HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 16 LEGAL.pdfC€trJl,uUI'v tr\rtL@tErlT Design Review Board ACTIOil FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 ta'..970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Nam€: RESNICK ADDmON Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CMWLSPACE AND WINDOW ADDITON Participants: owNER RESNICK, JEFFREY& HELEN 0U0712008 1BOO LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT J.P. MANLEY, ARCHftCTS, LLC01/022008 Phone: 328-0592 PO BOX EAGLE co 81620 License: C000002079 ARCHITECT J.P. MANLEY, ARCHITECTS, LLC01/022008 Phone: 328-0592 PO BOX EAGLE co 81620 License: C000002079 ProjectAddress: 1800 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1800 UONS RIDGE LOOP Legal Description: Lot: 16 Block Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-122-0901-6 Comments: DRB ilumber: DR8080003 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 01/08/2008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Pald: $300.00 Additions-Residential or Application for Design Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cdondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fayc 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General f nforrnation: All pmjects requiring design rwiew must reeive approval prior to $brnitting a building the submittal requirements for the partiqilar approval that is requested. An application for Design Revievv cannot be acaepted until all required infonnation is reeived by the Community Ds/elognent Departrnent. The prcject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commissbn. Decign rwiew approval lapses unlesa a building pennit is issrrerl and constnrction ommencc within orrc year of the appronal. Description of the Request:'EXl 61ftt t*loMF rF r'<r.p \Alr'{f\,J f..fz NE-\^l M€-o,&Fa?t Location of the Propoeat: t-ot: I La alcx,(: 4- SuMivision: PhyicalAddrcss:oo[BOD Lro}.J F (D4A L.acF Paref No.: 4 lbTl?2O1Ol b (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,f0 for parcel no.) Zonins: €G' 5 DD +o7- l{ame(s) of Owner(s): l{ailing Addres: NameofApplicanu Jfriera.el P Mf*rtc-.i - Jp MrOrr*-{ Ap,athWLLL Mailing Addrcss: o C9 o o o t^l t2 17La E-mail Address: JPMlAltE t/ @ <rtpoYfrU:f Type of Rwiew and Fee: tr Signs n Conceptual Review tr New C-onstruction \f,/ nddition E Minor Alterauon (multi-family/commercial) O Minor AlteGtion (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fe€ $650 For con$ruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square fuotage is added to any residenual or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor dranges to hrildings and site improvements, such ag re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site impro/ements. such as, re.roofing, palnting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already appro/ed by Planning Staff or the Design Rer ew 8oard, No Fee i'owN oF vNL Orvner(s) Signahrre(s) : checkNo,: /Yd \g- \ o\l-rueetnsoate, Z-6,-PB DRBNo.: ,runn"i' WProje*N ****++t**t+++++***********+****++**++*+*+*+****************+t+**t*+++************r********** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ** ** * *+* ** + * +*** +* * ***{. ***** **** ****** ** t***,}* *** * ******* **** * * ** * * * *++* t *****!t**'r' *** *,t*** ** Statement Nunlf,er: R080000013 Amount: $300.00 Ot/07 /2OO8L0:21 All Palment Method: Check IIANI,EY ARCHITECTS . IJIJC fnit : ,fS Notation: L403/J.P. Permit No: DR8080003 q4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2103-f22-09OI-6 SiIe Address: 18OO IJIONS RIDGE IIP VAIIJ IJocation: 1800 LIONS RIDGE LOOP Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance: This Palment:9300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 ** **** +** **+** ++ + * * * *'t*** *** ** ++**** *** * ****+* **** ****** *** * * * **!+ * + + + ** * * ***+*+*++*+* t**** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion Current Pmts DR 00100003IL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 PROPOSED ITIATERI/I|S TVoe of ilatedal Color BulHino ltlebrials t 4h{r4r PYtsTtl4 r WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flching Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhotses Retaining Walls E <terior LighUnS O'ttrer ll&er F: \cdev\FoRltf S\Permlts\Planning\Old fonns\dd_additim_8-28 -zcf.l.dac 'P ''i "f "' I '?;'S Eotanical llame PROPOSED I.A]IDSCAPI]IG Common llenre $re PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirynents for landscapirp:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souarc Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff odrcr landscape feafures (i.e, retaining walls, fences, srvimming pools, etc.) DATE: IGN REVI F: \cdaArcRMSwmG\Planning\Old fofl rE\drb_additiort_8-28-2m7.doc sHFt{ 14 Elf, r VAL \\\ esi11 : ':t "* f, Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information Eagle County Gov.rnment !v $r w.srrulec o l I lty.u s Page I ofl Property Assessment and Tax Information DETAILED RESULTS Accounl llltnrllel: Pnrcel lktnrher: Tar Arci! lSiI LGry: Owner llame .Addrcss: LG$al Dcacd|nion: Plursacd Adftess: R0t16684 a m12209015 sc103 45571 RESNICK, JEFFREY 8 HELEN 18ITI LIONSRIDGE LOOP vAtL, co 81657 SUB:DAUPI.fi{AIS.MOSELEY FIL I LOT:I 6 BK-0536 PG-0221 MAP 08-23-90 OO,ISOO UOhE RIDGE LOOP VAIL AREA o.2 vALUATIOIT TFORMATTOII A$$e3scd Valu€ 47760 Next >Record 1 of 0 Taxes Printable Page Done http ://fcs.eaglecounty. uVpatie/index_content.cfrn?accountnum:R0066 84 1t4t2008 CCIffJh|7Y CVELOOUE|II Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 talr 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,corn ProjectName: RESNICKTREES Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FORTHE REMOVAL OF COTTONWOOD TREES AND REPI.ACEMENT WITH EVERGREEN/ ASPEN OR ORNAMENIAL TREES Partacipants: OWNER RESNICK JEFFREY & HELEN 07IT612007 18OO UONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT RESNICK, JEFFREY & HELEN 0711612007 18OO UONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 1800 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1BOO UONSRIDGE LOOP Legal Description: Lot: 16 Block Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2103-122-0901-6 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRB Number: DR8070320 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approva| 07 12412007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 0712412007 By: RLF Action: COND 1. The applicant shall replace each removed tree with a tree of any species of similar height. C-ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Entryz 0712412007 By: RLF Action: COND 1 . The applicant shall replace each removed cottonwood with a tree of similar height of any species. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paad3 $2O.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8t657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX970479-2452 luly 24,2007 Jeffrey Resnick 1800 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Jres2ski@aol.com Re: DRB07-0320 Department of Community Development Dear Jeffrey. Thank you for your application for ffee removal and replacement at 1800 Lionsridge Loop. Your application has been staff approved with the following condition: I . The applicant shall replace each removed hee with a tree of any species of similar height. A DRB Action Form is attached for your records. You may proceed with removal at your earliest convenience. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concems. Rachel Friede Planner. Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com M inor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review -i' '' ' i ' ,l U P Cf, g o u, f\l o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t28 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www,\i'ailgov,@m General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applicatlon for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Location of the Proposalt Lot:/!.,Block;Subdivision: Physical Address: Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: i Ytr Ir E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Consbuction tr Addition D Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) / Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request ./ea Phone: Ja:- rr;' 5'?)l Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or ccn'l:'nei:iel bui!ding (inCudes 250 additons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee { ) * +* ** *+ f,*** *******l*f ****{.****** ******** *+* ** * * ******i ********i** ***********+******* **** * *** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *****lt** I *******+*****+***** ** ***a** *** *t* *'|**!3'*** ****** **** * *****+*******+********* **l*** ** Statement Number: RO7O0OL244 Anount: $2O.OO O7/16/2OO7Ll :35 AM Pa)rment Method: Check RESNICK Init: 'JS Notation: 5593/aIEFFERY This Payment:$20.00 +*+* ******** * ** *** *+** ******:t ******* ** * ***'1.******* * * ** * * **** * * ****+****+ +**** *i*t** + +++* * +t* ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account code Current Pmts DR 00100003 tt2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Permit No: DR8070320 T:pe: DRB-Minor AlE,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2IO3-L22-090]--6 Site Address: 1800 L.,IoNS RIDGE L,P VAIL, L,ocation: 1"800 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Total Fees: Total ALL, PmtE : BaLance 3 Descrlption 92o. oo $20.00 $o. oo o. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Lot 16, Grand Traverse Project Description: new single family residence Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Pat Dauphinais, P.O. Box 1515, Vail, Colomdo, 81657 Project Street Address; 1800 Lionsridge Loop Legal Description: Lot 16, Dauphinias-Moseley Construction, Filing #l Parcel Numbcr: 210312209016 Comments: Buildine Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Hans Woldrich Action: Approved Seconded by: Bill Pierce Votc: 5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:515199 F:/EVERYONBDRB/APPROVA U99l DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S200.00 o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: reEp___ (oALoA Nt?-:--D - iln ('OLOR:* (_ 6dd6-Aon Ftuat A)*rq (l'+L hlsu,t Roof Siding Otlrcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trint Fland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash llnclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*+ Othcr /olUtile-E4r,'rtt D*r uil.-tc- 1.+'< E t/ftrutrl-.(L * Plcasc spccify thc nranufacturcr's color, nunrber and attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). lf extcrior lighting is proposcd' plcasc in6icatc the nunrber offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. tdcntify cach fixturc type and providc ih. h"ight abovc gradc, lunrcns output, lunrinous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixturcs. aAr(D c PA1 f Updatcd 6/97 a PROPOSEpLANDSCAPITiG o Botanical Nartc Cornmon Namc Ouantitv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO I}E REMOVED: 9et LxntvJe,r.l.€IN *Mininrurn rcguircmcnts lbr larrdscaping: dccidLrous trcc.s - 2 inoh calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Ivps Squarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fcnccs, swimming pools, ctc.) Pleasc spccify. Indicatc top and botloln clcvations of rctainilg walls. Maxintunr hcight of walls within thc fiont sctback is 3 fect. Maxitnum hcight of walls clscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fcct. Updated 6197 hwn 75 oouth fronlage road Yell, coloiado 81657 (303) 47T2138 (303) 47$2139 ofllce of communlty development June 21, 1991 Mr. Pal Dauphanais P.O. Box 1515 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Revocable Rlght-of-way permlt for Dauphanals-Mosely subdlvlslon Dear Pat: After speaking with Kristan Pritz regarding your concern with filing revocable right-of-way permits for individual lots on the above project, I spoke with Greg Hall about th-e issue. lt is our feeling that it will be possible to file only two revocable righf6f-ways for the project, One will cover landscaping and site walls for the landscaping ass6ciated *ith Lots t-b4.' i-or this,we.will reference the proposed landscaping plan for the subdivision. Greg will reviev,, each lot at lhe time of submiilal, and may have comments and concerns as the laidscape plan develoos. The entry landscaping will be on an individual permit which references the approved design of lhis arca. should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-213g. lw- lab