HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 20 LEGAL.pdfDyfhrr*" /t')'t"! t /rf ;p b/ot/r-L runryffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: FORST DECK DRB Number: DRB040578 Project Description: Addition of Jacuzzi deck to rear of home: all materials to match existinq Participants: OWNER FORST, TRACY J. & STEPHANIE 10/2912004 phone: 18 SANDCHERRY LITTLETON co 80127 License: APPUCANTATLASCONSTRUCIION I0/29|ZOO4 phone:970-748-0240 P.O. BOX 275 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: CONTMCTORATLASCONSTRUCilON 10/2912004 phone: P.O. BOX 276 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 255-A Project Address: 1600 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1600 UONSRIDGE LOOP Legal Description: Lot:20 Block: 2 Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel Number: 210312209020 Comments: see conditions . BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter Date ofApprovalz lIl02l20}4 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced .-and is diligently pursued toward completion.g( Cond:CON0006766 {rl- Applicant shall ensure that all materials match existing Entryt IU0212004 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0006768 Railing shall extend around perimeter of hot tub to provide screening forlfrom neighboring properties Entry: ItlA2l2004 By: ee Action: AP Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $20,00 4 Mrnor Exterior Alteratlons Application for Design Review Departmenl of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97C.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 , web: www.vailqov.com General Information: RHfrHIVHffi ilc | ::q , TOV'.CC}M,E]EV refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Communify Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Ptanning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cons,truction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: flJrlAr # ^ jocuzr-i fre.l.- Location of the Proposal: Lot: 2@. Block:suOdivision: P^upLinar< dtasah physicat Adctress: --lhQQ_ja^agi+- \""p_._ Parcel Ncr.: 2l.A3.l2Z-n-AZQ.---.-- (Cbntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcei no.) Zoninsr --j;J>-D-t-+ Nanre(s) .rt owner{s)r .macrt_g_-$I-deafc^ 6r* Mailing Address: Phon e: Owner(s) Sig nature(s) : Ltt u $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per sqLjare foot of total sign area. Fof construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addibon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addrtions & interior r:onversions). For minor changes lo buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walis, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and Narne of Applicant:, A*lal-, Cd?,trk*L-Era- Mailing Address: ?O. 6 n*_b3(e__&_e-_Lg.__8 Ibz-o Phone: _'_nO_-A,b- E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction ! Addition O Minor Alteration ( multi-family/commercial) fi Nlnor Alteration ' (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Sepamtion Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staif or the Design Review Board. No Fee Page 1 of 12101128/04 OcT 28,2004 0?:59 I nbr..,t 3039?211{ 6 9t rs 918 0i6 Cl: lC bC0; 'Li ilLl 14 in r')r Exierior Altelzitions Appllcaiiorr for Design Revielv C+,uriifl ,Jxl r:i (ittt::l'.I;ilv D'I/(,iri.iltkli 7q SttjlL i;L.r:i;9i Ain:. t/Air. l:Olrril€ar $1657 id;'":70.,i71,2 | :;'-: ittx: 171.,i1i.2itl $tjl;t \1\rr. u 'JtlgUY..::r.:l Gcncral Intornlnt ir)n: All trc'Pc} rA'il'iri: di:iEn r':v.r..r' i:xr.i: r^..€rlt ,!n::rovel r'i-lor:o lirh,iiCrr] i )!!llihr F'tirlr|t itjiti(it::';r. ilri:,] rCfnrt'ini.L|tjlili|i;i..n|t.'ilFli:?nr3icrr.0upJl|.:L!|.rr.r;4..r)vil|:|ic!is'c(I(:i5{.ixi.A;,lal:F|ic+d.]r|:!1:|.}'Jj:9iil't!'q!ll 'l;1li, : ir:,lrti'i:;c :,n:il !li tco(xir.c ilur.mlik:n i: iF.cei\.eri t'y ihf {-afirlsnlty L-\./r:i':pr;t(rlt Dr:ian.irt;t:, t:i'-. 2rSiiti nnlJ;1ljr: tt::'r'.i,il lx1 ri!i4\'Jed by tilc lovJtt Cri|.]itcll i({l/:li.': ll!rniili tnr.t Frl'/irol:1le[i,]i {.t:'jnr)t.it:e.r. Oi:ri0n .svitlw rpPt ovill Inp.jqi rrrl€ss a hrtitrtirrf, p./mit ir ir:rrrr'd ;,rrrrl rrr,r..irrrslirrn crrmmr.|nccF v,.irh;rl dl|ri Y\:ir rJl urs .rfJproynl. r)e\(:riitticf tf of thc R,.:q urrrt : .-. -llllb-}--- 1oc.rzr.r-.-Df.i-- Page I l0llx Lorntiolr of t.lrr:: Prrrprr::lrl: Lcr:-fo!. -:]iu.-i 5it:cifi:ii,rn: S,r|.i.no,+ 16*\.r, - --- Pt rysic.rr Arrrtr(:\s, .--l lOq--Iis"a Rf.dg- \-p Itar4cl No.. Zto_l.t?4.-OJ-Oa?. _.._ f (.i.':rii!(! F,.riil,'t i:i Irl.f.ili'i)i rlt 1!,'(1.;il:: gir'1iJ ior Fi.:t.ii: i,.i Zrltrrr|tl: $Iql.^ic. fr,* ." Ndnr(: of Applic.r nv --.c&1q9 (o,irgh Tyt !. arf Rgvicw anll fgrl; O t:r-rrlt E Ccr:et:.':.| Fr:v[r',.; IJ i:t r., i -:'.n. ri r i::i'J|l O Ai.jiliiri O t'ri.6r rr:ir:r.li(rrl (riiultl inr:rii:.!.l.rnrxff ''i.)ii f! l.tire: A:t::rJ!kin ' (,ti;1.1!ri-:;,mil/./'Jti{:() ! : O|,r:i;i5 !Jc.Aiilr'iviri |'lArl'. :-. .+1.tt ttri,7r i:-6u,;:.1 Mairins Acrdrcsr: ?O. 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'')1j ':'23,! l.iJi ':h[o. r:h.r,:r:!.,, n i i't;tl:ii.23 e..d 5:tr i",tr?i afr',(a,t.i, r,.ri:l .:.r, rr.i.,,.rlii:!. lr',:r r'Jn9, r\,iodolr id{l't:0rlt. lirrt..;-'(i:rliriJ, iCalL,i! rrl' .fttiriig .,ra,llt, ati. t'il: fili rilr!r. r.inurlui (c biilji r icd $ir*:;r.f.iir\tr:(:ilJ, tt[::: ;i\, fCriv?ii|lE, Flir,'.if1$, r,riru,Jlr ir:/r)rfp,lr, inird'-;ifif!. re.rr:t. et ri Ir:rairrir{ r{'115,'!.k. !?ll FUr .-evisr{rr! ir.r I'nr11 ti,"i!:,',,} aoitved bV !'iirxri.: SUfi !t ii.c C!"5igr] .{.jr.!$^, $onrd. tl.r ie3 \ \ \ \( a ./Y'd N t20 8136 \ #rVt bt^et+ \ \ \ ,to.Ui..ffi$Yin?inPPRovAL\ -- vtH \llt+ \| <J ----- - ' TRACT A MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS I General Information: , " This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. and/or site they involve I.SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** tr All pages of Application are complete D Checklist is completed and signed D Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicable D Site and Grading Planx, if applicable D Landscape Plan*, if applicable D Architectural Elevations*, if applicable 0 Exterior color and material samples and specifications.tr Architectural'Floor Plafls*, if applicable D Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable Q Title reporf, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and ebSementsx Q Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.Q Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable tr Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*D The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent ofthe proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted witl, an asterisk (*). *xFor interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature .l I oate sisned lOl Z(laY JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of LLl0Tlt6lM PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Otier Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other ,t dtltt" arJ+^,, il,I tn a oh^a- ' Notes: Please specifo the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING ) Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper GROUND COVER Coniferous Trees - 6'in heiqht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) UTILITY APPROVAT & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utiiity services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your uUlify plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Date QWEST 970.384.0257(tax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a076 (tet) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neal 97 0.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenG are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Depaftment of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before diooinq in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if' the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Authorized Sionature Comments Developer's Signature h-|.^ NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-auplication Meeting A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identiry any critical issues pertaining to the applicant'$ proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-applicatiod meeting helps to expedite the development review process as criUcal issues are identifled and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre- application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Joe Suther at970.479.2128 or isuther@vajlgov.com Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to applicaiion deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at www.vailoov.cor! For a new residential development, the application deadline is rypically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements for oroperties located i[hazard areas If a propefi is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc,), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Required Plan Sheet Format For all suFr'eys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be snown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20', All olans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dales of original plan preparation and all revision dates. B. V'ctnity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. I 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan leoend. Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and bullding corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been reoublished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all condiUons of approval must be resoiveo prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aoproval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision, All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. TO]/W MINOR EXTERTOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS DETAILED SU BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic survey: ). Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor /. Date of survey . North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10'or !"=20). Legal description and physical address . Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain). ' Ties to existing benchmar( either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey . Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the propefty at twenfy-five foot interuals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of . T""oLTrronic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade,. Rock outcroppings and other significant natur,al features (large boulders, intermittent -t,^--- ^l^ \5U EOt I t>, gLL.r.. AII existing improvements (including foundation walls. roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc,).. Environmental Hazards (ie, rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"=20'or larger . Property and setback lines . Existing and proposed easements I . Existing and proposed grades . Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the properfy line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to bccurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance fencing Location of all required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of existing trees,4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall ano the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and numbef of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area . Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) , /-:\-A{'\'r'A f=:v* J nwfrvd,y' HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey '7 Comm u niiy De.reiopment 0 ep artmeni Russell Forrest, Direcior, (s70)47e-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparbnent(s) did you contact? Buiiding -_ Environrnenial _ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC siow Was your inillal contact wiih our staf immediate no one avaiiabie ? Was your.project lf you were required io wail how long was it before you were hqlnad? lf no, why noi? reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC apo Rldn Porrnif Nl/d Please rate the perfonnance of the staff person who assisteC you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, avaiiability) Overail efiectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is tfre best tirne of day ior you to use the Front Service 'Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. c0mmitted io imorovinq o$ service. 0r 7. We are * * * * * * * * * ** *J. * * * * '* X* * * * * * *{. * ** *'* {' * * * ** * **+ * 'r****+* *r***:ir'r.* **** *r( * * * * * * r* * * * '* * *,f * 't* *,s,i * ** * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ir***.t r(* 'F * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * x * * * * * * {r * * * * * ** * + * * ** * * * * *r( *** * *** * 4. * * *,x* * * *,r * x *** * **,F*** *,N* ** *** ** statement Number: R040007021 Anount: 920.00 to/29/20o4o3:0d pM Payment Met.hod: CaEh Init: .fS Notation: $/etleS CONSTRUCTTON Pernit No: DRB040578 T}rtr)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parce] No: 2IO3I22O9O20 SiLE Address: 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Locatlon: l-500 LIONSRfDGE LOOP Tot.al Fees: S20. 00 This Pal4nent: 920.00 Tota1 AL,L pmts: 920.00 Balance: S0.00 *,st * **** * * 'i *,1* * * * * * * * * t ***** xt * !t ** * * r * * * + * * * * * * * * * r * {.,1. * * * * ** * * * * * *,t * * * r * !t* ** x** 't 't* + x** ** ** * * ACCOT/NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI"J FEES 20 00 ,/nt' tA /-.) / *u,, 1.ft,r:9/t/Ps /z- -/DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECI TITLE: GARVIE RESTDENCE ADD/ALT SFR BUII-,D PERMIT Permit #:899-0143 Address: 1600 IJIONS RIDGE L,P SEatus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 06/04/L999 Issued...: 06/L7/L999 E:<pires . - : L2 /L4/L999 Phone: 9'70-476-8055 Phone z 970-476-8055 LocaEion.. .: 1500 Lions Ridge Loop Descript.ion:Alteration,/addit.ion to east dormerNuTnber of Dwelling Units: 001 Town of Vail Adjust,ed Valuation: 23,000 Flrcplacc Inforuation: RcBtricted: y *of ca6 Appliances:*Of ca6 tJoga:#of vfood/Pa1I€t: !'EE SlJl.rUARy Building-----> Plan ch€ck- -- > Inv.atigation> w111 call----> TOr{r[ oF vArr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De Refund approved amount date APPIJICANT cor{TRAcroR OT{NER eI No. . : 21_03-L22-09-020 ect. No.: PRJ98-0150 DAI'PHINAIS -MOSEI-,EY CONST 1404 MORAINE DRIVE, VAIL CO 81-657 DAI'PHINAIS -MOSELEY CONST 1404 MORATNE DRIVE, VAIL CO 8L657 OMEAII tTD PTNSHP 535 LODGEPOLE DR, INCIJINE VILI'AGE NV 89450 215 . oO . oo .00 50 .00 - 00 100.00 606.'t5 Restuaran! Plan Revi.er- - > DR.B F€6---- Recreation f'ee----------> CIean-Up DcpoaiC------ --> TOTAI, PEES' Togal calculated Fees- - - > Adaitional F6er- - -------> .00 Tot.al P6r1niE Fee- -------> Paynclrta-------- BAIANCE DUE-.-. .OO rEEM: O51OO BUITDING DEPARTIT'IEIiTT DCPI: BUIIJDING Di-ViSi.ON: 06/07/L999 KATIIY Acuion: NOTE Rout,ed to Charlie 05/14/L999 CHARLIE Acti-on: APPR CHARI-,IE DAVIS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PT,ANNING Dj-wisj.on: o6/04/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE Routed ro GR for DRB 06/07/L999 GEORGE AcLion: APPR IEem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Depr: FrRE Divj.sion: 06/L4/L999 CIARLIE ACT1ON: APPR N/A IEem: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: 06/L4/L999 GIARLIE Action: APPR N/A Proj See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditions that may apply to Ehis permits. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknoilGdge thac I have rcad Ehis application, flllcd out j.n full che inforoagion reguirod, conpleted an accurabe plot plan, and 6t'at6 chr! all tshc inforrnecion provid.d ae roquircd i6 co:.rccc. I aglec to coEE ly rith thc informati.on and plot plan, to conply rith all Torn ordLnances and stsatc 1arE, artd t.o build this slirclu-e according Eo the ToHn's zoning and subdivision code6, dcaigrr rcvicv approwad, UniforE Building coda and oEhcr ordinanceB of thc Totn applicable lhcreto. REQUeSTI' POR INSPESIIONS sHALl, BE MADE IWENry-FoUR HOI'RE IN ADVANCE aY rELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 oR AT ouR OFFICE FROM 8:oo AJ.l s:00 Pil Cllin-Up Dapo.Lt. 1o: D.uphLn.l,s conaCruction tr, }\ANC-- PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** Permit #: B99-0143 COIIDITTONS OF APPROVAL as of 06/L7/99 ******************************************************************************** o -t{o6e16y Permit, \pe; ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Applicant : DAIIPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST Job Address: 1600 tloNs RIDGE tP Locatsion: 1600 Lions Ridge Loop Parcel No: 2103-a22-09-020 STATUS: ISSIIED Applied: 06/04/L999 Issued: 06/17 /L999 ********************************!t*********************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE FSQUIRED TN AI.,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 I'BC. TOml oF VAIL, COt ORIDO SErt€dnc tt r,t t'r.r'rir!rrrtartta*ttttrlrttrrtifrittttt*atr*rtr*rr{*atrr*rtrttt,, llE.taEnt lfuEb.r: REc-0531 Adounr.: s56.7s 06/!7/99 Lor2a Pryt!.nt, Iilatbod: CK Not.tioni 3308 Init.: JN P€rtrit lfoi Br9-0143 Tylrc: A-BUI&D ADD,/A'rT SFn BUITD PE P.rc.l llo ! 2LO3-122-O9-O2O git'6 Addr.rE: l5OO 'IION8 nfDcE LP Locit'ion: 15OO Llonr Ridgc Loop ToErl Fo..: Ttl. P.l.u6nt 555,75 ToErl lIJ, Prt'6l Balanca: It*a tratt tl trltt*tt t t t tttt *ar ttt Account. Coda DasctipEion 605.75 506. 75 .oo BP 00100003111100 artMlnc pBR!|Ia lEss Pp 00100003rr.2300 Pt Alc cHEcK FtEs Aiount, 27S.OO r?t.15 100. 00 3.00 ID D2 -DEPOA CLEANUP DAPOSITS nc o0100003112c00 rfrrilr clLL gpEcllol FBB Fl o,1 OU E rE ozl OD o: j F 1E 49 FF oq|zo d!l (9a o (J EI o A H ril tl U FI |(o !I k ,q c U o E ti d T o Ir u| B c o rf H P EI ,l t H z HFI E iri po dE Olq ora € OH z2 ho E:E4 ,' FI HH ES E9 ql '(P a bI{az .D A9 R A FrH HE 8g D|( gl H e I_i E E 6 I{ qc EI., 2vl d g Erl o oE tr Eo B i8 aJo Cr a o Fr D 11 o E x B u H o o d Eql a>6 El{.c{o Fro'&go psuq6- 15. ToWN oF VAIICNSTRUcTIoN PERMIT AP.cATIoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RDJECTTD Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# Z|OT . It L - 0,1- O4 , Date: Job Name: Building |C Legal Description: Permit # Job Address: Electncal ( )Mcchanical ( )Plumbing ( ) rot. 3O Block nilinn tr Subdivisio o**^**,", Catdln w)fuL iltwv.x"*, lcu hbryKr*eLo,? Architect: Description of Job:f Work Class: Ncw ( ) Alteration 90 Additional f()Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fircplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS BUILDING: PLT]MBING General Contractor: Phone# l7b. 9OE{ Town of Vail Registration No.lr 8-s . a^ Plumhinq Contracton Nrt Town of Vail Rcgistration No. Mechanical Contractor: LlA Town of Vail Rceistntion No. Address: &' RTld ,?,il",a U 9O f7( Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Date Receivea JUN 4 Fqq FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: cLEAN uP DEPosrr REFUND ro: \ftlql o I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMML]NITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORACE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlawfirl deposits: Subject to subssction C thereof. it is unlaw.tirl for any person to litter, track or dcposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. or any othcr debris or material upon any strect, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thcreof. B. Noticc; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to vlolate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's emplovment a person who violates or causes another to violate thc same. top remove such sand, gravel, rocks. nrud. dirt, snow. ice or any other dcbris or material within twenty four (24) hours aftcr receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand. gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice, debris or any other matcrial to be removcd from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notificd. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hcrcof shall not be applicable: I . Within the imnrediate area of any construction. maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity linc. gas line. telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits ofsand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safcty. and 3. To public areas dcsignated tbr the dumping or depositing ofsaid matcrials. D. Summons; Pcnalty: As an altcrnative to thc noticc for removal provided in subsection B abovc. any person who violates or causes another to violatc the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon bcing found guilty ofa violation hereunder bc punished as provided in Section l-zl-l of this codc. E. Noticc: Penalt-v: lt is unlawful for anv pcrson to fbil or refusc to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subscction B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to paymcnt of thc expensc of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as providcd in subscction B hereof. upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-l-l ofthis Codc. (1997 Codc: Ordinancc 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: or owner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAM[, If this permit requircs a Town of Vail Firc Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plaruring Department review of Health Department reviow, and a rcview by the Building Dcpartrnent, the estimated timc for a total review may take as long as thrce (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all muhi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioncd maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However. if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary revicw, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be madc by this departrnent to expedite this pcrmit :rs soon as possible. I. the undersigned. understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if thc permit is not picked up by the expiration datc. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fce and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: nrq..t N"ot., o*' 6hlqt Work Sheet'was turned into the Community Developmcnt Dept. {pu*u'^'o ;Eillil ""e oB : ?4 FEtruEsrs QH#[r["ibi*THE+3"ron :f eoz reer PA6E AREA: Activityr 899-0143 Bleglrq Typer A-BUILD Statusr ISSUED Constrr ASFR Addressl 160O LIONS RIDGE LP Location: 16BO Lions Ridge Loop Fareel: 21G3-I2Z-09-O?B Bcer Use: U N Descript ion: Alteration./addition to east dorter.Applicant: DAUPHINAIS-FIOSELEY CONST Fhone: 97O-476-4O55 Owner: UilEAH LTD PTNSHP Phone: Contractor: DAUIIHINtrIS-dOSELEY CONST Phone: 97O-476-8O55 fnspect ion Request Requestor: NELLS Req Tire: O8:OO Iters requested to OOO9O ELDG-FinaI fnforration... -. Fhone: 376-4294 Eorrents: IIILL CALL be Inspected.., Action Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History. .. .. 00516 driveway grade tinal BQOIO BLDE-Foot ings/St eel o,olo,?g BLD6-Foundat i on /St ee I AOS8O PLAN-ILC Site trlan Oo;O30 BLDE-Fraring A7/16/99 Inspector: ART Notes: trORRECTION: ADD ROOF Iter: Gi6t4g * * Not On File * * Iter: OOSSS BLDG-Insulation 1A7 1?,?/99 Inspectorr 6RG Iter! Ool9tgg BLDG-Sheetroek Nail g7 /?7 /99 Inspeetor: JRIYI Itet: OOOAO * * Not On File * * Iterr W6TO BLDG-ttlisc.Iter: OOS9O BLDG-Final Iter: 00536 BLDU-Terp. C/O Iter: OO54U BLDG-Final C/O Iter:Iterr Iter! Iterr It er:Aetion: AtrFR UENTS FOR NET.I Actionr APPR Aetion: APPR (r Approved lrf ./correct i on: ATTIC AREA APPROUED APtrROUED o o /n, ^.' L" / (1"/ ilryt / /a 'I-),i 5(-'^) lr'l I a) Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: Garvie Residence Projcct Description:Intcrior convcrsion Owncr, Addrcss and Phonc: Robert Garvie 1600 Lionsridge Loop, Vail 479-9s09 Architcct/Contact, Addrcss and Phone: Pat Dauphinais f'TJflf'u"u Ploject Stlcet Addrcss: 1600 Lionsridge Loop Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 20, Dauphinais-Mosley Subdivision, Filing #l Parccf Numbcr: 2103-122-09-020 Building Namc: nla Commcnts: Motion by: nla Secondcd by: Votc: Conditions: Town Planncr': Christie Barton Datc: 6lt6l98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $50.00 CENEML INFORMATION Qucstions? Call tJhnning Srat'l' ui -,1 7i-: I 2 S APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL \uf44- otfr This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submining for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, sce the subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc accepted until all thc requircd inforntation is submittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Envirounrcntal Contrrrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A, DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: y'uot prrysrcALADDRESS: //.rlo Ltapifltot,( L'aa/ tlicfr i PARCEL #: '2lC3 - ILL - C'Q ClqContact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:sb H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E. Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Flooition -$50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial bdilding. tr tUinor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions, Iandscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fccs are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. when applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMTTTAL RX,QUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLORADO 81657. PHoNE: fi(" -lb e { B. C. D. E. F. G. * NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS:Bc .AttUL€ TA|/{NOTYAIL t LIST OF PROPOSED I!'ATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:BULLDINC MATERIALS: Roof COLOR:* Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sollits Windorvs Windorv Trinr Doors Door J'rinr l{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chirrrncys. ' -l'nrsh Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr * Pleasc specify thc nlarlufachrrcr's color, number and attaclr a srnall color chip *+ All cxtmior lighting must mect the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate thc nuurbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify cach fixhre type and provide thc hcight above grade. lunrcns output. lunrinous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhucs. Updated 6/97 PROPOSED TREES ANDSHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED; CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION Rotanical Nantc +Mininrunr rcqui for land.scaping: Ouantiry Sizc* dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliocr ct.onifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - ( natr^--e 5..r I vr rJ Squarc Footagq -- TY[,E OR METHOD EROSION CONTRO OTHER LANDSCA bottom clevations of walls elsovhcrc on l.i":ilY.5[:$'filllil:1!'rence5,.s*',u,nins poors, *c) pJease speciry. ,,'*.ulo** propcrry is 6 fcct. '-'-'--"' "srght of rvalls within thc front sctback i, 3 f;.4 i,i;'i;nr height of Updatcd 6/97 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINCS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS . T?lW 0F VI'IL o c] 0 O o GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior altcrations ofa building. Any alteration in rvhich additional building square footage is added rvill rcquire an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS . Photos or sketches which clsarly convcy the cxisting conditions. . , Photos or sketchcs rvhich c!&at!y convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relcvant specifications for the proposal including colors and nratcrials to be used. Condominiunr Association approval (if applicable). If the,intent of thc proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may dcterminc that additional materials arc nccessary for thc rcvicw of thc application, o STAFF APPROVAL Thc Administrator may rclicw3nd.aRnrove Dcsign Rcvic,v.applications. approve rvith certain modifications.deny thc application. or may refcr trre ippricationTo ii. o*rign Rcvicw Boaid for decision. All saff ;:#ffiffiubjcct to final approval uv tr'. one. ir'. roni*ing,yp.;;id;ts.' Rcview apprications may A' Any application for an addition to an cxisting building that is consistcnr with rhe architcch*al dcsign.lnatcrials and colors.ofthe building. and appioval has becn rcceived by an authorized member ofa condonriniurn associarion. if applicablc: B' Any applicarion to 1o-a,'rr al.xisting building l,hr, do..:, not sigrificantly changc the existing plancs ofthe building and is gencrally "onriit.nt witi'thc architecfurar <tesigrr, materials and colors of the building' including. btrt not lirnited ,o.*t.Jo,. uritar,.,g nnirr, ,.i.1;;'i;.;. stonework. siding. roof tnaterials' paint or stain.). cxterior lighting. cauopics or arwings. r.n....li,.nn"s. satcltite dishcs.rvindorvs' skylights. siding' nrinor colnnri.iot t .r.t. irprou.i.j.iir, *i .ii*.in-,ilar modifications; c' Anv application fbr sitc intprovenrcnt.s or modifications_including, but not limitcd to, driveway tnodifications' sitc grading. sitc rvalls' rcnroval or modifications to cxisting landscaping, installation of acccssory stnrctues or rccrcational facilitic.s. VI, A. B. c. lfthis application rcquircs a scparatc rcvierv by any local. statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc Towfl of Vail' thc application fce shall uc incrcasea fv szo0.oo. Examplcs ofsuch rcvicrv. rnay lfllL';.:'X,il:jl:: "'""0 to: cororado o.p.n,".niiiHighway Acccss r.n,'ir'. L,,,y corps or Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any puhlishing fccs rvhich arc in cxcess of50% ofthc application fcc' ll' at thc applicanfs ."qr.rtl uny "*it., i. postponcd for hcaring. causing the matter to bc rc-publishcd. thcn thc cnrirc fcc forsuch .c-puttication.,r,rrr u"p"iiiy'ir,i"ipri.unt. lll]lt"|:'it dccmcd by thc conrmunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartn)cnuo havc desigr. land usc or othcr tssuc's which ntay havc a significanl inriact on thc conrnrunity nray rcquire r.ul."*lv consurtants in additiontoTorvnstaft' shouldadctcrnrinationb.;;;"bythcTorvnstaffthatanoutsideconsultant ll..l:*1: rn. conilnunity Dcvcropnrcnt o.purt*."t ,nny hire the consurtant. The Departmcnt shall csttlllatc thc anrount of moncy ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd to the Torvn by thc appricant ntihrtir. oinri"g.".ppii..tion. e*p"nres inc*rred by the Torvn in cxcess orthe anrounr forwarded by thc appriition s'hail u"p.iJtJir,.i;;-r;;J;odicant wirhin ::,,itilil::-'fication bv the rown' Anv exccss n nas rvitl'bc ,.;;i ;; ;;;p;;;-, upon rcview Updated,6/97 a COPPER CHII.INEY CAF U'D gHAKEg 6. gTOI{E VENEER bXri8f. oooc ]l 7'-q v2, c,$ Fi UP 88 s |\I +?5=* BELOr.ll 1/ ', -5 SITTING ROOH 1',{" X 152 V7. f 7 r 3- JP FFHg]AL \3'rx40 5/8.RO. +-DECF+- ci tI.\i rI<&in $Hi I1ASTER BED ts'.L t/t x tg,4 t/2. ,€,9 | .9,h ii{-,2\ 8',-2 ?/1. 5E COND SCALE: l/4":l'-O" ]-EVtrI_rL OC e rli f't f+a{r Hl -r +-l G+F f+\fg )t t f{l /,^l!I \:9 Fl l-l F)H r1 g .+ -)f.t t>\- GI F{T aJ F H {r+ -A \I9 |.{l Ht r.{gt al0 Fr HI .F -1.F v -ta a'+ Itl E .u * er| Ft f+' H a..a |! -f |+ -.J/a\*i +l \' :-: \:.._2:>-- *:l-+:;.r.zi :-. -. :F --..; q: -- 4-r ^IZ--,Y >: ', ':: ^v..^.:=-:\'-al--.-i:1 r Zl- -Z==2 a\, i.,, a-4c=I :-'r:=" :r":\-.-i.:\, \-: -": -. =r"=;..i ^>>JZ { -r': -..:')-'.* !.. -i x=o :r.: ..-. -7 +-d=\ l. -. i *qi _ _-l :r::: >. 'z ----= z=:i a-\ - r') a\ ::-: \, a->-J a-+": :f =2.-A ,.-, Z ::\-F ^:/U a' : -.-\->>-7-z= o"u x<2 - --'i /\ (/)T^ l':- - i) -'.l.! z ;. FI rc z (n I 3 r! - = l- X == ,l :(, l =.= 7 : I NJ _3 = 2 a = =i rg z H g) \s g E. 14 r< z hl H z i 1..1 I lo'tl Ir 1..,r i(- I ir lrr l.:It ttr ll L"J FJ ! i" E I S J ; i! = .l6 aiIilgE f ri;:F : : i H'; 3 t:::;l:;3R: a* !: iiil gc i;3f AA:F;-E ?: e;; I : i ss:1 Fg ;e:: €EE9*5r 1*X oco5ar_ AFAE* o/ I N it =\\:N =l :\_D I I I 1.,. - o z (n .D c r o ;:. (\ \-AJ e\ {-J Cr'Nn f l'6 ")n\l Tr'\ '.rJ i-'r )i r.&.1 /*/en ra..v -Z ./ P(c+ --.-Z--?til4 *^ Ut' Sl.rrx.*- Ag'{'hfi Wa ,.. _ r..? L1 llo. - -.. ---.- Payhents Addi tiona I Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 5 5 6 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y tot Gas Appliances: fof 6as Logs: 2 ijl tlood/PaLtet: *****ir*********#r.,r**ffi**** jr****iiffi****Jrti*rcr*******Jci FEE SUl.1t'lARy ****t********J.*****tr******i*iik*******lr**i*fi************* Totaf. catcutated Fees---> 6,361.15 , l 2 Bui Lding-----> P lan Check---) 2,561.00 1,666.60 Invest igation> .00 UiLt catL----> 5-0O Item:05100 oB / 30 /\e e5 Item:05400 0B /25 / tees Item:05600 Item:05500 08 / 31/ ree 5 Restuarant P lan Reviev--> .00 DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> 980.55 750.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHUCK Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT GEORGE Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR > 6,361.15 BUILDING DiVJ.SiON PLANNING Division FIRE Division PUB WORK Division .00 6,364 -15 C Lean-Up Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES-----BALANCE DUE---- *************Jr***rt*****tr****************trffii*********t(******t*****i**t***tff(*******tr*****fftrf**tr**r*t**J.************************* Dept nonl- Dept Dept *******ffi******rri*lr*irhJFt*Jr*#****ir***ffi#*******H*Jrt*irt**************i**i*******lht*rc***ic*ffil*ic***itt****i************ See page 2 of thi-s Document for any cond.itions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this application, fitted out in futI the infornation requi red, comPleted an accurate PLot ptan, and state that a , the informtion provided as required is correct. I agree to coEPty !,ith the infofmation and Ptot Ptan, to comply vith a[t ToHn ordinances and state lavs, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tor.n's zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved, Uniforn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn aPpticable thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE r,iADE TUENTY-FOUR HoURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE {]' 479-213&OR AT oUR 9FFlcf J Rot'l CIJECK REQUEST DA'f I]:PREPARDD B\': ..- --l\ LTLI-Q-;4-0, VIINDORtTNAMIi: ,Z VI]NDOIT NUMI]IIIl: DESCRrplroN oF LXpENSII: cLIiAN uP DEPoslr REFUND FoR BP tt /3?f'b NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNT NUMBIIR: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUNI),l\--- DATE APPROVI]D: I APPROVAL SI GNA'I'UIIIi: Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: DAUPH I NA I S-l'loSE LY t" NOTE: THIS PERMI? MUST PROJECT TITLE: NEI.{ (SFR,P/S,DUP) BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 89s-0258 ALL #: 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSEI,EY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Pro'iect No. 1824 GLACIER CT 2t03-t22-04-020 400.00 9E0.55 750.00 08/23/Lee5 09 /rt/1995 03 /oe /Lee 6 ISSUED .00 6,364.15 Description : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy Type DweJ.lings zone Private Garages Zone Table Dare: 06/20/!995 F i r€Dlacc Information: Restricted: Y Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Factor Sg. Feet Valuation 2 V-N 93.48 5,686 53L,527.28 2 V-N Masonry 27.60 851 23,487.60 Subtotalz 6,537 555r014.88 Total Valuation! 555,014.88 Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation: 555,014.880 fof Gas Appl.iances:fof Gas Logs: 2 #of Uood/Pa L L.t: fr**tffi******'.**)t***ffijt't**'r******ffi*ffi*r.j(Jrl.********t t FEE SUI'II'IARY *************tr**t**ir*.i*****ffiff**************ffi******* Bui tding-----> PLan Check---> ?,554.00 1 ,666.60 Restuafant Plan Rcview--> oRB Fee------- Recf eation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Dlposit--------> Tota! Catculated Fees---> 6,564.15 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee------->Invest igation> .00 i Lt Catt----> 3.0O TOTAL FEES----- Paynents------ EALANCE DUE-.-- ****H*tt****ffi**********t*ffi******ffi*****tr****ftffi*fi*****ff#****ff******ffi*t*h****lrt**ffi*********t********tt** Item: 05].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/3A/7995 CHUCK Action: APPR IIem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/25/!995 GEORGE Action: ApPR Items 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Itern: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/3L/L995 CHARLIE Action: AppR Dept: Dept: Dept,: Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANNING Divisionr FIRE Division: PUB TVORK Division: **#****ffiffi***iiH**ff****th**ft******rbffirl**'|)t*ffilt*ffiffi*********#**tt*******ii*t******lrrr*****ff****H******tr***#* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I h.v! nead this appLication, f ll,ted out in futt thr intorrmtion required, conpteted an rccuratc ptot ptan, and 3tate thrt a([ thc infornation provided as required is corrcct. t sgfee to colpty rrith the infornation and pLot pl,sn, to cotnP(y uith al't ToHn ordinances and statc taws, and to bsi(d this structure according to the youn's zoning and suHivision codcs, design revieu approved, Uniforrn BuiLdtng code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte therrto. REOUESTS FOR I}ISPECTTOI{S SHALL 8E I.IADE THENTY-FOUR HoI,RS II{ ADVAI{0E BY TELEPHONE \TI Send Ctcan-Up Deposit To: DAUPHINAIS-|IOSELY $EEdCLED PAPEN 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e Pernit *: 895-0258 PAGE 2 Department of Community Development Status: ISSUED * * * rcF#rFyn*4Bt7452 tc * tt tt t *tc* ******************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of O9/L2/95 *****************************************rt*!t************************************ Permir Typer NEW (SFR,P/STDUP) PERMIT Applicant: DfDTER CONSTRUCTIoN CoMPANY Job Address: 1824 GLACIER CT Location; Parcel No: 2103-122-04-020 ****************************************************:t*************************** CONDlTIONS ***rt*************************************************t(***!k********************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALT, BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEII-,]NG HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. Public Works & Fire rnust sign off on this permit per DRB APP Applied: 08 /23 /1995 Issued: 09/lL/L995 {g*nouoruo ****** J.***********************J,********************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REc-0068 Amount: Payment Method: CK3065 Notation: 6,364.t5 09/L2/95 o9t24 Init: MMC 6 t364.15 ************************************************!t*************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: ThiB Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 895-0258 Type: B-BUILD NEw 2I03-L22-04-020 1824 Gl'AcrER cr Totat FeeE: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEA}.IUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES }'ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE (sFR,P/S,DUP) PE 6 t364 .L5 6 t364.15 .00 Amount 2 ,564 .00 400 .00 L ,666 .60 750 .00 980.55 3 .00 o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Perrnit #: P95-0122 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1824 Gr-,ACrER CT FAX770-479-2452 Location...: Parcel No.. : 2103-122-04-020 Project No.: APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-}'OSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PLIIMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 Description: NEW DUPLEX PLITMBING Department of Community D evelopment Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 08/23/7e95 Issued...: 09/tt/1995 Expires..: 03/09/L996 Phone:. 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039494500 Valuation:45,000. 00 ffi***ffi****t*************rr*'r***,r*'t''****ffiffffrr**** FEE SUltllARY ****f,***t*5(*#*lr*ffitffi*ffi#**ffffi*i******ffi*Pf.urbing-----> 675.W .00 E46.75 Restuarant Pl,en Review--> TOTAL FEES-----Plen chcck---> Invest igation>tlitl Ca t t----> 166.75 .00 5.@ TotaI CatcuLated Fces---> Additionat Fees------*--> TotaI P.rnit Fee--------> 816.75 .00 u6.75 accurate Plot and pl,ot ptan, subdivi sion Paynents-----------> E16.75 ****ffiffi#fffi**M*ffi**ffi***#***ffiffi*****#ti**ff*ffilrtff*ffiffi*lr*****ffi***st****** **tt****ffi#******Hffi'rr*ffiffi*ff(*ffiffiffiffiffififfi****tr*ffi********r*r*****lrt'*ffi**ffi***Htnt*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****ffiffirri***l(*lr|t'r*tff*t**************ffi******ff#r*Srr*#r*ffi**ff*#<***************tr*ffi*ffi******Hff*ir********ff***** DECLARATIONS rlem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: I hereby acknoHledgG that I have read this appt ication, fil.Led out in futt th! infornation required, conpteted an ptan, and statc that aL[ the inforMtion provided as requirad is correct. t agree to compl,y uith thc iniorrnation to 6omPl.y Hith ell. Toun ordinrnces .nd state tavs, and to buitd this structure accord,ing to thc Tonn's zoning and cod!s,. design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and othrr ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e theneto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2136 OR AT OUR OFFIC€ FROII {S*"o""*r*o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt *************J,***********************rr****!*********************!k Statemnt Nunber: REC-0068 Amount: Paynent, Method: CK Notati-on: 846.75 09/t2/9s 09126 Init: MMc P95-0122 Type: B-PLMB PLI'MBING PERMIT 2L03-t22-04-020 1824 GLACIER CT Total Fees:846.75 Total ALL,, Pmt6: Balance: t**************************************************************** Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41335 Description PLUMBING PERMTT FEES PLAN CfiECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 846.75 846.75 .00 Amount 675.00 168.75 3 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PLUMBING BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALIJ TIMES P9s -012 2 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 PLumbing-----> 675.00 Plan Check---> 166,75 Department of Community Development APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PI,I'MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 Description: NEW DUPLEX PLITMBING Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1824 GLACIER C? 2L03-122-04-020 .00 E16.75 Status...: ISSUED Applied..z 08/23/I99s Issued...: 09/L1/199s Expires..: 03/09/1996 Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039494500 Valuation:45, 000.00 *ff***t*t***ffi****ffirlr'r*ldr*ffr*****Hrtr:h#rffiff** FEE SUltifAnY *********ffi*****ffiffi*ffiffi*#*i*****ffi**rH#** Restuarant Pl.an Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES----- Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> TotE[ Pernit f ee-------> 816.75 .00 a$.75 lnvest igat i on> l.litt Call,----> .00 3.00 Payments------- Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR DEDI: BUILDING Division: **t*****#****tH*****r}*tffi,rJr,r**ffi*****#ffi*trlit**ff***trt**ff*ff***lr**************lrt*****ffff**ffi*********ff***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****ffi********ffi****fi*ffi********Jrt*****f***ff#ffi*ffffi***ff**************#****ffi#*ffirt********H************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl.ed out in futt the intorfiation .cquired, conpLeted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that al.