HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Projects 1977-2008 (CO)Ge-nve rowN oFl!\!L DRBo sOtLC Primary - Secondartrr Residence Lupine Drive Residences 37ffiLupine Drive (Lot 7) Bighorn 2 nd Addition, East Vail, Co 81657 Roofing: 40-Year Asphalt shingle Elk , Prestique High Def, Weathered wood Cor-ten corrugated roofi ng Color: rust Snow-Fgnce: Cedar timber with steel brackets 2 41,2 Ship-Lapped Wood Sidins and Wood Shake Si9ins: Olympic semi-transparent stain, 707 Stucco : Cement stucco system Color: To match the color of the stone veneer Texture: light sand / very light hand texture Aluminum Clad Windows: Siena Pacific Color: Bronze Metal Flashing, Gutters and 3" Round Down spouts: Color: Gopper Stone Veneer: Adobe dry stack Stack Porches, terraces and walks: Drive: Asphalt Stone Tenaces and Entry: Colorado'Buff Sandstone Color Board Deign Review Eoard ACTIOI{ FORI,I Dspartil€nt of Communlty Develapment 75 gqt$ Frontage Rcad, Vall, Colorado 81657 tsl:970.{79.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web; wr,r.Yallgw.com PToJect Name: FISCHER RESIDENCE Project Description: NEW PRIMARY SECONDARY RESIDENCE Participants: OWNER FISCHE& STEVEN K. 9 SLOPE DR SHORT HILLS Nl 07078 0/.12812008 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLO4I28I2OO8 DRB Number: DRB0B0120 ProjectAddrcss: l-egal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX 4701 EAGI.E co 81631 License: C000001843 3796 LUPINE DR VAIL LOCAI|ON: 3796 LUPINE DR Lot 7 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDflON 2101-111-0100-6 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Mouon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: DANTAS DUBOIS s-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/2112008 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. C-ond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009952 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 edition) . ,,r^ and VFES Standards. t Cod: @NfiXXDS3 'r Monlbrcd firc sprlnler q6tem requircd ald shallomply with NFPA 13 (2002 ed'ilbn) and VFES Standads. Oond: @N001$13 The applkant shall palrt the sfirco in Ute brfi olor rarqe, and shall submft a spedfrc palnt sample br revEw and approwl by Statr wi$r tte tulldng permt applkatlm. Planner: Bl[ Glbson DRB Fee Pald: S650.00 Apr 28 08 . ?t' ' 11iIh Steve Fischer @nelal Infonnation: oEc yc.t of tie aPF @1. Hew Constnrdlon Apptication fior Design Dep€rwEnt d Community De\Gbpfir€nt 75 South Frontagre Ro€d, l/ail, Colordo 8 td: 970.{8.2128 ?il" g7a.47g.usz weD: wtrvw.mflgov,co m 973574721 p.1 eff projeds reguiring design rcriar must receive aptrol,al prlor Eo submwlg a buldhg permft ryfffit Pl6se refdr to Ure submitat reqrlirenrenS ftr fre parttarbr aptroval that i5 tEqu6ted. Afi applicatigr ior Design R€vl€| .annot U" accp56 ,nfS * t C,i'.c infrrination fs riiivoO Uf d,e Cornntrnity Devdoprneril sefqnnt TtE ;;qgct ral/'i neea to *rB iew* by thBTodm turndl-d/er tt*e BanTtE ard Ewlronmennl Commidg|. E#d; r;iar "prp,rl fepc"l ,,nfeai a hSdlrrg eerrrh' b issueil ild corotrudior ornmcncrs witftln L 41A) tz11 +50 Plus $1.(D per squd€ foot of btal sign ar€a' lfo Fee i65o For mrrFu@of a nnv buildhg gr demd|€h|lld- $04 !9r rr additbn where square foocge b added b any resifuitbl or ' orunercAl building (hdldts 250 affiiotF & interir @oiEr$onsJ. i250 Fd mlrs d|angEs b buihhgs and slte imprwerneflts' such € te'rcdfng, pffitg, wlnrtsrv addftions, htec.piqt, &rcas fi't rdirfng wdlq eL sa, FBf minaf Ehaflg65 b hrlldhgE afldcE imprs|€tneFts srch 95. re.rssfirrgb snhfrrg. !in&t atrtiorE lq*caF+ Ene! and fttalniqr wdlgr 4G.$20 For rsrt$ons to glans alredy approlEd by HaruJng sffi or the Desi$ Revi€$t goard' lb Fee EfivER il tl 2 ; i,'I il/l t3 TOWN OF VAIL Location of the Fop6al: Lot ? HGk: subdlulgon;bzra *'^- U r 2^J P A+f '? orJ phydGf Addrcsr o-?-'77C, l;i?*tF futnLl F/|+J,ts|t- ce parcet tto,; M(Contact Eagk Co. Assesor d 9?0-32&8540 tur parel m') Zo.*ng: flrmcde) qf Owne{s}: oryfier(s) slgr.E$€(3} Hameol ApplicanE Type of Revieur and Fee: tr Etcn! D CorEeDtual R€vl€tat )fl(wew eorwuetion /tr - Adffos tr t'linor Alteration ( mulFfamily/commetEld) D l.fnor Afterab'on isiFgts-miryldune,.) tr changc to ApFr€ved Pl.ls tr separdkil Resr€st Mailing Addre66; Malling Adrllcss: 't t' ft*+*++'t'l*****+**'i't*'l****'t*lt{'T***'ttf**f**ffflt++++'t*'}+tt*ff*l'f**tt***lrt't***f'}*{r****+*tfa++++ TOWNOFVAIL, COI0RADO Srat€m€ot *'|a*******+*!t'i****'t'a'i**l*'t'i**t**+*+tta+++++******t*rr***'}**a*a**t*****++1.**++**+t+***++tfl*** Statement lilumber: R080000545 Amount: $650.00 04/28/2OOSL2:35 pM Paltment Method: Check Init,: RLF Notation | 1384 iIP MAIILEY ARCHITECT LLC Permit No: DR8080120 T14re: DRB - New Constnrction Parcel No: 2101- 111- 0100 - 5 Site Address: 3795 L,UPINE DR \IAIIJ Location: 3 795 L,UPIIIE DR Thia Payment: $650. O0 Total FeeE: $550.00 Total ALIr Pmta: $650.00 Balance:$0. o0 'i**'i******f ***l *********f**t+tl++++*i****{,**tttf******+*f,tt*+*+*tl+t*++*'l*+****ttt**t***+**t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Orrrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN REVIBW FEES 6s0.00 DescriptLon PLAIINING CHECK SHEET Property Address 3796 Lupine Drive Parcel #2l0l I1101006 Legal Description Lot 7, Bighom 2no Addition Development Site Area Ac | 0.896 Sq Ft | 37.854 Buildable I nla Zonins/ SDD #Two-Familv Primarv/Secondarv Land Use Designation Low Density Residential Known Non-Conformities nla Previous Approvals nla IJazardlZones Sections 12-12. 12-21.14-6 & l4-7 Snow Avalanche Red and Blue Debris Flow nla Rockfall High Severity Excessive Slopes (Site Disturbance I 2-2 1- 14) nla Floodplain nla Wetlands Y/N n/a Creeks, Streams Section 12-14- l7 Setback n/a Proposed n/a Sidewalks/ Trails n/a Planner/ Date BG 05/02108 Owner Contact Info Steve Fischer Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info Jeff Manley 328-1299 John Martin 328-0592 Project Information Project Description new primary/secondary Land Use Application(s) #DRB080l20 Proposed Uses (As defined by Zonine) Two-family dwelling Permitted. Conditional. Prohibited? Permitted Date Routed/ DRT Meetine Commercial Floor Area Existing n/a Proposed n/a Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter 15) Total Allowed 8,921 -Existing demo -Proposed 7.593 Primary (Unit B) -Existing demo -Proposed 4,130 Secondary (UnitA) 3,568 -Existing demo -Proposed 3,463 Total Remaining 1,328 Primary Total Remaining nla Secondary Total Remaining t05 250 or Interior Conversion?nla Setbacks (perimeter) Proiections 14-10-4 Front 20 Proposed or YA.{Y Side l5&15 Proposed or YAll Y Rear l5 Proposed or YA.{Y Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required 14,000 Proposed or YA.I nla Site Coverage % Allowed 7,s7r (20%\7o Proposed s,r0s (r3%) Building Height Allowed 33/30 Proposed Y Landscaping o% Required 22,713 (60%)%o Proposed 30,436 (80%) Sections 14-10-8 & 14-10-9 Plant size 6',2",5 gal.Proposed Y Fences nJa Proposed nla Retaining Walls Sec. 14-6-7 Heieht Allowed 6 Proposed Y Setback 2 Proposed Y Driveway Sections l4-3-l & 14-3-2 Max Curb-cuts Proposed Y Max-Min Slope l0o/o Proposed Y Max-MinWidth 12'Proposed Y Heated YN N Drive Material asphalt Snow Storage o/o 30%Proposed 35Yo+ Parking Sections 12-10 & 14-5 Spaces Required 6 Proposed 6+ Loading nla Proposed nla Lighting Section l4- l0-7 Allowed 39 fixtures Proposed t3 Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proofl Resistant nla Screened nla Screening Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required Proposed Y Roof Material Sections l2-ll-3C & 14-10-5 Complies YA{Y Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Complies YA{Y Adopted View Corridors Complies YA.I nla Utilities (Location, easements) Section 14-10-10 Y Grading (Less than 2:l) Section 14-6 Y (except rockfall mitigation berm is l:1) Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee Houg4q nla Traftic Impact nla Art In Public Places nla Notes 1,1.!, rt Ol OA 12:SSp Robert Dale g?o-s2B-2927 p.1 UrIfiV'MIATTBIFEIIN,I Ttisturn sErErbvsttVthtllEtr+osd Sot!'xnBnil rutflFArttEc|'ltag.ecEd|Jillv3sriE,ild*o b verfy sft ar&rd bdl trrH ccshrlh| rd CnSDeuslhrmirf,thtr ri'ftptg Xrr&pb.fil sdtdlhg i5bbtiIE lit FL |tul|ggr.frg C.r. frrpl-, d*nhqdrdbsru b r|l bfr*p rferr br mqd ad Y! Cfrr. rullE|llOr lD TO lt$ Fl *tFn COnilf|'fi3 t:IO|| nt rtrlllTr OilOliE3. If Fr *rr?trrbffin (rrru|tgifrl| H tnrkat Fscr c8EtTheTill d\'|l. IElfFamlnfu.hfr*?lttt ,* ****3r(tldrj.5B ,*-J- Ault*itcdStunt|p Cif[Rrcb Drb s/:ft{ 970.94754A (E)gru.g,fl5.{An(h) Conrl: llrra.Gdh ItoJe.#s(k) 9n,z6r..Gr(t4 Contrts ft Sogcrt .|(dliF io0rGtEEtECY-er EAGTTroIRilJENI sAilrmrDilDtsr"lrt 9r!o..Db,7ttr(d)g?o.,rrg..m(h) Corbd: tud tl6e ft*:edirg.m ori:trtcratg 94.rn.0r{6u)9n9{9.9xS(Er} C.otad: Fvil Brrts da{d'#i,iFlirsira*lri I TJ:_r_tgd3 ElF{!1_nm_t'6+ryF,tqtl + d r|G-rrrD- srFd:r, il| m srfiEnEi a! r* eEdt P IE .fE|t 5 - lF! 3 et dft z rgc c tc tnfs n".f* c r;'ru ;itnl egE*or trc r; *i F;;;thtltue re rgrdertr5 adrtrrbtbGrtiagert, lggry_cr!ryy_re-'qcrr nr6 qc rtqgi{ aainu' h uD leresroolt srfl noE rHr m r}r,fl,:r.aq91lst ll*tFe 5.FtrEnt|i*trrEcbErrsdFrL Thc tut !in*r uEr n ',?r-+crr uit rc u u6 Tffr of lAl.LT-d-lal: llmg, dE- bq, h rr*{ u t lt ir l|: rc+offi * u* "ry (qcl'-td tr" gtEcrtt to Edye llfflal Erll E-Filtrtr-3.TIEEFEbr&mt tcffrrid hcrlFEDrybo|r-|a hl&u'q Fr*tun t,e0ptErtd tu&lsvb.tE *iET_mdttsl:FaErtil*nqc€r'|Et wlnhU.TiltitrYE-+.;TJG|EgEE;!S+c ru=15ry.Fgcaiilt nrryfoy A Ocdifrd-{ttn;'i* furr Arr1tedi*'lrna.a*rr fieorneri aroofthFfun). Oarh9st.ry6F F:fdErto|slF nrqEtrd|Id ffildO-,ffirjr{!.?r,.ft xca.gffiT re /F t4 n \\, re Lq \, Lq II Y/ IE MAY 16 2008 TOWN OF VAIL -tl.aGala l.oc- f araa<alalt fi{!9d la ItD LtLl , \ Flpr 28 O8 O9:52a Robent Dele t' 97rl-928-2927 P.l -#UTIMYASPMru&YEIFIGAIISI TtlsF.rnsr.rr bvg'ry UrerttEFqd llCul€nentirflrltfWAdty€atttr('fpaEeddnf.Ftic,rldabob 'etri;r,rte;uVarcuaninErsr&*rtrrardrrrcd.l-beusabPrttrHgrft-ffi,^lutf9ryeE-+fr&;toq;A*6: A rrg Frt'iir,drg 6r9pt. fu^ gadd€berq $db srt|'ttd bt: ei|trg_rffiE br4p6fo ad vstrd'. iCrit lrslirrr6 Ztie6 rOnrtPasup oRoa6€{15 R[rKnC U111TY cniiriifs n. rq, inr r,6tetodh11h drag1grdnir tBtffinE@drt-tThcTorfrdlral. 0*b* a n& Irt *fitl'4, frrturb! 4+r-o I LIf the uEryryfiC &lsffid,rfunh.ssgnacat6lrEdtdEt'dirycmFj.f,dxlnoonrctB-erden€cfy cn tle fcr4 or ro *tot b &r ffitr 2 B d tlE, tfrS/s reqr d !E hftr *Unn opesm Cn Twn rdt ptrnre ttEtltse * ttgtdsrrrrdtlib.bFatcalt F!.*l 2. q a ||tfy qrpily b (gtqfis xilr rtt popetl qr*Cn !|e |tEry rqEsnd{e ${ .c (|rtctry qt dG ufv verfca0ohtn ld taetsaF&rd|Iltr!*bbcsobd, lte fEE *,.1d l|er b dehEd h afrE t ftts b ti:Tfiln-d !H. ltrrqlr, dcc !q h mftl H t -dt ns;n.dnt ddE uary trFy rd lEffito 115p*c klqtlftdgobf'tE. 3. nlcl€ r€fidftr|9 6 mt rrErE lEAmrtEOf trE rt'pmsDry O OAr a nt, wa Rlnft nqfl nE nT|trnrartd Put CWEF |l O|cTqrr €flI frnlr FnE rft*Ci€f ce6isrrrt nUftll:TffrrofY{. +IEOaf&p.rts 4r*slo nv rw tfr.rE b lEufr5fuFryqd f,tf fle sbm[El CaraciliEtEdlnqtFJdrrfE.ltffid$nEnr€(S(u|:sotErEspefraf ncdiltBtseqn|cnt mdttlstuu|). oste h9e9 of 11 "**,,e1f*tz '?*e/t,-omr_J-- $trgtg$Eggr$E UCcm,c,lr o* QWrsr 970..t68.ffio(Dr) 97u-.168.|5;tz(ta) cootads: gr Tod.y sarudlqdflfrffdrsn xcs. Hlefl PRESTnt Grs 970:6A.{0?6(d) 97t)-,58.1l}1(fu) co*ad; Rbr sivgc rkn-dd9|€r.tqoqFlFsS,^drt $oLYCnOA9Htn6Y 9nt9r+7.54il1 (nt) 970945.4{8r (h(} Cd*d: Ua.ta SIt 4tr|dQMrs6-ffi !cg-ffreY 9D.262.{BE(60 970.262..r@1(U) C]!rr+s lft egEt l(athr'It"€OgrrtGICAflRGY-dn E]qInII'€RI]AERT ST rIATTDi G;IRET 97o.476.7{ir(Et) 97t-+76-r8'(tu1 Codact Fcd HdrE He|Dr:sdco 60 crrrcrdr g?rl-{u-rl€Gr) e?o.9{93[ts(h(] C.orE tlrilharE ev4€€Eaq|ttb-atqCl dl igtrEli Ds'ehpa3gEsrr! F:1r*}lrcf,!|s\F naSlF(dYiriN@ hrrq0b_'er'.q:]r-23r{!7!bc Rpn 28 OB O9:24a Robert Dale 970 -s|24 -292?p.1 I'TIIITY APPNSVAL & YEilFIGATPI{ Orb ThE.ltrr sE brtdl tftatbg.qtscditpot,|'rElB rilrdiEp.ttarvoc8Bagqpddlvse'fr,a|ddsob vE fI *wie.vrliiwddlo€ll(|lfu.gqrel|rtbe{shojdber6rdhqirdimrdrp:gihg prruny pktrrd sdt *f9 hrlrFdqE- As& F4 -rrkhggqqgFt frc Fr, r( cleq, dtat h redra u dre bh6a tilr|s br rtnrvd anl vrfiattn nt|6E AUOU lP tO I WEts Rrnlt noyrr a oililBtrs ftO'. ItE Uafiry C(f,ft XrF< f Ft n'r'|fleao&hffirtth $* tinefrar Fhle cdtdTh.Tdi| of lru. D*il+p4&,-ffi!.*kN{raerz AffiShrtic Cdtd QS'Estr 9rc.{a"ffiqtso 910.{68.0i4ri)q.tlrt sar Tolst s:rnrr{lrr{arlfu|d r'rrn lctlflErESilECrs 970Ja.{n6(H)gru..$r.t{l(h} Corft|(t:ni:iSbuc fthrdlstparQrdOetgy ran flcvct0sEr,ffiY 9?0.9{t-r{r1(d) 97O,9r..{Br (E0 ffid: I!-F g5i 44bh'qc4gG ICH.HIEf,EY 970J64{6t(h.) 97n:O.rE{ (:t) CorrG ,GRtgcl lffi,lecffiE.F|Rfist t/l-unntERUAnn.&$f,rtaTgtE'rrGr Ito..t6.73! (!t)g?q1ft.Se(h) ffi Frd tld..fladroqe{cg dfrrc|t5roffilE r7o.+n_tac(dl 970J{9.9r3t (h) 6nld OryE 6r|t da*l mx4f*,crrd.on tfotEli 1.f lhc rUry a!truCe GbEm hnr h8*n+:6ftqn dr of tt uEry qlrca, rldrE Glrt'narG irE rDdc.ruy gr -tF lnEh orm e b dcn rrtrr 2 rds d e tlryt ltadtr .f 6c-bn innir qgrtcr ne rd; flr- Fa;a gl* 0tcr! !c r! FdgrEr||l tb rb'e$€t(6 F@c z q a uqt orglty ht ourc rth^hc ppd cnouo4 0rc u4t rqtsurmt ltu tG 6pcry ot uE urEy :r|rq3-Fnr |[* fre ba poDtsr cffrn*ae|l5org. rtre is- rra*l orsr ts rHH h il add |ec, uE .r9r!!-cr- \6{ - tbrGcr, de }rt" h drd t|rt't t [r cpafr d [: rrlif cry1 rd trE #rr b E!&itadHpdtrre. 3. Tlsc |!'il6.tEs |b flt r*c hc@txbctheeg€rihr bootrh r ffi liuq Rmr ftm !E Deft|g|tof Rl!!IpE r t?.Tm_orlftl_ub&F!6qry+lctFrad l|turrctu hr,t Fit rttr{.