cc: Greg Hall Kristan Pritz -Uppen EAGLE VALLEY WATER AI!D SANITATION DISTRICTS 34r, tl)k[5] A0^O ' vlrl COl0nl0O 81657 August 2, l9q0 lls. Kristan Prltz Tovn of Vail Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re r Dauphinals-lloseley Subdrvision Filing l, Vail, Colorado (2{ SingIe family lots and I duplex Iot) Dear Hs. Pritzt The Varl Valiey Consolldated llaler District and Upper EagIe VaIley Consolidated Sanitatlon Distrlct uill provide donestic vater servlce and sever servlce to the above referenced developnent, The Districts have excess capaclty to process domestlc uater to 1ts constituents at the present tlme, Accordingly, upon compllance vlth the Rules and Regulatlons and the payment of approprlate tap fees, the Dlstrlcts vllI provide dolllestic vater servlce 3nd sever service. constructlon of aIl naln Line extenslons 1s the responsibility of the developer; hovever, alI constructlon draulngs must be preapproved by the Dlstrlct, Any aalditional fire service, (i.e., fire hydrants), that need to be added to those already exlstlng vill be at the expense of those requestlng the servlce. The addltion of Backflov Preventlon Devlces on the Flre servlce and on the Domegtlc Hater Servlce, vhere requlred, are necesgary, Slncerely, UPPER EAGLE VAttEY CO}ISOTIDATED SA}IITATIOII DISTRICT \. a n \ rl '{lpgS -b" \\cNbq- Fred S. Has lee Dlstrlct Regulatlons Admlnlstrator FSHrJao O ,/ a' ll fl\ PaFTrcrFATrNGorstRrcr5-aRRowlrEAoMErRowarER.avoNMcrnowarER.BrAvERcREEKMETRowarER.B€RRVcREEKMETRowaTER T4;\ o\ EAG'lE va'L MErrrowarER ""*".::,,';;:,'::::::;,ll:iii;';:;:l.JT'-:i::i'":';^';:^";:'"""*'v coNsoL'oarEo sAN'rA.oN @ lf,A,}y&jsr ' COMMTJNICALONS @ 6ox 3O5o DtLLort, fulz. 8oz/3-5 SUBJECT: \4 \: !F, c\ s }J 't i\\ \(F q\\ TZccn G/ Y,+r L De el . oP Co rn ntcz rt,, y'-y k ve Lor:rtte_,o I 75-q .,/-fan/-,4-g€ ,4/ n) \4ar L, (oln. I / 6s? ,, zJe,ot. rT cornmzrtrqDe"22%'#fJi:+t @- vtt r L EXCHAN6E facurt HV4/L Au-q.2 ,,fC OATT lff'lflEsr' AP PROVED: BY TITLET lt . -'\ 't t --;--;--.t .lerrtage Lablevtslon !',O. R,rx 4J9 tl | .10 lvlctcllf Rorrtl .A.,'on, (irlorado I 161L1 i j03) s49-5510 Augusc 2, 1990 To whon it nay concernr Heritage Cablevlsion wI11 provide cable servlce to Che Dauphinai.s-l{oseLey subdivlslon, filing #1 . At thls time the cable is in place at Lhis slte. Mark G. Guzlnekl IIerl tage Cab 1ev lelon Lead Te chnl e ian Sin cerely , :6t1"'J.,v HoLy cRoss?o.r-r-Rrc,or=&rATroN, r NC. AREA CODTJ 303 945.5491 J799 Hl(; W.\l',rJ2 P. O. t)R..\\\ t.:R :: so (;LliNW(X)l) SPRIN(;S. (l{)l.Ol{ \l)r) str,r): August 2, .l990 Ms. Kri st in Pri tz Planning Dept. , Tolvn of Vaj I % Dauphjnais-Mosely Construction, Inb.l,lr. Pat Dauphi nai s P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsri dge, Lots l-19 Resubdivjsion Eiectrical Service Dear Kri stin: lloly cross Electrjc Association, Inc. is in the process of completing our primary electri c installation within the above mentioned project. l,l;have already received funds fronr Dauphinais-Mosely construction, Inc. for the estimated cost of ihis project. pnimary electrici'l service insiallation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, piease call me at 303-949-5g92. Si ncerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASS0CIATIOit, Inc. -,-. A ,/ .'( -/ //''-./.'/ .z Ted Huskev Engi neeriirg Servi ce Supervi sor W/0#I?235:5167:Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivision lw Tt1: Public Service'Publlc Scrvlce Company of Golorcdo P,O. Box 430 Minturn, C0 81645 ' (303) 949-578r August 2, 1990 T6^/n Of Vail OorrnniW Der,eloprent Deparhrent Attn: Kristan Pritz, Director 75 South Frontage Road Vail, @ 81657 Dear lkistan, Please a1lou this letter to serve as evidence tlnt D.M,C.,fnc., the derelor:er of Iots 1-19 Lions Ridge Lane, has satisfied Public Service Connany's request recnrirenents. Al_I nec€ssarl/ natural gas system designs are conplete at this Lj:re. D.M.C. Inc. has signed the necessanT facility agreernent and remitted the requirecl cash ontribution for the- facility jrr- stallation. fncreased dennnd for Public Senrice Oonpany's services clurj.ng this year, and the limited nanpot€r to satisfy ttr-is de- mand will require efficient job schedulincr. pubtic Senrice Conpany cre$/s are prepared to begin consLrucLion at this tirre. Please let re lsrotd if I may be of additional assistance in providing information related. to this derelornent. RepresentaLirie GI:lnb Co.rnuQ Development Plan Routifiorm Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:3/15/99 Return By: Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Dauphinais-N{oseley Spec. Residence 1800 Lionsridge Loop Lot I 6, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision New S ingle- family Residence Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Please provide stamped survey of lot 16 Max driveway width is 24' with allowable l0' r'adius, for a total width of 44' (flared end to flared end) adiust and levise First 10'of driveway is 8 % max. Please adjust and revise. This will affect the grade on the rest of drivcway Heated portion of driveway, on Town of Vail light of way must be on sepalated zone. Please show on site plan Please show all lequired parking spaces on site plan. Inside spaces arc 9'x18', outside 9'xl9' Wrat is thc diameter of existing culvert that cross Lionsridge Rd.l Original maps show dlainage to flow west of lot 15, thlough drainage easement. If culverl is to go between lot l5 and lot 16, an dlainage easement ntust be granted and a rnanhole or catch basin rnust bc installed at evety angle ofpipe. Please provide an approved Engineered drainage plan. Please show 20' centelline tur-naround area between driveways of lot l5 and l6 Date received: Rcviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 3-17-99 F:tIVERYONItDR tP\ROtJTING\9SROltTNG\?lnLICWO\IMASTER.IRM /olru , Bft'a ,fio,ut R,Jp s,<J TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ ' CO 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TCV/Comm. Dev. )lean-up D osit Refund tpproved amount date Descript,ion:New SFR Occupancy Dwellings DweIlj-ngs Private Garages DEPARTMEI{:T OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO.JECT TITI-,8: GRAND TRAVERSE NEW (SFR, P/S, Dl]P) PERMIT .JOBSITE .A,T ALL TIMES #t6 Permit #: 899-0144 Address: 1800 tloNs RrDGE LP Lrp l,ocation...: 1-800 Lions Ridge el No. .: 2L03-1,22-09-0L6 Project No. : PRiI99-0155 APPLICAI\IT DAI'PHINAIS-MOSELEY EONST INC ].404 MORAINE DR, VAII CO 8L557 OWNER DAI'PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC , ]-404 MORAINE DR, VA,IL CO 8].657 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX r_595, EAGLE CO 81631_ Status...: fSSIIED App1ied..: 06/04/L999 Issued...: 06/2L/t999 Exlrires . .: 1-2/!8/L999 Phone: 970-475-8055 Phone; 970-476-8055 Phone: 970 328-5499 Table Date: 05 /1,7 /L996 Fi!6plac6 Inforeation: Rcdtlicgod: y6s Number of Dwelling Unit.s: 001 Factor Sq. Feet Valuat,ion 2 V-N 97.80 1",480 l.44,744 -OO 2 V-N Basement. 