HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1976-2003Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us Project Name: Brodziak and Bossak re-roof DRB Number: DR8030370 Project Description: re-roof e,xisting asphalt with standing seam metal roof Pafticipants: OWNER BRODZIAK, JANE M. - BOSSACK,09|O2|2003 Phone: 4406 COLUMBINE DR VAIL CO 81557 License: APPUCANT BRODZIAK, JANE M. - BOSSACK,09|02|2003 Phone: 4405 COLUMBINE DR VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTMCTOR TCC CONTMCTORS, INC. 0910212003 Phone: P,O. BOX 1822 AVON, CO 81620 License: 540-8 Project Address: 21406 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: 4 Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDHON Parcel Number: 2L0LL220I020 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval: 09109/2003 Conditions: Cond: B (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006112 The applicant shall use Ultr-clad's "taupe" colored standing seam roofing. o DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 o C-ampbell Planner: Warren I 1 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Request: Location of the proposaf: r-ot' ld, a n*,: .4 subdivision: flq$rn F ill,ffiu^ .( Physical Address: Parcel No.: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 471{1rc Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tl Conceotual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration ( m u lti-fa m i lylcom mercia | ) Minor Alteration (single-family/d u plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr D ! \ t\l tr tr $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the / - l, "1;Design Review Board. -l e (r>'.' i No Fee ,zrr<1,.r,.< llf ,rOo,* t1 L CDI r*brnu Cot\4 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. w€l KYIUAR 5OO' or HYLAR SOOO@ PRE-FTIUISHED STEEL AND ALUMINUM FLAT SHEETS AIUD COIL CIWG coATED I^ETAL, e,ouP*L;Maz coATED rvETALs eFtouP* * oenotes pnemium color Standing Seam Boofing . Architectural Trim^. Roof Flashings . Storefront . Curtain Wall 3 9one White 5andstone Almond Matte 9lack Hartford Green Medium 9ronze Yorklown Claaeic Green Hemloak Green Terra Cotla Regal Red 5ierra fan 'Aged Copper Colonial Red 9urgundy 'Champagne 'Silver Slate 6lue Royal 1lue Test ASTM No.Galvanized Steel And Galvalume' Aluminum Accelerated Weathering (Dew Cycle Weatherometer) ouv Salt Spray Humidity Formability Elongation over 1/8" Cylindrical Mandrel Pencil Hardness Specular Gloss lmpact Resistance Falling Sand Flame Test ASTM D 3361 ASTM G 53 ASTM B 117 ASTM D 2247 ASTM D 4145 ASTM D 522 ASTM D 3363 ASTM D 523 ASTM D 2794 ASTM D 968 ASTM E 84 Hours: 1000 Total Chalk: Rating 8 Color: 5AE Hunter Units Max Hours: 2000 Total Chalk: Rating 8 Color: 5AE Hunter Units Max Hours:1000 Scribe: Rating 6, 1.46" Field: Rating 10; No Blisters Hours: 2000 Rating 10, No Blisters No Tape Pick Off No Cracking No Loss of Adhesion HB-2H 25-35 at 60' 3 x Metal Thickness in Inch-lb. No Loss ot Adhesion 55 + 10 Liters Class A Coating Hours: 1000 Total Chalk: Rating I Color: sAE Hunter Units Max Hours: 2000 Total Chalk: Rating 8 Color: 5AE Hunter Units Max Hours: 3000 Scribe: Rating 10, No Creepage Field: Rating 10; No Blisters Hours: 3000 Rating 10, No Blisters No Tape Pick Off No Cracking No Loss of Adhesion HB-2H 25-35 at 60' 1.5 x Metal Thickness in Inch-lb No Loss of Adhesion 55 * 10 Liters Class A Coating Product Description U LTRA-C LAD'- p re{i n ished metal f eatu res Val spar's Fluropon@ full strength Kynar 500@ and Hylar 5000@ paint fin- ishes. This high performance product provides the ultimate resistance against fading and weathering Life expectancy is 20 years minimum. In addition to our standard colors, custom colors are also available. lnstallation ULTBA-CLAD'- can be cut, formed, fabricated and attached using hand or power tools. Fabrication and installa- tion shall be in accordance with project drawings and specifi- cations and conform to accepted sheet metal practices and industry standards. Cutting edges should be kept sharp, clean and properly aligned. Exercise caution during fabrication and installation to avoid damage. Protective film must be removed immediately after installation. ULTtrA-CLAD'- Color Samples Colors shown represent the actual colors as accurate as