{6.rsEEru..G5, EETdlc.-l'd- |' lrrltu-*kdr*-l-' E- E*-r -;rr-r--r-r -----r-f..i:r tetilpq E reqttcdd{res ESEryGGldffi{E bnEu[tErr+Wotiiiffiam f ne ryfle|'?,t rlE tline?E # IEiltlEEl sgtrtre (E (uttsrs olEiire ser nf rCO rrffin U|G qtm6t :rudgEtoftI : oalbpart*rmr" f :ktulrcRlGlRd|liphrrEto buEtd!_dtr(| *2Ffr7.&, O.E Rrts 90f r.r z{0/e000 alfifc rs(croc 90It5?601.6 rr.d rz:0r f,ol 3goetgalro I ,, ,rl I Rp|. 28 \. OB O8:58a Robert Da le Apr. t{. l{tuu u:4tArl fJ?t]-92-.6-?927 00. 1{,10 p.Z r. I iITJi:.fiY JFJFRdfAL & VEMFTCATION| I*+ tFst.ErF & yEf,t hd tlc prrposed ago!,cns.ts:*Iret lr+=t:n-erys guprFd'JHrsatlFg srd:as l{' vEilr-y 5q+@_ qyFEftVard bFEdt br rEr cfishded # Cr.fd bcrEdth €DrirrE{cn rx'} ffifEfn! U6lf Cm etd srilitligtiiaailhs.- Aslc.ptd'i"rrddrggtrrgFa1,ha(&elrdeaed-crstb-qnindad*cftbuiirdtiues tormardvsrdar PtEtsEAuoHrDx'2tltffis'FtlR.^E9n[ryff-m€qftrErrr5 Fht ia;Riiitnffi CfrqiiE i. iirdr *draEetoo ah confiiti irrr-*t 6at d.rdhff. p€F.ntd?Ee 76ra of{taf q@&fr44v4ft.t*hffi A.;Hr.vl*a -a*rtBlrrt*eariu:rr=! $$ H.(rfi, t70.m.7i30iEii 9?0.{?6.r.4*9{H} Contat'krllhcee fHatG€*tGAag q'MCASTrlSLE " rr,Airo tl.t! (ttt, -ozlga,gB{bS contaEtl ihldEs*ld d*dd cr*fu;:@(ctrnl itlr, t:l: f, !f tleuffi :ppod & rqiffii frffi F6ifrrai= iiom ar.ir GtriiiFii-. d iecffigs ;rl,idtc ar€eiiy enp td$*tet$ia|!.r!fte T4!!F rr* g|Esrrri sl :*.E*tr.r. -er;te aFU* F iftmi= iiom ar.r-r of ftc udF Etri dsef f|EB!r+t!f,msftntr ti*'uaeat nd dniiiiiiiioi I. l! a. |lay oryary l* cnrent vciiii:iion rtm irat iiEre b a qdrE h tkrgo6Ed q*ucum, herCu rEr$toASF stE[ rrle fiE[y ottE utty TlTe b b rEiyEd_ ftcirr:Cn*i rilen 4 deidn rr an Uofri kru n rre Tcrn_cf :tl F;;e'6, p=L nry h#-itm* ra Ga r€+r.ilif d r- u-t a4lgii:rd aedlat b.Foi6 ld:r ifietlor$kr- th# E6F.r oti+ qqa*q4nF[eFE F*s*lFc!**taqfggritle*E nrlQ_i*teilEn*1Etrlbc Fpn ?-B O8 O8:5Ba Robcrt Dale UIIIITY APPROVAL A VERlFICIirIOfl Cg.tBt|enll 9?O-926-a92?al4 L.+ ar,,.-xt t .<2 Qaga69g.; p-1 d$b pfan and dtt:Ues tr ilo F€gnne the @. I ,l *ffi Thgforrn sewesbverift tffi the_propost inprn€lgrts $d nd ireEd dry rrdsting r frFsd |lflg.sdrrle5,verfy s€wleatrailabfffy ardtct sr. fE nO C16dld'be t51i er SnFral11--'-.'r16fr-d35dr,9l_rr.sch€dulir€ tnsralbuons, AiEda-r|.inrfi.frdsadrgcBr;li;plir,,-u*,nuoqffg+flbrnrubfietr tur appuvar ard wdficdin ptEAaElur*f-uprotGi'reFoRrp?tovtld oorilfEtrs FlolrnrE i CO PAI|IES. ff lrrr are unlbh b o&n commEtsrrynf*r ti,at fur,efrarre pta- ortifirri fwr orfan- r'dt Add ilnFqFftb.futr): .w-w!p..nwft slet'd|fr l'Emrfi t''f4n: At Urorlzrd S|lnatlr QWESiT e70.468.6860(td) 9Z)..t68.0672$d) Cor&lds Srrn Tootry sEmud.tfi'e:€og9d,cbffr XC8, tusr HTCH FRESSUNE €'I!S 970-262-4075 (Er) 9r0.{6&1{t1 (b0 ffirt Ritt SsntDs tldEd.3q€E ene.gr.oE HOLYCrFennsr 97r).947.5425(H) 9tO.9{5.4091 (ioo CosFx.C Jeifv|t{jrrt lvrqmGhd!fie.on rcETtusy 9!5|.Rl4nncls 9ilr-26e4qF(fn) e70262.{}?{(u) Csrttda ' fC Bogert @ tt+ ^lo r*htr F.rkl AD 84, €{erctil(es. leqwd}. EA6I-ENWEN,WATERl'sitirrrit'tt DLfi*ict gn-{7c./.tso (rd) 9ru,{76.{089 (hx} 6nbcE F erl Ftadee lhae lceoer-wid.om cof.tcAtilCffi|r em.4rs.er8 @) 970.949.9138 (tu) Contec Dilrftl B€ftt dadd araasoca4G.mt gF iloiEs l;T,}l*%"m* gfflp$ifg5.*r'-ffr qrr'e'{6ry qE .i+ ad .. on nen* re ilTgm:Hg-3lr*ne&ii'fr iih';'i.*f";.mfi fi #ffi*'la$= f p-qEiE stq gts d$rchnrrrr*on F*;I i {p..*llr carcenatre lrrdf rrcb eEq tne.roftf !€rfficarion rcrm tr* urea r r ".ur,, *,m ^Ed u r"ifrffiffiJgffi S:rl [ffi#,$31*, precsi rq h furd d,6r r ;ffi-ffry of uE rr& qiqr anl rhi tF [ffi*#*' Pt"; ka i" ;il d'"t; ;ffi;ffiffiffi dendfed fo0ferns *,ffi ?rnr_.6 dilF-rsffirf b oDeh a ftE uh' hrr' r fi,Em tfE R.tHk. t{tldc rt thc ros oC Wn tl-r|ttrftrEfr-firyoF wfltln lie Torv.r dlE- tlEdre nt of a. The Da'ebger b r* ffi arnua m rrv rav trr o'";'d#Gft date ('dessdrsvri- *-rov.r*o o*i Deiret<ipat SEetlre wve rlscfler v 13 t4 tzl p.z ALT'A On Der's lloliuy-- (64 7-06) POITCYOF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY rste\tvart ' ,tltle guaranty company Any noticc ofciaim and any other notice or ststcrrnt in lwiting require.d to be given rhe Corparry uarier this Folicy musr bc gircn to dre eonpany u rbe addiEg rho\i,n iii Sedidn I I .iitiie Cdaiititirtii5. CO\/EREDRISKS SUBJECT TO Tl{E EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERACE, THE EXCEPIIONS FROlrl COVERAGE CONTAINED lN SCHEDULF: B AND THE COiSDffloNS, STEWiRT TmLE GUARA'ITV COMPATYI', r Tctus corpcraiion, (tir<'€ornpeu-r') inru-ca, as of Drtc of fuiicy rr<i, io tltc airf siEtud al' Coy€lcd Ris&g 9 stc L0, ao€r Datc otPolis]l, agabrt lcssor damage, ro: c*cecdine drc Arrlor|,'l.1 c[ lnsqrsrcc, susinincd or incrrrcd-by:he inswed be r€zson of: t. Title bcing v€srcd oficf rlren as sta:cd in Schcdulc A. 2- - ny dsfcctin sr iar cr grcumbrrncc on tie Tiric. ltis Covercd Rislc inciudcr but is nor limited o inswancc agrinsrloss from i:) A. defect in $e Title caus:dby (i) forgery, l'r"rdr undue tn$u1n9g.{qq9* lnggmpelqnsyr in-irpaeiqvl or impersonrtion; (ii ) failure ofany pefion dr Er-tity to halre audrorizcd a trsnsfer or convc,vance;(ii) a docunrcnt affccting T.db not propcriy crcaro4 .rccut 4 u,irrcsscd. scalcd, acknowledged, notarizcd, or dclivaed; (iv) faiirrrc to perform drose acts neccssar-v to crcale a dosutn€ot by clcctronic mcans sutho;zcC by law {u). t d€tijmeitt c:rcsut€rl fidcr l ABlfiEd, eiFiltd, oi ot}seris;iarizlid ibbeFof !1'tfrd (vil a ds:'rmcnt not propaty Elal; ruo:rlerl, or irdarcd ;!r- tbr Puhlic R-<scrds irsluding faitu'.< Er psforr"- Lhcsa acts hy elcctrooi': trcans auhorized b_v lrrv; or (vii) a defectivc judi :iaI or administrarivc proccedin6. (-o) Tfu lico cfrrf cstatc trr.s or asscsnrEos impcsed on the ttte bya govqnrleE(al Ntiority due 6 pal.ebl!, bul unpald. (ci An), ei.croachrr,eirt, €.iaiitilt:ncq violatioti va6a'rltn, d; iitireire ciicufi6iiiiits diEitii'g tt; Tii'le Jiit ,viu:d ts ,lisdiotcal by iai ica...ai; iid qofi{rjere land- rurv$/ otlhe tad. Thg tgfir--€@teheerf itrc].udes ([rrcschmds of 6i$i€. l]n+rovesrfls loeaGd or ths tl!'loclo adjoiridS; land, and encroactnrrts ooto ttc l:ad ofc.distirg improv.rnsrts loc.tcd on adjoin:ng hnd. 3. UnErrk.lable fitle, 4- No riBht of access tI) and &om tlie Lad. 5. Tir vbb.tiun or qnforccnpm sf any law. ordinarrcc, pcrmiq, sr gsrsrmerfist r€e-driiolr (itctutiing ircsr rdrting 6 buikiinE- ard 2nni€l restrisiing; regBlsting, FoHbidne, tr rdating ro. (a1 the occrpary, lAe. or efl'.olrrErt of rtE [iod; OJ th€ char3cts, dimerFiong or locedon of rny ii:provcmant creGtcd oo.:he l$d; (qj the subdilisicn oflar.d; u'(d) cnvirorvnartaiprotccticn if a nudEr, dgreritlirtg 1'|' ?art af *1€ llnd, is re;EdEC in tkt Priblie Rc:dr& ;ditinS for* ih€ $iolelie|ro+ intcFtisf- rs &:ft€, buf 6ily E tta €rta! ef rhc violttiqr errufeeencnt rcletred te in that nsliea 6. ' rtn cnforccnrnt action based on ftc aercisc of a Eot'€rnnEntal policr potr,lr not.avscd by Covad Rlsk 5 if I aotjct of lh: enforcefistr action, _ dcscdbing aay pat of thc [.ar4 is recorded an 6e PuUh Xrcuds, bm oaly to th crte:l of drc Grforc! rrt re:?rred to io rha{ nolicc. ?- ilc cxcrcrsc of rlrc oghrs of crnirrnr dornain if a notjrx of rix cxcrcir, dcscribirg ary part ot'rhc i:nd, is rccorieri in the Fuiriic nccords. E. .{nt laking by a gflarrm:nlll Eod} trar.has occtrt8d and l+tirRlifig srstlrE riEhlirstra Ffahrs€} fof vCus 'r., idro{t KnErlEcge. eoBn-.e{lign Ed: Stc\ranTadr of CL.loredo - Vail Darboo qi i'i:rin St, Suir w-irl i Fi*iit{i, edktiitt, Sl€$l AsFr LD. O600ie PhorE No,: (970) 92fl230 t c' Scriel Ho,: : o-9.i01-358002 .4ITA EWIqER'S POLJCY 6-{'46 ]f j ru !t{ nrf,xrrrli# .!.r!l car!fAE ur rGel.$il|.te ro rlc drpbilrr. plerc 6.|J er toll fE.'otacc l-ao(>?:t-l9q:. lf Fr nellc. obid do&r )rE Foliot F{'tE t frrtiih wri .|! noric. h rcc'xdaDcc with Slclicfl ] ot tlE Coldiict6. \tsit o|!' Wqd.tci& wab srb it hnr:L&r,rw !-tcrrft col[ th.6ident Apr td u6 | t. toa 5teve Frscnsr 9134+it4{11 p.3 COVE REI) RISKS {Coatirucrl} o Tid; bciag r.cre{ orbr thrft !e tr{ed ir Schldulr a aF beidn &ft€dra (a) as a r6ulr of th. rvoidance h rrholc ot in p|n, or tsD 1 coun ord€r proriiing an altcmativc ranrcd1., ofa trarsfcr ofall or ar' paIt ofdrc tid,c ro or any intc,.cat in fic Lard cccruring prior to thc trrf,radioo vcsting Titte ii ahdi*r in SclEafuli A b6cadrc thii trior isrEf,* conitiiuial d hirduldnt q{ FfctgtEq$rl. glrqftr unk ftdcrzl. bukr+tcy" $lt:a i:nolyqEy. qr slrlilar crcditorC rights law; or (b) beczusc thc insEumcnt of trarlsfq vcniog Titlc as sho$n in Sclrcdulc A conJritutcs I prcfEcntirl ugrt'isr udcr icdsrat baitruFy; aarq in!ob's.. gG rimile c&diloir'rifhrs laus b9 rceror.ef the- flilsre sf :!s lc6rdirg ir rhe Public Racords tir i^ !r.:-r.. ^- {iit to iE pal| nodcc of its cxistertsc !o a Frrch.s.r for rzlug oato a judgrnar or I icn crediror- 10. Any da&cr in or lian o. c|c{mbrencc o.r tlE fi'Je or othcr m.dlf. ircluded i;t Csvcred Ri*j I thro4h 9 thar bs lrcc crcaied oraitrrbd or h.sb6.r fil;d o. r<c4'&d h ttc Pub.lh Reords h Dd! cf Pa&y iad Frilt ro rhE rccording ofth deod o othe. iruEunErt of rra|rs&r in 6e Poblic Rr€ords dlar v.S Tialc es shovr in Sdrciulc A. Thc Cornprr_v *ili al$ Fy tr-e ldgs. drrcnclC ftrC rnifsxpsr5rs inctrnqiia <icfqrsc gt etr,v man-J ir\stl.-d ag.ir6l by this Polb.i-tit orly.:o rha cfrlot prs!.rrk{ io thc. Corditiors. EKCLTSIONS FAOIVT COVERTCE Tbe fdlo&iag D|arErs !'. rqr€srly frchd.d fionr $c carcraBc ofGis Foli.t, lerd th! CornEany x.ill rot Fy los er d.nags, rsts, attamq.s' feer. or c4uscs tirat arist by Gasoo ot L Cd An:/ la$, ordinercc, pcfmi!, or gorcdmroral rcgulatior (hrchdlng rhosc fd lng td biIldifig {rd 2|bHgi.rcaridifiE, redd8ing, Fr6titt*U, or rddhg i{t (i) rhc gcgqpaeen usa 9..njb!.rnFt of thc L.ndi (iD rhc drar&tcr, dllcosions, o: location ofroy iruptovcmco: c.rctcd oo rhc Lr!,t (iii) tlie ;trldii,i iart I i of lj,idi a'i {ir) €l|ii'oo,r.cntll FBt crisni or the.ffccl of rny riol|tbn of theli. !a*!, o.dinarc6, or Eqvenst! .1 Egdstions. This Erclurioo lia) do€3 Dot rnodi['o. limit th: covcragc prol.idrd urdlr Cov'rd RiaE 5. (b, ) A,ly govcdi'rnend pgleq pg*e': Tt ir Eft,gie.' tcbi 49F !! *94!y 9r lim:t lhc cnwsrrgc Fovilld undcr Cor!.Eit Risk 6.2. 2. Right5 of emincot domeil- This Exclusixr does uot nodiS. or limit iirc covctagv poriiLf rmffiorrrd ftidc7 or8. 3. Defrcts, liss, cccqnbl:les, adyrrre clairrs, or o'Jrer mcEcrg (al ccerod. suffcrd assumc4 or rE_ Gcd b by thc lDsurcd ClaiorDq CONDITIOFTS 1. DEFITIITIO].O}TEElrS. Ihc following terns rvfien ured in this poliy mran:(a) ",{mourt ol tnruran€c':.Thc r@u.tr stdrd in Schsdulc A, es nrj' bc incrcascd o' d:srcrs.d by ctrdocaucnt to riis policy, iacrca-scd by Sc{li.so.E(t), o. dscrc?Ee4blSeciooe l0 rr4. t.l of tlEsc Cdjlloor (b) 'DateofPoli:f: Th. daE dlrign t d u'Date olPolic/ in Sdo&rtc A. (c) 'SDutla: A ccrpo.{ioD, psn!.{Sib, nuJt li.n:!cd l&bifity comprDy, 6r Dfttr Stritilrr. Dlil Erdri..(d) "tnsured: Thc lnsrrtd oerned i Schcdulc A (i) Ttc tcnn'lns<cf also include (A) rucccrorr to the firlc of thc losrrcd b_v opcnrion of lew as diJri.rguidvrd ftl)tn pur,dissi iml6tid! liciri, dev6Cai. arrrivcr;.panqrnl qgcgcatetie6;.or ftfi ofkittl (B] rurrtrtors o o. kuurcd lry dissolttioq rrErg6, coruolilatio4 distibrai<rr, c rcorganiz.tion;(€) srecwrs ru arr hs(qcd by aar crrcrsirc ro |t|oiirr kio{ ef:E!Ji::(D) r Brrr cc of ur lnsured uld€r 8 dcod d€$rcred wittou palmsr{ of lcroal vsltcble coi|3i&riri6l co,uveying thc Tirl,e (i| if 6c socl" sharcs, monbetririp or orlEr Equirt inEl''ls. bf thc g@'.cc r-'c rtollFosned !y tbc oascd InsurGd, (2) if-tte granrcc wtDtlyow.r rbc rzrcd tnsur!4 (3) if rhe gprnri- is *hoilyowncd br- an afiiiiard thriry of thc nancd kswsd. prc'j&d- thc ldilirrld Enritt 8fld dlc namrd lnsurtd arc bodr udrcll1,-owncd by the semc penon or Eriry; or (a) if thc gr4rce b . t,-asea or b.nsfiri(y of e r:urt E !:I!d by a .r;ri!.r insrrun tr! carrblkhcd by tlE tns|:'ld nancd in Schcdul. .4 b.cstrr. pttnhg puposrr- (5) iotKn :r11 E rtE Ccn1on1r. :roc ecarCcd in rh ?r$itis Re!.dc er F.lc sf PolirT, b:rt F'nown n th€ lqflard Chima {ld mtdisch:cd iI rriring rc thc Cocpery by 6e Insucd Claimnt Fior to rhc dar. L'rc tnsurld Claimrnt becamc an jnswed undcr rliir polty; (6) der]lriig in dd ldsi dr d'filrEe u$c ln icn C|a:6*iq (dl *h'shinE or qralcd sub5€{u.r{ re Dulc ef Poliq (hewrvc., thir do3s nor :nodi$' or limit th. covera3c plovidd undcr Covrrcd Ri3k 9 rnd 10h o|.(e, :csuhiDg in lcss or damrg. lhar nodc lot h.ry€ becn susrninld if tic Iniiried CiriiatUrit ndd lid r,Ctue !6i 6i'Iiile. Any elaiq by rercn cf dr< op=ratian of &&rsl bsoktuptcy, saatc irB,'lvcrFo!. or sinilar c:editors' righti hws. $!.t the tFnsaction va*ing :hc Titlc as shd$,n in Schcdub A, is (i' i F.udda{ cdrrtt rrEsar lc;drdlrt. irinslcr;cr p) c pgfletrrir-I trgpfgr {or g; 1q*r: rq fB5{ iq CovFgf RieL 9 of rhis policy. Any l'ictr on $: Tidc for rEal csatc Eorcs q lsscssmcrlrs irtrposed by gowrnrocrtrf lrlinrity gnd snzrd or sttctt'ng bt*wen Date olPoirc-c ad lirE deta of rlcorEitlg efrb &!d o! cth.r:n5l-.,;EE!etra!E&ricdr--Public REq-ds dEt tEsB Tih rs shown i! S.JEdde A. (D Witb reCatd s0 (J!!. {B} (CL Cnd lD) r.svil\s' hor{c\lfs Cl righs and dcfancs as b lny rr.rcc*or that tltc Compony rr.ould h.r! ta: riFinst any pcdcccssor hsrucd- 'Ingrcd eleimd": *n krriil cliiniic|liii ordiiiii!;-'X!aw&&G- er "K''own'! Acr*t hr'tcdge; not lantrlrrrtisg kno*1oJgc ot rrctie tt* rny be im4d to ra ln.ured $ rcason of $c Public Rcatrfds or &s:, oftc, reco:dr drai impr:t cors&urtivc rF'ficc of rErtir uff.ctiog lhi TiHe arnd": Thc lrrd dcscibed io sdEt!