HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 2 LEGAL.pdfuEl{oR,aNDtn{ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Dan stanick f-+l'Greg Hal-l November 1, 1-991 5088 core Circle RE: Drivewav crade Dan, we have surveyed the driveway at 5088 core Circle. The centerline grade was calculated at l-4.2?. The Town ordinance allows driveways up to L2Z if they are heated. The driveway in question is heated. The two foot contour mapping provided durj-ng plan review, has a degree of accuracy of plus or minus one foot. The elevation difference for this driveway betueen, the L28 grade all-owed and the 14.22 grade constructed is .7 feet. This is within the degree of accuracy of the original rnapping. I will allow this driveway to exist as constructed, as the only other alternative is to lower the garage floor. This appears to be unreasonable for the severity of the problem. You may release the Final Certificate of Occupancy for this residence. ,T i.: i' ,j 71991 75 South Frontoge Road Vail, Colortdo 816J7 t03 -479-2 t t 8/ FAX 101 -47 9 -21 66 Department of Puhlic llorks/Transportation MEMORANDT]M Temporary Certificate of Occupancy TO: FROM: DATE: SUB..TECT: Dan Stanek | ,l Gres HaII D.{ I . October 2, -L99I 5088 Gore Circle, Inspection. Dan the following need to be corrected: 1-) The roadway ditch and shoulders will need to be reestablished to provide roadway protection and adequate drainage conveyance capacity. 2) The driveway will need to be patched into the street. 3) We need to check to see if a street cut perrnit was obtained to work in the asphalt for the driveway. 4) It appears from the site plan that they have completed their grading out of the floodplain this would need to be verified. 5) The driveway grade is at 18.58, the approved grade was 8.3E,they have heated the drive, but I wiII need to talk to Larry concerning how a variance can be obtained or if a variance needl to be obtained frorn L2? up to l-8.58 If you have any questions, about these comments, please contact me at 2L60. cc: Pete Burnett cH/jw l2s Oo*uu rsruqt (eo.nn 1-'{==o ALFONS G. HAMERSKY Structural Eng ineer 4291 S. Colo. Hwy 74 Evergreen, Co., 80439 a Johnson & Sons Const.' P0 Box 182 Seda'lia, Co. 80135. Re: 0ctober 31, i990 Schneder Res i dence Lot 2, Blk. 3 5th Add'n Bi ghorn VaiI, Colorado of the footing at the southwest corner of the approximately 6'-0" across the excavation. 8" thick and 5'-0f' deep and reinforced t,lith structural ly acceptable. Sincerely, ,U /J,^-4 Hamersky t Dear sirs, Due to change in garage, the foundation The foundation at thls 2 - #5 top and bottom. el evat i on must span polnt is This is R.E. PORT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYTNG ATTN; JIH S+g6WarO Road Suite 160 Arvada, CO 8000A (303) 420-4788 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTTFICATE o*e o6t"a,9leeS.roe+90-9r I I'ORTGAGE co JOHNSI]N AND SONS ADDRESS 5O8S EORE CIRCLE AORROWERS NAME LEGAT DESCRIPTION (PER CLIENT} LoT e. ELOCT: 3 FicF+?lX'B!+?IVISIoN EACLE CO. t COLORADO $o ca ao*a I \\ {.d"'-t--=o' "7 or)/ ^7 E-o E.-r $ffi.Vffi"'"'-/GFb\.U €+r> cs R.c,F E ffi"F-L1:'oGe=r Eo2,t €/.at .,nt, 85z'.o f l-o<'L r:o(€ \,.-- _ Lr;, \ z-, ^ {tes )-t.--><=- jto.rr4,., .- lq;. 4..r, u^_.+) w*ffiH.ffi Z_errrC, A rhereby*fr."ll*S*yprovemont,"*ff"T,lil:.fl 3Li.J#3}:r:dil.J;il;* *:;rsn";ffi#,ffsHlx.**rn;.i"*n*t*p!ffi *if mffi iil LT*9=1E9 parcel on thir dqti, erceptu-tilil!-o above deecri[,iit t;A;;-ffir';i'ffi;;Ti,tiii[ir runner ceHry that the inprovsmentr on thc .oj1tr9 naicii, ;&;t;;i"wn, rhet rher€ are oo.,l.L3#3ft'ilffie*f,"Ysj[tq"h;i[idi; :T,B:-::ry*--t" "n ant adj;ilh;;ffiff' ffi;;$e $gpcibed nrcrairE -Uv "yi*.l:" or eign of ariy iaeement '"r"iii"g l,i tha-re ir rio appercni H*,.,1'"."':1'rtoiororedor;;;;;;;;;;.-"ltf/ffi1l]f"Fffi.Tll:l','Ltl-1":3's u rEf iif i i n . r,t ". i " *, " r..'" ;"; iir"; ffi ."r";.ny d.f.cs ln rhlr rr tu hcrcby,ccnincdrrrr .'c rbovc dcrcribcd ,TJ.;i,*:iftfilq$.$:hll.Tt:Tli:^'i:.".;.T,1 p.opc,ty 14 n..lr*,;il.;;;; hor th' fW *.,,;ty'*f6Fiovn hrroon.,, Hrrud Bouadrry Mrpr olrl A*t / vtT?rA Robort E. t3-'-*,h\ t%s_ t-*"} "ffiffi=-'Ig Gtc€..rlro B Zet.o GE€{ftt t1*r.l ?arr.rt- t€o>t €tt nl:cx' 85rs.o r ".\P<'?'*<e c+- i /''-ep /-\\ .,/;?' i \/ii Tq*_i \dx /i qw* q"r/, -ii i \ "/Q^ i\b -\- t YI tt -'.lYet) t t ATE-fe. €m' Jos+ tEoAt DESCFIPTTO}{ (PERCUENT) 90-9r l E5.ffl RE. PQRT a AssocrATEs, rNc.I$f _ - Lm{D SURVEYINO ArrNt JIt'l fA 5460\f.ard Road Sulto 160 Fr I Arada,CO80002 til (3os)420-4788 l=r'' rMpBovEMENTtoc^TroNo€RTTFICATE I il il- tt"'.t*=o t*. ",Un J(xflsoN AND S0t'ts LOT E. BLOCK 3 BI6HORN SUBDIVIgION FIFTH ADDITION EASE CO,I CTLOIFADB G***q;im}6ft- r.llgf lCt r Accosdlrl to Coi rurvrr rr t hr n ihrcr ycrr r .'f.tt'?.f iirt 5fi"n:n r hercbv *titv-trt.$! rnprorcmonr r*"ffoTffi"fl$ti#ffi Hor'"tkn ua bclcc' ffi It b hcaby, rlcdAf{ut or $orr 6crsrtbcd fli..;f; .roy |ctton D.3d upon rora thrD lan taarl ro*,, -t, n*-t,*"""*.;;; rror thr fffn#'i"i*l#Fpvn hrrron.'HlTf,H"i;ffi"T,S r Hrad Ed'ndry MrD. Ota t{tl 1,r$0a, { July 3, 1991 Mr. Mi ke Wh i takgq..r' Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dea r Mr. t^lh i ta ker : Enclosed is the improvement cert'ificate for at 5088 Gore Circle. The project. number is jnformation, please call . Sons Construction, Inc. A Division of C.J. Corporation the Schneider 8890. If you Residence; located require any additional Joh nson S i ncerel y, P. O. Box 182 . Sedalia, Colorado 80135-0182 . (303) 688-2040 1 e<\- --'Ll iT,B::"_:T"F_:1.""r "aioil-i'" g ;ffi i."i; ;ffi the de_rcribed premirer by t the-re ir no apparcnt rn), d.fcct ln thlt .rny rction brr.d upon It ir bcrcby..c.rrificdilrrr ttc rbovc dcrcribcd ,.K.:f:.Etlft:,f15.11 :htr"ai,ori-ir,"n-iniyiiri e,op.,ty le nt*,*.*;1*".;;; rror th3f$r1fl,ff ",,,t/t{S|hovn hcroon... flood hszrd bond|ry it rccordrnce sith tho currcnt HUD Fcdcrd Admiairlntioa Flood Ha:rrd Bonadrry M $DfiDd M\lsl 11 A01? o^tr-s5ttilg,,orr MORTGAGE co JOHNSON AND SONS 5088 6ORE CIRELE ADDRESS EORROWERS NAME LEGAL OESCRIPTION (PERCLIENT) LoT e. BL0c],: 3 r| r unLrnt{ surru r V.t 5l UN FIFTH ADDITION EAGLE CO. ! COLORADO 90-911 R.E. POBT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEyINQ ArTr.t: JrM 5460 Ward Road Suite 160 Arvada, CO 80002 (303) 4204788 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CEFTTFTCATE $o % ( la:o ^/'/qt/ -/ C.."- Rt+ +ffi.!ffi* - =/ GAc'\€ €.,rrr: rr Rcoe X ft-F,,=*11'osr-er a \-DA'L r-"(€ w<-_ ro ..../' -*Fs.#si*l)-ft.-i-[6 A frfl.Feff"*Add"_ r herebv certirv thar fri...,sRr?y^.,,,"", r"off"ttr1fiT.llTt.i?:11* ioro'mauoo a; b"rd'*" Lbt "r rro'"iHlr.tff_g-'f,!i =d rhat,it ir nor ro.be re,;;*l"i"l,H*:etiil**r,fence' building, or other futuie itnpr"r-*i.ii tiirie. i ru*rrer certify that +,he irnprovementr on thc :tri:$ff i::i.'.r,';;l:i:l?,,,,itr:m*:ll*,i"nmnrTi#ili'lxrl:t*+iEqili sur@ifiiin .r'..o -y"",, .l-..-J;;i; ffi"'"T .11 Robrt E. {-*---*' .g:. !t .!.)!. ZONE CHECK FOR SF}, RP/S ZONE DISTRICTS ARCHITECT: LUBISCHER LOTSIZE: N78.8 PROPOSED USE: ZONE DISTRIGT: GRFAALLOWED ON SITE ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE REMAINING LANDSCAP COVEMGE SCHNEIDER 0 530 0 0 0 530 530 PHONE # PHONE # 799-0545 778-6369 R P/S N FLOOR BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT. 2ND. FLOOR SO.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FLOOR SO.FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRFAALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 1,506 2,146 0 0 0 3,652 #GAR.spaces 4,229 929 2,723 1,500 018 043 00 00 00 061 3,652 061 25 70 240 91 0 140 0 88 000 000 000 380 91 88 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT.200 50 88 (180)(41) ,+// s En FILING: BIGHORN SUB. #5 SFR RES YN 4222.9 4695.8 0 4695.8 14087 GARAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIB AIRLOCK VOID 5088 GGORE CIRCLE Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: ,t !1D/ \l IBZ ..on- q?-'72 Legal Description: Lot /--' Block n / , Filing Comments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA L D ISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval o I !7 Sons Construction, Division of C..1. Corporation Joh nson &lnc. 14i ke llhitaker Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Va'il, C0 81657 Re: Schneider Res'idence 5088 Gore Circle Lot 2 Block 3 Bighorn Sub. 5th Addition Project #8890 Dear M'i ke, July 3, 1991 Enclosed are the plans'indicating.the changes since the permit was issued.1. Delete loft area.2. Reduce deck area, eiiminate deck of master bedroom.3. Dl eete basement fireplace. These changes have been requested by the Schneiders in an attempt to reduce costs. Thank You P. O. Box 182 . Sedalia, Colorado 80135-0182. (303) 688-2040 o o z @ {F c c){o z T rn 7 3 { =-;i-6-'!- =-!J<o -lt ^\f :\ o o 3 = = o q o tt 3 o I o @ m .rl r l-_m --.1 -<:!Y m!o;'Tl o tl<mrt <-i --.t t- I o I g,a c z m '1' m =i =I@ -r- \t:-tn> =oo YF r t t fx fFl uwr+{ H -nrc 60 cc z=a o@ H22 r{ oo oz X rXrXrX L.l4t.}4t}{--l I m oEi =tr <F .l>tr' lo Hlo Hln rlITr ;w tnI H l\o O lUt Z lN). lvl I c) F€ !lz +tH {lo \o lz \ol I lFa rJr l>5lH Lr! ll. OB =t><F t'B 14b zla SE FI .|Jt l..'t 5f', I ls.3H :€ tl \tl coF IK o. i!urf o, l \ol I I F c) r Q' ts a I l-l !to 'l€o, lz @lo @lr tl<f.J l> ^l=5.t-olfi lF,lz lo r I I lrs lo\tf Irt I I tr c{ z a z @ u) z a cl at)z FI r l-r :ts lz lo t:tt> 'lF \l* lc-,'lz I''l I --{ l--{mlO El€'lz lo E l>ti tm lo lz le I I I I I I t--{nkf,;t{;tz Nr lo NJ l'n lt<L^ l> LD lr-$' lr +' lfi lc-r lz lo I I I I 1 IO tr{o!I;- -z zc) z = Hl ro :.N z>eR Id :<+< >o o>m:(,o c 4 -i z a c r lr 9l 'i I -.,1 !m --l :tr1 sl (rl o\ },J o o c ! > f)NF zx2 TXn 4-F to -!T =zo tiQO o<z tau, f o 62 o= S b zu>---l 06 o -nzz { N@= qJr n< 3 z 14 € z v)H c)H H z rt tr, H z H r. --t m o 2 =o z ! :ts t$ @ @ \l rh m =o z m m t- z c)-m x q 2 o m = = m D = ='71 m m <n g H r 4 H x fit I <r ol I t t ;l r'.r .\\' cn \o l'\O r\o I I I I z z 6 -i --{o z z I m a) ts Fi r H u) E c tn H trt F F a z r(t t- z ts z H z € --{ r m =-i 'Tl m m att z c .D q. m I o z Irt m € z t\, @ .{ wqs''lt az 3q mil lxl lFo Fq l,- <loo rn r- -U \om \o1 o< -{ -l o @ m x m 1l -1 z (- @ L -{m (OO-r 638 o9o ?o Cr e i'\< R E* l=x *R{ {Eo + ts.*:d6 o:1 l' a4- l!- -xe= =- <5o o ;f- i 9=-o i-E *a -=1]E o)!d== -=r + ii ,; -.5i.o ?1fo -= rD a..\= r9P ordr =s_= J E.=tsJ it)(D == a i:.f q;6 a ii=.ii a'3 PRA ('(D=. qr-(D A) € o o o- c o o 5 (o o -l o {f N f f f o o o a (o' -.t I m +lc)|Fe +l= g *lE e Tl': E +rg :s:NR; FS F; SF ru "M 7w=JtrJ =FY A[.i al € =l o'rl E >l E 3l s nl : -r' I o 'l (D <l R al )'ml -l .nl -o m I = z.o O t-C' OI fd r z tn H z vt r{ rl e fg Ft f+\ -o Ht Flf Fl gl f+\rll EI F{l a E9 n r'l -H r1 g :l t++-l rji cl El E ts F -a E E4 ? -lr Fr, IH F ,F -.F v -r :a -l rtl E f9 +t g n f+ts F a-D .r' :? -l f+ trHs -x-l-'#:+o gb=* nol!: F r., '!r Egis 2Fra Ou ie €oTF F*r='F - "'+.Ufri 8t=a :e=Z;r x3O Ri-r s3s >rn*!rfi z xto \J {/: \ =3=:>d=Far ;-. \- f1.r YQZ z=r r^\l/).JF^ nln!,o*'l zit :i'. H I2c A,^Z '! rJ \- ^'*iv,A ^>1,-z=g EEE l-^\\./ \J --arb x<t eid 9trn .x _-l\J r{i-F a+v z v,a) z trt H tt F: rl U'H Irj z (a F' c o F rl!v,ts tt trt z Fl H ts t: o I L^, F 5 z F o -l o f z { (l(I E H 7(FI u)c) z H F G 0-A o o @ F o F x F H ts H FJ F La, H F z U' H F v2 H z ul t-t +g; i: lt ==7ll'=: s 5 i ?=+-- , = = :i:i'"::'.= =; - 7 ! ?'c z Z =;lZtLi )a{!3=.