mod- ern printing technology will permit. Free metal samples are available upon request. Additional custom colors are also available upon request. Maintenance The full strength Kynar 500@ and Hylar 5000@ finish on ULTRA-CLAD'-is a premium fluoropolymer finish and does not require maintenance. lf cleaning is desired, use mild soap and water followed by a clean water rinse. KYNAR 5OO is a registered trademark of Elf Atochem Norlh America, lnc HYLAH 50OO is a registered trademark of Ausimonl USA, lnc GALVALUME is a regislered lndenark ot BIEC Fluropon is a reEstered trademark ol The Valspar Corpoation lJltra-Clad' is a trademark ol Coated Metals Group Tolspdr 800 Watson Avenue, Madison, Wl 53713 Phone: 608-271 -9399 Fax. 608'27 1 -4729 Toll Free: 800-784-0356 C|VIG coArED METAL, GRouP- 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol communlty development March 1-7, 1988 Ms. Ginny CuIp Gore Range Properties, Inc.511 Lionshead MalI Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 12, Block 4, Bighorn 3rd Addition Arnended ptat Dear Ginny: Thank you for subrnitting the inprovement location certificate for this lot. This tot is platted and is zoned as a singre family property. The owner does have the right to buird on the Iot, however, there are many site constraints whictr wourd need to be addressed. The site constraints include z 1. Moderate hazard debris flow impacts. 2. Mediun severity rockfall irnpacts. 3. The drainage easement for Bighorn Creek and stream setback of 30 feet from the centerline of the creek. 4. Utility easement on the south side of the property. 5. The reguired setbacks for the Town of vair which are 15 feet for side and rear setbacks and 20 feet for the front setback. These site constraints wiII be a challenge to wishes to build on this property. ff you have questions, please feel free to call me. Good project. the person who any further Iuck with your 1 \o v2-2;2!Fi L-/ of{a1 C) Irl = i;Ft IJ v ar \J va\v jz, vvv o 4t (t lA- c EE F o =o z € Fl r{ r. 'l F o € € (D x a i I E€atiiEir "s_. I d :Er"f :{g.F-. ; I i ie;trliaa++ 6 & ?eesg.f5il;'i i € iF!*;;?;: + 5 F tr5irigili ; [ : 1*l+g.:eee e f; e yrlai*€5e E s f eeg$*eg;f ifr ; r;*alu; a i E iai€+E;i i 5 g s?3;afr;:3 3. 3' 64A';ed{{:i ; i r i€ililrs + LC 3isiiEFk : r: =EEIsls*H I 3. r€gaf[9e, F, P ts t\,Irt o 9) AI tt | .c ttd l?r =t)1 (t l(\g lQ s'l(\ -l,t "lon l-x.lJIl n IA, E.r- d tp l+3 FF U(D t:, ; t6" -.r- 5 (D o a 0. € D' o o o -t s. 3 |!tE t€a rt\ ;t 59 l'3 lP-t-;t f l- =l<E l-l5 lo te FE P3 (og lJs lJ (< 3 o' .a' o 6 o I g F'!6 o A' .D 3 o 0 =t 3 6 9.o It (D x E o 6 ut^E:isiitliiiiii iH i i +scqini:-iq5?r ;F i i ;1li4ai: ia;:* r o dg, 1o ees3i6i:;€ij I E 3i;E;e:;3:r;* I{c,,"= g I fli;git iliiiii i;i;q ; n r i=?ei Ii fiaqifl *i$*rr ; " at (A 8E s*c)o, $e 8? 93 rE H lJ I o MEMOMi'IDUM T0: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Cotnnunity Development DATE: Decenber 9, 1976 RE: Request for Rezoning of Lots ll, 12 and .|3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addit'ion Major Bonnie 0,Leary, who owns Lots f2 and .|3, Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition has requested that her property be rezoned from two-family residential to single family residential zone, J.,q. Zarnowiecki and p.J. l'lc'laughlin, who jointly own Lot ll, Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition which ia adjacent to Major 0'Leary's lot, have requested that similar action be taken on their lot. tlr. and Mrs, Ronald Kendricks, owners of Lots I and Z, Block 6' Bighorn Third Addition -- the two other subdivided lots in this area -- have been notified of the proposed rezoning of the other lots and have not expressed cbjection to the inclusion of their lots in the rezoning. The requested rezonings are all in a contiguous, iso]ated area on Columb'ine Road iust North of I-70 underpass, We feel that this area should be treated as a who'le, due to its separation from adjoining areas by the new interstate. The existing character of thjs area is small, single-fami'ly structures on small lots, and we feel that the remaining buildable lots in this area should conform with what is presently there. The size of the lots range from.l0l to .333 acreas, and we feel that single-fanrily structure are more appropriate for these lots than duplexes. lle also feel that a'sjnrjlar policy should be considered for Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition when and.if it is brought forth for a resubdivision request Page Two o The reduction of densities is in line with the on-going Growth Management Study. Since a whole area is being rezoned, we do not feel that spot-zoning is occuring, For these reasons, the Department of Community Development recormnends approval of the requested rezonings'' \ t- {.