[ the information pnovided as required is correct. I agree to conpty vith the inforDation and pl,ot pl,an,to compty with atl. Tor,{n ordinances and statc [aws, and to buitd this stfuctura according to the Toyn,s zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the ToL,n appticab[! thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IT{ ADVANCE BY ?fir*"n"urruo :r******************t*************************************!k****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************!t*****************!t********************* statemnt Number: REC-o068 Anount:846.75 09/L2/95 09226 Init: Io{c Payment Method: CK Notation: Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrese: This Payrment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:846.75 Total ALL Pmt6: Bal.ance: P95-OL22 Type: B-PLl'tB PLLTMBING PERMIT 2to3-122-04-020 1824 GIJACIER CT **************************************************************** Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 846.75 846.7s .00 Amount 67s.00 168.75 3 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit, #: M95-0127 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 V479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address... Location Parcel No...,.Project Number APPLICANT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Description NEW DUPLEX D e partment of Community D eve lo pment 1824 GLACIER CT 2t03-t22-04-0 2 0 Status. . . Apptied..Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 08 /23 /Le e5 oe /rr /ree5 03/09/tee6 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 DAUPH INAI S_MOSELEY CONSTRUCT ION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX L042t GLENWOOD SPRrN 81601 : Valuation MECHANICAL Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Phone t 3039452326 Fi reDtace Infornation: Rest r i cted:fof Gas ADD t i ances:fof Gas Logs: 3,000.00 #0f Uood/Pal. Let: ***********ti******#i**********************'ts,t**tr*t.|k****** FEE SUt'lt4ARY **t****ffi*i***ffi**trt**t**H**ffi**********t************ l'lechani ca [--->60.00 Restuarant P Lan Revi eH-->.00 Totat Calcu[ated Fees---> PLan Check---> 15-00 DRB F TOTAL F EES----- .00 AdditionaL Fees---------> 7E.00 ToteI Permit Fee--------> 78.00 .00 78.00 7E.00 lnvestigation>.00 tl i l.l. CaLl.----> 3.00 IIem: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/3O/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR DepI: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read this appt'ication, fiLted out in ful.L the informltion requ'ired, compteted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that atI thc information provided as requ'ired is correct. I agree to conpty with the infornation and pLot plan.to comP(y with a[l Tovn ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this stcuc,ture according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviee aPproved, Uniform Bui(ding code and other ordinances of the fown afp(.icab(e theneto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TUENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.213E SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII1SELF AND OI.INER {P *"""uo"*" OR AT OUR OTFICE FROI'I E:OO AI,I 5:OO PIt / *****************:*********************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **********************************************************!r***** Statemnt Number: REC-0068 Anount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 78.00 09/t2/95 O9227 Init: MMC M95-01,27 Type: B-MECH 2LO3-122-04-020 1824 GLACIER. CT Total Fees:78.00 TotaL ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parce1 No:Site Addrees: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L372 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 4L336 MECHANICAL PERMIT 78.00 78.00 .00 Description MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 60. 00 1s. 00 3.00 o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit, AT ALL TIMES M9 5 -012 7 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 o- 479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Addreas... Location.Parcel No.....Project Number APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Departuent of Communiry Development ].824 GLACIER CT 2LO3-I22-04-020 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 DAUPH INAI S-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Val-uation: ISSUED 08 /23 /tees o9 /Lr/tee5 03 /0e /tee6 Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Phone : 3039 452326 P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81558 CONTRACTOR CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX 1042, GLENWOOD SPRrN 81601 Description: NEW DUPLEX MECHANICAL 3, 800 . 00 #Of lood/Pa L tet:Fi reDtace Infornation: Rest ri ct"d:tof Gas App tiances: *******t******ir***ffi**fift********r.*****ffi#**fr# FEE SUltltARY 60.(D Restuarant P tan Revi er,-->15.00 DRB Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES-:---l,itt Cal,l,---->5.00 #0f Gss Logs: ,00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional Fees---------> 78.@ TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- l'lechani ca [---> PLan Check---> 78.00 .00 76.00 7E.m Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept! BUILDING Division:08/30/1995 cHUcK Action: Appn CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this aPptication, filted out in futL the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and state that atl the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compLy Hith the information and pLot pl.an,to compty vith atl, Town ordinances -and statc [aus, and to buitd this structur€ according to thc Town,s zoning and suNivision codcs, dlsign revie!. approvcd, Uniform Bui(ding code and other ordinances of thc Toun appticab(e thereto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND OI'NER {2r*ru"* AT 479-?156 0R AT oUR ottICE FRoll E:00 Alt 5:q) Plt o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** 78.00 09h2/9s 09r27 Init; nc Statemnt Number: REC-0068 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: Perrnit No: M95-0127 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3-122-04-020 Site Address: 1824 GLACTER cT This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 4t336 Total Fee6:78.00 Total ALL Pmts: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI CALI, INSPECTION FEE 78.00 78.00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Anount 60. 00 15.00 3. 00 o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0168 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department o;f Communiry Development Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1824 GLACIER CT 2to3-122-04-020 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 08 /23 /Lee5 oe /tL /tee5 03/oe /tee6 APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX L595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715, DTLLON CO 8043s Description: NEW DUPLEX ELECTRICAL 273.00 .00 .(D 5.00 276-W Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3034680249 Valuation:16, 000 . 00 ************ir*************Jrffi****#ffi****i*ff***ffi* FEE SUI' ,|ARY ****#********#*ffiffi*********************#****** E Icctri ca t---> DRB Fee Invest igat ion> lJi L l. Ca l,l,----> TOTAL FEES---> ****ffi***************H**********ffi****ffi********ff************************************ffi**********************#********* Totat Catcutated F:es---) Additionat Fces--------> TotaI Permit Fee-------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---- 276.@ .00 276.W ?76.fi .00 Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/30/L995 CHUCK Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: ***J**ffi*ffi**ffiffi******,rirffilrfftrrri*********ffi******ffr*******ff***#*##***ffi***Jn#**1*******ff*t*ffi***trt*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********fi****************************************#*ffi********************t**trHlr********ffi*************s*********rr******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl.ed out in ful,l, the infornation requi red, compteted an accurate p1ot p[an, and state that att the informati.on provided as required_is correct. r agree to compty rith tire iniormation and pl,ot ptan,to.comPty with atl' ToHn ordinances and state taws, and io buil.d this structure accord,ing to'the Tovnis zoning ana subdivision codes, design review approved, uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afplicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE Ti,ENTY-FOUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179-2138 oR AT OUR OFTICE FRot{ E:00 A}t 5:00 pt{ {p^*"*o,uuo ************************************************************!t*** TOWN OF VArr_,,, coLoRADo statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0068 Amount: 276.00 Og/12/gS O9z2S Payment Method: CK Notation: Ihit: MMC Permit No: 895-0168 TIT)e: B-ELEC ELECTRfCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-L22-O4-O2O Site Address: 1824 GLACIER CT Total Fees: 276.00 This Paynent 2?6.00 Total ALL pmts: 276.00 Balance: .0O **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES 273.OO 01 OOOO 41336 VIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: 895-0158 Phone: 3034680249 Valuation:16,000.00 ****lr*******ff**********ffi**##***r**fflrr|**rtlt***ffi* FEE SUll.lARy ***H*************ffi****ffiffi**********lr****ffi* Etcctricat---> DRB Fee Inv!st igat i on> l,i Lt ca L t---->Payment ToTAL FEES---> 276.00 BALANCE DUE---- ***ldff*ffi*i**********ft***#***********#********t****************ff*****************************ffi**********t****i****** 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1824 GLACTER cr FAX97A-479-2452 Location...: Parcel- No.. : 2103-122-04-O2O Project No.: APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX t595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27J.5, DILLON CO 80435 Description: NEVI DUPLEX ELECTRICAL 273.@ .00 .00 3.00 D epartment of C ommunity D evelopment TotaI calcutated Fees---> Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Status...: ISSUED epplied..: 08/23/t99s Isaued. . .: 09/LL/7995 Expires. . : 03/09/L996 Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 276.N .00 276.W 276.00 .00 Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/30/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ***lr********rhf*ffi**ffiffi********ffi*#?***ti**ffiJ*******ir***tr*ff****fi********ffi*ff*ffi*ffi*ffi**ff****t**Jrtrt** CONDITION OF APPROVAI., ***lr**#**************#**********rr**#*ff*****t******#*******************#**************t*******ffi***ff***i****ffiiffi*i* DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknorrtedge that I have read this application, f il,l,ed out in ful,l, the 'information requircd, co1pt,eted an accurate ptot plan, and gt8tc that alt the information provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to compty rJith thc information and pt,ot pLan,to comply with att Town ordinances and statc [ar,rs/ and to buil,d this structurc according to'the Tounis ioning ano subdivision codes, design revieu approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOT'IS SHALL BE I.IADE T$'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR oFFrcE FRo[ 6:00 A 5:00 Ptr {prnnuoruo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO steternnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0068 Amount: Pa)rment Method: CK Notation:276.00 09/L2/95 Oez25 Init: MMC Permit No: 895-0168 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-04-020 Site Address: 1824 GLACIER CT BaLance: .00 **************************************************************** This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:276.00 Total ALL pmts: Description EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION I'EE 27 6 .00 27 6.00 Amount 27 3 .00 3 .00 owners Narne : DtrL,prl, *lArg-l.,'lcs PLUMBfNG: 4t dilt) Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERI'TIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION t)? -W-t' -Q 4/b4'-t L'' rowN or vArL coNsrRucr /-' ""*o5lrl?PlrcArroN Fo o ION RM APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORI{ATTON ***************************** !-*-Building [2{-PIumbing ffi;Electrical !{-t'lechanical [ ]-other Job Addressz IE>ZL QL-Fc-aF-? Ctr Job Name: l2T zo D''\7I-F'x- Legal oescriptionz LoE 2o Broc.R '2- sitins Dictse?tw1e- + 3 '- -',-r | '/',, /..: r,r'-\r-{. ' ,/AtW. Cu :V(tXaaressz 7i *cy t+F ' s,L<?, pn.Alu.-ex:55 1h.645 -e,\t7 Architect:Address: Pcr General Description: Work Class: Xl-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-'ither Number of Dwellinq unitsz 7 Number of Accommodation Units: AvoA, Ct: ELECTRICALz Iu> ePO MECHANICALi 3.).)(2 * * * * * * * * * * -?(f-??i pJ.1g.. - coNTRAcroR TNF.RMATJ'N * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. lt20-b Address:Phone Number: 11 f, - Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: ^ $rmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appli^n"""&- Gas nogs Z Wood/Pellet- }r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS *********************************rl BUTLDTNG: ?'ZLlt'78 OTHER: TOTAL:325 p-76 **************** Town of vail Reg. No. tzl-Vl Phone Number: 14a - 2321 oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIJIN CHECK FEE: I,IECHANICAL PLLN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! ,l-ACLle..NO. NO. 85!- Conments: CLEAr{ I'P DEP,OSIT REFIIND TO: Ditir(2ht t'-rt"6 ffI tst I( Lt ('i ^Lt f 0 fux lc^r- Y[tt\ ( r, t;\L1t 75 3outh lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary,.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litt,er, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or rnaterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will- be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Pubric works Departrnent. Persons found violating this ordinance will be griven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pubtic Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrltt not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1I, please stop by the Town of Vail Buil-ding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner)osition/Relatbnship Date a 75 roulh lronl.ge road Y8ll. colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 oltlce ot communlly dcvclopmc|rt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail F'ire Department Approval, Engineer''s (Public l,lopks) reyiew and approval , a plannin! Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Euiliting Department, the estinrated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. All commercial (large or small) and all multj-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a Iesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be nade by this department to expedite th.is perm.i t as s,qon as possi bl e. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame.. Gf t Communi ty Development Department. tf,olvrll OFFICE COPV 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e7o-47e-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partment of C ommunity D eve lo pme nt Town of VaiT 75 SouLh Frontage Road Vai-l-, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Numberi PR,Jg5-0157 Address : 1824 GLACIER CT. Planner:GEORGE R. Occupancy: R3, M1 T\tt.ia .rF r'^hcf ' 1/-N NOTE:The code iLems listed in this report are not Iisting of aII possible code requirenents in the selected sections of the code. Name3 LOT 20 PRIMARY DaLe: August 30, 1995 Contractor: DIDIER CONST. Architect: ARNOLD Engineer: BOYITE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN intended. to be a complete 1991 UBc. It is a guide Lo SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH ProperLy line 28. 0 Feet 28. 0 Feet EAST Building 0. 0 Feet 0. 0 Feet SOUTH Property line 17. 0 Feet 17. 0 Feet WEST Pr:operty line 35. 0 FeeL 35. 0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table L7-A & Table 5-A NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WALL PROT WALL R3 ohr Ohr None l-hr*M1 Ohr ohr None thr* The exterior walls may be of EAST NON.BRG OPNC WALL PROT Lhr* NoP thrr NOP SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WALL PROT WALL Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr Ohr None Ohr WE ST NON-BRG OPNG WALL PROT Ohr None Ohr None COMBUSTIBITE material . Sec.2201. None -- No fire protecbion requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protecLed with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50t of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) c Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft wiLh no dimension greaLer than 12 feet. -- Sec. 430G. (h) {g *""r""rn r*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development NOP -- Openings are not permitted in * - - These wall-s may be required to above the roofing. The parapeL wall fire rat-i ng as the walI. See section NAME this wal1 . have a parape! wa11 30 inches is required to have the same 1710. for details and exceptions, AREA }4IN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO. EXTTS EGRESS FI., 2 Beclroom #4 2 Ha11s, cLosets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Garage 1 Ki tchen 1 i,ivino ni ni nn room L MasLer bedroom L MasLer bath 1 Ha11s, closets. eLc. TOTAI, FOR FLOOR B Bedroom f3 B Fami 1y roorn B Bedroom #2 B Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR BUTLDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 3L7 273 590 433 t 8r 494 195 106 570 r97 9 ztJ 476 180 453 \332 2569 3L.70 0.00 0.00 18. r0 49.40 19.50 0.00 0.00 2r.30 47.50 18.00 0.00 15.85 0.00 0.00 9 .05 24.70 9.15 5.30 0.00 10.55 23.80 9 .00 0.00 Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes L 1 1 1 1 I 1- 1 1 L 1 L 1 l- I 1 l-) EGRESS - An operable window or door LhaL opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The ninimum clear openable area must meet the fol lowing. Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear heighL is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square 4) The maximum sill heiqhL is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table l3-A 3) A mechanical ventilaLion system may be used openinqs for ventilation. - Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window j_n Lhe Sec . l-2 04 . feet (Dwe] 1 ings )in in Lieu of exterror basement is based on ROOM DIMENSIONS r Habitable space shai.l have a ceiring heiqhL of not ress than T feet 5 inches. KiLchens, ha]1s, bathrooms and toi-let comparLments may have a ceiling heiqht of 7 feet measured to the rowest projecLion. rf Lhe ceilino is sloping, then Lhe minirnum height is required in onry l/2 of the area.- - Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit sha11 have at leasL one room which has not less than L20 square feet of floor area, Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -, Sec. 1207. (b)Habitable rooms other t.han a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. - - Sec. 1207. (c) {,2 *"n""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/657 970-479-213V47e-21 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e p artme nt of Community D evelopme nt GTAZING REQUIREMENTS: AII glazing in hazardous l"ocaLions is required to be of safety glazing maLerial . -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) clazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) GlazinS in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors oLher than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in sLorm doors.4) clazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, sLeam rooms, baLhtubs and showers. G1 azing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the boLtom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Lo a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of Lhe door in a closed position and where the botLom exposed edge of the glazing is fess than 50 inches above the walking surface,7) clazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets a1l of the fo! lnwi nn r'nnrli tions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feeL.B. Exposed bott.om edge less than 1.8 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge qreater than 35 inches above bhe floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontal-Iv of the plane of Lhe glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height Included are structural baluster panels panel s . See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wa]l aL a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingr area. -- sec, 1210. (a) 4.A smoke deLector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 12f0. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on all storj-es, Sec, j,210. (a) 4.If Lhe upper level contains sleeping room(s) , a smoke d.etecLor is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairwav.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detecLors are required to be wired to the buirding,s power source and shall be equipped with a baLtery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3.Detectors shall sound. an afarm audible in arl sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. above a walking surface. and nonsbructural in f i1l {P *""'"'''o 'u"r 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 De p artme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREP].IACE: 1) Fireplace must be supporLed by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of f j-rebox are to be L0 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick Lhen the wal1s may be 8 inches thick. Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The ninimum clearance Lo combustible materiaL is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chinney wal1s is 2 inches. ConbusLible material may not be placed within 5 inches of fireplace opening and combustible wiLhin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each I inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombusLible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and suppor!ed by noncombustible material . The hearth size musL be aL Ieast:If Opening size is: Front extension Side exrensron Less than 6 sq,f t. 6 sq. I L. or greaLer - - sec. 3707. (k) & (I) 5) Chimney heiqht musL be per 8 inches 12 inches Sec. 3705. (a) per manufactures approval 16 i nche s 20 inches 'laole J / -u FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1-) Unit must be an approved unit. -- 2) Clearances and hearth size must be -- Sec. 3705 . (a) & (b) 3) Chimney heiqht rnust be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for Lhr f ir:e construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and t-he residence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #J STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling musL be at leasL 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater Lhan 30 inches. Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. LlL2. (a\ exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305.(o)Enclosed usable space under the st.airs is requi.red. to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 330d. (f) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiber shafts wi-th a cross-sectionaL area of noL more than 9 square feet nay lined on Lhe inside wiLh not less than 26 qaqe garvanized sheet meLal with all joints locklapped. The outside nust be t hr consLruction. A1 1 openings into any such encfosure shall be protected by not less than a self closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or eguival en t. .Sec. l-706. (f ) {,2 *'"'"""*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 2) Gas vents and noncombustible pipinq 3 floors or less do not need to be -- sec. I/ub. (c) 3) shafts for gas vents, factory-buil L not extend through not more than 2 D epa rt me nt of C ommunity Deve lopme nt installed in wal1s passing through in t hour shal ts. chimneys, pipinq, or ducts that do floors need. not be in I hour shafts. to a earth to only, be per UBC shall require an soil retainage -- sec. 1705. (c) 4) Alf other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l- hour assemblv.-- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWIJS PACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventilaLion either by rnechanical means or by openings in exterior wal1s. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than j" square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space, Openinqs shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 251"6. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced. to lOt of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the L,,i r ,l.i *^ ^gt:^.i ^1 purrcr-tr]g of r r cra_L approves. For a 333.0 sq. ft. crawlspace arear Ratio Minimtlm so fl- of vent 1/Ls0 ) 11 2) Provide 18-inch by 24- inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening rnay be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 251,6. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resisLance to decay or treaLed. wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and qirders is is 12 inches Sec. 2515. (cl 2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wiIl require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frarne inspection. All crawl spaces wihhin the Town Of Vail are limited structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor ventilated as per UBC 25L5(C)5 with minimum access as 251-5(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft, Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or nore engineer design. such design shal1 address drainase, and structuraL design. Excavation below slabs on grad.e shal1 not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainLy visible and legibl-e from the {P *'"'""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colnrado 81657 970-479-2r 3V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 De partme nt of C ommunity D eve lopment For ML occupancy Sj-ope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor Lo dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper EagIe Valley Water & Sanitation DisLrict. In garages with J-iving area above, t.he walls of the garage wiich are bearingr the area above shall be protecled wiLh one hour f j_re resisLive construction. UBC 503 (B) . {p *"n""'o 'uuo Town of \lrif OFFICE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-47e-2 I 3 8/47e-21 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Development Town of VaiT 75 South FronLage Road VaiL, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2r"38 pl- an Lhe l-991 Proj ect Number: PRJ95-0f57 Address: L824 ciJACIER CT. Planner:GEORGE R> Occupancy: R3,ML Type of Const: V-N SEPARATION DTRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 17.0 FeeL EAST Property I ine 37.0 Feet, SOUTH Property Line 20.0 Feet WEST Building 0. 0 Feet qrrqtyDl- L,d,DELr' (Jrl Uniform Building Code Name: LOT 20 SECONDARY Date: August 30, 1995 ContracLor: DIDIER CONST.Architect: ARNOLD EngIneers BUY L!; Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN NorE:The code items lisLed in this report are noL intended to be a complete Iisting of all possible code requirements in the l-991 UBC. It. is a guide to selected sections of the code, FIRE PROTECTION r /. u teet 37. 0 Feet 20.0 Feet 0. 0 Feet OPENING PROTECTION t{J M1 EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRC NON BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALIJ WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PRoT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOp Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None lhr* thr* NOp The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec.220L. None -- No fire protection requiremenLs for openings.Prot -- Openings are Lo be prolected wit.h 3/4 hr fire assembties.50* of the area of Lhe wal,l- maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5 A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) {P *""'""'o 'o"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Deve lopment NOP -- Openings are not permiLLed in this wall.* - - These walls may be required to have a parapet waLl 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wa1l is required to have the same fire rating as Lhe wal1. see section l-7L0, for details and exceptions NAME AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN,VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS FIJ 2 Bedroom #2 2 Family roon 2 Bedroorn #3 2 HaIls. closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Ki Lchen 1 Master bedroom I l4as t er bath 1 T-i rri na ni ni n^ rr -,.Y - JOtn 1 Garage 1 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUTLDING TOTAL 180 286 rll 29L 909 tol 185 r,8 5 318 418 4s4 1.7 27 ZOJO 18.00 28 .60 r,5 . 2 0 0.00 15.50 18.60 0.00 31.80 0.00 0. 00 9.00 14.30 1 .60 0.00 8.25 9.30 9.30 15.90 0.00 0.00 Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No 1 I I 1 I t 1 L I 1 I 1 I FOOTNOTES: 1-) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area musc meer the following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The ninimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwel]inqs) 3) A mechanical ventilaLion sysLem may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventil-ation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling heighL of noL less than 7 feeL 5 j-nches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured t-o the lowest project.ion. If che ceil- j-ncr is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only L/2 of the area.- - Sec. l-20? . (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one roon which has not Iess than 120 square feeL of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kiLchens shall have an area of not Iess than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b)Habitable rooms other than a kiLchen shall not be ress Lhan 7 feet in anv dimension. -- sec. 1207. (c) {7 *"'"'u"*'* 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : Al1 qlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety qlazinq materiaf. -- sec. 5406. (d) t) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sJ.iding panels of slirling d.oor assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors,3) Glazing in storm doors,4) Glazing in aIl unframed swinging doors.5) Glazinq' in doors and enclosures for hob tubs. whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bachtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these eompartments where the bottorn exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of hhe grazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed ed.ge of the glazing is l-ess than 60 inches above the walkinq surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those Iocations described in itens 5 and 5 above, Lhan meets afl of the fol lowing condi Lions; A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed. bottom edge Less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge qreater than 36 inches above the f1oor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 3b inches horizontallv of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railing's regardless of height above a walking surface.Tncluded are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in fill panel s. See excepLions, SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiringr or wal.l at a point centrally locaLed in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector j.s required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. - - Sec. 1,210. (a) 4. A smoke d.etector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.rf the upper 1evel conEai.ns sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway,-- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shal-l- be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3.Decectora sharr sound an alarm audible in arl sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. {,7 o'"""""o '*uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Community Development FIREPIJACE REQUIREMENTS ; MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundalion. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox musL be at leasL 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the waf}s may be 8 inches thj-ck. -- sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to conbustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 5 inclres of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project nore than l-/B inch for each l- inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncornbus t ibl e, a minimun of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material. The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is; Front exLension Side exlension Less Lhan 5 sq. f L. 6 sg. f t. or greater -- sec. 3707. (k) & (I) 5) Chimney height must be per 8 inches L2 inches sec . 3705. (a) per manuf actures approval L6 inches 20 inches Table 37 -B FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) UniL musL be an approved unit.2) Clearances and hearth size musL be -- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPAMTION: Between the garage and Lhe residence, maLerials approved. for thr fire consLrucLion are required. on Lhe garage side only and. any d.oors between the garage and the resid.ence are to be a self closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -, Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a clwelling must be at- leasL 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and bhe minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 Lo 38 j-nches above t-he nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening si-ze = 4 inches. - Sec. 1,712. (a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.. - 8 inches. -- sec. 3305.(o)Enclosed usable space under Lhe stairs is required to be prolecLed as requ i red for thr fire -resistive consbruction.Sec. 3306. (1) SI.IAFT ENC],OSURES: 1) Chutes and d.umbwaiter shafts wiLh a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside wit.h not less than 26 qage galvanized sheet metal wit.h aLL joints lockrapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A1l openings into any such enclosure shall- be protected by not less Lhan a self closing solid wood door 13/g inches thick or equivalent.sec. 1706. (f ) {g r""'"""u '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 3) cas vents and noncombustibl-e piping 3 floors or less do not need to be -- Sec. 1706. (c) Shafts for gas vents. facLory-buiIt. not extend through not more than 2 installed in wal ls in t hour shaf Ls . chj-mneys, pipinq, floors need noL be passingr through or ducts that do in t hour shaf ts .-- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) AII other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembfv.-- Sec. 1?05. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventil-ation either by mechanica] means or by openings in exterior warls. opening sha1l provide a ne! area of not less than I square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. openings shall be disLributed on two opposite sides and be Located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 2516. (cl 5. Note: Vent openings may be red.uced to j"0% of lhe above if ground surface area is covered wihh an approved vapor barrier and. the building ofFicial approves. For a 333.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of venL L/r50 2.22 2) Provide 18-inch by 24- inch access openinq to the crawl space area, Note:opening may be required Lo be larger if mechanical equipment is locaLed in the crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6.(c) 2.3) unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resisLance to decay or treated wood, the minimum cl"earance between exposed eart.h and floor joisL is L8 inches. The minimum cl-earance to beams and girders is is 12 inches.Sec. 2516 . (cl 2 ADDITIONAIJ REQUTREMENTS : E'.\r I?? This projecb will. require a site improvement survey.shall be submitted and approved prior to request for inspection. AlL crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limiLed structural floor ceiling height of 5' , be earth floor venLilated. as per UBC 2515(C)6 with minrmum access as 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building sj-te with a slope of 30 degrees or more engineer design. Such design shall- address drainage,and structural desron. Such survey f rame Lo a earLh Lo onJ.y, be per UBC shal- I require an soil retainage Excavation bel-ow sl-abs on grade shall not be perniLted without prior approval . Add.ress numbers shall be posted ptainry visible and regible from the {,7 *""'""tn 'o'"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Conmunity Development For ML occupancy Slope garage fLoor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garaqe fLoor drain connecLed to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle VaIley Water & Sanitation Districc. In garages with living area above, the wal1s of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B) , {g *""r"ur r*"* O ,o*otvril |)FFICECOPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2r3e FAX 970-479-2452 D e partme nt of C o mmunity Deve lopme nt Town ot VaiT 75 South Front.age Road Vai1, Colorado 8165-/(303) 479 -2138 Plan revlew lvv r unrform the Project Number: PPR,I95 -0157 Address ; 182 4 GI-,ACIER CT . PLANNER: GEORGE R. Occupancyr R3 , Ml- Type of Cons!: V-N based on Building Code Name; LOT 20 GLACIER CT. Date: August 30, 1995 Contractor: DIDIER CONST. Architect: ARNOLD Engineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN This exterior wall between units is required to be a thr fire assembly. Table 5-A All- eLectrical work is to be complete to the requirements of the latest National Electrical Code,all Tovrn of Vail Ordinances, and Hol_y Cross Requirements. This project bril"l reguire a siLe improvemenc survey.This survey shal1 be submiLted and staff approved prior bo a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done wiLhouL an approved site irnprovement survey. AII areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabj-t. basemenL shall have less than 5'ht.. from earth to st.ructural floor/ceiling above, be ventilated. as per UBC 2516. with minimum access as per UBC 2516 and max, access of 9 sq. ft. All new construclion within Lhe Town of Vail will be required to have a Public Way permit plus an initial inspection by the T.O.V. PubIic Works Department to approve site drainage and cuLvert insLallaLion prior to any Buildinq Dept. inspections. {,7 *'"'"""o '*"r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 D e partment of Community Deve lopment This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the fot' is a restricted 1ot in size. three gas logs fireplaces and. three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas logr chimneys enclosures shalI be one hr. protected. THIS PRO.JECT REQUIRES TWO ONE HOUR WALLS BETWEEN EACH UNTT WTTH A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FROM FOUNDATTON TO UNDER SIDE OF ROOF SHEATING. fn bathroons with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shal1 be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC l_205(c). Domestic clothes d.ryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMc 1104 and l-903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts sha11 terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14r Iength. No d.omes!ic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system withou! the use of an approved dishwasher air-qap fitting. UpC 508. Cross connection control devices shall be inst.alled to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices, UpC 1003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipnent. UPC 904. Each water closet shal"l be located in a clear space not less than 30" in width and have a clear space in front of such stool of not less than 24r'. UBC )II (4, . Domestic rang.es shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30[ to unprotected combustible naterial . UMC 1901. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall. be protected by a one-hour fire resistive constructron. UBC 1706. This involves l-ining the inside of such chase with 5/8'r Type X sheetrock and fire- taping j oints. 10 11 LZ -LJ t4 15 {2 *'""uo '*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment L6 Approved gas logs may be insLalLed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the instal-lation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shal-I be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appl iances are required Lo be instalLed as per listing installation instrucbions with a rtBI vent only. Combustion air nust be supplied fron lhe outside for aLl ne\ar construction in the Town of Vail. Supply a mechanical drawing indicaLing design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipnenE., venc location and terminaLion. and combustion air to be supplied prior Lo any instal.lation. Due Lo Colorad.o State StaLutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum waLer c]oset flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 qa1lons per flush. This factory-built fireplace rnust be an approved unit. fnclude Lhe manufacture's name, model number,and approval information. -- Sec. 3705. (ar The size of the noncombustible hearth must be per the manufacture's approval . -- Sec. 3205, (b) The design, construcLion, and installation of elevaLors, dumbwaiters, escalators and therr hoisLways shall be as per Lhe requirements of UBC Ch. 5l-. This includes fire-resi_sLance of enclosure & openings, hoisLway ventilation, and vesLibule requlremenLs. Elevator shafts which extend through tr^ro or more floors shall be enclosed in a shaft of one hr. fire resistive construction. Openj-nqs (doors) sha11 be proLected by a self-closing assembly wiLh a one hr.rating. (Except doors to outside.] UBC 1706 (a) (b) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment sha11 be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two fayers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and beLween layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. I7 IO 19 20 ,? 