HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments, Projects & Plans - 1973-1998,l ALL TIMES r,497 -0215 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit AT #: Job Address.... 3876 LUPINE DR LocaLion : 3880 LUPINE DR Parcel No..... : 2101-111-01-014 Proiect Number: Status. . . Applied.. fssued... Expires. . ISSUED ro /20 /tee7 70 /20 /ree7 o4 /r8 / rseE APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: INSTALL HOOD WITH A VENT FLUE Fireptece lnfornation: Restricted: 35.00 DRB STONE MECHANICAL, INC. t 111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO STONE MECHANICAL, INC. 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO STEWART VIILLIAM E & TANA E 999 C EDGEWATER BLVD #706, FOSTER Phone: 81s0L Phone: 81501 crTY cA 94444 Valuation: #0f cas Logs: 97 0-242-50t4 97 0-242-5074 6, 340 . 00 #of wood/Pa L Let: ********f*****************************#********Ht****#** FEE SUttttARY *ir*********t*t******H***************************#***** lechani ca [---) PLan check---> Invest i gat ion> uil,L cat t----> 140.m Restuarant P lan Reviet',-->.00 TotaL calculrt.d Fees--->178.m fof Gas App I iances: .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .00 17E.m Additional, Fees---------> .m Totat Permit fee--------> Peyments------ 178.00 17E.00 IUe-m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/20/199'l JP.s l Action: APPR JRM rTEm:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. WORK MUST CONFORM TO 199I UMC SECTION 1905 ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h.rlby acknoul,edgc thrt I hav! rcad this appLicrtion, fitl,ed out in futt the information rcquired, cotrpteted an accurate ptot pLan, and st.te that att the inforartion providcd as rcquired is corFlct. I sgree to comply with th! information and ptot plan, to comPly vith rl.l, Tovn ordinanceg aM state [ass, and to buitd this st.ucture .ccording to the lounrg zoning end subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforr BuiLding Codr and other ordinances of the Tovrn appl.icabt. thereto. REQUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOIIS SHALL BE I{ADE TII€NTY-FOUR HOURS IN Ar 479-211A It Ar OUR OFFTCE SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AI{D FRon 8:00 A 5:0O Pl'l **********ir********!t*******rtit*********************************** T-OWN Or vArt, cor.oRADO * rt * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -.. - - - ::?l:Tl:statemnt Nunber3 REC-0349 Amount: 1zB.0O tO/ZZ/g1 lj.:46 __llT:1:_T::T1_:I_ - N"Gril;:. *totzz rnt: rRM Permit No: M9?_0215 Tlpe: B_MECH Parcet No: 210l_f f f _Of _'Cri+ - - Site_ Address : 38? 6 I_,UPINE DR Location: 3gg0 f,UpfNs DR MECHANICAL PERMIT This payrnent Total Fees!178.00 Total ALL pmts:178.00 178.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * *** ** * ** *l:lll;;; - - - * * * * * * * * * * ll * *Account, Code Deecription up 00100003111300 tg;iffii;;i'pep.urr 'pns ttS:Bb pF 00100003112300 FrAii-'4ffc:.il r,sns __19_9gl9g:g:l139ro wir,i ciiii rNspEcrroN FEE ti. BB lt.lRl-tIT /l ^ ' APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR I!' MAY NOT BE AC'CI]PTND .T x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )* * * * * * * * * * * *fl [ ]-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Electrlcal 1yl-lrechanibal [ ]-ot]rer Job Name: Legal Description: Lot BIock ceneral Description: Work Class: y.(-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additlonal Number of Dwelling Units:Number Filino crrnrl - -_-..IIVIS I0N: Dlr :*uV sc,e ''iAAl_._._ [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Acconmodation Unj Gas Logs_ Wood/p, * * rt********* ** * **** * ***, .******* OTIIEIT: $ TOTAL: $-.-=- ********** * *** * * ***:t **tr* :l * * Oltners Name: Architect: Address: Address: n}*l"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Anpliances , {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * VALUATIONS . BUILDING: T EI,ECTRTCAL: $PLUMBING: $\tLUr"lErNG: S MECltANrcAL, $-e3ra:c.)_ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C9NTpACTOR INFORMAI.,ION 'Eeneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: r-et Town of VaiI Recr. No.Phone Number: Town of Vail Rect. NO.Phone Nunber: rrice kh frfr{r/rlu TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM omnz /0 - t7-?7 Job Acldre ""t 3--p __t_g,LlN -DAr r,/€ Plunbing Contractor: Address: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI.I PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE! OTHEI{ TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 'Iown of Vait i{eg. No.Plrone Nurnber: ._,- To"r of Vail lteg. No. l\t2./ll)r Phone Nunber: fi.'r7- 47T.7- FOR OFFI CE USE *** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr rr * * * * * * BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK fEE:MECIIANICAL PI,AN CHECK }'EE: RECREAT CLEAN-UF TOTAL BUTLDINd: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Mechanical Contractor: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT RET-UND 'oli 75 soulh lronlaqe road vall, colorado 81652 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of conrmunlly rJt. velopnrenl ALL CONTITACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTtrRED WITII TII,]TOWN OT VAIL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COM}rUNITY Dt:vltl,oplll;r|r, MARCIT t-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STOIIAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for any person to ritter, track or aeposit ;t-.;iri-rJ"i, sa.cl , clebris or rnaterial, t""t:g1ln rrash i"rnp=t"ri, p.rit.[:-J roitel_s and workrnen veh'cr-es. upon any streetl sia"waixr-;Ii;y or 'ul-rlic place or any porri6' tr,.i.""il--;i.,. ;i;;r:;i_;;;=:, arr. ,r,ow, or Vair streets anrr.roads is approxi^ur"iv-s"it.'iri pav.'rnent.This ordinance wirr ue ;rrr;ii;^inforced by r.e Tow' of V.ir-Public works Denartmentl--p"irinl touno ,i6r"Ii"g trris ordinance vil1 be given a 24 hour rriii.""r,otice to-;;;;;;"="id nrareri-ar.rn the event the person so notified.cloes not cornply with t'e notice within tn3_.za hour.tirn"-li."ifiecl , t-'e I,utlic t,lorks Departnent wir-r remove said rnateii"i.."t-ir.""E"oli;. o.[ persorl notified' The provi=ions-ot-"tnli orornance shalr 'ot 'e appricabre to clnstruction, -^uii["r,un9e 9.r repair projects of any street or alley or any "L;.iii."= in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fult, please stop by tlre,I,or,/t.l of ::il.::ii3*'g"Tf,i:'*:l:.::"";;;i" a copv. 'ri'u,,i. you ror your ow/as = (c,n,',pin.. rrn-.Pos:-t-ion/ne1a@ t0- (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh tronlage rood vtll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 of tlce of communlly developmerrl BUILDING PERTiIT IS5UANCE TII,IE FMNE If this penni.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s. (.publ ic w91!s) review and approvar ,'a prinniiii-uipartnrent review or Heat th Departnrlnt rev i ew, un,t' u-"oui.; Li-;i;;"ilrii,ri ng Department, the estimated time for a totar r"ui.*-iluy"io[!'0, t0,,9 as three weel(s. All,conmercjut (]arge or srnat) and arr rnurti-fanriry pernrits wirl have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremenis. Resiuerrtiar and sma'l I projects shourd take a ieiser amount of tirne. lrowever, ir residential or snrailer.projects inrpaci the various above nrentioned departments wi tli reqard' to- necessa.yt^"ui.*, tf'r.i. ir.i.. tl",,,ov also take the three week period. ' Every.attempt wiil be made by this departnre't to expedite ilris permit.as sqon as possible. - v ev s"rLv I' the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and tinre frame. ffir.ro-rna- Communi ty Development Department. t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Dale: Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarcling the need for a "public Way perrrrit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site olher than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit' required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public properly to be used for staging, parking or fencing? I have read and answered allthe above questions. ) B. ll no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by C6mmjnity t-.'- Development? I-l9u- algwered yes to any of lhese queslions, a "Public way permit" must be obtairre, t.?ublic Way Permit" applicalionl may be obtained at the'pu|lic work,s office or 't c.o.TTuliry Development. lf you. hlve any questions please call Chartie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspectoi, at 4Zg-2158. 1) z',) N..f/- e\ 4) 5) 6) 7) Job Name nlraclols Signature STONE MECHANICA INC. P.O. Box 3066 Vail, CUUI658 Grouse Creek Center 23798 Highway 24 Unit B-13 MINTURN, COLORADO 8I645 Q7O) 827-5724 Fax (9701 827-4255 "or"rrnrror" IAD /tA t^t, /Q'-!7-;fi- CIlECKED AY fi q h r rn -{ 6 z \r t;lo 7 o q F n r m ts { 0 L -ta 'll " 'ri-r '' ." o' rf tat ( ;':-{-: fRoDucT?0.11r$nql!si!ftt2051lPd&d)//\ft3/orricror,r[li$!)riilroordfllHr)itl0llt,lttIslr225!]80 STONE MECHANICA INC. P.O. Box 3066 Vait, Cfl65B Grouse Greek Center 23798 Highway 24 Unit B-13 MINTURN, CQLORADO 81645 (97o) 827-5724 Fax (970) 827-42ss .,,.0, "o. I ur_ 3 "or"r-r.ou" rlJD;Ul ,nrr- .LQ - E:2L CIIECKED BY-- DATF -. - t"orr- 3/t/": f '- o" molucr?0f r {$rqhsls.r\}115 r (P&ntnt lE ts161rc 6r.rd Ms! l]ri/r ld0rdaP|0 fIoLllHllr800??56J$0 sToNE MECHANtca, tNC. P.O. Box 3066 Vail. C?81558 Grouse Creek ienter 23798 Highway 24 Unit B-13 MINTURN, COLORADO 8I645 (970) 827-5724 Fax O7U 827.4255 SHTET NO 3/,"- .AL''L^TEDBY ,U bf\^ ,o,, -.1;f-: I ?'9? CHECKEi] AY- DATE - ,_ o, noouf,l ?!r r 6Drt shrh) 2i]5 I l'f,dncq lEE./,hl^. &ds [t"r s 0r 1il l0 ods PlloM l0ll l8f I I &h 275 63N0 Bernember: Your hood and venting systenr rs subject to local buildirrg codes arrcl a l,rr-'r IO install is required. Alpine makes no warranty that this venting syslenr willl work it-r your ltar.ticulor silual ilr r. Hih Modcl ND/HF 16 ifax, Gar Conlurnplion 425 ,l25,lXlO IITU/llour ( Slggcrtcd Klta Hood & Slrch (lor gu lllnrl L Materials- 16.20 grugr, $lrr.