radon ots aE thr,, i5 becomtng standard practice rn the State. _Sot lE inJestigation f9r Nicholas Larnpiris, ph.D. O attempts at .n rgation. P0t trl#.:flTi I I;: i" *,., ;:+.t:. : ? ;:, T :: :l| r * ^r11 ; 1t r v li?'",'f i;$1,"T;h:i].-t:rit?::i;'Fi:#:T=A=i:"1T,'Jr:!i rr i n q' r + tn ii i'"*i ?,il "j fi ji J,'fl ,.i, .ljjj'" f."fl*..:* ::r:i; hTA',?tu, !:::tii?":.[3:!u..* t,_tj_l4_r 332 tat:51 -lr'irFl:l- Tii I it, HYDNO'IRIADUO 12136 w€6t Bayaud Avonue, Suile 100 Lekernood. Colo.ado 8O??8 letephonc 303/989 -958A FAX 30?989'9932 E-mat: htl@ir.netcom.com August 14, 1997 Ms. Sally Brainerd Rich and Krusen Design Architecture and Development, Inc. 1000 Lionridge LooP #3d Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Brainerd You had requested my review of the revised building plans fortot 13, Block 1' Bighom Estates *2, Vait, Colorado relalive to snow avalanche hazard mitigation. The plins were orrginatly desrgned in 1994. I had reviewed the avalanche hazard at lhal iime and prodiced-a repitt in February of 1995 entitled "Avalanche Evaluation and Mitigation'lvleasures, Lot 13 Bighorn SubdiviSion, 2no Addilion, Vail Colorado.'' The key aspects of the snow avalanche hazard mitigation for this building were: . The 5 foot diameter boulders as shown for the south or southwestern^corner of the lot are placed continuously and are anchored such ihat a 300 lb/ftz load will not move them into the structure' r The foundation walls on the south and east wa[s are 3 to 5 foot above grade and oeiigneO to withstand a laleral load of 300 lb/ff ' o The window on the east elevation designated as "D" is safety glass t,$-14-133? 1A;52 Ms. Salty Braincrd - August 14, 1997 Page 2 {r'Uii,l-TRl {lr .l 'ii-a-tl ... You have verified that the plans and specifications do incorporate these key aspects. My eonclusion is that the structure if constructed as indicated, will therefore meet the avalanche mitigation measures as de{ined in the February 1995 teport. lf you have any further questions, please contact me SincerelY, Ronald L' President RLH/im I cc: lrla Terry Partt, Town of Vaii Public Works Dept.'o r._!1t 3a*#*;$ $,685' i fu',,,'.i$ T T,r- ;, ?l Frr-e Effi-otas &*0, Rof*d TOV.COIlllili. DEV. DEPT, Geosltr East Vail Residence Lot 13, Block l, Bighorn Estates Vail. Colorado ADDENDUM January 9, 1998 SET NUMBER: RICH AND KRUSEN DESIGN, INc, ARCHITECTI.IRE AND DEVtrI-OPMENT rooo Lionsridge Loop #gd, Vail, Colorado. trfo7 phoner(97o) 47G922E #tu rqu,t"\ w tz* (gp\ 4f-9o25 't '3 "-t I '' {::f{t t.r.r. I ' t 'iJ'c.l o Groshire Lodce x1.1 x1.2 x1.3 x1.4 xl.5 xl.6 x1.7 x1.8 xl.9 x1.10 x1.1 1 x1.12 x1.13 x't.14 Lower Level Plan Revision Main Level Plan Revision Main Level Framing Revision Steel Column Base Connection .. Steel Column Cap Connection .. Living Room Connection Betw. Ridges .. Entry Ridge/Column Connection .. Revised Column at Window Walls Plate Connection at Master Bedroom Revised Section 1 1/S5 Beam/Beam Connection at Kitchen ....Living Room Fireplace Plan ....Living Room Chimney Plan ....Living Room Fireplace Elevation Paoe 2 {ll !u tl 2..11 5tl "{ ll stl !(il -:It -3tf g i||i. ,ftr,v sl ol 91"u-l-:.tv oto Fl * a l/6\ll \o I lw,z ra g o o 'l l-Y l-/ \-/ \-/ llt ro.^r <lii t) o r-:l--zZ -fr<lraJ v0 FL V< J u I 4 n I .( "o''o ,. O O LY n tu m tu v (D ,is @ "lor,e "le z IU I \)F .]Z "12',v ,fiell o'i"-,n ol Yl L :l l .( 'Yt,fie "t-,, /\t. ,t z oii FH oP"l illh[$[r ..o-,ot 6 ,fie tiP-]'-'-LJJ? l.;': JJ MonroQ"#:yr"l OF IUIE DTTE T0tfl- P.,Jc' I l-l.J- I.1. - I:lJ (' l.l: '-l-j Monrjg,-lL:Hill I gfcEr ro r]f--_ , ,. ll- ll--fz- AeEv- P*-n f,s,';e.r+*.... . 77y' gp -,xr W.,cl9€ :6a€vu c+ *V', f- l-ctt"l' a.\ -[ "i-"t]'-tl ,.= * 12:-:\#ae,t vJi ) Q7 '/aro * &" / v>q, b. Uln'- Lll.:*: fle il:<'+fu{t- A.evf TTTHL F. {:11 ;l-lJ-I I-l JJ r' I r': jj Monrf &*lkr:Jl flv-=r'.Ejt'4-r :ry _s#r v) T:!TA- p.a2 rj:l -Jl-.tJ:rr' .l:.:.:l:, ,{. f,\ Mo'rol#..:.y:"ll 4'- sie rr rc. ofrcxeo er Yl.to TOIFU F'. Bf r.b il, :lUU-l'r- I JJ? l:.: :.J MorrroO Ncwell Eu(inrfrs, lnc. n, 'r-or grt€r.ao. cllc'r-ArEo gY cr.ra(.:KEo lY 9CA(€ rtdt*cr" * ?:1" -.r.,L.-ft- lJ ,(a)- Vat'4 .-Iltgu." *rra-t It-lTHu F. ,:14 fi fl\ MonrocONewell ErlBinccrs. Inc. ,(---c-sh,f * F-, MonroQ, Newell Ellg[|cer8. [rrc.OFt- *,. lc- G -S'7 prrcuLArED lY , l-lJ-r-J- l JJ , I J; .lr_, MonroC Newell Ertgirrecrs. lnc -tlt I .-.tQ d/; * Ja' z,lt .rtz tvJ I I I f I Cotrlil o"tir,l&al-, l'hL + $,: (I: d-,bi lr' @ + g ! d s i a F c- o € 7. s d 4 o !f, r F TI $+ J.d T.3 o r {tr s \+ \a ,fi (\ ,t\J E f T $ $ ,d T.o F $ 1 t at :o- s IA os -:. ! it I G- o t- $t I IP o l-, L .I t$ o Bt \* ,til .l rd t-r dl= > rt\ar!tl ffi& 1 \j \ /'../ I I (i--'r' 'l,,r"iti ')l-- I -l- 0 t. 1 Itl t L\] ,il \) 5 0- $ o STONE VENEER FINISH "LYIAD. - r/tb x t-3/b PLY cA? 3/4 X b-3/4 3A3E YOULDINO _ INVERTED PREMANUF. FIR.EBOX gTONE HEAR BUILT O? STUD FRAMING 3/4" ?LYIAOOD 1 LIVING ROOM FIREPLACE SECTION l" = l'-O" ln > 4 T r n g x z I \rclc\a,i..,,rl,^,r.lr.rF,- .coEHrEEE lbwn of Vall -r Et ti F' F'nn FI Fi zz !T t)'zz oa dd zz oth -l .t FF FF zz {; HF Fd 6t -|la llr - TF dF{!ll!ox lif EA 1C)FI F'tEb a:: E< .,1 ez A E !l E z a o It It z o T 8 It .a .a r< z s z lrt g r I r-r.r-H deesE z7,zez EEEgE NIEEL I r gt dE FI E$ E EEE <k a EB E Efr F rc EiFHHHSrHHFHH HfrEa *fis5-A5 tr ,EEESEEIH,Hg'gE EEut A iE 38 trI FE H8 '*f; iiE o6 I[[['a1EeHFSSSTHE v, EE It EE gg tq EB $, dt r,9.a ilo E ETFFIH r! A E OFFICE COPY EFITI sBa FiFq f F <P^> a 9,?arl b l-E3F 5,aEi ETE 4,iA Tii fi 2 J p zE 3 !l.tl!l' t I z F' E t Era$HEuEts$ 18 Ex$EBxr$$5EE: =EBtss=**=ofiEI l"lla-*ll- f;r ooc*S$FEFBF eF u..rs**HHHHtaH € *. + I I I a7 4 v>>;qF EEz ttr 7,V ,5 {O\-\OF|! 3-- E 8;l *-ro 46 {o\6c\vrt9)NrhJ19- o a lo F E;E HEf 3?n FHH €H( Eig Ef;F E.z < EBI HFH F$F gEE HEE FHE 6zE gE HE EH H F a z F' E = FSSFFF$FFFn h s 4 e X HEH: *f;Hg AE H; *EE* ,u tt .{O I U3 HE E H;3 's if,;g s !r E'" E qq ;6F' EEEE xra:4 !e \e !!l( il-t"io-- t|Jr t\J i b\ 'o. ,E$EsssEH,aH*EE uuu | | 'b i- io SIo lul I3l tw--=.EEEoo gEEEggE 't' 5EE; Ff;Ei i5 #BB >oc4 Em< H8F ,A2n t-lc/,ar(-F-:A t- vm PS!:zl'+ +T i'i m 2 B 2 o I t F 0 c t cn E 3 m $Ht EXo hE3 qgH gH u ; H d H i $ $ g E u g g',,FHf; . (t) o) q)'Ot ('r Cn S qt N N N r o o o o o E)-rcr o o & o i (o i t,o o 1l t o to to ro o o l F -r1 :.t1 a,t)'n ;o I e o ;x o E I o 8 n H=Aoo\H-ileoBE I q -qH- ooo<>o<:ooacl&o : .' oo oo II tl - hF >-r 'n 5 o n I t m t EEE '|fnX tf,o -{ tW7<2o7.=- \ I *$6-I 'a, v j T 9 I $ 7 (' 15 , { fr -l I t d o $+ cRILLE wr riEect-dcnreN OR APPRowFrrlor,=e ). FLpoR ,4',-b, ar I t S?.8 scr,Jtrr€- I ;j'q!riri' it'ni#"#ff5, OR c.FLooR _)4'-6u :c E ffi# S?.8 sce.rrree r\lcof€s y t- B43ttry ,rc2 I ^c'An ol"':- Ibwn of 6q'-o' Qo*r*tQ_ reeeL{ Cg n'{'ttuifJJ+r Cr{ifll^.t6' tO E K7fr 14 Vail \ // -( /if fn if 6.-I '-t ry ;, /' j 7 0 T -t $ ( ''|--l T I 0 $ +l. I Ot.;>t >t d n x a tsPH] =EOB $EEH8$u;$dsig frgg >ac4 Fm< #gF ?2n , )va >a=F ?;;v,i= .- |Tl fn z {f z o 3 f,o c ! a F E !m I €P? *H9 EtrO TXB FaoR =i0"'PB glm 5 'n o o n J !m I ort *#fi fiE i-L-l Mq7-aJ.oL EF'I'rlr>>>ct(4 5Xf aiF E=E EEH lll 1 I 2 0 il rE E u s 2 It t 5 ;t { O\ 6 Cr,l (rr r.lr a|r, N, h, NJ - A-.ii*lla**ll..ttit-ll *€+6cc,rf,r.F;3ESF NrNr r. |.)rv.. I HH i I x I i rxu I )(0ar^6 5t--t EsgEE z lo Itl ln qq E!r d6t iBF gsE c F G Fit rrv! HEfi fraY z9F HfiX fi53 "1 4X =(r/-!! r-l il8s Pr. D F'2tr 4-a apE HEH E7z Egl EFH fi$f; u,H<Epl EgB EFH Eix Ei=r- hsF EEE FHY 6zE EF -.2 H-l HE HH Hz .H 9rfi I Itt -x z F' ,t o o z ;ffir$uFg5gFFFn $5;$Er;$H$sEEg $rsssrii EsxsfHet i3:i=';$Y*=*U"Of; l. z F U 7 18 I ,a tt {o --H$HHHEE I EsHE =l!R{ lr EFl F1 F bz 99 AP z6 HHF:8t,-l- *HFg EE H; *EE* d rt F Q !.' o !T ,ggEEgs$g,nH'EE .EEE".€E; .€ ESEESEBEH 'a I beib \o E FE It ti.{tn'a ,|: a\ ,1, ",Jil .tt ft Fr o Fl F m m x z trl I z E 7t 5 3 FiFggHsiHEFHE 5g*i 'Es$'tI F *iFFEEEFEHHE[ 3g EEEEfifiET 'g E:gggteefil H EH 5Bs s a 3g B8 ir hB AN HS z<aFl tt vz a glE5EgHExf;EEHE ; -"1 EF 1^ EE t! EE BE Zq gB c?E \o i^ \r O O\ a '.Jt'.A'a -..i !J rJ |\| r al'ilEEE {r.*r.r-fi .n E"gH.a!22224 a1 ,-\ i.\ t\ .4 227.3? 3f;?BH dEHE= EgEEI ilErL t.rt d=t.a t4 HH 83 FE i 9s A EE F FrP r1 <k a 3R X E7E <:t o EH F ntt II -vl tt -li (rt F!vn EI EI zz !! >),zz AU' dd zz 0a J'l FF FT zz <>gF !l .'l >9 4z -tn lA- 'H ;t> td -,!lE oX .l# =>ti2 1C)FIE tEb a:: E<{lEz v x c F z th o -- z FI o o E .a 2 t ,7t r!* o ti F'It t!ta z {!l 3 'tt I tr F:p 4t ttll t=:o f)t al -Ft E;Fr TE E a eF Flr rnd ti -a '.,: ,li, fi s xi RTF,T 131 TOIIN 0F UFIIL, COLURADO F.RGE lE AREA: ED $7/89/98 Q7:49 REQUESTS FOR INSFECTIBN t^l0Rlr' SHEETS FfrR; 7/89 198 :-: = =E == =-= == == === ========== == ==== == === === =====-=== === ===== ===== == = = = = = == = = === ====Ativity: 897-OEFl5 7/'89/98 Type: B-BUILD Sbatr-rs: ISStJED Constr': NSFR Addr.ess: ;O46 BRIDGE RD Loeat i on : .3845 LTJF INE DR Fat'cei: E1O1-111-Er1-rZrlE Oce: OOtltT UEe: V f'l Desct'ipt ion: NE[^J SFR Appl icant: GROSHIRE DEVELOF,MENT fjORF Ourner- I BORNE R0BERT Contraet or I tiROS}JI RE DEVEL0F,F.IENT CORF, Fhone: 97O*476-B"iJ9 PhonE; F,hon€i : 97tir-47*.-&3J9 Inspection Reqr-rEEt Information,... ReqLte st or: JAIMF Req Time: tZtE: OtZt Comments:Items ?'eqr-test ed to tre Inspectect... 614530 B|_DG-Temtr. C/tr Fhone: 39O-"]4O7 Act i on Cc,nmerr T i ne Exp Inspection Histor.y... .. Iten l OAsCila FH-Backfi t l Inspect ion It em : OtZtSrI 1 Ft"l-Temp. ;rc*eggldr.ainaqe Item I AESfJ;ij Fl^l-Rough qr"ade Item: OOSrAg F,N-Final dr"iveway gr.ade Item: EEOlO BI-DG-Foot ings/Steel A7 /:-:3 /'ci1 I n s pect or: CD AB/e7 /97 InEpector: LF,r,t fi8/EB/97 Inspectot I LFV Item : OrZtOgA BLD6-For.rndat ion/SteeI @9/q9/i7 Inspector. I CD Notes: FTROUIDE trLERIiANCE FROM COLUMNS NNT COMF'LETE/ CNLL FOR REINSF.ECRIBN fig/LIl97 Inspeetor.: CD r -\ Notes: COLUMN STFEL BEING TIH Item:0A5IA F,LAN*ILC Site Flan Al/ 14198 Inspector.: GE0RBE It em I AAOSO BLDB-Fram inr: * F'OSITI VE TjONNECTIONS REo' D ON DECKs SHIMS REO'D AT SUF.F.ORT COLUMN FJI-I. SUF.F'ORT COLTJMNS FOR EXT AT 5TAIR5 Item : OAOEA BLDG-Insr-rIa'b ion @t/etl98 Inspector.: JRlrl/GG Item: AtaA6O BLDB-Sheetr.ock Nai I AI /3?i/98 Inspect or-: CD Item; AEOTTA BLDG-Misc. Item : rzrorzrga BLD6-Final A7 /?,7 /98 Inspect or": CD Item: OtaEJA BLDG-Temp. C/0 Act i on : AF,F R Action: AF'[-'R Aetioir Dl"l J REF,IOVE UAF.OR BARRIERS AF'FROVED sEE .itrcB Actianr Nfl SOILS REF'ORT NEEDED Art ion: AF'FR" TOT4F.LETE TIE*UF.. Flct i on: AF'f'R AFPROVEf) \\ n: FA (-{OATU SIDE UNLY [S4 {-B REBAR Fte[-F oF F0ur,]D#lftlf,r rNf.rr cnMF,LE t n. AFFR n[eSr ilF I.UUHD CL]f'11-'LETF * trction: AF,F,R T Fr,pRqven @t/L4/9A Inspector-: CD f:rction: AF'pR AtrF,ROUitq ",.. r --{\ .- la-NotesI SUBMIT THO 5ET5 OF RHVISED STRUCTURAL -DRAI|JINGS RND DETAII-. - FIRE BLOCKING REG' D IN ALL I^lALLs OVER 10! ,AND ALL VERT TCI HOR FI5SEMBL IES Actio WAME SNLJTH Act i r' D NfiI' I l I I Q3.,0 Lr-/'7 rE',- oze rjir,"_u-lE otEoa ! ttla I r ore rur,rijjN:;19 gesaa 'r"ii 7/? "rnir-ir1.Y-]-t i:5'a'a ' u' " + i I I I i I I I 4 ua\\':ij"i; ;?ljg,sr.,r* ,.*j"J#,,,"1" sifff iffli 'r f -{-lU-:'JOHd C I ,n^+-:*qi"t##ry;Jr,i$lt;Hii"ffi n^ t"riffio rm)J -- ;,il jiJjF===:'::::ffi ronrrNrns-,Hr,-J",,,:l#-"'rliiiF "*'T',,]t!*+,*11l,#i+*;k=.i;i;;;;..; ISIIdSU ,J/ (O rOJU -.- ---.