2L 22 24 {P ru"'""'o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-47e-213V479-21s9 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e partm e nt of Community Deve lopme nt Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below f inj-shed grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion wLth L/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolbs must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maxirnum of 5 feet apart. See code for additional reguirements. -' Sec. 2907. (f.') Include a copy of the soils report for the srte to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 25 26 27 {p o""'"uo 'o'"* { I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TTTLE: NEW (SFRTP/SfDUP) JOBSITE AT Pernit Number of Dwelling Factor So. Feet BE POSTED PERMIT _00 400.00 980.55 750.00 6,361.15 ON ALL TIMES 895-02s8 #: Job Address:Loeation...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 1824 GI.,,ACIER CT 2703-L22-04-020 Status...: APPROVED Applied. .; 08/23/tges Issued...r 08/3t/L99s Expires..t 02/27/L996 Phone t 3039497896 Phone: 3039491896 APPI-,ICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGT,E CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 Deecription : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy Dwellinge Private Garages Table Date: 06/20/1995 Fifeptace Information: Restricted: Y Total Valuation: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: fof Gas Apptiances:flof Gas Logs: 2 flof Uood/Pat (et: Tota( catcu[atcd Fees---> 6,361.15 Additional Fers---------> .0O Tota[ PerDit Fee--------> 6,364.'15 Type Zone 2 V-N zone 2 V-N Masonry Restuafrnt Ptan Rcviey--> Recneation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----.- Units: 002 Valuation 531 ,527 .28 23,487 .60 555, 014 . 88 555, 014 , 88 555, 014. 880 93.48 27.60 SubtotaL: 5r586 851 6,537 f,fr*****ffi*itr**f,ff,*****ffrtrhl*** FEE SUI'Ii'IARY tf,t******Jrf,f,**i**trf,ttffi sui tding-----> Ptan check---> Invlsti gation> tli LI caL L----> 2,564.00 1,ffi.& .00 3.00 rtem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/3A/L995 CHUCK Acrion: APPR lTEm: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/25/1995 GEORGE Acrion: APPR ITEn: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT rtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/3r/7995 CHARLIE Action: AppR Payment a------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divieion: .(x) 6,364.15 ***S,fffi *#r*ffirr*rrffi #rffitrffi **tffi***riHrf,*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to t,hie pernit. DECLARATIONS I h.rcby acknovtcdge that I have rcad this apptication, fitted out in fut t the information requi rcd, conpleted !n accurltc ptot ptan, and state that att the information prcvided as requi red is corr;ct. I agree to conp [y Hith the ihfofnation and ptot ptan, to comp Ly uith at[ Toun ordinances and state [ass,, and to buitd this structure accondihg to the Tounrs zoning .nd subdivislon codas, design raview approved, Unifom BuiLding Code and other ordinances of thc Toun app[icabtc thercto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE N,ENTY-TOUR HOI,RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E AI 479-21,E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT E:OO Ail 5:OO P[ Send ctean-Up Deposit To: DAUPHINAIS-I{oSELY SIGiIATI'RE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AIID OI'NEB I I I PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAIJ Pernit #: 995-0258 a8 of 08/37/95 Statu6; APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applied: O8/23/t99s Applicant: DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Iseuedt 08/31/7995 Job Address: 1824 GLACIER CT Location: Parcel No: 2103-122-04-020 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILTNG HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED F'ROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCIURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. Public works & Fi-re must sign off on this permit per DRB APP NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit, #: E95-0168 Job Address: 1824 GLACIER CT Status...: APPROVED Location...: Applied. .. O8/23/L99s Parcel No..: 2L03-L22-04-020 Issued...: 08/30/L995 Project No.: Expires..z O2/26/L996 APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone: 3039491896 P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone: 3039491896 P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OI{NER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP Phone: 3034680249 P O BOX 2715, DTLLON CO 80435 Description: NEW DUPLEX ELECTRICAL Valuation: 16,000.00 ffi***ffi*ffi****tffiffi*ffi FEE SU I'IARY ldrffc/oHr,t******ffi*ffiffi*ffiffi Etectricat---> ?E.W Total, Catculated Fe!s---> 276.W DRB Fee Invlstigation> .00 Totat Pernit Fee--------> 276.W Ui L( Cal,l,----> 5.00 Payments-------- TOTAL FEES.--> 276.40 BALANCE DUE---- **ffiffiffi*ffi*ffiffi*fffi*ffi Ile.Lni .gqq00 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divieion:08/30/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi****ffi ****ffi********ffi tr**t*ffit*ffi ****ffi ***ff ffittffi DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknorrtedge that t have pead this appl,ication, fil,Led out in fuLl the information requi red, compl,eted an accuFate ptot pl,an, and state that at[ the information provided as requi rrd is correct- I agree to comply yith the infornation and ptot pl,an, to cor|Pty with att Torn ordinancrs and state [aus/ and to buil.d this structure according to thc Toyn's zoning and suuivision codcs, dasign review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabtc thcfeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAD€ TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT 8:OO Ail 5:00 Pil SIGNATURE OF OI.II{ER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI,|NER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI,IMBING PERMIT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES P9 s-012 2 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Proiect No. 1824 GLACIER CT 2t03-122-04-020 Status. . . Rpplied. . Iesued. . . Explres. . APPROVED 08/23/Lee5 08/30 /Lee5 02 /26 /Lee 6 APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTTON P O BOX 1515/ VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PI.JUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 Description: NEW DUPLEX PLUMBING Phone: 3039491896 Phone: 3039491896 Phone : 3039494500 Valuation:45,000 . oo #tttt*ffi*****ti**t**#***** FEE SUI{],IARY *t**f,ff,lt******* ffi Ptumbing-----> 575.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> .m Totat catcutated Fees--> 8t6.75 Ptan Check---> 168.75 TOTAL FEES-----Investigation> .0O Totat Permit F!e--------> 846.75 t'li l.t CaLL----) 3.0O Piymcnts------- BALAIICE OUE----#****}}***f,***#**ffi**#*}}*S***f*ft**ffi ********ffi**** Dept: BUILDING Divisi.on:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/1995 cHUcK Action: APPR **rrt******ffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL #rrrffii*ffit**i*ffiffiffi DECLARATIONS I hrreby acknowLcdge that I havc read this appLication, fil,l,cd out in futt thc information required, conpl,ctcd.n rccurate ptot ptan, and statr that at[ the information providcd as required is correct. I agrcc to compl.y vith thc infofnation and ptot ptrn, to co|rply Hith a[t Torrn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ondinances of the Twn appticabte thcfeto, REQUESTS fOR II{SPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E ITAOE TIIEiITY-FOUR K,URS III AOVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-21T8 OR AT O,R OFFICE FRO[' E:M A 5:OO PT SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR COI{TRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OIINER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCTMiI #: M95_0127 Job Addreas... . 1824 GLACIER CT Location......: Parce] No..... : 2103-122-04-020 Project Number: Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expiree. . APPROVED 08/23/ree5 08/30 /Lees 02/26/Lee6 APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone: 3039491896 P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone: 3039491896 P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF cws Phonez 3039452326 P O BOX t042, GLENWOOD SPRIN 81601 Description: Valuationi 31 000.00 NEW DUPLEX MECHAN]CAL Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: #0f Gas Appl.iances:fof oas Logs:#0f uood/PaL tet: *Hrfr*ffr*ffirrffir*trf*rrt**********ffi*titfrffir*ffi FEE SUI.I ARY fft llechanicat---) 60.00 Restuarant Ptan Rcvi.w--> .00 Total calcu[ated Fees---> 78.00 .00 Additional Fees---------> -m Pl.an Check---> 15.m DRB hvestigation> .0O TOTAL FEES----- tli L l. cal,L----) 3-m Paymrnts------- ellnlcr oue---- rffirtr*****rffiffi*ffffir**tt*r*rt***ffi**ffitffr**|hffirffi,t******ffir|ffi**lrrrtnttffirrHr*#nt*tt*tbHrf*ttitrft*t Dept: BUILDING Division:rLem: O5lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in {utt the 'infortratim requined, conphted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that a[[ the information pnovided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y with the information and plot p[an, to comply Hith al.t Toun ordinances and statc tavs, and to buil,d this structure according to the Toun's zoning and 3ubdivision codes, design revieu approved, Unifonm Building Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabl,e thepeto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]IADE TI{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRolI 8:OO Ai 5:M PH SIGNATURE OF OIIi{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER i,*ffi;H'ilffiffi'v#Ti*,1ffi*1FZ5- f:40 fl Rofffi 'frt/. Boylc Enginccring, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive. Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 3031 41 6-717 0 FAX 303/47643t3 October25, 1995 Rico Didier DAI'PIIINAI$MOSELtrY CONSTNUCTIOTi P.O. Bo: tSl5 Vail, Colorrdo 81658 Subject: Duplex for L,ot 20, Block 2, Filing 3 Lions Ridge Subdivision Vail. Colorado Dear Rico: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the substitrtion of the A.A.B. Buildiog Systcrn for the concrele foundation form work in lfuu of the conventbnal forming systm asrumcd in the originel design for tbis ifuplex- I have found that rfiis system will bc an acccptable nettod of formjng this formdation. The reinforcing steel should br Grarle 60 fc #5 ban and Grade 40 for #4 ban. Thc compressive stv,rgdr of the concrete is st[ to be 30ffi psi. The A.A.B.6 l/4 wkle corc form can be uscd tfuoughout the fondarion - The vertical rcinforcing stetl spacing will rcmain thc samc throrglrour, with the qception of Section B. The vertical steel in Sesticn B Sall be #5 @ 12" dc. The dowels in this wall shoutd {ro be spaccd ar 12' o/c. The horizodal stccl for all walls throughout dte foundation s{rall be if4 @ 16" oic. your conc€pr of using rwo 6 l/4" corc walls side-by+idc for the party wall is also approved. The wall framing will hang over ire foam form work hsc than 2", wbich b affcglable. Andra altcrnxivc would be to use the 8" core forming unir, ard let the wall framing hang 2" ovcr fic fomr wo* toward the outsides of the wall' Ptcrse give m a call if yor have any qucsth$ or commenb on lhis m.&r- 6$J'11"8 h-i.t4e ""t#'qiii ;';'1;+.f{ir' 'f'; {,o,{,,Inter-Mountain Engineeringrta. Monday, October 23, 1995 DMC Construction PO Box 1515 Vail, CO 81658 Attention: Subject: Mr. Pat Dauphinais Lot 20, Lion's Ridge Loop, Filing #2 Field Density Compaction Test Results 9s-05e2G Dear Sir: This report presents the Field Compaction Test Data as acquired by Inter- Mountain Engineering Ltd. staff from 10/16/95 through 10/1 8/95. The tests were performed in accordance to ASTM D 2922, "Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods". Unless otherwise indicated Proctor Values were obtained through laboratory testing in general compliance with ASTM D 698 or ASTM D 1557, "Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil". The results of the testing described on the dates and at the locations indicated are representative of conditions present at the time of our observation. No other warranty is made. We have relied on the contractor to continue work in accordance with the plans and specifications on unobserved work. lf you have any questions regarding this report please feel free contact the undersigned at your convenience. Respectfully, INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD. TTMetcalf Road,#201 . Box97B r Avon,Colorado81620. Phone: 970-949-5072 o FromDenverDirect: 893-1531 '1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 o Phone: 303-232-0'158 I I I I -2' rd O. Ricks. P.E. Geotechnical Engineer .',,;.,c.1 o Ll.o 8: Test ?: Test ?: Test Method: ASTM 598 Method: Method: Wet Moisture Dry Max Dry Deglree Density Content Densiti' Densj-ty Conp. No. Elevation Location,/Date PCF ? PCF PCF 0 I8 0 il8 -z' lr8 -21 N8 -2' x8 134.4 135.0 132 -'l 131.2 133.0 125.3 129.8 12A.7 12.1 12.1 8.7 Y.> 6.9 !n 8.6 10.3 110 R 120 .4 1?1 .5 12? -5 122.1 1 16.0 1 19.5 116.6 121 .0 121 .0 121 .0 121 .0 121 .0 121 .0 1?1 .0 -11 l{6 -ll x8 0 lt8 Method Used: Nuclear FilI Placement: Conforms to project spec. Remarks: Tests taken in general conformance to AsTIvl for Densj-ty of Soil & soil-Aggregate in Place bv Nuclear Methods . D 2922. Reported zyl- 9-,'*/1 4&/ staff Geotechnicar Engineer 77 Metcalf Road, #201 . Box 978 . Avon, 1420 Vance Street . Colorado 81620 o Phone: 970-949-5A72 . From Denver Direct: 893-1531 Lakewood. Colorado 80215 o Phone: 303-232-0158 EnglneeringHa Lot 20, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2 Vail, Colorado cLfENT : Pat Dauphinais SOILS USED IN FILL: ( 1) Max. Dry Density: 121.0 PCF: ( ) Max. Dry Density: PCF: ( ) Max. Dry Density: PCF: Degree of Conpaction Required: 'lla<i 1?' E fron tl. raLl. & 10' s. from X. ralI Dan Farmer 10/ 16/95 35' E. f rom 9. lra t l, & parat LeL to f1 Dan Farrner 10/16/95 Hi ghest e(evation, 7rE.f rofi U. tlatt & 12's from N. Hatt Dan Fanner 10/17/95 Highest etev. 35' E. frorn i,l rat[ & 10' S. from ]1. ra(l Dan Fanner 10/17/95 2' fron test f2 Oan Farmer 10/17/95 2' S. frcm N. f forn t. Pat I )an iarntr Rotate luage Dan Farmer Highest etev. Dan Farner rat t & 15' E. 10 / 17 t95 same as 14 10/17/95 & llLl corner 10t 18t95 o.M. c. o.M. c. o.M. c. PRoJECT NO.: 95-0562G DATE ! Reflected below AREA : Lions Ridge Filing #2 99.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 96.0 99.0 96.0 PROJECT: Lot 20, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2 Vail, Colorado CLIENT : Pat Dauphinais SOILS USED IN FILL: L) Max. Dry Density: LZL.A ) Max. Dry Density: ) Max. Dry Density: PRoJECT No.3 95-0562G DATE : Reflected below AREA : Lions Ridge Filing #2 PCF: o.M.C. 11.0 ?: Test Method: ASTM 698 PCF: O.M.C. Z: Test Method: PCF: O.M.C. z: Test Method: Degree of Compaction Required: Test Wet Moisture DrY Max Dry Degree Density Content Deirsity Density co;np. No. Elevation Location/Date PCF I PcF PcF U ll6 0 t4 0 llr 0 N1 Highest e(ev. 25r lJ. from t1 Dan Farmer 'to/ 18/95 znd Highest etev. 10' tJ. frorn E. ral[ & 49's-from #1 Dan F armer 10/1A/95 sarre as f5 on N4 (rotate 9ua9e) oan Farmer 't0/18/95 znd highest elev. Ntl co.ner 10114/95 'tot 18/95 Dan FarflEr same as #5 on tl6 Dan Farmer 1?7 .5 136.3 130.1 128.7 1?9 -0 8.2 7.3 9.5 9.8 1 17.8 127 .5 1?1 .2 117 .7 117 .4 121 .0 121 .O '121 . 0 121 .0 121 .0 97.0 100.0 100.0 97 .0 0 x6 Method Used: Nuctear Fill Placement: Conforms to project spec. Remarks: Tests taken in general confornance to ASTM for Density of SoiI & Soil-Aggregate in Place by NugIeaJ: Methods. D 2922.ln Place bv Nuclear ltetnoos. D zYzz. Reported ayt !*nali/W staff Geotechnical Engineer 77 Metcalf Road, #201 . Box 978 . Avon, 1420 Vance Street . Colorado 81620 . Phone: 970-949-5072 . From Denver Direct: 893-1531 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 o Phone: 303-232-0158 Feaurr NUMBER oF PRoJEcr INSPECTION REQUES TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 THUR PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T1 ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr i'ooL / H. TUB NAIL tr o- B FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIF *:*;lfrt\ M<- B-ar tr c--< i r! A PPp':ual LoJ)-r7'xLS DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTTON: MON BUILDING: [,roortrucs / srEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING CALLER TUES . wED O' - ROOF & SHEER u PtYwooD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH B MNDUIT 6)fr arenoveo CORREGTIONS: OFtr FA s P,4L€ Nar Loazt N-t4, 'Cf f,-zirub r ct -J7'75 Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 / 47 6-2t7 0 F AX 303 I 47 6-4383 June 7, 1996 Pat Dauphinais DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box l5l5 Vail. Colorado E1658 Subject: Dauphinais Residence 1875 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Dear Patl This is to confirm that I have made a final framing inspection of your residence on West Gore Creek Drive. The building has been framed according to the plans and specifications issued by this office on January 9, 1996. I herehv annrove ihe <ffirafrre as +arrre.l hereby approve the structure as framed. r Please give me a call if you have any questions or comments on this matter. BO ffi$,l':1S r**i. 14e 65 :rn frb?his (] C,m g m I m s t m z<cm <z H8 z t'o ab m I' !c fT o - @ m o n o m T v (n T m z t o UI & -8 cri tr g z o FJ -8 ui .a t.L \,$ + tP+:i-= =f,2 (, 1tc 9$;f,o.m px< P:{H{> !m m>rt 2>.m :rl @ m'E tf, (.{^-l > },.r.n t* Ci () c tf, .-.: T t1 f Lr! 7.ffl ln 'c,3 u'\_U g Ct47 -\ fj >< (1 Ct I F{ C, B 'J<t- Z .ti r-., j' F $ UJ ili ;{r -El F-.'tr.0i :-c]},f- 9. u] :s ar.Z T $l /- (rr -t () *.i ! Eil --l C-; a H !'ll Fl CT z nu >z o o m o o I 2 6 () =-l I o o e o F z a QE.d :"tg {o 5 Pd=NCIO EiF o|)o $g CL ! F z at,i a ; n| ? o t c3 3a "l t AZ t o = -{ t m lrl n a I c m a z m qg trj ,aJ \.m \rn f,J i] t,) z c0> z ,6s z g, o$ A= hi -{ ni u>c)o 'm m x J! z-^(/)hi d"z F -lB--lg 4J3J1 R IH+H atota ototo rl t:D trl !t-t! - t-t | --'t ototo zlzlz tl + .nn I ll !r!---{+r -J -ar I lc -a{lv ---.1' ---.1 tr1 +l I 13 T l-I l!ll'I In I lil I l*I lc I t<--l --l frl I tr I t;I r'Ii F{ |(+ll t+| |r1 | \t, ! | \!2 J --+| +T 1,, lE ---.1 r! 3 lii l:Iri lli I ir I Er Iii l"0 lU l! r'[i t' \.|)rv-i lt !i ah r'. lii I a.)O;i tlli. T'' T'tl tt tl tl II t$ l$t+to t+t+tit t+J I i+t til ts --tl tl tl til tf ttP IT tt B t)I o m (D o t t J o z P ft I ct m a o t z 3- -t o m CN o 1l _l z g- {o m U) t -{F z \. 1 o o o o LOT 2I //OrV,n \ "P/DaF,- \ \ {oo,o \ \ru"o.!!fua y "u/UShUCDOLVl --.-...\\ \ \ \\\--.--- -------.- (-f ORA/NAG[. $ -----.-- nl' 22J /g' ratu6.1r) 4zo^-'oo I $lil RTDGE fLfV : 81t3. 4so^ a l.- e\\l I st'a' /S /e / ru /$',r,,,-ifZ Ew*"* a1 , tltt la/, -, r\ I S)t\ t-- sr-b \J- \l-- *\l )l I I *:s 3 AND .v a" & +\' DRA/NAGE 50.0' '-r I ,o lrL\5 H t\| | t-'4 S /e; r*i._/F^f /4,/;v V , nn"o, cerlify thot t, 'ri s'a'v) Douo in o is - Mo seley Con s tru < it is not a lond sunay plo relied upon for the establis lincs. \s b EASEMENT / t further certify thot t / this dote Aoril 1. | 996 -J the boundaries of the oorc bis imprownent locotbn certifrcote vos prepored I'or :tion ond the Tovn of Voil Building Deoortment. thot t or improrcntan t survey plot, ond that it is not to be hment of fencq building, or other future improvement he impro,'ements a the obove described porcel on - cxccp t utrfity connections, ore en tirdy nithia e/, exccp t os shovn, thot there ore no onqoochments s by improwments on ony odloining prdnises, except 'e is no opparen I enaence or sign of ony easanent oort of soid porcd, except os noted,t constitute o title seorch by lnter-Hountoin Engineer- or eosemants of record. For oll informotion regording or title of record, lntcr- Mountoin relied upon the Finol ision FTling lld'{.,! .i tl tl t NOICE Ac ony legol oc sithin three ln no etrytt, thls survey t the dob of L- 10' cY ^rv t UNLlTY 66. J' \ 5 3930'56" vouND 5/8" REBAR WPLAS. cAP P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 (rYP.) cording to Coluodo lov )au must commence tion bosed upon ony defect in this survey yeors ofter lou lirct discover such defect. moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in ,e commenced more thon tan Seors lrom certr'ficotion shom hereon. W /80.88'upon the described pra nist as indicoted, and that lhet eossing or burdening ony .fhis certificole does no ing to detamine ovnershic cosem en ts, righ ts- of- voy Plot of Lion's Ridoe Subdiu TRACT C BAS|S OF ELEVATION: MANHOLE NO, RIM ELEV. : /NV. OUT _ c-5.2 809/.80' 8080.10' ADDRESS - '764 CI.ACIER COURT o WTfr'f,,"::x fllntcr-Xlourttaio,o,o,o,f!'Fo',o/,iE!;|i!!"i)!"l^_-h;giltf r-1s'un'*o?,3!i?,,:3113 OA fE REVSlAN IMPROWMENT LOCA NON CERNF|CA TE OTgCNED BI:mEcf Io.96-OO89S LOr 20, LION,S R/DGE SUBDIWSION. FlLlNG NO, J, TOWIV OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORAOO ORAft At: ru cA E tssoa: 4//5/96 clttcxco et D,D,F.SCAtt: ,. : 2O, N.LD Etrl( PAd 9t€€r No. 1 OF I RFPT13l '^'A+7ssts6 oB:PB O rolrN oF uArL, ctrLoRADo O REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION trORK SHEETS FOR: 4/ 3/96 HREA: CD Activity: Addre s E : Parce I : Descri pt i on: Appl irant: Own er' : f,ontract ot'.' 895-OaSg 4/ S/gb Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED 1AE4 GLACIER CT e1a3-1ee-a4-oaB NEW DUtrLEX DIDIER CBNSTRUCTIAN DAUPH I NA I S-I{OSELE Y DIDIER CBNSTRUCTINN Constr: NDUtr Use: V N Oce: COfYIPANY Fhone: CONSTRUCTItrN Fhone: COIYIPANY Phane: o,frs7 303949 1996 303949 1496 Itens requested to be Inspecteci... Aef ion Connents soo3o B{rD6-F11nin9 r_r __=,_--jj, 11*,P_,__ -[-QE_.:(l O/\I D0O3O BLD6-Franin Pgo=**--+e?t *Fffips= f-.|- J#l 6 Inspect ion Request Inforrat ion.. . - . Requestor': RICOIDIDIER CONSTRUCTION Req Tine: 61 :6O Corrent s: Phorre: 949-8758 Rction: APtrR IN FLOOR HEAT 60 PSI , A OO l',ol rl.1.g-{.. *f*o_NACcrr av: **__' rOrn.L.Pdsl>tE{-_+k145_ _Lm-ia /<'[ Or ryi)rrr,.le T]+12!ff7 . tsE tp t -_,_ .. ]-l Inspect ion Hi st ory, -...Iten: €tOStO driveway qrade final Iten : ASOIft BLDG-Footinqs/Steel LA/?7/95 Inspee-tor: CD Action: FTPPR AppRtrVED Notes: STAB ALL DOI.IELS IN AFPROUED LOCATIONS DLERN '{IUD OFF REBAR SOUTHEAST CORNER IY,UCK OUT ADD I'IATS TO trADS THAT ARE NOT COt4pt-FTE DROTECT CONCRETE FROM FREEZIN6 Iter: OOgeO BLDG-Foundation/Steet Iten: Ite;: Iter: It er: Iter: Iter: Iterr Iter.' Iten: Iten: tilAE/S= Inspeetor: DD Action: AtrPR FOUNDATION l?/frL,/95 Inspector': CD Act ion: AtrtrF THICKEN SLAB IN EUIDING Notes: FRING STEEL Up TO FRDFER ELEVATION IN SLAB O05eO PLAN-ILC Site trlan 06030 BLDG-Frari.ng o0'646 * * Not On FiIe * * 60O5A BLDG-Insulat ion 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 63/?-6/96 Inspeetor: EG O0OBO * * Not 0n File * * 00670 BLDG-Misc- I?/61195 Inspeetor': CD OCr69O BlDG-trinal OO53O BLDG-Terp. C/fr AO54O BLDG-Final C./O Aetion: APPR fireplaees a-b sheetrock ' ,). - -. to E lt J o m nl GI (/t l tl t, tD N trjl \j ut 58R ds'- -r* rA I + 8,; co\cs ,-ts+. € qI G t- Q T o I I rr I t-J frt=dto ::i !, |o (D u ..) H ro .! o- ci N ;JJ tr,l o qt tha q o lo a\l o.t! tr, H lu i gr o I''.\'N f I Z L! t! @o'Or (J (J PF 7 l) E (lo. J{o Ul < r!*O @ o sr uf (1r c\J (! F oo z '-r o F r!o_H<trl < Z.UA U,Et! lrj f! (ttto I , X o,qqa - N !J (9 H (Jc! FI >Etjo --.-- HcE I z r^;ft1(l,H Cf x o _.L loHH :r H trJoo<[ ot _ trluto Lo u ocla\rJ I z n@:t 0r! . !r < < | l!' Ho E u' ct to lD (! zurtr,c z y)rD L (]l-i, ,o Ft!,or€ >- m uJurtrr.'r -1 o zt 13 n)(D zc m Lr]trl<rtr.o l'(fr! L! (l) t! -r 'j J 00tY I crct u looo L :- z <a (nonuj uJlr,Fgto) (.lr |'J :l rlJ ulorrJ<(J z Lr, €<rD-F (' (! rrj cJ !!H <drlj:f (9O- o U-iiurt n, HN I F< !(JJ(9(t Hu, !ts nr* lrH u7 <z Fr<:rtl (n l|-iit + Otn J (t >O(, trJO O H <t irJ q, ro (/)I (]\ c]Z rt u(!rg. . e cn@ >F('\cr !r xrlJ F ttl t rHZUJ'r (4:t cL'(xx .\, (r(-) dl o- FlHztr H (,.urvN o, Z< E >N CJs I (J 0r o H (u 2- lr|ul JEr:E orH o ll o o o crr E tI t_ g H(Jo r! ul(,,trtL Lu oq, <(9 Fo Iztzt l< o @ooo, ct uz (9 zt E< d a@ EEEd :t nH Z c)F (f o(rJZ I o :) L, c) O- r at H (]r ..aio!a- r J uE <nJ (J I Oc|or- U, tlj E UllDlD < ,:t F tltutnJH Faf O'6Qg 0!a dt q xH L,(JI(ftJn f,cf a Frllt ,al to -t H<drro Fa F. -o tL .)I ooo uto ro u, I (!- rn J I OO()(9t or r J ,z | 9r ctd I cJ z < -C) cf r.J o lD r:t -l 19c I olno ),. vt 7 ^ t ttt-.tt o <t F- | E . dt 2.. I N(O(\' L<t ci> | | oa z o t_ nr H |<CF rh )J n o ct o rrt o-,- | E(-,OJ C I |no|rt (-FOI!trj d I F..JF. ll) trJ F-t . . o..-ict .< ,, I atto (rt Co JX I I .o I O d ro <(nm oJ c) J NJ <r I HF I OJ \T'Lrz | lnrn JL> tl'r H | -, u<(!o I ucJ v1 ) | r-p ! f | | E-d rlt (o cD cl I I I z = o (o .\l z i 0 &o U t q E o c c'l ;30",!-20 o a ) oi-F\_ oh at\ 2e 6o q nt o 8s f 5E ri Didier Conslruclion P.O. BOx 1595. EAGLE, CO 8163r . PHONE (970) 328-54ee s lz lqz 't A1ri L10'\l{N0l-t\0u I f-)lnnlrlt llur-Ve{, a Lonnuu,l,1 Veueloyrhtut qc,., ei. g1l Rn {il**- -.^6{}l\H,, NB,,tgs?** Co,ld ,4ou ?leore ,^*rI *h,s lrrrs drou,i^3 ,n ]lv {,1, +, lg21 Qlo.rcr hu,l , yerutl + BqS - 0258. TL,or(->, ',o 7;1,;er rl4l l{'9D srruilrilrr .F I IXtll-lt trL.to ud r3r :! rFt- ig is iliE l il 'r'. llIS t 11 '.r'$:: t rd "'.1 :;;ilii:i; : I EnS .;- .. q;; _at :- ..: ,-\r tv - (l 'l I li lti l- lr I E! lti I -.5 l;t I lrt ll l r tf I rla lfi J E: IEI :* lli .lgl I t. '.'.', '.t ( + ,.L I, tt. d I 3g; !i aiifF,;:i: 'i ;;ffis -?g !! r!i!e :; l; tli;;i:; iii;i , . iF I : ittfr , -4 /.;r a:, ."-t + H 5 :J E "* f1 \ z-c +q\ CF F-$\ss)$\ T l. (f,: J- B N --s 5 s :+. rnl .> :"...:''..:..j L\: = "ri J ^t C\4J P c, f t \l *:.E b€ €IEE: :€=;E i€Et3 ;€:E t€ E: ;:j € 5.E5;EE €i€Egi i€?Esi 5tE€*€E! 3 e it E AEE{ 3 gE:-i3 =g€ea; F- rl H v)z H Ff \o _! = -! I I zl 9i F{l F?i Lrl inl zl "l >rl Fl JI r{i (al +l @l HI <l zl Hl a.l <l -l = =aa : = U c- r.. cn I vn m z .= = =: I c- a \i "i r'.1 'l '? .) a : Fl H z o i-'-() - q.J --Lb ,^ l- --i Y!--=>x \ f \ /\=zz Q<< .i i -:, a\ -< \J ,:/ /\ :- 2ag t! 'ts- - .a ',r':<<-7 ! /\J FrU :.2. -- \-/!-z zux r.i '-., -'i i..r= c4 '."1 E :--?O oi z S9=-z-i-<V 9;<:'- h -- :-- { ;-za^ -I-,-l . l-:\/\ -F-rt l=ci -J '4 \-J './: F -! ),4<(J-,-)-r?i*5r(i \-;-/'\- -l-:r{I -ZJ.-(l-:z.r ..- a -: ai il -\ X {. (r^ i\ -+*=*---\:-'i-\i/- tsa -C. it -+r fr a a+6. FR tff F aa .l.t rA .i- F d F trt fF) E F tr-a -,v F.H Fl -d :La fe a-\al Lt l- -H ,U" *F F L.f-) .-/v frr :L{ O. tFa rd LI IP iFr .ts,rFr l{6. til \t t\6 r! cl a( tr kl i\ J Itl z Z s I z F (A z tl U rrl CN z X z F U) lYl n N t c\ N c.l J 7 F 7 D O O 'dlr z trl F z r'.i F z z t-l Irl F z r/) J ci F 7 C , o \ts 'l L^-\TIN Eil ..fi rI \r\l I I 't i Tll t9;ES.(a TOWI,{ OFVAIL OTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: GRAND TRAVERSE NEII (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT JOBSITE AT #20 Permit TIMES 895-0 3 37 ALL Jt.1t. 75 South Frorfiage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 97A-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER D epartment of C ommunity Deve lo pme nt Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. DIDIER CONSTRUCTION P o Box 1595, EAGLE DIDIER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1595, EAGLE DAUPHINAlS-MOSELEY P O BOX 1515, VArL 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP LIONSRIDGE LOOP 2L03-122-09-020 PRJ9 5-0209 COMPANY co 816 31 COMPANY co 81631 CONSTRUCTION co 816s8 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 303328-5499 Status. . . epplied. . fssued. . . Expires. . lSSUED oe /2e /rees tt/08/reet 05 /06 /tee6 TYPE Zone Zone 3r811 595 4,406 93.48 24.72 Subtotal: Number of Dwelling Factor Sg. Feet Units: 001 Valuation 356,252.28 14, 708.40 370,960. 68 370,960. 68 3? 0 ,960 .680 #0f llood/Pa L tet: 1,15\ .2O 4,153.2O 4,153.70 .00 Recreation Fee---------> Ctean-UP DePos i 1_-_---)' TOTAL FEES---- .00 200.00 440.60 500. 00 4,153.20 Total catcutated fees---> Additiona[ Fees------> TotaI Permit Fcc-------> Paynent5---__ BALANCE DUE-_ ******ffi**i**t*t**tr*******ffiffi*#(ffifr*trtr***ffi*fflrt*******ft****ffi***tnr****t*i*ffi#iir*****t*****!Hffi Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT rc/Ll/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT LO/06/1995 GEORGE Acrion: APPR Iteln: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT LO/LL/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS LO/2O/L995 CHUCK Act.ion: APPR ffi*************tlr*jr:t*i***t**ftt*rr**ttffitrr*****ff**t****i*ffiffiffi#*****ffitr#*tH*#dr*t*******ffi**tr*ff**ffi*****ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I heraby acknovtedge that I havc r€ad this apptication, fitted out in ful.l, the intormation requircd, coopt,eted an accurrte ptot ptln, and statc that al,l' thc infornation provlded as requircd is cornect. t agree to conpl,y uith thc infornation and ptot pten, to compty rrith al.l, ToHn ordinances end codes, dcalgn reviev apprwcd, UniforD REAUESTS fOR IIISPECTIONS SIIALL BE }IADE Slnd C lean-Up Dcposit To: 4G state taHs, and to buitd thls structurc,ecconding to the Toud s zoning and subdivision Buitding Codc and other ondinances of thl T TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Description:NEIrl SFR Occupancy Dwellings Private Garages Table Date: 06/20/]-995 t i reptace InforlEtion: Restricted: Y *****J(*ffiffiffiffi**ffiffiffi*ffi****f FEE SUI'll'tARY *#**lr**f,**r#ffi*ft#ffrt*:t#*ffiffifi*rffirt**l***** 8ui Lding-----> P lan Check--> Invest igat i on> Ui Lt catt---> 1,824-90 nestuarant Ptan Bevi eH--> 1,1E5.60 .m 3. O0 2 V-N 2 V-N Town of Vail fof Gas App[ iances: Total Valuation: Adjusted VaLuation: fof Gas Logs: 1 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Dir'-sron: $RECYCLED PAPER 0f ollNER 0R CoI{TRACTOR HII.ISELF AND OIINER 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-21jV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Perrnit *, 895-0337 PAGE 2 Department of Community Develapment SIaIus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of L7/08/95 ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEVi (SFRTP/S,DUP) PERMTT Applicant: DIDIER CONSTRUCTIoN COMPANY Job AddresE: 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP Location: LfONSRfDGE LOOP Parce1 No: 2LO3-LZ2-09-020 eppliedz oe/29/t9es Issued. LL/08/1995 ******************************************ik************************************* CONDITIONS !k******************************************************************************* 1. THIS PROJECT WIIJL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME TNSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CETLING HErGlrT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP STDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. That the applicant submit an engineer stanped roof framing p Ian {S*ot"u"ruo TowN oF vArL, coLoRADO Statemnt **********************************************************:r***** statemnt Number: REc-0097 Amount: 3,953.20 LL/08/95 10:32 Payment Method: cHEcK Notation: *3076 fnit: LRD Permit No:. Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 4t336 895-0337 Tlpe: B-BUILD NEw (sFR,P/S,DUP) PE 2LO3-L22-09-020 1600 I-,IONS RIDGE LP TIONSRIDGE LOOP Total Fees:3,953.20 ?otal AtL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PT,AN CHECK FEES CI,EANUP DEPOSITS RECREATTON FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4 r753.20 4,L53.2O .00 **************************************************************** Amount L r824.OO 1, 185 . 60 500. 00 440 .60 3. 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLTJ}4BING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES P95*015 9 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment Job Address Location.. . ParceL No..Project No. 16OO LIONS RIDGE 2L03-L22-09-020 PRJg5-02 09 LP Status... Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 0e /2e /teg, LL /08 /lee os/06/Lee APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX L595t EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRA,CTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX t595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 8L658 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PLT]MBING P o BOX 547, AVON CO 87620 Description: NEl,t SFR Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 3039494500 Valuation: *ffi***tt**ffi***ffi**rr*|Hl**t**ffi*'Hcffi**ffi* FEE SUlf ARy ff*ffi*#*jr*****ffiffirffi*trffiffiffi**** .00 Total Ca(cutated Fees--->696.75 AdditionaLFe€s---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> PaYments----- 37, 000 . 00 696.75 .00 696.75 696.75 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on P tumbing-----> Ptan Check---> Investi gati on> tli tl. Cal.L---> Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES.---- .00 3.00 Ite.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT |O/IL/1995 CHUCK Action: AppR 555.00 13E.75 Dept: BUILDING Division: ***i.i***ffi****ffi**t*****ffiffi******ffiffi**ff**rrL***lr*ff******S***t***********rr**ffirti-,h**tdr***trffiff*ffi*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****trffi*1cffiffi***td********Jn*f**H****t*****t***ffi*#*****ffi*****tht**Jr**ffiffii*******ffi******** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknoutedgr that I have read this appLication, fil.ted out in futl the infornation reguired. compteted an pl'an, and state that atl the informati.on provided as required is correct. t agree to compLy riith the information to comply uith att ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this st ructure-acco r^cli ng io'the Ten,s zoning and codes, design revieu approved, unifoft Buitding codc and other ordinances of fie rt'\aipLi cabl.grtheret-. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIOTIS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY COITIRACTOR {gr""nuoruo **************!********************************************!t***** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0097 Amount: 696.75 Ll/08/95 10:33 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #3076 Init: LRD P95-0159 Tlpe: B-PL,MB PLUMBING PERMIT 2103-L22-O9-020 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts; Balance: **********************************************************:l***:** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Palanent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 696.75 696.75 .00 696.7s Description PLIJMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILIJ CAI'L INSPECTION FEE Anount 555.00 L38.75 3.00 NOTE: TI1IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON.]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT permit #: E95-0224 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 E Lect ri c8t*-> DRB Fee lnvcst i gat ion> ui t t cEtt__> TOTAL FEES_> Department of Community Devel.opment APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1s95, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACfOR DTDTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANT P O BOX L595t EAGLE CO 91631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715, DTLLON CO 80435 Description! NEW SFR Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/29/tge Issued...: \t/OB/L99!Expires..: 0s/06/t99. Phone: 303328-5499 Phone 2 303328-5499 Phone: 3034680249 Valuation: Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 189.(x) .m .00 3.00 192.@ 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP 2703-122-09-020 PRJg5-0209 18, 000 . 00 lrrr******rr*******tf**f'tffi*tt****'**#***ffi******ffffilrr# FEE SutititARy t********iffiffit*ffi****ffi*ff*ffi**"*ffi TotaI Catcutated Fees---) Additionsl. Tota[ Pernit Fer--------> PayDents------ BATJTNCE DUE-- 't92.@ .00 192.00 192.00 .00 'r*****trffir*ffiffi*t*ffi*f,Jc*i***tr'r,ri'(,tffi****ffi**#f*rr**tr***.*********ffi*ffitit*******tr**t*l"tr*fiQHr*fir***trt*t*ffirr** Dept: BUILDING Division: *******lrl"lr*ttJr}lt****fi***t****ffi***'r,r*rrffi*'r*:h*'t*******ff********#*ffi**ffi*Jr*t *rrtt**ffiffr*:t*Jr***rffi*t***ffi*ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****iffi*****ffi*******ffi*!t******ffitr****ffi****i****ffi*t ***tf,H**H*t*rr*tif,ffi***k*tr**f,rr**lrt***f,*f,*ffiffi***** DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknov ledge that r havc read.this apptication, fitted out in ful,L the infortation requined, conpl,eted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and stttc that aLt thc infornation providad as rcquircd. is correct. t agr€€ to compty vith tire tntormaiion il-pi;;i;;,to comPl'y Hith atl ToHn ordinances rnd statc [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io the tosn,s roning and subdivision codrs, design revieU aPproved, Uniforn Buil,ding codc and othcr ordinances of the Tovn aipl,icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FON INSPECTIONS g{ALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Itemi .05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT lQ/.ll/.L995 CHUCK Action: APPR lo'/LI'/L995 CHUCK Acrion: AppR {p*"*uo'uo t ***.*********;* Statennt ************************ **************************************************************** v ************************** TOWN OF VArt, cotoRADo Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0097 Amount: Payment Method: CIIECK Notation: #3076 t92.00 tt/08/e5 10:34 INit: LRD 895-0224 Type: B-EI,EC 2ro3-t22-09-020 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP Total Fees: 192.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: ******************rl********************************************* Permit No:Parcel No:site Address: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 ELECTRICAI, PERMIT 192 ,00 192.00 .00 Description EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Arnount 189.00 3.00 Lc"r )-o f rc'.t,{ 'T"l Ct".'- I i' (* AT ALL TIMES #: 895-0337 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PROJECT TITLE: GRAND TRAVERSE #20 NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit Job Address: 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP Location... : LIONSRIDGE LOOP Parcel No.. : 2103-122-09-020 Project No. : PRJ95-0209 Statu8...: APPROVED Applied.,t 09/29/Iees Issued.. . : l0/20/L995 Expires . .. 04/L7 /]-996 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 303328-5499 APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OTdNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 Description:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings Private Garages Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Number of Dwelling Factor Sg. Feet Units: 001 Valuat,ion 356 ,252.28 L4,708.40 370,960. 68 37Ot960.68 370,960 . 680 #of $ood/Pal, Lat: 1,153.2O .00 4,153.2O 93.48 24.72 Subtotal: 3r811 595 4 ,406 **ffiffiffirffi***lr****tr**#fffiirl************ffi*t**f,rrlr** FEE SUI |ARY thtt.jr Table Date: 06/20/L995 Fi reptace Infornation: RestFictld: Y Total Valuation: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: fof Gas App[ iances:#of cas Logs: 1 Restuarant P[an Review-->Bui Lding-----> PLan check---> Investigation> tli Lt C6[ t----> 1,824.W 1 ,1E5.60 .00 5.00 .00 200.00 4t O.60 500.00 1,153.20 TotaL Catcutated Fees---> Additional, Fees---------> Tota I Pcrnit Fee--------) tttffrf,f,**ffitt****ffi*#r*f,t#rffi***********f,fr*t**t********lr**fiHr*f,}}Jr*ir**ffi***f*t*JrirjrrrlH Pecreation FeF---------> c Lean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES--_.- BUILDINC DEPARTMENT CHUCK AcIioN: APPR PLANNING DEPARIMENT GEORGE Action: APPR FIRE DEPARfIIENT CHUCK Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKS CHUCK Action: APPR Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: DeDt! FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divj.sion: Item:05100 to/7L/Lee5 Item:05400 LO /06 /Lse5 ftem:05600 ro /rL /Lee5 Item:05500 L0 /20 /Lee5 See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have Fead this apptication, fitted out in ful.[ the informtion requi red, cornplated an accurat! ptot pLan, and state that atl thc infopmation provided as requi red is corr"ct. I agree to corpLy rrlth thc inforration and ptot pten, to comp [y uith atl, ToHn ofdinances and state tavs, and to buitd this structurc lccording to the Toun's zoning end subdivision codes, design reviev approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. REQUESIS FoR II{SPECTIO{S SHALL BE }IADE TUENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2138 0R AT olJR oFFICE FRo}l 8:m Ail 5:m Pil Scnd Ctran-tp Dcposit To: Dl'lC SIGNATURE OF OIINER OF CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AI{D OI.INER I :I I PAGE 2 ****'k*************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 895-033? as of L0/20/95 Status: AppRovED *********************************tt*****************rt**************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: O9/29/t995 Applicant! DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Issued: LO/20/L995 .Tob Address: 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP Location: LIONSRIDGE LOOP Parcel No: 2I03-L22-09-020 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* t t ,tc,*.tt,* t CONDTTIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT W]LL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHAI,L BE SUBMTTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A F'RAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP S]DE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. That the applicant submit an engineer stamped roof framing p Ian o o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P95-0 t-59 Status...: APPROVED epplied... 09/29/t99s Issued...: LA/II/1995 Expires , .: O4/08/7996 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 3039494500 37 / 000 .00 .]OBS ITE Permit Job Address Locati-on . . . ParceL No..Project No. ].600 LIONS RIDGE LP 2IO3-r22-09-020 PRJ95-0209 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER P Lunbi ng-----) Ptan ch.ck---> Investigat ion> !,i l.L catt----> Valuation: -00 Total Catcutated Fees--->Restuarant Ptan Revielr--> TOTAL FEES----- DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 DAUPHINAI S_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN H]GH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 Description: NEW SFR Hffi****************ffiffi******ffi**#tffirtffir#r FEE SUlll'lARy 555.00 134.75 .00 3.00 696.75 696.75 .00 696 -75 Additional, Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paymrnts------- BALANCE DUE----696.75 ***ff****t******ffft**#ffi**ffiffi*#**l*ffiliffir*****!t****lr***Jrt*rffi*tnffirffir**ffi*********ffir*#rffir Dept: BUILDING Division:flem: 051OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT I0/I1./L995 CHUCK Action: APPR ******ff#***ffiffi****t********ffi******ffi********lr*****Jr***ft***********rrffiH.ir*ffir****liHrriffi*t******ffi*l* CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, f il.l.ed out in ful.l, the information requ'i red, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and statc that all the information prov'ided as requi rcd is correct. I agree to compty with the infornation and ptot pt8n, to conpty with atl, Town ordinances and state [aHs, and to buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?13A OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:OO A 5:M P SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI.INER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMTT Permit *t E95-0224 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 2ro3-L22-09-020 PRJg5-0209 APPROVED 0e /2e /rees t0 /7r/7ee5 o4 /08 /Lee6 1600 LIONS RIDGE IJP Status... Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ffr*ffiR*****ffiffi***f,ff,tfr*ffr*lhtrht}}ff*ffi(*** FEE SUl,lllARy ***rit***lr***lr APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2715, DILLON CO 80435 Deecription: NEW SFR Etectrica[---> 1E9,00 DRB Fee Investigation> .00 Uil.L cal.L----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 192.00 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 303328-5499 Phone: 3034680249 Valuation: 18,000.00 Totsl calculated Fees---> 192.@ Additional Fees---------> ,m Totel PePmit Fee--------> 192.W Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- **t*ltff*****H*ffiffiit***ffrlrt*f,*i* **it**t**************tt**ffiffiffi Dept; BUILDING Divlsion:Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT lO/ll/]-995 CHUCK Action: APPR l0'/Ll'/I995 CHUCK Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL **#ffi*ffirffilihffirr***ffitr***r*i***rwr**r#r*** ffiffi*tl** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fil,ted out in futL the infonnation required, conptetcd an accurate ptot ptan, and state that aLl. the inlormation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conply Hith the information and pl,ot ptan, to conp [y with att ToHn ordinances and state lavs, and to buitd this structure according to the Torrn's zoning and subdivision codes, deslgn rev'i e!, approved, Uniform Buitding Code and othcr ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IEiITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21'E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:M Ail 5:OO Pil SIGNATURE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTON FOR HI}ISELF AND OITNER TOtfN OF. VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ********************************************************.******** Statemnt Number: REC-0085 Amount:200.00 ro/|L/9s 07 :01 Payment Method: CK Notation: PREPAID DRB Init: CF **************************************************************** Permit No Parcel No Site Address L,ocation Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331- 895-0337 Type: B-BUILD 2LO3-t22-09-020 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP LIONSRIDGE LOOP NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 4, 153 .20 200 .00 3 ,953.20 Amount 200 .00 Total Fees:200.00 Total AL,,L Pnts: Bafance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES I ' gvvrrtt"" E !*****************************'r pERMIT INFORMATI9N ***************************** al D<l-nuilding [>4-Plurnbing p4]-Electrical [-zJ-Mechanlcal [ ]-other Job Name: t-orn 1rarJTWer<<- Job Addressz lbao L\on> rtbpb Legal Descripti onz Lot 2D Block- rrrrnn PlL,,,-Phlr,.Oin -Mort,.l S.bl Owners Name:{r,rtaaar". sz f o ?:axlltct .V*rl ft hih$o %tLFtEpn.41L -tcffi Architect:2,, ?,no I tn 1, A.$v ,(,,El6bP\. bAq' t,il1 General Descript,ion: Work Class: }J5New [ ]-Alteration I -Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwel]inq Units:Number of Accommodation Units. / f z -,BUILDING: '/- e'Q?'5 oZ. t I PLUMBfNG: 41 , OO(; Contractor: Address: Electrical Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT TEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: VALUATION ELECTRICALI I?I CzT)A MECHANIcALz t7-rAAa> FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING OTHER: TOTAL: Town of Vail Reg. N0.lbc,b Phone Number: a+1- 81s-e Town of vail Reg. No. lf,fu e Phone Number: CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. 171 P Phone Number: 4l 41 - 4{oO Town of Vail Reg. No. lZ1 M Phone Number: 14c- -Z>Zl ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: . TOTAL PERMIT FEES BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: contractor: CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT RETUND TO:P4r" ttJu, , frax thtS ) '{a-t.|, 6 eU"W-, 75 soulh fronlage road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlcc ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS .CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ii{ARCH 16 , 19 8 I CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it, is unLawful for anv person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a}ley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on alL Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. -ff pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vail Public works Departrnent. persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puUtic Works Departrnent will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6ln ful1, please stop by the Town of vail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. fhank you for your cooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner)to Project I , 75 .oulh fronlage rord Yall, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlly dovclopmelrl BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (.Pyb]ic Works) reyiew and approval,'a planning' Departnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Builiing Department, the estimated tjme for a total review may take as long as three weeks. Al'l commercial (1arge or smal'l) and all mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smalier projects impact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wr'l1 be made by this department to expedite this permit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. ect 'I Communi ty Development Department. O ro*of Vril CFFICE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Town of Vail, 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Pl an analysis the 19 9 l- Uni f ornr ProjecL Number: 895 0337 Address: 1600 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Planner: George R. Occupancy: R3, Ml Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reporl listing of all possible code requiremenLs selected sections of the code. based on Building Code Name: IrOT 20 GRAND TRAVERSE DaLe: October 10 , 1_9 9 5 ConLractor: DIDfER CONST.Architect: ARNOLD Engineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a compleLe in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide Lo FL NAME AREA MIN. LTGHT MIN. VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS 2 l'las ter bedroom 2 I\,laster bath 2 Bedroom #3 2 Bedroom *4 2 Bedroom #5 2 Halls, closets, eLc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Family room 1 Living roorn 1 Dining room I Kitchen I Garage 1 Bedroom #2 1 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAI., 208 ).32 200 l f b l-:]t) LL42 10cr, 248 350 L80 170 59s lbJ 695 2412 4406 20. B0 0. 00 20.00 15.60 15.60 0.00 24 .80 35.00 18.00 17.00 0.00 16.30 0.00 10.40 5.60 10.00 7.80 7.80 0.00 12 .40 18.00 9.00 8.50 0.00 8.15 0.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L L 1 1 2 FOOTNOTES : 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door thaL opens directry to the exterior is required from this roon. The minimum clear openable area must rneet +L^ a^r'r ^.-..r *-Lrre !ortowLnq. - - Sec. 1204.1) The rninirnum clear height. is 24 j_nches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.? square feet 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches t7 *"n""'o '*'r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 970-479-213V479-2 139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Deve lopment 2) The number of exit.s is based on Table 33-A (Dwel-linqs) 3) A mechanical vent.ilation system may be used in in lieu of exrerror openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOT4 DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling heiqhL of not less Lhan 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, hal1s. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiring height, of 7 feeL neasured to the ro\,,rest projection. rf the ceiling is sloping, then the ninimum height is required in only L/2 of the area. - - Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at. least one room which has not. J.ess than 120 square feeL of floor area, Other habiLable rooms except kitchens shal-l have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other t.han a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. - Sec. L2Q7. (c\ GLAZING REQUTREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous localions is required to be of safety glazing materia]. -' sec. 5406. (d) J-) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepL jalousies.2) Grazing in fixed and sliding panels oF sliding d.oor assemblies and panels in swinging doors other t_han wardrobe doors.3) Glazing i-n storm doors.4) Gl azing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hoL tubs, whirlpools, saunas, st.eam rooms. bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any porLion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed. edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a sLanding surface and d.rain inlet.5) Glazins in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a d.oor where t.he nearest exposed edqie of the glazxing is within a 24 inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a crosed posit.ion and where the botLom exposed edge of the glazing is less Lhan 60 inches above the walking surface.7) clazing in an individual fixed or operabre pane1, other than those locaLions described in items 5 and 5 above, Lhan meets all of the FnI Iarri n^ ^^hAi -,..-- t lOnS I A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed botLom edge }ess than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 3G inches above the floor.D. one or more walking surfaces within 35 inches horizontarlv of the plane of the g I az ing.8) Glazing in rairings regardress of height above a walking surface.rncruded are structural balusLer paner.s and nonstructural- in-fil1 panel s . See excepLions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required located in Lhe corridor or -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. on the ceiling or wa11 at a point centrally area giving access to each sleeping area. {2 *""""*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partrnent of C ommunity D eve lo pme nt A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. ' Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s) , a smoke deLector is required in the ceiling of the upper level cl-ose to Lhe stairway. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detect.ors are required to be wired to the buildingrs power source and shall be equipped wiLh a bat Lery backup. - sec. 1210. (a) 3. DelecLors shall sound an alarm audibre in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUII.,T FIREPI-,ACE : 1) Unib nust be an approved unit. Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearCh size musL be per manufactures approval.'- sec. 3705. (a) a (b) 3) Chinney heiqht must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, maLerials approved for thr fire constmcLion are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13/g inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAfR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must- be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. J306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches ancl the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above t.he nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off i-s greater Lhan 30 inches, Minimum he j.qht = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L71,2. (a) exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 fL.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required Lo be protecbed as required for thr fire'resisLive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (l) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross- sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not. less than 26 gaqe galvanized sheet metal with arl joints rocklapped. The outside must- be t hr construction. Al1 openings into any such enclosure shall be protected.by not less Lhan a serf -crosing sorid wood door 1 3/g inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. f706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping insball-ed in watls passing through 3 floors or less do not need Lo be in l- hour shafts.-- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) shafLs for gas vents, factory-bui1t chimneys, piping, or d.ucts thaL do not extend. through not. more than 2 froors need not be in l- hour shafts.-- Sec . 1706. (c) 4) All other shafts are required to be encrosed in a I hour assernblv.- - Sec. 1705. (a) {,7 *u"'""o '*'* 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Ratio r/1-s0 Minimum sq. f L. of vent 10.85 Department of Community Development CRAWi.,,S PACE REQUIREMENTS : l) Provide ventilation eiLher by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. opening sha11 provide a net area of no! less than 1 square foot for each L50 sguare feet of area in crawl space. openings sharr be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as cLose to corners as practical .-- Sec. 25L5. (c\ 6. Note; Vent openings may be red.uced to 10* of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the L,,i r-1i-- ^gr.i ^r ^1 L'urrcrrlrg (J.I. CId,r. approves, For a 1528.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: 2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note:opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipmenb is located in Lhe crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood.. the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is lB inches. The minimum cl-earance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2515. (c\ 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitLed and approved prior to request for frame inspec t ion . A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limibed Lo a earth to structural floor ceiling heighL of 5', be earLh floor only, be ventilated as per VBC 25L6 (C)6 with minimum access as per UBC 251,6(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. f t.. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer d.esign. Such design shal_l address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation bel-ow slabs on grrad.e shall- not be permitted wilhout. prior approval . Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and legible from the For l4l- occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outsiale to provide a floor drain with sand and oi1 interceptor to dry well or to sewer.Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper EagIe ValIey Water & Sanitation D j_stricc. rn garages with living area above. the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shal1 be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B). {p'""ou'"*"* Q*of \tril L)FFICECOPV 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 De partrnent of Community Deve lopment Town of VaiT 75 Sorr t h Fr.)nfe.rp Road Vail. Colorado 81557 (303) 479,2138 Pl-an review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code LOOP Name: LOT 20 GRAND TRAVERSE Date: October 10, 1995 ContracLor: DIDIER CONST.ArchiLect: ARNOLD Engineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN Sloped glazinq (skyliqhts) shall be tempered over laminaLe qlazing as per UBC 3402. plastic gtazing shal1 be as per UBC 5207. A curb may be required depending upon glazi.ng maLerial.. slope of roof, or flashing used. AII electrical work is Lo be complete to Lhe requirements of the latest National Electrical Code,all Town of Vail Ordinances, and Holy Cross Rorrrriromanfe This project will require a sibe improvem€nt survey.This survey sha1l be submibted andl staff approved prior to a request for a frame inapection. Under no circunshances niLL a frame inspection be done withouE an approv€al site inprovement survey. Only one wood burning fireplace may be installed per dwelling unit within the Town of VaiI. cas appliances with ',B', vents only are not restricted under t.his regulation. cas log apparatus'retrofitted within wood burnj_ng chimneys are restricted as such. Exterior surfaces wiLh stucco shall be provided with exterior met.al lath as per UBC 4709 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequaLely flashed(not wiLh just screed. metal). A laLh inspection is required prior stucco application. Project Number: 895 -0337 Address: 15 00 IJIONSRIDGE Planner: George R. Occupancy: R3.M1 Type of Const: V-N l- $ *u"""u '*"' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 tl r-0 D e partment of Co mmunity D eve lopme nt All new consbruction wiLhin the Town of Vail will be requj-red to have a Publi-c Way pernit plus an i_nitial inspection by the T.O.V. PubIic Works Department to approve site drainage and cufvert install,ation prior to any Building Depf. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces, Unl.ess the 1ot is a restricted 1ot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas 1og chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. In baLhroorns with a Lub or shower and j_n laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecLed directly to the outside shall be provided. BaLhrms which contain only a water closeL or lav. nay be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per IJMC 1104 and L903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within consLruction. Ducts shall t.erminate ouLside the building and not exceed 14' l ength. No donesLic dishwashing machine shatl be direcbly connected. to a d.rainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UpC 509. Cross connection control devices shall be installed Lo protect poJ-lution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevent.ion devices. UpC 1003, Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipment. UPC 904. Each r,,rater cl-oset sha11 be Iocated in a clear space not less than 30" in width and have a cLear space in front of such sLool of not less than 24". UBC 511(a) . Domestic ranges shal1 have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not. Less than 30" to unproLected combust.ible material. UMC 1901. 11 -tJ T4 {P r"'""'n 'uuo 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 15 A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protecLed by a one-hour fire resistive consLruction. UBC 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and Fire-tanino ioinl-g, Approved gas logs may be installed in soLid-fuel burning fireplaces provided t.he install-ation is according to the listinq instructions, any damper shaLl be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. t7 16 cas fireplace appliances are required installed as per listing installation with a "Brr vent only. Combustion air supplied from the outside for all ne\,t in Lhe Town of Vail. to be ins trucl- ions musL be construcfion 1B 10 SuppIy a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volurne) of equipment, vent locaLion and termination, and combust.ion air to be supplied prior to any insLallation. Due to Colorado State StatuLes, all sink faucetts and shower: heads are required to utilize flow restricLion devices. A1so, the maximum water closeL flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 oal-lons per f l ush, This factory-built fireplace must be an approved unit. Include the manufacture's name, model number,and approval. information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required Lo be protected by thr fire-resisLive construction. - 3305. (1) At eaves and valleys an adequaLe underlayment sha11 be provided to protect a sLructure frorn ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped Lo sheathing and between layers or a conmercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281-. Because of this project's location. the foundation is required to be dampproofed t.o prevent d.amage to areas below finished grade. UBC tT0T(d). 20 )1 ZJ {P *u"'"""' oo"o 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 e70-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development The structure ls required to be anchored to the foundataion with 1/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feet apart. See cod.e for addj.tional requirements. -- Sec. 2907. (tl fnclude a copy of the soils report for the si.te to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. ZJ 26 {gronuoruo n. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0168 OWNER CONTRACTOR Description I NEW SFR Fi reptace Information: Restri cted: 1600 LIONS RIDGE LP 2I03-\22-09-020 PRJg 5-02 0 9 DAUPH INAI S_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547l AVON CO 81620 Status. . .Applied.. Expires. . I SSUED oe /2e /ree5 0t /13 / 19e7 07 /12/7se7 Phone: 3039494500 12, 000. 00 fof tlood/Pa L Let: *********************************************t**)t********** FEE SU14t4ARY ***********************************************Jr********** fof Gas Apptiances: 240.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--) Valuation: llof Gas Logs: .0O Total Cal.cutated Fees--->.00 Additional. Fees--------->303.00 Total perm it Fee--------> 303 . O0 .00 303 .00 Payment s-------- t4echani cat---> Ptan check---> lnvest'i gat i on> Uil,( ca l, l,----> 60.00 oRB .OO TOTAL FEES_---- 3.00 **********************r**********i*******************i*******************r*************illlff-lli;;;;;;;;iiiiii************i??*** Item:.05100_EUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Divisionr or/13/1997 CHARLTE A-Eionf ApFn cHenlrE DAiiS-Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !.IELD INSPECTIONg ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. coMBUSrroN ArR IS REQUTRED pER SSC. 607 OF--rHn-rs9i--0Me;- --'3. TNSTALLATTON_yqgr CONEORM TO MANUFAC'iUnES- rNsrnoerioll-s-aNo . TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. EAS AppLTANCEq_SflAL! BE VENTED aCcOnoiNc To CHAPTER 9 AND _ gu4LL TERMTNATE 15 gpECrFrED rN SEC.906-On-rlrii 1s5t 0r{-C'.'-s. aqqEss ro HEATINq--EQUTPMENT MUST eoupl,y wrru--see .sos-elln 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. EQI ERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FTOORING:_ -----'7. p^EB!"!rT,B!ANq-A!rp qODE ANALYSTS MrUST BE-FOSTED ir.r-l,recHeNrcal-,_ ROOM pRrOR TO 4N TNSPECTTON REQUEST:8. DBAINAGE OF MECIANICAL ROOMS C6I,IiN'NTNC HEATING OR HOT-WATER qvpEr_,!_BqILEBS $HALTT BE EQUTPPED WrTH A FLOOR- DRAir,i--Fnn'Sndl 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ****************************rr*************************************************** DECLARATIONS l.hereby.acknowtedge that r have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futl. the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl.y vith the information and pLot il,an,to cbmpl'y with 8l'l' TotJn ordinances and stite [aws, and to buil,d this structure accordlng to the Town's zoning and subdivis.ion codes,. design rcviev aPProved, Uniforn Euitding codc and other ord of the Torn appLicrbt. thercto. REOUESIS fOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE IIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR COI{IRACTOR FOR HII'ISELT AND OIINER | 479-2138 oR AT oUR ofFlCE FRoil 6:00 Al'l 5:0O Pr'l ****************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0242 Amount: 303.00 oL/L3/97 16:07 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #3156 Init; CD o ********** Statemnt 303.00 303.00 .00 *******t(***********************rr******************************** Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131,2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 M95-0168 Type: B-MECH 2to3-1.22-O 9-02 0 1600 L]ONS RIDGE I,P MECHANICAL PERMIT 303.00 Total Fees: Total- ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 240.00 60.00 3.00 t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel, No.....Project Number 1600 I,IONS RIDGE LP 2r03-722-09-020 PRJ95-02 0 9 DAUPHINAI S_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 MOUNTAIN H]GH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit ALL TIMES M9 s -016 B #: 12,000.00 #0f Uood/Pa l, Let: ******************************************************t**** FEE SUH|!|ARy ************************rr*****i*************************** OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: NEW SFR F i rep [ace Information: Restricted: Mechani cat---) P lan Check---> lnvestigation> ui l.l. Ca L t----> ,/0f Gas App I i ances: ?40.00 Restuarant P lan Review--)60.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES---.- 3 .00 Phone r 3039494500 Valuation: fOf Gas Logs: .O0 Total Ca lcutated Fees--->.00 Additional Fees--------->303.00 Total Permi t tee--------> Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Payments I SSUED 0e /2e /ree5 0r / L3 /ree7 07 /12/Lee7 303. oo .00 301 . o0 > 301.00 ********)t*************************r****************************************************illllli-lli;;;;;;;iiii*iin***********i?l*** Ilelni ,q51QO-BUILDING DEPARTMENT Iept: BUILDING Division:0_!/13/\297-CHARLTE Acrion: ApFR CHARLTE DAvis Itbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT - Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. qIELD INSPECTIONq ABE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 2 . CoMBUSTTON ArR-_IS BEQqIBED pnn Snc. 0d? bn--rns-rggi^'tr'rel' --' 3 . INSTALLATION-!-4q_ST qONEOBM TO MANUFACTURES- II.IS-INUEiIONS-ANN TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 tMe-.'-- -- -'4. E4S Appr,rANcEs_sii4L_L_EE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND _ SEALL TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN see .906-oF-rHii -19e1 0u-Cl-5. AqqEgs ro HEATINQ- EQUTPMENT Masr COl.lpii wrru"See .sos-iillp 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. EqII,ERS SHALL EE MOqNTED ON FLQORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LTSTED 4OR I,4OUNTTNG ON COMBUSiTBLE-FLOORiNG:- --'*-'7. pEBl4rT,p_LANq-ANp CODE ANALYSTS MrUSi-BE-FOSTSD rN-laecHaNrcel,_ ROOM pRrOR rQ 4!! TN$PECTTON REQUESi; -- ------B. DRAINAGE OF MECEANICAI, ROOMS EoTITATIITNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER qgqBr.,y_BQILEBQ- qHALL BE EQurppED-WitH- A irl-,itoR' Dnair,r--Fun'SEcl 2119 0F THE 1991 UMc ************************************c.******************************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful.l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot pl'an,, and state that atl' the inJormation provided as required. i.s corfect. I agree to compl.y w.ith the information ana ptot iian,to cbnpty with al,l' rown ordinances and state [aws/ and to buiLd this structure according to'the Townis toning *a subdivis.ion o o ol the lown +ptic.bl,. thcreto.codes, design revietr aPProvrd, Uniform R€OUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE 8ui Lding Coda and othrr- ordi Ti.IEIITY-FOUR IIOURS IN SIGIIATURE OT OI,INER OR COI{IRACTOR FON HIISELT AND OI,INER | 479-2138 0R AT oun oTFICE FRoll 8:00 A 5:00 Pr'l **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** St.atemnt Number: REC-0242 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #3156 303.00 0L/13/e7 16:0?Init r CD Permit No: ParceI No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41,312 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 M95-0168 Type: 2LO3-L22-0 9 -02 0 16OO LIONS RIDGE B_MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT LP TotaI Fees: 303.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 303.00 303.00 .00 *******dr******************************************************** Amount 240.00 60.00 3.00 fmr: lir lqle - [alle Etryirceriry at l9?0 lo:.Chuck - tllll kilditrg hpt. at !{?9215 U-17-95 fi,:ll 001 of 0 Boyle Engineering, lnc. 143 E.lUleadow Drive Suite 390 Vall, Colorado 81657 3031476-2170 303t476.4i183 FAX Q To: Chuck - TOU Building llept. Fron: Tin Bogle - Bogle Engineering Ifate:11-1?-95 Page OO1 of OOZ This copg has the s ignature in tno places as requ ineil bg the Toun of Uail, as opposed to the single s ignature on gesterdag's uension. Hard copies aFe going out in todag's nail to Dauph ina is-llose leg Construction. Thanks, Tln Bogle Fra: Io:If,,P"; ffifi,Hltfr 'ti il#llfu 11-1?-5 03:13 ar S? of SZ Boylc Enginccring, Inc. 143 E. Mcadow Drive. Suite 390 Vail, Colorado t1657 303 t 47 G2l7 0 FAX 303/47G43E3 November 14. 1995 Rico Didier DATJPEINAI$MOSELEY CONSTRUC;TION P.O. Aor l5l5 Vril Colorrdo 81658 Subject The Grand Travene Lot 20 16ffi Lions Ridgc Loop Vail, Colondo Derr Rico: This is to confimr that I have reviewed the substituion of rhe A-A.B. Building System for the concrcte fouodation form wo in licu ofthc conventional forming systom assruned in the originat design for the above notcd rcsidence. I hrve found that tris system will be an acccptable melhod of forming this forndation. Thc reinforcing steel should be Grade 40, and he compressive strength ofthe concrete shall still be 3fl)0 psi. The A.A.B- 6 l/4 wide core form can bc used throughout thc foundation. The reinforcing steel spacing will remain dte same as originally dcscribed by Soctims A & B on Shest Sl issued by this office on August 30, 1995. Grade 60 #4 bars may be substitured for 6e Gradc ilO #5 horizontal bars top ard bottom originally specified if you wish. Pleasc give me a crll if you have any questions or mmmenb on this mafter. F: 14965 Fror: Tu: lir lat hglc - Bogte [qimeriq lt r hrylinris - IIC at r{7tffi -.,t383 11-l?-95 0!l:18 u &Zofffi Boyle Engincaiqg, Inc. 143 E. }lcador lhivt, Suire 190 Vail, Colorado t1657 3A3 /1.7&2110 FAX 303/4?6-43t3 Novsmber 14, 1995 Rim llidkr DAIJfHIHAI$M(XIELEY CONSTR,UCTION P.O. Bor tilS Vdl, Colorrdo E1658 Subjecc The Grand Traverss l-ot 2l) 1600 Lions Ridge Loop Vail"Colrado Denr Rico: this b l,o confirm that I have revier+ed the zubstihrtion of tlre A.A.B. Building Syst€m for dte concrae foutdrtiotl forn work in ller oftbe canventirral furming systrnr assumed il the original desigp for tbe above ndod residrmce. I have fumd th4 h'n rytficar wilt be an accqtrbl€ rn€fiod of faning this forndfim. The rcinforcirg stcet Sould be Gradc 4Q and drc compressive crenglh of the cocrEte $all stiil be 3000 psi. The A-A-8. 6 l/4 wido cort fsttt cor be uscd trol€hilt ftc f<rundation. The rcinfucing $ecl ryacing will rsnain 6c silre as dgindly tlcscdbed by S€ctidrs A & B on Steet S I issued by this offce on August 30, 1995. 6rade 60 tf4 bere may bc substimrd for te Gradc 40 #5 horiaortal bcs top ard bomu ciginrlly ryccilied if you wi$. Pleasc givc rne a call if you have any que$ions or commcnts otr this mater. 6rli?,*B t$."'-rc F: _ .at?l t 49C5 'it; d) ,ttt I hrcby c*tify thot this lnprovarnan t-toca tioa. cqlifrcotc ros prcporcd ft nouinirZi"jyi""i"y Cmstruction'ond tho Topn ol Voit Euitding..Oleolynl, tlat il E not o lond iurvey plot or lnprovema't survcy plol, ond that it is n-ot to 'i"'-ii) Lpii to, thti Lstobtishm'cnt of fcnce buitding, or othcr tutura improw- mcnt lines."'-")'iliiq cilrtify that thc lnprowlcnts on the obove dcscrbad porcd on tnis'ai'e--' Lie 6.'rcgo cxcelt utitity cdlnecti.?ns: ore entirely vithin iii iiiaffir niiir4 cxcept oi dtor.r, thol lhere ora no qtcroachments iii ti" iiiinaad primisei by improvernants on any odltining -premises, except is hrcltcoted, and thot there ls no opporen t cvldancc . or s':gn. o! ony easanq' ( -Joi-,ni i'o"raning ony port of . soid Porcd, axcq,t os notcd' Ihis certificote aoes n6t constitutc'o titte seorch by lnter-Mountoin Engheeing to detsmlne ovnershp or cosemcnts ol recqd. Fu o ln formatlon rcgqrdhq case- ments, riqhls-of-voy or tiii- i/ iecora hbr-ltountoln relied upon the finol plot of Doupiinois-Mosatay *tbdivblott Fling No' '' grg06 rta-t FOUND 5,/8.- REEAR VPLAS CAP PE & PLS 26626 (i s= t\\O.\ \cil LOT 2I N 9629'47'W 63. og' TRACT A NOTES:-NIOCT ELEVANONS ARE ALL TO TOP OF PLYWOOO. EX\ERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE OF ROCK WNEER' EXCEPT SOUTH SIOE OF aU.LOING' LOT 19 EASIS OF ELEVATTON: MANHO|E 4.t c (Nor vonN)NWR| ELEV : 8091-90' RtH ELEV : 6106.26' A#.uat', 6lzsltb €d)fl-,"-.t-(t"4 NO1CE: According lo Colorodo lav Sou mus.t- commance onv leoal oction bbsed upon ony defect h this surwy iiini-nr"" )Eors ofter yan llrst discover such defect' ln no event,-moy on)/ octrbn based upon any dcfect in thls survey be iornienced more thdn tan years Aom the date of certltlcotion shom hereon. A R L 0329'46-.o$ it!t(o$h' t600 Llotts' R\DG€ LOOP t="\ )e /9 -t? 3 1i ^a' ffi t) ,No}y LOT 20 9811.4J SQUARE FEET O.2J ACRES ; i; _ze.aeo. $! =ur;i#ffi PffilECr o. g6_0240s IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICATE LOT 20, OAIJPHINAIS-MOSELEY SIJEOIWSION, NUNG NO. I rowN oF vAtL, EAGLE couNrY 99!98!!e a4tct ED et o.D,F. Y€tr No. 1 tr,naD jat( J2O t 1 P.ct tign Review Action Flt TOWN OF VAIL calesory r'lumuer I oa" z/'z4r'l'ls Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: nr"nit"qp-onu. ddress and enone: -btl lL. L'z-. -? o. 8n t /S/5 :lr - t, 1 ^ , ,, t ,, .1 ,', Legal Description:Lot //) Block -Zone District 5rv-.1 l -. Project Street Address: Comments: ( _qr-?i"D/ staff Action Motion by: .i r .' , ,Vote: '{-r) Seconded by: .d, a,-., ^ . ^r fl Approval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval pl'l les 6',e, t6v lt.a 7/7419a DESIGN ao REVIEW BOARD DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: ******!r*!r!r Y NOT BE *rtrt*******i j*ua I. A DESCRIPTION: R TYPE OF REVTEW: v(- New ConstrucLion ($200.00)AddiLion ($s0.00)Minor Atreration (g20.00) ConcepLual Review (90) D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: F Subdivision NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE: NAME qF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailinq address: S ff properLy is described bv a description, please providL on to this application. zONrNc: SDb il 22 meeLs and bounds legal a separaLe sheet and aLtach Phone Phone 4:a_ APPLICATIONS TfiLL, NOT BE PROCESSED WTTHOT]T O',II;TER, S SIGNATVRE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are E.o be paid at the t.ime of submiLtal of the DRB apptilation. Later, when applying for a building permir, prease idencify Lhe accurate valuation of Lhe proposar. The town of vair wi.tl aalusi lire fee according to Lhe Labre below, Lo ensure che corr6ct fee rs paid. ^c nu:r' U ?t FE F' q ''J E'T-\T TT ET. VALUATION ,t a'\ ?h a {, v |D r r, rrtrr, $ 10,001 $ s0, 000 $ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 g over $L, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPTRES APPROVAI, IJNI,ESS A BUTLDING PERIT{IT Is IS STARTED. ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION ) FEE I ;o:oo $r.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 &- Block { rI oo A pre-applicaEion meeLing with a member of the planning sLaff is encouraged to deEermine if any addicional application information is needed. IE is the applicant,s responsibifity to make an appoinEmenL with the staff to det.ermine if Lhere are addicional submittal requirements. Please noLe t.hat a COMPLETE application wilt sLreamli-ne the review process for your projece. IIT. TMPORTAMT NOTTCE REGARDTNG AI,I, SUBMTSSTONS TO THE DRB: A.' In addition Lo meeLing-submit,t.aI reguiremenL.s, the applicant must. sLake and Lape t,he project site Co indicat.e properLy lines, building lines and building corners. A11 Lrees to be removed must be Laped. A11 site tapings and scaking must, be completed prior to the DRB sit.e visiL. The applicant must ensure Lhat staking done during t.he winLer is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally reguires two separaEe meeLings of the Design Review Board:-a conceptual review and a final review. C. applicants who fail eo appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance that discussion on t.heir it.em be postponed, will have their iLems removed from Lhe DRB agenda until such time as the iEem has been republished. D. The f ollowi.nq i Lems may, aL the discret.ion of E,he zoning administ.raLor, be approved by Lhe ConmuniLy Development Departmerit sLaff (i.e. a formal hearinq before Lhe DRB may not be required): a. Windows. skylights and simiLar exterioi changes which do noL alter Lhe exisLing plane of the buildinq; and b. Building addiLions not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacenL property owners and/or from the agent. for or manager of any adj acent condominium associat.ion stating the assocj.atjon approves of the addiLion. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfa1l, flood p1ain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc.), a hazard sLudy must. be submitt.ed and the obrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard.reporL prior to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicant s are encouraged to check with a town planner prior co DRB apprication to det.ermine t.he rerati-onshin of Lhe properLy to aII mapped hazards F. For all resi.denlial construct.ion: a. Clearly indicat.e on t.he floor plans the inside face of Lhe exterior st.ructural wa11s of the building; and b. Indicate wit.h a dashed line on the siLe plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporLing columns. c. If DRB approves Lhe application with condiLions or modifications, aII condj_Eions of approval musC be addressed prior Lo t.he application for a buildinq permi L. O O r,rsr oF rArERrArs oo NAME OF PROJECT:'#2o LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Zo BLOCx '-SUBDTVISION STREET ADDRESS:c ,") The following informaLj_on is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding OLher wall MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReLaining WalIs ExLerior Liqhtinq OEher LANDSCAPING: Name of required for submitLal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAI, Lo the Design COLOR a dlt^&l+"zlr ks V !Jd,*,,Ui y^t\Aash;',j fur**lh,rs- I xb'T1t1 fi.:Yl" htt falJrealxp r --J-'---i ' I r '(\6Ylt' ln br|rl)<,^^ tqwu tlc'-o{ Z-/ G, ?.9. C ed.a-r 9Lv"-'zc,lh3ztPzA 22_ 1"1, F.s, Cd ,zn {linNUl trav,/tzutTa uf-4c85 \xb Tt,(E t+-' ftlla- MetalA,A B+o*:-n [('neL o'7 (1r-ne...- C.qp4tt-rait- -1Pdzz l xV- CAoy pitLtk ilaL,,^,il /tf ?l^I\ft-At?id \JA - W v7all* - Designer: Phone: ZDucco rdlc FYnJ- - '4ofr" ChL tu.*.oyz-ki iwz- - 7b lrb Wr* Z_Aail elances al nI ulr prDv d t n3 tnd:rz z-(LilWtnl fu n)asn mf)L PTANT *c*,l,Botanical Name .t"t.*. <,xz- al\or,W d lrrn OuanLitv Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.. rndicaE,e tr@s Lrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feeL.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minll[ufn size of shrubs is 5 saIlon. T\/pe Square Footaqe GROIJND. COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION 'nvDF nP MFrnrrnn r'\ r' EROSTON CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, please shovr the number of fixtures and locations on a separat.e IighLing plan. Idencify each fixture from the lighting plan in Ehe space berow and provLde Lhe height above grade, - cype of right proposed, rumen ouLput, luminous area and a cut. sne-et ot the light fixLure. (SecLion 18 .54 . 050 J) D.orHBR LANDSCAPE FEATURES (recaining wal-1s, fences, swimminq pools, etc-) please specify. rnd.icate heights of retainini wal1s. Maximum hei.ghr of walls wilhin the front setback it 3'. Maximum heighr of walls elsewhere on the property is 6, SUBDIVISION JOB NAME r^.n )n BI_,OCK --.-t:TT T l\rr. The location and availability of utitiLies, wheE.her trunk lines or proposed lines, mush be approved and following uLilj-ties for the accompanying-iiue plan. ADDRESS U.S. West CommunicaLions 1-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781. Gary Hall HoIy Cross ElecE.ric Assoc. 9 49 - 5892 Ted Husky,/Uichael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V.. 949-5s30 Steve HiatL. Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation District. * 4'76-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE:This form is 15 Iocat.ion. rhis preparing your tns tal la Lions . 6. t Please bring obLaining Upper flow needs musL Authorized Siqnat.ure they be main verified by Lhe 'Date Ue- .<-'l c 4u+,uo.u (,lr) ( c,- Lo e .,IrE t auL E*c I u+Trap , rror i f r.r should service availabiliE.y ancl be used in conjuncLion wiLh plan and scheduling q For any new construcLion proposal, the applicanL musL provide a bompleced ucilitv verificalj_on form. If a uLiliLy company has concerns wibh the proposed consLrucL j.on, the utility representaE.ive should nou.direcLly on the utilicy verificat.ion form that there is a problem which needs Eo be resolved. The issue should Lhen be spelled out in detail in an aLLached IeLter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep rn mind that ic j.s rhe responsibj_ti.ty of t.ne uLifiCy company Lo resolve idenLified problems. If Lhe utiLi.ty verification form has signatures from each of the utiliLy companies, and no comments are made dj.recLly on Lhe form, Lhe Toqrn will presume that t.here are no problems and that, Lhe development can proceed. These verificaLions do not relieve Lhe contracLor of his responsibility to obtain a st.reet cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of public works and Lo obEai+ utiliLv locations before diqqincr in any public riqht-of-way or easement in the fown of \lar'l 1\ L"i r.:li-- -^--: ! :- --L --. ?e-4er^r\r |Jst.t.a(- rl:r rrL,L cr SLI C:E:L (,tlt trpfml f A st.reet cuL permiL must. be obtained separat.ely. InsLallation of service lines are at the expense and responsibility of Lhe properLy owner. a siLe plan, floor p1an, and elevations when EagIe VaIley Water & SaniEat.ion signat.ures. Fire be addressed. oa Single Family DArE: Z,' - t/e< LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot l.D SLocX - Subdivision ZONE CHECK FOR Resi-dence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS I|.D '." ,n] t \"0 *Ar' oo Primary/ Secondary \ PHONE ARCHITECT Tr,,r r4 PHONE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE allowed ,.nlr,z tlOl1(:) a 114'r'> \-2-t- 3 t7 r t _ + 425 =_35? j_4. ADDRESS: OWNER 11 t'-{ dt Heishr i *',U rorar cnrn {7b BUILDABLE LOT AREA Exist.inq Proposed Tot.al z/21/es Encl Primary GRFA 3s-t/ *s 357./ fi Secondary GRFA Setbacks olL ctP / olz otL a.ty&f o? FronL Sides Poa r Site coverase . 