HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAUPHINAIS MOSELEY FILING 1 LOT 22 LEGAL.pdff.a-Allr.lrrtr-- Ct lrELfr FitEfii Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlbl Department of Community Development 75 Soirth Frontage Roadn Vail, Coloredo 81657 tef: 970.47S.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: rvww.vailgov. com Project Name: STIBER CHANGES Project Description: Particlpants: VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 1500 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1500 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 22, Dauphinais DRB Number: DRB070475 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS TO REMOVE 2 ADDMONAL COTTONWOOD TREES. owNER fiBER, ROBERT G. & JUDITH 5091M12007 15OO UONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT fiBER, ROBERT G. & IUDITH 50910412007 Phone: 970-475-7894 15OO UONS RIDGE LOOP Location: Legal Description: Lot:22 Block: Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel Numben 2I03-L22-0902-2 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. 0910412007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview appnoval laps€s unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of th€ approval. of the c\<n"rrr'A. \ive- Lo\\-rn viso o( W-a^. o Parcel No.: 2\0f - (L2' oq0I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing \t,t{ Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:J,, hitLr g St . VP v.' l\ Location of the Proposal: Lot:Z l-Block:- Subdivision:!)Da,^.,^qphvha,i s.. q\d= te.^ PhysicalAddress: \ SUO L b F r6J o v o -c r. I \ Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review ir]u d^-+14 Mailing Address: E-mait Address af i\pv-O vnsn,Gxr.\ rax' Type of Review and Fee: ff Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association .\t rE V/ iF 2001 VAIL -re-r^ fd |1 ffit.l6sHf 6Hhe lul ilfil sEP () 4 l'-rowr.r or Sr:ff?2btn't'** *Z*i Bv: ,*nnoW*rlA ptanner,, N l" ProjectNo.: Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Plannlngu)RB\drb_change_to_approvedjlans-1lta9e-0t11-2006.doc JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: (Signature)(Date) Additionally, please chetk the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I understand that minor modificahbns may be made to the plans over the muse of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' (Initial here) D I rquest that all mdifrations, minor or othewise, which are made b the plans over the rcurce of the review procss, be brought to my attention by the applicant for addi0bnal appmval before undergoing further review by the Town. (Initial here) ***+ * ****************l+ *+ti+**f *+ '1.* ***{.**'t* **f ******** * * ****+****+++++*+f **t+*+ +******,r *** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr *l' *'** * ** * ** *** * * * ************ *** ** +*** +**** * *** ** ** *{.****** * * ***+ +**** * * ***** ** * ********** ** Statement Number: R070001752 Amount: $20.00 09/04/2OO102:39 pM Payment Method: Check STIBER Init: iIS Notation: 2598/iII'DITH S. Permit No: Parcel No: sit,e Address : IJocation: This Pa)ment : DRB070475 Type: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans 2IO3 -L22-0902-2 15OO LIONS RIDGE IJP VAIIJ 1500 Lions Ridge L,oop/IJoE 22, Dauphinaig Total- Feee I $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ***************+**it******l***+++*++++**+++*++*+*++++*++***************{.************+***+**** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003rL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 {jl*frt.li,$r.l tr'e[tllPtlr h' Design Review Board ACTIOIT| FORII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Stiber tree removal Project Description; Final review of a minor alteration - Stiber tree removal Participants: owNER STIBER, ROBERT G. & JUDrn-t 50812812007 15OO UONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SilBER, ROBERT G. & JUDITH 50812812007 Phone;970-476-7894 15OO UONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 1500 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1500 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 22, Dauphinais Legal Description: Lot:22 Block: Subdivision: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY FIL 1 Parcel Numben 2103- L22-0902-2 Comments: ReDlace 3 removed trees DRB Number: DR8070459 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/30/2007 Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.railgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. parcer No.: 1...\ o 3 lllO"l a IX-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): %or't* -rv d.ifrr iber hL x \E \) \s + --\Mailing Address: \5 O0 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:U drr"-S ;ber Mailing Address: lS 0€a'f\:&00 Type of Review and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition O Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) I Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separauon Request L. s'"ls hl c0 N\rs 7 (lus Phone: Fax: $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or For an addition where square foobge is commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addltions, landscaping, fences and refaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee viE[J lltl oo7 llll SJ VAIL * * * ** * * * * I * I i * i * *t * * * ** * * * * *a* t * * i * l. * * * * * ** * ** * * * * ** *********{.*:t*** ******* **** * ********* *** * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement **+*****ir** **************rrl.t*'3'a'3***'l****i.,|*l*******l.rt*r.i.*trt**:t**tt*********** * * * ** r {.*i * 't * {. Statement Number: R070001704 Amount: $20.00 0e/29/200703;30 pM Pa)zment Met,hod: ck 2594 check Init: LT Notationr Robert Stiber / Permi-! No ! ParceL No: Site Address : Irocation: Thi s Palrment : DRB070459 T)rpe: DRB-Minor AIC, SFR/DUP 2103-L22-0902-2 15OO IJIONS RIDGE IJP VAIIJ l-5 00 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot,22, Dauphinais 'Iotal Fees: Total AIrL Pmt,s: Balance: $20 . 00 $20.00 $0.00 $20.00 * * ** 'l' 't * ***** ** *** ** * ** ****it******** * *** * * * ** *** * * * * * + *** * * * *** * * *** * ****** ** * * * * * * * * **** *** * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Etnts DR 00100003 rL2200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 20.00