2t.24 L,L7-2 23,51-8 . 88 2 V-N 25 .56 505 12, 933 . 35 Subtotal: 3, 098 18L,296 .24 Total Valuation: t-81 ,296.24 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 351-,000.000 SOf ca6 Appliances:*Of 6a6 LogE:#of wood/Pa1let: Type Zane Zone Zorl9 FEE SU ARY Building-----> lt744.OO Restualant Plan Reviel,--> .oO Total Calculat.ed Fees---> 3,969.10 plan eh.ck---> 1,133.50 DRB Fee--------- 2oo.OO Additsional. F.€€---------> .oo lnv€atigation> -00 Rccrcaeion Fe€----------> 388.5o fotal pennit Fee--------> 3,959-10 vJj.l] call----> 3.00 Cle.'l-q, D.po.it'--------> 5oo,oo Paynents 3,959.10 TOTAI FEES"--.- ].959.10 BAI,ANCE DUE .OO IEEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPART'IVIENT 06/07/1999 KATTiY Acrion: NorE o6/21,/L999 CIIARLTE Action: APPR ITCM: O54OO PLANNING DEPART!4ENT 06/07 /1999 KATIIY Action: NoTE 06/08/]-999 GEORGE Act.ion: APPR ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEM: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS O5/O8/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE o5/L8/L999 KATTTY Action: APPR rECM: 05550 ENGINEERING O6/O8/L999 KATIIY AcEion: NOTE o6/L8/L999 KATHY Actsion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: to Charlie Davis davis Dept: PLANNING Diwision: to George Ruther Rout.ed charlie Rout.ed DePt: FIRE DepL: PIIB WORK RouEed to ENG/PW Approved per Leonard Dept: ENGINEER Rout,ed tso ENG,/PW approwed per Leonard Diwision: Diwision: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions ChaE may apply to t.his permit. DECI,ARATTONS I hclaby acknoYL.dgc that I hav. rcad ghi6 application, fil,lcd ouc in full Lhe informacion required, cornpleled an acculate plot plan, and etate that all. Ehc infornarion provided as lequlred is correct. I aglee to conply nirh the infornarion and plot. plan? co cottPly riEh aLl Tot tl ordlnanceg and state lae6, and co build E.his struccurc according Eo che ?otrn,6 zoning and eubdivision codc6, design rcviel' approvcd, Unifontr Building Code and oth€r ordinances of the Town appl e thereto. RSQI'ESTS FOR INSPBCITONS SHAI,I, BE I.IADE TWENTY - F'OI]R I'OURS IN ]IDI/ANCE BY S6nd clean-Up Deposit To: DLdier con6t.luction Permit, Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DIIP) PERMIT Applicant : DAIIPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC iIOb AddrCSS: 18OO LIONS RIDGE LP LocaEion: l-800 Lions Ridge Lp Parcel No: 2L03-L22-09-0L5 OUR OFFICE FROM AU 5:0 O PM OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR !'OR HIMSELF AND OWNER STaLus: ISSIIED Applied: 06/04/]-999 Issued: 05/2L/'J,999 P.A,GE 2 ******************************************************************************** Permi-t #: 899-0144 CONDTTIONS OF APPROVAI as of 06/2L/99 ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEIfI SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHATL BE SI]BMITTED AI..ID APPROVED PRIOR TO REQTJEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTTON. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HETGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI]RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTIJRAL MEIVIBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE I]NDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI.'RAL MEMEBERS OF TTIE ROOF DIRE TT-'Y ABOVE. 3. No more t,han 15 exterior light.s shall be installed.4. Per Leonard in Public Works: Fi-rst 10 feet of drivewav must be at 8t. I Tofhl oF VAIL. COT ORAID sr,acennr. ti r,r,t rrtaarrrrta aarr tatr*rri.t t. r rti.rrt'rrta.a ra aJ aatrrtrrtrtt r ri r* i tr * rr ECaCeEnt NuEb.r: REC-O533 A[ount: P.!ru.nt tt0.lhod r Cl< f,oErElon: 3313 3, s59.10 06/2L199 t6tLl hit : ,tN P.nlB No r PGcal No: gie. lddtca3 t IJocttion: lhir Pel/!.nt B9t-ol,{{ Typc: E-BuIJD ltEfl 2I03 - 122 -09-016 1AOO LIONS RIDCB LP 1800 !ion. nLdEc Lp ToEaI !.ca: 3,5€9.10 ToEal lI,I. PEc.: B{Ianca: (gFE, P/S, DI'P) P8 3,959.10 3, 959 - 10 .00 Accouri Codc DR 00rooool112200 BP O0100003111100 PP 00loooo31123o0 AD D2-DEPO8 Rp 1r100003r12?00 tfc 001000031r2800 D.scription DBSIOI R.t\rI8'I FBES BT'II,DIN(} PBRI4IT PEES PLIII CIIECK FEB6 CI,SAII('P DEPOSITS RBCR.STTIOI FEBS IITI.', CAI.I. INSPECTTON lEE Abounl -200 - 00 t- ,7 44. OO 1, 133 . 50 500. 00 3aa.50 3.00 o u| H 3E d8 o A |l I ( c C'o o tH o2 09 d9 I o o d o o o o o I o o o c t,' o o o c It o o F 3{ tr E ll B E H Es !.FI !tl r{O EIO I |.a !. &ar '|eFl {t oo I *g P 6A u|EE H5 14ll E o o t t,E o F A |.l d I F o o o o cl |.6- 0 n F d-E d lr HE iB 6 ao E., E FlrFr Ha!oo6 :8 i 6E;' AH E3 +r g T I EE Er E ?F H- o o E E| I{ l.l Htl EE F{ I 2 E TH EE E fi U E Ei e "H fi o : A D H d o A I c o F !r E c F H c|o A I c| ? I o o .-= p ca or)!Il{E4('.E g8t . &88 l)arcel tl Job Address: Mcchanical ( )Other ( ) rnrr# L sxbdivisbtM tax"",ful. t{t 4 lirl , C0 pnone* Alb . 66 Eif rowN oF vA[tNsrRucfloN pERMrr Ap]oflonffit:n?' olbs INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 97G328-8640 for Parcel # ou,., ,.lt}nf 3, t44t pennit* BCR- OIL\{ naNu", lrrM){M Building ffi Plumbing ( )Electrical ( ) Lcgal Descriptio n mt I b Block - ownersNarne:9 fflL {fic . Address: Description of Job: Work Class: Ncw lX Altcration ( )Additiorurl ( )Rcpair ( )OIier ( ) Numbcr of Dwelling Units: /Number of Acconunodation Units: PLUMBINC $ +0rOoO MECIIANICAL $ _LIt ao o Gas I-ogs X .r Ae-- Wood/Pcllct OTIIER: t TO'TAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Gerrcraf contractor.M Address: Vo, tt1d,Zo4e,(c Ito=t Town of Vail Regislration No. Electricd Contractor: Torvn of Vail Rceistmtion No Plumbinq Contractor: Number and Type ofFilcplaccs: Gas Appliances BUILDIN6: s 7+Q 6(90 VALUATIONS ELECTRTCAL: g 2l,60o Phonc /l gqo - /t(o t Addrcss: Addrcss: rorvn of vail Regisrrarion rvo 37- P,rrXt =n_nut*""* _(lQ_Q58Q__ Mcchanicaf Conrractor' fitfl Hqhttltfv$ng ad&'css, Torvn o[Vail RcgisrratirrnNo. 