- ---*- {.:l[gt,,.,r j-^---I IUI{) 'OIO3U "lUnOUddU 9INNU-1d :Ea+oN I 4CI1,1) 'OrO3U "lUnOUddU 9I.NNU-1d :Ea+oN CtJ !ro+cadsul 961447 26 6\16 ! rnarldcttt ctc^tt=t t6 igi"'$E#e,*T{ REtrT 131 TOWN 0F VAIL, COLORADO trRBE IE flREAr CD A7/?9/98 Q7:49 REGUESTS FUR INSFECTION WURK SHEETS FtrRr 7/?9/98 = ======*=*=g==== === =-=======g===== ================-======E================ ======flctivity: 897-6388 7/E:9 l9g Type: B*BUILD $tatr-rs: ISSUED Constr^: N$FR Addnessr 3846 FRIDGE RD Locat i on: 3846 L|"JF INE DR Fareel : llrZrl*l I 1-O1-fi1e Descr.iption: NEW SFR Applicant: GRfJSHIRE DEVELOFMENT CORF' 0ulner: BORNE R0BERT Contraet or; 6RO5HI RE DEVELOF,IYIENT CORF. Occ: OtZtOT Use: V N Fhone: 970-476-8J.r-9 Fhone: F,hone : 97rZt-476-S339 Inspection Histor"y, .. .. Iteor: rA'a5e'A Fhl-Fackfill Inspection It em: CltESrZt I trl^l-Temp, access/dnainage Iten: IZIASOA F,Ll-Rough qr.ade Itemr OO5O3 Fhl-Final dt*iveway gr'ade Item : OA|Alra BLDG-Foot ings./Stee I A7/'e3/97 Inspector-: CD $B/e7 /57 Inspector: LF'V AA/?.A/97 Insrector': LFV NoteE: COLUMN STEEL BEING TIED NOl,'l Itemr @OSIE F'LAN-ILC Site F'lan Al / L4/9A Inspeetor': 6E0RGE Itemr OAra3O BLD6-Framing Qt"/14/98 Inspector: CD Notes: SUBMIT Ttl|0 SETS OF FIRE BLOCHIN6 REEID HOR ASSEMBLIES Inspect i on Reqrrest Inf or"mat i on, , . . Reqrrest or: JAIME Req Time: O8:Otl Comments: Items r*equerted to be Inspected... UiO53O BLDG-Temtr. C/fJ Iten ; AAIZISA BLDG-Insulation Olle1/98 Inspeetor: JRM/GG It em: OE66ra BLDG-Sheetnoek Nai I ':, 6l/3@/98 Inspector: CD Item: 0AQ7A BLDG-Misc.Iten: QOAiA BLD6-Final 01 /e7/9A Inspector: CD Iten: 00536 BLDG-Temp. C/tr Item : OAO3A BLDG-For-rndation/5teel A9/A9/97 Inspector: CD Action: FA Not es : F,ROV I DE CLEARANCE FROM Wl$l€UErl fB COLUMNS NOT COTYIF'LETE/ SCIUTH HALF CALL F0R REINSF'ECTI'ION Ag/tL/97 Insoector: CD \\ SOILS REPORT NEEDED trOMF.LETE TIE_UF.. AF,PROUED \\r-\onru stDE 0NLy REBAR oF FOUNDffTmNINOT COMF,LE , OF FOUFID COMF.LETE * Fhone: 39O-34tZt7 Aet i on Com m en Ti ne Exp Aet i on: NO Action: AF,trR* Bct i on: AtrFR Action:AF,F,R \_[!:ST .n trDSITIVE CBNNECTIONS REG' D DEtrKS SHIMS REO'D AT SUF.F.ORT COLUMN AT STAIRS Act i on : AFF,R SPPRqvEn Act i on ; fippp ApF RovED " -,r -. f\ )("\ REVISED 5TRUCTURAL DRA.I'hi.ICSTh*D iTTNTL ) IN RLL WRLLS OVER 10r ;AND RLL VERT TO ON ALL sUF.F.ORT CT]LUMNS FOR EXT Actionr AF,FR REMOVE VAPOR BARRIERS Action: APFR APF'R0VED Aetio*: DN .J SEE*"tCT] .pa t 9l t ?cr artEPttt-9rrf _a E r\l;, 07/e7/98 Inspectorr CD Nates: PLANNIG APPROVAL ,, FH-t,arrl|a ffiiono REO' D. (tiotE DN SEE NOTES EROSTON CdfurnOU REOI D) .;^' REF,T 131 @7 /eq /9s Q7 t4i REEUESTS Toh,N oF VAIL, COLORADO FOR INGPEtrTION WORK SHEETS FOR:7 /e9/98 AND OUTHOUSE MU PRGE AREAT CD 13 FUBI'IORKS APPRUVAL REQi D CT]NSTRUtrTIT]N MATERIALS INCLUDING SITE DEV. SIGN MUST BE RENOUED,/- BE REIYIOVED Yu^ oQov 7- k) DT]OR CLBSER REQ' D AT PED DOT]R IN GARAGE , -SCREENS REO' D ON CRAWLSFACE UENTS l- q INSTALL SMOKE DETECTOR IN LOI^IER BEDRT]T] HANDRAILS REG'D oN EXTERIOR STAIRg7,-- ELEE FINAL REQ' D L./ t DISHI.JASHER RI RGAF. REQI D I/ STEAM GENERATOR T/F. MUST BE F,IPED F'RCIF.ERL\? REHtrvE DAMF,ER FR6M F/F, trULe I N.etd AtrCESS TO GAS UALVE REGI'D AT F/P t-/ !, Item: 0453e Item: grrZrEGJ Item: AtZt537 Item: ra0539 Item: OB54O COM RIR DUCTS OR OF.ENINGS REOID FOR PiAILER// trw-TEtYttr. c/o PLAN*TEMP. C/A F,LAN_FINAL C./O PI^J-FINAL C/T] BLDG-Final C/O REPT T 3I fr7 /eq /94 67 249 REGUESTS T0|^,N 0F UAIL, CULURADO FOR INSFECTIUN WDRK SHEETS FORI 7/E9/9& pA6E ter AREA: GD Aetivityr M97-O3O? 7/?9/95 Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Addness! 3846 BRIDGE RD Location: 3846 BRIDGE RD F,ar.ee I : E1rZr1_l l l_01_Ole Description: MECH F0R NEW SFR ffppl ieant: EAELE COUNTY F,LUI'IBING & Ownprr BORNE RBBERT Contr.actor: EAGLE COUNTY FLUMBING E HEAT HEAT Occr Use: F,hone: 3O35e49376 F,hone: F,hone: 3O35349376 Inspeet ion Req r-te st Reqr-restor: JAIME Req Time: lZlE:Ofi Items r.equested to A€t3ggr MEEH-Final Informat i on. . Donments: be Inspected. Fhone: 394-3447 Act.i gn Comm ent s Time Exp Inspection Histot'y. .. .. It em: O€IPOO MECH-Rot-tgh l?/LA/97 Inspeetor: JRM t+ It em: CtElE4lS trLMB*Gas F,i pinq frl/ L3/9A Inspector': JRM em I tZttZr3lO ltlECH-Heat ing LA/47 /97 Inspector'l CD Notes: Z0NE *1 90 FSI AIRTEST ZONE E lAO F'SI AIRTEST Fict i Action; Action: AF,F,R AFFrR,* AF'PROVED AF.F. GAS F.IF,IN6 FOR METER INFLT]OR HEAT LOI^JER LVL Item: Item: Item: AA3EA MEDH-Exhaust Hoods A|ZISSA MEtrH-Supply Air' €tO34C' MEtrH-Mi sc.le/t8/97 Inspector": JRM Action: AF'trR AA39A MECH-Final A7/gA/94 Inspector: CD Action: DN Notes: trOM AIR REOrD FOR BOILER LOCRTED IN REMAVE DAMPER FROT'I GAS F/P , -/ACCESS TO BAS VALVE AT F/P REQ'D '/ Item: I AF.F'ROUED SEE NOTES GARAIIE C,/ STEAM GENERATUR DISCHARGE MUST BE TERMINATED rRAtERLYf,tr .J iFr. REPTISl TO[^'N OF VAIL, COLORRDO trAGE 11 AREA: CD a7/"9/9A Q7249 REUUESTS FUR INSFECTION WORK SHEET$ FOR: 7/ei/94 Aetivity: tr97-0t187 7/29/98 Typel B-trLMB Status: ISSUED Constr': NSFR Addressr 3846 BRIDGE RD Lochtionr 3846 LUFINE DRM Far.cel : E1O1-1 1 l-rztl-Alg Descript ion: trLUMBING FOR NEI^J RESIDENCE Applicant: EAGLE COUNTY FLUMAING & HEflT Owner: STEVE GROSS Contraetorr: EAGLE COUNTY FLUMBINB & HEflT Oce: Use: Fhone: 3O35849376 Fhone: Fhone: 3O35849376 Inspect i on Reqr.rest Requestor': JAIME Req Tine: OB:OO It ems r.eque !rt ed to Aftirg@ FLlvlB-Final Inf ormat i on. . . . Donments: be Inspeeted... Fhone: 39tl-3487 Act i on Ti ne Exp Inspect ion Hi story. . . . . Item : tZt0tlO trLMB-Undengi'ound A9/e3/97 Inspector^: CD Aet ion: AF'FF 1O FSI AIRTEST It em : rZrrZreerl F,LMB-Rorrqh/D. W. V. /,/Le/18/97 Inspector: JRM Action: f,trFR FRESSURE I'a0G'SI Item : O0P3O F,LlvlB-Rough/Nater' Le/ 18/97 Inspect or r JRM Aet i on : AF'trR AF'trROVED Itern: ftOg4rA F,LMB-Gas Fipinq Le/78/97 Inspectorl JRM Action: AFFR TFSI 6A5 LINE I t em r ECIPEEI FLMB-Poo 1,/Hot Tub I t en : BOE6rl trLMB-M i se. Item : €IZr€90 PIMB-Final A7/eA/98 Inspector: CD Actionr DN SEE NOTES t ,Notes: FROFER CR055 @neCrtON CUNTREL REEUIRED ON ;{ DISHWqSHERS L./ f,Item: tZtO538 FIRE-FINAL C/O )t/a Comment s ..J .i l/ " ,;. I . \a ''y' '7 \ .'/ 'e\ ,'.-/ ,/' .xL .1 -t_^n - r*.. r - $ -,'-li I ',' .v'- t|. 1 I I ,I I t I { t L, j.,1{l \ .\'-. . !, l r ' -\-: ,\:=.J j-')'J\\Jr] o n n rl:l 'i iln .' 1- iFr A 'l ";)r I ).1' i |lr'l I I ,Juflll 1 I ,a O r ttl J:' l(.1 rl L ril Ll. .lr-l l' f.,l{.-i rL {I rIl:l}l NH NllI r'1 l-,! r. :t '-1" I i'l r'-{ -l f, ''-!l-i :lil I:' 1" rl l:l { t.{ rl I ''l::j I l' ^!H'l l\rl-{' l..'Y 1 t, i.^iil ' I I -!l-' 'i : l'l :i I .:' r:) 1" rl :.1 l:l '.ll-,1.{ :lhl I .i 'l::j -lfr,- I 1 r.^i :l l'i l'i '.:-t :l t\l .1 C} I-J i, I ::l i1 l1 '-t iJ i :l; fJt -'t t-.1i. i i ':l ,lt'u , r{;, r r lFi :lAil llt-l -ri tl i I-r .1:,I T T n it: |.: il H '.l l\l ':' 11 F i1 t'. I.] l\l .,,: '.il ..) 11 t it :lcl [],:i ht r' li il -' '-lf.l i \l I. ,.! ::i ';ll "jr{ :Jll :lr tl "l Fii !r i rii l -||- :1i..!: t; ,:i _t (:l I ':.-l li il I '') /l nt f!.! r1 ,'lH !N .1" 'lrJ i-l ,ll:l :l il l{:i (r' iJ 1'l Ot -J t1 :rr f:l fr ! t/ | ln t lf!.! ! tl !'lH !N H" -lrJ i-l l,ll:l .:l ij f {:r l/' ( I /: t/"' r i: Hf: tiI r..t ..J :ln "ll l r l',1 ai I i-: rrt ! i:,;,; :, , 'l r:: i:,rl 'r . ,_ i. r.tt,l 'I rI 4+T {rr ;1I ' |;J l I i ri,.ill I , ij' r f r-li"i .r:i1..li ll.ll-i.l ! ,l-j :llrli:irt -:l,r)t-'.-{ iji..irt il :1 I 1:i,1 .il 0fi -t3N7 5-lH i):l_rr' FrHt-,T t J I 1(1./ 14/95 tB7 t34 REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION I4ORK :iHEETS FOR: lrZr/ 14198 m""n)e trAGE l tzt flREA: CD Aetivityr 897-tZtE?5 Ltd/14/9A T'ype5p-BUILD Sta! Acldt-ese: 3845 BRIDEE RD Location; 3646 LUtrINE DR F.rareeI r *1O1-l 1 l;tZil-faIe De ser i pt i on : f-lEN SFR .. ---;;pii;;:ii flln:'ffi"l;y"upmENT'o*ol- 7 X#tfl.476-Bz;.s [.r:rrtr.aetr:t'r 6ltO$HIRE DEVELOp|4ENT t-uFtpt r fttale,[fA*+Za-e:lS Inspeet ion Reqrrest Infsrnratiort., . . Req rre s b or'; JAM I Li Fieq I ime: ttr8 r EO Comment s l l.,l ILL Item: l'eqr..r€ribed to be Irtspected... [tur54[r BL06:]: inal u/O F'hone: 39O-J4O7 tjf;LL 3g'*45 IN RL)U. Act i on Comment s Inspectiort Item: I 't.e rn : ulasrrrut F t^t -[iarkf i I I Inspert ion DtZlSO I l-'l"l -- [emtr. ac]cees. /d]'ai 11.*gp ltem: tllUtSUlE F,tJ.-RDr..rgh grade I t ert : A05OJ t-'f.J --F: i tra l. tli'i v eway qla It enr I |lllalz' L Ut BL-Litr-+: i.iot irrgsr lr't ec* I w7 i'J.412 7 .lrr srtecbc,I-i L,Li bB/,Li/\i' I nspec'* rii': i-f-'l' oAiXA/r, lnspectur': L[-'V I'bem: EOEgr{r FLu[i-F:oundaL i olrl{:t ee I U\9/tZ1/i i' 1n s necl or': LD Fiot e s r l-'it0 t/ l llti {-t-|J*RANLU !: R$Fl (-ULUMNE I'iUl- Cufrll-'L.tl'f: I CITLL FI]I.( ITEINIiF'Ei]1 ILiN tA1/LL/97 Inspertor': CD Flction: At-'Fft REST OF f:OUND COI4FLETE Not e s : ClJLUlvlN 5l EEL BE I Nti T I ED NO[^J Itemr OA5EA FLf{N-ILl; 5i.te l-'lan Ol/14/98 Inspector': iiUORiiE Act ion: AFFR nFF'ROV|il] 1 t e rn : 0taA 3St FI.-DG*[:r-a m i rt g de a-lrt r ofi i NU SU.L LS fil:..[:'tjR I Nf EDEL HcLion: AF'f-'fi t,UillF'Lt:. f L: f IU*LJIr, Hijt r on ! At-'F.l( i-l|-'l-'f'jtrU[: lj Aet i c;rr I I'A hii.,ti l|t bIDL. Lil"lLY F,ANILL'i 1{-i RLilHl{ S0u-fl-l l.ltrLF Of: I;i [iLl].lDflTIgN NOT lltrMFLt: Ar-'t r on I Ftt-'l-,R REMqUS vAr,rJR BARRTERS tAt / t4/t)b Ir-,spec L or-: CD ,lc:t i on: AFF R AFFROVED Notes: lSLlBMI"f It^ltl 5i:TS OF i([.VISEO bTRUf TURAL DRAHqflii€ AND t'r:IfiIL FIRE BLO[}:iIN6 REG' D IN ALL HALLS -LJVER 10' FTNI/ }iL.L VERT 1O HOR A55[.I4BLIES r\ \ -:- F.TJSITIVL.LONNECTIONS REO'-D OT'I ALL $UtrPORT E*JJMNS I.'OR EXT DEt;KS iHiI'IS REQ'D H] sU{f'URT ihtsUMN A1 sIAIRS tZlOOSUl Ft-D[i*Insr,tlation \ c\,r,Iten: Item: Item: ltem: t{I1,/E1 l!S lnsg.ie'ctor: JRM/Ei6 OOEe'Ur gLltG-Sheetrock Nai I Ul /36198 lrispector: CD rltlfr$7t{ BLLrii"i4 i sc" 0062|A BLDG-Fina1 .- 47 /Z'7 /tA Irr spet:tor':' LIJ I tetrr'- OSS3t/.t BLDG-Temp " tt / A A7 /gIl98 Irr*peetor: GRG '87 /e7 l9A I n spect ar r CD lrlot e g : F,LANlrl IGi tilJ1-,Rl-IVAL HEA' $ I l-listory,,,.. ct j. on , nPP) AF,PSa{EI flct i on : fl$ion: fietion; IJ.'(MORE DN EJEE I I.]LJ F]I F.RE*I. C. O. CONSULT Di{ sEE NOTESJ ERUSIUN CONTROL RE6I' O) Time [:xp o a ffiillii" **r.,rro*-nur*rr rKrrrr*0"*l'3fi3!?, FaRt= te, rro,,u^ -"#H=,1"" :-======= ========:====== ====tE3-rEi=Ee==:!!E=!E-=E5:ire===::t ==:-===i:E = == =a=='js= ===-===== == ===:=!= = F,UBI.IORKS APtrfOVAL REtr'D - CBNSTRUCTION IIATERINLg INCLUDING DUMPSTER RND OUTHOUSE HU ne nEmovgo e/ SITE DEV. SIGN TiIUST BE REMOVED -/ DoOR trLosER REo,D AT pFD oBoR IN eeryaael/ scREEN$ REGp D ot't cHRwubpRcu, vgrqrsc/ INSTtrLL SMGKE DLTECTOR IN LOttER neDnOON r' HANDRAILs FIEO' D ON tXTEtiIOR STAIRgr/ ELEu FIN,.tu RE0tP"/ ,t , DISHI^IAEJHbR TtIftEAI-. RE'TI'TIT Sl-EFtf4 GEf{ERATOR T/t' plusr/bL. l-'tl-'ED pRtrFHRLY4/ I(EFIOVE lrf.:tt'11-'Ef,( I:lliJr'i l /F'../ , ,.-ALCE$$ IU 6AIi VAI,UE RE,G'D A1 I./F.'N LOM rlIR DUCIS 0f{ OFENINGS REr,t:D t':r.jR YAlted/ n7/Jtd/t)g Inspreebui';: CII Act ion: xl-'l-'R LITRRECTIONS MFIDE I t e m I lttZt5Sij PN-T EHf'. u"/ U Itern: Otl5.l;i PLAN*IEFIF'. A/O lterrr: rZltirS.jT I-,LRN-f- INAL C/O It rln ; orzr5J9 F,tl-FIhlAL C/r.l Ite,rrr : tzltZt54tZl Bl-DEi*Finai i:/O I bnpc\r-r{KZ r ,, )r r\Qt r4P )",c llrrt,'r ifUrSn"* , 'rrra\ ? REPT131 TowN oF VAIL, COLORADU F.AGE 1I AREA: CD a7/?9/9A O7249 REGUESTS FBR INStrECTItlN WORH SHEETS FOR: 7/e9/95 Act i v it y I f,97-ALe7 7 /-cg /94 Type: B-F,LMB Stat r-ts: ISSUED Donstr.: NSFR Addressl 3846 BRIDGE RD Locbtion: 3846 LUF'INE DRM Far"ce I : Eltll-1 I 1-41-Ale Descriptionr trLUMBING FOR NEtl RESIDENCE Appl icant: EAGLE CUUNTY F,LUMBING & HEAT 0wner': STEVE 6ROSS Contractor: EAGLE COUNTY F,LUMBING & HEAT Occ: Use: F,hone: 30135€49376 Fhone; Fhone: 3835E49376 Inspect i on Reque st Requestor: JAIME Req Tiner O8:OO Items reqnested to fftAeg0 FrLMB-Final Infor'mation..... Domments: F,hone I 39{t-34O7 be Inspected. . , Acti on Time Exp Insp€ct i on Histor'y..... Item : BO3lO trLfvlB-Undergi"orrnd A9/e3/97 Inspector': CD Action: AFtrF 1A FSI AIRTEST Item: AAeeE Fl-MB-Rouqh/D, W. U. //le/L8/57 Inspector: JRM Action: APFR FRESSURE IU'AFSI Iten : O0P3O FLMB-Rough/Water' L?/tE/97 Inspector: JRM Action: AF'F'R AFFROUED Item: AA?4n FLMB-6as F,iping Le/t8/97 Inspector: JRM Action: AFtrR TPSI 6A5 LINE It em r 0gtg50 FLMB-F,oo l./Hot Tub Iten: BOE6O FLMB-Misc. Item : Oelegta trf-MB-Final A7/1E/9A Inspeetor: trD Action: DN SEE NOTES ' ,Notesr FROF,ER CRU55 @rueCrtON CUNTROL REGUIRED DN e DISHWRSHER9 L./ b Item: OA53A FIRE-FINAL C/0 Co nnent s ."J * *tE $;R.e 9€ E b;r3E E af;s .O..Ee 9Eo I c Ei F5;jg H.9 E ;EEE; E rii :8 . flgEEs€ E#EEgg I I I 'l tl | ,r,l I e.ll -l c.tl <l Fll c.ll o\l el Fql ll tl I ,^.I ('tl 9.6 IY Y6 FE 8& ; E - E b o >r F \Ol €l ,^l ol -il :l NI sl XI :l \il *l rDl |rl Fql fl ol "l v,a ID LT tt ru o 3 o o) i: (+l q) (A o lr tt E I r-l e(l) |F: I I €i I sE .,l E.F $E;. ol R;.H €l €.E a 3l 9"8E H 5€e El EeE 6l E! 3 €l Sf E fiI #:E fl :HH .;I EEH 5I g.g s -l Ftia El € HE sl ;q b" I =vx E€F E ,'rt: Y 6:l: X a5: 5 .sd E F g bo6 .= €F€ €BEE .q .gE'; :F> S E H z r\l/Z e-.R J r\v r\v \J tY,n v ['!-l f-/tr: r\\J rY, r-,\:Fr' t'r\r\\J 6 :Fo A$r!S lssn sE$* $${ s r i'tji -- SSNN qs F\ EoN sd q s- o o o o lr oz og)'o o(J A }l E e o o Ill o2 oP .o o-o< o ? F.JB g8 l{F EE a!.CE 0a o C'o o o o 0 o o o 0 o o w U E o l, o l.l d I .a I c o 6 l! 6 d E ia ts E U 6 E 6 |: o o E E E o E Eo.c|t N IA q||EO &u ar r oo a co >| BA I. N&610 E oo -rg I oE| ql !B cc |,ro rl a E AF 33 &o E-Eaa d c E F.F E3 E9 B{ e EE i9 I E o FIH HE oo a=a E FI 6 ri E H F. 6 t{ E TE !aJ a6 zd dcl E ; B. $ g8 A tl i E E lr CI F o E o B E E lr t{a o E o I o o o=g d ol II E'tg9 HFE Date Receive JAN 1 i_ 1999 H.T. CONSULTING, INC 203 Yank Court Lakewood, Golorado 80228 303-716-9790 December3l, 1998 Planning and Zoning Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Lot 13, Bighom Subdivision, 2d Addition, Vail, Golorado Snow Avalanche Protection Gentlemen: At the request of Jamie Gross of Grosshire Development, I visited the referenced site on December 29, 1998. I reviewed the site conditions relative to the snow avalanche hazard protection, and in particular, the modifications from the site development plans to the boulder protection wallalong the southem property boundary. A representative of the Town of Vail has identified the modifications from the site development plans to the boulder protec'tion wall as an item which needs to be addressed. The boulder wall was not constructed to the full height as indicated on the development plans, but in general, follow the proper alignment. In evaluation of the situation relative to the snow avalanche, and based upon previous vrork (see enclosed references), several aspecls are important. 