|. ,* rd ,fr.d imr{oEcrirE hlt by hN colrtlintc rtal popcny. The tcrrn 'I.I|d" doB not inctudc a.r-v propeny bcpnd thq lirrcs of thc area d.escdbcd iD Sdrcdulc A, ooc my dge thlq irtcrcst, csiatc; orczscurcri in.atuiiiq $reh,:criili rvcsux-alllyq hocr. \ralt.or irl€rwsJ!, hn thk does not modi$ or limlt fic cdcEr d|at a rigfu of aeess to ard f.ofi| $c tfid is irj{rd by tiir policy. lr{oqae1 MrtE€g (H of hori husi dc€4 or odrcr scqrib inrtfigEr:, ioa'.ding ola qtlrrn* b. dcomk --"< !dtwi4?4 by law. ?ublic Rccords': Ra.orG rttaul$ed urdcr snE *ctuc! ar Datc of hlisy fr tlr purync of irnpoting oo-:ruair.c loticc cf rrrtiErt relcits ro rc3l ldoFcrtjr ro. purdus{{s 6a r!tt4I. isd ritlo,.r( KDowLea lltirh rlsec<r io C-ov6cd Rjak s(dl ?r$lic Reccrds' Call els irrclude Gavirorrnenal procctirm liras 6lec in rhc record; of $c clc* of rirc Liniroi Srarcr ffsrict €orvr Err drc disrria wicrc rh. Lard islo€aEd 'Title": The cset€ o. i.ltctc* dcscriH io Sd€drlc A.'ttmarkcaHc Tide': Tide afftclcd by rn .llcgcd or ap[Br(!: -m!r!cr iat n'ould pclmi! e Fospcctivr plrdt.:e. or hract of drc frdc or lcHdlt dn ftu TlrL rr b€ l€lcalld S*? &e obtiE ric+ lc pls*lsc lease. cr ltnd if th..e ir a conu-ecnol conditim rcguiring dE d.{i!cry of rG*ctabk thlc- tc-t (9. (h) G) o (k) APr 40 vo I l. lua i)ttiv(J r|sUllel _ .{,tTA OWNER'S POLICY (6trr$q vI.>.tol+ttl p.,+ Sirnultatiesus Pdliei ),io: SCTIEIIUL.E A Name ard ilddreis of{itle ftlsdl:iitu€ Criiiigany: Serrart Titlc Guaranry Coryaay P.O-Box2W lloustoru T exas 7 7 25 2-2029 ordcr Nunibcr: 70jy22& Poiicy Nrmbcr: G930t-iis00z Date of Policy: Noreitiibe 29,20O7 at4:30 PM (or the &tv* of tecoiding of {he iiiFiir9it deed whichever is latet) Aftiduht of IirgiiiEricd: $ i,65O,00&.O0 Prerniuru S1.650.00 tAddr€ss Rrferciii i : 3:|9 6 Ld6ir|6 ffive Vail, ColotiiiJo 8165? 1. Nafie of ltsiiied: STEIIEN K. FISCI{ER ?. Th€ €titei€ or irrterest in the laud rchich is enormbered by rhe insured mongage is: Fee Simple 3. Tifle fti fi9 r!$t!tg orinbresrin the land is vested in: STEqEhI K. FISCHER 4. Tlie liiid referred to in *ris poticy is described as futtorvs: Lot7, BIGHORN SUEUI\TISIGN SECOIIR AIIDfffON Accodiq. b &re recorded plat trercof coiJ}{TYOFEAGLE, STATE OF @LOR*FO .FOR CSMPJTNV TEFEftEiCE FiJilPOSE ONLV, \iOT,lN TNSURr.{GPRO\,EPN' A LTA Orgld'l Poti:y =Schedu:e A Perc I of I alpr au vo I t. I tia o((,vv Ttuul|lil Yto.+ot+I zl p.c 'l 5. 6. R ALTA OBNEP-'S FOLICI. (917.'06) SCIIEDULE B PART T Exceptions From Cor.erage O rder Nurrber: 7 039224-C 4 Poliey Number: 0-9301 -i58002 This policy does not insure agalast loss or damage (aud the Company will not pa,v costs, attorncy's fees or expenses) which arise by reason oft l. Righs or clains of parties in possession, flor shown by .,]e publie rettirds; 2. Easernents. or ciaims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Any encroachmenl encumbrance, violation, variation. or adverse cbcumstance aftlecting. the 1it1€ that would be disclosed by an accruate and complere land sgrve;, of the t and and. rot sbown. by the public records. Any lien, or right to a lien, for setvice!, iabor or mdterial heretofore or her=afier iumished. i iiiposed uyk' ldrv dnd not shown byihe pubirc records. Lhpateuted mining claims, resenations or excephons in patents, or in acts authorizing the issuan@ thereof. Water nghts, claims gr title ts. wag. .fuiy and aii unpaid axes and assessmenrs and unredeemed Ex salcs. The effect of inclusions in any general or speoifi-c q?ter ccmseryancy, fue protectior:, soii consqvation or oths district or inchrsion in any water selvice or sfeet i4proveutent area Rcsgnztions or erceptiors in Patents, or in Acts authonzing the issuance thereof inctuding -|-he reservation of a right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authoriqr of the United Shtes. as reserved in L,-njted StaFs Pareot recorded hiovember 17, IgO2 in Book 4t atpage 492. Res€raatioa oJ l0 percent non-participating relalty in and ts proceedq derived &65r rhe sale of minerals, of, whatsoer,rer kind and raurrc, produced.and mined frsm said pranises, as iesdffed.io Gust Kiahtipes and Era J. Kiaphnpes by iir^sfiiiiiicff ieriGrdcd Novcmberi, tg6z ftr Book 166 ar Pagir 407, and any nnf dl assignrreuts fhcreof or inlerest therein. I l- Right of Way for ease,rnent grantod to Gas Facilities, Inc-, in Book 190 at Page 405, as Receprion No. 101914. 12. Declararion of Protectivs Co"errsnts for tlre Biglioiii sub.liiision recorded Deffrrb er\L, 1962 m B66ia 174 dt Peg€ 403 as Reccptioo No. 96856 and Ame.afurcnt thereto recorded Septemirer i 9; 1963 inBook 175 atPageZSTas Reception No.9jS9Z- 13- All rmtters as shorrn on the PlatofBighorn Subdivision Secsnd Addltien reeorlg{ July 2!; 1963 as Reception lr-o. 92704- ^t.'nor-,n's poricv sshederc B-r rstgnrant.Pags I of 2 _rEbsl.,'rrresF,r, ,. 10, JFnrf 4r, r , t r, r rd ottrtrg r|Euf tt'r vl'.l\tt.ltzl p.o lt' AlT*oltttrf,R5polrcy(6/r7.,t'6' 14. All mattcrs sho*r on tho Inrprorrern€nt Location Certificate dated Deember 2?, 1999, prepared by Eaglc Valley Enginecriag & Swveying. Ino-, Iob No. ?3?. 15- A Dsod of Tnrst dated Noverabei' 2*,zffi,eiieciitad by$tcwrtrL Fiehr, to fte hblic Tnrstee 6f EagleCorot5r, to securc an irdetre&ress of St 0O0;000.00, in favor ofAmericats Mortgagq LLC reorded in tre ofldce of the Eagie County Colbr:ddo Clerk and Rccorder. I1!TAOurst'3 9otit.ffiB.! Pagc 2 of 2 5siEuuElft' -'Go.l.-rtqt| t I I BnucE A. CoLur.rs, PH.D. I{ATUTAL REsouRcE @NuLT Nr P.O.Box23 . 1116MNEor DRwE S[r,CoLoR Do81652 PHoruE/Fax (970) 876-5,100 bacol@rof.net Steven Fischer 6fi) 56 Ave. 196 Floor New York, NY 10020 April 15,2008 Er.mnoNueurnr-, ExPLoRATroN, AHn MrNrr.tc Georocy Jeffrey P Manley AIA JP Manley architect LLC PO Box 5658 Eagle, CO 81631 Rs: Lor 7, BrcHoRN No. 2 Susorvrsron.3769 LUPINE DRIVE, VAIL Dear Mr. Fischer: At your request I have examined the subject property for the purpose of evaluating potential geologic hazards to the duplex proposed to replace the existing structure thereon, and the effects of mitigating such hazards as may exist on adjacent properties, in accordance with Town of Vail Regulations Chapter 12-21-13. All of the lot is induded in rhe "High Severity Rockfall" zone as shown on the Town of Vail (IOV) rockfall hazard maps (Sheet 9).t The "Debris Avalanche High Hazard" zone limit passes from northwest to southeast through the northeast quarter ofthe lot, with the downslope boundary coincident with the southwest (upslope) side of the existing residence, thus incorporating the southwestern three-quarters ofthe lot [tOV debris flow and debris avalanche hazard maps2). Finally, the lot appears to be divided roughly in half into the High Hazard - Amended (Red) and Medium Hazard - Amended (Blue) snow avalanche hazard zones on the upslope and downslope portions respectively,3 although the originat TOV avalanche hazard maPs suggest no classification. The current TOV avalancie hazard map places the entire lot in the "Possible Avalanche Influence Zone" category.l All of these maps are ofsmall scale and necessarily generalized. More detailed work elsewhere in the area of the Bighorn subdivisions, and more particularly with regard to the adjacent Lot 8, Bighorn No. 2 Subdivision, have more tightly defined hazard boundaries. Although heary snow cover has prevented a detailed examination of Lot 7 for this report, dose analysis of both color and black-and-white airphotos as well as recent geological studies, together with projections ofhazard boundaries as shown on the Amended Final Plat of Lot 8, adjacent to the southeast boundary of Lot 7, suggest that the high-hazard rockfall and snow or debris avalanche hazard category boundaries are approximately coincident ' Lampiris, N.. 1984, Rockfall study - Town ofVaiL unpub. report, Sdrmueser & Associates, l3 p., I I sheets. 2 Mears, A.1., 1984, Debris-flow and debris-rvalanche hazard analysis: unpub. repo4 Arthur l. Mears, P.8., Inc., 45 p., ll sheets. 3 Mapping from several sources, last amended in t990. a Town of Vail, 2fi)0, Official Town of Vail aralanche hazard map: Town of Vail online publication, Resolution No. 13, Series of 20@, October 17, 2m0. hrtpy'/u/w\,v.vailgov-cony'docVdl formVAvalanche.pDF 'I ', ',I PAGE 2 - green line on the modified site plan,s p. 7 - and extend across the northeastern end of the lot and effectively incorporate about three-fourths of the lot, including most of the structures proposed for construction. Depending on the projection method used, the Red - Blue Zone boundary, red line on the modified site plan, crosses the southwestern part of the lot, leaving between one-quarter and one-third in the red zone; no construdion is contemplated on this part of the property. All slopes on the lot proposed for construction are less than 30%, with the exception of the upslope (trench) side of the proposed rocKall/debris avalanche mitigation strucurre to be proposed below, where natural slopes range from 26%to33%(812-21-121. The lot lies near the west end of the culde,sac at the northwest end of Lupine Drive, in a location mappedbyKellogg,etot (20036)wherePinedaleTill,theirmapunitQtp,ispresentatthesurface. Pinedale Till was deposited by the last of the valley glaciers that carved the present form of the upper Gore Creek region during the Pinedale glaciation 15,000 to 23,000 years ago (15-23 ka). The till occupies the lower margins of the Core Creek Valley from the higher elevations to the east to about 5.5 miles west of the property, although it is frequently covered by younger alluvial and colluvial deposits. A subtle feature of the till is an erratic train of mostly limestone and dolomite boulders, some of them quite large, along the southern side of the valley near t}re upslope limit of the unit as mapped. Most of these boulders are distinctly rectangular with one dimension significantly longer, with frequently-rounded edges, and virtually all that haven't been disturbed have a thick lichen coating and are well incised into the underlying and surrounding soil. It is likely that these boulders, which make up a substantial percentage of the larger rocks, those greater than 3 ft in maximum dimension, present on and in the vicinity of Lot 7, were loosened from the exposed rock ledges by the Pinedale glaciation, rolled or fell onto the ice as it retreated, and as the last melted were deposited dose to their origin over 13,000 years ago. Other boulders, most of them smaller, and cobbles that are moderately to strongly rounded and where exposed lichen-covered, were also deposited as the glacier retreated, although varying rock types suggest these rocks originated further up valley. Kellogg, et aL, describe this unit as follows (2003, p. 3; metric units converted to English, internal references omitted): Pinedale Till (upper PleistoceneFUnsorted and unstratified bouldery till that generally has hummocky topography. Commonly containing dosed depressions and small ponds. ln Gore Creek valley, however, development has altered many of these feaErres. Subrounded to subangular dasts are matrix supported and composed mostly of Proterozoic gneiss and plutonic rocks; in Gore Creek and Middle Creek valleys, till contains small percentage of clastic and carbonate rocks of the Minorrn and (or) Maroon Formations. Matrix light tan and sandy. Soil contains an "A' horizon less tlan about 5 cm thick and a "8" horizon that is poorly developed with little or no clay buildup; boulders are generally unweathered. GlacierofGore Creek valley fed by ice caps in Vail Pass area, less than 7.5 miles southeast of quadrangle, and large cirque less than 4.4 miles east of quadrangle. The glacier t Modifi.d from concept design drawing labeled Lupine Drive Residences, 3759 Lupine Drive (tot 7), Sheet Number Al .l , John G. Martin, Architect, Ll.C, dated z!?.108. 