25:lo Landscaping Retaining wall HeighLs Parking 20,J+ /o' +5r 3s' Reqrd Z+so,fi 3,/6' DD OlZ (3oo)(f6oj?oo) (i.2oo , y'OS 3/ bH \__------ PermiLted Slope % proposed Slope Complies with T.O.V. Liqhtinq Ordinance Yes (\u- YES 6f' NO 1) Flood Plain Oy_ 2) Percent Slope (< > 3O%) 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche a1Z b) RockfaIL...ry'c) pebrisFrE 4 ) Wet.lands c,n View Corridor EncroachmenL: yes_ No__CZ__ uoes Ln:.S reguesL irrvuive a 250 Ad<iition? /_/D How much of the al-lowed 250 Addicion is useEffiis reques L? N/// Previ.ous condit.ions of approval (check property file): carage Credit Drive: Water Course SeE.back Do Finish Grades Exceed Environmental /Hazards : 10 I oo oo ORDINANCE NO. ].0 Series of i.991. AN ORDINNNCB RBPBALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 13,sERrBs oF 1990, To PRovrDE cttANcgs ro sPEcrAL DBVBLoPMBNT D.ISTRICT NO. 22 THAT CONCERN LOT SIZE AND CORRESPONDING GRFA AND EMPLOYEE DWELLTNG uNrrs nND Atlctrr1'EcrurrAL GUTDELTNES; AND SETTING TORTH DETNITS IN REGARD TIIERETO wllBREAs, chapter 18.40 of ilre vail Municipar code auLhorizes Special Development- Dist,rict,s wit-hin Lhe Town; and wllEREAsr The Town councir approved ordinance No. 13, series of 1990 Special DevelopmenL District- No. 22; and. WHEREAS, Dauphinais-Moserey construcr-ion has requested r-o amend the existing Special Development. DistricL No. 22; and, WIIBRBAS, t.he Special Developmenl- Dist.rict provides for creativity and frexibiliEy Lo allow for Lhe development- of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, Lhere is an identified need for affordabre housing in the communit,yi and WI{EREAS, The planning and EnvironmenE.al Commission has recommended Lhat cert.ain changes be macle to special DeveloprnenL. Dist.rict No. 22,. and WHERBAS, The Town councir consiclers that. it is reasonabre, appropriat,e, and beneficial to the Town and its cit.izens, inhabitants, and visitors t,o repeal and reenact, ordinance No. 13, series of 1990 to provide for such changes in special Deveropment, DisLricE. No.. 22, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Now, TIIBREFORE, BE rr ORDATNED BY TllE Towt'l couNcrl oF THE TowN oF vArL, coLoRADo, TITAT: ordinance No. 13, series of 1990 is hereby repealed and reenacted Lo read as follows: Report The approval procedure prescribed in ChapEer L8.40 Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the reporu or tnJ planning and. BnvironmenLar commission recommending approval, of the proposed developrnent plan for Special Developnrent District. No. 22. of che vail 03 oa , 1 speeial Development DisLricL No. 22 (SDD22) and Ehe developnents plan therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Lots through 19, Block 2, Lionsridge subdivision FiIing 3 within the Town of Vail consisting of 10.69 acres. Section 3. PurPose Special Development DistricU 22 is established to ensure comprehensive developmenL and use of an area t-hat wil-l be harmonious wiLh the general characLer of the Town of Vail. The development is regarded as complemenlary to the ?own by the Town Council and meet.s alt design sLandards and crit.eria as set forLh Ln Section 18.40 of t.he Municipal Code. There are significanL aspects of special Development District- 22 that are difficult Lo satisfy through Lhe imposit,ion of Lhe standards of the undertying primary/secondary zone disLricL. Special Development, DistricE 22 aLlows for great.er fl-exibility in the development of t'he land Lhan would be possible under Lhe current zoning of Lhe property. The smaller single-family loLs provide t.he opporLunity for a common open space for Lhe subdivision as well as the means to preserve the sout.herly ridge Iine of the property. Special Development DistricE 22 provides an appropriate development plan to preserve the visual qualiLy of the site from wit.hin the subdivision as weII as adjacent properLies in the community in general . Section 4. Development Pian A. The development plan for SDD 22 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the Special Development Distrlct. The development plan 1s comprised of those plans submiLted by Dauphinais-Moseley Const.rucLion and consists of the following documents which wiII be finalized at the Major Subdivision final plat review: Site development plan, Lionsridge Resubdivision of Lots 1-19, Vail, Colorado, Arnold,/Gwathmey/Prat.t Architects, dated March 22, 1990. 1 oo oo 2. Conceptual landscape plan, Arnold/Gwathmey,/prat,t Architects, dated March 20, 1990. 3. Final plat of Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 5, a resubdivision of Lcts 1-19, Brock 2, and Moraine Drive, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado sheet.s 1 anct 2, Intermount,ain Engineering Limited, dated April 19r 1989. 4. ConsL.ruction, grading and drainage drawings for a resubdivision of LoLs 1-19, Block 2, and Lionsridge Lane, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, Town of Vail_, Eagle Count,y, Colorado, Int,ermount.ain Bngineering Limited, sheet-s L-8, claLed March 9, 1.989 to be finarized aL the finar plaL review for the subdivision. 5. SoiLs and FoundaLion Invest.igation for Lots 1_24, Lionsridge 5t.h Filing. 6. Lionsridge Color palet,te, Arnold/Gwathmey/pratt ArchiLects, March 1990. 7. The subdivision praL for Dauphinais-Moserey subdivision recorded August 23, 1990. B. The development. standards shall be as follows: , 1. Acreaqe: The tot.al acreage of t.his site is 10.69 acres or 4651650 square feet. 2. PermiLt ed Uses :The permit.Led uses for SDD 22 shall be: a.' Single family residenLial dwellings b. Open space c. Public roads d. Employee dwellJ.ng unlt,s as defined in SecLlon 5, paragraph G of this ordinance. a. l-\ c. d. Public utilit.y and public PubIic buiJrdings, grounds PubIic or private schools service uses anO tai:itities 4. PubIic park and recreation faciliLies Accessorv Uses: ot el a. b. c. Private greenhouses, t,ooLsheds, playhouses, garages or carporE,s, swinming pools, paLios, or recreation faciliLies cust.omarily incident.al to single-family uses. Home occupaEions, subject. to issuance of a home occupation permit in accbrdance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 1B.58.190 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Ot.her uses cusLomarily incident,al and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for t.he operation t,hereof . Lots Sizes and Maximum GRFAs: MAX GRFA INCL. 425 SQ. FT.SIZtr GRFA ALLOWANCE PBR UNIT 11,805 ?_,293 2t7t\ 5. LOT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 l.L t2 13 14 1.5 t_6 L'l 1B 19 .2Q 2l 22 23 24 3,'L7L 3,l-?1 2t293 2,293 3, 1? l_ J,LIL 3,l-?1 3r 1?1 3, 171 3,r'tr 3,171. 3,l-71 3tL7L 2,293 2t293 2,293 3, 171 2,293 3r 1?1 3r 1?L 2,293 3r 1?1 l6 r 24B 11,500 11,761 12 | 191 L1,500 11,543 1 1, 021 1L,456 l-L,979 10,803 t2, gBl t_5,1-59 L 1r 151 g, 539 8,494 B, 494 10, 0 62 9,148 9, B0L t0 ,237 ' 9,409 9,148 3,596 3,595 2,7t8 2r7tB 3r 596 3r 596 3r 596 3r 595 3r 595 3,596 3r 596 3,596 3r 596 2,718 2,7rg 2,718 3,596 2,718 3r 596 3,596 2 r718 3,596 2,7L8 'IBt4Q2 LO,629 2,293 68,202 GR.E'A shall mean the total square footage of all levels of a building, as measured at the inside face of the exterior walls (i.e. not including furring, sheetrock, plaster and other similar wall finishes). GFJA shall include, but not be lirnited to, erewator shafts and stairwerrs at each lever, lofts, fireplaces, mechanical chases, vents, and storage .l oo oo areas- Att'ics, crawr spaces and roofed or covered d,ecks, porches, terraces or patios sharl also be incruded in GRFA, unless they meet the provisions of paragraph A below. A. within buildings containing two or fewer ctweJ-ling units, tho following areas shall be exclud,ed from calculation as GRFA: 1. carage spac€s of up to three hundred. (300) squars feet per garage spaco not exceeding a maximum of t.!,ro spaces for each allowable d.weJ.ling unit and one for each allowable ernployee unit,. 2. Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet or less, as measured from tho top sicle of hha structural members of tho f100r to the underside of the structural members of the roof clirectly above. j\ttic area creatod by construction of, a roof with truss-type members will be excluded from ealculation as GRFA proviclsd t,he trusgeg aro spaced no greater than thirby inches aparb 3. Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not greater t.han twelve square feet in area, with fiwe feet or less of ceiling height, as measured from the surface of the earth t.o the undorside of st.ructural f,Ioor mernberc of bho floor,/coiling assembJ-y abowe . 4.' Roofed or covetred decks, porches, terraces, pat,ios or simirar feature/space with no more than thres exterior wal1s and a minimum opening of nob less than 25t of t,hs linoal porimotor of, the area of, said deckr porch, terrace, patio, or similar feature/spac€ proviclod the opening is contiguous and ful1y open from floor to ceiling, with an allowance for a ra5_Iing of up to t,hroe feet in height,. oo ea GRFA sha1l be calculated by measuring the total squar€ foobage of a building as set forth in Section 18.04.130 . of the vail Municipal Code. Excluded areas as set forth in paragraph A shalI then be deducted from total sguare footage. In addition to the abowe, four hundred twenty-fivo lrquare feet of groslr residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each alLowable dwelling unit not to include any restricted ernployee housing unit. 6.Setbacks: Minimum setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved sit.e development plan by Arnold,/Gwathmey/Pratt. Archit.ecLs, daLed March 22, 1990. A 4 foot roof overhang shall be allowed in the front setback for Lots 15-19, provided the rear setback is increased by 4 feet. A 4 foot roof owerhang shaU be allowed in the rear getback of Lots 20-24, provided the front setback is increased by 4 feet. Roof overhangs shall be alLowed to encroach up Lo 2t int.o the required side set.back of 10, for each lot. An unenclosed, unroofed, deck or patio within 5 feet of finished grade may encroach into the rear set.back by 5, for tots 1-14 and 20-24. No other setback encroachments sball be allowed. Densit.v: Approval of Lhis development plan shalt permit a total of 24 single-family dwelling units on the entlre property. A minirnum of 6 employee dwelllng units shal] be incorporated into any 6 of the single- family unit,s. A maximum of 24 employee dweLling units (including t.he six required employee units) may be included within L5 of the single-family unit,s if desired by the developer or indivj_dual lot owner. Buildinq I'teiqht: For a f laL roof or mansard roof , the height. of the building shall not exceed 3Or. For a B. oo oo sloping roof, the height, of the building shall no! exceed 33'. The heighL, calculat.ion shall be made by measuring from t'he exisLing grade as indica.ed on the rnLerrnountain Engineering Topographicar Survey dat.ed March 13, j.990 or finished grade. Height shall be calcurat'ed per section 18.04-r,?0 0f the Municipal code. 9. Site Coveraqe: NoE. more than 25 percent. of the total site area on each lot, shall be covered by buildings. I'Site covorag€,' shall mean the ratio of the total buirding area on a sits to the totar. arsa of a site, expressed as a percentage. Eor the purpose of calculating site coverage, ',building area,, shall mean the total horizontal area of any building as measured from the exterior face of perimeter buirding warrs or supporting columns above grade or at ground level, whichever is the great,or area. Building area shall includo all buildings, carport,s, porto cocheres, arcades, and cowered or roofed, walkways. In addition to the above, building area shall also in,clude any portion of roof overhang,, eave, or covered st.air, covered deck, covered. porch. coverod, tefface or covered patio that ext,ends more t,han four feet from the exterior face of perimetor building walJ.s or supporting columns. 10. Paikinq: parking shaJ"l be as required in Sect,ion 18.52 of the Vail Municipal Code. Each employee dwelling unit sharr be required E.o have at reast, one encrosed garage parking space. 11.Desiqn Guidelines: The development. of each lot shalJ. be guided by the archit,ectural and landscape design guidelines as approved as parL of the Special Development. District. No. 22. The guidelines are as follows: a. Architectural. The archiLecE,ural design of the buiJ"dings upon Lhe site shall be such that, 7 oo oa 11 buildings relat.e harmoniously to each ot.her. Thls is not Lo imply that each building musE, look exactly simiLar t.o those around it, but that compatibility be achieved through the use of scale, materials and colors, and building shape and form. The overridir;g' concern is that,, upon completion, the Special Development. DistricLl because of the clustered nat,ure of t.he small single farnily lots situated around common open space, shouLd appear to be an integrated development. possessing a common architect.ural quality, character, and appearance. To this end the following general design criLeria shall be followed by t.he developer and individual lot owners: A paleLte of colors shall be as set forth in the Lionsridge Color PaIetLe from l\rnold/Gwathmey/Pratt daLed March 1990. Colors are indicat.ed for the use on different types of building materials and elements such as stucco colors, siding colors, net.al flashing, windows, accent coLors, etc. The palette of colors indicate a ranse of acceptable colors in order to encourage sirnj_larit.y on one hand, but also diversity within the acceptable ranqe. The following building standards and nat.erials shaLl be adhered to: (1) Roof. The roof pitch sha11 be a minlmum g,/12 and a maximum of L2/L2. A gab1e, clipped gable or hipped roof shall be nandatory. Dormers shall bo allowod and rewiewad by the Design Review Board. The roofing material shall be cedar shake shingles $rith staggered butt.s . oo oo (21 Chimnevs. The chimneys shall be sLucco with chimney caps of weathered copper. (3) Flues. Alt flues shall be galvanized or "paint Lols', sheeL met,aI, painted to match the roof. (4) Main Fascia. The main fascia shall be a solid color stain, with brown, taupe, or gray. (s) First Floor. The secondary fascia and rnet,al railings above the first floor shall be a muted accenL trirn color to be reviewed by tbe DRB. (6) Walls. WaIIs shall be of sEucco and horizont,al or vert,ical wood siding. Stucco colors shall be gray, beige or off_white. Wood siding colors shall be gray, brown or Laupe. (7) Stone. Residences wiLl have a.ninimum of a two fooE. high sLone wainscot in rainbow mix,. wit,h a sandstone cap around the perimet,er of t.he strucLure except, under decks whers subsbant.ial-ly concealed by Iandscaping. (B) Windows. Windows shalL be recessed a minimum of two inchcs from the out,side waII plane and have a sandstone siII . Trim shall be white, taupe or brown. (9) Outdoor Liqhtincr. Outdoor lighting shall be. indirect with a conceated source except, for an ent,ry chandelier which rnay be exposed. globes with a fixt,ure of btack or weathered coope! Iook rnetal. t\II exterior J.ight.ing shall be reviewed by the DRB. (10) Garaq.r. No garage doors shall directly face t,he street, except on Lot 24. oo o1 (11) A residential address/nameplaLe if desired by Lhe owner shall be locat.ed on tshe side of the garage facing Ehe access point t,o the lot,. (12) Landscape. When t.he individual landscape plans are designed for individual lots, special care shalL' be Laken in the design of side yard Iandscaping in order to provide adequat.e screening bet.ween st.rucLures. L2. Recreational Amenities Tax: The recreat.ion amenities tax shall be assessed at the rate for a single-family residential zone district. Section 5. Conditions of Approval A. special Development Dist.rict No. 22 sharr not be effective until the major subdivision is approved by the planning and EnvironmenE,aL commission and is recorded by the Town of Vair at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorders Office. B. The major subdivision sharr be recorded at. the Eagte county Clerk and Recorder, s Office before a building perrnit is rereased for any construction on the subdivision incruding common improvements as weLr as individuar residences. c. The Town of Vair Engineer shaLL have t.he right. to review and approve the five (maximum number) curb cuts for lots 15_23 accessing off of Lionsridge Loop to ensure proper driveway orientation, landscaping, visibirit.y, and drainage.before a building permit, is rereased for any of the units on t.hese I'ots. Back out driveways are prohibit.ed for these }ots., D. The developer shall submit a randscaplng, signage, and wall design for the entry to t.he subdivision for review and approvar by the Town Engineer before finar- Design Review Board approval . E. The deveroper shal]- const,rucE, a sidewark along t.he nort.h or sout.h side of Lionsridge Lane. The developer nay construct the entire sidewalk under the phase r buirding permit or may const.ruct the sidewark in subsequent, phases of construct,ion. 1n of oo F. As each loh is developed, ilre porLion of t.he sidewalk adjacent' to the rot sharr be consLruct,ed subsequent. to the issuance of a buirding permit- and prior to .he issuance of a Lemporary cerLificat,e of occupancy for Lhe unit on t,he toL. The developer shall be responsible for const.ructing a bus shelt,er on the wesb or east side of Ehe entry int,o Lhe subdivision if and when the Town of Vail deems it is appropriat'e Lo provide bus service to properties adjacent, to Lionsridge Loop and./or if the schoor DisLrict. decermines it is appropriate to provide bus service for tionsriclge Loop property owners. The bus shelter dcsign sharl be mutuarry acceptable E,o the developer and Town of Vail. The bus sherter shall also be required to receive approvar from the Design Review Board. The development, of speciar Deveropment, DistricE, No . 22 wfir have impact-s on b.he avairabre emproyee housing wJ.uhin Lhe Upper Bagle Valley Area. In order t,o help meeb. this addit,ional employee housing need, the developer of speciar, Development DisLricg No. 22 shalr provide employee housing on sit.e. The following resLrictions shall appfy Lo aIJ. employee dwelling uniLs within SDD No. 22: The dev€loper shall build a minimum of six employee dwelling uniLs wit'hin t,he subdivision. Each employee dwelling unit slrall have a minimum square foot.age of 400 square f,eet. not to exceed 500 square feet. and is arrowed t,o have a kitchen. The GRFA and number of emproyee units sharr not, be count.ed toward arlowabre density or GRFA for speciar Deveropment. DistricL No. 22. The developer may choose to transfer up to 300 sq. ft. of GRFA frorn the primary unit to the ernpJ.oyee unit. lhe GRFA transferred wirl be deducted, from the total allowable GRFA of the primary unit. Ihe developer may G. I1 oo ra provide up t.o 15 employee dwelfing unit.s including the 6 required dwelling units if so desired. The enployee dwelling units may be located on any of the lots within the subdivision providing aII the development standards are met for each lot. OnLy one employee dwelling uniL shall be allowed per lot with a rnaxinum of 15 units allowed. An employee dwelling shalI be incorporated into the structure of the prirnary residence and shall not be allowed to be separated from t.he primary unit. Each emptoyee dwelllng uniL shall have one enclosed garage parking space. This parking space shall not be detached from Lhe single-family garage or sE,ructure. The employee dwelJ-ing unit shall be prohibited from having a wood burning fireplace. Each phase of construct.ion shall include a minimum of one employee dwelling unit until six employee dwelling units are construct,ed and available for renta]. The employee dwelling unit. shaII be permanentty restricted as a renEal employee dwelling unit. The employee dwelling unit, sha1l nol be Leased or rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive days, and t.hat if rent.ed, it, shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle VaIIey shall be deemed to incl-ude the Gore Valley, Mint.urn, Red CLiff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and t.heir surrounding areas. A fult- t.ime employee is"a person who works an average of 30 hours per week. An employee dwelling unit, shall not be divided into any form of t.ime-share, interval ownership, or fract,ional fee ournership. The employee dwelring unit sha]I not be sold, transferrecl or conveyed separately from the single family unit. The owner of each emproyee dwerring unit shalr be required to declare in writ.ing on an annual basis t.o t.he Town of vai] t2 or oo H. that the employee dwelring unit, has been rented as a rong term rent,al per t.he requirement-s out-rined in this section. This decrarat-ion shalr incrude a wril-ten st.atcmcnb from lhe owner list.ing the renter, s name, place of employment., and lengLh of t,ime the unit was rented. The declaraLion shall be required Lo be signed by both Lhe lot owner and rent,er. A declarat,ion of covenangs and resL,ricLions shall be fired on record i'n Lhe office of l-hc Eagle Count.y Clerk and Recorder in the form approved by t.he Town At.torney for the benefit of the Town to ensure t-haL the restrictions herein shalr run with the rand before a building permit is rereased for 't.he const,ruct.ion of any ernployee dwelling unit. The Town of VaiI shall be a party t-o this employee housing agreement. The deveLoper and Town shall enEer int.o a cleveloperrs agreement which shall provicle t-haL. no final ptaL for subdivision shalr be signed by the Town unless. securit.y is provided by Lhe developer to ensure completion of t,he requiremenLs seb forth in Conclit.ions D, E, ancl F. The security seL aside for Lhe bus shelter in sect.ion 5F sharr be reviewed by the communit.y Deveropment, Department afLer two years from the date the final plaE. is recorded to deb,ermihe if t.he bus shelter shoul.d be const,ruct,ed. The community Deveropment Department. shall require that the security be extended an additional Lwo years if the Community Development Department determines it, may be necessary to construct, t,he bus shelter after the first 2 year period. The archiLecLurar andr landscape design guiderines shall be incorporated into the subdivision covenants before Lhe final plat, is recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderts 13 oo o1 .1 . office. The Town of VaiI shall be part.y Eo these agreements. The first phase of consLruction for t,he subdivision shall include consLruction of residences on LoLs 1,, 2, 3t 4, 5, and 24, project entry plan completrion, finaL grading of common open space, and revegetation of native grasses on all disturbed portions of Lhe subdivision, paving of Moraine Drive, aII utiliLies const.ructed and st.ubbed Lo individual Iot.s, as welI as drainage improvernents. The second t.hrough fifth phases shall include construct.ion of 4 to 5 unit.s per year until t.he project is built out.. Section 6. Amendment,s Amendments to Special Development District No. 22 shall follow the procedures cont.ained in Sect.ion 18.40.L00 of t.he VaiI Municipal Code. Section ?. Expiration The applicant musL begin const.ruct.ion of Lhe special Deveropment, DisLrict. within 3 years from l-he tirne of its final approval, and continue diligently toward compleE.ion of the project. If the applicant dobs not begin and diligently work toward the .. completion of the Special Development District or any stage of the speciar Deveropmenb District. within the time limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the planning and EnvironnenEal commission sharl review the Speciar DeveLopmenL District. They shall- recommend to the Town councir t.hat eiEher the approval of the Special Development District be extended, that. the approval of the Special Development. DisLrict be revoked, or t.hat t.he Special Development DisLricL be anended. t4 oo oo Section B. rf any parLl section, subsecLion, senr-ence, clause or phrase of. Lhis ordinance is for any reason trelci Eo be invalid, such decision shatr noL affecL the varidit.y of bhe remaining portions of this ordinancei and the Town councir hereby decrares it wourd have passed this ordinance, and each part, sect,ion, subsection, sentence' clause or phrase thereof, regardress of the fact, that any one or more parts, secLions, subsect,ions, sent,ences, clauses or phrases by declared invalid. Section 9. The Town councir hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for .he healt,h, safet,y and welfare of the Town of vail and inhabitanLs E.hereof. Section 10. The repeal or the repeal ancl reenact.ment of any provisions of Vair Municipal code as provided in Lhis ordinance shatr not affect. any righL which has accrued, any dut.y imposed, any viorat,ion that occurred prior t.o the effect.ive dat.e hereof, EDy ., prosecucion commencecr, nor any ot,her act ion or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of Lhe provision repeared or repeal-ed and reenacLed. The repear of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previousry repealed or superseded uhless expressly sLat.ed herein. A1r byraws' orders, resoruLions and ordinances, or parts thereof, i.nconsisLent. herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of, such inconsist,ency. This repealer shall not be const,rued. to revise any bylaw, order, resolut.ion or ordinance, or part thereofl heretofore repea):ed. TNTRODUCBD, Aprll READ AND PASStrD ON F]RST READING THIS .;. .r.. and a public hearing shall be 16 day of L99I, I5 held on this oo oj 11 tn ordinance on the 16 in the Council Chamber CoIorado. day of Aprll , 1991 at 7:30 of t,he VaiL Municipal Building, Vail, day of Aprll , 1991.Ordered published in fuII this 16 ATTEST: PameIa A. Brandmeyer, Town CIerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND PUBLISHED Ry Tltle Only this 7, day READING AND ORDERED of May , 1991. ATTEST: . ...!,dua)4.fuaAn t,*t, PameIa A. Brandneyer', Tobrn CLerk .: I R. Rose, Rose, 16 TO: MIKE o f src0Fr8 oo McGEE GREG 09p95 HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn ,o George Ruther Town Planncr Enginccring: Rcvicwed by: Commcnls: PROJECT:DATESUBMITTW COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I I INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW HENRING Datc: 2 r4.qg Dalc: ' Neectsorvrpeas.rvst (gtaa\egoride lnwvY\rn \.3 tucuell Landscaping: Rcviewcd by:Dalc: Commcnts: N(€A o b!\e (eQ<(L Neccr 1g". e\e\rc\Ucn"" cn L\ c{rb (rAag ucog S.*.+tn5e*5,: c( asenotE 4F df lvew6'\ o(cess \ 6co'b\ch ,iO<\ .5e<.^r\e-:too € lovots'drr s L(rd,\J!- c\(e trilht thri,..x 1Vr ii'g o( ,lriu@ -\Anit\,n3 fi..rcr \olo Wg d,\\ (e.{u(f e .g> rc hecr.y \^/\\OCL c\(o "uuk\e5 Lt^a:, zre*,:; &warf /)or,111''t rn1 iruwr? Firc Dcpt.: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: Dislributcd to thc Firc Dcparlmcnl, pubtic Worl<s, and Landscaping on TO: oa oo MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn ,o George RuLher Town Planner INTER:DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW DATE SUBMTTEO coMMENrs NEEDED av: 2/21 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PROJECT: Enginccring: Rcvicwed by: Commcnls: Reviewed by: Commcnls: Landscaping: Datc: Datc: Fire Dcpt.: ,l Rcvicwcd uv' 4hnciO Darc: Z -/O - /5 Commcnls: 4//ens{ ?noud;l tJyd'"-t- h6/ro4 s Look 5 Dislributcd to lhc Firc Dcparlmcnl, public Wor*s, and Landscaping on ,/' \erlooO .. oo oo 3 il il 3 il TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPT NO. tf,\-l 0F coll lt Li\iITl DE\T.LoPlrENT NA)TE-7 /^?s DATE v r l:!-t--L ADDR.ESS_- PROJECT tr00 CIIECKS }IADE PAYATLE TO TO\t?{ OF I'AIL = E accoutYf t\o-ITEM l{o. TAx losrEl ,,-,T(/rAL 0 0000 4 rs,l0 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 30 0000 424 5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s54.00 0 0000 .124I 5 UNI}-ORM PLUMI]ING CODE s39.00 0 f)000 .1:4 s UNI FOR\,{ ]\4IJCI IANICAL CODE s37.UU cl 0000 424 LNI}ORN,I FIRIi CODI]s36.0t) 0 0000 421 5 NN TIONAL ELI:CTRICN L CODI:s37.00 0 0000 424 5 OTIIER CODE IJOOKS 0 0000 -t I 5+lJ BLUIJ PPJNTS {I,IYLARS)s7.00 i:-ol oooo114 2 XEROX COPIES s0.25 f-di 0000 424 t1 STUDII.-S 0000 424 r 2 TOVFF:I]S CO]\4PUTER PROGRAM s5.00 ;,:l 0 0000 42371 PENALTY FI-ES i RE-iNSPECTIONS 0 0000 41332 PLAN REVII]W RE-C}IECK FEE tS4O PER I]R.I 0 0000 42332 OFF' IIOURS INSPhCTION tEES 0 0000 4 r4 1 CONTRACTORS LICIINSES Fl:ES 0 00004t4t1 SICN APPLIC',.\TION Ft-E s20.0t) 0 0000 .1 r4 I -l ADDITIONAL SICN.\CE ttFl [Sl.()0 PLR SQ.FT. 0 0000.11440--VTC ART PRO.I1:CT DONATION 0l 000041 -1i I .fRE PAID DI:SICN Rl-\'lE\\'BO.'\RD Fl;l:2r)D- 0l 0000 457 |INVTSTICATION Fl.l: (BUILDING ) .'I 0000 4_s I 0 TOV PN RKING }.UND 01 0000 22027 TOV lr" l; \\'S P.,\ P li R DISPI:NSER FUNI) * 0l 0000 2l l2 TAXABLE fal 1% (STATE) *0 0000 4t0t0 TAXABLE A 1% (TOW\) 0l 0000 4:-i7l BUILDINC INVI:STICATION OTIIER ?!0l 0000 4l i_r0 ADDII-IONN L G ITF,,\ ']-\T)"s200.u0 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USI: PIR]\{lT s200.00 0t 0000 4ljiO EXTI:RIOR..\LTI:RATION ILESS TIIAN lo0 SQ.l-T.l s200.00 01 000041330 EXTITRIOR ALTI:RATION IN'lORl: l.llAN I00 SQ.l'I s500.i|0 0l 0000 4 r 330 SPIICIAL DEVI:LOP\4tNT DISTRICT [NEw]s I,500.00 0l 0000413i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AI\4END s I,000.00 0i 0000 41330 SP[C'ln L D[\'l:LOPN'IllNT DISTRICT IMINOR A\'IEND s200.00 0l 0000 4lji0 SUBDIVISION TOT 0000 4l 330 VAtuAil'CI:s25t).00 T_OT 0000 4 | 3i0 ZONINC C0Dli nMITNDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 4 | 3i0 RE. ZONINC s200.00 OTIIER OTIIER ITOT /tL: a/Czr't (,I4\1t N I S: _ Mo.'t - _l cK.1(l_Jz_/.-__l_,I c^sHl_l oa RECEIPT- re T n of Vail RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS HOW PAID-Cash-Checy '.t ',/ | Tr:rl+f-J l--rF '*r= I L fti:.c*l I s;lgr-,ga:. tl.;1:i1 oo 465 ?8 bk i-i,,: i.'li;i .'j5 l:1 ,.:i,i 'i :F -':i'_i:-''i l i]a I : - f,:i_ j::JL ia,, i_,--!i1:l:ti-ia::t:i.i..i'i;:!r :[;:] '-l;"-,,i,-;I i,j! r,:..:, r:,.-r .. ii,i.,-.i i t*ni p=i,i !i t::lil:lii..1 i :.: i ::f!!:: :-i: ti !i:,r , : i._i:.':-:+: *rritrt-.n i. F,.3 i d ii:r::r !, :': :l -E-HFt-{}i: L...r_-rl_! ,',:','i ,-. ,.r.,::i'r i ,::,i l;'F:ii-i l,ifl () Pubtic service' Aucrust 2, L990 Tb,vin Of Vail Conrrurritv Dereloprent Departnent Attn: Iiristan PrLLz, Director 75 South Frontage Road Vail, @ 81657 Dear liristan, Please allow this letter to serve as evidence ttnt D.M.C., Inc., ttre derreloper of Iots I-19 Lions Ridge lane, has satisfied Public Senrice Corncany's request reqruirerents. AI1 necessa-ri' natural gas sys@rn designs are cnnqrlete at this tine. D,M.c. Inc. has signed the necessary facility agreement and rendttecl the requirecl cash mntribulion for the facility jl- stallation. Increased dernand for Prrlclic Seruice Oonpanyrs serrices cluring this year, and tl.e lirnited nEmpov,er to satisfy th-is de- mand will require efficient job schedulinq. Pr:blic Service Conpany crews are prepared to begin construction at ttris tjrre. Please let ne kncnv if I rnay be of additional assistance il providinq infornati-on related to ttris develorrent. Representatirre GI:l:rb Publlc SerYico Company of Golondo P.O. Box 430 Minturn, CO 81645 ' (3m) 949-5781 HOLv CROSS ?'L,C.-I-RIC ASS&IATION, INC. AREA CODE 303 94S.549 t ( (.)l()ll \l)r ) Slr,t): August 2, 1990 Ms. Kri st i n Pri tz Planning Dept., Town of Vail 7,1 Dauphi nai s-Moseiy Construction, InC. i4r. Pat Dauphinais P.0. Box l5l5 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivision Eiectricai Service Dear Kri stin: l-lo.ly Cross Electric Association, Inc. is in the process of completing our prinrary electric installation within the above mentioned project. }le have already received funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estirnated cost of ihis proiect. Primary electrical service installation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerely, H0LY CR0SS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATIOiI, Inc. Ted Eng i Tll: Supervi sor lw W/0#L2235:5167:Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivi sion :/ //:,,-4 Hu s key neeri ng Servi ce . r-\ 11 H.crrtage Lablevlslon !'.(). Rox 419 il I .ltl lu{,:tcalf Ro.rd '\..,,rn. C, rlorutlo 3l6JLl i itr3)')49-55i0 August 2, 1.990 Sincerely ' To whom iu maY concern ' tlerieage Cablevision will provide cable service to che lJ a u p h i n a i s - !1o s e 1 e y s ubdivision, f i ling /ll ' At this time the cable is in place at chis siEe' q'^*L *j g.r-A ltark G, Guzinski Heritage Cablevision Lead Technician lEFflryfrsf COMMTJNTCATTONS @ Bax 3O5o \4 \ c\ s \N .l \ \'ct\c\\ o {) r L/.-o tt, Cn La. 80435 SUBJECT: fuzztn aFUn tL 7-accn C/ V,+t L k P/ . GP Co /n n)u n / lY kve,Loornettf 75-E. ts-/7n/'49e ,4d. r/, V,+r L, (-oLO. I /65? coMMLtNtcarorys @ uetnprnZil " W/L ffi nrt^g.a ,,7{) t|I.f,yEsr' :/ UppEn Encle Vll WATER ANO SANI{ATION OISIRICIS t,tL rot?tal tIOAO . vAll ( l)(t)AA0(, Alt'57 i 3 0.1, ''f6 1480 nugusl 2, rSS0 t4s. Kristan Prltz Town of Vail Conmunlty Developnent ?5 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re r Dauph inai s -t.losel ey Subdrvision Fillng l, Vail, Colorado (2{ Single family lots and I duPlex Iot) Dear Hs Pritz: The Varl Valley Consolldated tfater District and Upper Eagle Valley Consoliclated Sanitatlon Dlstrtct uill provide domestlc vater servlce and sever servlce lo the above referenced developnent. The Dislricts have excess capaclty to process do$estic vater to lts constltuents at the present Elme. Accordlnqly, upon conpltance vlth the Rules and Regulations and the paynent of approprlate tap fees, lhe Dlstrlcts vlll provide donestic vater servlce and sever service, Constructlon of all naln line extenslons is the responslbility of the developer; hovever. aIl constructlon draslngs must be preapproved by the DlstrlcC. Any additional flre servlce, (1.e., fire hydrants), that need [o be added to Lhose already extstlng 'rilI be at the expense of those requestlng the servlce. The adillLion of Backflov Prevention Devlces on the Flre Servlce and on tbe Donesttc Ilater Servlce, vhere requlred, are necessary. SlncereIy, UPPER EAGLE VATLEY COI{SOTIDATED SAIIITATIOII DISTRICT \"-d \ \\os.aJlr-- Fred S. Has I ee Dlstrict Regulatlons Adnlnlstrator FSH:Jao a LEY -z--r I lL pAtrttctpAttp6 OtslRtCTt - AHRowxEAo MEIRo wATEFI a AVoN METFo wArER a BEAVER CREEK MEARO wAtER a BeRRv CF€E|< METRO wATEf, /a CLEIX \ ,1\l\ aooau ro,a,at*o r"arER. EDwARos MErFo wArER. L-akc CFTEEK MEADows warER. upp€R EAoLE vaLLEv coNsoLtoarEo saNtraTloN Q!!E?_ -- vArL vALLEv CONSOLTOArEL'wAr€R.VA|LWAfEFr ANOSANITArrON LAr..rrr r Oru riuAttAttr EE(Dr:oHr.'ANy Ii r? F'f' e s e lr t i r'r 9r 'f itlril Irisulatr*r': l-i':' rFart r' ': l: l"li rlrleSnta TFtANlr: YUU F|JF{ YlJl-lR r:tRnER Aususb 34' 11?tlE tlrlr.[r'der'l V1t435 ETUYER: LIAUPHINAI$*T'II]::;ELEY ILINETRUI::TIt]N INI::.' A I:I]LflRATIO '-:[RPI:IRATIBN !;ELLER: I:U}'IFIERI:IAL FENERAL :iAVINGS ANN LL1AN A5'1I:IATIfrN AnnRELi';! 'NLIFEIl ANTJ I::I:II"IFANY NELIVER IN VAIL RUNE: I Att-rr : RRAI{ I]ALI4ATEER I:LCISER 1 Att-n: EAIL L:r:rF I E5 1 l\ttrr: MINNESOIA TITTA 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 8O002 420-O241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75 I -4 336 l8l0 30lh Slreel Boulder, CO 803O1 444-4l.Ol 20O Norlh Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Ereckenridge, CO BO4 24 453-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Caslle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Watrsalch Colorado Springs, CO 809O3 631-482'l Jt.r I rl,:ii,i; 108 LAI{D TITLE GUNRANTEE COIVIPANY South Fronrage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l657 476-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suile 20 | Forl Collins, CO 80525 482-09 | 5 710 Kipling Slreel Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 | I 3609 So. Wadsworlh Suile I l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 I1990 Grant Street Suile 220 Norlhglenn, CO 8P233 152-0l49 19590 East Main Parker, CO 80134 841 -4900 I08 Soulh Fronlage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail. CO 81657 176'2251 Gonurtitrnettt Ib lttsure Issued thrangh tln Offie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321 - l 880 Sanford Place 2 Su ite 301 7979 East Tufts Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 8022 | 427 -9353 I 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 247-5860 6851 South Holly Circle Englewood, CO 801t 2 770-9596 l."A.h!fu. T'f I,r".,i; GLJAItAi\t IIE CCJf\/PANY r,tTA funitnrelttlit htsure MINNESOTA ALIA Conrrrritrnent- 19/0 Rev. TlIt[ INSUnANCE C0MpANy UF MINNES0tA. a Minnesota corgrration, herern called the conpany, for a valuable consicleration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies ol tttle insurance, as identified in Scfiedule A. in favor of tlre proposerl lttsured named in Schedule A, as ownel or mortgagee ol the estate 0r interest covered hereby in tire ianJ described or refened to in Schedule A. upon-payment of the premiums and lf,ir.qri if,riufor; all subjecr ro the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations lroreof. This Commitment shall be ellective only when the identity of the proposed Insuted and the amount ol the prf[r7 or prf,titt ,ornmitted lor have been inserted in Schedule Ahereof by the Company, either at tlp lime of the issuance of this Comrnitment or by subsequent endorsemenl . This Commitment is preliminary lo ttle issuance ot suctt policy or policies ol title insurance and allliabitt$ and oUf iqut'*r f]ur**tei shatl ceaie anJtr*inutu si" tonit s after the eflective date hereol or when the policY il;i;;rffittrd for snall issue, wliichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or oolicres is not the lault ol the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein. shall include deed ol lrust, trust deed, or other $eculity insllument' Z. lf tlre proposed inr"*rO i ui oiirquires actual knowledge of any delect, lien, entumbrance. advetse claim or other matter allecling the estate or interesl 0r mortgage thereon mveied by this commitmenr other thin those shown in schedule B trereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge t0 lhe conrpany in writing, ttre company ihiliue ietieved trom liability for any loss or damage resulting ftom any act of reliance hereontothccxtentlhoC0tnl)nyisprrr1rrr|ir;et|llytai|tne0|lln knowledgetot|reColtNatlY,orrtt|ttrt,orir1rarryot|itltwiscacquitsai: CompanyaritsoptionnlayamendSdredule|JoftlrisConrrnitmentaccorrJing|y,buisuclramendmentshal|notrc|ievetheCompany|rom|iai|iVprevious|y incuned pursuant 1o paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Slipulations. 3. Liability oi the Company under this Commrtmenl shall be only lo the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the delinition ol Insured in the form of policyoi p.olicies.committed {or.and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good fairh {a} to m;pv;ith G rrqrir*.nt, hrruol oilbl to eliminate exceplions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the eslate or Interest or mortgage rnereon covered by lhis commitnrent tn no eveni stratt such liability exceed lhe amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies conrmitted for and such liability is subject to rhe irrsurirrg provrsrons nnU it* Con,t'ttnt and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage ol the lorm of poti.V o, pof,.ir, .ommitted foi in iav6iof the proposed"lnsured wtrich are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modif ied herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insuled may have 0f may bring against the. Company arising out of the status ot the title t0 the estate 0r interest or the itatus ol the mortgage lhereon cwered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ln addition t0 the matters c0ntained in the conditions and stipulations and Exclusions from coverase above referred to' this commitm.TlJi$:l :i:l';lt'#'i1'lr-,ii3rrrrion not shown by rhe pubrie rec'rds. 2.Easernents,orclaimsofeasements,notshownbythepublicrecords' i. Discrepancier, ronffi.tr in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any lacts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would rlisclose and which are not shown by the public records' +. aiiv lien, or rightlo i lien, for servic es, labor or material theretofore or hereatter furnished, inrposed lry law and ttot sltowtt by the public recortls..' S. Delects, liens, errcurnbrances, adverse claitns or otlter matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to tlre eltective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires oi iecordlor value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment' lN WITilIESS WHERE6F, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto atfixed by its duly authonzei oifi.'rrr on tf'" date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. TITLE INSURANCE C'MpAtly 0F MINNES''A AStoc* Company M Se(xfd tuelxre fu)tll Mittrcwlit Mimesola 5540' Authorized Signatory TIM Form 2502 -tr4.-{--.9:-/Z-.=- Attesf Seuaary ALTt r:r:r 14HITHr:[,] r 5I:I.IELIULE A i\ppl i,:a.t'i,:,rr hl':'. V1':435 F'rr' Irrfr,r'nratitn Snl Y - [:har5€ s - ALTA rlrrrrrer Fr-, .l ict S7l&. DL) Ta;c f,er't-if. $1:lo'00 - - TDTAL - - $!35&.lt0 t"l i t l-r lr,ur' r'enri ttancg pl ease r'ef er' t': Vlf435' 1. Effective Llate: Auer-tst 1(ll , L'.:/!:lF a't 13:u(:l A.M. ?. Pr-rl icr t- t, be i ssued r Blrd prt'p':sed Insured: "AL1-A,' tJuner.'s [],rl irr $h.1lt,S00. Ol1 Far.nr F-l p7t:, ( Atrrc'nded 1O-17*70 ) F r' * P ,r r: s d ' I rr s r: r'e d : IJA|.|F.HIN/\15*I"||-J:iELEY ';6115Tftt.|r}TIrN INE. ' A |::|:tLc|RAt||] l::r-|FtF|]RATI|:|N *. The estate nr'inter'€g|t in the'l arrrJ described or'r'efer'r'ed tc' irr t'his tl.tnrnri.tnrerrt arrd covered hereirr is: A Fee Sinrple 4. Tit-le t-r_, the €state ':'r intereEt c,rver.ed herein is at the ef f r,"rtive date her'enf vested in: I:I]F1I,IERIJIAL F:ETIERAL I;AVINB::: ANN LNAN ASO']IATIC'N 5. The lan'l r'efL:,r'r'e,l tr-' in this f:arnrnitnrerrt is described as f r: I I rltrts I t-r-JT L TllfltruriH ANn IN|:LULIINS Lot 36' Bl,:ctl i LIllN"l:; RInEiE SLTBBIVIE;Itrt\t, pJ1-11rlrli Nr3. 3, Ar:rr:rFfiINfi Tr:' THE FLAT FECt:tRnEE ::EFTEI'IFER 1O, 1.1?7? IN L]I:II:IIT: T?O AT PAIJE 7?4' I:I]UNTY BF EAELE' ':;TATE t:IF EL-ILDRATII:I. FAt:iE 1 A L r' I: N H H I T.P.I E I.I .T EI::FIEIILILE E.-1 ([i{r:qrJ i. r.c-nrent s ) Apr, licatir-,n N,t. V1:435 The f r, I l,:uins ar'e the requir.enrents tc, br.' rtnrpl i€d urith: 1. Fa'tmerrt t- ':, '1r' f ,r r' the acr:r:rUrrt ,rf the gr'arit*r'S 'rr' n Ir'tgaI':'r'5 'l l: tfrr" ful I f r,rtsi,Jer'atiarr f r'r. tfre estate r'r irrterest tr, be insrtred. :. Fr.r-,rrer. i rrstr.rjrnent (s) ':r.ea.t i rrs tlre esta-te ,:r inter'est tr' he irrsUr.ecl must L'e e:lerUte,J anrJ dult filed f *r' r'ecord' t'l-trri t: 3. TtrVIIIENL:E 'JATIIIFAI-TI:IRY TI:I THE CIJI-,IFANY THAT THE TERHS' I:INTIITIBNE ANTI PR|:|VIE;InN$ |:|F T|-|E TtJt,tN fiF VAIL T|iAN5r:ER TAX |{AVE BEEN SATISFIEI|. 