-:==.?i i: ii ni = =c - a -_o::ai i: = c ii :a;{71 t.2 =', =1 i = 7'tr i ==t??t 1l =2 i.a= =. , a ?:iiii o , o z o !o o at, r o n o,;"u:li'il,ffI:]:'il::: c Vail, Colorado 8L557 (303) 47e-2L38 Plan review based on the 1988 Uniforn Building Code c,f frd Project Number: 8890 Address: 5088 GORE CfRCLE occupancy: R3 rl'IL Type of Const: V-N Name: SCHNETDER RESIDENCE Date: September 7, l-99 contractor: JOHNSON & soNS coNST Architect: LUBISCHER & ASSOC. Engineer: HAMERSKI Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforrn Building code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International conference of Building officials SHEET IDENTIFTCATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1_ 3 t4,5 THROUGHOUT 2 2 CR,AWL SPC 4 GARAGE Alf electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the 1987 National Electrical Code. This project wiII require a site improvement survey. such survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for frame inspection. Areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basemnt. shalL have less than 5r ht. from earth to structural floor/ceiling above, a dirt floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 25L6, with access min. size as per UBc 2516 and maximum access size 9 sq. ft. Provide a floor drain in the garage or slope the garage floor to the outside. A floor drain must connect to a dry weII or a sand and grease interseptor. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatn. only one wood burning fireplace rnay be installed per dwelling unit within the Town of Vail . Gas appliances with trBrr vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gtazing in a hazardous location is reguired to be glazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5406. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system. -- sec. L205. (c) This area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue with clear area/dimensions specified. -- Sec. L2o4. 5 3,4 6 6r7 7 3,4 FIREPI,ACES ELEVATIONS q/OUT OPGS 5 LOFT n"qr:i."4 correctior," ,ot, C Project Id: SCHNETDER RESIDENCE Address: 5088 GORE CIRCLE # SHEET IDENTIFICATION naf* z CORRECTION REQUIRED LO2 INUNDRY RM CRAWL SPC SM SINK MECH ROOM PROVIDE Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per IIMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6 | in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14 | length. crahrl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical neans or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft. for each L50 sg. ft. of under-floor area. UBc 2516(c)6. fsland fixtures shall be special vented as per UPc 6L4. In buildings of unusually tight construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail), cornbustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per lrMc ch. 6. A mechanical drawing shall be provided showing heating and/or cooling design. l_1 4 L23 13 L42 L52 SUBI'LIL fnclude a copy of the soils report for the site to - s-Os. (b) c (") flood prf Because of this projectrs location, the foundation is required to be danpproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1-707(d). ta lcort rnity Deveropment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniforrn Building code Project Number: 8890 Name: SCHNEIDER RESIDENCE Address: 5088 GORE CfRCLE Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N Date: September 7, L990 Contractor: JOHNSON & SONS CONST Architect: LUBISCHER & Assoc.Engineer: HAIIERSKI PIanS EXAMiNET: IiTICHAEL YIHITAKER NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the uraterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permissJ.on of International Conference of Building officials SEPARJATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FTRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property line 20.0 feet 20.0 F.eet EAST Property line 33.0 Feet 33.0 Feet soUTH Property line L08.0 Feet 108.0 Feet wEsT Property line 22.0 Feet 22.0 Feet "uf* t EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENTNG PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A EAST SOUTH VIBST OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT I{ALL WALI., PROT None ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None ohr ohr None None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Code review for:Project Id.: SCIINETDER RESIDENCE Address: 5088 GORE CTRCLE R3 ML occ The exterior walls nay be of CoMBUSTIBLE rnaterial . Sec.22oL. None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings. Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 508 of the area of the wall maximum. sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximun single window size is 84 sg.ft with no dimension greater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NoP -- openings are not pertnitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be reguired to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the sane fire rating as the wa1l. See section l-7O9. for details and exceptions. NAI'{E AREA !{IN.LIGHT UIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS NORTH BRG NON-BRG WALL WALL Ohr Ohr Ohr Ohr FL l.t Loft 23L l- Garage 53O 1 Master bedroom 24L L Master bath L27 1- Living/Dj-rri-rrq/Kitchn 9O7 L Bath room 31- 1 Halls, closets, etc. 29o TOTAL FOR FIOOR 2357 B Bedroom #2 135 B Bedroon #3 L44 B Bedroom #4 L58 B Family room 385 B L,aund,ry room 95 B Furnace room 9L B Bath room #2 47 B Halls, closets, etc. 44O TOTAL FOR FI-,OOR ].506 BUILDING TOTAL 2357 23.LO o. o0 24.LO 0. 00 90.70 0.00 0. 00 13.60 L4 .40 16.80 38.50 0. o0 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 11. 55 o. oo L2.O5 6. 35 45. 35 1,. 55 0. 00 6.80 7.20 8.40 L9.25 4.75 0. o0 2.35 0.00 No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes 1 L 1 1 1 1_I l_ 1 L 1 t l_ l_ 1 L L 1 Code review for:Project Id.: SCHNEIDER RESIDENCE Address: 5088 GORE cIRcLE FOOTNOTES:L) EGRESS - An operable window or door tbat opens is reguired from this room. The nininun clear the following. -- sec. 1204. ""nf* ' 1-) The minimurn cLear height is za inches 2) The minirnum clear width is 20 inches 3) The mininum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The maxinum sill height is 44 inches 2) The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A nechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- sec. L205. (c) 4) The requirernent for an egress window in the basenent is based on Sec. L2O4. ROOU DTUENSIONS: Habitabte space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathroons and toilet conpartnents may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the rninirnun height is required in onLy L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shalL have at Least one room which has not less than 1-20 square feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L2O7. (cl GI,AZING RSQUIREMENTS :L) All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above ttre floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREI'IENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- sec. r-2r-o. (a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the buildingrs power source. -- Sec. l-21-o. (a) 3. A smoke detector is reguired in the basement. -- Sec. L210. (a) 4. o directly to the exterior openable area nust meet Code review for: Project Id.: SCHNEIDER RESIDENCE Address: 5088 GORE CIRCLE FTREPI,ACE REQUTREUENTS : I,IASONRY FIREPI,ACE:1) Fireplace nust be supported by a found.ation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wal.ls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the salls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 37O7.(c) 3) The minimun clearance to combustibLe material is from the fireplace, snoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. Conbustible material nay not be placed sithin 6 inches of fireplace opening and conbustible within 1.2 Lnches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth nust be nonconbustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible naterial . The hearth size nust be at least: If opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 5 sq.ft.16 inches 8 inches L2 inches 6 sg.ft. or greater 2O inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chirnney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Betldeen the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are reguired on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the resLdence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The rnaximum rise of a step is I inches and ttre miniloun run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 33O6.(c) exc.#L Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, naxinurn opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc l- The ninirnun headroom is 6 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (n) ATTIC REQUTREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. Tbe rninimuur size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There nust be 3o inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in alL attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each l-5O square feet of attic area. The vent area may be l-lioo if at least 5o* of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- sec. 3205. (c) For a 2357.0 sq.ft. attic area: Ratio L/LsO L/3OO ilininun sq.ft. of vent 15.7r- 7.86 Itn Code review for:Project Id.: SCHNEIDER RESIDENCE Address: 5088 GORE CIRCLE CRAWI,SPACE REQUIRE}'ENTS :1) Provide ventilation elther by mechanical means or by openings in exterior wal.ls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each L5O square feet of area in crarrl space. openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 6. Note: Vent openings nay be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. For a 1520.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: r.f* s Ratio L/LsO Minirnun sq.ft. of vent 10. 13 2) Provide ]-8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if nechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the nininum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is L8 inches. The nininum clearance to beans and girders is is L2 inches. -- Sec. 25f.6. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE TMPROVEIIENT SURVEY. SUCH SI'RVEY SHALL BE SUBITtITTED AND APPROVED PRTOR TO REQUEST FOR TRAME TNSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHTN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIUITED TO A EAR?H TO STRUCTURAL FIFOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5I, BE EARTH FIOOR ONLY, BE VENTIINTED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 6 V{ITH MINIMW ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(c)2 AND MAXTMI,I'f ACCESS oF e SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SI.,,OPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. For ltl occupancy SIOPE GARAGE FINOR TO ALIOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FI,OOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY I{ELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GAR,AGE FIFOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT. '-t" t-.