1. The existing drnellings on Lot 12and Lot 14b (both upslope orsouth of Lot 13) lie uphillwithin potential avalancfie paths wtrich could affect Lot 13. 2. The report for 3876 Lupine Drive, Lot 14b (Reference 7) by Art Mears dated September 16, 1991 states on page 2 under'Adverse Deflection - neither snow or debri from avalanches will be pushed onto adjacent public or private property as a result of the proposed remodel. This is true because they will reach the struc{ure at small velocities and will immediately be stopped by, or penetrate, backwalls." The remodeling appears to be completed. 3. \Mrile a specific avalanche hazard protection report does not appear to be on file for the draelling on Lot 12, the structure will provide additional protection to Lot 13 for avalanches originating from below the limestone cliff wttich is the critical avalanche hazard for this property. In defining the potential snow avalanche loadings for the proposed duelling on Lot 13 (HydroTriad, Ltd. Report of 1995), the effects of the structure located on Lot 12 vrere not o ( o Department Planning & Zoning Torrvn of Vail December31,1998 Page 2 considered, i.e., the impact loadings of 3OO#/fi.2 for the dritelling on Lot 13 \,r€re defined without considering the protection of either the dnvelling on Lot 12 nor the boulder wall. The boulder wall was to reduce the fequency of snow avalanches readring the struclure and utilize boulders on site. Summarv The existing dnellings and avalanche protection facilities for Lots 14b and 12 provide additional protec'tion for Lot 13. This protection was not considered in defining the avalanche loadings forthe dnelling on Lot 13. The 300#/ff.2 snow avalancheloading for the drnelling on Lot 13 as defined by avalanche analyses in 1995 and was anived at without considering the reduction in loading created by the construction of the boulder rarall. The purpose of the wall was to reduce fequency of potential avalanches reaching the structure as uiell as utilize boulders that $rere available on site. The chrvelling is located in the avalanche blue zone, and therefore, snotr avalanches are relatively infrequent but can occur. The memo (Reference 8) from Sally Brainerd of RKD sets forth that the avalanche loadings vr,ere incorporated into the struc'tural design. The reduction in the height of the boulder wall is acceptable because of the avalanche impact loading that was incorporated into the dwelling design. The reduction in height will allow snorrr avalanches to overtop the "as-builf wall at a slightly increased frequenry but stillwithin code requirements. lf additional questions exist, please contac* me at your convenience. :TING,lNC. RLH/ieh Encl: Reference List Copies of report on Lot 14b xc: Jamie Gross Sincerely, REFERENCES Snow Avalanche Hazards and Protection Lot 13, Bighom Subdivision, #2 Addition 1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, SCS, Snor Freouencv Analvsis for Colorado and New Mexico Snow Courses. 1974, April, 1974. 2. U.S. Department of Agricu}ture, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Erperiment Stations, Fomst SeMce, Use Plannino, F*ruery 1977. 3. Mears, Arthur 1., Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Snow- Awlanche Area Studies and Guidelines forAvalancfie- Hazard Plannins. Special Publication 7, 1979. 4. Avalanche Evaluatbn and Mitioation Measures. Lot 13. Biqhom SuMivision. 2d Addition. Vail. Colorado. Hydro-Triad, Ltd., February 1995. 5. East Vaal Residene, Lot 13, Block 1, Bighom Estates #2, Vail, Colorado, site plans A1.1 through A3.2 and 5.1, July 27,1997. 6. Mears, Arthur 1., Sib lnspection Report. Lot 13. Biqhom SuMivision. 2d Addition. Vail. Colorado, April 1994. 7. Mears, Arthur 1., Ewluation of Avalancfie Debri. Flowand RocKallConsideration. Siof Remodel.3876 Lupin Drive ftot 14b). September 1991. 8. Brainerd, Sally, Memo dated 8131/94, East Vail Residence, Bob Bome projecl. o Dear Mr. Rldenl In response to your tequest, I llve conpleted. an, evaluation of i".iu"E}t", debris flow, and rockfall hazards to the above- re.ferencea propeityl- in" objectlves of, my evaLuat'lon are: ' a. To determlne the exposure and potentlat hazardl and In sumnary, the proposed, rernodel can be designed' (as discuseed j-. datail below Ge&-;OnirCW I.IoDIFICATIONS"t, so that adversE ieflection onto idjo""nt property will not occur. ThE proposed i*noa"r, "itn tn"-&""ign inoairicitions' w111 in fact @re€g any p"t"ntilr froblenr wlth-such defLection' Exposuretotheabovegeologicalprocesseswa6deternlneddurlng ffti;;-"i!ri"or slrzl6tl +: "peliiiea 1n Vail ordinance section 18.69.o52 (21 t " li"gi":iam11y iesidence' such as the Slpf, ;;;;;;ii; i.ba noi-f,i-speciariy deslsned for seoloalcal hazardr. Deslgn, however,-r,,""i .'rr=ttt tfiat-tnE hazard ig noi def]ected i;;;e'tiie public or private property of otheEg' snoq.Ava]atreheg'Duringextren€conditions(expectedatreturn perlode of 2s years or rnore), an"if vet or aiy-?fowtng avalanches :il-;;;";-d; 's;i;;'r."ra."ri'. rhey w111 produce inpact loads on exposed surfaceso*r.ilr,-"iii-;. ;;1i in-t"-t"== of thl laterar- i;:;iil ;il;r;t iii-"-Jrn"i wood-fianre srructures. ExpoEed walls' doors, or wlndows nay rupture, as i result of av4lanche irnpact' and avalancne snow'niy e'nter tfre luliaing. Avaianche debrie -*i1I bs deooslt"a aqai|"'J*[nE"iii'rii-l-irdlng-sulfaces and wil] remain i" pii"" until-tt lE removei or rnelts' 3876 Lupina Drlve, Vai1. Avelancher &!ei-e consideratlons ' '/.'. septenber 15, 1991 Mr. steve Riden Box 3230 VaiI, cO 81658 RE r sipf Rernodel 'fio':.1. and Rockfall ARTHUR I. MLA,RS, P.E.' INC. Nrnrnl He:.erdr Cor.rulur:s 222 Ert G'"ric Avc. Crr"riro::, Colordo E 1230 tit - 611-1236 LD+ t4:V-?>tc,,+ t, ,\ z Rrc'Docr 211992 I !'!/.1 b. To deterrnine lf the ProPosed itt yot = drawings of 8-25-91) wiLl rockfall onto adjacent ProPerty' CONCLU-SIONS AND R4COMMENDATIONS rernodel (as sPec.ified defLect avalanche or Mst *'a tnt ' ,lqrhachl* ' '{*/eaclc CotrulEaghcctag fiic'D0ci 21 1992. natrris avaLancheq. Debrls avaLanches, conslsting of uet snow, ffintralned,vegetativedebr1s,cana15oreachthe ;;;i'*;ii;'or--itre existing h6use and rernodai. Debrls avalanches Ii""f,i"i"aed-witrr debrls ilor^rs at this slte because they.Ti_r1.. -irive sinilar eff,ects. They are nost likely during exceptionalt'y oi"t-"piir! iunotf perlods.' The rnost recent period of widespl?ud aenri's avil-anchlng-ai:d f lows ln vail occurred Curing-MaIt -l?q4:r-io"ir .xatnple oi r,uplne Drive occurred approxlmately ?00 feet {o-tfre southiast of tire Slpf property. Althougir debris avalqnches toove s]owly, they are destructlve becauEe a "o,.,ita.tuble volun" oi'so1li debrLs (e.g. rack',. trees) , ls caiiiea with the avalanche' Normal building wallE are not i."i6i"e.lo--r"ii"i lne resutting forces, an5 substantial b aesliu"tion vould certainly occtir lf the building were reached. RoclcfgLl, Rockfall can originate fron the Iinest,one cliffs some 400 feet above the Slpf propertyr or froril the ateep slope ,. immed.iately below these cliffs. Rockfall has occurred In the past aE evidenced by the 1arge rocks (sonre of whlch are clearly ii rocftall originll tnat are scattered throughout the area. nrrii"d'"nd bouicfni r"cfs can darnaged exposed surfaces through impact-and/or by penetrating walIs, windows, or doors' Tha avalanche, debris flow, and rockfall processes described ifov* are not freguentl thiy probably will, not occur rnore than one or two tines in a century at this locatlon' Holtever, "ip"ii.""e in thlE and slmi1ir ereas and the fleld evldence oniainea durlng the site vlsit proves they are-possible; they do conrt-itute a-einite rlsk. ThIs-risk can be reduced by (1) .. .ii"cfif deslqn to resist avalanche and rockfall loads and (b) . b1'. ;'"i;-;";;tf;; irout ihe avalanche and rockfall phenonena so that pJrioa" of, activity can be forecast. Both trarr and ltbrr are iecomrnended at this and slmilar eites. ADVERSE_DETIEETTSII Neither snou or debris avaranches wilr be plrshed onto-adjacent )b puUff" or private property ?:^a result of the proposed renoder.'" htris ts tri:e becauie if,"y-w111 reach the structure at srnali velocitieE and witi lrnrne&iately be stopped by (or_penetrate). baclc walIs. However, rockfall hazard to the property located to cne n"iifr"usi will be increased lf enall rocks are deflected off the Drorroaed west waII (below the new deck), and roll onto the ;aj;;;;[ i.i. rtis'problen wlth.deflectlon can be mitlsa_t.l_": \dlicussea below. Sinrltar deflection onto Lot 144 wiLl noE be a fl tiorlen. pEsrcN MgprFrcATroxs the' problern with adverEe-deflectton of rocl<taff Aflcy;:"1-:l:S ;;; il-;irls;r;e ri ;-soria concrete waIl (shown,on the attached !r^ - r--.! t.sJ --il'J"iisi',-iE-i"iri. ui tt" new.northwest co;n9r 9r !t.r:.lolldll?: An alternate type oi w"ff deeign would_also be feasible if thiE ilternate wall ilso reslsts the rockfall deslgn Faranet'ers o .REC.D oci 2 1 tssz discussed below. Thls valI should extend verticaLly up to the deck.level, (about 6 feaL above grade), and away fron the bulldlng eorner extendlng to the corner of the deck. The waIl rnust be designed to stop a rolling rock 2 feet ln dlaneter (diiiirox. 700 lbs) r rollinq at 2o feet per second. Please contact ne if you have any guestions. Sincerely, CWfL"rq. tilec,^.t Arthur I. MearE, P.E.Avalanche-control engineer o REC'00;' :1"992' v H .9{tro :"9 be +Jp d 'rt or o ..J ' F{h Att -tn #BO;o..r.l {J O+l HO t{ l{(5 dl ?1. 0)r.l td -(d .rl (|JE EE o. p ^4i r-IrA r-l I O -l | .r.l C pl H,h ?t q'ry Hl Eco F.l i-' ,! I a j't I , \_.._ ovt Lqt Lart ota Lt +l\ HYDRO"IR\AD Lt u AUG 1'I€97 RECE$JED Jto.+to>az5 RICH AND KN.USEN DESICN ANCHITECTTIN,E AND DEVELOPMENT. INC. tooo Lidridt! t €p #5a, VriL Colordo t6tt ptEoo(97o),rCgrst f.r (rro) 4rG-rot3 DATE&ililE: 0f3114t97 8:il Atrl PAGES SENT INCLUTXNG COVER): PHONE NUMBER: (303) ss$ee32 FTYDRO.TRIAD, LlA /,t /r"ELf./Q/r% 9H_ FY , :,M ---ME TE "'3- '--lvib__ Tt -__L € r..Lb__ ,E -:.::_ :1 -.j:. _:..."',. -_.-. TO: GOIIPAI{Y: FROTI: Ron Halley Jr., P.E. HydeTiad, Ltd. Sally Brainerd Fi'nr:==- eiiir.r-: :Is J-.:-- -=. RKD oFFfcE NutlBER lgTol 4t&lgxlS cal il therg ie a probtem wirh rhts fax. RKD FAX NUTBER (07o147s-9023. NOTES: Hello, Ron. Thanks very much for yor.rr fax yesterday. Hopefully, this response will serve as a verificetion of lhe ilems you listed, inC you can issue a iummary letter. As it tums out, the builditrg permit is ready to go, btrt the town wifl not release it without your letter. we would very nnrch appreciate it if pu could fax it direcrly to Terry Parsh at tlte Toryn of Vail public ryorks Department, (97O) 4T9-2166. Thanks for your h-elp; I wilt took forward to hearing trom you. 1. The exising retraining rtatl to the south of the woutheast property comer ls indeed stilt in placa, es drawn on the topographic sr.urrey.2' The $foot boiders will be provided wr.fr an anchoring syslem designed to withstand 30O lbs./sq. ft. 3' Th€ ioundation wetls on the soulh and east walls wi[ b€ 3-S feet (mosty 5 teet) above grsde, anctwiil bo Cl€sign€d 3OO lbs./sq.t lateral load.4. The windqms on the east will b€ glzed witrtr safuty glass. i "-". ",o* """" *i." Ju5.ff 'qgi:#iW*_..u ,-/, f/o ( llq TRANSMITTAL Jt rYDRo-rnrnO, tro.DATE:s/3l/e4 rr., o/f .,h -i- Jtt-To: Ron Hawby Mr_ _ rg -FRoltf: salfy Brainerd / RKD _-- -rrb. vfA: UPS __ ____ -| RE; East vair ResidenGB- Bnh E^-^ _ . = E nce, Bob Bome project _rr\a.. .--' ROn,Fife_ l was unabre to rocate a ont.., ^t -, *o H out|wi||faxthemi".i*.o'oftherockfa||anddebris,,^.^,',]].""'" thinss which may.""o.l:l i;;;;.' ;;ralf and debris rrow fer ve your purposes r" *Ju_l"ltl,i;;ilil,'"J:T#':H': ?:; ' Afl foundation wafrc ^^ -- 2.;/(, E A are designed ro,. "'l,.ol,.tn"$#""na rff"4 o we wi1 use .or"tlT" p7rq. t l;ffi,[:l: are 3 to 5 reet above srade, and around,r," s*_*,iJlffH:"utders which_"iir, on the sit€r to provide a wafl s, please feef free to calf. lf ygu,haune any que o o l'*t-o/t8 . &z/,4,4/'/4 ;:,;,ft? t,/ /l 'o/ r4* lt/arn 5-u/, A n"/o-n{ ,fzrzr/r/7- a7,z/zz ,E+/ Printed bv Brent WiLson *-'_:ry--'i:j:u-Frc)rn: Brent Wi Lr:rrrt 'l'o: P L7\N N ti R:l (f RC)Itt) Iirrl) ie(:'t-. : fw,l: H.aza r-,C Lett(]r- . INOTE:: =t / t<'t/t.\() I:2l1.,rrr:= fI y(-JLr lr.a\.re recejwed a IetLer from a (rorrrru Lt:irlt re: lr:rzar-cls al 3R46 l,rtF-,i nc f) L- i \/c, f,l.:aate .Let ln(: klrow. L (J BtB+r \--! ,Jal ie (lr'()s si/()L<rs.l. j re f )eve 1(-)f)rtle n t !!4 cr-!r.)q2 / .\()4-\\9I tfw,1 t)y:. (ieor!te:Rrrtlrer-==l / I9/r\9::1 :4-LFm- - L'w,l t,r: Brent Wi-Llroll I recei\,t(]d Fhe letter ancl we discussed -iL in I.'lanner s;taff la$t week. A coF,V calr t)e f()rrrr.l in the f ile. Darro. 