4, t^lARRANt-y IIEEI] FRr:rN rjrJMl"lEFtrjlAl- FEI]ERAL ',;iAvlNrl:i ANL| LIAN AS|:TL1IATI|1N TB LrAut-"t..| INAIS-HrtSEL-Ey r::t:rN::;'.rRLtr::TIUN INLl., A C.trl.rlrRAnr:r r::r:rRFl:rRATIFl.l r:nNVEYING Et-tL:{,_tEr-_:T F fiurrERTY . T}.IE I.:ilI.II{TY |]I-ERI,I: TTNTI TiEIFRNERS fiFFI'-:E REI.''IUIREE RETURN An[rRt!5585 r:rN ttnt::Lll"lENT:i :3ENI FtrR HEr::ORnINLi! ! FAIJE i The f * I the 1. b. ALT r:: r:r H l"l I T l.'1 E I'l T ';:r::l.1E.trLll-.[r Lt-:l (ll:'1,;ePt:iurrsi )Appl i,:a.tir-'rr Nr:. V1:435 ,',:, I if:f {rI' Fol ities t r-, br' i esrie,J rrl i I I CCrrrtairr eHc€Ptit'ns to tlre 1,:uins urrl€jss the sa.nre a,r'e 'Ji' sp'rse'l 'l t: t '-r the satisfartir-'rr c'f ll*trlparrr: ,itan,lar.,l [i:,tcer,t i,:'rrs I tfrr',rusr1'r 5 rr'irrted r:r rt tftsr C'--rV€r 5h13et' Tarres anrl aEsessrterrts rt':rt Yet 'lue 'rr Pa1'abl e arrd sPLaEial '3,ssessfireI'r'bs rr*t "r'et r:er'tif ie'l t'n t'he J'r'easur'er'" s sffice' Arr1, r:rrpai,l tar.lrss r'r assess]rrerrts against Said larrd. Liens f ,tr' rtrrpaid rrlater arrd geuer' char's€s' if anr" 7- *. P. RIIJI"IT fif: F'RLIFRIETCIR fiF A VEIN TIR LTIBE TI] EXTRAT:T ANTI FENI:IVE HIS EIRE THEREFf1I.IM :i}1I:II-ILI-I T}IE ::JAI'18 t3E FI]I.-INN Tt:t FENIETRATE ilR INTER:::Ef,T THE FREII4I:JE5 All F{EFEliiVHtr Il! LINIl-EL' tiTl\'l-E1i FA'IENT REt:ORtrEIl Ausust 14" t?tt?' IN B|]trl{ 4S AT FA|3E 54:. 10. tlt.rjHT r:rF 1,tAY FuR [rITrHE'.3 r:rr{ trANALF r:'1N',;TRUr:TErr BY THE AUTHT]RITY flF THE LII.JI.TETIT;TATEF-|ASRET|EF{VEIIINLINITENSTATE,.;FATENTREI-:I:IRTIEDAUSUStIG.,I?CI?' IN Eilluti 4r3 AT FAriE 54;:" 11. RESTRIr:T'IVE r-:rlvENANT:1, WFII|:H frr:r NRT fnNTAIf{ A FDRFEITI-IRE CtR fIEVERTER I::LAUE[:, I]LJT r:rt"lITTINfi REFTRIT::Tir:rN5, IF ANY, BAlrEIr r:rN nAt:E' CSLfiR' FELIGI||N' |]R|,JATI|:||,|A|-lJRt'RIN"A:i;[:r]r|{TAINET|ININ$TRU]'IENTRErtJRnEnEeptenrberl{t'1'p7t, IN I]L||:|l,l :::5 AT F,A|]E 44:-1 ANt| An At,|ENnEn IhJ INf;TRLII'IENT RErt|RftELt E.rrptenrber.?P' L'?7i:, IFI Br:l:tti':.JF /\T FAGE 51i.5 ANII A::; FE-ftErl:r:rRIJEn IN IN'5TR|-|I'IENT REr:ORElEn ,-larruar'r' l:, lr.!74, It'l E|fB]': t;?3 AT FAFE 53' 1:. UTILITY EA:::EI,IENT'; TWENTY FEET IN I,JINTH, TEN FEET EtN EA|]H'.}INE trF ALL INTERIOR Lr:rT LINE::; ANtr A FIFTEEN FtinT UTILITY EASEIIENT ALUNT3 ANn ABLITTING r:rN ALL EXTEFT}UR L-r:rT LINE,i A:i IiEEERVELT ON THE REr--:r-tRnEn FLAT FfiR LItrN":3 FIntiE SUEILIIVI'iILtN' FII-INTi NF, T. llt. uTILITY [:A:::EI1ENT A5 T]RANTEIT T|:t Hr:rLY riRr]55 ELE|-:TRI|: AE;SrltrIATIl:tN' INE. IN INLi'rRUflENr REr:r:rRnEn AUFUET 24, 1:-14.7 IN EErLrli :111 AT PAftE 1C)3 ANfr REf,fiRfiEB *ILJNE 1?r, 1,;r7t IFI Htrntr. ;r:l? AT frAr:iE /:,55 i\Nfr FErr:rluEn '-luLY 31 ' L?TA tN Btr|-rl'l :3Ct AT FArjE :f51, 14.. AtjREEyENT I3F:TWEEN TAYVEL ENVIROT{HENTAL LANtr r-:rrf4FANY ANn f{LII-INTAIN 'STATEE .TELEFI.iTJNE ANTI 'TELEI:iRAFH ELIT4FANY FRfiViTIING FI:IR TELEFHI:INE INs:TALLATII:IN ANII ,;:EttVIr:E Tl"{Rr:rt-lr:iFlt:ru-f LIr:ttl"g Flttr:E'jiuHnLVIF-iIrlt'l' f:ILING NCI' t RECBRr|EB :iEFTEr1FEfl !7, 11?73 IN [tr:rlll4 ::!1 AT FALIE 3?1' l:Ar:iE A L T? r: Lr r'r Fr I T r,r E N T 5I:HENULH B-T (E:'{{:epti*ns ) dlpr. I icat'ir,rr Nr:. Vl1435 1 iRING ANTI']TI.IEFI.'I::;E ITFERATINE LITILITIE!; €rITl_tATEn flN ANtt UNITER SAIn FRCTPERTY UE';'-:RIBEU IN INSTRUF1ENT RE|]|]RnEE FEETRLIARY 14' T"77 TN ttt:I[}'{ I5T AT FAGE 555, Lb. EA$Er4EN]- [:riFt t\r::r::E5::i ANL| r:rinE5$ frN -rHE RnAUUIAY EnN$TRU'::TEn ANn SITUATED ALL'ING TI.{E NIIRTHEAS ERLY BIIUNNARY fIF E;ULT.IEC:T PRffPERTY TIESCRIBEN IN INSTRTJ|'|E.NT lrEr:|JRtJEn FEFRUARY 14, t?77 IN Blrfl.i t5l AT FAISE F5F' ANn AE E;Hr3t^JN I:II.J IIEI:CI'IIIETI F,LAI FI:IR LII:tN'* RITIIJE LiLIBNIVI:iITIN FILING NII, 3. 17. t"tAT-rER5 CflNTAIFIEIT r:R ttEFERftEn Trt r:rN Tt.tE FLAT OF LIEN'E RIITGE EUBEIVISITIN FILINT:i NLr. 3 FECORITEIT SEFTEI"IBER 10' l?7? IN BC'Oti X?O AT FAfrE 7P4' EUT NtrT l*Il"lI-lEn Tll! A. TI,IENTY f:ELIT EAFEI'4ENT FI]R EXIISTINIJ NIJAI] ANEI SEWER EN*RCIAEHMENT ACRI]sS A F.ART IIF ].HE:JLILITI{ERLY PI:IRTINN fiF [-ot 1, BI..rC}< 3 AS SHOT,N SN THE PLAT, L{, l"t{ENTY []r:il:rT :3E:l,lEH EASEI,IENT T[1Rr]UL]]{ LOTE 11+ ANft 15' HL[':]{ 2 AS $HOWN ErN TI-IE FLAT. I], fTEIIERVATII:IN I.::I:INTAINEN fiN THE FLAT I^IHEREBY BUILNINL1 PERI"IITS FI]R LOT:3 1 THRr:rLrEH 37, E|.r:[::l-i: WILL Nr:rT EtE IE:'::UEn UNTIL LOTS 3g' BLC":].: ? IS nEEIEATEn -Tt-] THE TI]I,.JN IJF VAIL, 1g{. TERl,t:j, r:r-JNnITIrlNS ANn FRr:tVISI|]NE r:rF ANNEXATIfiN ATSREEi4ENT REr:ERBEn November' : {,1" l:,95 IN BuLr}" 4:€r AT FAriE ?34 ANn IN Fr:tcrl:4iig AT FAriE ?37. 1?. EA5E|,|ENT5, RESERVATITIN|I ANtr tlE:lTftIrTI'lNS A5 $HL'hfN ANt' RESERVEIT tlN THE [1ET:I:IFTIE[I F'LAT I:IF LII]N'S FIT'GE FLIFNIVISII:IN, FILINL:i NI:t. 3, FAIJE 4 rJAND TrQ"t cuARANTEE'""ilPANY Representing Old Republic National Tit1e Insurance Company OWNERSHIP AND ENCWBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 This report is based on a search made of docurnents affecting the record title to the pr"p"i[V described hereinafter, searched by tegal deecription and not by the names of grantor or grantee. consequently, the information as to record otrner is taktn from the most recent recorded Vesting Deed, and ih" i.,fotmation is to existing encurnbrances reflects only those documents oi- i""ora which specificallf describe the subject property- by legal description. Eneurnb'rances not included are those of record which refer to the owner of the property or any other person having an interest therein rni"n are filed f,V nu^"'only a;d do not include the legal description of the property. N; inforrnalion is .furnished relative to eagements, covenintl , conditions and restrictions' --Charges--O&ERePort This Certificate is dated : 975. Oo August 30, 1994 at 8:00 A.M. Address: Record Oltner: DAUPHTNAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTTON rNC., A COLORADO CORPORATION Recorded date of deed in to above ovrner: october 02. L988 Docurnentary Fee on above deed: $65.65 I tegal DescriPtion: PARCEL A: DAUPHINAIS-I.IOSELEY SUB, FILING NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 23,IggOTNBOOK536ATPAGE22l,COINTYOFEAGLE,STATEOF coioRADo. (pREvroUsLY KNowN As LoTs 1, 2t 3' 4,5, 6t 7,8, 9t 1o, LL' L2, 13, L4, L5, L6, L7,18' AND 19 LIoN's RIDGE sUBDIvIsIoN, FILING No. 3 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEI'{BER 10, 1979 IN BOOK 290 AT PAGE 794', PARCEL B: LOTS 20, 21 ,22,23, 24,25 AND 25' BLOCK 2, LrON's RIDGE SUB., FILING No. 3, AccoiDrNG To THE Pr,Ai RES9RDED 5EPTEUBER Lo, 1979 rN BooK 290 AT PAGE'794t. COUNTY O!'EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. EXCEPT FOR: LOTS 1' 3' 4' 5,2L,23 AND 24, DAUPHINATS-MOSELEY SUBDTVISION, FILING NO. 1' AND PARCEL c: PARCEL D, A iESUBDTvIsIoN oF PARCEL D LIONSRIDGE SUB, FILING NO' 3 AND TRACT C DAUPHINAIS-I{OSELEY SUB, FILING NO' 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL 1.4, 1994 IN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 540, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' We find the following documerits of record affecting subject property: PAGE LAND tt"* cuARANt""OcoMPANV Representing old Republic National Title Insurance conpany OWNERSHIP AND ENCUUBRANCE REPORT Order No. oEO2253 DEED OF TRUST RECORDED July 13, 1989 rN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 815. AssrcNl.tENT oF RENTs AND orHER RTcHTS REcoRDED July 13, 1989 rN BooK 5o9 AT PAGE 817. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 12, 1990 fN BOOK 522 AT PAGE 948. ExTENsIoN oF DEED oy TRusT REcoRDED August 06, l-990 rN BooK 535 AT PAGE 63. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 382. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RTGHTS RECORDED August 27' 1990 IN BooK 535 AT PAGE 383. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 20, 1991 IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE 8. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 09, 1991 IN BOOK 559 AT PAGE 603. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED october 08, 1993 rN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 679. ASSIGNI.TENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED OCtObET 08, 1993 IN BOOK 521 AT PAGE 680. NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED october o8 ' 1993 IN BooK 621 AT PAGE 681' PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNI-IENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECENbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 874. PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNI'{ENT OF RENTS RECORDED DCCCNbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 875. RE9UEST FoR pARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST REcORDED January 28' 199a IN BOOK 53O AT PAGE 98].. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JANUATY 28' 1994 IN BOOK 530 AT PAGE 982. STATEI.{ENT OF LIEN RECORDED May J.3, L994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 272. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED May 20, 1-994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 734. ASSIGN}TENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED MAY 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 735. PAGE 2 I,AND T'"8 GUARANTEE-COMPANY Representing Otd Republic National Title Insurance company OWNERSHIP AND ENCT'I,IBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED I'IAY 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 736. This report does not include the results of any search under the namee of the propert| owner(s) or the ceneral fndex. Should such a search be desired ptelse contact us for a separate general Index report. Liability of Land Title Guarantee Company under this Owner and Encumbrance report is limited to the fee received. By:Jhhr),vg" I{w*lt-' AUthorfzed officer or Agent PAGE 3 lit.l:r.tr,t t!,A1. t. ..t: ., lt!rr ltltti rrr;uD " O,r,,,., ,;{ :iitr, , ;, (\lllt I(.tAt, l.t.t,l lvll, tiA!.t f t t; /Jlt) | r r.Jt,\ :ir r.t ,l r l, {, a r.t r' . {t r,nr .[rlt N{{rtrrd ||,tt r.r, t,r,q ,rrt l ^tn l\ .,,|.n ,., r||. . ie, ot rh. '.r ..,ol (\)lr\l,AlD , 0, nrd_ i,!l o^t,l lll^r:i-trr;t:lr{ ((|l:.i,lt,l(-.t ltft ulc., A rr)trrt?.hl\r (I{rrrIWnoN I t, ; ,.{q a 7,t " tr1,1' tA 2 .1. |ff,'8( dlorc l.qnl tllr, !.r t. t',O. IDX rirl5, VAtt,, (Ylt (_'tVUa) $tG5E ot th. r:rr:r, vAu,, Lrrt (_'tu\DJ tlc5a \ 65, W2 . I tt thc .carrrr-or ,lrl)Mlt ,lr.r. o, coro...r,. e.hr..(rlr | . I vllrlltllrr, lh.t tha trrrro., tor nrl In /(|6\t!.rrt{o.! nt L . ... - . ._-. ..-_l SIX t lt lt'rnatD FI !'tY SIX 1l {tr..iNlD flV'l: l'fmntiD,\I\tt) U:)/larun(s ..rrrr*r.t.rt.r.rr.r oo.rt. \,rldi_l lli^l';f:.rl i:lll':n:"''^3'::^;:,I'":g^^:ly:1:1: :.:.'i-,J.f, .o,d ..rt .',e.'''d. .'rd !' *... p,.,.nr, .,o..iliii;,ll'llilr^ll'li,iffl;*l:"'11", r''i1,1'o .';;;;;i'i-il;; ili;.'";:":::.:il':["i.ff':Hil]-f,i":;.?:, tr.r. or lof ')r.do- d-t..,rl-a .. ,^,,:-.)', t^r" 'rr,.!r' lYir\! 'rd b'lir In ih. a;rr ;i-i2qilti - - --'f :f .:1,,:lT:l1 :1ll- l:11**":"!:. r, ;^,. . i ru.!;, i ;;;-il. ;;i;.i;.ih;ll.t. ol lol,)..dor .k.(rltEd .r loittur: {,".: ': !tr ffi , rffi lffi ff 'flii'iffi ffi ' gt*6s1;;? u,ij'ifl W ! rflr.'Iff .l.o l^or.r bv .rr.rl |nd trr6.' .., lfflr! l-?trr nlx 2, lJofLi Rtmt: S1JD, Fl4. ! tOCltttt rlth .tt .rU rr.Cutr, r.!,. rr.r.arfl t.,i,r r. .,.r.tttrt..i,.,\!. rn.rrt. b.to.al{, ., t^ .|rr.t r. .ra.t.|nr,r. rd r'rr "'"'rIon "{ t."t.loir. ..'Ml'rt.--.'....rr'L'., ,",;ii, ia;.';"r lrolt trriroi. .-.ti ir..-i.[i, ,rihl, rttl.,,l?l;';.:'r:l:j?,*",t* H:i;l;r.th. r..^to., l,'".' in ii,-i".c,,,'. or. In..a'ri ir,i'iroi ii.iii,,< r-r..., tr t' lO rl^Vl lr0 lO trotD th. .ald pi(si.Gr .b.v. b..9.th.d ..!d d..€.lb.d rttt.tta .pEr,ratc,\.6.fr, |/ato rtr. ,.ira?tat.h?lr', *rcc'.orr .^d .3t1i96r-(o.ry.t- inc rrhro.. ri iii.rt. rr, .(...r.o.. .nd ..rlF. .lo.r .ovrn nr .6r,.!r".-' rhtrr rr ri.[ d, r r rA.r^rr,lro ro.trrtr o:rl'.0 irr. .tn,..ur19.i.ra F.itr..i In r,,i q,Li-iii p.iiiutr pr,.rrc.ol lh' rhln(tt. lh'lt h'lr'r r(..|.ror. .td a.rl9h, rc.l.t t rri ;; r.'v narron o. F..dta al.(it,i! rha -|rola o. rrrv I'rl tr r?1. by. rhro{,eh tt-{{ nCr:r rh. a..hr....lr l,tllllll U.trrot^.rltl Cl i?lh.,l,rr ..!r..t trr .inr(rt.t. n.r. to h. ^.,nrtto rrb.rtt,rdhy trr \,1,.,.?i::i':i*.'f,ll:":', lnt'i-'*l 'o!1 i".urro.tt',:r. iii'.iJii ri.. \,.,irxr.,,rr r..rrrr.y,'-rird.r..dfr., '((*rr $ 'r,',"'. ' . tu-tnrr-IAr,.rnt rt.rrAL sAvr r(i.i NlD ror\tf .S.,.\ ". . ". ,. ruabClirilcir t' -t't1!l :;t :' ''i!' i' i | rcnu|tr-FnnTDf-'lttf .f -.- --' ----i-trire+,.r trltl o, cotdtto l .t .tt|.l tfi'|ly ot lt{,||v, i I I -_!,. .lq.csolt'9 l^+trrr,,,a v.. r.r^.e'.dr.d I r,{. .r, rr,rl rr.r, ot br_,lpg{\tl,4llnr,Pl rr r'tcl .rr il llrl rr. Va|l :rlr ot tIt [.lEl€IAL I fIJU..il, Sr\', I]lc': ,'.tlD tay,t | ,Ui:;(rrl rrcN lr l'-... ny 1.,?'r . ., t r ,( rat ni .rf, .'f rrf..fF .,rtt, | ;' : / t "/'. rt- : Le42_ --. ,, xl l Tt l|ir . ',t 1 ,.\'r rrltt( .t ,1' . l J t. .]tr. |,rss ASST. i.('.t.rt I :. torr \,r. lrl| ,, r t, r'. _ I .tr.,,- r l, .i l', ' -. , n.*.r. :.:. jr) a l. i I I "',r, r'i. .ltr r'. rtt '/ )'t _- hrr*lr l{r,d'rt. ',t,,, n.ktrt| ltn,h l|n|lL.'{ttr, ti |ftrdt I frtg Ie . \ t.,|" it | .,t. tr*t ,. ttL\ lrr,i.r r(t. rrrlt t,, o ttrhtR tru!\T trll\r\\ll|t. lrl\l nrlltr rs trAl'l'H I f{A I S-ttOSEt.EY CONSTII'CTION. lt'tlc..A Colornrlo l:orprrrntlnn, nnd Cl6rkaon F. HorclGy. Shlrlrv H.'Hrr{r.lt't, l'rrrltl c. ltnuphlnrln and Sutannc E. Diuphlnali,'r! tndtvtdnrf3-hi\.\r,rr,rt,,rr,n',,\!{r h.(,' fr{Lr. tf,h1tr.rr|r rr.trr(rt r,. m rli {nrrtt'. Jrr.d Jitly 6. 1989 .h|rrh. ;t"\'.,r \ntr,,' ------f809r | 29.00--------:-- lr,lr,{\. t,.rhl h,rh{,,.1r{l l)t.:]:1, or 't Rl st' llll\l\lrl \ll ll .\t'.r. 'r,,. 6th ,h,.r July t,,89 .hrr$rl lt,rUPll l.\-.\ | S-llltSH.l:Y C0NSIRUCTtON, llrc.. A Coloratto l:t|rl.rldt lrrn xn.^l&u,.--, t'(l Btrx tit5r Vetl. CO 8lfi58 t' dnk of Vnll $r$\ '..,. II ValI Ronrl VnlIr CO t165, 180 dayf .ft'r lh {rr hflr',1 $ hnu!(.rrhN|nlt'i$rh i'lr lhn,l r ..d,.l 1.0 pe rcen tl l /'l lt l,ttil tl"il ln .rc.rf, of th. r.tr quorrd by th: holdrr rr thc Connerclol llssr Rate. Th. rat. of tntcrlri rh.ll be odlultcd on thr flrrt buslness day of €ach nonth. l{onthly psyrents:f all eccrucd ltrtcrcat shtll bG due beqlnnlnS 812189 rand all rcnrlnlnB prlnclprl and rccrucd lnterear ehall bc due on -lanudry 2, 1990. l\lt1llll|rl l\ | 1,. tr,rr!l"t F.L{n{r.{ r.\'urht14rdnltr F n rt!l rrl tl[dr(rl,,l {rrF,itr.vtr h{.'rn.h,rhr .i6(tlh..rld i.{(. r lnr r,l th"rfi rt'^ l\. \(At. IIllI||(|RI . Ih fr.dtr. Br.,rFll..dxrr rl$ F n||icr r.rl hr rl* l|||rFi. rl.{$.i1. *r.h|.b trr . h|t}rro. {ll rn!{nr<! onr,,ft( {dl\n'1., l |t|.r.r fil|.r r.r$dr. r[. n l'*mf .l{?dtrl lr|.|\.(r, .|to.|c inrhc (ii|ntl.{ EaS le . Sl.'i'l nl (i'lidr. ft' r . Lot I lhrouSh and lncludlnS Lot FLllrt No. J. accordln8 to th. oook !90 !t PeSe 796. County of 26r ilock 2 LloNrs RrDcE surl,lvtsroN,pllt rccordcd Scpt.rb.r l0r 1979 In EegI!, Scrte of Colorado. :,ttt/lilt)ltr lr- :|'r9 r, - A t {.,fi-I .lNl I lt- ,,HILl ll,3 ,1,111"13,-^?i,;1,-*potoFe ,oll3 "H3 ,'l! rn.{' r'\ ". {,1' tnl r '. ||llltt'\\l|||||||||lt|'..ln'|'.llt.sn||.!||Jf'|m$h||'.Ii||[f n'.|..{'lln|li(t|!-l,ln"l|'!''$|*.'tiit\..|dhn||{itrlJ||h.h{'|i|r|hF\0r'|'{|i1.|'||(lfr|r|rt'.t'il!iI.I| tntn.d.'i'd.''||n.Iil4{'||.if.^Dtd|n.\tr"rtlrtrtr|l'it. .{..'|,|(|.n'.-.|1'|''J'.1n||ll{|'',...n||(.,r(nJ.'.F .|'lt'.1r\.'Il\|.]'.r.n.l{'ll'l(!!n.!|..tth.',|.lrli..ri,$|]'mrh(i],xl|(,l(.rIf||.nuhn.hllJ[ln| r., . I n.l,lnr, r,. h n ,i , In' '' ,., ,rrh,,:..r ',-' drL li|tln lr'fl.1.', |'l ll* t rr|.l ll,irY ]n dr L,rrrrrr ',r f,6X11 \r" .rr,.r.rnl.. {,{,.r.ll{r,'lrqr,r{nrt,xll||x,{^n|!rlr.Frllh.lfidr'tr..x(nl.rbl.rk trd|(ft{llrrlr.d\:lltlrr(tl* \'n.l|'''ll'ln'||.'{t.|.|{|'|'t',|.|n...t|xh,tF.rli.'||''l(n|i|h|'orJn.|d.!|{{n||rrl' ,. I i'..n1 ,!,'r,,,..,t,rr{'r'rhnrntr. t''rl,^r.,l.r.'kl.,,ntll ErtX,lr 'rr,ti.'lrlrxIh.rI.|l,rllh'fl{Lrl ...1'..'',l:''|nt'||t'|J'|J{tl|||{.'il,l{l||rk.nnl|||.r|rti.|||h ''l'',.|.'',dn'It'\'|n.|.n''l;'|]n|.{''."|l|i'rl.|,..''^.tt||.'(1|il|..l|'rE0|,,t i l. , ,, t ,, ,rr!. .trrr r. .'I'.|'''|!I''{,.|ltr'lr|"n.|.qJl,|lttl'l''rml.1''".ittr''(|.i..tr||Lh'r.r|'.l||r'|.nt|EY|'i |-'.,',,lt.t||J''|||'.,n"r..ru'','i..t'i.l.,'r'|h'(tr'nnl..|.,tr.||l|||i.hrhfi{i. 't|.'||,.{'.{t\1.l|h,|.t'h.'|h.in|'r,l||||nk|i|.||,|'t...||iI'hi{ |ln'|t''''1,t.|''|.ti.''r."tt''i||'||in.hl''lhl||..k|.tL.|..J'r|t..||'||| ,|..'|'i|.|.|l..|''||.',t.'-ti"ut"|'i'tr|rLl.||''||..id.l.n.|'|{d'|i't|.'r|k|\{! t!'|,.|'..ll''..|it||,,'|n|||l|(||',l.||\|r|||Ji||a|'n|!|t|nl'{i|i|{dr :, ,' ,,. . ,. . , { ,. t,r nt,r l' tl', .rt ,( .fllnn d'i,n |rnr. t{ !('llIadlli ftrtLtr'nr "l 'rl' llrllri'|l t ,'\irrnl '''t'i'|'''''|./'|nInr|t'||.|''hf$'r|t|||.nl{;h.ttt|.i|l|[l|r(|.fii.'..'..h ., | t.1r.l'r, l, r, 1. ,r Itf n, ., k. {t,1 r., ,. r.,,rl .., | 1,.'n., 1., 'llNnr,,n..x.lr,!i ri'n-n.rrr t^.\ *l.,r.t..||i!h x rrl' nrr, h 'r llr t"r 'rr 16'0 Fr''rlr \. r11, r.r. \'Irnr.l'h.ltrn,\,'!rinrtr.sr$trqh,!\rt.'lbl'r!l'I!l|'{'tr'l\\\u'|('lt'li|1i ,..r"r,.r ,-.,.' rtl'. i .( L'.li^irl ."n J,rl {l,.rlrrFrtrN,l$n.(r'rr, 'r'lr','l\'rlr '{.rmlntrhr$4 ht' '" ,,,,'".,r., .tr|Ia, tlnh.rl'.rhn.L ..l'd.lrk<.'{n r,'x F 'ih. n'llx{r'rr'r rl'{trlt|rlrl J":'rrlull 'tltr,nl . { r{,,.r,."...,1 n't{6n..n,r'i. l! rlr .llnn {r{r"lih l r'l'r {i'h\ lri lr"r{ 'l'r''l h r'lnn"l dn 'lr i, 1r., , tr, ',r r 'r\ nil tn,.talt. t"r, l,ll t{llllrl lllil 'ltir. |tr{ir Ltt lr- - iatah.., L, "'r.a Frad4. tttal aa ir 'laa{ llt'r,l' ir|rrtlr''o r'l rr. il rA., Gr.rr... nr|[ h rlrnlunk oI vrll It v.tl tord Yrll. co !16 fi ( bl/.O h*il$ri+.*rr:r.rO::l*lr;i.l.lr*rriliiirliti;r#^iiill]iiiilffifr]$,Lhrhl,* .lrt,r k sl,r ',.6. 't.{ '. rl rl \*t t..n. .n 'l{h||.n|.'l,|j'-J'l\!l|!.{!'.l.l|,'|'|ll.t|'...{nrl,.'||l0|||r.n| lir!j' l.'{rrlrr rl.!xu..{r.,rli,,lrlh rh,h !n.nt nft rtrtrr(, $y,t|.\ | ||xl r t $J,t,rt il t,,I.r,r ltinn t|x|t$lrn||lf.|||'dh.n|.l't'l{|{|h..''||rf|!n||frlt.l|xn'f||tul.[l.\..\r|r\\..i||lr'.k|B!$|h r '!n,' I n lJtr rt'rr i[, I .|..nn.|rllI\t'.|'||la.||h|ln'f{\l|.fkJ|'6{|l'f.l||l..{nlrJ|||llr .rnri!ntD{|t!!'.|!nln(||rohlJ||i!|fhn\|u.rr|'aIFl!r|rhJ|||{'|.|||tII|n.|!nl|h|((|.U\.nt|h fnn(l.|h.(||s|n{n{t'r!$t\n'.th..frr|.Jl'F'$h\\|hft.nd^\\rn|Ln|i*F'|\'.1'.|IF|'|'f|.||,|||iJt|||.r||t||RLh.|r.|||i|.'1!|u|(|I1u| tr.h'{|.{|.'||l||iu.lr5{\.|haf|t'.\JIt|.||.|'ri'||t|||flJl.l|||nr|||t'|\ $.h Ii\iltlnt...r fn\rn'$rr {\h rt.r||.f.. |l.|llrh*\v,nihlrIhhtN{thnrnirh r.,r.,{ f6.O, N. {nn!nr rhrll k rU..t n, rl lr\l{|i.|||.f|.!||h({|l|tnJ'(..{rnn{h\fF|h$||,|]nN,.}|nt''th'''{.|.i||||||txFrc(||\ldx9 atn|l'i|'.ir|'|lI.|.|n|.|||Nhn.|khlrn'Jrf\t.N||x'n!lh.J''..$.[rnhNh}I||nr|\t|.'|||{.||||l\n||!0Ii'| Inr.tr.rlrr,r nu\( io! | | t|l( I.ntr(ntr |tqull|.l ht thA |rrrl.ltrtll ||.||..'|ttf..|{t|liFl'\'|t|.{*n||A||h.n1ni.i..{l'J'hh"rrr,|Ttfa'l..rrl|i{|}'!n.|i|,|tr|'''||nt|r|t(|q'.|'ci {n.,l|'{||{.|'('||i(6tII.(({|h'Jurh|||lh|r,\$|''|fnA|.ih||n.|ntt|.ir..'r|x.(l||.r['|19. lrm.l(r l'l .lar<,lrrcr:rrlrr't\r.'lnnoll, uFn tlx ,L.rh d r rrnr htt,nt ,r r,lt rh. rr'nt ,,i rnr [..{h ,l nr.^.\t , 'l rftn( f in $r hs rt .|\*xsnfrnt.Jrt.|l|F'|'hl\'.t{'L.lh'I'rn|.^..||ij.(&h'|r'Iihn.'\rl.E'|thGr{m.*,n.Jht|h|.|h.!t''l.o.||''h|''lt|r|l||t.|!d !|Ih|.||f|h'Lk.l!||!||hoJI,!t|.|{th|fi'n|||n{kl,|d.|.FIr|.||lxr,l.|f||.Irkr.h.B||.'l't.tr|.||||(|\.|r|'n|I |||.{I.||.ll|k{tf.hIfl'.Ih'I||ns|n'6}||ut|h(l.Fdr.i|$f|\'gr||rr.t|.|.r|lr}k'l\|r|'l|J|}.; I t lh l\a.1.{ lr{.r .h.rll h. .r .r.l ' ft r. h.r.{hrrt .h.ll |Y,r|C.| {\ll llltl l\l isl lll t\l ItFt fllJ.l^fr.^h dr.rrhr Il L,n\Lhun rq.$r |i.ftuul.r. th lvhl|( t?l|.r.r, ' tlr ly,ltLr ol r.|l,n'c|r .|'|||x.|.(it|FIrh,.(.r|rj|Jt.*.ht|{|Ifth|hr|t.'thcn'"...t'rr'l*en|(n|itr,||{|h.Fls|||,ntr\.{d.md|'|l*Nn|r.|lr|ih.Ff|. |h ^r{ lhrrrhrrr' rr ul rrht,}u 4rl rl$$n, th{ Ftr\r^"\,{ fril\h^nrr F\irrl,otr.hl rhc Frirl,4 hr'r.nl|||.rl. rl ri|r tlrr hr to.l.{rh t\'q.r.|.n\h|||'cf.l|||tha|[||h|u{x||t|\.|'r'lhh'|$||{!.|t|h.r|!.rf.|||i|.|r|||F||rh.r''rr^'q||.||.,n {hnF[||r'l{|{|.|n'|Jntd*|t|h|h|n|.tt,||||r|rd|l..|{r.r|i.k|r|{|||h.r|{F|h[.$'h|.|||i|{,|.'|''|J.|||th'.1.h|t||n't.f'|.||Jh''|.['||'.x.|n.[.{.r||||||*|{lU|hIrd.|it|h{|t|'|.r|l,||ftIfi |rth\I'r|F|.r||\||tr|(t{'.n.|.{'||.||x||.nr||t||,|,dr|[['r|^s|.dhti'r.r|.r.ttrFtcrll,.lll|l| h.f||'||.\|||k^n''FJ{|''ti|t.l||r''n.(|hr(|.t.|'.|.|h.v'|l(n.rln||lg|||?|t| b!.|IILi.'f.'|,'h|.hhliL^'a{|nh.4{r$h\||.}.|}('in|.{('|||lF'|r.oi||f|.l|.|kIF[ lh|lhr rr|{(lth.r.1.J rnl ..ll rrnlr. r\.K r .r.rl F'lrtr. ur ' {rir ,ryl Garrlr rhtlhi$ \hdl h .$'l$d lt $.rh l.l(t\tr ts tlE p5 r* r{ thc ftthtfrrrx.rllrrhr.{.,xr,l.at'{,ftaan, x Lr |'rt ll|.'(r||r..||t J,t{ltrrl.rl th. r\mtl l\ll. Ih.r,nrr{!.1$lrttrh.l|lr',1..rlfn,;.rrrr{FrB|Idtt.m|(trrl.r.rrrnttrlhk..l!.ll$|,,1qhrlr.r{rerrnrrl'Er.hlfant r,|hBl|fr|'t||||{.n|4''|.|hj'rh|,|0'|,t|.''|n,oti|t|*|li.n..f||||,'ttt*i|.h{tI|.h'|h l|r'n,fJ.'l|h'n'.8ilhn.'4.',.|Pnn.I!|$I|h^\*{r'\,.ah|||x||th.Nr!tl|{rlin||btd( h'l.tr rlin,'l a\...||\ ,1,. r,rltnir |1 ,rlrh {rlltrt\nr h r|l|r ri{ nun|\r.rl r rll lh qrr(l|\i.r tl \.rrl {rlhrllrs h.JhrArftd. *l ltrr 'r h'i\f.\{h h.tr'-r hf {N rr'hh, ltur'.r. ,r rr..,n.x l,llJ,l'lJ'l eB rt.t.d tn rrld Prodllrrory l{otr Jill |.*q'.thL.|.||Kr||F.||l'n'nl41.|n|||''\\|lN|(Ifif',|'n,1{tJ|t\I|rt$|h!dt(|lh|klr{$,t.p.xn|lbL|.'|t|,|'n\..|rh|r t\[Lnl.||t'{|'htl'(..{||t'.|h'JI.r|d||(,h'|h.l.r|rt$$J|||r.h\tJh|lr||u|,r|iE.tI|||r\{rt..|rl|rh|tln.{l|\uNrntcC1|ini I rx {ifo'r, tronnrr .h!ll 'ir hrli rh( durl. lhr dt|?'l rlL. \|irxl4 {rl lh' !.{ r{ .n! r.trl.r rft.ll |r {Thrhh t, rll t..|rLF ;3 N b cl I Itr0fnrrurs-rosELEy coNsrnucrroN. rNc., A Colorrdo Corporrt lon I E n o |! (! I A fi a fli l.(t inl trnn n tt t^ rli,.klttr,hlr. ir xr tr Clerkron P. llosclcyr e3 pr.rld.nt ind DAUPIINAtST+{OSELTIY CON$Ti{ICT lON r lllC.l \'r'h,rr rr) hrril;nl J.l rlr It{r,d$r.||. \l f Ii Cot n..r . trrtrr ( | !l I 19 6th at.r Sutannr E. Dal A Colotrdo Co! :[r.,erl July , tr rac ra t lry 89 of Ydl rt , ! I z t t z 4 1 . I ! rl I a ? I tl :I t '.ttl F -t t? l*;t i,ri ir ,u' i^ t-,: q! F: !J , 7- E i t E I t -r.!irl TI lii I t,orurilroFREilrsAilDorHER *P,l f- pfiii,r..r", rru,"tv r."an i*,.Li I or"o,rl t00-5?-rrr8 I 841-E612 - -_l nnnltlt, j loniowll(lt: tl{tln. Arr..r.. :,r4(|.lol IIAUprt!iAts-ltust:t.Ey coNsTRucTtoN. tNc, A Cotorirrlrr Corpotflt [||n Po lon 15 |5 T.lll, C(l 8l6ti toai^ orrrtrllr'tcoitilMddtodt rl $809. | 19.00 rlrl0f,/89-. I 0l/02/.9.0 i ttnOrrr'6t.rrr. rtrc,"* .t,n Codci I Ftrrtlenk of Vall I 17 vrll nood 1 Vatlr C0 81657 1..._ troal oarcirmor| or irAr ftorlirvr Jot-l-throu8L-rnd- lnclodlq, Lo! 26r Dloch 2..Ll0NtS.ltUcf --- --9q$Ulv-1",s-t-oN-r- Fll I uc-llo.,*J^-accordln8*!o -rhr- drt r.cord.d -seDlrlfier .l!.- llf f! | n Eortk ?99-4 Lln8rl94.--Coqnu-cf Er8l!-.s u i.,- oljulo rrdo --- ..----_ J 4rt!rt11 ii-3f49 l-'-ul t $'l/13/69 OArl3 PG JOHNNI- I IE F'HtLLIF'S EA6LE COUNTY CLERK I OF A REC DdC !o. oo o' oo I lletidil to !aarra tt$ payrrnnt or tt- !bt.O.t'd dcrcnb.{t rboi,a llhr 'l{ola l and ia tHlonhr.{. ol m dord ol rual r'rti atra.rnlratt lDa ?aal pro9art *ian ia il.-rii;lid rDo6 ., |n E,h,irt /\ .rrrfh.d h..aio (h Daod ol trurl t ..d to frlha. t .r,' tha pay'r.d ol iI olh.. .dri|ail.|oir 0l Eo.ro*la. lo Lar{br. ii.tha. .ro't tr|lnng or trta.ltr ri't,rt . Boro*cr arrqra h (andd ,rd cllnl! I aacuict .lrrr( lo tandar ,r'ht lalla*'n{l | | tta filari$ ul Bo|rowcr 'n ai l rrta., nnat ta.arc tgraaoli.tlt Int 'Lca|.t) rior !r haradla. aracdid it arrt ]|on,o.r o, ll ol lha taal ptoDartt darhbld ibolc rnd a.rv rhpro'tlrradt loca,6rl lharco.r | ? lh. r€ht ot Borros.r b 'Gcara rt .erla. n v'|. ttd p.oldt ar6.9 lt!.n lta laasal ix, ai rat *Ct lta'col I t lht ntarart ol Bororar n a^t tacur''y o. d 'irallr dapotna Da.d p(,lu*t lo ilc Lallat l4 any davrtoprtaol o, .|xl.rd rt r{fit! rich hri,t o, B\xa lo go.ror'l lnd aq prbnrantt $h.ch tarrfrl.t lhall ba ? lla(l to r!ca,\o *'l|l ttlgacl lolha an;ar6tlo.t Ir d€trrogn?at ot n[ r.!r p,ogr(y dGtcnb.d lbovc. nc||/drno tr nOt{ ol Eorro*ar to ('a.ryt Dtoc.a(k c parfiadl |to.n Jiyr ,tE|gd ot (ro6tn rl.ntrl antrly rlrultno horn aoy lnnotalEir O, dadtoGtntnl aoraa|'ant anla,td do lrf ol on tthall ol Bo,towal I 5 A[ r{b|| b.hal'ti aclvaitagra frocnads or raca{rti atrf'\ad by o Dayahla !o Soatlorar ftarn ]rt dtyalotdad o htlar alEn Jotxtrrnl. cou.l o, Lb{ral€rr tocirono. torocmnet,ol| lj'vcraa or otFarrtal (b*n o.|'ng or ant othat acl|d\ a|ofudig fidn tha Lraaaa o. prooo4y altiar'bad lbora | 3 AI 'ntt.rl. r{ht r^o tla or 9o.ro*.r rt art ap9ta*.a rta(hrrr Itnrahrtrl rk c.rrd, ,r{.Q, nt,€.dal'ot! hadnc ..d tiaaha.xcal aqr!.natl tnd d othar f'r t aa inat Frio.ral prooarlr d ant nan ra rrlFlt.. ?ror ar,il.,to o, naraaltat acqo'Dr, *n'c h rn.y Ot alllahaO lo Ds.nno o. haalad looai lha tall ttrartlirty rr a mar|lrl' *na'. ra.'roral rlirct dlrraot alaracaor olhar*rta (ta'Jraara lht apti a.ra ttKt.rlo( t Ol lha ..ai 9totradY |.('|'pr0trfaft|n|| d. dr t t abol|' t t lha rqhtt Frt dtirartt ot 8o,ro*tr 'r iq *arrr ta*rr oit q ,y olr hO lFt O. attlim li.a '|cluddro ttro.tt dafpldr 'n aqi'|.cl(n faraffn arid tta rnhlr ol u$ or ii6 laot rn(l tyllctn! t r lha r{|i ot !d'ror.!r b th. Drrr.{F Fl rht ca/rah*lrr'| l'.trhtt. oaltclri trlrdlrl o6at !u I atr{tr u tatllttatll crqtrclet lh ta [d ar potqtd p.of.,b rrEurrtc'ad W rtd O."d ot ttrt O, lhr mloflr!.rn - tI alr rat., nnd,,!rtrr r{rfia rr.F |tpa rh,cn ai. rlttutl..'ad to I6a dcarrrlv or rii*h n.| or tnav ba otaat oa ax |n a(tttactoi *'lh nl. !.ooar'v al lha p.6!a.{ tna o, arry k;a h.r.,r(r' nctuoro bd not no4r{ trrt rorlO*.rC itt$drCalaO tNlal h0htt ind n?Ctaal a.rd !frJt l.cl t?{talOl $ldFdKfhd i|r.l|{h|t.n('|pF'o|,'.|'i,ni,'0h||'n*i.'||fn|.,bU|r'y.d''|o.(|'tn,h|ylo{'c..w|5t'{r'U'|ic.c'vnd.'o'0Uh.|c{.|'.l.'i,l$t !r!t'ncindl'*.|i',.'.ndt'.iucdhyihos1.'.[no..|o,d\!.ldo'i|,tl||.o.n$({'i||]ltt.(',|'o.'ont!]Y,o.l'n'[.nd.|.l|oh.t..ld*.b bi|'nf.|||,.,''||c|.''..r'{.dNco.i||ll...|'i^9|o,],|.nto|.1'9{+.|t|'.)o.||d't.n.|(.4d|..'.'vd|tn.D6l.i.|||,r'rJt*.|rt|do|itGM..|o'.''v.d,r9indco.|t'}n9!rd''.nd||l(t't|1o|*.'!{t'.r.'rt''|.lh.t.'vlind|'t'l|''|o|r|ocio|o|h!r'n|tlum.n|ltrr'.'rc|r!.r''(,.|tl|9l|o ||t i(rh *hla|| ha'a,n uilcrt.d 2 ftrd.Da.rdrt trlnanc.. lh r .r!,on,nad 't aracu!.d |F acrl|r.rct'o6 * h ltrc occrl ol turt Ho^ry., rl 36alr dlo ba lraabd tt a iacv.'t ,rLta e.anLd ,rd.-ocldc;iE ltEo,,o;ar io ta.dcr to t;cura oar@nr or n!. llrc ..d ort .l .rl'Dtldmaa ol Eor|o'Ng| lo t..{hr rn.r ar3'on6r.nl,t t 9a,.la t^>n.ry abrfaltn a 8i.to*c' cinr,.rO '" rha OaaO ol turl anO m,t bl aclo.aad ndtp.nd.Ttly rt lha ()..(' Ol Itu6l Fd * ttar, .a'Ji'd tO ar! lJtGlOt ,ta orocaadingl q!ta. ]nl ifea O t|Uri lt|.! art,$.nc;t rt rcrl.a( rrr,ng ..te rrpi a'b!4trl to h. D6acl ol I'u$ rnd ahrll nol Jf.al .l't'frh o '.tpf rha Doad ol ltrr!l lbrod Fa t{hll .nd.dho..|Yco.|.n.d'nr^rrrr.gn.'.,.r-rit,Go'crc'rld'nco.trncr'on*,|r||.Dcido|T'U.t[r{t,tt'94m.nt||lt||.0|$v.|o'.<{olr..i^.|.n]|b..||iF ;,t ;;;tEi;t ,.;..rrd r,v LrnOi-' Unt,' r.'r-.is,9nnt.rt |. rrr.!a-.O ol ..aor.t at t ioedad h.t.n - F!4 .r '.{..rd lhal tha.. *rrt ba no d-9a' oi h Lm&t | rrtrcit p,rrlre.rt p fr,r raa,Chha.rt a.d L.',d!. a r'6hrt .|rtr .rrpccl lo a.t olt.r br. .rocrrrxda ,.:lud .9 nt Nola an.t Aid.{ t |rat 3 ltittloa(ai cl !-xa. 8o,ro.i, q'anra k, lrfiJa, rtia pcrat and lulhor4t to nixl tY lha lafint of irt ol |na Lallat atld to au'nr.6at t L4fnala llla Laaaat umn r'ft1' iii'ni r-r Ir'ittc, n.r oirnhD. a 9q!!!t!-t!9F!!.. Bo"!'*.r covthmlt and .9..6 *rrh L.?d.r ltl.l go'rn ' ftll a I oblatya ano tr. 01|n ,rl lhc ol'l|gnl'(na tngosrd L{pr ta 'ri(lkt., Itto.l lta la[.ia a ? Dann.| to.r d,r|, rr't|no l|. t tutda llntt Or arar |rtr|| in, lJllrn tal{rvriltl ol tht lalt.i *'mn, lhi *rlt|i| c Yrtt'{ ol landa. a t Frtarrn ',| Mlrriiry rtrtl4 to rn.rn't^'l na lacoit ot tha trarar hr |lra tt irt.ld of landc' ,tlurlt|c t .Al'rrtad lha !ood'( rrrrraa{n lo llndat of ratn(a tlrl .ccqlntfio '.,i,/nalrr' ttral*{ lo lha ftca'trl ol t..rt!r l\i''nat'|l aa nafta'n ftorn 6o.nlr,^g or tttr'n. r,..g anY or l'ra ltr:o! *th,r, ttc atlt|cn ao.radl ol Ldtoat a5 trlc|r. ani atil'v.r d llt. ,.tl].rl d 1..{t r ttv atrrrn(.t ar|d atrrll.$t|nlt ttttt ltaIl.cl to trt l'lttr 'lr ltnd., tn'tt ln odL'rllt tio'/o' l6Pc.l.ih.i4.|'q'v'Inx'.r|,n.'rc,d|J.|.,rrnf'|w{.{.,nn'b'r|''!..|',x'.,|||o.p1o(n|.r6q'|||A|nr(t|||.|'.||,{'.'..n'u4h.'nd|l'./ii.'l'1l'r.."r.'.'rrr"'r'"'rr.,t..'|''[.'jt'f|,d*||ir4|'|b.,i,[rl.lb|'|o'n'rt,rr.|||(,'.| baao.h. dt lo 8!ru*r. 5 laFtat{alloara at toatlra. 0' to*.r rlln.rrtrtl ind *tr'r^l! to Ltrxl..' lll. lolro*t{ g I lly, hnfrlr lnnlh' t,t LiiiA .r.. nrn t! tlt |'|ri ltarnti'{r [{l n rt{ rl'tliirn r,r|.r $r' lltr'lq ol fl\ r{ $ l.'nttr qll..|lo|!..tlr'.'.tl''l'|4,J|'|n|.*|,||i|.i..r,,.|'tl|{'.i.,| rr!Lr n'x{1.'n.Lftr"o' I Ind(l ll.xr'*.rr U, .rry n4' igr'.|t l{ nur' *it ll l(|.,1|11'ir..{l|,t|..|''n|.,'|d|r!|'t.',t'||,L'i.|'i|qtr.||r.rr,ilt|flr{n.'|'iillft||1 |!'q..'|l'r'rl I.| ch.r l\n |.Ail ia &r,u*."t.r.,.r11,-.tftLt r,{lt|||firr.ifl r.t( {! "c'rt otrtFtr*nn'|r $lvntr e rrl_ 55 l}'4{.".rl'.-!r'^4 l| | r._,'l!' .d, rr'i 'tl.'' r{m l 3|'|k'4t'n|'l,'''!|{nl''|'.-t..''|n'|'di,o(,..gnf't,!l''rd'^h'(h!rq|ltp'ct..'L ,!.tiln..a,.l ''!o''ori6.'i...l'.i.n|.'.'.|||t,t'r{||.{nn,4.'|,tl,'dl''\tl',||D.r|('l.'t}'f,||nf|I.||,iD l I' Ilrln.,'|l!.|o.. Wi","t,tr,n ro,,t "."., !, t{lt, 'r' . a' i, {O/'l ma{{nrnrl l't orrrurt".,t ttrYFt,r !,r||l rnr..tt{a 'o.td.|l..iti.md[..'|(!n.d|r?|rJ'r|,ttto.t,irt*'d.rl!\.nt.,|tltlr-.qotBo(o*'|k||.,.nNlI (J'rYogl.oY|.'md'U',,n!tr.,,'.'|.4rn|1..Io|h.'.'rt!,r.'.||n!|t|(rn'ilnl',.n|!oD,''ri|!d6@lk'i.t o|...tGo{.tn.||oC.|.d!..'t('||t..Mr!to'r...||.,|.t.,*'[n/|.|lt'n'ryuor.,t'tcctioirccun'dt..|'.|cl.rt'drr|f-,oro.t..do|t'|'l.dl|.iii jri'irii'#r o. r.i-"&; do4urr.nt t.nd.t rhdr o. drttrd to 6mrg6 rFi.|rcr o'r t|ttl Lttnt d{t lo. tucn Dor|odi Olrl lr l.flrr tn t d\trn Otlpat LoJi nit i.ocr.o rir colrc r rnd rrcrrvr rl rnri, nson i rod po..tr trsi rr.. rirO ri.l prtf'.rt lfr 'Pr..trr.|r't, .nd I'f J.| ai.l h||,. |tp€r [. ti.'u.tc.lt r. -l r'-'i .'ur' { ltTlo I I 0 o ,r tr r't 9 l' rl . i;l [] t' ll I' fi li ll' rl ii i '' ll' tFa.. atr.'tlnr!! al Fv r,'tr I I tr, r, .. '.,. tr . r ,' n'a,,t,tFrr.l v\l t, t, . _ .! . .:.-..i, ,, t\ tt, t,...i, y arrt!ncr.a..t r I al - 3t I i F Ltaa (, lnr|t.t G" ,rr t.n,k". ,r I r .l ., . $ !t r., t..tr I r)t,rn, r^rl 'rt{rrd {h'rll !r 'l.n r , l.r } . f.| (ryi.\tL{*6t|r,tr,.,.tirr..artl\arrta3 r '{t ^.}t. o. ., ., t! | rr . . t.l.r{rln, tnr.. ttt. ,r.d. . I | nn,vr, (,r{L 1rr{.ri .nF r.rru-{r-t.rr\rct$,r'o-.rr...rralrrFrrri\-trr|ior....t.. rr!it{iqt,rrr,,,.., t. ,ot., lrrr nt{t,r!.r.tr, r.r.r,.,.{ -cqrt .,r|'i'|t|.'r.4rr!.J!,li<lJ-n.l||!.l'.|'l|'!:o{ol.o.,!b:.l|.t|./\'..|'Q|.|[\||.. o. lnr ar ' \,. , i,o oetlirrt I Ltialrt htatt t,n\l' \n! i ''r 9,|il'.ih+nrt.!..|i4rr.}'....l5.3!irJ||r,..h.{t..^|o'.nt.r||nr|ig|..lf.|r'|xp.o.i'{l t.tt.td..!de$tt'.'.'||!'.\t|lt'l.l;l(|'.+''e|ldtI(r.\.,,.qol|,do|o'l,t.n.|rl,|.'l|r'.'tr,l'd..|!|,n|rnc(k'!9 Ir.or|dti^.h|ot!..r.'vd..Y||o!!lir||q.t.tJndr.c!.rr.t'|"a||\r'roY.t.'i]lj||txtt.t|,l.drr{'.|rr,4t'|.dn.ti'h(tt||r't.!il9dr|..lt'(|'.too.'o'd. ^{'lptlor''6u'!et.,EtrFnr.d|il.vl.ttyt(i.d.|.r|'o.n'3rK''ro3|'di.|q(n|.'|{'..,go.Da..loi'o.{t.rrd..r.vaicao'.|..N|,!.Ctirr..dll or.o |o Lrhdar Dr Bdro.ar vqlr' anr olrl9Jtdr |0l|o!l|.Dnfr|.'^*'nmtunt.||tthtNt'|i'''tr|.l||[l.|.o{to||'t.|.rvni'n|nlfrlt|,$|'!|.{r'!itetJ'''.b|,1!i|.||.'n.d||'|iuif.i.L.i .h.nbc'u||(.^|rDh.bFiati|.{5lon\|tr|.l.u..|'|ynr..{lo||.n!rd''o.|.|lJt''{.,{|rogu'.!\u.,.{(rnd..|.tt.:|:,et*.ibQ!! Coira.n !t Bo.'o*ar i I E{!Fd|-.r !!na frltr. Itt. d({il'crl,o.r \t ra,6r ol rrr ol 8o..o.r" r 'rrritrtG<ti.r.. p.rto.dr.\c. otr'grt€.rr a, r.nd.r I norrtt r,in|. h,r .rro.rrEnt rtnl Dc cqrr.?{,. | *hl 9 r.(tr?.t l\ I.h{tar Lfi|.t t nr.y narl(,rrr r't ol Arn$.ir (itgal'q|. d dorrt €r h4lo.rar r. any ol dt r{in! trftt J crri.E a !r-t 0a tbio rib..oalqD lr t'tltt A iat.r tn u. oaaat'o.r thal 'td cfirtl{d. i si't..r 4r ttt oitur o.aii'o.| ac.r*.. a otr,g.rr(Ft !^dd r|t aat{fin;t anax tEl ba In.{r.d il latr.L. r4.ndr ao.r,ti(tfittt archahgar. ta r tr ar.r(||a 'hDart .i r.r.a..t rnt ol lha oor.grttnt Daro.gnq to ant (o.Do ortt a, guatat{Or O, Ir' Or {r r'ot{l a.l,l"tl Int CO t|.'t'O6r Ou|.anlo. Oa clfaliral tl 15 (ri. Aq ^{tt aa or ol'r.r Coivt\ft:t! (,r lo ba Drdaad vno.t th,! alt'Orrnad rhal ba h *nl.|rg and aanl to tt|. pa4[s rt tr tddrarr.| dgcr'bdt a lt|t tta{nntri o' au.h dr|ar I tl'ara .9 lha p.r,..a ,iiay dcl$ruL n ,ino lro.n l,rr lo ldrrl It an dnlt ll iny 9|or'! (' !, thrt.t! ln,r|!nt ,olaiar tl|. Lw O. rl rr$oldcaabh. lha .ttt d ira alggnni|d thal rrm.rr fitd rr !!!i!!!gfq la r A dala{n t,Y oo.to*a' vnaLr lhr latn! ol rnv Lar.a shch *g.r|<' Gn|nlr ltl. tarw{ n|!ri'|d.r b crrral a,lrr6.aab tlrh L.ata $ai ba daa.'rd a .Ltasn urda. F$ .i t{nr.E.( ..d rr\dd rlr tida l|,{t oaco at husl !o |o.io ar. '| Iandor r arpflrdr. rlch dcrldl raaulr n rha rnig}nr|nt ol bot.'t tacd y la ? a rrolrt'oi !! lo.,or.t. ol a'\ ,J Ii. ao\aaahta 6on6a.{al'o or F.oyrq|! cqta.lxd n ltr! atalorF$nl rhrll ba ataanlld I aLld qxra. tr. tarrrt ol tha Nota rnd oaa. I or t!!t la 3 lh,t rllrg.I|rnl lhi I rr b'nd'n!t opo.l and rhra io lhc b.rafi il 8o.ro$a. r|d Lnda. Jrt lhar nrrpactrva t(,cc.tro.t. attiFt, I6t|ar, rtct-.!. add|vrkalol Fnr!( nar ,a!ra3g 'rtnytt, Lgrlcat '|d do!'raal laa ltr|t attrgt.ar{ lha I bc covar.gd br tr rlrt ol fl. rlrra dar{,, ad r| t.nda? r addalr Brforiil ccrttr{t to tht ||'|ldtl.o.r ad, |lta oa rcqtl b.at (l '| ltra rta|e.o.cttad |.| ta.rdd t adarrcaa 6 tt. rvcnt ol tnt hqJ p|ocaadn0 r'ldrr lht art{nnaat la t A'r '.tar.flc.r |o 6o.K$!r . ti3 't!|g^n{d th.ll ,rclrrt .i ,ptro.r t{itrrg balr* ll ll|.C rt rno.a rtm cl. ob'rorn. tt. d4alOnt thal ba tr.l a.rd raliiral rh8 N3'gnrtarl t.yt.nt rrr!'.d doaurfinlt rcor.ta,ll lha co.rpr.tr r.it d.o.ilad oo..atandrn balr;tai 6o.ro*a? ar{ |'!{rl F lt6.t tO rra ta.rt! a.d co.rdtrcnt ( | p\otr. do<ln'.rl|a la 6 l coft of !rl..aatfirrrrl 'tt b. ihd.a a tLlrairrt d.L'r.|rl h Li, ol fha ttkd aaarrnia.|L L|'craa aat|lrLdgar Ir.t lrrrrar hat .r.A rir-r anda a.rd agria |- lra hrr rtd !..althr| d ltb .lat ri.l €r.c!r.d .do dnr.d t.,.l --i th .r,, "r -------July- ts-8$- lqrjart! t,rrc _fxccut lvc Ilcc Prcrldcot. -.-.-.--- tt Sr^rt Of --- -Co l.O.f tdo.. co.,hry.. , ---ll68lC --- Clnrtron P. Horrlr.yr rr pr.r-ld.nt '- lr^t,l'll I ll^ | s-Mo,r tjr.Et (:oNsTRucTIolt, ,v,llrll5 MY |ratrt, tu, C _ ',I.' t Mr C('|,r''9..U.| i.'t .* nr fr||n|.rit.i'il f rorir t t l5' Cq 4t^.,r,r.t/ lr .,1't r 1, ,11 " (r,, |.i/lr I l'rr I I I ttr A(r'.'*r.r,r.rt t!t.'!nr.nt.rat ,,i'', r.' lr,tohr ,rh rr, nrt - 6th ,t,rv ot .. " -JUl.y t'i9-l'v .rnd Sutinn._!._ Dauphlnalr; nr ..rcr. t !-ry_g t.--_lNC,r .i\ colorado corDorrtlon. s{, it,/a: I. u,t1 rc d u..- tr,r;|dn,r'nc I t !ell troad Vlll. Co 8l6t 7 (,.T o'o't."'i'r' filafrNt( { *' t,(l J lrf nArf\r{.t --. ---.... nrl,\} _-rfr.r",nn -- |lkru,tn !:\l l::itih)\ ttl ttLllrOl ll Sl ror urrttnRr, XN(rlr .rl.l. t.i l|l ll|t..St., l,lu..st:Nts. rt,.,t \||t t .A\ rt'.rr e.,. rr.r,,',lr.t |it rtr |.lrlr {.r) rl .lrrly ,tr)99. rrr .\l i ,i . ' ill''1, llr,t 509 tl 'lm thr lt l,|fc 816 fler.r'6rrrn ldr .1115996 l. U6 o'9 a.a r{ thc ,r\'rrrl\ xt tlr ,. tr. ,,t il|( ('r{|nt! ('ltrl ,||d ltrrrr,hr rrl tlu (iur! rl llitg I e in d'. StrN r{ (i'i,,.nh. . r,(thin lrfl.rl r{ liu.t to. lft'rrt4c Ji({J rU. 6th rtr\ r{ July . rq 90. crocutcrl irnl rlclrrrcJ h DAUPII I NA I S-HOSL:EY CONS1RUCTIOI,, rN(;. I ,\ Colorddo Corpor:t t I on Flr"tltank r.f Vatl l? \.rtI Roed vatl, C0 81657 lh. fqnnnt Dl rt lftlr.ht.rlmr. h \rld in\tM||c,|t lrtt|(ul.tlt [i.ntx!rxJ. ( n rrrrr I lrr.r xpn th t,'tlr'$ r,1; ,h\rh.,l FnIEdt In irl (irudy ol f,aX Lc \,rh {l ( ,{,r,nl',. t., trrt. l."t I thr(\rt{h nnrl lncludlnS Lot 26. Block 2. t.lONrS RtDcn SUritrtVlSt0$,l'lllnx lio. 1 nccordlng to thc ptat record,4 Scptcnber tO, 1979 ln lirr(lk I90 nt l'..8o 794, County of EaXlr, Stat! uf ( lorrdo. ANI) \ ||t:Rt:AS. Elg,lrt hrrndrrrl ntn! th(tuilnd onr huhdrld tvrnty nlnr tn,r noll00 r{del't(rl,i.\ t'trtlrt uttf'rhl, $rth rntrrrl lltid lntl to J6nu61y 2, t990 rnJ. \rlll.Rl,ls, DAUnt r NA t s-HoSELEy CoNST[ucTtoNr fNC.. A colorndo corporarlon li\l tlrr I tl|t l(.8n1 'irn...trt r'l \.Id lm,F ), rnrl Wlll:RtrAS. Ill I'Pll I N./\ I S-IIOSELIY CONSTRUCIION ' lNC,r A Colorado CorPu.'ttrnt rh. r'rntr\]of \.id il&brcdnc\r rhr,r.rllnrrl hr. r . $'l ll:R l:AS. rh. t':|,tic\ hc]tto dc\iN kr .ic uFu rn crtclt\i0r ot thc tioE Dl &rl rx[t r rtid inrlclrtcrJrrr. Nt ,\li. tl ll.ttl:l{ rl{1i.. k|| r trluirtis r|rn\iilcr.li(r|. h i\hcnb, rlrrcd th{ thc tlff.rt rr{ rncnt r,l s.id Indcht.dncrr ir lrEh} c.r.ndctt rff fhc 2nd .laf.'l July . 19 90 rohJcrt r''ll|c tc.m\ Dl thc i(|tcti t Etr\.{lihl rrid rfidi-hrr'ldc\\ Jrrl th{ tI\tFnncdt r.r(ron! thc lian \a(unrg thc rrn|c Ctrapt.. llonthly piyrrntr of ntl sccrurd lnt.rrlt ihrll b. dur on tbr ?nd day of each nonrh b.glnnlng Februrry 2, 1990r. slth.ll r.nrln(nB prlnclpal nnd accrucd intc:eat duc July 2, 1990, r|t|l rl,c lxrr ('|rrtc,l hr \. d In\tturr|crt .nd n,.irr th(r.,,f.hrll a.|nrinuc .oil hc In frlt ir.r rnd rlf!,(l In (r,r,,htr..nrr{r ,n thr. tr.rntinr' [l unr ciltnaxrn I)AUPH l::A I S-lbsf:l.Et CDNSTRUCTIoN, lNc.. A Colorado Corporatlon ,rtr lrt.rl.n n!.r\r .{ \rd pr Fd!. hc.lht rtrr.t.t xr h. F.vttrrlh lid c frr lhc ta}n*nt r{ r||rl ir$lcl|tt(t'r\\, rn{ .ll Inl.r!\t ri|.l .hi!(.r|h(B|||.|,|hJt.|||''||iC'..nhdl|hcin\t'!'Icnt(.t|ti'f|hd||cnEc0ri[thcl4nEi|hc'f't\hl||hlftFm||nit|||r||f.. r.|(l l:lkll ctr(ft s\ irhrr\:ld. l{itncrr tr! hlnJ .rnrl ,rlnr r.rl rrrl ll1 r,,trrnrr.rr,n r"1'rrrr 'ln dorxrtr(\ (lr n |l".l nnl t.,I' ||'(r,h.' hJr. 1'{( lt rlr t'h'l "ll.{r nt*'ti .{,\ x!{lrlr nt{,. t{o. llJA. trr.a.lt. l\lt.t\ll^rrl t|ltlrr|r lrlrtr- [.'artr' ]''rn'd |\||.n'n" "litr' !r'l'srrllrrr l'-r$lr'rrtst trt thcn rccorded retrtrn to3 fIRSTIAIR oF vAtL It Vrtl noad' Votl' Colorldo 81657 lhr{'; ,r\ 2nrl rl.q rrt Jlnurry . te 90 . IIAUPH ! NA IS-HOSELEY CONSTRUIjTI0N, lltC. '.Ft{s'frr oF \,AIt. 8yt 'L'4.-Colorndo corporillon bvt - l}.:l==:', f .'' --r..:-:=i=---\ , .Chrlson P, Ilotelcy' ?re8ldent ,tt', - .-''- \. I ,tr.t.t,. ,'.5iirrf ---: -tfa-Fr rfr t oo,-'ie c iiETv-t-vr.c-r'rEF.- 3d?-fr1T-fiupTTna G-ft??iTEi -- | I st^tl. rrr ('rrtrrrt^txl I """T\ " vt!r!lq'' I t rr. --, <',nrrrt1 ,{ EaBlc I lr-L l.'rc1,,rng Inqrrtrir$rt *l\ !,ln tslcds$l haF|r! h1. thir znd d4 rtf .tlnuary ,19 90 hrclrrk8on P. lloneleyr ri PrGsld€nt tnd Sutrnn. E. lrauphlnrttl aB 8!crctary of l)AuPll I NA t S-tloSl:l.EY co$STnUCTIoN' INC', A colorado CorPorntlon.. - ----1+-a- *.-:-.i J:.- ar- | . |- -*-t^-- -lt rUrrr\ rr,r tr,rrr.t o rt ottr. rrt xrt -/'/ iL t I t rrl '!'t I I | - Slr (r{nt'\\rr. r\l}ftr\ , \1.\ll lrl ( rtlfrll,tltl I .. (irrrrt' sl i 'l l|( ft|f1.fornf .n{na|r'nl ott\ .r'lft{ lcdtcd h<*tE tF lhi! rlJl r{ l') I f}'ll.^ nf r.ld I r..:9 UE tr.ll'l ?, rrl o o, J 190 .U - ,!IJ rt Lt .rt > z 3: \J nlo AG td o o* frJ J t4 tto I d! trJ F J1 U'az az ox rc 'a '') ,te ll.ll:li;--'----a-jl =rl l.Il [Nsll):{ ()} l)t:}:t) (l}. TRtIS'l' (o. [l'riFrtrl Hq o 88 E.n b I o 4 o o I I I |l b d IJ "r u! d t ut lr,l fr o oo oa t{o.J J nra NE A r,r F F ,\ lrJ E:;5 arr r,ii,' wrl||.r\ rr! h.rnl ||fi| llar |Il $\{ f,lt ri{rrsrl\ru,{ !\l rNi 'l|1(, nti(. ul|.rt lr.r .n,l lrfr numlrr' ttr' hcr'i rtnl^l*tl "lhr! xtq tt .rnt ||rilllrlln,nr r{.. tt.l^. &r. }ta. ltrt\slliar'|'lrDorl'ttll-l|-l.r' ir'r" i'x'|r"r' t'.|' r irrar:rt r'\:rra. (.' l)t.,t.tr (r] l Rt's'l' |fi|\t\t \|ttl .\r."r 'n.. llrt .'r Aul{lt t" 90 Druphtnr I r-l{or} t.} Conitructto|rr ltG., r ColorrdD CorDotatlon rrr*su^1. r, PO lor l5ll Vrll. Color.do t|657 t h|ttuit. xlt[rl|r| 5 trln r rDl rn, ltn' I r'. r'l llB li'rtt tt ' tl Elila . \,n $l ( '.h.'tr' lr t!'inrtnl r{h(r } " llh|( lt{'t'(.. s||tl\rt ||t. lll!r $rx/r r. ltertphlnrlrlHoat!rt Cqnalr||ctlon. Ihc.,- ..r'rjiibriid'cornor.tlon rrd'iiCrlcr o. Drinhtnrh, .qutlriof l l. Dlu!-! I ne-l!r--- clr*tc$,1i.,fsrsJf.Ir,.f.l{.1h.$,IJ,:J,,,l|r"ss.st,hi/" tfu'nl$I,lllt'll. rgso .r,.'h' i:t.tlll.urt Ihrr.. .r h.r.,r.r,,{ irr''''r,l,{1nr.|n.'l rt!. |t''i ,rrl rlnirf{d{,lFnx.rtt n,i'rr rh(h.nitYrrr fr r*l | r.. 'r r'l ,,lth|l'.l|r |f I Nl)*.|lTlltltltl llt.rr{nnr. .,{r'nht li.',I lh'F'rrx$ 4it tr xpF < rlrii*|. Or' l|Crh tt,il. hrr{i' *ll |lrl (1nr$ ll rnhlt sil l\lHh tru!rt'|nft$ll.*r1(' ll( [,1t,{ L,l.rA\lFlrrlr. r'trtl| ri llt( (tt'd} | lffla .\t.k.t li*tlh. tr itt ' lf Drubhliio I E ll ll tI)*.|lTlllltltl Ilt'rr{nnr. .,,|| mht ri.',I ft'F'rrx$.ril tr |rx l,rrFq,rin r. t'.rr rrnF] ft6' rrr'r' rn 'E $rtrt ll ll rar,. rtx -,.|Nn,. tru.rt||nft$rr.*r1(' rl( [,1t,{ L,l.rA\lFtrrrf. r'trtl| ri llt( (ft'd} ll {l fegk .\d. iir (i*r"rr. r, rn. ll !l ]lnuohl,iir I r :. tl 'iiiifiIi'iill-Ho.r t.y Srrbdtvlrlon llltn3 tlo. l. rccordlnt to th. Plrt rrcordrd i!'l Na:flat._f9:,, tn look-!3tIt h;r;Sr Countt o[ Ertlt. Strcr of colorrdo. ll ,,-ll .i !) Lutr lor tl. 21. frr f1. 2t rnrl 26, lloch 2r Llontr ltdlr lubrtlvuion.. li 'i Fltlnt *o, 1, rccor(lln8 to !h. Pl.t rrcordrd S.Ptrdar l0r 1979 ln lool t{h.o r.cordrd -,..lii'i',1,'iiiiiii';ixi;i'iiii'iiilijiTTai'i,u. co !r6tt l/t':('/O 1'ren.rr||ho1lrrdrt,.r...r,pl,t..'',,.r.'u'Jiiijr"n.".t'r...n.'||h.|n|I{r||{rr|'|.|{{rrJr'|'},|||[{nt0l I! ,...r,.n",rr"*r.,r.!.o1.{r{r,t{,dr'rli'rn..li,lriuilr''. !nt .trflr 'r'lnr{rI'rltn'it"'irllllrrr"'l ".''.,.'..''',.''....,..''....,.'.,.lr.'.rn'u.','-u"'u'l."lrii.-..'r"..i'n5".rr,r| ll ;;:lli:;Lfi;;'.:;.;;;;;;:.;;, '..',.,r..i..i-''t..it',..rd.'urrB '.r'i't'r $t'i'm 'n rh'r'{hrh '*i|'' "ir 'tr< i\t'r{i r' rh' I ||r!ts||r.n{hi.tf{Ll||r'i|J||.!|f|||i||.nrr..l.lr|lrnyArirr|rr.Jf|'|r'Fd.h.<||{t{'\i|.{|r.{..h|{.i\.|''.d{li ||r'{nL'd..n..|dd|.,r...,r-"'..u..'*,iir'*r'.*i.'iitrt.."..j.'''N|t'.i||t'f,'{n|hI[F i|;^;:.::.;,iiJd;i:;;'.iliii".'ii"i.j"i'.j..r'l.i..i.rrinr.r.rr.l..lr.-^.h'.||h.'r.lr."r||}|iIIi |l'.ii.*"i''rriir.r.r.rr.lprlo.rr.'rr.,nlr.,'.r.ii.ii.,t.,,-ur..r.''|Fnlhh''|h|..[|||x'{r||.|tr$''|{!Fi.''|.'''||d.Fi9ni||t(n||||.r||||..|.r||t,.j"||.{''"|f,lr'|.Fnl;|liir"..'ii."t'.t.'."r.''u'"Lrt.r'u..nrF.{ij|if.\|!lJ il|f'...rF|...,.r.'.r.r.r...r'.rr'..,tr1''.1.ri'p.'.r'*J'.r".r'-"t.lr.|...t|\h.lE|thh||i '$'n.{.rf*k'|'.J.h|fh\|x.|h\!|r."ii..ii..'r""l.;|.$i||..'\1r'h|,|'.'l't,N|,tq.}Ft\$'rr..!*rNts1{..|t...khl|$'tt.|i.'r|.|'$rn{.lft*Ltlt.J.hl$h\,xJt'\llr.r'rl'nlililsrh\.nrt\rrnll,nrr'i$$$'qDmr$'q'!nFrrnrrJlr\'"'_':"_-:::-'::_..li.I_ r];il'dir'J;;..'Jllrn|'.nl''1ru':''r.'.i*'''i.r.',.,i',".t.qo'rr'illlqlll.l .fi|||hC*n||''vthn..tlrrn'.l.rp.1rrir.'....ii.^i.i'.tl*t..*'.|*j."..'t.,t..^'l..', ;;;.;:.i;:; ,t; ,,i,r."^,r,.r",Jr,..rr,rr ||...r .r,rntLr r{n,6r\..,rd,,,.,{rh.rJ.r,F"!.r'u.r'r{t\'r1 nr | runr!rol .