137-? - Pt'nc# q41- AfOA FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: Date Receiveo JU N - ie::l SIGNATURE: ZOf.f f f.fo, - 516pa1ypE; 1_lr a 4(r---l 468 - ozAq f - r I ".1 " ll'.' r' f t,rl TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArlr, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLTCAIVT OWNER CONTRACfOR alectrical---> Invc6tsigation> niIl c.l.l----> fOTAL FEES-. - > DEPARTI,IEI{T OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOb AddrCSS: ].800 LIONS RIDGE Location...: 1800 Lions Ridge Parcel No. . : 2L03-L22-09-0L6 Project No. : PR\T99-0165 DATJPHINAIS -MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VATL CO 8L657 DAI]PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO 8L657 AVAI,ANCIIE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DILLON CO 80435 LP Lp JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #: E99-0093 Status...: ISSIJED Applied..: 06/04/L999 Issued. . .: 06/21-/L999 Expires. .. 12/t8/1999 Phone : 970-476-8055 Phone:. 970-476-8055 Phone:. 970-468-0249 VaIuaLion:2r_, 000 . 00 Descri-pt,ion: Elect.rj-cal for new SFR FEE SUMMARY 133 - 00 .00 .00 3.OO 136. 00 f !, r r * * r | * * * r a rr r Tobal CalculaEed Fcea AddiEional Fe€s---- - - - -- > Total Permi t. FGe--------> Payhentsa-------- BAIANCE D[JE. '.. . 1,36.00 . oo 136,OO 135, O0 . o0 IICM: O5OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 06/2L/L999 CHARLTE Act,ion: AppR charlie ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIVT 06/2J,/t999 CHARLTE Action: AppR n,/a DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:davi^s Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknoi ledge that I have read Chis application, fi11ed out in full the infornaLion requj.red, corupLeted an accura!€ ploc p1an, and 6Eat6 that al1 t.ho informaEion provided as required is correcE. I aglee Lo comply r,ith the information and ploL p1an, Eo comPly with alL Toerr ordinances and 6!at€ la!.s, and ro build this .rLructure according to Ehe Tolrn,s zoning and subdivieion codea, deaj.gn revi.en approvcd, thifofin Auilding Code arrd other ordinance€ of Ehe Toll{n applicable thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHA'.IJ BE MADE TWENIY - FOI'R HOURS IN ADIIANCE BY twrtlttrttttrtnttttrt9r.r.t.raattrttrtitlrattitttttrrrra*tirartrr TOII| ot Vl,lI., COTOnIDO grarrurt trttrr*ara!}r*ata*r)rttfi tattatllatrt''!rlrrartrttrtir+a,l.r.ra*r*aa lttrcet lfir[b.! ! Rlc-o531 lrcunE: p-lr!.rB lLthod: Cf, fogrtlon ! 3319 n6.oo o6/2L199 L6.L3 fnit: .t PlrlliC Lo. !9t-0093 r:F. r E-FiEC StJlCnIClIr PEnBIT P.rcll for 2103-112-09-015 siec lddrrar: la00 tIflE RtDcE LP locrelgB: lAOo !lod! Ridgr I.p :nrir PayBcRc Iotil tl.ca ! 136.00 ToBtl l',& PBgr: Ba1$ca t 136. OO 136,00 .00 f,ccourt' da lra.otipciotr lP 00100003111400 BIlEcmIclI, pmrrf, rlEa Lc 00100001112800 rM cttll lxapEcrtcrf FE! leung 133.O0 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 APPLIEANT OIINER COl..l:TRACfOR iIOb AddrESS: 18OO LIONS RIDGE Location...: 1800 Lions Ridge Parcel No. . : 2LO3-1-22-09-015 Project No. : PR,J99-0L65 DAI]PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VAIIJ CO 8L657 DAI'PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1.404 MORATNE DR, VAIL CO 8T657 MOIJNTATN HIGH PLIJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 AT ALL TIMES P99-0057 LP Status...: ISSITED Lp Applied..: 06/04/L999 Issued. -.: 06/2L/t999 Ercpires - -. 12/L8/L999 Phone- 970-476-8055 Phone: 9'70-476-8055 Phone:. 970-949-4500 DEPA.RTMEI{T OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLI]MBING PERMIT PeTmit, Descript.ion: Plumbing for new SFR FEE SUI.IIi.IARY Valuation:40, 000 . 00 Plun'bing-----> Plan Check-- - > lnv€6tigaEion> wil.L call----> Raslua:.anh Phn Reviex--> TOTAL PEES- - - -.. ToLaI Calcu]ated Fcc6- - - > Addicional Feee---------> Toial Perlltit Fee -------> PayEertt s - - - - - - - - 500 . oo 150.00 .00 3.O0 .oo 753 - OO ?53 .00 . o0 753 .00 7S3 .00 BAI,ANCE DUE..' .OO t*** t***** **flt*rir* *** r*rri!*ri] *i, * tt9ilr r,r* r*rr *+***r*ai**r*t** ^r!g$,i .gl1q0 BUTT.IDING DEPARTT,TENT DepE: BUTTJDTNG Division:06/21/J.999 CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR charlie daviB I!e.f; .g9qq0 FIR-E DEPARTMEI{I DepE: FIRE Division:O6/2L/t999 CHARLTB Act.ion: APPR n,/a CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEID TNSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. tittirrr***riri *a* +r { r r+a*rr**r DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowledge bhat I havr r6ad this appli.cation, filted outs ln fu11 fhe informalion required, completed an accurate plot' p1an, and state lhac all the infornation provi.ded ae requi.red is corlecc. I agree co collpLy rifh the i.nfontration and plot plan, Eo cobply eith al1 ToaD oldj,nanca6 and 6taEe 1are, and to build chis st.ruct.ure according to the Toen'e zoning and subdividion codea, d€sign review approved, uniforr Building cod6 and other ordinanceB of t.he applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}iALI, BE MADE TWEIfTY FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY OR CE FROM S:00 AI4 5.oo PM OWNER OR AND OWNER I ai tr r r*lririrrarr a i *art+ t+ra*at.rt, TOV9}I OF VAU., COLOR.aDO StsauErnl a,t,t 't t*t tt ttrtt!t!t SlataE rE t{urbrt: REC-0533 ADounB: PqttqrE l|othod! CR NoBrtLon. 3316 7S3.oo 06/2L/99 L6.!l rni.L: itfl PerBj,! No! P99-0057 ryp.! B-PLlilB Palc.L No! 2103-L22-09-015 Sitsa lddr.r.: lgOO LIOI|S RrDGI LP Loc.tion. 1900 LioDa Ridg. Ltrt TotaL FeeB: ttid Pa!'ornr ?53.oo Totel lIrL Pnt6! Ealancc: PIJU!.IEING PERMIT *trrrrirrttlt*ttt*trr|}rrttrtti*!r*r**ir******rrre*rrrrr*+rr*l}1t't, Account. Cod!Dcscrilrt.ion 753 .00 753.00 .oo LuounE 500. 0o 150. 