&,O I i-L' )'-' '0'&'P 0 (/Y L PUBLIC NOTICE l.'' \,/-t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a majority of the ovrners of Lots .|1, 12, and .|3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Addition nu[ requested rezoning from the exist'ing two-fam'i1y residential zone district to single-family residential. Resulting rezoning vrould reduce densi'ty from l0 to 5 unjts. Application has been made in accordance with Section 2'1.500 of the Zon'ing Ordinance,Ordinance Irlo. B, Series of .l973. ri Public Hearing was held on December 16,.l976 in accord with Section 21.400 of the Zon'ing Ordinance before the Town of Vail Plann'ing Commission. Recommendation of the Planning Commission wjll be forwarded to the Town Council for final decision on January .|8,'1977 at 7:30 PM in the Vail Municipal Building. TOI.JN OF VAIL Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 24, 1976 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY TREASURER OF EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 I'Iarch LO, L977 MaJor BonnLe Orl.eary, USAF, Ret. L0235 East Evans Ave (104) Denver, Colorado 80231 Dear Major Orl.eary: In regards to your letter of March 8, L977, I can only assune chat the zonlng has not changed ln your area as that ln the Torm of Vall and the Cqrnty has nothing to do wlth the zoning ln the Town. As for the dedicatlon of T.ot 12 to the Town we have no knowledge of that. You would have to do thac yourself on the part that you orrn. Ttre lncrease ln valuatlon was due to the State Board of Equallzatlon order glven to our Assessor. Itre Leglslature has glven 60 days from the tlme the notlce was mailed to you fron this office to pay the flrst half without penaltles. Slncerely, Ilubert N. Peterson Eagle County Treasurer HNP/uw \t Foa?| 9;| 2 t I tt L''| <o lotrr F!.- Er o I I _\- ,-\L/^f-- l{ X le.r tA. v I\ L/ H l(tF!-H 17 i5 Z i lr,. x o -lo-^ v O TL\ E 16 vvv 9 l/f{ an l\ ? :s lc IED lF{IH lo It OFi oo g-z o ia a t o P : P 5 =,t l(: AOFI 05i =qo 64F (D(!oe d?io <=.oeg J-6 9^x .i;-(!gdg oJ qlqq =91 ori 3a:5 ofo 6oi6 6a =9. I oox 317 :1;(D 3i5:! EEd;o.L s<946 F=i c- ii;5-.L;F=o!1 e :'iP-:'o'86o lrro Ka--*i o;=.= -f+ =6C<iloo dG o5.a s 8"F F"'doo- :i',-Aj'-loq(n glc d l^ti 3 l<(D ?l3 0 6lo- o P.o. =G € 0t !It o. (D o. !c 6 o D' :J o DD o (D I 6 o 6 o €q E AI E (D o P L (9.IJ la - o { o o o ! D' (9 (D tr .! 5 A'5 Q s-, 1F o F o UtA SE-6n s* ()d 9lo o>!o FS F3 '.* FE It= :r6 3; o9 Eii Nq KP ct oc o [5' (9r l-;)l--l l(.' I E|9 (.a o s4 L?I o o o €c- R 9g d e:5o i9 2'D= =L dI ls 9 3 PE;d 3 i;i1= ! 3:ief;e r 3E Hli .6 i=i9; 2 o o 5 3 6'9.o |D x t o -l t.,l r (D p (D t9 €(! t (D €.t .o ,tt (D x P p rg FJ l$- P (g lJ tr 0, a. h \u2 4 >t tcl o El o o tr{o o6 E o o e z rl >t A' J o ao o5 of6 -h f'E 4..l .:5:o gq 9.7 ari o.r q,n ;o 'ct c 6 o AI o z (\ F D F lo I !t (o.IJ la o 45 E c EO r{ o Fl o 2 r' p. 3t u5(D tr<d o(!a1 r€ O(9 EA =.r =E (D5,{e Eo rl I i-l+--l ;;'l ql EI I It t! @ I (D @ I gt .D (D l!O a'a (! 6-.6'3 oa €'< 6_{50 3+o:t <!e ,;F 0)'tt at (DI (9 x l!tu oq (a (D o o o o o x a. P,o J o o (9 3. a o 8 € |! o o D' (D (D {o c o G ,tt u .H ;(.o FI ls' o o o o ;qiE ?39 a Ela tt1€a I E:!r tsgla i: o D==:Jx i ry 13 <o 6.1 g EsEi; O V 2"1'n E c€o Xo|j:{Z sl E 1iefie O E 39fi1i I l*'zT;t rl :9 X={Tr o P.o J (D d D !o D' o o o -l Eqt r '] t .D @ (D 0 €(D (D x PUBLIC NOTICE NSTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tl-lAT a nrajority of the owners of Lots ll, 12, and 13, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Additjon have requested rezoning fron the existing Two Family Residential zone district to single-family residential. Resulting rezoning would reduce density from l0 to 5 units. Application has been madeinaccordance withSection2l.500 of the Zoning Ordinance' Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973. A Public Hearing will be he].d on December 9, 1976 in accord with Section 21.400 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Town of Vail Planning Commission at 3:00 P,M. in the Municipal Building. The decision of the Planning Comrnission will be forwarded to the Tovln Council for final decision. TOt,lN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COI'IMUNITY DEVELOPI4ENT 1 i,/ /rtt t l.n I z-. r :!.tt /J/i/tlA-J- tu/'U {Q rttz{-/ Diana S. Toughill r Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail November l9' .