6 K.llogg, KS., Bryant, 8., and Redsteer, M.H., 2003, Geologic map of the Vail East quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survqy Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2375. , |,. " PAGE 3 flowed down Gore Creek valley to be joined by other glaciers on the south flank ofthe Gore Range. The terminus ofthe Pinedale glacier is indistinct, but believed to terminate about 1 .9 miles west ofquadrangle. Age of Pinedale deposits in type area in Wyoming is t5-23 ka. Mapped as high as 190 ft above present stream level in Gore Creek valley. Thickness at some places as much as about 20 ft. Overlapping the Pinedale Till at approximately the 8,400-ft contour on the steeper slopes of the southwestern part of the lot and extending upslope to about 8,620 ft Kellogg, ef aL, map a thin veneer of Quaternary colluvium, unit Qc. Surface rocks on this material are usually less than 3 ft in maximum dimension, and are derived entirely from the cliffs and ledges exposed immediately upslope. Some of these rocks have bounced or rolled further downslope and can be found on Lot 7. They are generally smaller and more angular than those deposited under glacial conditions, and have less well-developed or no lichen coating. The colluvial unit, which will not be disturbed by construction, is described as follows (20O3,p.21t Colluvium (Holocene and upper PleistoceneFUnconsolidated to slightly indurated, mostly non-stratified, dark-brown to light-gray-brown deposits that mantle surfaces that slope less than about 50 degrees; rock clasts and fine-grained material are mixed by downslope movement. Contains angular pebbles, cobbles, and boulders derived from weathering ofbedrock. Locally overlain by loess, as thick as about 1.67 ft, composed ofvery fine grained eolian sand, silt, and minor clay. Soil development characterized by an "A' horizon that is typically 1-4 in. thick and a "8" horizon typically 2-8 in. thick that displays prismatic structures, indicating clay buildup. lncludes sheetwash and some landslides on slopes and minor alluvium in small channels. Commonly underlies areas covered by open meadows, sagebrush, and (or) aspen groves. Smaller colluvial areas are unmapped, particularly where unit is thin and discontinuous. Maximum thickness probably less than 50 ft. Bedrock beneath Lot 7 is the uppermost part of the lower member of the Minturn Formation, mapped as lfml, of Pennsylvanian age. The contact between the lower member and the Robinson Limestone member, [Pmr, is covered by either colluvium or till, but in either case is present in the hillside at or immediately above the southwest boundary of the lot. The Robinson Limestone member, which consists of thick limestone and dolomite beds interlayered with sandstone, siltstone, and shale, forms the diffs and ledges directly upslope above the lot to the southwest and, much more prominently, to the immediate west and south. Mosi of the boulders found on and near the property originated from these exposures. These units are described as follows (Kellogg, et ar., 2003, p. 5): lower member, Minftrfl Formation-Pinkish-gray, grayish-brown, gray-green, and mottled maroon and gray-green arkosic conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale. . . . About 1,300 ft thick. Robinson Limestone Member-Consists of at least four sequences, each as thick as 55 ft, of gray to yellowish-gray, fine-grained to medium-grained, locally fossiliferous, medium-bedded to thick-bedded marine limestone and I " ..1 PAGE 4 dolomitic limestone. Each carbonate sequence is interbedded with pinkish- tan and light-tan, cross-bedded, arkosic, micaceous pebbly sandstone and light-grayish-pink sandy siltstone and shale. The ratio of carbonate to clastic rocks is about l:2.5. Most [individuall limestone and dolomitic limestone beds are 0.2 in to 7 ft thick; many of the beds extend for several miles. The lower60-ft-thick, gray-weathering limestone contains distinctive laminated, knobby beds and may represent a reeffacies. A few ofthe other thicker carbonate beds (as mudr as 30 ft thick) may also represent reefs and are massive, vuggy, and grayish-orange weathering. The dolomitic limestone weathers to pale yellowish brown; the limestone weathers pale gray. Clastic beds typically weather in rounded forms as compared to relatively angular weathered forms in the carbonate beds. Thickness north ofGore Creek about,l00 ft; south ofGore Creek as thick as about 600 ft. Thickness 725ft. at B?e section. All of the geologic hazards mapped as affecting Lot 7 are derived from the exposed cliffs and ledges of the Robinson Limestone member of the Minturn Formation, and the steep slopes that have developed below them. Actual exposures direcdy uphill from the lot are limited, especially compared to those present immediately northwest and southeast along the outcrop, and rhe actual rocldall hazard to the property is thus diminished as well. The beds dip to the southwest, into the hillside, at 10o to l5'. The resulting "keystone" effect tends to hold rocks in place, even where broken by jointing and weathering has removed underlying support. Exposed roda that do eventually fall tend to break offin rectangular pieces with a long dimension parallel to the exposure and slide downhill rather than as rounded shapes that roll and bounce. As opposed to slopes where the surface and bedding (or other rock surfaces) dip in the same direction, rockfall from this qpe of slope increases rather than decreases stability. There is a distinct break in the slope above Lot 7 benueen the colluvium unit and the lowest of the mapped limestone ledges (Kellogg, et al.,2OO3l, and all slopes above the lot, including the ledge area containing limited rock exposures, are moderately vegetated. AII these factors further mitigate the actual rocldall hazard to Lot 7 to no more than moderate. Debris avalanches are basically mixtures ofdebris flows and snow avalanches that can move down planar slopes as well as in drainages (chutes). They most commonly occur in spring, during periods of rapid melting and heavy spring rain that sahrrates the snow, adding weight while decreasing cohesiveness and therefore stability and at the same time thawing the top layers of frozen soil under the snow, destabilizing both ttre snow-soil interface and the upper soil layers as well. With trees, mud, and rocks as components as well as snow, they have a greater density than snow avalanches and therefore greater potential kinetic energy and resulting potential destructive power. However they also move more slowly and because of internal friction often stop before even reaching the toes ofthe slopes they are sliding on. The steep slope area above the lot is modestly convex, the potential slide area is small, and the gradient below 8,400 ft decreases rapidly. Therefore, while as with rockfall the debris flow hazard is not nonexistent, it is no more than moderate. P^GE 5 With regard to snowavalanche, the specific location of l,ot7 is not known to have experienced avalanches in historictime, there is no evidence ofavalancheswithin a Z5-year return period, and therefore it would appear that the entire proposed construction area is in the Blue zone (moderate hazard), if that. lt is likely that the mitigating measures for rockfall and debris avalanche described below will be adequate to mitigate against snow avalanche. However, as previously advised, avalanche hazard recognition and mitigation are specialties in which I do not claim expertise, and if a more accurate assessment of the risk and recommendations for mitigation are desired you should seek the opinion of a qualified professional in the field. Lot 7, Bighorn No. 2 Subdivision is thus determined to be subjectto moderate rockfall and debris avalanche hazards. A formal rockfall analysis has not been performed because surface characteristics could not be determined due to snow cover. Both hazards may be mitigated in a number ofways. I would recommend utilizing existing boulders as shown on the site plan worked into a berm, rock wall, or a combination of both in approximately the position indicated by the blue line on the attached modified site plan. This structure should ultimately extend at least 8 (eight) ft above the original grade on the uphill side. A berm should be constructed of a mixture of earth and small boulders worked around the existing boulders, compacted to 85% Proctor density, and should be at least three (3) feet thick at the top, with a slope on the upper side of at least 1.5h:1v. Trenching on the upper side is acceptable and will even inoease the effectiveness of the berm, although excavated slopes should have a grade of no steeper than 2h:1v or be supported by an engineered retaining wall ($12-21-12(G)). In lieu of a berm, a rock wall designed by a qualified engineer to equivalent strength could be constructed in the same location. A combination of berms and rock walls is also a possibility. The structure as a whole should be slightly concave uphill, and consequently adequate drainage into the site drainage system either through the structure or via gravity drain(s) on the uphill side will be required. The uphill side should be inspected and cleaned as necessary at least annually, or after any known rockfall or debris avalanche event. I also recommend extending vertically as well as horizontally reinforced concrete walls integral with the foundation to a height of eight feet, or the top of the first floor above final grade which ever is higher, on the uphill side of Unit B, with certified hurricane-resistant windows and doors in all openings on this side of the structure. lwould also suggest installation of hurricaneresistant windows on the west-facing wall of the Unit B living room and both windows and doors on the uphill-facing walls of the eastern section of Unit A. An less-intrusive and potentialty less-costly alternative to the berm and foundation extension mitigations discussed above would be the installation ofan energy-absorbing fence atthe location of the blue line on the modified site plan. Such fences use heavy high-strength steel netting held in place by a system of cables and pulleys to restrain falling rocks and other debris. While design criteria are dependent on the type of fence and support structure, I would recommend a lGft height as a starting point. The installation should be designed to restrain the load ofa debris avalanche as well as rock. lt is my understanding that such fencing is less useful in mitigating snow avalanche hazards unless specifically designed for the purpose. lf a fence is used, the upslopewalls of Unit B should be of 2x8 construction, and certified hurricane windows and doors should still be installed as above. PAGE 6 While not a requirement of 012-21-13, the source materials which comprise Pinedale Till are relatively radiogenic when compared to other rocks, and as a result all inhabited spaces should be designed and constructed to prevent the accumulation of radon as well as other noxious or toxic gases. The propeay is in an area of geological sensitivity with regard to rocldall and debris avalanche, but with proper landscape design and construction, in particular induding integration into the existing drainage system, the proposed construction as described will not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public rights-of-way, buildings, roads, streets, easements, utilities, or facilities or other properties of any kind. This report is intended to comply with appropriate portions of-lown ofVail Regulations Chapter 12-21-13, and nothing contained herein should be interpreted as suggesting that the subject property is not exposed to the mapped hazard, or that other geologic hazards do not exist. In particular it must be understood that while large rockfall events appear to have recurrence periods significantly in excess of 100 years, they can occur at any time, and the mitigations proposed herein are not designed for nor should they be expected to provide protection against such events. lfyou have any questions, or ifl can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact me. lMPoRr nrr NoTtcE This report concems natural process€s that are unpredictable and in large measure poorly understood. lt is intended to identiff potential observable hazards within the scope ofwork to which the subject property is exposed and to suggest mitigating measures in compliance with applicable regulations. Notlring in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting the absence of the described hazards, or that the recommended mitigatiom will protect the subject propefty from the described hazards under all circumstances, foreseen or unforeseen. Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting tiat additional unidentified hazards are not present lt must also be understood that "mitigation" does not mean either the elimination ofthe hazard(s) or prevention ofthe consequences ofa hazard errent or errents, only the reducion to the extenc reasonably possible ofthe lafter. By accepting this report all present and subsequent parties theieto agree to indemniff and hold harmless the preparer for anyand alldamages, direct, indirector consequential, including personal injury or loss of life, above and beyond the original cost ofthis surdy, caused by or resulting from any occurrence of the described or otier hazard(s), whether or not such damages may result from failure to identiff said hazard(s) or from failure or inadequacy of properly engineered, constructed, and mainained recommended mitigations. The preparer of this report cannot and will not be responsible in any way or manner whatsoever for tie proper engineering, construction, and/or maintenance of recommended mitigations. or the inadequacy or failure of improperly engineered, constnrcted, and/or maintained recommended mitigations, or mitigations that have been altered in any way whatsoever from those recommended by the preparer. This report may be amended or withdrawn without notice at any time prior to receipt of payment therefor. P^GE7 $': i----r-__- --l f-.'