-, , OF (olofodo $oll AND pERcoLA.oN rEsrs, rNc. SOIL TESTS e FOUNDATION OESIGNS r PERCOLATION TESTS r SUBDIVISIONS SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION LOT 2, sTH ADDiTION BIGHORN SUBDIVISION TOI,,IN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FOR JOHNSON AND SONS P.0. BOx 182 SEDALIA, COLORADO 80135 688- 2040 REPORT NO. 89-245 AUGUST 28, .1989 #5 PHELPS DRIVE . CASTLE ROCK, COLORAOO 80104 . (303)688-9475 t t-J ! TABLE OF CBNTEFITS 5i te Eondi tl orrs Conclusi, ons and Fourndati on Rect:rninendati ons 6en err .t l Fi eId and Laboratory Inveeti gati on Desiqn and EorrgtrLrcti on Det-ai Ir: 51ab on Grade Constrr.rcti on Surrf ace Drai nage: Sutbsurrf ace Drainage and Basement Congtrurcti orr Rcri 'r'Enr'-i nrr Con st r urct- i on Dr:rteri I:; I a-..-L.: -- M-^l-Lr|.- r:t L l' \Jr I l r6P Logs r:{ Tegt- Hol eg Decorat-i ve Gravel or Barh Detai I g of Fourndati on Drai n Cont i nLroLrs Foot i ngs Fage 1 Page 1 Page ? Fage 3 F age+ 4 Page 5 Page 6 Fage 6 Fi gnre I Fi gurre 3 Fi gurre 3 Fi gurre 4 It SITE CtrNDITIONS: /\t Ihe p r esern L r.rnderstsnd j. nq thart .r qclrage is plannod for this si i:e :!s vacant anrl it is oLrr {ami Iy r-esi derrce with a b"rsemenL and' t i ,n {i +t.i.- -i CONCLUSIBNS AND FOUNDATIDN RECAH}{ENDATIONS: A s;atisf achclry bype o{ f olrndation system will be continLroLts concrete {ootings bearinq on t-he urndi sturrbed natttral goil and at l east three {eet (3' ) above any wa'Ler t.rble. Thege f ooti ngs shal 1 be designed {or a m':1}rimLrm soil be;rring pr-essLlrqr of 1. OOt-) ptrLtnd6 per {sqLrare f ooh,, dead load pl r-rg one-haIf live 1oad. {or aII depths o{ the Fxcavated area, 41 1 loose and di sturrbed soiI shall be remov€d be4ore placirro of ther concrete {olLhe footinqs. The bottom of the f ootings sha11 be a rninirnlrm of three f eet (3') or pEr local bui lding code below f inerl grade for frost Frotection. One c ql,n t:xpect ,sorne ss.ttl ement with this type of goil concjition, burt with thiE typ€: of li.ghtly loaderJ {orlndati on systern, it shourl d br+ wi thi rr a1 1 ow;rbl e 1 i mi trs. a GENERAL: 'ftri e report presents the regul'ts o{ data r:btainerJ dr_rri ng thd s'rt-ttt!:;oiI inve,st:lgati{rn of LOT ?. FTH ADDITIOI!. BIEIJERN SIJBDMSIOT'i. 'Totl|N FF v/lIL, EAGLE couhlrY,' cBLoRADo" This invest-iqation wag made '1, o rJetermi nr.r ther mogt guti t"rb1e type .rnd deptlre of the f ourndati on sy:;tern. allowable r;oil [:eari rig pres-Euresr ground water conditions and probl ems that maly bt+ errcourntered dr-rri ng and af ter constrLrcti on dure '1. o the soi I and qrolrnd w.rterr condi ti ons. FIELD AND LABBRATORY INVESTIGATION: Onr+ (1) r+,'rpl oratory tm.--t lrole wns dri1l€cl on Al.rqust ?7. 1989 ,at thel Iocahion on the site erg ghown irr Fi gt-rrte 1. This tegt hole r,.rat; rJrilled wjth a f r:urr inr:h (4,') tJi ameter power alrqer. No soi I sampl te:; were obtai rred and r"tcl sl,,eI I congol i dati on t'.est$ tlerr: prtt'6onrnecl . Th€ fini I ralasi surbj ectnd t6 vIrlru,h1 intipectinn onIy. In genelral ,' the top three {etat (f,' ) congi st6 o{ a si l ty gand, gr',rveI " roclr"; anrJ cobtrl ers. /+t thir: tjepth l:hr+ dritling auBer was re{ursead d r..re+ to t-ire rnany roc[::s anrl cobbles FncoLlnterecl , one hole wa-"; dr'illerJ to a depth of three feet (f,'). No free water was errcoLrntered durr j. nq t-he dril.l.ing opreration. hurt j.t is 1:ossible for a wal:er t-ai:Ic.l tr: he at thri: l:we1'rer .f oot (1?') to {i#tr=en {oot (18') tJr:p Lh cJr.rr* tn 1-- I-r {! e.r>t:isit:irrq r;trr:arn aI t:he rear o.f hhe ]. r:.t. DESIGN AND trBNSTRUCTIBN DETAILS SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUtrTIT]N: Tfrre naturral sioiLs ar-e suri t--abI e f or the surpnorL a+ exterior t:clrtcrete sJ.;rbs., garaqfl r:1abs,, and bariernent glabs. Hou.rever, urrhr+n _ '[hpt:{a s;:ndy arrrd si1hy soi1s have an incre.rse in .thrs moi s.turre content" they rnily ct:tl!3o1 i da{--e in vo1Lrfi€ e1r-td ghrinl': thurs lowering ,rnd crac i< i ng the concrete sl abg. The buri I dear and f utlrre owner slroutl d be awnre o{ and LrncjerEt..rnd that tlrere irs a de{inite risk o{ f utture darrnage wi th any g1 +rb on erade construc L.i on - I{ thre buri Ider and f lrtlrre oh,ner are willinr: to rislt this possi hi f i ty of some damaga- dure to concrete f l oor sl ab rnovement. the f o1 l owi ng recotntnended dr:tai 1g ghourl d be caref url 1y f ol l owetrl dutrinq cons'hructi on o{ hlre interir:r {Ioor gl ab--. Experience with similar r;oi I cclndition:; hae showrr tl"rat- the f ol]owinr: detarils wiL1 hel p rni ni rni:tr d:emage. t. 2. Do rrot p1c-rc€ .r qrarvel layer braneaLh the :sI ab ghor-r1cj be pI erced di rr=ctI y on the soi I g,, or wel l compar:ted { i 11 soi I . Einparate th*: slab 4r'orn ;rl I I oati bearing I i ntls i:o .*l I ow f or i rrdependent movement a posi.'Li v+r r:on Lroll or sliLr joint ,irt- ths: he tween Lhr: sl ab and f r:r-rrrd.rl-ir:n w,a11g. concrete $l ab. The utndi etr.rrbed ncatLrral mernber g .rnd of the sl ab. c ongt r r.rct i clrl uti, 1i ty Frovi dea j oi nt 4. Frovi rJe {rreqltr+nt scor-:i ng cr+ thre sl "ebrs tc provide contrcll joi tr1:r; 4or possible cracllrng of the s;1ab. Oontrol jointB shr:utl d L:e pl,nced t-o provi de arppro:l i rnate sl ab are"-rs o+ :0(l t;nr.r;xr-e f eet-. The. soi 1s LhaL w:iII sr.rpport the concrete gl abg shourl d be kept moigt dutri nq1 construction by r:ccagi onal ripri n[': 1i ng of watBr eand esp€ci al I y a day or so prior to pourring o+ the glabg. In the everrt the buri lder or 'turturrr: owner tlegireg to provide decorative' rscl< or gravel around thr: houEe. we have i{tt;\ched Fi gur-r+ 4 to i l lurstr,ate onel ar:cepl:abl e methcrd o+ i ngt--a] I at i on. Thi s rnetfrod wi I I prevent pondi. ng o{ w"1ter ne.qr thre 'f r:urnd.rti on and provi de f or prop€r drai nage away f rom the lr ottge. SURFACE DRAINAGE: The backf i 1 I r-='oi I .er-ournd the houtge ghourl d bre moi stened and well cornpar:ted to prevent'. {r-rture srattl ing. Control }ed purddling o-F the bacllfill goils is corrsi'dered saLis.f actory. The f urturel owner ,:hor-tld b+r advi gerd to fiIl in any settled Lrrea tr: r*liminate ponrJing o+ w.ater nealthr: hoursea and ho provi de adeqlr,ate gl ope f or proF:er drain,aee ,away f rorn thr+ hourse ;rnd off tht+ site "rt 81 I Lim€s. The f i rri l"ired gr.:cJe or qror.rnd sLlrf ace near the f ourndati on wa1 1g' t;irourl rJ havar ,ncJ{.iqLra.i:e riL opa to provi cJe proper cJrai n;rge. away 'f rom thra burildir.tg and of f. cf tlre ssite. A minimlrm glr:pe of twel vr: inches ( 1?" ) jn the tirst ten f eet ( lC)' ) ourt f rom the hause ig rec ornrnended " Roof downspout trs ancJ si 11 ccrc[{6 ghoutl d di scharge onto l orrg ctlncrete Bpl Er:;hhl ocl.{s (5 feet Ionq) ot- into rnetal c;r.rttc".r ':r:xt-enrsi r:ns to deposi'L rr.rno?* waterr {r-rrther ourt *rom l-he hourle "iO tteyond the Lirnits; o{ h.rc:lr.f iJ. I $.oi. I n+p,f,t- the f r::L.rntlation raalis, SUBSURFACE DRAINA6E AND EASE},IENT CONSTRUCTION: No {ree Nater t"la$ encoLrntere.'rl dr-rri ng the drilling of the test hol es. Dute to Lhe pos!:i bi l i tv that a ri se i n the water tabl e r:outl d occLrr dr-re to inarieqr-r;ri:rl drainarge and the existing stream on 'Lhis si te" N6: recornmend thst .r 4ourndation dr,ai nagr: sysLem sht:Lll d be connected to an adequrate or-rt tal I or into .r 6LtmF area with a pLtmp f or proFer di sclrarg+: o{ water. See Fi gurre 5 f or- a suggeste.d m€thod o{ ineb.a1 ling the {or-rndati r:n drainage system. Eror-rnd water ,shor-rl cl no L, i1{ # ect construrct i on cJr ba'deterrent to the Etasement e). c avat i cJn trobbl €:E present. constrr-rcti on o{ the hc:r.rs+a with ,:r bas+:ment-, t:outl d be clif f icur]l rl crr+ tr: Lhe l;rrce roc l::s and REINFORtrING: The concrete {ourndation wei1lg shor-rId be weIl rein*orcerl at- the top anrJ bottom of the w.i1 :l s: to cl car rip..cn at l easl-- a di stanle o{ ten feet (1()'). This wi 1I gi ve the w;rlls beanr gtrength to sp.rn or bt-i dgre o'zer any r=of t or l oor'e pocl';ets o{ soi 1 not {or-rnd i n our e:rploratory holeg olLhat may develop rJurri ng constrLrction, This will also help prevent di{f err:nt-i.e1 rnovermenLg o* thre f outndation gvgt em . trONSTRUCTION DETAILS: In any soil lnvestig;rt-ion it is freck?ssar-y .to assurme that tfrer r:utbsur'f ace goi l condi ti ong dr: not vdrry qreertl y f rorn tfre condi tions encoLrntered i11 outr {ield .rr"rd 1;rboratory testing. our e>rperience has been thart at times soi I conditions do chanqe alrd variertions do occLlr and may become apparent to the time o{ excavation Jor the f outndati orr svs L ern.I{ soi I conrlitions are encorlni:ered which appear dr{*erent {rorn L,he tc.:st borings as pretstan.Lu"d in .hhis r-eportr it ig rr'comlnended that thiLi o{fice or a qut.rlif ied soi. Is engineer ber carl lfir-l to insp*ct thr= og:en e>rcav.ati on prior to placirrq the {ooi::i rrgs. TIris i nspr-rcti on is ncrt "1 part o+ this r-eport an(l is noL inclurded as; any part Lfraretof . o o LOCATION MAP GO R E CIRCLE A U $ A u LEGE|{O: A FouriDATIoil sorL TEST HoLE. Fiqure I z ernoll (,rD c:o l:Dv1 ar €-F,(D o=-t ct' = l-l -t .:r- (D t-.- q, T a+ + cnJ -+, ct' v1 -o ct o o -h +o o + rF -g o o .('l- UI g, o .'o .D -t o F r)J o .D .+= rD -l -trD J.o J€J. o' Lc(D .T -n€ =rDo -r- o ro - I I I I -to OrO .D.t =:t o €=o = € 1 u. \l I c .D .' .5 .D -n UI (D P -t o F Ap o o ut oco lB (o I I r\)o5 n fl DEF'H , it Q.o*oo s.IL & pEr,ccLirloro ,rrQ, ,',.. P:cvide a minimum slooe of 6" o''s e Rooi guc:er downspouE anci e:{E ens:on should e:rlend be.ronci c:re g:a'rel or bark area. -'-) i'legcl or ';ccci eC ge ueep ho les or \ / )-" ac bocion cc ailou ralease or- r'a c e: G r ound sur3ace ltr-i-:::Ji;!?E c"an^r- Far ecige s c::-p :---474-2.'"'5-" :'<;=r.;'::'a '-- i ---i 2;:,:r-,:?:t-:- P Ias c:c menb rane Ila nnr: r: rra !---t, --^- for c;re o-:r;a,] n:. -t\-(it Ccr: c:.: ': e F cun riii ! ! r-rn G: DECOR}.::VE G&i',':i OR 3AL\ AROUND PE:.I:€TE3 OF HOUSE -r a a ccr-oRADc 50iL .\ i;C i'!RCCLATION IEST5, lnc. FOUNDATICII WALL , WATERPNOOF ING BACKFILL AREA COT{CRETE SLAA PL A5T iI: PIP: / PoLYETh€L€FiE MErut"nAntE r/ Gontlnuour Fooilng Founda.ioo Syot6m sLopE To Dfialv tt{To surra B( E .. !?.u-I1.rj , 1.1- pen roor \\BUILDING PAPER O TOP OF GRAVEL MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL, E. ITCHE! I slzE 1 rNcH CLEA'tI i [ . FICUiE .^f .r ) 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olllce ol communlly development mn. EpnM. DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI REGISTERED WTTH THE TOIqN OF VAIL TOI,TN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIS{UNITY DEVELOP}IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unLawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or rnateriar, lncruding trash dunrpsteri, portabre loirets ;na---workmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik, alrey or puuric- -p_119e or any port,ion thereof . The right-oi-ray 3n ari Town of varl streets and.99ads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be strittry enforcld by the-iown of vail Pyllis works Department. pers6ns found. viSratins this ordinance wrrr be gi"ven a 24 hour written notice to reraove-said rnateriar,rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with th;--notice within the- 24 hour tine specified, ir,"-p"[lic worki -- Departrnent wil-r remove said mateliat at ihe expense of person nouified. The provisions of this ordinance "r,'urr not be appticable to construction, rnaintenance or repai.r projects of any street or alley or any utilitles in the rign--a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledoed bv: Posrcton/ReLationship to project tl :__AlS/le__Llate (i.e. contractor, owner) tll 'l il acknowledged Po si t i o n/ ReIaTI onEElF zorE cHEcK FoR sFR, R, RPIS ZollE DISTRICTS DATE: AlrcUsT 29 1990 I-EGAL: IOI 2 BLoCr 3 FILIIG:BIGIORI SUB. *5 ADDRESS: 5088 conE CtRCtE qJilER 3 ScllllEloEt PllOlE # 799-0545 ARCHITECI: IUBISCHER PltoXE # Z8-5369 LOT SIZE: 2347E.E PROFOSED USE: ZOIE DISTRICT: SFR IES R P/S YXI GNfA ALLflED OI SITE 4222.9 ALLOI''ED SITE COI'EMGE 4695.8 stlE cot/ER GE usEo 0 stT€ corER GE REr tUlG {695.8 L^lrDsc,lP @vEt GE l&87 ft@N TOTAL GAIAGE STORAGE IIECH. STAIR AIRLOCK VOTD B SErElrr sc.Fr. 1,506 0 240 91 0 0 18 tst. FL@R s{r.FT. 2,126 530 140 0 88 0 43 zrfD. FL@R Sq.FT. 81 0 0 0 76 0 0 3RD. Ft@R SO-FT- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FL@R SQ.FT. O O O O O O O ToTALS 3,863 530 380 91 1& 0 6l TOTAL GnOSS SO.FI. 3,863 cREDlt ToTALS *cAR. sFces 2 530 200 50 1& 0 6l MFA ALLOIIED 4,223 rotAt cREDtTs 1 ,005 GRFA US€D ?,858 GRFA REr.rAt[tlG 1,%5 CREDITS REr4AlrXG 70 (180) (41) O ?5 0 o zorE clEcx Ffi stt, R, RP/s zilE DlsTnlcls D TE!lt cusT 29 t9t0 LEGAL: tOT 2 |!oRESS: t@ GfiE CIRCLE qflEn: SGllllElDER AnCllTECt: LIIISCTER LOT SIZE: &74.E ZdE DISTTICT: GNFT ALU:D il SIIE AtlqlED stTE co,EuGE STTE OOY€TAGE IIS@ STIE COVEnIG€ TEIIAIIITG LTDSCAP OG|I'ERAG€ FL&N TOIAL GANAGE B SAGIT s0.rr. 1,506 0 1ST. 'tm Sp.FT. 2,126 5:b iaD. Frm sc.FT. a1 0 3R0. Ftm sn.FT. 0 0 toFT fLm $.FT. 0 0 TOTALS 3,8dt 530 m (18{t, (41) 0 BICMI[llG:8lGffiI $.8. ;i HnE t 799-0545 PlnE I 778.636p PTSGED I'SE:SFN RES T P/S YII 4d4.9 au6.a zl@ ^./!#*F 141t87 WID 1E $t 0 0 0 6l 3,86!t 6l 0 CNEDIT TOTATS qFA AILqJEO TOTAI CREDITS CFA USED GRfA RE||^IITIIG cn@tTs la||rlrc #0 R.3p.c.r 4,AB 1,005 2,EsE 1,365 530 grc GE 240 140 0 0 0 :n{t 200 lcci. sr^tt 91 0 08t 076 00 00 9t 164 TOTAL GT63 50 1& AtRtG( 0 0 0 0 0 0 s[. FT. 0 6 st"il.+ 6RF,+ Br<-^r.t lSoO 7l Ttlo t8 /s+ b*( z-l2A (? n r, !l/ 87 I'l o q2,s $,rtl SL'q> zjl *1b ,€rs,&'r() -7.,t 2 Etocl< 3 --R,, tlo,n {ah F'1"1*l S - 2 fr'-: lae' ,{2r' +. 47{'e zut?9,v $''[' I rtlcr\n,r"l Sdvral c Va r ,lS {.,il s I AA I I /fttCtt *^taql 6A.,to. ': \*-'.lr-t r e I \ -t J i'prr rI 'l !oro{S j 8G3 ,/,, I t{-t ,l"th*/' i"" ? l- so -' 5c= SSa s S3o ? a.5 - ac(J = ]aa 11 (, = w tof I 6it,s 6a,s ., | | Yii-,r I (ul,E l:OIbS, {+f' {ol"l GarclL S$n' rt S*ar" g e Vo,l S L"trt 6RFd- =4 z FS( Project Application .rrn,n . i_\ ,fnnn X[t U ut .: IYYU June 26, 1990 Date Project Name:Schneider Residence Project Descripl;e6; Sing] e Fami'ly Detached Rpcidpnce conracr person and phone Jim Johnson wjth Johnson & Sons (303) 6gg-2040 Mike Schneider (303) 799-5400 Owner, Address and Phone:Michael D. and Deborah R. Schneider 9525 Pinion Tr ail , Littleton, C0 Architect. Address and Phone:Richard Lubisher, 55 East 4th Avenue, Denver, C0 80203 (303) 778-6369 Legal Description: Lot 2 Brock 3 , ririns Biqhorn Sub 5th Add. , Zone - -J1,, f nF^. alt Comments: /IlV- It V-f fr oV2 Design Review Board Date 1t4 10 Motion by: P" f lf seconded ,r, Ea-!'+-T,n- Wl . APPROVAL 44n *D DISAPPROVAL {r \t-' $''- -,'.\./o') , I ..!yy. U Town Plan ner o^," 1. lq .1b D Statt Approval o o ARCHITECT Ri ZONE DIsTRICT SFR PROPOSED USE LOT SIIE Hei gh t Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Slte Coverage Landscaoi ng Fence,lRetaining flal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permi tted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : g41g; June 26, 1990 LEGiL 5:SCiiPTi0ii: Lot At)t)RESS: 0lll.tER Comments I ,,trta ^tt--t./.u, i c LllLL\ rUK sFR, R, R P/5 ZoliE oisTntc:5 Bl ock Fil ing Bighorn Sub. 5th Add. hone Phone Pro oos ed w- 29' 4LAi- 3225 2?'gl iv'y77. tsts 'a b /+ 1550- NJ/A- 20' alL 35'E. ?2'W.w 108 tlr- (90(root As soc i ates 5 9 Al lor.red (30)(9 w M._a/ 20' l5' l5' (30)(3c)-_-_---:-\ At4aoulil . bgbl-5UtS'/6 ( 3oo rr6oi4 ( s00 ) rlz00 ) €Dt:ol 6@lcool _LW"_ Zlg?) 525 too @ Slope Actual Ava I a nche F'lood Plain Slope h'etl ands Geologic Hazards Zoni ng: Approved/0i sapproved Date: - J 14rt 5lgnaEure ?w,g-bd. I @'cz q 6o,L @^ lttt4 e" d{a/&(6) Ye'a-r Sl..o,ir pul 4 64oor!f,"-.'\ o \ ''.^''t')-,+1 7\ q t_2'I t l).u I / bliD h A-1 vt ttrl tC c,oo \ J ) \,/ !--.2 .rt0 ft'78 hnS 4 1-?,r)\"x $/ ^lv I r\ \'/' tN \i K" L:'I -t I r'- <-/ \ -Ll \>t_/\ t-"2 -PERMI oArr READY FOR LOCATION: 'ii"--\I\trqt\qtr |NsfEg:noN , TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL T NUMBER OF PROJECT ,,-']1'-l'-l('t /,--:-I JOB NAME INSPECTION: C3':.. THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL u D tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMF..POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tseppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR JECT INSPECTION REQUEST OWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:9r BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: *trF OUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / O.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o D o HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS fI CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr FINAL [nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ll -., r - 9z )DATE ll a)'' t() TNSPECTOR 'i"t: ,) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oors / '{i ,toa INSPECTION: .'-. \ ,^--!--r \ \rtr \q6t t'l s e E tJ*l*o N, $FS u E sr NAME:== CALLER MON TUES WED THUR ,'FRt .)READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr D ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL O FINAL I.d'nppnovro CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,':, -. l' ,. nFs*:r DATE (sso PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL CALLER TUES WED -----o" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: _ EztrruoeRGRouND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ugq:S\ I PERM\T NUMBER OF PROJECT \ t\\ c\\ onre \q --:\\- -\ JoB NAME I INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU s"6t ,1 X*' fn,trG trP( IBn {DE )UG )UG csl )oL G: IGR 1/l 1/\ tPtt 'H. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL M N o o A tN( tsf{l GH un DI PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: pror'*c \ .tr EXHAUST H ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINA DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: JOB NAME INS o PE .,i CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D ;iYWooD r.reir-rruc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL D o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o D FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIREO t/ .. '.,?.COBRECTIONS: \re-{ r ,/ t lrl.c. t, INSPECTOR -71 tl>tt 4650 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o^r= 7 lo(11 JoB NAME h.r,ltr &s,'4, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED f<- Cti 5e< tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I t DATE INSPECTOR 4o=o I t PEC ? / JoB NAME tNs TION REQUEST -----@'" PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING o tr o o FIOI IGH I, .'CONDUIT ';: tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ndFsxor o o 4::c ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,:.(, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES dr<<> ttio-; rHUR *€r' /.-\PM BU DI nt DI nl "l 4l trl tr ILDING:PL tr tr o tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIt tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr EINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ffiorop I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON /s<o ome M ')-g'7(, *o*,'t t.C7-t CALLER ,/ .{t i /t-,-.tTa-s READY FOR LOCATION: AM '| zl ,. t."-:,' -- n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D D FINAL O FINAL Ktttouto COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR k R OF PFOJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM )pnr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED O DISAPPROVED CORRE&IONS: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR D O FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR / ,1,,, i..-'---.!-t-l '' ' ) ,l''..,,--..- t INSPECTION REQUEST IT NUM /1 tri PERM DATE (J ). ER B F a-r JOB OJE PR 4 VAIL INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TU,ES '../--.WED 'THUR i FRI .\;.+-+... ).\j}.o AM (a-t READY FOR LOCATION: 'P' i r' -!a' | .1. TOWN OF BUILDING: n rOOrrr.rCS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr n o ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL d rrrunl btrr.rnr- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n ROUGH -tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Srrruel D APPROVED ISAPPROVED fC- REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ffisq:r PERMIT DATE OF PROJECT q I JoB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF 7Cu V* REQUEST VAIL CALLER NUMBE READY FOR LOCATION: ON 6;}, 1t \----/EC ti NSP J{, Tto Nl ,1/ THUR ------@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE-.l l, /)\, 1t\/, ,a,u m trRAMtNG \)t7 /tLl r- . ^,,--t\ " PLYWOOD NAILING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR PROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED UAItr INSPECTOR lssz PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, '/- '''/ r JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI APPROVED -tr DISAPPROVED ,* :* INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t'/ --L'4 '. o, ./.* /Zo-- AM PM BUILOING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL t:7'tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 55# PERMIT NUMBEry OF PR9JECT ^/,!/,1; /2Ui,'t,DATE / /.-yi "l/ JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:AM C;)< INSPECTION REQUEST TOW OF VAIL THUR READY FOB LOCATION: MON TUES t-.1 . ,., BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V,D FOUNDATION / S-TEEL tr ROUGH / WATEB ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED '.1., .f DATE INSPECTOR o o @ *so* PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PROJECT JOB NAME MON CALLER TIJ E WED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN .OF IL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED !4-r APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr TEMP. poWen tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 2^ ?-. INSPECTOR o o t / ...: - ;-'ul -) --,, i,. ' 1. "{E ']F INSPECTION PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON NUMBEF OF,PROJECT ,:1 /t:-y/ /i17 JoB NAME /;i-8r, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH i WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr n tr O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: ' tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL. \ O HEATING tr IJ ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D M rrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o o CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TQWN PF VAIL Y__y READY FOR INSPECTION:MON ( .TUES ) W ':.l.---.-- ,.._----.-.'0/AM(PM ) , \ \.'--,--.2 LOCATION:-(., BUILD!NG: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAII FINAL 'L ''- NFINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR hftlsxop \*- * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE n t/ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,Yt&r,rtJ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI onJ * BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr_ b4"o. tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr tr trI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o Fll@L tr FINAL {or"^ou.o O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, //-5- ?/ rNSpEcroR n'Fs,op ^-I,NAI, INSPECTIONI S CG.IPLETED U Ihe itene below aeeil to be couplete before glving a perult a ftnsl C of 0. Pleaee ebeck off tu the box provlded. FIITAL PLI'}IBING FINAL UECSANICAL tr FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: TJEST SIDE: DATE: l ryil I.ANDSCAPI,NG DI'E DATE: FILB NAT{E: qlt". uL l'\'\-(- \0.&t'' 1 .C-' c ?rv"n tY I NTEP..OEPARTI'IENTAL REV I El.I PP.OJECT: DATE riUit4lTTED:_ _), I O 1 0 CCI",I4ENTS tf EEOED BY, _B:H_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING I ' ,E\gV"'"tl J),",ix_".,2 s/"p- s.Lo. /J L; SZ l4q. FrRE DEP,Rr,,,f[J'J4'o u ^l i.tz Reviewed by: .lonments:- -' , ?-l 5.h ?/o. D Lt i , B/*L = B;7L''-^ sb / ft!//c/oz.-l y'/iuJ D/a,;n laalt- / Ex#t"t :i b'V'^t -/L Rev'ielred by: Connerrts: lA ?**- L_ /2" cJ,".J, f ntf "I d,,n. *d. POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Date HrrL^" ' 2.'s;Je^u' Date ,h a B.-,.!;^'r,f '0' t' ' criuo , {.rtUl,l,- Ct^,( u,il ,ru-J )2, L . fl"l yr"ofi/ on ,4 f. oan L .In /-/ lo'J c+tauccef f' /r 5a4k S;!4- NY Q-,{ "'it' : .. Revi;red.by: Co;:"ents: I Da te o o -< \ hnilj4,*Al real-d ult a^z &^t" ,4J*y ,----.*,yg'*+t*-,.- % 1e fi,,t, &l^+"- - rc\*"l^'?A '(t^4+<rn'o-Q./- W$u,^e^^ni\h- Art^A e",-*^.^* *l $n",s dw6 y* f^9 '.+ c\ lyx,rV<n,dw6 .rUl oo 1 \b.1o - PA-b ^ fr'"^a Pt^r-.tA .\\6qi-e, ffi'et-+ Nre }-'^^NAg 4" vs;vJazv^,'- +*tA U6-t'f ?af tAA os'','^-"v--,,'^* D^l+"r* ^*-r"*S h^-- uc@ak.-- P* -ws41 Dr+"..-- Mt*iy na*o,^&- 1' l*- YM *-! "^*."-el L^r^8r"-{re- C^^.-- i r(tl0 .iY90 .**,€.:Sj€, APPLICATIO|I OATE: June 26' 1990 ;.j ''}- gATE 0F ORB XEETI;iG: Ju]y 18' 1990 "+rgi TNFORi'IATIOit IS SUBIIIfiED**TT . DR8 APPLICATIOII ,ri*THIS APPLICATIOiT WiUU NOT BE ACCEPTE! UIITIL ALL . PRE-APPLiCATI0ll.|IE.ETIilG: .. A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to ie'tirmini ii-inv aaliiioiat intorfraiion is-nieoea. No application will be acceptec unless it is comol.ii-(iijii i;;ii,;;-iii ji.iii-iucuired by'the zonine admjnistratcr). : il'is ttr" applicant,;i reiponsiUiiity to miie an appo'intrndnt with the staff to find out aUout aiiit.ional-suOmittal requiremenii. Pleiie note that a COMPLETE applicr- i' lion will strearnline irre appiovai 'procest for vour projec! bv q99!9a1i19 !!9 lymcsr ji-ionaittons-or appriuir-iirat itre'oRg miy stiiulatb. ALL conditions of approvai must be resolved befo.re a bui'lding pennit is issued. : A. pROJECT DESCRIpTION. CotlStnUCtlOH"Or R nEW SlnelE rRUttv OETRCHEO nESIDENCE ""i B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 5088 Gore Circle Addres s Legal Oescription Lot Bl ock Zoni ng Single Family Residential District Filins gigf'o1asu!.sth Add' C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:Johnson & Sons Construction Address 5068 Plum Avenue P.0. Box 182 sedalia' C0 80135 telephone. .Eo3) 688-20o0' D.NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRES:I'ITATIVE: Jim Johnson 5068 P'lum Avenue P.0. Box 182 Sedalia' C0 80135 telephone (303) 688-2040 OI.INERS: C' Michael D. and Deborah R. Schneider Slgnature Address E. NAI'IE OF Address 9525 Pinjon Trail, Littleton' C0 80124 be paid at the time a building FEE permit is requested. 0 - $ 10,000 ,001 - $ 50,000 ,001 - $ 150,000 .001 - $ ,500,000 ,001 - $1,000,000 ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBI-IISSiONS T().THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the-applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines ana building corners. Trees that tvill be removed should also be inartia. itris wort< must be completed bei'ore the DRB v'i sits the . si te. ?,. The revi.n p.o..r, for'NEl,l BUIL0ll{GS will normally involve tlvo separate rneetings oi-tne Oiiibn Review goaid, so plan on at least t'.vo meet,ings for their.approval. one (303) 799-0545 F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 . $200.00 $300.00 $$ro $:.so $ 1s0 $s00 lo 3. People nho fai'l meeting and who republ i shed. to appear before the Oes'ign lleview Eoard at their scheduled have'irot asked for a postponement w'i1'l be required to be \f :. -,rl . . ....' :iri 4.Thefoi.lowingitemsnolongerhave,to.bepresented-to.the.DesignReviewBoard. They, however, nave lo ui pi.s.nE,ed to ini ioning Administrrlor for apProvai; a. l,|indorvs, skYl ights existing PIane of and simi'lar e.rterior changes thlt do not alter the the building; ano b. 8ui'lding additions that are not viewed *nicir nive had letters submitted from the addit'ioni and/or approval from the association. You may be required .to conduct Natural Hazard Stud'i es check ivith a Town P'lanner before proceed'ing' from any other lot or Public space' adJoin'i ng property owners approvlng -ii."l i6r', oi manager of a condorniniurn on your ProPerty. You should 5. Architectural Plans (l/8" = !' or larger) 2 copies '. : -.-j 1. Must include f'l oor plans and all elevations as they will appear on ccmpleti0n' Elevations must show both e.risting and finisned graoes. : Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be-specified and submitied for revierv on the'materials list ava'if;;i;-tiom ttre pebartment of Corrnunity geveloo- ment. Color chips, siding sampfui-lil', should be presented at the Oesi9n Review Board meering.'r The Zonin'i Adnrinistrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans' ill*i.i'il"p.iiiicat.ions, samDles and-6ther material (including a model) if deemeo necessary to oetentrine wiietnei a project lvil'l comply with design gu'idel'ines' INOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDIIIGS notos or sketches that clearly indicrte what is prooosed and the location (ijte plan) i-i"oporui may Ue suOriitio iir iieu of the more iormal requirenents given above' as cn9 as they provict.'i'i'i-iiio"iani-ipeciiications for the pioposed tniluding colors and rrerial s to be useil . DDITIOIIS - R.ESIDE}ITIAL OR COI1!'IEP.CIAL . Original floor p'lans rvith all specifications shovrn . Floor p'lan for addition - 2 copies .. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos ;. Elevations of addition :. Photos of existing structure :. specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at 0bpartnent of Corununi ty Development' l. the request of the oesign Re,r'i ew Administrator you may also be required to subrnit: Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability' See ittached ut'i'l ity location verification r'orm' Site improvenent survey, stamped by registered proress'ional surveyor' Preliminary title report, verifying orvnership of property and lists of easemencs' :Ii'IAL SITE PLAN \fter a building perm'it has been issued, and tvhen the project is undeneay.' the fo] 'loling vilt be requjred before any buita'ing reieiult"i-i"iting iisp..tion from the Build1ng jiiiri*unij A certified improvement survey shotring: \. Euilding locations with ties to property corners, i'8'distances and angles' l. Euilding d'imensions to nearest tenth of foot' :. All uti.lity service lines as-builts showing size of'lines, type of material used' and exact locatlons. 2 coPies !. 0rainage as-bri'! ts" .2. ccPies E. Basis. of bearing to tie to sectlon corner' F. All property pins are to be either found or'set and stated on map' t'C. All easements ii.Fuildingf.|oorelevationsandroofridgee.levations ..1 I. NEl.l c0llsTRUcT:cll MTEi,IAL TO BE SUBi.IITTED *€: .: '''\.: A, ToPographic map and site plan of site contrining the follorving (2 ccpies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamo. ' 2. Ccihtour intervals or- not more than 2' unless the parcel consisis or'6 acres or more, in wh'ich case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existirrg tlees or groups of trees having trunks with diarneters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features ('l arge boulderst . intermittenr streams , etc. ) . ..: . 5. Avalanctr.e areas, 100 year f'l ood plain and slopes 407 or more, if applicable. 5. Ties io exj sting benchmark, either USGS 'l andmark or set{er jnvert. 7. Locations of the fol l orvi ng: -.-_q. Prooosed surface drainage on and off site sholing size and iype of culverts, swales, €tc. b. Exact locations of all utilitjes to include e.risting sources and proposed service I'i nes from sources to the structure. UtiI ities to inc'i ude: cabl e TV sewer gas . Telephone water electric c. Property llnes shorving distrnces and bearings and a bas'i s of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevat'ions e. Al 'l easements 8.. Existing and finished grades 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures,'landscrped areasr service areas, storage areas r walks, driver.rays, off-st,reet parking, loading areas' retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements' 10. E'levations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown uncierneath) lo determine height of building. 8. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and avai'l ability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary tit'l e report to accompany al'l submittals, to fnsure property ownership ' 'and al.l-. easeqlents on property. 0. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) .- 2 copies . t. Show the location of 4" diameter oi'larger'trees, 'other'ghiu6s.ani'iii'tii;e.olanrs t,are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plint materials to be planted. l' 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. oesignate trees to be saved and those to be 'lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so tlra: the jnter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscaoe plan shoulcl be 3 separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separat,e map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and buiiding corners. T|ees that will be lost during construct'ion must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. The folloling Eoard before A. 8U I L9I;iG LIS; CF |.IATE,:,:iLS -.JlAi.lE Or p;io;Ec;' . LEGiL OESCRIPTIOiI: STREET AOORESS: oEscuprtoit 0F PR0 i iLt;iu S.i$bossrbJt,h Add. infonnation is reguired for submittal by the applicans a finai approval crn be r'iven: i.IATEtIALS: TYPE 0F i'tATE,.,iAL tc the Des'ign Revi et't c0L0P. Natural #l Cedar Shakes Roof Sld'ing 0ther Ha'l'l i4ateri al s Cedar T & G Natural llood Brown Wood (Detailed)Brown F lr Brown Fasci a Soffi ts lli ndolvs llinclo'.v Trim 0oors Door Trin Hand or Deck F'lues F'lashi ngs Chlmneys Pine ( Detai'led)Brown Pi ne Natural Rails Cl ay Tan G.I.Brown l'loss Rock Tensar (Plastic)Green N/A Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLAI'IT iIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: pnone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouani tv 5l ze* Cluski IXISTING TREES TO 8E RE|.IOVED rlndlcate callper for deciducious trees.Indicate helght for cohifers. . (overl Botani ci I llime C ormo n lla me !ize PLAitI TIATERIiLS: (con't) SHRUB S EXISTII,IG SHRUBS T0 8E REi'roVEo uanl i"' Tvoe (nrrrr.o q.r.1?:rrra GROUIID CC'/EP.S enn TYPE OF IRRIGA;iOII TYPE OR I'IETHOO OF EROSIOII CONTROL C. 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specif-u. 6 , ]trt'. ^tr--t,LUr tB Lia- \ FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoliE DiSTntc;5 Bl ock AODRESS: 0',.lllER ARCHITECT gi ZONE O ISTRiCT PROPOSED USE LOT SI;E Hei gnt TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Fron! (idoc Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscaoi ng Fence,rRerai ni ng '.lal I Heignrs Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai ri ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta l,/Hazards : SFR TinqTe Temfl7leslffi-- APrOX .55\Ot an aCfe @A , "-- | As soc'i a tes Al 'l otted (30)(9 M1 4z?oc1 -en +Ln''l LJ 3225 ]675 2nl lql I ?n \ / =.1 \ (3oo I (600) (900)(r200) (($l rrool (8t:ol .(261(.rool Slope Actuai Ava I anche Flood P lai n Slope , lrietl ands Geologic Hazards Comrnents: oeTE: *=4,J9e0 LEGiL l.lr':u;rr/ Mir:Filino Biqhorn Sub. 5th Add. Phone Phone 5 9 Prooos ed if[., 't; (.i1 ',P.\-l ,,,, l-- , , lr> 20'slL 35'E. 22'Vl. &v 108 s'lL -rw"_''t?,1. 525 t:}_ -- N/,+ &,*laoNro Zoni ng: Date: Approved/0i sapproved - )tarr SignaEure 9 Vttu ;r* &/E^f W furwe{'+rt .^' @ Wo k@a eild- "+ g-bd. @'a+ n 6o,L Aug- tturt{ e- I i tr, / 'ir, ,,i;L l i-{ " @ C w&, +a 1'14 -( t-{.cr- { (\ . ao ,Lq D 16,oc,o -> utSD , l(, D c&1b b MT 't' UTILI:Y LCC.\T:C:: VEP.I::CiT:3i suBD lvrs !0ll JO8 NfuYE Schneider Residence horn Subdivision 5th Addition L0t BLOCK FILI:iG N)DRESS 5088 Gore Circle the locatton of uus c be aPproved sice plan. ltounsrin BeIL 468-6500 I,legcern SloPe Gas Co. t 800 92?-t987 llarry .rtoYes Publtc Service ConPanY 949-578 t Grry HaIl Soly Cross E1eccj.rc 949-5892 led Husky/ltlchcel uclllcles, whechcr they be roain trunh llnas and veri!Lsd by the !ollotring uciltgles for or proPosed llnes 'che accomPanYing Date e/zaEo 6^zt^q0 consEscsor oi his res Pons ibilt rY Tor.rn of Vail , Deparsneng of Publlc before dlggln3 in any pu'oltc righ:- Assoc. Laverty 17 -: 8- 'vA G- 2o4,o llericage Cablevlsion l.V. 949-5530 Gery Johnson Upper Eagle Valley llacer & Sanlcgclon Dlsrrict t 76-7 480 Fred tlaslee NOTE: These verlficacions do noc relleve she 3o obcatn a sEre.g cuc aernic Srolr E,he llorks and s,o obcsln utlllgy locas:.cns of -r.ray or eaqeqenc ln che Tor,rn of vall. A builclns oerr'1ic.ls noc s ssrcec cuc pqrnlt. A egreeg cu! pera!! auss be o6ia:'nEd separacely' Thls foru ls thls should co verify servlce avai.labillty and locaElon. be used tn conjunccl,on r.rtch preparing your uE,tlJ,sy plaa and scheduling tnssallaclons. ,' *(Please bring a slce ptan r.rhen obc,!,lning Upper Esgle Valley Wacer E Sanicarlon etgnasures ) AIr\rri -^,l C I rr|.r l.t|' a I@:39 FROM PUELIC SERUICE UAIL ffitwtl RE l€ctFNICH- PRGE , 6A 1 tulDrvtsiox JOl IIA.YE LOT ,"p 1 crsn[ ]!ner er Fropcrrd-i:i::' thr lecrtron ol url!!r'1111,1!'1.1':':t?:r["llt'""lii1!tii"ii"it''t''!l;;esrivrnB rDr rectEls. Yt .e---!-"iiirna by thr lolloeing qtsl bc tgpEovec cse llcr glrn. !{cuaeola tell 168-6500 tfrrcr!!t lIoPr Grr Cc' t 800 92t'1987 'llrrsY $oyrg lgbttc Srsvlc'r Ccrl?rny 9tl-9? I ! C.lY Eatl Drgc Autho:1:cd--li-1ory EclY Grorc Elrcalre 9a9-J892 trd ltrrgkY/ttlthgrl Asroc. LlveEEy grrltstr Csbl.YLtlo$ f 'V' 949-3 530. GerY Johnson Ugt.t EltI. gelt*Y tlrsrc E tiirtrston 0lscrtcr 476-7{80 lrrd Reslee foun lr so ehoul{ bc thtre ltlr varltr, s.avlc!. lvrtlobllfey rrd tessttot' usrd. Ls conlunctien rrtrh prrprria3 your st{ilsy Flen and rcbrdullng lngsalhgtront' t(Plrur brlnt i qrntcsgios a r slgr 9lnn sErn o'oB!1$!$l upprr Ea3Ic v'trey urc'r rllsaGsr||) pO3Ht. brand fO( tranemltkl memo 76fl u?tl.iE tcc.\qlc:: vf:P't I:c'lT: C:l BLocs.#ttLllic azlfl @w F '--.- N.tE :l' :;,:*':*::::::'.li ilili:!!:: :*. lilili. :ili: iF'.:i:i$'li'iili, =iil#li i:.:iili" .i- lil'l'ii:i c',t cc rtl E .'i-t titti cuc'Pt tati-"uii-ut 6t?ifilElrprsEB'rv' rt t hr- 1.1()n LIST OF UATERIAI.S NA},TE OF PRGTECT: STREET ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IOT- BIPCK SUBDTVISION DESCRTPTION OF PROJECT: The folfowing lnforuatlon ls required for eubulttal to the Deslgn Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUII,DING DTATERIALS: TYPE OF I'iATERIAL COI,OR Roof Slding Other lfall llaterlals Fascia Soffits t{indows window Trint Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. IAIDSCAPING: NAME Of PI-.AIflT I.IATERIAI,S: PROPOSEDfi=T6 ;-t ?q, /-br drl tr{-zsl" Designer: Phone: Botanl.cal Name A L It b t1 D gg@g!-NeEe ouqntitv Size* Ca,-spt:lsg- I )o'--l(-' 6D ^- - vt'4'a\. td.tuisJe+t'*J rr 1g hE'b 4'+' btv ft>lto,',il t2._, 1 ll tt )/ ffi=O(b €ffittovBl)eArr frPureo t - I fh15ura,r/": wnoar,n.-rg hdlive l\'heb>rk ',)-:f- rcaa t'urA., \ qd5-&e- ribe. *lB"r"" dEi" -tt'^t rlndicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees Ls,2 lnqhes. Indicate ganbucra pube-^-s naliw rr.[ begid iler rSalla^ conlferous prntn nroStao pwrarl>d{,lclf rnuja Pi[e. pIJAltT I{ATERIALS: E9!CD.l9aL!!aEC Conlnon Nane ouantitv size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING STIRUBS TO BE RE}IOVED rlndicate size of proposed shnrbs. l{ininurn size of shrubs is 5 qallon. GROI'ND COVERS soD $r.)a)4, , SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION c. ,l TYPE OR UETHOD OF Hl6' EROSION CONTROI, OTttER LAilDSCAPE FEArURES (retaining wall.6, fences, sltinninql po"ir, etc.) Please specify. Indiiate heights of retaining ;;i1;: fiiit"t height-of witrs wlthin the-front setback is i-ieet. Uaxinrrn height of valls elsewhere on tlre Property is 5 feet. Scnrare Footatre A!T,l Owner'i Policy - (6-1-87) 0Ol ( R.v, 6/€71 rcl luodrloJ oqt ol porePu.rnr sq llots brlod eq puo 'uouo6;irr luo onu|ruot Jo'em)esoid 'ougleo ot uorto8rtoo ro,lrlnorl rfuo outpnput 'e|outtuel enurluo: ro'ignrisord 'iuelip ot uouoBl;{o to {giqox { lloqs 'pel|nber luaulod eq elour ot uoqt ,eqlo 'l)rpd.rl qogl {uo 0ulpnpur 'e1ourruel llod .Iil ropun PsJntur eqt ol lloq Parl suorloBrlqr [ 'parrnber luaulod eqj erlour ot uoqt reqlo 'rbr;od rrql repun Perniu! eqt ol rroB;gqo puo {11qor1 11o 'uorrdo r;qt ;o luoduol et{t Iq erlttere eql_uod1 pgrnsu! eqt lq pe::njur lasuodxe puo :ee1 ,sleurogo 'qto: luo qly"r leq. Ijr|od $qt ,9pun e)uo/nsut lo lunoruD eql lo lueu od toPuel .,lo IDd ol 'atuDlmul p lunor[v rql F lu0tu^od r.Pu.l ro Aod 0l lo, {1porr 11o 'uorldo r;ql ,o luoduol et{t Iq btprere eq uodl 'Iod o1 peroE;po l1 luodtuol eql qlqr Puo luourlDd ro rePusl ur!1 eql o1 dn 'Iuoduo) eql ,q PezPot{fno ele'tl qlqr 'luoulolt leJJnrut lasuodxe Puo rogl ,rleurollo 'tltol luo qry^ Jeqpool I 3)UOrnSUr lO TUnOUD eut ro rUeU od ro9uel io IDd ol ,.Pu.l |o lod ol ( :tuo[00 tDu 'trDd ol pe|o6lno r! Iuodu,o] eql qlq,[ Puo luourrDd ro r€Puel .ro ;uaulod ,o eurlt oql o1 dn 'Iuodrlol eqt ,(q. PszPoqfno ele,r q)!qf^ 'luottrlolt lusue sg o1 lluo puo tnod :rq1 Iq lsugooo p.,*rilot J::in:Pd'XtX .uroP ro 3!ol Perern3 soq oq,t^ luouroP P9rnrul aql Iq PeJrnlur ro Pgurotsnr 90o .ruoplo rsol fuoleuour ;onpo puroEo lluuepu ,o po4uor o st Alod s;q1 rlNvmsil!@oNvluilEvnro$€lx.ru;lloo0riYilw:r.f,_g"r;f .tnresord 'puefop o1 uo4oQlqo ro l411qo;1 luo 0urpnpul 'otouluret llDqr 'ePDlr eq ol p.rlnber queu od aqt uot{l rorllo 'e6otuoP ,ro rsol Peurlol, €ql ro, ^rl 1od r;ql repun parnsu! eql ol ruoltoO;gqo s,Iuoduol eql'(trlto (t)(q) sqdotEorod rir ro1 ieprr,ord ruorldo e{ 1o reqle 1o ltioduto3 eql lq erproxo eqt uodn 'Idd o1 pe1o6;1qo s; Iuodnro3 eqt qrqr puo tueu od ro ourlt otlt 0l dn,tuod -ruol eq lq peiirbqriro ere,v, qrlqi po'ur16p permul sqi lq Perrntul retuodre puoleei ,sleirogo tlso: luo qi;.,r req{c0ol'Itlpd r1q repun to; pcpprrotd cOo -uroP ,o riol er,lt tuouroP Peimut cal qtrfr ol$er orl,{rot{loro,ltl 11 $!,"0,n. ,, Iuoduol eqt qrrqr'r puo luaurlod ,o alrt ar{t ol dn luoduro3 eql Iq pszlloqlno ereir qrq^r luourlol: po:mur eq1 lq perntu! seiuedro puo tser,iloulollo "ltot Iuo q0,'rr rc$eoo'IJlpd tl'{l repun Furooo Petnru! uflDlt r{uo luotllol] Pornlul uo lo aurou eql u! jo Jol le!|,Dd loqfo qll,rl €lll95 0llr leqlo lo ^oo ol [,.tuourlDlJ Perff ul rlt.rltlts $ p.rnrul .{| uoqt rorlto 30!uDd qt!fl .lilcs .rl,hr.qlo ,o ^o,.u11,j||tlruo, (Arrlod rltf to o0ed uel uo pePnpuoc pu3 Fnu$uocl :ruolloo lDuo4PPo o - 'raP:o lo luaur0Pnl arla,rPo rfuo urorg loeddo ol 'uollaD$p elot sl! ur 'lq6u eql sa^Jeaor llsserdrs Puo uoll -:rosunl iuireduro: lo ln6r o lo ubttoururerio touti ot uorlD6llri luo o^snd ,(oul .rpslin! ftitodruot lo pn6r o lq ubaori;uiatsp'louri o1 uo;1o6uri llo ensind ,(our luodruol eqt 'bpod stg lo suorsr^ord oqt ,(q Po[turad ro Perrnbor .D aJuereP o Perodrotul ro uolro uo tqanorq e^oq lloqr (uoduro] eqt ra^.ueqa. (t) - .lueuru|lul lrynri reqlo ro'PeeP tsn4 1tn4 ro PoaP 'e6o6uou.r :,re6o6uoru,, (e);ff '^rllod rlqt ^q P.m.u!r puol eg urorl puo ol t3etrD lo tq6rJ o ri)rq^ ot tua$e .qt tltrrll ,o {lPour flout urercu 8ururou tno 'flor relor Jo slo^r ':auol 'tletto 'senue^o 'lDooi 'lleglls ;jo!t ujereq Eurgoir tnq 'r.(o,',ve1on ro slo," 'iouo1 tlello 'senue^o 'lPooi 'slee4s 6u!$nqo ul luauesoe Jo alo$a 'treretur 'altlt tq6u ^uo rou 'V alnPeq)S u! ol 4ifix! or op lloqi { 'qdordorod qqt repun s1q6u q1 esp.rera lloqs luoduo1 ot{l ll rlqt ro uols!^ord {uo or.to,n ro 41;qo;1.epa:uor lq.roqt tou lloqr Puo 'repuneraq olqoll oq lloqs { lou ro roqloq,* "brlod srql jo tutrol eql rePun uollro alo!.rdorddo rirb 6pi lorir lirodruoX elt:parniir; eqi oi aOourop lo sb; a:nper ro luoeeid o; rc 'pornsulto 'lter€lulrc eloFo eql ol sl{l eq{ qsllqolte ol .lqorFeP r0 ^jorLteu cq lou uorurdo r1r ur qlqri po.reqlo luo oP ol lo 6u1pee:ord lo uollro r{uo l1n) -oiord puo'ein1;1rd1 dt 'lirir u,no x;lo 'tqOp eql e^Dq lioqs luodtuoS "t ,;1.1,* lq uu,oao p.r*u, 1ou segour o0ollo q)qa uolpo ro teinot eroqr 1o erf;Jpp eq1 ul Pernru! eqt Iq Pexntu! l0ru0dx9 ro slso0 'lael ^uo lod lou llln /tuoouro] cu 'l.runor roqto IUD lo re.l oql,(od tou llr puo.rol elqoll eq tou llotlt Puo uolpD lo r$nor peloF esoql ol so pernsu! sqt luete/der ot (otnot .lqouoroel ,|ol peFo 61 peinruieqr 1o 1q0!r eqt or pelqnt .)roq, rtr lo lasuoo pales o1 lq6p aq1 eroq ;;oqr luoduoS oqI ',brtod r;qt lq Fulo6o pornlur rslloul reqto_Io etuorquntuo Jo uall 'pelep o 6u16a;;o uoltto lo sesnDt Paplr esoqt ot.so ^luo tnq 'Palmul .D Ferglu!ro elltl cql ol ostg^po u,lloll o G|l.ssD fuod Pltql r(uo qJtq/ ul uo!lo6!l!l ut perniur uo lo oruelep oql rol .pr^ord lloqi'^olsp olqouosoaiun Foqttr{ Puo Irol ur^o t! lo 'luoduroJ e$ 'lsuoltolndlts Puo :uotlrPuo] eraql ,o 9_ uorpss ul peuloluor ruopdo eq ol pelqns puD PeJnrul eql lq $snber ue||Pr^ uodn (o) 'trvutdooo 0r nwvD j Grn9M ro llno :sNolllv Jo t{olrnfsold oNV lst{ulo :'.1 'er!po! d oql lo tueue e ll ol ,{luo ueqt puo e,rnlloJ eql Iq pqPn|.lo eq ;;oqr luodruo3 eg $elun l)llod tlqt rsPun psrnsu! Iuo lo rtqDli.ql etlPnle.rd ctot ou ur lloqt ^uoduto] oqt 4!|oU ol elnllol toqt'Je^sr{oq 'PeP!^ord :Parlnber r ei11ou fuord q)rt{r ro} $c$oul Jo Je out eql ot PloEa,t tllr aloulltlrgl llotls {uoduro3 eq11o l1;;qo!t llD pornru! oqt ot so ueql 'Iuoduo3 eqt ot ue^!O tq pu lloqs stllou tdtuold 1 'elqotellouun so Pe])elal sr 'Pelnsul so 'Feralur Io gloFe sql ot oltlt;t (r;t) to'{rttod slql ,o.nu^ Iq alqorl 0q ^our luoduoJ oql t{tlqr ro; eoourop ro $ol arno) lq6ru qtlqa Puo 'P.rnsur_lo 'lseJelul ,o gloFe eql 0l gltll eql ol e$0^Po sr t{tlqa tsaletur Io eul fo tl|tol) luo ,o rePunaleq PeJnlu! uD oi eud> lloqr ellpeproul esor ur (ri) ',,r,o;aq (o)7 uorpag ur quol tes ro uorto8gr; Iuo lo 9!or ur (rl 0upa u; Ipdurord luoduol eqt ,(t!tou lloqr pernsut gql - 'NVWrm oilnsNl l[ Nl^lc ls 0r wM] rcrtlroN 't .pgrnrur eql ol ug^10 g6Douor! louou eroqtrnd o lq porn)as sleupglqePu!.uo (r)Jo 'puol eqt u!ls.rolur ,ro etoFe uD (l) req{a lo pernlu! eql ulorl relDqtnd ]tUD l0 ,o^ol ul .'r01 u! tnu$ro) tou llDtls ^)llod t$ll 'terslul ,o aloFa eql fo .JuD .,(eruol ro JalruD4 luo u! Parnrul gqt ^q ePou ^luolJDr^ io {uouo^o) lo lloloc, lq (xrqorlerbq lloqr peiasu eql so 6uo; os {uo ro 'Pornsut aql uorl,l.toqtrod D fti ue,u0 e6o01rour leuour etoqrnd o {q perntx_rseupetqaPu! uo tploq ,o ?uol e{l u1 perelug ro eplto uo tuloter ps/nsut otll so 6uo1os ,!uo Pe-rntu! u0 lo Jo^D, u; ,b1o3 1O etOO 'o tD ot ol ul enulluot llDqe /bllod 3!ql lo e6ol9^ol tql 'illl ao rfNYlr N00 riltv l)NvlnsN to Nol$nN|INQt .'u 'ellll olqol.vo9r fo I'ra^!i.P eqt oulrlnboJ uoltlPuot lonpo4uo o lo snpr^,(q asorl:rnd o1 uottoolqo eqt uto4 Pasoslor 0q ol v slnP€q4 ur Peqrr)soP lsaletut lo ololsa oql l0 Jeloqtrno 0 epgire plnoar. q1q,,r. 'e6ora,ror uro4 pelderxa.ro pepnl)xa tou 'PUDI aql ol eII aql 0u1pol1o regour luaroddo Jo pgoello uD :,ieltrt a$ lo AllqololJoulun,, (0, 'Peto1ol 3r Puol eqt q:rqA{ ur llu{rF 8ql ro} uno) pllfslP aelols P.llun oqt lo lJoP eql lo tProler eql ur Pelrl suarl uorpeford lDlueuuol!^ua epnpui oslo' lloqi ,,spri:er jrlqrid,, 'e6o.re,ro1 rirorl suopnlrx3 aqt 1o. (,tl(o)1 ubrfei o1 i:edsei qiil4 'eBpa;ii6u1 inoqlr,*r puo en;o,r ro; srasoq:rnd o1 lpedord ;oir o1 6ur1o;ar sri[otu 1o ailtou 'errtrn4suor 6urpodntr 1o esodrnd aql.t01 l{:1 .lod ,o e1o0 lD relnlolt eloll J.Pun Peqsllqols? sPlo)el :?,.Plo)o, lllqnd$ u) . 'aruDlmul P lunourv rql ,o Eurno;;o1 aqt o^orl lloqr luoduo3 eqt',brtod s1q topun utoll o,o eto) ul '^rn8vn Jo No|lvNlwlll lsv{tv-D illEs lstrxl3Hro rc Avdpl sNolldo '9 'urlop toql ot so lrllod slql r.Pun ,(uoduro) 0l ro {rlgorl ^uo elDulullol llot{t qdorEorod s|q1 ur perrnber so seruod prlql urol, uortourrolu! &otrstsu Alqouot .oor srn)as o1 uo5slured luorO Jo uorlouJrolu! Pglrsnbel llqouoroor Jeqp etnP -ord'qloo lopun uorloufllloxe lo, fuqns olluour!olt PeJntur eql lo elnlroJ 'tlllolt gql ro uorlojlsrur.tJPo eql ul tu0t30r3u st l! 'Iuoduro] gql lo lusuioPnl q9ouorool eqi ur 'sselun sr€qlo ot peropqp oq tou lloq; uorpg irit o1 luons,rnd {uodutoX er{l ol pepr^ord luoturop parnsur eqt lq ;o;tuepuuo 30 Petou6lsaP uoltoluroru! 11y 'e6ouop ro ssol aqt ol ulouad lgqouo:osr qrqri'luod Prlql o lo lortuo) ro ,$oFnr eqt ur opuorouieu puo e:uepuodratror "lleqt'sg6p9l 'slooq lProx, 11o ,(do: puo pedsur 'euruioxa o1 luodruol oqt ,o t^uolueretdor Pszpoqtno luo rol '6u11un ur 'uo1sr1ur,rad s1 luor8 1;oqs tuouroP Pernru! €ql',(uoduo) stll ;o e,rgbguesarder pezloqtno luD lq pelsenbel ,t lequnJ'e6out-oP lo ssol aql ot urDgod llqDuosoe/ qrqr "brlod lo etoo r€llo lo aJoleq eloP o Euuoeq reqlgqa 'opsoroiueu,r puo sruopuodsarror 'sl)ar,lt ':t€6Psl rqooq'rPiotet llo 'Auod -uo3 aqt lo e^rtotuesordet pezpoqtno Iuo Iq pe1ou0;rep eq,(ou so relop PUo tom!l elqouosoel q)nr to'oulldot puo uorlredrur 'uqtou!uoxe roJ atnPoid lloqs puo luoduo) eqt,o a^llotuesardsJ Pezuoqlno luo Iq qtoo raPun uorlourtlrDxe ol llulqns ot peJrnboJ aq llqouosoer ,(our luouro;: parneul aqt 'uolllPPo0ulooo .ro so11o loord q:ns 8uurnber vegout ro Je{our aq1o1 proEer $1^r'uorto6ltt luo anurrd6r io'alniasord ;puolap o1 uortoEttqo:o {i1rqo4 luo 6urpn;ru| 'etoulotel lloqs,brtod e{t rapun pernerl oqt ol suo;|oQ;qo. s,luodtuo3 eqt'e6ouop ro.sro; 1o loord perrnbor a$ opr^ord ot luDurDlt pernsur eql lo ernlol eqr lq PerrPnlold r! ,(uoduloJ orlt ll aBouop ro ttol eql ro tunouo eqt burloptlor lo st:oq oqt 'slq -1sod 1ualxa oqt ot 'etols lloqs puo e6ouroP ,o stol ,o slsoq eqf setntltluo, qrlqr blpd srq1,(q tluloOo pornaul/egou reqto ro 'gltlt eg uo etuorqurn)ue ro uollro 'ur pelep eql sqrriep lloqt eoourop ro $ol ,o loord eql e6ou0P ro srol bql ol er!/ 0u;a10:po1 oql uloug)so lloqs luourtol) Pelntul oi{l Je{o sAoP 06 ulqlr ^uod -ruoJ ggt ol peqs'u/nl oq llogr luoturop p-ernsur eqt lq ot uror'rs puo peu63r eOo .urop Jo 3sol lo loo/d o ',(uodruo] eqt papr,lold ueeq o^oq tuollolndls Puo luoll -rPuoJ e.oqt,o 0 uol)es rgPun Pelnbor rstllou eqt l.lrD PUo of uolllPpo ul 'r9vwvo uo gsol l0 i00td '9 'uorlorsdoo: q:nr Buurnbar srerou ro rollouJ oqt ol ProOeJ qlrr^'uolloDllll luo anuquo: :o 'elnrerord 'puqap o1 uo;1o611q0 ro l11;qorl Iuo 6urPnltur 'etourur .re; poqi l:rrod €qt ,epun p;rn;ui eql ot suoid6llqo slJodurol eqt 'uorroradoo: perrnbar arlt qtrurnl ot parnsur eql ,o eJnltol eqt lq pa:rpnlerd st ,(uoduo1 eql ll 'Pornsur so treratur ro alotse eql ot.lll eql qsllqotsa ol olqorlloP ro ^rosselau aq lou luodurol aql;o uorurdo €qt ur qrqr^ po lnJriol roqto ^uo ur (r) PUo'tuoul .a;ues Eulpe1;a ro 'burpeerord Jo uolpo .t{l burPuereP ro 6ulF)0roJd 'Betsau -l1A 0uluro1qo '9)ugpr^g 6uunrsr'0urpeo)oJd Jo uortlo,{uo ul (r) pro olqDuotoar 11o luoduoj eqt a^i6 l1oqs 'esuadxa rfuoduro3 oqt to'peJnrur eq1 'luoduo3 aql lq polsenber re^euoql esodrnd srql rol Porttsul ot{t lo ourou eql 'u0[d0 :d 1o ;ein o1 luoduro3 a{i purrad puo ;dreralr rloaddo j;o puo '6urpee:ord ro uo{ro aql u! asuaraP 3Pr^ord ro eln:asord os ot 1q6y ag1,(uoduto) eql ol eJnles llD\! peiniul aqt'6urpae)ord lo uolpD duo 'o esueleP eql lol sPl^oid ro aln) .a:o:d ol luoduroJ eqt rerrnber ro slured rb1lod stql eiaqa 5es0) ll0 ul (P) l$nqo ul tuarllesoe ro .to$a 'tteretul 'altlr 1q6u luo rou 'V alnPeq)S ul ol parra;6r ro pequ)rtp oero eqt lo soull ot{t puoleq &edord Iuo epnltur tou reoP ,,puo1., rurat aq1 llado:d loal etntltsuot r'to1 Iq qrtqar op/aqt Paxrllo $ueu '.{,J.,il'r,r puo'i alnpeqrg ul o paralar ro paqrrjsap puol aq1 :,,puo;,, (p) ' 'puo1 eqt 6urpa11o sralpur lo srltou e^!pn/lruo: podurr qrrqr,r tPro:3i ieqlo luo Jo,(rlpd rrql u! Peu$eP rD ioro)ar rnond eur lo uosDeJ,(o ooJntur uo ol Delndul eq ^oul ulttl/'\ e)llou,lo io spio:ar:'iqni aqr 1o uosdej i{ peinsur uo oi palndru' aq ibur q:iq^ eirrcri 6 oBpel,"ou1 6iipnrpiro: 1ou 'a6palnoul lonr)o:,,ur oul,, ro,,e6pe1^ou1,, {:) 'aoouop ro so1 6urtttto;r Pelnsur uo :,,tuotl|rol, Perniur., (q) ' 'tJorralrnr ,0olrnPu ,o olDJodro).ro /url lo lxeu 'sg^ltolusserdsr louoged '!Jo^!^/n3'rees!^gp'taepqulup trraq'ol Pelrurtl tou tnq'6urpnlrur aroqrrnd uorl oqa esoql'Parnrur Pourou 3t{t tsu!D6o Poq e^oq Plno^^ ltq6u luo ot palgns 'puo 'V alnpeq)S ur Peuou P€rnsur eqt : peqrlnoullrlP lo,'ro1 1o uorloredo,(q Psrnsur Pauou aql lo lsaralur aql ol PaaDns bq,,,r esor{ 'parnrur pouou eql lsuro6o poq aroq p1non,(uoduo3 eql tasuelap ro ) 'v alnPeq)s ur PeuJou P€rnsur arlr :,,pernsur., (ri) :uoau 61od sr\t ur patn uoqa surlat 6ur,ro1o; aq1 sNo[nnd[s oNv sNoiloNo) on Iuoduol eqr rasueFero )rnsur eql :,,Pernsulr! (o, it oqa surrat 6ur,ro11o; aqlA 'st\ftlr lo No[tNllil f'l SCHEDUI.,E ORDER No.: 89005300 PoLIcY No.: o-994L-427295 DATE OF POLICY: September 06, 1989 at 2:17 P.M. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: $ 90,000.00 NAME OF INSURED: MICHAEL D. SCHNEIDER AND DEBORAH R.SCHNEIDER [!'HTCH ISI COVERED BY THIS THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND POLTCY TS: Fee Simple TITT,E TO THE ESTATE OR INTERST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: MICHAEL D. SCHNEIDER AND DEBORAH R. SCHNEIDER THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLO&fSr LOT 2 BLOCK 3 BIGEORN STIBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof. COUNTY OF EAGI,E STATE OF COI,ORADO l. 2. 3. 4. COT'NTERSTGNATT'RE SA'E\VAR.T TITLE OUARANTY COXPA NY 5@M r-89) SCHEDULE B POLICY NO. : o-994t-427295 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST IJOSS OR DAI-IAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYSI FEES OR EXPENSES) T|HICH ARISE BI REASON OF:1. RIGHTS OR CIJAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASE!4ENTS, OR CIJA[[{S OF EASE!,IENTS, NOT SITOWN By THE PUBI.,IC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANY FACTS IIHICH A EORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WIIICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A I,IEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAT TIERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER EURNISTIEO, IT{POSED BY LASI AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIoNS IN PATENTS OR AN AET AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TTTLE TO IIATER. 6. Any and all unpaid taxee and assegsments and any unredeemed tax sales. 7. The effect of inclusiona in any general or specific water conservancY, fire protection, soil coneervation or other district or inclusion in any water aervice or street improvement . area. 8. Right of Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove hia ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserved in United States Patent recorded September L3, L9O2 in Book 48 at Page 491. 9. Right of way for ditches or canale constructed by the authority of the United Stateg, as regerved in United States Patent recorded Septenber 13, 1902 in Book 48 at Page {91. 10. Restrictiong as contained in ingtrument recorded November 25, L966 in Book 175 at Page 445 aa Reception No. 105001 . 11. Five foot wide strip along all interior lot lineg for utility easement and drainage ways, as shown on the PIat recorded as Reception No. 105002 and a 10 foot utilities and 20 foot pedestrian access easement across the eoutherly portion of Lot 2. L2,. Right of way for the flow of Gore Creek. 13. A Deed of Trust dated September 5, 1989, executed by I'tichael D. Schneider and Deborah R. Schneider, to the Public Continued on next page S'I'E\I'AR,'T TITLE OUANANTI COXPANY t500M 1-a9) ATTACHED To AI'MADE A PART oF O $TEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY NO.: O-994L-427295 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDT'IJE B Truetee of Eagle County, to eecure an indebtednese of $79,000.00, in favor of Pantalejmon Dziad and Nancy E. Dziad recorded September 6, L989 in Book 512 at Page 945 as Reception No. 409122. S'f B\YAR.'][ TITLI] OUANANTY COU PA NY : (500M 1.89) G*o,r,o*s ANo stpuLnrrorus continJO (continusd and concluded from revsrre ride of Policy Face) 1; (o) Ihe liobilift o{ the Compony under thir policy sholl not excced thc leosf ot. i, 0lhe Amoud of Iniuronce stotod in Schedulc A; or, *, '. {ii} the dilference betwsen lha volue of fhc insurcd crloto or infaru 03 inwpd ond lhe volue ol the insurcd edota or inforcrt subjcct to thc dclcct, licn otftcvmbroncc insurGd oqoinst by this oolicv.l${b) In thc cvent thc A-mount ojf Insurqnci ltotcd in &hcdulc A ot thc Dotc ol Policy h lclr fion 80 percont of fhe voluc of thc inrurcd otofc or intcrc:t or thc full conridcrotion poid lor thc lond, whichovcr ir lcrr, or if ruhrqu.nf to fic Dot. of Policy on inprov.mcnt ir crccted on fhc lond which incrooscithc voluc of thc ilrurcd $folc or inlorrsl by ot lcosl 20 ocrccnt over tha Amos of Inruroncc *otcd in Schadulc A, thcn fiii Policy k lubicct to lhc lollowing: .:. (i) whero no subsequenl improvomonl hor becn modc, qt to ony pof. tiol loss, the Compony sholl ohly poy the los pro rolo in thc propodion th'oi lhe omounl o{ insuronce ol Dole o{ Policy beors to lhe totol yoluc o{ thc inwred rslola or interert ot Dote of Polio; or . o ''. (iD where o subsequenl'improveme hos been nodc, os lo ony podiol los, the C6mpony rholl on{y poy the loss pro roto in thc proportion ihb 120 pcrccnt o{ lhe Amount of Inruroncc stoted in Sdredulc A bcon lo lhc rum o{ thc Jlmount o{ Insuronce sloted in Schedule A ond thc onounl crpcndcd for thr irnDrovcnent.rl. Thc proyisionr of thil porogroph rholl not opply lo cortt, ofi,orncyt' fco ond crpenra for which lhc Cohfony is lioblc undafthir policy, ond rholl only opply lo thot portion ol ony loss which cxcceds, in lhc oggrclofc. l0 pcrccni of thc Anount of lnsuroncc slolad in Schedule A. (c) The Compony will poy only lho$ cottr, ottomays'fc* ond crpcnrcs inorrad in occordonce with Section il of thssc Condiliom ond Stipulotionr,8, APPOIION'{ENT. lf the lond darcribcd in Schcdule A conrists of lwo or morc porcclr which orc nof uscd os o single sila, ond o loss is sstoblilhcd olfacting oric or morc of lha porclr bd not oll, thc lols sholl be conputed ond re lcd on o pro rolo borir ol if lhe ornounf ol inruronce under this policy wor dividcd pro rotb or l,o thc voluc on Dqtc of Policy ol coch :eporole porcel lo fic wholc. crdudvc of ony improvtmcnlr modr subscqusnl to Dolc o[ Policy, unl*r o liobility or voluc hoi othrrwLc b!6n ogr.cd upon os to Gqch porcal by lhc Conpony ond lhc inrurld ot lh? tim6 of th€ ireuonc€ of lhis policy ond shown by on axprc- dolrmcnt or by on rndorscnont otloched to lhis oolicv. 