|976 o luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 office of the town manager July 8, 1976 Mrs. Bonnie O'Leary Major, USAF, Ret. 10235 East Evans Avenue (#LO4) Denver, Colorado 8O231 Dear ilrs. O'Leary : Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Bighorn Street Improvement District. The address change has been made on our records, and I will attempt to answer your other soncerns. The improvement district has been set up on a unit basis. Individuals are being assessed by the total number of living units that could be built on their property under present zoning. Your entire area, the remains of Block 4 and Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Addition, is presently zoned Two Farnily Residential. You are the owner of record of Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, and are therefore being assessed for four units because that is what you are allowed. Under the present regulations, we must make the assessment in this manner. The Council has stated, however, that they will consider rezoning of properties and an adiustment in assessments if rezoning is accomplished prior to completion of the street improvement district. I suggest you contact Mr. Jint Lamont, Di-rector of Community Development for the Town of Vai1, to discuss the procedure and initiate whatever action you desire. If there is a further problem with your Lot 12 being unbuildable, that too can be considered. One possibility might be to dedicate it to the Town for preservance of open space. In researching the ro1e, I find that all property owners in the area have been assessed with the exception of the Bighorn Water District. Lots I and 2, Block 6 are owned by R.B. Kendrick; Lot 11, Block 4, by J.A. Zarnowiecki and L{claughlin; Lots 12 and 13 by yourself; and Lot L4, Block 4 by Douglas Iil. Borwick. AII of these lots are zoned Two Family Residential, may have two living units constructed, and are being assessed accordingly. }ii;Bl"lJ?uo'T' Page Two o Eagle County records did not indicate either of the water districts in Bighorn owning property, This is probably due to the fact that they are tax exempt. Because of this, the people preparing the assessment role did not pick them up. IVe have decided, however', not to assess the water districts, but to absorb their proportional cost in the Town's share. Had they been assessed, the costs would have come back to the individual property owners through thej-r financial structure. Current zoning within the Town of Vail requires newly constructed homes, etc., to pave their driveways. The paving district will pave a driveway apron from the .edge of asphalt to the approximate property line at every location where an improve- ment exists. This is not to bring everyone into compliance with the new ordinance, &s the entire drj-veway will not be paved, but to protect the edge of the new pavement. On-and-off traffic tends to break down the edge of the asphalt if these aprons are not provided. They will be required. If you are interested, I can show you how your road, because of its length and the number of people it serves, iS the most expensive piece per capj-ta we have to do within the district. I believe you are real1y getting a bargain by being able to spread this cost out over the entj-re area. In meetings with the East Vail Property Owners Association, this subject was.discussed in length and it was finally agreed to leave your street in the district, pave it, and let all Bighorn residents share in the costs. I hope we can do this and give you a product that will enhance your property. I believe I have answered all your questions regarding the pavj-ng district and would be more than happy to meet with you on your next trip to Vail to discuss it further. IIay I suggest that Vou, myself, and Jim Lamont discuss this and your other concerns regarding the water district fence and Cablt TV during your next visit to Vail. Thank you for your lnterest. Very truly yours, DEPARTIUENT OF KRR/j k cc: Sam Maphis Jim Lamont Vail Torvn Council Kent R. Director ii I I I I 5 t i t a I o rl ll ll I ,r- i: ), "o ')1,:r " :1rrtil ': I r! irr:r i;rj','.,'- .