--I \- rr . ---)--'-lt. -r i f! --< r- ' -a,t -*----sfif4-- *t 1---- COPY rILE Dcpartmmt of Commuity Deaehpmert 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorah 81657 970479-2138 Ffit 970479-2452 towu.uailgor.com May 9, 2008 Jeff Manley and John Martin PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE:Lupine Drive (Fischer) Residence (DRB080120) 3796 Lupine Drive/Lot 7, Bighorn 2no Addition Dear Jeff and John. The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed new Fischer Residences located 3796 Lupine Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from this review: The zoning statistics must be corrected to reflect a lot size of 0.869 acres (37,854 sq.ft.), rather than 0.9 acres (39,204 sq.ft.). The GRFA basement deduction calculations must be corrected to address the two units as a single structure (party walls do not factor into these calculations and both units will have the same percentage basement deduction). The exterior parking spaces must be shown on the site plan with a 9'x19' box, rather than 9'x18'. The western driveway turn-around does not conform to the minimum 20 foot vehicle turning radius standards. A turn-around is not required for this unit, but if constructed it should be functional. The western driveway turn-around should be moved east (min. 2 feet) to accommodate a landscape buffer between the asphalt and the property boundary. Adjust the limits-of-disturbance fencing or show other tree protection methods on the site and landscape plans. Label the top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations for all retaining walls. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all existing and proposed improvements within the Lupine Drive Rightof-Way. lf you have any questions or comments, feel ftee to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or via email at bqibson@vailoov.com. Sincerely, 1. z. 3. 4. 5. o. 7. 8. UaC-42...2+ Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {!o*,uo Yq$t l Jll t lL t CIPI Page I or' Bill Gibson - Lupine Drive (Fischer) Residence (DR8080120) Frcm: Bill Gibson To: jpmanley@comcast.net Date: 05/16/2008 2z22PM Subject: Lupine Drive (Fischer) Residence (DR8080120) CC: John G Martin Attachments: John G Martin Hey Jetr, Please be aware that the following Fire Department condiUons of approval will apply to the Lupine Drive Residence: 1. Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 edition) and VFES Standards. 2. Monitored fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13 (2002 edifon) and VFES Standards. Sincerely, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administator\Local Settings\TempUGgrpwise\482D98... 05n6/2008 PtW Series 'f 24 ffb- Heighr=llrZ. Projection = g [" Width = 6rr' CWM 80OO Series Height = 8 h' Projeclion = lg" wid6 = 12. Height = 7 t/4' Prciection = 173/a' widrh = t2' CWM 8200 Series Height = gsr6' Proiection = l9t2' Widfi = t5' BWM 2200 Series A fu. 1r\. Proiection = 20, widh = t5. CSW 80OO Series Height = g' Projection = I 7' widrh = t0' Ff re -_, , S BWM 2100 Series SWM g000 Ser,--s I,Jy t.b l.*. E t t-.-|-r rffi Height = 972" Heiohr = 9rr" Projection = \t/o' proisclisn = 7tj'Widfi = 574' Wdth = 5tyo. DFW Series Height = 7t/4' Projection = 5 7a' Widrh = 574' Product'Number [omp Stondord Finish Ptw-lol0 (21 l2 volr tOW GZ Ptw-rol6 t2l I 2 volr iOW G4 F.:m:;:1*.;".":1g,1'-ffi ff.i'ffi ,ffi :,',gllfr :: 5r"ff "llH,r;1;:.*1",'ll*i,q; **lJffi is-lfffi";r, iifj:,;:::'l'.y"y,1iys.1 jioyTi;#,111:.:?:Xilil1#; fl j",,j.,t"[:"",,r.e_,ii"ur"riililil.?ff !.lH,ruf;,ffi 'r, Nickel plote Options ovciloble ol odditionol cosr...A Add suttix IR for tomper resistont liniol u. Add suflix Bp for brown pnlino 3 ST,;ff,X;:lj.:*i.r, specirysrem rensrh ?;f :n::X:y^,::"19,9oiir.1ffi ii::L'ile',:,,,E. Add suffix *222 lor 2zzv' elJtr; ;;;#H Add suffix U. Producl Number BWM-2046 Stondord Finish Noturol B\ /M20I6 l00w A 19 Copper BWM-2066 r00wA 19 sr.s.Nrckel plore Ij;,1,X:#,.1 *:f ,: : ?:f ."|y :."r*, shierded srem wo l lu m ino i re.';mffiF;s1"*15;li,_i$;;::,,ff.T, j':1ffi li ;r,fi #I.L: i:*? i:li'::itrlF.#'jffi 'L'1H1,""",$n::n:f:.rl r., rn.-n"j""er r. ooosonol l''l''.*:iil":5:1.1i1;1'.i.1'e-Jr"Jiili'i:fi fi fi ;":'5%'J.""". t lJrvvrueu !.r.7 z centers lor {nounling to struclurol supports. i:l;i11s qyoilo-U1e or oddirionot cosr...'\ AoO sutlix BP lor brOwn potinO - Add suffix #277 fot 277y elmtronic rronslormer f'ulf' oduct Number wt/\.2246 ilf,fr;5td$m1'j,gr:t:H,ffittffi i, j"ilrfi.iT., *#n[rl#$,::;*s.T.1';ix1#,"li$il"ril""'o* ir:ns ovqiloble ol odditionol cost.._ldd sufftx Bp for brown ootino [omp Rings rooY(/A t9 -F=;--^;- -evPt€r t\oturot X;, 's !:ft1 t!i::i. ;tfr! ! drarffiGr8.4rl,{t Deaign Revisw Soard ACTIOI| FOR].| Dspertmont of Communlty DeYslopm.|tt 75 South Frontrga Road, Vail, Coloredo 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fFixt97$,479.2452 reb: nrr.yrllgo{.com PrcjectNamq FTSCHER CONCEPTUAL Prcject Description: Pafticipants: Prorect Addr€ss: Legal DescripUon; Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8080057 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A NEW PRIMARY SECONDARY RESIDENCE OWNER FISCHER, STEVEN K. 9 SLOPE DR SHORT HILLS NJ 07078 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LL 03/2112008 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 3796 LUPINE DR VAIL 03l2rl20p,8 Location: 3796 LUPINE DR lok 7 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 2ND ADDffiON 2101-111-0100-6 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 (PI-AN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Cond: CON0009861 Fire sprinkler susystem required and shall comply with NFPA 13 R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009862 Monitored fire alarm system requircd and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002). Planner: Bill Gibson Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Departnent of Community 75 South Frontage Road, vail, tel: 970.479.2L28 fa(: 970.479 web: www.r/ailgov,cofii All ryojects rcquiring dedgn r€r/ie\^, mu* receive approval prior to $bmltting a the submittal requircmeflts for the partlcular approval that is requesbd' An a@@ until all required infomation is reaeived by the communlty D€velopmem to be relrie\ red by the Toi\n Councll and/or the Planning and Environmental unlcsc a building pcilrilt is irsued erd constnrction oommGrrcF witfiin one year of thc approval. Geneml Infonnation:u ry g)o &o o F \) approval lapees MAR le 2000 pemit apdication. Pbase LocadonofttreProposal: tot 7 gock:sufiivision: 3 t a **+! LnJ Lt;-,,n.,s Phyical Address: parrcef lfo.: 1-lOllllOt ooA (contactEagleco.AssessoratgT0-328-S6,oforparcel no.) zon.ng: ?*tul<r\ lte--^to' ' ( Name(s) of s\2 l{ailing Address: hrner(s) Slgnaturc(s): ao^Jl,^.I z@ Phone: llane of l{ailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Sions F Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr AddiUon O Minor Alterauon (multi-f amlly/aornrErcial) tr Mlnor Alteration (dnglefamily/dudex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr SepaGton Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square fmt of total dgn area, No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or derno/rebuild. $300 For an addftion where square fuotage ls added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addluons & interior conversaons). $250 For mlnor cfiar€es to buildings and slte improrements, sJch at reroofing, paindn{|, wlndow addluon+ hndscaping, fences and retainlng walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site lmprorements, srctl as, re-roofing, painting, windotfl additions, hndscaplng, fenes and retaining walb, etc. $20 For re\ridons to plans already apprwed by Planning Staff or the Design Re\riew Board. No Fee For Offte Use Only: MFR-ES-EAAB Eles 134 FR0M3 2000-03-l{ 02rt0n Fror{tlGAfl J0SEPll ll TO:4?9?45? P.e ref &l$rt0 l-t0l P.n02n02 Fl88 rnt! b9 *m Eorudtalbnnrtla* Coneptuaf Rwbw AppltceUon fior Dacign Rmdew ]'3Dlnmsrf, gt o|flnurry D€I|IOF srlt 75 sut,l FEnhgt nod, Vdl, dondo tl6v H: gt0.{t9.Ztll h: 9t0.479.2452 tr0: urna.nlgm.on N eiqlEtE tquitltp dlden mdEt n||B |taivs llDmd ''lu b t/Eltlurp r hrlUng temit $DlEtt!' ' h ]Ef|r b ErG clfitr tqrrttqtlrs tirr Uie pilbti aFF|ffil ttEt b rlcrJrlEL An ltffiil tr Daltgn fis,Euu .rilddl b ErFd uilil .n tqulrud hfrflrguott le iifa uy ur OrnwnD 4ulbplt:tt DsFrtrEc fne Fqt&t nry rls 'ucd b !s rcldEtd llt UE Tout Cqfid nrd/or$s Fffir9 ed Bwlrq|'lIrbl ofiril3$.r'Htn tlrw 4rrnl lrFr rnlci r h{t[1lf tortlt bHEl rnd ctrCn oilmrs rililn o;prrotttrr'tlnf, wtry #-q,At*-1 f +*--+r+e4 , .. tlrn{o)ofounr(0; +rfiavfN. L e.teAttc_e- .._ . _ FttdelAddmrer gp$7.ltr-l-trngr |*FTVE-, BA=,:rr Vt t-., ep href to: 'Llotlll al@bh (Corrilart Eade Co, les st gmi3?8/gin for patd rc.) ilamot lfrilIrrfdinrs V >y +1al E.ulE e? --J3tlaL? ,l-.=.-- - FrnlrAddnn+. *AA;rTr. -ilt f50 ttu3r.00grryreffidbbldeniltB. Xo toc fEEo hr stfilsgm o?! nu lsldttg c *mCctlffi.It00 FDr cn sddMl rdE|G $ltr|t lug! ll r|!.tl b rry ltndgtflEl s ctrrnrrtbl hdldlnt (hdudc 2r0 ddltlotu I InElc qttltd0t$- |fln rcrmwarrnge-du|JEtngEt'td cbfnFu||lE|lq' Tt$14 - il{odllg, Flidn$ umfur rddnn+'tt|E lne' {Ut!!! nld rrrblnhg wdhcb 020 h?mmAdtlricro hltfiroildfirlnnvrmuts' u$q tFfldn$ pftng, ilnfuY .ftia latrpln$ fffi ||rl rahhcffiltr,rt3 l0tl fd lrld$rr it drm rtrrdy sru,Ed by Flttttbu $fi or ths H'| R.$trl$rr. 1{o Fra flpr!tna,hrrnd ier ct- sgr! ! Aneeunttatar O l{owelrsb'nobr tr rUdllhn El l.llncrAhdon (mulFfilrlly/qrmeilbl) tr illwlbdbn t*r0lehrnly/duCq) tr Ehrng:sts Antlt,td f'hns tr SrFruo||nEurt Fald:- Orcdi|o.: .. - lyl IOl4ilVffi ADDMONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COUT{ERCIAL SUBII ITTAL REQU IRElir EI{TS General Information: This applicatturn is required for all propcals involving ttle addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 addifions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residenthl Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUB}IITTALREOT'IR.E}IEI{TS** tr All pages of Application is complete fl-_Checklist is completed and signed '/ sttedno cra'ofis lEl- landscape Plan* E-afip"d i"p"#thi; F Site and Grading Plan* Topographic Sr.rrvey* a<t FtuD<r- { E tr tr Architectural ElevaUons* (1 set of Redlined elevaUons) Exterior cofor and material sample and speifications. Ar FIN 0{- Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined ffoor plans) Lighting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed Rxtures 4f F I N fu Tltle report, including Scfredules A & B to verifu ownership and easements* FrT- FrNA-L Photos of the existing site and adjaent suuctures, where applicable. o u undergtand L. NFtr $lHO,3*.d from a condominium association, landlord, and Joint owner, if Site.specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* tN ?eoc+C3 WILL l*X/a.gY The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, FP-lFr{- drawings, speclfications, samples and other materials (lncluding a model) if deemed necessary to determine vrrhetrcr a project will comply witr Design Guklelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. P/ea,v slmil lhree (t) copia aif tle rutenialr aoled vill an asai,rt (1, **For interiq conversions with no o<terior chanoes, the submittal requirernents irrclude a complete set of existing and propced floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a ondominium assoclation, landlord, and irint owner, if applicable. I have read and the above llsbd submitbl rcqulrcments: Pruject llame: Contracbr Dab Signed F:\cdaAFoRlrS\Permlts\Planning\Old tums\drb_addition_8-28-2007.doc Pag€ 3 of 14 Zoning Summary Tor Bill Gibson, Torvn of Vail, Planning Frce John G. Martin/Jefrey P Manley Dob 3Y192008 Re Lot 7, Blghom Subdivbion, 2il Addition (3790 Lupine Drive, East Vail) aif TownofVailZoningSummary Zone District Pdmary I Secondary ReHential Lot tuea: .9 acres x 43,560 s.f. = 391@]g.f, o GRFA Allor,vied: 460lo lot area < 10,000 s.f. = 4,600 s.f. 38o/o lot area < 15,000 s.f. = 1,900 s.f. 13olo lot alea < 30,@0 s.f. = 1 ,950 s.f. 060/o lot area (9.2(X s.f.) = 552 s.f. Total = 9,002 s.f. r Primary/Secondary GRFA Split 60% = ldQibl 4006 = 3.6{Xl s.f. r SiteCoverage(2oo/o) =!1@f. (includesrmfoverhangsover4'deep) PROPOSED =4924 s.f. FOOT PRllrlT + 24O s.f. OVER]IANGS - 5.168 s.f. . Height Limibtion= 33 feet (as measured horn existing grade direc{y to ridge above) PROPTOSED = 3i!'{" o Setbaks: Frcnt = 20' Side = 15' Rear = 15' r Setback exception: Garage may exist wifiin front setback on 30o/o avecrge slope lob, hourever, no lMng area or GRFA is alloncd within the fiont setback o Retaining Walls: 3' max. u/alls in front setback, except6'walls allowed along drivetrvay/garage edge. 6'max. uralls allored elsewhere. . EHU (employ€e housing unit) allo,ved. Beneft exha GRFA e)fta Site Coverage (5%). o Driveuray requirements: 4'flat pan at edge of road 8% gnade fint 10 feet 107o gracleto gar4e(12o/o if heated) 24' clearance b edge of road. . Snow Storage: 30o/o drivanray area unheabd, sbeper han10o6 drivanay area heated. PROFOSED drive max orade = 8% r Parking: 2.5 spaces per dr,r/elling unit = 3 sprus (2 inside, 1 outsite) o Page 1 . Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tar Infomtation Eagle County Governmrnt r rvrrrY.ea0lecoulrty.Us DETAILED RESULTS Page l ofl Property Assessment and Tax lnformation Account !lumber: Parccl llunrlter: Tar Aroai llill Lcvy ownd lLmc ,Addre88: Legd Dcscription: Pft]rtic.l Addcss: R0't1m5 21t'l111010(F sc103 45.571 flSCfER, STEVEN K. S SLOPE DR sFl]RT t-ilLLS, NJ 07078 SIJE:BIGHORI{ 2ilD ADDITION LOT:7 B({12,t2 PG046O BK-04m PG-ffi4sWD 0g-1 5-87 R66S521 OCD 07-m-S OO37S LI.JPIhE DR VAI- AREA 0.9 VALUATIOII IIIFORMATIOII L.nd < PrEtinus Actual Vduc gllno Nexl > lRecord 1of0 As3cs3cd Vduc Printable Page TaxBs http://fcs.eaglecounty.uVpatie/index_content.cfrr?accountnum=R0l1035 3tr4t2008 Frcm: To: Date: Sublect: BillGibson John G Martin 03/3V2008 11:15 AM Fischer Resi'dence (DRB08{P67) Hey John, Fn: A flre sprinkler system will be requircd for the new Fischer Residence at 3769 Lupine Drlve. Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Torn Planner Town of Vail 75 South Fron@e Road Vall, CO 81657 (97O) 479-2L73 (970) 479-2452fax Fron: To: Drte: Sublrct: JR Ruhpaugh Blll Gibson 03/31/2008 5;57 PM lupine Dr. DRB08-0067 Has been re\rlerved and approved. Fire sprlnkler and monltorcd flrc alarm qFbm rcqulrcd, J.R. Rulapaugh Firc Inspecbr Vall Flrc & Emergency Services {2 W. Meadd,Y Dr. Vail, @ 81557 9704Zi-34L6 jrulapaugh@vallgov.com faffi /pa,pel lr 4e-;vle, lB an ac6z Urrr7t /ta:'tQo*r e{/F /alg (Zu,orr*--lQ l/4r;z 4- lalzq ,/L ,eq//rt' /Z;'{/ziazcru , 4iyrVF.,4t tl&' 4le- .4e fuES, 4zo 1?tl*e*zt ,/etr ,+r&/i .e)r4, Mlitary i /t uaq 3/'p7,y'14641t4**znr, &/ t-a*w ,/,"A trn m :2)' ////W/ &yiWrz /A;eUyr///ry /l/ar-At/ 7&??ts6*r-tF,* 6* Abil4 7='z A*pu- It s@ - /tdkla- fuz&ce<-za JT't/, Page I of I Bill Gibson - Fischer conceptual Public Works comments FILE r;rlPl From: Bill Gibson To: John G Martin Date: 0312812008 2:55 PM Subject: Fischer conceptual Public Works comments Hey John and Jeff, Here are the Public Work's preliminary comments for the new Fischer Residence at 3796 Lupine Drive: 1) Provide Debris flow/ Avalanche Hazard analysis and proposed mitigation 2) A 4' wide concrete pan with a 2" invert is required between driveways and asphalt roadway. 3) Show snow storage area. 4) The turnaround area on the west driveway needs to be a minimum of 12', 5) As it is shown on these plans, the turnaround area doesn't function per the Town's required 20' minimum turning radius requirements, If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Chris Delles at 479-3507. Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452 fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47ED06... 0312812008 TOVVN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 l"-ol. -i '33t'-"-'' r *A NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROIECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0215 fob Address: 3796 LUPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSTIED Location.....: 3796EAST LUPINE DRIVE Applied . . : 07 /30/2007 Parcel No...; 210111101006 Issued. . : 08/15/200L ProjectNo , p6OU OLT! Expires. .: 02/11./2002 owNER BENEDTCT, NICOT.AS G. & \TANETOT/30/2001- Phone: 59OO E QUINCY AVE CHERRY HILLS CO 8 0111 Iricense : coNrRAcToR CRESTONE BUrr,DrNG COMPAITY O7 /30/2001 Phoner 970-479-0900 2875 MANNS RANCH RD #.72 VAIIJ CO 81657 Lieense': 42O-B APPTICANT CRESTONE BUIIJDING COMPAIIy 07 /3o/2'o! Phone: 97O-479-O90O 2875 MANNS 8,N.ICH RD #.]2 VAIL CO 81657 License: 420-B Desciption: FRONT ROOF ADDITION TO OCVER ENTRY, REAR ADDITION TO COVER PARTOF EXISITNG DECK Occupaney Type Totals... Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y FEESI]MMARY Building-> $322 .00 Restuarant Plan Review->S0 . OO Total Calculated Fees_> g5g4 .30 Platr Check-> $209.30 DRB Fee-> $50. OO Additiond Fees->90.00 lnvestigation-> wil ca[-> $0 . 00 Recreation Fee--> 93 . oo Clean-up Deposit-> Factor Sq Feet $2s, 2so. 0o* Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $25,250.00 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 f of Wmd Palleh 0 $O . oo Total Permit Fee-> $584 . 3 0 g0 . O0 Paymmtg--> 9584 .30 90.00 TOTAL FEE$-> $58. .30 BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:I€dn: 051O0 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT o8/o7/2ooL cDAvrs Action: AP Item: 05400 PL,AIINING DEPARITT{ENT o7/3o/2ooL bgibson Action: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PITBL'IC WORKS ffi'ffiffiti€r* s*Fffi See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforsration required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infornration and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchrre according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design. review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATTJRE OWNER CTOR FOR HIII{SELF AND OWNEI tt- PAGE2 CONDMONSOF APPROVAL Perrrit #: 801-0215 as of 08-15-2001 Status: ISSUED Per:nitType: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applied: 07/30/2N7 Applicanf CRESTONE BUILDING COMPANY Issued: 08/15/2ffi7 Iob Address: 3796 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3T96EASTLLIPINEDRIVE ParcelNo: 210111101005 CONDITIONS Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:1.6 (BLDG,): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 IJB,C. + +++* | f * ** l+ *t +++++ *** * t * {' * ** * * **+ * * * * * |. *t * * ** **l I +** *t t * *+ * * ** * * + + + + +* + l. *'i t ** * f* ** * +*+ *** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratcment ++ + + +*+**** ****t + +ff + ft*** +* **t* + ++t*f* +* t* ** + * * ++*+ f+ +*+* + *t * * * * ** *a*+ +++ | * ***** a* **+ a*t+ + + statement. Nuriber 3 R000001229 Amount: $584.30 08/L5/2OOtt2'42 pul Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2585/Creststone Permit No: 801-0215 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101111010 06 Site Addresa 3 3795 LUPINE DR VAIL Location: 3796 EAST I,UPINE DRIVE Total Feea: 5584.30 This Palment,: $584.30 Total AIrL Pmta: $584.30 Balance: $0.00 ** * * * *+ * +* +* ** ** * * * + * * * * * tt ** +++ * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * + * * ** l.* * * * * * * * * * * ** t i + + + + | f * * * + ** * * + * * * * * * ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 322.00 50.00 209. 30 3.00 ' ] rk ty.rqtqad Soril ' LJlir prlrl tl AP '"fit[i" " 6td3["nfl:srt"' - " "s Y W- mfinOFVI rate a re req br electrical.etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 up CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:. '.'r Irqrfox. 5.'tq''.'0 \!.Town of Yail Req. No.: {t-o: B Contact and Phone #'s: !'(.,ti'.1-r,j-o5,1 l-1C-qrlu ContractorSignatureL_\i:- t/,/\--- r,\ --- ( Labor & Materials LEIE VALUA IFISFR EUILDING PERMIT BUILDING: $ L5,oQQ. oO ELECTRICAL:$ -)-5o, au OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ ,U plum uired Sepa Permits For Parcel # Contact Asessrc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Pare-l# LlOt lrlor o66 11\e d-r1 $rttol5 (application will not be aaepted without parcel number) JobName: Iq-.a{;r+ ftqr;{p', 1n robAddress: fiif ro,lLr.grre Dr;v" SuMivisionr (ig\or", fi9 €dilio\ Owners Name: Nf(olql Bq ' qd; q t Address: Sqoo Eqjr e ti.,,,1 Ay,,.'t.,|r pq,rvn,Phone: -ni- lgt- -qo r ArchitecvDesigner: F.t li.l; j Address: 11 nq:. f 1, f(wqr4r ehone: ql6- .ri.{ Phone: 1.1c1_1169 Engineer: M! 5r(,. ., frl q ', . t t Address: -lO !e .q \,-.1- k F .1, A., . - Detailed description of work: F;c.r rotf odditia\ tc (ovc, ?,.{r 1 , t-rrl! f aef odditta' to (-ovpr 0O't o{- exit-l;nq decF, WorkClass: New() Addition(/; Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( "z) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (J) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances : Gas ADDliances ( ) Gas Wood Burn Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) tr q **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** F:/everyoneformVbldgperm ?.\\Si';,e' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 3776 Lupine Dr Pffi"$5*q OWNER NICOLAS & JAI{ BMiIEDICT 5900 E QUTNCY AVE CHERRY HILLS VILIJAGE' CO I0111 L,icense: APPLICANT I,ECTRIC UMI,IMITED INC 1768 ALPINE DRIVE 1 vArrJ, co 8L657 License: 200-E CONTRACTOR I,ECTRIC IJMI-,IMITED INC 1758 AIPINE DRIVE 1 vArL, co 81657 I-,icen6e: 200-E 08/22/200L Phone: 303-74L-2086 08/22/200! Phone: 970-827-5980 08/22/200L Phone: 97o-827-5980 Desciption: RE-LOCATE HOT TUB/ REPAIR EXISTING WIRING DUE TO REMODEL Valuation: $3,000.00 t.:}:}*.**.t|l.....||.*''.'t*l**r....''},}tt|'l..t:lt|t|*'t't'|***:}*'t||*t||tFEEstMMARY.l.t|'|jt'tl||'*|** ss4.00 90.0o so. o0 s3.00 ss? . oo TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2t38 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : ELECTRICAL PERMIT Totsl Calculahd f'ees-> Adlditional Feen-> Totsl P€mit Fee-> Payments-> BAI-ANCE DLIE-> EOl-0181 ISSI.JED 08t22t2001 09t06t2001 0310512002 ss?.00 s0. o0 ss?. 00 s5? . oo 90.00 Electrical-> DRB Fe€-> lnvestigation-> Will Call-> TOTAL FEES-> taalltllaaataa',t'rt Approvals:It6m; 06000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMEMI o8/22/20OL DF Action: AP It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMB{T CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sftucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, ru$^ {<D@ JL-' l- APPLICATIOT{ WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR (\t'Project #: Building Electrical Permit #: 49 (Inspections) MWNOFVlN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUAION: $ J Conbct Assessos Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name: 7tt,.co /<.t le .l"Li ul Job Address: Jle{ Lt't/,'.' " h. Detailed description of work: /e-loc-*e t , t. ?o1a;r 4/i;{,^t w)LiV &\rte to re;^oJzl WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel OQ- Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoD4 Work Type: interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both 0O Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Duplex ( ) MulU-family () Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: c1;tliag Hol t.rb Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes 6Z) ^No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No 0<) *****:l********************************:tFOR $SFIM AUG;r.4 F:/arcryone/form9elecperm (s.... t Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: BenedictResidence ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0284 Project Description: Front entry roof addition and rear roof addition. Owner, Address and Phone: Nicolas and Jan Benedict, 5900 E. Quincy Ave., Cherry Hills Yillage, CO 80111, (303) 741-2086 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Terry Carpenter & Mark Roger, @tlantis, PO Box 630, Edwards, co 81632, (970) 926-2194 Project Street Address: 3796 East Lupine Drive Legal Description: Lot 7, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition Parcel Number: 210111101006 Buildine Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Greenauer Action: Approved Seconded by: Woldrich Vote:4-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Bill Gibson Date: 10/18/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F ICDEV\DRB\APPROVAL\2OOO\BENEDICT.DOC n"" "ttnr.,,rr.,.,$.P-2 F'{T'E " Q nz> fwparcel *) ltitlda x0}rilT Que*ions? ca[ $c phnnno sEl|T at 479-2139 APPUC'TTIOil FOR DE ICN REYIFW APPROVAL a TtG aphtin b for aBy protca Eqqiring Dsign Ravlcw oppord, Afly oQten rcquiring design revi€rr fiust rcoli/e fsbn Hrrv @prur/rt ptbrro *rbnltnS fpr a bnldrrg pmt for spedic iairrm&rr, pc the sfiflftd qufernemsftrthepstd$hrafpro'?lthatereqtrc$ed, Thedi:atin@nndbeccertduirUaluercqdrcd anfbomtrto E lltDilltHl. Ihe prtifr may abo need b be rev*il€d !y the Tovn Courd rnA/or dre Plannini ard B|ittl$neffial CF mtdbn. D:dgl Rcmusorrd rpro||l ufircr c* yar rtur ft|.l aF|gUtl attc* a hilding paul er LlreC rll{ cFncdon b drhd, TYPE tr CI X OFIHE %YSENL FARCE. MI.{EOF M IUtt6 Nnffi$61p11941tr- OF REVEil'AIIID FEE: iescocrfudon. llOO AddilbD- fmtorAffifi- rcrF.-J- B ooa -".M- Ft.rr{c (Conuct Eagh Co. Aw|s Oficc ar 'cf c. D. E, F, G. Cdfiuctiod of ? o€rr hnldiry.tg0 lttddrs aru adltbn wt€re squae lbege b dd€d ro any lclite{thl or qrncrcial hriEnC.3ZD InEltdes rnhtrdrangEsb buitdhs and sh inpruarrrts, sucn il, rrOofrrg pcbrdno witxtary atritbrE' brrdsraping,FE and r€tai{ng r€Br eE, DRE lbes an b ba pn e oE wE of $tnild. EEr, rltren aptyig ftr a builfng pc'f|dt pbe uefiry UE ffilr@ Yaltaio.l d Utc DQirf The Tffvn of vifl wl adfm 6? t= ar$rdhg to Ete prdfit yallatui p|.E|gE ArSr|IrnfiS lp?ucAno& Atr flrlltrrT t REsrrnEnEmE rl|D ilE FEE TO T}E DEPARN'EilT O? AOilrrrilIrT DEIu.O''IFIT, 7t tg$rH fFotnGE mD, vArL ooloRroo tttr:7. lrEATs?t 0F PROFOSAL: sEP- rE -oo r 3 ' 02 FRoM, Tov-Cl)DEv-DEPT rD,s'to4?e2LF2 PAGE 3/e -& Questions? calltheoVntngstafiat4Tg-2l38 ffi MrNoR ALTERATT'N' ro rltE ExrERtoR oF BurLDtNGs T$!ltl[f U,Uf AND srrErMPRovEMENrs GENERAL INFORMATION This applicauon apdles to dlanges made to a ske or ocerior alteftrtions of a builcling. Any atteration in which addfional building sguare footage is added will require an "addiUons" applicauon. I. SUEUTTTAL REOUIREIV1ENTS K @ry which slgdv mnvevtne edsting conditions' F ;6r "@Fhidr clearty convey the proposed buitding or site attention(s). )|. Al relorant specifications for theproposal induding colors and materials to be - used. TolMtr(*1arpnNa - G l^rlF(EFtrrlr, Qo$p tr Condominium Association appro/al (if appticable). [tf3 tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Mministrator may determine that additional materials are nec6s.!ry for fte review of the applicauon. sEp_ r6_00 r 3 , 02 FR'M, rov-crfE"-&gi;. .