HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 17 LEGAL.pdfDesign Reuiew Board ACTION FORlrl Departrnent of Cornmu nity Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com Project Name: STITGEN TREES Proiect Description: Project Address: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DRB070403 FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 11 COTTONWOOD TREES, ALL ON THE LOT AND REPLACE WITH ASPEN AND EVERGREEN Participants: owNER STITGEN, JEFFREY R. &GAIL -08/14/2007 STITGEN. HAROLD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODLAND TR MIDDLETON wI 53562 APPUCANT STITGEN, JEFFREY R. &GAIL -O8IL4I2OO7 STITGEN, HAROLD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODLAND TR MIDDLETON wr 53562 1750 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: LoU 17 Block: Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY RL 1 2t03-L22-090t-7 Replant min 9 trees Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval; 081L712007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: g2O.0O T0m{0rl|ilt Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the'submittal requiiements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by thb Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses untess a bullding permit is issued and construction commences within one yepr of the approval. , t -ll , t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Description pf the * Location of the Proposal: t-ot: 17 elock:- Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maifing Address: Jrne Phone: Fax: o d c -/,o ( Vt a Wpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Adclition tr Minor Alteration (multi-famiV/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr o $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construdion of a new building or demo/rebuild' |SOO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemerts, such as, r re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For ievisions to plans already approved by planning staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) FeePaid: aZO CheckNo':--'--BY:-? (.r \ Meeting}ate: ltJ o / DRBNo.: ****,r***************ft+++*++++++*+*****l********at*****'**f*******tfti+*t*:l*.****r***+***+****+ TOWN OFVAIL, COLORADO Srat€ment f+**+****+*********************+****t++*++++*f++***************t*************+++t+**t+**+*** Statement Number: R070001511 Amount r $20,00 08/t4/200709:04 Alrt PaymenL Method: Cash Init,: iIS Notation: $/,JEFF STITGEN Permit No: DRB070403 q4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2L03-L22-O9OL-7 Site Addresa: 1750 LIONS RIDGE tP VAIL IJocat,ion: 1750 IJIONSRIDGE I,OOP Tot.al Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Tot,al ALL, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 ACCOIINTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Currents Pmt6 20,00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Investigation-- > Will Call---,-- > $0.00 roTAL FEES-. --------. > $3.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > $134.70 AdditionalFees---------> $737.06 Total Permit Fee-'--- > Payments----- BALANCE DT'E-------> Building..-'.-> $363.25 RestuaraDt Plan Rcview--> Plan Check-- > $236.11 Recreation Fee-------.----) $737.06 $75.00 $812.06 s812.06 $0.00 o DEPARTMENT oF coMMU*,turroPMENr "}rt , rs*. | .^..^> I l\O.+.V-_t \.-\-2"--!^-f v\^Y A NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ' ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0173 Project # PRJ06-0277 Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Applied . . : 071051200,6 Parcel No...: 210312209017 Issued . .. : 07120120[,6 Expires . ..: 0111612007 owNER STITGEN, iTEFFREY R. & GArrr -O7/O5/2O05 STITGEN, HAROIJD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODI,AIilD TR MIDDIJETON wI 53562 APPLICAN"T DAUPHINAIS-MOSELY CONSTRUCTI0T /05/2006 phone: 97O-476-8055 P. O. BOX L5l_5 VAIL co Il-658 Li-cense : l-05 -B coNrRAcToR vrsloNs wEsT coNsT. & DEsrGNog/27/2006 phone: 970-949-05s9 P.O. BOX 125 VAIIJ co 81658 Iricense: 334-B Description: BASEMENT REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Vafuation: $22,300.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 1347 :l,l'*+t(:**{.'ir'!*********,1*****,N*;t**:r.*tr**,**:*+,!tkrtr.***:t+**'i't'irr+:Fioir'*+*{(+'ti(r(** FEE SUMMARY Approvals: Ttem: 051-00 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEMT 07/20/2006 JP.NI Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07 /:-0/2006 warren Action: AP This basemenc excavation does not include any exterior changes. GRFA no longer exists in this SDD and threfore excavation of the basement is not an increase in GRFA. Staff is requesting a final inspection to insure the site is re-vegetated after the removal- of the fill in the cravrlspace. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/2O/2OO5 Mccee Action: AP Provide smoke detection per code. Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47C2r49 OR AT OUR OIT'ICE FROM 8:fi) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t( * ** * * * *** ** *'f **,t,f ****** Permit #: B06-0173 as of 09-27-2006 Stanrs: ISSUED ****!k't't************,1,t'***,F************:***'t*****************:F*r!***,t ****:k!**,t**:t *{.********!t'r'F+**i(**.*.******4<* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLJILD PERMIT Applied: Wl05l20[6 Applicant: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELY CONSTRUCTION Issued: 07/2012006 970-476-8055 To Expire: 0111612007 Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1750 UONSRIDGE LOOP Parcel No: 210312209o17 Description: BASEMENT REMODEL :F)t'***iri(******r.**'t ***rt'F**ir************************* conditions *********i(r!*i.******:*:t***,ri('i*********{.t ,t ***** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. rt ***********{.'{.'t*****************{.********:1.***'t:1.**********!t{.:t{(t **** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL o ********:r't**{.** , foJ' 6 : Et,Lb chre btt't'r- # EoQ ' o t13 D -.<-^ , r^./) tf A ( te*s e TA*'o t {'L [-6r s l/e't o4 t T q-, J'Sro"tt Ueff O"ertu(r(oD {- D e star) A-xr Eor're&( e L Ig o^t (Z f \)t''' 0o El (( I ?+o ftt 'eu3 o -1 **ile,/tw pn',,.,.u1c, D ftulH ruAts Jt V ttev, T)A C- / 'u (- t ,r /. " 4 *f tt ()Y,LT,aq.a:t lo \ n K TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 O DEPARTMENT oF coMMU*,turroPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0173 Project # PRI06-0277 Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDCE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Applied . . : Ml05/2M6 Parcel No...: 210312209017 Issued. .. : 0712012006 Expires . ..: 0llL6l2W7 ohrNER STTTGEN, JEFFREY R. & GAIr, -O7 /05/2006 STTTGEN, IIAROIJD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODI.,AND TR MIDDLETON wr s3s62 APPr-,ICANT DAUPHTNATS-MOSELY CONSTRUCTIOT / 05 / 2006 phone : 970-476-8055 P.O. BOX 1515 VAII-, co 81658 License:105-B CONTRACTOR DAUPHINAIS-MOSELY CONSTRUCTIOT / 05/2006 Phone: 970-476-8055 P.O. BOX 1515 VAIL co 81558 License:105-B Description: BASEMENT REMODEI, Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Tvne Construction: V B Valuation: $22,300.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 1347 FEE SUMMARY 't**'t**t*t*'*!*:l****)*:*'i:**rt*:****:***'(*'****'r**'******'t'r'******'****'t'( Building..'- -> $363.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Chcck---> S236.1I Reffeation Fee--*---- ---> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $134.70 Additional Fees----- > $737-()6 Total Permit Fee-------- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE-_-- > lnvestigati0n- > Will Llall--- - > $0.00 TorAL FEES--.----------- > $3.00 $737.06 $75.00 $8r2.06 $812.06 $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07 / 20 / 2OO5 JRltl Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI\II o7 /]-0/2006 warren Act,ion: AP This basement excavation does not include any exterior changes. GRFA no longer exists in this SDD and threfore excavation of the basement is not an increase in GRFA. staff is reE:.esting a final inspection to insure the site is re-vegetated after the removal of the fill in the crawlspace. It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ftem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See the Conditions section of nis ntent for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,JR AM-4PM. AT 47$2149 OR AT OUR OITICE FROM 8:00 ATURE OF CONTRA HIMSELF AND OWNER -*;t **** t * *,F * ** * * * * {. *'r** **** * * ** * * * * **** ** {.** ** *****r#:t***rt ******* t *****!t:1.,1******:* Permit #: 806-0173 {.*****:[*******:tr,t ** ** * ***** **** *:f ********i'*'**:****+'t********,t{r**:*:F**:t:B*:f **:***:t*,f *********'*******:t,1.'lr*;F:*:t*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMTT Applied: 07/05/2006 Applicant: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELY CONSTRUCTION Issued: 07/20/2006 970-476-8055 To Expire: 01116/2007 Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Parcel No: 21031220W17 Description: BASEMENT REMODEL *,lt:t 'i***t(*******:t*!t*'t,h*****************,***1.***:**** COnditiOnS i.**{.:1.*'}****{!*t :*******:fr!ft:t:f *'1.****!**!k*:******{<*'l Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07-20-2006 **'t**{.*:1.**1.*****:***'}*!***** StAfuS: ISSUED *i** * +*rt*** ***+* * *i* **+++** * +**f ***t ***++*++{.*+*++*****+++********f++*******+++l.t**+++**f*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **** * ***+*******+****** +**+*'t** ***+*****+++*******++***{.****'}*f:+* 'i* * * * *t*** *'i++**** *'*****t** Statement Nurnber: R05000L035 Palment Method: Check TemD Amount; $812.05 07 /20/200604t07 PYI IniE: DDG Notation; DMC Inc. - *****************a*********+*****+*****************a*+i*****+*t*********+ll**********{.***+*i* PermLt No: Parcel- No: Site Address : Location: This Payment : ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Acco\rnt. Code BP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 cIJ 00100003123000 PF 00100003112300 RF 111000 03 LL2700 wc 00100003112800 806-0173 2LO3 -r22 - 090r-7 175 O I.,,IONS RIDGE I,P VATL 1750 I,IONSRIDGE LOOP $812.05 Descript ion \4re: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Total Fees: Total ALL Prnts: Balance : $812.06 $812.05 $o. oo Current, Pmts BUUJDING PERMIT FEES CONTRACTOR I,ICENSES PI,AN CHECK FEES RECREATION T'EES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 363 .25 75.00 236.LL r34.70 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG o frroL t Boto -or73 az77 Project #: Buildi TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Dt(C.- lpc- Town of Vail Reg. No.: la, - o Cpntaq hlr t Person and Phone #'s: Dxq rlfttaA\t Email address;Fax#: ,111. ^?0 Z L Contr{ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ tt. Oao .oO ELECTRICAL: $ q, 00o ,oo OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ 3,0o0.oO MECHANICAL:$ f0O.oo ToTAL:$ Zz.50O.oo For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit 'o*BFffiffi ONLY (cl ii., 1i u1 JUN J,j ZOOO Cou G D DA\CHCU JobAddress: (7 5V (rarl,(.touc Lar:/ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ($ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (t' ) Exterior ( ) Both (Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X Type of Bldg.: Single-family fi) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: : Gas Appliances ( /) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood No/Tvoe of Gas Appliances (/ ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildinq_l,ermit.DOC Page 1 of 16 _ rowN or -vtl *nt *r* i ,l} . al, 1*l Boylc@iminglnc. 143 E. Mc.doff Driv€, s\rb 390 Vail, Colorrdo E1657 303117 G2l7O FAX 303/,t76,1383 April 19,2006 Pat lhupHnrb DAUPMNAI$MGIEI.EY GOT{STRIrcrION P.O. Eor l5l5 Vrll, Colrredo SIGS Subjc{t Irt 16 Rcsidca UosRilcSddiviskn Veil, Oolcrdo 0FFilfts'xopv gol 'o)'l' Dear Prt: This is 19 coft[ rbr th crawl rpc iu 6G rborrc Elcd rcsidre ry bc d &rn o a E' basrsrt As rbc euginccr of reood tu fu aiSiul &dtp of ttis biHEry I cer wt yo tb I dcrQrd tb cigiul crcrior foundatkn wrlb frr e buet lordt esociacd witi e bsaF.q rtab codnio. Furthcrroq I qpove of tb rehoaa of r l4'-4'rcctb of fu crisiry thpcd Xl 14 x 22 floq bcsn wftt a flush double I Yr r ll ?rE LvL b.e- This cr L\lL bru ic o b![ r !id@ of4 %'oqof tb o(ilning W 14 r 22 bcan d cach d- Ib qi*ing 1106 ioi6 fuid bc ing Auo tc aw fb& L\aL bctn with IIJS2-{XVI l-E8 fice mut bgcs. ffiuorc, o crirtiq pqpdbh dodlc I % x I I 7/E L\rL bce will be hung frmtb cwL\Ilbctndehcilt Tbc $mB bchg wi6HlrLts4r0 hmgse Thc cxisting W la x 2i crn 3" EE@ tc tro pipc colwus ttat rcpuo thb nirldb eprn f,on thc end spanr Plec giw rry qu$br c cmcotr o tlis ollcr- a I 'flfrtL W -r4('/ E XISTI N G EGRESS WIN DCW owrr of Vail 'gr-{ G- s t)3 F ,.f 30 30 FAMILY ROOM 5'0 x 4'0 SLIDTR d rt' 26 na9 P' Y'r"q6,r"1P 26 Lt)o'.*#f'; ., (ou ;.;il: *st / TV ROOM '8u 6ot .gng'n5 b- u ror STORAGE STORAGT IF tfr Tt F. tb9 MECHANICAL u o I1l V/G d 200$ f-V,qt n Ut E ASIM [I\ T SCALE 1/4" :1'0 r., r..: '(: - . ,.-.1 rtr1. -:"'.-''1 ,.. f\''..; , .,.,l\ lj ,'1 :a l' 'fr .;l ,. l'\ '. "t ,, ,, I ,, tl 4., 4, G,, 1 i.r-i.b'!.