{,, ()r stdrnk'ss sl (,(,1. 2. Dur, lo to(rr Inrt runl(nt,rt fi,n .rllow ll.' 11r,.11.rnq1, btlrrnd krln 3, Alkrw 2 ?t .' r lttrr,rrrr c on botlr srdrs ol krln. 4. Clt,ck wllr hrcal trurldrng ctjd(,s lur conkrrnrrt! trr.ftrr t uarng. Wr, .rssunx, trrt tssp(nrstbtltty krr inrprrrpr,r rrr tlh,g,rl vt,ntrng syst|nrs Dirnrnrlonr: A 12" r 14- (or Hlj St,rrcs,urd N[) Scrrcs. IJ. 16' x l ti- br Hl:Sr,rr.s. 18 r ?0 klr ND St, rrt s C 14" x 16" ftrr lll" Sr.rrlr,rrrd ND St,rrr:s. 3 MINIMUM TO ANY COMBUSTIELE MATERIAL ADJUSI TO NOOF PIICH IIF ANY I r2 ( ridge 25 lo Z4 - 48' a bove obslruc tion wtthin l- 6 MIN _t_ cE .rNG OF FI@M IMPORTANT! LEAVE OPEN FOB AIR FLOW t- 14" lo 36" t f -f I I roP oF xrli -----l l_ 3" - 6' overharrg c)\{l enlire k rln includ Ing g a:t lr a l usually located orr r rqllt side and exlending out t,l to 10.. 6 ro !8 t* ( t2 A t6 Clay Coinpany dir"'isiorr ol A.R.T. Studio TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 9L657 97 0 -479 -2Lt8 DEPARIT,IENT OF eOMMt NITY DEVELOPMENT (r1 i- (: ON .fOBSITB AT ALt TIMES Permit *: 898-01-04 NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT iIOb AddrCSS: 3876 LUPINE DR Location...: 38?6 LUPINE DR Parcel No.. : 2101-11L-07-002 Project No.: 8L657 co 81657 Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Fc: Phone t 970-475-4316 Status. . AppJ.led. Iseued. . Erq)ires. ISSUED os /tr/L998 05/LL/L998 Lt/o7 /L998 OWNER STBWART TAIIA E 3880 B LI'PINE DR, VAIL CO CoNTRACTOR STEWART, WTLLTA!4 & TANA 3880 LUPINE DRIVE, VAIL, Descript.lon: REPTACE FRONT DOOR ADD WINDOW IN SPA Occupancy: R3 Tyge Constsruction: V N Valuaeion: 5,000 O,t;'o to 2 tn.ck arla rrri t*r * t ** t r | *r t ** * * t t * * ** TocaL Crlcukccd pces- - - > 219.15 Addltlonrl Fee6------__-> _20.00 Tocal Perllic Fce-- ------t 259 .16 amount date *of 6ad Logs:*of wood/PalLet: Bullding-----> Plan check- - - > fnv.stigati6n> wt11 call----> Flrcplace lnformatlon: Rcgericced: *Of Oas Apptiancee! FEE SUI,ITANY Reatsua-ant PIan RcvLev- - > DRB Pee--------- Rcc!6a!ion Faa----- -- - - - t clsan-Up Depo€iE----- -- - : TOTAI, FEES- - - -. BUILDING DEPARTIIIENT JRM ACTiON: APPR PLANNING DEPARTT{ENT i'RM AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARTI,IENT iIRM AcElon: APPR PI'BLIC WORKS .'RM AcEion: APPR DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: APPROVED iIRM-DCPT: PI.ANNING DiWiS1OTT: DRB APPROVBD-Dept : FIRE Divj-sion: N/A ' Deot: PUB WORK Division: N/ Payluenls- ---- -- - 259.'15 BALANCE DoE----- ,oo 95.O0 61 .75 . oo t,oo . o0 - oo 100. o0 279 .7 5 Itsem: 05100 0s/tL/L995 It.em: 05400 os/LL/t998 Itsem:05600 os/LL/Le98 Item:05500 0s/LL/L998 See Page 2 of t.his DocumenL for any conditions that may apply to Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I har6by .cknorlcdg€ t.hat r hav6 r.rd EhiB.ppllcrtion, flllcd ouc ln full Lh6 infordcElon rcquired, comPl6tcd an accursl6 PIo! plan, and €cac6 tshrE qll the lnfonnaEion provld€d as rcquirrd is corr6cg. I agr€e to conply rlLh rh€ lnfonnaEion rnd Plot Plan, to conply r.lth all ?oyn ordintncas anal EgaL€ ley6, Bnd to build thl6 stluct-ura eccordlng to Ehe Tovn'a uon1ng aDd 6ubdivi6ion cod.E, dc.lgn tevicr approved, tnifortl Bulldlng code and oEher ordinancc! of lhe Torn rppllcable thercto. FEQUEgTS t'OR INgPBCIIONS SIIAI,IJ AE MADE ftfErfry- AOUR HOURS IN AD'VANCE 8Y TEI.EPHONE AT '?9.2138 c8 FROU TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up Deposit Refund Single Family Resi&SFdOVed LC s6nd cl€an-up Depoalt To: gTSn RT TANA OF OIiNAR OR CgNTRA TOR TOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER Page 2 *****t**r*****************!t************i***********rl*************t************** CONDITIONS Permit #; 898-0104 as of o5/!L/98 stagus---: rssugo ******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/AJ.,T sFR BUILD PERMIT Applied-- z 05/IL/L998 Applicanl---: STEWART TAl.tA E Issued---: O5/LL/L995 To Ercpire lL/0'I /L998 ilob Address: 38?6 LUPINE DR LocaElon---: 3875 LUPINE DR Parcel No--: 2101-11 1-07-OO2 DescrLpE,lon: REPI.,ACE FRONT DOOR ADD WINDOW IN SPA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IATiICE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERV STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 ttBC. *********************************************************i****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprtnted: O5/tL/98 15:03 statemnE **************************************************************** StatsemnU Number: REC-0399 Amount:259.75 05/Lt/98 L5tO2 Inits: .IRM Payment, Method: CK Notati-on: #172L Permit No: 898-0104 Tlpe: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PE Parcel No: 2101-LLL-O7 -0A2 slte Address: 3876 LI'PINE DR IJocation: 3876 L,IIPINE DR This Payment, Total Fees: 259.75 ToEal Ar.,L Pmts: 259.75 259.7s Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescripE.ion DR OO1OOOO31122OO PRE PATD DES REV BOARD BP OO].OOO0311110O BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CI{ECK FEES AD 001000024031.00 cr.EANItP DEPoSITS wc 001000031_12800 WrLr, cALr, rNsPEcfroN FEE AInount -20 .00 95 .00 20.00 61. 75 100 .00 3.00 I, ,..:'- Easrc counry n""""""." ?r"" DtG Recqlved 'i'"io=lza;,aqqo,f or- Parcel l. TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN APR 1? l9S pER.\rrr /r -ql4 trt ry g! 'ryl?'? !'FQ,t PERMIT AppLrCATroN F.RM ( >iot tt.t o-)-co 2- oxrz,_.tni/7g - ---' , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE AccEprED : * rt J< * rr rt rt * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r PERMIT TNFORHATIoN * * ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ir * * * * * I [ ]-Bui).ding [ ]-plunbing [ ]-EIectrical [ ]_Mechani-caI 'ob Nane:Job Address: ,egal Descriptionz roL /44 Block Filin )wners Nane:Address:Ph. lZb -*zta ,rchitect z 7:,+4,c STFtuApr Address:Ph. ,pmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances )$* * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * )r * vALUATIoNs 16,'r- ,eneral Description: 'ork CIass: [ ]-New Jyl-atteration I umber of Dwelling Unitsl- / UILDING: LUMBTNG: ddress; 8f,fo Iectrical Contractor: ddress: Iumbing ddress: echanical Contractor: ddress: *************rt* UTLDING PERMIT. LUMBING PERMIT ECHANICAL PERMI'F .FEE;D LECTRfcAL FEE: '--.'.- ,it J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nuhber of Accomrnodation Units : Gas Logs_ Wood/pel1et ********************************* EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ HECHANfCAL: $ToTAL: $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ***'******** CONTRACTOR INFORMAL'I6N * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *eneral Contracton: Contractor: IHER TYPE OF FEEa' . .. ,, RB FEE: IU'f " lsu rmments: To\rn of Vail Reg. NO. /AS-1 9 Phone.Number: 4,7 - (e '' *5 - 1u - +tto Town of VaiI Req. No- Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Reg. No. Reg. No. oFFICE USE * * * * * ** * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * rt( * * * * * * BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE ! VALUATION LEA-!{ UP DEP.OSIT REFTIND UE . { 06.^- E , 75 south rronlage ?oa d vall, co lora d o 81652 (303) 479-21.38 or 4j9-2L39 To! FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o ttlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOIfI'I OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/CO},O,ruNITY DE\TELOPI,IENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE Tn sunrmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to 1i*er, rrack or deposir ";;-=;i];".;;i, sand, debris ;:,ffi::'i:ii.i::r"dins trasn iumpsters, p;;i.;i;"toirets ;;;--- pr?:" ". ";;-;;,.i:i".ill"ilf"li"=ii;ililli_ili":..:rl;i:i:-",Vait streers and.roads is approxi^"i;i;-r"it."lri por"*"'r.This ordinance witl be ;a.i;ii;^enforced by the Town of VaiI Public i'rorks DeDartment. --p"i=lnl round violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour writl"n-'notice t"^i"*"""'said rnateriar,rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within tnl za rr"ur-tinre-iieciried, the putric works Deparrmenr' wilr remove said mare;i;i-;r=in"'^E"iJire of person notified- The nrovision=-"r'tiri= ordr-nance sharr not be appricable to cbnstruction, *uinl".unge or repair projects of any street or a11ey or any utilities in the rigni_a_way. To review ordinance No_ O in ful1, please stop by the Town of :::i"::ii:i"3,";f;i:'il:ii":i"";t;i" a copv. ri,ani vou ror vour tll 'trl wledged ositionfEelEffin-EETE (i.e. contractor, owner) I 75 sou th fronlage road v! ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 of tlco of communlly devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this permit requi,res a Tovrn of Vail F.ire Department Approval ,Engineel''s (publ ic tirr) review und ipprouut ,'a ptanninb'b.purt unt review or. Heat th Departm6nt ieview, -u;e';-;;;i"; ;y'iil;";rii aing Department, the estinated time for'a totar ;;;i;*-;.y"iuti'u, rong as three weeks. Al I commercial (l arqe or sma'l l ) and al I mu]ti _fami.ly permi ts wil l have to follow itre Sbove rnentioned ririrrr requrrements. Residentia.l and small projects shou'r d take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or snrailer.projects impiii the various above mentioned departmcnts with reqard to necessai"y revlew,-th;;; ;;;j;.ti'ruy also take the three week perioO. !:::-Y.,.!i.ig_t w]lt be ryrg!e by this ctcparrnrent to expedite this permr.t.aS s.qon as possible. I' th. undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time f rame.. Commun j ty Develo5rment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIHED 1) 2\ r) d\ Job Name:*otsE Date: Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarding the need lor a "public Way permit.: YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility rvork needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dilferent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right OI Way permit" roar tiroA2 Contracto/s Signature B) A. ls lhe righl of way, easements or public properly 1o be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way permit' must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's otfice or at Cgmmunity Developmenl. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-2159 I have read and answered alllhe above questions. NO K K X ( x X X x 6) Job Name P 1) PUBLIC WOHKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 5) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit application. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public Way,, is required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni, located at 75 s. Frontage Road or Public works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respectlve utilities prior to signing application. some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved sile plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating climensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a iite plan for the iob. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4B hours to perlorm, The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 6) 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the'Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The. above, process is f or work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 2) 3) 4) cd/ptvay I Iulh tronlrge road :olorado 81657 47$2138 | 479-2139 ottice ol communliy development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Iune 20, 1991, the Town of VaiI Building Department has :.he following procedures to ensure that new constructlon aclequately esE.ab]-ished proper drainage from building I and adjacent to Town of VaiI roads or sLreets. cf Vail Public Works Departnent will- be reguired to d approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads or I t,he installat,ion of Lemporary or permanent culverLs at nts from the road or street on to the construction site.val nrus[. be obtaineci prior to any requesf for inspection n of Vail Building Deparl-nent- for footings or Lemporary or any other inspecLion. Please call 479-2L60 to inspection from the Public Works DeparEment. Allow.a 24 hour not.ice. . Town of VaiI PubIic Works DepartmenL vrill be approving drainage and culvert, insLallation with resulting roacl ,s necessary. Such approvaL must, be obE,ained prior to ificat.e of Occupancy issuance. 75 Soutlr Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 1 3 I / 479-2 I 3 e FAX 303-479-2452 1 2. Dcpartucnt ol Cotnnuniry Dcvtloptttattt TNFORMATION NEEDED I{HEN APPLYTHG FOR A MECHANTCAI PERUTT 5. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF I-TECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE/ WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTTON AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETTIER ELEVATOR BQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALI,ED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. - FAII,URE TO PROVIDE THTS INFOR}{ATTON WTLT DELAY YOUR PERMIT. r "ls?r 496r P. Ot Pl FA* ro:Touru aF VAtt-, @nmuiltry DEvELoPmEruf Burt-owb DEpAprmEaf hTT: .r.R. Le?o -4?q-2+Ua FP.on: 7hrlA i Bt.t- 9TEo/APT Stgo tutuete DQve UA,\, gtbg7 co.tu* I7o - $€q / TEL. wb -?gtb Ceisnt, FRApc-tsco Apt t<tts)qet-.lg7o frt / n* ?at-t?bl nC, Ftv€ paaas hy;/aa,qKn t{XP-fr:TR 9. Date Received APR 2? 1gg8 "n*7;'/-irf a"".'r.zl*Pdl4afr a;d"'"d'i affi/-/ n/.* P Ur-$" -n<-aa*'.r--.t.4 MZs 't*tniPdd- |nabt/ /aPa-,tt+> at/a;*Y-),t.rp, ' r_"nrll* a'rryhr/ lS //a{LbQJD dtu-'ry.r,4 'ffi ;bt/d"ry'u*h4*/lafu/azazz4aurt'-de' baade-.r:.a7 n;i /*-,"*- /4 .' ,e"t1.-,n//r/,fbt ru //,rz/ ed# d.'.t a/'A" t,r% 2-ffi:; U^A Jb-,, a**'rd lL -utalzf ..'P 1ez s { \ t N vr x u) T u s F a o ff .\ +- ;i.r'' i j I * J t ul a ili f{i uhi - co it '.. E$ ;}.i iflt',i:t .Fr-I\: ! i ! Et ,\t - tl F"r l3 l =t I --F I JrI 3El{. $E ae (E ir) 8"i €.t 5fr fift Ed 4 ..: r$ i n s ! .l L \.: \i r,€ }:J I J P -C)2 r olszr 4e6t Apr-28-94 04:o8A stewOt, \ $I !0 \ N { d \' E .-u R s *l \t N a 0o d, f,O ,a("t -;:-! --- '=9fro-"" Ef- lT.- -i'! Nl-- -- ----]f-=--rE €l !l-tl .H td E r[<-l [-l Ht d t t fi ci o3 5 x 1l t, E o T L $$ R* l, N$ \[ g1 fn$ r "lszt 4s6r Apr-28-94 04:O9A stewJt I s $at I s UJ $o & -1 : I I I I I I I I I I I I >l !l rl el el rl tl il 'i il + I I I I I $ $ N $ N tn *$i\Irt t! I il {rl '1 i )t ]l a ir i1 {,}l il ;l I ll I' ll t:!i ;: :ii :I!: i-: t \ | |: tl t'\ | |l: -LJ !t i'!; Cl trl I I ..\ I \ \ I m c t olszt 4s6t P.O4 sTEx'APT 3t8o LuPttlE oA.\r-u llt . ;P n$r8 E '11 .S I 6\I fuL,. Apr-24-94 04:o9A steblt E.t'J,srnte - &oss sE.LTtoN 6F s,p+ tNSThrJ-ftTtaA, --5f! SAFETy couE1.RE0&4 h.t01 F liBl orrEQ,t{rr a3 s,roe9 2*b A,a)rt< ?rDoa. oH sPn RESst Op carrragT6 fuoPoseo AR.EA. 5EE SFEC,g 6tt .'.I./A,3.'l 'ItEET r'.--r4A E*t5Ttrr6 c4l'E. nE|/T uJtpoottE A2e ABL. h,UE TE'IPE.TEA au+ss .t?\"v*15.H ?tnw weul - ExtsT tu& i pnaPosED i w.rJlg ,"r^ \; To 9PA P. Os , "l "=ir. orl, *uil$ $ ri \ixxR *,R; u I* $t T:*r* R s:tiI iu,--_ig lit $$ [t ,,,i li ffit*r ={[ffi:,^I)i,,rg2- i #':fl r i[Ti il j iiliilEi. ---- 'li 'd !i - .lLii i :i, )ii liY'j---*ii:---.:-=-=--i #+F:A--I':_i 'l Ir I I : Apr-24-98 ai \ {I llo o- I t- - ! ; i I : {t 'i :t sl li !i _---l .: - -.r_;i I --^-T I I I rl il I !l d ; .|:.1 !al !l it : : : I i I ii !i ti li ii li l-- - l.- I t g I I i I , \t t t I t ti 3:lr P Eil rI h$ Ld 33 r, rl :l EiJ : t { 'tl al 'v ;{ : €o H c IH r li, liiil il'r'r iiii I J L I I G t. iflJ $f T B ="*!L I ri !ft iit :i lj -cit t-_-:: = =---,JF.i - "-r' t.---?' F!i lEii I f' "7,| .'*t fl,):iif"R r---i 149e5 :ii1 j.l..-.'r;:i KOF C0! fu*2rn- il€fq4 /FAa N /yf*'r 2/4 &#n-ere frpoo/ fr#rl lbpt+L-fus ./2 //firte /.^ora \ \$ /.N \ tu a4 &f-r6 cl.) WfXu' (D N _t N K tfl K \,S Ns Nr \s N*=NY t\ )tr + $ N $ \ \ \ \ N '\ \ \ t\ \\- s_ \ A bqt 0@161?-016 : xej NI.UHUlSnl*l/IN09IUdU o o frrnr frolr 6nn*/)n fu*,fu s&,zr a'b=tP.h(a 4' '(+ 4 *7 >+lo //nh/ &;" w, /;'#aAw +u' lOt€tt 4- --_?,47 .2, \,. / 7tu6 Sb/42t dzi/r I ,'' ',+ 'cud x;zt uo. yt JgU f,'$*l:P loi.*o 'S€ Ei t+sos it ./ ,/ *eaca,56 ryx ={- ds iytrr;$t' fil,hM --- tM'Tte ti '! l.rl 1.,.' T 1 .:', i Ii.irJft i.ll Vr':1.1.L-" i.:Lit-lJflHU{r ll1t,,'l.)'/.j{rl.i,,.i:]iirZti,li:rl:i'l[,]l:'{:r|l.i[:iJi"l'[i't|j[:.I-:t..f i-t(:. l; I \.) .r. [ ;i I i\ -iC iit I ral.,+i tr't,.. i'',." '* lylJc." H l:{t-l .l.L-l.J iii;Af.: ,.r1- I Ii:.i1::1"ll:.: d t.;r.rIi'* L r'i i.liiF lt t,!t .tu:l t'ljr,i,: U f.l i.lLrrri,r,' i .1 i l:.:.'ljj ili I I i+i'rr i:: 1.,',,i.; *.,,i.,,r'1, i:, l Ll.lrlrii. i"ij l..-i.. lf.)j4 4. frFl{jji:tr lj f iili:i:l; {..l) FJ, ii:lr !i: ri. r" :: ,;'. Lj r i:' l,..l1i-.' I i'i* i)F L (:i {.::,1 L l r., j r ,r ":!{:} ,lf.r l-..Lil"'L i.iL. l.)l.i 1..r,,:r r'r.:,". 1. L:.'.i rit 'f l..l i--tJ i'..ir.i{l;--:l irar:r.','r i-ii::t i'ir r: i: r:i-'1..t:ii. :..:. i i:rli.!i\i i i.,1..1i..].,1 l'ri-;ii i..i .1.r'llrl-li'l i',rl.,l' | | Lr,ri' l. il l.llr i:r I t_,1!..t1rtr I t..,fitire i; i:-'i ,t'!tt. i; I 1i .l_,trL: j, I trrt hi'(..tt'{-,q t: i'Pt:l rrr'1i, 1': i i,'1,t"'t r r-:,.i i.. rr'i-,; ritlr. ,,,., r r?r,di .!- ,'!r(.i I.l i':it iir, Ll (i I. r.,rlii'l!r'l irll-.i-?l:, -t" :/ ii'.,t.i .1. lrI i.rr'lr{"i{, i {rll.. " " , lrlii.rl1(J:l i-. t.r til r +i It l-: t I .:,i;lfi'rl i.'.ii.)t1r{r i.:! L. .i rt ai ri ri (- | e c.i ., ., " Ftr.' i; t o ii l-. t.r iit rri s, fi L r. ,t ,, tl .ii.,_:.: L ij Ll nt e i:llpr . i ..L.-,,:'.-'J:l -\\)VV -i'-^t^r'r"- d t\l t i {"{ -"' i -"i-'--l lll., 1.it:r.. i,.l () ri ii.i-.il,;ri ','., "., ,, r,,ri,'!1.:i i. l1,r i.:i i' i. i, c t":.r y t"ta';r{jt+ i'r rr,,r.[ l,r|rir,l l. tt'i Lrl.- Ili..i- Ir {i, $ t; .;. ri U $ !- .r:}t i? r,i i ii.!l/ru',ritr.'l iJi... Dir.i i iJr..lit(.Jat i i.rirl!-rl. !.$:., iiJsj..,Lrlllr t'i...iii)" .i i-,.r".] :.i j l, ti i:'-l afr lii!:'rlr.l;t, t.il.. iti; I I ':i' trr .t. I rg l,1ll:.1Lltr,'.,,.i I [i]i [!!iL.] [: trl.r ni( | frcr | {,,'ii , t :i.li'11:-'1-.1.- ; L. i. i'i'$1.i1,.,-i i .i i.r!'i I Jl(i Ii lv i'-.l i.. i'- trr :t l. l' ',j l,l L I i r:' )tr : i i. ,, r'i I l.'tr,.'I j. r-:rt I i-l[''i:'l( i.ii.li,-l? i iL-rlDi:i ri ilt.ll..) iir. iii 1tii, i.,lt.: Illr,, i-ti-rl,l., Y l-,til -r i,lti!:.1..!f.l i. l: ft ril lt tiri;.irlliLi I t. ii'- r,r i l..tl:!Ui.-ifr .i i. t: rrt ,, L:lild iJii t.r i. i: 'r rlt :, l...itr.lll.|t! l,ll .l L sl nl I ld-/'lt4 ,iiir .i. l, f:r iit ; l:llllv-r "j tj.l LIeri ! ulii',.,rrr .t L i- l.r it ::rl.'r i "+i.l i..: il ti i( .!. [: li ,. l ir r\1,!,. L.jji I j. .l / i ii....i.)Ll "];rlr..r..l .,, t; 1 ': rr !:,1....i-il:' l-.i I t-. ti L; i 1:i{.: H IqlL l. .i ,\ ii lili, l, [.-l i r i i .f r: i" -;. ..:,,.. r.ti-i- -i/l :t. ,.r,-: ,, r:.t-. i.il; *l- I iiii.l. i1'..