|i*'i...r'"*..."r'^"rn'*.'i'."..r"',|.",'.h"ii'.r''t..'.lrnrr..'r'"it..trt'ill$ht'$||rL.r...u\',lt.i|.\|"iln{til|ii.l.'l' (trh .Ll dr'ltrhli ll li f;;i;:,:.:r,;,;;r ii.ii-i i,i ir. r"s.,iir,i;,'i ll ".-.. ,Ur.".u nt "t lt l.|| tr, r (r .r kpl li'!.I. ,r ' nr n.. l r 't'{r,tr r' r'u' rn'l lr'ri'(rrr' { 'rt ri'r$r r '{r" "r 16'O ((reott.pt ll iiii i,l:J;i'll;;;;i;-';: ;;:,;.; ,i;,-ri" il,iii.;";-if;t,"F;";'..';.,",,," trrrr' vrr' \n.r'sr ltJ r' "r'i "\r' r'u'r' 'i'rrrt '!n.F:,.;;'h.r.it,rrtli$tr.|-rr'fJ,'^'|t''i;'';:;l'.Irrr.'.lnlll.''..l, 'lr,nn.rlnurh.r!,*krlt*ttof,r.'{.nt,nrrr|;iirir'Lkt'rh'l'tt"'q'lrt'rr+r'nur.Frrlur\rnll''.FIrr'{rarltrlrlkm{ rl(rlxl' .ilk.,|'|,f.Li!{F6rr*1u.r.,.l.r1'l.r,r.:..,i"i.'.*r'.,ru'."r.,lt\,nIhJ|'''n.{i|;Fn,||'.!niin'|t.|r|rJ<.[(.|h .rr{n fi.r 'Lir'ir'. hFl'.r.,n.*,J''. "'ll l',l rl(.tFi'. dr1'"1 ' 'll |n lr.n\r. h{d titr ,rnil 't '^ lt l'fi"'* ir, talA. ki, t.*1, ||lr$r|i itl \l .itlilh h.n. ' $ || rb..r* t l- 'tii iiii.'r.\l .'r'i.i'iilJ,i i.',J ,'.ii'.'l. i;i;.;li iritltr,il Lr ir'fr.r'irirdft nr'l --Iiirri[-Zl I 1990 'irrrll' , Fi,r.l{,||ldr f l2l,t?5,00---- - lr l'r'Ft'r'r'n' 'rr&rt|| n.r(!irlnr||F$^srrl^ul'l|.14|.r''w'; , Fi,r.l{,|lldr f l2l,t?5,00---- - lr l'r'Fr'r'r'n' ''r&riil li I llrrtlinl ot Vrtl ll r' rhr.rh..N It Vrll iord. Vrllr CO 816}l !l 182 dr,y. ilr.l rlr Jn' lir!.{ rli ld'rr{ llin'5 lt"nt lh d)r h'nr{ i;1' ,,r....,"s, r.o t ^*,t.t,ht,ht,ttt.tt t.t:1":::'"1'.ll:ifi';''lllli'ril.il: r;;il" 11 l:te ttrr.OOlr$trt t.l !6rG nrt.. Th. rtt! of lnt.r.!t.hrll b. tdju.Crd on lh. llrtl ,l l:r. ltr/.€lolrtlrrt lr I !6rG Rrt.. Th. rtt! of lnt.r.!t.hrll b. tdju.Crd on lh. llrtl ,l iib""fFi16,q/tf .rch nonrh. pryf,.nr .h.ll br rrdr rccordlnt to r.td Proll.toty No!.. tl .. ! ..-F+. ll ll ll '.*o-vv' . ! 11 Z9o n! PrSr 794. county of Ea;li. 9tttr of colomdo. lt rlll ilr ll 43asrs B-536 p-3ea lla.?7/sc..6lttr-^., ::, l.:["e " ,t153 .:33 :3iiiE 'Eti?'[iiE eE8iE'66ijuiV'iienx' touoneoo,, " ro'oo e'eu tl IE TE FHILLIFB EABLE COUHTY GLtsx|at r'sLqnFvYl ll .ll tl ll-lt =de, lh-tr 1\ rr^N x.lo nri.! ll : lrl|ltt]:a\lrlttl trrtr.um. n.rftl..r rrrt'..l.hl nrtlrtr nrFnrr !...nt 4yrlr'nalrlnt|l|*r*n.on n,a."r--*.**',rn ll 0l t, (E r{ .L trui In rh t,r nr'{ rr.rl r \',{rir.{ttr .!r.nrt{rth[r{.r.'irlrnJ,ndr.lrrllh*FlnNIhit$.rrrldln_Ftrllh'FBt.ltr.lrl\lrr l' sr.lrr..,rl|nr,trh"i.,r,nttrt,nin .,t. ,|rirdhrrrjr.tirr(Flrrr.n\r.rlrnr.rrm(aartho!$.[ifnhrrn.{xrr]..xrurin tl .rtah,,tr;r,{rtrrrtF(,atrr'hr!{',rnn\,rrrnr!Ld!l*rrnr,itJ||r.J.rl|.h|rlkEtt,Eutrrfr*k'E'{n*-{+r'irrEqtt"S"]l**''l chr|lr^.l'|'n.|.lrt,N.1n'n{r|.iJn|'!|$.ll.in'd{t'f|(n!t{.dh|''r|f|r'(l|!l.rl|L|||<r.|r|F|I|!l'\lF|h'*|ijh|! !F,rhhrri;h.,l|{rh{!rri{'r'il.tf lt{..'lr, ttll|tl nr lhhkl.{lir.fdlrF'nIr\(|Fd{rir|kf ri(h\lrr!rLr r{n{nhl .l|6.'|lriJ,h'|||trk\|i!t''|.l||li'|.|.(|l|r.{lt.|,|t|r||.{{|[.nhhr&||r,|rirnsriud,n.hr||.|'|n|.n|r|sn||l.|hf|\hlkrn||| M*rrr|r'r.qdrh.l.r.Jn|'t.i|{n|\l\iJr|'',|{||.Jl||rr.n||1N.||hr.f^|ltxAt*{l'J,|||ht|$|'n|kJh|'|rk|t{||Fr$i|||l hl\ }.lh (.$U . nxrffi d ti'l'ln r$n,(.rllr Lh h{( ii,'lft tii,l ll||s.ltl ll. tiiirrr l lf3lf firrr! ,'l l ,{,{at, ,{ nrnhtr,\foqr 't i''r lcxr lrl '(t , mr h 'F\ rrid '''ll'.'|r'{r'r{.vhl vL n{ r'}'Jh'ladlYJt:}tt]I : ; il t| l, I t( \^drt .rrr...t.l||rrrlt.r{hrtr r. Frur.l iFr-d{,t rtr nr|'ir$i.nr'{, .rJ.t|han,.Gl rrl (FfU r ld|r..lt.trllr ltr.l tL.n; ;;.{ rrrd.hr'rr.r.ii { tt{rr h ||r,rlliltrJd |h. r.ril l.nl.nd k'rt.rr'.|l.. ririrl ^lli rdrltFltr' ldl Fi'tlnl lFhl -ir.nrt r'-rt r.t.r.- ;llht.;rn t r.||r |tt{.rDirt ftltm.' lhft i.l lFrhhnl\.nd.lE -rt Unht hrFkh|nt 'u rrrhr't' it.,-*r,,irt^....r,,qhrtbR.ts;.r'nrr..nlFF.rt^.11.{..r..11.r.'rrr.r{,ihrruil{r{{nt'.dnrr'|r.{rrlrl.dllE i<r..1Ar*r$h..1rb\1.lrdt..Lrrtr,{^.|r.r.qrh.tn.l'Llhr$lr. .n} rl(rlllr.t \ntrl \rrhr( tntli n(i rrNlurt rl rn$n .' tr|'dr lr ||,rsrl n rta.r *|(.{ri,l|l{iFv{x.n|ttitr,rh.t(.lllrn'.|rt,3trs i.Fr\ $l'drr'r''$4' for r Drrd ol Trurt d.:rd July 6, t969 tror Drupitnrla-Horrltt con.tructlon. lnc. to th. Publlc Tru.t.. o[ Ertta Courtty to ..curl thr rur of l8Ot.t2g.OO tor th' b'n'flt o' Ftrrtirnt o( irlt, r{cord.d July t!r 1989 ttt lool tO9 rt Pra' 816 t' !'c'Ptlon nurbrr t0!916. .|it ttr. drir Sot.||i{ f.l\ rtt s rtr {rht rntl F.t.hk Fr{\r{ r'l rh ht'tr. lhNrr.. ltlt {r | |.i{|r 1{ rirr'|n. .tin{ .ll dil6lrt Fhli ol f.r"".fr.r"flti"..ilin,,1,"n['r'rh,t',1 ,nl |v|itl*ftr'l llr'/.'r'. 'l'.ll{'rl rdl l.|r l 'nl lrttlrrr ll{{r{ Ur,l F|'rir |t loll., rh htt{',tlr.r. 'h r,.6r. rt.llx'{lt |at dt LrL' "l ..'?i'nFdr Lr'|rl'n rh..T":l|-t]?.11'!!li-:f.*5 hrlr J irmu,.t.Lt ft n..r,..rlN ,ndN,..r! j.r. (ru|rlkri((.. r.o..dl rdl l|*1|.ll rrrrFritclrt\ tlrir ln.l| N,|n r.|(l t.nlr |isr. i'.,rq.ni....rt l-. ft lhhtrr Jr|t|rl(l r.t(||r.. ,n...hl\rtrr 'r r.r,lu.rr or.r{$ lh. cl rr'rh n{urNrx|rrr '{ r|r k'} |rl|rrl i'ct ri.r' lirln'til*tr'+r\rtr..t.,|0rlti$|'r's|r|rF.|irl'||||s|lr|.^.[6.|'|..|-in,Nnr|hrNh.|t(|,!^rrd,,'t..hrlt !.lrlKh.u.r.n'^F{r\'.ftdlrrlrF{l"rh.nftt.l^"'.knnra'r"rhl'(d{lrutr ^lrl'rf rtnlltilrnrtrl i. -r"*.,'r .-,.*. J'rll l. .rr,.(^rl r'rlr r\I.h'.1 .\ lul|f. {rlxll L{ ltr stl{('Ift'r {r(ri lh trtrdlr l'rl I ili;;.;,;i;;.;.^yr{'"nr...rh.s,rr.I.|'r',in'Firo.nr'{ aFn'H1qrrrnirc.'.r. 'rrn.r.d.d).rlrrrn,hfftn r 6.rrrtrt r|rli6n.n..rl..on..n\.qinN$ft( .nt n..$''t{r!r h',r.n.r rrnn i tlx rr.,'r !5.0t i*t r r"," o.ll li rtlnl $..d H;;':;;;;;J. ;i;i.r r.,,.u.,irr rrrr rrJ,i i,,i .n|,iii '.1.,i..,r,{ rrr Fr;t.h..r,rr.v*-nr rh. Fi<rrr.'r n. p.'.Jt'}.rk rlrir.' In ji.L||. ;n, ,r d. .rtn {x I,rn,h,.h trul .|(\ txr rrr rnt rtrrrir.. :.. utrl h rh} .d thr l rttl '{ l|U{ L,lt ln ||(ldl Lr tralrn |t| Frrrc h |.rir .r 'n'\. ..! 'il l|r tdnrnlr ,tqr,nrl ht lh. ]|r.rr,|lt lt.Iri.ir |vr..t ttF F.,tr(xr tr .nr.r.rrrt rLry|n tr.*l,rrr.o.lFJh r. tr.d.r.lLrl h i.lk.i}'r Frr e hri....!n..r.L*rrt l.l rh crilr.,t r l*i,r rn oai";r { riJrrl|. t, th|r i\irl,{ lru.r. r}t fi..t';r,.i; , p'ttur |r|rr,r 'r'o'rt1 [L.t l t'i |r{"'lrru {t{flifi' l' l 'r'.a.*l t'1 .t.1'w..t..Il.h!|t\'.|,{n||A{i.|tr'.}i|td.ii'|||ndrr|J|'r|',d'|..n\k.s|r{.|mkn.||n.i'.|.....1|.||il h.*. rrlrt,r u.t ||1.. ;h:iilr. "ii .,rr*i . L i.." At tu.||rh'r.(|.n\rt|'ii|| lr'rd,'l InN r.r ii lm'rrtll.tlt ft. 't|J.t t ll.n.ri r rr ,tritt tr.( r.,,rrl r\ h,'rri{ tu rr.rFr.rr' rl. Frr r,' ll* Uk ,r It rLL lk|ilhl.^ rxllrr Frr|| hr.t|rn |tr FF.r,lr o ]r i&n nn.trtrrn rh rrnm.r,r ,n . rrr,n3 irn rlrrral dnrhitr.nDrd'.l.rrth,.$rl'xr.r,{rlll|.|llErnF|rrlF.nr ||r. trr.fnt hr |r tr.cl,{ lrur .hjl h( x qi.t|( ^ lYLt ||.t |rrll r{lr'n itu!||ll |r(.Asl:t|l All lr]:hl lt *Lnt] rt ntlr.l ftrt.t-lr! r(.!^ t r t|. lhc ttH( Lu{.r rr th. hr|d.r nl rri. f*|r afl,lk4r,rl ruh i.-..||rll r..i.ln,* r.rrhrl n, rlr-r.....i rr. rc.rl crl^iln d llt FtFtlr .Arr{ l|' |l'r lir rrE ltdr'.irr||cr di"ttr dER, tn;,hr.dn.!,1 {\lt rth..il,l n,ll Frl'r'r r'l ft.irL^|||t FrnJ'.tr t}.,rlE lx.ir' 'rl r'*tlFrn. rl 'dt |tl.|l rr' rrt '!'i nr{rrr-r||l|h.dr h .lt,rr.hli, r.trr.tk l.!.ia.i rtx h'!tr$r u|ltr,i. 'i r..r,rh.r ,t Frn hr*,r ,r9:.r1. .dt,. ttruur' rlF d._tr,.rt d- LhFi,.$nir16 t\ r.t.rt.Jh r.trrt{tr lNrt..rd|(tr'l*r.l{iln.(.r((trrltr|., |{^tri. tn ) ,llhft!* rlrrl \,{ |r li'lr..l|||l. rm r: firUr tnr.rcr. ir rl< l'!td ,i s|l, |rrc ,'r {.dil.ts.{ ton t ... tt In} r|t(.r"l. rlull |tc .rtalhl $'. X.(..{r n, r.d FFdt. 'trd.'r rE nnr'' hr6 rht rr rl|r *|tt.l i\r rth h,r.tDh. |n lrln,lt* lltt .,..n'lh tiRl.l|t Fi.frll|trr r$ nlf Ftril 't rlll mFr' rr trt rr.|r |r' 'Do rDi |r .ir|| t.,t ih.Rr,. .. r rrrr., dt xrtr.|l|rd n r.rJi,tlE rJtr|r t .r ,.r{r.h ! | 'l|t. f&l.r.r rf lh( tncn,iir.i {itFFdt.ntrmr{rrttrr tlx Ft|r :*.{.if., tt(\(tir nr^ h rlF{.f,.ll$ .rt (|rrtr r{ rrsrf\|fir |lntrtr'r}l|roFr.r-F t rl!{|{$nil.'rl rnFar irl|r! - fir$l li|nl iir.ri.nr. lnr^.rl .hl .ll ^6r.. ^'ir. .iJ rl'if. n.'r'i .'d r$.'". r|r''lliflr rh.ll ts 't'lrl;l ht rrr'h rArltr o t|r ll'rtr d fi' likliJ;N h'Fin ,..sNt rr,rJrry r.llr l.r .trl lh r.r|(tr.ft, d"ttrrn| sl rh rn latr.TrtrIn,r<,t t.'t 'nJn!,{qJn}rrnr.,{|t;nrFl,r;n(rr.t..,,nli|vtn rr|rr rnl.ll|rl.'f e{tnx||Fsrt }irft.l.ld-.t,-nt d$.6 .r.nr |i.tr rh.nrl 't,,r.rnr i,i r;l 't&,rr{|nt.{ lk \'^.n4r' n.In,nrtlrlrnin nr ir'tri, rr' nxFrs|||'lr'F{tr'rrrtrrt''rln r nr.. .nt D rh-:r.... rtr rhq..n ...rt .i rh,Ft.un lrnr,i yr.rrn. nrl rri tr'rr. ! rx^rn rr ||r lm {orel(.mn r.,trt.. r rx.,!'!|i,: ',t ll:i i*kr ri.nr{. i(.Hr nr..n.l f,r rh[. riilit( {"l p$'tll h r{l r{ llY nHr n r "|il ' lth fr r.||f.lin l r' {xl Inkri'r|ltr'rr n't i|dr' 'rx nr rf t-rtru-fr n..rr ir {t ltnr( l,u'*' * 'u'''r r *"/'l llll'l/ -.tt .?lf t-!d. rn trld. !totlli'ort ltSlf -4'fd t, ,,\ r.r ri r|r. r.n h r*,n..t vqt fthr t hrh'F \.$irir. .'t'itiri itii i.t t r rtr.l\Hh Jh.||Jr...I.rr '{.rrt .,{,tl 1.. I lrdt. ..rl ll t-(lnrit r'. i,rt thn.rt ttr .,'{tt. i rt.{{.hk rt'r |.t r lY rh.ll f* l.hl ht tlt r 'r'rl .r r Frl d llt r'r|.| r{ !r i lrtr r'$'r F\nrDttr Il* {nr$l, nffA1 .lul r,rh|l' |[|. f{||J. i$ dtld ti. $rr .l. I l|r'rr '{ a! ,r||t| ih. hr {\ltlt hr il tnd'n N b all E a 3 e F 0l i il d il A n $ r? l:lnr|brl rt\ I ltt .rrr ..t lufurt' 1990.te DAun rA rrrrrr' ------1.- - '---,-j- -----.: i--.-'- lyL: Surlnnt E' Druplrltltlt.1 s.cratrrt r, coLtoglloll. lllc. I t a I I j I i I t ! ',.:i l'.i ) \r l./Ltl. J;;;'lF'i l.t t I t ! I ! I r d ,'I t t I I ll il ,l l- I t, il n F lr.o B H u1 Efi P qi Fr EE EI tr I I 8 t 5 E I t t E I I t I I .l .l t, ll rrrnr'ilft llrt aq 3, luSur! .F 99 :i E!:lt?ilt it fif,l^iyffil;lll*li;l:'nd rDiuphrn'Ir itJt&lQ_4o'-r{,,:____/ t , l7-V-efl-i.dl- --r't' h" | 'r ) vetr. co fr6!l uoilxlr{f or nErrr ^ilo orHln in5 (, 5a.t. ot color.do: + r! t.utr l0r llr 22. ll' ?4r lJ rnrl 16. lloch-l LLoor r ' l1d3r ----'--'sulir"trt"n. Flllns tlo. 1. rccoidlnt-to-th? DtlLr.cqsrhd JcFtllbrr t 0Jll9- l'o-!ooL-- ?ifi-.i'-qrg. 79t. County of - li8f.lc. 3t.!! sl,Calorndo** ,. . . l-i...yu".iu".- t'e'i'.J''{' l- -A;' | *---t"'^;; '- i rr"' ira' I -ufi;;- I roo-sa-rtca , !t5-8:." i xnnlrlu I ttzl'lrr.co i oa1211es | 02lt9lel Iti;"*r"a, fl.r ^,tt'r. r.c,o " lurori'rir:-t 'i&ttt to<lt\ | - brulhtnetr-foi.l.t conttiucttorr, tnc' I ttrrtlrnl of vrll I A clto do corDotrtton I It vrll lord I Po lor lllt lvrll. co tl6tt I Yrtt. co Elctt I rl rl t-.- I Lrorr. rrttc rlrof. o, irr| ,?io?rirr 2nd DoTt A)Drulh tnr l.-llo.rl.t-Eubd lvl.lon ?tll|rl-ilo.- l.----- | 'iE?o?',iiiii 'lJ ttri pir- ircorard Augurt iUr rlBnln-looh-136-rl-lrr.2a.. coLntr-ot- lrllr $q o I at|trrd | !. ,.-r.-, ,,. ,!,.n., {, r,,4,tri..,t'?r rtxrrttrr trr,r. I i,al |n. aa.tr'Mn , ol ltr. "lclol ii!.|{,t.ch..rr no.rr tr' ra'! t,loairY ;hfrtr;;i x.,;. ,.. . rr.-,r,i,r. I b.rt 6t !.'.1i | ;rrr ro ,u'r'., ,.c,,,r t{ !N r!.. . rr rrtF .(Nu'drr. ol So.oitr b |..'rt ' r.rri.. hor.r, nn{(.ra t ,,.'i'n 'r rr,,r-";ri'rrtu'n':rrv< l'rt rtrortio lrri' ot" ut"*''c I I t f n ,n|i,...r rl| tirr,.,.t n r .nn i.\|,rt!,,,i, | nJr,.d$.rrlr'4 l-{r{r t,o*|, Lraair ar*utd tt trt tt,.|rn o. i[ ol il. r.d ll|ool'l| t alc't J 'oF .,r1... n I,-^r., !.. r. | ! r'! l F.'./,' t Itlr.r,J.ror&!.({n'r,i'r..al.tt,olrtantt4Lunr4laltLt,td||itr.tl'ltllrt"' lt ltarn..rrlolli.i'r..r,h.! r " d 't //, 'l^ rqri i,.F$r lrd t/'I}'rt{ lo lt' r't'Lt i a ^.t, d.r*{fr..r ., {,t ..nt., , d,r d! r la,{r'l or nl,'a to ttdra.|t rn.I a,v I a{|ni.t .rllch Btldar ahii ||..a''l lad b tc.-r-r.t l.rF<l5 ir' F...{,!,, ,rr!-' r.n.. ,.'' ' " -, '.,r*iri i"i"i,o',i rriii ,.cii't.q |'.;irlo, odft.' lr '.'i.n p'E"d ' o' pn'rv rt I'ot,rt 'n''{pJ c (F,{rt .l,tr }i " 1,t'rq r, n tt .r;tti'ltr q d.dot,.ra'r| {l'irit'rt '4t-'d tilo llt o, qi ltltdl ol Sood'l t 3 ^r,{r,rr h t!tr...tr,{ rr.a{tt.r.rMtd bt or ttat rL toFo,i*irl|qnttydatrt0,rt ld,Ygtald ,g.a,|!.ri cq,ld l'tlrr4r p.6.r.,rx.e.r,r.r.r,. x......,.";;*,;.;r:,1;&iu,'|lptt,t,*t"'t.vcvktt'qhi.l..r.ro.Pop.rlt.L.crrh.d.tor. Ia Ar rrt '.rr..t,r?!ltn .,lrtn*.' o.rt nDr'rEi|- i|'cnrvt rd'"rnl.nt tn cd d'ttr*a {tot'iqt r''l'q il tn:9t-:.!!:S'F-'r 't" J o,n i,.n/.r,na!r! ,..,,.,'.,,tr,r;;;,,;,4 rirr " r r.',r,,V rr r'r'errr, .crrrrd ia(n 6.d rt -i.d lo brt_n qEl-r'!.,lr'.n'|t t|qqi\., {r\v... G!.,-...,.,." "..;;;,;; ,rrx.rc anc'*..i c"gro. t}r rD.-rto. tt frrdro. vd!.oaLndt !9.{tttrd'ia,tstirrit at <.rlx!d dt* .5 tr,.l'. |,{'',.{,... : al tr'| Jl.r|'iltixtl, nn!.r!l, r c i| '.' irrr.|ndrn'|' *ft 'ct|t..t !o r$ | i'$.t ,rr t.^d' rn.$ n.|'o.kd! '.q',o .iF''r'Iod!|Jt'{|^'l|I|'t,'''']'!lt.,ld{r'r'|4|d.,'r{t!r'rr,ls|Ic.'D'i..|l6.'}i,|.|d|'dn,'l'.."I||li'ln.'|',.','lr.mi'r,,rr',r'r."'{*||,tr'r.|''|f|rnt'si;'r,|||.,|'t|tn'"'(J{'''|.r.tr.r drrr !' r" n' $" a iatrataa{tlltd ol lo.'.d{ lr r'r'it'i'i{'' l^t*frl''! t''||'!l'nr' r'rr'$'^4 tl ||at...!n,,drrrr||,r. | ,r ,n4n! nnir.,{t'nv{r.'nr.|,tl^ro,.l i! nn.$f 'rrtr il. l.t|rrsl rrtr ll|.!'ir rr !?trh.,t'',''.'.tt'.''r|J'lx9|n'||l|c.{dlt'|n!''Id|'|l'|.|,F.olt.("".'dh'rJJ'.*|t.hc.r,r||r..tr.'l.d arrt',,,rt4- t'{x,.ir"" r' -'ll / ldina'rtt{ri/rr{rinllnrr'trr Jt ft,nrrr.r.-. rnt1.r,. ' n t r r r (r' 1 .;r'i!t h.i.r l '' i.rltd"F rlr'lltl\l,rt'r'r!'r"t r'r irGr l'11"';t. Cf L',*t, nn.,' I r {,:r' ,r. rrr'!r'rl'rtTl'r.'ro\aLlrht''i'(ttdit!nr!'uGhtr'ttrt!rn'tr'r' ...! ';'. ""'..1. !! !.trorn,r,nr||-1.,.i' t'r t rFrrto''iiut' n\r rt$qssn r .1?a - "-' so0.'l,$.|,'I,{'||'".lnrr'd!,|'.,'|i.l'l','|Y,'5|'r,|f'|At\||I'''||'!!o|'tfd'.f.,nfn|,{||'lll|'I.r...l.lAl|If4inoh..rr{tq- +}' r' i d,it ir.t i.G.|l. r.n t. i I rtx'.'*r '"{t h .''ri dr 'Ar' x'r "r'r'rrl[' lo Ldtl' " ulrft '.* :" t n tJ"t ! $6'6f{ i't'('-t' diI(olhc|J.,..'l''Itl|I'|}..'.n.'|.','..';;,i;'iiw*.i.'.r'''-..i.'.|''l','r,artr'n*-.t"'-l,tl|J.|!',?|' tto.rD.' to.ht ,,ri t:tr ,..nrrnJ'': ', - r,:tr;;; jitrryt'"''*' !' l'{'Lr x!'d}''n'r' r'i! .."""1rt t Oat$i a.ra L.ta(||tt li-t'.\'nlt lalMu\r /'lt'i'\''l'l{'rltt$'II'r"''hld"t'"r r ":Jvlotaru' cr'"r'r "r t,..l!.'.||f!.,!''.,i|.'|,.|taI|,.,.,.,i,l.'iJ,jio|i'u]..,*,''l.',n',.u.'*,.r'.j'iii.i r {...,u!, . i .;1i i":- ';i;;;, "', ';!.'r|.,'i\t''''{'|l.,.,.''"'.,.....'.:'||Ii'nl''tr|-'.'Il|'I|ntrIlv|l. l{trn r.!otd.d rrturn tar tltiT i^fl oti v^ll. tt vrtl Lt. v'tl . co ll6tt G',:illi;. VO lit | | t'r i{ntr :irld .ld(.t,' i, lx '",r!r -! brt!'. t/.rii.'. tttt s ..!t llh'' tr|t r"iu "tt}nh" .lch(g|o dErt d" lirlir trr hdlh t\d E: i.,gr,rt lornrtr'rirr'" 1 .'r! | 9 rr rrrrqr,r,rtr.rh.F,,. ,, r{!n.|.,to\r(r,tn|ftfiLtrr'rt.d.r.cr\.t,odr|cloothaairt. .ri ot t lth.ltn' 'tnl.cta'l r'ft tl aud q a"sd - r,o.J.jr. .''4lr\r'!ll'a!llrrl'r'rldlltr'ri'e' {t i! ,rx..rq.. ^.t rr| r r r I rrlr, ^r.h a,i, 'r|rt r,.1{tt|tFo!'r..tro.,|,...nait.rav!auL.l(tlorhaarvr.ctdrtr||laFtp.|tlhr |U t ,.|.,r ',, .1, ,rr.., t rtr ,,<,ri ,rrrd td |rr l rr r",C irh'{r.{.d ial.. t{,l| r d t cra.a td ttdin ir tld uratl,at'ld o *r,r. rur..,rt$r!.4 f , t,'r+ {.tidltrn||'lt Pt l|r(t trt'n|rx'l}v tu"i trnrrt l"tr:o o rnortgtqtd 'rrd l|.rrtr "L' ttltl':|t'i' It E| .!!.rdt u.rr.r :'r'!(!rr^*r'ddLtl.'n' t'nto' muryrod irt!'r{'r' '{il' ..rd o'tdrt""t dt|'on'Ld 9q'd "E E il.::J ;-;":i,.':;,,.**.. ,,.,,', r ",(..,,e,i - rrre o, rq --..1- rlr 6nr6.r. cFrtr. ..sw;r p oor"rr hF '.rt .' 'rr 'rd ortt rftEr"r = d.nr.rrr.(r",,,,.-"..,.,...,-;.,,,,;;',ii.ii!iij,i.ri".j';rrr'.'ru..,.d.'r,triior'.lriroorrtrt|'iif...rlr.nd-!c.crtda,tlrtro : i ,-.:lil t';ilt:S.,: :.:.'::;. ,.,",.. ,,, dh r..ri',Ct'o.' rnln t,. o"rt o' Dlrt lt''*'v" 'hd $o t' r""d .| ' 'curt 'i'nl.f-d X E . .,,;a|;ir'Ai"iili. i,,".r-.. .' ,r.,,.,y-,, , ur r" r*,r...d or,i, r{rr,r!d..ii d no.Dr'' toL.nf, trvr r.is/,{.r. t D.'.r,I'o'r },Y tbqrti ' - ld.;.;A'.;;r,r'-ri.,r,.r.rt;,';;, -; ';.; ;.rr{"rr.'{'t or rt t}..d or ri.rl t{ t/'tod "e'xl b 'nt b..cbrr/' od"'(hs'dd" 'l'. o..{ or t,.|r ri.. .. r ry..-.r. . -,. ,.i..j,r-i",,.u i;; lo in cbd;, r'ur trd |^.r rd ax..t. dr-F'ib a np}. i'. o..d ol itu.l }rt ir' tla 'hfnt - ,'.' .rrr.rr crr.,,r,,,.,, . '. " ,., ,.,. ",.. ' ;;..,,'liil,li '.".r i li..i; i,:^ n ; ";a,;,ia! L'n; nr. .r.'crn'n .ht I |.nv,r. ro'Goir..'!d rh.n b',rirh'. qsrira.<nrnry..{reit.trF4x,,.,.,,r.,.{r!"-.,*nn,..!r.r+rtdr.\a,4.'tdirar*rrrttotir-r.ttlrill'..aiirft.rrtntFo'natan't'.tt -. t rrF ttF'r.rr'ltri'..r'gn.{.-rr't|Fttr'r'J''.'n,^t.t,"('to.ttv "."; hrvt'"{r rttj.l.'|c ltr t*'lt |,|lr Cl !l tl l Jr' 3 5d ttl.|ttt-r.al-a...tl,.d.,r'r'cI',.-'.Lr|r|.3o{i,.,r|t,r\,rlt'{'d.ri.'rtttd-tolth'ltt}?l}xtbrTt{tttttLtibt'llr.l'l..'I i ; rr. ;.<t' t.'"' r! ldii" lirt t:b Il t ts a G.*r.n d &.r!l.'. O-.t.... ., .r-!.ttc.ral tlt.tr .iltr L..d||l ii'.!i o!('rt't ri.| -a tB al Onrr.l4 td l.r4r'n ^' r''4 t g rhlq ''l|(rntr '|oorr tl. rt(lud ttrdo' ntt I arrcr :O a, lhtt.,lho'r.r.tt tt-,i I I,r rr' d- ' ' or .xn'lt"xl l.V i,lu"d '||rNo'r'rrl (' ltt L"|.r rntra' l.. *rd'n cdrt"{ ol L'tt.'t ! t't al F..hd ar,.(.rrr\ '.nrr.n,,rt,r, , lr- ..{utrt .r rh. l, frr L. !t .sU ol Ldr'lt ?tlt}{ .| |'qr'ttl'd ft. oJqt'' r6t .ollol. ll'.d - d - ..qr.lr i. r 'rc, r/'l'"t'"n' rr"' 'r'rr"1ltr$'rr.'rli'rl''n'rrt'V'$'{l O S al t&trr n,,.' r'r,,l"t'n,i t" irr't {r. [..i.r wrl\r,l lrF *''llth ro'\nnt t'rtcldt F!oo nq OJ J BI I NH ffi :?;';.11::I:;:;:.;;;:,;.::.;;:: ;..r i".r.,,r."_" *rir.r-.r! tr Q.r...nitu,n.,ri.i( '''o., lt'. '..io' n' r..id.' or '''.'1.,(ot '..,i,|||.,rr,,.'!ti!'\..iIn.,.-""'.',i.,iJ',,i.ro.,u.l',o.*l".;.""''.'r"rr'r.i.,.t',irr'.|.F|.tri'Y.'.|.nor.{.'t.|rn]lE o, rr .r{n .\rr l- tr rf . n.,ir. I l'r dnr"la 'l.r|tcr.|||||.r'.|'|.'!|.1|.'F]!r4.,'t|r|'|'l'|..otl|Fd..|r!t,r$llJ.n''dJi,lEl]|ot|'o^|tbp.rb'o.o.lh.^Fitol''od(..Mrd l$}tr|Ji\hll.9tf!..''lr1t.t.l'\.!l||,n'.,ni.,rq'.".-,ro'nn{ii|',qrr'{'l€t;ih'ri.l'o.."'ri|orlrr*elrrletrrrg'rret,|,.t[| a.rd ti r{rd ! F ,r,, , i,a !rrr y\ f.., I rIr \ ,*.,..a.r:,,,,c.*..,,r.,,r,r -., ,'<.,, t r terts. d tr, r; l|'+!d'.nl Fd noi }n fsrI| ' Fn *l(L'ntdr .c.rro,r....!r,.'rr f'..r't"t rr" rlF{trr! 'trt'-d;'t'n'lt'o'r",.1'o'rro.'''L't.;tgio'r!t{3'p'4ldt|rldadd"hir,.atdintn' u.q'd{,nr|-,.'r.inr!|.|.'',.,,..,,.'.a|;',,.,..,,.r,i..,.r.o..n,o.i',e,'to.;r.*roo.'g-y'q*'r"*F"t.,.r'rr.Dlv|o.|o.(|||'lt.,.|'ld.. l..9.o.'|r,t''..,|"...,.'.','':;;;''|.,,.J',.'.,.,.''t-,"t,r.'renaiotlul.:"o--"|,,n'r.d.|.ir.o|.r.rEh.||,m.,lttrl!t(..r.i'iriu.l,.r.',.'"'"";iilodo'+rrr-rir"rur'r-'"rJl'in'r'{'l'r'rtn'r|*tl''hld"t'rg'"nlrtcu'rGd€r .or..|tt|.l'|l'r.l.''.".':',;"'i:'';];;";;.'"'l.*''.,r-..,"*"..,lo-loir'roo.rt,|-.d!l.!.r.'.C<.|o.|..'to.|.r'|l.rt.r|.di.d b ttrh Ir tLt'..n' "rL .. 't ,rsu r"' t! | da, lo t|5rla, r . ,rtr lr{ | "n6 t.( n' | \rt$l 4t 'irr ot nln'n tx'lrct ol rt'bl",l ct'''{td ItY l"xLr u{.' n' l'lx|r trrt.t.,r..r,,., u, r',rr"*'nrJ ',"'r.r"* nt |ol|. rl&' ''td bc;' rortlt odet t'r I'r$0 *'ltul L 't'ctxit ol L'f'r c.i*i h lbr(*. l r HiG.i.. dra |t. ,'{.r t. ' yqe.," r .^ . i ,,*r"i -rl -p.i,.r", ",,, or llooPi... obl'grtorr o ..lrv o l-r,r ro r,r'tnr r'l <l nr rlt{r *illt' crrne ' i|,.|li,r..{r'{^,''q.Il''.^t.xhi|ld|{i.n'n|d.Ir.'t...''rY.it.rot.c..'g|lo,'o*.rlot,'gn|E.rrt'r(|it|.,.'Jor'E{ Jr.r.at..d. ,nt 4,rr'.r r" harytr l$lr lu.."rtiat T |rrt or &rtr t'Y " t't' ott'o'l'oi' l'.*tlenc lc rn to tdrtr'r ! f,i..'rr'i i... n."9rr rrr'\'r"' I't'n'*ir i.nt'''rd or..r'rt".i rr Ldd. Ara ,r r r. .r d',. r.-,-, r, , {|. ro t- lroy{t d rrxtor th. rar€.tntd r|.l b. h *rlt{ .td .ti ro |na partd t| lht rtlt6$t"'6tlt'd h r..i.iFi;. -.; ".'rn , r t! t'|,' ( rt u. trt.t rr.t dotlg'{t ' ttrtl.io l'oir lT l. io l'!t' t, LEdfir. n.nt l,oi ri,! . p !(i.ru,E vdJ.i t. t * s |r rtinb..ab|.. tna raa cl tta ataqtti.nt 'iral l.rrrtr r'it .l Laatd.n tat d.la./lbveit','l.'tt,l'n.|.|n(rttttlr'L.,'"nkrf'|rt'r'lFL.l.nllt'ni'to"bc''tc'lor|.'|trtit.lIh|. '..Jr'ltdLttrlo' rFrirrt r7r(|.' r'rt li.qrv'-,' .'"'|.'lil ;i'i;;;'956j e1 t',ert r. trp rr' a r'r'iir o""ot r*tt ortrd "'{" ' l no'tntt d lt!c" ' |.?^t{ldr'ht4/|'..r'd.l!..|'..i'd.w{.nFr.r..{t|'o'o|FoY|.4.nc't.|.idn|n..3.€.'i.i.hd|1.d...'idrd.|rl''&.,|..'| ul tr l! ra ,!l lr...t u' }!.r ||!I|.rir'lr.w|.i|L|'ncnn'o6tJ||r'r.|rdfi,.|oi|.bdr.ho.8d'or'r..r,L.'n..fld'!r..rpec|nnr'..rF.t..$|'rr'h,|rt.r||ottl'|.- a.rr.N1l1artt ldro. J rtlnntrt,$$r heArrt' l!(l d|r.i1s" tat trr! ro r,.J,rrt.,'1,.n,o,1rryh.t.*rdtf tt,tr (hi..(.t |l LF(ar l,add|lla !o.t l.. cdi€.{. |o nt |,idaiot rid g||tt' c trt oq' r{.t.d - r.,,..'1., "-l. t'.'n,l' r do,ii n-r i rrl a r'lr lrO i ri'c"{tro |'ldi lD"tr'{n'||nl t a 5 A. d..r. 4 ro tr.n,r .tr n n{r .r..urvi.ri r' 'rt flct"' d ptri t'r r'grso- D'ro*-l ir'' 'r T r" i|n ('t' trortor'" lh' r ol*o'lq|. $.l nt Ffl .$.t..r,r 1,.r .. r., .'-'1 .,',1 ",y i.,rr.r.irc,tntrr r|.p'rirrl'rt" toque|. ||r.|hLt't'l'{l'd'r tdtg b'b"'! loiQs txt lt"t t'd'*l O.l.'4rr 'r"t. r"! i''a 'r n' $.!|r uE{l rr G I r.t .l l'rt t.|ldi.lrt tvt t' iL' ti ' l||.lnlia Jdt'rti h Lr d '|. itlid '{iid adrr.a -rncaata nd |ond. ti.r i". Li-intr" r|. i!t.. ' lt' bttt|,t -|.d'i' " lrb -lt"'rl liurd rir ,r.*,,|l,r - lltf ,r,, ,. --.*l-Au3gl3- -"*-- , lr ,(L-I 3r^rE (l. .-color.alo c.urr d hlL ^r lrxtllLrlIy\r ,nt rrl (rl -.Clerbon I Druphl rl lt.a tillt €:-;:1 -i, -r:---- , -. "'\tffiffi."''..Ff | .r. . ' - .i l-r , -, r '^ .-- ) --tt- ...-lllir f . Drdpt'IF-.lr.'3rcrri-rY !|rrftL t. DrdptTiih. '3rc rri-ri - P.trlEl u. DruFhur'tr, ttttt:]||t_... l*l - |lrrrrent ol vrl l . n l* - rlrrr!.nr or v.rr. , \"-) ''.\f l/\!r --lt rl ila!ol..- [1v\ \ q1L', t,,r -lrrcullvr Vltr !tmldrnt.-*-- \ gt' , Z hl I l . n,,,.r,.r,,r,F.orr. lll!-orr.,r Aututt-' re 90- t'r ra Chrl}L[... Palrtch C... DruPhtnthr 'll f rrrldrnt rnd Sl|'6nn! i'-- ' trry o( Deulh tm I r-Hor.!.y Con'tructldn' lnc' 'i.., l:;-?:i'' ,," ,^g4s1'Wg",.ai:Vrtl. co 816t 7 aJi536 E-:.16 P-JgJ Olt/e'/9$ $Ar4e poaoFe Lc'lln .l -- -- ri !r l - N. -__,-L^.fo{r l,Lr ---. ----.- - - ||ru*l I',XT!:NSI(|N (tt tt]:H, (ll- IRUSI (rr M.tltrt l l( l()lt Al.l. [lEN il' Ttlr.\l l'tEllf:XTS. thrr wlll:'lli^s rhctt, r'r t*.r*,f ,r,i. l]:h d.rt 'tf Jtrty 'l9 8l'i" tlrr,l 5nt r hP 816 rl r',}{r ec.cPrkn t{'r. {05996 r' il tl|. rt(rrd\ in tht ttli.. r{ lha (ii|]xt Clcrl ' ' R'crtdcr n' lhc --(i{ntt r{ ErSl! i|' x'C sutt r{ Ct*'r|(h' ' c'ndt LH rr lurr t.* trl,'rrii3ct ,trrcd th. a'th drt({ July 'llC9 '' ....0|.d .'xl .Jchrtlrd b! fAUPtl I N^ls-Hori El'E"f CoIISTRUCTIoN' tNC.. so l ! ll-Illltlt l --M !-{l!!91!q -MC9$L-':I9-I9l!99-::::::::::::-:::=::i;;;;;;d'l i:L,:ii.li.i'i: ;ii,u: [,,f **'.'.i f.'d,"rv r,n J enu e r v 2 . r e e r .,rJ. Wttl:Rti^s. DAUPI rNAt S-I(ISELEY COI|STRUCTlotlr lllc.r e colorrdo corporttlo lirl ldthc Lt.,l tftn rti "f rrid t'||F try' rxl *llEttAS' Fl ISTDAIIK OF VAIL hl idlh' rrttLl 'lf rxd |t{'bLdtrl' .hi!|t|c.irdt|.,r|.$.|l|:l|i/rS.|h<pn|crfiador|.ii.t|ot]lGoFn.nd|.ni|(nol|hc||mG.'fF'.nEt|to...idl|r&t.nlt|.t.. Nott,l1t:tt:luf,ri, t, . ,.tr*,t.nn.t rlrimr. ir r.r*nt1 u;rco m r* $rto{ Ftn.cr,r ot trB hrh.dt'$h t..nbt .ir'd'i rn rhc 3rd dtt ol l;;; '1991 ' tubj'rl m ttE knnr olttE n'tlrt |lFrntlq' xld lhd(i't rlncrr md tlr in{$n|.d cr.tint lie l|Gn r..qin! lh' 3J* 'rc'F" llo E ' ll ll I tl il il il ll A44r49 A-54A F' GOA O2l26t9l Ll JO}TNNETTE PHI LI-IF'E EAOLE COUNIY '11.."*. :3,-1.$'' ':"3 ":ffi r|rl tl|. ft|'n ..trk,l ht rrid in\l.{rrnt . artlk' lh'Fol rhrll fltndnu' r'rl b' In full firr' -d "licl' In !t'n\r&rd||tn o, r trrntint of rnd 'rLnrl''l DAuPltINAtS-Hc .r'l t Y CoNSTluCTro , tNC., : gqlof'fo-lorDorr' lon rh. t rrt r*rl<t(rl rit rrkr tu"t*cl' *"r'r lrtiitii' i'i'iitittrrl irtr'r hr r prvrr:rir J '.l tnd'lrFtrr'' 'rrd 'tl liLfl r'td (itlr.rttE|ton.rn!thrtrlt,{rhcrrrrrrofrti'trrrom,*..,trt4ritfcnrcorl4tlrpryn*ntti.r.rlrhrllh..|il|rtrlrlafullhnr I i ta r{a)(:r C) ii ll rrrl .tkcl .rctt $ IttttsJ J t).rJ rhir 2nd dry (|{ J!nurr!' taa t$4. r.n 3|l. tr llr ol (lxrrl^lx\ |I tdi.{} { E.ll. I l lE li.trilnt l|l|lrun*ol ur rln|* lcrltal hlfi nr lhh 'br Chrhion lrlforrlry rr Chrlrnrn rnd DAUPTt llAt g-HOgELEY CONSTRUCTIOI{. lNc.l Witrgr or hsid r^rJ otlcirl rcrl Uy.,wj..p.. crgi... /l )'/'t'/ SlAll t)l' ('r)UltAlx'' I , (inntt ol , lh. f,'.a*nt In{xrniri *$ Fli|*LrlF l lEltt ir rir lry W|n|.rr nt h. l r'.t.'llt{'l.l r.i. Mt c(,rfiirrrdr arFitta I 'ln {.i|nlk. rl.n h.|l .|trt tt r. Nnh.tt h'i frrn 't'r lrl|lrl' ..llalt Inx,t rnl nrrJllt.tktr. a ttl !\t^.|' trlr n at trr .t rr rrlil< ]_i i"'!' t'$ r '^' 'l'.f' (u lrtr - rrtrl'll.'rL Wtcn r.cordld, r.tutr' a.r! flr^tnint o( Vellr l? Vrll Roadl Vrlt' Co El65t --1,li tl lr -- ea ELEY CO SrRUCllUll. Dor.l t Lon 2nd Pntrlch l? vr tl .lrnh.rt Pr..ldrn t 91-q.j .\3"n l..dd.a i - o'clod - ll..a th t!3o|||hdrtc rr rtra$- lrtr c ff , trtrtcl c. DruDhln.l.r r. ?r.rl.a A ooLOTADO @tPollllol Wllrr. nt h.d..l r'fircbl r.l. Mt .qnlnl..bn GrFlnr 1ol /4f h ttA, h,+lt Etrt.no'tE}o? trt!?r r..!r. HtqbE !. - h..3.-.oo Fa -|!1u}- ta Q st|.n r.cord.d r.rurD ro! rt tf! Xl Ot VAIL, It Vrll to.d. yrtl, OO tt65t ' lt tl 1j 73121.6.!t ol DAUtitiA ir-a 0 /1.,ki .ffi,i.-a-h DEEDOFTIT' T ttaritHDtlrurt. x- ar llth rrJ 3.Ptrtb.r .tr tl .t a DAUPr|rilAlS lo3B|.ar ooilSTnuq!'loll lllc. I A qru)rrDo @RPOiATIOI ff-r.r P.O. lor lttsr lell,. O0 tl65l Hb r*r.a brrrrr,d lh l\ik lnrrr. dll 'C-td' htk .3d. dcddrh t6{rrLr,l*td rr Hc har *ftfrmurunm*t+' Bi"ff ;*tli'SEFS'ff lt:-!fi IISIr'G'' -lgtAtf k t}TlLtl JA'tgSlSAI.fl.*" gt|.zAr.$E g.{U,#tttl!.lttlPil I ,r..f.- I tlli!! IUilDR!, Al|r, llltRTY fl|OUBAtlD AtlD tl0/ rl*irrrrr flr.tlrnl ot Vrll 17 Vrll toerl Yrtlr C0 tl6l? ,*-|.f-b 12 ronthr drrt-t n artlr llbEl--'htd rl{D,|rnqtrllar-b-.rJEhati-Jf t l#l dhrJt"-tt-5tbbF-g ra|{L xrl|crait rt-, bd-fij|br*JlrFrrd-l-tts'rd''r'rt- rrrra t.(Xl qarJllll*lAl ln .rc... ot thr r.t. quot'd bt -th' holdrr m ' tba dorarchl !.r. n t.. Tlt. rrt. of |otarart rhrll br riurrtrd o|| th' tlrrt i,iiti.rr-i.i ot 'ch ronth. prtrnt rhrll br t d. .Gcordlnt 3o 6ld lrorl,oqr tIEl-b rtt rtr,-OtiraHE rt'-h- lr3lr hJ l. .ccordl.la .t 1.a.221. .LJOi..lr.t kl 22, Druphln l.-fo..l.t lubdlrlrloa tlllnt lo' to 3h. Dhl t.cosd.d &r3u.! :3. 1990 tl lool tle Countl of !a31.. !trt. ol Goloredc. ( ttttri E-czl ' t.r. J. Flrhcr P-E?e lo/Ollgt 12.27P PO I O? 2 Eallc countt Clart I Bccord^r !- :tl t f {hh|ihi'lrtd, ||r t{A. fr l}|l Oat lll| ofl.1-..rltt l-rt l.tL.l hh t\trar'.. tt.itr'. t-t - .(.'tlt(s -at$l*|I-t|ll tr-'lrniilui oi iriu r7 vAlL lD tAlL 60 rl"t llh.n l.Gordra L3r|rn |.|i..'ri|.'..r.d|r.r'|'rr|b.drhrhlikf'ri|.t.tl{.|||iI|*d.dl..n..txt|{.i.4ft|d}/|lirl'ctr.lib..|'|,rdo. rrr -dr.nt .irl '.itr r,. t'. "-t*l.;;h';;iri rvi iJ-.'t r"r'r.r|r*r'rir" rnn i'rd' '-q G.'!s'lso rh {'tr rirtr -*- -r i.i|...r.{ir.nr.hra.rrr.,tr*,LLtt'-.rirrtriiirirr.r.rrrmr..bh.lrnrh.r.inirld..dLidal.i.dr*'.rrdF{itrt&'lrrqr.lr I r.6rri. -,"*, -.-nlJ l-f, iJ [r 'r'r- aL' .(i,r rh. Gc.t ^;;t'.{ $. tr.|. .t ('.r.'..h.r .. ..! .r?nrrntr' rnL .d h r,.ru.,..r rr.{r* r 'nn.o ".iX r:(ai]... iiLi,i lr'li..r io..nc' h F..d 'n 'dr'rn dt.tto ftd 'h.r G' rF ''" 'ri 'nr th" , d,.n |t..r.ni .h!rnhf.F.r i i.rtr..r(qi nona 5t??.f ? tr-rirl t'-c?9 lo/oF/9r l2r2?l'Ft;2 Ol l cl l.l .d rr. i,lrrr li'|.|.dl Ftlrrlt |.lht{ud ra'l ttxr'l* Fait t{llr t! |(-Trtr|4 'lri'l rtl 'il 'irt Frr|'r F r'rhrl\||rrt qrh illJir,l.x*.i -' n ',irrGa r t.r$.r tul.ilr v'n|.r"' l rrtt l]rlrl th.i|F''rl|ilr|.{fii|it|t..d.r..r||.'Jrt'$.lr|id''q.!|||tr.Iir.'ir.h|.{|n|i.l''*rBi.''.id.']rrr|||r.t'i.rr'!'r oa n ,ilt l .id d.r.rr - ,t," -- -''i'ilJJ'i"ii*ii't r '"r' .|'t.nlko'|| |ffi'rnrdr ih'r n.r lr d ril ]'r'r r'rnd .,tir .nr rru,t r- ,-*,. ..,..-o .".rii ; . 66F; . "-q.# ,'nrir;ft o<r ..rri rrou,'rd*'fi !a r lrrri'i"t k'ft{ h " .r'*d rhxi rrll rru Lt llE lr{t! d ltr. I'dift*r rn.' rj'rrtn |' .r' imtr-rt F't rrr' '{ th F'rc} it .'!t dr Lr. li'r l}' llr!| tdd 'ii.lrdr.r t rlr Fro 6rrr .,'rrlr r rl nriliffi ii"'r I'r t't*rittt'l r *trrirr 'id .rur lutli' fldlt ritl rtr trrrlrr' tltrr nor F ..Rt{ utl! lfl li.. r.. orn *nrr.!r rrrr x| r'lr'iJttftwr'ir rx q'l|on 'f rrT xecut} llY tp"l FJkt fl FlkLr ol In"t"''r rh'i i' .H,iird |ortr trfi(r.rr.r ru.r|r..^r.r, |a r#iiIJ-.'9'-U rrir.',r.' t ,lb |{|tnJ&lil.i *FliLrdr.F |.r.id ""( ' r' rrE qd hI &. d h,.., .", .,n "*. -.* i#'JiJii,iii'.ilriiir. ir* trrn ixr nr ',.1. i'' rui F mit d Fqam xr rrr ann.r..d.iD.n5lad$rhnr.r.r riqt.t rr...ra 15. or rt.:..dilr.I.li d.H lo.tl tRdrr I Fd oail€ litt*&c' rrttd n'$blr.d.i lrd.nt6J'rrp,a.*ra x p'*&'o?iii'i rtr* r't'"r 'r '''! Fr b *r r r'r li '*ltri'..'!t i h '{rir' rtr|li'r"t .-r .rrt' rrr ud.rr.trr --l--,', .,,o rii*ilJ'ilr"l i'i t"i 'n'i r' lr-trrr I r'"in t*rrr c n'r' ."t 'l t t.y..'rlrq'i"rt lr rlr. t-atra |f .. d -r Ft d tr Fl!.rtt t .t tr"tr lH I dd a l|'...cttiitt.t' lt'rE tsd lh'ltltt\ ti' rtfi ttrr'6jr'r'trl I .Erb ., . }f. rr .rcit .rrr rl!aa,e.* o il'iil f ir'i br r" "ilor oi I rr'r nrt srrit i*rr' t' ]to'rH. e'rr-tl l" 'r.dt' ln &rit d(r.rt - tr ol...ri. u rJ -ildii-J: FJ-r-i-c tit drc rrrr o'rr rsr'aa i'rrit of tltc t"rr ! kr d Hfi ; ; ;;.;!L'U',q*ruL11;*ilffHl :Tr"ffi 3:H:?*fi'!,3il.,."r".-r Fd brdEd(rbi.-H..r ;i-dilb.J ;"t.o'rr'ra *ra5 tftaG.rur'.1t I rltnir!.rlr|.' -l tr{'t' I}{D tll^l ltl ras: Ot airY Detau|.r 'Hf ri tAh db"lrlr dttt rr.t*t lt. klnr ot'l 14 d arri'd' o' rrtl|r 'd '-J;il;'ff il;d;-,,".:-; * ..r.ffi?irilfrimfd:tl;Hr"{Hl,d##l*llffSuf 'dlr'ddr.i'rrhF ir(' oa tdrlff Ftrrirv.d !i F-E ?:::If A l:ai::.:- -:- g;.;;x.r. iJa. k ra c -H& d -d d , ..n r"r,. I r.,.r,- - ffi.-Ii--"Iiai. ,ii-d.ii".ri u .lt !dri- nt ir tihtrd tt rlr hda.t dt r' Fr iiiiiT-r'.'* r,r.",.,t!",.i." ",* JHffi *j*i:iji:*;Jgfifjlg'H'i x'g5 f, ffiI #EFi;td- frt i-d r.'rtrlr. rrj n{ r||. |td.\ D{r. r- !fir r.ti d 'tnn||rr.r. lt.||r tlrrn rr. rar rrur r-iTrfiiii; riiili.r '* aOr rrrtlrr 'r|.d lo dr r'l!'rrr c li'dt.i(t '{ rr tttr'r d rr I rr .Drrr / {d Fi.it .,*r .rrr.r ,tr.,o . ii'titt riiiii rer *r' r-i"r 3t lt .dr't 'l lti "r |rtn r{ Ni'rt'rr t{drlrrr' cF' 'r F.i. {trr (r. ...t , trl||i *.", - ..*. |r|lir# iiiLrFJ;i - il I n.r ti.,l.. .'v ni'*ri. tr.',r ..d t'!rr rh'?rn'i 't'r r' rrlLa ir d l.d.rt lo rrr irl*rr ,r rrr rjil# i]f,iil"ne rtvr*r r' rtr Lr '/ fi' ntdtn 'd dlrr<rLd d r}rr lolr,t axtt rid l. .r- of |}irl L ut oa rL tQrrrr r' ntrrlfrl I hrr' sqdli b li'-krt 'd th |!. rld !.ttll{t i' t "t l3l Lrn . d !a.l'r|i d rtlrnortiva ur rtiil:i-rrifiiiir rr*' bir |'|ii' llttr.]d rith'r 's l|r thd'r{r'ld 'd'rrFl r.n lriit lli,li ii-,i. i,.t *,.-' r,"'i*{,"ffi ,5$f,i:iffiii*lltr IKl: Lral! .n tE .rd Jli |} 5r.lFd r I JUIIU rr rtltld ln tlld Prollriory llotr------ ------------&l'" h rrrl€ i. t|| Ftr.r.,r...d r,nr*t;;J;-iii'ri i ot r'r"t rh'r r ' FT !'rr"or "'at'hr1 'l i' ffi'dt b ;;',;;J il;;..,.--.'. .'ror *:;i;i;;i'r rrJ'rr ra ort rr dEt6''.rt'nllrrr'dr'; !r r. 'Li- rba.rrJ..a ^t .alii lf . ibr "|lbir''lrr ||ti||.r' A'tt-d t F t'Ert* n'"r"'ii'{rh'otird -wr- lr!. Gi...d r[r arr nuilEi F tlt rrrr. FrE;l n?'trrrit'arE-rt '!' 4 o' ' i?Gt''F r-Er- ra rh t.rtirr -n|.r r,.r ,-r.c,- JiEiJfu-frli I rr i orrr l*' *r D' rF "k 5' "raa DAUP[lnAr9 rosELtr CoNsrructloi lrc' . Crldna. l Sth drd S.Ct[b.r .lr 93 CORP.. DIt - t'r| -5'{"h n6tf"r- . PLrld.nt lr!'(d'r|do l- Sr(rr\i Oeufhlfrffr' Ercl'trry ccyor Eagh | [ I , rb i.ti. b*;i '- rrrdr{i rrftn r - lJth- - ----t-J- -- i-.P-1..::b.t-t* ..,- ",,;::-9"3 "r'ffiffi F:lx-t#it":ti"rlll:',,riglllyll-ii":li:fffitr1 :3iY:,*. 1 r'#ffi;,1]:' oi orupr rr's *"W wW.rd:f*.r?ktaY 'ffi J .!i !l dl tl il TI tl lr rd I:il t.s EI i9 l: -'t I ! 1 I l It ll la l, t" tl rl I ,l'lr E F 6 E H t; Efi P qi Ei EI I e t E I I I I 1l 2- t ! d E E I I 1 u 2 o ' Allloliltff? ot itrn lt|o orilli ioim "/t- O DOC *,f l'-68o toloS/!13 l2 : 28t'n^al. county C lr.rk ll|flit|tlna.ldtt a.Dlrrtlrnl ol VriL It Vrll lor'l ull. co tt6l, POI OF2 I Racotd. r ,frO.ra 0t- l5-91 Hnc t 0.00 t|oltn|qtnta d fr|'t tttrtt cordl th. DIrt r. 1*r i\ 6t?tlh B-621 Srrr J. Flrhrr r llffi t ntr ra jatrlr d rr oo||oar.,t daaqoao a!g- l||r. aEal rrd tt pa.ro.i{.lca aa na taaat d tul rhcn itttrtatt na txatloJtt d;E&'1-3 .i;; o " ilt'ir e er.dx ri'.lolr.'0..o d l^tl t flo |o trv riur ro DtFr.nt ".|drrr 'dtLd'." 'l 'q'!* E tr't'h ffitr;;;'i;.;dn.go'Et uryrrouorr ',|d||'j|r. rGtt r*' nt.|\drnrt'ldlo.rtc r t lr..a.raft d' arodDri n at bnaa lrr tan..tt agnattrrrta |lra l....t'l tw q fra.ria. a*lrai! ti, trt Dotrst d ad t! tra Dlopa|lt atactblt O- t!.l t! .!ro'atr.ia bcaL(l trr..dr t, tlr ||!n o, Coto.r b n aa.i. r tltrlr. ,!.q|r lid D|dtl t|ltt| ktn ha fa'I t!"f |ti.||lJ' |lt'td t t nr h|..d d arf,i rr rt Fril . d.nt gr dFan lad ,ur-r b |ra LI1 i.^,'d.,tb'!!tq'rrGdgr'vr'rftcib.?riarr,rD!o.'or.|.nf''q!,it!4t,ic|lo.tEtrh,lb|..'ifidl'r.o||.rl||i.Ecbn.' .rr,iii-u oo..r,gr u I'r-'rl p.iiiil ori-'oro iti,r. ,tcu,lc m intiol cdt!'r lo '...'r. p.!cr.d. c t trEir lrt't tt tn'l|cfa ! err..nrrl rrrr ...r"e "t- i iiiiiien-J dGdo;,i .ot rth ''{-d f ol o dr b'r{ c L"or" | | x 'l9ri. lafi ri-r.!-. t!r.art! r rF*i.rn${ !t ! D.trol SL.ffar irrri tt aatdaoltltt ttaralln lcrr.rtl 6rlr |I*r Fcartie . ctsr'lrdrirnr|. r oirnjil O,.rawfi q t|' dlf Elor aitttro ls'n L t. -. ! DnD"tt (L'nt'd br' | | x rrFo.. |{tr t|' ffdrdllr|r h,t raar,ta..rrd6tt rttijr'|o. tcoldltdt{ td't..-(,r ?rr.rtt !{ ttt.-g 6t't t!' t oi- an .a rI' lrEt p.oorrt u ri'r'riur..rtor. rlr rtirrrgo riq, r mrrc rrrut a.ov lr llEtd t. tttrr dbcraduFrIt I It s..t, n | 6.rtt i*. rw,a iij ifrir'ii in;trarri a.e.|n tl. Fi......lt E1orr-i,cn i.J !,og..rt rd rtra..i-rt rhtaaO,a. I t rbfita rld.rtr-.| tEd b.rt r.. ',. !.tottduF haaf,'D'-ilr rcrdlli |'qr.' dqEt| lrgcrr'||'rritrnt |t rTrr aa t- C ad E trt rtllt. r a ttta rE,rt d tterr a rr ta-or d t?.cih*t f-art d.||crb Fdd c Cttt r'. d"i crrf.iti cqn.fld .'ih i' r 9"tal orqrtr la,rotto ur aad o.ao ol llr t h qtrr-r' It ttiFrid*,Endrr'!drtiahtr|r'rr|.r-tata,rq.rittridrtrd'^arbtratqrqlrGoi.cib,rdrft!U-tallt Dri..! rrr , ,t, rr! ttlrrn nir;d.-;i,,.t-t rr.d s nr t{!1, lptc-c *rrc. r,cr! r'c orcrrrr td tb.ih..fi.rat: t'd.rt S r.rl ,hft trt rptnF.rtrdr. d;mrfi; -fi ;d;.,, ,'d tq"' .-&i i.ry... ,rir|.r irL.. or rr|d.4r.('tl: dirda n ,ler'.; tttra r.r.g-,uir ri ie;rr r..o D{trr alo tneor. c' cur rorJ. l-q rn,rr rt'arq'a. tEhra rE t t.! nt d.{r-t lE !- b-nl r '!xa artrrt urd. @,iGll;: go-. cirr|r? ry.tdrt dr , agrr. crr.a ,f,aan tiFrn. rtrrara. d. dt ltt -ltlrll b rt.,ylg ,. .!r.Frc .-- ;;z F;;t;; ii iir',i.c r'r'rc rv r j-r d -.r d dr .rt'r.-'.r .rtr.'rs .t o. a tEli b Jt;;ifi'd;.,.ri-.ia rr.,a riffi;-;fr;crd-;d.F_'firv4n O..d d tid Jtd drFt,r.ro.'d b rlv ld*b.('t p'€.ic| uit .'l o..{ c irrt trll. ...{r5fr | .., .*rri ii6 liidrh;i i-6i o.ro ir rtr rro il ic rtra. drrdrt q r!9.? 4. t!..d ol hrl }fr.rt |n qti ;-r;t;-;i.r'r.irq-'.'r '""1iiffili n cqiacro' *nn D..d-c thrr trr.lc.rttr aait{i hGbtt tt6 dbtlt*h t'.r .FacJ rr.r.d uy t-'o. u- -i'Jitili-i tiii& ir t qo r eol.e ;l'6 !r. elir trv lr nd d b' |c trtF cl b L'Ul l-i q'r ri . tt'r r.trt r.. ..: r,r{iiEii.ti trro*r I Itr r'rt dt arrr ncurre rr' Nqt t{ 0"6 " l1|' t ffiialln !.,tnr.. Orrft b fano, tr to.r rt! alrE{t b ntdat tr Lri r, frt ol na b.g and t rrtr6, .' b |l-lt Ln llrlr i.;6 Eii -tli'fiE dcr':r. a Oniba l;r- !srt-..o,t!r| ttd {.rrft lr.if lr aqEt rr a.l. (taa.vt trtt Dato.ri I h ob|lfgl .l9td sCo tra htcd tttt |! [r'n l.t, ha! Er||rdrrarc rr t^ra ra'lr t anfie Jtt ll,| xacrutad na tlr iia, na r !r dEi c lr.rr' at h|l!r|| d '!o-tt lrtr p nSirr lr rarit d ha l aaS lt tr ladi dl.|{t Gr't'to f 'tor*d ht lrrrdc rnttrrF! |t L.ril'? d ||Fdl tn E rno nbtr'dEr i|tr.o b n'tt ltE|bl c r'rl, p"tntt aa. iaijr lEi |tldFio r |.trr Q ttt d na t raa ra!/t ll.rrl oqiil " Ltrn" aI tE,| lrd c-,r. r rta tqt- d t!ff. rt a-tnor td a.r/etw.nt rlr iltrc 5 t!. |. "x D Ltrb dly prtlodc'rt iqlL' al i,tft r,rd adrvf tr tr r.rn oa rt !|G,Errr|'.. q lrr Er aet-,rt lq.-aaadrT Jl.cit ta na pooa.tt rrd Uta a.d ra6 |' E/|. rdr lullr tit|/irlt ! hd;ai;;;t-; nr f.rtorr-c tl rtU o h 5,rtn q"trEr d trv !"r! t|r<n trt oq!4''llt !s(''r rt,| ! ldr!-.. f !!E!!!!t!l!.!i!!!! & ,or.r 'ron...lr ,ra rdtl|r. b r''it ir |&Jie: Lt rha brxlt r..ra. na l.araa r| ct'rld h a, rrl ,at afi rn fa It h afd urar tt' L.|r| d !r9 d n' Lr.t" Lt laoi a|| lr L..al I rJld fra a.fi.caab|. tsGcong 5 n 5tr! rtd ft'|.lr 'll tE onttt' q flt"l lrrn' y 'rr.tlig rtrc'r cq,lit b' x{tld !' ,ry Etti |,{r tr r{aa rgtr.r latcrt c lt ai|{tra ol ld|gr'l ! t. |b .li i -arrf,t d.ooar. t,ltr .trt ol lr. Lx... h.r. r..rb,*t !..t -tleri.d b' !o.t!r{t F ..t 9..tt o{!.. lhn Ln t . ! a. ldrnr,r ha li aaaa0ad, r|c rt .U Gcat( r.it n"rida d tl tu!'r h dtdq |'"r tt d li' 1""r a a. b.|!... r- n F.|.r rr, ria.ft S arqra lr| ..rgatfi. ! I tq[i, it r{ C-u|rra ff aat o arord ant rrtirirrt rrtli rfoaf D,in fn6, iqt t.icL|o .trl. tr|t lalttl|c trt d'r.. atgr q.ta' n|| aatn{rll r' ,-rnlmfi fi7$tilf nfitFilf l'iiH.iff HlF.Hl #sffi .:t*ffi f.'#:: #:,H.H*JT:fl S$iiffi i;;; a daoda -di. aarwrtr rlto aioua nsrrrritr iutoitr l'ifi lult'Lrr'n'lrtt'qr d#nqfln$ffi#ss#"{sj*ffiHts: ! ;ig,?:#l;-:'Slil?'HI;l;1,;;'"J';il.;':#;;;.::';i;il;;in!-i::Yt-1s':'-":':jal5a31.19y:=*ll ;;ne.c;6;",,-t ii,rcm o trltt. ,tco.tr.txl rrcln. '.tr t^. rt."(l trd,'og"lvlt' 't"'n"( tth.n- iacord"a t.turn Tot finstnilx (lr v^tt' tt vAlL rD vAlL u .t; ('d ct c tnu loo-t2-t t68 | !50-t'{o Druthlnala llort l.t conrtluatlon lnt., r Golorrdo 0orP. P.O. lor l!lJ '9rtl. CO Al b5E ,.....|.'|ltY.r,.|or.lo^..]{..|v1'f'r..'t.irtro||r.Pn'i...r.|L..l,..n||vd.lnoroo.||'{.r'{,.cr',.n'in||..r'.-r||o.d{.|o'r.D&rncfl i "n. .o., .., r, r ,;'; .1'.;-;Jt ;'r" "r 'rDt'r..t 'to;i blrr, 0 .'rr rirn"l t<''r"r'or ol thr 't.| t'optnv tt(t lttl .'ta\.JF-r.rr.'..,.r{-.,*.'.'--*.r-t.-intl'..^tttWtre"Vtl|'nl'ri4tYrtltritl.r;vr'rttrn'tqt..r^'Fr'it""trt'{'/|'odrt'ixtl !r..rt--.aa't.odrr."'-.,t"'.,ooOt"ff'o,"lrr"tn''r'r'lrrotrlOO'or'trtrtrvrO'arr"',,rlt''t"rotlr{'btt'lcrt"l -. .^. .{llr rvr cr..o d !,*, ''.*....t. ;;;;-i'in-o'dt;t" tno "rT r corrr rnrr ll.<oL nt.| ot n' do'r'dtn'rr ..cr"dtto't[)..oo' r'!tl ,.tt frt iat{6'- | .|i...|,{rcrtrEnal*,../t'|fiitrn|''rtBo..M|..|to.'|'..1|c|..|t|.t1.'tot{(nq.'F|.r..|Dotxtt'd|o|rn.r..|o.op.'l't.ir| ,rrla\r.ir, rt ,,4r.' b r r$ odi..' ' ' a.it '- ';''.t"t *t iti"tt ot t"r p'n F''..' |o ';l '; 'r{'t'lY ''nr'r 't cl lt'rttl ortq d "'r'n" rr' l'tt 6 co,'*'{n..tr:.t rlrra..- n,". t'.-'.., 'L'f:;;;;"'t;;t 'ri rcrnr .r t'r'rrr o"4rt 't'i' r'}tr' ''lrr n'rk'6 iuch ('rhi' 'Err ' cdr'{cl'on 5rr |}. -.-r-J..tf!r .^d .|.,o,.',." * t" oL.". itto- t'o'**t].tti t r'trt'' Frr tt.rin otooc' ' { i it! 'r'i {'n th' 'tt t l' bt t' nt' o,,rft 4!rt 'icl'h' 0..,orrrFrtv."r'oF.rr.,q*r.",".tii-"tioi'ot*-t"otott-'nqr"roatrt,'rCtr<iot;ruri'ndl'\olcut'tYottivn'rrlll'cl'n|.lro.tti"{tnq|. O. tr|a ..ita @v ba 6.' t alrat at F a ,"t io<rt'\'tr4r 9.b.rddrh..r..('.i!f,n..t,ItlF.l.i.|n|.r.rl!^.|.||6.|.|r'o6F..{|^t'.|^d.o|Dio$'!(|.i'|of|n6[rn|'t|i.(|t'i^.l'Yoo|{|.td|ot,?'r' ..r,r!,,r,.,n.r......r.,r4.'.r|,,.:;,,..;.,".,r,r,.r@,n.,o,(ftsr',qr,,....noirr.'rr.",i-*'q'r'o.""''nv^t,'{ir'odt,Ertl'r'rdt' ., d rc 'tit t..ic.. n..a...,.- ."1-., ., ,.r, i, i."i,r oi'"^(r" .",cn i -r -ei r'<rr or l.rvn or rh'r 'tt"v6 "rr "rtt rr( d '^t "tt 'D | 'f,rnr txt dt'ntrdr .6.d.o.-,..!r,rF.rb.^*..c.e".r,J'"t"'titi-t"i-tv ru*tntl1'"^lot,.'tr'ri'tql-t-o'xti'rotnnrrrto'^rrdtch''q't"vr'|t't'ttn' o, ao.Fft'.rr rq{...r.(, . ". a..r., ". ., o-i,.]i.,-.i o, r."e.ao.' ry-r".r o, r,'ocaaa'^o 's;,6 r,r''l.r 'fi, .tt r'b lly b!r.o' dtm'9' l,xrt rr' (.$,t rx .r.,.F rr.nrr ,, .,-,.,- .,u-;;;? o,.,i.lr,"q o. ,i"t. ", r" ..-.'.r;;;;;-;;; o' 'nrhi drr'^r.c"t '!'ri cr' d d..nfirr nr' .'nrrt d t.f,n rorr ,^rr!d'\r .o.rt .'r-'J;';;;;;;t;; ";;;' 'at "n'-tl.. r"c*i-iJu' ''"r'u'n'\'ri *rs'n r|r! $'{Irn"tt r'cn't Bot'o*r' .!,.rr b '',, t.rr. lF.rf, -*n.*, ,"*,' ,r--i,o ro. rv r.rr, rorri r,*r .rtst rr,,., l a Botr"*r b 'tt ro | 'n(l'r nr't 'lcc'|n'lt "rt 'hclrl' 4J. fl r'Dl a'.d io laA<t.. Dt tlo"o... uYt r r''l ohtrq'r'dr tol.o.|..|.t..n].4..''-lFq.<t.,t|.'|.|u'r.hit|r.|...r.i|.'|n.D.Yd'i.'r..|t!o.*'fimnot'c.o'n.Y''t'ir|c|.'.rldt,vt'.rr'trdrd.|||{L..... .h.r Da rv.iic'.;r ,'ot(t ro n ,..'-,, ,o -... '_,t., ' rti'Lt J i"ti 'rt"cttr 'n tt'|ot '"6 iJcuc rnr ;tlrcn ${,.r tn, l''i3'! *rol(|lt thc ri.ct'!'lY d i'm' aarr+'rl tt adrti.a. lr baltadh.r a.ra riaf' Ih. td|.l|(l rn ot t..!" o' r'vc'oorto'?-' 'd'ttlitn'rr D''l"rn"rc' ol'|q'hdrr o' t'^|.tr r{tlrr d{t'r rrr .|r|g|rl!rit n, b.id,rr.,eriarr,,,,lgrs{o,rrr..d;i;,iii.l,i.'ir.".,ra-|oidr(.r;d'dr..ro.r.vo'idro'4't'ttr"or'r'r[nt"'riol,rcrJlr!' ...-. o, ior. dr!.ldrr d Lernr ^ *.,l., ; ;i..r,i.i.no ,*, ."r'rr,n". . *r.-.o.:i"ttr u|i. o<c..r5n ootro*.' a oll(l'lo'r' |r{tf l|r' Irgrtx.|ll .i.lt.d F ar.(rad i tlidrr arr*,oa .o."oi.*rir-a,._-rq.r taJr to.iatcra. Ltrpa,lr or rr.|.r..r rry ol rl. outgat|gr. bddrgr'E lll "tv m F 'O'rt G' i-'arno, t a-litt "a ''Ot..q[.ll.tt' eo Do"o'i'r gu'r'dor or cor'l'r] ': t-i-. &ty ltr(a d dtt Gdtttrttrcalsr ro b' p'tt(rd itro'' ln't tt'\'fln't 'hrl D' n *t'l|.u 'r)d trt lo or. p'dr" 'l tt' ddr|t|.l 'L'cfibn'l h r'l;j;-'R ;';;;;' .oo'r$ r' n'r o jr*r nlv rhnnt.rb 6 st(in ltdtr tn.' F ut'r t ! lrtnalf n ,,v ,ro4dr ot ita ar.€iir.t sotat.t ia tar ax I u.rrnimaahlt lt. taal ol |na .ra{trr'nl tqi |t i l.b(t ra lLaltir{q t||^d.|&rhio.nis|U^.|.||.i.|..'r.t.o|lrnyt.||||,tn,l!ddl'{nbl'r.no.|t||i.|t,|.1.1|otx1.d|,|.rtnn.[lrti[.|..|\llb.d..ftro. 6rrin .r!tr. F'i .1.,(trtrt. *" ;; '; 'G;;; o"d o' lturl 'o lo'tg "' ;iieol' l otrr"ol r'rtr udrul tatdl! rl ltr rngJln'x c !rnd!' t aacutav t.,A\r/doi!'8o.|o.,1'd'|Yor'.co...rjr|.'!P...ri.tm|o.'ou.drrcdi,r.ortn|t.tl|!|rndih.|b.(h'rt.'Id.|.Jt|'{..||bi oa nra ot. t$ ord ol t ui, la t nil ar.l{tfltr $.l b. DtrdE oootl rtd tr,. lo t!,!i!!-o' 6dtoi'r ftd L"t(t" 'ni' hdt ntotctl!. 'dcc'r"tt "llo||l|.! t'r"' t'c"itt' rOtt*rrtrO.r. pr.otf o!'axrnltv.t. F'ltrl..t trd 'Lvir..r ||l''t....{rY't.tjl.'b.oo'.|'l.d|d"|h.'.U|o|l|.!t.|..|xni'|i.6trl!|10.r.'l..6(||.|18o.lot.ttti..ilbflp'|dlcr'6fldttudr!6d lca.d n i\. .l.tr .td-.t.o 't t;l'';d;;l; ri j"ol r a rtv noe r roc"d"rC dd' lf$' "r'etttrtrl t.!^|r|',!c.rb30.'6..r.it|.t.(,|rr..r|.|r.i'.i'.,F.drr.ryY.rc.D.b*||x{t{iE..lh'r.'.90.|*..'tl|.t|o!.9.1d'|Jr.|l.r.| ',dt'!.'ar\.||rfrrrr.i'lo'v'.''|.doocr'i.6|.|.p|.r.n|'{co.rr'.|.;.iig..l.d..'d.'.'"'d"{b.|r,t.|.o'to*..hd|..id.r9.rt..no b nr. r.r6a ,rat <soldra aa tEaa do(i,tsi' lrl Iiad.aii.-.t -i.Ll E il- - || in"'li' 'l'-''r' h fr"tlt' "||'d i"qt5r f-rH. a.3-r.ara H f-rc t- tt* 5r'--r' rt ||.rtl tlr Frd 'r' -'il|F r' o' it' -'{tfi c r! al I xrsELEt coilsrnuclloll ' lllc. I o[, tYl Ct t 'il I i3T'iiEilJr*[liiTiihr'-*iFl#fi iulr:*-P,#Hisilm-inIlF-ANnr''o*inil^" "i-6i-oiuiirrr,is rosi'.rr coisrnucrtou r couon4oq 99139R l!:otl -- t,-d.o rr! orr.d n\,. -fl!! trn slpt[brr ' rr 93 DAUPIlrAls lrr-aa:tt--L-, Clrtlron P. 1-,L,, FlrrttenN, o! llrll II|. !r.cu!tv. vlcc Pr'! ld''! t- rr^Ir of -gglg!49-- corrrY ot --EII1- CLAHKSOT{ f AS S ICRET $$rt3! Mv x^NO AlrO OfFclAl glAL Uv Co.riiaidr arotx 6tt?4lt N-lizl '7k,{ci,/ .' { r,i j*:'!','F\r. t '1.1 r/C t t1 nd. . Vrlt. cl, f)l; 2 l,.