- ' . )r ..t ' ; t., J A,t- nt e TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location.....: IT50LIONSRIDGELOOP ParcelNo...: 210312209017 . ProjectNo : TR-yoG . o.l1-l OwlIER STITGEN, .'EFFREY R. & GAIL -LO/30/20O6 STITGEN, HAROLD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODI,AND TR MIDDI-,ETON wI 53s62 APPI_,ICAI\I]| JIINE CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. LO/30/2006 P.O. Box 173 Edwards co 8L632 License z 257 -E coIflrRAcToR iTIINE CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. L0/30/2006 Desciption: Valuation: P.O. Box 173 Edwards eo 87-632 I-,icense : 257 -E ELECTRICAL FOR BASEMENT REMODEL $0.00 Square feet: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Qrro*r"ENr oF coMMUNrrY o,sorr"*, Permit #: Status...: Applied . . : Issued . . : Expires . . : E06-0231 '?'aG <->t-7 3 ISSUED r0t30t2m6 rr/03t2m,6 05t02t2N7 Phone: 970-926-20]-4 Phone: 970-926-2014 1347 ********:i('***:!,t**:t,t:B*****,t**)t,*,*,t++**:**:F:tr:*+:F:t*,***)****+t(+****+f t***:*** FEE SUMMARy Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > lnvestigarion---- > Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-- > $57.50 90.00 s0.00 53.00 s60.50 $50. s0 $0.00 s60. s0 $60. s0 s0.00 T0tal Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees....------ > Total Permit Fee----- > Payments-'' BAT,ANCE DUE-------- > Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/30/2006 shahn Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR PM. -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 * ** ** ** * * *** *+'1. ** * ** * * * ****,***** * * ** * + +********* * *+*** * **+ *'1.***** * * t++**+*++* * +* *++* * +'t**+'f+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *****************************************{.**++*****++'}:t:}:t***+*'**'t****,t ,i********************* Statement Number: R050001889 Amount: $60.50 1,I/03/200572:06 pM Payment Method: ELectric L900 check Init: DDG Notation: June Creek Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payments: EP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 wc 00100003112800 2lo3 - I22 - O90t -1 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1750 LIONSRIDGE I.OOP Description Type: ELECTRICAI PERMTT Total- Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: E05-0231 $60. s0 ***********'1.*********************+**+***'t!***'t***d.'t ,t*,t,t:t*******************+*****+*****'f***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Current Pmts $50.50 $6o. so $o. oo ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 57.50 3.00 APPLICATI O ON WI LL Nor BE AccEprED rr rncoMpr-ErloR ,NSTGNED Ecu oZ3( Project #:Pn: cu',-ct)177 Buifding Permit g. Fau '0 /73 rfectriclt Permit *rffiE I 97 O-47 9-2L49 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor: Crt r, k f, krl ri ,-',,, Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact Person and Phone #'s: Den i x 4cic.'l 3c( E-Mail Address: ,.-_ d 5 COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) AMouNr oF se Fr rN 5TRUCTURE: I 3'l 7 ll er-ecralcer- VALUATIoN: $ #3, fcc, tj' Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel #D 4i ea-c qc rob Name: )TITG f //Job Address: / 7tC, 1,,anS6)riC /c,ai) Phone; y7?..t/t"_K/, Detailed description of work: i rrb s'u.f\* ta- B"t\ - Lur.{-\[ ,5 At,. \ * 4-*,,"*-,-' \ WorkClass: New() Addition0q Remodel( )" Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (f,1 Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (/}- Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exish Yes @ t F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Building\electicaUrermit-1 1-23'2005.DOc *****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********************t(*************** Page 1 of 2 LLl23l200s Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground seruices shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. o The main disconnect switch shall be readily accessible, andlocated nelit to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench.o In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unitto another. Common walls and spaces are exempt q NM Cabfe (Romex) an h u*d only in single and multi-family dwellings net exceeding 3 stories. fyry llftl cannot h ured in any building mixed with Type ATB,ETEH'I'M &S occupanciu.a Aluminum condudorcsmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail, TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one-line and panel schedules are required if load is added or distribution is altered, I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2I47, The inspector can be reached on Mondpy thru Friday mornings between the hourc of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Building\electicallermit-U-23-2005.Doc Page 2 of 2 1712312005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 no-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0349 io., -d(? 5 Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Applied . . : lll03l2C06 Parcel No...: 210312209017 Issued. . : ttll0l2Q06 legal Description: --:rrr-<O6 -62 ?l Expires . .: 05/09/2W7 ProjectNo : ''*" OWNER STITGEN, JEFFREY R. & GATIJ -LL/O3/2OO6 STITGEN, HAROIJD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODITAND TR MIDDIJETON wI 53s62 APPtICANI R & H MECIaNTCAIJ tLC !a/$/20O6 phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGIJE co 81531 License: 184-M colflfRAcToR R 6. H MECHANICAL tr,C tL/03/20O6 phone: (9?0) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGI,E co 81631 License: L84 -M Desciption: VENTILATION FOR A BASEMENT REMODEL Valuation: $4.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logsr 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *d<**t******++*i*{.1({.:}**l.tt+i.'t+i.,rr.+:r.**'l+,}*t(d!dr:*,4i*it:1.*'r.**r({rt(d.,i,**:*:& Qrro*rrENr oF coMMUNrrY o,u or""*, $8o. oo Res$arant Plan Review- >Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigatiotr- > WiU Call---> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-.- > $103 , 00 $20.00 TOTAL FEES-----------> $103 .00 Additional Fees--*:--> $0 .00 $3 .00 $0.00 Tofal Permit Fee---:- > S1o3 - 00 Paynents------*--- > $103 - 0o BALANCE DUE---.-.-- >$0.00 ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT rL/09/2oo6 JRM Acrion: AP ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUTRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMCAIID SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII.,. Cond:23 (BLDG.); BOIILER INSTAL,TATION MUST CONFORM TO MAIIUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER ],0 OF ITIE 2OO3 IMC, Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI,IANCES SHAL,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF llIE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAIJ EQUIPMENT MUST COMPITY WITH CI{APTER 3 OF THE 2003 rMc Ar{D .HAPTER 3 oF THE ,tr"n".. Cond: 31 (BI.,DG.): BoII,ERS SITAI,I., BE MoI'NTED oN FLooRs oF NoNCoMBUSTIBLE coNsT. I,NLEss IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOII-,ER ROOMS SHALI-, BE EQUTPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes aqd other ordinanceyof the Town applicable thereto. REeuEsrs FoR INspEcnoN sHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR Houns ril eoveNcE By rELE, PM, OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF '1.:t,t'lt *+** *t*,1* * **,t*t*********'l***+***t+*******+***** *+ * ***,i* **** *****+**,t*'t* * * ** *,I * * ***,r* * ** * TOWN OFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **** +* * ***'t*+*****+* * * *t*,i f ** *'t****** **+******+*****{.***.*****+* * * * * * *** '} *!***** ** **+********* Statement Number: R06000L943 Amount: $103.00 7L/L0/20o6L1 :47 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: R & H Mechanical, l,LC 18345 Pemit No: M05-0349 T)t)e: MECSANICAL, PERMIT Parce1 No: 2l.03-f22-O9gj.-7 SiIe Address: 1750 I,IONS RIDGE IJP VAIL IJocation: 175 0 L,IONSRTDGE L,OOP Total Fees: $103,00 This Paynent: $103.00 Tota] AlIr Pmts: $103.00 BaLance: $0.00 **!i******:t**+****** * ***t** +* ** *+****** * * ** ***** *** * * ** * * * *,*,***+* * * * * * * *** ******** *+** * * *'t+** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accourt Code DescriDtion current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEES 8O.OO PF 001_00003112300 pr,AN cHEcK FEES 20.00 wc 00100003112800 wrLL cAr!r., lNspEcTroN FEE 3.00 Nov.2,2006 3:42PM RffEcHANIci.,t No 3150 P, 2/14 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the foltowing: Provide l.lechanical Room Layout drawn tq scate to include:o Mechanlcal Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and LocaUon o Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location o Heat Loss Calcs.o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets COMPLETE VALUATION RM PERMIT labor MECHANIQAL: $ l4rcA - Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O orylslt Patel #P*@l# 9loZ lz2p ant-t rob Name:S/fF rr.,, &-"-^** gdrd.(YY*W/--p L,"ge""riprm_ll Lo* illatock; ll nling: I 'llfgbdi"ision:5o.rilA,-,,, ; 9fYr.Fpfi'r *" . EngihEer! --T lFddres$Phone; Detailed description of work '------------------.--.--- . . , P'v/.q-tvr-"C C"ae fu,Mrt* BoilerLocauon: tnii@ Does an EHU odst at ttris tocaUon:JpEs 1 I . No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single-family$ Duplex( ) Multi-brnllyl ; CommerOd 1 I nestartant( ) Other( ) No. of Existinq Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation UniE in this building: Non-ype of Fireplaces Existinq; Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an tpn pht@ a , TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Qrro*r"ENr oF coMMUNrrY orto""", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO6-02'15 \--cO ('( ?" Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Applied . . : l0l05l2ffi Parcel No...: 210312209017 Issued. . : 10/0512006 Legal Description: -? v- \or; - O a -? 1 Expires . .: 0410312A07 Project No ' I '- OWNER STITGEN, \TEFFREY R. & GAIL -LO/05/2006 STITGEN, IIAROI.,D V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODLAND TR MTDDIJETON wr 53562 APPLTCANI KAIBIB PIJIIMBING, INC LO/05/2006 Phone: 97O-39O-7735 P. O. BOX l_451- EAGLE co 8163r- License : 249 -tI CONTRACTOR KAIBIB PLUMBING, INC t0/0s/2105 Phone: 970-390-173s P. O. BOX 1451- EAGI-,E co 8163r- L,icense:. 249-M Desciption: ADD 2 ZONES OF HEAT TO EXISTING SYSTEM FOR A BASEMENT REMODEL Valuation: $3.700.00 FireDlace Inforrnation: ResEicted:# ofGas Applianccs: 0 # ofGm Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 s0.00 Toal Permit Fee-...--'--> $103.00 Payments--- BALANCE DUE_---.>$0.00 *,t:*r(,t,tli*x**{.***,*,**:*********r.r(:*:r*:N,N*trr+t,t ,i,t'f+1rt **:t,t**'**:f+**t(r.j.tr*t ,t*:f,i,* FEE suMMARy S80. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. 00 $3.00 Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > Will Call---- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 9103.00 s20.00ToTAI,l..[Es-------->s103.00Additiona|Fees-'-> rtem: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMEIC| r-0l0sl2006 JRM Action: Ap Itern: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTIoN 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII,. Cond: 23 (BI.,DG.): BOIII,ER INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI'RER'S INSTRUCTTONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IME. Cond: 25 (BI,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAI-,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI.,DG,): ACCESS TO MECHANIT'0U,"'ENr MUST COMPI.Y wrrg ilptER 3 oF THE 2Oo3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOTL,ERS SI{ALIJ BE MOI]NIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. IJNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOU}TTTNG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PTANS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED rN MECHANTCAL ROOM PRrOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOII-,ER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUfPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRArN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSTNG OF I,,IQUID WASfE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t 'l'+********++****f***+*t+**+***+*'i********+++*+***+***f,*+++*****+*******************f+*****+* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ******** * * ** ****{'*+** ***++**t* * ******tS***:}*+************ *+**** +*++* **+*****t+i** *,}* * +**** * * Statement Number: R050001619 Amount: $103.00 LO/05/200602:09 PM Palment Method: Check Ini!: DDG Notation3 Kaibab 2809 TIT)e : MECIIANICA.IJ PERMIT Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : M05 - 0275 $L03 .00 ***a+*+****+*f,****++d.***i*************+*+ti**+*'**'* *tr** ****,t++ *** ** *******f ** * *+ + ***r.