-t1 I .) *! rri :i i r--r,i!? \{ L MEMOMNDUM T0: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Conrnunity Development DATE: December 9, 1976 RE: Request for Rezoning of Lots ll, 12 and .|3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addition vlajor Bonnie 0'Leary, who owns Lots f2 and 13, Brock 4, Bighorn Third Addition has requested that her property be rezoned from two-family residential to single family residential zone. J.A. Zarnowiecki and p.J. l'lclaughlin, who jointly own Lot l'l , Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition which ia adjacent to Major 0'Learyrs lot, have requested that similar action be taken on their lot. lrlr. and Mrs, Ronald Kendricks, owners of Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addition -- the two other subdivjded lots'in thjs area -- have been notified of the proposed rezoning of the other lots and have not expressed objection to the inclusion of their lots in the rezoning. The requested rezonings are all in a contiguous, isolated area on Columbine Road iust North of I-70 underpass, We feel that this area should be treated as a whole, due to its separation from adjoining areas by the new interstate. The existing character of this area is smail, single-family structures on small lots, and we feel that the remaining buildable lots in this area should confornt with what is presently there. The size of the lots range from .l0l to .333 acreas, and we feel that s'ingle-fanrily structure are more appropriate for these lots than dup'lexes. tle also feel that a sim'ilar poi icy should be cons'idered for Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Third Additjon when and if it is brought forth for a resubdivi s'ion request. Page Two a The reduction of densities is in line with the on-going Growth Management Study. since a whole area is being rezoned, we do not feel that spot-zoning is occuring, For these reasons, the Department of community Development recorumends approval of the requested rezonings'' MEMORAi'IDUM T0: Planning Comnrission FR0M: Department of Conynuni.ty Development DATE: December 9, 1976 RE: Request for Rezoning of Lots ll, 12 and '13, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addition l'laior Bonnie 0'Leary, who owns Lots l2 and .|3, Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition has requested that her property be rezoned from two-fanriiy residential to single family residential zone, J.A. Zarnowiecki and P.J. Itlclaughlin, rvho iointly oln Lot ll, Block 4, Bighorn Third Addition wh'ich ia adjacent to l'lajor 0'Leary's lot, have requested that similar action be taken on the'ir lot. tt1r. and Mrs, Ronald Kendricks, olners of Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addition -- the two other subdivided lots in this area -- have been notified of the proposed rezon'ing of the other lots and have not expressed objection to the inclusion of their lots in the rezoning. The requested rezonings are all in a contiguous, jsolated area on Columbine Road iust tlorth of I-70 underpass, l,,le feel that this area should be treated as a vrhole, due to its separation from adjoining areas by the new interstate- The existing character of this area is small, single-family structures ott srttail lots, and we feel that the renrajning bujldable lots in this area should confornt with r,rhat is presently there. The size of the lots range fronr .l0l to .333 acreas, and we feel that single-fanri1y structure c-rr0 ntore appropriate for these lots than duplexes. l'le also feel that a s'irnilar pol icy should be cons'idered for Lot .