|.ji.:r- i i:. ijr i...', i..,,' i-i l:'t i.ri.r'-l .r ,r,r.i. i,;i..1 i az 'o .o OE F 40 tsU o FF 20 o D F ci F ( U q U o F t o o o l{ z F F 3H FO dl z2 ETE FFi 77 E('trE D o7 o FE o F,F az oo AE F H F z o F EU 291 Er]]o olr in a6 t)() F U d o t, O 2 5 F o 1 ; toD : FTE !.1 QF o D Project Name: Stewart Residence Project Description: Replace front door (same size opening) and add a window in the hot tub room. Owner, Address and Phone:William & Tana Stewart 3880 Lupine Dr Vail. CO 476-4316 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Same Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Nwnber: Comments: 3880 Lupine Drive Lot 14B, Bighorn Subdivision-2nd Filing BuildingName: rVa esign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Approved as requested Town Planner: Mike Mollica Date: 4ll7l98 Staff Action Action: StaffApproved Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: nlt Conditions: nla nla r;\EVERYONRDRB\APPROVAL\98\STEWART.4I 7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstionfall thc Planning StatT !ri 47i-2 i 2ti APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc accepted until all the requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Cotrrntission. Dcsign Revicrv Board approval cxpires onc year after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd, A. DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST: t"*rrr. or r""rrt^ PHYSICALADDRESS: 3g8b L,/PIL/E OBTLE 'iL:tloeu 5ub zd! F:tt"5 B. C. X E, PARCEL #: ZONING: (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAMEOFOWNER(S)i k)//J //+m E - 1 7A^,te ATFP/+/oT MAILINC ADDRES* .?KKO LUP/X/E PfuI/ts F. c.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildine. PHONE: tr Addition - ,S luinor Altcration - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial briilding. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcnrents. such as, rcroofing, painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accurate valuation of thc projcct. The Torvn of Vail will adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. TOr/N0TVAIL OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): PHoNE: ffb -7.</A SAslE ,+s 44tue O4/r5/gg flED 18:23 FAX lii5 A Sjclelight (l5 or less r(.ctangular glnss )Sf"r"f 78 4, TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN HEVIEW STAFF APPROVAL 6J:' rlrxlr.l, *lrrrrr rt rr rth ()ptionJl r.;tr r irrr;. ,\li qlass <lerrgns ir.c DNE .//n /ea STArP: 4 '2' @ ool \' R a ll-. t{ N \r\ s s '1r-] \l sl { I d 5 s c ; L. { EH fl L; ..i t F !l 1€ 6ct F((Q-:TA ul lr, It 6 c -l tl .rl I t: i r-t f, s rlO { :tl o€ I I i € q vt q q*a ? n.-5 l<r >:J €c : (n ti If ,I I I I I I I I o o rtd < --A I r!| " 1' .r'rtto Ltr2rat I I ...-.-- {, !l Ewr1.'G i I lyl lsl- F LLfl NIJJ t.) 5 A'i? aE-S : - Fr4ohL .d(6t<IA lUFo, 6 G.O(,rJO LEVer auo cAekr' ./ lll.;,ll; n-- -- V.--ll- ar'*,< 'lsttaxc a,tity * --,-n---\_ TarA1 rrDRf(9dDP lf f- | r'r f '_- - _ -'t--l I E'r)rhr' i Lh/tNG ltt p*. tntrt!ee.Al<'.4t, --f1 Tn'gA-r '''E^ene ll-rf '--lll 1---* ;=-1 i '^'"* n,\t!y*^-. - tta c' R635 i, PA'.,|; LBsa .-P,-dt':'s | f, t, 7 'f9 Grrfl2.6o6 t . l'!t.) ara6ut4L aa to 40aIf EA aoo + 6.e rao4 r,flLld ertalff' 6aer.? t$.,'c,r &F*e, . . Nt:"| GLlju^tb Ltvl-l g) Fti t9g/'ca . f !tu) ftt,f ^t- (a..!.ss Et |!,t.tN'-- 6/2^''L ?:{r "8'- ;;,,L;. 5;C;'.-^'""' af E'x''art Ek to d'L 'trLD'-' iH.rfr.' ffi: ;'fr::2"8;!:i2:';;:::,,. - , L^ffe g/\'r(cL J l,lD/rr^, t!r>.,tp Faa t'tot'r At'fa ?)iii" ti,aiii -o,n'It n R.tttw " - r't-uttEt't" C.tjJ1TAc1'a)Q 1T) Aottt iE . ptL .ax.-t- L.tAn ItEAta ttnc' tbturs 't'FR- 6"urd _ atn'Rr wlLllu^l'( A s ttr" r'N . -r:. lJE:n rL rJr'^u,'r,e s l(te Erlt t'rlY Fr4'(. a*r,rtnlr|,t i st41 ka)'\, l'^"8 ElJfl e L/rcx t''ALL t uELo ttE4t,,Ere^. 'lsttrQu''t7o,l -l Ft rrrrrti /'i,r^rt: httlc-r' tt\ 7f/ ':4 't)u'totrt s sru- ac tr, lJl.tu t'r ttntLTLl c/ruaa'w.f'('tl I t-E^vrt llolr '' tHAaJad Latuc / UJ k o tt. aa.d f ''b' T ' tt t.L F a q P. ,.^) 3'L.t4 .r* at'$l I at4urb r - oolr| uurla llEntb ,# .1^ - iia'z n*:r,x. -"'no'- , i."^' 'a('rr' 'rr*t -'f I I I i i lllr rill .- fbUPEio .rrE r.t: tU PPer4rnA r.uu ,r-tp CEFn^Itt' rL' o rLu Flx ktLt aiAnab urfr, AA gaF / 6,t, ;> Lotlr ri 'l t, I tl i:ii ll-t I I I I s, ttt'rlrtDro .'*.Yx, ruzra - .lto u,^,t ' ' ' -4'-t!::-+, ; I FtLDa t-tvt:L PRDPOSEI] GROUND FL(x]R f'IJIN Ht)mr crr ltl /ll tJ )rtl-rra , 5.11. I 'JAt?--f 3R8O t-oe,*- &<., lh e.t',J) o o o \m 'n l-tm l=3 l.;5 lO r. :t t;x-t-t o t;+t'-:i ; o lamO lst 3 l-rt 3 :c *f o.< OE ;g i;o >l 7E tr= _n m a) =-.1 rt- a)r =2. t- fl f-t fFH L lL,r+{ Dfitl o o z CN {n c o {o z !m n ={ ,.T| n Or z= z2 ''= q,z {Y m l\o I l-'- | t-v x l\o !lo -< ln | 'Tt m =-1 m x m TI + z (- I -{m ( ..] U O ',' F- 4.+- a) Ct1 ';1' :+- ; ! 3 m I z \, -o Z. r-ic 3< -tz Oo g"p z,E >= io o> 1a nz >m --{ >or-=m o --.t N:*"$=\\\m F';,o UN e o (It z m <tj H €F n Ip .,8 1.[-\\ * I i F;.tt a o>'r m I ^a >JX ,v _Tt r- =( €N VP^ts(l rnl tH KIE ttr lH tFl Fl' I I l<l>l-lrt m t- m t-t lo It lz o : : m 9) I H F ir {z 3 H H -l o :z o 'tl F ! m a ,o l =H ts E- E- {z lrt a!3 H H -t m t- m d {z o .tl t- m o I 3 H tr1 F {z FU K H H m -F \o s. I F. tJ' li lo t€ lz lo t:t>t- lr- IB lo lz tr = ts H 7 H E c) z € cl l-l z I -.1 -t ;r - 8.. I F-' E t> F t>l0 F r F tr E a E r I H P z z P |l {F r- 4 z rtl z tT! H t-t. v)Fl {F H c)B =D -<F r>z!E PP Y I IX I lrr) lco lco lo r t:- }. IPd .-r lH o\ lZ llu 5l t'l'd O\l :(o o -;d30 ' (DE ai 3 ax-€ :3 :3 oQ{x :.-< R €o€io = 4;,R ;;d6 (/,OYf tr*:- Els,:a:i: ", i.o o =^f- .ilot =o-=f (u =.co9+@ J o) -:o: +U =*o'6Y o irl-' v'fi= !e18 ==5E x =< l o,.-o = Es a !<o-: 0:d * 6"g RE l ^=;at !lxx= $u a 5 -'3gQ + o::):oo--. o o { o t : 3 t!c. =' o A' o f o 5' 6tR HIF "13 T *1"- I i;f, s9t" PFE 6- N o z I I m €z m ! 2 -t z l z l- ! m =--l (n z m m o m o lz l=t: lF fio<l-"P m o o ll q I I I rn --l = a IP o l r 1 l I ]- I ]- I I i z (n c t-I a l> -t -t I o z m a )) c m IO T{9P zd '2 = z>oR rci 3<+< >o nil coo c 7 ll ll ll z rn { --l m , =z o =o z 7 -o --t m c P It c j z 4oNP =+ o --r J= a) < l.v ;: m jF E o ")- > -n ,Y. z o -t; o o rC) '< 2 l: q 3 !*o < g ;;z I - -i )'nzz i{z,o ,'; ro< N :o 0 '| E r' '12 Az ar, ),' t/)v 2.t -/ ,1 / IN l3>.2 FO FF c/l @ ff<o ii<lH"' tz1 z l,O L>i lzv! lu)>lH Fd I'U Fd tq td lc)otH <tq r4 ltd ul>lrl ful Itd tu tl lF ot> 'dt4 IH frtz t(t I z z 2_ --l a i o --t m @l w -ct t4 ='a2l <ol F -nl oll (n .)l \-l >E- l-l a ^l \ol (,oF "- 4,F \o ;l(o t\ I € -l ) r.! -{I { --{ - t- m =--n m m </t (t m -l x f.m z ! m a I m 2 m m { @ o tn --l z m m N) X m I =o c =g z m m --t ^ z o m I c = m = tTl = ='Tl m m a VALUATION !m n =-l z o 3 m z l- l- . m m -.t = co c z X\ J 'i H rrr r {z H Fl H F r {z rlt 3 H t..) : Fl ri r {z E H H \- f do r F V\I .l X x b{ P<X X 5, ,F.(, €^ # l.J Ln u) & |.J \t L'r /7 \ v/(r1 :P K NK*$ SR$\ a 75 roulh tronlrg. ?ord Y.il. colorrdo El657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlcc ol communlty devclopment ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOI{N OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMT,IUNITY DEVELOP}IENT }IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PAIKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunnaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or geposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or rnateriar, incruding trash dumpsterl , poriable ioilet! ana---workraen vehicres. ypon any street, sidewalk, alley or puuli--pl?g" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way -on ali Town of vaiL streets and.59ads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wl.lr be strictry enforcla ly the Toin of vail ny!]i-c works Department. persons found vi6latinq this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said nat.riai.-rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with th;---notice within the 2.r hour tine specified, the pulric works Department will renove said nateriar at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance srrirr not be applicable to construction, naintenanse or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the rlght-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of vair Building oepartment to obtain a copy. rirani< you for your cooperatl-on on this rnatter. Read and acknowledqed bv: Positionr/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) acknowledged e 'a '1ct uAr rNsPEcTroN's Tbe lteDs belor oeed to be couplete glvlng a perul.t a fiaal C of O. P1ease check off ln tbe box provlded. COMPLETED before tr n M ffP&OVEUEXT SIIRWT RESID. NAUE: DATE: ELECTRICAT FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:TJEST SIDE: DATE: tr l-V tl-l TE}TPORARY C OF O I rrLE NAr{'. -'\\\.',\* \L\\\\ % % !r o -1 v o o I ! I rh ?l : f;iF i EX oa IA ge FI xoN e95 Fid iid IJF FI + c t: I o f,a --{ I I I I I I o F ?m r l |-- (r! o 6 I tr 6,q cr I rh (rr o o z :r 3 -r1 o C z.(f o Z. a rrl C) -{o z. <a > --r r-t I .i= x4 \--l I n [t a (o- -l tI \2.(oO o rrl t*iitatilJ*?t"*ok Bhd., lroT Avon, Colorldo 81620 Engineering Consultonts, Inc. J03-9,t9-7768 o o o x d) =o o 0 o o E =z oat 9=!'o _o v,2 mo qt q 2 o F 'tt ,- m v U rrl ()x Tl C)o -{z. 6) (f rrl -{E +i tl o <a >--1 |_-||r= ^>5i n rrl a U [l Z C) rrl ro ! (o O *84 JJg >m 3o =;EI : I UI I rE (t g o f.4'-0 MlN. t"'ttB:'"ll?'*.k Bh,d., rro7 Avon. Colol'odo 61620 GI I onroe Engineering Consultonts, Inc. 30t-9{9-7766 zoltE cHEcK FoR sFR, R, Rp/S ZoNE D|STRICTS I ' 4y'\6 DATE: \tL a ,-,.^O;f " LEG L: Lor \' gLocK trrt*o Y7't1"- ADDRESS: 588{l tUPlllE DR.Ol,ilER: SIEUART PllollE #ARCHIIECT: STEiIART PHollE # LOT SIZE: 20473 PRoPOSED USE: ZOTE DISIRICT: SFR RES R P/S Yltll GRFA ALLOIJED OX SITE 4?97 ALLo|JEO SITE COVERAGE 4W4.6 SITE COVERAGE USED O stTE CoVERAGE RE[AmmG 4494-6 LAIIDSCAP COVERAGE 1ZZ8/- P FLMR TOTAL GARAGE STORACE I{ECH. STAIR AIRLOCK VOID n 8AS€ltE[T SQ.FT. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r lsT. rL@R so.FT. 22tr6 628 114 112 0 0 0 x 2[D. FL@R SO.FT. 2021 0 62.5 0 124.5 0 137.5 A 3RD. FL@R SO.FT. 1119 0 155.5 0 68 0 9.9 R LOFT FLMR SQ.FT. O () O O O O O y ToTALS 54?6 628 332 112 192.5 0 147.1 ToIAL GRoSS So.FT. 5426 U CREDIT ToTALS #cAR.spaces 2 600 200 50 19?.5 0 147,4 II GRFA ALLOiJED 4?97 I TOIAL CREDITS 1189.9 T GRFA USED 4236.1 GRFA RE}IAI II I IIG 50,9 GREDTTS RErlAlrrlrc -28 -13? -6? 