**+*****+ Permlt No: Parcel No: Site Address : Irocation: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 001000031r-r.100 PF 00100003r.12300 wc 001000031r-2800 2LO3 - L22- 090t-7 1750 IJTONS RIDGE tP VAII, 1750 LIONSRIDGE IrOOP Descript ion $103.00 $103.00 $0.00 Current Pmts WCHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLAN CHEEK FEES WILIJ CALI.' INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 3 .00 AppucAnotrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMp eJoG- s-27 R UNSIGN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 &lou- oL)f TOV Project #: Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location o Heat Loss Calcs.o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: &B PLUl4a/Nq Town of Vail Req. No.:24q-M Contact Person and Phone #'s: d.w' s,:n+enLA ND 110' 710.1 7 3 g i,tca.Ai eua/l,net Fax#zl76t 2?b 113L COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials j,1ooe Contact Eaale CountvAssessorc Office at or # Parcer # 2 to3l 2ZO?O/ 7 lob Name: 5r/rGEN ftEpt oDFl Job Addressr l75o ho;t SRtDee' /..a? VhL./ 6. Legal DescripUon Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:X66o jztrasN llAddress: 113*rii)31"&c bor ll Phone: a Engineer: N,/A Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionof work:An O (fi n*65 *To N-t3-T1r.V43YsTf,\4 Work Class: New ( ) Addition (S Alteration ff Repair ( ) other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior () Exterior ( ) Other | )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) fyp" of eldg, Singlof"t,fy(f Oupfex 1 ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loss ( ) Wood/Pellet ( LWood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) evic-? Yes ( ) No K) visit for Parcel ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******x*x******************* F:\cdev\rcRMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanicalJermit_1 1-23-2005.DOC t?v*d \#' Lr/231200s Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Design Criteria r You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact the Development Review Coordinator at 479-2128 for additional information. r The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 International Mechanical Code and the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code. r All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restrictste construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: I Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. Dwellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may contaan: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than hro (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restri$ed dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unig the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convett up to two existing fireplaces to gas. If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or rpRlaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. r112312005 F:\cdaAFORMs\PERMITS\Building\mechanical-l]ermiLl1-23-2005. Doc /o;r t: ro;16 io,iiiAim Qgn'nicilttiiliit tu; i7i3 p itt *t Scr- {t73 CIu I I 2006 Friday, October 6,2M6 Town of Vail Community Dewlqpmcot 75 South Ftottt4ge Road Wcst Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Stitgcn Residoncc 1750 Lionsridge Inop Vail, Colorado E1657 To Whom It May Concem; We s'Iopos€ to install a heat recovory vcntilator (HRV) in the mcchanioal room to provide ihe required .35 air changes per horr to thc basoment. This system will providt &esh air from the outdoors ia the vicinity of the family room via ono ceiling supply diffrcr and e?ftaust thc samc anrount of air via one ociling return Fille locatod in thc vicinity of tbe hallway orrtside of the mechanical room, Thc freeh air intake and exttrarst opcninp will be locatsd bcncnth thc south deck, a minimum of 10 fest apart. Thc air will be ducted to the HRV in thc mcchauical room. This systrm will rdis$ the rcquirc@eots for velrtilation of babitsble roonrs per section R303. I of thc hternarional Residential Code. Tbank you very much for your time. Please coosid€r this information and if I cao be of any assietsnc€ iu your docision, do not hcsitatc to contcct me il{970)471'5673' orl5 E^GLE PAR|( DRrvE F3lt8r - P.O. Box 810 - EAGLE, CO 81eBl PHoNE 970-34&2899 - Frrlt 970-32E4.23d. qr q's d!..t \\,rr o\ ,.". l !.' i t" 1 $r .d r rJi \4i r f ;,!\ ro i, , f TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Coo*r"r"r oF coMMU*,r" ortPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P06-0125 =soc. o\-l 3 Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.....: 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Applied . . : 1010512006 Parcel No...: 2l03l220mn Issued . . : l0l05l2ffi6 lrgalDescription: -.>.i\-.?- r,r^ _ (-s111 Expires. .: 0410312007 ProjectNo : ?Rs oG - o211 OWNER STITGEN, JEFFREY R. & GAII, -LO/O5/2OO6 STITGEN, I{AROIJD V. & MARY 3OO8 WOODI,AND TR MIDDLETON wr 53562 APPIJICAIiN KAIBAB PIJT]MBTNG INC LO/ 05/2006 PhONC: 970_390-7735 P.O. BOX 1451 EAGIJE co 8153l_ L,icensel. 282-P coNrRjAcToR KATBAB PLIIMBING INC L0/05/2006 phone: 970-390-7'735 P.O. BOX 1451 EAGLE co 81631_ License z 282-P Desciption: ROUGH PLUMBING/TRIM SET FOR 6 FIXTIIRES, BURY WATER MAIN, INSTALL GROUND WATER RECEPTOR TO D/L Valuation: $4.800.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restricted: l?# of Gas Appliances: ?? #ofcas Logs: 2? #of wood Pallet: ?? 'i++,il'l++*+**+*{(+*+*+it r.'}x****,***,t:t:t +++:t :f :f +:i.:i.+*+:N:}:t:t :t*+tt}++f t****+**** FEE suMMARy :t***ri*:r**,t)t:********,t******'t*:****,t*:|******:+:+**:1.*'**:1.'t*****,1'**'* Plumbing-- > S?5.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 995.?5 Plan Check--> 918.75 TOTAL FEES-----> 995.75 Additionat Fees------ > 90.00 Investigation- > 90.00 Total Permit Fee--------- > 995.?5 Will Csll---> 93.00 Payments------------ > 996.?s BALANCE DUE--------- >$0.00 Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARII4EIfT 10105/2006 .rR.t4 Action: AP ItEN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIVT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordirunces and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE PM. .FOUR HOURS IN SIGNATURE I TWENTY CONTRACTOR FOR FROM 8:00 AM - 4 AND OWNET * *** ******** ** * ****** * **** ***+*++** * + * + + +*++++****** *** * + * * **{.***'t,t*** * ** * **** * * ******+* *+* * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +* **+* ** + +* *{.*+* * * 'N! * * ***** * **** * * * ***** ** *** **** 't(*** *'} * ********* ****+****+* * +*,t***** * * *** *** Statement Nudber: R060001620 Amount I i96.75 LO/05/2OO602:1-0 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init.: DDG Notation: Kaiba-b2I0 9 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address ; Location: This Pa]anent: ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 0 010 00 031-12 3 0 0 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P06-0125 TYPE : PIJIJMBING PERMIT F96.75 * + + + +++* * * *+ +++ *** *+ + {r ** + * *** ** **+* * + + * * **'} *** ****** {.,}* * ** * ***** **** * +* ** * * *********** ** * *:}'r 2to3 - 122 - 09 0t-7 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIIJ 1750 I.,IONSRIDGE IJOOP Descript.ion Total Fees: ToEaI ALL Pmts : Balance : $96.7s $e6. ?s $0.00 Current Pmts PLAIV CHECK FEES PIJI]MBING PERMIT FEES WILI, CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE 75.00 3.00 oo ApplrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rr rncou*rrFon#itr{tU ocdT Building Permit #.BP O6'ot13 Pct-o llf ili:l?T.iffJt"'#"ft sF-+'t't- 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reg. No.: zgz-?Contact Person and Phone #'s: :uJ.5un+sKL.A^.tD 17D 31 o' -11 35 Plumbing Contractor: KngnA P-uu&u(? Etc. E-Maif Addressz _ twcath; A Varl. neL Fax# Q72 429 7?3 L PLUMBING: I t/, 6OO # 2t03tz Job Name: Srtr6rN lguoort 115o tloNSRtDQE Job Address: " J- ' v'- VhL'e- Addresst /75 ON521DAE Detailed descriDtion Roo6! fuop&xscz lr(tw 6ry xnJfiEs/ fuRY t '. R.scePrtB ro b/L Work Class: New ( ) Addition (r() Alteration ([ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family () Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Reslaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ContaLt Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # ** *** ** ** * **** ************ ***** **** ****FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * * ***** ****************** ***** **** F:\cdev\FORf45\PERMITS\Building\plumbing_permit_l 1-23-2005.doc Page 1 of I rrl23l2005 ftJ'r..4 NV"J N1NMY HOW DIDWE RATE WI'TH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Direstor, (970) 479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfinent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact wiih our stafi immediate_ slow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveness, availabiliiy) 7. Overall effectiveness oi fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next tme? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are commited to improving our service. tl ' ,', . ' Ai/P/D lnformation ^ Acllvity: 806-0173 ^ Type: A-BUILD uonst lvoe: uccuoancv:Owiier: STITGEN. JEFFREY R. & GAIL'-Applicant: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELY CONSTRUCTION 12-27-2006 4:17 om Requested lnspection(6) Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Requestor: VISIONS WEST CONST. & DESIGN Requested Inspect Data: Thursday, December 28, 2006 lnsoection Area: JRM Site Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Phone: 970-476-8055 T. & DESIGN Phone: 970-949-0559 J PERMIT TO VISIONS WEST. LETTER IN FILE. - LTILLMAN ELL AND FIRE . JSUTHER t'o llBE: otf* Requested rim:l ?9rt3Ag . Comments: !q.!ldjqg..electrical, mechanical, plumbing finals are all scheduled for today, wc Fern 471-3635 Assigned To: BGIBSON _ - EnteredBy: DGOLDEN K - Action: Time Exp: Ag,.'-'*c p ct.t ,\ -p (.*.r'i,"1 9, "..- g Inspection Historv Item: 501 PW-Temo.access/drainaoe Item: 30 BLDG-Frainino - ** Aooroved "* _11l13lOO "lnspector: JRM" Action: Comment:Item: 50 BlDc-lnsulation *" Approved -' -11114106 Inspector: JRM Action: Comment:Item: 60 BLDG-Sheekock Nail ** Aooroved ** 11117106 Insoector: JEC " Action: _. Qo_qqent: Onb spot by window not done. Small area.Item: 70 BLDG-Misc.Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Item: 90 BLDG-Final AP APPROVED AP APPROVED AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 51-53 lz.r-72-eooo lnspec$on,FefuFqrt tPorting eage zs Requested Insp.ect Date: lhursday, December 28, 2006 lnsoeclion Area: SH Site Address: '1750 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL I75O LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D lnformation lnspec{ion Historv Item: 1 10 ELEC-Service Item: 120 ELEC-Rouoh B-ELEC Sub Tvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUED Use: Insp Area: SH Phone: 970-926-2014 Phone: 970-926-2014 Item: 190 ELEC-Final Roouestod Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: Visions West - Fem Phone: 471-3635 . Conimelts: byildjnS, mechanical, plumbing linals also scheduled, wiill call Feryr 471-3635 AssigngdTo: SHAHN Entered By: DGOLDEN K - Action: Time ExD: /2- Je- eao6, :C-Rouqh 11/09/05 ** Approved * iIOr: eo basemdnt only Action: APPR APPROVED Item: 130 Item: 140 Item:190 Activitu: E06-0231 Const Tvp6: Owirier: STITGEN Aoolicant: JUNE CR Coirtractor: JUNE CR Description: ELECTRI REPT131 Run Id: 6163 12n-713006 tn"p""$:,T F"dua?t neeotting e"g" zz Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, December 28, 2006 lnspection Area: JRM Site Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP vAlL 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D lnformation Reouested Insoec{lon(s) Tvoe: B-MECH Occuoahbv:'R. & GAIL'- - LLC - LLC A BASEMENT REMODEL Sub Tvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUED Use: lnsD Area: JRM Phone: (970) 328-2699 Phone: (970) 328-2699 neeuestedr[$!:03:00 PM 471-3635 DGOLDEN K lNl c Inspectlon Hlstorv Item: 200 ".ffi$iopn,Action: AP APPROVED Item: 310 Item: 315 Item: 320 Item: 330 Item: 340 Item: 390 N\J J.yrA oQ 127 { Yer\. [ / V\*. 1.,"r \ ^- t\. o - and planning also scheduled, Wll call Fem 471:3635 rime exP: /f Entered BY: rl*.f rr\s g R.J S,^, l'f"f-. ,-' Approved * REPTl31 Run Id: 6153 12"-?z;3ooo tnspe$:,T Fffui?LtPornng eage z+ Rsquested Inspect Date: Thursday, December 28, 2006 ' '""8i,3.:fidli:3i illl.,o*. *,oo, Lp vArL 1750 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D Information Activity: P06-0125 Tvpe: B-PLMB SubTvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUED ConslTyp6: . Qcqupahby: Use: Insp Area: JRM OWrier: STITGEN. JEFFREY R. & GAIL'- Apolicant: KAIBAB PLUMBING INC Phone: 970-390-7735 Cohtractor: KAIBAB PLUMBING INC Phone: 970-390-7735 DEScTiption: ROUGH PLUMBING/TRIM SET FOR 6 FIXTURES. BURY WATER MAIN. INSTALL GROUND WATER . RECEPTORTO D/L Requested Inspection(s) Cc-\L t,J L Na1--f (tt\ Insoection Historv c-o\or oJ o p LoJ Item: 210 PlMB-Underqround ** Aooroved ** 10/06/06 'lnsoector: cdavis " Comment; 6#'airtest llem: 220 PLMB-Rouqh/D.W.V. " Aooroved '" 11113106 Inspector: JRM Comment: 6#AIRTEST Item: 230 PLMB-RouqhMater *i Aooroved r* 11113106 Insoector: JRM Comment:Item: 290 PLMB-Final Tnu Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 5153 N OF VAIL S. FROT.ITAGE ROAD fL, co 8a657 o -479 -2L38 APPI,ICAIVT DIDIER CONSTRUEITON COMPANY P O BOX r-595, EAGLE CO 81531 COI{TRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPATfY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 8].631 O9INER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1-404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO 8L657 Description:NEW SFR DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITI,E: GRAND TRAVERSE LOT 17 NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT PETMiT ,Job Address: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP Status..LocaE.ion...: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LOOP (GRApplied. Parcel No..: 2LO3-L22-09-0L7 Issued..Project No.: PRiI98-0008 E>qplres. {+. TIMES 898 - 0 0r-2 Phone: 970 Phone: 9'70 .: ISSUED -:SO2/O9/1,998 .: 02/L3/t998 .: 08/L2/L998 328 -5499 328-5499 Occupancy Dwellings DweIlings Privat.e Garages Table Date: 05/L7/L996 Fir6place Informat ion: Re6Erictcd: y 2,533 122 534 3, 189 Totsal Calclrlatod !cc6-- -> Addicional Fcc6--- ----- -> Toral Psrmit FG!--------> Pa)4ncnts-------- BAIANCE DUE---- Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N BasemenE Zone 2 V-N Number of Dwellinq Fact,or Sq. Feet Units: 001 Valuation 247 ,727 .40 2 ,59r .28 1,3 ,649 . 