1 . ,ri. . ,r fydir+':-l Project Application a l, Proiect Project Contact Name: Description: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description:L ol Com ments: Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded Date D ISA PPROVAL A PPROVA L Su m mary: ,n", \,v *A l('t (11? E Statt Approval ?u11-ct>a+ Qucstions? Call tlrc tning Strff at 479'2l2S APPt,ICA'TION FOIT DBSIGN REVIEW APPROVAI-, ' R{ rJ -Q^2:e+ eJrNEBAl.lN-r!RMATloN This applicatio,., is for any 1iljcct lcqtriring Dc-sign Rcvi",v npproval. Any projcct rcqtriring dcsign rcvi$v ntttst r.cccivc Dcsig^ l{cvicrv approunl prior to sitrr'itti,tg for a buiiiing pcrrnit- Fo. spccific inforrttalion' scc thc subnrittal rcqLrirc.rculs tbr tlrc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. T'hc al4iicatiorl carrnot bc acccptctl trntil all thc rcquircd irrfor'ratio.issubr'ittcd.'t'1cprojcctt.ayalsoncctltobcrcvicwtdbythcT'orvnCotrncilartd/ortlrcI'lart'ingand Ilnvironnrcntal cor nrissiorr. lirrign n.ui.rv Boar'd approvnl cxpircs onc ycnr aftcr final npplovnl ttnlcss a brrildirrg pcrnrit is issucd and construction is startcd' l)ESCRIPl'roN oF rrrE REQUEST; 4/<LD S/,r/+-(P- FA/z / /7'/ f/ o'*\ ( B. l). I-OCNTION OF PITOI'OSAL:LOT I3 BLOCK:- FILTNC: PIJYSICAI, ADDITIJSS:gV, Lr.P,^.4-3-& Nr,-.p-Q--5242- F.NAME OIJ APPI-ICAN-I':Zab<tt, 11c'/\4 PFIONE: ZONINC:(Lt Nn ME Ol: OWNEI{(S): ( < z:.Lt,? /ffi (;. .'fYin oF REVIEW AND l:l]E:'WN.r, Corrstruction - $200 Corrstnrctiotr of a ncrv building' 6 nu,i'*" : -- $50 ln{.:ludcs any aildition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidctrtial or cotlnrcrcial building. . D lllinol Altcrarion - $20 Includcs ntitror cltangcs to buildings and sitc inlprovcntcnts' suclr as'. rcroofing, painting' *indo* adclitions. liurdscaping' fcnccs and rctaining tvalls,-ctc'. il Conccptual llevicrv - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to lncct with Dcsigll Rcvicw Roardtor]ctcnnincrvhethcrornotthcprojcctgcncrallyconrpliosrvitlrthc dcsign grridclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccpttlal rcvicrvs' DRBfccsaretobcpai6atthetinrcofsubnrittal. Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuildingpcrmit,plcascidcntify thcaccuratcvaluationofthcprojcct. ThcTolvnofVaii will adjustthcfeeaccordingtotheprojcctvaluation' PLBASB SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAI' REQIJIRDI\{BNTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMBN,IoFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMBNT,T5S0UTHFR0NTAGEROAD' TCWN OFVAIL MAILINC ADD owN lill(s) sl GNA't'tl R Ii(S) : MAII-INC ADDRESS: VAIL. COLORADO 81657. Updated l/97 BUILDING MATERIALS: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: VA8- \,LG * Llrz-_ /,{b fa c- Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings C'himncys 'l'rash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting* * Other {l t u "a,c,:z<--c-LA-Z- )-.' b Lte ct/ Ctt d op eQL0&:* /L/A r vze-c. 6'fro-t CJt*'-7 O(ud < s'f 67 ? e u o< 3-r- v1' /3(t r# eyf CfUc:7 )r-+7 (3-t/ti-< ea-ey f'/tatu -=-p Et i s1 Gtt-n Y {3 6 ,:cet7q, Oct ck ey fts(An-@rPl |-r ho u LD €r2- p M/Lf-L h*-kGno.aa CAh(*ucR- 5r:PP64rS es * Pleasc spccify thc manufacturer's color, numbcr and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must mect the 'f own's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the number offixtures and locations on a scparate tighting plan. Identify each fixhue typc and provide ih. hright ubore grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shcet of the lighting fixhres. Cepqc- j[, 9t+.t etm4F\ PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SI]RUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: Botanical Nanrc P, c+- f?v tu I et9 Fr--=------ - *Minimum rcquircntcnts for landscaping: Corrrnron Namc $FR,r Le F>(e*t Sizc* 6-le t^r P L.-t' Ro.k 1P,?e4 \ C<:({lAur ruil \ 1 s cnL ,l J l/,l ,P e<(h.+t- /{v< Quantity 5 ln tl S*Ca Typc shnrbs cocroa> Akre, dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc Ita GITOUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 95f QftP OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Inilicate top and bottorn elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of watls lvithin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum hcight of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. fu Fhq.Gi-fts;*= F Ltsr(P€(a,:d.s Qn-- t ? o U'TII,ITY I,OCATI ON VORI FICATION 'l'his forrrr is to vcrily scrvicc availatrility nrttl location for ncrv constnrclion lntl s6oultl Lrc uscrl irr corrjurrctiolr rvitlr prcparing your rrtility plan and sclrcdulirrg irrslull;rtiorrs. 'l'hc locatiorr arrrl availability ol'utilitics, u,hcthcr thcy [rc tttititt trrrrtk lirtcs or ploposcd lincs, tuust lrc npprovcd and vcriflcrl by thc follorvirrg utilitics for thc acc<-rnrgnnying sitc plarr. Atrtlrolizcd SiLrrlrlurc Dulc I J. Si. Wcst (jonrrrru rr icat iorrs I -800-922-191J7 46li-6tJ60 or 949-451() Public Scrvicc Cernpany 949-5781 Gnry l-lall I Ioly Cross lllcc(r'ic Assoc. 949-5892 'l cd FIusky/Jolur lloyd 'f.c. t. 949-5510 Iluyd Slluzar Irlglc Ilivcr Watcr & Sarrilation I)istrict * 47 6-'14tt0 I;r'cd I'luslcc * I'icasc bling a sitc nllrrr, lloor plau, arrd clcvations rvhcrr oblairring Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Wntcr & Sarritatiol signaturcs. I'ilc llorv rrccds nrust bc arlttrcssctl. NOl'ES: l. Ifthc trtility vcrificatiort fornt hl-s sigurturcs lionr cach of thc utility conrplnics. iurcl rro conlnlcllts arc ttritdc dircctly on thc lilrnr, thc Torvn rvill prcsunrc that tlrcrc arc no Droblcrns ap6 thc dcvclopni':rrt can pr.occcd. lf a utility co,llp ny has conccnts with thc proposctl constnrction, thc utility rcprc.scntativc slrall notc dircctly olr thc utility vcrification fbnn that thcrc is a problcnl rvhich riecds to bc rcsolvcd. Thc issuc should thcn bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Torvn of Vail. Horvcvcr, plcasc kccp in nrind that it is the rcsponsibility ofthc utility conrpany and thc applicalt to rcsolvc idcntificcl problcnrs. Thcsc vcril'ications do not relicvc the corrtiactor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a l\rblic Way I'crnrit frotn thc Dcpartnrent of I'ublic Works at thc Torvn of Vail. Utility locations must bc -obtaincd bcforc digging in any public right-of-rvay or eascrncnt rvithin tlre Torvn ofvail. d building p.rn,it i. not o Publi. Woy p.rnrit un,l n,urt 1,, obtnin.! ,rporot.ly. co--tity Development Plan Routtu ao.- Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Partch, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire - - --z -'rlr !,' -,( | : r\)1-. ,, '. .- Return To:Community Developmcnt Date Routed:s/27 t97 Return By:6t04t97 Project Name:Bome Projcct Addrcss:3846 Lupine Drivc Project Legal:Lot 13, Bighom 2nd Project Description:New single-family residcnce Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Itt\ ,rn . \, ,. 7.\ lEag &fi(€ lrs exrthnq drrd propo:ed ctfl:rooc9 (Yro.a clearlq - tha.r- so.ne Qr-P,u\ r'qr5 c{ooot (.o6lot){5 hC lll - ?lAae @ ?ho -)) (rrrj..trorhnq qeee z'.1 tQ a teN 9eoht. -?ute- se *'e red (re.d pro"'. 4.) {or. ex\v(a.e (ourv wr h,l\l houc tobe r,p? Aa^:afo 4t ( Tr cx,<ts 4 lot oq ttta plan - 1' gon u)t vn A Z'r rtucrg rt'cgao;ceg 16n U 9av<.n r L6rvg flard<, c€6a^:rd J? rna\ \qq1 Datc rcceivcd: Reviewcd by:Date reviewed: ZONE CHECK Dar.t filtul zqt q? Legaldcscriptionitot 17 Block-Filing Proposed Total Rernaining + 4h9 = 4tbbx t "W -ol trp 29.tr 7o e)tu- Zg lD,7+l ll'4 (30)(33) Front Sides Rear %.o V -,,2 Enclosed /-K Roquire 3'/6', d,3 Goo@oD Permitted. Slope -A--n hoposed Slope ? y' Yes- No- Yes X lto I) Percent Slope (<>30%> Z-?loh 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (SU lAt[y\!: 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall U Phone fr6'qzbl Phone Zonc distict Pt9 proposcd use *+ totsiz* 14.9& Buildablearea Allowcd /rotl Cnrn bat\ + 4?6 =_417h_ /p.irary\nne "/ Socondary G * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition r'Docs this roquest involve a 250 Addition? W / How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with thrs reque*? 2l/V 71bq o +zs6 r' sitc coverage /oolo ,'Hcight "/ Sctbacks /landscaping (ro"/o Minimum ffi7b / RcainlngWall Heigbts / Parking /Garage Credit / Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance "/Arc finished grades less than 2:l (50%) Environmental/Hazards Previous conditions ofapproval (check property file 20' l5' l5' e00) (r200) Existing ,.(425)rcat)=_ + (425) (675*) - -'-.-----'- ls the property non-conforming? Describe: c) Debris Flow ltW Wa'to tq- U,AMM DESIGN REVIEW CI{ECKLIST O SURVEY ,/ Project: I ,^l\2 Scalc Benchmark Legal desoiption Lot Size Buildable Area EasemcnS Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Cornse Setback Environmanal Haurds Trees Utility locations Spot elwations B SITEPLAN /Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EavcVOverhangs (4) DeckslBalconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences r' Parking/Gaage TumingRadius ',/ Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access tr FLooRPLA}.IS / scale / cRFA nA 250 additional GRFA ! C.i:rwt:VidcSpace M EHU tr BUILDhIGELEVATIoNS \/ scale -Yl CotorUr{atetias / Roof Pitch EI LANDSCAPEPLAN / Existingtrces /v Proposedhees / Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS -lW CondoAPProval t/ Title report (A & B) '/ Utility vaification form Photos ofsite Building matcrial samples nh C.O. Verification -h1! SunSUaOreogcs & -W Utilities (undoground) View Corridon Variances Plat restictions t/ ,/ ,t/ ,'/ / \/ \/ r'/ ,/ TOWN OF VAIL D epartment of Com munity D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 June 4, 1997 Robert Borne PO Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 RE:3846 Lupine Drive/Lot 13, Bighorn 2nd Addition Dear Bob: Stalt has reviewed your application for Design Review Board approval for a new single lamily iesiOen"e at g846 fupine'Drive. The lollowing items must be addressed and revised plans submitted to our office by 12:00pm, Monday, June 9' 1997' Planning/zoning issues 1. The hazard report from Arthur Mears regarding the avalanche hazard zone must be amended to specily the type of mitigation lhat will be required. Your plans must then accurately reflect these requirements. Public Works issues 2. Any proposed culvert must be a minimum of 18" in diameler. Please revise your plan to indicate this. 3. please define the existing and proposed contours more clearly. lt is difficult to determine where some existing and proposed grades tie-in. 4. Finished grades exceed 2:1 in some places (see attached). 5. The curbcut for the driveway must be less than 24'wide. Your plan shows 30" please revise. 6. A four-foot wide concrete pan, with a 2" invert is required at the entrance to the driveway. The above issues must be addressed no later than noon, Monday, June 9th in order to remain {,7 ""'"t'o "n'"' on the June 18th DRB meeting. at 479-2454. Sincerely, Should you have any questions, please leel free to contact me [n*u-1,',XU*-* Lauren Waterton Town Planner DRAFT AVALANCHE EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES LOT 13, BIGHORN SUBDIVISTON, 2ND ADDITION VAIL. COLORADO February, 1995 Preoared For: Mr. Bob Borne P.O. Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 Prepared by: HYDnO.TR!Aq UD 12136 West Bayaud Avenue, Suite 100 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Telephone 3031989-8588 FAX 303889-9932 1. TABLE OF CON-TENTS AND NEEO FOR THE AVALAI{CHE Page I BACKGROUND EVALUATION 3.0 SNO}{ ENVIRONI.IENT Figure 1 - Figure 2 - Figure 3A * Figure 38 - APPENDICES Appendix A - Appendix B - Append'ix C - 2 2 ? .t 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 1 2 1,1 Location 1.2 Proposed Deve i ooment 2.0 SITE 2.1 2,2 2.3 2.4 CHARACTERISTICS Terrain ExDosure Veqetat i on Slope Analysis 4.0 5.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 AVALAI{CHE MAPPING 4.t 4.2 RESULTS 5.1 5.2 6.0 REC0I.fi.{ENDATT0NS 6 REFERENCES LIST OF FIGURES Snowfall and Snow DeDth !{ind Deposited Snow Aval anche Characteri stics Criteria of Anal ys i s Sl ide Paths Drv Flowing Avalanche Wet Spring Avalanche Lot 13 Bighorn Subdivisjon - 2nd Addition Snow Avalanche Hazard Zones of the Vail Area, Eagle County' Colorado Avalanche Path Cross Section 1 Avalanche Path Cross Section 2 Sjte Inspection Summarv. Arthur I. Mears. Apri'l . 1994 Site Hazard Evaluation Summarv. Nicholas Lampiris, May. 1994 Avalanche l{odel Computer Runs 1. AVALANCHE EVALUATION AND IIITIGATION MEASURES LOT 13, BIGI{ORN SUBDIVISION, 2ND AOOITION VAIL, COLORAM BACKGROUND AND NEED FOR THE AVALANCHE EVALUATION 1 .1 Locat'ion Lot 13 of the second addition. Bighorn Subdivision. Vail. Colorado'is 'located on the southern corner of the intersection of Lup'ine Drive and Bridge Road on the south flank of the Gore Creek Valley (see Figure 1). The lot abuts other'lots of the second addition on the southwest and southeast boundaries. Access to the propertv is via Bridqe Road or Lupine Drive- The orientation of the general slope of the surrounding land is northeast. A significant c'l iff (prjmarily a Iimestone outcrop of the Minturn formation) extends continually from well east of the property to the "Terray" gully and ava'lanche oath nearlv 1700 feet to the west. A site investigation of this lot was comp'leted bv Arthur I. Mears, P.E. and is summarized in Aooendix A. A previous rockfal'l investication concerning this lot entjtled, "Hazard Evaluation, Lot l3. Bighorn 2nd Addition," May'1994 bv Nicholas Lampiris is given jn Appendix B. The general area of the1ot was identified'in "Snow Avalanche Hazard of the Vail Area, Easle Countv, Colorado," 1975 bv Arthur Mears for the Colorado Geological Survey as being subject to smal'l avalanches but not classified as beinc sub.ject to ava'l anches originating from above the cliff band (Figure 2). 