^.,._"J..,i: j:lffrU BIJILDING MATERIATS: Roof Sding Other Wall Matenals Fasckr Soffits Wndows WindowTrim Dooa Door Trim Hand Or Deck Raib Flues Flashlng Chimnel5 Trash Enclosurcs Greerihouses Rebining Walts Bterbr Ughtjng Other PAGE 4/E TYPE OF I,IATERIAL: -N&'. ' Nnr' fo!"QB: ::,T::-*'*M * A[ ofterbr &hting mlJst rneet theTown=s LightirE orrlinance 12-11-$. r eq@ $ plea€u-ind'rcaC 4,. n-umber of fixurres and bcatirm on a g@arate [ghting plan- Identify each 6<htte tvpe ii O prr-Ue U," height aborre grade. lufirens output, lurninorrs atea, and iltach a cm sheet of tie lightjng focur€S, Nk. tlt 5Ef - rE -gg I J: 9J tt<lJ!!l: luV-L r-ALg aa a u. PRE.APSUCATION CONFERENCE A preapplicatbn conference with Town of Vail staff b rcquired. No applhauon can be acceprcd unlcss $e rnandabry pre.appliffin meeting has been sornpleted. It is the apdicant=s rcsponsitility to schedule tiis me€tinE by calling 97H79-2L28. TII,IE REOUIREMENTS The Design Revier,v Board meeB gn the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of eadr month. A cornplete appli@tiofl brm and all acornpanyirE nnterial must be acded by the Comrnunity Devehpment Depafinent a minimum of thrce and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the ORs publc hearhg. REVIEW CNTERIA Your propFl wilt be r€vteiled for cfiDliance $,ltll ttre Deshn Guktdtnes as sei fordr in Sectbn 12- 11 cf the Municipal Gde. NOTE TO ALL APPUCAMTS: A- If a property B hcat€xt in a nnpped hazard area (i,e, snow avalanche rockfall, floodplain, debris flow, wetbnd, etc), a hazard study must be suhnitted and the owqer mu$ sign an ffidavit rc@gnizing tlre fraard r€port prin b the iss.nne d a buildirE pennit. AppllanE are errcouraged o dteck wih the danning shff prior to submitbl of a DRB applkatbn to deRrmine fie rgationshlp of ttle property to all nEpped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all su.vtys, s(e plans, landscape phns and other site impovenenB phns, all of the hllowing must be slpv{n. Plan sheet sire mu* be Z4}< 36". Fgr large prvjects, larger ptan size may be albwed. Scale. The minimum scale rs 1"=20. All plans must be at the same scab. Graphk bar scab- Nortfi anour. Trde bloclt proj€ct narne, poject addrcss and legBl descrip$on. lndicatbn of phn preparer, addr€ss and phooe number. DatEs of original plan preparauon and all revisitn clabs. \rrcinity map or locatim map at a scale d ln=1.000 or larger, Sheet labeb and numbers. A boder with a minimum m side rnarsin of 1.5'. ffifi'Agill UtTtlfrffffirytrtr{e- w +o c.\,a* c.For new @nsuuctim and addfions, $e applbnt must sEtl(e and tape ttte project sile b indiste prcperty lines, proped building and buiHing @rneG. All trees b be lemor€d mu* be taped, The applkant must ensure that gtaking done during the wifit6 b not burbd by snow. All slte EplngF and sirking msst h @mdd grfur to t{rc day o,f tbc DRB mc:ting, ApdicanB vrtp fail b appear before the Desbo Review Board on tl|dr sdteduled rneettng date and who have not asled ln advance that discrss-ron on their iEn be postponed, will have their iterns rcnrwed frorn dre DRE agenda umil such Urne as $e itern has been republished. If the DRB approws the applbation with corditbris or rpdificatioos. all conditions of apploval must be resoh,€d orior to ttre issuance oF a building permiL ry. '/. w g w D. E. ,C.r .,, Uw l ;rf l:U:l vt..,'- ril rJtrr':,r:LO-l:- i:r-' t\er t.- '..'J I Al{fi-l[-rR L MEARS, P.U., ]i'i(.. l{lturitl I'Iazlrr}s Co nsulirr.its i.iS fcurty Rorrl l6 Ciuorrison. Cc'lrrrrtlt', t! t 23D 1'.l,tFrr\: I :(l-(il I'-1!i6 :dmct,,! Gntiii''.:c,n 79 ofi" Jrr.jlt::fr I {:', luij'l l',1r.. \ 1.,: ll (':\(!rr'irt j ijr-::f.,,.1.J:,i-,..'l!,.1;rtrr:ilt,,'rllisliit*,I:tr:,. .; .ll) | i) r : r1.1,:. Sil . i:lrii, (.'o lil(il7 i'.lj: l.trt i'', Mltirr:iirr tli'hil., [iii:r;: ]' Ii.;-rr ill:ir1;: : A.r \frlr titilit:!ilail. I ccnrpli'tiltl tl sitc itrsl)scliol'! rrf ii',x itbov:.rcii:':enuctl |;crlrtrlli iurJ.rt. 'i ltJ i,!rrl'r(li.: Ot;ir',,'lil.* ri iri:t \\nS:.(r 3SSCSS ti:lpfoltnv fi-\rSllO\\'irvi!l.ti1uilt!',lcbfis llit(.LIi....: r:ii,,i !ii,r': 1.,,,: .,t., ,.,'."..f r- 'l h-"riiisrirt* lrtrtrsi, is locrrtr:rl :it. t|c clo*-ttit ili clclos"; liuiii oi's;r'crnl iilrtcstovlc trciticlcr's ,!,0 l'.:r:i lcri rtlll it:..t.;r iilliiir ji'c1r rii+ l!nrcsiortu cliiXso;:rr:tCO fc'ct ilirori tllc s:t*. lhc fi!.1:,:li.i0.,.(.ri:il r:iopc htli)w rh: iirrr'.'stcnelciit'f (ir!-rrrvqqitr-', ho:ls:) rhlcs l'rt)t, tr(r*,ivci' sit')\\' r::rii!.::icr'()l'r*':(cnl'oc'!iiirll, 66 slur'.ri'deb:is ttluln:r':lrc sctif ity Altlritugh lh+ ridPc riir,:r:t11, ir.:lrirl.rlll. c'lil'[ b:ru,] is suf iic.ii:rrtt1'stcci", lbl'iivnl$!l('lie i'rciil'ii]'. ilic's]opu t:ir,r';i llli. lr.r:tii: LLtr.'ifitiiir ill slL'itl)lic.i:] nrrr'l i5nn.s ll11 rifeil $;llc.lc nl:!'oftiie snrril. strr-"*'sll'ics tl,tt c,:rili'l '!(.c'.tr it.'l',,.'Jsil lllc. trci'i \qilI dEiel,:tittf arld stJF b*iot'c the bt:']dr:tg, is i'c::€ilq(i, .!.h l::-: i l.U' i',i'',';'1; .1.', i . l1;j5i il+.jr'],:,;U i1:g ,\cc*riiiti;3. i"o 'l ou.'n rrl'V:ril ll:nl)s' ljrc F\rofctt)' is locit"ccl at ti:: ou(t:r ecige oi arr "sr\o\\" nr,rl:tt;c"l:J inik!i.uc,: i:orrc," (1r tlcit $ll(1tc nvilliu.tchcs crruitl occuf btlt havc ttcrt l)esll r.li:l'incil, ..r,.lr,hrir-rs'llarlilltr igril, rinC rr. "higii-seyt'riti;'' r,r"t<{ti l.rca, tr'ilI;qt of '.'ltt:"-r frrr)r.J{.:.*i lilr,,'l !tr:,:lt rlttitlliligd, liO\\'LlfC!', .i.nil 1[e iltyil.rtl l0Vr'] hns not Llec-l', rlclerniit:t'ii rr.tp!iciil1,. Uii,:'lt nt'tlrc.lc llrrtc grtrlo.licirI pl'ocesses is tliscuss'-'cl bcio\', S t:r,','.. ,'\ r';,I:tr.ii'!i:-" linon ur,.iilirr'ri.lr..li r',rll r'toI rc:rcfr thi: cxisiirtgbuilcitttg, "ilris i.r lruo hccilrlsu t.il) l. tlitrirrct j:r!l'1it-1J z,.rne q!srg-., lio'r {.\itI, iL) t'[c lrit,.'n-forest co'.'er tcnds lo Rtlchot'tiig srtorv to :lrc t,i't:r:':,|. ;rrt'[ (c) Li.r r!rr1;.: nbr]vt lh,l hotrsc i.i rrnll' t0-15.t!*3i3r1s itlcllnaho:1 flnd ihc srllirll iii,jc; tlr:rt rrc,ulrl i',r: ;lo:::ril)lc r',c'.rl{t str.'p lbo".'c llie lru'ililin$, !"il.rilJ,.;i'.Ll-ri.. L'. ! ,,::fr.li!:!r:" I tlt ;:qir l'Jr,tirr'[. t l Iu i !' yittI itlr',: in)' tluc';ti0lll:. .ll .,\t rliui i. iui'.':,r1. l'.1i. i!r it I ::.',c I il:r'ili:r i I :'rrl' ur tit i tli'i:r .,.r.ltlrtrir.rili 1l',J lr,,rri;r.; is r.,ithin rirlltc of :xiletlic.ly rlrrc clebris oviilill'lcilc$ an,-i rociilirii (Lrrrt rt(il trt(r,,\, 1r,;11;r1s.;Ic'.,1. I irc,licl'c riie resriirirrg h'lZn;ci iS Strl'riciently stliill Io bc ti'sre11'-rrtied :in(l is ir:i:t l!t:lt'l tirl lt:u.fi!'.j lh:lt ir: ilcnsnrlly rr':ccprL'C tirrc"rtlitor'r" ihc To\!tl of V;iil' T lt.:lr:.i:i jrvillrrr,t,..lr..'":, ri:nil:rr to tl:* cvcntr llritt rvrrrc rvir:lcspreati trr Vi,jl c'iuring, ivfoi.v, l9$4' i!''* i).)i:iitr:i otl til'i 11i'ri)'jnv sld cotll(i rci;lcll.lo tlrc honse tltrrirrg r"Ntrttulc colltlill6[s ...1pti:titl ic:sol'r:.rrtlrs,.irn,ic. 1r,rrs(!niury:. fitr,'scirccleuriyriircevttllsctlhisFt'c'l'tflt!' ir;i.rrr..,.r (rr) t!rr i.l,:;r.: nlrovl tlc liLrilrtirrgiis fclstively genllc, ntrd (b) tir,-" Ct6ris lnn tt'ove tlre ,iir:r is [lro:ul!1. fr]r tr.;r\. trriri rrrrilg ro iiisprerse, riltiier t]rl.n collceulrirts ti:bris ltcl'trtc tlrc b:ritttinr.i is t,'.'iti'tri'r I I r1''r nol, tcr-'l dctiris'av'uintrqh';' hiz*rd is ltiStir or cr'gr signifi:aut' !ur\rii:\,ijf il''iJlrrlUriti 1.rr.rttr.'ritr1 1t'Oltt Sl:ttr i{n e.\tretilCi!' f t'e CVent iS dCSifCCl,:ifC ilOrt il.yt,:r,liCli !i:trr;t l:!C tp.i,rrr'.ifiuil !'0 tlgt Stntcttrrui Pl'itrCClicu'r ciltr L''ij dCsiStlr''d' jl ir;:!t l'ir l! . 'i'L,.r lci:klitli i:'.'itrl.':(s) tll:it d{,:oslicd lhe linrcsiorlc bottlticrs ntentiorrcd tllide! "'{ifa *6.:,.'t yirli,irn,;" trccrtt,'i'd';tt ltl:i g0uerill crCllttrriCS (pCrhaps sd!er'r'l lltOttsrnd yttars) Friui tO r.1r,r...[r,p,r,*,t ,11'\iir;i. l\(r f,\'i(l'-'nce ci'ttrr aCtivg rnif iali prOCi"iS is cvi'Jqrrt' I{'rrClilr]! is crrrr,..irily yr14.i/rjt,, l:,ril s'.till iur (:r,rclit is tr.rlr'{?/ljrli.i' r.tilikeb: ai tltis site' T dt rlot ibgl tiic ,li,,,r.rr;,-1ri,,,,iio,r.:!i''i lillr S+v+rit1"'on lorviroi:!'arln$F't:s c0r!'cc{' ilndn.ritig'ldsn is ' p,rt jrr:tLi litril ttttli:r:rj oit; r'.,irh** protr--ctiol :io-;U 'crl't:'crlcl! r1r0 Cicnls' If nritigltiOrt iS riourlilti:1t..::i ri.rsirc,.l, i, corii.i Lrc dlvclooecl a.1iCr ll 'Jparirics a.r:niysis ol- tire r':clifall' ,K liiric;,icly, r'-i ii i ,r . ir.:{ t,'r,..'t.,{l :13 97A476A) '94 11!51At't v.A.R.E.SITZI"FR,< Nichofae Lamptrls, Fh.D. . Cor.tuLtIG €toCoom P.O, EOr e stLT, coLonADO tl652 (rEr ''f llao F. t€uF9 Fcbruvy 7 | L994 Tsm llcEel den €/6 Rlck Flrog vr I I Artoc. Flul Brtetr FO Box 7 Vall EO EIAEe FEt Hererd Evrlusttan I 3Z?6 Luptnt Drtvg Drar llr, l{cCaldenr I v{rlted thr abovl rc{rrrncrd honc la Vrl} rcsen lL./ ldr iu.Oo.*.1 o{ | gcologlc halar! ry.rlu-tion, -rr rt errtiiii--to r-sek fell r Gnoh/ snct Crbrlr lr?lanche potcnttll , Ai i""-'knar.ll o.f thaoa:,l.tlrdr firy aff lgt. thlr ye,otrtyt uur |ni-rlljroir-"no rrv{* of !l:. p_t:t{ ou.-rcpoFt #or iofri-B".".n .hor. th.t conc.rnl cre le6i nerw ctut 1g etret.fl.celly . pl.crc roek. md-ah; lglrtrcnr yoq .Fr contrrnpletrnt. vou rr'ay rrr'.,q-iJtio thet t,.iaJcru th! ratrk +.rr ,r.zaFct to 'rrdlun rr thr Fr.urt o+ roei' ei..."i"t-Ei nr. arrnln. WJth r.rprct to the "!?voFarr dgbrl , rvolrnghc hazrrd, t cto not betievr thrt lrrgtr voluaa. o+ netlrlel rdll breanra Invetvrd. fht Florrg. , rrrepFlng ricrn thc ,onr.rrit-"r,,€tng ;nly to th? r..r of th,honl.gltr, t..|tth the subaequrni niictng of thr bouldrrr., thir rcne l: {urther rrducr!,. fne t-apojrlpiv ir {ryorrblc tn thrr thur tr a rnell rrdgc *hich wtlr t'ani ti ac+reet rt;;;; erthrr atdci rnd llf6 quit! I few qtpgn trtar. I do nat pl1 lrvr _tlrrt^ r lrgr th,gw eyalGnchc erprblc o{ rrrloul denaea tr ltkolv ot rhrr rrti, - ;;;Ii;i'r-.i ,'JIJ' rr brrorr rhr -clt{'l. and onry ebout " rr""gito oF fi6F. {'t rbovr thr rttc. Thc r'rn. tcpagrep;v end pleced bouldrrr xrlr rtro-di{u;r nuEh qf thn,harrrd, Novcrthrlrrr, tha rrri rrrtt o, tni rooillonr lnclq€lng thr rtan ,.rr r rhoLrlct havc r otnlium rtrcneth oi soo Foundr p..r 3qu.r. f oot ror at raart ro.rr +cet above it.rrrr,ri gri-- witlr"iio .1 trintoHr in thlr intarvrl , -- | 'Ir^r''r't" RoCt< {irt I Ir tha mont torl Fur cf thr hazardr but the xtrr.k rrhlch John Ercncn dtc rnd ihc ac_olt!"i, ir u,riii ;; i-i"igo.t"d, rhould :mlnlnl:e thc hrrer-d. Ih" topogr"phlc ,ttttngr af rlreedy dlrcurredr at;o ir {6vs7s!r" rsi--rictr fell niirna'irauctlo^, a.d thr out€rEp pattarn ic thrnn* rnEr -to.r-iire;#;;iiiectry rb6vs thlg homr. I t0J boo :13 it91 ,ruotai, 1trsafti v-A.R. E. sITzrnK uo**r*o PAGE A5 P.3 : Thr larg|r rCctrtlon 9l rf, north .ElCc o{ ttrr hO,nr Hlll h.vr .no :iJ"'n#fl"oi"'.fl r#;*t!iir turrron, i;.'i;[ er. *rc h*rid tncr.rr. the ha:ercf to r. n.{Eholr'rrt}t"I- ill:.::. lqten rJ-not- !-:lyii- lil"o:::';3 ::;*{lT': trit;,v u'J'i l-o5.".?T. i{i*iil i".!11".'11'""1'll,ril:::;;Lo""iii"Ii**ff ni,L'r,ii,tj.tjrTrt';r"'* ?ho Freprrty do?r_lfc in e grologt,Erlly .lrnsltlv.t tFrr, blrt €rvrloeaent. rnci15^ine tir i.!ili-";a"a bh";-;;i i. .no. {ncrrrr.thr htzrrd ta ::1." --pio!.iiil'T: ctrr.riturror or ro Fubrr6 rlghtr-sf-Hryr ro{drr. rtrreill llrl,rr.,.,tr, uiiijii.r or +rc{lttlrr ;i"::l':"li:::':::' 6r rii-ri,ic.--=;+ tn#r ;;'r'Jfi'J. q.,...r o,,". Stncr|.tl y, Nlcholer Lamp{rtr . gontulttnE grolog{at EoJ lon r ^ (. tseaeli.T (Nane, Owner) STATEOF COLORADO cou*rYor lVntutl l*'uwffitw whose name 's subccttecl to [ie torcgoir€ extcubd fis game bthe PurPoses and My Commission ExPires , Q710112004 lty cotn|tds€iotl eilpiles: STATE OF CO.OFAOO } ) ss. couNrY oF --)The forcgdng trsttrrmentwds ar*ncmrledgrd beforc ne$b---dqy ot e€fsott whoge nattre 6ffirme0 b fie lo6sske trtument:d adrngtcdged to ma lhd he execlted Itl3 s8rne for the prrposes End cotrsid€trdfiofi ther€in €)grEss€d- My csrrynFsion egfes; P.2 I tllr& 2t ta 9-15-1998 9.59PM FR0',I TLANTIS 974 926 --. 1- r,,, r.,. .-.--fL-"2t 69 trrr-rt t rt.a Geofogfc tledrd Berfew !-Flarzd BepoGebd by (llarne, Orner) ,-lh methis l?.'' dayol fiL;uy no. Z airE\fsd RECD ocT 16 2000 Departm.ent of Community Development ' 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 *o 5 [Ko o"t"-jt-Lf-rU! e TOWN OF VAIL Please make checks payable to th Item and Address Maps Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 Uniform Building Code - 1991: rglyrg! 001 0000 314 1112 jlnternational Plumbing Code - 1997 lnternational Mechanical Code - '1998 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 Uniform Fire Code National Electrical Code Abatement of Dalgelg!! ru_g 's 1giz_ 001 0000 314 1112 l\4!99!l!gsy colg:l!9! 001 0000 314 1't12 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 314 1112 lOther Code Books 001 0000314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar C.opy Fees ,- 001 0000 314 1111 lxerox Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60) Master Plans, etc. PenalV Fees/R e-l qlpections Plan Review Re-check Fee ($4 nou Off Hours Inspection Fees Contractors License Fees SP -^Jts ;;UK PN r Application Fee Addl!9!eL9!C! Application Fee Review Board Fee (Pre-paid) lnvestiqation Fee lmprovement Agreem€nt Deposit D2-DEP1 0 Restaurant License fee (TOV) 001 0000 230 2000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co. '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @.4_.=5% 1ptaltel- Tg1_pgyqble .*001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @1.0olo (Town)-- Retail Sales Tax Other/Misc. 001 0000 311 2s00 lPEc ApPLlcATloN FEES 001 00003112500 lAdditional GRFA - "250" OOt OOOO rl t ZSOO lConAitional Use %rma OOf OOoO s11 2500 Er,terior Rtteration - t-ess tnan tOO sq ft. 001 0000 31 1 2500 I Exterior Alteration - More than '100 sq. ft. District - NEW Special Development District -Amend DeveloDment District - Minor Amend Subdivision Fees Variance code Amendments BSZoning Greenstar Program Other - 001 0000 314 11't0 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3't4 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 $40.00 $20.00 001 0000 3141111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 3'15 3000 001 0000 311 2300 001 0000 315 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 3124000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 3112200 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 3121000 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3'100 check# Z{r1 F:/Everyone/Fomdsalesact.exe 06/06/2000 bl0 o ;. Torn of gaii **r ttiST0llER RECEiPT fi* ORIE: 9/?5/09 91 RECEIFT: 0gl49t9 DESCRIPTIt}I,I DESI6i{ RIVIEU FE ATLAf{iI5 oIY Rrtotitll Tp T|l t |eg.gg rDR C( ]EHOER BETAIL cK 2513 DATE: 9IiOlEO TIfIEI TI]TAL CHECI( AI.I{}UI{T TEI{OERE} r?8.ffi l3:4?:1J fe0.06 teB.8s THAii( Y0ii FtlR Y0UR pAyitEill R.ECEIPT - The Town cf Vd oor, 4lLf l crD , zo I{9 51850 REcErvEDnpsy(jy'[..'