04 253 ,967 .72 253 ,967 .72 350,880.000 97.80 21,.24 23.5b Subtotal: Tot.al Valuation: Town of Vail AdjusLed Valuation: *of oa6 Appliances: 1 #Of oa€ Logs: *of Wood/PalLct: FEE SWMARY Building-----> at744.oo Rc6Eualant Plan R.vien_-> Plan check---> 1,133.60 DRB Fee--------- ,00 Rccreatsion Fec----------> 3.00 Clean-UpDeposit--------> Invc6tigaLi on> will call-- -- > 3, 97S .85 ,00 3, 978 .85 3 , 978 .85 .oo . oo 200 .00 394.25 500 .00 TOTAL FEES------ 3,97a.a5 ITEM: 051-OO BUII.,DING DEPARTTVIENT 02/09/L998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE 02/1,3/L998 CIIARLTE AcLion: APPR ITCM: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT 02/09/t998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE 02/09/!998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE 02/LO/L998 CHARLIE Action: APPR rTCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTT4ENT 02/09/L998 CHARLIE Action: APPR Item: 05500 PIJBI.,IC WORKS 02/09/L998 CIIARLIE Action: NOTE 02/L0/L998 I,ARRY_P Act.ion: APPR ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING 02/09/a998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE 02/LO/1998 LARRY_P Action: APPR Dept: BUIITDING Division: PI,ANS TO CHARLIE CHARLIE DAVIS Dept: PLANNING Division: PI,ANS TO GEORGE PI,ANS TO CIIRISTI cbarton Dept: FrRE N/A Dept.: PUB WORK PLANS TO T,ARRY P LP DepE.: ENGINEER Dj-vision: PLANS TO TERRI T.D Division: Division: See Page 2 of t,his for any conditions tha DECLARATIONS apply to this permit f hcleby lcknoi.lrdgE that I havE lead Lhi6 applicetion, fillcd out ln fu1I th6 lnformatlon rcqulrcd, coftplGt€d en accurate ploE PIen, and str!! thaC all thc information providcd ae requirod ls corr6cL. I agrc€ to coErply vith tshc lnformation and pLot pLan, t.o cornply *j.th aII Town ordinanceB and statc lawe, and to build thiB stluctura according to thc lot.n,B zoni.ng and aubdivi.ei.on cod.., design review approved, Uniforlr Buifding cod€ and oth6r ordinanccB of tha Tosn appLicablc o t may TURE OF OWNER OR Clean-up De approved amount date PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************{r* Permit #: B9B-0012 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of O2/L3/98 ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT ApplicanE : DIDTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY .fOb AddTESS: 1750 LIONS RIDGE LP tocatsion: l-750 LroNs RIDGE LOOP (GRAND TRAVERSE) Parcel No; 2103 -L22-09-0L7 o Document REQUSSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE MADA TflENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Scnd clean-Up Deposit To: DMc INc ICE FROM A:OO Alt 5:00 PM TOV/Comm. Dev. SLatus: ISSUED Applied: 02/09/L998 Issued: 02/L3/a998 ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS ******************************************************************************** 1.. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEIiilI SIJRVEY. SUCH STJRVEY SHAI-,L BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL IIAVE A CEII.ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTI.]RAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE I'NDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTI,TR,AI-, MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Refund rt aa!r raraa t att rt tttta t a rrra r t r a a t at tl}aa r*r a aa tt ttt rrait a a arraa raat TO9{N Oi VAIL, COllORlm 8t c.!nt t t rta t !t t t f t!) tt trr a at t ta tl t tt t tl a t rtt t t tt t trtrtr rl ra rr, rrttr a*rtr trt ltsrr.ons Nutrb.t ! REC-017f t&oulrl r 1,7?8.45 Ozlltlgl lt,2a Prtrc.ng H.chod ! CIC ot clont 3235 lnlgr l.lln P.lnElt Nos !rc-oo12 Tt'p. r B.SUILD ltBw (!tFR,P/S.DlrP) PE Prrcll lIo r 2103-1?2-0r-01? glle lddrc!. ! 1?5o IrIoNg RIDOE !F l.ocrbionr 1750 LIO||g RlmE LOOp (OnXfD tR vERltEt IoE.l l..rr 3,973,85 Ttrie Prl,r[cnc 3,7?8.85 ToBrl A!,1, ht!: t t t t I it!ra{1tr tt a tf t ttl t ti'rtt 'lt 'rit a tt ttl rt at i 'rt ttt l tttt a ** ttr * a rrr Account codc D..crlp!lon Brlrnca ! 3 | 978.85 I00ultE t,7a{.00 l, 133, 6o 500. 0 0 390.25 3.00 BP O01000031t1100 BUTIJDINO PERlftT tlttt PF 00100o03t12100 PtrAN cHEcr rBlg AD00100002403100 CIrAIIIUPDBPOSITS RF 11100003112700 RE(REITTON tEEg wc o010000311t30o arL& cll|L lxgDtcSld laa TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-557 970-479-21_38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Job Address: l-750 LIONS RIDGE Location...: l-750 LTONS RIDGE Parcel No.. : 2103-122-09-0L7 Project No. : PRiI9B-0008 ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: 898-0021- LP LOOP Status. . Apptied. Issued.. Expires. ISST'ED 02 / 09 /1998 03/L3/t998 oe/oe/t998 AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 277_5, DTLLON CO AVAI,ANCHE ELECTRTC CORP P O BOX 27T5, DTLLON CO DAUPHINAIS -MOSELEY CONST 1-404 MORAINE DR, VAII, CO 80435 80435 INC 8r-557 Phone t 97O468Q249 Phone: 9704580249 DescripEion: ELEC FOR NEW SFR Valuation:21,000.00 FEE SUMII1ARY El6clrical---> DRB Fe€ InveBL igaLion > wilL call----> TOTAL TEES... > Total CaIculaEed F.c€|---> Additional F€ee- -------- > Total Pernit. Fce--------> PaymentB-------- BAI,ANCE DUE- ---- 137.00 .00 .00 1.00 140.00 1{0.00 ,00 140.00 140,00 .oo It.em: 06000 03/L2/L998 Item:05600 03/L2/L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT .JRM ACTION: APPR APPROVED FIRE DBPARTMENT JRM ACt.iON: APPR N/A BUILDING Diwision: FIRE Diwision: DepE: JRM- DepE.: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno{ledge that I have read thj.e application, filled oub in futt Ehe information required, completed an accuraLe plo! plan, and sfate that a1l the informarion provided ae required j"s correcL. I agr€e Lo comply lrith the infornation and Plot pl.an, fo conply r{ihh all Town ordinanc€E and staLe lars, and Lo build thiB structure according Lo che Torn'€ zoning and subdividion codes, d€oign revier approved, Uniform Building coae and otsher ordinanc€B of the Tonn ceble ther€to. FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PM REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SITALI, BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER r.r. r r r r a r r t r r tl tr I rrr r*r r rar. IOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO gEitonnc 1r faa fr rira'r rr ttrattat1}r ta t a t tt gcrl,ctrnB Nunbar ! REC-0179 ArpunE I Prlmanc machod: CK Nob.tion: 32{I l{0.00 03./13/99 0g: 12 rnl,B I titAt{ tP IJOOP tocal Pa6E I l{0.00 1{0.00 . o0 P.!ul,t, Ngr 898-o021 Typc: Parcol No: 2103-122-o9-oI7 Sits Add!.gs: l75o LIoNsl f,.IDGE Location: l.?5o IJIONS RTDOE This Pal|ntont B.EIJEC ELEC:TRICI! PERMIT AccounE coda 1{0,00 Total ALL P[rts: BaIanc6: D66eription EP OOlOOOO3I:.1{OO ELECfRICAIJ PER$TT FEES [{c 00100001112s00 r{IrJr/ cArJL rNsgEcfloN FEE AnounL 3.00 67,f- oa/<o TOhIN OF VAIL DEPART14ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT permit #: M98_001_3 .fob Address...: 1250 L,IONS RIDGE L,p Stat.us...: ISSITED Location..... .: l_750 LIONS RIDGE LOOP App1ied.. .: o2/og/tgg}Parcel No.....: 2L03-1,22-09-01-7 Issued...: O6/24/tg9B Project Number: pR,l9B-0008 Expires ..: IZ/2L/1,998 OI'INER DAI'PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR MOINITAIN HTGH PI-JIJMBING PhONE: 3039494500 P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 APPLICANT DAUPHINAIS-MOSEI.,EY Description: VaLuation: L4,000.00 MECHANICAI-, FOR NEW SFR Fireplace Infornation: Reslricted: #Of gae AppLiance6: #Of eas Logs: *Of Hood/PalleL: FEE SIJMMA.R'Y M€chanlcal---> 2S0.00 ResEuarant Pfan Revier,r--> .00 Toua1 catcul.aEed Fe€s---> 353.00 Plan Check---> 7o-oo DRB Fee--------- .00 Additional Fees---------> .oo Invcstigalion> .00 TOTAT !'EEs------ 353.00 Totsal Pcrmit Fee--------> 353.00 wirl calr----> 3'00 iiil.ill";;;:----:-------l "'.il Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPART14ENT Dept: BUIITDING Division:06/L6/L998 'JRlvl Action: APPR approved inn-06'/16'/L998 JRJJI Action: APPR M/A Itbm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Diwisi-on:06/L6/L998 JHM AcLion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 199r_ IJMC.3. INSTATI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CIAPTER 21 OF THE 1.991 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEIfIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND S}IAII., TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,9O5 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 199r_ IJMC. 6 . BOTIJERS SHALL BE MOI,]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI.,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MEC}IANICAL ROOMS CO}TTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 211_9 0F THE l-991_ IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I holcby acknorlcdg€ that r hrv€ r6rd chi6 eppllcaclon, fillcd out in f,ull th6 lnfontreti.on !aqul!.d, conpl.lcd .n .cculrts. trl.o!ltlan, lnd tc't' th.c rl1 th. I'nforErtsl'on Prowidcd r! rcquirld I! corEcct., t agr!. !o codlrly xlch ch. Lnfo!:n clon rnd lrroc lrran,tso couply ulch aLl Tort! ordlnancca and BEa!. lar6, rnd to bulld thia 6tructur. accordlng bo the Toin,. zonlng and lubdivision cod.r, drll,g!| rovLcw epprovcd, Unlforn Birllding cod6 .nd REQUESTS FOR INgpBqltONs statL BE I|ADE TV'E!ITY-FO(n HOURS rN S:C}IATIJRE OP OHNSR OR C€M[RJAcroR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER 2138 OR AT OttR OFFICE FROM g:OO AIr,t 5:oo pM -rarltttt*ltiia.l aaarttt e atatta iit iiit aarttra aral}tatti l attrarra r r a * Toitf 0t Vl,lL. @hOR.tDO StrBGEn! rtari.atrtftttt 8trecurt f,ulbr! ! RtC-0{1! lmunt. Palm.trt Haehod ! q( l|ot tlonr 1251 353.00 06124,198 11! 03 InLEr tlAl{ P.!ul,e llor ltts-o013 flE.r B-HBCH uEcttllllcNr paRt.|r? Prrcrl No! 2103 -122 -09-017 gle. Addrr.. t !,?so t tOHa RIDCE frp tocrslonl rzso rJtOwg ttDc! !,oop T||I! P.t&.nt latrl t!Go: 35t.00 logrl lI,L Fn!r: 353. O0 3q3.Oo .oo lnounts 280.00 ?0.00 3.00 Brlanoa: araarlarrrlatrtrrttrrrrralrratrttftttrrn*inJirtrarfratatt*,it*atorarI lccount Cod.Dlrcrlpclan llP 00l_00003111300 t|leHllllcll| Panl|tl t8ta lF o0t00003112300 Pt t cgBca FBEg wc 00100003112600 I{IEL cltt l]ltpEcTloN pEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPIJTCANT CONTRACTOR OhINER ilob Address: L750 LIONS RIDGE Location...: 1750 LIONS RIDGE ParceL No. . : 2LO3-1-22-09-OL1 Project No. : PRJg8-0008 MOIJNTAIN HIGH PI.,IJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 8L620 MOI]NTAIN HIGH PLIJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81520 DAUPHINAIS-MOSEI-,EY CONST INC J-404 MORAINE DR, VAII, CO 8]-557 LP Status...: ISSUED LOOP GRAApplied. . :E'02 / O9 / L998 Issued. . . : 03/L3/1-998 Erqgires. . : 09/09/L998 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 Valuat,i-on:40, 000 . 00 DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-0009 Description: PrruMBrNc FoR NEW sFR FEE SUMI4ARY Pl"umbing-----> Plan Ch6ck- - - > Inv6otigation> will caI)"----> ReBtuarant PIan Review - - > TOTAT, FEEg- ---- - Tobal CalcuLaEod Foss---> Addi.tlonal FGc6- -- -- ----> ToLal P6rnit F6o-- - - ----> 600.00 150,00 .oo 3,00 .00 ?53 .00 753. OO .o0 751 . OO BAIANCE DUE-----. oo IEem:051-00 03 /L2/L998 Item:05500 03/1,2/L998 BUILDING DEPARTMENT JRM ACLJ.ON: APPR APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMENT .'RM AcLion: APPR N,/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: Dept: RM- DepE: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECLARATIONS I herGby acknorledge thats I have read this application, filled out in fu11 th€ information t:equired, plan, and €taEc bhat. all Che infoftralion plovided a6 required i6 corrects. I agree Co conply wilh lhe to comply r{iLh all Town oldinances and 6tate lawe, and lo build Ehis structure - to the Tor,n' 6 codee, deeign revie$ approved, Unifom Building cod€ and oEher ordinanceE of Ehe REQUEATS FOR INSPECIIONS STIALL BE MADE T1iENTY. FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY complet€d an accuraEc plol and plot plan, 6ubdlvision FICE FROM S:00 Al4 5:00 PM and TELE AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO 3la Eemnts gt.elclnnt. Numbor: REC-03?9 Amoun!. r Paym€nL M6Lhod: CK NoLaE.ion: 32{l ?s3.00 oll13/9S 08: l0 IniE: MAW PertnlE Nor Parcol. No: sige AddreE€: LocaEion: This Pafnenc Account' Code P9S-0009 Type: B-PIJMB PLtI4BINC PERMIT 2103-122-O9-01? ].?50 LIONS RIDCE IJP 1750 LIONS RIDCE IJOOP GRAND TRAVERSE TotsaI Fee6:?53.00 753.00 Toea} ALL PtnES: ?53.00 Balancc : .00 PP OO.lOOO03II12OO PLUMBINC PERMIT FEES PF 001000031123o0 PLAN CHECK FEES WC OOlOOOO3II2SOO WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE DeBcription Amoqnts 600.00 L50. oo 3.00 PER}IIT # PRJqg -ed?, , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT COIIIPLETELY oR IT MAy NoT BE ACgEpTED If***************************** PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************fll [/J -Building p4'3 -rrurnbing [! -Electricar $g] -lr""tr.nibat [ ] -other Architect:Rddress: f t J,a/{ //:,.,)l/J/a-a\ /!'n r -r ^]--\f/.t r\r r/l ,t /.- | lL1 .j \)ttt--rtl.lLu, /J '-' General Description:/1/ c, Work Class: ft; -ltew [ ] -Alteratitn ,) !' t l-Addiaional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units /Nunber of Accornrnodat.ion Units ftu". and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ ,_ Gas r,ogs X woodr/pellet_ It*'t't****************************** VALUATTONS ********************************* dur_lorHcr l?,728y '- ELEcrRrcAt g_2/-00!4 orHER: $ - Legal Descripti onz tatll Brock - tiLingZ suBprvrsroN ' Ttiit:,?/t i. b;9i yt/tt1('ti OvJners Name:Addr.==, f'|ffi Phone Nunber:t7l . Plunbing Q ?E?_l;_ / / /*t.:!t{tu.rr,t fl*irh llrlu n tyrt# Town of Vail R_eg. Ng./32 Address: p.(, t)y <t/7 _ pn"n"-H";Z".qLg?;ifr. x33iZ2!i"ir#"rtiix\",# '" ;;:1""f"xill,Liir q)? ,4j-ootl JtItMBTNGz s 40./il)/) t'o MECHANTCALTIW- rorlli W ff********************r*****% coNTRAproR rNFg6X?-oN ***************************t Eeneral Contractor: /.trdr /( /htr\frtlhr n *El-L+lN ^,Fr.rr^rrr ar \rri'r D^- ,',n i/^f A ffi;:::,'"ti'"/fr|lf i,t ..0,fnf,Xl""f"I;Il,+7d# Erectricaf -coqtrr /i ' ''' t -' i 6ao to?\ Address: f/0 l,r,v'55ir 4,,rfill::'('t,rr!'