1.2 Proposed Development There is currentlv a single family residence orooosed on the lot. The building is to be located in approximately the center of Lot 13 with a p'lan orientation 40 degrees east of true north. 2-O SITE CHARACTERISTICS Terra'i n 2.1 The topography of the surrounding area rises to the south southwest. The propertv is on a slope of approximately 10 horjzontal to l vertica'l (10H:lV). Southof the property, the slopes increasesignificantly back to the cliffs. The gentle slope that is noted on the lot continues to the north of the property. The average elevation of the property is approximately 8385 feet. ?.2 Exoosure Avalanches which may runout onto the property will originate on northeast facing slopes. The amount of sunlight that these slopes recejvewi'l I be fim'ited during the winter months. This wil1 influence the depth of snowoack which can be expected as welI as the physical parameters of the snow. For this reason, drv snow ava'lanches may occur during the winter months while wet snow avalanches could develop in the sprinO once the exposure of this slope to the sunlight 'i nc reases . 2.3 Slooe Ana'lysis The slope of the cliffs to the south vary between nearly vertical to a ratio of 3 v€rtical to t horizontal (3V:1H). Falling snow wi'l 'l not adhere to this cliff exceot for freezing rime or grauoel , which is verv unusual for this valley. The release zone for an avalanche affecting the property would be below the cl iffs. 2-4 Vegetation The tree cover on the ]ot and in the areas to the south and west of the propertv is moderatel y thick w'i th many aspens, but also with a significant number of conjfers. some up to 24 jnches in diameter. While a site specific dendrochronology or tree ri ng analysis has not been performed in the area, it is obvious based upon other work done in the Bighorn subdivjsion that some of the existing trees are on the order of 100 years old. The number of these sizeable conifers in the area as well as the aspen with a profusion of low limbs stjl1 attached do not indicate significant ava'lanche activity in this area in the recent past. 3-O SNOW ENVIRONMENT 3.1 Snowfall and Snow Depth The release zones for avalanches that would affect Lot 13 are below the cliffs. For th.is reason, snow pack critical to the avalanche potential for Lot 13 will be sub.iected to climatic conditions typical of the val]ey floor, not the climatic conditions typical of ma.ior avalanche paths release zones near timber 'I i ne. The design snow depth for thjs reqion were determined by analysis of snow depth frequencies at measuring stations within the Colorado River Basin (Reference 1). Based upon these records. a design snowfall depth of 1.25 meters was selected for the avalanche analvsis. Localized snow deoths are likely to exceed 1.25 meters, however, the 1.25 meter design depth is the mean depth over the entire zone. 3.? Wind Deposited Snow Due to the surrounding terrain, the particular area in which Lot 13 is situated is relatively sheltered from the wind. Wind deposited snow will be minimal and was assumed to be 0.25 meters. The design snowpack is the summatjon of the snowfalIand the wind deposited snow, or 1.5 meters. 3.3 Ava'lanche Characteristics The general climatic conditions within the upper Gore creek basins are typical of the western slopes of the Colorado Rockies. Since 1962 these conditions are fairly well documented in this region by Vai'l Associates as part of their on-hill avalanche control work. The winter and early spring seasons c'l imatic conditions are an imoortant aspect of the avalanche hazard within the va I lev. In recent history, Post Vail Inception (PVI , or thepast thirtv years), the smal l ava'lanches along the southern f'lank of the val ley have almost exc'lusive'ly been wet spring ava'lanches such as occurred in May of 1984. 4-o AVALANCHE MAPPING 4.1 The o Criteria of Analysis criteria for this avalanche analvsis included the Oetermine the extent of avalanche runout in the fol lowing: area of Lot 13. Determine the velocities and proposed building during the forces that could be expected at the des i gn ava'lanche. Oetermine the specifications of a damming wall that would protect the bui'lding during the avalanche. 4.2 Sl ide Paths MaJor and mitror avalanche paths in this reqion have beett delineated by the Colorado Geo'logic Survev and are presented in Figure 2.Eased uoon the existing topographical maps of Lots 11 and |3 and the knowledge that the slopes to the southwest of the property are most likely to produce an avalanche that would affect lot 13, two potential avalanche chute cross sections were developed. Figures 3a and 3b are graphic representations of these avalanche chutes. Local slides are likely to develop jn the regions below the cliff face. Since the area between the property and the cliffs to the southwest is relatively void of'large channels or depressions, these localized avalanche flows will be unconfined and wiII tend to flow perpendicular to ground contours.. 5-O RESIJLTS This avalanche study considered both dry flowing and wet spring type occurrences. The classical dynamic model developed by the Sn'i ss (Voe11my, Saln and Schaerer - Reference 2), as well as loca l Colorado ava'lanche studies (Reference 3) were used to model the desi9n avalanches. Comouter runs of potential avalanches at each of the two local slide paths are given in Appendix 5.1 Dry Flowing Avalanche A dry flowing avalanche would be fast moving when compared to the wet sprjng avalanche, The snow would also have a lower density. o The runout distance beyond the southern edge of the oropertv was ca'lcu'lated to be as hiqh as 68 meters (223 feet). The drv flowinq avalanche velocit'ies at the south corner of the proposed building ranged from between 13.1 and 17.9 meters per second. The velocities would be essentially the same for the entire length of the building's exterior walls. The oeak static and dynamic pressures created by the drv flowinq avalanche on the southwest face of the bui lding would range from 512 to 688 psf' 5.2 l,let Spring Avalanche The wet soring avalanches would also originate from below the cliff band. These f 'lows wiII be s lower moving with fairly wet, dense snow. These ava'lanches tend to flow perpendicu'lar to the ground contours of the area' The total runout distance for a wet spring avalanche is calculated to be 46 meters (150 feet) bevond the southern property line. The veloc'ity of the wet avalanche is expected to range from 10.4 and 13.3 meters per second. The peak statjc and dynamic pressure on the southwest face of the proposed bui lding would range from 385 to 686 psf. 6-O RECOMMENDAT IONS Theanalysis show that there is potential for anavalanche with high normal pressures to cross lot 13. Steps should be taken to reduce the energy of an avalanche that approaches the tot to insure the integritv of the building. Hydro-Triad, Ltd. recommends that a series of arresting or retaining wails be insta'l led between the'l ikelv slide paths and the proposed building. fhe supply of five foot diameter the first in a series of two walls. The bou'lders on the lot can be utilized for boulders should be rnoved tocether so that 6 they form a wal I near the south and southwest high retaining wall shou'ld be constructed boulders. property Iines. A a minimum of 25 second five foot feet beh'ind the The series of wa] ls wiII reduce the energy of potent'ia'l avalanches by res'i sting the natural flow of the snow and forcing snow to cascade over the walls. REFERENGES U.S. Department of Agricu'lture Soil Conservation Service. Snow Freouencv Analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Snow Courses, 1974, Apri'l ' 1974. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experlment Station, Forest Service, Ava'l anche Dvnamics: Engineerinq Aoplications for Land Use P lanni nq,, February, '1977. Planning, lut!, - ,t\ Speci al Publication 7, 1979. 1. ) J.ilears, Arthur I.; Colorado Geological Survey, Dept. of Natura'l Resources, APPENDIX A SIT E INSPECT ION SIJMMAFTY ARTHIJR I. MEARS APRIL 1994 ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., INc. |{&rnl l{ladrCorultrlrr tl?Ft@&,Ata G.dcl".Lr El2J0 . nt -uJ.t2v, .-!YDFO-lEtq-n lti f1 I I 'l .!+ r-tcEll/ED- April 21, 1994 Mr. Bob Bornc' P.O. Box 4205 ' Vail, CO 81658 Dcar Mr. Bornc: As your rcqucst, I conduacd a sitc inspccfion of Irt 13, Bighorn Subdivision Sccond Addition on April 19, 1994. Thc purposc of my sitc inspcction r*as to dctcrminc if -:'.. a. thc buitding silc is cxPos€d lo snow avalancbcs; b. thc sitc lics within thc "Rcdo or nBluc'avalarchc }azard zonc; and c. a building can bc dcsigrcd such that it will rcsist atalanchc forcrs. A. SITE EXPOSURE The building sitc on [.ot 13 is within rhc lower portion of the dcsign-magnitudc ("10Fycar') avalanchc runour zonc rcsulting &om avalanchcs originaring on an ENE-facing slopc bclow thc limcstonc cliff band. B. H.AZARD ZONATION Thc building site will bc locatcd in a "Bluc," or nodcntc hazard avalanchc zons. Rssidcarial construction in Blue zones is pcrmittcd by Vail Hazard RegulAioos. Rcinforc€mcnt of cxposed buildiug surfaccs forivatanchc loads wilt bc rcquircd' ': C. BUILDTNC DESIGN Bascd on my cxpcricncc, dcsign on this lot is feasiblc and can bc accomplishcd without difficulty. Thc bcst typc of design shoulJ bc dctermined aficr spccific consultation with mc aftcr you dccide to procccd with this projcct. Plcasc contact me if you havc any questions. Sinccrcly, A ,t r r AA Ltdt-t{. \ \Ualc Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalancht-bontrol cnginccr trb lltotta . Ac,b'r.I,t t Aqbb&tnlEryd'e//il APPENDI)< B SITE HAZAFTD EVALTJA-TION SUMMARY NICHOLAS LAMPIRIS MAY 1994 Nichotas Lampiris, ph.D. COt{.Str tlr{G GEOTOGT6? P.O. 80x 2 stLI. coLoRAOO 8t6s? (303| rrc.s<06 12a X6u8s, flay l B, t994 Robert Borne 50318 Snowshoe Lane V.ri I CA 816g2 REr Harard Evaluationr Lot 1.!, Bignor n Z^d Actdi tion Dear I'tr. Borne: I vtgr te(t the above rerf erencad lot in Vail recently for purpoles o.f a qeoloOtc he:ar.cJ evalndtion, asFecrtlly ag it pertains to rocll fell potential . As you tnow tnlr hacard ii cnown by the ?'own o+ Vai I 'E fidrFs alr af {ecting your property, with a ,,hlgh 5everity' clas$i frcatron. Snow avalanchc i" .f"o . Fotantial ;:;ili"t o,i"', . tn* si t c b(rt has been rvetuatei bv ancrrhcr l'rv $ernr"ral frndings are that the rock frll ha:ard rr i^dcect Ff'esent hrrt rg not Ecvr?rei how€vrgr. gqme ,nitrgation ii rn order.fhe steep hillside above your home ig at Inagt- SEO fcet high and is heavirv foreste.'- This lot is about loo feet irom the bag. of that hillside and tnerefore noi l j,krly to u" ,r.an.a by many boul der'6. The topography is -itso somcwhet favorabl e In thar therp iB a home betweetn msch of the slopc .nd your rita. There at-e a number o{ brq boul ders on thc cit. which can be al iqtnFc, on the north srd€ u+ tne loc +or proteCiiJn .nct perhaps dirt can be placed between the boulders +o,r coir.siinr adcted bulIi,and for the potentidl +"r ""gei.ti on if that is deErred. The f'ocks shoulo be pl aced so as to al+ord m;rxtnum protcction. AB an added precaurti on the rlsHr of the horne rhould be designed qith a rear fqundation .e'al r grotrudi ng about thrrr faet rbovc finiehed qrade and tse caoable ot' wittrstindinE +orce* of-;; io S,fO poundr per aqLtare foot. fhere _rhorrld bE n6 windoBs rn this intarval. Drainaqe around the hone shourl d be provldecr end the home .hould n€ dDr:l gned to pFclvirnL the accumqlatlan o+ raoon-fae a5 th13 i5 becoming standard practice ln the state, solls inJeEtiEation {or purpoEes o+ proper f ourrdaLion design shoul d precede- cansCruqt i on.Becauge o.f the hdrar.cl regr.rl trt., oi, -o+ the Town o{ Val I , clre .!ust Irri taken to not t ncrease tne hi:ard to . n"ilito" by your atternptF at rnitrgatic:n. ,tJJ o .tn."r":!' I;: i "' l: l' ?:.:iLrl ? ;:, .B :: :ll r..,.:u *,,, --."..., ^.,.*"i,iir"",*t":"*'l; jt'""uruiiiii:;::*i,"r..:.tiii't#:$ Ttrir'> \, t-Hvl ffi Ntchnl .a Lrf,ptrir cnnrultlag Brol og t rt 0J{;6 90:t R.ti,D P0t APPENDI)< C AVALANCHE MODEL COMPUTER RUNS COLORADO \r9, n *t^ !4.3"t, v N ,t + fg ''?