|4, Block 4, Bighorn Third Additjon rvhen and if it is brought forth for a resubdivi sion request. : i a t i I {! I , ge Two I o The reduction of densities is in line with the on-going Growth Management Study. Since a whole area is bding'rezoned' we do not feel that spot-zoning is occuring. For these reasons, the Department of community Development recommends approval of the requested rezonings. MEMORAiiDUl.4 T0: Planning Commission FR0l4: Department of Conmunity DATE: December 9, 1976 RE: Request for Rezoning of Block 4, and Lots I and Third Addition Devel opment Lots II, '12 and l3,2, Block 6, Bighorn ir ;l ;l tl rl :i ii ri Ir !' i,rl tl II rl I I t i I i t I : !al il *l ;l !l :l ii {i t ir f,tr ri ti tl t!!l li tl lr a I !f, I i I t I l'lajor Bonnie 0'Leary, who owns Lots 12 and .l3, Block 4, Bighorn Th'ird Addjtion has requested that her property be rezoned from two-fanrily residential to s'ing1e family residential zone. J.A. Zarnowiecki and P.J. l'lciaughl in, rvho io'intly oln Lot ll, Block 4, B'ighorn Third Addition which ia adiacent to l'lajor 0'Leary's lot, have requested that simjlar action be taken on their lot. 1,1r. and Mrs, Ronald Kendricks, o!{ners of Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn Third Addition -- the two other subdivided lots in th'is area -- have been notified of the proposed rezoning of the other lots and have not expressed objection to the inclusion of their lots in the rezoning. The requested rezonings are all in a contiguous, isolated area on Colunb'ine Road iust llorth of I-70 underpass, l,Je feel that this area should be treated as a t^rhole, due. to'its separation from adjoining areas by the nerv interstate. The existing characten of th'is area is small, single-family structures on small lots, and tve feel that the remaining bu'ildable lots in this area should confornt rvith rvhat is presently there. The size of the lots range from .'l0l to .333 acreas, and ive feel that single-fanrily structure are nlore appropriate for these lots tlran duplexes. I'le also feel that a s jrnilar pol icy should be consjdered for Lot .|4, Block 4, Bjghorn Third Addition rvhen and if it'is brought forth for a resubdivi s ion reouest. .,'t Page Two The reduction of densities is in line with the on-going Growth Management Study. Since a whole area is being' rezoned' we do not feel that spot-zoning is occuring. For these reasons, the Department of Community Development reconunends approval of the requested rezonings' I t'Bt l,r L. tr'-'o-'e'o-tt" !i !'t I I i i I I I I I i I PUBLIC NOTICE at Ir -'.' /rl N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a majority of the ovrners of Lots ll, '12, and .|3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Addition nu[ requested rezonjng from the ex'isting two-family residential zone district to single-famjly residential. Resulting rezoning v,rould reduce density from l0 to 5 unjts. Application has been made in accordance wjth Section 2.|.500 of the Zoni ng Ordinance, Ordinance I'lo. B, Series of 1973. A Public Hearing rdas held on December .|6, 1976 in accord with Section 21.400 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Tovln of Vail Planning Comm'ission. Recommendation of the Planning Commission will be forwarded to the Town Council for final decisjon on January lB, 1977 at 7:30 PM in the Vail Municipal Building. T0l'lN 0F VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail Decernber 24, 1976 APPL ICAT ION FOI? VAP IANCE And/0r CONDIIIONAL USE PERMIT Ord i nance No. I ( Ser i es of 1973) Publ ication Date Hearing Fee Appl ication Date Heari ng Date F i na I Dec i s i on date for Town Counc I I (we) (state) (City) do hereby request permission to appear before Comm i ss i on to req uest the fo | | ow i ng: or | 7C0 H ulaaz- Sf.(Address) ?r , /Ueznb<-a- -Phone 333 -lrDS the Vail Planning ( ) Variance from Arfi ( X) Zoning Chanqe f rom ( ) Parking Variance cle ,Section to_5tr(' ( ) Conditional Use Permi t to al low 7one.In fol lowing described pfoperty: lot/tract ,// , Block For the Fi I ing C I ea r I y N umbe r state pur ose and intent of this appl ication /u"l-- I I I I q fl I I you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? n8 / Sig App I CANT o luwn u l|il box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 July 15, 1976 office of the town manager Itlajor Bonnie O'Leary 10235 East Evans Avenue Denver, Colorado 80231 Re: Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivisron Third Addition Dear Major O'Leary: In response to your letter of July L2 addressed to the Town Council requesting rezoning of your two lots, I am enclosing an application form for you to complete and return. The Town has agreed to waive the hearing fee for the down-zoning as it is also in the best interest of the Town to reduce density. It is my understanding that you wish to rezone Lot 13, on which your house is located from two-family to sj-ngIe family, and Lot 12 from two-family to agricultural. llle also feel that single-family residential is the best for the balance of the neighborhood and therefore are requesting that adjoin- ing property owners rezone their lots in the same manner. If you have any questions, please give me a call or stop by the office. Sincerely, DEP ana S. Toughill Zoning Admi-nistrato-r cc: Kent Rose box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 o office of the town manager August 5, L976 Ronald and Barbara Kendrick Box 446 /. I Johnson, Kansas 6?855 QtO-11d'-2L14Ot RE: Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Blghorn Subdivision Third Additi-on, Dear Mr, and Mrs. Kendricks: Major Bonnie O'Leary who owns lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition has requested rezoning of her lot from Two-family Residential to Single family Residential. We are enclosing a copy of our response to her request. We urge you to rezone your lots as well because we feel the SFB zone is most desirable for these small lots. As a bonus, your street assessment could be reduced by $I,100. If you agreel please complete the enclosed request fot tezoning, If you have any questions please give me a calI. Sincerely, DEPARTT{ENT OF COIJI.IUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S, Toughill Zoning Administrator cc: Kent Rose luwn o office of the town manager August 5, L976 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 J.A. Zarnowiecki and P.J. Illcl,aughlin 6411 E. Co1fax Avenue Denver, Colorado 8O22O RE: Lot 11, Block 4, Bighorn subdivision Third Addition Gentlemen: Major Bonnie O'Leary who owns lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition has requested rezoning of her lot from Two-family Residential to Single family Residenti-al. We are enclosi.ng a copy of our response to her request. We urge you to tezone your lots as well because we feel the SFR zone is most desirabl-e for these small lots. As a bonus, your street assessment could be reduced by $1,100. If you agree, please complete the enclosed request for rezoning. If you have any questions please give me a caIl. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF COilTMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator cci Kent Rose I ry%rDc (r/ ry f?-,-?r.fi ,l/'u Mtl o /zurf n* ltn /lar) | "ru/7/b E (t* /t NoT a. t'lrl R APPL ICAT IOI'I FOI? VAR IANCE And/Or CONTJ I I IONAL USE PERM IT Ordlnance No. I (Serles of )913) . Application o.t. O'?t,tO't?7C Publcation Dafe Hear I ng 0afe Heari ng Fee Flnag Decislon date for Town Councl I I trc.l I APp I (State)(City) : po. rS*- ti)?, Vaitt Co. Ele r? (q'ii -'iZts). ..r. --t- t t. .;/ -, a :- \ . . - - v. . -..do hereby requ-est peimission fo appear before the Vail Plannino Comm i ss i on to req uest the fo | | ow i ng : . ( ) Variance from Article Zoning Change from Parking Variance Conditional Use Permit to al low i n Zone. For the fol low ing described property: Lot/tract /,/ J/3 , Blo.n 1_ Fi ling Number Clearly state purpbse and ntent of th i s appl ication A toT /2 ,t tt (K ( ( Phone ?f0-7??? / I lO U!4lha6ca /rt.^- hardsh Signature tf,,/?7/ rlne Ar7'4/+re PUBLIC NOTICE NQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TMT a nrajority of the owners of Lots ll, 12, and 13, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Addition have requested rezoning fronr the existing Two Family Residential zone district to single-family residential. Resulting rezoning wou'ld reduce density from l0 to 5 units. Application has been made in accordance with Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8, Seri es of 'l 973. A Public Hearing will be hel.d on December 9,'1976 in accord witlr Section 21.400 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Town of Vajl Planning Commission at 3:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building. The decision of the Planning Commission will be forwarded to the Tovrn Council for final decision. TOI,IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT ,r lL/. ////)/]nftJ /t;qlo,(/ Djana S. Toughill ' Zoni ng Adm'inistrator Published in the Vail Trail November .