#ii"4* /"9'"1-3:::^"5..y111.)";: ** ** Jr*** *** ** * **** * * * ** ** ***** BUILDINC PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECzuINICAII PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL F'EE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB EEE: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT3 TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAIC I'P DF,POSIT REFI'IID tlt lru frr llt Rox t575 //, /'J. r/h IIAR-20-98 FRI 3:34 PM DA E/ D}lC FAX N0, 9704769022 3mc DAuPHINAIS - MQsELEY CoNsTRucTtoN lNc' Ar,rH"*"^gr^,e6"*' VAIL. COLC'RADO UPII R t P, l CHAIBXAII CLARK1ON P, $GgfY 5go.' I-EJ FEEEWAY, AU|TE 106 DAU-AS, TX Z'lZao (zla) 7to-oLr FAX (lr4) 'lttrota3l vArL. CO (gto) 9"'!1" FAr o70) /Tto'E? PiE3IDEXT PAltlcr O, E,AUPHINAIS P.O. !or( l!lE vdlr- co rra6e €70r .t6.ooErt FAX (eto att'eoz2 iilarctr 20, 1S98 JR Mondragon Torrrn Of Vail Gommr.nity Dov€lopment Depertrnenl 75 S. Frmtage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 SincerolY, +bf Dear JR, I riould like to thank you for you recent phono curll informing me thal our.mechanacal Pernit #M97'0214 ior l421Moraine Orive was ieady to be picked up. Eartier today I picked up tha permil and found that lhe medlanical conrr"aor on th" permit ua" irrcdnect. lt 6eems I put the incorred T-onrn of Vail License *rnU"ion the appticationwtric6 caused Luns{ord Bros. Mecfranical io be listed m the permit instead of oui aUraf conditor Mountain High Plumbing and Heating. (TOV License *137-P). Would you please -rr""t tt i= ir,tormation in ywr filei and re-isiuo the nrec,tranical permit so trat Ooth of our records indicate the cofrect mechinlcal corilrador. I urould be happy to pickup ttro re-issuetl permit' I ha\re alEo made this same mistake on twD ad<litiqral applications, honever tt€ mochanical permils iri"i-*i U"* issuod as ot thie date. lMll you please conect your Rtas and my penryt applicalion lor ,.*it*ggS{Ot2 for 1750 Lionsri@e L$ anrt 898{D16 '1424 Moraine Drive to refled ttl€ mecfianicat [ntr"aor as tl/buntain High Plumbing and Heating, TOV License #137'P' I appreciate your hetp wth this matter arrd apotogize for any inconvenience this may have caused. lf yorr naed any additional irformation pleaso conliac{ me 8t 476€055 (*Ut' Dauphinais-Meseley ConsWction, Inc. I fnbr-lllountain lnrgineeringr,d. March 5, 1998 Dauphinais Moselcy Construction Post Office Box 1515 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Open Foundation Inspection Lot l 7, Dauphinais-Mosclcy Subdivision Vail, Colorado Projcct No. 98-0042G Intcr-Mountain Engineering Ltd. has visited the project sitc on February 24, l99S to obscrvc thc soils exposed in thc opcn foundatioi: c:icalation. Tl;c cxcavation'"vas dug to dcpths of8 to lC feet beneath the ground surface. Tlre exposcd soils consistcd ofa gravelly, sandy, CLAY, s'lrich appcared to be fill nratcrials. The soils exposed cvcn found to be suitable for a bearing prcssure of2000 psf. Placement of concrcte was approvcd, Thc recotutrrendations presented lrcrcin alc based upon visual insltcctiou of the exposcd soils. No sampling or tcsting rvas pcrfornrcd. The observations s'crc based upon the condition ofthc exposcd soils at thc tinre of the site visit and/or cxpericncc irr the area. Subsurface conditions at otlrer locations at other times nray diflbr fronr conditions at thesc locations. This document uas prepared for the exclusive use of Dauphinais-Moseley Constnrction. Thc usc of this docunrent or thc infomration contrincd hcrein by arrl,otlrcr pcrson or entity is not authorizcd. In thc cvcnt atry othcr pcrson or cntity dcsircs to usc this docunrcnt for thc infonrution contained lreroin for any purposg thcy ntust first contact Inter-Mountairr Enginccring for rvritten authorization. This rel)ort was prcparcd lvith thc undcrstanding that constnrclion rvill begiu rvithin onc 1'ear fiorn thc datc ofthis rcport, usc aftcr that pcriod is not authorized. '[hc findings and rcconrntendations and conclusions of this rcport lrave bccn prcparcd in accorclanco rvith locally acceptcd professional engineering standards for sirrrilar conditions at this tinre. There is uo othcr naratrtl', cxpresscd or implied. Should y'ou lr:r,c lurv ftrrther qucstions rcgarding thc rntormalion containcd herern pleasc do not ircsrtate to cotrtrct tirc uncicrsignod. Sinccrcly, INTER-MO CINEERIN Cr\cirA Dct\oil5\l$tcrsU.rr Dl\lC OP!n foLId gxci2 7lrf0Mtut I][|,l ilipr 77 Metcalt Road, #201 o Box 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . Phone: 970-949-5072 . From Denver Direct: 893-1531 1420Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado80215 o Phone: 303-232-0158 o 69 |'cota ery-y€l i{AR 13 $9S Riclrard O. Ricks, p.E. Ccotcchnical Engiffi ;.f+i..":"€ Jun-og-gEl (,22 r?P OtOtl const co Inc Dlct_efQg_n_st4t_cllen_Qo,,lnc, P.o. BOX 1505. EAGLE. Co Elail . PHoNE (970) 320-t199 Toz T".r', ,f V",'l B"ildi"j Wl, ilere qrc *M lrpnl lo,, ,qlot, anol neol.(qr, loXo,* lo,1750 liot'sri$e l*7 ^, B,IB- ool2 . ds,an1ihia1 ForlLur go" nud fhanLs, 3* hdir- gn+t* ?lu* lo *r* lct ne pnow if th"rc +lte nedrqrtioa( fn,f f4Qr'ocry UF 3- l5,*ll'"n tyorrr{* ,.bripnoi, Durgogel Burnhan 162,m g1u hd ratrr d'.f +r.L Uql reV- r"fl*)Yage A2.I rul cr3 asuoJ Jalplo dzT:zo El6-6o-unc 6TAI AZE 0Z6 zo'd s F HF D8 HH trH EE frHr EHq E;H EHfi r58 EHH FdH s;3 HBE HgF EfiE E1-E gHH EEr HiEH BHHsEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3 gA IoS.o.cISI*oI91'sI,o g *$ - i- ir.' i i^ l^ i^s** EHF*+R$ssRrs=$FF*siE EfigiaIEHtEH$il$F$HEE$ gE HSFIFfiFiagnn:sREE E e e e ?e ?sB E E g s3 s E6 sHHHeEeEeEEs$rs;E* E E H HH H 888883 FEHI-I COcooo6 rn vr rn r.l .at 9t rtt <Fa.{F{Hii figg..g- ctoo oEo t iai e"s€EE e iefrxI sgEEEEE,*En*HHEHE E c'o tr n z s q\cfr 'q F t st( Sr AF-3-i .qqF!('rQO nse i in I nQrr< Bie:€o 0q (\l o\ n Eq o6l 3 !F' EePu B EgU IY a s co {l F H C,z o I F E (, H 'H E a c)n E sEl EEE Bl-- fEF HEE -F{.{mcatwt I \OrOF F(I' F| Or icl ilc a EEEttf;.. Pg' 7z EE 3q (Jta F 5a .rr H 'i' gl ?.- e z )r 6-Cl.A o o tr ET I 7 t 6 at 7 E !,o =E . HH "3 I HF $?3 EE frE E gE FE ; Fi XE E HH FH ; Fg 3q ET eF HF 5t z I tE iE; s F' ii EFHHH EE E dEaea r E 22222, En Eqqen r.rri;etrtrtrtr &x il- H Et B-cr-.+ FF Fen n cI ts IE AF EE Ftr HH Efl HE EA iH EP ae t td I'{1o 'qH l.J gH ;auHssgnEEg (' ag H3 ;r,ai t-.6g Fld 6P EE H33 l- Ut U) q{.1 rn * vr t() \01 FF€6O.l\ asuo3 ralPlo dztlzo 85-6o-unc EgEEEE HFHHHHEHHH c, a u n AA xn yrt EV Oo EH F nxnxEE J i ;E E H to EgEEe,* 3HF EEg H 2 O F'{ .{ EO-d DlrI (r3 6rar 8zt 0z6 t ? ff.) A trl (J z H tA H 6 (' E vt o^u QurE g#t ?iiY ;Fo I UJ o- F t o o J LL F tf6 \r- s "ii .: r..'rti ::, |.,.:,:gii::i-O :i:,,, iil ':l o o ::,. i g fi (E F Hfl fiF o o ut o fr (9 z ?q I ul IL F @ 5 v,rt, ;, . ul t ut t-ul (r O z o () F E o u, B uJ t J z o o o sl =I E =f cO at 3t o c tr r urI 9t lLl +oi- -|4'= uJ -r-tr.=z{lU t- P3 tro '(j'E i.,.::^.: ,: d,::." . |I)o e.:.1;;ic) J 4 tr ul o-L :.':.;: ii: ;:: .:r O C) .r;i : j1 cul 03 +suo3 Jolpso dzl .zo 85-6o-une 6ral azE 0L6 to'd -Nl \$\ \{+s \-a *€E6; E9EEE Y:E;'; iiiaE If €; gE E.;;€EE !-.xE-i: ge:i;i i:bE;R Fi E!Eg * iEE; ; SE:aEF E gtEEE lt tl It tl ql <Jl 4l HI AI ol HI PI &l HI (Al zl oit (Jl I xl lrl Arl Fl Ol .A Ol Or Jl 4 ,..1 Iol (a i.l HA =u)l-ll z1 F'{ H Fl Fll <i I | lni I F.i ' Frl .5 Oct ?.= (i aa z E ) q U o- F E 1 =c \i llJllJ'\ af I-- ,JI; v--<>x Jz7-r{<< -. --: --_ :- -> a\ -a \j )- r,\ ;-- z"Y 3Z= \ :-r lIJ f---r, q ;t5z rt- x .\ L{ \J - c< .- F-TZ <ux .ri -, --.1 =r=cZ ca ca l<o otr z lrJ i- i- i{o=FZi --<Y Odc< r*, !L i Z.^<-y P=HU fFfa -rJ ito= J ?) (J tr>i.i z * - Y:<sl*< l--...:r:'.<F<F l, i- af --t fr c<: SZU:ff;::f,L'tx* -_;<:<.-FTsI H -e. -t -t tFf Lr E .+. 6+ FR EN fJ -f '= rP I F trf .F,a't 1+{ =v F.-t Fl -E |e aF\al LI r-i -rd *Fl P i{H ?++\ =v iF. trt a.tfrf E LI ft-rFr .F)Ff h e. € o (J 2 =F FJ ,1 B 7 :;:j :. t\ + N I @ o\ r-., J -l (4i EI >l Frl AI <t I ; c 7. 'lr OE o9 OE o o E *{ E E I I o E o E H az o?.o 34 o (t ol F a.t H E 6 lr F'r E ,:A ft EiUr 9.!) aqlo zo q|q\uac, cr Fr a2 bo E- ql E E. Ir F.ae EO HI A'( r, Fl aa .lp i5 I E tlr HE oo se H E tr x F E -a 2 6 E r9l HE oa UU o t{ H p (J H F' o EI z FI E A o or !t AE I E-&4 -! d!a aio-&oH EgE O o ! 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I LSiijl.il.:[) t-.Urr,..i,r': hlllf-li iJ,.lr-lf'kri;1,,.., ,.71r;;1 l.-.[ Lri"i::r- i:< i t.ii:ii- i..i-' i...r.ji._.ctL I {.rtl i, J. / i:_;Ai l.- I i..ri.ll;i i<.r'(.ii.r[.:. i...iti.ii:.' [,ir r r..] ii i. I , :l .l ll, i)- .t r':,ir] i:i:.,--kl I 7 irr,i:,r ,- l. fri: i. 1ti1r r,l{:..i-.1 ii{i!.r t.,ui.. l:i.iii !'ll:l} ;.:ri':11 ,r1rr.:.i. il..rrrri :: ir|-r{-,i'i-l1. 1'.i,.ij.:. I'i(.Jfit.:.i. | \ i..1,rliir,,.' i rt!-il,if'l-i i.iqFri. lri- l:1ri1.il::.1,.1:: v' t.,t..ii\i!i i l.,i.rrri.i.<a:,.r:;i, lr, - i.'tl-,r.1i\r lit,i. tir l.; .l.dil i..,1 . L..J | . I i:r .i ' * I :r I til{., l. Jr.r'(' l t..l$r t I-'fi i'l rr t ;r l-'l r (.1 li i.l il ll 'l r*r,g t: , jt:I,-',Y+ej)ii i./!.lit .i lrr" li$i.rl. :i. lrTj f',r--r..lriIn5 L l:i.:r t' j",...r rlr . ii.l r..t.i.J ir,i': r..l I r. lfl * :r l. r. l lllld .1.I t."''. ) k{jt-r e(\ r. "i(.1 f:Li frfit.iirtl1 irii:j t.;Fi i: i ft"r J. L l i't.lt't'lr i; r. t.,r,,. 1-, i: i1r r11 4 i 1 i, t-; i| L.] Fr .i i r |:) i-i a:.r {:-' t 4 i..i , i.:'l r ciii-: I .;!')d-''+ i ['1 i f ,r.. i. r. (-' l I L..iJ l{ ltl i:.r r r-L 1}T:i fie l.:.., f., l ir l peu'L :i uil I i: n ril j Lt*:iuri .I 1; efi ji l.J i:"1.: trr"\.,. . , ,, . #,.1i'til/:! ivii..:i.-l-i li r_i r.,r rl !i titiil:_, '+tri lrl-. i4'5 ^ i.:r"{ ,. i.: :i. ir :r i r i-J ';lt--r;:i J Ur lyii;t";ii- l-iFiiirL .! rriJ tt.t i :' |..i:: t I){i I t i r'. 1..r * r.: l; '-, ; ' : J i'il"t tl'i,/;:::4.tl 13 .1. tis,.:.,i.i-:i a.rr'r' t,[] r,lri."gi i / tCl i ttl'1.l*t-t,0r':' LiLi y'Jr;'l ].ii;::ri iiillill. 1' l: x ii ;r r..r :i L: j I i] D rJ 1 r'.' r,-,,.,irrr lilt.:1..; i !-;,-tlru I \ ,t t.i Itrri..t.i{lr lili:: t..i.l - i'li r.',..:,, t,\i,iiA//:)'Y .l r r :',, p , ,..r l:: i. r "r r I tiiilr rii rl,'1.j, rj i:l lrlt::.i..i.i" ii r.;,;,i.i. i.rr.t1-ilt l: .L f!r. i .i i.iiii _ t. 1.{..i l'lr.: ll :;. r:ri : Lr)1".1 !.it l: i r.){} tt i.iJ:r'FiR l-r{-r i. i. Lrri r iifrF ii l"!l:.: .lrrl:ifri.i i'i1., i Ii1....40'l i_' r::t.l+ l-, I i.) li .1. u [: hr.rv $i'!l..ii.ri4l.:..1.... I .i. i; ein .r .1. L q1 llr ; t jl!: l : i 1; tr rir .; .r t: i: i;r '; i-,r- i. :i ur-t i r'-)tr!*' ii i-i',.ri- f iii, hirii, !, r /' l 1 r..l $ :,- {"i .r. i .i t'}'i, o o o o "d ,/ v" \z t-\./nv ^r\ov/u'\- tl \rr A R A AI | 57'13" 537.96' t8.34' / ^r/ /wa -nl? $Nt d LOT 18 SCALE: l"20' NM 7'v4( MH C-4.1 A RIM ELEV. : 8174.33 /NV. OUT : 8098.6J' ./ | hcrcby certify thot thls tmprowmant location csttllcotc uos prqarcd for - Douphinois-ltlosaley Construction ond thc Torn of Vail Eullding 0cportmcnt, thot thot it is not o lond surwy plot or lmprowmcnt surtoy plot, ond thot it Is not to bc relled upon for the establishmcnt of fencc, bulldlng, or other futurc im- prorcmcnt lincs.I further ccrtify thot thc improwncnts on the oborc desqibcd porcel on this datc 'lly l, ,994 cxccpt utillty connxtians, orc cn thely vlthin thc boundonbs of thc porcd, cxcqt os shont thot th€rc orc no ancroochmcnts upon tha descrlbed prcmiscs by lmprovancnts on ony odphlng pratnlscs, axcqt os htdlcotcd, ond thot thq'e is no opporatt cvldancc or slgn of ony aoscmcnt crosslng * burdenlng ony port of sold porccl, excqt oe notcd. fhls certillcote does not constitute o title seorch by lnt*-Hountoin Enginccrhg to datarmine ornushlp or oosanants gt+qta For oll infqmotlon rcAordhg cose- m*ttg" rights-of-toy q tltlc of rccdd, lntar-Alountaln rdicd uoon thc Finol Plat of Dauphlnais-Moscl6y Subdlvlsion, fVng U/, t, \ ,,,,,,u,,t,,,,,,,. h ^/,. ^ A'S!$.[#i"%'", LOT t6 oL ,r NOTIE: Accedhg to Colorodo lav )ou must cotnmcncc ony legol actlott bosed upon ony dafect h this sunrcy vithin thrac pots ofter pu llrst diecover such defect. In no ctrytt, mq/ oryt octlon bosad upon on)/ dafcct ln thls $nEy be conmenccd mora Uon ten J'eorc front thc dotc of cartlllcatlon shovn hcrcon. ,r5 TRACT A 5 ==::.t'/:i;F S ADDRESS _ I75O LlONS RlDGE LOOP 8145.4'. 1.3%J*S#"*&'*f*; {,^ut',2"fr * 8/ 42. A' R/DGE ELF 8140. 4' R/DGE ELEV: 8 / 41.9' LOT | 7. o fg;'t#tf*@ stJIE tol I12O VANCE SIREEI uKEhM, CO|-O. @215 r*r PoJ) 2J2-0158 arE DAIE REV|gO IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICATE o$ro$D an -? '%,iRs.l.s"*s:aaras &1m aY TV arFB!jdilt"'"' 7/2AE LOT IZ DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY SUBOIWSION, FILING NO, I, TO,AV OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO cHEa<p an D,D.E sAtE l. _ 20' fat tud( PAct sE| Na | ff | I De sign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: Dauphinais - Lot 17 Project Description: New single family home owner, Address and Phone: ?ftfffllii#gslgv Construction VaiL CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address:1750 Lionsridse Loop VaiL Co 81657 Legal Description: Lot 17, Dauphinais-Mosley Filing #1 ParcelNumber 210312209017 BuildingName: n/a Comments: Special Development District #22 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: BilI Pierce John Schofield Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: February5,1998 Board / Staff Action Action: Approval That the vertical handrail on the east and west second level decks be replaced with a horizontal rail to match the proposed siding. DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 200.00 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 22,1998 Patrick Dauphinais Dauph inais-Moseley Construction, Inc. 1404 Moraine Drivc Vail, CO 81657 Rc: Lot 12 - | 424 Morainc Drivc Lot l7 - 1750 Lionsridge Loop Dauphinais-Moscley Filing # I r4ns GF EB lr,u vf h''.