0 25 0 ZOIIE CHECK FOR SFR, R, RP/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS DATE:LEGAL: LOT ELOCK FI LI IIG ADDRESS3 3880 LuPlllE DR.CHNER: STEYART PlloNE #ARCHITECT: STESART PIIONE # LoT SIZE: 20425 PRoPoSED UsE: ZOIE DISTRICT: sFR RES R P/S Yrtl GRFA ALLOIJED OII SITE 4297 ALLOJED SITE COVERAGE IIW6.6 SITE COVERAGE USED O stTE covERAGE REl.tAt lt I IG 4W. -6 LAIIDSCAP COVERAGE 12ZU P FL@R TOTAL GARAGE STORAGE IIECI{. STAIR AIRLOCK VOID R BASEIIEXT SA.FT. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r lsT. rlm so.FT. 2286 6?8 114 112 0 0 0 r zrD. FL00R sq.FT. Z0Z1 0 52.5 0 124,5 0 137.5 A 3RD. FLmR So.tT. 1119 0 155.5 0 68 0 9.9 n rorT FLc[n so.rT. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y TorALs t426 628 t32 112 192.5 0 117.4 ToIAL GRoSS SO. FT. 5126 U CREDIT ToTALS ttcAR.spaces 2 600 200 50 192.5 0 147.1 X GRFA ALLCIIED 4zp7 I TOIAL CREDITS 1T89.9 T GRFA USED 4236.1 GRFA REHAU IG 50.9 cREDrrs REr{Armc -28 -132 -62 0 25 0 (-7 oot rnctN\oF e iEi :$:gr|ul !oooooo o q;Ei 2A ro go ouls o": ": =NS38 -9- ct 'gGlO(tct(\t o - F FJtl Ct F F<llJ r--o r,,ovr r^ctN o t\,1 ;? F r . tat o tl =-snr.rN:F qro|oeo crao o o (9t\tavoN <r0\o\o g N oQFo.e\o 8r-^-^GravFNoor!!!* NR= ff t$g*8 E o FAI I I F rit Fd, 6 It at \q, 4 2 :** tu uJ ,2 -2=oo 40, -g n h909s E .' E l\l {r .t lr_u,iA-og8!hr-f>-.ii.t ro qru.l a- Ot U,U'QO ElzC ct (-, llJ o (t- lU J- A 4 aao.(2 :]FF rY JCttFl <<t! ct vr ort.+ ,\ a9tluro ul E |l. a(tF FN Ul .jt 2 e nvtat F<HdO<r anur ur-E 4 > Vr lt ct zof4<oi E ; o'-.., ff 5 J CJ Alrta:tet>UJ>.t<lJ .' e =-deaJ 5 .. b;ib S-EE.L st, ||JN- JOC|O<t!f/D..F_cr .(r|J (Ja.,u - f.JutE-t/t t a H -'6EEE-+ f,3H,_'g .- <r!crcoo 4J--<(J QJr(cr<JN (,:,<(nutJ ut 2 o .iEiE 2 EdddJ a .h 2=*d----- iA= =1 F;ggqgE e9saE; - r! r!r! rr r! F !<_ D -!H;GiCii 8EEf,fE 83frf;9 E6?866 O.Er-<c> )z-r- Project Number: 8890 Address: 3880 LUPfNE DR. Occupancy: R3 rl{1 Type of Const: V-N Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan review based on the 1988 Uniforn Building Code Name: STEWART REI.{ODEL Date: September L0, 19 Contractor: ETEM CONSTRUCTION Architect: TANNA STEWART Engineer: MONROE ENGINEERING Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced fron the Uniform Building code ( l-988 edition) with pennission of International conference of Building officials SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Pp 13 3 ******** ******** 4 LL|LT,23 ALL T,EVELS 5 ]-]- GARAGE ONE ONLY sofft vents Provide attic ventilation that conplies with section 3205. (c) THROUGHOUT AII electrical work to be complete to the reguirements of the L987 National Electrical Code. L7 This project will reguire a site improvement survey. such survey shall be subrnitted and staff approved prior to a reguest for frame inspection. snoke detectors shall be located outside each steeping area. A detector shall be located on each level and in the basernent. Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling unit. UBC 1210. Provide a floor drain in the garage or slope the garage floor to the outside. A floor drain must connect to a dry well or a sand and grease interseptor. Any garage floor drain connected to serrrer rnust be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatn. only one wood burning fireplace may be installed per dwelling unit within the Town of Vail. cas appliances with trBtr vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Glazing in a hazardous location is required to be glazed with safety naterial. -- Sec. 5406. In bathroons with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mecbanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC L205(c). DOORS L7t 23 ET AL rllouT oPGs Required corrections for:Project Id: STEWART REMODEL Address: 3880 LUPINE DR. # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUTRED o Page # 2 9 ]-L sPA cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. 10 Ll- sPA Plunbing fixtures with nechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equipnent. UPC 904. LL 23 MSTR BTH Each water closet shall be located in a clear space not less than 30tr in width and have a clear space in front of such stool of not less than 24n. UBC 51L(a). L2 11 KILN EQPMT Heating and cooling eguiprnent located in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elernents and switches at least l-8tr above the floor level of the garage. IJMC 508. L3 Ll MECH ROOM A bedroom, bathroom, closet or any enclosed space with access through such room shall not be utilized for fuel burning applicances. A closet or alcove shall not be less than l2rrwider than furnace with a rninimum 3tr space on all sides. IIMC 704. 14 11 I'IECH ROOM In buildings of unusually tight construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per Ur,Ic ch. 6. L5 7 VENT TERM. Factory-built chimneys for fLreplaces shall terminate a minimum of 2' above any point within 1.0'horizontally away. IIMC 9L2. L5 LL CHfIUNEY A chinney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC L7o6. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8r' Type X sheetrock and fire-taping joints. 17 23, 24 SKYLIGHT Sloped glazing shall be of materials as specified by UBC 3402 or shall be protected by screening as per UBC 3403. Loads shall be designed as per UBC 3405. A curb nay be required if roof does not slope more than 45 degrees from horizontal. 18 17 FIREPLACE This factory-built firepJ.ace must be an approved unit. Include the nanufacture's name, model number, and approval information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) o Page # 3 Required corrections for:Project rd: STEWART REI,IODEL Address: 3880 LUPINE DR. # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUTRED 19 11 FIREPLACE The size of the noncombustible hearth nust be per the rnanufacture's approval . -- sec. 3705. (b) 20 lL GARAGE The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503.(d) exc.#3 21 11 GARAGE The door between the garage and the dwelling is reguired to be a L 3/8 inch thick solid core self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 22 ),7 STORAGE The enclosed usable space under the stalrs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3305. (n) 23 ELEVATfONS The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more than 3orr above grade shall be protected with a guardrail. openings can not exceed 5rr. within R-l occ. and all R-3, height nin. is 36rr-outside R-l occ. height min. is 42r'. UBc LTLI . 24 23 MST BDRM Every reguired exit door shall be not less than 3' in width and not less than 6'8tr in height. Wlren installed, exit doors shall be capable of opening so that the clear width of the exit is not less than 32!r. UBC 3304 (f ) . 25 ******** ******** A rneChanical drawing shall be provided shoWing heating and/or cooling design. 26 ******** ******** A one-line electrical drawing for each level is reguired for this project. 27 ******** ******** Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) 28 No STRUCTURAL The structural drawings for this project are inadequate for plan review. Please submit engineer design drawings for project prior to franing of building addition. 29 NO DESfcN Show all design loads used in the design of this building on the plans. (snow, wind, seismic, live, etc. ) Town of Vail Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8l-657 (303) 479-2L38 PIan analysis based on the L988 Uniforrn Building Code Project Number: 8890 Name: STEWART REMODEL Address: 3880 LUPINE DR. Date: September 10, 1990 Contractor: ETEI.I CONSTRUCTION Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect: TANNA STEWART Type of Const: V-N Engineer: MONROE ENGfNEERfNG Plans Examiner: I,IICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the L988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the rnaterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( l-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 15.5 Feet EAST Property line 72.0 Feet SOUTH Property tine 16.0 Feet WEST Property line 65.0 Feet L5.5 Feet 72.0 Feet L6.0 Feet 65.0 Feet o 9e Pa EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A E Table 5-A EASE SOUTH BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAI-,L PROT WALL WAI,L PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wal-ls rnay be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22OL. None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings. Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 5OZ of the area of the wall maxirnum. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq. ft with no dirnension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not perrnitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet waII 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section L709. for details and exceptions. FL NAME AREA I,!IN.LIGHT I'{IN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALIJ PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None #2 Code review for:Project Id.: STEWART REMODEL Address: 3880 LUPTNE DR. NORTII OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALI., WALL PROT R3 ohr ohr None !{L ohr Ohr None 3 Master bedroorn 3 Bedroom #2 3 Master bath 3 Bath room #2 3 HaIIs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2 Dining room 2 Kitchen 2 Living roorn 2 Laundry room 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR L Garage L Furnace room L Tana's Work Shop L Bedroom #3 L Bedroom #4 1 Bedroom #5 1 Pottery Finish Room I HaIIs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIOOR BUILDING TOTAL 290 306 137 36 350 1119 360 340 355 64 902 202L 628 l_12 282 L57 L62 r_35 r_05 704 2286 5426 29. 00 30.60 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 36,00 34.00 35. 