(iR0 l{l/0t{/'r:. . ,,.r tr Fr; ? tll,tl | 6 t ?? Slr ri ,u/ t',1 'I'il li Pcl oFl & lieco rddr DOC -) nru 49 J. n-cZ t I-G8l lll/08/93 l2!20P r i"r'i i E^tl. countY clar"i.00 nrtuml tr St(li,|l l:6, Alliclc 2!. l-rllc 'tt, C'okr|do RGY|r'd Slrlulcr' rnl ln trnnrtthut $,tth ltn r t(l lta |r|tl rt rhrhurrcrl u *rrtl itntlrrrr ugn r .itr.,'-,",itt t,,itr*rrrflrltl' t; lh' lrlrl rh''( tlhcrl h l''.r' thlr $xl(c lr tlrtn Ir) l||| ulhlrlt4r dlrl'{{rtt Th. ltlrh$$ h (lr1l thlrlrafl h rnnlltrhhl ii I ttt t.t*ta, rhr h.rr rfitcd to FulG I tun |o thc ti 'nct fi clxrlrrltr' ( l tht lttrr(n rho rill r(1'tiw lutl\ frlll lhc conl]$l(|t tt' oryncl ff lcnrlcl. NOTICE nY trlsnunsEnr -l[.t!.1!ft, Cohm&t lt tlrcrl Slrtula. t I th( Gvncr rh! h$ rlFcd hr mrlc Inlnrnlr kr | $nllr(l(r' .1. Ttx l.nd lo hc lmFrtld li rltu.E In ftc Shtc oa C'olqr.lo. rd h.lcrcdlrtli "r.ft frii. i"i i. "t f,y*',n. t,' l*,thhut*tl rr 1'rhl fn'm tlnr lo liT t 1*l ;;;';:;; :; t;' i ili.llv *ithlrld untll dl ri rnv pnn of rnv urh lrrt k crnqrlclcrl' t Thc nin|c. rdtrcsr rntl lclcphonc nrmhcr ol lllc orn"trt.of th' l|]d to b' lmJnt/td: \'t^c fuhlrttt Deughl.ml.r uo!.lcy conrtructlon, P'o' 8or l5l5r Vrtlt cO E1658 2. Tha nmi. rdrhrr rrxl tclcFtonc nrrnrhcr ol tln plnclprl ((filr(r(t': Nont fuhl,'tt Druphlnrk llot.kt conttlucllon. P'o' lor l!llr Vrllr l. TtE rrtr. dtrtrt Jd tdcdrntc $rtntcr of tllc di$ur'rrc Nofic Mdnu llrrt!.nt of vrll tt vall Rord Vellr Go E1657 t kphoee 30]-476-8055 llfePlttnr (o rt6t6 103-1t6-00tt lclcplur 30t-176-t606 l.ldt Dctcrl4rhm Lot 22r DeuPhtnrle llorrhy Subdtvltotr llllnS piit ii""tal',1 Aulu.t 23r l99o ltr tooL S!6 'c 3trt. of Colorrdo. Curntyof lejh A&rrtt tlo. lr eccordlnS :o th. Prt. 2l l r C.runtY ol L8l.,l,f)Fl ,3l 3 flr.lI L!rl- '|, l!. Lr. }fa. Ht'lt ll fi'aial lt{f,r''*r ll- "rl Htr.n r.cord.d r.t urn*t'llT " T t!tii\hr"(lt'!nr' $"vrtt' llbt\t fr co !1 6!7 vz-ioz rF' il, '1.r! ,| 123'.tit6 h- t"t i \n rrr .,1 , I i .lr'' I (thtr l'-i47 J t2/tn/93 | l.,r * l'' ",rltll I t tttAt llt.llt! ot I : l'tA P{, t (rF I Clr.lk I R,.' ,rt'lr'r AtttciltrT o? llllt RE.. 5 , O0 DOC lclrrrr to br ncordrd la thr L.l l.trt. trcordr) D't 'Dauphlno le !trt&l"y Conttrucal n lnc., r Co I orlrdrr CorD.rrntlon )oJloy.r Plrnt[nnk of Vntl - Laod.? tucurt 21. l99O _ Arrltnr.nt of l.ntr Datad Aut-rrst 21, l99l)l.cordtnl Drtr of Aarlt ant ol laolt l.c.ptlon .'ill or lllr llor, ol Artllt . t ol l.nta ')Alrl a36 Ml , t8l look end Frtr of Arrtlnr.nt ot l.nlr loolr llo . r0 lir|r Golrna Gl.rlr ot 7.nx,Lo Prl. llo. - Countt $c, IJ Pl.raa r.cord ahla r.la.r.r r. th. tnd.bt.dn..r ht, b..n Prttlally Drtd rnd/or th. t.rrr.|rd condltto$r o( th. A3rlfnr.6t of L$tl hrvr bttn prr!l.lly r.rl.rltrd. thl. !|rll.l l.l.r.r ol Atrlanr.n3 of l.nt. ?al.t.. to ahrt portlon of aha Ptog.ttt d.acslbad a. ,ollova. lo Yltl Ltzr 22t l'huPh lnt t r-llorr lay Srbdlvlrlnn PtllnX lln. l. accordltri to thr llnt ttcotdr.t Aulult 2.lr l99O tll hDok 116 nt Fnli llll Crxrnty ol ?nttr, ltalr nI &lloJrdo, Att.? licorallt l.arri lo. Tlrnrlenk of Vnll -TrGTrffi n I n t.ry.flrrl n. and lttl. V'rlI. CO El6Jt r,2'ttt1i lt - tfl.1 s,lrn .l , l'lsll. l t,-A7i 12lztr/93 l I : l,lA I'c I oF I Frl{l.' (''rrlrrll' |-lr.Ih I ll.'('"t'l{'r ?lrfl r lrtt !r o? ltllcrclt o? Itll! kl.a.. ao b. rrcotd.a ln tb. larl 3.t.t. nl:.: Dt)e t,oo lrcor6rl (thlr DGcarbrr 91 1991 _ Detr lnc. r r Colorado Corporlt&4 l6rror.tt L.ndrr A.r tlni.nt of lrntt Drl.d lorordlnt Dete of A.rl!n!.nt of l.Btr llrrtllrnlr of Volt .l July 6, 1909 4OJ99l pcrpt lon rnd/or Fl h rlor. of Arrl;nrnt nac:ptton tto. flln llo. o[ n.nc. t09 Et',look end Prlr ol Ar.tBn|!.nt of l.ntr c <J c)g, look flo. !o ttt qt|'m Gltll ot lrr3 | r P.tr llo. CountrT .li I Plrrlr rtcord thlr rrlrrre. ar lha lnd.bt'dnrrr hlr b'rn P'rtt'lly grtd rnd/or th. t.rt. .nd condltlonr of thr At'lanr'nt of lGntr hrv' b"n irrtfelly .rtltll.d. Thlt !.?tl.l l.l..t. oI Artllnr'nt of ltnt' irbtrr io thrt por!lon of th. ProP.rlt d.rctlb.d rr lollorrt lo r,ltr Loa 22t Druphlnrlr lbr,tlty Subdtvlrton Ptllnt ilo. l. lccordlnl to 3h. pl.t r.cord.d luauit 2l' 1990 tn iool tlO rt Patr 22lr County ol E 81.. Sttt. of Cotorado. llark L ltrtorr krcutlvo Vlc. tr..td.nt llrrr rnd Tt3:. ol Oltlc.r Altrr hcordlnt l.tort tol tlrrtlt,rrh r!_ Vlll - Vnllr Co illltl v t?}y> 52 ?0r0 Srrr J.,?;lll n-s';l/31(:1"3i:11 lo*1"."31.' ri:Qt l:sI lrlt r^r I lAl. lt:|.l:Asl: (r] Itl:l:ll ll0 |ltr!tl' ANI! l'Al I l.tl. nll.l:A$l: Drconbrr 9r l99l _._--__--- ll.t( - DiiiFhfiil; -Hrii ilif-troi il tuGTlbn Jioo Doc Mt llxd .rd S..l I ll li I Jult 6' 1989' D'cotg.'6oaLu ----Tdri-Tt-lt Eag I r -----tiBim Ftrrthnk of vrl I t|ki.r|r.ll aud||l l .i{r.rt lldr&rl (' rt! oa i.tqdint iG..'|ln .n lro. l'it|n t{ d i...rd.d f,l. d o' L{ nr* xrd lbr 0a ll(r(l $f |||l|l I to9 6t6 il !i i;i.\i- - _ ----.--iE6 _ t0 lllt Ilrltl l(' liusltt rl ' - ii f l! ('ttirt I l tr I'uHk |tstlc. to rhkl lL .lr|rt lx.d oa lh$l 'qNqr th' t'ld t'uF lt l tk.!. rr.(rt. lhir ..L.!.. ar lh. a||d.ltt.{tErr hrltaat !"lidtt p'il rfit,.t llr l"mr 'trt (rrdillo.|t o' rt' l'e't h|n h"n Ftlhot ,rl.H.Flrr t Hr rk tlv. Vl Prr t 31.t. r{ li*i.{rr Co|ml} o,_Z!tt. ' "'"fl !f! lH;l y,:!$i' *:*"' y[,T;----E;fT;TI!to-; Ticcut lvr V!!!-----r-;i-i;i1lr=rFrtTfi E?-viir-- '_ 1-6-94 -ttl! f.mrrrlrrlo. f,rtlro ( PAtftAl. tnlJAfil: or Df,l:lt oI l lt'sr |\Nt,ra ^t l ttt N, th.t th" rr!6. '.ar.i{.d (}r. (nrl. trt Dr.d oa ltu||,-.srit|d.' .trl.l. tt l F.tp.tlt &-'|t d h "H D'c .of!rr\r.r,!rbr\,hrr.rru.,...,r *.r-r,ir-..lr.il"..liii..ii,r.snr.oac.'to..do.r,'t'.tldiirrr10r!||tltrF.rrroalL ,*Il'if';,iiTIlliiiiTi;iL.",,.".,,*u.rtrr krrrh!kr,.{ilE qiril.'d.hkdn re..d il T.jf.lqgg!::H.::,";lIJlil:.1;,;:;..";;.;;il;,;;;il.;;f;ilil'ft.i:l.,Il',$.lt5-,f"9::l:*'lftr*S::ff;l...i:iili,:i;lil'iJil:i:;;;;;;;;i',*;.'",;".^-' th'0"{Frt!.h'rin'nl-*jtY;.:y.":lg:f*;' lii l j:;.lilii:l.l'"llfjll,t;j:ll;f;J;:':::ili;;';;; ;;;;:;iiii'*i' 'ii'i r i""nk' 'n' ht rir'.. '{tr'. 'r'"i''d I hrl,,l I s.r rh.rt tt,t lft,lr ('l th t'||'ltrlt rktrrh.d !r I'lhrf,r l"t .r.'. l);r'|l'hltlrll6-Moi.lcy Suhdlvlllon fltlrrg No' l' 'rcc"r'llnl r'r I rr ;'tr( lct 'r'(lt"l Arrgu'r t ?1' 199(l In 8o0k 1)6 nt Pn;c 221' (."r'rl\' .,1 l:'r.1.. .;t rl1 1'1 t r'l'r1n'ln' l,"lrrll't'rllrr"r\rl{(l,rlltllrt.|rrd(t'r !l!l{qnrr|trn(r\llnl'nnl'lr'tilt'trt ' r, ,u.l"'" r'r'I r{' ' rd "li\lt'{ "r'i||"l I'I' lrttI ',t : !i 68?0t I B-630 Sare J, Fl rhe r P-ISA OllzBlsl lu r I lA Po I oF I lralle county Clerk t Rccordcr v . ..:. ! .- tl:rli l:sI lon PAtllAl. tl:l.t:lsf, of Dl:]:D of Tltsr AND PAt tlAt. n]:l'l:Ast: a REC 5.00 DOC .,,'/ ii :,f(.\ , i, lrlLr- --S!ss!q-llr-l-!!!--- lteuphlnrlr llo.al.y Co[rtruc t lon - lnc,' e Coloredo CorPotatlon _Irgqllolnk of-]l!!.I -- 4uSg!!-.eL l99o ----.lqruet 2t. 1990 4!25t5 r|tirft.d. hrrh St.tt o{ (ildrdo. c.ultt oa loI||l n'rl.K' lRt,s l l'E oF :'jbilt--- Crrlnlt |tlr trt'llc llutl'G lo thhti lh 'hrrr 1'6d of Itlr'l 'nit ' Or r'ld Pi'lt'dt l ?lcrr. rrt.att lhit rlkr*. $ th< intlchl.dFn llr' lt'o P'riirllt Prtl 'fil/|r i|l lcl |nr 'id 'rtdkkr' o{ r|t. ttu{ }'|r t"' FdLllt lt ta t)rldn.l (ir.m ll|(t n ail oridnd i.n fr(i..t lk lc,l D{..f D..d ({ lru\l i.$.dant lhl. i{ l,..{ of lht{ ('r{ir} r{ R(frrdil| l.(.dl|n.id.r.i i 'r l*t. of t.(cfi 1).'rl of Il$ ttol r.J ?.r oa N of Trorl i:fiie-fiiEi " Ptt"tdtnt --,,0- Ei-t 't-,-tt-o-i- ii .)l'l 0h |. Mr lhd.ai I ;l :, I L? () (: \\ tlF atrt| rlq rtqu..l fd 'tha|. r.r rchstLdt'd httrt lr d ____!tgrhtl_lt. lq9l td.klf -Hrii t.Rl!toy.t ?i.cutlr. Ylc' -iirrld'-nt of Flrrtlanl ol Iell' PATTTAL IDTI'AS; O' DEf,D OT TTUST XM A3.L Ml'N.lhx lha.lrwr trtatlrlrt ctrrldl'tltt tt'rd ot t'g||'r'it.}'il "nrin t"d D|D!'nt &r"lbd lt "ld H ot Thr.l, ro ttr Publk ltgnrc ofil. ccrrrr JirJ i-fti' ii rrt s'rt ot'i*t'do' lo h' l*ld In ltr'l !o "'I.r ll* F nti c o' t-6-9{ D.t. cqrndrlF E||il..It V.ll rd.' vrll. CO hd.trl.di.'.r rdd !o th.t ln.l$$T,Tfrtrjeffi.l;'d.r..,nq..do.r'*r.r'rr.r&'n.rh.'ddrld.!rf.f*.:9ti:Tg::::j5*r*t{o y I llEi|jt:o6t. .l lnl ttr$.r rlqK q tr --- '-- - __-''- riurr.. tn ttr cqr,t, t.x nftltNd $oir. rr!oi"iJr'J.i"rdtn||n.rt(tiJtlofrhkihh.tl"*r.o'Ldr!d-'l'-?.tl?u!".-.-*-.ir&:rihr{.Jr o rb h.l[ H *SiL'i f:flJtffi I ffi ;: ;;;;: r,r.l-::s3i:1,H":5.f 1f;lf,"i* :[,5:t do h..rbt ]t nix, ri:di. ll! qr c||rm u|no rF F.-n il'Lifi,rril'ii-i'Ji; itti t tlt,c ||otn oa uy rtn|J oarL |.dr{|. au<tlrrit rid r.|ilm ot asci orlF c orn' i[a ot f,nrt tr rtt.r grllon oltha Flt tlt d.rtlb'd || to'blrl ii Lot 22. to th. Countt D.urhlnr l3-tlor.l.t Subd tvlr lor plrt'rrcordril Au!u.t 21r 1990 ln o! lrlhr ttr!. nl color.do. I rr::! \ .l i, : ii:.. lt la (inn|ni$|. !:rrit.t !lllnt fo. I' rccordlnf look 5!6 .t Prl. ltlt ii - I t' |.|||^vf^Nttr(|||oLDIll;s^ME.rhh.I|l.]trh||(!.rrd{ti.|.i..|lltcfrdoi.lo.d{':".i"ii j*.i,iJ'.1,-". i ai r.t r'l rut ..r *.ir'ctjnkrr' trlrd rnd t't'rcr r|irh'rr r'L l r'.*r..h. (i{tli f ' ' ' | . \ | rt '. !. \ .\, lrr rr. I , rr rr ! j...,, r,'' |'i|.'''[,:'tIi rJi:I .. ,; ' l'i. 'l :l r. OL: tl rli..r llt lh|rl rid ryv Lt ,.dr *|' r ( ,. .ar n ia r-t a.tit. i - -' r-r :-' ;.;', -;"k*=-44:'= ::d€-*+ I r.r,nrl \"h rol lrr.| l'd lrlrrt tr.tor tr'l ll|l Irr e .,Jt. \o.ltl N.r Irxl r|.lr{l\llrt. lrrllrlrtlrl t'r"rl l,ltr'rl llr\l' \ lll \ l' | | | rrrl |l i I ltl l l R lrr tllr''rt I'' ''r(l 'l llIttrtrl 1,,: rlRSTiAllt( OF VAIL It VAIL RD VAIL CO tl q:> r;!,l' s'l'.\ rull !::{T 0t' l-l uli r(, Al.l. n tlo}l I I IlAl ('tf\('llR\: X\(llu I E. lh"l lunl)l'uodtl lundlrr* (itrI. ()f st)uth (:'lr'tl ltt't' lltr.' ' 'ts ir$ttI|rner: .'f lrFr|tr ScIvl. r' (irrl'tr'lt l'rll *trhtns hr.|\ttl lbcl t ,rl lh!'pnnlrn'n! rll lhd rlJltlls rll rll\h .r.'. rn,rllt Jnd lrnrldcJ ntalt. tht h'lhutng \l'rlr'ntni rrl ltdn l.lRS I I h.rt lh( nJrr( 'rt thr',ri rltl t t(flutrrlitr| nr'? 'rl 'ur h nr l\rl\ h' ht r.h.trgcrl *tth thc lrn tr llrtrrl'ltltr't lr-lhrnflr'\' lirlr{l rlrr'l l ll - l'. rt. ltilx I 'r | 1 Vrr I l, tirlrrrrltl'r Hll'18 rlm Inrrun b1 ttrct numhtr r, I lo0 l.lt'llflr 1(l[rr l'lxrl' rilurlc in lha ' c'iNnty ol lirtglt' rnrl oo rtrruntol llbor lrovldert lnd pcrfornorl orr rell prop.'rty rlctlur lb.!d trb(rv€. Vnll. (trlorttrlrr lll657 Strtc ol Colorrh. fhrl thc '|d liln lr hchl frt tlrc Iruloct rltuoto unrrn tlrg SliC(lND lhrl lhc n'tnr .$hl lrrtlt$f rdrlc\\ rrt th'r n nrrn !:lrl$$nl thc lrn l\ lr,hrPlundt l..,,ull,r{ li,1U. rrl Srrrttlt (:.ll.rlllrJr llx,. 'l{rldllu|. o[ '\|{Iell !,. tr. ll('r I rtli ltl lllrrml. l'1. | 1.155-t9\l li$rv lt... li'l'1,. .r ruht(tnlt,i,t(ll ?nurlxlxtilIr}t I hrt thc nna ||l thr lr1{!n $lxr lumtrhfrl thf ||l.r|r.nrlr{ t--rlt|ril lhc l.rh{ rrl \c]r l(l\. trl \ulnhcd thc m& hnl(lt. hrrlr rrt aqurl anl |rr *hrrh r.rrJ hcn tr r'lirrntcrl tr Atpctr Scrvlce cur|(rr|t l(ttr Thrilhc rrrna ul tht fnnctlrl {ontt.r lrrl l. l}t|||Iltlnltlr-ltrrlult,y (:r'rrdlrllr't l(rll rlld ll$ sllhrrrllt rilt l rtr fttu||tlt ltt Crrurlt r:'! Strll( trlrr'd tHlRD. Thu lhc lrtrFrtt hr hc rhlr!.d $llh ru'h hcn tr rlclsrrhcrl {\ l(rlh r' t,(r l.t. l)Altl'll t N,\ | s-lhrsl.t.l.f liUlllllvlslllN l:ll'tN(: ltl |lt1 5r5 fijf H o o U.blc E.< t:tj b (\l t L. t,ol, o E O. .t AI ot, o orc \J a.t o rat l,o-<U d Nl||ti N I & CrL tt l,IDT lll aq.'.h N (ra t) a tar ul rcumH. Th|t0. |mlunt of indchtrdn lr Ju€ ol rraml lhc $ldmrnl fru rhir'h rrld licn h-slrlmcd. fi!. nrr?irl frrntrrhcrl. lrtrr rnd rtrr.r padtrrnrcd. nrxhin.ll, trrrlr 'rnJ tqut;rnrnt \uflfllcd rr t I q ' I 5l ' I t krlcthcl rllh InE[rt lhattoo rl thc lcld ulc. lol"pr.,,,wt{ r',".r |',t, l:.trp- .rl:i|r|r|-L-Clrt|rLJur'r. ln':. STATI: oF HriTIThr C(t|lntt r|f fa. ltl.ln,l|!lt, tlilltt)\ltrlltl\$lfL\.rllrarrrr\'t\llrrlllltlll\rlrll\ll\t{trrllt${llrlirllrlll I (irrllocllon l. Nclt N.ur..ll|lt2 -. --i': -Lln, ot hrtul rlc rnd hcrn! tir\l dult .* r:!!J[!!|.ttt- i.'. r"-ii,,''r. ri',.,rr,.t'c"rp. "f s",,tt' uttrt'tttrtt' tttt' th( Thlmrnl Mttm nr.tEdi lhll Ih|rrc tt|.l thc .|lthlnrtr|G|rr ollrn rntJhrll[trrl tnrtchcrlncrr 'rnl Inri lh! umt'n|i lhcttrf' rr lh'lrrl|C urr.irlnrendsoms|,ti'thcb.\|otnrllrrr*tct|gc.111ir6g11rgrnrt|rclr|.rn.|trmJd.onkhe|frrlthc..|rtnuot ,;z ltLft- ll i rr,r t rrr {t Crc.t I t )- ^N(rr*lft]'triTt:tit t'o rtLl: A Ltl:\ stAr'l:rtl::\'r O ii ,, , , ,', , * *, * ,t*,;-r,;',; ;l \( ll\t t'( )\l R \('11{t iJ l.rlr \..|lt. thJ| t|r l'|rn (-|nlnli|N \Cl ||{th |{r th. \ttl.n*nt (|| l r|| crn||.||nfJ |tn tlr 'c\(|{ l{ lh|\ |\l|{c c|a|m\ r .- r il"f,rn* . Lrcn t,l nutr,ll ot .{rttnnrt rrrpllcrl trr 't lJt\q Fg1'rlr*.1 .$ llk nrrtc(l \llu.rl( up'n thr tcrl prrJrltl ;,,.;*J ,a \rhl Strtc r.nl .{ Lrcn, h{ lh( 'rrlrNnl \rrltd lt lrtn'nt lr llrr urdc t^rthrn tcn I lrll dirt\' thc ( l'rtrtrnl ,"iJ. ,., ,a.,n.f."*f sli rm.nl rrl Ll(^ rrl lh' (i'ont\ elrl'lnthdt('l!ft irtrll l\h\r|Jd lhr\ni{|(cl\f,rtrn|\rriurdkl $fr:'ffi.ilil----_- :"r::':]u, r^ rrrt'-Av.!J.. rllu, .!at !*"t-.ifr;iF-iggr".,-; -_- - lihr'+.+9.-*|j,_'rn;-===.-- Al flll\r ll (tt s] nr,lC]:(rn [lAlLlltc - rt$ li]'L slll l. (ll ('ol'(tRllxl I --ctu--o!u-- Cruntr rrl ttl'tivl'lr -.-- l. ) l h. l|nlcrrrtncd. b(rrF r{ h* lul rrr .iF,nx rt,* 'tutt \tr'rr uFn orlh'.dcFrrc\ lnt !$r thrt thir Yi::.tt( ll:t ' l:tlc r Lran st tl.nlcnl \r rr I F r'.'r' ' llt rcrrctl uptn t' tmrilcd h\^ l ullt Pl'l'r l'!!rt3r'd'-r!r cct llhrd' m'll' tctul n rc! llpl ;if'jliik'-ffii;:s''@ .'\ ' r'r r v rt't -'L'r '' lt('llvt'r ' ' i1111 ''-" i'l :nruin u,l l;l,",tllllll-;;lt trl*tilu+tw Arllr ltT ()r sEtl1'!: (tn llAlll \G - cll\ r nA('TOn ',/- | i' .." ri r,,f ,,rr.r., - .rhrr --il!rlr drr rrr ^r'tr / i 'tutft;; l/ 'i.l ,,,r.t r,i i' i $irn...n,.hrrdrrrfrrffirur.crr -*::,*#{V}a'jr 1..,',;j Arrlrr|vtT (lf sEnIKt' ()n tl.rlLllw: PnKn T() Flll!{i LIE\ s r^r}:! N tL o N C'A o. ;, o ('l r|'o N F N I A o tD I .o G| ro !n stArt u c<rlt, .u!--- I ''.: --CII--^N!- c,*,,*t .r llt:NvER : : - l. tl' lhr unlcruSncd. lErn! of lrrtul rtc rJI"i ftttt Ouil ttt"n upt' tttlh'.dtpir'r rtd rrn th'l tih NdhG '{ ld'trl t' fak I Lrln srrlcrtlnl xt\ tlt.tr(nrllt tcrica upttr rt-tU't I'r lulir pcprirl rciu"]t1-l "1-t:l'1i1L: T'iili"t"ull T,*'il lrlc I Lrln sr'rcr'n. *r\ rlErirnrrr ::.';:;;;;;-'L "*ti.*ut ," irr rrcnl. ri lt{l( r: llrk-orllr-- fi$llil',trxf;#tc::tr5$Ijfi',."'6tflr illl'ryll,n'i,:firil',:tililTfi [Bi:""i"'. .n-rxJtrtL ,t,r. ui rtP' t t . t'f Jl- -42 rnfr.*-4z.,r-{rlor -'r" - ,,2:.9r.< /t a_/*_t,,:;,.,. \ Suhrcnhcd rnt rb-orn ro lEhr. nr rn tlrc - .-{i,l lJ-l rr!l-.C n}'r f{ --I"*t*.---:-';iSlti'J'?".;''".. I 'l,ffi':Lffii:lri\,i I -::,Ir.:- ii5;i !=gf-j IfU;l t.t i-'-:r I i i :+'tir 2-2..i t!-tr r;-i;-t rt'1 :.! l::!f;i: i' :: ; r I Er i i tr:: i :1, t 7l rdi -t : ti *:i l' .l; >. f2 :.: I! = ii ii rt !::t:'hi I /? E I 5.t t; i lr.l Snt ir ,l lir ri c ll l!|}r ',t Dl:l:tr 0r 't'nt,s't' llll\l\ltt:\lt lt.. rl..L rhN 25th &t ia Aprll .tr94 .it|rnn lr^U|rtNAls NosEr.l:Y coNsrnucTlrl{ lNc.. A cot.oR^lxt CORPOIIAT ION .rr{r ,.{.{ P,o. $'lx l5lt. Vl|tl, CO il65E lrFrnrtl r.lrt?.1l n,.rlrnt,r..nl rlr icX( lrfit.r.{tL - n,.rrtrr{ Eagle . l|||..r(i*rr.I.. fi..fln ll.r rt ?rrd ro r IuHx l.!rr... nll}rrs\l:all. 1||^r.r||ttrat. l)Aupl|lltAlS NOSEI,EY CONSTRUCTfO tNC.,J A COI.ORADO CORt\)ltATtotl lNurvluuALl.Y 6Y ct,ARKs0N HOSELLY. S||tRt,[y HOSELEY, p^TlrtCr(l u ut'[lnArs ! suzlNlt ,,f,..n!kJ.th6,(rr Lrr,r d..r. rr..'n.n ltk'ril ro rn rri {qol.r, .rd Aprll tt, l9q4 lr^lrl'llL;alll $.hrl.{.i'lFM lltJNl}l{l:11 AND TUFII?Y PIVP Tllnll<lt|n tNl| N.r,/l,xl---- I i-..n!kJ. th6lrrr Lrr,r d..r.lr..'n.n rtk'ril ro h rri {qol.r, .ht Aprll lt, l9q4 Dr|6.h,l.{.i 'r Flvt: llUNlrRl:D AND TIJINTY FIVE TIIOUSAND A D NO/10{l---- -rrrrrn il Fr.lt rort 'rJd ol ftrstBank of Vatl tl .hrl.dd'n,i l7 Vall Rd., Vnltr C0 81657 l2 narntht .lln lh. d.r.}Frn{. r t Inr.rnt tlr.trlrt rr. tlr.Lk ti.rn|, lrl.r' I u.0r, rrt.cntlt ft$$l l$lt* In rrccar of th. rnta quotcd bt thc lrolrlcr rr llane R.rte. Thc rntc .rf Intcrart rhall bc adlurtcd on tlt. flrtt ont.h n{'nth. layncntr rhal I b. rrdJ rrccordlnt io tl6ld t'ronlrrory ||o ll. r lrt .tn l .rd ft|n|tr a m ll,|vl ANlt fO ll0l.ltth rrrr. qnlE rtlt.i..d tryLr yr trlrlttn.ra rp.tr rrr tlrrqrriot'.!.d{. In t.rt rnr1rkr rh.r h l'r d.|.fr.tlt in lL r.ttrrt .f t.rd ioL d .rt Ft dr'nra. d |. Or f.trfn of l|t ha.6 *ri(t| rin dri r.r rlr r.i.r ina ciocr .J ..|a a.rr. a rr dt,.trt d.nttrlf.i(r|i 'd|lxtr, p.ilriFl d li.trL ltart di..ri&(roh$.llh..n &|t|d 'r..|. r{ ird.rrt| r harh !a.||t o, rh. r.6r,.udilit|r. .G.n . .t ttr.'t|.r|(l hrtit (qr.ird. 0r t rr[.rr] f.rrid.r d tL Ld h.{d.r .{ rlr rrd.h..dtr$ airrtJ h.r.nt |n.r aLd.tr .n/.txtt c,.nt o,l||. .n n|'n. h.ri. crri.|..J .d n t .hd ro .di.nar ..i, F!|Iit ,r..k. ..d d.n..d rlr qb ht rtt. nrxt of .k\.rr..rit (ltutJ t.t r.L $th llr tuHE lru(.r l,Doi .ftrrtlt., rrt r.air iaa{.(tr. .rJ a.r{6d fr r.i.. rtr fgHr trx.. dull cru( r tt|in .rf tk i.,tl ro tr n.rtd.d i. n* tratdd\ oli<roldr.[lrr! |n r|r|(r r|, F Fnt ia||.r.d frF t\rHi. Dr ." rbn th.. r,r rEH- nr|rt.{ |.tn .n drrr{qt tlt .drnixtEd k! t|. ttHr.|rd Lr tdn lnh l.rnr.rlr.rrl td an r.t .ilt.r.llt i. rirt rr-rFF.rrt .*r.l IInLk- .t rl.t nc FH'$..i rn ilr tlxnll ! (lrrr|ri an riri {ld Fq'.rr} r lrlt { A.$|' ra..rl rrkr jl lr rdhl nri|nr.i d.rr.n.r rh. d.r. o{th.l^t |{Hinrn rt.'F{L llr |'ar'trt th .ddtix lrirt l|.Fin. io $-fi F ur apFrnna b h.ra a.t|rld . rth..{-i r|rtil rd...rr ln |.il |x'{irtr .t tlt .&lrr. ||wn In th.?rfd.{ Innrr||rn..|rl td rnt./lEr Fr.. || |n.t tr rd''&d lt Lr lr *.ll .nd .t tkr b.l.-l!l ftr th. Po r t}u.r.r t',rtt s,J F.|ti.tr t. rh. h$rn ..d h.a Fr<t tln |||rr 'ill hnrt i. rtrt .id lo diqrrr oa rlr r.fi.l.i !|r.r q ir rlrr.rc tf,.r'h. |r rltc -'d fuHK lr{rt.( nl.i ti'nt tv{t lot.llt| 11$.ll ll: att.InL rdr .rtrl of th. Frr.r lttr.ii..a t!H- rd.r|.l.ntdrlt rt|' h. t<rArt hr .t.tutr rnd &{F.r.J In tl|. nikt,{d. I lt FUH|< ltu3t.. irr.ll d.t .rd lr|n lo tl|. tn,ricr oa rdr Ftcrir .t r\t ..1. ..rrfi^c.k 6 rnrr.t cri{x.'nt ..kr nFr. i{ rq h F{rnr 1{ rbrd. O|. .!.n Ftd llrtfoi: r nrl.rrd thi rrl tr.rtr.rr rrr.l h..rinkd b I d..d llF r.rr. cnLo rri unr .hrtl h. htrnhl .r tr F,rihd hr l.r..nJ In tb..rd.{.('nxn ||l*t.,1ti. rk. I rFrrd lh.! Itr rk r||.trlt.t i,||trt n|. tsHr. hlrrn rt!.t|. oF6.|.h.6rl ir rh. rfrh h,l,l,tr| th.rkt cnrlldl. .{ Frcha. !.r |.d.lan d i. h.d. .r t rr- &dd t't tk F r. ?.rltL.l t$ r d.d, t.r rnl ftr rh. tr,!rrr .{hh.(rt.r tlr r,n q. &n..d h m*. lh. ||.'| |.r mL'rnri.rn i.vi4 .rFFd, ru|f r.d triilt. lo rqt F.r' . d.rd to th. qnl r.rr|lr \ Fdt t.*il trl &.tJ $.ll tr In rtr ,rdr^.it ftttn d. (rEry...t, rnd rhJl lt riar*1. - l|t'r{6dFl.|rd &fttt'rd b r[. si.l hhl( lr!ltd .rJ rh.tt rrnl'rn rh. t,16 lnorr rF .dl -rt rnj oriD !d.|Ilr Ftun .nftrLd ro qi &n!. i:1. rrtl'.rlt Frdrrd - .t ft..r, rdl .ll ri. narn. t"k. 'nr.rnr. ttfttir .dt .,tuirr ,il ..!Ld'rnr- dt rr. !.nrd rtfni|| IkP! '. tr!.r.. th.ll. d.rl .l rlr Fnrdr ! n..h o, r*h -k .nd ldi r.rrrl| .et r.l.,nha.lr ltrr. I h..rr .'d | 'nrr .n n'.1'r, {(t rk.t r lol|r k|t.lld|tr h..!l|r4r d dr Lr.l hl&r.a-ld nr.. rh.,rrrlr.l { tr.tr. du..n |.ri G't. &a1{dr.r r., rh. |.d, .hl .n.fih"'.rt .Bl .ltirirti.dr.trftllrrr|ritrr:i<r.rtnLtltlrrdr.adir|rhrtirrrfittfi.r.ita*rn|.rr.'!rlrr.Frrk.n.allt.{) F.r.,Fl ?nn rn, 'rnlrIr| lk rir4lgr. rl.nr. rnln l|ri F rn.rrlltH llrnto t|.6.tin ttf Lr !||(lrk.dl l.rl,|.nl r' d.,t .t.ll lr. FrFs.l h., \.r ,n Lr .al trlr(r |.lnrl lll ar.rlrr rnl .ll dl*r |t in .l.lrtt rlr r.|. Firnf , € .nt Far lhrn a. hr. h,r. rhhri.'r {hl , ,lv r'.hr.r l l" l\r.t1 .'| {rl i.r. m 'ir^i.r lil |!'tFrlr ,r ..r Frl rrrra ard I *.ll d h? lAa|| l..t qia ll, ti|ni.rr .r .nr r6h qk r, w ftt ,& rrr tt .,!,{,., rrr .ll r. lr.nrr.|'Gr "( tt.n:_ ,i;l,:::i'''0,_l:,;,:1;]J,'li;lll *n*,..,,,,,, ' .! f. 3 .t tk r.t..,i | . (, t lrc Conncrclrl hurlncrn doy of Not. . ANl, wlltttas. tlE grntr ir d6"rr| t{ IrUrirt F rrrr .a t|t F|r.{rl .id lrt rtr ot..rd Frnllrrt rr. Ir rhor i.'rL ro.,.r dr r.d Mrw l lltill oil. th. atrnrtr, in ntllr&t llo. d fi. ?rnnlrr .nd frr rh. FlrF. .tirr.rt. do.r h.r.ltt rr.ir. h.rtrrrr. Ftl d n rrr umo rha rid hHr. lhatrh trs{ ['.n r.tt tltr*ria r|.rnhd trgnr, itrr.t.In tlt. EaB lc . ttd. of ('*rr t ror{: Prrccl D, r r.rubdlvl.lon of Parccl 1, Lloorrldtr Sub. Flltng No I and Tract C Douphln.la-llor.l.y Subr F!llng No. I rccordlng to th. p[.: rccord.d Aprll 14, l9y4 ln lool 63t rt Pia. 540r County ol Ea8l., StatG of Colorado. Nr.l.lA, tn.ll.tl. r|| fD.r trt'it rlur lr....l t* tr- - r.t (b. o rrd..a lta{aaia, l'al aF t . ]!.F. (n r:nt - rllrl.llr.n tl.l lJh.n fl.crrrdod R6turn '[dt FlRSTli^i.,. ,rl \'AlL It VAll. RD VAll. eO 8la'tt '. I i.:lii I \f {I I'r rh tr..r., (lrrDn|r .nl {r..r ||t .n l .llli rlF t\H{ lr{rr,r. rirr.r r|r tlf rl l}r .nq.l,^, rl i,rl ,kl,.f r r'| rlFr. nl.r.|l|, h r. *.ll ki?.|.{ll' r.il Inrl .lrl r.n'6rnt!n h. nnt.k. xrl h.ri ]rrl flth. llllF{rr rhl brful turhrrlt l.' rr.rt hr r.rn $ll .nl ! r! fi rh. s ln rlr |n.i vr . l l.h .. rl"r.rrnl hrr.hr |lrh r|rl .Nl!l.lt r.Ntr, rn! r'|..r'.| rll .tl|r ai{ .r lr nr+ h.rr r..r t,, sd lr^h t. m.itr .rl rr,{.,tr .r !l;{rrr..l t ! tr'nti. ,. ,nrk'r ?r.tnri.n. rDLt !fi| Itr rnr!. nl .rr .t! t{ lh. (fr...l Ar(nN, In th. \r.r' ,'l ( ,.rrrl.r ,, .r .n, .r.i{ttr{ r'rkl .'r|l'|rnl'|.|l|[..|''lli|n'|r.|\|j|..||}n|,6|'n|.lN|n'.iri[tf.r}.t..|F|{lqJ|...|.|iii| ,{.rt lx n. .dl, n. "nr{.n r..r'rr.r.r.rr. nrtfitr .61llv.lr.r rlrt .nr.lurri.I |nllr{!rr rlrl F.rr.li. trir|rr'nia ri.lslft lr.Lr i.mrr .ll .il.$r I t.|! n '. F.r6( l.rl. l\ rl.r rn|,.rn tl.'d rtr rh.r' { ..r n.l| .|l.,n{ ri. !|nt,r rlt.ll.d r t .[.rx .tl l,r.t.r l| L||l Itnlt\rrnf ir$ll .l tl. rtrl.|dlr\ llr tanl.'r rl!.ll ltni h Ft all larF xd $tr.i.ft( L r rrl f t lh tx ar r tt .rir rnl .ll ritlnr( .lr r {rr .ti ., |,ri ,t{l .rl .,'l! r6t rt .{lrr ruttr |.r .nr .nir .r!. rml'rm'... rl .!t. . 1 rri 16t nl In||r'n.nknl! th,r r.ir l. rq vll ..[l! h.{r..| {In{ rnt .luilrl r.r. r.r|\n{ rrt.n}d !16.r{r, In....nlrot rr rr.$Fnr nrrxir, r ft rf ll r.ttrr.n nrr ir rli hFlx rr i lr'.,,1 ri.{.nr! .n.h.ti rr k',r'. h$Lr r{ th.I|r|.hnltrN rllfl r.,l,&lrm l'r r$n.r..rx. ||.nr*rh,, th.t:{rr rt r.\ ri.r k$ ll.n th.thr'n l.td .*a{.l||r$l:ltrr{t|.hrll..'t.rn.t f$.H. rld{ n.|nrrl ll|. tr.ftrh rart a tn*U{.t .nl il'.ll fnllf rr"lrt ll'.1 ll{ Inrd.rr. 'n.r i.l h. . .r rtll qr$ rhr ,hrn lr{ l.r\ ${rfni..hrnr[y lrr{rsr.rr illli,t.rnr{rh lrftl.r.t rh.{r}lulrlrtr{,F{(rrntrhrur.lrt rlsll lr '|tgtr|.t|'n&t.il|t.|,'.ir{t|'|ql.l*{r.r.nx'|||h||t'|{.Dr||||'|k|.|f|r{||nln!nNl'.n|ro|nF'[in|a.r|liII.i\||h[ lhrrrlrr,.[l Jr||r,Inr,rehlrnl' flfrl1|r,6'|r.l ltr. r.k,{ 1fi.lhFra|rru rltrlllr. Lrlr.'.|rllr|,'rr.,tr.t.illh xrtl{nl|F$$rk'l hr|i.||h||'{||9(Ir|{|.t|rtih|.{t..|t|FFtrrni.'||h.r.|.|{||h'|lr||t||ilIi|r,h|h.t|.|l|li|f.tlh|r.|.|r|.|t|r'.nrh||r|rlF|]|(6'h|r,i|htLktr.||'Nt|.||hf.hrk|||t|.|}r|l'l||$||n.|..6||.|t.|||||r|r||if|F.||IIi| ll dl .r .n. tNrr .* r. ,r.rrr|l ,i .n nd.r6t tLr i |r r l i k.n.hr.., h t}. ;.nr. r 'rlrd h |rh r.r \ r Fr{ inrtrn r.{vnt...r l'!nq lal lh.r...rrr !.1 . r'.h,. rr r.t lr i|h. rnlr{i |! n' titr a tr^l r{ h||rl lhl rh. . r.rtrb.l r F|?r |t. lnr.r6t l.r h{rl} ai {r*.r.(.. l(l I D..rt r\ ihrr...br.L.,. ht,tirtr.t''b! q.r. lh..].lh,lrt {&nl|l||rld,ll|.rr. nl|nr k.!.||,lll |ni.t \t 'rl th.r. F ri.lLn t ,rs.nFr rn ,rti'n rr tr'(h.r. tl dhrrr n.t. .t lir.h r.rr ..t{rn, ,}rl..r dl fi. r!.nr cor.rl lb lh'r lH ol lrv.l kr lr |'rf,hlnt.|! dc .rl Fr.l* lkr.nlr r rh.ll lurr r.$dt \rtt qnri| to hvhr.r. rl, arr.rr to rh. {L.r rr. t r lrFh r.r \ r'|l rhr rrrtrr rd ihn lh. |rrfirl, r kr L rld tr t.nrlnrrrt ,?ri .aFFir rflr6t (i.t tlF rrilr d $(t F$n $ {rlJftr} td h.rh r.r ! .rNr ltrrr tl* rhr.rrr Fidlr rn ll. \rn[ *r!r.{ l'r lhr. | \rl.'l k!.r $dl h. .r !u i r rl. .r ly|rLr.|r r||dl irq!.rl thllIllrlliatslal)l\lltltll||rtrr.hrlr.ldtrlt,r.rr.ttllr|lnh.r.o|rkrlh.lx*htotu||l|rt..rrlnh.1.r{t|||r(i.r.ldl.l |.(tl'trnF'nn|kr|n||h|i|trrr!n'F..'tl.i|l'|t..||{t|*p|ir.||t'.'r.r.t|..id||!|hr|.nt|.t$'\nr|'n'i|1||rr6{'lnmt|..(l|u(|.'t rrr.|t|l.|InqrlrFriLnt.tlt,r.lqrn,(rt.(i.|'rnt|tlrFrr{rlInhmlnr..llalh.liralrr!htr{r.$rnrhdl.lIni?hr&hv?rrdl.rllr hl&r .{ lrd .rl. ,{ rtil trrlr rl Fr(i..(.. ntlfrt. .nd rr| tdtr.l. rlr d.lvrt rl sl(n F^v.rnn mft tr.rftnrd h! !h.lilJ.t ,{ r|d nr. l' ..r! ht? r{ t{r(|r.'r }t rnr rF.no't.F (rrJ l.|h oi t*rrr.ifq. ||t| lh h{d.r.{ rid a. f ,r[rlh tt. {l no.$.r..., rnr th.tn* ihll b. cdnL{ lo. tnntfr r,r qil r.ri*n\ rRl nl tir r h. lr|rr ln, lrr li tlFrr! . .n.r qrt (}a. . irrluflh lrr* rrnit { hr nr(l^ut F,rt Jr4r rrl llr Irrrd'{ hlrnr r.,rrnr'fdlr.ftlA.lllr. nLdlltr"io.r. n.r d ntht rthr{r r.t' t,'th(v{r<n(a,r|nr{rmrr{llr|'rdr.rdl}. ttrnInF,{r.|.,rFlyrrr.d!D'ttxrnlnFn,t,,tlrr.lFrl|.r.i'L.nlr|^hRdr.lrrrrqrtr.t{t{nr.!ll',.rr(iri.tr,nFl..ilttrrll(lrn!F'i.. Nn {tnit|r{ fl*,r|!\n d,{(..' |t.nt inol lrrrhr F.rrh i.s..l ..rnl.llrrntrrr.Fr.|rt,'h\.Inni.rfl,?r.t'.r.htn!hdl}. ,dfl l, nilt td',r.t t" llt. turrrnl '{ rlr nlll(rln(rrh.rrh |.i urrt. }r ri{t,llF Lr.nlllx,irl,rr ||rl d,|dlrtrr'l lh.{tlrl i:\ll rl.r ,o ,.v !l klritl tn.nr nl 1.il FI|F ro{lt.hctrltrmt,r(.rcrdi.tlrrhcr.nr.|rl.inlr,r| F.m.\!{i |ri.r{.ir lrrt dt'n{'|i'{|tn.i't''r|'|n"''l'|.n!llhni.n.nndq'!.'r|rkn|n.h|||r'rn|.tt|k[|n|tn|hr||,ft|rrhllf|ili||nf{||.$i||f||hi r,!.?d.|rlllr rd.fr.l thr6,nr,' rh.trr.f lh.iLan||.l r.r..l llF.li.drtr kFlh,l.Lr rh.td{ }.!rn. rl . ri.lF,.l'1. ilth r.!1n,,{i(l lrrl rli rn.rnd {rl rnn rh. r.nr ?an1arrl{ lnLl'rnli.$ irl n.r!d..rdrhrl l'rnl{un l. h.rkhr lir l'!l{n hnrlr. .n .tkrr' r li '|1,,/4,1,1,1tt {tiltu.l ln B.lld lronlrr(try Note-------- -------------r,/tl./ l,' s\ r.r In th. \rFr{ \r'n | {rl (in lFotr amrrrl'rr rhrf l'. rll,drll hr lh. luHi{ Itu.l.( r. r FIr t nl th. I Inr ,.1 n.F l.^rtr. rfl ,l 1,".!hu.t tr rtra|.rltrrirtlrrL.,i{rr!rr\.rrlr|.rr|.irFrrkrrh.tllrr.r.Jhrtlt.r!.larrF|rldtrr(1\lr{.!.1'l'l?^t{ur.tBrfrrftitr h l. l,lLr I d.^t-i .ra t.rt a, |i.l 11. ?tL.r. r', lh[.L.rl rf l.u.l rl lrtn|ltrrl. ttF l..{,r lrl rd lh, ?t tl.iy rl'.rft'l lh.l .ll |h. r 'i.n..lr |rl .r.r.r,..t. h.rr r. '.tlk.l rh.ll .r n rl ft.nl li lint,|. rF. rlr lr|r., trF..l r.in -ri.lN.r llr.ri ti hl r.urn. il rli r.rlr r lrr. l.tlar lr.li.$lrlr.lrrr.{r.l.r.lnrrrtll'rll'Rl'k|.th.atrr.lrtt.d{..llh.rrull.r.nllh.xrrl.ntt.ittrl'illh,rtl(rN.lr'.lltrtLrr C4 e e o '=: ->,.. :l I 3 I I, 7, 1l I t I r 2 I t I t t )t I 1 I ; t I r^{'nt lh,i 2St h rt,lsa - l" --)- { rr''\l{t.,tl (l r..Ll r ..,,..* Ea4l e Ili nl!|mna |.{r{nr rl r.. al . ' nrid lrf'|t i. ri}r t'r I'AlRlCX l)AllllllNAlS AS PnESlltEt{'f lrAr.|l,I I NA I $ l.t' t:i]:t.[y c(rNsTRUr:1 t (rt{ * rmi I hdl.n.l erl v!,,{,n,r.in.,,,,,i, ' llr. l, I I "'I t '..i., ,... 't,r.irl';. ",r 'l J":' .. 3 4 !.,5i iJ o irJ ;rJ '',d?l-Z : qi !Qr ',t) rt' ; 5 3 f, g P ; s t I E 1,!r EIi i i L DAr'r'llI AlA HOSE|.EY CONSTT{rrCT I Ot{, lNf ,, ,\ lr)l.0R^rxrlotr'(tR^l to , nyl L,&,1,*(,., ' - ?tth rli,r Anrl I Antt SI?.ANNP., lr^Ul, I NA I S AS St: l lrr:, , A col$i^por r:rtRl\lRAl;toN /ll( lr ( 1:'; l7 Vrrll R,|,, \'nll. (1, tl 1., I rli,r o ASSn mE r OF RCXTS ANO OTHER RIO1ITS rft'r. r" I l'r " t{ . n, r trrrt),. rtl | . r'.''.-.tllxr{rhx{,{a(,'!nn(iii.t,i<tatd'8"1rrt({'l 'r. ,r,r,. r,tr ilr{I,t|li lEnt llr dt loll. tiaral c:o E N L ||. a)o" o oi (J 4{ 4l tl a. a't it, ,, orc \t oo tt L, c,{u 6 FI F I A or ot II o.r Ir. CO 3- tt '€L ct6 tlo *,itt'r,,r.,r...r''.t'!|'|!.'.!'|rr,t|'t,|,t|.lx&n'I'|.|||'.hi!'.'t'lYf|rd|o|^,n|nl,'t'(l|lj|l*f{| |tl|{,.h{|'.l|'|,Li]f|r.rI.|nr.|.ttlt|o|r1i.|'{}'|(|!l,|.|..lt.|.[i', t? l:l tl r5 A^r .*o I r, r .,. i!,'.rr..r,torrr''rrl!r!0*rr.rttrryt yrr.ta il '(h tlr'*r- d|l.rl l...r'ti.rl to r^( t'|'r * rh iatt$.llotrt '...1"..',-.*...'':.'r-|t'|'l.I'''t}a|itt,t4''.lx1furt";(,t{.,8o.'oi'ltoh'.''o'0.o'!|'|!,|'.t.'.i{..li,r,y!'!.J..'f)d tl\!,.{!|.r '!,i , . 'irl r r,. d.v.rlr"{ no'rr{'$nt "n't6tl lrrlo bt 'v 0r ltlh ol llu4o{!l An''0r|I.rrl'|!'|.|r!|!'|,.ll|t,|nr(h0t.!||'Yl't':r'nt,nl'|Il'xl|..||rtr..n'|l'*|''!nt.x|.!' t.,r'n"t.r1,,".r,"."'lt'ra'.rr,nrnrt.,nt{lor4"}t'rr{t|rltrtitt!"rgltdflll'lr"r''r'tFi{r t C l'r,'..r..t ruF.' l trr, !r .! r lrrrtd ^^,t l ln, . rli 1r. , r s.t! r,,tn it\r{r{i i\)*.rn r{e rx r+(.'r.td trhd ;i . n {' rt lr' rn r.'1trn(}(rrlii'-rh'lr'Bolhod 'n.{{{|lf.tti|{r.|.'i','*.'..^,.''.i|,.hlFt|o|.(id!t}t.6i.|,.|h||..|.'Oit<l,l,irl ilrtlt tt th. r(t.rt! p\t {r",.{ .rlt.,,'id ' r,r.rrlt. t.i,ar cdr o' $t ri|' lip tt.l o' ry{ltr ts'! ^ 19 r(" r 't''l orrr ' ( { it'r'ot! ttFr}' l'r r'ld lar. tnr.it ot ue t r,l : lrlrl r! | I r"1"'r |'lh.'{'{o||t|,li}..'|(|t's|'rrI'tlnf.|,o.}q|.|rio,|'.t},|n'{hhnvrFrtrlo'.,h..l!icl&m.,{nf|Alm|.|,,*|.*{i'f.'ddF|d axott.'lt tr'tr rrr'lxt'..|I't r,|(llhDr I l",rlrt lx' arr'g"r{'l teA(i.|i|.'t|$,i|.r.''dnr'n'r||i'r|!'|l|{,'n'IIn|xU'|!'f'|''i,n|fo|,'t1.i...('mf|,r|'t*||,ro.ir|l.'w|d'i|ii'|'({i|||h ''p."i'..,tt;o'",r,lilrrarr'rrrlrll.,i"or*,j.iiii,r.oor,t||1h,:q;'1.{t...'d irtr,"gr'tre^.trit"onn.'|,(,(l|l...*]lr.rrr.rnt'.trrtr've.a.'l(x|!'.tx,|Al|'(Jr(.i c'.rioq-tnorrt6riparn"|3|i'l,'.t,v|''i|a|pt;r!rne'o'6(r,toor,.rt,si;r|'o..|t|.E|p6|.dhor'|.os'{n6a^d0e'..|s|l(|4.s..r''l..|q'(i.ld t'.94rn|DhtrttaItt'drr"ti..rr'ir.l'.'J\J.?'o.drnrott.'.$l!d6ta6itld&h.!c|rr^|1(.1t!lv$t!r}l0ii|i[,t{I|.|o.d^/.,|'{r0yV|.(/.rv{4in|e|,r'|y,.pr1,,i*rirvcrra.'j.ltrrrcro,.lrdJtih...no|r|&.}o.l,t....I!,||'*l|i|||*' ,! r i h.ll.' r-'t^'t .'!./l f fraijjr,.a irrrtrcr t,",,r..Tre,,..te .t^l^c.tlran,.6th.a\..nto,tlat lt|*i!- a 11"^v r*ri d'lrr "'-"!r, t'te'tt tt',\rttt "d;;fiii'T;ii,;;;;;-';i"'.,;''.,';'.,d''ie'ro'',?tr'..'vlf::.:aTy:)1YT:j'-':-::::,:"';::: :::.:,:11i:',:.il:lXg1H sf;:i'#;f;"i;; i;,;" ;1 .,;,;r t. ,,.,roccrr r"rqo,.*nryor r,:.. rr,.d or r. .ir ..(t iL|'o.d ,r{.|,., n) r ,,.rf,{,'. f'., ^i(ri.e! ,od i .*,,- " .J i".itr."*rrf ro ito tUra il t','rt hi't rtot atl"t 'l m{ 'h rt '4r'r4 lho L! F4 r' :'L!l ( tcr,.r |tr' trd'lt Cbad !, Lrnl lhra rlsf,ldt*nl,t t'i {rofll t , .^4 ttr'ola4ar{ll lO . hin rtot atlaat .l m{ 'h rt ,4r,r4 lho L! F4 l' :'L!l ( tcrar |tra trc'll ff.;;liJ#;fi'.;T';i';;i;;;i;j,,j;;,i;,;;; t"""d't*o" .,r t'urr rh't |.r4r'''( "!r' "v\o'" k6'" " \h',' t"rh<t ,. rr*: r6.c{<d\ '.L.{lo t! !..4n, rr'r ' r'";'r.i't "i; 'i tt 'Iiit or *'tO ,r t'cv(r{ "!6' t'h l r""rFr'ritth$tr't' r'ri'' r"€'Fs!tx'I ;:;i;;;; ' ;t "; ;;li" ..i "..r t"" r r ,ehr! t,th "{,.c- o try orrn' b'r' 4olrr'tu r''cturr"\r{'rr,a'rvt[]"'r''r'rr'r !r..dn.db.o|t.-..r.ltor'ot.Jc'.t,.^r.toL'd,.ln{oor.r.6rJirfho.,'lontd.|Ytt'cli|'.t'' rpn i ili L-r,'i,'rii1d&fti r"rv rtct;mnu a ea,wirfr,{-f,tlalni Bo..lritr (nrfirrnlt.T'l rgtt'r l'it L''rttn nr Bt"'ror 'r'il aI ot tarr. and lrrio.|n rll ltr,,lrtnrrn(|,r.| {^lrnrrl|r'r.'| ha lr!tr(,t.|.r/tl''_ l tilt'r a, eatra{i lr.rr at,::ot lt|no a^t lril,|ri rdtt u c.6(lt int lduta ql ttnd t{ l a,laai s't\t'l t o *dt{r rd'is"l " Lttrnki .!P|nt,4||'$'-rt.,Il|.pi|o.'..,|td,o.'1'(|r,{'o,|t.t|t|!.t|of[l,,€|.lo|!.^d'v{|d|]n4't|6'r.'-|.(xl''.irxt\r'n'n'\.{.|ol..ytd r.fxrtt ai.l i( (Or{'tig 'ntrrn,l|dr ..' rU{ ll, tt|. tica{, Or.tnl[l Dafn'cnl! al F.l.i'n tr.m nrrJrtr{l r, rflrftnn|dtl,r.rv d nF t.aair rl[tliil ||' irrtl'ir r t!r"{ br tt"dtl a,, arf ul& irxr dtlrt t d trs tirl'iil.rl l.nrt aa rrtrhrn ' n.d c omplt i'lh lt$ t.tnr! . i ^rty {ttvi t r{ r'|ta dr,t lo oorro*tlr ! iltaaxltlallona of to|'fi.r. l|{lt.tYtd rdFr$r'r"lr {'d *rrttrtt ln t rk{ lrF lrlk|rtrro !tl ltF la6.nl. fixl.rr |rt.r [.nr.. tt.dlni.{.r 'rr r.r{ Iatn'..tr /r'*l rtr| " n tn.|ld r'rxh lh'lornrt n 'rtr rn l{t l r r'i i, li.n or h' t.arii 'a,\ l.riil ut(l.r [51.l.il !]t "{ ll'talir' It t"t aa.'Or|r|t 'r th''\t'nl l! ht, ,.r,rr r, |.cu'tt I tdrt ,t. rr*r.. / / [. t"a.ra ht". I n"." {i\ l.tr ar' (1, ..t lry oor|(,{t{ | r't l"}!t I rr '- " r'ltn l' 5a B.ttoii| h..t.vl ir l.||t|it r,tl.{ l,Ll r rrd ' |rctr( '' "'t' ltt{lh n tdvr^" rtr$t nhv r!'lrx lr r't ! I l!tto*.. h.t lha txrttt ind a,|lrt(l ftr rrtlrt o4 a.irot*r'{in t ! lk{4t*it hm rr/ D.rlornfl artY r t rr .rt.( art|,rrr[nt n laarda, at iaaalya lanla. ^4 kr,0 nr tkro*rt tt itol n d.lfrl rtYlir t\ ntq,lhtr lo I fxt.t ., 'tn t" I . | )'t{l ' n I .' ! ' !' | f''^ri t tr 'rttr -;.;ii;i;;;;;i,,t nah,r,n 1.,.r"r,'.,, ,rn,"{tr 4'rl rnolil. t h..,! l|..fln nli.nl.trirllryl}'nrrn'dIotnn'dIt'{i'rtrrlnt!n! 'o.|r,|t..idiirr.dh.'|||{Fn'i.'.|,l/|.|th.|'.'f.i|ot.ny,n|n||r|l,'...''|r.'..'*rt,|o|.i .s;;"T;l iltf;;';;; i i;'^, ,n,n inr a rn taJer t d.rr t.dl.r r' rr,'4'(r.o elt rqrrs idl ,ffif lji,,,l:l;lrfili]t#..Hlillfidr-ffi,liillli*ii:i*In'l-mit-*1:llt.',li'iii'i,-,*[rffi l{lr.n ltr,r.}r,l(.(l R.!turn L'i FlRsTll.\lll: ll' ','lll, It VAll. nD VAIL CO 816"7 ;'r:':;":11 t r tt I I t f*.$..rrr,r!|.^n!.|t'r!ri.|'r',,.'.|A.6n!,!|t|otl'!F'irr$r.tt..!(',i.!|'dp o||..l!r|.,r!ih.f.,.rNr!r,.|i!!'|'(..t'l(l,v||.''...[.|||r|ra|!'i3|.,i:l 'qt|.9.i..|fi'6|*.|ill|l.,nn|dr'.{dut|F|'$'l|.dl..i|'.'l.'|Y9|tn'.,|i|nro..l bn rha k.;a .-o Oi. | ,, l.urt rt$.v'rrr{r 3ti trl| .rr.r.,-..n r|....o.^iri.t'tI{n*n|Ihl,|,.tl.'!.'..|l&,'o^.'.:|t|t,'tqn|ic|.tl..y'n'!ro|nnt|tl'n||n''.,l|.l!||l,''|.''r'lid c a.t .n, h 'n.r lF l! \i lrrr$ir n'1r.lllt.r 'rl'rlrri q L.rtaral rdeiral t rnild h.I r{r trt(tf ur \4 n {[t |o'..t!o'.'di|r'i.|o{|.|,qF|!'nl|"|.'|','|x! o.rrd io l.rdar t|t &riroi.r drdct rtt !{rr!irl.(lt to}.c|6|otr.n|..^.|{t.'''k'!|r||trrn.l.'t',|l'.h.lij|t{3||,nl'|l|Yn,x|tt'|'.'||t ClnL.l t t llr(r*.1 ||I.c|b.t|r....rth..'|{|.ilt|'.l|i,'.||'*ruv.|o|.r.{t},'t'*ili(|il|t.dn,.r'p.|l|.'.nrt,||'.ll||'{,![|'ll.|.i|i|d ttrvar d llrota rlt'galnnr d l\rnh A *reit f (al $.|'rott'..|t..|rd.t.|\|,!l.[Ff|.tl(.|!''rI't.ltr.h.'r('.i|n||1tl,or|( gua.a.rlr, oa rt't t ,tr tl,hlr a9.nrrl d.\ ('r ltv(t*lrf 'l(|ara{(n (, rlrlllrtir ll|uf.^nr.r,.fr.'oo'.c.Iit'|t|h(,tx'rf|t'.nrovk1.difrld|h'!.trtQ|',r'.irtdb.n,'n,v{.n'3,ht|o||t.,1||.'.dtt|l.'|.|.|'.t|.|r}'||n irr .ti,g,vrrrt o, rwt ai.. &1d,.3! $ ll'6 Datt'or n€Y dat|gnrlo n v,|d|.{, lrcm lrr|. b lrll t f l.Yra$lht || irrr O.r!,r'(r! ot trt .tr.,Orr't||rlt yxraLa ll[ L* r, rt (r$nldr6abL lla |rtl d ll!4 .\!rgrrr|.r illlllra.liro vil'rl la |g|.rDo1 tat A datrrt b, ndr,*d |,1d.r n,. l'rrnl ot a.! laaa, t,nrh lo.td a.{nh n|. bn|'{ tnrd.? lo crt}cal o. ittm-dt a.fht..3. rl t la aba.D<l a d.t.r,n |,xb. h|| .r.q.rrrn{ rxt !q(t.. tta Nol. anat o..(' o, f.url F lo.rl, ar ln larxtir r ofrn'dr tlrn d.l||irrl ,.6rrr ,' O$ lrlrftfF rl d lr{lai t aaC|''lY ta , A tf,tit|,r h &r,o,rr. or rY' ot th. (ovri-ta, rap.ara.{at'o.r o, pro! ryra cct.lrad h hr ara,o.trianl th.tr aa .ttetrcd a d.|tlin |,rda, lha L.tl ol tM kol. .n l Ot d ol lr,at ta J 'lr,a a.rqrri.rt $.r O. tr.kl,no u!o.r md fra lo lll. [h ot Odt*.r ad LtIt [fd ll$n ril6.rm. arlCc.a0(ra. lrr{rtra, llrrtla .acrw3. ' ..lfifiai'ito.r DarL^al ..l!...ntdryaa ri(lala.a, rt' ti6rt . l a a lt|l| 6r0.rnfr{ rial h. Fi..rrd b! tha LN,| al lia ridr rdantrtld f! liiarrrl ldd.i|l Sorto*rr co.lvtnb b lha l',ldGto.l |nd vatirF ot a.lY cqtl kfd.d n th. atat. {nk niad ,n l-d.td6t t addr.ta a lttt lvt ,l al l,|y bgal t (ELdi|g ('E r lhr a3ao'at[nl |..|^||',ti'....jn||trrt{rli..'h.l'rr'|rj',{;r[|.'ld|..{.v{b.|ot[h..r'i''rv.ff'ao.oar'o*.,!h.'|'ln'0t|{'t||h|l|tr|f|| Ji,...\i|'|t'r.ttt|0'm..n.r,ut,rnvii'etc.ltrrrrrr..t.l|'t'.'r.n||t'}cd'!t'|..rd'{,o|||ol,Vd'..r|o?||'lvtii,..ri|lr@*.lMdl.'l(,n{ ro i|. t3h. .hd c(fit&-i oa lt\na dd dnt' l rl o l aott al alraa -.|!iriirl rtlt !. ad ra a ir-rht aLLt ol h ta{ d ll| -dnal aaaa,'itiL ldrdr Erncd.ao.. lrd aor!..r |r.. r..d. udrtD . . r.a a!t-. b lb an r|d c.,tdlhn| ot rhh t.r|tfiliad. o CJ i o tr*u.d ..r, d.rrr rrr,r -2-tl[ ot ,,APr t I lraaa:Fl rrr ll,rnl of Vn ll - tlark l. Rlrtov tt -- ----..- - Er.cut lv. Vlca Prrrldcnt tir .-_... ,_-- gt^t; (' Co I orndo Co.rrr ol Enjlr HOSEI.Ey CoNSrRrrCTloN lllc A COLORADO COill'OnATION .i-,It{c. ) t|r l a.!tu*,.,nr.,r rir',. d..r nr.fl 'n n nrr6," nn rn nn -2I!.lJ- ouy ol - -.... . - Ap1 l l PAfRicK l)AUt' lNAlS AS I'R[StDENT AND SUZAI{NE DAUrIlNAlS AS r',9( SEfRI:IARY lllj ltAl,l'rr I Nnl S Wtl l,i.i lrr . r^llo fttt (t t rt rlt .tl/rl ,rycrnrorrrne.r,r.n .)la l. r.f A.' ,_.tl((iL l*rrr! tl*o It V.tl nrl., v^lll 7t,h')I t:(t Rl6r, Slf fi?lt.f lt-ti lfi l,.t.r5 o,l l2olS l I | :324 l\i 2 (!l l :"dl i.. ph lna lr r lr^ C: t(t|. rat rr,rNal J l. \r I'l't( r.: ill' l)tsltt'ltsl.:ll' :\ ' I r.:, | ..r. r.r,k' lh'\ r.-rrl ]ltrl||lr'. lll;:l l'.,. ' , , , , t r . i - . , r r . " , t . i. \rtrr'ft:.i:l. l'rt11 :ir.l ir[rr:r,l,r ltl.r irfll t,r!, t.',:.. ,.1 ,,,,,,,rt|rrr[||\rrtlta|lrl.1.1,,1.(.1'{rrlrrt,lrrl,,rr.r"l , .r l t'r,.rt. . "lr, .t r' l, l'llr',,r'||llrr'l rlrrlllrr'|llx lllsr,tlllll | ,1, .r r,i,,l lr.l,,N. ,l:r' rr,r ,r. r.r tfnr,D l,r' llrr. tttt,|r,t'rtllttt'rl ! tt 'r t.1., ,r tl I t., l, ||.l, | *lr..rrrr | ,.,1 t,, tDrrl," ir L,. r l llt|.l|lt],',1 r'r '|,r'I i''|,,.. ll,r r,r |',.rrrr|. rrrll rr.,, rlt.'l||rl ,lr,rl|| llr.,.'||llll'llr'llrl'r'r "r\l|| l,rl lrI'l't, , r ll,r',,', "..1 rr||,,Ir.;' ;1I.h.I .lltrltltll... lrltl||rr rrl{ l|| ll.,IltlIllr lr", rltr'lr l,,I||, l(rr ' ,,t t,1... ' ''t.l., lt ,ltrl'tlt.r '1.'r'lrt|l.l lt rttt I I , t t r ' | | | I | | | | | .|. il "r I l,l'rqr'r'. r'. r,l lrt ln t,,rt rr:rll. $,lrl r I | ' | ' . I I I . | | . ' ' I ||||l I{ rl fil tttrt' {rllli rr fltk lr | |'||I||I|'t.,I I llr, '|t,,,,,.. .,1.1 , :t,' lrr'h l'l',rl|| trtt'.,1,' t './llrt.l|rtltt'll'l|'frlr, l:rrr,l l||lr'rlrllrlrrtr'rl !o !-{ t6-80 t 5 l0l. r 16-8055 l0l- 4 76-5riE6 1 k |i o o U.td|o o, r{o ?lt t-, lJ lr. 0 O! o u Ha, G (,A.| <x Ft t, tc \t oo rt9 |n0 C-a r {io lrl t! I q:' tl o& I ttE I ia,4...u., |a !r 'i ol F tl rl tDL i .2a 'ro ut ,i Dnrrplrln;rlr llrnrlr.y Conitrqctton. lnc.r P.O. ior lJlSr Vrrll. CO n Carl nr|rrl|| Crtflt|till lotl I llrr rrrr,, ' r'l,lrI rtrrrl l' ['lrl||rrlr |'rtllrl,r'l .,1 llll'lrrllllll'lllrr.trllrlll!'ll{l \,r., . l,l'l t r '.llauphlnule Hosclcy Conttructlon, lnc., P.O. lor l5l5' Vtll. CO :1. l'l||. ||nr', . rr,lrlr'.-. i|rr,l lr,L.Iltdtr., ttrt||rl'r.t of tlrt' rlixlrllt.r'ri Flrrt lanh of Val I l. l lrr'l:rrr,l lr, 1,, r''t".,ir,'l i. rllttrttr.itr llr. Sl rtlr. |'l I 'rrLrt rt,l.r. tt tt,l i. , h'"t't r l||rl: ltgtl lh rrt rYli"t ( i'ulrl r' .rl Eatl a .l r l,l rl x,t ll Vntl f,oed Vrll r C0 81617 Parccl ll. || rcrubdlvlilon of Prrcrl D. J rnd lrrct C' Dauph lnl h-Xorc ley Sub.. .ltl,l r.',r" Llonrrldga Sub. , flllnS llo. Ftltng No. I accordln6 to thc plrt rccolded Aprtl l4r 1994 ln llook 6lt !t PoBo 540, County oI Unllc, Si|rtr of Colorrdo. of Vri I N l oh.. ^,tt,.s\L0rn trnr : Itr \' lnr.ll llccortlo{l ll.'trIl| 1'r !FlfittTlllNf rll l'All, I t vlll. lllr \ tll ',' '. 'r !' rf' ?oil s- DIATRTc! COURT, EAGLE COt ltTy, STATE Or OOIpRADO ca,. No. lqcu tq 3 , Dlvl.lon No. _ $lclrc! ot &rt tttDtlr 'o o ti 5!r TEHPrUNDB FUNDIIfC CoRP. Of SOUII CAROIJINA, fNC., I South Crrollnr eorporat lon, Plalntlff, llot tlTAIl{ COt }ITRY STRUCTtnEg, IllC. , r Colorrdo corporatlon; DAUPHINIIS-IIOBELEI COIISTRUCBIOII lNC., r Colondo eorporetlon; FfRS'BA}|K OF VIIL, a Colorrdo corporatlonl rnd SHEnRI EnA!|DOH, PUBLIC TRUSTEE OP 8,AGLE COtltTy, COII)RADO, D.f.ndant! . Pur.urnt to Colo. R.v. gtat. t 38-22-109 rnd C.R.C.P. 105(l),notlcr l. h.r.by glv.n thrt T.rplundr lundlnE corp. ot South Carollna, Inc. ha. fltcd a colphlnt ln thc abov. lrrrult !or.!!ong othcr thlng!, forccloeurr of ltr iachenlcr. ll.n undcr Colo.RGv. 8tat. S l8-22-lol dl .Gn., rhlch ray rlfcct tltlc to th. rGal prop.rty vhlch hrr th. l.grl d..orlptlon e. lollos.t wt 22,, DAUpt|rNArA-HO8Et,Et AUBDMaION FtLII{c ||O. I, ACCOnDII|C TO TllE PIiT nECORDED AUGUST 2t, 1990 ril BOOK 536 AT PACE 221 coimTl oF EACLE, aTAIE Or COIaRADO. EAT(ER T IIOsTETT,ER By, ,,-{/fZ /h,*^St.pllan Y. curt, No. 19789 !01 8. lTth lv.nu., Bultc 1100 Dedv.r, Colorado 80203 (r0r) 861-0600 AI'IIORNIYS IOR TI}IPIUND8 PUNDIIIG CORP.ot soul'$ CARoLINA, INc. 6f363? B-da? P-6eb O$lll/ga ()6318P PO I OF I Seri J. Ftihar Eallc County Clcrk I nccorder REC 5.00 DOC DAUPHINAIS o RE AL ESTATE SuPa Inc.REALTOR@ P. O. BOX t 5l5 The Honsrahl e itent Rose Flayar -[own of Vai I 75 So, Frontage Road Vail. CB. 81657 Dear l"lr . Rose " lrle lrn d er gt an d open *pace to f eur bl ocl,:s of vAtL, co 81658 that the Town of Vai pnrchase" bJe of{er ?P"r"*,,,WWT {,{ I or,j nq r,,r lnlnV thj,.M \e 'l l.r ,r\( ZJrr!.y^ffitfi#) (303) 949.r 670 I and currrentlv ava FURCHASE FRICE : S,5??"CltJ(:).O.) AFFROXII'IATE AREA FOF SALE : 3.3 ACRES CURRENT ZONING z 7 DUFLEX LOTS' MASTER PLAN MAXII"IUI'I OF 4$ UNITS. f,ALLS FOFI This area of town dceg not ELtrrently have a park. Thie parceloflandignneo{thecrnlyr.emainingutndeveloped par.celsinLionsRidge.ThenearestparksareinSandgtone- a playgrctLind , with Vot leyhal l and picnic {aci I i-ties; and Fr_r{.f ehr creek- prirnari 1y {or picnics. trle f erel that this parlt wi I I servi ce: Vai I Ri dge ,area wi th the 'ral on, the proposed Single Family Devel opment n the homeg along Liong Ridge Lilop r $slir Crest , Cascadeo Valli Hi, Simba Rltn, VaiI Runt The Val tey, in addition to the Elut{f ehr Cr- eel'': Area ie: Vai I Heighis, Vail St:y High, Meadowbrook n Burf {ehr Creeh Condost and Capstone, This 3,3 Acre parcel ig directly adjacent to the open space proposed for the Si ngl e Farni 1y Devel cpment ' Fi}ldirtigcutrrentlyavailablefromthePostsffice*iteo f rorn devel opers in the Valleyn or from Town goutrces' The site csLrld br3 regraded, like Ford Far[': I to create: a so{tba}1 fiFldn soicor {ield, moutntaitr bike track' picnic area. with swings, anything that is a priority {or town recrFati on. le in North Kest Va LOT ?Ci THRNUGH ?6, BLNCF; ? LION'5 RIDBE SUFDIVISIQN, FILING NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECNRDED SEFTET"IBER 1(}l 1979 IN EOOH 29{:} AT FAGE 794, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE o D AUPHINAIS o RE AL ESTATE SuPa Inc. P. O. BOX 1515 vArL, co 81658 (303) 949-1670 We now have a pr-tbl ic 4acilityt the' U.S. Post Officer being construrcted in Lions Ridge. hli th the problem o{ pedestri ans on the irrterstateo I be1 ieve that the {utture will {ind a overpags necesEary between Eascade Village and Lions Ridge. The possiblilties of connecting the Lions Ridge Fark with Donovan Park, wautld eqltate to the proximity c:f Ford Fark and the Soccor Field. This may be a longterm plann butt we aIl must have vi gi sn. I am acti vel y marketi ng thi s property tfrror-tgh the I ocal Board of Realters" It is Dar-rph i nai s -f'lcsel ey Constrltcti on t Inc. 's position to pLtrsLie marketing throltgh this next burilding season and i{ it does rrot sell t to yoLt or another develcrper, thern to taf,:e it r:f f the mar[,:et and develop it themsa.l veg. Thir; grrice is sr-rtr jecl to chanqe, and this corresponcJepnce ghoutl d not be construted i n any way aE a contract c:r a cornrni t tment t c-r gel I . If ynt-t wi sh to consi der this parcel n we* wj.LL be happy to consider the Town o{ VaiI as a ptrtential pttrchaserr. Encl osed please {incJ maps mf the absve mentioned property. Thanl: your for your attention. If yout wish to do sor I will be happy to tal:e you r-rp to the property and walk it with yoLi. If I can be of any further asgi stancet please do not hesitate calling my office at ?49-167O. Si ncerel v.a - "{.' ril l -\{-r.-- ('-, \\--t^.ttp s"/*.r\ r. Daurphinais nr(t,er ) e5 cc: Feter Patten Ron Fhillips SUZANNE E. OAUPHII.' DAUPHINAIS REAI- €5TATf SuPa In c. P. o. BOX tst5 vA tL, co 8165A (3O3) 949.1670 '1 !,8 ze ' f-- -l>d5l m 2 cl z o N .-i €z 6 - @ o c z. =iB X:O Filr -n,q z:--'z 6ut Pr dE=#==,t>.r't -El t<'rn I xa3 cPl ;eR ?r.r _t!_ARz 3i,, I -l :\ -nE zi, 63 T5s telw . r,tATCl{ L|HE __t5s. R.80w. s€E SHEEr 6