^5 Dcar Mr. Dauphinais: Staff has completcd a prcliminary rcvicw of thc abovc rcfcrcnccd plans, Thc following itcms nccd to bc rcviscd on thc site plans: Lot l2: l) Subrnit an outdoor lighting plan agd spccifrcatigns shcct. - this will vcrify compliancc with TOV Lighting rcgulations. Jtf +re.t+ h. NA.l 9197.ic4- 2) Providc a color board - the Dcsign Revicw Board will nccd this for their rcvicw, 3) Add a 4' conct'ctc pan with a 2" invcrt at thc start of thc drivcway or show traditional curb cut incxistingcurbandguttcr, (.u,rb,z1u(tcv .,.'.;i1,,ry-l .q_alut"y1.", ),., -1'uphta-k/ 4) Thc nraxirnum grade for thc first l0'of drivcway is 8%, then l2%o maximum gradc is allowccl. 5) All hcat in Right-of-Way must be on a scparatc zone in casc of futurc road construction. All heat must stop 4' from edgc of street. No hcat is allowed in the 4'concrete pan, 6) Plcasc changc thc turning radius into singlc garage door as the drivcway does not meet thc 20' ccntcrlinc turning radius into this door. Also, a car in the parking stall right next to this one will not gct out with a three point turn or less. Lot l7: l) Submit an outdoor lighting plan and spccifications shcet - this will vcrify compliancc with TOV Lighting rcgulations. 2) Provide a color board - the Design Rcview Board will need this for their revicw. ,:/ loll fu)LtzVm 3) Reducc sitc covcragc by 2 squarc fcet - calculations done by Staffshow 2127 square fcct of sitccovcragci2l25isallowcdbyTOVregulations. --(v,-n-iv aoJe U/v'e tD ZtZZ' 4) Providc Utilify Company sign-off for landscaping in the cascrnents to verifu that thcy havc revicwcd thc proposed landscaping in thc easemcnts. {g*"n"urr r* 7 /\L , \-zF --._-.- Pagc 2 January 22,1998 Patrick Dauphinais 5) Add a 4'concretc pan with a 2" invcrt at thc start of thc drivcway from cdgc of strcct. No hcat is to bc installcd in thc pan. La brl 6) All hcat in Right-of-Way murit bc on a scparatc/zonc from thc rcst of thc drivcwav in casc of , ./. futurc road construction' \('4 L)!LX-'- " - "J -' v 94 D ' Lac 0 7) Pleasc makc back-out/tumaround arca l2'widc and add an additional 5'of dcpth to thc turnaround arca. A turnaround arca is nccdcd bccausc Lionsridgc Loop is a collcctor strcct and hasahighratcoftraffic. ylf2n '''r,,1 -,. li;l'S n-i , Jr1,1 ,l',*/.,,- :' * 8) On thc landscaping plan, plcasc movc all trccs and rocks back a minimum'of l0' from cdgc of stroct. Plcasc submit rcviscd plans by January 30, 1998 to allow for sufficicnt review timc bcforc thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board mccting on February 4, 1998. If you havc any questions, plcasc call rnc at 5'1 'l * 4 A,v J= '" 1l i.r.'tr'-^,L' (970) 479-24s4. Vcry truly yours, /v I . , \ ( /nnKt*- Lrfristic Barton Planncr ll / 6) ,-/ s*LrhJ f:\cveryorre\ehristicVlruphinais. I I 5 OPEN TO LIVING ROOM BEDBOOM * 2 nfc al.|r Llf BEDROOM * 3 nlfo qu|or.El? -4 lll *l BEDBOOM r ,l :P + wtn ' clLrltT a q6t tluts + /Jal,l ka,n,t' -'</;'"'Jr' '' UPPEB FLOOR 12 CAN LIGHTS IN THE SOFFIT ,l WALL MOT NT gCONCES DOWN LlcHTlt|G ALL LIGHTS ARE 75 WATT AND WASH THE WALLS Lo, I+, Dr{.rr{urtvAre- rhjcc€l' 9uc'f''.*1 / ?r0 (laa,s /,oce t--t o o o o Cat. No. AL92B Doublo Wall Type lC Housing .l; . /a^ \y Cat. No. AL928 Fits 2' r 8' conslruction, Trim Finlsh: WH'Whii6, 8ll lrims. IPB-Polished Brass available. rtn f iLl JUllO llotrtins aN 4w Supen Slopr 7ll2To 12/12 Prcu Super Slope Ceiling down lights adjust to fit fhe pilch of 7/12lo 12/12 (3O' to 45) ceilings while permitting the lamp to be positioned perpendicular to lhe floor. . Can be completely covered with insulallon. . Shovel Cut Housing - Holds trim flush with ceiling. . Trim Ring - While baked enamel on steel.Saftls lcat. No. o(NB-Black Cat. No. 6(XW-WhitE 90w PAR38 For superior baftling uso 75W PAF30. Trim Slz€:01/r'x 9|/l' Adjustabls Cylind Cal. No. 6{88-A r Spotlight C dNruLrcrc Conlcal Bafile lCat. No. 248-Ballle, Black Cat. No. 24W-Baflle, Whito 75W 830 Slrniolrl tlallle 1Cirl. No 258 Ua'lle, Ulack Cal flo. 25W Ballle, Wlnle 75W r130 Cat. No. AL22 Type lC Housing Economy Universal housings accommodate many of the most popular trims and are uselul when initial costs are a concern. . Can be completely covered with insulation. Cat. No. AL22 Trim Sizo: 8" O.D. Except lor Accents;' balfles, cones and Cal. No,248,249 and 250 - 7%'O.O. Trlm Finish: WH,White, all trims u,rl€ss olherwise noted. tPB-Polished Brass availablo. ' PW-Plastic Whils availabls, tl|l 'rtl JU0O tiSrtrting u--- -- 6tl Cal. No. 9324-PA Luminous Disc sOW PAR3O o Octagonal Trim with Batfle Cal. No. 9024W-WH While w/ While Batllo Cat. No. 9024W-ML [4arbl€ w/ Whit€ Baflle 75W R30 Cal. No. 90248-OK Oak w/ Black Balfte 5OW PAB3O Cal, No, 9702 Lumlnous Collar-Cl€ar Elchod 75W R30 I l" ./" -'1 I Cat. No. 9524-PB Brass Band 75W R30 Adlustable Cyllnd€r Spollighl Cal. No, 2268-Black aafl16, Black Cylinder Cal. No. 226W-Write Ballle, Whils Cylind€r 55W P n16 'J' Regrossed E!€ball Cal. No. 228 50w R20 tcat. No. 229 75W R30 Eyeball in Baltle Cal, No.248 50w R20 tcat. No. 2498-8attle, Black Cat- No. 24gw-Baflle, Whil6 75W 830 A-LamD Multiplior Cal. No. 231C-Clear Alzak. Cat. No. 23lc-Gold Alzak Cat. No. 231lry-Gbs3 WhltE 60w A19 R30 Con6 C8t. No. 27c-Cl6arAhak. foal. No. 27c-Gold Alzako tcal. No. 278-Black AlzEk lCEl. No. 27w-Whll€ Cat. No. 2278-Black 75W 830 t'Cat. No.241 Drop Opal wilh R€lleclor 40w At9 lCal. No. 250 Fl30 Op€n Frame 75W R30 0 l,"kk"q PlurJ r-{ ' I @ \') F a UJ (J d s o a 1 ro$l W (J (u lr .lJ a) o OJ .1.) .Fl 0'tr q)(0o a 'r{ O o! a oo 0)..{ 0, ri >r+ c, fr f4 Ei o.ao .p oo(o C, Ort O .k k,o F .r{ (J (s B().>ra Fl F.J H r+ OCJ .- <itE-tD ^t l:l -l\ \-)''- E -,i " J3 ii 3g t- ,-\ u!12 <HO a, @.) ;\ A.\tcot -\\\y crr red,A= @ aLz<4@1 do.i I '/il\V', Ril ot' 1\ z J LL I I I' ,O \2 l-l 16, z O (/\ t cl m F ?: au .rJ k IJ uJ .rl (J o +J (0 (Y il (/) a €o ' cc)z t,: HF{Oo +J lr 6() . FF .JO k r/J o >.d .Ft Ci p4d Ot{Ft C,00u (!(! ETB i#& \uJ 1oo \ c' '.-\o ,7 'U \)/flj:""uYts g N\.q '+A \L uro \ '/L l3 ac?l c uru 7- ffiffi I .l t" . :,!! r! il :,iJ.t.'!i ir l: 1r : ' :;! i: iil T ,: r 3i ! E !t i .'i; ; j j I i! F" o \- . !. - o i i .: ! i :; ji !.! ! -t :. li. 5:" t.': i.l l. a Irl = hI* !tl ilr | : :ti; -i.i:i Jti iii s;:i s-o o) i3 gH tg >Q il.s rt$s t*$$ $$$s : 1 q_ -, T rr_ F li I lr li -.t l.i I iilH i*t !su ' .{g rf; $'ibl*o l-!l '+ %^-/> t-(r -l I ii }-$ :liliiiiiiiii!iiriiiiiiii r!fr*!!iiiiii r!Br!i: 1sq s111 s.*r.rr.o*.niillliiilliii liE!!i!rtetnr:trr!:tttlttltStrtl!sti::tr 6 ! ! ER I U.' t d ! { a I i r q :i i I r s i I I i { i i I I t i a { !' ri a Ei!\!r;lrtrMtrlnrIq?tttnEqrIrrIre:!rE g$ittii':Sl.i*ilri{ti{tilt{a{lli{liuji-i ionoaroao=nro*rrr!:rrrrrrrq!:rrrRsraedr -!l$lrl5t5;l0 't r I !! i l C c' { l l .r d :i { l { i d { r a i i i Eiii!re!lltts!!t!lli!t8tt!t!8rt!ttttlar- g i d : i i. d i I i i i i i ! ii ii C t d d d'i i d i di td ri iiti i I i i i . t i iii iiili !b'e!'l' i'h i'l'iiii ill'!iiiili:'hti:tr {!9!t I F.r l!! !! lil,F9 !:r 3 ir.ir.iiitrts}tb} I '.r lrrrlar!li!nltilnirt!llr.lt'.li.i.iiiii. :l!t !tirttltlt\l !tt qltl rhl i !sSaitt\i8rg!sIititq;tE:;t::!tlri iigarriEii;ii jd{iltiiisdi{tiiint I - !e s s a y rr ! l t r s $ s r I t s s t p t r s a I I I F r F p Elsi! f lil$ $ !!F:s! $ !pi! t$t3!$ t!FF $ilit!!ttlliislts!:!i:ltif iitl!cF .E\lrstlrh!lttltlltlrtlattiSItte bbq{ rr I I \i I tl. 5r.q r I \ t.r rr I t 5t!r I tblrr Ltlt !t&ttithtt t!rr ili w -,ar;I .73'i oi :il1 '[ff*:_:_.--$ii "ffi :il] --/t ify Development Plan Routing Form O mun Com Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire \-Q. , t( -,,':'-'( a..r Rcrura To:George Ruther, Community Development Date Routed:/ -14- fnE Rcturn By:th+v ProiectName:fuuahtttctic- l"t/F Project Ad&css:h,m /-t;rnortcbe lu Project Legal:lol /V. JVru,p'htn*a'- Llloebu furc4L Project Description: -I ,,-1 / t t I n-- 1'/ Xlt A 0 tq L t'ct' tuJtl ' l(totc{tr t(<- /,/ Approved I Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions {'' 'ir,rvar-\ of il,..o stoot'"F d"l t \np.t F Jr.l u^-iv,.. .'\ ,ot Date: 1 -(3 ^9 Revicrved t BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: #1 Medium Cedar Shakes COLOR:r Natural Benjamin Moore Mansard GraY Bonsal Sandstone 375 Ben Moore Park Green Natural Pewter Ben Moore Mansard GraY Natural Ben Moore Mansard GraY Natural Bonsal Sandstone 375 N/A Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting++ Othcr Stucco /Masonr y 40 1x6T&GFir Pel1a 2x6RSCedar Fir raised Panef 2x6RSCedar 2 x 4 Redwood Gal vani zed N/A Gal vani ze d N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Down llghting from Soffit Cans N/A * Plca.sc spcciff thc uranufacturer's color, nulnbcr and attach a small color chip ** All cxtcrior lighfing must mcct thc Town's I-ighting ordinancc I [t.54.050(J). If cxtcrior lighting is proposed. plcase indicate thc nunrbcr of fixh-ycs an4 locations or1 a scparatc lighting plan. Idcntily cach fixfurc type and providc ih. h"ight oboue gradc, lumcns output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixturcs' ED MAIERI.AL lx8ChannelLa ( lpdalcrl 6/97 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: I pnopostio lnnnscnPlnc Botanical Namc Cotnmon Nantc Ouantity Sizc+ SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN NONE *Minirnutn rcquircntcnts lbr landscapirrg: dcciduous trcc.s - 2 inoh calipcr conil'crotts trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons fY.Ps Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER I-ANDSCAPE FEATIJRES (rctaining walls, fcncc.s, swimming pools, ctc.) Plcasc spccify. Indicatc top and hottor' clcvations of rctainilg walls. Maxinruir hcight of walls within thc flont sctback is 3 fcct. Maxintunr hcight of rvitlls clscwhcrc on thc propcrtv is (r fcct. Updated 6/97 .f .fhis fornr is to vcrifo scrvicc availability and localion lbr ncw constnrction arrd should hc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your urility pi"n ona schcduling installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics' whcthcr thcy bc nrain tnrrrk linc.s or proposctl lincs, must bc approvcd arrd vcrificd by thc lbllowing utilitics for thc accornpanying sitc Plan' Authorizcd Signaturc Datc U.S. Wcst Communications I -1t00-922- I 987 46ll-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc ContPanY 949-57141 Cary Hall l{oly Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John BoYd T.C.l. 949-5530 Floyd Salaz-ar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District + 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc flow nccds tnust bc addrcsscd' NOTES: ALL UTILIT]ES ARE STUBBED TO THE LOT PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LETTERS I 2. .t- lfthc trtility vcrification form has signaturcs from cach of thc utility companics, and no comntcnts arc marlc dircctly on thc iorm. thc Tbwn witl prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problems and thc dcvclopnrcnt can Procccd' If a utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction, thc utility rcpresentative shall notc dircctly on thc utility vcrification fomr tlrat thcrc is a problcm wnic! n19ds to be rcsolvcd' Thc issuc should thcn bc dctailcd in an attachcd lctter to thc Town of Vail' Howevcr, pleasc kccp in mind that it is the rasponsibility ofthe utility company and thc applicant to rcsolve idcntificd problcms' Thcsc vcrifications do not rclicvc thc contractor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcnnit from thc Dcpartnrent of Public works at thc Town of vail. utility locations must bc obtaincdbeforcdigginginanypublicright.of.wayor.caslmlntlvithintheTownofVail'A Updatcd 6/97 ll. III. tv. A prc-applicatiorr conlcrcncc lvith Town of Vail staffis rcquiretl' No application can bc acocptcd unlcss thc nrandatory prc-applicatio. ,'"",ing hius bccn cor'plctcd. lt is thc applicarlt's fcsponsibility to schcdulc this nrccting by calling 970-479-2 1 2lt' TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Revicw Board ntccts on thc I st arrd 3rtl Wcdnesdays of each ntontlr' A conrpletc applicatioll fornt and all acconrpanying nl tcrial Inust bc acccplcd by thc conrnrtrnity Dcvclopntcnt Dcpartmcnt a .rininru'r ol-tlrrcc aurd a lall'(3 l/2) wccks prior tir t6c tlatc olthc DI{l} public hcaring' REVIEW CRITERIA your proposal will bc rcvtcwcd for conrpliancc with thc Dcsign Guidclines as sct fortlt in Scction I 8'54 of thc Mtrnicipal Codc. NOTE TOALL APPLICANTS: A. lf apropcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i c' snowavala"tn:!:-1::11?"' floodplain' dcbris flow. wctland' ctc), a lrazartl sttrtly nlust bc strbnrittctl and thc owncr nlust sig|1 an aflidavit rccogrrizing thc hazard rcport prior lo thc issuanoc ofa building pcrnrit' Appticants arc ctrcouragcd to chcck with thc pta,uring stoiT prio, to srrbntittal ola DRLI appiication to dctcrminc thc rclationship ofthc propcrty to all rnnppcd haz;trds' ll. Ilasic Plan shcct Fornrat. For all strrvcys, sitc plans' landscapc plans and other sitc irrlprovcnlcnts pliurs. all of thc ttlllowing ntrtst bc sltorvn l. Plan slrcct sizc nrust bc 24"x 1.||',. For largc pr<.rjccts. largcr plan sizc nlay bc allowcd' 7.. Scalc. l'hc rrrinit urrr SCalc is l"=20'. All plans rnust bc at thc samc scalc' 3. CiraPhic bar scalc. 