-*.-'. KI o'A S.. *a \t. LOT 13 BIGHORN SUBDIVISION - 2nd ADDITION rnto-nta, u0. Flgure 1 !\{ lrl ttJ E F. Itl fll ,"j t '{i ,t o o i al $l L'I D,it ,. *- fil j:ili r tl I .t I H#I '' r1 |tl II al Iil 'l I E \A U1 P ff t t tl ,F.fi+ nl O 1+' (rl L E{,T ,'r a0l n ri frr 7 ol ruul ;i 1,1 *- {i! L r'i. fvj L &t t E E l--- i'1 t,, 1,1 tft ta-:+Li F lL+ { +:n\ '*l E -c LJ $ Et o .ra. .'n m :ai ei++R rF$$10 i.'+i;J j tjrji+n ri.i jf ri lLJ t-- ._j rt !.':ir.t-- I fP f,:l -r 4 hl r4 F.* iA i-.- rl Ur ii !;q E ..: g i+ r.. o o t.rc .{:-j i-- \l i*.t+ I .!r. .'rl -T. r@ a 1,1 n t E 6 tr* f - rll s .or (l. Et'tl i]:-iit t/l F l-i f\,; tft I rY fli ;t tA ,l ,t! rl ! lll . r. fti 0r Elll - _rlll , irl i., ,Ji It i ' it 11 i ,) il11 t . ltl tll oll H ll t iF, il I ryl /L 1l )t I fi I // t lt I t!tl r'l t I i I l I i I I i i I I I i I t I I I i I I 5 t t tr ii/4 t',! l- ir. J U I I I t\ Ir t,,H rrl n fl.:+ .T' l-- !.J i-i z q --J .} { t q L I :a: J fr.. J.' HF: FFE-ifrFE ;tt1 ,3;j,idiuF., EOSBO'J4EqI {+EAlj litli+i:n.-iil ---iott oF r-rsrr- Hisceflaeorrs Cash t5:68139 gE-71?-9? ---1-- ReceiPt :t ?253:3 * z?ss 1?,1?H:l' #*nr c"o*srn" oee ffiIi;" rendered 7 rr'e$ Paid 6ls6BB4133l6s6 Change rel'urned > THFHT< ttt ,**'* m.nt Fid ilgg'gs o.66 1/OLI 4u-zttored* o ? I I TOWN Ol: VAll. I ,rco.rf r No aA:= - Dl:PAlll l\l t:'\-r or co'\l'rl Llrn' l)t:t'l:t-ot:\t l:s'r \.\\t -,. J/ -- ot{_-1!./_E _ _ LME u,aff o^, Cllt:Clis titADl: I.{\.lIt_ti TO TO\\'N (|ti \.Att.AC(Y)UI-I:\..O- tTl:::'- T^X- .-- cosT IJ'. - TOrAt. | 0000 42,1 |-Ttr dii60--r: r | (Xl(,0 .11.1 | 0000 4l.l | (x)00 .1 I i.l | (1000 .11.t I :NAt--lt-'-Fills7itlIIl.iS-r,rjeTr6NS-- i\,ili\\r R ti. aTfileKTlT- r.---oN l' i lrc'fll I is i. t(.Ti NsisTltit T rll-N I i ;i-r . rc-/i't-t-oi.r=i r-ill ttl'ilitN ^ r- S (;-N ^ a;-fFilii 0l 00(t0 4ti7l -o-r-nnnnTt.i-.il -(rrtIUiD.rr.j -dT-rT(irr0:rt.r r 'i'lt.tnlrlltf iF:il o 7_l iltTf Dn(;-IN\TS|'iT; cAsllt lcx''1?t?6 ,!l.OLl rDesign Review Action *rm TOWN OF VAIL ProieaName: fu7A1* Building Name: Proiect Descriptton A/Al f { ( ontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot /J Block /- subdivisjon F'i luU &dt Zone District p/S ProiectstreetAd ar""", 3 E{4 lad>+^< DvUt Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: vote: 7-0 ,]iJtttt J o,."oo,ou, $ w*/'r'rg"d*'/a t'u''urnnhtu n*"ltt, * k rhyl { n u *t'ffi,7'' l/ r / ,\ V, t nJt,or**"*br^*'fn& ilfr|4ry tu,/t',e/' f: ft rd'fi'fr'h'f A'y"c Conditions: u r,arif / ,/"^- fu k Town Planner H#,W r.vlr.d 7 /14/91 DESIGN REVIEW m B.ARD APPLrcArro* - *# oo 4N5;srnrni! DATE RECEIVITUH' DATE OF DRB MEETIilU:T I. A. PROTTECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: ***f****** TYPE OF REVIEW: l,/ new construction (g200.00) Addirion ($50.00) ADDRESS:8./L /uP.ve ,?r?'te Minor Alteration (920.00) Conceptual neview ($0) Block LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Subdivision If property is described by description, please provide to E.his application. zoNrNG, ? l'Zr M PLf D. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet ,Fg.oo oaty 1ega1 and atLach NAME OF AFPLICA}ilT:Mailing Address: a- #'N NAME OF Mailing APPLTCAI T'S Address: REPRESENTATTVE: S QA* I. .T. Phone NAME OF OIaINER(S) : QWNER(S) SIGNATTIRE: Mailing Address:;o (>os l./t4tL - ca APPI]ICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW ONINER'S SIGNATIIRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t.ime of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. LaLer, when applying for a buildinq permiE, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail wilt adjusE the fee according to t,he tabte below, Lo ensure the correct fee FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION dr n A an ^nn y v I J-rJ,i.,t.,t, $ 10,001 - $ s0, 000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1,000, 000 $ Over $1,000, 000 DESIGN REVIET{ BOARD APPROVAIJ ETPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJBSS A BUII.'DING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. FEE lD zv. vv $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED NiID CONSTRUCTTON 73oP'<trc is paid. /-,t PRE. APPI.ICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeEing wich a member of the planning staff is encouraged Lo determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicant,s responsibility to make an appointment with the st.aff Lo determine if there are additional submittat requiremenLs. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project. In addition to meeLing submitLal requirements, the applicant. musL sLake and tape the projecL site to indicat.e properLy 1ines, building lines and building corners. A11 Lrees to be removed must. b'e taped. A11 site tapings and staking must be completed prior Eo the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that. staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS normalty requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual revi-ew and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on Eheir scheduled meeting daLe and who have nor asked in advance LhaL discussion on their item be postponed, will have t.heir items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. The following items may, at the discretion of t.he zoning administrator, be approved by t,he Comrnunity Development DepartmenL staff (i.e. a formal hearing "before't.he DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skytights and similar exterior changes which do not alter Che existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitt.ed, applicants must include letLers from adjacenL property owners and/or from the agent. for or manager of any adjacent condominium association staLing Lhe associaLion approves of the addit.ion. If a properLy is located in-a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow aval"anche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior Lo the issuance of a buitding permit.Applicants are encouraged Lo check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of t.he property to all mapped hazards. For alI residential consLruct.ion: a. Clearly indicate on Ehe floor plans t.he inside face of the exLerior structural wa11s of t,he building; and b. Indrcate wtth a dashed lrne on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building wa11s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildinq permit.. II. III A. EI n , \?. E. rv.v NEW CONSTRUCrION / ,.{. .,{. f(, twl 6 ..( .t4 +;dllAr*r0i E s. Rock outcroppinss and other2sisn-iflEanT-n-ertma '- g/.pr^Nt1 features jtu1l" boulders, (.olermiLLent streams orM, htWfi^fral;o*fu"'t1 Aldr, "$ s!J.J.rtg \-,, J_ -, LJ. s;<,ttttp vJ. ry!ggr!9, .r. gr.:lgJr \l \y! ;1nf )sEream setback, and 100-year flood plain, if Y ..'applicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall be .a ,,' cL€arlv delineated bv cross hatchino...' c/€arly delineated by cross hat.ching. \ /Tles to exist.ing benchmark, either USGS landmark iv or sewer invert. This informaE.ion must be clearly stated on t.he survey so thaL all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly importanE for deEermining building height and driveway slope. See Policy On Survey Information, for more information regarding surveys. (g. .Locations of the following must be shown: Ja.Size and type of drainage culvert.s, swales,etc. Exact location of exisEing ut.ility service lines from their source Lo t.he structure,including: Cable TV Telephone Se'irer Water Gas ElecEric lW A11 utility meter locaLions, including any pedestals to be located on site or in the righL-of-way adjacent t,o the site. Property lines - distances and bearings and basis of bearing. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat. a. Os.Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt,along Lhe street frontage of the property at Ewent,y-tlve toot inlervals (25'l , and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot. site Plan 1. L,,ocations of Lhe following must be shown: ,-/a. Exiscing and f inished grades. \-/ b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. =. .,, l_ 14. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped by ll U(4 Fr" T _,,a Colorad,o Professional l-,icensed Sunreyor, at a scale F Adt-ogq$ 6.Sot 1,' = 20, or largrer, on which the fotlowing U -' information is provided: Lot area, and buildable area when different than 1ot area. Legal description and physical address. ?wo foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour int.ervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of t,rees having trunks with diameters of 4't Or more, aS measured from a point one foot. above grade. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfalI, ecc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek or t5. ./c.Proposed dri-veway, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property 1ine,garage slab and as necessary atong the centerline of the drive to accurately reflect driveway grade. -1 f d. A 4' concreEe drive pan at t.he edge of ' asphalt. for driveways that exit Lhe st.reet in an uphi11 direction. A11 existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-streeE parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wall spot elevations) , and other exist,ing site improvements. In order to determine proposed building heights elevaLions of all top roof ridges, and eaves when deLermined necessary by the zoning administrator,shall be indicated on the site plan with exist.ing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required "t 1. At a minimum, the following information must be provided on the landscape plan: '-/ 4. L,ocation of existing t.rees 4" diamecer or larger, ,/ A. Type, size and location of all exisLinq and proposed plant material, "/c. Locat.ion of alt trees to be t.ransplanLed, /d. A derailed legend of all proposed plant materi-al including conmon and Latin names. 2. The location and type of exiscing and proposed watering systems Lo be employed in caring for plant material following it.s installation. t-/3 . Existing and proposed cont.our lines. Retaining walls should be included wiLb the contour information with Lop of wa11 and bottom of wall elevations listed. v/ 4. Complete the at.tached l_andscape materials list. \,/D. Siqn of f from each utility companv verifying the location of utility serwice and availability (see aEtached ut.ility verification form) . t-rte- A preliminarv title reDort Schedule A and B must accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and identify all easements affecting Lhe subject r.\rl..tr'\6ff.rt !,r vPvr Ll' . -F. Architect.ural Plans (L/8n = L' or larger, L/4n is @ review) 3 copies ire reguired. ,/,/ L. Floor plans and all elevations of Lhe proposed development drawn Lo scale and fu11y dimensioned.The elevation drawings must. show boLh exist.ing and finished grades. .-/2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" Lo show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. Exterior materials and colors sha11 be specified on the attached materials list. This materials Iist must be completed and submitted as a part of the applicat.ion. Color chips, siding samples etc., shall be presented at. the Desiqn Review 4 4 f,'. Board meeting. .Details including, but not limited t.o fascia, trim, railings, chimney cap, meter locat.ions, eEc. must be shown qraphically and fully dimensioned. -6. zone check tist (attached) must be completed if the project. is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. . PhoLos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. Y. The zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the \ submission of additional plans, drawings specifications, samples and other mat,erials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR AIJTERATIONS TO rHE EXTBRTOR OF BUIIJDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of Lhe redevelopment proposal may be submi-tted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided all imporLanL specifications for the proposal including colors and materials t.o be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAI-, OR COMMERCIAIJ A. Original floor plans wit.h all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = L'or larger IL/A"-f ispreferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing exisLing and proposed construction. fndicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addit.ion. E. Photos of the exist.ing sLrucLure. F. Specifications for at1 materials and color samples on materials list (attached) . At the request, of the Zoning Adrninist,rator you may also be required, to submit: t c. A statement from each uLiliLy verifying locat.ion of service and avaj.Iability. See atEached utility location veri,f ication form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered Colorado Professional L,icensed. surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of propert.y, which list.s aII easements. VII. FINAIJ SITE PIJAN once a buiroing permLt. has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the BuiJ.ding Departmenb will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location CertificaEe survey (fLC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following informaLion musL be provided on the IL,,C: A. Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. disLances and angles. B. Building dimensions Eo the nearest tenth of a foot. D. E G. H. Atl utility service line as-builLs, showing ttDe of material used, and size and exact location of lines. Basis of bearinq to Lie to section corner. All properLy pins are to be either found or seE. and stated on improvement survey. All easements. Garage slab elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shoqrn under the ridge lines. VIII . CONCEPTUAI. DESIGN REVIE}T A. Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project reguiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by Ehe Design Review Board to the Department of Communit,y Development, The conceptual review is int,ended to give t.he applicant a basic underst.anding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town,s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recornmended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developers of single-family and two-family projects sha11 not, be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submit,ted 10 workinq days pri.or to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be subrnitted for a conceptual review: l-. A concepLual site and landscape plan at, a minimum scale of one i-nch eguals twent.y feeE; 2. ConcepLual elevations showing exterior materials ' and a description of Ehe charact.er of Lhe proposed s Lruct.ure or s tructures ; 3. SufficienE. information to show the proposal complies with the dewelopment standards of the zone d.istrict in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, sice coverage calculations, number of parki.ng spaces, etc,); 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipC of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted maLerials for general compliance wiLh the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with Lhe zoning code requiremenLs, Ehe project shall be forwarded to the DRB for concepEual revi-ew. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning cod.e requirements, the appllcation and submittal materials shal1 be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the projecE not to be in compliance with zoning code requtrement.s. once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual ' review application and support.ing material in order to determine r^rhether or not the project. generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representaEive shall be present at the DRB hearing. NAME oF pnoficr: P--rrv FAet Vail LEGAr-, DESCRTPTTON: LOT_..j1 BLOCX I STREET ADDRESS: The following informaE.ion is Review Board before a f,inal A. BUIIJDING MATERIAI.TS: Roof Sidinq Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffi hs Windows Window Trim . Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining walls Ext.erior Light.ing Other required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAI, to Ehe Design COLOR SUBDTVISION LIST OP IIATBRIAIJS d"r €habo Hatrrral khlaf€arwta\a, lro fia L4 "o) Tain+.A f-Iatal *ov.. paid€{ Designer: Phone: B.LANDSCAPING: Name of _ Common Name PLAIVT MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.r nches. Indicat,e l" Jr Ouattitv Sj.ze*'l 6t-tol W _+" Minimum caliper for height for coniferous trees.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. 5 qaIIon. Type Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LTGHTING: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please shol^r the number of fixtures and locations on a separate li.ghE.ing plan. IdenLify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide Lhe height above grade, tlpe of 1ight. proposed, Iumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet of the light. fixture. (SecLion 18.54.050 J) OTHER ITANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret.aining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining wa1]s. Maximum height of wa11s within the front setback is 3'. Maximum height of walls elsewbere on the property is 6, D. Regulatory Sectl.on o DEPARTIIENT OFTHE ARMY U.S. ARIY E}IOINEER OISTRICT, sACRAIEXIO CORPS OF EXGITICERS I32' J STRECT SAGRAIEITO, CALtFORiltA ei'tr1+,',22 l(ay 20, L994 (r'ee47s119) lilr. Robert Borne PoBt Offlce Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Ur. Born€: f an regponding to your regueet on th€ presence or absence of jurisdictional wetland on your property ln the Toun of vall. The subject property le located slthin Sectlon 11, $ange 80 lilest, Eagle County, " Colorado. Baaed on the delineation report by l'tr. llartln ltlller of Aztech Envl.ronuental, dated llay 4, 1994, w€ have deternined that your property does not contain Juriedictional wetlande qnd a Departnent of the Arny pernlt ig not requl.rcd to nove toruard with your proJect. should you have any queetlong, you may contact ur. Randy Snyder at tetephone number (303) 243-1199. Copy Fu,r-nlshed: ur. uartin ,l{iller,crand Junction, 4d2-Rood Avenue, Grand Junction, Aztech Environmental,colorado 81502 Roon 142 colorado 81501-2563 Pogt Office Box 2832, fv, -\.) \-\r-. ltcNure pbtern Colorado Regrulatory Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT. coLoRADO 816s2 (303) 87e5400 (24 HOUHS) Arrgurit ?9., tqS4 Rohert Borne 5ll52F $nowshoe Lane Vail CA 8I63i7 REr Hasard Evaluation., Lot 13r Bighorn lnd Addition Dear Mr. Borne: I visited the above referenced tot in Vail recentl y lor pLrrposes o{ a Eeologic hazard evaluration, especiaLly as it pertains to roclr {all potential . AE you know this hazard is shown by the Town o{ VaiI's maps as a{{ecting your property, with a ,,high severity' classi{ication. $now avalanche ig also a potential haeard at the site hut has been Evalurated by another professi onal .Althor-rgh debris {Iow areas o{ potential hazard,as ,napped by Art Mears, appear to excL rrde the area o{ the lot proprosed {or developlrnent, it wi I I he diecr"rsiEed. l"ly generat f indirrgs are that tlre rock {al I hersard is indeed present but is not sreverei however some mitigation is in order,The steep hillside abctve your home is at ltlast.35rl feet high and j.$ hsravi 1y {nrr+sted. This }ot ig ahourt l(:)() .f eet {rom the bage o{tlrat hillsiide and there.for-el not tihlely .[cl lre r*ached by many trourl cJers. 'f'he topoeraphy i$ aLao sclmewhat {avorable in that there is a horne between rnuch o{ the slope and your site. There are a number c|{ big boulder* on the eite which can be aligned on the north side o+ the lot {or protaction and perhaps di, rt can be pl ace*rJ between the bourl ders {or coheai on , aclclad bul },; ,and {or the potential +or vegetation i{ that iE desired. Tha rockg should be placed so as to a{{ord maN imum protection. As an added precaution the rear of the horne should be designed with a r'6ns1r +oundat,ion wal I protrr-rdi ng about three {eet above {in j.ghed gracle ancl be capabl e o{ wi thstandi nE f orces o{ r"rp to 3Cr(r pounda p€r squarsi {oot. There sholtlcl be no windows in this interval , These mitiEative steps will also serve to protect the home {rom any debris {lclws which may travei thi5 far .from the baFe of the sI ope, Drainage arourrd the horne shoLlld be providecl and the home shoLrlcl be designed to prevent t"he accumi-rlatlon of radon gas aE this is becoming standard practice in the State. Soils investigation {or pLtrposeE o{ proper foundation degiqn sihoLtld precede construction. Because o{ the haaard regulationg o{ the 'fown o{ Vail, care must b6 tal,ien tn not i ncr{Fdtse th6 har ar.ci to a neli qhbor by your attempts a'E mi t i gart i on . The property doer Iie in a geologically sensitive area, blrt devel opment will not increase the ha:ard to other property, or strurctures, or to public rights-o{-wayn roads, streets,easements, utilitiee or {acilities or other pnopertier o{ any ki.nd. I{ there are {urther questlons, please contect me. $ingrpLy14 ,../'n /l I ./ // /ul/ ' /-72r*, Nichol as La/mpi r i s ConEulting 0eologirt Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coLoRAoo 81652 (3{}i}) 876-54m (24 HOUBS) l'lay lB, 1?94 Robert Borne 50528 Snowshoe Lane Vail CA 81657 RE: "Hazard.Evaluation, Lot 13, Bighorn 2nd Addttion Dear Mr. Eornel I vieited the above referenced lot in Vail recentl y {or pur.poBeg of a geologic hazard tsvaluation, especirlly aE lt pertains to rock fall. potenti aI . As you know thie hazard is Bhown by the Town of Vail's nap6 as af+ectinq your prgperty, with a "high sevsrityl clags5i{ication. $jnow aval anchr .ie algo a potential harard at the ri te but ha8 brcn ovalu.t€d by anothcr prof aae i onal . My deneral +indings are that the rock {aII hazar.d is indeed present but is not severe; however Eome ,nltlgstion iE in order. The steep hillside above your home is at least 350 {eet high'and is heavily .f ore6ted. This lot is about lOO feet from the bage of that hillside and therefore not likely to be reached by many houlders. The topography i,s algo so,newhat favorable in that there is a home between much of the glop|' and your 'eite. There are a number of big boulders on the site which can be aligned on the north side of the lot for Frotecti on and perhaps dirt can be ptraced between the bouldere for cohesion, addad bulk,and {or th.e potential for vegetation 1{ that le dcsired. The rocl::s shourld be placed so as to af f ord maxlmum protection. As, an added prqcaution the rear o+ the home ehould be designed with a rear .f oundation walI protruding about threa feet eboye {inished grade and be capable o{ withstanding {orcoc of up to 5OO poundg per square {oot. There ghould ba no window3 in this iiitervel. ,. Drai riage around the home should be provldrd and the home should be dersigned to prevent the accumulation o{ radon, gae as thiB i6 becoming standard practice in the State. Eoile inveetigatibn for purpores of proper foundation design should precede construction, Because of the ha:ard regLtlati one o{ the Town o{ Vail, care .muist be. taken to. not increase the hazard to a neighbor by your attempta at mitigation. o The propei'ty does li3 in a geologicrl ly lrnsltivr - rr.r, but develbpm'ent.wtll not incrbabe the hazerd to other proprrtyr or stririturesr 'oF to public rightr-of-wryr rotdsr strcetet eareflrentB, utllltieE or facilitias or othrr proportlcr cjf ahy kind. tf there ere further question6r ple.t. contact ne. Wk,, Coneultlng E-ol ogi 3t o INC.ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., NrrunltLru&Coultrm 222 Ea Codic Avc' Gmiro, Colqrd" 81230 n?'641't2r6 April 21, 1994 Mr. Bob Borne P.O. Box 4205 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Rorne: Ar your raqucstr I conducted a titc inspection of Lot 13, BiSborn subdivision second nO,iirino on nprit 19, 1994. The purposc of my sitc inspcction was to dctcrminc if a. the building site is exPosed to snow avalanchcs; b. the site lies within the "Red" or "Bluen avalancbe hazard zone; and c. a builtling can be dcsigrred such that it will resist avalanche forces. A. SITE EXPOSURE Thc truilding sito on Lot 13 is within the lower portjo.n of the desigrr-magnitude ("1(X)-ycar") avalanche runout zonc r.*fting ftom avalanchcs originating on an Ep-facing slopc bclow the limestone cliff band. B. HAZARD ZONATION 'I'hc lruiftling site will be located in a "Blue," or moderate hazard avalanche mne' Residential construction in Blue zones is permitted by Vail Hazad Regulations' Reinforcenent of cxposcd building surfaccs for avalanche loads will be required' C. BI.IILDING DESICN Bascd on my expeticnoc, d6ign on this lot in feasiblo and can bo accompliehed without tliliiculty. 'fhc bcst typ" of Oitigtt should be determinod rfter spccific consult{ion wlth mc -".'::::,':,il,;":', il- .f s,(&NS-*- Sinccrcry, en"r$tH.; X S\ t{" /'\ , ,, rr . r\.4 ii:{i"*r*l vvaa -,{fi ,Yl^d-t\Arlhur l. Mcars, P.E. hd4J < t- Avalonche-controlcngineer V N t\ " A hrt|y.coirry' Eatresa Amerllan Lrnd Tlrl. Arroclstion CommltnlDModitlrd tO/?3 " t'..\ a t- COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corpdration, herein calied the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered herebv in thiland described or referred to in.Sihedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all lubject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to -the Cond itions and Stipulations hereof. L This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted.th Schedule A hereof by the Company. either at the time of the issuance of t!i1 Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate gix,months after the eff€ctive date hereof or when the policy or policies cgmmitted for shall isue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policiet is not thd'fatlnbf the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorizd officer ol agent. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Gompany has caused this @mmitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with itsBy-LawsThisCommliment iieftectiveasof thedatestrown inScheduleAas"Effective Date"' ISSUED BY STE'WAR.T TITLE GUA RA NTY COMPANY STE\fAITT TITLE S.tn il) ,4 ( otlltttr'l rman o Countsrsign€d by: City, Srat€ Stewart Title of Earle Count Authorized sisnstorp,O. BOX 2000 s.ri8l No. C.1601- 4 1 L426 SCHEDULE A oRDER NITUBER: 94010354-C2 1. EFFECTM DATE: Ylay 26, 1994 at 8:o0 A'M' 2."POLICY OR PqLICIES TO BE ISSUED: AMOUNT OF INSUR,ANCE A. ALTA OWNER' s PoLrcY - $ 210 ''oo0 ' 00 --- FnoFosED rNsuRED: RoBERT BoRNE ". oiro LoAN PoLrcY - FnoposED TNSIIRED: vArL BANK C. ALTA LOAN POLICY PROPOSED INSIJRED: 3. THE ESTATE OR TNTEREST IN TqE LAND DESCRTBED'93 REFERRED TO IN THrS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN-ff.'FEE-Si}'iFiN ENP TITLE THERETO IS AT iiu ErrscrrvE DATE HEREoF vEsrED rN: SUSAN EII,EEN KOPFF 4.THELANDREFERREDTOTNTHTSCoMMITMENTTsDESCRTBEDASFOLLOWS: Lot 13 sicnoRN suBDrvrsroN sEcoND ADDrrroN ilE'6i-dins-Eo-tne plat recorded Jurv 22' No. 97704. 9 TBe I 1963 as RecePtion I COT'NTY OF EAGI.,E STATE OF COLORA-Dq. THIS C2 COI.TMITMENT WAS i ^ PLEASE CALL LYN SULLTVAN PRE}IIITM:OWNERS: 743. O0 j' UORTGAGEE: TBD TAX CERT.: 10.00 copies to:Robert Borne susan Eileen KoPff '' sue Rychel Glnny culp Dan Doerge, VaiI Bank PREPARED ON JttNE 9, J-.994' AT (303) 949-1011 FOR QUESTIONS STEI{ART TITI,E OF EAGLE COT'NTY, INC. P.O. BOX 2000 vArL, CO. 81658 (303) e4s-1011 o SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER NITMBER: 94010354-c2 REQUTREMENTS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREII,IENTS TO BE COMPLTED WTTH: ITN.! (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOT'NT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF THE FI'LL CONSIDERATTON FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INST'RED. ITEX'i (B) PRoPER INSTRWENT (S) CREATTNG THE ESTATE oR INTEREST TO BE INSITRED l.lUST BE EXECIIIED AND DULY I'ILED FOR REcoRD, TO WIT: 1r Execution of affldavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Stewart Title cuaranty Company. 2. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Conpany of paynent of all outstanding taxes and, assessnenls as ceitified by The Eagle County Treasurer 3. Execution of Certificate - Entity Transferor/fnd-ividual .Transferor and its return to the-office. Evldence satisfactory to Stehrart Title Guaranty Conpany that the real estate transfer tax assessed bv the Town of Va-iI has been paid or that the transaction is exeinpt fron saifl tax.' I )ffi. Deed fron Susan Eileen Kopff , vesting fee sinple title in 4r Robert Borne. i Notp: NorATroN oF THE LEGAL ADDREss oF THE GRANTEE MUsr AppEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 19.76 AMENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS cRs 38-35-109 ;,(2) .: 6. Deed of Trust frorn the Borrower to the public Trustee for the use of the proposed lender to secure the loan. NOTE: In the event a Power of Attorney is used in connection with this transaction, please note the- following requirenents:Said Power of Attorney must be dated no more thSn six months before date of said transaction.Power of Attorn-ey qgs! meet approval of Stelrart Title cuaranty ' Conpany, and should be presented to stewart Title Guaranty Conpany prior to closing by at least one week. NOTE: For an.additional charge, Ste$rart Title of Eagle County will..provide any copies of ex6eitions as shown on Sc6edule B -- Section 2. 4. SCHEDULE B - SECTION EXCEPTIONS ORDER NWBER: 94010354-C2 THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE TSSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING T'NLESS THE SAME ARE DTSPOSED OF TO THE SATTSFACTION OF THE COMPANY: ' 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIT'IS OF PARTfES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN By THE PT'BLIC RECORDS.2. EASEI'{ENTS, OR CI"AIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHO}JN BY- THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOINDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACH},TENTS, AND ANY FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND NSPECTTON OF THE PREMISES WOULD DTSCLOSE AND WHTCH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, IOR SERVICES,.LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOTORE OR HEREAFTER FI'RNISHED, IMPOSED By LAW AND NOT , SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. i 5. DETECIS, LIENS, ENCITMBRANCES; ADVERSE CLATMS OR OTHER MATTERS,IN ANY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARINe TN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHTNG SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFEqTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF,RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMI'IITI{ENT.6. T'NPATENTED MINING CI.ATMS,. RESERVATTONS OR.EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF;.':. WATER RIGHTS CI,AIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. NOTE: rrl,tECHANIC'S LIEN" AND/OR rrcApl PROTECTION : (EXCEPTIONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) MAy BE AVAILABLE WITH AN OVINER'S POIJICY OF TITLE INSI'RANCE ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLIANCE WITH STEWART TITLE.GUARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER TNFORMATION ,, AS TO TSOSE SPECIFTC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARY TO OBTATN THIS COVERAGE. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax sales. 8. The effect of lnclusions in any general or-speeific water conservancy, fife protection, soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any erater service or street improvernent area. 9. Reservations or exceptions in patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, including the r6servation-of a right oi way. for ditches or canals constructed by the authority 5f the United States, as reserved in United States patent reiorded Continued on next page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULEB-S8CTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NI'MBER: 94010354-C2 ' November 17, 1902 in Book 48 at Page 492' 10. 10 percent non-qarticipating-t"y?l!{--i-l-ul]g. to pr'oceeds' derived fron the =.-it o'f minerils, 5f wiratsoever kind and nature,. produced "tii-rli"li-f-i"t-tiid prernises, as reserved to Gust ililtlipE+-Iila"'iv"-Jl - x-iafiI ingi_ri'1=:::'::: recorded November 2, tggz ,rr-il""['re5 at eage'4O7,' and any and aII assignments thereof or interest therein' 11. Easement granted to Gas Facil'ities, Inc" in Book 190 at Page 405' as RecePtion No. 101914' 12. Easements and rights-of-way as sho-wn on Plat recorded'JuIy 22, 1963 as RecePtion No. 97704 13. Terms, COndltiOns, restrictions and-"reservations contained in Decraration of protecriv" i6"lt"""tJ ior the Bigholl quPglYl:i:I, recordedoecernuerzo,lg62inBooklT4atPage403as.Beceptlon No. 96856r-ind atnendirent to-pxlend Same to Biqhofn Subdivision .second Addi['i;n, "i-d.-didJa-s.fit-rnuJr rs, 1e63 in Book 175 at Page 257 as RecePtion No. 97992. Pursuant to Senate Bill given that: 91-14 (C.R.S. 10-11-122) Notice is hereby a) The subject real.iProPertY may be located,'in' a sPecial b) A certificate of taxes due listing each taxing 3urrtor'ction may be obtained fron the County Treasurer 6r the county Tieasurer's authorized agentl c) Information regarding special districts and the ' bounaariei--oi-5ucn alstiicts nay be obtained fron the board "i-C"""ti-Corornissloners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor' Pursuant to Senate Bill 92-143 (C.R.S. 10-11-122) Notice is hereby given that: A certificate of taxes due listing each_taxing jurisdiction Continued on next Page COMTTNUATTON SHEET SCHEDT'LEB-SESTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NIJI{BER: 94010354-C2 shall be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County .Treasurer,s authorized agent. ' ;i i' U TO: MIKE McGEE TODD OPPENHEIMER Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING &or ryrfr"4./vv?fuc< - la*e .QX+^ o4,rr., /'rr"^"L 6*- rcf^/t\ tlufrr,--{s (*^ryW) --f Engineering: ,::.|,:,:,11.3u"'L.ot1rd;t5-Tru1'*.ritvaw.'a;,bur1raaa"@'d,{5). rfuv'6tt0t1) o't p+ce[,srepv*r 4 ]ur]€_ pv-\v\ 4or, *ir-a .jnn-t CytpE C\^cdAW Skav)anl jUe,(1e \Bt\ atdr5,n). te addrrv'rxQ <rrlrsax*r ookte groS . -/ ./ COMMENTS NEEDED BYI %' V24 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Date: ol7:, Comments: i\\: /.\ t)AZ-Jrfd raFork L{er-\tr\\ J.rv<\ re q..rrr €A lttl\erg r\4 t{({\ n U ke..,'t\"f ,n Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by:Date: auqrorchql .r a1o,(€ri ;or- tn,: \*,7 tins g|nl-|, Wh*thopkntko ,vl ( Itsh.^,dw). --;:rydnht U1b' 7 o'- z-....---.-x q50'o9 Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landsc ^ping on 7 /11 /9 q . - +P -J)tt'' NAI.{E OF PRO.TECT: .LEGAL DESCRIHFION:Lor-Iz Br,ocK I suBDrvrsroN . S?REBT ADDRESS: 'rhe rorr.owins inrormarion is resuired ror submir,ral ro.J!h!.0"Uhvt'DlV'DEPI -Review Board before a.f,inal approval can be givenl A. BUIIJDINO IIATBNIAI.g} Roof Siding other wall Materials ."Fascia Soffi Es Windows Vfindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or.Deck FIues Rails 1.ryq8 O" UTTBRII'II COIOR ddr €haLz- Hah'ral oe<-rQ1 -a1 'at' tro ,l'+ r- F'{,# J,A,"^ D I Flashings Chinneys frash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining watls r Exterior Lighting OLher IJANDSCAPING:Natne of Deaigner: Phone: B. WMYt : +Lt'Pbr d\ z Q u'u/&,{utu-"' / dar - Tt y. b"ra1 . ftfulu ahv /fai^+d h.tat ?(&ar lvy{ 6*/ral Tain+ed t'raal 4 mit4, b,cq'ta,rrr4 fel,lor 4q1 v UTILITY IJOCATION VERIFICATION I SUBDIVISION JOB NAME OILD:7ue 2"?z7ro<t they be main verified by the pere Assoc. Laverty T\I Upper Eagle Valley Wat.er & Sanitation Dist.rict * 47 6 -7 480 Fred HasLee NOTE: L. * Please bri.ng a obLaining Upper flow needs must. z- 3. q LOT /2- BLOCK FILING a.Fr/(o LcS?7a1 E:-_ pAJOT-f JUKE5D JU YP l-'ftW C Fr-" -- The location and availability of utilities, whether trunk lines or proposed 1ines, must be approved and following uLilities for the accompanying site plan. U. \ west communications L-800\922-t987 468-68\0 or 949-4s30 \ Public Service Company 949-578L Gary HaIl Authorized Siqnat,ure Holy Cross Electric 949 -5892 Ted Husky/uichael HeriLage Cablevision 9 4f-s53 0 SEeve Hiatt site plan, floor plan, and elevations when Eagle Valley Wat,er & Sanitation signatures. Fire be addressed. [42'Frco E-&- 7y This form is to verify service availability and locaeion. This should be used in conjunction with prepari.ng your utility plan and schedulingr ins t.allations . For any new construction proposal , t,he applicanE must provid.e a completed utility verification form. rf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construcL.ion, the utility representative should not direct.ly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve identified problems If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and thaL t.he development can proceed. These verifications do not retieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a sEreet cut permit from the Town of VaiI, DepartmenE of Pub1ic Works and to obtain utilit.v locaE.ions before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Var 1,. A A street cut permie musL be obt.a'separat ely. 6. Installation of service lines are at the expense and responsibi.lity of the property owner >? ,tcf Fie"o Sinqle F LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZONE CHBCK FOR Residence, Dup1ex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/Secondary a amily ) Lor lz sLock I r-:^Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT E. ZONE DISTRICT IJOT SIZE /Heighr "/Torar arteA )1 --'Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA setbacks Front. Sides Rear 4ir. coverag'e 4,andscaping r' Retaining WaIl Heights .,/ Parking u--carage Credit ,Aater Course Setback PHONE PHoNE ?lto -qZZO l( f 8f.' Allowed (30) (33) Wrrf + M. =lJZe BUTIJDABIJE Existinq # 4ta1 +425= 20' 15' 15' 3'/5' tr ,120 1{1,, 2- encl 4 -l+,12ool @ @v Qt er{+) (30) (s0) .-Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Envi ronmental /Hazards : 4) View Corridor Encroachment: Yes 1) Flood Plain /o 2) Percent slope Q, :tr,ul wetlands ry'o NO J_- x ?1^^- Ll^: - ------L .:..- -a ii\rD Lrtlt> rsqr.rcS L .rrrvulvC cL Z)V AUU.J. Ll,UIIt How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this Previous conditions of approval (check property file): request? rJor AREA ltAq+ Proposed Tot.aI ry 4a4: 77 -78 1JZ4- "-40/ z2- 2b t{ /,4f ' z' '<-Drive: Permitled Slope t proposed Slope t Z Yes No ZUzs.eqra (300) (600) (900) ^i otr l.la- - ->r (_t- l- I Complj.es with T.O.V. Lighring Ordinance YES 10