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 15.70 16.20 L3 .50 0.00 0. 00 14.50 t_5. 30 6.85 l_.80 0.00 t_8.00 L7.00 L7.75 3.20 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 14.10 7.85 8. Lo 6.80 5.25 0.00 Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No YeS Yes Yes No No L I 1 L 1_ 2 t_ 1 L 1 L L 1 L 1 1 t 1 L 1 1 2 Code revierd for:Project Id.: STEWART REMODEL Address; 3880 LUPINE DR. FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this roon. The minimum clear openable area must neet the folLowing. -- Sec. L2O4.1) The urinimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minirnum clear width is 20 inches 3) Tbe minirnurn clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The naximurn sitl height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation systern may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- sec. l-205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathroons and toilet compartrnents may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. ff the ceiling is sloping, then the rninimurn height is reguired in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. L207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than L20 square feet of floor area. other habitable roons except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dinension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS :1) AIl glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5405(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A snoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. L2L0.(a) 4. The smoke detector is reguired to be wired to the building's power source. -- Sec. l-210. (a) 3. A srnoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 121"0. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping roour(s), a snoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. L210. (a) 4 FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT TIREPIACE:1) Unit nust be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval. -- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) chimney height rnust be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B o Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id.: STEI{ART REMODEL Address: 3880 LUPINE DR. OCC{'PANCY SEPARATTON : Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are reguired on the garage side onty and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch sotid core door. -- Table 5-B E Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The naxinurn rise of a step is 8 inclres and the nrininum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairvay 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off ls greater than 30 inches. Minimurn height =36 inches, maxinurn opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. l-711. exc L The nininum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as reguired for 1br fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1,) Provide an access to all attic areas rrith a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minirnum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or nore clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 15O square feet of attic area. The vent area may be L/300 if at teast 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. Ehe upper ventilators rnust be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 1-1L9.0 sq.ft. attic area:Ratio Mininun sq.ft. of vent L/L5O 7.46 )./3OO 3.73 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by nechanical means or by openings in exterior walLs. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each L50 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings rnay be reduced to 1,08 of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves.For a 0.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Mininurn sg.ft. of vent L/L5O 0.00 2) Provide l8-inch by za-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening nay be required to be larger if mechanical equlpment is located in the craul space. -- Sec. 25L5. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, ttre rninirnum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The ninimun clearance to bearns and girders is is 12 inches. -- 9ec. 25L6.(c) 2. o Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id.: STEWART REMoDEL Address: 3880 LUPINE DR. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THTS PROJECT WTLL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBI,IITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES VIITHIN THE TOWN OF VATL ARE I-,N.IITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTUR,AL FI,OOR CETLING HEIGHT OF 5', BE EARTH FI.OOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED As PER uBc 25L6(C)6 WITH urNrlllrltl ACCESS AS PER UBc 25L6(cr2 AND I'IAXIMW ACCESS oF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUTLDTNG srTE WITH A SIPPE OF 30 DEGREES OR I'foRE sIaLL REQUTRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. For Ml- occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FI-,OOR TO ALI6W FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARJAGE FIOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MT'ST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT. o Page # 5 EX oq 9- E? EI N I rh ol C)o 3 *+ c l.: I o f, 3 E E ;o r?l B o F xoN q?6 Fid iss g;P F I N x u x E I --l d-ri 'frFE* I I *6,(, :lt oH =r-9:I iF FI 6,I { GI I rh (,' ('o z :{ Tl o c z.I I o Z. a rrl ()' {o z. <a >-r = rrl .r= ^>5i n |-TI a coE \E iz coO o rrl E i ,i I o ?r;. \1#r,.. ,2 "-*fi :., >: t.i+.1 ,.."'t]*.fF ,(rrrrittt' s0J-849-?708 F.O. 8or 1597 ,+8 E B.owr crcck Blld- ll07 Avoh. Colorcdo 81020 o o onroe Engineering Consultonts, o|x gl 5 o c, out 97 rt _a lyO 62 mo @ o U rrl C)x -T1 o o -t z. 6) Cf rrl l{t>IF E + ; i o <a >-l =rn .r€ 53 x rrl a (o->E \Z (oo orn +'-o MtN. o,Y !h (t I T - t0t-949-77e! o l8'etBll"lllt*.k srd., tso7 Avon. Colorudo El62o o onroe Engineering Consultonts, lnc. onroe Engineering con 'VlqlQ JoeNo /d.qo "€e{inrtr \lbsrqn.e 'Tlrir- G tgl{rRAcrory-\ bilrr, \-trSr llit'+{rhsd orrz &*6-qrz^e)LIn rEi'P' ::l3*## "fhiid E.rrD + 3 u{$r\.rDEN P.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Apo.,G 816zo THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: lBtnG ' QESIGO. at a J e. E'., P.O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 OATE I r v./i\{,,JA l \l v I \ \,ll'I i l)I )\\(,E (lqi t(l+-tt i,-(ifl ()r-l(-.r ql bli n n J tlt ;-i L tr!F..a I i"i ".',"..! - i .' i-l/i - , ,r?v u ri i.l, Ju r'-. \,'^"! \;/1 5an:iif: i .r' l! w L.- i I ,, ! t .i -fi.1 .1n---) {Ytll '' '',.,.:.''...- 1. ' i Nl ''----i ,t,-) lY -- i" "i--*i ! '..'" -' r."- - "i t-- i l .---.| ..........,i.......... I {)I 1\IT rlNl I C !\)l r-.N}f\ ll 'l /q )(}^.VI ll-lr k | ,,1 ( \-S ':r"\..i v\t\I-5-I v\l(/l \{! i\LE(iC \a r<,Cli )G "lt I I ! o roNr ! : -|. F-r' rn i- _ : ,-*: t I .t'\ 4r& (lluuts'' t ti'1.', ' .-'i.{, '?,\.'/ t i-:^. {r'a iit L !, .,1.i-.' o - i Ia':\ '. it ir'-:l 'i'-i' '.t-':.- ;'ti'!-l ti .1 I ! i i I I l l I Pf,oot,Cr:Gi@hc' O'do.r Ir.01ot.Io C|lir Pfiof€tou nff r$zi$ o o z (t) {F c c) -{o z T FI fr =-{ €{ - -r H lrltrtr I * nn= |; e 3 ia9 ls d i iQo lr i 9 >F lS* 8 l< -r I l'- m . l "'1 - 5 t lt la-l -< c L rL rr J I 5 E r= ; €6 Ea I *z< o <\ o@ ; I H >= ai o E =o ; i 6Z 6 g m'+ 'n 'l m + m -T- z c) o z --l --l Za\ - --t ar z---l c 3< 1Z -m ;: -ro o> o o 2A az >m --.t >or- - =m --t t-1 f-m1 a t)o>'l- l1 l-z z 3 m CA FJ tll {P F' t rrl a) ol< =t><lF l> <lx >|n Hlm 'l- I l-l6 l@ I ! tF ol i tlz l- lF t' :o --l _9 f, -{ 1-l mlO fil€ t6 l.t> l. lm lo lz la1 I I I I I H t-n lJ In l€ l<lzl lO tn l.rr H t<o t>E l- F1 HK lo Fl Itr)t2lt loE IH Ir)IF lPt'lt!l | 5-l ttl lBl tl tl \o 5 \o I o\ 01 l-i |n t\, EO l€ 13 lzl tol EI t>l l-l trl tml lPl tzl l'l tl tl tl tl l-r to l{ lz lo t:t>l-lr lfl tz l6 l€ lz IO l-n t<l>l-ll lm le lz o € 2 a c = o o-. o O :o z 4 -l JO o z r -l U)z m m rn o z m ^€ --t n 4 ^z X X : z o c o n I c --t z c)NF t4 ; o i zaa= H> : ^>: ; i -Y z .\t-u a 6 c)<z Ftr A UI -I o d !-x e c :E> tn !:j r-r ^ ^ - Y-tl z 2 ={ r^t x N@= t rrr N F 14 ts z oo- :f6 \u !ao foq e i\< R iir I:F '<9{€:o-' + 6,*'-= (D Yf 1-+ 6"p- - flo) ^l- lo) o *d' OXo)-=E D o! 5 +3 d9.o :t^- -gIii =^€YX ord==s.P ---t s =.'\ o t 4=foo == r JLf P:d ;xa ii a3 g)o: a9-H ."dE. N -O $ €I ot f s 7. a c o c o o) o ='(o J o --l t f @- N o o { qt o t f 3 li| E. 4 tr (c o o 0)l o- =o ; I z --t c m ll .'l I (t m r _n z o -l r m €z m \?.o J a o ;o ltr. l o \d €f h) $ =o q G|\ $ :-| or E ^, c) YrF nt F, c)r I rl e ts IH ,F IE I z 2 F c r z z -.t m a --t --l l- m =-r'l m m o z C g o m I z m m { fi o I 2 m m m a)- z o _o c =z @ c z c) m . m =-n m m (t VAL UATION m I z o l-S-Tl.b +-t.c]l C Ac.6+-bH{tD 9z --{ .-,1 m-r m lr IH lzo l^ l=:13a IFY m NJ :O \o,\o -l m x m -{ z (t =fl m n 3 =z z r F z O O F\ --t N) o o z a {n c o =o z T rft n 3 { { m la t-o .l-E l-{ l{ E l<x f tlY I lm: 6 19* t lri g ItrP o 133 :lir 3 '<c T: o< :o 9<a!l -60 >t =E n rt m -r <tr9 >.ri->=z YP l- ftftn * rrt o >= s >t .w _-l X z\J dz 6 -3rza. =l// -1,\ t{7 X !!m - 9 z '-1 m I o 'Tl n m =I -t @ m x m l,{ o z TD (t -{m -l m P z F<!(F tl @ /.. c, (i (-. ,t'(, , t,,t -//r,7.,r.. 1 tv/ 2 /'\ an m I z z --t o --l o z;-lc 3s -1 Z m o -{ o t- o z i "'1 o 2n nZ >m of,l -{>or _t- =m -l {z m o z II rn { H { FJ F P F] r.r P 2 m rr F a H { H OE =tr <F b <19 >p F{m rt I lu)l6 loo lo I Its t!.u lii o. lz I IFJ .F-. 1 t- lF o, l. I I + t-l mlO Fl= lo II l>l- lfr lF) lz le I I I I I t_-t lo l= lz lo ll l>t- le le, l+ lo tf t; t;l- l* lP lz l-r to l{ lz lo ll t> lF t! lm le,lz 5 \] I o\ I = Fl rt 3 E P H F r{ l--l l-i l€ lz tl l> lF II IE |l.,lz lo I I l,-. l(,ll l* I .)B =tr <F F lo v l" ,l I I IOO-r d30 oE-d ro <t (, i' \< o Xo,u^-o t=:( -<R{ {i6' 3il-o *6(D o =t J+- llo);- <iio o i oo od= !