4. North anow. 5. Titlc block, projcct narlc' projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription' 6. Indication of plarr prcparcr, addrcss alrd photrc nulrtbcr' 7. Datcs of original plarr prcparati<-rn and all rcvision datcs' u. Vicinity trrap or location nup at a scalc of l"=l '000' or largcr' 9. Shcct labcls atrd nutnbcrs. l0 . A bordcr rvith a ntinimutn lcft sids nrargin of l'5"' I l. Nanrcs ofall adjaccnt roadways' 12. Plan lcgcnd. c. For ncw constnrction and additions, thc applicant nrust stakc anrl tapc thc projcct sitc to indicatc -. propcrty lincs, proposcd buildings and bullding conrcrs. All trccs to bc- rcntovcd rnust bc tapcd' Thc applicant rr*rst cpsgrc that staki g donc during tlrc wintcr is not buricd by snow. All sitc tapings and staking must bc completcd prior to thc dav of thc DRB mccting' D. Applicants who fail to appcar bcforc thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board on thcir schcdulcd mccting datc and who havc not askcd in u,luun"" that discussiorr on thcir itcnr bc postponcd, will havc thcir itcms renrovcd frorn thc DRB agcnda until strch tilnc as thc itcm has becn rcpublished' E. lf thc DRu approves thc application with conditions or rnodifications, all conditions of approval must bc rcsolvcd nrior to thc issuancc of a building pcrmit' Updatcd 6/97 o I 75 roulh lrontlgo road Yall, colof.do 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479213e otflc€ of communlty developmenl June 21, 1991 Mr. Pat Dauphanais P.O. Box 1515 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Dear Pat: Revocable Rlght-of-Way Permlt for Dauphanats-Mosely Subdlvlslon Alter speaking with Kristan Pritz regarding your concern with filing revocable right-of-way permils for individual lots on lho above project, I spoke with Greg Hall about the issue. lt is our leeling that it will be possible to file only two revocable right-ol-ways for the project. One will cover landscaping and site walls for the landscaping associaled with Lots 1-24. For this, we will reference the proposed landscaping plan for the subdivision. Greg will review each lol at lhe time of submittal, and may have commenls and concerns as the landscape plan develops. The entry landscaping will be on an individual permit which references the approved design of thls area. should you have any qugstions, please do not hesitate to call me at 47g-213g. n^^U,- Greg Hall Kristan Pritz lab cc: lly o t7 UppeR EAGLE Vlt-rev WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICIS 346 totlt5I nOAO . vAr( COLOn^OO 81657 (J0Ji a/6 7480 August 2, 19S0 l,ls. Kristan Prltz Tovn of Vall Connunlty Development 75 South Frontage Road ValI, Colorado 81657 Re: Dauphinals-lloseley Subdrvision Fillng l, Vail, Colorado (2{ Single fanily lots and I duplex lot) Dear Hs, Pritz: The Varl Valiey Consolldated Hater Dlslrict and Upper Eagle VaIley Consolidaled Sanitatlon Dislrlct viII provide domestlc sater servlce and sever s€rvlce to the above referenced development. The Districts have excess capaclty to process domestlc vater to lts consLltuents at the present tine. Accordlngly, upon compllance vlth lhe Sules and Regulatlons and the paynent of approprlale tap fees, the Dlslrlcts v11I provide donestlc uater service and seuer service. Constructlon of aIl naln line extenslons 1s the responslbifity of the developer; hovever, all constructlon draulngs nust be preapproved by the Dlstrlct. Any additional flre servlce, (i.e., fire hydrants), that need to be added to those already exlstlng vill be at the expense of those requestlng the servlce. The addltion of Backf lorrr Preventlon Devlces on the Flre Servlce and on ths Donestlc Haler Servlce, vhere requlred, are necessary. S lncere ly , UPPEN EAGTE VAT,LEY COTISOTIDATED SA}IITATIOII DISTRICT \,*d\ [o$Arr- Fred S, Haslee Dlstrict Regulatlons Adnlnlstrator FSH:Jau f ll pAFttCtpATtNG OtsTRtClS - ARROWhF:AO METRo warER I AVON METRO wAIER. BEAVER CREEK METRO wAlER. BERRV CREEK METRO wota" /fli\ a\ eac)LE va'|L M€ rFo warER ""*"^:;,,',',1::,::;:,:.;fil:,:i:'iff:.]T'Ji::i:,:T^Tfffi:"""*Ev coNsoL'oAr€D saN''aY'oN @ $hwHsr' CIMM:JN\CATIONS @ BaX 3O5o O;Llart, h/a. 80435 7-acun U V,+t L De e+ oP Co rn ntcz rt t /-y ^k ve- (oernert I 75€. rrart/n-ge ,4/. r/.\/nrL, (oLc. B/65? .82! ,u",rrr. /_tdn3 .4tdgz SctHr v ts tarl Ft Lr r)Q Na' 5 trLll'/Esr' ,, ze pl. H corn rna rt 4r 2e ;"?HYi"g'Yi: @ /)zrn dPVA tL Ar#{ e *7c \4 '\: SF. a\ s \\J N \..l \ \e AP P ROV ED:YOURS TRULY, Heritage Cabievision l'.O. Rox 4J9 tl I 4tl lvlctcalf Road '\r',:n. C,rlorirrio 316.2 Ll Ir0l) s49-55i0 AugusE 2, I990 To whorn iE may concern, Heritage Cablevision will provide cable service to Ehe Dauphinais-Mos e 1ey subdivision, filing /ll . At this t.ime the cable is in place at this site. Sincerely, +A"^L A/ Mark G. Guzinski Heritage Cab levis i-on Lead Techni c ian HOLYI CROSIT.'gC-I-RIC,\SSuIATION. I NC. 1799 t'l l(; I tw.\ t li: l. o. DR_\\\ l.:R I l s0 (;LIiNl.)Ol) Sp ll lN(:S. COI-()ll.\l)() s I ('r): August 2, .l990 AREA CODE 303 945-549 | Ms. Kri sti n Pri tz Plannjng Dept., Town of Vail 7,! Dauphinai s-Mosely Construct'ion, Inb. i4r. Pat Dauphi nai s P.0. Box 1515 Vail, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivision E lectri ca I Servi ce Dear Kristin: lloiy Cross Electric Association, Inc. is in the process of comp'leting our primary electric instal.l atjon within the above mentjoned project. tde have already received funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estimated cost of'chis project. Primary electrical service jnstallation should be completeci by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerely, H0LY CR0SS ELECTRIC ASS0CIATIOiI, Inc. Engi neeri ng Servi ce Supervi sor Tll: lw W/0#I2235:5167:Lionsridge, Lots i-19 Resubdivision f5}Pubtic service. Augr:st 2, I99O Tbltn Of Vail- OorrnrdW Derelopnent Departnent Attn: Xristan PriEz, Director 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, O 8L657 Dear Kristan, Please allor,z this letter to sen€ as eyidence that D.M.C.,Inc., tlre derreloper of Lrts 1-19 Lions Ridge Iane, has satisfied Public Senrice Conpany I s rec1lest recruirenents. AI1 nec'essari/ natural gas system desigrns are onplete at tlris tirre. D.M.C. Inc. has signed tlre necessary facility agreenent and renitted the required. cash mntribution for the facility jn- stallation. Increased denand for Public Service oonpany's senrices dr:rirtg tlris year, and the Ljmited nnnlrr{er to satisfiZ this de- mand will require efficient job schedulino. Pr:blic Se:rrice Conpany crews are prepared to beqin constnrction at ttris tjrre. Please let ne know if I may be of additiqral assistance in providing infornation related to this derrelognent. Representatirie GI:lmb Publlc Setvice Gompany of Golorado P.O. Box 430 Minturn, CO 81645 (303t 94!t-5781 . LAND TIYLE G RepresenCinq .old RePublic o c UARANTEE National Title OMPANY fnsurance comPany OWNERSHIP AND ENCUUBRANCE REPORT order No. OEO2253 Thls report is based on a search made of documents affecting the record title to the pr"p"i[V described hereinafter, searched by Iegal deecrlptlon and not by the nirnes of grantor or grant€e. consequent)y, the information as to record owner is taken from the-mogt recent reJorded Vesting Deed' and the infornation as to existing encumbrances refrects only those documents ofrecordwhichspecificallydescribethesubjectproperty.bylegal description. nr,"urll.rrces not'included are those oi record which refer to theownerofthepropertyoranyotn"'personhaving'aninteresttherein which are fited by irur"- only and do not include the legar deacription. of the property. Hi, - i"f".m"Lion is .furnl-ehed relative to easements, """""Int't, clnditions and restrictions' --Charges--O&ERePort This Certificate is dated I Address: Record owner: $75. oo August 30' 1994 at 8:00 A'U' DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION rNC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON Recorded date of deed l-n to above ovtner: Ocbober 02, 19BB Docurnentary Fee on above deed: $65'65 i LegaI DescriPtion: PARCEL A: DAUPHINAIS-MoSEI-,EYSUB,FILINGNo.I'AccoRDIIq_IoTHEPLATRECoRDEDAUGUST zz,1990 rN BOOK 536 At pncn 221, COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF coLoRADO. (PREVIOS5LY KNOWN AS LOTS 1, 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 11-?-,--1-9', tl',L2', L3,L4,!5,i.6,L.7,18,AND19LIoN,s'RIDGEsUBDIvIsIoN,FILINGNo.3 ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER ]-O' 1979 IN BOOK 29O AT PAGE 794') PARCEL B: LOTS 20, 21, 22,23, 24,25 AND 26' BLOCK 2' LfoN'S RTDGE SUB.' Frr_,rNG No. 3, AccoilDrNe'fo TttE pLAi RECoRDED SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 rN BooK 29O AT PAGE 794, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. EXCEPT FOR: LOTS 1' 3', A', 5,2L,23AND24'DAUPHINAIS-IIoSELEYsUBDIvIsIoN,FILINGNo.l,ANDPARcEr,c: pARCEr, D, A i.ESUBDrVrsroN OF PARCEL D troNsRrDGE SUB' FTLTNG NO. 3 AND TRACT C DAUPHTNAIS-MOSELEY SUB, FILING NO. 1 ACCORDING TO THE PL',AT RECORDED APRII-,].4'].gg4INBooK63TATPAGE54o,coUNTYoFEAGLE'STATEoFcoI,oRADo. we find the following documents of record affecting subject property: PAGE --. LAND TI-LE GUARANTEE COMPANY Reprerentlng old Repubtlc Natlonal Tltle Insurance company OWNERSHIP AND ENCUilBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JuIy 1.3, 1989 IN BOOK 5O9 AT PAGE 816. AssIcNuENT oF RENTs AND oTHER RTGHTs REcoRDED July 13, 1989 rN BooK 509 AT PAGE 817. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 12' 1990 IN BOOK 522 AT PAGE 948. EXTENSION oF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED Auguet 06, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 63' DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 382' ASSIGNI.{ENT OF RENTS AND OTIIER RIGHTS RECORDED AUgUSt 27' 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 383. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 20' 1991 IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE 8. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 09' 1991 IN BOOK 559 AT PAGE 603. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED October o8, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 579' ASSTGNilENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RTGHTS RECORDED OCtObET 08' 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 680. NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED October 08, Lgg3 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 6S1' PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGN!.IENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECEMbET 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 874. PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED December 20' 1993 IN BOOK 627 Av PAGE 87s. REqUEST FoR pARTIAI REIEASE oF DEED oF TRUST REC6RDED January 28' 199'i IN BOOK 53O AT PAGE 981.. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED January 28' 1994 IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 982. STATEI,{ENT oF LIEN RECoRDED May 13, Lgg4- IN BooK 640 AT PAGE 272. DEEDoFTRUSTRECoRDEDMay20,lgg4INBooK640ATPAGET34. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED MAY 2O. !994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 735. PAGE 2 LAND TI ' - Representing old RePubtic OT{NERSHTP AND Order No. OE02253 UARANTEE National Title ENCUT'IBRANCE Vot'TPANY Insurance comPany REPORT NOTICE By DISBURSER RECoRDED May 20' 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 736' This report does property owner(s) pleaee contact us Llability of Land report ls linited not lnclude the regults of anY or the General Index. Should for a seParate general Index Tltle Guarantee ConPanY under to the fee received' search under the names of the such a search be deeired report. this owner and Encumbrance PAGE , rlr u 6t-r A RAN T EEI "HIT ANY ll€FreseI'ttin:r 'f i IlrT I ttrrr"tr'att':e l:DltrFan1' * l: Mirrns!icrta Tt-lANt1: Yr-tu Fr-rR YnUR r:rRnER Ausust 34' 1:788 rlur. rltr'der I Vt?4'?5 FUYER: NAUF}{INAIB_T'II:ISELEY';61516t-IIlTIfiN TNC.' A trOLI]RADI] l::r:tFlFCrr{AT I llN SELLEF{! |:|:II1|4ER|:IAL FEnEFAL EAVIN|3E ANE Lr-lAN AEi[,']IATI|-|N AIltlRE.9Eil FI-IFER ANTI C'IMPANY IIELIVER IN VAIL RUN:] t Attrr: fiRAN FALI"IATEER C:LCTFER 1 Att-n: L-IAIL t:r:rF I EE: 1 Attrr: MINNESOTA TTTLE4\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 800l4 75 t -4336 l8l0 30lh Streel Boulder, CO 80301 444-4 | 0 | 20O Norlh Ridge P. O. Box 22 B0 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Casfle Rock, CO 80104 688.6363 21 2 Norllr Wahsalch Colorado Sprlngs. CO 00903 634-4821 LAI{D TITLE Commifinent To lnsure GTARNNTEE COIVII?ANY lssued throryh the 0ffie ot:Soulh Fronrage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 176-2251 3030 5, Collega Avenue Suile 201 Forl Collins, CO 80525 482-0915 710 kipling Slteet lakewood, CO 802t5 232-31| | 3609 So. Wadsworlh Suile I I 5 Lakcwood, CO 00235 988-8550 | 1990 Grant Slreel Suite 220 Norlhglenn. CO BOr33 152-Ol 19 19590 Easl Maln Parker, CO 80134 B4 l -4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Bor 357 Vail, CO 81 657 176-2251 I08 w. P. O. 8ox 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32l-|880 Sanford Place 2 Suite 30 | 7979 Easl Tulfs Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 0333 Greenwood Eoulevard Denver. CO 8022 | 127 -9353 | 201 Maln Avenue Durango, CO 81301 217-5860 685 | South Holly Circle Englewood, CO 8Ol l2 770-9596 t"A!N$ T'l!',n-l.". GUAIIAI! IIE COMPANIY t'tT4\ Cfrrriurrcrrt lir htsurc AllA Courrrritrncnt-1970 Rev MINNESOTA Tlt l.[ INSUnANCE C0MPANY 0[ MlNNtSolA. a Minnesota corporation, herein called lhe Company, [or a vahrable r:onsirktration, herehy connrits to issue ils policy or policies of tille insurance, as identilied in St;lrethrb A, irr favrrr o[ lhc lrroposrxl lrrsrrretl narncrl itt SrJnrhlle A. as owter ot mottgagee ol lhe estate or irrterest covcrrxl hcrcby irr tire iarxl rlascriberl or relcrted to in Schedule A, upon.paylnellt of tlte premiums and clrarges tlterefor; all subject tu llro provisions of Scherlules A and B anrl to the Conditions and Slipulations lrueo[. This Cornmitment shall be elfectivo only when the identity of the propsed Insured and the amount ot the poliy or policics conrmittetl lor have bocn inserterl in Sclierlule A hereof by the Cornpani, either at the time ol llrc issuance ul lhis Comrnittnent or by subsequent emdorsement. . This Commitrnenl is preliminary to the issuance of such plicy or policies ol title insurance and all liability and oblillitions lereundeislrall coase and tefminate six monihs aiter the eflective dale hereol or when the policy gi lriilit;icscurnnrittgd lrx slrall issrn, whiclrever first occurs, provided that tho lailure to issue sudt policy or polcies is not the lault o[ tlte Con4tany. CONDN NNS AND STIPULANONS 1 . The tenn "mortgage", when used lrerein, shall inchrle rleed of lrust, lrusl deed, or olher security instrument' 2. ll t1e propused iniLrred has or acquires aihral knowledlle of any rlelect, lien, encumtrance, adverse claim or otler matter allccting lhe eslate 0r inlerest or rnort.r;agc rlrereon covererl by this commitment other thjn those shnwn in schedtrle B hereof. and shall fail ro airiiort ,i"rtrnu* ip;;y";iidiri'.hiiv.'u'.lScherlu|eBotthisConrrniirnentaccorrJing|y,|ruisuchanrentJrnentshal|notre|ievetheCompanyom incuned putsuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stiltulations.-1. Liufrifitl7 oi the Company unrler this Commitment shall be only lo lhe named.proposed Insured and such parties includerl under the rlelinition of Insuretl in the form ol policy oipolicies committerl for anrl only for actual loss incuned in reliance heteon in "'vlertakrn0 in 0oorl faith (al to comply poliry or policies cormillcd ror '. rur,]i"rir,u rlupuiJ'nrure,l *trich are hereby incorporateri by relererrce and made a part ol lhis commitment cxcept as expressly modilied herein. 4. Any action or actions or riglrts of action that tho proposed Insuted may have or may bring against lhe. Company arising out ol the status of the title to fhe estate or inlerest oi the itafus of tlre mortgage thereon cwered by this Commitment must be based on and are subiect to the provisions of this Commitmenl. STANOAND EXCEPTIONS ln addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from coverase above rererred to' rhis committn'fiili,,x:l :i'ifi::tr"rtl;,:llion*,illrrrrion not shown by the purrric records. 2. Eisernents, or clairns of easemenls, not shown by tlre public records' 3. Discrepancier,.ontti.tr in boundary lines, shortage in area. encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the prenrises would disclose and whiclr are not shown by the public recottls'' q. Any lierr, or righLto a lien, lor services, labor or material theretolore ot herealter furnished, irnposecl by law arrd nol shown by the public-re-cords'.' 5. Defects, liens, etlcunrbrances, adverse claims or other matlers, if any' created' first appearing in the putrlic records or a aching subsequenl to the eflective date hereof but prior t0 the date the proposed insured acquires oiiecordlorvarue the estate or interest ?i,1lr"$fl,?tr"tff'l'rfiH?:iffJ'*ii::::'i'J*fr',$ or Minnesora has caused its corporare name and s€al to be hereunto altixed try its duly authorize,l oiti.lrs on the dats shown in'schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating ollicer or other autltorized signatory. TITLE INSUBAN0E c0MpANy 0F MINNES0TA A Stock Conpny 4N S6@dAt/ffin furth MiN@Nis, Miu&toatfi4o' Aullwized Signsluy '24--t'-/rG--_ TIM Form 25 02 Auesl Serrolatf ALrlrilt4r-1 Irt4HNr f;c:l-lEr_rut-E AprI icat i,rrr N,:. V1?435 Fs r' InFc.rmatian tltnl y 1. at - C:harses - ALTA tltrrrner Frrl icr Tax Cert i f. - - TI]TAL - With varlr' renri ttance Effective lltate: Pol icv tc be issued' t'ALTA" llurrt!'r / s Folict Fcrnr B-1?7(-t ( Amu.rrded LfiT 1 THRII-IIJH ANN INT-:LI.I[]INB SLIITEIIVIIiIfIN' FILINL] NB. 3' 'SEPTEI"|FER 1{r, 1p7cl IN Bl:lt:1]{: ,STATE r:rF r::oLr:rRAfi[r. $7'36. CrO $ I 30, CtC)_ $1356. rl0 pl ease ref er t': Vl1435. ArJeust 10, 1PF,1 at il: rlrlr A. M. arrd proP*sed I rrsured ! B. 4. 5. b6.11:,5r)rl. (:!0 lQ'17'7l-t') [rf r-,pr-,!i€d I nst:f e d I I.]AUFHIN'\I5_I'II]EELEY *';'11516I.IIJTII]N INI]. ' A I:EILEIRANO |]NRFBRATION The estate or.inters"st in the larrd descr'ibe,l or'r'L"ferred ta irr th i s t:r-,ornri tnrrsnt arrd c'lvered frrrre i rr i s: A Fee Einrpl e Title t.n t.he estate or interest c,rvered lrer.rrirr is at the el:Sertive date her'eaf vested in: TJBF1T4EREIAL FENERAL 5AVING$ ANN LfiAN ASO']IATICIN The lan,J r.ef er.red ! r-r irr thls cc,nrnritnrertt is descrit'ed as f nl I r,us: L,rt !6, E{l octt ? LIllN"g RInEE AI::trI:IRIIING TN THE FLAT REC:CIRTIEE ??C' AT I,AIIiE 7?4, I::I:IUNTY FF EA6LE' PAGE ALT'P-r:rl't t't ITt't Et,t r I '::l:l-lEnLlLE E'- 1 (Ftecuir.errent.s) Appl icat'ir-'rr Ni. V124:15 The f cl I r,trri rrs ar'tl the n e q u i r'e nre rr't s t* h!' c'lnrpl ir'd trtith! 1. Patment tc, r-, r f ol' the acd,:r:rlt' ':f tlre sr'arrt'lr'g nr fir'rr'tsagors of t-hr,' f ul I cc,rrsirJr,'raLir.rn f c,r t-he estat'e 'rr interest tc, be instlre'l . 2. Proper irrstrr.rntent ( s ) crea.tins the estate rrr inter'est ta be insur.ed nrust' he execrlted a.rr<J rJrll'r f ilrrd f r'r' retnr'd' to-trtit: F. EVI['ENI::E EATIEFAT-]TE|RY TF THE *flHFANY THAT THE TEF{Fl.s' Er:rNtrITIrlNS ANfl FRr:rVIErIrlN!; rlrF Tl.lE Tr:rtlN BF VAIL TRAFI:3FER TAX HAVE BEEN SATIE;FIEII' 4. WARnANTY FEEn FRrll4 |:fJHI"IEREIAL r:EnERAL friAVINr35 ANtr L|:'AN AE|I|-:IATIEN TE gIAUFpINAIE-HIJ1:;ELEv E:frN:iTIlULlTIr:rN IND., A t:flLfiRAntr C:I:TRPCTRATION EflNVEYING Er_tB.-lEc-r F flrjFEFlTY. THE TTJUNTY I:LEFTI{ ANTI ftEI:DRNERE; TJFFIEI! FEEI-IIRE$ TTETIJRN AtrnRES::;Eg r:lN trtrrl:ul'lENT* SENT Fr:rfl REC:r:rHtrINLr! ! FATJE } A L r l - n F.r 14 r r r,r E r,r r Eit:FlElll-ll-Ei llt*? The l:o I the 1. 4,. ( [ir,:cent i orrs )Appl icati,rrr N,r. Vlt435 pol icy oF Fr' I icies ta b'e issued tti I I c'rntairr el{ceFtians to the l.tU,irrg rJrrlegs the sa.me are ,:lisposed rl: trr the satisfa':tion af EsrrPan\': .Et-an,lar.,J tjrceptions l thr'r-,rlgh.5 r,r'irrted r,rr the c'rver'sherrt. Ta:.res arrrl assessnr€nts n'rt tet tJ uL=' nf' payable arrd special irsses. srTrL'nt's nc,t t'et certified t'r ttre Tr'easurer''s 'rf f ice' Any r:rrpai,l tanes {,r assessnrerr'ts asainst said larrd. Lierrs l:r-rr' rJnFaid uater arrd seuer t:harges' if arr'r' 7. p. RIrjl.lT OF FR|:TFRIETnR r:rF A VEIN frR LOtrE Ttr EXTtlArlT ANtr FEt4r:rVE l-ll'3 ORE THEREFftrJl,t :Et.|r:rt_tLD Tl{E SAt"tE HE Frll-rNn Tr:r PENIETRATE flR INTERLiETIT TflE FREi4IEES A,'i REgtllvgtr It{ LtNITEfJ E1ATE*: f,ATEhlT FEC:frRIrEIl Ausust 16' LPCI?, tl! BEC'|':48 AT FAGE ::;4.:. l(r. tlIrlHT r:rF hlAY Fr:rR FITr::t-lE's Brr I:ANALS *FNtiTFUrlTErr BY THE AUTHTIRITY r:rF THE UI..IITETI IiTATES A::i REf|EI{VEN IN TINITEN STATEL1 F'ATENT RET:TIRTIED AUSUST 16' T3CI7' IN F-irl|:|]r: 413 AT t:'AriE 54::" 11. RE:iTRII]1'IVE I]fiVENANTE, WTIII:H NI] NI:IT TENTAIN A FERFEITI.IRE EIR ITEVERTER r::l_AU:jE, UUT r:rl'IITTINE RESTRIC:TIr:rN:i, IF ANY, BAtiEn trN tlArlE' Cr:tLfJR' FELIGICTN' l:rR hlATIt:rl.JAt- t:rttIt:iIp, /l::; r::r-Jl{TAINEtI IN Il!'.iTRl-ll'IENT REI:IRLIEn lreFterrber'lr-" t'?72'' IN Br:il:rl:. ?5 AT FAriE 441l ANr-r A::; Al4ENrrEn lN IN';rTRLll'lENT FtEt:fiRtIEtt sept€ttrt'€r'1F' 1.,?71, IN Hfir:rli;.:tii AT FAI:]E.i65 ANII A5 FE-nE*RFtrrErr IN INSTRI-IMENT IIEEDROEn -tarrualr !l!, lc!74, Il,l Bt.ll-i',: ?3'3 AT PAtiE 53. 12. UTILITY EA5EMENTL1 TWENTY FEET TN I,'INTH, TEN FEET I.JN EAI:H EIINE I:IF ALL INTERII:IR LIIT LINE.r] ANN A FIFTEEN FTII:IT TJTILITY EALIEI-IENT ALCINIJ ANN AEUTTINC I:IN ALL TXTFRII:IT{ L|]T LINE:J A'; ITEE|ERVEN tIN THE T{EI":IJRIIED FLAT F|:IR LIEN':J RINIJE rlulllrIVI';I(]N' F ILINti tlfi. l. 13. UTILTTY EA:1EI{ENT A5 rjRANTErr 'rrl Hr:rLY trRrl';:i ELETTRIC A55r:rr:IATII:lN' INr:' IN INa-:TRU}4ENr REr::r:rRnELr Ar-tFUr:;"f 14, ltr/r7 IN BEtrl: ?11 AT PAL-iE lCtB ANII REllnRnEEl .-Jl-lNH l.?, 1?7::| IFI Bl:t'll,i i::I'i AT rrAr:iE &55 ANn ftErlr:rtltlEF '-luLY tt t L'p73 1N FJcrr:ltf: IIIO AT F,AfiE :J5T. 1,4. AI:iREEPIENT tsETI,JEEN TAYVEL ENVITTONPIENTAI- LANN I::I:INFANY ANtr T'IIUNTAIN STATEE TELEFJI.IfJNE ANN TELEFiRAFH I.:I:INFANY FRfiVINING FIIR TELEFHNNE INL1TALLATION ANII ,EE}IVITE TI'JRI_JI-IIfI{I:II-IT L.IFN"g RINIJE FUHNIVI"iIrJN' FII-INI] NI]' I RE':|fREIEN E;EFTEl4lltill t7' 1p73 IN L{r:rFl.: l:r1 AT FAL:r; l9r' r:'FAIJE ALTI,=fi14Pr rrtt ENT I EIf:}{EIIULE B-2 (Excepti':ns) Appl icatiorr Nn. VL24:l=' I IFING ANTI CITI"IERWISE OPERATING LITILITIEEI $ITUATELI f][I ANI] UNI]ER fiAITI F'RI:IT'ERTY T]EE;':RIEEN IN INSTT{UMENT REE:ORI]ED FEBRLIARY 14' I?77 IN B||IJI.: :32 AT FAL1E 555. 1&. EAE:EMEN-I r:r-]R Ar::rlE:i$ At{n ELiRES:3 trN TflE ft[Atrh'/\Y r:DNT1TRU']TEn ANtr ETITUATEEI ALI:INI:i TI.IE NfiRTHEASTERLY BLIUNTIAFY fIF S:UBLIEC:T FROPERTY TIEFC:RIBEN IN LNSTR|JI'IE.NT tlEr:rjlltjEll FEBRT_IARY 14, 1?77 IN BL[:rl.i t5l AT FArjE F55, AND Ari $HnUlN r_rl{ flErltrRUEtr fiLAr Fr:rR LIr:rN.',Li RIlil:iE r::l..lFnIVI';ILrN FILIhIE Nr:|. 3. I.7. PIATTEI1S I]FNT'ATNETI flR T{EFEIIF(ET] TR I:IN T}IE F'LAT I]F LII]N'E RTT'FE E;UEDIVI:5IDN FILINTi Nr:r, :l tlEt:FRllEfr SEFTEMBER 10' l't7? IN Br:rcrl{ z?Ct AT FAEE 7?4' ELIT NtrT l_It"tITErr T|J: A. TI,|ENTY FEL]T EAL]ET4ENT f:t:IR EXI$TINI:i ftDAII ANLI E;EI^JER EN|]ROAI::HMENT ACRBss A ] F,ART I:IF TIIE:JI:ILI }JEF(LY FCIT{.TITIN TJF Lc.t 1' Eloc}t 3 AS SHOWN CIN THE PLAT. B. 'ttlEN'fY I:r:rJT' !:EWER EA'$El,lENt tt.|Ogur-rl{ Lr-JT:i 14 ANn 15' BLffEI{ .: AS FH'lhlN CtN TI.IE FLAT. 11. REEERVATII:IN I:ONTAINEI] I:tN I'FIE FI-AT h,HEIIEFY ELIILNINI:{ FERI"IITS FI]R LCITE 1 TI.IRI:ILII:iH ?7, ELL.II::H ? WILL NI:IT BE I|:;E;UE[I UNTIL LOTS Ag' BLNE:}{ ? IS EIENII::ATEN TLI TIIE T']I,.JN I:I[: VAIL. TB. TERI"I5, I:I:INI]ITI|:'I'JE ANN FREVISIFNS CIF ANNEXATII]N AIJREEMENT FEI]CIRNEN NAVETTbCT : CrI, lPI]s IN BI]I:III:4?B AT FA'JE ?36 ANT' IN BI]OP{ 4:{B AT FAL-IE ?37. 1?. EA.EEMENTS, REEERVATICINS ANt] fIE:JTRI*TII]NE AS €;HOWN ANN FESERVEN BN TI-IE. REITIF{TIETI FLAT EIF LII:IN"$ RINTJE BUETIIVISIEN' FILINLJ N||. 3. FACiE 4 Lcgal dcscription: Lot Address ZONE CHECK | ,! r i Phonc Phone Architcct Zonc di Lot sizr Total GRFA 5tl/-,1/ z'2. . + Proposcd usc __;-,--.=:=,--:_7- Buildable arc. ^ ..,t. '- , , , Existing (/ Total Rcmainins 7r"-, %;6 How much of tie allowed 250 Addition is uscd with thls rcquex? fl / I I t '.,t -1 SitcCovcragc (i)tl + 1. -, Prinrary CRFA _ + (425) (67 5*) Socondary CRFA + (425) (675*) + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involve a 250 Addifion? / / Garage Credit Drivcway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finished grades less than 2:l (50%) EnvironmentalA{azards Hcighr (30x33) {, L,( , Sctbacks Front 20' c.u- Sidcs gto _ ott Rear 15' N- l:ndscaping Minimum ,a'L Rctaining Wall Heights 3' I 6' Parking Required_t:!.___.__ =j_ ./ ooo4@roo)(r2oo)(;-r:'j Permittcd Slope _% hoposcd Slope _% Yes- No yes y1_ No I ) Percent Slope (< >30%)Q)6/, 2) Floodplain n( 3) Wetlands lii'. 4) Water Coursc Setback 130) (50) . I ll' 5) Geologrc Hazards Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck property +t4 Encloscd Is thc property non-conforming? Dcscribe: DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Project: fl sLtRvEY ' Scalc tr FLOoRPLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU O BUILDI.IGELEVATIONS Scale ColorMatcrials Roof Pitch EI LANDSCAPE PLAN - Trees Existing trces e Utility locations Proposed trees Legend E SITEPLAN l. . MISCELLANEOUS Scale t Benchmark - t Legal description t Lot Size - Buildablc Area - Easements 3 Topography -- p rOOy.. floodptain NI!! water Course Setback Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Sun\Shade Angles Garage connection Utilities (underground) Site Grade\Slope Vierv Corridors Retaining Walls Variances Fences Parking/Garage Tuming Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access Plat restricti ons \-boonuxP II. Dna.cER, J ^ T{)RNEY AND COUNE|EI.oR P.O. BOX 1669 v^lr- coLoRADo 41067 n t\ \ n r\)lr0 w -ra r \'L/ o R. rr|oNE (so3) '76'19r' August 13, 1981 yours, Drager, J!. EHD/mc cc: John Slevin Rich Tofei Chris Ditma BECOND FI.O()R t/,.tIL NI TION^L R.A.NE BIJ)q, Mr. Jeff SelbY Selbv & Associates Vail'National Bank Bldg- Vai1, Colo. 81657 Re: Doyle HoPkins Dear Jeff: Pursuant to our discussion yesterday, on behal-f of my client Dovle Hopkins, I wish to confitm our understanding. As I advised you, they -need to do some rdork on one of the retaining walls behind the employee housing project on Lot B-7, Lions Ridee. In the course of that h7ork, they needed to remove and-store over 100 yards of soil. You have agreed that they may use land or'med by your Partnership imediatel-y west of Soiar Crest on the fol-lowing three conditions: 1. That only lands that have already been disturbed are used; 2. That any soil Left be levelecl and no piles or hol-es be left; 3. That no boulders or wastable fill- be l-eft on the site- The exact location of the storage site is on the south side of Lions Ridge Loop opposite Patty Rickman's home- trrle sincerely appreciate your cooPeration on this matter. If you have any plbbfems or concerns, please contact me or Chris Ditmar at 476-6759. Agg^*-"t hr u\e4- \hd^^ o t,r.l li"o,t i n wzt.- o^ tie- qllJ^relL atrauzinl. Pr'q i[ \,flr -iJ -J rn n $ F o .o FJ UT (\-- \.r \)t \d 9.o.'/1_ \e b' rlt 'trr 'g.\ /f o- R \r' z N (D u u ( g -o z q u 8. { 8 8. o N I €i { N N 6 t $$ 8:( F $*a q B n F s z \)t '.{ Cr q q I -,1 ul .J ,gP $tt * FF$$ uqN.q, t9 E9 s.. i p5 R-x 'J9-' ,/_ Ylr t dT-t$t $