|9, 1976 \ t I iil,bi g E f o ts- hs I € \-,33'"='lFl < o =!i3, lal o . ==d1 '7, i'17 lr h--- El a ?3d;'lll l,Fu 9 1L.e r'1S t b ij<cq-. g lh ti I F'i23: r l? i' = ?o P_;EE 6 l" 6 o 9.5 +;1?=;tff I {3P-t F lk vvv o i€ E: -i 1", .- '!3l( ? ,!3 "!l F +tF ;t o :I P = ,-l (DO @oO 3a z (!6-a'3 s={-32 ,?s B9 a{g o .DT ,l D o X .!tu 6 Uq Fr .! o € 4 6 oc It I |D a a E 19 rD a c x o o €(D o I ro I (D o o I I I I a :t o o (D q) CL =t o o € 5 J o o (D ts (o lJ lf\lv D IE lc Eg l.F e lc g, FR 135 t+ui6 ftE lc ;' s (D 3. o q I o o o o o o E @ .D 5 o q lql o @\ Nl o silr''r Fg a cJ ?eg o--fo(,+ I fr:l '5FE'i: o D=dels A 5 asEie o ; P35nl e4 o =o:t:r2 Ha [ ]:iefie O r 3g Hla (D l'=EioZ :9 < ={nr o It o a o t 9) o. (D o Ut Ut SE*8F gF oo.9.F ot Io "r3 itt 6'6 l- FT lls o l\ 3 s; o9 i\t t\- Q .H ;(O FJ ls- o o !a t{o { i,, c 3 o 3 ;(/t r'l E 4 r'NFtr (16lUel tn|onA.c A'.1HOdrir .i('c Ct{.'lOr OOU..lOk6..{N+r.d!llddA duo>r€Ol.qOOC.-lo .CIJO(,)o:'!(DrPo !oA.bEo.,.{CtCAt\qc.c..{<sr0rc o.i{ron}a,Ed\O('o€(tou odr:.d2qJ4 NOI{HQIdOFA .ttE.AOr:A"r.A -{CdO<..cOlot!{CrlJlrd ccdatl@crr{OOCo.{(ro.q{.,{NdFc !Ln(^(n|!,{l{oo 0J.cu.AHt..{or}l/|rJ.dl:q.ts.oCt{O 60l-t.QH c\ONZAOOq, ".rdEcro}]oh{,..{HDo.q 6('0otu."icr|{{J or>po4s30 .ctEllzpo|l .r{ q{>oAcd Olr(rsFlOO€Or r{tro,Jroo.cc OSEdfrlZur|lrl..{ooo(.)oco€O E{ t{ .rl D .'.1 q{ F{ Fl 4OdOOkO..{(JCOr,l(,OA '4E.AElCq,ul.ctr tJO.ErUt.qCt, rHO]J>HFlOlJCd Ooo€'AoOA hA.ODdcr*l O...l.d(uA-aE.O odE5O..{C^OO.!.dC r6>Urot'l l!(l,c.Q&(lHt>.d 0, ..{. F: t o 15l{CdOdUrF{O lorocftccroa O.4N|dc).6t{O{j (t 'rt r,(r€co od N ..1 Ui q, ET c|{c!0,..{ .A Or d C>Ct o!oo NA'NET}T fr .d .d {rcrooe4 l.4SLt!F.!€aJ(tlq 60c r{ 'i .d q O O .-}. 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E O I !-rcaoH(, o c E o d o o o < .A c q ! o N. 3 (u c o I -HDIiOZEIF .A I a .d qr o E - 6 0, c q 14 | @:1-E{ oHicrd c a E |! +, o o E o o. z A A 6 ts .; .A ..1 t-A4''e4g:?&O€6-C$.AEOOH46Ooq I-- I!1 >Z t4 N C r tr lr ln Fl U4OO(JE o N .d Fa A € e o Q A o. o - o o -A E 0, 'l N d OOH &EizEl d O o ' .i O O 0J r! .i & E< -d .A .d I l{ E o . iltrdsH k l! o € ? tt rt c (J k o 6 o < qr q > E l{Oq t{() E;lOz] .d .n C ts o > O O .- tr '4 :c ..{ q q zo Q e*e<4zo (, r0 o'{ a dto d t 6 €{ F o o rs o a o t{'.7f. U Hf{H .d c .t c q -a 0J c c .e o o H c, o o o l{ 4 HOOOZSiZ,E< q r{ i 6 i! O u{ lr "r d O (J _- o. 0l O k qr 'H (J9 '.:s,*.to6,2 d1 q o d c E o r,1 O o E F u o C z-A Ofq OOlr rI O A U i r{ tr C tU C C' a C C € O .J F C E -a O 4rr rr tJ :Ecot4 t'l +r o o 3 0, .Q 6 E o ! o 4 4 0 '! c q zo !,)zz -oHzl o .,{ o g o o 0, d d (', o N r l( -d q €{ q A F o HU) gOOoHU:d E tr i O o €< n u .- tu o F o l'] a O o .'{ .i |! 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OaZ !: O A (, ad C k .6 tr J,l .i +r ld a ?- l\ ^ (t E s -zaJAa.SqlO :E d El E d 0,, .c c, ;c o iE c o o A o o c, c o l,4urXANlrdN 3 d q, B tr' o. ., o 7 C n is .'{ Z E (,, ,C d .d 't.t{,.{O.;OC7r.A9l.lf oor!€Lu\oooozrrruoo AAkocor.A.AOlrlq{€('0t OqO'ec a+rAHOOOOCA'.4 udo€.rddAr.{o.dq!!!,.c.Aor.Ao>aorHoodF,>k .t!!!:dcrA.Ao.Eolo.AEoru Ad.dna.iAAHOO.6r{OtrJr.,A.'oCtrfr,.Ao.o!.A!ro9 oNdOr.{Odt!o.E'J{Sq-{ aOO.L >F{< N o r.tr >'! +, o rt o.rq l{ (' A *:.:J<i:-i.E:--.---: \r PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a rnajority of the owners of Lots ll,.|2, and .l3, Block 4, and Lots I and 2, Block 6, Bighorn 3rd Addition have requested rezoning from the existing two-famity-;;;id"*i;il.. ;"*i.. .o single-family residential. Resulting rezon'ing would reduce density from l0 to 5 units. Application has been made in accordance with Section 2.l.500 of the Zoning Ordinance, 0rdinance No. 8, Series of 1973. A Public Hearing was held on December 16, 1976 in accord with Section 21.400 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Town of Vail Planning Commission. Recormendation of the Planning Commission will be forwarded to the Town Council for final decision on January l8, 1977 at 7:30 PM in the Vail Mun'icipa'l Building. TOWN OF VAIL Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 24,1976