+(, o;(ot *=! Psg P+i; 6',9.6 ?r5(D <=Bo :99 qtdJ =s.P JE.=5 s=r (t, -. :E.r 3;o, ^x--A a'3 ar o -'r ?ox 0)t v, o =. =.at, a c o c o !)o o o 5 o o { o c f. 3 @ =. = o o rr r! z r9 H <FUC/l F. H HOtE,-. > ooE X> 6NH FFfrl LnO r _rl I g, m r -n N:N.X N: \f w <'3 N-\o N;N{\-.r:Fr !)N€)6'(3 r= o 0 o o l z l- _0 m -r @ z m m m o l< ' lz l=lf, l.- o m I z a @ _-l z o J o c -i X X X X P o to I I I I I z (n c t- -l z -l r o z m v c m a !o I z I i z I ], !- o m o €m r I z o c z_ -t o o tr I z c z i z m € t--t m --l F z =z m ! +<x >< m a I t- =2 c,N a a:!!-J#F Eo a!'Tl Xz6 itqo c)-1 z r qg f o 6 z.;Z c: 2q,o6 o 'n2z { x v< N rt E F H FI {F H 3 H F.K €P -- =z o F c r o z o z o m a 2 . z -.{ I I m = z o -n 'n t |. m P F. F( E z q z \o (D i -{ r m 7 =-rl m m (t c o m -{ X t-m z e m m I 2 m s m { m m z n m m an I 2 c (! z o m t-m -.t o t- t- z -m x F 2 c) m =I m v = ='Tl m m <l) VALUATION T m 7 =-l z o -l ){ =m z f- l-c 2 m m o t- (D c t- z -.1 ) \] N R*-NSRSR \N t{tsr*' o o O BAsls or rnufr,ou \tl -/ 'VANHOLE 8-50.1 'O-. RlM fLEVATloN : 8J86.27 s.=92 ,\%6 '\ -%-. ^9 -'/'atoo \ \ .r i€T=]o / oolrno *v/ trAgtER SPUT R L . ENE '-, i( (,,'a'l o u' /'/ // y /q, 4 l. l I hereby certi fy that this improvement location certificate was prepared .6for the mortgage lender and the title insurance company, that it is not a \*land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, buildt'ng, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcei, except as shorn, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement c-ossing or burdening any part of said parcel , except as noted. This certi ficate does not constitute a title search by Inter-l*lountain Engineering to determine ownership or easements of record. For all information regarding easements, rights-of-way or title of record, Inter-Mountain Enqi neeri nq Subdivision Second Additio-n. easenEnEs, rlgnEs-o?-way or f,rEte 0r relied upqn'\{h€r,'Frinol Plot of Bighorn .iN$l: r\n q:-:-'4:'. :t .'v 2 C ., /i I / Jl ( .Z/.annu --/-t &..,..---e,l=- Duone D. Feh ringer Fegrstered Lond Surwyor No. 26626 N0TICE: Accordinq to Colorado law you must comnce any legal actlon based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be cofirEnced more than ten years fron the date of certlflcation shown hereon. FOI)IO REBAR 619 €o. rS. nQ $ '%l oto'$ ?'e- WOOD OECKS \- r u u oEn coi i n ic n oM >r---- POOF PEAK I:-LTVANON=. a42z.J' (oRtgtNAL ELDG) ROOF PEAK ON ADDIIION=E422.5' (I,IEASURED TO SHINGLED RooF) TRACT B 20,47J SQ. FT 0.47 ACRES .. _,o> ^-^n' r '9' IHKLI JIUftT 'wo;; ;i;il; ..i (UNDER C1NSTRUCT|)N) c.) P oBox 9?8 avcrN. ctLcl3rlccr r*t3t0.9-!Kt7a Iuter-llountrln laal(, v^t\C:€ 9TFleeT L.AXE\,Ir@.Cq-CI €ElEl1:' Ltd. (3o:tt 23a-or5a Engfneerfng oatt f,YEET'IMPROVEMENT LOCATIOIII CERTIFICATE oetrlCo $l'PBotct x' 9/o99s 4-34 7 - Rev Bldq. Tie TnnTT B SI-idPIRO CHALET sUgDIV]5ION, A RE5UEUM iiisiou 0r tor t4,BIGHaRN suBDtvtstoN sECqrD ADD' ITION,TOWN OF VAIL, EA6LE COUNTY, @ORADO orrt tr' R.A.UTE *' 4/J /gr cfcr'to ttt D.D. F. E-.tf !r, = 30, rr-',a goooss trcrr r' I oF I \o t I ///// /,/ ,/ '/ ./ -->tr, F= X= t.., ca-\\(->=/ \(+ \___/ _J a-\ (--\) \, ---e I I o o ,/( ,/ \v ,/ \\\V ,/ \\t ./,( \./ 1'\,/ aY ,/ ,/ av / (Y -,A| ,/q / .r' '/ ^V\,/ r\J 3880 Lupine Drive Vail, Co.L/22/78 6- t1-78 D^b 6/.J;h8 /,/ eroiect frtame: S Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: J:rrr': m Legaf Description: Lol / 7 ,9lock - ' - t{osm,a ? Zoning Approved: Design Review Board /\f ) j r Motion by: l4e ,r K e f seconded ,r, &) ttnr, f APPROVAL.DISAPPROVAL LlnAur- Date: Zoning Administrator r ('rq I lr' 'r'r) I I APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations I hereby apply for exemption from the provisions with said regulations as to ny proposed development known as: the resubdivision of Lot .|4, Bighorn Suld_iv'i:'i9n, Sec91d Addition, divided 'into approximately two (2) interests for the fol lowing reason: this division of lands is not within the purposes for which the subdivision reguiations were adopted. It is understood that any action by this Commission granting said request for said regulat'ions exemption appl ies only to the proposed development as shown on the sketch plan or other information attached hereto. Dated A BRAHAM Rece i ved RESOLUTION By The this foregoing Appl ication has been considered by the Board iC-ouv of ?pe'r+.=e_- , 19.!-1-, which finds and determines that this Division of Lands is not within the purposes for whi ch the subdi vi s'i on regul ati ons were adopted and therefore said Application is granted (ffi). Board of County Comm'iss'ioners ,. of Eagl e County ( rf \ n r'l | 2 I ev ItUo^^^J -'f . 6'8tt^'*da^r ' Chai rman v I Recommended for Approval by the Eagle County Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 19 September RECT|YID Au0 t p l$r.l Rffi'fiffi:fu"'" '...,!t i i a:!'&'::.: 'i .j1'...i l:,lr ;:i4 : ,!t: i; 7..-,-: .., ):'.,'.,! ;" t{; ;i'",{ :t:li :. ',i::.:' ',,1.:..1' l '.;,ti1 ':3 1 'il't#*,' .':,-;. rP:.,'; T. ..1 t' ) APPLICATIOI{ FOR EXEi4PTIO}I FROM EAgLE REGULAT I ONS c0ultTY 9uB0IvIslofl : .. Pursuant to-Sd.ct1on 6.01 of the'Eagle County Subdtvlslon Regu)ations'I hereby app1.!, for exemption from the prov'lsions , with said regulatlons as to my proposed development known as: the resubdivision of Lot I4, BlEhorn Subdivisionn Second Addition, Civided into approxlmately two (2) interests for the following redson: this division of lands js not within the purposes for rviriclr tire sutrdivision regulations were adopted. It is understood that any action by this Cornmissjon'granting said request for saici regulations exemption applies only to the proposed development as shown on tire sketch plan or other i nformati on attached hereto. riated rl.:cei vcd 'rES0LUTI0rl The foregoing applicatioir this day'of determirres that this ;i purposes for.which the and therefore said lippl has lreen cons i dered by the. Board i^ ,i ,.l9 ,; whicn finds and vision of Lands'is not within the subdivision regulations uere adopted ication is dranted (denied). Board of County Commissioners 'of Eagl e- County RECEIVED AUo 10$n ssHs'ff* Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 Soptonbef 3, i.973 Mtke Blalr, PJ-annlng Dfuector PO Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81651 Dear Mlke; The Abr.alra:n L. Shaplro applloatlon for exemptlon was referrod.to the So11 Consorvatlon Dlstrlct for rovlow and. comrnent. Those bulld.lngs are alregdy neanly complete. ue do not believo that sufflclent reason for an oxemptlon 1s statad. 1n the requosb. The -drlveways appear to be qulte steep on LO-LZrt slopes. Tho Iand. has not been-unduly dlsturbed. d.u_l.lng constructi6n, but novegetatlon ehould be nequLred lmne.dlately aften coupietlon of constnuctlon. Ttrere gay be an avale.nche hazand. hero, whlch should. be lnves tlgated. Slncerely, ?/,, r /.:/r-*/-.---"- Ross E. Chambers Presldent BECEIVED sEP 1 B 1973 Dopt, 0t Ptanning rj I Eegla County, t..... oe e afr u,ut "F ltt"i S'"t:-]L o=t Oo" -t*, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado ar63'l 10 Sept 1973 Mr. 1. reason for oxemptlon Ehould 2. f inat plat i The Ptannlng Staff , asclated by otl'rer local agenclear, has revlaared your cage and have fsrmulated the followlng recomrnendatlons and flndlngs, whlch shal I b€ presented to tho Plannlng CommlsElon. The llEt lE rio way complete blt repreaents only thoee areas dlscusEad at oyr qreetlng r I i,iBal Flla NO; 3e.^33-,78 \ i 'i tt't'Shaplro"€rcrrtptlorl .1......!''J.'\-j. ,' ?. '.i 'l'; "' be glven; be coneidered. lf you have arry qileEtlonst pleaso contact thle officc. Respectful ly , Robcrt H. Plannlng RHB/Kt 9t€\wart Brovrm'Attomcy at Law Mr/ Itobcrt ll. Barr, Plaoulng Alalrtant Eagle Couaty Plannlog Comisrion Courthousc, P. O. Box 789 laglc, Colorado 81631 Seltfr 12th, 19?3 RECEIVED SEP l3 1973 Dept. 0f Planning & Devel. Eagle County, Colo. Ref: Your Ptlc fSE 33-73 Erc4tlon fron Sub- Dlvlrion Rcguletlona Appllcant: lbtahan L. SbaPlro Bor 1547, Vrll , 0oloredo 81657 Dcnr l,lr. Barr: Io prcparatlon for thc Ectlgg of Septcnbcr 19, 1973, of thc Plennlng f,omlsclon, pleaac oakc thlr letter and infornatlon e part of thlt f1lc and plcaao clrculatc coplcr of rans to all Plannlng Comlsglon ocnbcrr. Enclorcd plearc find e copy of ECDCts lcttcr datcd Hey 10, 1973' Bc advtecd thet se have bullt accordlng to tbG planl approvcd and tbrt all ltcnr thcreln have becn conpllcd rith. Furthcr, that thc tclsoar for 1) thia dlvision of landr ig not wlthia tbc rcgulatlonc lcre .doPtcd. 2) that no violrtloa of geld covcnaat! e111 tbG rGqucltcd ercmP purposcr for rubJcct l"ot lnto tm (2) rcperatc parcclr. 3) that not mrs tha! onc (1) prlvetc dnolttog rl 1 rcrult on eech lot ro that tbe origlnel htcnt hrr rot bcen cbengld to do ulth thc orlglnel duplcr lot. occur Further, that I ar agrceabl,e -t*Jtie a flnal plot tn'.dlrt.ly rhcn pcrnltted to do ro stroring eEng gther thlngl, crcb 1ot etth thc onc (1) l}\i"r"roo {\ a rubdlvtston of tbc \/'l drclltog on !anc. Futthcr, that tbc orlglnat and pcrmlttcd dcnrtty of trro (2) lndlvldual dnellingr on 1ot 14 1111 n-tle crcccdcd, ln that re cha11 convcy cach lot ritb ltr one (1) dnctllng ld,vcrcnt, on !anc, vlth covcaentr rG- strl,ctinS cach 1ot to ltr oDc (1) &rclllag lqrovencnt. Thlr r11l alao catlrfy tbe obJcctlon of thc Vell Plennlng Comiarlon ar I uodctrtrnd tt. Furthcr, our covcnaatr cf convcyeacr of cach 1ot yl1l rcstrlct all prcscnt end futurc 6mcrr to, I'no anirals, llvcttock, borrer or poultry of anyklnd rhall be kcpt, ralacd or brcd end cxccp t thet doga, crt!, ,nd houcchold anlnalr Eay bG kcpt onty es pct!. And thlt dogs v1ll not ba Pcr- oitted to roan et largc but mrot bc kcpt conflncd onto proporty ln a rcasonrblc renncr. Rcfcrcncc to thc Auguat 21, 1973 lcttcr of K. E. Rlcharda, Eng. for the Elrtrlct, plcacc bc advlaed thtt r. folloscd Mr. Rlcherdts rccomndatlonr and conncctcd a indcpendcnt Earer, r8tcr, gaa and clcctric linc to cach dnclllng. Thc l,adcpcndcnt lcrcr lllcr to cacb drrelllng r.ra conncctcd end approvcd by Upprr Eagle Ve11ey Senitation Dlatrict vl. th. rcferrcd to eaacrent ln Ur. Rlcbardtr lctasrand arc opcrablc. Rcfcrcncc 2nd paragrepb of l{r. Rlchardts lettcr, there plenr of tso lrprrato bulldtnga rcrc eppaovcd by ECDC for thlt gubdlvlclon duc to a crcck runnl.ng througb ths nlddtc of the property for thc cntire lcngtb of thc Propcrty. -/e--7.