00 3.00 PP OO1OOOO31I.12OO PLINBING PBR}IIT FBES PF 00100003112400 pl,llr cHB.Ic FEEa HC 00100003112800 rrrr! cAllll tNspBcfror{ FEB TOI.VN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479-2L38 .tob Address. -. : 1800 LIONS RIDGE LP Location..... .: 1800 Lions Ridge Lp Parcel No..... : 2t-03-L22-09-OL5 Project Numberr pRJ99-01_65 APPTICAI\:T DAIJPHINATS-MOSELEY CONST 1-404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO OWNER DAI'PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST 1-404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR MOUI\ITAIN HIGH PLTJMBING P O BOX 547, A,VON CO 8r_520 Description: Mechanical for new SFR Fireplace InforbaEion: ReBtsricgad: Y *of Oe€ Appliances: DEPARTNIEI,II OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES MEC}IANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M99-0056 Status. . Applied. fssued.. Expires. ISSI]ED 06 / 04/Lee9 07 /15 /]-999 o1/LL/2000 INC 8L657 INC 81657 phone: Phone: Phone: Valuation: #Of Gas Log6: 970-476-8055 970-476-8055 970-949-4500 14, 000 .00 *of Wood/PaI1et.: FEE SI]MMARY Machanical---> Plan Check- - - > Invcsgigation> will call----> Restsuarant Plan Revi.ew- - >Toeal Calcul,ated Fees- - - > Addi.tionaL Feee------- - .> Total Per'hiL Fee--'---- -> PaynenCa BAIANCE DUE- 280.OO ?0.00 . oo 3 ,00 rIEM: O5]-OO BUILDTNG DEPARTI,IENT 07 /14/1:9_9-2^JRI_{__ Action: AppR approwed II,CM: 0560O FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/L4/1-999 JEM Action: APpR n/a .00 353. OO 353 - 00 .00 353 .00 353 . O0 .00 ,DepE.: BUILDING Divj.sion:lrm -Dept.: FfRE Diwision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPE TTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. eQUEqgTION AIR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SEETION 701 OF THE 1,997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1-997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEI.TTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINA,TE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 TMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CjIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE ]-997 IMC. 6 . BOII.,ERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST.IINLESS LISTED FOR MOIIIfIING ON COIvIBUSTIBI.,E FLOORTNG.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AIiID CODE ANATYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MEC}IANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COI.ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITI{ A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F THE r-997 UMC, OR sEerrON l_004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI.ARATIONS I her.by .chrorL.€t thae I h.vc !s.d !hl! rFpLlctllorr, fillcd ouf in fu1l uhc infolrlrtior! rcquired, co[pl.Cad dr accur.t. pIoC phr' rnd rtatc tshtt al1 th. tafolta.tlon providcd ar rqquirld ir correct. f lgr.q to oonFly rith !h. idfornrtio8t .nd plot ptanr to cod[r].y r{ch.11 Torn oldlnqncar ard .eti,a I.r.. aitd tg build thia gg.ructsure rccording to ihs Torn.r zoning end *rhdiwirlon cod.r, dc.igt| !€vL.r ap[Eov.d, uaifon luildlng cod. alrd other ordinencca of Eh. Torn app],iq.bl. th.4to. REQUISTE gOR II{EPEdTIONS SHA,IJIJ 8E UADB T'{BNr1'POI'R HOI'Rg IN 479-2r3 OR AT OIrn' OFatCE Ff,Oll 6.00 lll 5:o0 F|| gloqrutE oP ol|f,ER oR eo!|lnlcToP FoR grusErJF r.!{D ot En ?OI{N OF VAIL, COI,oRIDO Srarlun! *i*irrl*i*i**r*t*rrrt*,rt***rr* it*rr*******a)aii* Stas.[nc lluEbar r RgC-054L Afiount. 353.O0 01/LS/99 t4t43 Falm€ng Mcghod: cK NotaEion: 3319/DIUPHIIAIS rnicr tN PonlE No: M99-oO55 I'i|I'c: Prrc.l No: 21,03 -122 -o9-016 giE. Add!i8.: 18OO LIONS RIDGE T,ocagiolr: lgOO Liono Ridqr Thi6 Payd€ni B.IIECH !,IECIIATICAI, 9ERI{IT LP LP Tolal F6ea ! 351.00 3Sl.0O Totrl LLL 9Et.: BrLancc I 353. 00 , o0 AEorrnc 2 S0, O0 ?o.oo 1.00 ttrttrtlrrrl,r*lri art* * ****l*i*rr* Lccounc Coda D€sc!iption uP 00100003111300 rrBcrrAlllcAtJ PERIiIII FEBS pF 0010000311,2300 PLAII cBEcK rEEs wc 001.00003112800 tfn& cl!l, MgpEqrIoN FBa iiHiii:itH'iil,i::::;;l;" l'honr: 970-9,l5-79llll li'ar: 97(l-r)45-t.|454 hpgeo(t' h pgcolcr'h.conr \>,*uprle,U,*tY rv\! Observation o1' Excavation, Proposed Loop, Lot #16, The Grand Traverse, c&Ft3.r, July 8, 1999 DMC Construction, Inc. Attn: Nels Peterson P.O. Rox 1,515 Vail, (-'olorado 8 1658 T'i,\.\f, , ,*,.\ { Subjcct: Dcar Mr. Peterson: As rcquestcd, a replcscntativc of Ilcpwurth-l)arvlak Geotechnical, Inc. ohserved the excavation at the sulr.ject site on June 23, 1999 to evaluatc the soils exposed ftrr lirurtdatitttt support. 'l'ltc lindings of our rvork arrtl recorunlendaliurrs lirr the f,oundation rlcsigrt at'c l)rcsented in tltis rcllort. 'l'ltc rvolk lvirs tkrrc irr accoldance witlr our agrecnrcuI lirl gcotcchrrical crrginccl irrg scrviccs to l)l\4(' ('onslr.ucliolr, lrrc., tlulctl .lrrrrc 23,1999. We undcrstand that previous soils u'ork, (includirrg cvaluation of fill placcrtrcnt) fur this pr<r.ject was perlornred hy Intcr-Mountain lirrginecring, I-td. We \\'crc not plov idctl rvith copie s ol thcir rclx)rts. 'f'lte proposcd single f alnily house will be a I t/z stoly wood ll'alne structule over a \{alkout basentent. Sprerad footirrg lirundations lvc-rc clesigned frrr alr alkrwable soil bclrirrg l)rr:ssurc ul' 2,000 ltsl artd a latclll c;rrllr loatl bascd orr arr ctprivalcrrt f'luid unit rveighl ol'-50 pct'. At the tintc of our visit to tlre site, the f<lundation excavatiorr had bccn cut in two levels frotn I to 7 l'cct lrelow the adjacerrt ground sullircc. 'l'hc soils cxposcd irr tlte bottorn ol' tltc cxcavalion consistctl of silty sarrdy gravcl rvith cobblcs arrtl scutlcred srnall houlclers which allpcared nrcdiurn dcttse . 'l'he rcsults ol a gradatiorr arralysis llerlbnrred orr a sanrple ol the sandy gravcl (nrirrus -5 inch fi'rctiorr) ohtaincd liorn the site are prcscntcd ort [:ig. L No lrcc wirlcr wls cncouttlcrctl irr lltc t'xcirvirtiorr urrtl lhc soils rvcrc sliglrtly rnoist t0 rnoist. We rnet u,ith I{ico l)idie r, thc gcrrcral conlrflct()t', at thc sitc. I lc stiltcd that the sandy gravels were f ill and that the l'ill placerrrent lrad bccn docurrrented (hy Inter-Nlountain llngineeling. Ltcl. ) Considering tlre conditit-rns exposed in the cxcavation and tlre nature oIthe proposed construction, spread footings placed on the existirrg fill designecl fcrr an allowable soil bcatirtg l)ressure of 2,000 psl'catt be used fur suppolt of the prolrosed residence. We assunrc that the exisling fill rvas cornpacted to al lcast 98% of the rrraxirnurn starrdard Proctttt'dcnsity. l'here coulcl be sorne l)ost-construct ion scttlcrrrcrrt of the foundation il tltc bearing soils become wet. Footings should bc a rrininrunr width of l6 inches lbr corttinurtus u,alls and 2 li'ct lilr colurnns. Loosc and disturbed soils in ftroting areas shoultl he rcrnovcd and thc bcralirts lcvel cxtcrrdcd dor,vn lo the undisturbcd natural soils. 