-.-\ca t , LUC t /ADRESS DOLLARS S L<; <rc Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers How PAID-cesh-Che r* 2 {t7 sv CY,*-*(- 6X6 K|NO 7057 M CEDAR . FA5CIA --- 4KODOUGFIR , DECORATIVE CUT D<lzDOUGFIR COLTAR TIE 6X1O DOUO FIR FEAM - \/\J \r\-,/ TROVIDE CONCRETE FOOTNG1TOOELOW FROgT LINE :_t-I Uqilio?km{erret,.Colo"c,6h6\\/ pEnnnnTlT?nnn %DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, October 18, 2000 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department ** Reminder - Joint worksession with Town Council and PEC 1012412000 ** Discussion & Presentation on UWIC :30 min. MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer SITE VISITS 1. Mountain Haus- 292 E. Meadow Drive 2. Breeze/Max - 641 W. Lionshead Circle 3. Lodge Tower-200 Vail Road 4. Ford Park - Unplatted Driver: Bill MEMBERS ABSENT Andv Blumetti 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 . Geneva 1 Project - Final review of proposed single-family residence. 4355 Bighorn Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 3'o Addition. Applicant: Bill Bolden, represenled by Robert Nikkel 3:00 pm Brent Ann Bitl z. J. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 1,2OOO Mountain Haus - Conceptual review new entry feature/streetscape improvements. 292 E. Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Mountain Haus Condo Assoc., represented by Stephanie Lord-Johnson CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Ford Park/Betty Ford Alpine Gardens - Conceplual review of proposed Children's Gardens & amphitheatre entry improvements. Ford ParkiUnplatted. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by Southerland & Todd Oppenheimer CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE o Justine Smith Trust residence - Re-roof. Bill 816 Forest Road/Lots 14 & 15, Block 1, VailVillage 6'h Filing. Applicant: Jim Getten Ford Park - Fence between playground and Alpine Garden. Ann 841 Vail Valley Drive/Ford Park, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Cope residence - Pave driveway. Judy 2932 Bellflower Drive/Lot 7, Block 8, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Peter Cope, Kenya Wigton and Bill Holm Deevy residence - Driveway re-alignmenl. Brent 736 Forest Road/Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Brian and Caryn Deevy Frey residence - Repair decks & railings; replace exterior doors; deck addition. Bill 2605 Davos Trail/Lot 23, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Heidi & George Frey 9 Vail Road - Change windows to meet egress. Allison 9 Vail Road/Lot 1, Vail Village 2"d Filing. Applicant: HolidayHouseAssociation The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the prolect planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-21 38 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. I I I I o z F =E UJ o- (t) UJ llJ t! F =E UJ Le qlc -> O o'9 €t-/_/-g ?4 I M\ (51 ,l Fi I tu,l )";F I I I {', i\l s,l \\)l , tc) JIE er?s;=vl9 UJ lo IuJ IF xl>tslo ,-El=t/)l J zl ) =l(o ot€<1."zlz =1 6 c t+.e ld .t, A lo €i t= vt I l- =.-.. / | O a (5 \Sl V gFss ;:r38 EFSSH o.l ,lZ .c o 13 tNig trN5E '-ryi ec Ez oo ?ft ?zz F8'ur/ EE- u-p or .E .:f :E -l \ E;=3 ;FS i '=Eol@ !Se :g+-; E S):l;!Er€ o;(!'=tDo d!s E3k F.2 R .ip E E.E F Eg:'-o e;; = !t:G >= cY'- d63 _'E >.Rq;JCEF fEo .Pee tqi c .Y- (5 o.o o.*r: vrP o-EP::tE EE E O(!:;fE i6._49 6 6.s t: q) -'E 3,*;tt ': .=-gi3 ;5>.9ca .Y;ts 3i8 .i6 s 9E q)qEE !oo) o "l o @ o \l o o o O o O o o IJ t\ c fi (t ts =E LlJ z 6 - uJ o z ) o- J E F u,J ul z to =l J o- J 2 o llJ = ul l!z E uJ E UJ co 3 IJJ IJJ z 6 UJ o E o- UJ o-f z J X t- ul o q, uJ [!u-t E uJ o- J F F z () IIJ J u, z @ =) o- z uJ E NOrlVnrVA al !1 |JI '1 |r4 l (tl ql tl fl."1 u{ !l .Ft ol >< +rl '191 qajl Cl Fl .-,1 tl gEl qcl .!f I -l!l o+ cl q1 x ;II z l! aa UJ uJ z uJ -\=J@ :;e =c)N zz tr^6 95 =a96 al, o 7,>6Z rL<oo. i6 FO joi z tr q (r (L l (r IIJ o- F o o o x llJ z E z E uJ F J 3 IJJ z a t 2 l z 9A l-rlJ ko o< =rt xr!6o <z =z, 9= d6 ;tr UJ l J J E z Y o r F z F J l a z Y tr I ! 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No.NTRA oRs Owner: General Contractor: Excavator: Foundation: Plumber: Electrician: Mechanical: Framer: lnsu lator Dry Wall: Painter: Roofer: Excavat io n Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti lities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO Rough Framing lnsu lat ion Sheet Bock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building ,'1 ,/.,/tr' ? CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 101 0R 102 HiFt 24 Hours ln Advance r -. - Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday J' BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING DISAPPROVED PROVED DISAPPROVED o z tr =ar IIJ \ S \ .)) t! c( {lJ CL i#l yrl ir' \i+ iI NJE $€ s F o z z o l ;z z ]'I.- -i- o c lt!. :E;Ee lg s;Po E l=Y 6 E yr p l" ;E;tffi' ig!:cHE :ii;Nl: B ! l; tsje"! Ei'; HAi:g ;: 3 s.:=ii3 0;eP5 izi =-c -' tZa U- = 0,6 ICZ e-ii:i tL'.< (E>O-D :?aPs -6Epg qJD ! X\J i ET; P > -:(|).= c!:j= - *= = rn 4-L:'- 4; cJ i, tr c o-.aY q:}EJ BE:ia c-=->xEFog 6RuoR >.i o c (E €*l-r F F s.s 3 _ U H,c E V U JA $l Y i J \.q ) o o J o o a l" o ]l F z o l @ I z . E z !r ) 9 cr = o E 3 t UJ cr z (-] a F 6 o l i F u,a l an uJ LU l! F G UJ F F =o cr F =2 2 NOllvntvA I I 1,, t^ ;. o'3 =\ c('ct1 n\o-r <(er o- rr .€ \>t '{q y:^ =@(\r zz F,o. I Xr ao 22,oo <)z r!< >9 '.: t.i \ di c il -\t !rl tl \l 'il \l 2 t I z ttl r\l z F l d o : ll-l F 6',\\J a \) a ca q t! rj rE io tc io j^ t*lz lO t; t;t') l< I t^ li tz tt tl ll 91 t z l z Oa -ur ko o< =fr >c !€ i >. -.F do 36 OI ) i F lo IF i1 r5 tu)lz T (4 l=', 1 <l 3 t,,t^ u.i I tr o o 3 otl .{{t...i--*-dl; JI <l -l | ='t-| .. >l ]E i3 I lrJ lz Y l>F.l+)i<.z t1 I l--l =ai @ o LIJ F cr!<>or!FI F] OO <U' c-)) 't i-) :f q\ "\l --l -l r\i L\\l I H o uJ = an z F IU Y tIJ o F L TE uJ tL o I UJ z I I I I I I I ^I =.1 r!l crl <l >l u-l ol zl -i -, I ot =.1 uJl il al >l bl tl ol FI 1 _l ') sl cn $l 7 3 LrJ =z .l \ l I -:'l ,l fl o z ) U)!l F o J LU 5 @ z '^Y =<rDo =z CLr! J if '^ ' \ =<.2 irr- 6;> Ki:l AA | ...-\= \ -.. /,=vr= = i c!tt l!o eDt ts< o3 o-:o vE cA =>-l-Jt- E f->Ow.tY "o-tu - o r.i- ='\J :OL Xur ;J E b =trt n z o F O f F A'z o (J <; a? >3 E zt- =f ]F -JZ <o C)F -< '-r.l O <F t!F OZ o c\ I .\ lrs = I DDD =z (- LU L r ct E. IJJ z = .l z.l sl il <t >l l!l oi zl 3l :/| l el ol rul 1l sl rLl ol zl 3l 9l i{&t ul (J G rll f tr d a z o Z F ;s H I t.'t, -rtl .r\1.-rl 'tl ..\JI -tl \jl .t- !)l .d --. t6 .r:l lF C-I"/\ IbO l'.tl€ o,'l=tr 't; "\rl ' :'r\l r-l I"\.. \l F{ \l -):.l \i,l c-*l N N o d d H o (J .-{ .r-l C) .Fl F{ o 'r{ Fl t- o N o p o N () c) @ r-l z on 'E' o I r-i ,cd .rl P o .rl a c) O HSa r".F:S oSta srl .n ca :- RRx :\i-\b.. t-* X Hl.t x h>e< 3s3 R€P 63F R'qil e<=o \H<,, Fs $ i.aHsi QF.>-s \d\11 X=ES :RS:a-r l\ ^ '\EYYF {\<r ItSx SFq(qill,-. el=3 )R!.<(d;: HHHF -\ H \ ii XS""*5 tdRr xE59 u5<8 Fi3: 'Ff A. ti.{t{ E +-{r 6{ffi t$r .F,rA rlrj t{ ffi tm.+f+d fta"?+Q t'st @ Xta +.h .v Ard *.+ts(@ id ?*\E? t-s fE P\dd tr rd * €& t+ L4 €3\l,a.;:t ,\/ tfr*+g 6a w @ +9, f-N alE tpr .ld *'of +'{6{ €(t, E uo .o ' ID z T0w1{ 0F vAtt STREET CUT PERMIT or Location ot r Name, Addr€ss rnd Licsn!. No.) Work is for: (ctrcta onr) WATER ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Tv CAELE Show rtree$ urith namer, buildings, and location of cut (with dash linesl, below. wadth - Length- D"pth Square fest of pavement to be repaved by Town Lineal feet ol peyement to be saw c|rt by Town of Vail Dato stErt Date complete ls all matorial, labor and equipment available to complelc work? ! ertify that I have read all raquirements of Ordinance No. 7 (Serier of 19711 as amsnded and will abide by same, and PEFMITNO. OOO59O 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Permit Fos Elill to: APPROVED that all utilitiB .nd the Vail Police Department haye beon notified as required. {Buildine Otf lc l! l} INSPECTION REMARKS \Bldg. Drpt. - whlF;\ - Publlc Worka - Can.ry; SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW - Cont..ctor - Plnk; - Accounting - Goldonrod (Jp+-,r.( /f,-t - - z * / - 22 IN*CTION REQUEST .. TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI rdn-,.Lit*-^r "*. /// 7/ /'fl.E' NAME INSPECTION:MON l----B BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR F 2 Itl z = dN z o z a a t'l Ll F F F El F r,l o z g, o z f u,l o z s tl,F z It =ul uJ F uJ uJ G F J J ul ) J F F N N tl.. s \ ,s i\ ii(t t\ N $ H iN + t ,E =r = lll _,_ o l&eg =,2 =q f----l E NOrrvn'lvA >l o ct :*N =oz o: t z tr qq n6 FIE .40 =>:z =< co >(J FO ;ci /"r ff,/,-- znl D]'SICN NI:VI1:\T n0AnD ., r I r.'lrT T Nr: .rtl lrLr, ^.rv,DATN OII III'IlDI]NS PTI.ESIiNT: :IION TAKEI.I BY BO ITIOTION: VOTE: AGAINST:FOR: AI]STENT]ON: //a4ar q I i D];SICN Rl:vI1':1T lX)AnD o , DATN OII !,IUITING; l,tEi(BERS PRISINT: SUBJI]CT: Y ).\ t l,elr lqgi ?rtoff i)\i' 5kerpiro li ii rl !l il it !l :t :.ir .! I t:t! ;l rl I I I i i ! STION TAKUI{ BY I.TOTION: VOTD: BOARD: S]ICONDID BY: AGAINST:FOR: ! I A1]STINTION: r4t 't(€: APPRO\|lil): DI SAPI)l'iO\tlrD : suilll^Iiv: ( tl I t,'-tslt.<rfrt \rc i\i\l 1>7 r*(|.n r! | i@.... . !.ra...lr L &lr !?. !9?t rdr&i :ro. .ta36r-- . reu r. Dart THls DaED, rrd. rrn : '/,' -, d r,.'..urrs 'to:,llR ,\.'. anon: sad ^r.:n Il l. -?(rlLlt, rt.J.b-nd rnd i!!e rLa\g sllt nEi .,uL 11.76. c-r'c l. gle :. !. & li. tiLr-lllscs LIII:ED "'"ffl'^T""r. l- tr. {F F 3rrG. .., $rn.EL{.ra L6.t - |f, I t (".ddo, of .". rrEt r.,.,.rd a conpa'y d;i;;;;;ti;;;-;;l €xlstrn|- uoder rnd bt'virtue oJ :he l:rcs ot thC- ddj*- "n t c r icostaldful i .c!' .!d sr.r. o! clr of u. ]i.|TIAISIT& lba tf,. -d D.ttr ot ll. firtr D.t! lo. .ad it .oat&ot * ol lL .u! ot \ iDe ly Plve Ttous:r n.l eid :;o,/10O !f.s Do ! 1i.-< --- --- -- ---- - - - --- I[!l)l! ro tf,. -ld D.nr ol tL tlEt ,.n i! bld p.id !r df, sn Fdt of !|t. F6d Fr! r}. r.iri -L.fr1 ! &i:.t GorL-d .!d &bonLdatd, l& trot d. Lrrr!'.d, sll| .!.1 .6ilrtd. .rd rr dr- D&sk d*t arul- l.:.r:. rll, a!!rt .txl slifr. uto tf,. -i<l p..t ol $. rdna rarr. !- h.iE ud uirir lriFr. .U ltr | :ler::. a*dr.a:r*------..-.EH-tr!d- rit!.t . tri!3 &d\ihs lr & U:t ;- ,I;i.gf-oin SuLdiv!sior, Second !.dCi !:on l(rcElBDt sitl .ll .nd tilscl.r ih her i(.D.nt! lnd .DDui...n(' O.r.i, Lt:'.G:.t, nf r .atrtn .Dterr.ining. dd rh. rc\r.ior $d rk..nnr, rr.t!.d.r $d t.frii.d.rs. d$, I'rc.. *.,1 F., 1,5 :i"rRi. r_J r rh. ert t . riaht. titl., :.&h.!. (!.ih .nd !.R..,t qa.r!{f.t 6a l[€ ..il Fnt.( tl|. ti 9.n..i6.r !r L.r ". .quitt, ol. rr sd !u r::r dr{t l5ttsrr.nl tinl:t!. r:'i 1h. r.rtt':*:.au $d .Dt q.!-:, a',r! ' TO lllfD.llD TO IIOID t[. siLl eFmi..33l '.l,.rFii.: in,: i.*ib.t rr:L th. lrtrr:.u.t q -_' ,.id Fr$ ot tht t6rd n.n, iir krr. .ad ...1F ' i ari_ .liJ !: t !$l tart "l :f. a'_: tr.t. a r:,n.'.4 : _ " erd!t.,d. $d tdhiri.t..t F,.[t .ea?itr. F!.ir.It.l:rin, tsd.FN b e.l Urr " 1 -.:{ n.*i 'I rt. _. - I ':!r rir h.in ud !..itr.. rl.r.! tte t,t,.. a:l.e t.!(.i,:a Iddrl,r.r! , a tft* DFair' : c: r,::-tsl'l:r','r"' lbNe.onr.t.d. u.f t .d. .uF. r.t(td !. ar'r.!ai lij :n&f..!, r :' . s'sr. .l inn. ::b:.\. :: t.. :t tR ' rtt:r *: h& s(d tishr. lril torer &d l.r:'ui .rra!.irt r. t.*t. b.tE :f,, .!:- ri, tu:r(r ri. i&. r: i.i.': .: a j _t. .' rL(i.i.t. sd tl'.t rh. r& rF l.rt .6d .l..r ltod .ll loritr td .':h.r cr*:' {s.,u'. skrsbat' .rd .r.r-l..Ri .l i|lrnEr tird or n.tun.eGt-:?:i:eri i1,: I ar'.:eF i:i assl..- 1e::ts lo! tle year'1$il'rn(: rL:-Qqien! j'e..rs i :t;r,ie.! :o t'. !iir: :,f ,iie proprletor ot . !.j.r cr loda as aacaaied Ur ":ri:ed S::ia. !'.:e.:i racorded April 28, l9OO i: Boor' :r rr h,:b 'i7; .,r '" . '. ter) a€rce[: Don-pi!:ici;rting roy{lt}- 1!. rnd tr {:creeds Crr: c: '. f_ thc silo ot aliy nln€r'ils ag rascrved t) t;r:t I.trlt', j,i\aa bi :nr':ri.raf l recqrded -n-gvenber ?, lgc? t! fhal:166 r! tasa l:: FJbje.t :( aisa- Iit'nl6.bf$g*f;E}[*S**9'Ffu 8rt rff,f'AIf.t ]r-nioi. r ti. 'rc ].n] .lr. * : ,1 Ftt. ] n k:F E.F1e &d Griln. .a.iDt .ll rd .art FFn ar Ft,o. btl$I .hin||. ot l. .biD !i - r f"L d .nt .di tl*t^{ tt' ..it D.r$ ol th. tldr D.n !i.li .n.l 'ill SAlllST tYD IOAEIEI DrlAliD r! .it r!.' hc't t d'd d4rl ttl DLrrl. $. ttrr.l tL.inadtt. &d a!. !!. d J|t atr&.ltdl t {tli.tl n .! at {.t l f.: EaorD |rid Ctntblr t.gu.ilr.ttd lnd ?lt" 11/Il4 ! cj ^lfa.7- tr,- T tda d aiiJ ii * -"*,.--.-r-i -' --;rl;|\.s;,ri&i+i: - (, 1r,r 4 rtil J{tJt'r D]iSIGN RI:VII':\''I IIOAND i.tlY.rTrl\'rr r IllL:]Jl rlr\J 'DATD OII l'{DItBIinS PI1ESENT: SUBJECT: . ACTION f a4 nXL- STICONDED BY: AGAII{ST:VOTE: FOR: AI]STENTION: APPtlOVnl) | ?/ 7t// y'ioo -1,.)-+-a-f --r TAKDi{ By BoAI',}u-) r{orroN , ffta i I : DI SAP}'IJO\']:D : n,|.,(lJ slltrltrlAIiY : :l 1/ I ,^l Y6lPlP, D",.,K/ --']L- -s1'!:'.' DltsIcN nl;vI-II-IOARD I IIUETINC:DATE OII IIDMRtrRS PRI]SE}iT: SUBJ]ICT: ACTION TAKEI{ BY l{OTION: VOTIT: SECONDED BY: AGAINST:FOR: ArlsTllNTro{: APPI1O\IIiD I l. - DISAI)PIIO\T]iD: SLil\lIlAIiY: