HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 2 LOT 1 LEGAL.pdfBilrc^fr", /t l, ttr_* Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fan 970.479.?452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: JENSEN RESIDENCE Project Description: ADDmON (GAMGE AND MASTERSUnE) Participantsl OWNER MFJ HOLDINGS LLC 13 CHERRY HILLS FARM ENGLEWOOD co 80113 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLO4/10/2006 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ARCHITECI JOHN G, MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLO4ILOI2OO6 DRB Number: DR8060093 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/10/2006 041L012006 ProJect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Numben Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlonsl DORWARD DUNNING 3-0 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 5116 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Location: 5116 MAIN GORE DRIVE Lot: 1 Block 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDffiON 2099-182-0200-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for bullding. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced , and is dillgently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008028 All Public Works Department requirements shall be met with the building permit submittal. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 Status: I Approved CouuulIITY DEVELoPMENT Roulrqc Fonu n Approved with conditions ffi Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:05/03/06 Routed Bv:BillGibson Date Due:05/03/06 Description of work:correclions Address:51'16 Main Gore Drive Leqal:Lot: l1 lBlock:12 Subdivision:Bighorn 5'" Addition Gomments:Date Reviewed: 5/4/06 Need additional review bv Fire Snow lo be on 4'with 2 inch invert no heat. Gradino to be with in limits of disturbance fence. and Revocable ROW it at buildi it. Line of site must met. Back out 15' from edoe of Remove trees out of ROW. npr lu utt usrzza #R-rO-46 tBrF FFDi: *m N'|XIY JENUE'tJu5, - l6c-Jaaj' tD:lSqnEARflt ?. t P.t llcrGolEtntron Affirdon fbrDdgm ncrdar _ _fg.6r![d(brDrryOsryur 75qrnffiFrd,nruir rurr at:gaJ''Jtfr tE tD.ft.x|'rCEfi*rrtr"clt h.th|n(hr *|ffi gf,Atf!!' E!-1a1l "!9! lbro ffir r !tr! ri,r o1dr. rb ,rlfol ffti qlnnlG - -"Fi'!!-E=qtrrf F* Ih. ,Ir|rnr D lcrq .',. r ---?,I"*uq!:l::q- !+-+qatrrbD fltE ul tcllq t |! I nqr_ _ !r.F rE __lE , Et r IE|DilrD p'lcr',rb rf, - r. j$3:: =e+ t rr tu Et a+nffil. rl ffi,Hgl:lfEi- E!! ii#.Etriffifr ffiffi *ffi,=gb ;; ;;;;;;:tEE Effi ilFdhraroJ hofiolofftf|lrr* Lslfon C lrr frrfcfr r*_Lio*:Z_ rFHrk Ar|g2ST Frd k ?Dq1RlVZOa, t .AcEaf o. rorlrrgroaa}xnh E,D.)ll*ltg.- Afe_ mfrlhr d d,o r o o -o u */dr4tor 8qo cr|rrttlqrnr{rr, tlF .tffffib rl0qfd*rc E.ndlll|rn f|!.Cf;drrdb D $tr E hqun* Jg trFCeUr&, l(rfr"O ttrhl (lrn'htui'Efltrt O ltE,l|:[h (@ O orlpU1ps6q,, O Cermntqcr l5_ nrtl0p+nhdEtrr|a. hF.! r@ffirv,EH.'c 4 ffi:*-.r#w'!E,-.d,! Fffi;#$*ffiffi?E;tEDar|*.c.'. EfiFffffffifisffi,?E--_ rff|fr*,|3 p rU rrfrf D ri, ru, rFE !' ,nnC g, c tr Fft. ryrbrad b) =@EIvitrn t;1l APR 1o 2006 U TOWN OF VAIL rrEwcol{STRt crrot{ suBilrTTAL REQUTREDTETSTE &nenllnformdon: The revi€lrf pruess for rny cor$udon rnnnally reqrircs trrc s@r* rdngF of ilte Design Review Board: a ornSt,d re\dew ild a flnal cvtsw. Aplhanb $outs phn on presenurE tfidr rhdoprnert propmal at a mlnlmum of two meetingE befo€ obtaining final apprwal. I. $;||ITrILTEOUINEMEfiSI* /O All pages dApplkatlon is cornpk*e € Ctrccklist is comphted and signed xt- Samped Topographic grrvery* f Site and Grading Plan* y'_.)ar&raiwParr .{ Ard$Ectural Elaations*D bcerbr dor ard materlal sandes ard specmcauons. F d r/Fo nlA o a PtrrlE t *r W?-tlefrefd Q ,g ffiffi'Iffi Hlil."r,si#ffififfhdi,* o*r a t*ktr- ?t-*^*+t't+E€r A" nue report, ld|diru SdEdules A & B to vefifo owreahlp ard esemenEr Pttob of the odstirp $te and adjaent slruchlres, where apflkabh. Wr[ten apprwal frorn a ondomhlum asociatftrn, landlofd. drd Jolnt owrEr, if apdknble Slte.specift Cf,dogbd tlazad Repryt, if applkabb* Tte Admlnisbabr andlq DRB may require the s/bmFsbn of additionat dars, ferdngs, specificaUur, sarnples ild drer materials (irdudirp a rrpdd) lf dsned rffiary to ddeflnif€ whe$er a pmject wlll comply witsr Design Guidellnes s if the intent €f fre propocal is not derly irxlfrd. Aba,p .tttMl ttr (J) c:opkt o/tte rwtctlalr t*d $tl an etal,* /! +rFor lnterlor sneigors wlth m arterior dranges. U|e $lrnlfral rqlJi€rnenB irdude a aornpleb s€t d eds0rB ard prWmed nG Cans, a ttF repoG, and ffltren approvd fronr a srffirium affiffin, hrdbfd, ard rolnt fl,ner, f ellcaUe. I ltan nrd end undcrtnd tic ebore lhd stdtbl rr1-sncrar: Pmroct lhmc: F:\cdn^F0ttl$Pcrmls\t'bdngpRtwb_rw_conordoll f -z'lm6.doc P.gc3dl.lUZl/206 rEw cor{sTRucTtorr SIT8HITTAL RE(FrIRE!,|E {TS Topogn$fcsnny: F W*,*npantl $nahr,esf a llcrEed sun€yur 5 tlabof surwy ,E. Nor$ anur ard graphic bascale p Scale d l"=1O or 1"-Z)') ts legal desolpOon and phtclcal dr€ss E Lot da ild hriH aHe aree (buiH ade arB eNd.des red hazard avalandle, dopes g'Eder Stan 401'6, and llooddah)p- Ti€s to sktirq bendmarlq elfrcr t 9GS landma* or sewer kn erL Thb infumation must be dearly stabd on the survEy E:;zftrcpf't.v boundares b t'E neaest hundredltr (.0f ) of a bot aolacy. Di;tanes and beadns and a hasis d bedng must be $ovn. Sfrlr exlstir€ plns or mmunerts fo.rnd and tfeir datbrsfilp h tte estdbhed oner.rr StE|v rlgtt of way ard property lhes; ldtdirp bearlrEs, didane and one hfcmatbn.d- Irdl@ a[ 6.rEn€rts illentifred cr the subdMslon plat and reorded ag.hst the property as Itdffi in the title repq'L List any eaernent rcstriciqr. YW, Eleva&rrs at $e edge of Gphak, abE the st€ci ftronfragE of the pmpefty at hErty"file bd irEn ab (2t), and a minlmrn of ore spt ebations on efifrs stie of the ld. E- Topogrsphic €onditions at irc bot aonbw inbn als P- Exisdttg B€es or grq+s d tr€es ha\rhg tsunK wiltr diameters of 4" otr flnfie, c meos.red lirm a polnt one fud abo€ gr€de, .lq LRock outcro9phgs ard dler dgnhcant ndural featrrcs (brgE bouHers, lnErmiEer* sbeflns,w t*etc). , { ll dxHing impro\rem€r*s (irdudirg futndatftrn walb, rwf ocrtrangs, hrtldr€ o,trtrarps, ef.). Wl.n Envirsrnenbl Hmrds (ie. Ro* fall, ffib flow, aralandre, u,€dards, f,oodplah, sdb) lt,l4o tlftErurse setbads, lf edlcaue ($oyv qrE*n nd e4e of S€nm a cred( in addfrm to the r€qulrcd sileam tr oeak s€ltBck) { Cwot aI dility meter locaucr, irdueE any pedestab on dE or h the 4fid-way adiEt b the slte. Fract bca0on d erls0ng tfiltry so.lrcs and gopced servke lirEs from OEir scurce b ttu surrcfire. (fiffies to lndide:tr CabhW Selvcr Gac ar-siaanotypedd,afiffi",*bu,d* w# Ebcflc p- tdig€* |o6dnys tabebd ar|d edgE of asphalt fur both sid€s of UE roadrry *rorn b a mininxJn of 25(I in ei$er direcilon ftom prcperty. rB' Slbad Gndlng ?bnr F Scab of 1'=2Os larger ,t- nryt1 and setbadr lire /6 Etdelungand foped easern€nts ztf ErlsUrg afd prcpoeed gnfu rZ Bd*ng and plopr{ ta}ottt of Otil*ttgs anrl otrer sucfrres lndurfrg ddq p*ic, frnces rd vdb. Irdi@te the hrndaEon wlh a dahed lim and the md cQe widr a solld IrE. ,t All prwosed roof ridqe ltn6 wittl prlw ridge devdons, Indi@E odilng rd pmpGed _ gades $ovrn r.rrderneaft d rof lirEs. lfrii wifl be ured b cakilHe bulldng hdglt F @ diveur.rys, infudirB perent sbge ard spot elantioru * fte trlFty mre, gar€e Cab . and as nsecsry abng the centerllrc of tl|e tlhpvay b acorrefy reflect grade. F A C wide ur*eated srcr€te pan at tte €dge of asphalt fu eiermys UEt €xit Ue sbeet h arl rphllldheftn. F: \cdev\Fqfi $Pt'rif s\lbndns\Dft4rib_rH_@srxudLf t-ZlxIE-&c hgc { oa t{lv8nrns l-ocadoris of all udllttss krdudlrg €xlsting sorrnres and propced servle lines fronr sourcs to tlre strLrcilres, Proposd $rtacedrahage on andddte. bdon of brdscaped arer. Ltrcadon cf limlts of dsfrrbarn fendp location dall requicd ptrkiry spaes Srtorv *orage areas. Propced dmpcter lodiofl and detail qf dumpshr en&6ure. R€tiinirg walls with proeoc€d d€tratins at @ and bottqn cf wdb. A detail€d qG*ection anrl ele\ratlofl &at|qs shall be pwlded or tfe pbn or separde slE€t stam@ erlgineering drawlrgs arc rcqired fur walls betlveen 4'ild 5'het In helgttt. fJYo DdirEE arcd to be phsed and awqriate tlmlng, if apflicable '1f Laldccanr Ftrn: tr bE dl* = 2(I trlarg€r .T tzdcraoc pbn must h &awn at the same scale c the site 6r.F |.ffi\ d exi5tk€ tsees, 4 diarneter w laqer. Irdi* Ee€s to rE nair, b be rdod (lncMing rmv botirn), ard to be rernor/ed. Large sbnds d b€es rnry b sttom (as hDHe) if UE strard is not be|ng affected by fte propoc€d imprcrernenB and gradhg. lndkate d odsurE grqjnd cover and $rubs. Detalbd kgerd, lisfirB the ty?e ard slae (€dFer tor deddmu b€es, heblt br coriftrE gsllst slze tu slrubs ard @ht tur foundafm shnb) d all the €rdsUnS and fopced dtt rnaFial indudfq gound owr. Oelir|eate criti:al root anes tur erdstirE bees h de proximity to dE gndlrE atd orrfirt|on. Idlcate tE bcddr d all popmed plantinss. tr7-Ilre location and type of edsting ad pmposed w#irE sv$ms b be flidq/€d h carlng E dant materi'al bilorrying its lrrtallation. {,}- BistirE and poposed ortcur lirrec Ree*niq wdb shall be lrd.tded wfi|t tte bp of mll ad tle bottdn d wall ekrvatiors nffi. ,tr ^td|lbdnl HorPhnr:-€ Scafeof l/ff = I'orlarger; l/4'bprfu fr A&,r dans of fE Foeoed tlevebprrent drarryn b scale and ftdly d[rrnsbned. R@r phns and fulldng ele,vatfils mu* be drarn at tte rne scah..t1 Cleatly indkate on the lloor Cans BE inside face of SE e,(Fb stsuctral ffitls d the h{dhg..f Labd flmr plans b IntllcaE the propced floor area use (i.e. bedrmrn, kidror, etc.).d &Esetdflar plans mu* be "rc4lhetr hdlcdrp how BE gtw rcsitandal ltor re (GflFA) rFs cdoiabd. See fde 12, Gra@ 15 - Grc R€sfhnual Roor A16 br '€g[fadsE.O/ Provlde dlmerulons d all rod earcs ard ouhangs. .d frdrbnl Ernrtoe:6 %E d y8" = 1'or laqBr; f/lf b prefiened .sr All devatbno of the pmpoeed deidoprnert dat^'n b ecale and fulty <fimerpklned. The devilon drilrlngE must *rcrr boet ststFg and finisf}ed gr.des, Foor plans ild bundfE *tdone mtd be dra{n at tfie sne scah. F If hiHirE faces are FopGed at ilgles not r€pr€sentd well m $e ncmd hrlktrp ebratlons, *row frese fdcs als. fEi;;d;;dtalitn pmped fid$ed ehrilion d floors ard rods on att lev€ts. Mh,f,"t+ *9fl'Jn )y N exErbr rnateriab and cdtrs stnll be specined sr the devffiis,r The folbrring $all be dto,n gn-aphlcdf and fulV dmerdand: frcda, tsim, raillngp, dilmrgy caps, m€ter bcau(rE, and wlndoyr detalls. o,,S[tow all proposed extab lightrg finnes on the buikling..tf l[ushah all dcdc, pordres and babu*s. I SX- lrffie Ute rodand hildlng dnlnage system (i.e. gutErsurd&u,nspcrts), Ndlf, IndLfr all rooftop medanhal qTsFrrs and all drer rmf stnrhrrcs. f apfllcaile. k rt ,t /6 [F v P F r r: r-I}zffi&c pr$ S d L lrr4rruE ' D ltftrstrate p@o6ed tutblng hdsru Jffi mmridq6. TlEe elanusrs shcdd oontlinate wih tfie llnlsherl flor elev*bris ard UE datun llsed fu the s/rr/sy.u Exterbr oolor and rnaterbl samdes $rafl b $irnftned b ff srd presenH at the Deslgn Revia,v Eoard marrir€. ln&+#{ail,*l . u lJgftdng ?bn: F iAAWw:ncdittand numberoffinres. srl *ttf;J_ FL O lrdt de height aborc grade, lunrens ouSrt, lunirnrs aea B Attactr a qJt sheet br eadr propced fixtwe. u IHPf,O'vrEr|EIfr LOcrTlOil CERnFICATE (lLCl D Oflce a buiU[ng permlt tns been issued, ad conrtuirctbr b tndenray, ard b€frre OE eiffng Departsnent wlll sdredule a franlrg impectirn, tuo aophs of an Improremst L@tin CertlflcaE sr^r€V (ILq Samped by a regbbred prtrs$onal eXirner mrd be sdrnitbd. The blou'irp Infunnadm must be prot ldd on tie ItC: B Basb of bearirg ard tie b sedln orner D All pruperty pins foind c set O &ddrp lmdon(s) yri$ ties to property sn€ls (8. rtlsbras and andes)n Bulltng dimensions, Indudirg &cks and balconla, to Ole rnar€st bnth of a fmt n EuiHing and garage f,G devatbrs ard all rmf rirfe and eave line devdors o All draloage ard dilty svb lhe rhrilts, shorirg t!,pe of rn#bl, she a(d e)@ct locatlofl t, All easernenE F:\cdaAFefi$Prrn*ts\Pbilfis\Dnn&b_nar_contrdcr_11.2:rzmSdoc h9e6dl{ rul3ffms eildllg l|rhdrb PROPOSD IIATCRHTS Ilpedrehrd CCcr Rsf Sldirp Ofter fVall Matedab Fascia SoffiB Witxtnrw Window Tdm Dooas DmrTrim Fland s Deck Raib Flues Fla$rE O|&nneys Trash Encloei.rg Grghuses Rffrin|IE vt,blls ErubrLEhurp 0dpr iob.: Dil-?l+VENT Nh Mtrc* ?Y t=r'l^rq' Please speqfy sr manfarilrrc/s nane, Itra cola name and rrrnber and attadr a color chlp. W fr_rcov NA ^Jft F:Edcv\F(n6lFntrtt\Pbrh9pf,S\drb_rnr_Eatguchr-lr-Z}2flE doc pego 7 d fa lUZt !0S PROPOSED TREES AND STIRUES PROFC'ED I.^iD6GAPIIIG lofroEd.lirm genm.[ror olrnltu & zv#' ECSIIT{GTREES I roB€ REMovE o @rllg-reg'g:g) Ffhfmun Req.rremenb fur Lan&cadrq: Deciduas Trees -2'CSIrrl- &niftrousTrtes - 6'h hdgtt Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tyoc SqupryFootasc GRO'I{D@VER so[) SEH) IRRIGANON TYPEOF ERGTON OT{IROI Hease specify der bnbcape Eabnes (i.e, retairing walg Encs, ilftrrniE poo6, d.) F: u-23-2()6-(bc p.srSd L tu23frG I{OTES TO Att APPLICANTS Preaoplication l.leeting A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any oitical issues pertaining to the applicanfs proposal ard to determine the appropriate de/elopment review process for an application. In many caset the pre-application meeting helps to o(pedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the prefiminary stages. A pre.applicaUon meeting may be sdreduled by contacting Joe $ther at 970-479- 2 128 or jsufher@vail gov. com Time Requircments The Design Revieur Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Develoynent Departrnent prior to apdication deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at httr://www.vailgov.com/subpage.asp?page_id=80 For a new residential development the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearlng. ReviewCribria The proposal will be reviewed for ompliance with the Design Guidelines as set forh in TiUe 12, (Zoning Regulations) and nfle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooerties locabd in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snovv avalanche, roddall, debnis flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Devel@ment Department may require a sitespeific geological investigation. ff a site-s@ific geological investigation determines that the subjed property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development slaff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouiled Plan Sheet Forrnat For all surueys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the follortring must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36", For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minlmum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale.3. Graphic bar scale.4. l{otlh arrow. 5. Title bloclq project name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. F:\dev\K)RM5\FermiB\Planning\DRB\drb_new_constsuction_11-23-2005.doc Page 10 of 14 ru23l200s D€don nGvtcn, ldld X.die nm{t?,n1#3 . For nerv construction a"e-;eifi*s, Ure "pptkant must stake ard lape U|e project sitl b qtdgF p{operty lln€', fop*ed brpfd ana U,rOUim aurErs' A[ mes b be rernorrcd mr6t be bped' The spdkilt must encrre 61i1.,f,d,p-5,* a"rtt q"-y"lrt"t ts not hnled by sncnr' All ete bdrp5 ild sdkhg mu* be comptefrrt ptior b fte day d tre DRB nrcetltE' The apflbnt, d. thelr represertaf'/€ c'|all be_presst at the Desttl RevEvt Bsd ]reafltg' ApdLDtrts ,fp-f5il b 4iEar b"nrJdt" D.cs't dt'itt' d'ard m tt€ir sdpdt'led meerhg d# ad rrtto lEta nd ad(ed tn advafre tfiat (lsqrsdm on their itetn be po6Foned, wlll ha'E U|€ ilE Tls remowd fttrn dE DRB ag€nda mfil stdt time as the iEm has been r€glblHted' If t|e DRB apFor,€s the applirztbn wt$ conditions or modlfrcat'lor, df aonditions of approal mt6t be resohrcd prbrbUte bsLnnc of a buikJing Fnn. ffiAoorunl ffifm-b, (a memba of tle danning statr) may rwknv-and€prove qris" Rq"gl apdhatiffi, appnon'rdilr certain rnOiitcaUors. d"tty tt" spglicati;, q' nftr tlr apfllcadon to tlt lhslgn Revi:w S;dtd fut u derElon. All stafi appruab'are 1gd;rcd by dte DesEn Rcylcur B@rd and any stafi dedsbn is $LbJ€d toRnal apPtwd bY $te oRB. Addriond n.Ihr lra fG lf 1fib apdkatidr t"q,rrt=ilQ "e rwk1ry bV dty l6al, sta6 o. Fedenlagelrcy osEr than the Tonm d Vuii, toi'"ppfbtOn'ee *raU ie ftto,e8s"A by-$200.00' EEndes of sdr rslew, tnay indde, hI arc not'llmtted'o: Co|orado Oepatnent of Hignrafr nrcs F€rrnns, Arrry Corpi of €nginss 'f{X, etc The appllcant *talt be resporuiiHe fu. paying any pblHrirE ftes h effi d 5{tt6 of Ur apdlcatbn ftc' If, * Se apdpg1fs r€qaiq iny *rdr'rs ictroned 61 fertqg. ca6lng tfie tnatter b be teq0li$ed. Urcn fre enUre fe br sLdl rc'g.blldm dtall be pa6 W the apdicant ApptEadons deerned by the commrnity DerebpfiEnt l)epaltmst to ha,! design' lard lEe o|, dEr trcr€s, whtt, 'nfry har€ a spnlfrcart impact m the Onmunity, nray reqrirc Gt/iew by exErd .ons,rfiants in aadUon b i*v" tffi. StrorfO a determindon be tnade by Toun statr ts|at an aftmal onsultant b needed, the Cdwnunity DetdoFTt€r* Oepar[rnnt nW {re tlre cpnglant' the Depatunett dtatl €sdmEE tfe anunrt i'r nrsrert rtecessarv to pay the onsultanfr and 0is amourt $all be funmrdett b ttc Tonn ov ue apors,t * rie urc d fi1h9 an 4fltdur. The aodiqt shar pay expent€s lrnfi€d by Ste Toiffi an €rs?$ d tte anornt furuarded by Ute apdicauon to the Tout withln SO-dal" of no6fic8ti;n by the Town. Any erc furds will be reUrnred b 61g apdkat* tpql ret'kw onphuon, Frlda^rurl|5@rr-Z}2(D5.dc herttdr'l ttr?3lzl'ii .t t3O31 -?62-92s3 p.l LTG Policy No. CTA150006889*| Form AO/CHI Clricago Policy No. 72106-1146282 Our Order No' v50006889r1 Scftcdule A Amount $795,000.00 hoperty Address: 5116 MAIN C'ORE DRM VAIL CO 81657 L Policy Dnte Ouober O8. 2004 at 5:00 P'M' l. Nrme of Insured: MFJ HOLDINGS, LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3, The ert:tte or interest in the land <lcscribcd or referred to in tlrls Schedule and whictr is covertd by this ;nlicy is: A Fce SirtPle 4, Title to tbe state or lnterest covered by this policy at the dste hereol is vested in: MFJ HOLDINGS, LLC. A COTORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5. The land rtfaned to in this policy ls dscribed ls follorYs: LOT I, BLOCK 2. BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATB OF COIORADO. This Policy valid only if Schcdule B is atinched- Lnnd Title Guarnntee ComPanY Representing Chicago Title Insurnnce Company Flpr 09 oE O6: lsp I'IHRTY JEI'ISEN (3031 -?62-9e53 e.? 1 t LTG P"iicY No. CTA150006889+I Form AO/CFI Chicago PolicY No. ?2106'1f46282 Our Ortler No. V50006889* I Schedtrle B l 2, J. This policy does nor irusurc agaim! Ioss or daurage (aud $e conrparry will not pay slsts, irtlorneys' fees or cxpBoscs) lvhiuh arisc bY reason ot: Gsrrtd Excrptions: Riglrrr ot claims of panies itr possessiott trot shown by tlre public ralrds' Eassnrcnt$,orr:|aitrlsofeilsemclll{,tlotsho\gnbytheprrbticrccords. Discrcpalrian, corrtlir:ts in kru[dery lines, shoruge in ilrca' engroachuents' and any fucr'l whitjll a cornjct survey utd hrspecdou ot' dre prenrise,s wu"ro oi+inir .i,o uhich arc rrot slrown by rhe public rct:ords' Arrv licn, or right to r lien" tbr services, lahrr, or ma&rial hctttofore (}r hereefFl furnishcrl, inrposcd by furrv ltxl noislrowrr by tlre public nrnrds' 2OO4 TAXFS AND ASSESSMFNTS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABI'P' R|GHT OF PROPRIETOR oF A VEIN OR LODE ro EITACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD rHi I.NrrAd SE TOTINOTO-PENETRATE OR INTERSE T THE PREM1SES AS RESERVED IN UNITEDHAiilS_PITEUT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13' I9O2' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49I. RIGH'T OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRIJCTED BY THE AUTIIORITY OF THE UMTET, STATES AS RESTfr.\E iII UiiNEO STATESPATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13' 1902. lN BOOK 48 AT PAGE49!' RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NoT-cglJltr{ A FoRFEITUREoRRBVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTINiii'ri.iOVUNINT ORRESTRICTION BASSD ON RACE' COLOR' RELIGION, SEX, HANDIC;i;' FNT*TT"TNT- STATUSOR NAT1ONAL ORICTN UNLESS ANI) ONLY TO THE EXTENT itiAfSEiP COVENANT (A) 1S EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 4?. SECTION 3607 oF rHB unireo STATES CODE OR {B) RELATES ro HANDICAP BUT DoEs NOr DlscRlMtue.re ncnillif ilriilrc*ppro pE]r-suNs, As @NTAiNED lN lNsrRUIvlENr iieCoRDED NovEMBER 25,1966, rN BooK l?5 Ar PAGE 445' EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS' RESJRICTIONS' RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED Pl- T OT iICTTORN SUBDIVISION' FIFTII ADDTNON' D-EED OF TRUST DATED OCTOBER05,2OO4, FROM MARTY F' JENSEN AND OLET' JENSEN TO THE PUBLId iRI.J TEE OT EACLE CO1JNTY FOR THE USE OF WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. TO SECURE;HE SUVT ON MTO'OOO'OO RECORDED OCTOBER 08' 2OO4' UNDER RECEPTION NO' 893756. 4, 5. 6. .| 8. 9. HtF U:t uti ul' I r tP l.|lfi( l t JEfrIrEIi l.tt 'it, -ft G--tar'' f.ir lrc mmy trto. 914150006889'l Fonn ChicnpFdlcyNo' ?2106'1116282 Our0rdcrNo. v50006E89t1 Sco.dlbB lTEtvtNos.tTl{RouGH3oFTHsGENERALE)(cDFTIoNsAREHER'ESYDELETED ITEMNo.{ot?THEGeNERALExGFTIoNs|sDELETEDE(cEr'rA$ToANYLIENS RSSULTING FROM WORK OR MATESI^L @NTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE R€QUEST oF MFJ HOLDINCS, LIX. A @IJORADO UMITED UASIUTY COMPANY' *++ + + *+ +f,* * * * * * ** * ******+******** **'l*'**** * t* ** *** f *+* ** *:l ** * * * ***+* ** ****** ********* ***+**++ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ****lf+***+**+ff*******+**+++++************************t*****+******+***++++*+***++**t*****+ Stsatement Number: R060000342 Amoun!: 9300.00 04/I0/200603:10 pM Palzment Method: Check ARCHITECT Init: JS Notat,ion: rLsL/JP IIANLEY Permit. No: DR8050093 TU)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel- No: 2099-t82-O2OO-f Site Address: 5115 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL, LOCAtiOn: 5116 MAIN GORE DRIVE Total Fees:This Payment :$3oo.oo ToIaI ALL Pmts : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 ** * * * ***++* +f**fi* t * ********* *+++ **++** ++* * **+ **t * * **+* * ***+***+* ++++*t* **'r** * ******++i ** + ++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description quffent Pmts DR 00100003172200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 300.00 Memo Tc Bill Gibson, Planner, Torynof Vail Com. Dev. cc: John G. Madin Fronn Jeffey P Manley D.bs il1nzffi REs 51 16 Main Ciorc Drive, Lot 1, Block 2, Bighom SuMivision #5, East Vail $tF Lumens of fxtures, item #2 of cornrn€nts New exterior lights at garaee (3). Manufacturer: Minka-Lrvera, Model GO 8291, Finish: Antique Bronze. Lamp: (l) 60 Wau light bulb A 60-watt bulb produces 820 lumens of light. 820 lumens per source/10.45 Luminous area of a light bulb = 78.45 which is <125 Existing light fixtures are very old. They contain I light bulb each. (60 watts) 820 lumens per source/10.45 Luminous area of a light bulb = 78.45 which is <125 . Page 1 |lCreat Outdoors GO 8291 at LightingDirect Page 1 of I .t '' Let us know what You think al Call Toll Free: (8OO) 3 Slt€ S€at Search entire s EnEr search temr Simila I lulrs\r(ln GC The Gre, $i Mrssl|)n l;c The Gre $1 | "o-" I Customer service I My Account I Help I View cart !-tcti.t'i5\lD1li,i,r"I 5$5Es'.Y*!!tf-c';#{t Your onlrne Sqsrc€ For Light Firtu.et Click hele fr'"Jrior-.. Shop By Type Shop By Brand Shop B1'Room Sholt Bv Thenre Home > Outdoor Liqhting > Outdoor Wall Sconces > Go 8291The Great Outdoors Outdoor Wall Sconces Manufacturer Model: GO 8291 Plctured In Antique Btonze Irir.ril. D ;irlai!-rtr rtt,lt alrttrrr lt,.tll 3.,t]-ln [)ri(lr], I nlr j-rP.'r -r-rar r, i'51,a'alally In f llllsll E-mail a frlend about thls product Ask our rdf a qucsdon about ttrls p3odud -J lul rss ro n GC The Gre, $r Pr, ,.tt. ,"", t ,; i"i"y N" Payments For I (q) Improvement Direct, Inc. 2000-2006. All rights reserved. ! 9 O D a y s ::,o,"'T?::i: :-:1 ii:""i Sign up for specials! | H"tp I snlppinq Questions I Your Account I nffiliate crogram Security & erivacy I Special offers I B".o,t " a vendor I terms nna conditions Returns I Affiliates I company lnforn'ration I contact us I Nonstock Finish: Please Choos€l.nw pr.l-ce chos€n E p1n1513 Antique Bronze Our Price: $42.75 Qty: 1 tA,lct!oj-g| Buy Fast. Feel Secure.@ Pay Later wrth Brll Me Laleiir! Clich here for details. cHECt(a 3locK Description r Cast aluminum external wall sconce r Fixture extends 7 3/4" from wall r Clear seeded glass I r Metal candle sleeves f,'DN r Historic styling :/o Fixture requires 1 medium base lamp, ftrv max (not included) a ' Specifications: r Series : Mission Bay r Theme: Crafoman i Mission e Height: 10.25 r Width:6,50 e Max Wattage Per Bulb: 100 http://www.lightingdirect.com/index.cfm?page:display:product&productlD=GO%208291... 5/112006 #1139:. Select proper light bulb wattage Page I of I Please click above on this sponsor's banner to see their unique products. Their sponsorship allows me to continue to provide my web site for you. Thank you for your support and for visiting my web site. Click to back to Main Tips List l)ullcr's Nloner-Sar ing'l'ip #l 139 Select proper light bulb wattage (related column topic links - s1e,7271 Whenever possible, use one lamp with a bright bulb instead of two lamps with less bright bulbs. The light output elliciency ofhigher wattage bulbs is greater, so less electricity is used overall. The light output of a light bulb is measured in lumens. The electricity usage is measured in watts. The efficiency of a light bulb is measured in lumens of light produced divided by the watts of electricity used. For example, a typical 25-watt light bulb produces only 210 lumens of light. A 1O0-watt light bulb produces 1600 lumens of light. It requires about eight 25-wat1 bulbs (200 total watts of electricity used) to produce as much light as one 100-watt bulb. Therefore, a 100-watt bulb is fwice as efficient as a 25- watt bulb. For comparison, a 60-watt bulb produces 820 lumens of light and a 7 5 watt bulb produces I I 70 lumens of light. Don't be confused by three-way bulbs. They are actually two lower wattage elements inside one bulb. A true 150-watt (single level) bulb will produce more light than a l50-watt three-way bulb. Please click above on this sponsor's banner to see their unique products. Their sponsorship allows me to continue to provide my web site for you. Thank you lbr your support and for visiting my web site. 5nt2006 Depart ment of C o mmun ity D eve lopmen t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April 24, 2006 Jeff Manley John Martin Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Jenson Residence - 51 16 Main Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 2, Bighorn Srh Addition Dear Jeff, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed addition to the Jenson Residence at 5116 Main Gore Drive. The following is a summary of that review: 1. Submit a stamped, topographic survey. 2. Submit a Revocable Rightof-Way Perrnit application for all existing and proposed improvements within the Main Gore Drive right-of-way. 3. Submit an existing and proposed exlerior lighting plan and fixture cut-sheets and luminance calculations. 4. Yerity that the site coverage calculations include those portions of roof overhangs extending more than four feet from an exterior wall surface. 5. Submit signed utility approval forms. The landscape plan musl be revised to show the limits of disturbance fence. The site plan must be revised as follows:. Show the proposed driveway grades; including percent slope elevations at the property line, garage slab, and as necessary centerline of the drivewav.. Show all utility sources and service lines.. Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Delineate the snow storage areas. All snow storage area sizes must be labeled in square feet.. Show the limits of disturbance fence.. Label the drive as snowmelt heated or unheated.. Install a 4 foot concrete pan with 2 inch invert between the driveway and the street edge-of -asphalt. -l and spot along the I RECYCLED PAPER t3 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us 8. Verify the address labeled on the plans (5116 or 5166?). 9. On Sheet GRFA, identify the zoning as "Single Family District". 10. Prior to the Design Board hearing, stake and tape the project site indicating the property lines, proposed building corners, and trees to be removed. Please submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development addressing the above listed items. lf you have any questions or commenls, please teel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 2 RECYCT,ED PAPEP s April24, 2006 Jeff Manley John Martin Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Jenson Residence - 5116 Main Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 2, Bighom 5s Addition Dear Jeff. The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed addition to the Jenson Residence at 5116 Main Gore Drive. The following is a summary of that review: , 1. submita stamped, toposraphicsurvey. ? d^sA' l+nril del'gnn'S t't4'o'" t ctleer (st*vreo) >a','vettos -<'ob 2. Submit a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit application\or all existing and proposed improvements within the Main Gore Drive right-of-way. 3. submit an existins "no o,o*""o*"T[ffi rffi"ffr,xf"ffiT: luminance calculations. c tst s\*EE:T V--rr- ^iliiiL W"Pq bo BZ1) A- c*L+- . hqTlhqe'D.4. Verify that the site coverage calculations include those portions of roof overhapgs extending more than four feet from an exterior wall surface.. EuJrr.t 4.alee/W . PEUt,,-Ep ttoougype^r_ @*w) , Submit sioned utilitv aooroval foims. - i'-'l:ctb - '/ X <-4- l+a 4 l+ f rzglaXe, - E & dvo, tce!'-" o+EEd vJLeEa F$r-/b >i r-t1?tt 4?tE- tf, The lands-cape plan must be revised to show the limits oT disturbance fence. 7. Thgsite plan must be revised as follows:y' o Show the proposed driveway grades; including elevations at the property line, garage slab, and percent slope and spot as necessary along the . centerline of the driveway. .,, \t/o- Show allutility sources and service linesLFxraraJq )L4 Show the proposed surface drainage on and off-site.vl Delineate the snow storage ar6as. All snow storage area sizes must be - labeled in square feet. 6-S;hwt the limits of disturlcance fence.4 Labp,l the drive as snowmelt heated or unheated. v/ lnstatt a 4 foot concrete pan with 2 inch invert between the driveway and the street edge-of-asphalt. 't --\V5. v"*y the address labeled on tne nranydr td )r 5166?). 4. Onsheet GRFA, identiff the zoning as "Singte Family Districf. ./40. pno, to the Design Board hearing, stake and tape the projed site indicating the property lines, proposed building cornersr and trees to be removed. Please submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Department of Gommunity Development addressing the above listed items. lf you have any questions or comments, please fuel free to contrac{ me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town ofVail SILIERTItr'E lf Fax:19704681401 l'fag 2ffi 6:04 P.01 O XcelEnergy* PUBLIC SETV'CE COIIPANY FA)(TRANSMISSION DATE:r lfAI 0lM r .L TO: .igff fvlt'lue'ti FROM: Ridrard J. Sisneros TELEPHONE NO : 97Gl2s2407 6 TELEPHoNE No; qzo ?