9s.UruTAilOt{ Of UAEIUIY. ' :.fu {o) [ l{re Compony estobliihss thc fitle, or romovo fic olbgcd dcfccl, licn or cncumbroncc, or curcc the locl of o dghf ol occcs lo or from thc lond, or qrrat lho clqim o{ unmo*,elobil y o{ tirlc, ollot in:urcd, in o rcoonobly diligont monncr by ony mefhod, inrluding litigotion ond thc complcfioa of ony oppcoh thcrcfrom, il lholl hovc lully pcrform.d ib obligofiott shh rcipxl lo lhol motfcr otd:holl not bc lioblc {or ony los or domoga courcd thcr.by. (b) In lhe cvcnt of ony litigolion, including litigolion by lhr Compony or with u Compory/s conrent, lhc Compony sholl hova no liobility for lorr or domogc unlil ihcre ho: bcgn o linol determinolion by o courl of conpclont iurildiction, ond disposilior of oll oppeok therefrom, odvbno io lhc tillc o's in:urdd. (c) The Compony sholl not be lioble for losc or domogc to ony insurcd for liobility voluntorily ossumcd by the insured in sctling ony cloim or tuit without $c p?ior writl€n con3ent ol fhe Compony. i0. tEDt CI|ON Ol INSURANCE: IEDUCIION on TEnMIllAIlOil . 0tuAuunr. _: All poymcnlr undcr this policy, excepf pqymrnfr mqdc for costr, otiorncyr' fcec ond expenres. rholl reducc tha omounf of'thc insroncc pro lonlo.It. UAB[.llY NONCUMUIAIIVE.. .. h.ir crprosrly undcntood thot thc omounl of inruronca undcr thir policy fioll beruduccd by dny omount lhc Compony moy poy undcr ony poliry'inruring o nortgogo hsrcoflsr cxcculsd by lhc insurcd or orgumed or ogrcad to by thc insurcd ond which is o chorga or lien on thc ulqto or inf.f6af dcrcribed or rcfsrrcd to in Schcdule A. ond the omount so poid sholl bc dcamcd o poymcnl undcr this policy to fhe insured owner. 12. PAYMENT OF IOSS. , (o) No poyment sholl be mode without producing thL policy lor cndone- mcnt of the poymenl unless the policy hol bcin lo:t or dc:trdyed, in which coro Fool of lost or dc3truction sholl be furnished io tha sotidoclion of the Compony. {b) When liobility ond the €xtent o( loss or domogc hos bccn definhcly firad in occordonce v/ilh these Condilions ond Stipulotionr, lh. losr of dqmogo sholl be poyoble wilhin 30 doyl thcreofier. 13. SUBRdGATOil UX}N ?AY'{EilI Of, SEIIIEI'IENI...{ (o) Thc Compony'r Right of Subrogolion. .!.;l Whencvcr the Compony rholl hova isttlcd ond poid o cloim undar this pol. icy, oll right ol rubrogotion rholl vcsi in the Compony unoffcdcd by ony ocf ol lha insured cloimonf. Thc Conpony sholl be rubrogotcd fo ond be cntitlcd lo ollrighti ond fcma dics which lhc insured cloimonl would hove hod ogoinsl ony pcnon oi pfopcrly in respccl lo the cloim hod this policy not bccn irsucd. ll rcquestcd by lhc Corn' pony, fhe insured cloimont sholl tronrfcr to lhc Compony oll rights ond rcrncdicr ogoinsl ony pa6on or propcdy ncccssory in order to perfect this r;ghl of subto- gotion. lhc inrurod cloimont fioll permil thc Compony lo rue, compromise or tdtlc in thr nom. of tho insured doinonl ond lo ula lhe nome of lhe insurcd doinont in ony lronsoclion or liligolion involving lhesc rights or rcrnedio, ll o pqymrnt on occount ol o clsim do* not {ully covGr thG lors of tho insurcd cloimonl, lhc Compony lholl ba:ubrogolcd to thclo rightr ond rcmcdio: in lh. pfoporlion which llic C-ompony'l poymint basr3 to thc wholc omounl of lha los. lf loca should resuh from ony od of thc in3urcd cloimonl, os sloled ooove, ttiot oct sholl not void this poliiy, but lhc Conpony, in thot cvenf, sholl be requkcd to poy only rhof porl o{ ony loso imurcd ogointl by rhh.policy which sholl cxce€d thr onounl, if ony, lost to thc Gmpony by reoron of lh6 impoir' menl by thc inrured rloimonl of lhc Ompony's righl of rubrogolion. {bi lhc Compon/r lightr Agoinrt }loir.insund Obligor. Thc Compon/l dghl of ubrogolion ogoinsf non-insured obligors sholl cxid ond sholl includs, wilhouf limilolion, lha righfr of lhc imurcd lo indcmnifics, guo- rontics, olhar policics ol in:uroncc or bonds, notwilhltonding ony larms or condi- fionr conloincd in fho3r intlruncnlr which providc for rubrogolion rights by rco- rcn of thil oblkv. r1. lnunlrhN Unlcr prohibilcd by opplicoblc low, cither fhc Compony or lha insurcd moy dcmond orbilrolion punuonf fo lhc Ti c Inruroncc Arbhrofion Rulcr of the Arnari- ron Arbitrotim l*rociolion. Arbikobl. molfcr moy induds, but ore not limitcd fo, qny conlrovrrsy or cloim bclwecn lhe Componybnd thc insurcd orising oul of or rcloting lo fhh policy, ony rcrvicc of thc Compony in conncction with its biu- oncc or lhc braoch of o policy provision or olhcr obligotion. All orbitroblc mor lcn whan fhc Amount o{ Insuronce is $1,O0.000 or lcr sholl bc orbitrotcd ot the oglion of cithar thc Corngony of thr iliurad, All orbitoblc mottcc whcn thc Ahounl of Inruroncc is in cxicls of i1,000.000 sholl be orbitrotsd only whcn ogrced fo by both the Compony ond lhc insurcd. Arbitrqtion pursuoni to 6it golicy ond undrr fic Rules in rffcc on tlu dotc $c demond lor olbiimlion ir modi or, ql thc option ol thc insurcd. lhc Rulu in offoct ot Dote ol Policy rholl bc binding upon thc porlics, Thc oword moy includc ollorneys' fcas only if thc hwr of thc stqtc in which the lond h locotad pumit o tourl to oword ofiorncy:- fccs t<i o prevoiling porfy. Judgmcnt upon thr oword rcndercd by the Arbitrq- lor(d moy bs cnlcred in ony court hoving iurirdidion ficreol, Ihc low o{ fhc dlus ol thc lond rholl opply lo on orbitrotion undrr lh! Till. Inruroncc Arbitrotion Rulec. A copy o{ thc Rulcr moy bc obtoined lrom lhc Compony upon r.qu*i. 15. UAEltlW UNIED lO lHlS POUCY: FOUC'! ENIIIE CONIIACT: (o) Ihil policy togclhcr wilh oll endorscmcnts, if ony, ottoched horeb.by lhc Compony ir lha.ntifc policy ond Gonlroct b.fw..n fhc insurad ond thc Com- pony. In inlerprcling ony provision of this policy, thir policy rholl bc condru.d or o wholc. (b) Any doin of loss or domoge, whqlhcr or not bored on negligencc, ond which orirc out of thc rloiur ol fhc titlc to lhe erlotc or inferosf covorcd hcreby or by ony oclion oscrfing ruch cloim, sholl be rsrtricfsd lo lhil policy. (c) No omendmcnt of or cndorscmant lo thk poliq con ba modc axccpt by ' (i) No omendmcnt of or cndorscmanr b this poliq con'ba riodc axccpt by o_wriling cndoned h-croon or olfqchcd hcrelo dgncd by cilhcr.lhc Prcddenl, o Vcc Prcddcnt, thc Sc-actory, on A$iilont Sccrctory br volidoting officcr or vrcc rrc$ocnt, mc tccrcrofy, on At oufioritcd rignotory of lhe Cornpony, 16, snEmStuTY. In thc cvcnl ony provirbn of thc policy ir hrld invold or unanlorcooblc undcr opplicoblc low, thr'pbliq rholl bc dicmid not to includc lhst provicion ond all othcr provirions rholf rcmoin in full force ond cffcct. 17. NOTICES, WHENE SENI. All noticcr requircd to bc given tha Gmpony cnd ony rlotemant in wriling required to bc furnirhed the Compony sholl includc thc number of this policy ond fioff bc oddrcsrd to fia Compony ot P.O. 8or 2029, Houston, letos 77252. 18. Thc prcmium rpcci{icd in Schidulc A il thc cnlire rhorge for occeplonce of fisk. lt inclod€s chorger for litlc seorch ond erominotion if some ir customory or requkcd lo be rhown in tho stoiG in which the policy is issucd. STE.wART fITLE OT'A RA N TI C()IPA!IY u q ^:: \',1 ;{i>iE 3Fi i':i; F tt Zm o(n 9;!trt Or P-a {m g: a@ (o(o ocD o .11 tr Om ut tR 6, 92 =ATH >dolo z 6triz s6=i il E uro =<z + mD >r It-(/'< (t, 1t m { Johnson & Sons Construction A Division of C.J. Corporation June 30, 1990 Michael Moll ica Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Va'il , C0 8i657 RE: Proposed Schneider Residence By Johnson & Sons 5088 Gore Circle Lot 2 Blk 3 B'ighorn Sub. 5th Add'ition Dear Mi ke; Johnson and Sons Construction respectfully request on this proposal to build a single family residence on Lot 2 B'l ock 3 in the Bighorn Subdivision, 5th addition. As part of thris proposal , please find two sets of building p1 ans, the project application, DRB application, exterior color and material board, land scape plan and a coppy of the Title Policy. I hope this plan is acceptable to your cormittee. Should you require any additional information or have any corments reguarding thjs submission, pl ease advise us. John son nson and Sons Construction Si ncerely, P. O. Box 'l82 e Sedalia. Colorado 80135-0182. (303) 688-2040 HYDBO-TRIAD, LTD l3i0 !^,/ads\,!ortl.r Boulcvard, SLr le 10(l L.1Ke,,\,,-)od Ctk ,raLlo 8C2l5 Telephone303/238,6022 FAX303i23B-6382 Town of Vai] Corrmun jty Developnent Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? SU&JECT: Proposed Residence' Blghorn SuMlvlsion' June 29, 1990 Lot 2, Block 3, sth Addit'lon Gent I emen : Ife have been requested by Johnson & Sons Construction Company to review the architect's site plan for the subiect proposed residence. The purpose of this review .is to determine if there are any encroachments into the Flood Hazard Zone- us.i ng the FEMA flood profiles and flood boundary maps for Gore creek, we have determined the 1oo-year floodp'lain (floodway fringe) boundary line runs across Lot 2 as follows: Lot Location At East Boundary At Center Cross-Section At West Boundary Elevation (ft. ) Usingthese data, the Flood Hazard Zoneboundary line has been drawn on the enclosed topographic map (sjte plan) of the lot. The residence, as proposed on the site plan, latest date June 7, 1990' does not encroach into the F'lood Hazard Zone. l,lr. Johnson advises that the deck shown on the south side of the building'is to be cantilevered or braced from the enclosed part of the structure and wi'l I not have footings in the floodplain. |{e recormend approval of this slte plan by the Tovn of vail, lnsofar as meeting the Town's Hazard Regulations. Please call if there any questlons regardjng this matter. Sincerely, ccB/ieh Enc'tosure: Site map of subiect property xc: Mr. Jim Johnson $383-001 8548.0 8545. E 8543.8 c. Baggs, P.E. l{ater Resource Engineer Project Name: Project Application Dale Project Descriol;en .'i I ilr -.',lc'; i .r''",i ', 'c' Contact Person and Phone RtC'0 .r 2 1990 ,lr;ne l' ,. 1r!'-l "r'i k, .^ rl.i,.,'irl,tr (3,-.:t ) 7...':-:.t1., .: Owner, Address and Phone: lr-_....'rirr ioir :11t3 I 799-a5l5 I c :'v .-': r i,]l 13 _0 Architect, Address 13 , and Phone: -' ''-l rJr''l 2 riting i, jiiroln SuL, 5ih /iir-i . , zone - Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Date | 'l .j Motion by: Seconded oy: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL lii : ,' Summary: Town Plan ner Date: E Staft Approval