-.L".****l( -l . f c^ | :l r., a 'tI (\- ll a -T- efn .i \ ' (r , t, (r( ^l (' t - f , i, ta. r ^f a'1 a f- (. I \€J ^ t^ ti - tc la 'cr tc ^l I r' - rr /. 11 . rl I r^ . a l. 1 0 11 . r' i ( {T f6 r 1 aa ( o ScptcEb.r L2, 1973 Prgc 2. Ur. Robcrt Il. Brrr, Planalog Arllst.nt Rcf,: Your Fllc #SE 33-73 Br@tlon fron Sub-Dlvlclon Rcgula tlonr lppllcant: lbrehan L. Shaptro P.O. Bor 1547, Vrll, foloredo 81657 faacd on thc aforonontloncil lnfornatloo, I bcllcvc tbo Planalng €orntarton 1111 rcallrc thst thir epptieatlon for ererytlon docr not lntcad to trle adventage of any of tbc erlrtlng lntcnttons of thr County Subdlvlelon Reguletlons nor of thc ed'ttlng rcrttlctlvG covGnrnt!. I thcrcfotG rcrpcctivGly rGquelt that tbc Ptennlng Coonlrrton rpprovc tbla rcquett et ltr crrllctt convcal'cncc. Yqurr vgty tnrlyr, WY**-,#/ Abrahen L.sheptro a1r/er Cnc. o c.r \r <*- -o"_ _=*fiECEI.VEF_" stP 13 1973 Dept. 0t Ptanning & Dovd. Eagh County, Cota. etE t@ May I0, 1973 ' "'flP)Mr' Don Presslev /rr--["t- ,,l!*fal# rro.ArJ!'c/o Carpentry Unlirnited, Inc. tU,rl*T I I)Box 388 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 14, Bighorn $ubdivision, Second Addition Dear Mr. Presaley: W'e have reviewed the plans and drawings subrnitted by you for the conetruction of a daplex structure on the above pro- perty. In addition, you have indicated to us that the exterior will have a natural coloring, possibly with a light stain. AIso, you plan to use aa roofing rnaterial a brown rock which rvill be built-up eo as to give a gabel appearance. 'We find this to be acceptable. In general, your plans and designs aPPear to conforrn to fhe architectural standards and guidelines that have been established for the subdivision under the Protective Covenants. Accordingly' Eagle Corrnty Developrnent Corporation, as Grantor under the Pro- tective Covenante, hereby gives architectural approval to your plans. You rnay cofiLmence construction in conforrnity with theae pIans. There are certain additional restrictions irnposed by the covenants during construction. Your cooperation in observing these witl be appreciated. In particular, these require that: (l) trees naturally exiating upon a lot shaLl not be cut or removed, except to the extent necessary for construction purposes; (2) all surfaie areas disturbed by construction shall be returned prornptly to their natural condition and replanted in naf,ive grasses; and (3) all structures cornnaenced shall be prosecuted diligently to cornpletion and shall be completed within twelve months of commencernent. If you have any questione about these or other covenant requirementa' pleaee contact ua. .1 skb c c.: -2- Thank you for your cooperation in subrnitting your plans for review. If you have any additional questions concerning t"Le Covenants, please let us know. Very truly yours, EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By It/illiarn L.Panagulie Mr. Roy SchmeLzer -.-b-- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 YaiJ 476-5613 Eagle 32E77lE Basalt 927'3322 Sep ternber 7t 1973 ;i.e: File No.Se-33-73 ExernPtion from Subdivision ilegula tions Applicant: Abraham L ShaP iro Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 816 57 I,Ie have reviewed the plans and supporting information for the above referenced exemPtion and have the following cofirnents: (1) A11 plumbing, including water and sewer, conforrn to the Colorado ' Department ;f ilealth Pltnobing Code, Example: vrater and sewer lines should be separated by 10 feet. state criteria on ltater and server line crossing points must be adhered to' (2) sewer facilities must be connected to the Lpper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation Di stri c t. O;.(q%-- Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. Envirorunental Hea I th EI'IE/brs cc: Mr. A. L. ShaPiro Mr. G. T. liisbachr P.E. State Health DePartment SECFrv.: 'SEP I o fg/j C-f.... -t, ** *.*4 *sBffi:;,; lnun ()// -rs- z z '2 /L-f"'2q box l oo vail, colorado 9r657 303.4 7 6.5613 30 August 1973 Mr. Rod Slifer, Chairman Eag le County P lann ing Comm iss ion Eag le, Colorado Dear Mr. Slifer, The Vail Planning Comm iss ion app I i cat i on for exempt ion to conce rn i ng the resubdi vision Second Addition. would like to commenf on the the County P lann ing Comm iss ion of Lo-f 14, Bighorn Subdivision, The purpose of exemptions such as this serves to potentially multiply densities within areas originally intended for residential occupancy. The overall concern of the Vai I P lann ing Commission an d, as we understand it, the County Planning Commission is to try to limit densities in the Upper Eagle Valley at this point in time. Consequently, the Vail Planning Commission would urge fhe Counfy Commission in the strongest poss ib le terms not to cons ider an exemption f rom Subdivision Requlations in the above case. Granting exempt ions such as these can on ly e nco u rage othe rs to try for similar exempt ions; requiring full comp I i ance with subdivision regulations may serve as a useful deterrent in the continuing problem of multiplying densities. Sincerely, VA I L PLANN ING COMI'4 I SS ION r i:5IVED SEP -41973 o'o!,rl t;;;;;r;,'*, c e ,-.--*-.ft. rL tngtn:az+0rC Kcnncth E. Richqrds KER/pr fu1@_;ra Kenneth E. Richards Engineer for the DistrLct o &kfi. CIVIL ENGINEERING . PIINNING . SURVTYs SUBDIVISIONS - WATTR & SEWER 5Y5TEA15 Box 643 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 August 2I, 1973 Mr. Michael Blair Plannlng Dlrector P. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Col-orado 81631 Rer FIle No. Se-33-73 Exemption - Abraham L. Shapiro @divlsion Second Addition Upper Eagle Va1-1ey Sanitatlon District Dear Mike: Lot 14, Blghorn SubdivLslon ls within the boundaries of Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon Distrlct. There is no sewer line in the roadway in froot of this lot but with proper extenslon of the sewer l-ine from the West, (about 150 feet), thls lot can be served. The cost of this extenslon would have to be borne by Mr. Shapiro, the developer. Although thls is outside the Jurisdiction of the sewer di.striet, the right to place taro separate bull-dings on this site may not be in accordance wlth the covenants for this subdivision. Sincerely yours, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Rcgisrercd ProfccEionql Enginccrr Rcgistercd Lond Surveyors RECE,YED AUG 22 rc73 *ffi';y;'xo*,, ../ C.-2.*Z -z->-'..--4- = o U " "' *'""o ;'-^?H l-i"? ""' M I s U N P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 16 August 1973 Re: File No. Se-33-73 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Appl icant: Abraham L. Shapiro Box 1547 Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 19 September 1973. ln accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963' as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00 1972' you have 24 days within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely apprec iate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, Michael S. Blair P lanning D irector MSB/kt encl . Application S urvey EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION couaTHous€ P. O. Box 789 E"el", C.l"roJo 81631 13 August 1973 I Mr. Stewart H. Brown Attorriey at Law 210 Arcade Bldg. Vail, Colorado 81657 .,.. Re: Lot 14, Bighorn Subdivision Second Addition A ge4eral perusal of your applicatidn of Abraham L. Shapiro for Exemption f rom Subdivision Regulations leads me to note the,foll.owing: 1. request the $25.00 Exemption fee; -2. . date of hearing will be 19 September, if filed completely; 3. are the buildings complete, what is their existing and expected use and where do residents park; 4. request 18 copies of the survey with overlay upon it; lf you have any questions! please contact this off ice. ' l\ \, I l. \2\,r.._ Robert H. Barr Planning Ass istant Phone 328-6338 n? t'J lv :i,li .:,,1a-! l r:qt:". ,i f'ti S'1;.r: ,e:z'.#.t'.i ,Fr. "j q".d"fr:'T;:,-{: uil,'il;-jil ;ffi- ;Ii ',''fff* ffi STEWART H. BROWN ATTORN EY AT LAW 2IO ARCAOE BUI LDING vArL, COTORADO 8r657 303 476- a475 August 9, .|973 Eagle County Board of Commissioners Eagle County Courthouse Eagl e, Col orado 8.|63t RE:Lot l4 , Bi ghorn Subdi vi si on Second Addition Gentl emen: Enclosed is the applicatjon of Abraham L. Shapiro for Exemption from Subdivision Regulations and attached thereto is a map showing the nature of the proposed subdivision. The covenants governing the subject property have been examined by me and they have been the subject of discussion with the Eagle County Development Company and it is my understanding that no violation of said covenants will occur by a subdivision of the subject Lot into two (2 ) separate parcel s. May I ask that action on the enclosed application rece'i ve earl i est possi bl e attenti on. SHB: j ac encl osures 4?',l /.I "l r,n, I oo ,,lol4?gl' .REC;IYlD &ptor, '" r.Vrr.. ) AUG r " i ,J EhlART B ROl.lN