{ t't?1 r FA)( xot tro '?{ t-.. ,21 / . FAXNO: 97G4fl&1401 TOLL FREE: SURJECT: NUTTBER OF PAGES 0NCLUDING COVER SHEETI: ITIIESSAGE OR SFEGIAL I!{S|TRUGTIONE: 7 Thc hf0mraodt codrtd h thb l crtflb mclsego b @f,FIDEilIIAL ffifineflon httn&d only fu th. tts of-th. hd|drnt c-rnily m,nsd rbo/r. tt tre moer a urp mseg' I ia m bilrdd tlcbtrtt, oi U|. ctrploylt c .glnt t!*orr.Db-b-ddFEf-l b.EF . htc{tdd l!(*r5|t pu ac haoly ndlrd nh rny dlrnhabq detdoG or copyiE of_h- egEnt n&ren F *ftry prc.E|l|l t you m radt16C ftf cqrmunbailor h aror, f*gi|t trrn*H'f .todlyfr. srdlt by ldtPlF.E Tlt'rl(lqtr SILT,ERT}M'€ |f fr\-e-ffi o6;554 FRO'I; Fax:197046814O1 AllDg[l.flgl[ l'lag 2 ffi 6tU fotL97246E7481 !@L ?.v2 f.E 4rr\^\R\\'_z!! unurr AP'noYll lvnmarTlgil mFJ*Kr* " verrty thx tru propora lnprrgrrrrr rrtl nd. rn9.d rry crtdfrr, r prapod udny i.n l€, tlF d|o b vnfysent6la..ffiltv'.ru krodin 1tfimry@|ltn.{!fi andslHJlt ts ld hconllffittttl trlO8slg lottgilfypfn-am sddf$E l|lrE|.dor9.' A *r pbn, ncffirg fadrE C.[, tlq pb.r, crd eSrdcfE, fil h rro.ttltd b t|. h|o$ltt td$tt for rmrcrra atd nrfltldon. lrl QUlSf 970.5U!.tr8S (tEl) 97O38,f,O2!t(lh) 9x).687,0722 (cdl) OntrcB: $a€ WEtat firErlgprmtt.drt txcl.tnOil FnltgffOl3 970.262,t076 F) 9t0.46&r{01(rb0 Onbci: Rlctl E$mj HOtYCnOttBEttrc E7n9|.7.5,,75(d' 9Du.fla.$61 (iil) Contatl Jiil \rtwn lvrmmdholr,crw.on EIGDLTTIEV Iflt,62.1038(b0 corrtrds: |(Ibg|'t9DJ52..l@{ lctErtrretat gru RrlI WAfTR,I !t$ET TlCtDrsrnlct 970,476.7.180 (H) 970.4?E.{EP (fil) 6abch R€d Hrrh. firs*e|nenflld.or! ooxcrsrct[rE t0r5&2660 Ea UO Gl)Iro,{68J52 (tb0 Conm,: lrrd Dorct bndrlv doft ac8cebb.dncd.ad t* Ct e*.! rfl,".r,r.r t" Aat.ilAY 0Z m 2. lf r uiltt cotrFtf hel wnr ilor Sr. pFGd qgr,fff, Ut u[lty rrgrcsfrthl ril nota dlrq oll $c trilty vsrilfzibthfttttt tfrsn!Erpldtmduthndrobcdrnrl. ItGlrr!tn|l'Oan06dtdhdhanWrcttl6 ?om^d t/il. ll(nvr, plaaa l-9 h .t*rd lht lt b ttn cr9onrftQ d th ufty drFrt rnd thr rppltcrt b ttdr.d.rftidffldnB f. f UEd,ryr$rolEl&.EilUfifrn l|F$luart3frurStdd|cri:tdtrF{af,ad mdnilrBrnr[EdsdEOt fi tllofo n,UtTilt lfi prrim€tlttt!\ae ue mpoD|emsad t|l(tsmbFtsrt(ilrpruclta 3' Tlre vN'ilcrur do mt |tlGr ft @fi.@r ottE lrtFotdiltf D otrlh I PgD|G lutt Eilr ftqr fi. hprtEt of hn rhils tt Ol llnn dt|{, t4tlF tqFlfn nr hffiri1hrldn n i;y n* aCt*rriy r4frnrlt Itrlllh|Tdmotvt|. ftr Ol*pcr ls ttsff .d I'|Ebihntrr? ic,hd rffiEab lh. lafidtrE t}tponl i c.ur{ldn f thc El|t|qd-phr nt ffi h g|y mt Cirr ttr adutet cE|lilrte (u|hs ftnl$ aFdHy notd ffir 0p qnnrt n='t-oC nEofmt|brm). tT.9 dr.t u/"*6 hr0l-100f l0:t{Fretll$ a[ ItuTra8rl t-lfl P.l0lr$l FtlC IT ffi sJk##.HtriPRrve AgEl4rl.r.! lr:rbrnrr wrrt'.r E dtr a d rt ffi il rD -ndilt rE IHf ]r EtE H stil|Ur!| rt ru r f, rr.r!,'EE: Glz!!?!il!:Igi== -&li f[illi r ||l gln, E|||nf 'tral F, tE h, rt| ffif ||il F rbEl b |rr E rl E Frfui-E-l!L lrirritrf ilr erJU ',0.'l1nrm mrftoqho tuo.ur?l (d)ctfrb *rffir @.c ntmtlttn mSrr0ltEl tn,tu/orlfl anEtl|r5|lr [?iltrlE s[rrrfrGf)t lt€rofr)&|E litfEni @Es *Em nlJn 6F qnE CHtE,fnrr0r tffirbrt UTITNBTfllrT nf,$ttnE|tGt rrDttlnF)fro.{ftl|oi(gl (!|iE rrrt3 0rlrnltr.uofr,ere{rl tm qt'*! Hhf idrtrffib.EEtfr 4n-u ffi,Es+ r!,=!E#Hrl X,5-, tr- b h drrf 13 r rr-*if cE dr-lw r- rr-ffi r-ai :' :!E ilEr- ra!-.EEtrrEtt|IErt? | irrrtrrGFilrI|llrt =#==-: --- HSlHL|g|.T|': b r.rf q'fl {h, bh *F r.ilut r rdhr ro.frrrrilnD,,:-*Frft-h|rcr*mCrrry;!|J$'tm L t||! ttq qtd lEFb Fn I ilrhr_il| dr rh rQil, dn orrr nacQ t: tE:F..,*- iltlrnutg:lrllfarrllmFill;'r, fttttr uaotE t}{'( t&. ,6 Llt &, r-H )q-L|- t*t-e-4 Ctlt FlDl: 7(A d, ffi (IFf so$rJrDorD $lJa,Otttul qrnnt zvt orEt3 trfih flErm '|!n'Gir tEt ffi {Pw br4r1"t .f:l \-r.,H,*_"[ffi.ii$ir**L !m FCl l[I r -Fll lr-rlr--Gttl - =tE I r.=lEirrt- '| tln,!| ibn il Pr frrr r! D'E:D uttlf cl tE .- ! r JG -E!r rj -i rG E E JDG- - G - + r qq= i= {EE.I|Iilar #rr-r -E -.]El. t ll=l-- rC llGt -EI b-Jii- -ttn,-j- iae a rra E i i r m !r fr q ort rl l: .F b rrrr ffi|ffi, i tsrtlr - rl-r - --t- - IC r rE tf rttf i[ !: aIEt:= -F------- r--rl-{--- -tlll-ttr- - --- ltr U-r: # d {f, br-l rr -f Hrbltr il E tHF{rJ.4 tfr tE- DrG t'If C t-lD=. tEfl -- -r-il dDr-r---tl rrCfifrilI ffi ntn,rvrF'*'l'[:Errn EffigHffiffi Hdr.l-E-E I rln' rqtt tfrl--nt frtrdrll$c tf NIIII sLIu6 mitlr.m ffiB ril'tciltrlfn rll.trE0rD rr$lsJn!{b)ffi .lluut ffiETD Ennt rnJE uHl G nlFt'zo;llnr [!rriFt rr|rrnraltrr trE 4llrf,El#t Fo.{lr'lbo0 rr!.aruil(F0 allcfrrlt Et THln GmltG|ut croflrrt*uB(ul mfl.Dl(r0 6rbtl ldEc hqait+|lf,r-.6 a|r[rrl5 .4. ^. ..e 11r. -rta Dfcs l|ru r#.tt FRY-a-ffi O6t:Ets1 FRDI:'tfJ.l97gP451EL P.ta '' *m,*b verryrh*$e *"*ffiT#:ffi propwd dky nn{s, an r.kob Ar&frul,Ehre Co.U||a0fr Dnb fxtu cl6ss en€ea\ FAatLmeS Alt, I9c^ttA lN .4nl^, G.E€ DAr\,€. OrEct Brtd Daca5, btaahlrr -.lorr<6.at{e-(r666t-ffi ilrIEr L[Ua udrywld Lvcrncauotfumh.s dSu[l'rsftqmGrdt,te trurycsflFlaq, srl tEcotrmsEarrnadedhocffy an thr ftrrn, tieTom ri pran|. that t|Crc aa m pmbhnsand tfic dcrcbpmston p|oe4 2. f r qfmy comfw rr3F enilni wl$ dE F€ped sgucilar. $a uullt!, rtDilgttaUt o drdl ns dhrd! m Ure uflft!,veilMn fwn thd,lfgr b r prcUsn dlctr nS b h (6rcil. .Ite bdre $ooft tll€|l tE (hblted h an ucfted lctF b tltr Tilt ol \tl[ l{orsvrr, pEE fep h rhlnd thilt I b UE |t+odb&y of ft tdny qhg.rrr rrd tl|s lroat b rEdvc lbrtfiH ftlcmr. t Tts$ycdb5or|lrbrrtr€lcrcfiecqmtroftie|lflqEtryuobbhtR$flcwryltt'tFqnuraDry8ttmentof tuilcrXaLr*l'|eTmn dYS..qiltitlGgda!il-liotilrili*ndefrtnanypUelght++liyorcasncltt |./ftit &eTitt of\rr|. l}rrHia E f,rlr L idt I lrfilq-wlil Eilh rpd mrt h !!El|rcd i4}rrhtu- The Deudqerls tc$m1tlrm rgteEsbstnt xycvtsal dlt|rfifg*toult rdffidforrum.|'r.al C,rsrerhslon fthr fltr{id Phnse rlhned h dstrrcy fudEa.Srslpdgneh|'trlrb(rxthsdrsrrh $.dfkdynoHwlilrlnoc ortnpnt aeldtlrtfom). M 1btu P.gE t oft'l i\$Ultil ssouc ,\'l0H ':MT?fJfE rld9i: [ 900tr 't 'AYtt yE fy tai,lcr r\alhttty ild bcauon tb ntrtr qlstrtbn erd $u,rtl bc ur€d h Cdrlndon wffi Fepfig tErtr dltt pbn 5rd ddithglncdbuxlr. AsEpHltndrfitgqn4ngdatr,floorChn end*r.CbfF,th.ilbesrhtflEdtothEHladngu5ttues ftr rgpr*d sd w{ladon^ QS"$f 970s8.7rs9 (H) 97038{.fZs{hx) s70-68/'.a722(drl)@rbd3: Sre WetErs $Eterfuow€S-AQ EXEE-}IICIi'R33f,NCGAS elu2fl.{ox@) f,r0.46&140r (f40 ConhctsnidrSlmorr flotYcilla g.Gctr[c sngr.w|s{E) tt!9{5..t{rEr (rbo Cofic* Jcfi\toqn ittffinoftohtE Oc€ftflt ffiLl|antr 970J62,i038(Fq)Cofffi |(t 6qFftYrU,?64c02{ Krotcr{ne Boeert EACTERNGTWATENi S IITrrIOilDtCrntCt e70.476.74S {d) 970.476.it089 (fax) Co.rbcC Fnsd te lhed.€dsrlEd.gB dFlSrorru 970.468:569 ef,t Um GED sn.ffifiTa(tu) t/L 'd 0 tt '0r/ Status: I Approved Gounrturufiy DEVELopMENT Rournc Fonnrr n Approved with conditions Z Denied Routed To:Fire Date Routed:04111/06 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:04/19/06 Description of work:Garage addition Address:5116 Main Gore Drive Leqal:Lot:1 lBlock:12 Subdivision:Biohorn 5'n Addition Comments: Fire Date Reviewed: /.rt , oa ent lssues. Need additional review '44 /tu,,trAc64 a,zraa /4 teat-* r*t a iFi":. ..''.,.'' :-- li ,i,.. {,t r'' #,i'\ /..-\ 1/ .jFa-"-=\v ,rt \\ I )1l/=o qislllG*rt{PfF;b* i t I a i r"-' ' ,*r"y,* ",.-,", 'tost ,lo,l& 'P'4 Acl; "t " zoNp cHEcK Darc: q/s.'t/db Orrncr 5cn Arc h itcc t . Zonc district Lot sizc LL Phonc Proposcd usc drrc,rr ' -- la--i tL. BrLildable arca_ nt/n / Allorvcd = 5.LL/..-.----t++-_- lolal -7or't R cmaining 609 3{fr- E^*isting Proposcd = */6---.--.r---.=_ Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks L^rndscaping Rcrrinin g \\tall Hcigl ts Parking . lg,Wt t,zrl i,til-9- a---da-t- .; I i i 1: .t I t t Mirrlrhum ; l 4cV 0ogf-) Front Sidcs Rcar t3.tt(, 3, 16' ?41-sL . = Zr-rrf 20' .15' l5' zl 26 \&3 3Z 'Requircd Ul (e o€ 7t/z 4 Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvith TOV Ligtrting Oriinancc Arc finishcd sradcs lcss than l:l i507o) Enr.ironm cn ta l/!Iazards Gool(@roo).