'D,Lri - c i44 P4- r rf- d/Zg Job No. 199 494 Residence, 1800 Lions Ridge Vail, Colorado DMC Construction, July 8, 1999 Page 2 s llxterior footings should be provided with adequate soil cover ab<lve their bearing elevations for frost protection. ('ontinuous lirurrclation walls should he reinforced top and hottont to span local anorrralics such as lly assurrring an unsul)poltctl lerrgth ol'at least l2 feet. Foundatiorr walls acting ls retainirrg stnrctures should be designed to rcsist a latcral earth pressure based on an equivalcllt lluitl unit rveiglrt ol'at least 45 pcl' for on-sitc sandy gravcl soil as backfill. A pclirnctcl furrndaliorr drain sh<luld be provided to prevent lernporary buildup ol'hydrostatic pressure behind the walls and pre vcnt lvettirlg ol tlte klwer level. Structural lill placed rvillrin lltxrr slab areas carr consist of the on-site soils contpactcd to at letrst 95% of standard l)roctur density at a tttuisture content near ol)tinrunr. Backfill placcd arouncl the structtrre should be contpacted aud the surface graded to prevcllt ponding within at least l0 f'cet of the building. 'l'he recomntendations submitted in this lcttcr are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the lbundation excavation arrtl tlo not inolude subsurlace exploration to evaluate the sullsurlircc cottdiliotts r.vithin thc l<ladcd deptlr ol firundation irrlluerrcc. Wc Itavc not rcvicwcd thc ptevious subsoil studies ot'l'ill docurrrcrrtlrtiorr pcr'frrrrrred hy others. 'l'lris study is hasecl ou tlre assurrrptiorr that soils bcnelth the lirotirrgs have equal ttr bctter support tlutn those exposed. 'l'l1c risk ol foulrdation nlovenlcnt nray be grcatcr than indicated in this repurt because ol'possible variations in the suhsurlace conditiuns. Itt orcter to reveal tltc naturc atrtl exterrl ol'variati<lns in tlre subsurfacc corrditions hekrrv tlte excavation, drilling would bc rcquired. lt is possible the data obtaincd by subsurface explrtratiun could change thc rccorr rrr rerrdal ions corrtaincd in this lettcr. lf there are any quesliotts ol il'we nray hc' ol lirrthcr assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, IIEPWOIITII - PAWLAK G lc^t., tNC. &"_*_Q< Daniel E. llardin, P.E, Rev. by: SLP DEFI/ksm attachrnent cc:Boyle Engineering - Attn: 'Iim Boylc *e-rr:.:{::;:;',{ffi{, it+':.!"'.!.'.:":lu: cE8tecn 24 HR. 7 HR 45 UrN. 15 UX. ltt,E R€10*{GS to trltl.tg ta . { Lt{. I HH, .@5 .00e .ole .0r7 U.S STA'€ARD SERES .o71 .t5O ,too .too l.l8 2-:G DIAMETER OT PAR]ICLES IN 1.75 9.512.5 te,O Jr.S MILLIMETERS o LrJ aoz r LI u. --7 t! E LrI o- 60 4ao lJ)(n iso LrJ E tl.l o_ to 7d.2 ts2 127 GRADATION TEST RESULTS HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.199 494 GRAVEL 46 LIQUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF: Silty' Sondy Grovel SAND J8 %SILT AND CLAY 16 PLAS'IICITY INDEX with Cobbles FROM: Footing Subgrode ot Middle of Building Areo % firigo Review .t.t?n Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Lot 16, Grand Traverse Project Description: new single family residence Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Pat Dauphinais, P.O. Box 1515, Vail, Colorado, 81657 Project Street Address: 1800 Lionsridge Loop Legal Description: Lot 16, Dauphinias-Moseley Constructiou, Filing #1 Parcel Number: 21031220901 6 Comments: Buildine Name: Motion by: Hans Woldrich Seconded by: Bill Pierce Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:515/99 F/EV ERYONSDRB/APPROVAU99/ Board / Staff Action Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S200.00 Didier Constru ct0r Co.Inc. P.O- BOX | 505 r EAGLE, CO I I 63 | . pHONE (970) 32&5499 To: To,.,rn J Vqf Bu,ldinq Deil. Re: lntor,,,oiio,, $. ,rjoni*( prnl Io, taoo Liorsn'dgeLny, B1r-lril |tr5:' 8Tu 1,,Q fz" Q Ft Er- r-l^,r ,GeeaoE, po* A2,2 -n ,/ Tuo t2n'll CottBuSlaN ArR operurrqe,s TRr*uacE tr naHgsrrc- Horw416g l{E^f Ex BotueR: BupNthfl RuBs,{EE ,fi ,iJ"l ttlrl !)'' *,[f 'f ,'s*J r !'rt"'" 18'Htul pLfrTFoRn GAS METER l-.ur Jun-30-99 08:O7P BARRY D' ENGLEMAN o HEg >=>*22 :ltsv t*>- Y; EP 2ai t=E ?HA FrcIt Fhr <llc gE n v,IF 2 F rt {I x z F ll!-t It $z FI r E EEsriH uE-r$HrsEeHs:E E5 nUSE$EgsiE$egHsHf ndHEE EEiHEHEEHEHiSS*EuHu t- .a\n E \O \O €P -l tJ *J O\ \rt {5 .fr (,J hJ lJ r- ! i o\5 6urOO *t-i-,"ii-**, 1**l-li o\Fo\F;;o..Fa\Sg.;:FFi:+' HH i I HHE i Es i H i i EsiHI xoF I HEE I a#Y r ?98 ,rrQ HEE (1rf|(n F>v, E;f; dfrE Hefi E^T BEE IEEE ;FEB iE":F )Er!<irnYi> IEFE iE$E ,gqk r [r1 'rr F r.2F'r' IHFE 5FH HEg F;H gY.Y hsF gEE FH;?VF ?^>P9 EF i7 HF EP F? 8S EH .t trt lllE El ri 4C, F Oz Be AP 3n \R \ s- i!!i!;:iSsHHEEHElEB Ef;E rrd EgE -{P FiLH {rl!EFE FE trt |!I .E {x EE a?F tll nE 2 q1 fi u e ; I B 5',i fi H H ;'i F ; u * gE $A'9"$$o$--EBg. ----::-E g B 8'S g E I B I 13 I Ss'S I B B Eu t o E g P-|-J-C ta b 'o.l,l l.t u .f.t lJ. S {. !,)i,r i.r i\l a\, (, (t cahr* F.F{F F F tt' l- rF L{irL Lt tdt do Ha t til nHHHHHEEegn*nHEH *ss rH t$ $ $F 5Ei' E 6E E BE P.A? F z *t F > N UI l?'l r *, o\ EiARRY D. ENGLEMAN Jurr- 30- 99 08: O7P \O\O00 -J { -I( (,\^|lJls)FH'r I -1. {|s 2 t! E o it ffiFFFf;gHFpHlntgs HfigEgEF g E ts vF32 F 'c) EEEHHHEEHEEHTHFF EE EEE H$ Hg E HH Ee EEE EEE EEE E 'io <E EH Bg .tx l{ t\gE ;F i.i ll Ei5 2< EF c2 fieEEEEn;Hf;Hf;HE ; Hr{ ili-ts _4 bs it HF EI 3>-tz ii ;i l:74 G't.|QA o ri 0 E F' E E w 2 'J E I t|.1 a)tr It EI Itl iH EE rEt|5i FE E a6 d rl 'J sw}-l-EI tt Ft \-l Fr ti lt FF HggHF 21 ZEZZZ E p 22E.gF n'a fif;EHg gg HHH;E 39 **seEF fF tFheE ti I,H ti EI Hq N$ EE E$ E 9a Es :Hi HE E 3x ti ;EF 3e X tfr xF ii EF 3q q E:l dfi fr F< gg 't rroi ez F o =4'>z (A * F >z FI E .a 2 ;Igg , o eR E t:,.4 FFI EF I +ooEE \9[i vn 9)& D ^-'-F S,wmtonwnll REStrSbAti Fronnge Road Tot^lN oF VRIL, CULOFADO Fircncc Dffiet :i ae{Af-&Ulflffi67 REOUESTS - INSPECTN WORH SHEETS FOR: e.r;l6,zatZt AREA: GRG =vraEinEEwD====== ========= ======= ==================== ===:: = ====== = ====== = == ====:i= fffibXy-l&21ff9'Waa cJ/eE/E@ Typer B-BUILD Statr.rs: ISSUHD Constr: NSFR Addt'ess: 1800 LIONS RIDBH LP Locat ion: 18e'a Lions Ridge Lp F ar-ce I : 31 r13- 1 lp-Og-O 1 6 Desct'iption: New SFR App.t irant: DAUFTHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC Owner: IIAUPHINAIS-IIIOSEL-EY CDNST INC Contractor': DIDIER CONSTRTJCTIUN COMF'ANY Occ: EOET Use: V N F'hone t 9'7W'47€,-8o35 Fhone t 9717 -47F,-BCI55 trhone z 97il 3eA-5499 :: :-::::ll:n_rQo Inspect i on Reqr.rest Inf or Requestor; RICO R F,hone: 39O-41O1 \0 t nts: WILI- eet ed,. . CALL Act i on ConmentE 'T ime Exp ;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;:::::------'--- -n Item; Item: Item;Iten: Item: Item: ,/oo R Itern: A0B,€A BLD6-Sheetroek Nail /Ae/e3lgg Inspeetorr trD Aetio Iten: TAOSSO BLDG-Temp. C/O Iten: At}s3a PU-TEHtr. C/0 Iten: BTI533 PLAN-TEMF.. E,/O Iten: 80537 PLAN-FINAL C/A ,6a fls neouested to be 4O BLDG-Final C/O\ erA5O1 trN-Tenrp.access/dr"ai#a[e AY A6/e9/9A Inspector: LS ActAodl/ laOSOe FW-Rough grade ( ,/f AA5O3 trW-f:inal, driveway grade4"/ 00rO1O BLDG-Footinqs/5teel / ) oF"qE/e9/99 Inspecton: CD tdction;C,O,?6 /ub/ic nflhof'u ecfion. ^tR4 ,/ ffn Iten: AAA76 BLDG-MiEc. \ O3/28/gttt lnspeetorr JRM Aqti Item: OO09B BLDG-Final \,v(,i n9/'e5/40 Inspector.: EEORGE Aetionl APPR ApFROVED Iten: Ora539 PII-FINRL C/O Iten; OB54O BLDG-Finat C/O I /,r_ /f, ,__L a(^)AcL L-"/ 4-Dn4 1"!^[' t' / "v I --/ - REMrrrANcEocplf t RLffiS&tltFronngeRoad TO[^,N OF UflIL, COLORADO $ztAiEffiM&W67 REat]Esl"ti - INsjpEcTN WORK SHEETS FoR: e,zE6lEo FinanceDffiFlkent /q ARlitl: ORG ==9mryrwna=-==== === = =:=========::==========::=.=;::::.':=======-==== iigbTeililt2lffe.o@Sa s/'a6/to 1-yper B-HECH statr-rsr ItisUED Congtr': NSFR Address r 18OtZ I-IONS RIDGE L-F Location: 18ra0 Lions Ridge [-p Fqr"cel: llrl3-1EE-O9-BlA 0cc: Use: Descritrb ion: Mechaninal for new 5FR Appl icant : DAUFHINAIS-MIJSELEY CONS-| trNC F:trone: 97rZr=47fi-fjrZr55 Owner": DAUFHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC Fhone: g7Aa47A-6055 Cotitractor': MOUNTAIN HI6H pL-UMBING Fhone: 97tl-949-4580 I ns peet ion Request Requestor": RICO Items equest ed t MECH-F i na I Information,... mment s: WILt- Inspected.. Fhone: 39tZ-4181 - - :'i'7-q triJU f,ALL Act ion li ll lL' Ti me Exp Comments I nspect i on History..,., It em: OOefiA MECH-Ror-rgh t2/Le/29 Inspeetor': CD Act ion: AFFR eee notes Notes: f /p b vent, bath vents, dryer vents and boilet' f I t-te insepc and appro v ed Item: rAEe40 PLMB-.Gas Fliping Iten : OOJlrl MECH-Heating e7 /?E/99 Inspector": CD Notesr ZONE UNDER 60* FT 12/ L3'/99 Inspector': CD Ve/44/Vtfi I nspeet or. : JRlvl Notesr HEAT LINES SYSTEM Item: E03eO MECH*Exhaust Hoods Item: 0O33tZt MECH-Supply Air. Iten: A@34A MECH-Misc. 07 /e3/Ab Inspector: JRlrl Item ; 003gtn HECH-Final Act i on: FA Aetiorrr RFPR Act i on: ffFF R CHARGED IJP BASEITIFNT INFL.OOR HEAT HEAT MAINS 3O#PT API--'R MAIN FI.ODR IN ITL.ONR Action: APF,R SNEWMELT DRlVE AF.F'RNUED N,1, REUTTIANOE COPY il(rilfu 'I * REfiSl$&lhFrontageRoad -[O!JN OF l,AIt-, COLORQD0 FinanceDffifient 5 89ff,livLgwM&f{697 REGUESIS - rNSpEL'TN r^l0Rt'. SHE.ETS F0fi: 9,/E6,ritrtlr AREA; FRG =-gmEmi:tno=s==r:.:::======::=|====ir::-=:::::=:::?.:::s:i:::::i::r;5:::====:-j:=j:::j::::*===:t:::is:j====fr=r;=5.===:-::-L-:.ri=:.::: FftFbtU4lqyff)n-An57 2/et"/3O l'ypn: H-'l:'t-lvlB Statrrs:: I$9UFID nonstr"r lrlSF:R Flddress: 18PtO Lf nNS RIDtiF LFr l-ocation: l6tl0 l-rorrs Ridge Lp Farc.e l I E lt&3-lEi::-O9-41& IJelr:r'iption: Flr.rmLririg for. new SiFR ffnpl :icant : DAUF,ltIhlfiIti-MfiSEl.-EY UONST iNC Llwner": DflLiPl.{INAI$*IYIOSEL-EY CilNf;.f INf Contractor': MBUN-IRiN HI6H pt-UMBINE \ ,'\ {-lcc:Lls e : l-'tr on e r 97Ol;r+7ti- tltZt55 l--'h on e : 37tZt- 476--t1O55 Fhone t 97[l-949--rr5fiO Inspect i orr Reqrje st Irrf ormat r on. Re q t-1s 51 s;..(:ti Re Fhone; .f9tZt'-41O1 cFtLt_ Act i on Connent s m ent s : t^JILt... Inspected..f i. me F.xp Ife ErA equest ed b PLMB-F i na I Irrrl:eet i.on Histot.y.... "It em : $Oal rzr I-,1_.MB-Undergr-or,rnc, Ct'7 / 13/gg Inspeetor! GRG Item: OOEi:.iO Fl-Mll-Ronr;h.zD, t^|" V. lE/l3/29 Inspeetor': CI) lten ; OIDESO FL-MB-Ror-tglr/l^lat er lA/ I:1/99 Inspector.: CD Item: AO34E F,LMB-Gas Fiping le/ 13/c)-J IrrEpect or: E[) Item: tZlQt*ir0 pl*MB-F,ool,/l{ot Tr-rlr I t em : OtZtEgtZt F.'L.MB-Mi sc, Item: O@EBIZ PI-MB-Final Antiorrl AFF'R flc:t :t r:n : APF R Act i on: APFR F{ct i on: APFR DlD HTITER TF.:iT HTiTHR t.;il1._tJ14N T[,ri I ?o # F,-l 3U* tiT RETdTTAilCE OOPV .-4-- //tul rf , rt"((il ,)AU' o Ep ? MuND II. DnaeER, JR. ^fFORNEY ^ND CoUNEELoR P.O. BOX 1069 vArL cotI)RADO tlo67 t'ttoNE (sO3) .76-1sla August 13, 1981 BECOND fl.OOR \/AIL NATIONAL DANI< BIJ'O. Mr. Jeff Selby Selby & Associates Vail National Bank BLdg. Vail, Colo. 81657 Re: Doyle Hopkins Dear Jeff: Pursuant to our discussion yesterday, on behalf of my client Doyle Hopkins, I wish to confi:m our understanding,' As I- advised you, they need to do some work on one of the retaining wa1ls behind the employee housing project on Lot B-7, Lions Ridge. In the course of that work, they needed to remove and-store over 100 yards of soil. You have agreed that they may use land owned by your partnership imediately west of Solar Crest on the following three conditions: , 1. That only lands that have already been disturbed are used; 2. That any soil left be leveled and no piles or holes be Left; 3. That no boulders or trastable fill be Left on the site. 'The exact location of the storage site is on the south side of Lions Ridge Loop opposite Patty Rickman's home. We sincerely appreciate your cooPeration on this matter' If you have any pioblems or concerns, please contact me or Chris Ditmar ax 476-6759. Very tt-PL,'YoY:Ap^*a Fon or\!4-- \L'" Drager, EHD/nc John Slevin Qi nh Tnf el Chris Ditmar r {lb I ?,*n'Y L( " cc: 6q+li,.ort in wzL o" ifc-- o 'tl \, nr +J --t rn fl v tl tq,r 't-".7h'1 \'! \ N \\\\\ F \9 *:t,gsr. .U! EI \rr N ,-s 'e r$6' r]: B\ '.t\ F.z' N bt ro u ( $tT? F"i$$ $sN.s: :$ tD z ('t u I, ( 8 q ul s I ri t N N 6 a $ Ur u:( F r8 t-9 * 3 3 I rri F N z . \)l \ '.r vtj 6q q a r-l\\:r-p5 Ri t -,1 q\ z'I,,zi.Q Y \.l^'!.aLY O . ri'/-'a P O .2. Q-,. Y1P' i- //N-\ ^,,4' i a ^,1,''.-:!'\- t/,?' - rx\ lftn r d$M $ r't^ . ,- :, I