(r2oo) Pcrnu'ttcd Slopc -% proposcd Slopc 9zo Ycs. No v;r- .4- No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) rt l* 2) Floodnlain t 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Scrback (30) (j0) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalaachc b) Roclt'all N/A L yncloscd 2r?.{/ -ir44 i Prcr,ious conditions of approval (clhccl: propcrty filc); c) Dcbris Flow DESIGN REVID1Y CIIE CKL,IS:T Projcct; '.;U f r. . Q SUR\TEY SITE PLAN ,, 1 .-.-- r...x-=- Scalc B.cnclunark Lcgal dcscripti on Lot Sizc Buildablc fuea Eascmcn ts. Topognphy 100 yr. flood plain \Vatcr Coursc Sctback En vironmcn bl Hazarcls Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcyations Scal c Buil$ng Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DcckVBalconics . Caragc conncction Sitc Cradc\Slbpc Rctaining lValls Fcnccs Parhng/Caragc Turning Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snotv Storagc Firc Acccss E FLooRPL"u..IS Scalc CRFA 250 addirional CRFA -. Crarvl\AfiicSpacc cflu Q BUILDINGILEVATIONS Scalc _'- 'lolorMatcrials tr LANDSCAPEPLA.N Eixisting trccs Iroposcd bces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Appror.al Titlc rcporr (A & B) Lltility-vcri6cation form Plotos of sitc Building matcrial samplcs C.C. Vcrification SuntShadc AngJcs Ut .ljtics (undcrground) Vir:w Corridors Va:ianccs .Plal: rcshictions .-:-_ .t I 6qn'm fr 'ff(rbl?Y Design Review Board ACTIOT{ FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.coln COtft${tY oA\rEloPlffr{r Proiect Name! JENSEN RESIDENCE Proiect Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8060189 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (STONE SIDING, GAMGE DIMENSIONS, AND ENTRY) OWNER MFJ HOLDINGS LLC 13 CHERRY HILLS FARM ENGLEWOOD co 80113 APPUCANT J. P. MANLEY ARCHITECT, LLC0512612006 Phone: 328-0592 5116 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Location: Lot: 1 Block 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDfiON 2099-182-0200-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approyal: 06/09/2006 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written cons€nt of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0008093 Smoke detectors required per Section R 313 ofthe IRC(2003). Cond: CON0008138 The four proposed isanti redtwig dogwoods shall be relocated to within the property boundaries to accommodate adequate driveway site distance requirements. 0512612006 ProJect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion Byr Second By: Vote: Condltions: Ptanner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20,00 CiturynrToltrofnemn Her $pncr[ootrDd|lr frrhw r-rFrrcG!m '3 SrnaEqlffl,'rl,(m t!9 G tLrfllltl E nall3 *E{Drt ffilffir r tE |trnl e-F e rlr lE|arFE| tE1 tD rltrEt. rrEl ilr|l||Eb: b I|IEE !E 'rE.E !E tt !r IE |Frlrl Ir a fl|t- Ipr jrfirrtE G Ut rdFa|'' r q|3 ran[ r d ]i h* F|d FEb tL FE.t5,rI i t # I L Iu d -p tHrrhhrllmF'Ht4tlilFdrrQFrrbbd*mt qrFxt|rrlrn, lrilnthH! fl atr- - nru et u|' u'l! IzF nHxIY JtNsbn t---* 6!€R FFor' r Jut | -'loz-545J lo:r*lftas3 P_e F. t *ffi tHh, 3Uh_ tt4|tL, afg, i:rll..E3 ,.. Hht 2+liz&tel (Or|cr{borrEat}D,Lbprrin} nt rr|{rtc.hr|$ h4rJ i-o*,l5-gr,_ . , ,, -.._ NI or(attrfrr) trr-aF* lil &ffibFrfr hfr|Irrrb nDmEa. v P or o r o \ @ -0 - fFJrrhiah Xorsrmm r.frr+rFh itotltstEilTrEOrF qlr|ErilrulErttlirEr htl %iru.1p.;o.r* |ICrn , 7o Bn p- 't 2^ atr8l 06-dt( $ (4" \ {,f,'l v n \.j "\ ln,\; y'* fI: (b,* hY-a6:pm6 s:s!fr pElt: 9r0,5D.ADGD 9?!-xilr(frdt 1 9r0tr7,07rr(d)conE SY.hDt @E@ TEt 1gltB.l6t*,74 P. a F\\r-l-r lll&Iwltf,fillf UANtlGlIlOil EJ1t ffiffit* b wfy tlnt tG lrllgt rnrrilrlgrc d a.t brrrrr rt ffif or prood uIry ltdclr rill rtso to vr|trVm,h anlrlliy r! beicrfr ruottt clh rd rtuff !c rd lnonftnclb SF|F ltg t6t Ufl F.td ddtfte ffi&|$ A fr FL EuCf Ordng !be, lls FL rt chffia+ lil !e atUifd b !E lfrilhf ttlEs bP'odrrtut**'|L |InlDrlthE ffi nlo b8 qI0 5t lO tr^l"rrl 6tcf bA th $Fv€ flE/aa E,ICI'Et|.|C 905rr0rH sr[.nr{fi(t0 Oft.btlt!l|lc ICYCC'EEIE rrGfir5.afio rn$r.{otr(&) Orn$: E?tron frrrtalfrdcruanr G.MY r0rn.frn(h) @||t|ce lltftgrrtttr.l€a.loA{rnHt|bet u'f,tEytttrrnr $illNDr'otftrlct 970.{tt7s0(u)97o4tl'l0&td,ert(L Hlfetrr ir*C.il#4C cilac|crG|lu tnfl.&d.uo(dl ''0i6rfrt(El Oic trdrllt brffl addr-qnalcnr @ rtq?.pt- p ffi h q q rE rl| IIEE *rln o (urr dln FUr il ila rb u'|ilr !. l? tlr tQ ryuf I HEiln t'r nr| it|irrrlbt dl o? h try s|n|t$ r! m cilUr rG a$ C!dt, ot ir Fllt 0:Tnr t Ft3||r l5f i:n d |D pobr e||| tr rhfipn* clr Fit I ! r Q ilFnf lrrqsn udr it FlE crFt6.I m rJry ||trrrtru. fit |t- Gr I dt| tf&Erffit fil Ol On I I Ffn flrli rS I b ill|rd. nr lr lfnll El h rldlt h Ir rGt tG D !t tlrrdttu. ltr|F,finfrnfl!i!.*; f|, h ntt t I lh rl9rtQ dt! trft qrrF d fr Fb.|dF L Tllr EfEET|b tnttUl itdrEEo, nr |l'Fntfq b6Dt r lttilc itlt Foitlun !|. dDntr]td Nufr ffi tnrtun ottL llD.tslhrllfllb.ilt h rry l* tme*r rHl|rt Stllll lilt d H. ltrfhr{b nr lflhrr d* clrtiarF*, tll S,qr b lqt:l r! Tr b rfr|t q rll |br*rtr o tr tfr3 b rFfon I GvrHr tt ll JE.l-06 olrd$lhnl E!f dt urry \raEvgi., i-t !L , a ry-e-e6 ill$n FHttt . i.|' IDrtt?O{6Bl{1 P'e u n ($)il utlrwrttrilrrrwuiinox ilEFi- " rrt rtr dr r# hra,lrrrlr *r d rr- G Gr d ,q!. trry-ry!! jf =t-tiriliibirrrfri'rrintr ru rr rinrrsar rrr ani6-rii r ql+p nt25i1l ggpq3:f i*rrg piaa-n e a fr nrf frorr en 5. rh d ffi fl b rltg E tr ffirrt ru ttrmudrdrtffin' &Etla5 {lnr rrojriDD(n0 sruserElbo tmtrar.o'iE(d)6nnrc brhb r@uaDo EtilttrlnraS sr0:6r.{or{l|l ttL.6r,t 0r F0 ffirtngrll t[rmlmc tf,o;t +?,*ElU,t ttutlttou (E)ftrG ltvlul ffi@ro Er.nnt n0il2rm(b0 ffi |(flFtgto.[r.ao{|ciE|lryr tlmEY|rrntrt t|trtr|uEnscr rto.rLra(ul 9'o..tll|0t(fu)6ilt tillrrb &rn@rB ffiIrrrr| ',o,tel.e d. u0E)en.o"rr20b0 ffilr|h ll|&lu 6Ea|F[,ffi.di |* Ne! fl.Y.,-t fTarrg. IlI02 U E : ^!_E 1 qqc t_rElr En lrr t3ln-ar nr c tD rlt dt!- rr t! qln ]r ln rJt6]tl !l E rt D;b rt Fr||l il Er rt-|D FuEi! e n anFtEat tuoE n el|!!q!!.qH rt .Fr b -* ft r*t rHt b x - b D;od r .|crb r rr l=lg3!!qrt rhl h rt 5' rh t| dut! Frt |5 (rfr | dn- -fr t rrlt ilb tr qr:t 2. Ir_ury stFq frl snil s |r m- qrrfrr fi ut frFrrirh rt c otQ qr hQ f,En hl h h t I Fl[r s*i -D t rtr nr n fuf ln h tEfth rr di lI r$i rilrlt fl, lffi, F D h '|5 lr3 i f tb ffi C f: tQ ry'r, 5 tt rt'ht b r*f,rlEtEnl l. t-tn r|lEtbr lb til t*f_lr crs drlr Jl il a.tr5 | '!|t ilt m iur Ui l|F!|rtr d rcrtsErtrrbrduL br"ttiltfucGl fftblhru. rc rECf tUilI tlrrttr rylrye .m.'-a# SSFEiT -t ru:!'.5g5t8il P.ta ffi ,-,,tr;maro:Effllt til#i-.rlytltr rl-.lrrr'! rr ilelrcs r.Itcmt .prrEt GrtlFD {ELare.fllI'-EErFl}lt-l}C .EE r* r=||E-tFlrrt-G-E-|l |EIrl, -1 *, q lq-- rt] !D- !r-|lr lr IG-= -- +hrpl-rtDl EI lr fitt rr0.Dr'|rH nDr.E|rl tnfrJtra@ (!xr3 mItlr ffin rr t'.-d3t|r na*G13 Elftr- lh rffdga DTTYC .-l IC - tD G_=Er r_#f G - lI-E G rD -=-, E - =lD E 5iEr = lrr rItL E:-r: - ---t -t -r -t rt tIElG t atltlf,c| t-, l- =r l* n- rcrr- h - nr-- - Cl nrEDrd lrrts - r-!ql-F ilr !r G r-f - r r -. L r-E iEc rE rrt-r5r g *===-' lI rI l trllr f r r d t- - c - D rEr tr ---b-rrr-rD-Ett r-rErDLrc..Dct lt' rrtFr rlrrlrrll'brllrtfrtfrrfttaff ! rct f r{Ff lrh s!!t!!!;rub-r--Fffi t*iEirr--f, r-ffrm rlirh*hrlnbrFlni f-{Daqr(rt:3 ffihntt ma'|s i.lfi rilln s$il, tlrl J5:l-"o6.-|r,E: r[]:t 90uu Tl E|tilrnrllr nrr6ltl rtt.r{E(H O;Ert||lm r[tilrIIE lnFrana nl.|anm qc lf$n EftNM EE taDrdtF|}AFr}'cErnnd.liblrht truEtnmilrr |r[ilrnutE rr&ril.rlr!GD norrlJ.oc'0!it *Htt hdt m?cl m.t.I.GUOm T,O, TDTH GIdE re IUfa.E Ut 't 0l|'ftl tFtr ta a,E L2.,E tt\ ra.,c,a- EtGna, ? ffn€-# 6r$n FFtll; 2 ttJ 4L,|8 .ra^-' I I rFr rtorlLnttrD ''lJs.ottfr!Jfirfi.*?n|dl,clrE !b!E!@n Eril|rrEn|frI sr!.$LFlGJl Jnnr.6tE'ffiHl$rls rclcr.GlG Bf.tJO-(u n$'FroB(lu)OrE HUm @s 6r;r s!"rnr6|{tso ffi n|ElttlL,E.lff,*^H'i'3,{}L.,Ottt'-t q Jr.q otlfen- 'fr;:;;";L*J,F'6'?-L [r|IhFt rrt|lnnmllrr tilttrFilElEf fro{trrfsFl rtorfiJ|oDm gilb.! i-ls EEltda EIFrtICr]I rro/Erla* un 0D srornrat (tsl ffi Elucr @ L t |.G CF rr G! *! t: il o.!|IDL * &rF lx :E *D=-* qrc -. :r:11 a1, ;gr r11;. - - - a rc.-il i-rlr rr r* D ! E rlt Ctf rn dfl. l51rr', ir;E-;;iE r --ifrirren 1q .hq - lr gcr b rn trfrlffi a r|!r f,Er || rn nt h srr !'rr i# ! {t r Rll !l!:f!rf tr-ortr|||'!!! ';fiTilrn-nfi fl,,r*crriFg=FqtFhg?.1!!!!!1!!?'6 G r :t;rJfr IIr rE E.r lErG tll llD dI- lE - tllEr[ --tf i6m,fi'fiii- tt-rfi irrrrrprrnrrrrbffi'cr tn ffrtrTll|rdU ttr rrtr f t*[i d llr b ril r" frl *bG! D! #iEffi ,lififi ;E;ff-rffi Ifr F c rurr o-- -Frr d nt # ililritn} .6.. -. ..J atir. eua Ettt r|,!Fc Ffr.@ hr0t-t001 l0rl1 frrtilSD ltultoll T-r{r f .sr/001 F-llt gt : ffi f,k.'y#.ffiive +tHa-F.t irr!. rr.c Frn-G'.l nrg G rco r E G tr !E G - yutty s.6l rtrt;r jrr Etrr k rap 5j1*rm'fr ffiit-di - oqinfi-fi pfq pr g lt il rn rfirr rs:rr A ri x;1 rrulg 9nl3 nf,iifi El -iui if n'c*trS b ffitf fi I'IFEEilEL ffltrun elnt Qrlrr $nSrl'rD(!fl rro^ltfin$r0 s'n'#smtil,6tcE ffi0kr ff$ru EHs|tm|l!n|ar0ttul tr0r3.r{0r(Et ffif*|rfir||t rlllEUtrmrr usrtliluilE y,0r7rt0m 5?0.{rL.Ef0 6ruHlIr rcvml.fls ft0Jfu{3m tro.$Eilels O#' ftrutr ffilffEn mffi tr0Jtar6rt OiEE nFrrua,rBr Itlrhhrt nr frJ*r -_ 3rttrlflrl.us(uf f0r6r.I,'Hl qE HrrB @ L ri! rfr mil I rFtr til hr rhtrrr 0l tlr, !: {It cFE ri D oml.r nt rFf 'r !r Ett D tr il 'EEE5 [ar I E IEC II lb ilFtrr r tEr e i t *r ar-|| ! #r f il - |'[|,t,/'!'.- * .|D IIE tr il G r - c TE T ET!T!r! II ET||E N-IITIE. lEf EITIT'CTDEE]E lF-t.E lili f-bb ilrilrlll[ffiltbQ d/r'/t dl:*rpr*r ItLlmtsr. + ts {Ea - c rlr ll sEE rI I-ltD G -] r rtErr IIIGE i :=!rr --E'---- --:-..r---r flDAbr- ",||!_hfitf t||fif ril Trrbfhr rilr- atrtt.brhnr rl#ln'rrbrt lhF!-rFr I rrr h f q fr tts rirrt {Fi n ntrcdlfft d fr h ffi rrctfl|lbrill tt|t.tr urm WN-e-eUE G:4gP PgEl'l8:19D{€61?P.e $!!rn ETL'DIE'Tg rr0j|arorGo ''ofieta0l ('h,Ottu.fhtu tntttFg.tt$ril.rnJ€3(n0 9,U'{A,U0n0 6rE .Ittfut @s l',l ft4 b.""d.ry. *ritr J,eqt 4 1 r44,7ll.'e l,{,.'. JJr*gg f'*;ii t-t-x eUUr...ml4lC..vl a ! l-G Gt:r]rri !i- srtil -! qr Eg drrrur ll rilt urallan til no qq G 15 11ry ::FI.- :"!.s!! r. !E rE. J a i tDG .b rr;li -E* r; dijE c =r '-t-lL w. - rFa.-E f rDq:€cf .Qz -Ftt 13D rg5r El 1111 fitHnf'|] : ; + rD-rFn r ||fu Eri lr qnr iq Et t fE ttl @u: rl . un!! r GtlE - n ts- !b t I r-tr u- prtr n-rp-gul ;-!l ffi o '16, l.g?JgtnE1:-qlli F 6E crb ffi b frr. n r|, ril c!'| nr qFDn d RUhttrhtwlcH.lrytrlll'|drycctrrt rr'fit|lliltyl lil htt: qfr, d rF b luxr !t uEr InhF b ih nh F rrd I DiE tt Tr!EE rf frlbr ; i r at - r;ry-ry5; 1 -- a5,fEr - rj. :r -.i rcfilun!} ., I t ;F-t-AA- za. Fqr'.rr Unl|llftmU|lf WfEll'Dt ffi EH%* " ur{t t|rr m roFrt hsorm* f, 'ri hr.r rry.Grg a rlo od ur} tua$ qd {t ! -f4 trr rl-& tr! rr E tf, o-lm l! trE n e n oufw tot FFL|! F 4} FlE *Anf lgmn* A rr phnr l$frre gt.tl Fl b Fr, rl mq t r r r||ill!f b ltl ftlb|ho sE fsrmddffifr lr e5lr rrt|ra'€@ r0jc+6iflbl ,tusrsml{t Erb.Er trirhUt r,ffiOF.Sir m.sEr tD.rl&{qf,(m ffEt:nllilmJ[a{or Fnu|nrbrlt rrsrEErr|nt t|ErrrurEttlc? rn,+r.ttQ0d,rr0#,Ir0o(hl OrEtutS bdlMs oEr|rcnr .idar -ilDr IOlU.blr t||t.rr r/auE *** *+ ++*+* ++ ****+* +++*++++++++*++ ++++ +***+ *** **** *** ** *** ** ********* * **** * *** * * * * * ***** *** * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+**********************'t*********************:r************f****************'t**+**t **t ****** Statement Number: R050000589 Amount: 920.00 os/26/Zo06I]-:02 Atil Palment Method: Check MANIJEY ARCH IN].E : U !' Notation: 1163 / J .P - Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: DRB060189 2099-t82-O200-L 5115 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAII., 5L16 l"lAIN GORE DRIVE Descriptj-on Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total FeeE: TOTA1 AIJL PMTS : Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $20-00 ***********************+**l*****'|++++*++**lr*,llt*************+********+*:t**,i,t **'tt ***:t *tot ***,1.'** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmt6 DR 0 010 0 0 03 LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 V-o{- ,):>."1 U (rB\K 4 - \h TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROITTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT PErMit #: E98.0L94 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ELEC"TRTCAL 'fOb AddTCSS: 5116 MAIN GORE DR NORTH LOCAI,iON. . . I 5].1.6 MAIN GORE DR NORTH Parcel No.. : 2099-tgz-02-001 Project No. : {JA_ APPLICAI T NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 COIIIRA TOR NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 OhINER HUSSEY CHARLES E II 227 WESTMONROE ROOM 3100, CHICAGO IL 60606 StaEus...: ISSIIED App1ied..: 08/24/L998 Issued...: 08/24/L998 Extrrires. . : 02/20/L999 Phone t 970949465L Phone:. 9709494651 Description: BURY ELECIRICAL LINES Valuation: 100.00 FEE SUI.IMARY El.ct.ric.l---> DRB Fee Invcstigatj.on> will call----> TOTAL FEES--- > . o0 .00 3 .00 4S .00 45 .00 -45.00 Total CslculaLcd Fees-- -> Additional Fees----- ----> ToEal PcrmiE Fee--------> .oo Pa)'nents______-_ .00 BALANCE DUE_---- .OO Item:06000 08/24/Leeg Item:05600 08/24/]-998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI{T Dect: BUILDING Division:.JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED 'JRM FIRE DEPARTMENT JRM AcEion: APPR N/A DepE.: FIRE Division: CONDITION ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoi{Icdge that I hav6 r:ead thi6 application, fi11ed oul i.n ful1 Ehe informatsion rcquired, compLeted an accurate plot p1an, and Btate thrl all Che infofilabion plovj.ded as requiled i5 correct. f agree Lo compLy r.iLh the inforrnation and pLot. plan, to couply tailh !ll, Tor.n ordinances and statse 1are, and to build thi6 stsructsure according to the Tonn's zoning and subdivision codce, dceign revicr approvcd, Uniford Buj,lding code and oLher ordinances of the aown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECNIONS SIIAIJIJ AA MA.DE T1{EI\TTY-FOI,R HOURS IN TOhiN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 81-657 970-479-2L38 Electr:ical, - - - > DRB Fec Invrqt.igation> Hill call----> TOTAL F8ES. - - > Job Address: 5116 MAIN GORE DR LocaEion...: 5l-16 MAIN GORE DR Parcel_ No. .: 2099-182-02-001*Project, No.: NORTH SI,ATUS. . . : ISSI]ED NORTH Applied. . : 08/24/1"999 Issued.. .: 08/24/L998 Expires-.: 02/20/L999 Phone 97A9494651, Phone: 9709494651 DEPARTME}II OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TTMES ELECTRTCAI, PERMTT PermiE #: E9B-0L94 APPLICANT NEW ELESIRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 COMTRACTOR NEW ELECTRTC TNC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 8l_620 Oi4INER HUSSEY CHARLES E Ir 227 WESTMONRoE ROOM 3100, CUTCAGO Description: BURy ELECTRICAIJ LINES rL 60605 Val-uation:r-00.00 FEA SUMMARY 42.OO . oo 3 .00 45 .00 45 .00 -45 .00 .00 .00 .00 loeal, Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> AoEal, Permit Fee--------> Paymenls-------- BAI,ANCE DUE... - - Item: .06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEpARTl4ElCf Dept: BUILDING Di_vision:Q8/24/L998 JRM Action: AppR AppROvED ,t-Ri\tr-I!gX: ,9IF90 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FrRE Division;a8/24/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDTTTON OF APPROVAL l-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. r t t t t t t r * r r r . t r J r i r ,r , r ,r r t i r i r r r r DECIJARATIONS I hereby Eqknonlcdge thaL I have read lhiE appLication, fil,l,ed out in ful1 the informat.ion requited, cornplet€d an accurat.e ploe p1an, and stare tha!. all ch€ lnfordat.ion provided ae required is correct.. r agt6s to collply tlith the infornarion and plot pl,an,lo conPly vlth all To$n ordinq.nceE and stat.e lavo, and to build thi6 stlucturc according to the Town,s zoning and gubdiviEj.on codca, deaign revicr 3pp1'o".4. unifolD Building code rDd olher ordinances of Ehe Torn applicabl,c thereto, REQUESTS FOR fNsPA(rIOtlS Stl]U,L BE MIIDE I?{8r[I!-FOUR HOLRS fN ADIAJ{CE By TELEPHoNE AT 479-2739 OR AT OUR cE PROM 8;oo Al.t 5;00 PM OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELS AND O}INER !dr(ttr$: '--l---l -- -ll*'4,v'\{r'eN I IYI*.uIIg:__-*..1 -1.-_ -:l_-l ;:g,jtTgnE, * * * * {. * * * { ,1 * . * * . * * * * r { + r r - _. . ^ ToTJtL: l-'...-=--- ,:1:-.:i contractort*t**'**** coNTRtcToR rNronlrAtrox *,, -----=-+__---ddres$:%.,F^.'::-l:*.*-*1****i**t****rt{*** l.'i il i' j i"'pte ?li i. i,"," j T::l_r.t varr neg. lr0.,r!,llone Nulrbgrl ;:l,rt""I'*;. $ill^"'1"tllr Res' No're $uhDer: - :1?Cr".:::P -O2 (,' 1... 21i,, tiil,i io ii -' i J I' o ii; ; i ; "l'Oli*.: ^, ', i;,! i" t,iW: i'l' ; : : ^:i4y,T:I_g: ylrr "onu.nu.r,on .f ..'1 li'.'. r_rt-t I r.t-tJ r'^rcrr t',sov i - 'iz i"|'i,i ! ,J'9$il"!iilfi{"i.ili1-1^"F3ff l'r:t$t | 'r. , t ADI'I/ICATIO|{ r{usr DE Fu,L,ED oUT cO}tpLETEr,y on IT u.lv ,\rr.r,n }rn - -f. . t t t r r . r * * * ** * * * * * r r r r,^ Lt,.. -. -- -'7"( '4ir&r'r |JJ' rT l'tA y ltlo'I' BE ;,ccE[,,,'tD n - - . * * * * a * i r I r r * . r pEff,ntf I,,FORItlATfOll * * r r * * r * * I * * r * * * * a { * * * * { * * A ,a * -[ J-But]dlng [ ;-t lurnbiny il$uct.*toat r ]-M.r,\rr_-r *-i Job l{ono: J!,("/',,,;r Ir.- t 'r u$Lucar [ ]-Hecllantbal I J-othor-i. Job Addres", illiJkg,-&u Or ul ,i). uoD Aqdres", illUW Lngilr De.criptlonl r.,ot-- Lroox-_- Frllng- q'nnr'r.',^..oh,ners tlarne; C/yil ,h:l t tltt:.,,r,r.TT_:_no*"rr, ---":r ' sunolvl,tllorr: -* .Architc,-,t: - plr- Addrcssr Gonr1pn|Dcccr.tpt1onllfn,,,,i,.,t?1la-ful,lr. -:.t.,r,[.u.l.t( (:( t.c l,trrrk clnrsl. g l{i'.j,ew [ ]_;.lteratlon r k/ { (/t,, ,,(.t,1 t t:. lJrrnbor of Dwelllng ulrlts; t l-Addlttonat [ )-Rspntr [ ]_otn(lr Nunbcr of ^ccornhorlALlon UnItc:NulIrDCr of ]lccornhorlAL f::::.:::_::::^;r rirenracos: sd,r Apprrancee cas Leq6 , 1...-...-- fr**ti*+t: :=m*:,u* ffs; . .:jr:. ^ - i'fii3ffiui*,, - Lfftriii01'$'al"i"f=',t rLEi _-_-__ SII11r-up pri,6sir, lvlrir-17:*-,,--,------ l'orarJ PERI'IrI rBist ' t Df G o u p-l-s e; r,ilT-vamTi I__i_l _ .l- =l___1__._f- _t f;]1"",f"Nf,t.1,,,"0.'o. ---'l I tn*nt"J---- | ---.---- . ZoNfNcr SIGNATURE: 'rtl.llfryq$_ul'oNu ro: TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: HUSSEYTREES DRBNumber: DR8040327 Project Description: REMOVE FOUR DEAD TREES Pafticipants: OWNER HUSSEY, CHARLES E. II 071L212004 phone: 3917 MISSION HILLS RD NORTHBROOK rL 60062 License: APPLICANT HUSSEY, CHARLES E. II 071t2/2004 phonez 3917 MISSION HILLS RD NORTHBROOK IL 60052 License: Project Address: 5116 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Location: 5tt6 IitArN GORE DRrvE Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block 2 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 209918202001 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actionl STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalt OBlMl2lO4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:o SLOAN one rtaia: $2o.oo Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: I abck: Z sruoiuirion' B] L.^ S fh Physicaf Address: S I t6 fTkt; n Gt= Or Parcel No.l Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: )Owner(s) Si 9 natu re(s) : Name of Applicant:I Mailing Address: ffi TOI4ry |,Fl/AIL'y RECEIVED I E-mail Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs O Conceptual Review tr New Construction D Addition fl Mjnor Alteration ,,(m u ltFfa mily/com merciaU d Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ..1 r. ;.! For an addition where square footage is edded to any residential or :: tilililnii commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to bulldings and site improvemenb, sudt as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and A For office Use No.: Planner: ,jr.)\\'.' i e'l . .ra'. l B a PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitry Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Put Gnln* Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper @niferous Trees - 6'In helght Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2l02l07l02 ,\l \).t c-, k 1.. L- \.J \ '\l)\ v \-*s o o T ll. ); {r ir f-^5,'t I t h ,i I F i J A a '' *t'' i f i c)o z @ -{7 c o _{o z t m 7 ={ --I -l o m I4 LO l-tt -] i.:; E <x f 'o >l I m: 6 Cla =;X .t 1r< :L:]Jo ,{, in o <{l "-m='k .T= o.< dE ;g i;o ctl >l =q i'i a .Tl T m t + NE X Mt!l- a- --l L/ =z oo r- ft f-] 'Tl !Or- z=q,tD z=oo z oz =q mil I tF I l{o to l"- r lug (JJ.I] m , f -{o @ m x m -It -{o z c o (F a f m o)O f\) ct) Z ,-\ R=zx fl -l r!>6Z -rF Y> c) 2p --t c 3= d6 4 c = ! c ) *'l m o o t- 9.n nz.>m -t> n v '1- =m o i €z m (- @ z m o o o o Ft q iluj o>'t- T-.l L..'- =m '1- z ::r- r- -{ (I,t- -z @ tr D R 7 (x l(a t5 -{m r m F.. I l-.{lo t: lz l'n t<t> I- m l|,,z v s l'n Itt E g ; i g. h p l-r to l= lz lo IT t> lF Itr f lz -rl = 6 €z o I -r m z 'n 3 t+ t€z o -rl r-t m ? z I l-r t€ lz F t<t>t- lm lo lz _n == I =r m I f :.)J ) ]J T ! I F.. F F F D p m t Fi F.Ti o\ o- id !-d oE d'<o!) =- 8=. iii 19 (o itt o :af O0) p- ffD q)\e 9-hi fi *O il0, -.tl o_9 +:a 4E 60 a=<:3 ;':6'- s=. DO @-. xo cj ='d xf.-o a'= RA dE. 0)(o o o o o =€ =.J o 5 a = g) o t =.=g -.,|o { ='A) a 0r 3 at t) o o {I o E. 6' o c o a A'o I o o i o {l- o \6 ='(o o s.o t q)!t o t = 3 g. =(o o qt f f o A o u, z i c !m 'n o o o z z I m {2 m f a I z o : z t- m +a z m m m i<' Iz 12 1=It l,- fio<'b 'r -0 *1, ITI --1 =r | (t' z a c I I z I !m -l I o z m tl r C m TO g€ ri- 26 'z I z>9R rai *g '+s >0 ol I'l-@o z c z = tl tl tl z rn { |- m I =z f z 4 m z 1 > I z --t m c t -.1 z q !11 4 Y o P I R I o FI a p o N c x o N o a rt p F Oo' F{a-4X<o,ii Q H T- Eo Aa > 'n *8 \Z zAA 'xf o 6 4 H.x ? c: ::"2 I .H'n z z "-€ K^ F-r F>tll N o =-"1 N m = 5'l s -irl n <fl= H tl I I o { o o ti z z o F @ F z z o m o o =z z 6 --l --{ -.t m .l ol -nl 'nl 5r ;l -l I I I i I I -il ml I I I i rt o I I u.) o --1 t- !m f,, =--1 'n m m o o m -{ x t-m z c m q. m 2 o 2 tn =m { m m --t o z 'n m m m o I z l- 2 m r m -t A t- z o m x c t- = ttl = = m =. 'Tl m m <t, VATUATION !m I = =z o 3 m 2 t- = = m t-m =t- g t- z s'F.. 5 (tl 9 \J_.,' o' ) N)ul v# t 185u flplq> Q t -"I / r)o z q, -l o -{6 z rt m 3 { I -1 g f,-r' \ I ';6 '+ -;5 ,,ab l)0": n{| =TZb\=lli,?,,=rt<,\5/ an -t C 0 .7 n : c C 8 n d fn l-i i.t r-r I ^;-a -m- | in lP =#F l; o {)ii:l = lai O A 53: lH f; I 59o l: i 9 >r- l': A 6 r- t.4J h /a l3r I l-{ iJ :-]i-''tr-t < =l-J t-,jL-J ! =x3 6 € := 6 f 9o a E 3z I I ;a t 5 z Bq I n .ts I q.r' z a', >m -.{ >Or .)orn .< ,;- >l c)= -l()ot >; A= m 't o -{ (^) Z r.'Y -l l{ ii ln t<l> lF lP l9 -{ 'J)t --9 I al a rfl an fn ti EI .'l t i () :- =,ol !l :ii >l I I I I I I I I I >l "l I { I 1'l o {z (t n r (i m ) I I F ; 2 -i di f: ;;:,!a-*.;i5i t"1*P':: c x<: go X., X s! [*< -; J f FE-=i?s:sHI ;#:r€ \ Jq -f (, o Yr gFiB; $ain?,X^-=oro - X ^-J -U.) 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U \s I t) !9 a: .J at "€li ..- ;gr _t:== :]].F 2 r, !l t-f -:-r E (!, ',1 .n N F f\ ^\ N \_\ Gl N I \\I \(F ! r '1 i _,,' f^':. x f ,/l ' I ll-.: \ IJ it- =.,l: i.,s :i, r\. -t\ \(f,J -. >.\\ LT {\ * o o I I a a irt- ,*-'t /f\rfh ,nf "r5 ;r{ :;,.* i,o?(o f PERMIT OF PROJECT c{ ?:JOB NAME INSPECTIO '., I l(, : MON "itt'r1 (. - CALLER TUES /CZt ao DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MBE le U INSPECTION REQUEST WED THUR ' VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tl ,'l tr FINAL i-r-(.t r\ i i i tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL O FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR